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Semina cienc. biol. saude ; 45(2): 113-120, jul./dez. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568648


A instabilidade de microssatélites é um fenômeno genético caracterizado pela alteração na repetição de sequências de nucleotídeos conhecidas como microssatélites. Esta instabilidade pode ocorrer devido a defeitos nos genes reparadores de DNA, como os genes MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 e PMS2. A inflamação crônica tem sido associada ao desenvolvimento do câncer colorretal. Os genes da instabilidade de microssatélites estão envolvidos na regulação da resposta inflamatória, podendo influenciar a progressão tumoral. Estudos demonstraram que a presença de instabilidade de microssatélites em tumores colorretais está relacionada a uma maior infiltração de células imunes, como linfócitos T, macrófagos e neutrófilos, que podem modular a resposta inflamatória no microambiente tumoral. O estresse oxidativo é caracterizado pelo desequilíbrio entre a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio e a capacidade antioxidante do organismo e desempenha um papel importante na carcinogênese. Os genes da instabilidade de microssatélites podem influenciar a resposta ao estresse oxidativo, afetando a capacidade das células tumorais de lidar com o dano oxidativo e promovendo a sobrevivência celular. O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na compreensão dos genes envolvidos na instabilidade de microssatélites no câncer colorretal e como eles contribuem para o desenvolvimento da doença, relacionando com processos inflamatórios e estresse oxidativo nas células tumorais. Justifica-se pela necessidade de compreensão das interconexões entre a instabilidade de microssatélites, inflamação e o estresse oxidativo em pacientes com câncer colorretal.

Microsatellite instability is a genetic phenomenon characterized by changes in the repetition of nucleotide sequences known as microsatellites. This instability may occur due to defects in DNA repair genes, such as the MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 and PMS2 genes. Chronic inflammation has been linked to the development of colorectal cancer. Microsatellite instability genes are involved in regulating the inflammatory response and may influence tumor progression. Studies have shown that the presence of microsatellite instability in colorectal tumors is related to a greater infiltration of immune cells, such as T lymphocytes, macrophages and neutrophils, which can modulate the inflammatory response in the tumor microenvironment. Oxidative stress is characterized by the imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species and the body's antioxidant capacity and plays an important role in carcinogenesis. Microsatellite instability genes can influence the response to oxidative stress, affecting the ability of tumor cells to deal with oxidative damage and promoting cell survival. The objective of this work is to understand the genes involved in microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer and how they contribute to the development of the disease, relating it to inflammatory processes and oxidative stress in tumor cells. It is justified by the need to understand the interconnections between microsatellite instability, inflammation and oxidative stress in patients with colorectal cancer.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 984-990, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569276


SUMMARY: In this study we aimed to examine the effect of novel vasodilatory drug Riociguat co-administration along resveratrol to recover neurodegeneration in experimental stroke injury. For that purpose, thirty-five adult female rats were divided into five groups (Control, MCAO, MCAO + R, MCAO + BAY, MCAO + C) of seven animals in each. Animals in Control group did not expose to any application during the experiment and sacrificed at the end of the study. Rats in the rest groups exposed to middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) induced ischemic stroke. MCAO + R group received 30 mg/kg resveratrol, and MCAO + BAY group received 10 mg/kg Riociguat. The MCAO + C group received both drugs simultaneously. The drugs were administered just before the reperfusion, and the additional doses were administered 24h, and 48h hours of reperfusion. All animals in this study were sacrificed at the 72nd hour of experiment. Total brains were received for analysis. Results of this experiment indicated that MCAO led to severe injury in cerebral structure. Bax, IL-6 and IL-1ß tissue levels were up-regulated, but anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 immunoexpression was suppressed (p<0.05). In resveratrol and Riociguat treated animals, the neurodegenerations and apoptosis and inflammation associated protein expressions were improved compared to MCAO group, but the most success was obtained in combined treatment exposed animals in MCAO + C group. This study indicated that the novel soluble guanylate stimulator Riociguat is not only a potent neuroprotective drug in MCAO induced stroke, but also synergistic administration of Riociguat along with resveratrol have potential to increase the neuroprotective effect of resveratrol in experimental cerebral stroke exposed rats.

