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Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 446-451, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558137


SUMMARY: Experimental studies devoted to the study of the mechanisms of the pathogenesis of acute peritonitis and the development of new methods of medical and surgical treatment are becoming increasingly relevant. Today, experimental medicine knows many different ways to modeling septic peritonitis and eliminate it, but the role of the local immune system is underestimated, whereas it takes a direct part in inflammation. The objective of our work to study morphological features of results of experimental modeling of septic peritonitis in white rats. The study included 15 sexually mature white male rats weighing 276.75±6.56 grams. A simulation of septic peritonitis was performed by perforating the upper part of the cecum with four punctures with a G16 injection needle. As a result of the experiment, after examination of the peritoneal cavity, all 15 animals were diagnosed with omentum tamponade of perforated damage to the caecum. In 11 cases, the perforated wall of the caecum was covered by the greater omentum (73.34 %), and in the other 4 animals, tamponade was performed by one of the epididymal omentum (26.66 %). The initial stage of tamponade with the greater or epididymal omentums of a perforated caecum begins on the first day of the experiment and consists of tight interstitial consolidation between them, as well as in the invasion of blood vessels from the omentum side to the focus of infection, which ensure the delivery of the appropriate immunocompetent cells. As a result of this process, intensive lymphoid infiltrates are formed in this area, as well as the growth of adipose tissue, which isolates the inflammatory focus from the peritoneal cavity with a thick layer.

Las investigaciones experimentales dedicadas al estudio de los mecanismos de patogénesis de la peritonitis aguda y el desarrollo de nuevos métodos de tratamiento médico y quirúrgico son cada vez más relevantes. Hoy en día, la medicina experimental conoce muchas formas diferentes de modelar la peritonitis séptica y eliminarla, pero se subestima el papel del sistema inmunológico local, mientras que él participa directamente en la inflamación. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue estudiar las características morfológicas de los resultados del modelado experimental de peritonitis séptica en ratas blancas. El estudio incluyó 15 ratas macho blancas, sexualmente maduras que pesaban 276,75 ± 6,56 gramos. Se realizó una simulación de peritonitis séptica perforando la parte superior del ciego con cuatro punciones con una aguja de inyección G16. Como resultado del experimento, después del examen de la cavidad peritoneal, a los 15 animales se les diagnosticó taponamiento del omento o lesión perforada del ciego. En 11 casos, la pared perforada del ciego fue recubierta por el omento mayor (73,34 %), y en los otros 4 animales el taponamiento se realizó por uno de los epidídimos (26,66 %). La etapa inicial del taponamiento con omento mayor o epidídimo de un ciego perforado comienza el primer día del experimento y consiste en una estrecha consolidación intersticial entre ellos, así como en la invasión de los vasos sanguíneos desde el lado del omento hasta el foco de infección, que aseguran la entrega de las células inmunocompetentes apropiadas. Como resultado de este proceso, se forman intensos infiltrados linfoides en esta zona, así como el crecimiento de tejido adiposo, que aísla el foco inflamatorio de la cavidad peritoneal con una gruesa capa.

Animals , Male , Rats , Peritonitis/pathology , Omentum/pathology , Lymphocytes , Cecum/pathology , Adipocytes , Disease Models, Animal , Duodenum/pathology
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 44(2): 137-140, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564736


As it is an infrequent etiology, the diagnosis of perianal tuberculosis is challenging, especially in the absence of a pulmonary focus. TB should be considered in the differential diagnosis of perianal ulcers, fistulas, abscesses, mainly in non-healing and recurrent anal lesions. Treatment with anti-TB agents can provide complete recovery. Furthermore, these lesions are often diagnosed later after complete histopathological and mycobacterial results, where the benefit of avoiding morbid multiple surgeries by effective anti-TB treatment is lost. We reported a rare case of an immuno-competent patient with perianal TB, which was the first manifestation of the disease. A fit-and-well man in his 20s presented a large perianal abscess. Unexpectedly, his chest X-ray showed a rounded hyper-transparency in the left lung. The abscess was drained. Posterior investigation with culture analysis from pus swabs and sputum revealed the presence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex infection. After completing the 6 months of oral administration of anti-TB drugs, the patient was asymptomatic. By highlighting this unusual manifestation, we aim to improve clinicians' awareness of perianal TB, facilitating early recognition and appropriate management. (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Perineum/injuries , Tuberculosis, Extrapulmonary/diagnosis , Immunocompetence
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 83(6): 1007-1012, dic. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558429


