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Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 355-358, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038929


Objective@#To investigate the use of e-cigarette and analyze its influencing factors among high school students in Wuhan City, so as to provide insights into developing control measures for adolescents.@*Methods@#From September to November 2019, high school students in Wuhan City were selected by the multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling method, and basic information, e-cigarette use and second-hand smoke exposure were collected through questionnaire surveys. Proportions of e-cigarette current use and attempt to use were analyzed, and factors affecting the current use of e-cigarettes were identified using a multivariable logistic regression model.@*Results@#Totally 5 700 questionnaires were allocated, and 5 602 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective rate of 98.28%. The respondents included 2 925 males (52.21%) and 2 677 females (47.79%); 4 033 high school students (71.99%) and 1 569 vocational high school students (28.01%). The proportion of attempt to use e-cigarettes was 9.23%, and the proportion of current e-cigarette use was 2.03%. Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified male (OR=2.112, 95%CI: 1.285-3.471), vocational high school (OR=1.967, 95%CI: 1.214-3.186), private high school (OR=9.684, 95%CI: 5.648-16.605), family second-hand smoke exposure (OR=3.064, 95%CI: 1.741-5.392), second-hand smoke exposure in public places (OR=4.402, 95%CI: 1.687-11.484) and having close friends who were smokers (OR=6.432, 95%CI: 3.219-12.852) as factors affecting current e-cigarette use among high school students.@*Conclusions@#The proportion of current e-cigarette use among high school students in Wuhan City was 2.03%. Male, vocational high school, private high school, second-hand smoke exposure and having close friends who were smokers may be promoting factors for e-cigarette use.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986400


Lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is one of the most common sport-related injuries among basketball players. Most basketball players experience a first LAS particularly in junior high school. Thus, it is crucial to develop effective prevention strategies for LAS in junior high school populations. However, the characteristics for first-time LAS are not clear. This study aimed to compare the physical and functional characteristics of junior high school basketball players with and without a history of LAS. Two hundred and thirty-eight junior high school basketball players (128 boys and 110 girls) volunteered for this study. We asked participants to complete a self-reported injury history questionnaire. We also assessed physical functions, including range of motion, muscular strength, dynamic balance, and performance. The prevalence of LAS was 75.6% (boys: 73.4%, girls: 78.2%). Boys with a history of LAS had significantly higher height, body mass, and BMI compared to those without a history of LAS (p<0.05). Girls with a history of LAS had significantly lower scores on the star excursion balance test in the anterior reaching direction compared with the control group (p=0.015). Various measures of physical function were associated with LAS, but these associations were different between boys’ and girls’ basketball players. These findings from this study indicate that clinicians should identify sex-specific impairments associated with LAS when designing targeted intervention programs.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025536


Objective:To explore the chain mediating effect of future orientation and academic engagement between perceived teacher support and academic procrastination in high school students.Methods:From December 2021 to February 2022, a survey was conducted on 550 high school students by the perceived teacher support questionnaire, the adolescent future orientation scale, the academic engagement scale, and the general procrastination scale-for student populations (GPS). Data were entered by EpiData 3.1 software, and SPSS 26.0 software was used to process and analyze the data by one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and Bootstrap method test.Results:The scores of perceived teacher support, future orientation, academic engagement and academic procrastination were (3.77±0.80), (3.22±0.48), (68.11±18.08) and (52.32±11.78) respectively.The results of correlation analysis showed that academic procrastination was negatively correlated with perceived teacher support, future orientation and academic engagement ( r=-0.32, -0.38, -0.49, all P<0.01), while perceived teacher support was positively correlated with future orientation and academic engagement ( r=0.40, 0.43, both P<0.01). Future orientation was positively correlated with academic engagement ( r=0.56, P<0.01). The mediating effect analysis showed that perceived teacher support had a significant direct effect on academic procrastination (effect value: -0.10, 95% CI =-0.19--0.02), accounting for 32.26% of the total effect.The mediating effect between perceived teacher support and academic procrastination was found between future orientation and academic engagement (effect value: -0.05, 95% CI =-0.09- -0.02; effect values: -0.09, 95% CI=-0.15--0.05), accounting for 16.13% and 29.03% of the total effect respectively.Future orientation and academic engagement had a chain mediating effect between perceived teacher support and academic procrastination (effect value: -0.07, 95% CI=-0.10--0.04), accounting for 22.58% of the total effect. Conclusion:Perceived teacher support can influence academic procrastination, not only through the direct path, but also through the indirect path of future orientation and academic engagement, as well as chain mediating path between these two variables.

