ABSTRACT. The immediate early gene exhibits activation markers in the nervous system consisting of ARC, EGR-1, and c-Fos and is related to synaptic plasticity, especially in the hippocampus. Immediate early gene expression is affected by physical exercise, which induces direct ARC, EGR-1, and c-Fos expression. Objective: To assess the impact of exercise, we conducted a literature study to determine the expression levels of immediate early genes (ARC, c-Fos, and EGR-1). Methods: The databases accessed for online literature included PubMed-Medline, Scopus, and ScienceDirect. The original English articles were selected using the following keywords in the title: (Exercise OR physical activity) AND (c-Fos) AND (Hippocampus), (Exercise OR physical activity) AND (ARC) AND (Hippocampus), (Exercise OR physical activity) AND (EGR-1 OR zif268) AND (Hippocampus). Results: Physical exercise can affect the expression of EGR-1, c-Fos, and ARC in the hippocampus, an important part of the brain involved in learning and memory. High-intensity physical exercise can increase c-Fos expression, indicating neural activation. Furthermore, the expression of the ARC gene also increases due to physical exercise. ARC is a gene that plays a role in synaptic plasticity and regulation of learning and memory, changes in synaptic structure and increased synaptic connections, while EGR-1 also plays a role in synaptic plasticity, a genetic change that affects learning and memory. Overall, exercise or regular physical exercise can increase the expression of ARC, c-Fos, and EGR-1 in the hippocampus. This reflects the changes in neuroplasticity and synaptic plasticity that occur in response to physical activity. These changes can improve cognitive function, learning, and memory. Conclusion: c-Fos, EGR-1, and ARC expression increases in hippocampal neurons after exercise, enhancing synaptic plasticity and neurogenesis associated with learning and memory.
RESUMO. O gene precoce imediato (GPI) exibe marcadores de ativação no sistema nervoso constituídos por ARC, EGR-1 e c-Fos e está relacionado à plasticidade sináptica, especialmente no hipocampo. A expressão do GPI é afetada pelo exercício físico, que induz a expressão direta de ARC, EGR-1 e c-Fos. Objetivo: Para avaliar o impacto do exercício físico, realizamos um estudo de literatura para determinar os níveis de expressão dos GPIs (ARC, c-Fos e EGR-1). Métodos: A base de dados utiliza literatura on-line, PubMed-Medline, Scopus e ScienceDirect. O artigo original em inglês usa as seguintes palavras-chave em seu título: (Exercise) AND (c-Fos) AND (Hippocampus), (Exercise) AND (ARC) AND (Hippocampus), (Exercise) AND (EGR-1) AND (Hippocampus). Resultados: O exercício físico pode afetar a expressão de EGR-1, c-fos e ARC no hipocampo, uma parte importante do cérebro envolvida na aprendizagem e na memória. O exercício físico aumenta a expressão do gene c-Fos; sua alta intensidade pode aumentar a expressão de c-Fos, indicando ativação neural. Além disso, a expressão do gene ARC aumentou devido ao exercício físico, onde ARC é um gene que desempenha um papel na plasticidade sináptica e na regulação da aprendizagem e da memória, nas mudanças na estrutura sináptica e no aumento das conexões sinápticas, enquanto o EGR-1 também desempenha um papel na plasticidade sináptica, uma mudança genética que afeta o aprendizado e a memória. De maneira geral, o exercício físico regular pode aumentar a expressão de ARC, c-fos e EGR-1 no hipocampo. Isso reflete as mudanças na neuroplasticidade e na plasticidade sináptica que ocorrem em resposta à atividade física. Essas mudanças podem melhorar a função cognitiva, o aprendizado e a memória. Conclusão: A expressão de c-Fos, EGR-1 e ARC aumenta após o exercício físico nos neurônios do hipocampo, para aumentar a plasticidade sináptica, a neurogênese associada ao aprendizado e à memória.
Objetivo:Compreender o cenário atual da ELT-HS, caracterizado por sua fisiopatologia, manifestações clínicas, métodos diagnósticos e tratamentos. Método:Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, com caráter descritivo, de artigos indexados no Sistema de Análise e Recuperação da Literatura Médica Online MEDLINE/Pubmed, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde LILACS, e nas bases de dados Científicas Electronic Library Online (SciELO), pesquisados na período compreendido entre outubro de 2022 e março de 2023. Foram incluídos artigos em português e inglês que contemplassem os objetivos da revisão, publicados nos últimos dez anos (2011-2021).Resultados: Inicialmente foram encontrados 144 artigos nas bases de dados, que após a leitura, foramselecionados na pesquisa 40 artigos que correspondiam ao objetivo proposto. Os artigos analisados correspondem aos anos de 2011 a 2021. Conclusão:O tratamento cirúrgico da ELT-HS tem se mostrado eficaz para resolução completa das crises na maioria dos pacientes. O conhecimento sobre sua fisiopatologia, manifestações clínicas, diagnóstico e tratamentos são de fundamental importância para os médicos que atendem pacientes com epilepsia.
Objective: To understand the current scenario of TLE-HS, characterized by its pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods and treatments. Method:This is an integrative literature review with descriptive character, of articles indexed in the Medical Literature Analysis And Retrieval System Online MEDLINE/Pubmed, Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences LILACS, and Scientic databases Electronic Library Online (SciELO), researched in the period between october 2022 and march 2023. Articles in Portuguese and English that contemplated the objectives of the review, published in the last ten years (2011-2021), were included. Results:Initially, 144 articles were found in the databases, which after reading, 40 articles were selected in the research that corresponded to the proposed objective. The articles analyzed are equivalent to the years 2011 to 2021. Conclusion:The surgical treatment of TLE-HS has been shown to be effective for the complete resolution of crises in most patients. Knowledge about its pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatments are of fundamental importance for physicians who treat patients with epilepsy
Objetivo: Comprender el escenario actual de la TLE-HS, caracterizado por su fisiopatología, manifestaciones clínicas, métodos diagnósticos y tratamientos. Método: Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica integradora con carácter descriptivo, de artículos indexados en el Sistema de Análisis y Recuperación de Literatura Médica en Línea MEDLINE/Pubmed, Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud LILACS, y bases de datos Scientic Electronic Library Online (SciELO), investigados en el período comprendido entre octubre de 2022 y marzo de 2023. Se incluyeron artículos en portugués e inglés que contemplaran los objetivos de la revisión, publicados en los últimos diez años (2011-2021). Resultados:Inicialmente se encontraron 144 artículos en las bases de datos, de los cuales luego de la lectura se seleccionaron 40 artículos en la investigación que correspondía al objetivo propuesto. Los artículos analizadoscorresponden a los años 2011 a 2021. Conclusión:El tratamiento quirúrgico del ELT-HS se ha mostrado eficaz para la resolución completa de las crisis en la mayoría de los pacientes. El conocimiento sobre su fisiopatología, manifestaciones clínicas, diagnóstico y tratamientos es de fundamental importancia para los médicos que tratan pacientes con epilepsia
Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe , Epilepsy , Hippocampal SclerosisABSTRACT
Resumen Objetivo: En pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) se han descrito cambios neuropatológicos tempranos en la corteza entorrinal, que anteceden el compromiso temporomesial. La evaluación de la atrofia hipocampal mediante escalas visuales y volumetría son herramientas útiles en la valoración de pacientes con deterioro cognitivo. Nuestro objetivo es establecer la correlación entre la evaluación visual de la atrofia de la corteza entorrinal (ACE), la atrofia temporomesial (ATM) y el volumen hipocampal. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de corte transversal. Se incluyeron pacientes con queja cognitiva y resonancia magnética (RM) cerebral. Se utilizaron escalas visuales de ACE y ATM. Se midió el volumen hipocampal mediante el software volBrain 1.0. Resultados: Se incluyeron 48 pacientes, 31 eran mujeres (64,6%). Mediana de edad: 76,5 (RIQ: 69-83). La correlación entre las escalas visuales ACE y la ATM del lado derecho fue de 0,67 p < 0,0001) y del lado izquierdo de 0,69 (p < 0,0001). Encontramos correlación negativa moderada entre la ACE y el volumen hipocampal, del lado derecho fue de 0,59 (p < 0,0001) y del lado izquierdo de 0,42 (p = 0,003). Conclusión: La escala de ACE muestra moderada correlación con la escala de ATM y con el volumen hipocampal. Su uso podría aportar información valiosa para valoración de trastornos cognitivos.