Resumen La hipofisitis es una afección con baja incidencia y prevalencia. Asimismo, las infecciones profundas por hongos en pacientes inmunocompetentes también re presentan un fenómeno infrecuente. Más raro aún es el caso que se describe a continuación, en donde se conjugan estos dos elementos mencionados, a saber: cryptococcoma hipofisario o hipofisitis granulomatosa causado por dicho patógeno en un huésped sin altera ción de la respuesta inmune. Luego de una búsqueda realizada en PubMed, existen limitados casos en la literatura médica de hipofisitis granulomatosa por Cryptococcus spp., que simuló por manifestaciones clínicas e imagenológicas un macro adenoma hipofisario. No encontramos informes en los que no haya evidencia de afectación del tejido meníngeo. La etiología micótica está escasamente descrita en las guías de referencia para hipofisitis y creemos que Cryp tococcus spp. debe ser tenido en cuenta en el diagnóstico diferencial de las hipofisitis granulomatosas secundarias dado que es un patógeno ubicuo y el tratamiento es sustancialmente diferente a otras entidades. Cobra mayor relevancia ante la tendencia actual al uso de glucocorticoides sistémicos a altas dosis para el tratamiento de la hipofisitis, que podría haber gene rado mayor daño de no haberse hecho el diagnóstico correcto.

Abstract Hypophysitis is a pathology with low incidence and prevalence. Likewise, deep fungal infections in immuno competent patients also represent a rare phenomenon. Even rarer is the case described below, where these two mentioned elements are combined, namely: pituitary cryptococcoma or granulomatous hypophysitis caused by said pathogen in a host without altered immune response. After research in PubMed, there are limited cases in the medical literature of granulomatous hypophysitis caused by Cryptococcus spp., which simulated a pituitary macroadenoma by clinical and imaging manifestations. We did not find reports in which there is no evidence of involvement of the meningeal tissue. The fungal etiology is scarcely described in the reference guidelines for hypophysitis and we believe that Cryptococcus spp. it should be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of secondary granuloma tous hypophysitis since it is a ubiquitous pathogen and the treatment is substantially different from other entities. It becomes more relevant given the current trend towards the use of high-dose systemic glucocorticoids for the treatment of hypophysitis, which could have generated greater damage if the correct diagnosis had not been made.

Rev. colomb. gastroenterol ; 38(3)sept. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535933


We present the case of a 17-year-old patient with no known comorbidity or history who was admitted due to dysphagia. Endoscopy revealed ulcerated lesions in the distal esophagus that were positive for herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) on immunohistochemistry. An examination of HSV-1 esophagitis in the immunocompetent patient is made.

Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 17 años sin ninguna comorbilidad ni antecedente conocido que ingresó por disfagia. La endoscopia reveló lesiones ulceradas en el esófago distal que resultaron positivas para virus del herpes simple tipo 1 (VHS-1) en la inmunohistoquímica. Se hace una revisión de la esofagitis por VHS-1 en el paciente inmunocompetente.

Indian J Pathol Microbiol ; 2023 Mar; 66(1): 196-198
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223419


Systemic mycosis raging endemic, histoplasmosis has an increasing incidence with the advent of HIV-AIDS. The authors report a case of vertebra-medullar histoplasmosis mimicking tuberculous spondylodiscitis in a patient without proven immunosuppression. This was a patient who spent 3 years in a highly endemic area. He presented with signs of transverse myelitis. MRI of the lumbar spine showed a para-vertebral tumor lesion that partially infiltrated the spinal cord. The positive diagnosis of histoplasmosis was made by histomorphology, and symptoms were reduced with administration of itraconazole. These findings show the need for a proper coding of the management of patients living or having stayed in histoplasmosis endemic areas, whether they are immunocompromised or not.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 40(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1430759


La Pseudomona aeruginosa es una causa importante de infecciones asociadas a la atención de la salud y en las neumonías adquiridas en la comunidad, rara vez se identifica como el agente patógeno, siendo estas de progresión rápida y de mal pronóstico. Se trata de un menor de un año de edad inmunocompetente el cual fallece en casa una semana después de una lesión en la planta del pie derecho que según familiares le sacaron "pus", tratado con antinflamatorios y analgésicos. Se le realizó necropsia que evidenció cicatriz en planta de pie derecho sin lesiones traumáticas. Pulmones de consistencia indurada, con adherencias y áreas que impresionan necróticas, asociada a efusión pleural. El estudio histológico reportó un proceso infeccioso pulmonar agudo abscedado que se diseminó por continuidad a tejido cardiaco y en estudios microbiológicos de pulmón y bazo se reportó Pseudomona aeruginosa.

