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Rev. APS (Online) ; 27: e272438201, 05/07/2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1567178


O uso indiscriminado de psicotrópicos tem importância econômica, social e requer atenção dos profissionais de saúde. Nessa perspectiva, a pesquisa tem como objetivo avaliar a prescrição e o perfil de utilização de psicotrópicos na Farmácia Básica do município de Catolé do Rocha/PB. O presente estudo é transversal, quantitativo do tipo descritivo. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionários aplicados no período de abril a maio de 2021. Foram entrevistados 200 usuários, selecionados com base em critérios de inclusão e exclusão. Os resultados apontaram a prevalência do sexo feminino (63,0%), casados (53,5%), residentes da zona urbana (70,5%), baixa escolaridade (56,5%) e aposentados (44,5%). Em suma, as prescrições eram obtidas em UBS (81,0%) por queixas de ansiedade (24,0%) e insônia (23,5%). Observou-se maior frequência de prescrição para clonazepam (18,6%) e alprazolam (15,9%), ambos considerados MPI. Estes foram prescritos principalmente por clínicos gerais (71,8%). Assim, evidencia-se a importância do farmacêutico na APS, tanto na sensibilização dos prescritores com relação à escolha e prescrição adequada destes medicamentos quanto na orientação dos pacientes com vistas à promoção do uso racional de psicotrópicos.

The use of psychotropic drugs has economic and social importance and requires attention from health professionals. he objective of this research was to evaluate the prescription and the profile of use of psychotropic drugs in the Basic Pharmacy in the municipality of Catolé do Rocha/PB. This is a cross-sectional, quantitative, descriptive study. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires applied from April to May 2021. Two hundred users were interviewed, selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results showed a prevalence of females (63.0%), married (53.5%), residing in the urban area (70.5%), with low education (56.5%), and retired (44.5%). The prescriptions were obtained at the Basic Health Unit (81.0%) for complaints of anxiety (24.0%) and insomnia (23.5%). We observed a higher frequency of prescriptions for clonazepam (18.6%) and alprazolam (15.9%), both considered potential inappropriate drugs. These were mainly prescribed by general practitioners (71.8%). Thus, the importance of pharmacists in Primary Health Care is evident both to increase the awareness among prescribers regarding the choice and proper prescription of medications and to guide patients with a view to promoting the rational use of psychotropic drugs.

Health Profile , Inappropriate Prescribing
Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;160(2): 163-169, mar.-abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582293


Resumen Antecedentes: Los antiinflamatorios y los antirreumáticos no esteroideos (AINE) disminuyen la eficacia de algunos antihipertensivos. Objetivo: Analizar el patrón de prescripción de AINE y las variables asociadas en pacientes ambulatorios con diagnóstico de hipertensión arterial, así como explorar algunas características de los médicos prescriptores. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal de pacientes con hipertensión de la Unidad de Medicina Familiar 24 en Ciudad Mante, Tamaulipas. De los pacientes se registraron datos sociodemográficos, antecedentes patológicos y tratamientos farmacológicos; y de los médicos, información sociodemográfica y académica. Resultados: La edad promedio de los pacientes fue de 63 ± 11 años, 31.7 % recibía AINE y al contrastarlos con quienes no los recibían, se identificó mayor proporción de obesidad, presión arterial más elevada, más casos en descontrol de la hipertensión arterial, multimorbilidad y polimedicación. Las variables asociadas a la prescripción de AINE fueron estar en descontrol de la hipertensión arterial, multimorbilidad y polimedicación; 56.7 % de los médicos prescriptores fue del sexo femenino, 83.3 % con antigüedad superior a 10 años y 33.3 % con certificación vigente. Conclusiones: La prescripción inapropiada de AINE reveló la necesidad de implementar acciones para mitigar el riesgo potencial de los pacientes hipertensos de presentar una complicación.

Abstract Background: It has been documented that NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic drugs) reduce the effectiveness of some antihypertensive drugs. Objective: Analyze the prescription of NSAID and the variables associated in outpatients with hypertension and explore some characteristics of the physicians. Material and methods: Cross-sectional study, included patients with hypertension from the Family Medicine Unit No. 24 in Mante, Tamaulipas. From the patients, sociodemographic data, clinical history and pharmacological treatments were obtained. From the physicians, sociodemographic and academic information were collected. Results: Mean age of the patients was 63 ± 11 years and 31.7% were prescribed NSAIDs. When compare exposed versus non-exposed to NSAIDs, the first had more obesity, higher blood pressure, uncontrolled hypertension, multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The variables associated to the prescription of NSAIDs were: uncontrolled hypertension, multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The 56.7% of the physicians were women, 83.3% with experience >10 years and 33.3% with current certification by the Council in Family Medicine. Conclusions: The inappropriate prescription of NSAIDs revealed the need to implement actions to mitigate the potential risk for the hypertension patients to present a complication.

Arq. gastroenterol ; Arq. gastroenterol;61: e23153, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533820


ABSTRACT Background: Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are widely prescribed worldwide, often resulting in their overuse. Consequently, it is essential to identify the likely causes of this overuse to facilitate their appropriate prescription. Objective: This study aims to assess physician prescribing patterns, their knowledge of PPIs, and factors affecting their knowledge. Methods: An online survey was conducted among Latin American and Spanish physicians, collecting the following data: professional information, patterns of PPI usage, familiarity with published evidence, and the management approach in three hypothetical case-scenarios. Participant knowledge was categorized as sufficient or insufficient based on the results of the case scenarios. Subsequently, subgroup analysis was performed based on physician training level, years in practice, specialty, and time since the last PPI literature review. Results: A total of 371 physicians participated in the survey. Thirty-eight percent frequently prescribe PPIs, primarily for prophylactic purposes (57.9%). Eighty percent were unfamiliar with PPI deprescribing strategies, and 54.4% rarely reviewed the ongoing indication of patients taking a PPI. Sixty-four percent demonstrated sufficient knowledge in the case-scenarios. A significant association was observed between specialty type (medical vs surgical: 69.4% vs 46.8%, P<0.001), the timing of the PPI indication literature review (<5 years vs >5 years: 71.4% vs 58.7%, P=0.010), and sufficient knowledge. Conclusion: While most participants prescribed PPIs regularly and for prophylaxis purposes, the majority were unfamiliar with deprescribing strategies and rarely reviewed ongoing indications. Sufficient knowledge is correlated with recent literature reviews and medical specialty affiliation.