Abstract Objective: In patients with Alzheimers disease (AD), early neuropathological changes in the entorhinal cortex have been described, which precede temporomesial involvement. The evaluation of hippocampal atrophy using visual scales and volumetry are useful tools in the assessment of patients with cognitive impairment. Our objective is to establish the correlation between the visual evaluations of entorhinal cortex atrophy (ECA), temporomesial atrophy (TMA), and hippocampal volume. Material and methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study. Patients with cognitive complaint and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were included. ACE and TMA visual scales were used. Hippocampal volume was measured using the volBrain 1.0 software. Results: Forty-eight patients were included, 31 were women (64.6%). Median age was 76.5 (IQR: 69-83). The correlation between ECA and TMA on the right side was 0.67 (p < 0.0001) and on the left side was 0.69 (p < 0.0001). We found a negative moderate correlation between ECA and hippocampal volume, on the right side it was 0.59 (p < 0.0001) and on the left side it was 0.42 (p = 0.003). Conclusion: The ECA scale shows high correlation with the TMA scale and moderate correlation with hippocampal volume. Its use could provide valuable information for the assessment of cognitive disorders.
Introducción: En pacientes con epilepsia del lóbulo temporal refractarios que no son candidatos a cirugía, se debe considerar la estimulación eléctrica cerebral como una opción. Contenido: La estimulación eléctrica cerebral es la administración directa de pulsos eléctricos al tejido nervioso que permite modular un sustrato patológico, interrumpir la manifestación clínica de las crisis y reducir la gravedad de estas. Así, dada la importancia de estos tratamientos para los pacientes con epilepsia del lóbulo temporal refractaria, se hace una revisión de cuatro tipos de estimulación eléctrica. La primera, la del nervio vago, es una buena opción en crisis focales y crisis generalizadas o multifocales. La segunda, la del hipocampo, es más útil en pacientes no candidatos a lobectomía por riesgo de pérdida de memoria, con resonancia magnética normal o sin esclerosis mesial temporal. La tercera, la del núcleo anterior, es pertinente principalmente en pacientes con crisis focales, pero debe realizarse con precaución en pacientes con alto riesgo de cambios cognitivos, como los ancianos, o en los que presentan alteración del estado de ánimo basal, y, por último, la del núcleo centromediano se recomienda para el tratamiento crisis focales en el síndrome de Rasmussen y crisis tónico-clónicas en el síndrome de Lennox-Gastaut. Conclusiones: El interés por la estimulación eléctrica cerebral ha venido aumentando, al igual que las estructuras diana en las cuales se puede aplicar, debido a que es un tratamiento seguro y eficaz en pacientes con epilepsia del lóbulo temporal para controlar las crisis, pues disminuye la morbimortalidad y aumenta la calidad de vida.
Introduction: In patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy who are not candidates for surgery, electrical brain stimulation should be considered as another option. Contents: Electrical brain stimulation is the direct administration of electrical pulses to nerve tissue that modulates a pathological substrate, interrupts the clinical manifestation of seizures, and reduces their severity. Thus, given the importance of these treatments for patients with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy, four types of electrical stimulation are reviewed. The first, vagus nerve stimulation, is a good option in focal seizures and generalized or multifocal seizures. The second, hippocampal stimulation, is more useful in patients who are not candidates for lobectomy due to the risk of memory loss, with normal MRI or without mesial temporal sclerosis. The third, the anterior nucleus, is mainly in patients with focal seizures, but with caution in patients at high risk of cognitive changes such as the elderly, or in those with baseline mood disturbance and, finally, the centromedian nucleus is recommended for the treatment of focal seizures in Rasmussen's syndrome and tonic-clonic seizures in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Conclusions: the interest in brain electrical stimulation has been increasing as well as the target structures in which it can be applied because it is a safe and effective treatment in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy to control seizures, decreasing morbidity and mortality and increasing quality of life
Anterior Thalamic Nuclei , Intralaminar Thalamic Nuclei , Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe , Vagus Nerve Stimulation , Electric Stimulation , HippocampusABSTRACT
Introducción: Con la experiencia de los registros electroencefalográficos invasivos y el fracaso quirúrgico después de la cirugía, se ha hecho evidente que la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal es mucho más compleja de lo que se creía, y en la actualidad es considerada una enfermedad de redes anatomofuncionales y no de lesiones estructurales. Contenido: La información neurofisiológica e imagenológica actual permite concluir que en esta epilepsia están involucradas varias redes neuronales temporales y extratemporales que contribuyen a la extensión de la zona epileptógena. Una forma de entender el concepto de red epiléptica en la epilepsia del lóbulo temporal es a partir del conocimiento de la corteza piriforme. Varios estudios clínicos han mostrado que en pacientes con epilepsia del lóbulo temporal asociada a esclerosis hipocampal existe una disfunción interictal del procesamiento olfatorio que es más significativa, en comparación con pacientes con epilepsia focal extrahipocampal y controles sanos. Esta alteración es, probablemente, la consecuencia de una red neuronal disfuncional que se extiende más allá del hipocampo y que afecta a otras estructuras cercanas, incluida la corteza piriforme. Conclusión: En este artículo llevamos a cabo una revisión narrativa de la literatura con el objetivo de establecer un vínculo entre la corteza piriforme y la epileptogénesis del lóbulo temporal, y demostramos que esta enfermedad es la consecuencia de una disfunción de redes neuronales que no depende exclusivamente de una anormalidad estructural en el hipocampo o en estructuras cercanas.
Introduction: With the experience of invasive EEG recordings and surgical failure after surgery, it has become clear that temporal lobe epilepsy is much more complex than previously thought, and currently, is conceptualized as a disease of anatomical networks instead of structural lesions. Content: The current neurophysiological and imaging information allows us to conclude that several temporal and extratemporal anatomical networks are involved in this type of epilepsy. One way of understanding the concept of the epileptic network in temporal lobe epilepsy is from the knowledge of the piriform cortex. Several clinical studies have shown that in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis exists an interictal dysfunction of olfactory processing that is more significant compared to patients with focal extra-hippocampal epilepsy and healthy controls. This alteration is probably the consequence of a dysfunctional neural network that extends beyond the hippocampus and affects other nearby structures, including the piriform cortex. Conclusion: In this article, we carry out a narrative review of the literature with the aim of establishing a link between the piriform cortex and temporal lobe epileptogenesis, demonstrating that this disease is the consequence of a dysfunctional network that does not depend exclusively of a hippocampal structural abnormality.
