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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237692


Potentilla fulgens Wall (Rosaceae), a well-known medicinal plant native to Asian regions has a rich history of traditional use for treating skin, gastrointestinal tract, and various metabolic disorders. Research has addressed that the plant is applied topically to treat conditions such as wounds, ulcers, and other skin ailments. Surprisingly, no prior investigation has explored the dermal toxicity of this plant. Therefore, the study was set to conduct the acute and subacute toxicity assessments on the ethyl acetate (EAPF) and methanol (MEPF) extracts of P. fulgenson Wistar rats. In the acute dermal toxicity study, rats received a single dose and were monitored for 14 days, while in the sub-acute study; they received a daily dose for 28 days. 2,000 and 5,000 mg/kg were tested by applying them to the shaved dorsal skin. Throughout the experiments, changes in physical appearance, behavior, and histological alterations were monitored. The results unequivocally revealed no abnormal physical or physiological changes, behavioral deviations, or mortality in any of the rats in both acute and sub-acute dermal toxicity assessments. Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences (nsp > 0.05) in body weight, kidney, liver, spleen weights, hematological parameters, or blood biochemistry values between the treatment and control groups. These findings were further substantiated by the normal macroscopic and microscopic characteristics of the rats’ skin, kidneys, liver, and spleen. In conclusion, our study affirms that the application of EAPF and MEPF to the skin does not induce acute or subacute skin irritation nor elicit systemic toxic responses in rats.

Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 11(3): 1-16, sep. 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1584447


Orijin bitters, Hibiscus sabdariffa and Zingiber officinale roscoe have been reported to possess various medicinal properties. The aim of the study is to evaluate their effects on the kidney of adult wistar rats. Methodology: thirty rats were randomly divided into 6 groups, each having 5 rats. Group 1 received distilled water, group 2, 70cl/70kg/bw orijin bitters, group 3, orijin bitters and 200mg/kg/bw Hibiscus sabdariffa calyx aqueous extract, group 4, orijin bitters and 500mg/kg/bw Hibiscus sabdariffa calyx aqueous extract, group 5, orijin bitters and 200mg/kg/bw officinale rhizome aqueous extract, group 6, orijin bitters and 500mg/kg/bw Zingiber officinale rhizome aqueous extract over a 21-day period. After administration, the rats were sacrificed and the kidney harvested for biochemical and histological analysis. Results: Orijin bitters altered renal function, indicated by elevated level of malondialdehyde and decreased level of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione, along with histopathological changes such as glomerular atrophy and tubular degeneration compared to the control. The result was not statistically significant (P < 0.05). Conversely, aqueous extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa calyx and Zingiber officinale rhizome exhibited antioxidant properties, reducing oxidative stress and mitigating renal damagecompared to the orijin bitters group only. Although the result was not statistically significant (P < 0.05).Conclusion: Orijin bitters may have nephrotoxic effects, while Hibiscus sabdariffa and Zingiber officinale may offer protective benefits, due to their antioxidant properties.

Se ha informado que Orijin bitters, Hibiscus sabdariffa y Zingiber officinale Roscoe poseen varias propiedades medicinales. El objetivo del estudio es evaluar sus efectos sobre el riñón de ratas adultas Wistar. Metodología: Treinta ratas fueron divididas aleatoriamente en 6 grupos, cada uno con 5 ratas. El grupo 1 recibió agua destilada, el grupo 2, 70 cl/70 kg/pc de Orijin bitters, el grupo 3, Orijin bitters y 200 mg/kg/pc de extracto acuoso de cáliz de Hibiscus sabdariffa, el grupo 4, Orijin bitters y 500 mg/kg/pc de extracto acuoso de cáliz de Hibiscus sabdariffa, el grupo 5, Orijin bitters y 200 mg/kg/pc de extracto acuoso del rizoma de Zingiber officinale, el grupo 6, Orijin bitters y 500 mg/kg/pc de extracto acuoso del rizoma de Zingiber officinale durante un período de 21 días. Después de la administración, las ratas fueron sacrificadas y se extrajeron los riñones para análisis bioquímico e histológico. Resultados: Orijin bitters alteró la función renal, lo que se indica por un aumento en el nivel de malondialdehído y una disminución en el nivel de superóxido dismutasa, catalasa y glutatión, junto con cambios histopatológicos como atrofia glomerular y degeneración tubular en comparación con el grupo de control. El resultado no fue estadísticamente significativo (P < 0.05). Por el contrario, los extractos acuosos de cáliz de Hibiscus sabdariffa y rizoma de Zingiber officinale exhibieron propiedades antioxidantes, reduciendo el estrés oxidativo y mitigando el daño renal en comparación con el grupo que solo recibió Orijin bitters. Aunque el resultado no fue estadísticamente significativo (P < 0.05). Conclusión: Orijin bitters puede tener efectos nefrotóxicos, mientras que Hibiscus sabdariffa y Zingiber officinale pueden ofrecer beneficios protectores debido a sus propiedades antioxidantes.