En este estudio, nuestro objetivo fue examinar el efecto de la coadministración del nuevo fármaco vasodilatador Riociguat junto con resveratrol para recuperar la neurodegeneración en lesiones por ataques cerebrovasculares experimentales. Para ello, se dividieron 35 ratas hembras adultas en cinco grupos (Control, MCAO, MCAO + R, MCAO + BAY, MCAO + C) de siete animales en cada uno. Los animales del grupo control no fueron sometidos a ninguna aplicación durante el experimento y se sacrificaron al final del estudio. Las ratas de los grupos expuestas a la oclusión de la arteria cerebral media (MCAO) indujeron un ataque cerebrovascular isquémico. El grupo MCAO + R recibió 30 mg/kg de resveratrol y el grupo MCAO + BAY recibió 10 mg/kg de Riociguat. El grupo MCAO + C recibió ambos fármacos simultáneamente. Los fármacos se administraron antes de la reperfusión y las dosis adicionales se administraron a las 24 y 48 horas de la reperfusión. Todos los animales en este estudio fueron sacrificados a las 72 horas del experimento. Se recibieron cerebros totales para su análisis. Los resultados indicaron que la MCAO provocaba lesiones graves en la estructura cerebral. Los niveles tisulares de Bax, IL-6 e IL- 1ß estaban regulados positivamente, pero se suprimió la inmunoexpresión antiapoptótica de Bcl-2 (p <0,05). En los animales tratados con resveratrol y Riociguat, las neurodegeneraciones y las expresiones de proteínas asociadas a la apoptosis y la inflamación mejoraron en comparación con el grupo MCAO, sin embargo el mayor éxito se obtuvo en el tratamiento combinado de animales expuestos en el grupo MCAO + C. Este estudio indicó que el nuevo estimulador de guanilato ciclasa soluble Riociguat no solo es un fármaco neuroprotector potente en el ataque cerebrovascular inducido por MCAO, sino que también la administración sinérgica de Riociguat junto con resveratrol tiene el potencial para aumentar el efecto neuroprotector del resveratrol en ratas experimentales expuestas a un ataque cerebrovascular.

Animals , Female , Rats , Pyrazoles/administration & dosage , Pyrimidines/administration & dosage , Stroke/drug therapy , Resveratrol/administration & dosage , Arterial Occlusive Diseases , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Immunohistochemistry , Interleukin-6/analysis , Apoptosis/drug effects , Neuroprotective Agents , Middle Cerebral Artery , Stroke/pathology , Enzyme Activators/administration & dosage , Models, Animal , Drug Therapy, Combination , Interleukin-1beta/analysis , Guanylate Cyclase/drug effects , Inflammation
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 112(2): 1120851, mayo-ago.2024. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566805


La diabetes mellitus es una enfermedad metabólica que se caracteriza por tener un aumento en los niveles de glucemia, causando un estado inflamatorio sistémico que puede afectar la cicatrización de las lesiones periapicales presentes en la periodontitis apical, una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica causada por una infección endodóntica cuyo desarrollo está regulado por la respuesta inmunitaria del huésped. La diabetes podría interactuar con la periodontitis apical al desencadenar la modulación inmunitaria, pudiendo afectar la respuesta clínica de las lesiones periapicales e interferir con la cicatrización después del tratamiento endodóntico. El objetivo de esta revisión de la literatura es analizar la evidencia respecto a la relación entre la diabetes mellitus y la presencia y severidad de la periodontitis apical de origen endodóntico. Se recopilaron artículos de las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus y Web of Science entre los años 2016 y 2021. Se eligieron 31 artículos pertinentes para el estudio. En el 41,6% de los estudios se encontró una mayor presencia de periodontitis apical en pacientes con diabetes asociada a una lesión apical más compleja y comprometida. Un 25% de los estudios encontró que los pacientes diabéticos mal controlados presentan mayor presencia de periodontitis apical. Un 25% de los estudios encontró que niveles altos de HbA1c se asocian a la presencia de periodontitis apical. Se encontró una relación entre la diabetes y la periodontitis apical, por lo que la diabetes debe ser considerada como un factor preoperatorio importante en el desarrollo y severidad de la periodontitis apical, sin embargo, se deben realizar estudios experimentales más estandarizados para poder determinar con mayor exactitud esta relación, además de poder indagar la bidireccionalidad entre ambos.(AU)