Smell , Temporal Lobe , Piriform Cortex , Hippocampus , Epilepsies, PartialABSTRACT
Abstract Background Cognitive event-related potentials (ERPs) allow for lateralization of the epileptogenic zone (EZ) to estimate the reserve of memory in the contralateral non-epileptogenic hemisphere, and to investigate the prognosis of temporal lobe seizure control in unilateral temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Objective To define the accuracy of cognitive evoked anterior mesial temporal lobe (AMTL-N400) and P600 potentials in detecting the epileptogenic zone in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), and second, to evaluate the possibility of using them as markers of cognitive outcome. Methods The systematic review using Medline/PubMed, Embase, and Lilacs database was conducted in September 2021. Only articles published in English from 1985 to June 2021 were included. We searched for studies with: (1) depth intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) recordings analysis of rhinal and hippocampal activity (2) correlations between ERP results obtained in the mesial temporal regions (AMTL-N400 and P600) and the epileptogenic zone. Results Six out of the seven studies included in this review defined the laterality of the epileptogenic zone (EZ) during presurgical investigation using ERPs. One study showed that the contralateral AMTL-N400 predicts seizure control. Another study found correlation between the amplitudes of the right AMTL-N400 and postoperative memory performance. Conclusions There is evidence that the reduced amplitude of the AMTL-N400 has high accuracy in identifying the epileptogenic zone, as it does in estimating the extent of seizure control and memory impairment in postoperative patients.
Resumo Antecedentes Potenciais relacionados a eventos (PREs) cognitivos permitem a lateralização da zona epileptogênica (ZE), estimar a reserva de memória no hemisfério contralateral não-epileptogênico, e estimar o prognóstico pós-operatório em pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal (ELT) unilateral quanto ao controle de crises. Objetivo Definir a acurácia dos potenciais evocados cognitivos do lobo temporal mesial anterior (LTMA-N400) e P600 na detecção da zona epileptogênica na epilepsia do lobo temporal (ELT), além de avaliar a possibilidade de usá-los como marcadores de desfecho cognitivo. Métodos A revisão sistemática foi realizada em setembro de 2021 usando as bases de dados Medline/PubMed, Embase e Lilacs. Apenas artigos publicados em inglês no período entre 1985 e junho de 2021 foram incluídos. Buscamos estudos com: (1) análises dos registros de electroencefalografia intracraniana (EEGi) da atividade rinal e hipocampal (2) correlações entre os resultados de PREs obtidos nas regiões temporais mesiais (AMTL-N400 e P600) e a zona epileptogênica. Resultados Seis dos sete estudos incluídos nesta revisão definiram a lateralidade da zona epileptogênica (ZE) durante a investigação pré-cirúrgica usando PREs. Um estudo mostrou que o AMTL-N400 contralateral prediz o controle das crises. Outro estudo encontrou correlação entre as amplitudes do AMTL-N400 direito e o desempenho da memória pós-operatória. Conclusões Há evidências de que a amplitude reduzida do AMTL-N400 tem alta precisão na identificação da zona epileptogênica, assim como na estimativa do prognóstico quanto ao controle de crises a longo prazo e prejuízo da memória em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia ressectiva.
El periodo postnatal temprano se caracteriza por rápido crecimiento cerebral, posiblemente relacionado con variaciones del oxígeno tisular. Esto ha motivado el estudio de protocolos que suministran diferentes concentraciones de oxígeno intermitentes, para observar sus efectos morfológicos y cerebrales. Se utilizaron 52 crías de ratas Sprague Dawley, distribuidas en igual número a cuatro grupos experimentales, Control (C, 21 %O2), Hipoxia Intermitente (HI, 11 %O2), Hiperoxia Intermitente (HOI, 30 %O2) e Hipoxia Hiperoxia Intermitente (HHI, 11 % -30 %O2). Los protocolos consideraron 5 ciclos de 5 minutos de dosificación, durante 50 minutos diarios. Se realizó en una cámara semihermética entre los días 5 al 11 postnatales. Las evaluaciones de crecimiento corporal y cuantificación neuronal, se realizaron en las crías macho, en el día 28 postnatal. El peso corporal en el grupo hipoxia intermitente mostró diferencias significativas respecto al grupo hiperoxia intermitente (HI vs HOI, p<0,01) y al grupo hipoxia-hiperoxia Intermitente (HI vs HHI, p< 0,001). La talla corporal disminuyó en el grupo hipoxia-hiperoxia intermitente con diferencias significativas respecto del grupo control (C vs HHI, p<0,05) y respecto del grupo hipoxia intermitente (HHI vs HI, p< 0,01). El conteo neuronal en el área CA1 del hipocampo aumentó en el grupo hipoxia intermitente con diferencias significativas respecto a los grupos control (C vs HI; p<0,05), al grupo hiperoxia intermitente (HI vs HOI; p<0,001) y al grupo hipoxia-hiperoxia intermitente (HI vs HHI; p<0,001). Finalmente, el grupo hipoxia- hiperoxia Intermitente disminuyó significativamente en la cantidad de neuronas en comparación al grupo hiperoxia intermitente (HHI vs HOI; p<0,001). La hipoxia intermitente mostró resultados beneficiosos en el crecimiento corporal y cantidad de neuronas en el área CA1 del hipocampo, en contraste, la hipoxia hiperoxia intermitente experimentó resultados adversos con disminución de estas variables, en el periodo postnatal temprano de la rata.
SUMMARY: The early postnatal period is characterized by rapid brain growth, possibly related to variations in tissue oxygen. This has motivated the study of protocols that supply different intermittent oxygen concentrations, to observe their morphological and cerebral effects. Fifty-two pups Sprague-Dawley rats were distributed in equal numbers into four experimental groups, Control (C, 21 %O), Intermittent Hypoxia (HI, 11 %O), Intermittent Hyperoxia (HOI, 30 %O2) and Intermittent Hypoxia Hyperoxia (HHI, 11 % - 30 %O2). The protocols considered 5 cycles of 5 min of dosing, for 50 min diary. It was performed in a semi- hermetic chamber between 5 to 11postnatal days. The evaluations of body growth and neuronal quantification were analyzed in male pups, on postnatal day 28. Body weight in the intermittent hypoxia group showed significant differences compared to the intermittent hyperoxia group (HI vs HOI, p<0.01) and the intermittent hypoxia- hyperoxia group (HI vs HHI, p<0.001). Body size decreased in the Intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia group with significant differences compared to the control group (C vs HHI, p<0.05) and with respect to the intermittent hypoxia group (HHI vs HI, p<0.01). The neuronal count in the area CA1 of the hippocampus increased in the intermittent hypoxia group with significant differences compared to the control groups (C vs HI; p<0.05), to the intermittent hyperoxia group (HI vs HOI; p< 0.001) and the intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia group (HI vs HHI; p<0.001). Finally, the intermittent hypoxia- hyperoxia group decreased significantly in the number of neurons compared with the intermittent hyperoxia group (HHI vs HOI; p<0.001). Intermittent hypoxia showed beneficial results in body growth and the number of neurons in the CA1 area of the hippocampus, in contrast, intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia experienced adverse results with a decrease in these variables, in the early postnatal period of the rat.
Animals , Female , Rats , Oxygen/administration & dosage , CA1 Region, Hippocampal/growth & development , Hypoxia , Time Factors , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , HyperoxiaABSTRACT
Abstract Background In the past twenty years, there has been an increasing interest among neuroscientists and physicians in mapping the cortical areas involved in the epileptogenic zone (EZ) through event-related potentials (ERPs) that enable the evaluation of the functional preservation of these areas. The present review is an update on publications on this topic. Objective To investigate the accuracy of the cognitive evoked of the medial temporal lobe P300 (MTL-P300) potential in detecting the EZ in temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Methods The systematic review of articles on the PubMed, Embase and Lilacs databases was conducted between February and December 2020. Articles published in English from 1985 to December 2020 were included. Additional studies were identified by searching the references of the selected studies and review articles. The studies were included for the following reasons: in-depth intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) analysis of hippocampal activity; investigations of patients with TLE; and correlations between regarding the ERP results obtained in the temporal regions (MTL-P300) and the EZ. Results In the three studies analyzed, the authors were able to define the laterality of the EZ during the preoperative investigation through the MTL-P300 results. The sensitivity of this method was of ~ 70% to 80%, and the specificity between 70% and 94.7%. One of the limitations of the present review was the low number of studies. Conclusion There is evidence that the reduced amplitude of the MTL-P300 has high specificity in identifying the EZ, and this is a good marker for diagnosis in unilateral TLE. The low sensitivity and negative likelihood ratios negative that a normal MTL-P300 response does not exclude the epileptogenicity of the hippocampus.