Animals , Rats , Zingiber officinale/chemistry , Hibiscus/chemistry , Kidney/pathology , Phytotherapy/methods , Research Design , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Photomicrography , Histological Techniques , Rats, Wistar , Periodic Acid/metabolism , Dosage , Phytochemicals/chemistry , Antioxidants/therapeutic use
Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 1161-1174, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569270


SUMMARY: The importance and relevance of e-learning courses in medicine and health sciences has increased significantly in the last decade. Despite this, there are few published teaching experiences of e-learning histology courses in the literature worldwide. The histology course we designed was structured on the Moodle platform as a learning management system, and the content was proposed in a synchronous (zoom) and asynchronous (recordings) format. We also included the use of free virtual microscopy tools. This study aimed to investigate the impact of an e-learning histology course on the satisfaction and performance of medical, nursing and midwifery students. The sample included 424 Chilean medical, nursing, and midwifery students from two cohorts. A Likert-type survey was administered at the end of the course. We performed exploratory analysis and ordinary least squares regression. In this study, we present a positive experience of an e-learning histology course. Exploratory factor analysis revealed three main factors related to "e- learning satisfaction", "in-person class activities", and "course design and teaching quality". We also found that there was a positive and significant relationship between students' perceptions of the adaptation of the traditional (face-to-face) histology course into an e-learning format and their academic performance. Our study shows that e-learning histology courses that integrate lectures and practical sessions can be a valuable teaching method for learning histology. Curriculum developers and teachers need to consider the limitations and advantages of this type of teaching and incorporate these three factors into the design and assessment of e-learning histology courses.

La importancia y relevancia de los cursos e-learning en medicina y ciencias de la salud ha aumentado significativamente en la última década. A pesar de ello, existen pocas experiencias docentes publicadas de cursos de histología e-learning en la literatura a nivel mundial. El curso de histología que diseñamos se estructuró en la plataforma Moodle, y los contenidos se propusieron en formato síncrono (zoom) y asíncrono (grabaciones). También incluimos el uso de herramientas gratuitas de microscopía virtual. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar el impacto de un curso de histología e-learning en la satisfacción y el rendimiento de los estudiantes de medicina, enfermería y obstetricia. La muestra incluyó 424 estudiantes chilenos de medicina, enfermería y obstetricia de dos cohortes. Se aplicó una encuesta tipo Likert al final del curso. Se realizó un análisis exploratorio y una regresión por mínimos cuadrados ordinarios. En este estudio, presentamos una experiencia positiva de un curso de e-learning de histología. El análisis factorial exploratorio reveló tres factores principales relacionados con la "satisfacción sobre el aprendizaje e-learning", "clases presenciales versus clases virtuales" y el "diseño del curso y la calidad de la enseñanza". También encontramos que existía una relación positiva y significativa entre las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre la adaptación del curso de histología tradicional (presencial) a un formato e-learning y su rendimiento académico. Nuestro estudio muestra que los cursos de histología e-learning que integran clases teóricas y sesiones prácticas pueden ser una valiosa herramienta de enseñanza. Los responsables de la elaboración de planes de estudios y los profesores de histología deben tener en cuenta las limitaciones y ventajas de este tipo de enseñanza y sugerimos incorporar estos tres factores al diseño y la evaluación de los cursos de histología en línea.

Humans , Students, Health Occupations/psychology , Education, Distance , Histology/education , Personal Satisfaction , Students, Medical/psychology , Students, Nursing/psychology , Linear Models , Surveys and Questionnaires , Academic Performance , Health Occupations
An. bras. dermatol ; An. bras. dermatol;99(4): 535-545, Jul.-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563713


Abstract Background Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) is one of the most common types of skin cancer worldwide. Therefore, the identification of biomarkers associated with CSCC progression could aid in the early detection of high-risk squamous cell carcinoma and the development of novel therapeutic strategies. Objective This study aimed to investigate the expression patterns of silent mating type Information Regulation 2 homolog 6 (SIRT6) in CSCC and its clinical significance. Methods The protein expression level of SIRT6 in tissues was detected by immunohistochemistry, and the correlation between SIRT6 expression and clinicopathological parameters in CSCC patients was analyzed. The relative expression of SIRT6 in CSCC cell lineage and tissue specimens was determined by western blotting and PCR. The effect of SIRT6 silencing on cell proliferation was evaluated using cell counting kit 8. Wound healing, transwell method, and flow cytometry were used to investigate the migration, invasion, and cell cycle distribution/apoptosis of CSCC cells after SIRT6 silencing, respectively. Western blot was used to detect the expression of EMT (Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition), cycle, apoptosis, and other related proteins. Results The high expression of SIRT6 was correlated with the location of cancer tissue and Broder staging in CSCC patients. Knockdown of SIRT6 inhibited the proliferation, migration, invasion and EMT of CSCC cells, and promoted their apoptosis, with cells blocked in G1 phase. Study limitations No animal experiments were conducted to further verify the results. Conclusion Decreased expression of SIRT6 can inhibit the occurrence and development of CSCC.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240598


Background: Mycotic keratitis (MK) poses a significant risk as a severe and difficult-to-treat corneal infection with potentially life-threatening consequences. Fungi are commonly implicated as causative agents. Additionally, improper care of contact lenses increases the susceptibility to MK. Aim: This study aimed to investigate the phytochemical composition and therapeutic potential of Senna occidentalis ethanolic leaf extract in the treatment of Aspergillus flavus-induced mycotic keratitis. Methodology: The selected plant extract was tested for antimicrobial activity, analyzed for active ingredients and evaluated in vivo for physiological (Kidney and liver functions), histological (corneal tissue healing rates) and immunological responses (IgM levels). Results: The GC/MS analysis revealed high levels of some active components, including o-methyl glucose, tetramethyl hexadecenol, hexadecenoic acid, and octadecatrienoic acid. The ethanolic extract of S. occidentalis demonstrated potent antimicrobial activity against A. flavus in an albino rabbit model. Treatment with the extract at a concentration of 12.5 mg/ml resulted in a significant healing rate without any side effects, as evidenced by reduced levels of blood urea, creatinine, AST, and ALT in infected rabbits. Moreover, S. occidentalis extract effectively stimulated the immune system, as indicated by increased levels of IgM in both infected and non-infected rabbits. Histopathological analysis of the eye cornea further confirmed the complete disappearance of inflammation and restoration of normal tissue appearance and layer arrangement. Conclusions: These findings highlight the potential of S. occidentalis extract as a safe, affordable, and easily accessible treatment for A. flavus-induced mycotic keratitis, owing to its rich content of safe and bioactive phytochemicals.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240325