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that is characterized by an increase in blood glucose levels, causing a systemic inflammatory state that can affect the healing of periapical lesions present in apical periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory disease caused by an endodontic infection whose development is regulated by the host's immune response. Diabetes could interact with apical periodontitis by triggering immune modulation, being able to affect the clinical outcome of periapical lesions and interfering with healing after endodontic treatment. The objective of this literature review is to analyze the evidence regarding the relationship between diabetes mellitus and the presence and severity of apical periodontitis of endodontic origin. Articles were collected from the PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases between the years 2016 and 2021. 31 relevant articles were included for this study. In 41.6% of the studies a greater presence of apical periodontitis was found in patients with diabetes associated with a more complex and compromised apical lesion. 25% of the studies reported that poorly controlled diabetic patients had a greater presence of apical periodontitis. 25% of the studies reported high levels of HbA1c in association with apical periodontitis. A relationship was found between diabetes and apical periodontitis, which means diabetes should be considered as an important preoperative factor in the development and severity of apical periodontitis; however, more standardized experimental studies should be carried out to determine this relationship more accurately, in addition to being able to investigate a bidirectionality between the two.(AU)

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; Arch. cardiol. Méx;94(2): 191-202, Apr.-Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556916


Resumen La inflamación es un factor patogénico importante para el desarrollo de la enfermedad cardiovascular aterosclerótica. Actualmente, el biomarcador utilizado con mayor frecuencia que refleja la inflamación sistémica es la proteína C reactiva (PCR), una proteína de fase aguda producida principalmente por los hepatocitos bajo la influencia de la interleucina 6, la interleucina 1 beta y el factor de necrosis tumoral. La evidencia proveniente de estudios epidemiológicos ha demostrado una fuerte asociación entre las concentraciones elevadas de PCR en suero o plasma y la incidencia de un primer evento cardiovascular (incluido infarto agudo de miocardio, accidente vascular cerebral isquémico y muerte cardíaca súbita) en la población general, así como la recurrencia de eventos cardiovasculares adversos en los pacientes con enfermedad establecida. El valor aditivo que la medición de la PCR otorga a los factores de riesgo tradicionales se refleja en novedosas calculadoras de riesgo cardiovascular y en los actuales regímenes de intervención, que ya consideran a la PCR como objetivo terapéutico. Sin embargo, las variaciones en los niveles de PCR, que dependen del sexo, la etnia, el estado hormonal y algunas peculiaridades de los ensayos de medición, deben tenerse en cuenta al decidir implementar la PCR como un biomarcador útil en el estudio y el tratamiento de la enfermedad cardiovascular aterosclerótica. Esta revisión pretende ofrecer una visión actualizada de la importancia de medir la PCR como biomarcador de riesgo cardiovascular más allá de los factores tradicionales que estiman el riesgo de enfermedad aterosclerótica.

Abstract Inflammation is an important pathogenic factor for the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Currently, the most frequently used biomarker reflecting systemic inflammation is C-reactive protein (CRP), an acute-phase protein produced primarily by hepatocytes under the influence of interleukin-6, interleukin-1 beta, and tumor necrosis factor. Growing evidence from epidemiological studies has shown a robust association between elevated serum or plasma CRP concentrations and the incidence of a first cardiovascular adverse event (including acute myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and sudden cardiac death) in the general population, as well as recurrence of major adverse cardiovascular events among patients with established disease. The additive value that CRP measurement gives to traditional risk factors is reflected in novel cardiovascular risk calculators and in current intervention regimens, which already consider CRP as a target therapeutic. However, the variations in CRP levels, that depend on sex, ethnicity, hormonal status, and some peculiarities of the measurement assays, must be taken into consideration when deciding to implement CRP as a useful biomarker in the study and treatment of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. This review aims to offer an updated vision of the importance of measuring CRP levels as a biomarker of cardiovascular risk beyond the traditional factors that estimate the risk of atherosclerotic disease.

Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 59(3): 471-474, May-June 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569770


Abstract Osteoarthritis (OA) can incapacitate the individual to perform their activities of daily living due to pain. This is an important public health issue that worsens worldwide and in Brazil, since the population goes through an aging process, and has caused increased public spending on the monitoring and maintenance of treatments that can last for years and still not be resolutive. Thus, the search for innovative and effective therapies that can reduce costs becomes necessary. In this context, the present study reports the first application of cell therapy with adipose-derived stem cells in the treatment of cases of OA that are refractory to the conservative treatment, performed in the Brazilian Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde, SUS). The evaluation was performed with the application of the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), the Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC), specifics for OA evaluation, and also an analysis of the synovial fluid (inflammatory cytokines). The cell therapy improved the scores on the WOMAC, SF-36 and EVA, and reduced the inflammatory process. We observed a decrease of 0.73x in the TNF, of 0,71x in IL-1b, of 0,68x in IL-8, and of 0,70x in IL-10. For IL-6, an increase of 1,48x was observed. Therefore, this cell therapy can be considered promising in aiding the management of this disease, since it improved the patient's pain, decrease inflammatory markers, and enabled the return to activities of daily living, which resulted in an improvement in their quality of life.

Resumo A osteoartrite (OA) pode deixar o indivíduo incapacitado para realizar suas atividades da vida diária devido ao quadro álgico. Essa é uma importante questão de saúde pública que se agrava no mundo inteiro e no Brasil, uma vez que a população passa pelo processo de envelhecimento, e isso causa um aumento nos gastos públicos com o acompanhamento e manutenção dos tratamentos que podem perdurar por anos e mesmo assim não serem resolutivos. Assim, torna-se necessária a busca por terapias inovadoras e eficazes que possam reduzir esses custos. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo relata a primeira aplicação de terapia celular com células-tronco mesenquimais do tecido adiposo no tratamento de OA refratária ao tratamento conservador realizada no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). Na avaliação, foram usados os instrumentos Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), os questionários de qualidade de vida Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) e Western Ontario and McMaster Universities (WOMAC), específicos para avaliação da OA, e fez-se uma análise do líquido sinovial (citocinas inflamatórias). A terapia celular melhorou as pontuações no WOMAC, SF-36, e EVA, e reduziu o processo inflamatório. Observou-se redução de 0,73 × do TNF, de 0,71 × da IL-1b, de 0,68 × da IL-8, e de 0,70 × da IL-10. Já para a IL-6, observou-se aumento de 1,48 ×. Portanto, considera-se este tipo de terapia celular promissora no auxílio do manejo desta doença, pois melhorou o quadro álgico do paciente, reduziu os marcadores inflamatórios, e possibilitou o retorno às atividades da vida diária, o que resultou em uma melhora de sua qualidade de vida.

Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(4): e20230245, abr.2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557036