RESUMO Contexto: Os inibidores da bomba de prótons (IBPs) são amplamente prescritos em todo o mundo, muitas vezes resultando em seu uso excessivo. Consequentemente, é essencial identificar as prováveis causas desse uso excessivo para facilitar sua prescrição adequada. Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar o padrão de prescrição dos médicos, seu conhecimento sobre IBPs e fatores que afetam seu conhecimento. Métodos: Uma pesquisa on-line foi conduzida entre médicos latino-americanos e espanhóis, coletando os seguintes dados: informações profissionais, padrões de uso de IBP, familiaridade com evidências publicadas e abordagem de manejo em três casos-cenários hipotéticos. O conhecimento dos participantes foi categorizado em suficiente ou insuficiente com base nos resultados dos cenários de caso. Posteriormente, a análise de subgrupos foi realizada com base no nível de formação do médico, anos de prática, especialidade e tempo desde a última revisão da literatura dos IBPs. Resultados: Um total de 371 médicos participaram da pesquisa. Trinta e oito por cento prescrevem frequentemente IBP, principalmente para fins profiláticos (57,9%). Oitenta por cento não estavam familiarizados com as estratégias de prescrição de IBP, e 54,4% raramente revisaram a indicação contínua de pacientes em uso de IBP. Sessenta e quatro por cento demonstraram conhecimento suficiente nos cenários-caso. Observou-se associação significativa entre o tipo de especialidade (médica vs cirúrgica: 69,4% vs 46,8%, P<0,001), o momento da revisão da literatura de indicação do IBP (<5 anos vs >5 anos: 71,4% vs 58,7%, P=0,010) e conhecimento suficiente. Conclusão: Embora a maioria dos participantes prescrevesse IBPs regularmente e para fins de profilaxia, no entanto, não estava familiarizada com estratégias de prescrição e raramente revisava as indicações em andamento. O conhecimento suficiente está correlacionado com revisões recentes da literatura e afiliação à especialidade médica.

São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo Med. J. (Online);142(1): e2022666, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450510


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: The epidemiology of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) in critical care units remains limited, especially in terms of the factors associated with their use. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the incidence and factors associated with PIMs use in intensive care units. DESIGN AND SETTING: Historical cohort study was conducted in a high-complexity hospital in Brazil. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was conducted on 314 patients aged ≥ 60 years who were admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) at a high-complexity hospital in Brazil. The dates were extracted from a "Patient Safety Project" database. A Chi-square test, Student's t-test, and multivariable logistic regression analyses were performed to assess which factors were associated with PIMs. The statistical significance was set at 5%. RESULTS: According to Beers' criteria, 12.8% of the identified drugs were considered inappropriate for the elderly population. The incidence rate of PIMs use was 45.8%. The most frequently used PIMs were metoclopramide, insulin, antipsychotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and benzodiazepines. Factors associated with PIMs use were the number of medications (odds ratio [OR] = 1.17), length of hospital stay (OR = 1.07), and excessive potential drug interactions (OR = 2.43). CONCLUSIONS: Approximately half of the older adults in ICUs received PIM. Patients taking PIMs had a longer length of stay in the ICU, higher numbers of medications, and higher numbers of potential drug interactions. In ICUs, the use of explicit methods combined with clinical judgment can contribute to the safety and quality of medication prescriptions.

Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;159(2): 150-156, mar.-abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430399


Resumen Antecedentes: Una prescripción potencialmente inapropiada (PPI) constituye un riesgo de presentar efectos adversos por un fármaco que superan los beneficios de este, pudiendo considerarse como uso inadecuado de medicamentos. Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia de prescripciones potencialmente inapropiadas en pacientes geriátricos hospitalizados en el servicio de medicina interna de un hospital de referencia en México. Material y métodos: Diseño descriptivo transversal, con asignación simple de expedientes clínicos de pacientes hospitalizados mayores de 65 años, entre enero de 2016 y agosto de 2017. Se aplicaron los criterios STOPP y START para identificar el número de PPI, cantidad de medicamentos prescritos, presencia, cantidad y tipo de comorbilidades, así como días de estancia hospitalaria. Resultados: Se encontró una prevalencia de 73.3 % de PPI y las principales comorbilidades fueron hipertensión arterial y diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se cuantificaron 1885 medicamentos prescritos; la estancia hospitalaria media fue de 6.3 días. Conclusiones: Se identificó alta prevalencia de PPI en los pacientes geriátricos hospitalizados, de ahí la importancia de aplicar los criterios STOPP y START y del papel del farmacéutico en la validación de la prescripción antes de la administración de medicamentos.

Abstract Background: Potentially inappropriate prescription (PIP) constitutes a risk for the development of adverse effects of a drug that outweigh its benefits, which can be considered inappropriate medication use. Objective: To describe the prevalence of PIP in geriatric patients hospitalized at the internal medicine department of a referral hospital in Mexico. Material and methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive design, with simple allocation of medical records from patients older than 65 years hospitalized between January 2016 and August 2017. The STOPP/START criteria were applied to identify the number of PIPs, the number of prescribed medications, number and type of comorbidities, as well as days of hospital stay. Results: A prevalence of PIP of 73.3% was identified, with main comorbidities being hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus. A total of 1,885 prescribed medications were quantified; mean hospital stay was 6.3 days. Conclusions: A high prevalence of PIP was identified in hospitalized geriatric patients, hence the importance of applying the STOPP/START criteria and of the role of the pharmacist for validating the prescription prior to drug administration.

Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438287


OBJECTIVE: To compare information on the risks of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) for older adults in the Beers criteria with data in the package inserts made available by the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency. METHODS: This is an observational, cross-sectional study that compared information on the package inserts of 33 brand-name drugs in the Brazilian market with specific recommendations for older adults contemplated in the Beers criteria, categorizing them into: complete, incomplete, absent, or discrepant. RESULTS: Among the analyzed package inserts, 21.21% did not present a specific section dedicated to the use of these drugs by older adults and data were scattered throughout the text; 63.64% were classified as incomplete; 33.33% lacked data; and 3.03% had discrepant information. CONCLUSION: The analyzed package inserts presented incomplete data or lacked information characterizing the drugs as PIMs for older adults. This study demonstrated that some package inserts of drugs used in Brazil are not satisfactory, warranting higher caution in the medical community when prescribing these medications and guiding patients

OBJETIVO: Comparar as informações sobre os riscos de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados (MPIs) para idosos contidas nos critérios Beers com as informações presentes nas bulas para profissionais de saúde disponibilizadas pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária no Brasil. METODOLOGIA: Estudo observacional e transversal que comparou informações das bulas para profissionais de saúde de 33 medicamentos de referência no mercado brasileiro com recomendações específicas para idosos contempladas nos critérios Beers e que foram categorizadas em: completas, incompletas, ausentes ou discrepantes. RESULTADOS: Dentre as bulas dos MPIs analisadas, 21,21% não apresentam seção específica destinada ao uso desses medicamentos por idosos, nas quais as informações estão dispersas pelo texto; 63,64% delas foram classificadas como incompletas; 33,33% tinham informações ausentes; e 3,03% com informações discrepantes. CONCLUSÃO: As bulas analisadas apresentaram dados incompletos ou não apresentam qualquer informação que caracterizasse o medicamento como MPI para idosos. Este estudo demonstra que algumas bulas de medicamentos utilizados no Brasil não estão satisfatórias, sugerindo maior cautela à comunidade médica na prescrição e na orientação aos seus pacientes