Pseudomona aeruginosa is an important cause of health care-associated infections and in community-acquired pneumonias, it is rarely identified as the pathogenic agent, being of rapid progression and poor prognosis. This is a one-year-old immunocompetent minor who died at home one week after a lesion in the sole of the right foot which, according to family members, caused "pus", treated with anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. A necropsy was performed, which showed a scar on the sole of the right foot with no traumatic lesions. Lungs of indurated consistency, with adhesions and areas that appear necrotic, associated with pleural effusion. The histological study reported an abscessed acute pulmonary infectious process that spread by continuity to cardiac tissue and microbiological studies of lung and spleen reported Pseudomona aeruginosa.

Humans , Male , Infant , Pericarditis/diagnosis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/pathogenicity , Panama , Pneumonia , Abscess , Myocardium
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 52(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521986


Introducción: La histoplasmosis es causada por el hongo dimórfico Histoplasma capsulatum, cuyas manifestaciones clínicas varían desde un cuadro asintomático hasta una enfermedad diseminada y altamente mortal. Objetivo: Presentar el caso de un paciente con diagnóstico de histoplasmosis diseminada e infección por SARS-CoV-2. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 79 años con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial sistémica y diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Ingresa por tos no productiva de una semana de evolución, disnea y fatiga de medianos esfuerzos; refiere tener prueba de antígeno positivo para infección por SARS-CoV-2. Durante la hospitalización presenta un deterioro clínico, dado por necesidad de ventilación mecánica, por infección respiratoria asociada a la COVID-19. Además, presenta adenopatías, hepatoesplenomegalia y pápulas umbilicadas del color de la piel sugestivas de infección fúngica diseminada. Ante e la sospecha de coinfección, se confirma la infección por Histoplasma capsulatum por medio de minilavado broncoalveolar e inicia tratamiento antifúngico; sin embargo, el paciente presenta deterioro clínico persistente y fallece. Conclusión: Los casos de coinfecciones con la COVID-19 en pacientes sin enfermedades crónicas o estados de inmunosupresión son escasos, es un reto para el personal médico su diagnóstico y requiere tener en cuenta infecciones micóticas pulmonares como la criptococosis o la histoplasmosis en la insuficiencia respiratoria asociada a la infección por el SARS-CoV-2.

Introduction: Histoplasmosis is caused by the dimorphic fungus Histoplasma capsulatum, whose clinical manifestations range from asymptomatic to disseminated and highly fatal disease. Objective: To present the case of a patient diagnosed with disseminated histoplasmosis and SARS-CoV-2 infection. Clinical case: The case of a 79-year-old man is presented with a history of systemic arterial hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus. He was admitted for a week with nonproductive cough, dyspnea, and fatigue on moderate exertion, and reported having a positive antigen test for SARS- CoV-2. During hospitalization, he presented clinical deterioration, needing mechanical ventilation due to respiratory infection associated with COVID-19. Despite this, he presented lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and umbilicated skin-colored papules suggestive of disseminated fungal infection. Suspecting co-infection, infection by Histoplasma capsulatum was confirmed by means of mini-bronchoalveolar lavage and antifungal treatment was initiated; however, the patient presented persistent clinical deterioration and died. Conclusion: Cases of co-infections with COVID-19 in patients without chronic diseases or immunosuppressive states are rare, their diagnosis being a challenge for medical personnel and requiring consideration of pulmonary fungal infections such as cryptococcosis or histoplasmosis in associated respiratory failure. to SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449242


ABSTRACT Sporotrichosis is the most frequent subcutaneous mycosis in Latin America. It is caused by species of the genus Sporothrix. Infection in humans occurs through the entry of the fungus into the skin. Zoonotic outbreaks involving cats in the transmission of the disease have been frequently reported. The lymphocutaneous form is the most commonly observed and the upper limbs are the most affected sites. We report a case of a 64-year-old healthy female patient with a lymphocutaneous form with rapid progression of lesions, which was refractory to initial treatment with itraconazole. Treatment with liposomal amphotericin B was performed with a satisfactory resolution, but aesthetic and functional sequelae in the left upper limb were installed.

Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 82(3): 360-365, sept. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409947


Resumen La mononucleosis infecciosa (MI) es un cuadro clínico generalmente benigno y autolimitado en la infancia y adolescencia debido a la primoinfección del virus de Epstein-Barr caracterizado por la triada de faringitis, fiebre y adenopatías. El riesgo de complicaciones aumenta con la edad y la inmunosupresión, siendo las complicaciones letales más frecuentes las asociadas a rotura esplénica, alteraciones neurológicas y obstrucción de la vía aérea por el aumento del tamaño amigdalar. Los abscesos cervicales asociados a MI son poco frecuentes, siendo mayoritariamente periamigdalinos e intraamigdalares. Presentamos dos casos quirúrgicos de abscesos cervicales profundos de gran tamaño con afectación retrofaríngea y parafaríngea en adolescentes sanos de corta edad (14 y 15 años), sin ningún tipo de inmunosupresión o factores de riesgo, uno de ellos asociado además, a una relevante hemorragia amigdalar espontanea, condición no descrita previamente en la literatura en relación a MI en un paciente tan joven.

Abstract Infectious mononucleosis (MI) is a generally benign and self-limited condition in childhood and adolescence due to the primary EBV infection characterized by the triad of pharyngitis, fever, and lymphadenopathies. The risk of complications increases with age and immunosuppression. The most frequent fatal complications are those associated with splenic rupture, neurological alterations, and airway obstruction due to increased tonsillar size. Cervical abscesses associated with MI are rare, being mostly peritonsillar and intra-tonsil. We present two surgical cases of big deep cervical abscesses with retropharyngeal and parapharyngeal involvement in healthy very young adolescents (14 and 15 years old), without any type of immunosuppression or risk factors, one of them associated with a clinically relevant spontaneous tonsillar bleeding, which had not been described in the literature associated with MI in such young patient.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Peritonsillar Abscess/complications , Peritonsillar Abscess/therapy , Infectious Mononucleosis/complications , Infectious Mononucleosis/therapy , Pharyngitis/etiology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Peritonsillar Abscess/diagnostic imaging , Fever/etiology , Hemorrhage/etiology , Infectious Mononucleosis/diagnostic imaging
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222199


Thrombocytopenia may be associated with a variety of conditions and risks depending on its severity, ranging from mild epistaxis to life-threatening bleeding. Many drugs or herbal remedies can cause thrombocytopenia by either inhibiting platelet production and/or enhancing their destruction from the peripheral blood-mediated through an immunological mechanism implicating drug-dependent antibodies. Drugs are a common cause of acute immune-mediated thrombocytopenia in adults, the drug etiology is often initially unrecognized. Most cases of drug-induced thrombocytopenia are caused by drug-dependent antibodies that are specific for the drug structure and bind tightly to platelets by their Fab regions but only in the presence of the drug. Thrombocytopenia is an uncommon but life-threatening complication of certain antitubercular drugs. The discovery of isolated thrombocytopenia in a patient taking several medications presents a challenging clinical problem. We report a case of a young immunocompetent female who presented with disseminated tuberculosis and was found to have rifampicin-induced thrombocytopenia

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951031


Objective: To report an outbreak of Burkholderia (B.) cepacia related to contaminated surface cleaner in the pediatric ward of a tertiary hospital in Turkey. Methods: This study retrospectively reported the outbreak occurred between January 16, 2018 and January 23, 2018. Twelve immunocompetent patients who developed a bloodstream infection a few days after the hospitalization and who were positive for B. cepacia were included. Environmental samples were collected from various areas in the hospital to find the source of the outbreak. Results: All patients had clinical and biochemical evidence of sepsis. None of the patients had an underlying disease or had a central venous catheter as a risk factor. B. cepacia was isolated from the samples taken from the surface cleaners. The antibiotic susceptibilities of B. cepacia isolates were identical in the surface cleaners with the isolates from the patients' blood cultures. The outbreak was controlled after removing the surface cleaners from use. None of the infected patients died during the outbreak. Conclusions: Nosocomial B. cepacia outbreak may occur in immunocompetent children as well. Rapid identification of the outbreak, defining the source and taking appropriate measures to control the outbreak are the key points in the management.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-924477