Resumo Antecedentes Nos últimos 20 anos, tem havido um crescente interesse de neurocientistas e médicos em mapear áreas corticais envolvidas na zona epileptogênica (ZE) por meio de potenciais relacionados a eventos (PREs), que permitem avaliar a preservação funcional dessas áreas. Esta revisão é uma atualização das publicações sobre esse tema. Objetivo Investigar a acurácia do potencial evocado cognitivo do lobo temporal medial P300 (medial temporal lobe P300, MTL-P300, em inglês) na detecção da ZE em casos de epilepsias do lobo temporal (ELT). Métodos A revisão sistemática de artigos nas bases de dados PubMed, Embase e Lilacs foi realizada entre fevereiro e dezembro de 2020. Foram incluídos artigos publicados em inglês de 1985 a dezembro de 2020. Estudos adicionais foram identificados por meio de busca nas referências dos estudos selecionados e artigos de revisão. Os estudos foram incluídos pelas seguintes razões: análise detalhada por meio de eletroencefalografia intracraniana (iEEG) da atividade hipocampal; investigações de pacientes com ELT; e correlações entre os resultados de ERP obtidos nas regiões temporais (MTL-P300) e na ZE. Resultados Nos três estudos analisados, os autores foram capazes de definir a lateralidade da ZE durante a investigação pré-operatória por meio dos resultados do MTL-P300. A sensibilidade deste método foi de 70% a 80%, e a especificidade, entre 70% e 94.7%. Uma das limitações desta revisão foi o baixo número de estudos. Conclusão Há evidências de que a amplitude reduzida do MTL-P300 tem alta especificidade na identificação da ZE, e este é um bom marcador para o diagnóstico na ELT unilateral. A baixa sensibilidade e a razão de verossimilhança negativa indicam que a resposta MTL-P300 normal não exclui a epileptogenicidade do hipocampo.
RESUMEN Introducción: El trastorno por estrés postraumático afectan la salud mental de los pacientes pediátricos, se considera muy común en estos pacientes. Estudios científicos apoyados en la resonancia magnética han fundamentado una estrecha relación entre el estrés postraumático y cambios estructurales en el cerebro. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en el periodo de abril a mayo de 2021, en los recursos disponibles en MEDLINE, SciELO, Pubmed y Elsevier. Del total de consultas se citaron 25 referencias. Objetivo: Describir los signos radiológicos en la neuroimagen de pacientes pediátricos con estrés postraumático. Desarrollo: Los estudios de neuroimagen en niños y adolescentes con trastorno por estrés postraumático se han centrado en estructuras anormales y la funcionalidad de algunas regiones individuales del cerebro; estas implican las regiones cerebrales asociadas con la fisiopatología, ellas son: la corteza prefrontal medial y dorsolateral; la corteza orbitofrontal; ínsula; núcleo lentiforme; amígdala; hipocampo y el parahipocampo; la corteza cingulada anterior y posterior; el precúneo; cúneo; el giro fusiforme y lingual y los tractos de materia blanca que conectan estas regiones cerebrales. Conclusiones: Los signos radiológicos en la neuroimagen de pacientes pediátricos con trastorno por estrés postraumático son: reducción de los volúmenes del hipocampo; del volumen cerebral e intracraneal y del volumen de la amígdala, así como una disminución del área total del cuerpo calloso. Además se observa que el volumen hipofisario y los volúmenes de materia gris cerebral fueron menores en los pacientes con estrés postraumático.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Post-traumatic stress disorder affects the mental health of pediatric patients; it is considered very common in these patients. Scientific studies supported by magnetic resonance imaging have established a close relationship between post-traumatic stress and structural changes in the brain. A bibliographic review was carried out in the period from April to May 2021, in the resources available in MEDLINE, SciELO, Pubmed and Elsevier. Of the total of consultations, 25 references were cited. Objective: To describe the radiological signs in the neuroimaging of pediatric patients with post-traumatic stress disorder. Development: Neuroimaging studies in children and adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder have focused on abnormal structures and the functionality of some individual brain regions; these involve the brain regions associated with pathophysiology, they are: the medial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; the orbitofrontal cortex; insula; lentiform nucleus; amygdala; hippocampus and parahippocampus; the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex; the precuneus; cuneus; the fusiform and lingual gyrus and the white matter tracts that connect these brain regions. Conclusions: The radiological signs in the neuroimaging of pediatric patients with post-traumatic stress disorder are: reduction of the volumes of the hippocampus; brain and intracranial volume and amygdala volume, as well as a decrease in the total area of the corpus callosum. In addition, it is observed that the pituitary volume and the volumes of cerebral gray matter were lower in patients with post-traumatic stress.
Introducción. Las lesiones del nervio facial afectan la plasticidad a largo plazo en el hipocampo, así como la memoria de reconocimiento de objetos y la memoria espacial, dos procesos dependientes de esta estructura. Si bien se ha descrito una activación de la microglía en la corteza motora primaria asociada con esta lesión, no se conoce si ocurre algo similar en el hipocampo. Objetivo. Caracterizar en ratas el efecto de la lesión unilateral del nervio facial sobre la activación de células de la microglía en el hipocampo contralateral. Materiales y métodos. Se hicieron experimentos de inmunohistoquímica para detectar células de la microglía en el hipocampo de ratas sometidas a lesión irreversible del nervio facial. Los animales se sacrificaron en distintos momentos después de la lesión, para evaluar la evolución de la proliferación (densidad de células) y la activación (área celular) de la microglía en el tejido del hipocampo. Los tejidos cerebrales de los animales de control se compararon con los de animales lesionados sacrificados en los días 1,3, 7, 21 y 35 después de la lesión. Resultados. Las células de la microglía en el hipocampo de animales con lesión del nervio facial mostraron signos de proliferación y activación a los 3, 7 y 21 días después de la lesión. Sin embargo, al cabo de cinco semanas, estas modificaciones se revirtieron, a pesar de que no hubo recuperación funcional de la parálisis facial. Conclusiones. La lesión irreversible del nervio facial produce proliferación y activación temprana y transitoria de las células de la microglía en el hipocampo. Estos cambios podrían estar asociados con las modificaciones electrofisiológicas y las alteraciones comportamentales dependientes del hipocampo descritas recientemente.
Introduction: Facial nerve injury induces changes in hippocampal long-term synaptic plasticity and affects both object recognition memory and spatial memory consolidation (i.e., hippocampus-dependent tasks). Although facial nerve injury-associated microglíal activation has been described regarding the primary motor cortex, it has not been ascertained whether something similar occurs in the hippocampus. Peripheral nerve injury- associated microglíal changes in hippocampal tissue could explain neuronal changes in the contralateral hippocampus. Objective: To characterize the effect of unilateral facial nerve injury on microglíal proliferation and activation in the contralateral hippocampus. Materials and methods: Immunohistochemical experiments detected microglíal cells in the hippocampal tissue of rats that had undergone facial nerve injury. The animals were sacrificed at specific times after injury to evaluate hippocampal microglíal cell proliferation (cell density) and activation (cell area); sham-operated animals were compared to lesioned animals sacrificed 1,3, 7, 21, or 35 days after injury. Results: Facial nerve-injured rats' hippocampal microglíal cells proliferated and adopted an activated phenotype 3- to 21-days post-lesion. Such modifications were transient since the microglíal cells returned to their resting state five weeks after injury, despite the injury's irreversible nature. Conclusions: Facial nerve injury causes the transient proliferation and activation of microglíal cells in the hippocampus. This finding might partly explain the morphological and electrophysiological changes described for CA1 pyramidal neurons and the impairment of spatial memory consolidation which has previously been observed in facial nerve-injured rats.
