Albinism is a congenital hypopigmentation disorder characterized by errors in melanisation leading to the partial or complete absence of melanin, the skin’s primary defense against actinic damage. Actinic damage in albinism summarizes all solar induced consequences from freckles to fatal skin cancers. Of the 16 sunscreens approved by regulators, 14 chemical sunscreens were stripped of GRASE (Generally Recognizable as Safe and Effective) status in 2020 by the FDA though Over-the-Counter Monograph M020, the remaining 2 physical sunscreens (ZnO and TiO2) are unaesthetic, leaving unpleasant persistent white casts. The hunt for new, effective and safe sunscreen agents is on and photoprotective polyphenolics from tropical plants including Terminalia sericea, maybe the solution. This study aimed to develop and evaluate the efficacy and safety of a novel sunscreen for albinistic skin, utilizing Terminalia sericea-mediated silver-doped ZnO nanoparticles, so as to leverage the novel sun protection efficacy of aesthetic ZnO-NPs with the antibacterial effects of Ag-NPs as well as the photoprotective effects from T. Sericea polyphenolics. Our observations from the study confirm that T. Sericea possesses abundant polyphenolic compounds capable of mediating bio-reducing and capping of metallic nanoparticles. UV-Vis identified the nanostructures as Ag-ZnONPs, TEM confirmed their cubic and oblong agglomerated morphology. DLS estimated the nanostructures to be between 30 and 40nm. The sunscreen achieved a high SPF of 30, showed significant photoprotective properties, and demonstrated negligible skin sensitization in safety tests following OECD guidelines. It was therefore concluded that the biosynthesis of multifunctional Ag doped ZnONPs mediated by T. Sericea, was feasible and that the resultant safe multifunctional emulsion was efficacious in retarding biomarkers of actinic damage and is a potential pioneering albinistic skin type actinic damage retarding sunscreen.
This study investigates the genetic divergence and yield and quality-related attributes of hybrid rice (Oryza sativa L.) through principal component analysis (PCA) and genetic divergence studies. Conducted during the Kharif 2022 season at the Seed Breeding Farm, Rice Improvement Project, Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, JNKVV, Jabalpur, the research focused on 98 genotypes, evaluating 30 agronomic attributes based on DUS guidelines. Genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance, correlation, path coefficient, D2 analysis, and PCA were employed to analyze the data.The findings reveal significant genetic diversity among the genotypes, with traits like stem length, fertile spikelet, and panicle weight contributing notably to genetic divergence. PCA identified eight principal components accounting for 81.97% of the total variability, with the first component alone contributing 22.34%. The study emphasizes the importance of understanding genotypic and phenotypic characteristics for effective selection and breeding of diverse genotypes, ultimately enhancing hybrid rice technology and regional adaptability.The research highlights key traits contributing to genetic divergence and provides insights into the genetic architecture of hybrid rice, aiding in the development of high-yield, quality rice varieties. The comprehensive analysis of yield and quality traits offers a valuable resource for breeders aiming to improve hybrid rice cultivars, ensuring food security and nutritional value for the global population.
Background: The image quality of tissues obtained with high-resolution imaging systems depends on several factors including the quality of sections prepared by different tissue processing methods. Fresh frozen sections and formalin-fixed paraffin- embedded (FFPE) sections are the two routinely employed methods in histopathological examination having their own merits and demerits. Aims and Objectives: We tested the feasibility of a hybrid tissue processing method that could reduce the processing time without compromising the quality of processed and stained tissues. Materials and Methods: Bovine pancreatic tissue was utilized to standardize the process. The steps included fixation of tissue in formalin, followed by embedding in optimal cutting temperature compound and then cryo-sectioning to obtain 50 ?m slices for immunostaining. The prepared thick slices were immunostained with islet markers and assessed by confocal imaging. Results: The images revealed that the staining quality was comparable with FFPE sections, though the tissue processing time was significantly curtailed. The modified Leica microsystems scoring system revealed a nearly 80% overall total score for the processed tissue specimens, indicating acceptable levels of quality of the tissues. We also observed that the staining quality of these formalin-fixed cryo-slices was preserved without tissue deterioration for up to 1 month when stored in formalin, indicating its storage potential for future applications. Conclusion: The proof of concept of the hybrid tissue processing method tested in this study will encourage researchers to extrapolate its use to the human pancreas, other solid organs, and other staining techniques for evaluating its general utility.