Background: The placenta is a pivotal medium for physiological exchanges between the maternal and fetal circulations. However, diabetic insults early in gestation can influence the placental barrier, potentially impacting fetal development and outcomes. This study sought to understand the histological changes in the placentae of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) cases, highlighting the significance of these alterations on fetal health. Aims and Objectives: The primary aim of this research was to elucidate the histological changes present in the placentae of women diagnosed with GDM. Furthermore, the study sought to determine the implications of these changes on the standard placental anatomy and its associated functionalities, thereby assessing potential impacts on fetal development and outcomes. Materials and Methods: A case–control study was conducted at MES Medical College, Perinthalmanna, Kerala, from October 2014 to December 2018. Inclusion criteria considered pregnant women aged 19–38 years diagnosed with GDM, among other factors. Exclusion criteria weeded out pre-diagnosed diabetes cases, unclear glycemic statuses, and a range of pregnancy complications. Placentae samples underwent meticulous histological and histochemical analyses, focusing on key histological features, including syncytiotrophoblastic knots, vasculosyncytial membranes, and chorangiosis. Results: Significant histological variations were observed in GDM cases compared to controls. Notably, there was an increased formation of syncytial knots and reduced vasculosyncytial membranes in GDM placentae. In addition, chorangiosis was more prevalent, suggesting potential chronic prenatal hypoxia. Marked thickening of the syncytiotrophoblast basement membrane, villous edema, and fibrinoid necrosis were other pertinent findings in GDM cases, each with statistical significance (P < 0.001). Conclusion: The findings underscore the profound histological changes in the placenta associated with GDM, emphasizing the need for comprehensive maternal care and monitoring. These alterations can compromise fetoplacental transport and may have long-term implications on fetal health, highlighting the critical role of timely GDM diagnosis and intervention.

Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 59(3): 409-414, May-June 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569751


Abstract Objective To identify the location of the Riché-Cannieu anastomosis (RCA) in relation to the Cardinal Kaplan Line (KCL) and the Y line. Methods A total of 20 hands of 10 recently-deceased adult male cadavers aged between 27 and 66 years were dissected for the investigation of the relationship of the most distal point of the RCA with the KCL and with the Y line, drawn from the axis of the third metacarpal head, following the longitudinal axis of the hand. Results In 20 limbs, the most distal point of the nerve communication was positioned distally in relation to the KCL. The Y line was positioned on the radial side in relation to the most distal point of the RCA in 14 limbs, and it was positioned on the ulnar side in relation to the Y line in 6 limbs. The crossing between the KCL and the Y line occurred proximal to the RCA in 18 limbs; in 1 hand, it was positioned distal to the intersection between these lines; and in another hand, the KCL was positioned exactly on the RCA. Conclusion Knowledge of these anatomical relationships can prevent damage to nerve branches and thus also prevent paralysis of intrinsic muscles in surgical procedures in the palm of the hand.

Resumo Objetivo Identificar a localização da anastomose de Riché-Cannieu (ARC) em relação à linha cardinal de Kaplan (LCK) e à linha Y. Métodos Ao todo, 20 mãos de 10 cadáveres adultos do sexo masculino com idades entre 27 e 66 anos, recentemente falecidos, foram dissecadas para a investigação da relação do ponto mais distal da ARC com a LCK e a linha Y traçada a partir do eixo da cabeça do terceiro metacarpo seguindo o eixo longitudinal da mão. Resultados Nos 20 membros, o ponto mais distal da comunicação nervosa era distal à LCK. A linha Y estava no lado radial em relação ao ponto mais distal da ARC em 14 membros, e no lado ulnar em relação à linha Y em 6 membros. O cruzamento entre a LCK e a linha Y foi proximal à ARC em 18 membros; em 1 mão, era distal à intersecção entre essas linhas e, em outra mão, a LCK estava exatamente na ARC. Conclusão O conhecimento dessas relações anatômicas pode prevenir danos aos ramos nervosos e, assim, também prevenir a paralisia dos músculos intrínsecos em procedimentos cirúrgicos na palma da mão.

Humans , Male , Adult , Aged , Cadaver , Anastomosis, Surgical , Upper Extremity/anatomy & histology , Dissection , Hand/surgery , Anatomy , Median Nerve
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 11(2): 1-14, jun. 2024. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1581289


Bisphenol A (BPA) have been reported to induced reprotoxicity in rats. This study was conducted to find out the ameliorative properties of aqueous extract of Cyperus esculentus (tigernut) on BPA induced testicular toxicity in Wistar rats.Methods: Twenty male rats were divided randomly into 4 groups (n=5): group A: (Control); group B: Bisphenol A (BPA) (25 mg/kg b.w/day); group C: tigernut (200 mg/kg b.w); group D: (25 mg/kg of BPA+ 200 mg/kg of tigernut extract. 25 mg/kg of BPA was dissolved in 0.2 ml of olive oil as vehicle and administration was given by oral gavage for 4 weeks. The body weights were measured. Blood were collected for the testosterone (T) and luteinizing hormone (LH) assays; the epididymis were processed for sperm count, sperm motility, sperm viability and sperm abnormality test; while the testes were harvested for histologyResults: There was a significantly (p < 0.05) decreased in body weight; reduced (sperm count, motility, viability, serum testosterone and luteinizing hormone) in BPA compared with control group. These parameters however increased significantly (p < 0.05) in tigernut (200mg) and BPA + tigernut (200mg) compared with BPA. Also, histological examination showed widened interstitial spaces, some distorted seminiferous tubules, degeneration of basement membrane, scanty Leydig cells, fewer spermatozoa and vacuolation While BPA + tigernut (group D); showed improved testicular architecture (preserved interstitial spaces and interstitial cells. restoration of the loss of the basement membrane and closely packed seminiferous tubules with well-arranged germinal epithelium. Supplementation with tigernuts following BPA administration produces a reversal of the deleterious effect of BPA on the testis.