Humans , Aged , Drug Prescriptions/standards , Health of the Elderly , Medicine Package Inserts , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217767


Background: Inappropriate prescribing is more prevalent in geriatric patients. A popular tool for screening appropriateness of prescribing is the screening tool of older person’s prescriptions (STOPP) and screening tool to alert doctors to right treatment (START) criteria. In this study, our aim was to estimate the incidence of potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP) utilizing these criteria among patients attending outpatient departments. In addition, we aimed to identify potential factors that are associated with PIP. Aims and Objectives: The objectives of the study are as follows: (1) To estimate incidence of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) using STOPP criteria; (2) To estimate incidence of potential prescribing omissions (PPOs) using START criteria; and (3) To identify potential factors that are associated with PIP. Materials and Methods: A prospective and cross-sectional study that was observational in nature was performed in patients with age 65 years and above. Prescriptions of these patients were analyzed by collecting relevant data that were subsequently entered in specially designed case record forms. The modified version 2.0 of STOPP/START criteria was utilized to assess PIP in the form of PIMs and PPOs. Data were entered in Microsoft Excel 2013 and analyzed. Categorical variables were described as frequency and percentage whereas continuous variables were described as mean with standard deviation. Results: Prescriptions of a total 306 patients were evaluated (mean age: 69.4, 60% male, average number of medications per prescription: 5.04 ± 2.44), PIMs were detected in 88 (28.75%) and PPOs in 30 (9.8%) patients. Ninety-six patients had either a PIM or a PPO. PIMs mainly involved were duplication of drug class (26.5%), use of first generation antihistaminic for >1 week (20.4%) and use of glimepiride (18.6%). Major PPOs identified were non-use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors following acute myocardial infarction (26%), non-use of statin therapy (26%), and antiplatelet therapy (21.7%) in patients with diabetes mellitus along with cardiovascular risk factor. Polypharmacy (OR 6.011, P < 0.0001) and comorbidity (OR 3.097, P = 0.015) significantly increase the risk of PIM encounter. Conclusion: PIP in the form of PIMs and PPOs was prevalent in the studied patients. Polypharmacy and comorbidity were associated with an increased likelihood of PIM.

Rev. gastroenterol. Peru ; 42(4)oct. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423948


Gastric-acid suppressants are one of the most frequently used classes of drugs worldwide. Several studies about their overprescribing have been carried out in recent years. The aim of the study was to assess the appropriateness of these drugs at an internal medicine service of a tertiary hospital in Venezuela. A retrospective record review of patients admitted to the internal medicine service from January 2020 to February 2021 was performed. Data about indications for gastric-acid suppressants, the type used, and their continuation at discharge were collected. The prescribing was grouped into two categories, appropriate or inappropriate, according to current clinical guidelines. Of the 1203 patients who were newly prescribed gastric-acid suppressants in hospital during the study period, 993 (82.5%) had an inappropriate prescription. Prophylaxis of peptic ulcers in low-risk patients was the most frequent no evidence-based indication (20.24%). Seven hundred sixty-two patients were discharged on gastric-acid suppressants. Of these, 74.7% did not have an acceptable indication to continue this treatment on an outpatient basis. Many hospitalized patients in a Venezuelan academic tertiary healthcare center were given gastric acid suppressants not in accordance with the current clinical practice guidelines.

Los supresores del ácido gástrico son uno de los grupos farmacológicos más frecuentemente prescritos en todo el mundo. En los últimos años se han realizado varios estudios sobre su prescripción inadecuada. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la idoneidad de estos medicamentos en un servicio de medicina interna de un hospital de tercer nivel en Venezuela. Se realizó una revisión retrospectiva de historias medicas de pacientes ingresados en el servicio de medicina interna desde enero de 2020 hasta febrero de 2021. Se recogieron datos sobre indicaciones de supresores de ácido gástrico, tipo utilizado y su continuación al alta. La prescripción se agrupó en dos categorías, adecuada o inadecuada, según las guías clínicas vigentes. Entre los 1203 pacientes a los que se les prescribió recientemente supresores de ácido gástrico en el hospital durante el período de estudio, 993 (82,5%) tenían una prescripción inapropiada. La profilaxis de úlceras pépticas en pacientes de bajo riesgo fue la indicación no basada en evidencia más frecuente (20,24%). Setecientos sesenta y dos pacientes fueron dados de alta con supresores de ácido gástrico. De estos, el 74,7% no tenía una indicación apropiada para continuar este tratamiento de forma ambulatoria. Un alto número de pacientes hospitalizados en un centro asistencial de nivel terciario en Venezuela fueron prescritos con supresores de ácido gástrico que no se ajustaban a las guías de práctica clínica vigentes.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);42(2): 302-314, ene.-jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403583


Introducción. El uso inadecuado de antibióticos se asocia con aumento de la resistencia antimicrobiana, mayores costos de atención médica, más efectos adversos y peores resultados clínicos. Objetivo. Determinar los patrones de prescripción y las indicaciones aprobadas y no aprobadas para macrólidos en un grupo de pacientes en Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de corte transversal sobre las indicaciones de uso de macrólidos en pacientes ambulatorios a partir de una base de datos de dispensación de medicamentos de 8,5 millones, aproximadamente, de personas afiliadas al sistema de salud de Colombia. Se consideraron variables sociodemográficas, farmacológicas y clínicas. Resultados. Se encontraron 9.344 pacientes que habían recibido prescripción de macrólidos; su mediana de edad era de 40,1 años (rango intercuartílico: 27,1-53,3 años) y el 58,3 % correspondía a mujeres. El macrólido más prescrito fue la azitromicina (38,8 %) y los usos más frecuentes fueron el tratamiento de la infección por Helicobacter pylori (15,9 %) y la neumonía (15,8 %). El 31,3 % de las prescripciones correspondía a indicaciones no aprobadas, destacándose el resfriado común (7,8 %), la Covid-19 (4,0 %) y la bronquitis aguda (3,5 %). La residencia en la región Caribe (OR=1,17; IC95% 1,05-1,31), las prescripciones odontológicas (OR=2,75; IC95% 1,91-3,96), las comorbilidades respiratorias crónicas (OR=1,30; IC95% 1,08-1,56), y la prescripción de eritromicina (OR=3,66; IC95% 3,24-4,14) o azitromicina (OR=2,15; IC95% 1,92 2,41), se asociaron con una mayor probabilidad de recibir macrólidos para indicaciones no aprobadas, en tanto que tener entre 18 y 64 años (OR=0,81; IC95% 0,71-0,93), 65 o más años (OR=0,77; IC95% 0,63-0,94) y residir en Bogotá-Cundinamarca (OR=0,74; IC95% 0,65 0,85) reducían dicho riesgo. Conclusiones. La mayoría de los pacientes recibieron macrólidos para infecciones del sistema respiratorio; la eritromicina y la azitromicina se prescribieron en indicaciones no aprobadas en menores de 18 años y en quienes presentaban enfermedades respiratorias crónicas.