Global Health Journal ; (4): 110-116, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036169


Objective:Hidden hunger remains a severe public health problem that affects millions of people worldwide.In China,challenges related to dietary imbalance and hidden hunger persist.Micronutrient inadequacy deserves more attention among adolescents,given its vital role in their growth and development;however,this problem appears to have been largely ignored.High school students,in particular,are often at a high risk of hidden hunger but have limited assessment tools available.Therefore,this study aims to revise the hidden hunger assessment scale for high school students(HHAS-HSS)in China and assess its reliability and validity.Methods:Based on a literature review,expert consultation,pre-experiment,and formal survey,a hidden hunger assessment scale was revised for high school students.The formal survey involved 9 336 high school students in 11 of the 16 cities in Anhui Province,China,and 9038 valid questionnaires were collected and included in the analysis.The item analysis,internal consistency reliability,test-retest reliability,content validity,exploratory factor analysis,and confirmatory factor analysis of the HHAS-HSS were examined.Results:The HHAS-HSS included a total of 4 dimensions and 12 items:"vegetables and food diversity"(three items),"fruits and dairy products"(three items),"micronutrient-dense foods"(four items),and"health condition and eating habits"(two items).The results showed a Cronbach's alpha of 0.758,a split-half reliability of 0.829,and a test-retest reliability of 0.793,indicating good internal consistency.Using the Bartlett's test and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test(KMO)to test the exploratory factor analysis presented a four-factor model of the HHAS-HSS,the KMO value was 0.820(P<0.001),which indicated the possibility for factor confirmatory factor analysis.Using the maximum variance rotation method,four factors were obtained,and the cumulative variance explained rate was 57.974%.Confirmatory factor analysis also supported the division of the scale into four dimensions,and the fitting indices were x2=1417.656,x2/df=29.534,goodness-of-fit index=0.974,adjusted goodnesss-of-fit index=0.958,parsimonious goodness-of-fit index=0.600,normed fit index=0.938,incremental fit index=0.940,Tucker-Lewis index=0.917,comparative fit index=0.939,and root mean square error of approximation=0.056.Except for x2/df,all the indices reached the fitting standard,and the above results showed that the construct validity of the scale reached an acceptable level.Conclusions:The HHAS-HSS has good validity and reliability for Chinese high school students.It is a convenient self-report measure of hidden hunger risk.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 1097-1101, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1038816


Objective@#To investigate the knowledge, attitude and practice of hepatitis B prevention and control among junior high school students in Linping District, Hangzhou City, so as to provide insights into management of hepatitis B among adolescents.@*Methods@#Two classes were sampled using a cluster sampling method from grades 2 in 12 public junior high schools in Linping District, and all students in these two classes were enrolled. Students' knowledge, attitude and practice of hepatitis B prevention and control were collected using questionnaire surveys, and factors affecting knowledge, attitude and practice of hepatitis B prevention and control were identified using a multivariable logistic regression model.@*Results@#A total of 1 102 questionnaires were allocated and 1 094 valid questionnaires were recovered, with an effective recovery rate of 99.27%. The respondents included 540 males (49.36%) and 554 females (50.64%), and 542 rural students (49.54%) and 552 urban students (50.46%). The awareness of hepatitis B prevention and control knowledge was 43.60%, and a low awareness rate was seen for the item “use of condom may prevent hepatitis B” (21.12%). The percentage of correct attitudes towards hepatitis B prevention and control was 57.77%, and a low percentage was found for the item “individuals living with hepatitis B will tell others” (38.67%). The percentage of positive practices towards hepatitis B prevention and control was 80.07%, and a low percentage was seen for the item “hepatitis B vaccines have been inoculated in recent five years” (16.54%). Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified gender (females, OR=1.483, 95%CI: 1.159-1.898), household registration (urban, OR=1.300, 95%CI: 1.011-1.670), and parental highest educational level (high school or technical secondary school, OR=0.703, 95%CI: 0.532-0.929) as factors affecting the awareness of hepatitis B prevention and control knowledge among junior high students, and parental highest educational level (high school or technical secondary school, OR=0.705, 95%CI: 0.533-0.934) and serving as class cadres (OR=1.449, 95%CI: 1.128-1.860) were factors affecting the attitudes hepatitis B prevention and control, while household registration (urban, OR=1.566, 95%CI: 1.144-2.143) and route of acquiring hepatitis B control knowledge (internet or magazine, OR=0.473, 95%CI: 0.288-0.776) were factors affecting the formation of practices towards hepatitis B prevention and control.@*Conclusions@#The overall awareness of and percentage of attitudes towards hepatitis B prevention and control, and the percentage of hepatitis B vaccination are low among junior high school students in Linping District. Targeted health education pertaining to hepatitis B prevention and control is required to be reinforced and promotion of hepatitis B vaccination is recommended.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003491