Objectives: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) colitis is generally diagnosed in immunocompromised patients. It is rare for patients who are not immunocompromised to develop CMV colitis. Cases of CMV colitis in patients with inflammatory bowel disease have also been reported. We encountered a case of CMV colitis with a new diagnosis of severe ulcerative colitis and demonstrated the importance of suspecting ulcerative colitis in immunocompetent patients with CMV colitis.Patient: A 78-year-old woman was hospitalized with fever and diarrhea that had lasted for a month. Colonoscopy revealed continuous diffuse edema, mucosal redness, and multiple punched-out ulcers with bleeding, suggesting cytomegalovirus (CMV) colitis, although she was not immunocompromised. Immunohistochemical staining revealed CMV-positive cells, and CMV colitis was diagnosed. One month later, a colonoscopy was conducted owing to persistent symptoms despite initiating the prescribed antiviral drug. A complete loss of vascular pattern, easy bleeding of the crude mucosa, and exacerbation of multiple punched-out ulcers were observed. She was diagnosed with severe ulcerative colitis. The symptoms of ulcerative colitis disappeared with prednisolone and 5-amino salicylic acid treatment.Conclusion: Ulcerative colitis should be suspected in immunocompetent patients with CMV colitis.

Rev. colomb. reumatol ; 28(4): 309-311, Dec. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423894


ABSTRACT Osteoarticular infections due to anaerobes are very rare in children, with the Fusobacterium genus being the most frequently isolated. The course is usually subacute and, although there are predisposing factors described, most patients do not present with them. Generally, joint fluid cultures are sterile since these microorganisms are very sensitive to contact with oxygen, so they require specific culture media. All of the above causes the diagnosis to be delayed, increasing the risk of long-term sequelae. However, the prognosis improves when treatment is started early. The case is presented of a 10-year-old patient who was admitted for 30 days due septic arthritis of the right hip caused by Fusobacterium nucleatum During the admission, he required three surgical interventions, and completed 6 weeks of effective antibiotic therapy, with a good outcome and remaining asymptomatic at the current time.

RESUMEN Las infecciones osteoarticulares por anaerobios son muy raras en los niños, siendo el género Fusobacterium el que se aisla con más frecuencia. El curso suele ser subagudo y, aunque hay factores predisponentes descritos, la mayoría de los pacientes no los presenta. Generalmente, los cultivos de liquido articular son estériles ya que estos microorganismos son muy sensibles al contacto con el oxigeno, por lo que precisan medios de cultivo específicos. Todo lo anterior hace que el diagnóstico se retrase y que el riesgo de secuelas a largo plazo aumente. Sin embargo, el pronóstico mejora cuando el tratamiento se inicia de modo precoz. Por todo ello, presentamos el caso de un paciente de 10 anos con una artritis séptica de cadera derecha por Fusobacterium nucleatum que permaneció ingresado 30 dias. Durante el ingreso precisó 3 intervenciones quirúrgicas y cumplió 6 semanas de antibioterapia efectiva, con buena evolución; permanece asintomático en el momento actual.

Humans , Male , Child , Osteomyelitis , Bone Diseases, Infectious , Child , Musculoskeletal Diseases , Persons
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 38(3): 463-466, jul.-sep. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357378


RESUMEN La nocardiosis cerebral es una entidad rara que ha sido reportada principalmente en inmunosuprimidos, y en la actualidad no se dispone de guías clínicas que recomienden un tratamiento de primera línea. Presentamos el caso de un adulto mayor, inmunocompetente, con cuadro de encefalopatía y hemiparesia izquierda, asociado a lesiones compatibles con absceso cerebral múltiple y sugerente de etiología infecciosa. Recibió, inicialmente, tratamiento para la tuberculosis, absceso bacteriano y toxoplasmosis, sin respuesta clínica favorable. Se inició un tratamiento empírico para la nocardiosis con meropenem y trimetoprim/sulfametoxazol, y se logró mejoría clínica e imagenológica. La ocurrencia de eventos adversos obliga el uso temporal de medicamentos alternativos. Se resaltan algunos criterios a considerar para incluir la nocardiosis en el diagnóstico diferencial en los casos de absceso cerebral múltiple y se mencionan los métodos diagnósticos de laboratorio y los fármacos para iniciar un tratamiento empírico.