Facial Nerve , Hippocampus , Rats , ImmunohistochemistryABSTRACT
Abstract Anabolic substances have been increasingly used by bodybuilders and athletes with the goal of improving performance and aesthetics. However, this practice has caused some concern to physicians and researchers because of unknowledge of consequences that the indiscriminate and illicit use of these substances can cause. Thus, this study analyzed the effects of two commercially available anabolic steroids (AS), Winstrol Depot® (Stanozolol) and Deposteron® (Testosterone Cypionate), in the neuronal density of limbic, motor and sensory regions on the cerebral cortex and in CA1, CA2, CA3 regions of the hippocampus. A total of 60 Swiss mice were used (30 males and 30 females), separated into three groups: control and two experimental groups, which received the AAS. From each brain, homotypic and semi-serial samples were taken in frontal sections from areas established for the study. The results showed that females treated with testosterone cypionate presented a reduction in all regions tested and the ones treated with Stanozolol showed a decrease in some hippocampal areas. Regarding male animals, stanozolol led to a decrease in neuron number in one hippocampal region. These data allow us to conclude that supra-physiological doses of steroids used in this study, can cause considerable damage to nervous tissue with ultrastructural and consequently behavioral impairment. These changes could interfere with the loss of physical yield and performance of athletes and non-athletes and may cause irreparable damage to individuals making irresponsible use of anabolic steroids.
Resumo As substancias anabólicas tem sido cada vez mais utilizadas por fisiculturistas e atletas com o objetivo de melhorar o desempenho e a estética. No entanto, essa prática tem causado algumas preocupações aos médicos e pesquisadores, devido ao desconhecimento das consequencias que o uso indiscriminado e ilícito dessas substâncias podem causar. Diante disso, este estudo analisou os efeitos de dois esteroides anabolizantes (EA) comercialmente disponíveis, Winstrol Depot® (Stanozolol) e Deposteron® (cipionato de testosterona), na densidade neuronal das regiões corticais límbica, motora e sensitive bem como das áreas CA1, CA2, CA3 do hipocampo. Foram utilizados 60 camundongos Swiss (30 machos e 30 fêmeas), separados em três grupos: controle e dois grupos experimentais, que receberam o EA. De cada cérebro, foram coletadas amostras homotípicas e semi-seriadas em cortes frontais das áreas estabelecidas para o estudo. Os resultados mostraram que as fêmeas tratadas com cipionato de testosterona apresentaram uma redução em todas as regiões analisadas já as fêmeas tratadas com Stanozolol mostraram uma diminuição em algumas áreas do hipocampo. Em relação aos animais machos, o stanozolol levou a uma diminuição na densidade neuronal em uma região do hipocampo. Estes dados nos permitem concluir que doses supra fisiológicas de esteroides utilizadas neste estudo podem causar danos consideráveis ao tecido nervoso com comprometimento ultraestrutural e consequentemente comportamental. Essas alterações podem interferir na perda de rendimento físico e no desempenho de atletas e não atletas e podem causar danos irreparáveis a indivíduos que fazem uso irresponsável destes EA.
Animals , Male , Female , Rabbits , Anabolic Agents/adverse effects , Stanozolol/adverse effects , Testosterone Congeners , Hippocampus , NeuronsABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Diabetes mellitus can lead to structural disorders in the brain. One of the most common complications of diabetes, diabetic neuropathy is associated with central nervous system disorders. Aloe vera has anti-diabetic, antioxidant, and neuroprotective effects. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of Aloe vera gel on the hippocampus changes as well as the expression of nerve growth factor and receptors TrkA and P75 in the hippocampus of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. 25 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 5 groups including: control (normal saline), diabetic (normal saline), Aloe vera gel (400 mg/kg/day; gavage), diabetic + Aloe vera gel (400 mg/kg/day; gavage) and diabetic + insulin NPH (10 IU/kg/day; subcutaneous). Experimental diabetes was induced by streptozotocin injection (60 mg/kg; intraperitoneal). All groups treated for 8 weeks. At the end of treatment course, the rat brains were removed for measuring the expression of nerve growth factor, p75 and TrkA receptors were evaluated in the hippocampus. Diabetes induction after 8 weeks caused NGF and P75 expression levels in the diabetic group than other groups significantly increased (p<0.05). The TrkA receptor expression in the diabetic group compared with the control had a significant reduction (p<0.05). On the other hand in the diabetic group receiving Aloe vera gel expression of NGF and P75 expression levels compared to the diabetic group was significantly reduced (p<0.05) and the TrkA receptor expression compared with the diabetic group had a significant increase (p<0.05). The results showed that oral administration of Aloe vera gel in diabetic rats ameliorates diabetes-induced hyperglycemia. On the other hand, Aloe vera gel cause modulation of the expression of NGF neurotrophic factor via increased expression of TrkA receptor-specific and non-specific receptor down-regulation of P75 in the hippocampus of STZ-induced diabetic rats.
RESUMEN: La diabetes mellitus puede provocar trastornos estructurales en el cerebro. Es una de las complicaciones más comunes de la diabetes y la neuropatía diabética y está relacionada con trastornos del sistema nervioso central. El Aloe vera tiene efectos antidiabéticos, antioxidantes y neuroprotectores. Este estudio fue diseñado para evaluar los efectos del gel de Aloe vera en los cambios del hipocampo, así como la expresión del factor de crecimiento nervioso y los receptores TrkA y P75 en el hipocampo de ratas diabéticas inducidas por estreptozotocina (STZ). Se dividieron al azar 25 ratas Wistar macho en 5 grupos de: control (solución salina normal), diabéticos (solución salina normal), gel de Aloe vera (400 mg / kg / día; sonda), diabéticos + gel de Aloe vera (400 mg / kg / día; sonda) y diabéticos + insulina NPH (10 UI / kg / día; subcutánea). La diabetes experimental fue inducida por inyección de estreptozotocina (60 mg / kg; intraperitoneal). Todos los grupos fueron tratados durante 8 semanas. Al final del tratamiento, se extrajeron los cerebros de las ratas para medir la expresión del factor de crecimiento nervioso y se evaluaron los receptores p75 y TrkA en el hipocampo. La inducción de diabetes después de 8 semanas provocó que los niveles de expresión de NGF y P75 en el grupo de diabéticos aumentaran significativamente en comparación con otros grupos (p <0,05). La expresión del receptor TrkA en el grupo diabético comparado con el control tuvo una reducción significativa (p <0,05). Por otro lado, el grupo de ratas diabéticas que recibieron la expresión en gel de Aloe vera de NGF y los niveles de expresión de P75 en comparación con el grupo de ratas diabéticas se redujo significativamente (p <0,05) y la expresión del receptor de TrkA en comparación con el grupo de ratas diabéticas tuvo un aumento significativo (p <0,05). Los resultados mostraron que la administración oral de gel de Aloe vera en ratas diabéticas mejora la hiperglucemia inducida por la diabetes. Por otro lado, el gel de Aloe vera causa modulación de la expresión del factor neurotrófico NGF a través del aumento de la expresión de receptor TrkA específico y no específico y regulación negativa del receptor de P75 en el hipocampo de ratas diabéticas inducidas por STZ.