La terapéutica endodóntica se apoya básicamente en dos modelos teóricos o paradigmas: el concepto de "tubo hueco" técnico y quirúrgico esencialmente mecanicista, y el modelo terapéutico para conductos radiculares, que busca la restitución ad integrum de los tejidos apicales y el hueso alveolar que los rodea. La instrumentación debe complementarse con la limpieza por irrigación abundante y la obturación con un biomaterial bioactivo, con características reológicas que permitan su adaptación plástica a las paredes del conducto radicular y module la respuesta de los tejidos hacia la regeneración con aposición de tejido calcificado en el foramen apical (AU)
Endodontic therapy is basically based on two theoretical models or paradigms, which are the concept of the technical and surgical "hollow tube", essentially mechanistic, and the therapeutic model of root canals, which seeks the ad integrum restitution of the apical tissues and bone. alveolar that surrounds them. The instrumentation must be complemented with cleaning by abundant irrigation, and with a bioactive biomaterial, with rheological characteristics that allows its plastic adaptation to the walls of the root canal and modulates the response of the tissues towards regeneration with apposition of calcified tissue in the apical foramen (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Biocompatible Materials , Root Canal Preparation/instrumentation , Retreatment , Periapical Diseases/complications , Root Canal Irrigants/therapeutic use , Tooth Apex , MolarABSTRACT
This study delves into the biological activity of ester compounds obtained from analogues of 6-substituted-2-chloroquinoline-3-carbaldehyde hydrazide, aiming to exploit the combined antitubercular properties of quinoline and hydrazide to create innovative hybrid compounds. The molecules underwent a meticulous multi-step synthesis process, followed by purification through recrystallization. Methodologies such as 1H NMR, 13C NMR, FTIR and Mass Spectrometry was used to confirm the molecular structures of developed derivatives. SWISSADME, an online tool, was utilized to predict the ADME properties, shedding light on their pharmacokinetic profiles. Evaluation of in vitro antitubercular activity employing the Alamar blue method highlighted compounds 4a and 4f, exhibiting noteworthy efficacy achieving threshold concentrations of 6.25 µg/ml for M. tuberculosis inhibition. These findings suggest the possibility of novel quinoline Scaffold as potential molecule for TB treatment, contributing to ongoing endeavors in TB drug discovery and potentially laying the groundwork to develop effective antitubercular therapies.
Objetivo: Analisar as potencialidades do relacionamento interpessoal no ensino híbrido de enfermagem. Métodos: Estudo de reflexão com abordagem qualitativa e descritiva com a proposta dialógica, de forma que proporcione reflexões importantes para o desenvolvimento do ensino híbrido na enfermagem. Alguns aspectos são importantes a serem considerados como o relacionamento interpessoal no ensino híbrido e as tecnologias favoráveis a reflexão para o relacionamento interpessoal, visando a autonomia do aluno nas atividades de ensino-aprendizagem. Resultados: O professor tem como oportunidade de ser o mediador do conhecimento no aprendizado do discente através de um relacionamento interpessoal baseado em competências previstas no projeto político pedagógico do curso. Na formação do enfermeiro é evidenciado a importância do relacionamento interpessoal em sua formação porque no seu cotidiano assistencial esse processo comunicativo ocorre entre a equipe multidisciplinar, a própria equipe de enfermagem, bem como nos cuidados desenvolvidos com a clientela assistida. Conclusão: As mudanças pedagógicas a partir do ensino híbrido proporcionam várias possibilidades de convivência com vistas a um aprendizado colaborativo de acordo com o cenário de ensino. (AU)
Objective: Reflection article with the objective of analyzing the potentialities of interpersonal relationships in hybrid nursing education. Methods: The approach used in this article is qualitative and descriptive with the dialogical proposal, so that it provides important reflections for the development of hybrid teaching in nursing. Some aspects are important to be considered as interpersonal relationships in hybrid teaching and technologies favorable to reflection for interpersonal relationships, aiming at student autonomy in teaching-learning activities. Results: Teacher has the opportunity to be the mediator of knowledge in the student's learning through an interpersonal relationship based on competencies foreseen in the political pedagogical project of the course. In nursing education, the importance of interpersonal relationships in their education is evidenced because in their daily care this communicative process occurs between the multidisciplinary team, the nursing team itself, as well as in the care developed with the assisted clientele. Conclusion: The pedagogical changes from hybrid teaching provide several possibilities of coexistence with a view to collaborative learning according to the teaching scenario. (AU)