Introduction: The inappropriate use of antibiotics is associated with a greater risk for antimicrobial resistance, high health care costs, adverse events, and worse clinical outcomes. Objective: To determine the prescription patterns and approved and nonapproved indications for macrolides in a group of patients from Colombia. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study on the indications for the use of macrolides in outpatients registered in a drug-dispensing database of approximately 8.5 million people affiliated with the Colombian health system. Sociodemographic, pharmacological, and clinical variables were considered. Results: A total of 9.344 patients had received a macrolide prescription; their median age was 40.1 years (interquartile range: 27.1-53.3 years) and 58.3% were women. The most commonly prescribed macrolide was azithromycin (38.8%) most frequently for Helicobacter pylori infection (15.9%) and pneumonia treatment (15.8%). A total of 31.3% of the prescriptions were used for unapproved indications: common cold (7.8%), COVID-19 (4.0%), and acute bronchitis (3.5%). Residence in the Caribbean region (OR=1.17; 95%CI 1.05-1.31), dental prescriptions (OR=2.75; 95%CI 1.91-3.96), presence of chronic respiratory comorbidities (OR=1.30; 95%CI 1.08-1.56), and prescription of erythromycin (OR=3.66; 95%CI 3.24-4.14) or azithromycin (OR=2.15; 95%CI 1,92-2.41) were associated with a higher probability of macrolide use for unapproved indications while being 18-64 years old (OR=0.81; 95%CI 0.71-0.93) or 65 years or older (OR=0.77; 95%CI 0.63-0.94) and residing in Bogotá-Cundinamarca (OR=0.74; 95%CI 0.65-0.85) were associated with reduced risk. Conclusions: Most patients received macrolides for respiratory tract infections; erythromycin and azithromycin were used for unapproved indications in people under 18 years of age and those with chronic respiratory diseases.

Macrolides , Pneumonia , Pharmacoepidemiology , Colombia , Coronavirus Infections , Azithromycin , Inappropriate Prescribing
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Méd. Bras. (Online);68(6): 797-801, June 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387169


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medication prescription in hospitalized elderly patients according to the 2019 American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria. METHODS: This study is a prospective analysis of electronic medical records of elderly patients admitted to the Department of Medicine, Hospital Central da Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, between 1 September 2020 and 30 April 2021. RESULTS: A total of 142 patients (85 women and 57 men) with a mean age of 74.5±7.3 years (65-99 years) were assessed. Of these, 108 (76.1%) were elderly (age ≥65 years and <80 years) and 34 (23.9%) long-lived (age ≥80 years). The average length of stay found in the sample was 25.3±28.7 days (between 2 and 235 days), and 102 out of the 140 patients assessed remained in the hospital for up to 29 days. Sixteen drugs considered potentially inappropriate medication were found in the patients' prescriptions, with at least one potentially inappropriate medication having been prescribed to 141 (99.3%) patients. Elderly patients had a mean of 2.57±0.94 potentially inappropriate medication prescribed versus 2.56±0.89 among long-lived patients. The most prescribed potentially inappropriate medication were as follows: regular human insulin as required (85.2%), and omeprazole (73.9%) and metoclopramide as required (61.3%). CONCLUSION: The study sample showed significant percentages of potentially inappropriate medication prescriptions for the elderly admitted to the hospital.

Medisur ; 20(2)abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405898


RESUMEN Fundamento: los antimicrobianos forman parte de la familia de fármacos que más se prescriben en el mundo. Sus altos niveles de disponibilidad y consumo han conducido a un uso desproporcionado e inapropiado de estos fármacos. Objetivo: evaluar la prescripción de antimicrobianos en niños hospitalizados en cuatro servicios clínicos del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario Paquito González Cueto de Cienfuegos. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, correlacional, de corte transversal sobre la prescripción de antimicrobianos a pacientes en edad pediátrica. Se analizaron como variables: antimicrobiano indicado, dosis, subdosis, tiempo del tratamiento y diagnóstico al egreso. Resultados: se estudiaron 504 pacientes, a los que se les realizó 641 prescripciones, para una razón de 1,27 prescripciones por paciente. Se prescribió incorrectamente en el 32,3 % (n = 207) y no tenían indicación de tratamiento antimicrobiano 109 (17 %). El error más frecuente se produjo en el cálculo de la dosis a administrar y el tiempo de tratamiento en ambas categorías de estudio. El uso inadecuado de antimicrobiano fue mayor en las penicilinas (27 %), cefalosporinas (36 %) y las quinolonas (77 %). Mostraron mayor error de prescripción las enfermedades infecciosas 78 (32,6 %) y digestivas (62,5 %). Conclusiones: en los servicios clínicos estudiados se identificaron prácticas inadecuadas en la prescripción de antimicrobianos.

ABSTRACT Background: antimicrobials are part of the drugs family that are most prescribed in the world. Their high levels of availability and consumption have led to a disproportionate increase and inappropriate use of these drugs. Objective: to evaluate the prescription of antimicrobials in children hospitalized in four clinical services of the Paquito González Cueto Pediatric University Hospital in Cienfuegos. Methods: descriptive, correlational cross-sectional study on the prescription of antimicrobials to pediatric patients. The following variables were analyzed: indicated antimicrobial, dose, subdose, treatment time and diagnosis at discharge. Results: 504 patients were studied, who received 641 prescriptions, for a ratio of 1.27 prescriptions per patient. It was incorrectly prescribed in 32.3% (n = 207) and there was no indication for antimicrobial treatment in 109 (17%). The most frequent error occurred in the calculation of the dose to be administered and the treatment time in both study categories. Inappropriate antimicrobial use was higher for penicillins (27%), cephalosporins (36%), and quinolones (77%). Infectious diseases 78 (32.6%) and digestive diseases (62.5%) showed a greater prescription error Conclusions: inadequate practices in the prescription of antimicrobials were identified in the clinical services studied.