ObjectiveTo analyze the association between alcohol dependence and overweight and obesity among high school students. MethodsThis study adopted stratified cluster sampling method. Four high schools (one vocational high school included) were selected as the research sites. We used self-designed questionnaires to investigate the drinking behavior of high school students. This study used propensity score matching method to control confounding factors (e.g gender, school type, etc.). Then we compared the differences in drinking behavior between obese/overweight group and normal weight group after matching, and used a multivariate logistic regression model to analyze the relationship between drinking behavior and overweight and obesity. ResultsA total of 811 high school students participated in the survey. 60 people were excluded due to mild and moderate weight loss, and 751 people were normal or obese/overweight. After 1:1 propensity score matching, there were 217 people each in obese/overweight group and normal group. The characteristics of gender, school type, grade and family economic level of the two groups were balanced after matching. The difference was statistically significant (P<0.05) between obese/overweight and normal group in the following: drinking of alcohol at high school, alcohol dependence, the maximum drinks at one time, drinking of alcohol at family gatherings, whether bought alcohol for others, whether their family members recommended drinking, whether they have tried to quit drinking in the past year, and the time of blush after drinking. The multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that the degree of alcohol dependence (the alcohol use disorder score ≥ 8) was a risk factor for overweight and obesity (OR=3.600, 95%CI: 1.244‒10.424). Besides, having bought alcohol for others and family members advising alcohol consumption were suggested to be protective factors for overweight and obesity (OR=0.525, 95%CI: 0.309‒0.890 and OR=0.377, 95%CI: 0.222‒0.641). ConclusionHigh school students who have alcohol dependence suffer a higher risk of obesity/overweight, while high school students who may have drinking behaviors but do not have alcohol dependence have a lower risk of obesity/overweight. It is critical to guide young people on drinking in terms of health.

Podium (Pinar Río) ; 17(2): 513-526, mayo.-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1406252


RESUMEN Las actividades recreativas poseen numerosos efectos positivos en el comportamiento humano, esto puede favorecer a indicadores psicológicos de relevancia como la ansiedad percibida. En tal sentido, se planteó como propósito de la investigación determinar cómo influye un programa recreativo en la disminución de los niveles de ansiedad en estudiantes de bachillerato. La investigación es descriptiva-explicativa, de orden correlacional; se diagnostican intencionalmente a 30 estudiantes de bachillerato a través del test de Beck, antes y después de implementada una propuesta recreativa por ocho semanas. Los porcentajes de ansiedad disminuyeron a medida que se implementa la propuesta de intervención, tanto de forma general como en el análisis por género, al ser significativa la disminución (p=0.003). El presente estudio evidencia que las actividades recreativas pueden contribuir a la disminución de la ansiedad en adolescentes de bachiller, tanto para el género femenino como para el masculino. Se recomienda tres acciones a futuro: ampliar el tiempo de implementación de la propuesta de intervención, realizar estudios por género y direccionar la futura investigación a un nivel cuasiexperimental.