Objetivo: Artículo de reflexión con el objetivo de analizar las potencialidades de las relaciones interpersonales en la educación híbrida de enfermería. Métodos: El enfoque utilizado en este artículo es cualitativo y descriptivo con la propuesta dialógica, por lo que proporciona importantes reflexiones para el desarrollo de la enseñanza híbrida en enfermería. Algunos aspectos son importantes para ser considerados como relaciones interpersonales en la enseñanza híbrida y tecnologías favorables a la reflexión para las relaciones interpersonales, apuntando a la autonomía del estudiante en las actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Resultados: El docente tiene la oportunidad de ser el mediador del conocimiento en el aprendizaje del alumno a través de una relación interpersonal basada en competencias previstas en el proyecto político pedagógico del curso. En la educación de enfermería, la importancia de las relaciones interpersonales en su educación se evidencia porque en su cuidado diario este proceso comunicativo ocurre entre el equipo multidisciplinario, el propio equipo de enfermería, así como en los cuidados desarrollados con la clientela asistida. Conclusión: Los cambios pedagógicos de la enseñanza híbrida proporcionan varias posibilidades de convivencia con vistas al aprendizaje colaborativo según el escenario de enseñanza. (AU)
Teaching , Universities , NursingABSTRACT
Flood occurrences have persisted in India since ancient times. Certain regions in India frequently see devastating floods on an annual basis due to localised disparities in climatic patterns and precipitation levels. According to the Central Water Commission (2012), approximately 49.82 million hectares, equivalent to fifteen percent of India's land area, is susceptible to the risk of floods. The concept of 揻lood forecasting� refers to the systematic determination of the probability, magnitude, temporal occurrence, and duration of flood events within a designated geographical region. There are several methodologies available for flood prediction, including data-driven models, physically-based models, and hybrid models that combine elements of both approaches. When considering the suitable models to employ, it is crucial to consider factors such as the availability of data, the characteristics of the catchment area, and the required level of precision in forecasting. The efficacy of one's written work is in a literature review or a research piece and hinges upon the adeptness with which data is presented in a manner that exhibits the subject matter in a lucid and cohesive fashion. We have endeavoured to collate all the relevant research and discern any deficiencies in our comprehension.
In the world of information technology, cloud computing has become a paradigm-shifting phenomenon that is completely changing how people and enterprises access, store, and utilize data. The paper offers a thorough analysis of the expansion, fundamental ideas, and applications of cloud computing. The paper starts off by reviewing the evolution of cloud computing historically before diving into the basic service models (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS) and deployment structures (public, private, and hybrid) that dene the cloud environment. The paper also covers the underlying technologies, such as virtualization, containerization, and distributed computing, that enable scalable, exible, and reasonably priced cloud environments. An outline of security concerns in the context of the cloud, such as data encryption, identity management, and regulatory compliance, claries the challenges and solutions to protecting data in the cloud. The study also looks at advancements in the eld, highlighting how serverless designs, edge computing, and articial intelligence integration may affect cloud computing in the future. The abstract concludes by outlining the real-world implications of cloud adoption, including how it will impact resource management, business models, and IT infrastructure as a whole.