Rev. colomb. ciencias quim. farm ; 51(1)ene.-abr. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535819


SUMMARY Introduction: Studying the prescription of last generation antibiotics helps to identify the causes and consequences of the inadequate use of antibiotics. These include the appearance of antibacterial resistance, a situation declared by the WHO as a global public health problem. Aim: To describe the prescription of linezolid in a high complexity hospital in Bogotá, Colombia, considering the follow-up of the recommendations for the use of the drug included in clinical practice guidelines (CPG) and its indications. Methods: A descriptive observational study of longitudinal section was performed with retrospective collection of the information of all patients who were prescribed linezolid, at a minimum dose of 600 mg every 12 h during their hospitalization in the period from January 1st, 2017, to December 31st, 2018. The characteristics of linezolid prescription were described. Results: 133 prescriptions were reviewed. The most frequently diagnosed were sepsis of different origin (pulmonary abdominal, urinary) with 22.6 % (30/133), followed by skin and soft tissue infection 16.5 % (22/133), the pneumonia with 12.8 % (17/133) and urinary tract infections with 9.8 % (13/133). Two days treatment was the most frequent (range 1-30 days). In 33 % (44/133) of the patients, linezolid was used empirically (without using a previous antibiotic), while in 40.6 % (54/133) it was used as a second option (a previous antibiotic scheme). It was used as a third option in 20.3 % (27/133). Finally, in 6 % (8/133) of the patients, linezolid was prescribed after three previous antibiotics. It was necessary to use another antibiotic in near fifty percent of patients because linezolid did not work. Conclusions: The present study shows that there is little adherence to the institutional CPGs in relation to the treatment time, the microorganism identification, and the use as first option. The absence of a full-time infectious disease specialist, the high workload and the continuous rotation of prescribing staff may be the cause of these results. Some cases of inappropriate use may be related to the clinical condition of the patient which requires empirical treatments.

Introducción: el estudio de la prescripción de antibióticos de última generación ayuda a identificar las causas y consecuencias del uso inadecuado de antibióticos. Estas incluyen la aparición de resistencia a los antibacterianos, situación declarada por la OMS como un problema de salud pública mundial. Objetivos: describir la prescripción de linezolid en un hospital de alta complejidad de Bogotá, Colombia, teniendo en cuenta el seguimiento de las recomendaciones de uso del fármaco incluidas en las guías de práctica clínica (GPC) y sus indicaciones. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte longitudinal con recolección retrospectiva de la información de todos los pacientes a los que se les prescribió linezolid, a una dosis mínima de 600 mg cada 12 h durante el período del 1 de enero de 2017 al 31 de diciembre de 2018. Se describieron las características de la prescripción de line-zolid. Resultados: se revisaron 133 prescripciones. Los diagnósticos más frecuentes fueron la sepsis de diferente origen (pulmonar abdominal, urinaria) con el 22,6 % (30/133), seguida de la infección de piel y tejidos blandos con el 16,5 % (22/133), la neumonía con el 12,8 % (17/133) y las infecciones del tracto urinario con un 9,8 % (13/133). El tratamiento de dos días fue el más frecuente (rango 1-30 días). En el 33 % (44/133) de los pacientes se utilizó linezolid de forma empírica (sin utilizar antibiótico previo), mientras que en el 40,6 % (54/133) se utilizó como segunda opción (esquema antibiótico previo). Se utilizó como tercera opción en el 20,3 % (27/133). Finalmente, en el 6 % (8/133) de los pacientes se prescribió linezolid después de tres antibióticos previos. Fue necesario utilizar otro antibiótico en cerca del cincuenta por ciento de los pacientes porque linezolid no funcionó. Conclusiones: existe poca adherencia a las GPC institucionales en lo relacionado con el tiempo de tratamiento, la identificación del microorganismo, y la utilización como primera opción. La falta de un infectólogo de tiempo completo, la alta carga laboral y la continua rotación de personal prescriptor pueden ser las causas de estos resultados. Algunos casos de uso no adecuado pueden estar relacionados con la condición clínica del paciente que obliga a realizar tratamientos empíricos.

Introdução: o estudo da prescrição de antibióticos de última geração auxilia na identificação das causas e consequências do uso inadequado de antibióticos. Entre eles está o surgimento de resistência aos antibacterianos, situação declarada pela OMS como um problema de saúde pública global. Objetivos: descrever a prescrição de linezolida em hospital de alta complexidade de Bogotá, na Colômbia, levando em consideração o acompanhamento das recomendações de uso de medicamentos constantes das diretrizes de prática clínica (CPG) e suas indicações. Métodos: foi realizado um estudo observacional transversal e descritivo com coleta retrospectiva de informações de todos os pacientes que receberam prescrição de linezolida, na dose mínima de 600 mg a cada 12 h durante o período de 1 de janeiro de 2017 a 31 de dezembro de 2018. As características de prescrição da linezolida foram descritas. Resultados: 133 prescrições foram revisadas. Os diagnósticos mais frequentes foram sepse de diferentes origens (pulmonar, abdominal, urinária) com 22,6 % (30/133), seguida de infecção de pele e partes moles com 16,5 % (22/133), pneumonia com 12,8 % (17/133) e infecções do trato urinário com 9,8 % (13/133). O tratamento de dois dias foi o mais frequente (variação de 1-30 dias). Em 33 % (44/133) dos pacientes, a linezolida foi usada empiricamente (sem o uso de antibiótico prévio), enquanto em 40,6 % (54/133) foi usada como segunda opção (esquema antibiótico prévio). Foi utilizada como terceira opção em 20,3 % (27/133). Finalmente, em 6 % (8/133) dos pacientes, linezolida foi prescrito após três antibióticos anteriores. Outro antibiótico teve de ser usado em cerca de 50 por cento dos pacientes porque a linezolida não funcionou. Conclusões: há pouca adesão ao CPG institucional em relação ao tempo de tratamento, a identificação do microrganismo e a utilização como primeira opção. A falta de um infectologista em tempo integral, a alta carga de trabalho e a rotatividade contínua da equipe de prescrição podem ser as causas desses resultados. Alguns casos de uso inadequado podem estar relacionados ao quadro clínico do paciente que necessita de tratamentos empíricos.

Braz. j. infect. dis ; Braz. J. Infect. Dis. (Online);26(1): 102331, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364543


Abstract Background Helicobacter pylori infection can cause gastritis, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and gastric cancer. Its treatment involves different medications, but resistance to these treatments is increasing. It is currently considered a public health problem. Aims to identify regimens used for H. pylori eradication by age group, year of treatment and geographical region of Colombia. Methods A cross-sectional study that identified regimens used H. pylori eradication in outpatient consultations over a 6-year period based on a medication dispensing database of 8.5 million people affiliated to the Colombian Health System. The appropriate regimens were those that included a proton pump inhibitor, associated with two antibiotics recommended by clinical practice guidelines (amoxicillin, clarithromycin, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, tetracycline, doxycycline, metronidazole, tinidazole, and furazolidone). Results A total of 12,011 patients with a diagnosis of acid-peptic disease and H. pylori infection were identified, who had undergone 12,426 eradication treatment courses. Of these, 98.0% used a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), and 91.1% used amoxicillin. A total of 56.1% of the regimens were considered adequate; of these, 42.0% were a combination of PPI, amoxicillin/clarithromycin. This regimen predominated between 2015 and 2017 for all age groups. Conclusions The management of H. pylori infection in the majority of patients is heterogeneous and inconsistent with current recommendations based on evidence of antimicrobial resistance.