RESUMO As atividades recreativas têm numerosos efeitos positivos no comportamento humano, o que pode favorecer indicadores psicológicos relevantes, tais como a percepção de ansiedade. Neste sentido, o objectivo da investigação era determinar como um programa recreativo influencia a redução dos níveis de ansiedade dos estudantes do ensino secundário. A investigação é descritiva-explicativa, de ordem correlacional; 30 estudantes do ensino secundário foram intencionalmente diagnosticados através do teste Beck, antes e depois da implementação de uma proposta recreativa durante oito semanas. As percentagens de ansiedade diminuíram à medida que a proposta de intervenção foi sendo implementada, tanto em geral como na análise por género, uma vez que a diminuição foi significativa (p=0,003). O presente estudo mostra que as atividades recreativas podem contribuir para a redução da ansiedade nos adolescentes do ensino secundário, tanto para raparigas como para rapazes. Três ações futuras são recomendadas: prolongar o tempo de implementação da proposta de intervenção, realizar estudos por género e orientar a investigação futura para um nível quase experimental.

ABSTRACT Recreational activities have numerous positive effects on human behavior, this can favor relevant psychological indicators such as perceived anxiety. In this sense, the purpose of the research was to determine how a recreational program influences the reduction of anxiety levels in high school students. The research is descriptive-explanatory, correlational; 30 high school students are intentionally diagnosed through the Beck test, before and after implementing a recreational proposal for eight weeks. The percentages of anxiety decreased as the intervention proposal was implemented, both in general and in the analysis by gender, as the decrease was significant (p=0.003). The present study shows that recreational activities can contribute to the reduction of anxiety in high school adolescents, both for the female gender and for the male gender. Three future actions are recommended: extend the implementation time of the intervention proposal, carry out studies by gender and direct future research at a quasi-experimental level.

Journal of Preventive Medicine ; (12): 776-781, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936794


Objective@#To investigate electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use and its influencing factors among junior high school students of health promotion schools in Xihu District, Hangzhou City, so as to provide insights into school-based tobacco control.@*Methods@#Grade 1 to 3 junior high school students of health promotion schools in Xihu District were recruited using a multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method from September to December, 2021. The participants' demographic features, e-cigarette use and exposure to tobacco advertising were collected using the Chinese version of the Global Youth Tobacco Survey, and the factors affecting the intention to use e-cigarettes were identified using a multivariable logistic regression model.@*Results@#The 1 677 respondents included 875 boys (52.18%) and 802 girls (47.82%), and grade 1 to 3 junior high school students consisted of 33.93%, 35.00% and 31.07% of all respondents, respectively. There were 1 461 students that had heard of e-cigarettes (87.12%), 101 students with intention to use e-cigarettes (6.02%), and 24 current users (1.43%). Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified living in rural areas (OR=2.364, 95%CI: 1.442-3.875), having close friends that were smokers (OR=5.614, 95%CI: 3.404-9.258), having seen smoking via TV, video or movie in the past 30 days (OR=2.106, 95%CI: 1.259-3.523), having received free tobacco products (OR=3.887, 95%CI: 1.172-12.894), considering e-cigarettes as nicotine-free (OR=208.442, 95%CI: 55.713-779.856), and considering smoking making comfortable at party (OR=4.534, 95%CI: 1.853-11.090) as factors affecting intention to use e-cigarettes. There were 38.04% (638/1 677) of junior high school students with exposure to advertisements for e-cigarettes and related products, and stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, grocery, e-cigarette experience stores or offline retail stores were the primary places to contact e-cigarettes and related products.@*Conclusions@#The percentage of intention to use e-cigarettes was low among junior high school students of health promotion schools in Xihu District in 2021, and their intention to use e-cigarettes was mainly affected by close friends' smoking status and personal recognition.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-940053