Animals , Male , Rats , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Nerve Growth Factor/drug effects , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/drug therapy , Aloe/chemistry , Hippocampus/drug effects , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Administration, Oral , Rats, Wistar , Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinases/drug effects , Receptor Protein-Tyrosine Kinases/genetics , Nerve Growth Factor/genetics , Receptor, Nerve Growth Factor/drug effects , Receptor, Nerve Growth Factor/genetics , Real-Time Polymerase Chain ReactionABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: To pursue safer and more effective treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, the effect of dexamethasone treatment (DEX, 0.25mg/kg) combined with transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in the behavior and neurochemical parameters of arthritic rats was evaluated. METHODS: Thirty-six Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control+DEX (CTRL+DEX), arthritis+DEX (RA+DEX), arthritis+DEX+sham-tDCS (RA+DEX+sham-tDCS) and arthritis+DEX+tDCS (RA+DEX+tDCS). The arthritic model (RA) was induced by complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) paw administration. Paw edema and mechanical allodynia were assessed by plethysmometer and von Frey apparatus, respectively. Fourteen days after the CFA injection, rats received the treatment for eight days (DEX and/or tDCS). Behavioral parameters were measured with the Open-Field test. ELISA was used to evaluate hippocampal and spinal cord tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) levels, cerebral cortex and brainstem BDNF levels. RESULTS: In pre-treatment measurements, arthritic rats presented an increase in joint swelling and mechanical allodynia when compared to the control group, confirming chronic pain establishment. A slight antinociceptive effect of dexamethasone combined with tDCS in the pain model was observed. The pain model significantly induced an increase in the grooming behavior and a reduction in the spinal cord and hippocampal TNF-α levels; these effects were reverted in the sham- and active-tDCS-treated rats. However, no effects of DEX or tDCS were observed in the BDNF levels in the cerebral cortex and brainstem. CONCLUSION: Despite the small effect observed, tDCS treatment cannot be discarded as a non-pharmacological adjuvant technique for inflammatory chronic pain treatment.
RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Para investigar métodos mais seguros e eficazes para o manejo da artrite reumatoide, avaliou-se o efeito do tratamento com dexametasona (DEX, 0,25mg/kg) combinado com estimulação transcraniana por corrente contínua (ETCC) sobre parâmetros comportamentais e bioquímicos de ratos submetidos a um modelo de artrite reumatoide. MÉTODOS: Trinta e seis ratos Wistar foram alocados em 4 grupos: controle+DEX (CTRL+DEX), artrite+DEX (AR+DEX), artrite+DEX+sham-ETCC (AR+DEX+sham-ETCC) e artrite+DEX+ETCC (AR+DEX+ETCC). O modelo de artrite foi induzido pela administração de complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) na pata. Edema na pata e a alodínia mecânica foram avaliadas por pletismômetro e teste de von Frey, respectivamente. 14 dias após injeção de CFA, ratos foram tratados por 8 dias (DEX e/ou ETCC). Atividade locomotora foi avaliada pelo teste do campo aberto. TNF-alfa (hipocampo e medula espinal) e BDNF (córtex e tronco) foram mensurados por ELISA. RESULTADOS: Nas medições pré-tratamento, ratos com artrite exibiram aumento de o inchaço articular e alodínia mecânica comparados ao grupo controle, confirmando o estabelecimento de modelo de dor crônica. Também se observou discreto efeito antinociceptivo da dexametasona combinada com ETCC no modelo de artrite. O modelo de dor induziu um aumento no comportamento de grooming e reduziu os níveis de TNF-alfa no hipocampo; estes efeitos foram revertidos nos grupos sham- e ETCC ativo. Entretanto, não foram observados efeitos da DEX ou ETCC nos níveis de BDNF no córtex cerebral ou no tronco encefálico. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar dos discretos efeitos observados, não se pode descartar a ETCC como uma abordagem terapêutica não farmacológica para o manejo da dor crônica inflamatória na artrite reumatoide.
Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy is the most commom form of focal epilepsy in adults. Its clinical features include focal seizure, dysmnestic symptoms such as déjà vu or jamais vu and autonomic or psychic aura. We reported two cases of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with similar clinical features, but with entirely different etiologies. Mesial temporal sclerosis contributes up to 70% of all mesial temporal lobe epilepsy cases and MRI usually shows reduced hippocampal volume and increased signal intensity on T2-weighted imaging. Incomplete hippocampal inversion has uncertain relation with epilepsy and is characterized by an atypical verticalized and medially positioned anatomical pattern of the hippocampus and also a deep collateral sulcus.
A epilepsia do lobo temporal mesial é a forma mais comum de epilepsia focal em adultos. Suas características clínicas incluem crises focais, sintomas dismnésicos - como déjà vu ou jamais vu - e aura autonômica ou psíquica. Relatamos dois casos de pacientes com epilepsia do lobo temporal mesial com manifestações clínicas semelhantes, mas com etiologias completamente diferentes. A esclerose mesial temporal contribui com até 70% de todos os casos de epilepsia do lobo temporal mesial e, geralmente, na ressonância magnética, apresenta atrofia do hipocampo e hipersinal na imagem ponderada em T2. A rotação incompleta do hipocampo possui uma relação incerta com a epilepsia e é caracterizada por alteração da estrutura interna do hipocampo, com um sulco colateral verticalizado e profundo.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe/diagnosis , Epilepsy, Temporal Lobe/drug therapy , Seizures , Carbamazepine/administration & dosage , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Cerebrum/anatomy & histology , Hippocampus/abnormalities , Anticonvulsants/therapeutic useABSTRACT
SUMMARY: This study aims to investigate the Effects of Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) on the stereological parameters in the dentate gyrus and the morphology of granular hippocampal neurons in adult mice. Adult male mice (n=20, weight average: 45 g) were randomly divided into four groups including: group receiving saline (controls), low-dose (LD) 2.5 mg/kg TiO TiO2 NPs, medium-dose (MD) 5 mg/kg TiO2 NPs and high-dose (HD) 10 mg/kg TiO2 NPs, daily using gavage for 35 days. To estimate the volume of the hippocampus, dentate gyrus, and sub-layers of dentate gyrus the Cavalieri principle was used. The physical dissector was used to determine the numerical density of dentate gyrus granular cells. For analyzing the morphology of dentate gyrus granular cells the qualitative Golgi staining was used. Our data showed that the total volume of the hippocampus, dentate gyrus and its sublayers including molecular, granular and polymorph in TiO2 treated mice decreased significantly compared to the control group. Moreover, the total number and numerical density of dentate gyrus granular sub layer cells showed a significant reduction in all three experimental groups compared to the control group. The granular cells of the dentate gyrus had shorter dendritic length and decreased dendritic branches in the TiO2-treated in comparison with the control mice. These data can justify the disorders related to memory, learning and hippocampus neurons damages due to using of TiO2 NPs.
RESUMEN: En este estudio se analizaron los efectos de las nanopartículas de dióxido de titanio (TiO2 NP) sobre los parámetros estereológicos en el giro dentado y la morfología de las neuronas granulares del hipocampo en ratones adultos. Se dividieron aleatoriamente ratones machos adultos (n = 20, promedio de peso: 45 g) en cuatro grupos: grupo que recibió solución salina (controles), dosis baja (LD) 2,5 mg/kg NP de TiO2, dosis media (MD) 5 mg/kg de NP de TiO2 y dosis altas (HD) de 10 mg/kg de NP de TiO2, por vía utilizando sonda durante 35 días. Para estimar el volumen del hipocampo, el giro dentado y las subcapas del giro dentado se utilizó el principio de Cavalieri. Se utilizó el disector físico para determinar la densidad numérica de las células granulares del giro dentado. Para analizar la morfología de las células granulares del giro dentado se usó la tinción cualitativa de Golgi. Nuestros datos mostraron que el volumen total del hipocampo, el giro dentado y sus subcapas, incluyendo la molecular, granular y polimorfos, en ratones tratados con TiO2, disminuyó significativamente en comparación con el grupo de control. Además, el número total y la densidad numérica de las células de la subcapa granular del giro dentado mostró una reducción significativa en los tres grupos experimentales en comparación con el grupo control. Las células granulares del giro dentado tenían una longitud dendrítica menor y ramas dendríticas disminuidas en los ratones tratados con TiO2 en comparación con los ratones del grupo control. Estos datos pueden justificar los trastornos relacionados con la memoria, el aprendizaje y los daños en las neuronas del hipocampo debido al uso de NP de TiO2.