Clin. biomed. res ; 42(2): 100-106, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391462


Introdução: O conhecimento dos prescritores sobre medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados (MPI) pode reduzir o risco de resultados adversos à saúde em idosos, uma vez que esses medicamentos podem trazer mais risco do que benefício a esses pacientes. O objetivo deste estudo é obter informações sobre o conhecimento dos prescritores em relação aos cuidados na prescrição de medicamentos para idosos e analisar o conhecimento destes em relação a critérios explícitos de classificação de MPI.Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo exploratório e observacional, de delineamento transversal, desenvolvido com a aplicação de questionário on-line respondido de forma anônima por prescritores de uma unidade básica de saúde.Resultados: Dos 20 profissionais que responderam ao questionário, 9 eram professores, 7 médicos residentes e 4 médicos contratados. Em relação aos idosos, 70% dos prescritores percebem boa adesão ao tratamento e 40% maior frequência de reações adversas a medicamentos, quando comparados à população em geral. Somente 30% dos profissionais relataram conhecimento sobre algum critério de classificação de MPI, e 25% destes já utilizou/utiliza algum dos critérios na prática clínica. Porém, os prescritores citaram as classes mais presentes no Critério de Beers para MPI como candidatas à desprescrição e ajuste de dose.Conclusão: O conhecimento e aplicação de critérios de classificação de MPI na prática clínica é ainda incipiente, mesmo em Unidade vinculada a Hospital Universitário.

Introduction: Knowledge of potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs) may reduce the risk of adverse health outcomes in older patients, given that PIMs may be more harmful than beneficial to this population. To investigate prescribers' knowledge of appropriate drug prescription in older adults and evaluate their knowledge of explicit criteria for PIM classification.Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional, exploratory, observational study. We developed an online questionnaire, which was anonymously answered by prescribers from a primary care unit.Results: A total of 20 prescribers answered the questionnaire, of whom 9 were professors, 7 were medical residents, and 4 were physicians. In older patients, 70% of prescribers reported good adherence to treatment and 40% reported a higher rate of adverse drug reactions compared with the general population. Only 30% of prescribers reported some knowledge of the criteria for PIM classification, and 25% of them had already used/use some of the criteria in clinical practice. However, the most prevalent drug classes in the Beers Criteria for PIM were mentioned by prescribers as potentially requiring deprescription and dose adjustment.Conclusion: Knowledge and application of the PIM classification in clinical practice is still incipient, even in a primary care unit affiliated with a teaching hospital.

Humans , Health of the Elderly , Inappropriate Prescribing/adverse effects , Deprescriptions , Potentially Inappropriate Medication List/statistics & numerical data , Primary Health Care , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 49(4): e300, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1341239


Abstract Introduction A broad range of practices aimed at improving the effectives and safety of this process have been documented over the past few years. Objective To establish the effectiveness, safety and results of the implementation of these strategies in adult patients in university hospitals. Methodology A review of systematic reviews was conducted, in addition to a database search in the Cochrane Library of Systematic Reviews, Embase, Epistemonikos, LILACS and gray literature. Any strategy aimed at reducing prescription-associated risks was included as intervention. This review followed the protocol registered in the International Prospective Registry of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO): CRD42020165143. Results 7,637 studies were identified, upon deleting duplicate references. After excluding records based on titles and abstracts, 111 full texts were assessed for eligibility. Fifteen studies were included in the review. Several interventions grouped into 5 strategies addressed to the prescription process were identified; the use of computerized medical order entry systems (CPOE), whether integrated or not with computerized decision support systems (CDSS), was the most effective approach. Conclusions The beneficial effects of the interventions intended to the prescription process in terms of efficacy were identified; however, safety and implementation results were not thoroughly assessed. The heterogeneity of the studies and the low quality of the reviews, preclude a meta-analysis.

Resumen Introducción En los últimos años se han documentado gran variedad de prácticas dirigidas a mejorar la efectividad y la seguridad de este proceso. Objetivo Establecer la efectividad, seguridad y resultados de implementación de estas estrategias en pacientes adultos en hospitales universitarios. Metodología Se realizó una revisión de revisiones sistemáticas. Igualmente, la búsqueda en las bases de datos de la Biblioteca Cochrane de Revisiones Sistemáticas, Medline, Embase, Epistemonikos, LILACS y literatura gris. Se incluyó como intervención cualquier estrategia dirigida a reducir el riesgo asociado a un error de prescripción. Esta revisión siguió el protocolo registrado en el Registro Prospectivo Internacional de Revisiones Sistemáticas (PROSPERO): CRD42020165143. Resultados Se identificaron 7.637 estudios después de eliminar las referencias duplicadas. Después de la exclusión de registros basados en títulos y resúmenes, se evaluaron 111 textos completos para elegibilidad. Se incluyeron quince estudios en la revisión. Se identificaron varias intervenciones agrupadas en 5 estrategias dirigidas al proceso de prescripción, de las cuales el uso de sistemas computarizados de entrada de órdenes médicas (CPOE) integrados o no a sistemas de soporte de decisión computarizados (CDSS) la estrategia más eficaz. Conclusiones Se identificaron efectos benéficos de las intervenciones dirigidas al proceso de prescripción en términos de eficacia; sin embargo, la seguridad y los resultados de implementación no fueron ampliamente evaluados. La heterogeneidad de los estudios y la baja calidad de las revisiones impiden la realización de un metaanálisis.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Drug Prescriptions , Preventive Health Services , Hospitals, University , Medication Errors , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Medical Errors , Electronic Prescribing , Inappropriate Prescribing
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Online);26(8): 3209-3219, ago. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285951


Resumo Objetivou-se realizar uma revisão sistemática para identificar e avaliar a prevalência da prescrição de medicamentos potencialmente inapropriados (MPI), segundo os Critérios de Beers, em idosos hospitalizados com ≥65 anos. Foram consultadas cinco bases de dados: BVS, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, MEDLINE e Web of Science. Foram identificados 19 artigos, selecionados a partir de critérios de elegibilidade. A média de idade foi 78,2 anos e o critério mais utilizado para a identificação dos MPI para idosos foi o de Beers 2015 (57,9%). Um total de 221.879 idosos recebeu prescrição inapropriada, a prevalência média foi de 65.0%, com destaque para o sistema gastrointestinal (15,3%) e os inibidores da bomba de prótons (27,7%) como a principal classe de medicamento prescrita. Conclui-se que os Critérios de Beers possibilitaram a identificação da alta prevalência na prescrição dos MPI. Os resultados desta revisão poderão auxiliar na tomada de decisão dos profissionais de saúde, no intuito de se evitar a administração dos MPI e propor melhores práticas que garantam a segurança do idoso hospitalizado.