Resumo Fundamento: O índice de imuno-inflamação sistêmica (SII), um novo índice inflamatório calculado usando contagens de plaquetas, neutrófilos e linfócitos, demonstrou ser um fator de risco independente para a identificação de doença arterial coronariana de alto risco em pacientes submetidos a intervenção coronária percutânea e cardiovascular e cirurgia com circulação extracorpórea (CEC). A relação entre as taxas de mortalidade relacionadas ao SII e à CEC permanece obscura. Objetivo: Esta pesquisa foi desenhada para investigar o uso do SII para prever mortalidade hospitalar em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia cardíaca com CEC. Métodos: Quatrocentos e oitenta pacientes submetidos a procedimento cardíaco envolvendo CEC durante 3 anos foram coletados do banco de dados do hospital. Foram comparados os dados demográficos, comorbidades, perfis hematológicos e bioquímico e dados operatórios dos grupos. Análises múltiplas de regressão logística foram feitas para determinar preditores independentes de mortalidade. Os fatores prognósticos foram avaliados por análise multivariada e os valores preditivos de SII, relação neutrófilo-linfócito (NLR) e razão plaqueta-linfócito (PLR) para mortalidade foram comparados. Um valor de p <0,05 foi considerado significativo. Resultados: Dos 480 pacientes, 78 desenvolveram mortalidade hospitalar após cirurgia cardíaca. O SII foi um preditor independente de mortalidade hospitalar (odds ratio: 1,003, intervalo de confiança de 95%: 1,001-1,005, p<0,001). O valor de corte do SII foi >811,93 com sensibilidade de 65% e especificidade de 65% (área sob a curva: 0,690). Os valores preditivos de SII, PLR e NLR foram próximos entre si. Conclusão: Altos escores pré-operatórios do SII podem ser usados para determinação precoce de tratamentos apropriados, o que pode melhorar os resultados cirúrgicos de cirurgia cardíaca no futuro.

Abstract Background: Systemic immune-inflammation index (SII), a new inflammatory index calculated using platelet, neutrophil, and lymphocyte counts, has been demonstrated to be an independent risk factor for the identification of high-risk coronary artery disease in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention and cardiovascular surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). The relationship between SII and CPB-related mortality rates remains unclear. Objective: This research was designed to investigate the use of SII to predict in-hospital mortality in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with CPB. Methods: Four hundred eighty patients who underwent a cardiac procedure involving CPB over 3 years, were obtained from the hospital's database. The demographic data, comorbidities, hematological and biochemical profiles, and operative data of the groups were compared. Multiple logistic regression analyses were done to determine independent predictors of mortality. Prognostic factors were assessed by multivariate analysis, and the predictive values of SII, neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), and platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR) for mortality were compared. A p-value <0.05 was considered significant. Results: Of 480 patients, 78 developed in-hospital mortality after cardiac surgery. SII was an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality (Odds ratio: 1.003, 95% confidence interval: 1.001-1.005, p<0.001). The cut-off value of the SII was >811.93 with 65% sensitivity and 65% specificity (area under the curve: 0.690). The predictive values of SII, PLR, and NLR were close to each other. Conclusion: High preoperative SII scores can be used for early determination of appropriate treatments, which may improve surgical outcomes of cardiac surgery in the future.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 51(2)abr. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559711


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease characterized by the production of autoantibodies directed against endogenous antigens causing various clinical manifestations, chronic inflammation and tissue damage. Although the pathophysiology of SLE remains unknown, it is recognized that genetic, epigenetic, environmental and neuroendocrine factors are involved in the development of the disease and its complications. A notable proportion of patients with SLE also present obesity, and this dysmetabolic profile can cause renal, musculoskeletal and/or respiratory deterioration, fatigue, various pathophysiological alterations and functional deterioration. In this context, precision nutrition emerges as a promising tool in the inflammatory control of SLE, especially in patients with associated obesity. Various studies demonstrate the beneficial influence of balanced dietary patterns in macronutrients with foods rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and polyphenols on the inflammatory control of SLE and the most diverse pathologies, highlighting the Mediterranean diet and plant-based diets. Finally, the intestinal microbiota may play a relevant role in this clinical scenario, since dysbiosis is associated with inflammatory processes and immune deregulation. It is believed that precision nutrition can modulate inflammatory profiles and immune dysfunctions to ensure better quality of life and metabolic well-being of SLE patients with the support of precision omics technologies.

El lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) es una enfermedad autoinmune caracterizada por la producción de autoanticuerpos dirigidos contra antígenos endógenos causando diversas manifestaciones clínicas, inflamación crónica y daño tisular. Aunque la fisiopatología del LES sigue siendo desconocida, se reconoce que factores genéticos, epigenéticos, ambientales y neuroendocrinos están implicados en el desarrollo de la enfermedad y sus complicaciones. Una proporción notable de pacientes con LES presenta también obesidad, y este perfil dismetabólico puede producir deterioro renal, musculoesquelético y/o respiratorio, fatiga, diversas alteraciones fisiopatológicas y deterioro funcional. En este contexto, la nutrición de precisión emerge como una herramienta prometedora en el control inflamatorio del LES, especialmente en pacientes con obesidad asociada. Diversos estudios demuestran la influencia beneficiosa de patrones dietéticos equilibrados en macronutrientes con alimentos ricos en fibra, vitaminas, minerales, antioxidantes y polifenoles en el control inflamatorio del LES y de las más diversas patologías, destacando la dieta Mediterránea y las dietas basadas en plantas/vegetales. Por último, la microbiota intestinal puede tener un papel relevante en este escenario clínico, ya que la disbiosis se asocia con procesos inflamatorios y desregulación inmune. Se cree que con la nutrición de precisión se pueden modular los perfiles inflamatorios y las disfunciones inmunitarias para garantizar una mejor calidad de vida y el bienestar metabólico de los pacientes con LES con el apoyo de las tecnologías de precisión ómicas.

Rev. invest. clín ; Rev. invest. clín;76(2): 65-79, Mar.-Apr. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569948


ABSTRACT Excess body weight has become a global epidemic and a significant risk factor for developing chronic diseases, which are the leading causes of worldwide morbidities. Adipose tissue (AT), primarily composed of adipocytes, stores substantial amounts of energy and plays a crucial role in maintaining whole-body glucose and lipid metabolism. This helps prevent excessive body fat accumulation and lipotoxicity in peripheral tissues. In addition, AT contains endothelial cells and a substantial population of immune cells (constituting 60-70% of non-adipocyte cells), including macrophages, T and B lymphocytes, and natural killer cells. These resident immune cells engage in crosstalk with adipocytes, contributing to the maintenance of metabolic and immune homeostasis in AT. An exacerbated inflammatory response or inadequate immune resolution can lead to chronic systemic low-grade inflammation, triggering the development of metabolic alterations and the onset of chronic diseases. This review aims to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms through which immune cells influence AT function and energy homeostasis. We also focus on the interactions and functional dynamics of immune cell populations, highlighting their role in maintaining the delicate balance between metabolic health and obesity-related inflammation. Finally, understanding immunometabolism is crucial for unraveling the pathogenesis of metabolic diseases and developing targeted immunotherapeutic strategies. These strategies may offer innovative avenues in the rapidly evolving field of immunometabolism. (Rev Invest Clin. 2024;76(2):65-79)

Rev. invest. clín ; Rev. invest. clín;76(2): 97-102, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569951


ABSTRACT Background: Pan-immuno-inflammation value is a new and comprehensive index that reflects both the immune response and systemic inflammation in the body. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the prognostic relevance of pan-immuno-inflammation value in predicting in-hospital mortality in acute pulmonary embolism patients and to compare it with the well-known risk scoring system, pulmonay embolism severity index, which is commonly used for a short-term mortality prediction in such patients. Methods: In total, 373 acute pulmonary embolism patients diagnosed with contrast-enhanced computed tomography were included in the study. Detailed cardiac evaluation of each patient was performed and pulmonary embolism severity index and pan-immuno-inflammation value were calculated. Results: In total, 60 patients died during their hospital stay. The multivariable logistic regression analysis revealed that baseline heart rate, N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide, lactate dehydrogenase, pan-immuno-inflammation value, and pulmonary embolism severity index were independent risk factors for in-hospital mortality in acute pulmonay embolism patients. When comparing with pulmonary embolism severity index, pan-immuno-inflammation value was non-inferior in terms of predicting the survival status in patients with acute pulmonay embolism. Conclusion: In our study, we found that the PIV was statistically significant in predicting in-hospital mortality in acute pulmonay embolism patients and was non-inferior to the pulmonary embolism severity index. (Rev Invest Clin. 2024;76(2):97-102)