Animals , Male , Mice , Titanium/pharmacology , Dentate Gyrus/drug effects , Nanoparticles , Hippocampus/drug effectsABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Herbal extracts used for treatment of diabetes has focused mostly on the hypoglycaemic and anti-oxidant property.There are no studies which focused on its effect on dendritic architecture of pyramidal neurons of hippocampus caused by diabetes. This study was taken up to explore the effect of administration of Trigonella foenum-graecum (fenugreek) seed extract on diabetes induced dendritic atrophy in hippocampus. Experimental diabetes was induced in rats by administering single dose of Streptozotocin (60 mg/kg)intraperitoneally.Treatment groups of rats were orally administeredfenugreek seed extract of 1 g/kg body weight for 6 weeks. Followingly they were sacrificed and the brains were removed, processed for the Golgi-Cox stain method.The number of dendritic branching points and intersections were counted in successive radial segments of 20 µm up to a radial distance of 100 micron from soma and analysed by the Sholl's method. The rats with diabetes showed a significant decrease in the dendritic length and branching points in most of the apical and basal dendrites of CA1 and CA3 pyramidal neurons.Treatment with fenugreek seed extract were able to significantly alleviate the dendritic atrophy in most of the segments except in the apical branching points of the CA1 neuron. The present study demonstrates that fenugreek seed extract having a proven hypoglycaemic and anti-diabetic property also possess protection to the hippocampal pyramidal neurons form diabetes associated neuronal atrophy.
RESUMEN: Los extractos de hierbas para el tratamiento de la diabetes se han basado principalmente en las propiedades hipoglucémicas y antioxidantes. En la literatura no hay estudios basados en su efecto sobre la arquitectura dendrítica de las neuronas piramidales del hipocampo, causadas por la diabetes. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el efecto de la administración de extracto de semilla de Trigonella foenum graecum (fenogreco) sobre la atrofia dendrítica inducida por la diabetes en el hipocampo. Se indujo diabetes experimental en ratas mediante la administración de una dosis única de estreptozotocina (60 mg / kg) por vía intraperitoneal. Se administró a grupos de ratas extracto de semilla de fenogreco a razón de 1 g / kg de peso corporal durante 6 semanas. Las ratas fueron sacrificadas posteriormente y se procesaron los cerebros mediante método de tinción de Golgi-Cox. El número de puntos de ramificación dendrítica e intersecciones se contaron en segmentos radiales sucesivos de 20 µm hasta una distancia radial de 100 micras del soma y se analizaron mediante el método de Sholl. Las ratas con diabetes mostraron una disminución significativa en la longitud dendrítica y los puntos de ramificación en la mayoría de las dendritas apicales y basales de las neuronas piramidales CA1 y CA3. El tratamiento con extracto de semilla de fenogreco alivió significativamente la atrofia dendrítica en la mayoría de los casos, excepto en los puntos de ramificación apical de la neurona CA1. El estudio demuestra que el extracto de semilla de fenogreco además de tener propiedades hipoglucémicas y antidiabéticas, también protege las neuronas piramidales del hipocampo contra la atrofia neuronal asociada a la diabetes.
Animals , Male , Rats , Atrophy/drug therapy , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Trigonella/chemistry , Dendrites/drug effects , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/drug therapy , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Rats, Wistar , Pyramidal Cells , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/complications , Hippocampus/drug effectsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background: Enriched environment (EE) is a simple and effective intervention to improve cognitive function in post-stroke cognitive impairment (PSCI), partly due to the rebalancing of the cholinergic signaling pathway in the hippocampus. α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7-nAChR) is a cholinergic receptor whose activation inhibits inflammation and promotes the recovery of neurological function in PSCI patients. However, it is still unclear whether EE can regulate α7-nAChR and activate the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway (CAP) in PSCI. Objective: To investigate the effects of EE on cognitive impairment, and the role of α7-nAChR in PSCI. Methods: A PSCI rat model was induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion and reperfusion (MCAO/R) and were reared in standard environment (SE) or EE for 28d, control group with sham surgery. Cognitive function was determined by Morris water maze test. The long-term potentiation (LTP) was assessed by Electrophysiology. Histopathological methods were used to determine infarct volume, α7-nAChR expression and the cytokines and cholinergic proteins expression. Results: Compared with SE group, rats in EE group had better cognitive function, higher expression of α7-nAChR positive neurons in hippocampal CA1 region. In addition, EE attenuated unfavorable changes induced by MCAO/R in cytokines and cholinergic proteins, and also enhanced LTP promoted by nicotine and attenuated by α-BGT; but showed no significantly difference in infarct volume. Conclusions: EE markedly improves cognitive impairment and enhances neuroplasticity in PSCI rats, which may be closely related to enhancement of α7-nAChR expression.
RESUMO Introdução: O ambiente enriquecido (AE) é uma intervenção simples e eficaz para melhorar a função cognitiva no comprometimento cognitivo pós-AVC, em parte devido ao reequilíbrio da via de sinalização colinérgica no hipocampo. O receptor nicotínico α7 de acetilcolina (α7-nAChR) é um receptor colinérgico cuja ativação inibe inflamação e promove a recuperação da função neurológica em pacientes com comprometimento cognitivo pós-AVC. No entanto, ainda não está claro se o AE pode regular α7-nAChR e ativar a via anti-inflamatória colinérgica (VAC) em comprometimento cognitivo pós-AVC. Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos do AE no comprometimento cognitivo e o papel do α7-nAChR no comprometimento cognitivo pós-AVC. Métodos: Modelo de comprometimento cognitivo pós-AVC foi induzido em ratos por oclusão e reperfusão da artéria cerebral média (MCAO/R), que foram criados em ambiente padrão (AP) ou em AE por 28d; grupo controle com cirurgia simulada. A função cognitiva foi determinada pelo teste do labirinto aquático de Morris. A potenciação de longo prazo (PLP) foi avaliada por eletrofisiologia. Métodos histopatológicos foram usados para determinar o volume do infarto, a expressão de α7-nAChR e a expressão de citocinas e proteínas colinérgicas. Resultados: Em comparação com o grupo AP, os ratos do grupo AE tiveram melhor função cognitiva, com maior expressão de neurônios positivos para α7-nAChR na região CA1 do hipocampo. Além disso, o AE atenuou alterações desfavoráveis induzidas por MCAO/R em citocinas e proteínas colinérgicas, e também aumentou a PLP promovida pela nicotina e atenuada por α-BGT, mas não mostrou nenhuma diferença significativa no volume do infarto. Conclusão: O AE melhora acentuadamente o comprometimento cognitivo e aumenta a neuroplasticidade em ratos com comprometimento cognitivo pós-AVC, o que pode estar intimamente relacionado ao aumento da expressão de α7-nAChR.
