Objective To analyze and evaluate the application of indirect hemagglutination test (IHA) method in the epidemic area of Meriones unguiculatus in Inner Mongolia.Methods The plague monitoring summary and epidemic analysis reports of each year in Inner Mongolia from 1996 to 2016 were collected.The serum results of the IHA method were analyzed,including the time,region and the distribution of host animals.Results From 1996 to 2016,a total of 38 096 serum samples were detected from various host animals,and 172 positive samples were detected,with a positive rate of 0.45%.In the 21 years,except 2001 and 2015,the occurrence and prevalence of plague were judged by the IHA method for the remaining 19 years.There were 10 counties detected positive sera by IHA method;the positive results were detected by IHA method in 6 kinds of host animals,including 5 rodents and 1 carnivorous,and the positive rate of Rhombomys opimus was up to 6.17% (91/1 475),the highest titer of the seropositive host animals was as high as 1:10 240.Conclusions The IHA method is easy to operate and economical.It plays a huge role in the timely detection of the epidemic in systematic monitoring of the Meriones unguiculatus in Inner Mongolia.
Objective To comprehensively evaluate the effects of indirect hemagglutination test(IHA),enzyme?linked im?munosorbent assay(ELISA),and dipstick dye method(DDIA)in the diagnosis of schistosomiasis japonica at different preva?lence by using Meta?analysis. Methods Through the literature review according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,a data?base was established,and by using Meta?disc and R software,the Meta?analysis was performed including the threshold test,het?erogeneity test,weighted by the quantitative effect of merger,SROC curve fitting,etc. Results A total of 60 papers were in?cluded in the final analysis. The sensitivities of IHA were 0.84,0.76 and 0.94 in heavy,medium and low endemic areas,and specificities were 0.73,0.64 and 0.73 respectively;the sensitivities of ELISA were 0.88,0.80 and 0.93 in heavy,medium and low endemic areas,and the specificities were 0.59,0.59 and 0.62 respectively;the sensitivities of DDIA were 0.93,0.81 and 0.93 in the heavy,medium and low endemic areas,and specificities were 0.66,0.69 and 0.59 respectively. The weighted sensi?tivities of IHA,ELISA and DDIA were 0.83,0.87 and 0.90 respectively;the weighted specificities were 0.69,0.60 and 0.62 re?spectively. The areas under the curve of SROC were 0.89,0.96 and 0.92 in IHA,ELISA and DDIA respectively. Conclusions In different prevalence,the effectiveness of different methods for serological diagnosis of schistosomiasis is different. The sensi?tivity and specificity of all diagnostic methods of schistosomiasis need to further improve.
Objective To investigate the infection status of Toxoplasma gondii in different colonies of tree shrews and then provide the basis for parasitological monitoring .Methods Each of the forty blood samples were randomly collected from three tree shrews colonies : wild origin, domesticated and first generation, respectively.Both indirect hemagglutination test (IHA) and PCR assay were used to detect the Toxoplasma gondii.Results No positive sample of Toxoplasma gondii was detected from either IHA or PCR results .The results from IHA and PCR assays were in coincidence with each other.Conclusions According to the survey none of the tree shrews from the three groups is infected with Toxoplasma gondii.More samples or infection experiments are needed to determine whether tree shrews can be infected with Toxoplasma gondii.
Objective To discuss the test efficiency of three methods for detecting Toxoplasma IgG antibody. Methods To-tally 304 specimens were detected parallelly for Toxoplasma IgG antibody by using the gold marked method,indirect hemagglutina-tion test(IHA),and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA),and the sensitivity,specificity and Youden index of these methods were compared. Results The detection sensitivities of gold marked method,IHA,and ELISA for Toxoplasma IgG anti-body were 85.5%,89.8%and 91.9%respectively(χ2=4.12,P>0.05);the specificities were 92.4%,96.6%and 97.5%respec-tively(χ2=4.06,P>0.05). The detection efficiency and Youden index of ELISA were 94.1%and 0.89 respectively,being high-er than those of IHA and gold marked method. Conclusion The sensitivity and specificity of the ELISA method for Toxoplasma IgG antibody are higher,and in addition,it can be automated. Therefore,it is suitable for large-scale Toxoplasma IgG antibody screening.
Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1909) is an obligatory intracellular protozoan parasite of warm animals, including human and non-human primates. Domestic and wild felids are considered definitive hosts. Several authors have already identified lesions in New World primates caused by T. gondii. Nevertheless, little is known about serological studies on those animals. With this reason, New World non-human primates of the genera Cebus and Callithrix that were apprehended by governmental authorities and sent to the Wildlife Screening Center (Cetas)/IBAMA, at the municipality of Seropédica, state of Rio Janeiro, were bled and sera were submitted to the indirect hemagglutination test for detection of anti-T. gondii antibodies. From 21 sera of Cebus primates, 76.19% (16/21) had anti-T. gondii antibodies. Titles varied from 16 to 2048. In samples from 21 Callithrix, only 4.5% (1/22) had anti-T. gondii antibodies. Only one animal had a title of 32. During all the time those animals were clinical evaluated until sample was collected; none of them had any clinical sign or sequel related to infection by T. gondii. The fact that the origin of these primates is unknown and that there is no information about their feeding habits before captivity makes it difficult to determine the source of T. gondii infection.
Toxoplasma gondii (Nicolle et Manceaux, 1909) é um protozoário parasita intracelular obrigatório de animais homeotérmicos, incluindo primatas humanos e não humanos, e que tem felídeos domésticos e silvestres como hospedeiros definitivos. Inúmeros trabalhos já identificaram lesões causadas por T. gondii em primatas neotropicais, entretanto, poucos estudos abordando a resposta sorológica destes animais ao parasito foram feitos. Com este intuito, primatas neotropicais do gênero Cebus e Callithrix apreendidos por órgãos governamentais e enviados ao Centro de Triagem de Animais Silvestres (Cetas)/IBAMA, no município de Seropédica/RJ, tiveram amostras de sangue coletadas e as alíquotas séricas submetidas ao teste de hemaglutinação indireta para detecção de anticorpos anti-T. gondii. Dos 21 animais do gênero Cebus avaliados, em 76,19% (16/21) das amostras foram identificados anticorpos hemaglutinantes anti-T. gondii. Os títulos hemaglutinantes variaram desde 16 até 2048. Por outro lado, dos 22 primatas do gênero Callithrix cujas amostras séricas foram testadas, apenas 4,5% (1/22) apresentaram anticorpos anti-T. gondii. Apenas o título de 32 foi identificado em um único animal. Durante a avaliação clínica e o tempo em que os animais permaneceram no CETAS, desde a chegada, em nenhum animal foram observados sinais clínicos ou sequelas condizentes com a infecção por T. gondii. O desconhecimento sobre a verdadeira procedência desses símios, bem como os aspectos sanitários relativos à alimentação deles dificulta a determinação da fonte de infecção por T. gondii.