ABSTRACT Cerebral nocardia infections is a rare entity, which has been mainly reported in immunosuppressed patients. Currently, there are no clinical guidelines for first-line treatment. Our case refers to an older immunocompetent adult, with encephalopathy and left hemiparesis, associated with lesions compatible with multiple brain abscess and suggestive of infectious etiology. He initially received treatment for tuberculosis, bacterial abscess, and toxoplasmosis, without a favorable clinical response. An empirical treatment for nocardiosis started, by using meropenem and trimethoprim / sulfamethoxazole, and clinical and imaging improvement was achieved. The occurrence of adverse events forces the temporary use of alternative medications. We highlight some criteria for including nocardiosis in the differential diagnosis in cases of multiple brain abscess and mention laboratory diagnostic methods and drugs to initiate empirical treatment.

Humans , Male , Aged , Peru , Brain , Brain Abscess , Nocardia Infections , Therapeutics , Brain Diseases , Diagnosis , Abscess , Lung Injury
CES med ; 35(2): 146-155, mayo-ago. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364610


Abstract Cryptococcocis is a fungal infection that primarily affects immunocompromised hosts; disseminated infection is uncommon in immunocompetent patients. We describe a case of a previously healthy woman without risk factors, who was admitted to the emergency department with headache, fever and altered mental status. As a result, a cryptococcal disseminated infection was diagnosed.

Resumen La criptococosis es una infección por hongos que afecta principalmente a huéspedes inmunodeprimidos; la infección diseminada es infrecuente en pacientes inmunocompetentes. Reportamos el caso de una mujer previamente sana, sin factores de riesgo, ingresada a urgencias por cefalea, fiebre y alteración del estado mental quien posteriormente fue diagnosticada con criptococosis diseminada.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-873528


@#BACKGROUND: The use of corticosteroids in septic shock has been studied for many decades but yielded conflicting results. We conducted a systematic review to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of corticosteroids in immunocompetent patients with septic shock. METHODS: Medline via PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) in the Cochrane Library, and EMBASE were searched from inception to March 2020. Two reviewers independently identified randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing corticosteroids with a control group for immunocompetent patients with septic shock. Data were abstracted and reported following the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Review of Intervention and Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. The efficacy outcome included mortality and shock reversal. The safety outcomes were infection, gastrointestinal bleeding, and hyperglycemia. RESULTS: Nine RCTs with a total of 1,298 patients were included. Compared with the control group, corticosteroid group did not lower the short-term (28 or 30 days) mortality (risk ratio [RR] 0.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.85 to 1.06, inconsistency [I 2]=0%, trial sequential analysis [TSA]-adjusted CI 0.83 to 1.09, moderate-certainty evidence). Corticosteroids significantly shortened the time to shock reversal compared with the control group (mean difference [MD] -21.56 hours; 95% CI -32.95 to -10.16, I 2=0%; TSA-adjusted CI -33.33 to -9.78, moderate-certainty evidence). The corticosteroid treatment was associated with an increased risk of hyperglycemia but not the infection or gastrointestinal bleeding. CONCLUSIONS: The corticosteroid treatment is not associated with lower short- or long- term mortality compared with placebo in immunocompetent patients with septic shock. However, corticosteroids significantly shorten the time to shock reversal without increasing the risk of infection. The patient’s immune status should also be considered during clinical treatment and clinical trials in future.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-951080


Objective: To document the clinical, biochemical and imaging phenotypes of immunocompetent patients with adrenal histoplasmosis. Methods: The clinical, biochemical and radiologic data of 18 immunocompetent patients [age: 45.00 (39.25, 56.25) years, median (IQR), m/f (16/2)] with adrenal histoplasmosis presenting in the Department of Endocrinology, BSMMU between 2014 and 2020 were retrospectively analyzed. Results: All patients were seronegative for HIV infection, and 27.8% (5/18) had well controlled diabetes mellitus. The median duration of the symptoms was 6.00 (IQR: 4.00, 11.25) months. All had significant weight loss, anorexia and weakness. Fever was present in 61.1% (11/18) patients and night sweat was present in 27.8% (5/18) cases. Hypotension and hyperpigmentation were present in 55.6% (10/18) and 66.7% (12/18) cases, respectively. Three of 18 patients presented with adrenal crisis. Hyponatremia occurred in 55.6% (10/18) cases, but none had hyperkalemia. Thirteen of 18 patients had adrenal insufficiency whereas 83.3% (15/18) had high adrenocorticotropic hormone. CT scan revealed bilateral adrenal enlargement in all cases with oval shape and regular margin. All were hypodense having radiodensity 21-90 hounsfield unit, and 11.1% (2/18) were heterogeneous in contrast enhancement. None had noticeable calcification whereas 1.1% (2/18) cases had central necrosis with peripheral rim enhancement. Hepatomegaly was present in 6 cases, splenomegaly in 3 cases and 5 patients had abdominal lymphadenopathy. Histoplasmosis were confirmed by positive fine needle aspiration cytology of adrenal tissue. Conclusions: Adrenal histoplasmosis should be considered in the list of differentials of bilateral adrenomegaly in immunocompetent individuals even living in non-endemic areas.