El bisfenol A (BPA) ha sido reportado por inducir reprotoxicidad en ratas. Este estudio se llevó a cabo para determinar las propiedades paliativas del extracto acuoso de Cyperus esculentus (chufa) sobre la toxicidad testicular inducida por BPA en ratas Wistar. Métodos: Veinte ratas macho fueron divididas aleatoriamente en 4 grupos (n=5): grupo A: (Control); grupo B: Bisfenol A (BPA) (25 mg/kg de peso corporal/día); grupo C: chufa (200 mg/kg de peso corporal); grupo D: (25 mg/kg de BPA + 200 mg/kg de extracto de chufa). Se disolvió 25 mg/kg de BPA en 0.2 ml de aceite de oliva como vehículo y se administró por gavaje oral durante 4 semanas. Se midieron los pesos corporales. Se recogió sangre para los ensayos de testosterona (T) y hormona luteinizante (LH); los epidídimos se procesaron para contar espermatozoides, motilidad espermática, viabilidad espermática y prueba de anormalidades espermáticas; mientras que los testículos se recolectaron para histología. Resultados: Hubo una disminución significativa (p < 0.05) en el peso corporal; reducción en el conteo de espermatozoides, motilidad, viabilidad, testosterona sérica y hormona luteinizante en el grupo BPA en comparación con el grupo control. Estos parámetros aumentaron significativamente (p < 0.05) en el grupo chufa (200 mg) y BPA + chufa (200 mg) en comparación con el BPA. Además, el examen histológico mostró espacios intersticiales ampliados, algunos túbulos seminíferos distorsionados, degeneración de la membrana basal, células de Leydig escasas, menos espermatozoides y vacuolización en el grupo BPA. En cambio, el grupo BPA + chufa mostró una mejora en la arquitectura testicular (preservación de los espacios intersticiales y células intersticiales, restauración de la membrana basal perdida y túbulos seminíferos cercanamente empaquetados con epitelio germinal bien organizado). Conclusión: La suplementación con chufas después de la administración de BPA produce una reversión del efecto perjudicial del BPA sobre el testículo.

Animals , Testicular Diseases/prevention & control , Testis/drug effects , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Cyperus/chemistry , Spermatozoa/drug effects , Spermatozoa/metabolism , Spermatozoa/pathology , Testicular Diseases/chemically induced , Testicular Diseases/metabolism , Testicular Diseases/pathology , Testis/metabolism , Plant Extracts/isolation & purification , Rats, Wistar , Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacrylate/adverse effects , Disease Models, Animal , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/isolation & purification , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Antioxidants/isolation & purification , Antioxidants/pharmacology
Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 741-748, jun. 2024. tabl, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564608


SUMMARY: Histology is considered one of the most important but challenging topics in health sciences. Deficiencies in teaching and general histology directly affect the student's understanding, performance and promote dynamism and integration while covering the primary curriculum. The goal of the current study was to assess and provide a better experience of difficulties in learning histology, examine some standard teaching strategies, and determine how to implement suitable changes to improve the curriculum from students' perspectives. The study comprised of a self-administered questionnaire that included descriptive questions. Data was collected based on the survey conducted via 100 students studying histology. Data was analyzed further qualitatively and quantitatively to elaborate on the difficulties in this area. Many of them strongly agreed that the lack of essential comprehension regarding using light and electron microscopes resulted in challenges with comprehending and identifying tissue samples for image identification due to inadequate anatomical knowledge. Moreover, according to students, some difficulties understood the topic, perception of new terminologies, and insufficient teaching strategies to grasp students' interests. They also agreed that improvement was needed in terms of the modes of teaching employed by histology teachers; they felt that modern education techniques based on practical tasks should be incorporated to stimulate student interest and make understanding histological concepts easier. The Institution should modify the teaching system to allocate more time to relevant subjects to make this subject matter more interesting. This survey-based study evaluated that students faced some challenges while studying the current curriculum of histology. From the student's perspective, it is identified that some changes are needed to improve the course curriculum and way of teaching to make it more understandable.