Aim: This study was planned and conducted to find the optimum IW:CPE level of irrigation scheduling along with mulching for spring maize in Punjab. Methodology: An experiment was conducted in spring, 2022 on agriculture farm of Lovely Professional University, Punjab comprising of four levels of irrigation scheduling viz., I1 (Surface irrigation at critical growth stages), I2 (Surface irrigation at 1.0 IW:CPE), I3 (Surface irrigation at 0.8 IW:CPE), I4 (Surface irrigation at 0.6 IW:CPE) assigned to main plots and two mulching treatments viz., M1 (No Mulch), M2 (With Mulch) allotted to the sub plots, which were replicated 4 times in split plot design. Results: Application of irrigation at IW:CPE ratio of 1.0 and 0.8 in spring maize were equally good as they recorded higher growth and yield parameters. Among the mulching practices, M2 resulted in better growth and yield parameters over no mulching. Highest green cob yield, grain yield and stover yield were also attained under irrigation applied at 1.0 IW:CPE combined with mulching, but it remained statistically at par with irrigation at 0.8 IW:CPE with mulching. Highest water use efficiency was seen under 0.8 IW:CPE. Interpretation: Optimum level of irrigation along with mulching for spring maize was assessed based on the results obtained for growth, yield as well as water use efficiency. It was recorded that irrigation at 0.8 IW:CPE with mulching was found best for higher grain yield of maize hybrid.
The congenital heart disease with decreased pulmonary blood flow is one type of congenital heart disease characterized by reduced pulmonary blood flow. Common clinical types include tetralogy of Fallot,pulmonary atresia,double outlet right ventricle,and other complex malformations associated with pulmonary artery stenosis. Due to the lack of pulmonary blood supply from the right ventricle,children with this condition often have major aortopulmonary collateral arteries(MAPCAs)or the ductus arteriosus participating in pulmonary circulation for blood supply. Research has revealed that MAPCAs are important factors which cause the increase of mechanical ventilation time,intensive care unit stay time,complication rate and mortality after radical surgical treatment of congenital heart disease with decreased pulmonary blood flow. Therefore,the treatment of MAPCAs in perioperative period is crucial. This article summarizes the research progress of MAPCAs distribution and influence,diagnosis and evaluation,and treatment methods,to provide the reference for clinicians to standardize MAPCAs treatment.
Clinically,tandem carotid artery stenosis(TCAS)is a relatively rare atherosclerotic disease,and with the development of interventional techniques,its treatment has become more and more minimally invasive,and the technical feasibility of hybrid surgery(HS)has been already confirmed for long time.In recent years,with the increasing of the number of patients and the deepening of research both at home and abroad,it has been found that the safety and effectiveness of HS for TCAS are still questionable,and it is particularly important to choose the appropriate treatment for such patients.This article aims to make a comprehensive review about the HS for TCAS,focusing on its surgical process,comparison of its surgical methods,and the current controversies over the treatment of TCAS,with the hope that clinicians can get a more comprehensive understanding about this surgical method.(J Intervent Radiol,2024,32:95-99)
Objective:To explore the experience and learning curve of single-line suspension suction rod-assisted hybrid cavity-building thyroid surgery via the oral vestibular approach.Methods:Clinical data of 138 patients undergoing single-line suspension suction rod-assisted hybrid cavity-building thyroid surgery via oral vestibular approach from Sep. 2019 to Dec. 2021 in the Department of Thyroid and Breast Surgery of Affiliated Hospital of North Sichuan Medical College were retrospectively analyzed. The cumulative sum (CUSUM) method and best-fit curve analysis were used to compare the differences in each index such as operative time, intraoperative bleeding, number of lymph nodes cleared in the central region and postoperative related complications at various stages of the learning curve.Results:All 138 patients underwent single-line suspension rod-assisted hybrid cavity-building thyroid surgery via the oral vestibular approach, and one patient was converted to open surgery due to large intraoperative bleeding in the mass. There were 14 males and 124 females, mean age (36.07±8.49) years (20-55 years), thyroid tumor size (7.74±6.49) mm (2.4-50mm), 5 cases underwent Subtotal thyroidectomy, 129 cases underwent Unilateral lobectomy + lymph node dissection in the middle region, and 4 cases total thyroidectomy + central zone lymph node dissection. The number of surgical cases corresponding to the apex of the CUSUM learning curve was 45, and the learning curve was divided into two stages: the learning improvement stage (1-45 cases) and the mastery stage (46-138 cases). The operative time, intraoperative bleeding, postoperative hospital stay, and chin numbness were all lower in the proficiency period than in the learning and training period ( P<0.05), and the number of lymph nodes cleared in the central region was larger than that in the learning and improvement stage ( P<0.05), while the differences in other indexes between the two stages were not statistically significant ( P>0.05) . Conclusion:The single-line suspension suction rod-assisted hybrid cavity-building thyroid surgery via the oral vestibular approach has clinical application value and is worth promoting, and the number of surgical cases to be accumulated to master this technique is 45.