Int. j. morphol ; 42(2)abr. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558139


SUMMARY: The response of the immune system to harmful stimuli leads to inflammation, and the adverse effects of the toxic hepatitis chemical, thioacetamide (TAA) on the human body are well documented. This article investigated the degree of protection provided by the combined pleotropic drug, metformin (Met) and the plant polyphenolic and the antiinflammatory compound, resveratrol (Res) on liver tissue exposed to TAA possibly via the inhibition of the inflammatory cytokine, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) / mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) axis-mediated liver fibrosis, as well as amelioration of profibrotic gene and protein expression. Rats were either given TAA (200 mg/kg via intraperitoneal injection) for 8 weeks beginning at the third week (experimental group) or received during the first two weeks of the experiment combined doses of metformin (200 mg/kg) and resveratrol (20 mg/kg) and continued receiving these agents and TAA until experiment completion at week 10 (treated group). A considerable damage to hepatic tissue in the experimental rats was observed as revealed by tissue collagen deposition in the portal area of the liver and a substantial increase (p<0.0001) in hepatic levels of the inflammatory marker, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), as well as blood levels of hepatocellular injury biomarkers, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). TAA also augmented hepatic tissue levels of the signalling molecule that promotes liver fibrosis (mTOR), and profibrogenic markers; alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) protein, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1) mRNA, and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) mRNA. All these parameters were protected (p≤0.0016) by Met+Res. In addition, a significant correlation was detected between liver fibrosis score and inflammation, liver injury enzymes, mTOR, and profibrogenesis markers. Thus, these findings suggest that Met+Res effectively protect the liver against damage induced by thioacetamide in association with the downregulation of the TNF-α/mTOR/fibrosis axis.

La respuesta del sistema inmunológico a estímulos dañinos conduce a la inflamación y los efectos adversos de la tioacetamida (TAA), una sustancia química tóxica para el hígado, están bien documentadas. Este artículo investigó el grado de protección proporcionado por el fármaco pleotrópico combinado metformina (Met), el polifenólico vegetal y el compuesto antiinflamatorio resveratrol (Res) en el tejido hepático expuesto a TAA, posiblemente a través de la inhibición de la citoquina inflamatoria, factor de necrosis tumoral α (TNF-α)/objetivo de la fibrosis hepática mediada por el eje de rapamicina (mTOR), así como mejora de la expresión de genes y proteínas profibróticas. Las ratas recibieron TAA (200 mg/kg mediante inyección intraperitoneal) durante 8 semanas a partir de la tercera semana (grupo experimental) o recibieron durante las dos primeras semanas del experimento dosis combinadas de metformina (200 mg/kg) y resveratrol (20 mg/kg) y continuaron recibiendo estos agentes y TAA hasta completar el experimento en la semana 10 (grupo tratado). Se observó un daño considerable al tejido hepático en las ratas experimentales, como lo revela el depósito de colágeno tisular en el área portal del hígado y un aumento sustancial (p<0,0001) en los niveles hepáticos del marcador inflamatorio, el factor de necrosis tumoral-α (TNF- α), así como los niveles sanguíneos de biomarcadores de lesión hepatocelular, alanina aminotransferasa (ALT) y aspartato aminotransferasa (AST). TAA también aumentó los niveles en el tejido hepático de la molécula de señalización que promueve la fibrosis hepática (mTOR) y marcadores profibrogénicos; proteína actina del músculo liso alfa (α- SMA), inhibidor tisular de las metaloproteinasas-1 (TIMP-1) mRNA y matriz metaloproteinasa-9 (MMP-9) mRNA. Todos estos parámetros fueron protegidos (p≤0.0016) por Met+Res. Además, se detectó una correlación significativa entre la puntuación de fibrosis hepática y la inflamación, las enzimas de lesión hepática, mTOR y los marcadores de profibrogénesis. Por lo tanto, estos hallazgos sugieren que Met+Res protege eficazmente el hígado contra el daño inducido por la tioacetamida en asociación con la regulación negativa del eje TNF-α/mTOR/fibrosis.