La histología se considera uno de los temas más importantes pero desafiantes de las ciencias de la salud. Las deficiencias en la enseñanza y en la histología general afectan directamente la comprensión, el desempeño del estudiante y promueven el dinamismo y la integración al abarcar el currículo primario. El objetivo del estudio actual fue evaluar y proporcionar una mejor experiencia de las dificultades en el aprendizaje de histología, examinar algunas estrategias de enseñanza estándar y determinar cómo implementar cambios adecuados para mejorar el plan de estudios desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes. El estudio constaba de un cuestionario auto administrado que incluía preguntas descriptivas. Los datos se recopilaron a partir de una encuesta realizada a 100 estudiantes de histología. Los datos se analizaron más a fondo de forma cualitativa y cuantitativa para profundizar en las dificultades en esta área. Muchos de ellos estuvieron totalmente de acuerdo en que la falta de comprensión esencial sobre el uso de microscopios ópticos y electrónicos resultó en desafíos para comprender e identificar muestras de tejido para la identificación de imágenes debido a un conocimiento anatómico inadecuado. Además, según los estudiantes, algunas dificultades en la comprensión del tema, percepción de nuevas terminologías y estrategias de enseñanza insuficientes para captar los intereses de los estudiantes. También coincidieron en que era necesario mejorar los métodos de enseñanza empleados por los profesores de histología; sintieron que deberían incorporarse técnicas educativas modernas basadas en tareas prácticas para estimular el interés de los estudiantes y facilitar la comprensión de los conceptos histológicos. La Institución debería modificar el sistema de enseñanza para asignar más tiempo a materias relevantes para hacer esta materia más interesante. Este estudio basado en encuestas evaluó que los estudiantes enfrentaron algunos desafíos mientras estudiaban el plan de estudios actual de histología. Desde la perspectiva del estudiante, se identifica que se necesitan algunos cambios para mejorar el plan de estudios del curso y la forma de enseñar para hacerlo más comprensible.

Humans , Students/psychology , Histology/education , Learning , Teaching , Surveys and Questionnaires
Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 673-678, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564625


En el marco de un proceso de aprendizaje activo, se investigó el rendimiento académico a corto y a largo plazo de los estudiantes en dos sesiones prácticas de la asignatura de Histología a las que se incorporó un escape room. También se evaluó su impacto en la motivación y la retención del conocimiento. Los estudiantes fueron clasificados en un grupo control, que siguió una metodología de enseñanza tradicional, y un grupo experimental, que participó en la actividad del escape room. Los resultados revelaron mejoras significativas en las calificaciones posteriores a la intervención en el grupo experimental. El estudio también evaluó la percepción estudiantil de la experiencia del escape room que demostró valoraciones muy satisfactorias.

SUMMARY: In the context of an active learning process, this study investigated the short-term and long-term academic performance of students in two practical sessions of the Histology course, which included an escape room activity. The impact of this approach on motivation and knowledge retention was also assessed. Students were divided into a control group, which followed a traditional teaching methodology, and an experimental group, which participated in the escape room activity. The results revealed significant improvements in post-intervention grades in the experimental group. Additionally, the study assessed students' perceptions of the escape room experience, which showed highly satisfactory evaluations.

Humans , Students/psychology , Gamification , Histology/education , Learning , Academic Performance , Motivation
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237515


The symbiotic bacteria of the mangrove fruit, Xylocarpus sp., have the potential to act as antibacterial and antifungal agents. The research objective is to determine the possibility of producing symbiotic bacteria for the cosmetic bioindustry. Isolate Alcaligenes aquatilis (Isolate X1.63), Sinomicrobium oceani (Isolate X2.52), S. oceani (Isolate X1.54), Pseudomonas khazarica (Isolate X1.64), S. oceani (Isolate X1.53), and Proteus mirabilis (Isolate X1.65) bacteria were used as samples and tested against pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungi. Then, a cream was prepared using symbiotic bacteria as the main ingredient with different concentrations for subsequent testing on mouse skin over 14 days. Finally, it was analyzed using histological methods. Hair follicle growth ability was observed at various concentrations of the cream. Specifically, the consortium bacterial cream shows superior efficacy compared to other treatments. Testing bacterial extract as a cream formulation can be an alternative treatment for alopecia (baldness). The research findings concluded that the symbiotic bacteria of Xylocarpus sp. mangrove fruit have the potential to be used as a material for the cosmetic bioindustry. This is because, in addition to having antibacterial and antifungal properties, they also demonstrate potential for use as a hair cream product for treating alopecia.

European J Med Plants ; 2024 Apr; 35(2): 29-38
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-241357


Introduction: Ficus capensis is a plant used in traditional medicine to stimulate lactation in women and animals in Africa. However, the effects of their extracts on the mammary gland are poorly documented. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effects of Ficus capensis leaves aqueous extracts on NMRI mice milk secretion. Methodology: This was an experimental animal study using virgin female NMRI mice aged eight to ten weeks. The mice were grouped into for groups of eight mice each. Each group received one of the following products: distilled water, Galactogil™, sulpiride, aqueous extracts (AE) of capensis leaves. Data were analysed and processed using Microsoft Excel 2016 and Stata MP 16 with P ? .05 as the significance threshold. Results: Arborescence of the galactophorous ducts was more developed in the sulpiride lot. Galactogil™, and capensis leaves extracts treated groups showed almost equivalent arborescence with a higher tendency than the distilled water. With histological haematin- eosin staining, the ratio of galactophorous ducts containing secretions to total ducts was higher in the groups of Ficus capensis AE treated group than distilled water (P = .0001). Galactogil™, sulpiride and the group of Ficus capensis extracts each had higher levels of beta-casein in mammary tissue and average prolactinemia than distilled water (P < .01). Mammary tissue stained by immunohistochemistry with anti-prolactin receptor antibodies showed more intensely labelled mammary glands in the sulpiride and Ficus capensis extracts groups. There was no statistically significant difference between average progesteronemia among the different groups. Conclusion: F. capensis leaves AE administered to virgin female NMRI mice showed lactogenic and mammogenic effects. The extracts were able to increase the nutritional quality of the milk produced, as evidenced by the increase in protein secretion.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240779