Abstract The study aimed to perform a systematic review to identify and evaluate the prevalence of potentially inappropriate medicines (PIM) prescriptions for the elderly, according to Beers Criteria, in hospitalized elderly individuals aged 65 years or older. Five databases consulted: VHL; Cochrane Library; CINAHL; MEDLINE and Web of Science. Nineteen articles identified, selected based on eligibility criteria. The mean age was 78.2 years and the most used criterion for the identification of PIM for the elderly was Beers 2015 (57.9%). A total of 221,879 elderly received a prescription for PIM, the mean prevalence was 65.0%, for the gastrointestinal system (15.3%) and proton-pump inhibitors (27.7%) highlighted as the main class of medicine prescribed. It concluded that the Beers Criteria have made it possible to identify the high prevalence in the prescription of PIM. The results of this review may help in the decision making of health professionals, to avoid the administration of PIM and to propose best practices to ensure the safety of the elderly hospitalized.

Humans , Aged , Inappropriate Prescribing/prevention & control , Potentially Inappropriate Medication List , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Méd. Bras. (Online);67(6): 800-805, June 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346917


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: To evaluate potentially inappropriate medications, potential drug-drug interactions, and prescribing practices in elderly ambulatory patients. METHODS: We carried out a cross-sectional study on 275 elderly patients attending different outpatient departments. We used the Screening Tool for Older Person's Prescriptions criteria version two to identify potentially inappropriate medications, IBM Micromedex, to categorize potential drug-drug interactions as major and moderate. World Health Organization prescribing indicators were used to evaluate prescribing practices. RESULTS: The prevalence of potentially inappropriate medications in 275 prescriptions was 21.9%. Diclofenac was the most common inappropriate drug (n=23). Metoprolol is the second most inappropriate drug (n=12). Amlodipine and clopidogrel, aspirin and furosemide, and aspirin and spironolactone together accounted for 71.42% of major interactions (n=15). Atorvastatin and clopidogrel was the most common moderate drug-drug interaction in our study (n=24). The average number of drugs per encounter, the percentage of drugs with a generic name, and the percentage of drugs from the essential drugs list must be improved. CONCLUSION: There is a need to provide awareness through education about the explicit criteria to identify potentially inappropriate medications and prescribing indicators that aid in rational prescribing in the elderly.

Humans , Aged , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Potentially Inappropriate Medication List , Cross-Sectional Studies , Drug Interactions , Inappropriate Prescribing
Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 92(1): e204, jun. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248843


Resumen: Introducción: la prescripción inadecuada de antibióticos (ATB) es un problema de salud pública. Objetivo: describir la frecuencia y los motivos de utilización inadecuada de ATB en niños hospitalizados en salas de cuidados moderados del Hospital Pediátrico, Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell, entre 15/6/2019 y 15/7/2019. Material y método: estudio descriptivo, transversal. Se incluyeron los menores de 15 años en tratamiento ATB sistémico independientemente del motivo de prescripción. Variables: edad, comorbilidades, diagnóstico al egreso, ATB (tipo, dosis, vía, intervalo, duración). El uso inadecuado se categorizó en: tipo A (selección de ATB inapropiado) y tipo B (ATB no indicado). Resultados: se incluyeron 100 niños, 53% sexo femenino, mediana edad 2,2 años (rango 0-14). Presentaban comorbilidades 52%. Se detectó prescripción inadecuada en 43%, categoría A 30% y categoría B 13% (p <0,05). La principal causa de prescripción inadecuada fueron las infecciones respiratorias (33%). Se observó predominio de prescripción adecuada en menores de 1 año e inadecuada en mayores de 5 años (p <0,05). En la categoría A (n=30) la causa más frecuente de prescripción inadecuada fue el uso de ATB de mayor espectro al requerido (14/30), seguido de la administración por vía intravenosa (5/30). Los ATB más frecuentemente prescriptos en forma inadecuada fueron ampicilina (17/43) y ceftriaxona (14/43). Conclusiones: la prescripción inadecuada de ATB en este centro es un problema frecuente. La indicación de ATB de mayor espectro al necesario por vía intravenosa en el tratamiento de infecciones respiratorias es el patrón predominante. Es necesario vigilar el cumplimiento de las recomendaciones nacionales.

Summary: Introduction: inappropriate prescription of antibiotics (ATB) is a public health problem. Objective: to describe the frequency and reasons for the inappropriate use of ATB in children hospitalized in the Moderate Care Ward of the Pereira Rossell's Pediatric Hospital Center between 06/15/2019 and 07/15/2019. Materials and Methods: descriptive, cross-sectional study. Children under 15 years of age were included in systemic ATB treatment regardless of the reason for the prescription. Variables: age, comorbidities, diagnosis at discharge, ATB (type, dose, route, interval, duration). Inappropriate use was categorized into: type A (selection of inappropriate ATB) and type B (ATB not indicated). Results: 100 children were included, 53% female, median age 2.2 years (range 0-14), 52% had comorbidities. Inappropriate prescription was detected in 43%, category A 30% and category B 13% (p <0.05). The main cause of inappropriate prescription was respiratory infections (33%). Prevalence of appropriate prescription was observed for the case of children under one year of age and inadequate in those over 5 years of age (p <0.05). In category A (n = 30), the most frequent cause of inadequate prescription was the use of ATB with a greater spectrum than required (14/30) followed by intravenous administration (5/30). The most frequently inappropriately prescribed ATBs were ampicillin (17/43) and ceftriaxone (14/43). Conclusions: the inappropriate prescription of ATB in this center is a frequent problem. The main pattern is the prescription of intravenous ATBs of a broader range than that required for respiratory infections. It is necessary to monitor compliance with national recommendations.