The online and offline hybrid teaching model of evidence-based medicine (EBM) is currently in the stage of development. Previous teaching focused on the teaching process in the classroom, and did not organically combine all the course contents before, during, and after class. The BOPPPS model can be used to establish coherence and integrity in the EBM teaching process. Considering the discipline characteristics and teaching objectives of EBM, this study initially explored and designed a BOPPPS-based online and offline hybrid teaching model. Taking the "diagnostic evidence" module as an example, the teaching implementation details were introduced. A pre-designed questionnaire was used to conduct baseline survey and follow-up survey on students before and after class to evaluate the teaching model and effect. The surveys showed that half of the students (77/154) preferred the new online and offline hybrid teaching model of EBM. The students found that all aspects of BOPPPS teaching were generally acceptable and satisfactory. Compared with before teaching, the students' proficiency in EBM was significantly improved after the teaching ( P<0.001), particularly in their ability to retrieve literature and evaluate the quality of evidence, which is of great significance for expanding their knowledge and clinical thinking.
Objective:To investigate the effects of the hybrid scenario simulation teaching method based on small private online courses (SPOC) in undergraduate clinical teaching of pediatric dentistry.Methods:A total of 44 students of dentistry practicing in the Department of Pediatric Dentistry, The Third Affiliated Hospital, The Air Force Military Medical University, from January 2020 to December 2021 were selected, with 23 students practicing from January to December 2020 in control group (receiving traditional teaching) and 21 students practicing from January to December 2021 in experimental group (employing SPOC-based hybrid scenario simulation teaching method). At the end of the internship, an exam was given to assess the students' doctor-patient communication and standardized operation, and parental satisfaction and students' satisfaction were scored. SPSS 20.0 software was used to perform the independent samples t test for data analysis. Results:Compared with the control group, the experimental group had significantly higher scores of doctor-patient communication [(82.83±2.09) points vs. (88.40±2.22) points] and standardized operation [(82.26±4.38) points vs. (86.67±2.62) points] as well as significantly higher scores of parental satisfaction and students' satisfaction [(18.85±1.73) points vs. (20.71±0.85) points] and [(17.37±0.98) points vs. (20.57±0.66) points; all P<0.05]. Conclusions:The SPOC-based hybrid scenario simulation teaching method can effectively improve the quality of clinical teaching for undergraduate internships in pediatric dentistry, especially for cultivating doctor-patient communication ability.
ObjectiveDirect continuous monitoring of arterial blood pressure is invasive and continuous monitoring cannot be achieved by traditional cuffed indirect blood pressure measurement methods. Previously, continuous non-invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring was achieved by using photoplethysmography (PPG), but it is discrete values of systolic and diastolic blood pressures rather than continuous values constructing arterial blood pressure waves. This study aimed to reconstruct arterial blood pressure wave signal based on CNN-LSTM using PPG to achieve continuous non-invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring. MethodsA CNN-LSTM hybrid neural network model was constructed, and the PPG and arterial blood pressure wave synchronized recorded signal data from the Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC) were used. The PPG signals were input to this model after noise reduction, normalization, and sliding window segmentation. The corresponding arterial blood pressure waves were reconstructed from PPG by using the CNN-LSTM hybrid model. ResultsWhen using the CNN-LSTM neural network with a window length of 312, the error between the reconstructed arterial blood pressure values and the actual arterial blood pressure values was minimal: the values of mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) were 2.79 mmHg and 4.24 mmHg, respectively, and the cosine similarity is the optimal. The reconstructed arterial blood pressure values were highly correlated with the actual arterial blood pressure values, which met the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) standards. ConclusionCNN-LSTM hybrid neural network can reconstruct arterial blood pressure wave signal using PPG to achieve continuous non-invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring.