Parotid gland tumors, with their heterogeneous pathologies, necessitate accurate diagnostic tools for effective management. This study was conducted to rigorously assess the diagnostic accuracy of preoperative ultrasounds in predicting the location of parotid gland tumors, emphasizing their relation to the facial nerve. A retrospective cross- sectional analysis was performed involving 45 subjects over one and half years. All subjects underwent a preoperative ultrasound followed by parotidectomy. Demographic distribution, tumor histology, and the precision of ultrasound prediction versus surgical findings were the primary foci. The study encapsulated a balanced gender distribution (48.9% males; 51.1% females). Benign tumors dominated the histological landscape, representing 91.1% of all cases. In terms of diagnostic accuracy, ultrasounds showcased a sensitivity of 85.7% and specificity of 65.7%. Notably, gender- based variations were observed: males exhibited a sensitivity of 82.5%, while females demonstrated a slightly higher sensitivity at 87.0%. These figures find resonance with broader epidemiological trends and contribute further granularity to the ongoing discourse around the efficacy of ultrasounds in this domain. While ultrasounds exhibit robust sensitivity in predicting the location of parotid gland tumors, there's a pronounced scope for enhancing specificity. Gender-based variations accentuate the need for a more nuanced, individual-centric approach to diagnosis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232686


Leiomyoma is a smooth muscle benign tumor and it is a common benign lesion of the uterus in women of the reproductive age group with a prevalence of about 30%. Though the prevalence of uterine fibroid was 6.5% in Ile-Ife, and 8.5% of gynecological admissions in Ilesha, Nigeria, vulval leiomyoma is very rare and often misdiagnosed as Bartholin cyst or with other differentials like lipoma, etc. It is usually not considered a differential of vulval masses, but with detailed examination and with the use of investigative tools, the diagnosis can become clearer. This paper presents 2 cases of histologically diagnosed vulval leiomyoma seen at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC) between January 2017 and December 2021 with both patients complaining of coital difficulty. During this time, the prevalence of this lesion was calculated to be 0.092% of gynecology admissions and 0.17% of gynecological surgeries done in the hospital.

Medisan ; 28(2): [1-18], abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1558521


Introducción: El cáncer cervicouterino ocupa el tercer lugar como causa de defunción por neoplasias malignas a nivel mundial, afectando principalmente a los países de ingresos bajos y medianos. Hacia el 2020 se estimó una incidencia de 604 000 nuevos casos. Objetivo: Caracterizar los principales indicadores hospitalarios del Programa de Diagnóstico Precoz del Cáncer Cervicouterino. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, que permitió caracterizar los principales indicadores hospitalarios del Programa en el Servicio de Patología de Cuello del Hospital General Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso de Santiago de Cuba, de enero del 2020 a diciembre del 2022. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 443 mujeres. Los datos recopilados fueron analizados mediante técnicas de estadística descriptiva, expresándose en frecuencia y porcentajes. Resultados: De las mujeres estudiadas, 60,9 % presentaron lesión intraepitelial cervical de alto grado de malignidad, con 32,6 % positivo a cáncer cervicouterino. El porcentaje global de pruebas citológicas no útiles fue de 2,07 y sin células de la zona de transformación, de 4,01; ambos indicadores de calidad. Existió una alta significación en cuanto a la tasa de cobertura global de las mujeres en riesgo (K=0,615), demostrando que los resultados de la citología reflejan en gran medida los diagnósticos de la histología, con una buena concordancia. Conclusiones: La prueba citológica cérvico-vaginal sigue siendo el método diagnóstico de mayor valor para detectar neoplasia intraepitelial cervical y carcinoma en estadio precoz en grandes masas de población.

Introduction: Cervical cancer is the third leading cause of death from malignancies worldwide, affecting mainly low- and middle-income countries. By 2020 an incidence of 604,000 new cases was estimated. Objective: To characterize the main hospital indicators of the Cervical Cancer Early Diagnosis Program. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out to characterize the main hospital indicators of the Program in the Neck Pathology Service of the General Hospital Dr. Bruno Zayas Alfonso of Santiago de Cuba, from January 2020 to December 2022. The study population consisted of 443 women. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistic techniques, expressed in frequency and percentages. Results: Of the women studied, 60.9 %had cervical intraepithelial lesion of high degree of malignancy, with 32.6 % positive for cervical cancer. The overall percentage of useless cytological tests was 2.07 and no cells from the processing zone was 4.01, both quality indicators. There was a high significance in terms of the overall coverage rate of women at risk (K=0.615), showing that the results of the cytology largely reflect the diagnosis of histology, with a good agreement. Conclusions: Cervical-vaginal cytology remains the most valuable diagnostic method for detecting cervical intraepithelial neoplasm and early-stage carcinoma in large populations

Uterine Neoplasms , Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions of the Cervix , Cytological Techniques , Histology
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 402-408, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558116


SUMMARY: The quest for aesthetic procedures is experiencing a steady increase in popularity, concomitant with the expanding array of available treatment options. Of notable interest is the burgeoning trend in the use of minimally invasive techniques. Among the various aspects of facial anatomy, the platysma stands as a pivotal element that significantly influences the aesthetic appearance of the neck region. It has garnered particular attention as a strategic focal point in various treatments geared towards enhancing the neck's visual appeal. Additionally, the versatility of the platysma extends beyond the realm of cosmetic improvements. Its functional significance is recognized in reconstructive surgical procedures, where it may be harnessed for specific maneuvers. Furthermore, the muscle serves as a critical access point for minimally invasive endoscopic surgeries in the neck region. While these developments hold great promise, it is crucial to underscore that safety should always take precedence in any medical or surgical approach. This applies equally to the neck region, which presents a complex and intricate anatomical landscape. An in-depth understanding and meticulous investigation of the platysma in all its diverse aspects are paramount to ensuring the success and safety of any procedure conducted in this region. This comprehensive review aspires to provide a contemporary understanding of the platysma, offering an in-depth analysis that encompasses its intricate anatomy, histological characteristics, and multifaceted clinical implications. By delving into these diverse dimensions, it aims to equip healthcare professionals and researchers with a robust foundation for informed decision-making and practice.