Resumo: Introdução: a prescrição inadequada de antibióticos (ATB) é um problema de saúde pública. Objetivo: descrever a frequência e os motivos do uso inadequado de ATB em crianças internadas em enfermarias de cuidados moderados do Hospital Pediátrico do Centro Hospitalar Pereira Rossell entre 15/06/2019 e 15/07/2019. Materiais e métodos: estudo descritivo, transversal. Incluíram-se menores de 15 anos de idade em tratamento sistêmico com ATB, independentemente do motivo da prescrição. Variáveis: idade, comorbidades, diagnóstico na alta, ATB (tipo, dose, via, intervalo, duração). O uso inadequado foi categorizado em: tipo A (seleção ATB inadequada) e tipo B (ATB não indicado). Resultados: incluíram-se 100 crianças, 53% do sexo feminino, meia-idade 2,2 anos (variação 0-14). 52% tinham comorbidades. Detectou-se prescrição inadequada em 43%, categoria A 30% e categoria B 13% (p <0,05). A principal causa de prescrição inadequada foi para o caso de infecções respiratórias (33%). Observou-se predomínio de prescrição adequada em menores de um ano e inadequada em maiores de 5 anos (p <0,05). Na categoria A (n = 30), a causa mais frequente de prescrição inadequada foi o uso de ATB com espectro superior ao necessário (14/30), seguido de administração intravenosa (5/30). Os ATBs mais frequentemente prescritos de forma inadequada foram ampicilina (17/43) e ceftriaxona (14/43). Conclusões: a prescrição inadequada de ATB neste centro é um problema frequente. A indicação de ATB com espectro maior que o necessário por via intravenosa no tratamento das infecções respiratórias é o padrão predominante. É necessário monitorar o cumprimento das recomendações nacionais.

Arq. gastroenterol ; Arq. gastroenterol;58(1): 32-38, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248997


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Intravenous (IV) use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is advised only in cases of suspected upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) or impossibility of receiving oral medication, although there has been a persistent practice of their inappropriate use in health institutions. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of our study was to measure the inappropriate use of IV PPIs in a high complexity hospital in Brazil and to estimate its costs. METHODS: Retrospective study of 333 patients who received IV omeprazole between July and December of 2018 in a high complexity hospital in Brazil. RESULTS: IV omeprazole was found to be appropriately prescribed in only 23.4% patient reports. This medication was administered mainly in cases of suspected UGIB (19.1%) and stress ulcer prophylaxis in patients with high risk of UGIB unable to receive medication orally (18.7%). It was observed a statistically significant association between adequate prescription and stress ulcer prophylaxis in patients with high risk of UGIB unable to receive medication orally; patient nil per os with valid indication for PPIs usage; prescription by intensive care unit doctors; prescription by emergency room doctors; intensive care unit admission; evolution to death; sepsis; and traumatic brain injury (P<0.05). On the other hand, inadequate prescription had a statistically significant association with surgical ward prescription and non-evolution to death (P<0.05). The estimated cost of the vials prescribed inadequately was US$1696. CONCLUSION: There was a high number of inappropriate IV omeprazole prescriptions in the studied hospital, entailing greater costs to the institution and unnecessary risks.

RESUMO CONTEXTO: Atualmente, o uso intravenoso (IV) dos inibidores de bomba de prótons (IBPs) é indicado em poucas situações, como em casos de hemorragia digestiva alta ou impossibilidade de recebê-los via oral. Há diversos estudos mostrando o uso excessivo desse fármaco, na forma intravenosa, desnecessariamente e acarretando altos custos aos hospitais. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as indicações, posologias, duração do tratamento e custos das prescrições de omeprazol intravenoso. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 333 pacientes que receberam omeprazol intravenoso entre julho a dezembro de 2018 em um hospital de alta complexidade no Brasil. RESULTADOS: A prescrição de omeprazol intravenoso foi considerada totalmente adequada em apenas 23,4% das prescrições analisadas. O medicamento foi administrado principalmente em casos de suspeita de hemorragia digestiva alta (HDA) (19,1%) e profilaxia de úlcera de estresse em paciente com alto risco de HDA impossibilitado de receber via oral (18,7%). Foi observada associação estatisticamente significativa entre prescrição adequada e profilaxia de úlcera de estresse em paciente com alto risco de HDA impossibilitado de receber medicamento via oral; paciente em nil per os com indicação válida de IBPs; prescrição por médico da UTI; prescrição por médico do pronto atendimento; admissão na UTI; evolução a óbito; sepse; e traumatismo cranioencefálico (P<0,05). Já a prescrição inadequada teve associação estatisticamente significativa com prescrição por setor cirúrgico e a não evolução a óbito (P<0,05). O custo estimado do total de ampolas prescritas inadequadamente foi de US$1696,00. CONCLUSÃO: Houve um elevado número de prescrições de omeprazol intravenoso inadequadas no hospital estudado, acarretando um custo elevado para a instituição.

Humans , Omeprazole , Proton Pump Inhibitors , Brazil , Retrospective Studies , Hospitals
Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 53(1): e21021, Marzo 12, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356820


Resumen Introducción: La polifarmacia y la prescripción inapropiada (PI) se han visto relacionadas con múltiples variables, incluidas las de aspecto socioeconómico, sin embargo, la evidencia en esta asociación es escasa y heterogénea. Objetivo: Evaluar la asociación entre la polifarmacia y la prescripción inapropiada de medicamentos en adultos mayores de 60 años según su clase social. Material y métodos: Estudio piloto de diseño descriptivo, corte transversal realizada en la ciudad de Bucaramanga-Colombia, con una muestra de 135 adultos mayores de 60 años. Se realizó una encuesta donde se registraron datos sociodemográficos, estado de salud en el último mes, comorbilidades, medicamentos de uso crónico y escalas de funcionalidad. Resultados: No se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa entre prescripción inapropiada y polifarmacia con la clase social y el nivel educativo (P=0,639). Sin embargo, el tener una filiación al sistema de seguridad social de tipo subsidiado estuvo significativamente asociada a la infra prescripción (P<0,029). La presencia de ingresos mensuales estuvo asociada con la presencia de polifarmacia (P<0,029) y prescripción inadecuada (P<0,033). Conclusiones: Existe una asociación entre algunas variables socioeconómicas, el número de médicos tratantes y algunas especialidades médicas con presentar polifarmacia y prescripción inapropiada de medicamentos.

Abstract Introduction: Polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing have been related to multiple variables, including sociodemographic, however the evidence is limited and heterogeneous. Objective: To evaluate the association between polypharmacy and inappropriate prescribing in adults over 60 years old according to their social class. Material and methods: A pilot cross-sectional population-based study in the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia, with a sample of 135 adults over 60 years old. A survey was conducted where sociodemographics, health status in the last month, comorbidities, drugs of chronic use and functionality according to scales were registered. Results: No statistical association was found between inappropriate prescribing and Polypharmacy amongst social class and education level (P=0.639). Nevertheless, having an affiliation with a subsidized social security system was significantly associated with infra prescription (P <0.029). The existence of monthly income was associated with the presence of polypharmacy (P <0.029) and inadequate prescribing (P <0.033). Conclusions: There exists an association between some socioeconomic variables, the number of practicing physicians and some medical specialties with polypharmacy and inadequate prescription of drugs.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Polypharmacy , Inappropriate Prescribing , Medication Errors