Rev. colomb. ortop. traumatol ; 35(2): 198-203, 2021. ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1378613


La presentación de poliartritis séptica en un paciente inmunocompetente es infrecuente, aún más lo es la presentación de la mencionada junto con fascitis necrotizante en el contexto de infección por Streptococcus Pyogenes (SP). Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 54 años, recluido, sin antecedentes médicos relevantes, inmunocompetente, quien debuta con un cuadro clínico de poliartritis séptica en rodilla bilateral y tobillo izquierdo. Recibe manejo con múltiples lavados y desbridamientos quirúrgicos, desarrolla fascitis necrotizante de la cara posterior de la pierna izquierda, recibe a su vez manejo quirúrgico para dicha condición (incluyendo aplicación de terapia de vacío), al igual que antibioticoterapia enfocada al manejo del germen aislado (Penicilina + vancomicina). Sin embargo, tras un mes de manejo conjunto con servicios de Cirugía Plástica, Dermatología, Ortopedia, así como vigilancia en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, termina con un desenlace fatal tras presentar falla multiorgánica. La infección por el SP puede resultar en una elevada morbilidad para él paciente e incluso un desenlace mortal secundario a un compromiso sistémico de muy difícil manejo. El diagnóstico oportuno, así como un tratamiento médico y quirúrgico agresivo pueden no ser suficientes para el control de la infección, incluso en pacientes sin compromiso inmunológico previo. Asimismo, un enfoque multidisciplinario debe corresponder al estándar de manejo con el fin de controlar aquellas condiciones predisponentes de infección. Este es el primer caso reportado en la literatura nacional en relación con estas dos fatales condiciones. Finalmente se pretende resaltar que a pesar de que esta infección suele comprometer infantes y pacientes inmunocomprometidos, no se debe obviar su diagnóstico en pacientes previamente sanos, especialmente en casos de infecciones de rápida diseminación y poca respuesta al manejo adecuado.

Septic polyarthritis in an immunocompetent patient is highly rare, even more when it coexists with necrotizing fasciitis caused by Streptococcus Pyogenes (SP). A 54 year old, immunocompetent male patient is presented herein. The patient had no relevant previous illness, before the installation of a septic arthritis of both knees and he's left ankle. He receives treatment with sequential surgical debridement, then develops necrotizing fasciitis of the posterior aspect of the left leg requiring adequate treatment for such condition (including Vacuum Assisted Closure), as well as antibiotic therapy for the specific infecting microorganism (Penicillin + Vancomycin). Nonetheless, after a month of surgical management between Plastic Surgery, Dermatology, Orthopaedics as well as surveillance in the Intensive Care Unit, the patient dies after multi organic failure. Infection caused by SP might entail high morbidity for a patient and even end with death of the aforementioned caused by a hard to manage systemic organic failure. The adequate diagnosis, as well as aggressive medical and surgical management could not be enough for controlling the infection, even in patients without previous immunological compromise. At the same time, a multidisciplinary approach must be the standard of treatment, aiming to control predisposing infectious conditions. This is the first case reported in national literature related to these two fatal conditions. Finally, one of the purposes of this report is to highlight that despite reports of this microorganism infecting infants and immunocompromised patients, it must not be obviated in healthy patients, especially in cases of rapidly spreading infection and scarce response to adequate management.