La búsqueda de procedimientos estéticos ha experimentado un aumento constante en popularidad, junto con la creciente gama de opciones de tratamientos disponibles. De notable interés es la creciente tendencia en el uso de técnicas mínimamente invasivas. Entre los diversos aspectos de la anatomía facial, el platisma destaca como un elemento fundamental que influye significativamente en la apariencia estética de la región del cuello. Ha ocasionado especial atención como punto focal estratégico en varios tratamientos orientados a mejorar el atractivo visual del cuello. Además, la versatilidad del platisma se extiende más allá del ámbito de las mejoras cosméticas. Su importancia funcional se reconoce en procedimientos quirúrgicos reconstructivos, donde se puede aprovechar para maniobras específicas. Además, el músculo sirve como punto de acceso crítico para cirugías endoscópicas mínimamente invasivas en la región del cuello. Si bien estos avances son muy prometedores, es fundamental subrayar que la seguridad siempre debe tener prioridad ante cualquier abordaje médico o quirúrgico. Esto se aplica igualmente a la región del cuello, que presenta un aspecto anatómico complejo e intrincado. Una comprensión profunda y una investigación meticulosa del platisma en todos sus diversos aspectos son fundamentales para garantizar el éxito y la seguridad de cualquier procedimiento realizado en esta región. Esta revisión integral aspira a proporcionar una comprensión contemporánea del platisma, ofreciendo un análisis en profundidad que abarca su intrincada anatomía, características histológicas e implicaciones clínicas multifacéticas. Al profundizar en estas diversas dimensiones, su objetivo es dotar a los profesionales e investigadores de la salud de una base sólida para la toma de decisiones y la práctica informadas.

Humans , Neck Muscles/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 516-524, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558122


SUMMARY: Over time, Goldner's trichrome staining has been essential in paraffin soft tissue research. However, its classic application involves prior decalcification, generating disadvantages in the integrity of the samples and the interpretation of results. This study seeks to overcome the limitations associated with decalcification when applying Goldner's trichrome stain with plastic resins. It focuses on detailed visualization of non-decalcified bone and dental samples in animal models. Samples of jaw and tooth from a dog (Canis familiaris) were used, as well as tibia from a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with a titanium dental implant and bone graft substitute. Adjustments were made to the original protocol, including a surface treatment prior to staining. Plastination and inclusion in specific plastic resins were part of the process. The microplastinated and stained samples showed optimal quality for optical microscopy. Those from dogs allowed detailed observation of the tooth-periodontal tissue relationship, while those from rabbits revealed a clear differentiation between mineralized and osteoid bone tissue. The staining made it easy to examine the precise interface between soft tissues, bone graft, and implant. The successful adaptation of Goldner's trichrome stain to specimens in plastic resins represents a significant advance in histological investigation of hard tissues. This methodology stands out as an effective tool to evaluate implants and biomaterials in animal models, providing detailed visualization without compromising the integrity of the samples. The combination of histochemistry and plastic resins offers a valuable alternative for microanatomical studies, opening new possibilities in hard tissue research and evaluation of bone structures.

A lo largo del tiempo, la tinción tricrómica de Goldner ha sido esencial en la investigación de tejidos blandos en parafina. Sin embargo, su aplicación clásica conlleva la descalcificación previa, generando desventajas en la integridad de las muestras y la interpretación de resultados. Este estudio busca superar las limitaciones asociadas con la descalcificación al aplicar la tinción tricrómica de Goldner con resinas plásticas. Se enfoca en visualizar detalladamente muestras óseas y dentales no descalcificadas en modelos animales. Se emplearon muestras de mandíbula y diente de perro (Canis familiaris), así como tibia de conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus) con implante dental de titanio y substituto de injerto óseo. Se realizaron ajustes al protocolo original, incluyendo un tratamiento superficial previo a la tinción. La plastinación y la inclusión en resinas plásticas específicas fueron parte del proceso. Las muestras microplastinadas y teñidas mostraron una calidad óptima para microscopía óptica. Las de perro permitieron la observación detallada de la relación diente-tejido periodontal, mientras que las de conejo revelaron una clara diferenciación entre tejido óseo mineralizado y osteoide. La tinción facilitó examinar la interface precisa entre tejidos blandos, injerto óseo e implante. La adaptación exitosa de la tinción tricrómica de Goldner a muestras en resinas plásticas representa un avance significativo en la investigación histológica de tejidos duros. Esta metodología destaca como una herramienta eficaz para evaluar implantes y biomateriales en modelos animales, brindando una visualización detallada sin comprometer la integridad de las muestras. La combinación de histoquímica y resinas plásticas ofrece una alternativa valiosa para estudios microanatómicos, abriendo nuevas posibilidades en la investigación de tejidos duros y evaluación de estructuras óseas.