ObjectiveTo investigate the alcohol drinking among high school students, determine the possible influencing factors, and provide scientific evidence for effective control of alcohol drinking among high school students. MethodsThis study adopted stratified cluster sampling and included 4 high schools in Changning District (including one vocational high school). Self-designed questionnaires were used to investigate alcohol drinking related knowledge and behavior among high school students. The questionnaire included demographics, alcohol drinking frequency and scenarios. SPSS 20.0 was used for Chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression analysis. ResultsThere were 811 high school students included in this study. The proportion of ever alcohol drinking was determined to be 48.09% (n=390) among students. Furthermore, 36.13% (n=293) reported alcohol drinking in the past year, and 14.80% (n=120) reported drinking in the past month. The proportion of excessive alcohol drinking was 8.26% (n=67) and that of alcohol dependence was 3.58% (n=29). Moreover, the proportion of Chinese Baijiu (Chinese liquor) drinking in the past month was significantly higher than that in the past year (P<0.05). In contrast, the proportions of wine and rice wine drinking in the past month was significantly lower than those in the past year (P<0.05). The logistic regression model suggested no alcohol drinking in the past 30 days, parents disagreeing to their children’s drinking, some of friends having alcohol drinking, higher frequency of attending friend gatherings, and smoking were significantly associated with alcohol drinking among the students. ConclusionAlcohol drinking is moderately prevalent among high school students. Possible influencing factors may be correlated to their parents and friends. It warrants targeted intervention measures to prevent and control the early alcohol drinking among adolescents to avert alcohol dependence.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-904495


Objective:To analyze the current status of anxiety/depression and the influencing factors in junior high school students in Nanqiao Town, and to provide the objective evidence for relevant departments to promote the mental health of junior high school students. Methods:The stratified cluster sampling was used in this study. A total of 1 154 junior high school students from 4 out of 7 schools in Nanqiao Town were selected to participate in the survey. A self-designed questionnaire was used to collect basic information. The Chinese Middle School Students Anxiety Scale and the Chinese Middle School Students Depression Scale were used to assess anxiety and depression. Results:The detection rates of anxiety and depression in junior high school students in Nanqiao Town were 27.3%(298/1 092) and 12.6%(138/1 092), respectively. The detection rates of anxiety and depression in boys were 25.9%(147/568) and 12.2%(69/568), respectively, while the rates in girls were 28.8%(151/524) and 13.2%(69/524). There was no statistical difference between genders (χ2= 1.184,0.257, All P<0.05). With gradual increase in grade, the detection rate of depressive symptoms also gradually increased (χ2=12.393,P<0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the independent factors of anxiety were: foreign household registration (OR=2.2), low learning interest (OR=3.8), self-perceived learning pressure (OR=14.5) or moderate learning pressure (OR=3.8), average personality (OR=1.5), poor relationship with parents (OR=2.2), and normal relationship with family (OR=2.0). The independent influencing factors of depression included: moderate learning interest (OR=2.8) or low (OR=11.1), self-consciousness high learning pressure (OR=4.1), average personality (OR=1.9), average relationship with family members (OR=2.0) or poor relationship with family members (OR=6.5), and poor relationship with classmates and friends (OR=10.4). Conclusions:The mental health of junior high school students in Nanqiao Town needs further improvement. We should focus on students who are foreign students and/or experience high learning pressure, introverted personality, and tension in interpersonal relationships, anxiety and depression.We should also carry out related health activities and intervention measures to improve students' psychological adjustment ability and promote their physical and mental health.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 16(2): 825-838, jul.-dic. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978574


Resumen (analítico): En el año 2016, miles de estudiantes de secundaria, en el estado de Río de Janeiro, Brasil, ocuparon sus escuelas en protesta por la crisis de los servicios educativos públicos, dando lugar al movimiento #Ocupaescola. El objetivo de este artículo es ayudar a comprender la naturaleza de estas ocupaciones. Con base en los resultados de una indagación cualitativa, con pretensiones exploratorias, que realizamos en la escuela Iepic, en el municipio de Niterói, presentamos una caracterización de las ocupaciones y una aproximación a los procesos de politización de sus integrantes, lo que nos permite concluir que el movimiento se sitúa en una tensión que revela los déficits del modelo democrático y, al mismo tiempo, los procesos instituyentes en la participación política.