A computed tomography (CT) scan was performed for a man in his 60s to investigate a continuous murmur. An 18-mm coronary aneurysm with a fistula with the pulmonary artery was found on the anterior aspect of the main pulmonary artery (MPA),and a 10-mm coronary aneurysm was found on the lateral aspect. Abnormal inflow vessels originating from the right sinus of Valsalva and the left anterior descending artery (LAD) formed a complicated network around the MPA. Although the patient was asymptomatic, the aneurysms were saccular and considered to be an indication for surgery to prevent rupture. In addition, heart failure, embolism, and myocardial ischemia could be prevented by treatment. We planned a hybrid therapy of open surgery and percutaneous coil embolization. Surgical repair was performed through a median sternotomy. The abnormal vessel originating from the right sinus of Valsalva was ligated under cardiopulmonary bypass. After cardiac arrest, the 18-mm aneurysm located on the anterior surface of the MPA was incised and the orifice of the fistula and inflow vessels were closed from the inside of the aneurysm. The anomalous vessels originating from the LAD and the 10-mm aneurysm on the lateral aspect of the MPA were located near the LAD; therefore, we avoided surgical repair of these lesions. An additional percutaneous coil embolization was performed postoperatively for the remaining lesions. A post-embolization CT scan showed no residual aneurysms or fistula. A hybrid treatment may be a useful method to reduce the risk of complications of each therapy for reliable closures of fistula and aneurysms.
italic>Schisandra chinensis is a traditional Chinese medicine with the functions of reinforcing deficiency, strengthening, and inducing astringency, appliable to treat the chronic cough and deficiency in breath, palpitation, and insomnia, etc. A hybrid mass spectrometry scanning strategy (high-definition data-independent/data-dependent acquisition, HDDIDDA), enabling the ion mobility separation and alternating data-independent acquisition/data-dependent acquisition, was established, which, in combination with in-house library-driven automatic peak annotation workflows facilitated by the UNIFI software, was utilized to systematically characterize the multi-classes of chemical components from S. chinensis. The use of an HSS T3 column (100 mm × 2.1 mm, 1.8 μm), 0.1% formic acid in H2O-acetonitrile as the mobile phase running at the flow rate of 0.3 mL·min-1, and column temperature at 35 ℃, could enable good separation of the S. chinensis components within 42 min. HDDIDDA scan in both the positive and negative ion modes was employed for data acquisition. Based on the automatic peak annotation, reference standards comparison, MS2 data interpretation, and literature analysis, we were able to identify or tentatively characterize 105 compounds in the S. chinensis decoction, involving 56 terpenoids, 42 lignans, five glycosides, one organic acid, and one flavonoid. HDDIDDA scanning can improve the coverage of data acquisition and improve the accuracy of identification, while CCS prediction analysis provides the possibility to distinguish isomers by the ion mobility technology. The results provide reference for the intelligent material basis research of TCM.
Recent innovations in nanomaterials inspire abundant novel tumor-targeting CRISPR-based gene therapies. However, the therapeutic efficiency of traditional targeted nanotherapeutic strategies is limited by that the biomarkers vary in a spatiotemporal-dependent manner with tumor progression. Here, we propose a self-amplifying logic-gated gene editing strategy for gene/H2O2-mediated/starvation multimodal cancer therapy. In this approach, a hypoxia-degradable covalent-organic framework (COF) is synthesized to coat a-ZIF-8 in which glucose oxidase (GOx) and CRISPR system are packaged. To intensify intracellular redox dyshomeostasis, DNAzymes which can cleave catalase mRNA are loaded as well. When the nanosystem gets into the tumor, the weakly acidic and hypoxic microenvironment degrades the ZIF-8@COF to activate GOx, which amplifies intracellular H+ and hypoxia, accelerating the nanocarrier degradation to guarantee available CRISPR plasmid and GOx release in target cells. These tandem reactions deplete glucose and oxygen, leading to logic-gated-triggered gene editing as well as synergistic gene/H2O2-mediated/starvation therapy. Overall, this approach highlights the biocomputing-based CRISPR delivery and underscores the great potential of precise cancer therapy.