Animals , Dogs , Rabbits , Staining and Labeling/methods , Acrylic Resins , Bone and Bones/anatomy & histology , Tissue Embedding , Methylmethacrylate , Epoxy Resins , Plastination
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2)abr. 2024. 424 428
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558125


SUMMARY: Mast cells (MC) are cells of the immune system that regulate cell and tissue homeostasis, are found in low numbers, have an intact plasma membrane, and a cytoplasm with a wide variety of inflammatory chemical mediators. The activation or degranulation of mast cells implies the release of these chemical mediators (interleukins, cytokines, and more), causing tissue actions ranging from the activation of metalloproteinases to the development of anaphylactic hypersensitivity of different degrees, alterations in vascular permeability, and loss of cell homeostasis. This behavior would allow them to act as sentinels responding to pathophysiological processes. During the COVID-19 pandemic, in positive human patients, the available literature reports the presence and degranulation of mast cells in a generalized manner, especially in the respiratory tract. This study aimed to analyze the emerging role of MCs in the pathogenesis of diseases and their projection as biological markers in the treatment of diseases or pandemics. The analysis of human biopsies showed that MCs are observed as cells with diameters between 8 to 20 µm, and in inflamed tissues, degranulation of MCs is observed. The action of MCs degranulation was related to different inflammatory processes of autoimmune diseases. It is concluded that the potential of MC as therapeutic targets and biomarkers could raise new pharmacological targets, as supportive therapy, and possibly of great help in the treatment of future emerging pandemics such as the current monkeypox.

Los mastocitos (MC) son células del sistema inmune que regulan la homeostasis celular y tisular, se encuentran en escasas cantidades, presentan una membrana plasmática íntegra, y un citoplasma con una amplia variedad de mediadores químicos. La activación o degranulación de los mastocitos implica la liberación de estos mediadores químicos (interleuquinas, citoquina y más), provocando acciones tisulares que van desde la activación de metaloproteinasas hasta el desarrollo de hipersensibilidad anafiláctica de distinto grado, provocando la pérdida de la homeostasis celular. Durante la pandemia de la COVID-19, en pacientes humanos positivos, se informa recurrentemente la presencia y degranulación de mastocitos de manera generalizada sobre todo en las vías respiratorias. El análisis de la degranulación de los MCs podría proporcionar información que podría utilizarse en el desarrollo de tratamientos preventivos contra infecciones virales, bacterianas u otros patógenos. Este comportamiento les permitiría actuar como centinelas en respuesta a procesos fisiopatológicos. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el rol emergente de los MCs en la patogenia de enfermedades y su proyección como marcadores biológicos en el tratamiento de enfermedades o pandemias. En análisis de biopsias humanas se muestran que MCs se observan como células con diámetros de entre 8 a 20 µm, en tejidos inflamados se observa degranulación de MCs. Se relacionó el accionar de degranulación de los MCs en diferentes procesos inflamatorios de enfermedades autoinmunes. Se concluye que el potencial de MC como dianas terapéuticas y biomarcadores podrían plantear nuevos objetivos farmacológicos, como terapia de apoyo, y posiblemente de gran ayuda en el tratamiento de futuras pandemias emergentes como la actual viruela del mono.

Humans , Communicable Disease Control/methods , Communicable Diseases/pathology , Mast Cells , Biomarkers , Public Health , Communicable Diseases/immunology , Emergencies , Pandemics/prevention & control , COVID-19/immunology , COVID-19/pathology , COVID-19/prevention & control
Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 256-260, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558141


SUMMARY: This study evaluated the morphology of alpacas skin. Biopsies were collected and samples were fixed in 10 % neutral buffered formalin for histological procedures. The sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, picrosirius red and Masson's trichrome. Types I, III and IV collagen were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. The derma presented sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as follicular groups with medullated fibers. Type I and type IV collagen were observed at epidermis and dermis as well as in glandular structures and hair follicles. The collagen III, was observed only in dermis.

Este estudio evaluó la morfología de la piel de alpacas. Se recogieron biopsias y las muestras se fijaron en formalina tamponada neutra al 10 % para procedimientos histológicos. Las secciones se tiñeron con hematoxilina y eosina, rojo picrosirius y tricrómico de Masson. El colágeno tipo I, III y IV se analizó mediante inmunohistoquímica. La dermis presentó glándulas sebáceas y sudoríparas, así como grupos foliculares con fibras medulares. Se observó colágeno tipo I y tipo IV en la epidermis y la dermis, así como en estructuras glandulares y folículos pilosos. El colágeno III, se observó únicamente en la dermis.

Animals , Camelids, New World/anatomy & histology , Integumentary System/anatomy & histology , Immunohistochemistry , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 67(2): 26-31, mar.-abr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569535


Resumen Se trata de paciente del sexo femenino, de 52 años de edad, caucásica, maestra de profesión, sin antecedentes patológicos personales de interés, ingresó a la unidad de cuidados intensivos con neumonía por COVID-19, tras varios tratamientos farmacológicos y 20 días con un patrón ventilatorio restrictivo severo, sin mejoría y finalmente falleció. Se obtuvieron imágenes por radiografía digital y tomografía axial computarizada de tórax, y se realizó estudio histológico pulmonar. La aplicación de los estudios imagenológicos permite observar los cambios histopatológicos para la identificación clínica y la implementación de estrategias terapéuticas eficaces. Se reportan los hallazgos imagenológicos que se corroboraron por el estudio histopatológico.

Abstract This is a 52-year-old Caucasian female patient, a teacher by profession, with no personal pathological history of interest, who was admitted to the intensive care unit with COVID-19 pneumonia, after several pharmacological treatments and 20 days with a severe restrictive ventilatory pattern, without improvement and finally died. Images were obtained by digital radiography and computed axial tomography of the chest, and a lung histological study was performed. The application of imaging studies allows the observation of histopathological changes for the adequate clinical identification of patients and the implementation of effective therapeutic strategies. The imaging findings that were corroborated by the histopathological study are reported.