Abstract (analytical): In 2016, thousands of high school students in the state of Río de Janeiro, Brazil occupied their schools to protest the crisis in the public education system creating the #OccupySchool (#Ocupaescola) movement. The aim of this article is to help understand the nature of this occupation. Through exploratory qualitative research, conducted in the Iepic School in Niterói, the authors characterize the occupations and share an approximation to the politicization processes of the occupiers. This leads to the conclusion that the movement is based on a tension that uncovers the insufficiencies of the democratic model and, at the same time, the instituent processes of political participation.

Resumo (analítico): Em 2016, milhares de estudantes secundários, no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, ocuparam suas escolas protestando contra a crise do sistema público educacional, criando o movimento #Ocupaescola. O objetivo desse artigo é auxiliar o entendimento da natureza dessas ocupações. Com base na exploração qualitativa exploratória, que fizemos na escola Iepic, em Niterói, apresentamos a caracterização das ocupações, e uma aproximação dos processos de politização dos ocupantes, o que nos permite concluir que o movimento se situa na tensão que revela as insuficiências do modelo democrático liberal e, ao mesmo tempo, dos processos instituintes de participação política.

Adolescent , Latin America , Students
Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 215-219, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-704004


Objective: To investigate the effects of the Satir Model group counseling on high school students' interpersonal conflicts among female roommates. Methods: Totally 6 high school students in a girl's dormitory with interpersonal conflicts were selected and received the Satir model group counseling for eight sessions. The Group Activity Assessment Questionnaire, the Group Activities Satisfaction Questionnaire, mutual evaluation between roommates, and consultant observation were applied to evaluate the effects of the intervention. Results: All participants commented that the group counselinghad effectively improved their self-esteem, awareness of themselves and others, and interpersonal communication ability, the conflicts between them had thus, in some degree, been alleviated. Also, all subjects had noticed that there had been a significantly change in others' behavior. Furthermore, of all group counselling held, the 7th was acknowledged as the most popular and impactful. The consultant observed that all subjects had shown some degree of change in communication except one student. Conclusion: It suggests that the Satir Model group counseling could effectively alleviate the roommate conflicts in high school students.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719893


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the knowledge, attitude and preventive behaviors of tuberculosis in male high school students and to identify the factors influencing preventive behaviors and to provide basic data for the development of prevention programs for tuberculosis of male high school students. METHODS: This study was conducted from May 1, 2018 to May 30, 2018, and six high school students in S city and Y city of Jeonnam were selected. 465 male high school students in the first grade were selected. Collected data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, pearsons's correlation and Multiple regression analysis by SPSS/WIN 21.0 program RESULTS: As a result, the knowledge score was 11.92, the attitude score was 28.32 and the prevention behavior score was 30.07. All of these correlations were statistically correlated. In addition, factors influencing preventive actions against tuberculosis were attitude toward tuberculosis, exercise, health status, and sleep time CONCLUSIONS: Based on the above results, it is thought that to improve the preventive behavior of tuberculosis in male high school students, it is necessary to develop a practice-oriented program for forming healthy lifestyle as well as to change the attitude toward tuberculosis positively.

Humans , Male , Life Style , Tuberculosis
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-790842


Objective To investigate the utility behavior of dietary supplement in middle school students from Shenyang and Shanghai .Methods The survey questionnaires were handed out to the middle school students from different grades of 11 schools in Shenyang and Shanghai .The characteristics of population statistic and behavior on the understanding and attitude of dietary supplement were collected .Results 1210 survey questionnaires were handed out and 916 were taken back effectively . The utility rate of dietary supplement was 24 .56% in this survey .50 .89% of the user considered that taking the dietary sup-plement reached the expected effect .The probability of the dietary supplement utility in students was different in different grade and city .The utility rate of the dietary supplement from the students whose parents had medical related occupations was higher than others .The main objective of taking dietary supplement was supplement vitamin and microelement .The pharmacy was the primary channel to get the dietary supplement .The information and recommendations of the dietary supplement was mainly coming from experts in medicine and nutrition .78 .93% of the responders made no difference of the category and trade-mark of dietary supplement .But the responders from Shenyang and family which had medicine related parents took more atten-tion on the category and trademark of dietary supplement than that from Shanghai and family which had not medicine related parents .(P<0 .01) The effectiveness of dietary supplement from the responders was related to gender and administer habit . (P<0 .01) Conclusion A quarter of the survey students were taken dietary supplement .The safety education of dietary sup-plement utility should be carried out during middle school .Family from different city had differences in the utility of dietary supplement .Family with medicine related parents preferred to take dietary supplement .The channel of supply and recommen-dation was rational in the middle school student′s family .