Humans , Animals , Rats , Stroke , Cognitive Dysfunction , Long-Term Potentiation/physiology , Environment , alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor/physiology , alpha7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor/chemistryABSTRACT
Introduction: Aluminium, a ubiquitous metal implicated in some neurodegenerative diseases is linked to activation of free oxygen species. The antioxidant-rich plants, Moringa oleifera (MO) is reported to protect against Aluminium activities. This study investigated the actions of MO leaf extract (MOLE) against Aluminium chloride (AlCl3)- induced hippocampal cellular changes and serum levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) in adult Wistar rats.Materials and Methods: Thirty Wistar rats weighing between 150 g and 220 g were grouped (n=5) into; 1-control (5 mL/kg distilled water), 2-AlCl3 (100 mg/kg), 3-low dose MOLE (250 mg/kg), 4-high dose MOLE (1,000 mg/kg), 5-concurrent AlCl3 and low dose MOLE, and 6-concurrent AlCl3 and high dose MOLE. All administrations were by oral gavages for 21 days. On day 22, following deep anaesthesia and cardiac puncture, blood was obtained for serum enzyme analysis, and the brain perfusion fixed, harvested and processed for histological study.Results: Results showed significantly (p < 0.05) higher ALP level in the AlCl3 group compared with the control, as well as the other test groups. However, there was no significant (p > 0.05) AST and ALT levels. The hippocampal CA3 of the AlCl3 group showed hypertrophic cells, with some of the cells having karyorrhectic features. The concurrent AlCl3 and low and high doses, MOLE groups showed less of these adverse features.Conclusion: These results suggest that MOLE may protect enzymatic activities against Aluminium chloride. However, its action on hippocampus is still subject to further investigation.
Introducción: El aluminio, un metal presente en diversos lugares implicado en algunas enfermedades neurodegenerativas, está relacionado con la activación de especies reactivas de oxígeno. Se informa que las plantas ricas en antioxidantes, Moringa oleifera (MO) protegen contra la acción del aluminio. Este estudio investigó las acciones del extracto de hoja de MO (MOLE) en los cambios celulares del hipocampo inducidos por el cloruro de aluminio (AlCl3) y los niveles séricos de fosfatasa alcalina (ALP), aspartato transaminasa (AST) y alanina transaminasa (ALT) en ratas Wistar adultas.Materiales y métodos: SE utilizaron treinta ratas Wistar divididas en 5 grupos, los animales pesaban entre 150 gy 220 g; 1 control (5 ml / kg de agua destilada), 2-AlCl3 (100 mg / kg), 3 MOLE de dosis baja (250 mg / kg), 4 MOLE de dosis alta (1000 mg / kg), 5 AlCl3 concurrente y MOLE de dosis baja, y MOLE 6-concurrente y MOLE de dosis alta. Todas las administraciones fueron por sonda oral durante 21 días. El día 22, después de la anestesia profunda y la punción cardíaca, se obtuvo sangre para el análisis de las enzimas séricas y la perfusión cerebral se fijó, recogió y procesó para el estudio histológico.Resultados: Los resultados mostraron un nivel de ALP significativamente (p <0.05) más alto en el grupo AlCl3 en comparación con el control, así como en los otros grupos de prueba. Sin embargo, no hubo niveles significativos (p> 0.05) de AST y ALT. El hipocampo CA3 del grupo AlCl3 mostró células hipertróficas, y algunas de las células tenían características cariorrecticas. Los grupos de AlCl3 concurrentes y dosis bajas y altas, MOLE mostraron menos de estas características adversas.Conclusión: Estos resultados sugieren que MOLE puede proteger las actividades enzimáticas contra el cloruro de aluminio. Sin embargo, su acción sobre el hipocampo aún está sujeta a más investigaciones.
Animals , Rats , Moringa oleifera/anatomy & histology , Aluminum Chloride/administration & dosage , Hippocampus/anatomy & histology , Rats, WistarABSTRACT
Rauwolfia vomitoria Afzel. is an antipsychotic plant used by several African communities in the management of psychiatric conditions with good outcomes. Concerns about its dosages on brain activity lead to this investigation of its action on the hippocampal microstructure.Twenty-four adult male Wistar rats of average weight 200 g, were assigned into four groups (n = 6): control; 200, 300 and 400 mg/kg body weight of RVroot bark extract, respectively. The administration was once daily, and orally for seven days. Daily observation of the animals was done till on day eight when they were sacrificed after deep anaesthesia. Each brain was processed for histology and immunohistochemical studies. Animals in the 200, 300 and 400 mg/kg RV groups appeared generally dull and drowsy, and barely fed. Their hippocampal histology showed neuronal atrophy and karyorrhexis, with no difference in cell count, although the pyramidal cell numbers decreased in the 300 and 400 mg/kg RV groups. Neuron-specific enolase decreased in the 400 mg/kg RV group, while neurofilament decreased in all test groups. Glial fibrillary acidic protein expression and density increased in the 200 and 300 mg/kg RV groups, but not the 400 mg/kg RV group, all compared with the control group.The given doses of RV root bark extractin adult Wistar rats showed sedative activities with hippocampal histopathological changes, which may not be reversible, thereby leading to the hippocampal functional deficit.
Introducción: Rauwolfia vomitoria (RV) Afzel es una planta antipsicótica utilizada por varias comunidades africanas en el tratamiento de enfermedades psiquiátricas con buenos resultados. Las preocupaciones sobre sus efecto sobre la actividad cerebral conducen a esta investigación de su acción sobre la microestructura del hipocampo.Materiales y métodos: Se asignaron veinticuatro ratas Wistar macho adultas de un peso medio de 200 g, en cuatro grupos (n = 6): control; 200, 300 y 400 mg / kg de peso corporal de extracto de corteza de raíz de RV, respectivamente. La administración fue una vez al día y por vía oral durante siete días. Se realizó una observación diaria de los animales hasta el día ocho, cuando fueron sacrificados después de una anestesia profunda. Cada cerebro fue procesado para estudios histológicos e inmunohistoquímicos.Resultados: Los animales en los grupos de RV de 200, 300 y 400 mg / kg parecían generalmente apagados y somnolientos, y apenas alimentados. Su histología hipocampal mostró atrofia neuronal y cariorrexis, sin diferencia en el recuento celular, aunque el número de células piramidales disminuyó en los grupos de RV de 300 y 400 mg / kg. La enolasa específica de neuronas disminuyó en el grupo de RV de 400 mg / kg, mientras que el neurofilamento disminuyó en todos los grupos de prueba. La expresión y densidad de la proteína fibrilar ácida glial aumentó en los grupos de RV de 200 y 300 mg / kg, pero no en el grupo de RV de 400 mg / kg, todos en comparación con el grupo de control.Conclusión: Las dosis administradas de extracto de corteza de raíz de RV en ratas Wistar adultas mostraron actividades sedantes, con cambios histopatológicos del hipocampo, que pueden no ser reversibles, lo que conduce al déficit funcional del hipocampo.
Animals , Rats , Rauwolfia/chemistry , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Hippocampus/anatomy & histology , Rats, WistarABSTRACT
The nature of memory and the search for its localization have been a subject of interest since Antiquity. After millennia of hypothetical concepts the core memory-related structures finally began to be identified through modern scientifically-based methods at the diencephalic, hippocampal, and neocortical levels. However, there was a clear temporal delay between the finding of these anatomic structures ignoring their function, and their identification related to memory function. Thus, the core structures begun to be identified with a pure anatomical view in the late Middle Ages on, while the memory function related to them was discovered much later, in the late Modern Period.
A natureza da memória e a busca de sua localização tem sido objeto de interesse desde a Antiguidade. Após milênios de conceitos hipotéticos as estruturas centrais relacionadas com a memória finalmente começaram a ser identificadas através de métodos modernos com base científica, nos níveis diencefálico, hipocampal e neocortical. Entretanto, houve um claro retardo temporal entre o achado dessas estruturas anatômicas ignorando sua função e sua identificação relacionada à função da memória. Assim, as estruturas centrais começaram a ser identificadas com uma visão puramente anatômica da Idade Média tardia em diante, enquanto a função da memória relacionada com as mesmas foi descoberta muito mais tarde, no Período Moderno tardio.