@#Objective To construct a yeast two-hybrid recombinant bait plasmid of human programmed cell death ligand 1(PD-L1)immunoglobulin variable region(IgV)domain gene,detect its expression in yeast and detect the cytotoxicity and self-activation of PD-L1 IgV protein as well as the interaction between PD-L1 IgV and human thioredoxin(hTrx).Methods Human PD-L1 was analyzed by bioinformatics method,and primers were designed to amplify PD-L1 IgV domain based on the coding region of PD-L1 gene registered in NCBI GenBank database. PCR amplification was carried out with pENTERPD-L1 plasmid as template,and then cloned into yeast two-hybrid bait vector pGBKT7. The recombinant bait plasmid and pGBKT7 empty vector were transformed into Y2HGold yeast cells respectively,and the PD-L1 IgV gene and its expression were detected by PCR and Western blot;Meanwhile,the protein toxicity and self-activation of PD-L1 IgV were detected,and the interaction between PD-L1 IgV and hTrx was detected by drip plate method.Results The bioinformatics analysis results of PD-L1 were consistent with related reports. The recombinant bait plasmid pGBKT7-PD-L1 IgV was correctly constructed,and Y2HGold positive clone was obtained,in which PD-L1 IgV was stably expressed. The empty vector pGBKT7 and recombinant bait plasmid pGBKT7-PD-L1 IgV grew well on SD/-Trp and SD/-Trp/X-α-Gal plates with the same colony size and number and white colony,but they did not grow on SD/-Trp/X-α-Gal/AbA plates,which indicated that PD-L1 IgV protein had no toxicity and no self-activation effect on yeast. The results of drip plates test showed that all experimental groups grew well on SD/-Trp/-Leu plate,while only positive control group grew on SD/-Trp/-Leu/X-α-Gal/AbA plate and showed blue color,which indicated that bait protein PD-L1 IgV and hTrx did not self-activate,and there was no interaction between them.Conclusion Recombinant human PD-L1 IgV bait plasmid was successfully constructed. PD-L1 IgV protein showed no toxicity and self-activation effect on yeast cells,and there was no interaction between PD-L1 IgV and hTrx. Subsequently,hTrx can be used to construct a peptide aptamer library,from which peptide aptamers that specifically bind to PD-L1 IgV can be screened.
Objective:To compare the clinical benefits of classic endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and hybrid ESD for the treatment of colorectal epithelium-derived tumors.Methods:The current investigation was a retrospective multicenter study of 418 patients who underwent ESD between January 2015 and April 2021 at Beijing Jishuitan Hospital. The patients were assigned to one of two groups based on the surgical procedure they underwent; a classic ESD group or a hybrid ESD group. The primary outcome was the rate of en bloc resection and complete resection. SPSS 26.0 was used for statistical analysis. Homogeneity of variance was assessed via Cochran′s test. Normally distributed data with homogeneity of variance were analyzed via the t-test for independent samples. Non-normally distributed data and data with unequal variance were analyzed via the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test. Categorical data were analyzed via the Chi-square test or Fisher′s exact test. Multivariable assessment was performed via logistic regression analysis. Results:The en bloc resection rates [89.4% (84/94) vs. 87.0% (194/223), χ2=0.34, P=0.558] and complete resection rates [85.1% (80/94) vs. 82.1% (183/223), χ2=0.33, P=0.510] were similar. Compared with classic ESD, procedures were shorter in the hybrid ESD group [22(7, 213) vs. 47(12, 680) min, Z=0.23, P<0.001], dissection was completed more rapidly [0.14(0.02, 0.32) vs. 0.10(0.02, 0.41) cm 2/min, Z=0.08, P<0.001], and there was a higher rate of perforation (9.6% vs. 2.2%, χ2=2.67, P=0.006). Laterally spreading tumor granular type nodular mixed, non-granular type pseudo-depressed, flat-elevated type (odds ratio 2.826, P=0.012), and tumor location (odds ratio 6.970, P=0.005) were independently associated with complete resection in the hybrid ESD group. Conclusion:Classic ESD and hybrid ESD had similar en bloc and complete resection rates for colorectal epithelium-derived tumors, but hybrid ESD had shorter operation times. With respect to hybrid ESD, factors associated with failure of complete resection included lesion type and crossing tissue boundaries.