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-703965


Objectives: To describe prevalence of personality dysfuction and personality disorders (PD) and their distribution in senior high school students in Beijing. Methods: By means of cross-sectional study, 10003 senior high school students were investigated by Personality Disorder Questionnaire-fourth edition (PDQ-4), Parental Rearing Questionnaire (Egma Minnen av Bardndosnauppfor-stran, EMBU), General Information Questionnaire, and International Personality Disorder Examination (IPDE) to diagnose PD according to the criteria of ICD-10 and DSM-IV. Results: In the students of first grade, the mean score of PDQ-4 was (25. 38 ± 9. 64). Male students had higher PDQ-4 scroes than those of female. Students in rural high schools had higher PDQ-4 scroes than those of students in urban high schools. Students in general high schools had the highest PDQ-4 scroes, followed by students in disctrict-level key high schools, and the students from city-level key high schools had the lowest PDQ-4 scroes. The prevalence rate of personality dysfunction was 8. 3% with similar distributions of PDQ-4 scroes by gender, residential area, and rank of school. In the students of third grade, the mean score of PDQ-4 was (23. 10 ± 10. 20). Male students had higher PDQ-4 scroes than those of female. The prevalence rates of personality dysfunction and PD were 5. 8% and 1. 83%, respectively. The correlation coefficients of EMBU had statistical significances and four common factors were identified by factor analysis. The heritability of overall PD of father and mother were 0. 71 and 0. 72, respectively. The heritability of each PD cluster was higher than 0. 6. Conclusion: The prevalence rates of personality dysfunction and personality disorder in Beijing, China is lower than those in other countries. The genetic factor plays an important role in the development of PD.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-605988


Objective To understand the status of knowledge,attitude and practice(KAP)of foodborne parasitic diseases among senior high school students in Three Gorges Reservoir Region. Methods A total of 1 353 senior high school students were selected with the cluster sampling method and investigated with the questionnaires in Zigui County,and the data were ana?lyzed statistically. Results Among the 1 353 students surveyed,the awareness rates of parasitic diseases,their hazards and transmissions were 62.23%(842 cases),80.78%(1 093 cases)and 83.89%(1 135 cases)respectively. The awareness rate of parasitic diseases in the students of senior Grade One was higher than that of Grade Two(χ2 =7.037,P<0.05). The formation rates of behaviors of refusing of raw food,refusing of unboiled water,and dining at home or school in the students of senior Grade One were higher than those of Grade Two(χ2=6.970,12.749 and 12.921 respectively,and all P<0.05). Fifty?one per?cent(690 cases)of students would not have the food with the infection risk of parasitic diseases. Conclusion The awareness of parasitic diseases of high school students in Zigui County is not efficient,and the health education should be strengthened.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-187082


PURPOSE: The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate intake-related factors of energy drinks and educational needs regarding energy drinks in female high school students. METHODS: Subjects were 340 female high school students in Incheon, and data were collected using self-administered questionnaires. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 20.0 program. RESULTS: Subjects who had drunk energy drinks were 74.3% (249 subjects) of all subjects. The first time they drank an energy drink was significantly associated with grade (p < 0.05). In 75.1% of 249 subjects who had drunk energy drinks, the places for buying energy drinks were supermarkets and convenience stores near their homes. For the effects of energy drink intake, sleeplessness (44.6%) and no effect (41.7%) were cited, and 24.5% experienced side effects such as palpitation, tremors, etc. The scores for self-diagnosis of caffeine addiction were significantly higher in the low weight group compared to the overweight group (p < 0.05). The degree of caffeine addiction was significantly associated with effects of energy drink intake (p < 0.001) and type of side effects (p < 0.001). Willingness to stop consuming energy drinks (p < 0.001) and necessity of nutrition education about energy drinks (p < 0.05) were significantly lower in the caffeine addiction group compared to the general group. About 75.0% of subjects wanted to be educated about the side effects of energy drinks and caffeine. CONCLUSION: This study shows that female high school students need proper education about the effects of intake of energy drinks. Therefore, guidelines and a nutrition education program right intake of energy drinks should be provided as well as campaigns concerning the side effects of energy drinks and caffeine in female high school students.