Humans , Adult , Arthritis, Infectious , Arthritis , Streptococcus pyogenes , Fasciitis, Necrotizing , Adult
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 45(3): 42-46, sept. 30, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1255312


Introducción: los hongos miceliales no dermatofitos (HMND) pueden causar un gran número de infecciones, entre ellas, la onicomicosis. Su implicancia como agentes patógenos y su significado clínico en esta afección, se encuentran sujetos al cumplimiento de los criterios de Walshe y Mary P. English. Presentamos un caso de onicomicosis causada por un hongo hifomiceto poco frecuente, del género Asper-gillus sección Candidi, en una paciente inmunocompetente y su estrategia terapéutica. Materiales y métodos: se estudió una paciente inmunocompetente, de 43 años de edad, con lesión en uña de primer dedo del pie derecho, de 10 años de evolución. Se realizó toma de muestra para examen micológico. Resultados: el examen directo reveló la presencia de hifas hialinas irregulares, ramificadas y tabica-das, compatibles con HMND. En muestras seriadas, desarrollaron colonias blanco algodonosas, cuya micromorfología fue concordante con Aspergillus sección Candidi. La identificación fue confirmada en la Unidad de Micología del Hospital de Infecciosas Francisco Javier Muñiz de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Allí también se realizaron pruebas de sensibilidad a antifúngicos, resultando sensible a itraconazol y terbinafina. Conclusión: exponemos un caso de onicomicosis causada por Aspergillus sección Candidi, HMND no queratinolítico, de escasa frecuencia de aparición, siendo el primer caso descripto y publicado en Argentina. También se planteó una estrategia terapéutica efectiva, que condujera a la cura clínica y microbiológica, de la uña de la paciente.

Introduction: non-dermatophyte mycelial fungi (HMND) can cause a large number of infections, including onychomycosis. Its implica-tion as pathogens and its clinical significance in this condition are subject to compliance with Walshe's and Mary P. English's criteria. We present a case of onychomycosis caused by hyphomycete rare fungus, of the genus Aspergillus section Candidi, in an immunocompetent patient and its therapeutic strategy. Materials and methods: a 43-year-old immunocompetent patient with a 10-year-old right-toe nail lesion was studied. Samples were taken for mycological examination. Results: the direct examination revealed the presence of irregu-lar, branched and tabulated hyaline hyphae, compatible with HMND. In serial samples, they developed white cotton colonies, whose micromorphology was consistent with Aspergillus, section Candidi. The identification was confirmed at the Mycology Unit of Francisco Javier Muñiz Infectious Hospital in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Susceptibility to antifungals was also tested there, resulting in susceptibility to itraconazole and terbinafine. Conclusion: we present a case of onychomycosis caused by Aspergillus section Candidi, non-keratinolytic HMND, of rare occurrence, being the first case described and published in Argentina. An effective therapeutic strategy was also proposed that led to the patient's toenail's clinical and microbiological cure.

Humans , Female , Adult , Patients , Aspergillus , Onychomycosis , Nails , Argentina , Specimen Handling , Therapeutics , Case Reports , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Foot , Noxae
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212828


Mucormycosis is a group of clinical syndromes resulting from infection by one of a group of related filamentous fungi. It is an opportunistic fungal infection that rarely occurs in immunocompetent individual. Isolated involvement of any organ is rare and only a few cases of renal mucormycosis have been reported. We present a case report of atypical presentation of a case of renal mucormycosis in a healthy adult with no predisposing factors. A 48 year non diabetic immunocompetent patient underwent right nephrectomy for painful non-functioning kidney. Biopsy showed chronic pyelonephritis with broad non-septate hyphae suggestive of mucormycosis. Post op followup of patient is normal. Mucormycosis of kidney causes extensive infarction and necrosis due to direct angioinvasion and vascular thrombosis leading to fulminant acute renal failure. The disease mimics pyogenic infection leading to delay in diagnosis and hence resulting in high mortality. High index of suspicion is needed for early diagnosis. Urine and blood cultures are usually sterile. Characteristic CT findings include diffuse enlargement of the kidney with absence of contrast excretion and multiple low-density areas in the renal parenchyma representing fungal abscess. Whenever suspected, FNAC or biopsy is strongly advocated as no imaging can confirm the diagnosis. Nephrectomy or debridement of necrotic tissue along with IV Amphotericin B consist the principal treatment. Renal mucormycosis presenting an indolent course and found incidentally after nephrectomy is extremely rare. In an incidentally found mucormycosis, the role of further investigations to find the source and the role of antifungals have to be further studied.