Female , Humans , Caffeine , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education , Energy Drinks , Overweight , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Tremor
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-505164


Objective To explore the relationship among emotional resilience,stress and school adjustment.Methods Adolescent life events check-list,adolescent emotional resilience scale and school adjustment scale of middle school students were conducted among 394 junior high school students.Results (1)The emotional resilience score and emotion recovery score of male junior high school students(46.07±8.56,24.43±5.80) were higher than that of female ones(44.39±8.39,23.27±5.37),and the differences were statistically significant(t=1.97,2.05,P<0.05).The total score of emotional resilience(45.46±8.50,44.83±8.56) was not statistically related with whether they were the only children(t=0.68,P=0.50).The emotional resilience score and positive emotion score of rural junior high school students(44.04±8.53,20.63±5.35)were lower than that of urban ones (46.46± 8.34,22.15 ±4.72),and the differences were statistically significant(t=-2.86,-2.99,P<0.01).The total score of emotional resilience (47.23±7.82,44.63±8.45,43.00±8.97) in different grades was statistically significant (F=8.86,P=0.00),and the first grade students were higher than the second and third year students.(2)Psychological stress was negatively related with emotional resilience and school adjustment(r=-0.23~-0.35,P<0.01),and emotional resilience was positively correlated with school adjustment(r=0.12 ~ 0.29,P<0.01).The relationship between stress and school adjustment were mediated by positive emotion and emotional recovery (the mediating effect were 11.11%,21.15%).Conclusion Frotional resilience plays a mediating role between psychological stress and school adjustment.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-645343


The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the self-perceived stress of high school students on their oral health care and the relationship between stress and oral health care. The subjects in this study were the students in four different high schools located in Chungcheongnam-do, on whom a self-administered survey was conducted. The answer sheets from 939 respondents were analyzed by PASW Statistics ver.18.0 for Windows. The girls were more stressed than the boys about their studies, appearance and material resource, and the sophomores felt more stress about their home and studies. The group whose academic achievement was good in the past semester had the lowest stress about home and material resource, and the group whose economic standard was higher were less stressed about appearance and material resource. As a result of comparing their oral health care by general characteristics, the groups who were sophomores and whose academic achievement was good in the past semester were most excellent in that regard, and the students whose economic standard was higher and whose average weekly allowances were larger took better care of their oral health. Concerning the influential factors for oral health care, stress about peer relationship was positively related, and stress about material resource was negatively related. Given the findings of the study, the development of oral health care programs that include how to relieve stress is required, and more intensive education is necessary as well. Besides, education for school personnel in charge of student health management and the development of related manuals are both required.

Female , Humans , Education , Oral Health , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-645488


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between oral health-related quality of life and school life satisfaction in high school students. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted on high school students in Daegu, South Korea from November to December, 2015, and final data from 432 students was analyzed. Analysis of oral health-related quality of life in terms of general characteristics showed that both academic achievement and stress were significant factors (p<0.05). With respect to school life satisfaction, academic achievement was found to be a highly significant influencing factor (p<0.01). Correlation analyses of oral health-related quality of life with various factors of school life satisfaction showed positive correlations with personal relationships, educational learning environment, social support. Regression analysis of school life satisfaction showed that academic achievement and oral health-related quality of life were influencing factors. These results indicate that oral health-related quality of life may play a significant role in school life satisfaction.

Humans , Korea , Learning , Quality of Life , Social Environment