Animals , Rats , Thioacetamide/toxicity , Resveratrol/pharmacology , Liver Cirrhosis/drug therapy , Metformin/pharmacology , Immunohistochemistry , Cytokines/antagonists & inhibitors , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 , Sirolimus , TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases , Inflammation , Liver/drug effects , Liver Cirrhosis/chemically induced
Hematol., Transfus. Cell Ther. (Impr.) ; 46(1): 14-21, Jan.-Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557892


Introduction The hemogram and hemogram-derivative ratios (HDRs) are becoming markers of the severity and mortality of COVID-19. We evaluated the hemograms and serial weekly HDRs [neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), monocyte-lymphocyte ratio (MLR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), neutrophil-platelet ratio (NPR) and systemic immune-inflammatory index (SII)] in the survivors and non-survivors of COVID-19. Methods We retrospectively reviewed the medical notes and serial hemograms of real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)-confirmed COVID-19 adults hospitalized from April 2020 to March 2021 from the time of diagnosis to the 3rd week of diagnosis. Results Of the 320 adults, 257 (80.3%) were survivors and had a lower mean age than the non-survivors (57.73 vs. 64.65 years, p < 0.001). At diagnosis, the non-survivors had lower hematocrit (p = 0.021), and lymphocyte (p = 0.002) and basophil (p = 0.049) counts and the hematocrit showed a p-value (Is this what you meant???) of 0.021); higher NLR (p < 0.001), PLR (p = 0.047), NPR (p = 0.022) and SII (p = 0.022). Using general linear models, the survivors and non-survivors showed significant variations with weekly lymphocyte count (p < 0.001), neutrophil count (p = 0.005), NLR (p = 0.009), MLR (p = 0.010) and PLR (p = 0.035). All HDRs remained higher in the non-survivors in the 2nd week and 3rd week of diagnosis and the HDRs were higher in the intubated patients than in the non-intubated patients. The NLR and SII were more efficient predictors of mortality in COVID-19 patients. Conclusions This study shows that serial lymphocyte and neutrophil counts, NLR, PLR, MLR, NPR and SII could serve as good and easily accessible markers of severity and predictors of outcomes in COVID-19 patients and should be used for the monitoring of treatment response.

Blood Cell Count , Survivors , COVID-19 , Inflammation
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 53(1)mar. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569879


Introducción: La espondilitis enteropática es una enfermedad inflamatoria, sistémica y crónica que se caracteriza por afectar el aparato digestivo y el sistema osteomioarticular; el proceso inflamatorio genera manifestaciones clínicas que afectan la capacidad funcional y la percepción de calidad de vida de los pacientes. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados de una intervención nutricional orientada al control del proceso inflamatorio en pacientes con espondilitis enteropática. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional y descriptiva longitudinal que incluyó como universo a 19 pacientes con diagnóstico confirmado de espondilitis enteropática atendidos en el Hospital Andino de Chimborazo en el periodo comprendido entre julio 2022 y julio 2023. La muestra quedó conformada por 17 pacientes. Se aplicó una intervención nutricional durante 10 meses que incluyó como elemento central la suplementación con alimentos ricos en probióticos según esquema definido por especialista en nutrición clínica. Resultados: Promedio de edad de 43,51 años, predominio del sexo femenino (64,70 %) y del tiempo de evolución de la enfermedad entre 5 y 10 años (58,82 %). Todos los marcadores de inflamación medidos durante el estudio mejoraron durante el seguimiento realizado a los pacientes; a los 9 meses se identificó aumento del porcentaje de pacientes con proteína C reactiva negativa y fibrinógeno y velocidad de sedimentación globular normal. Conclusiones: La intervención nutricional aplicada contribuye a mejorar los valores séricos de los marcadores de inflamación en los pacientes con diagnóstico de espondilitis enteropática.

Introduction: Enteropathic spondylitis is an inflammatory, systemic and chronic disease that is characterized by affecting the digestive system and the osteomyoarticular system; The inflammatory process generates clinical manifestations that affect the functional capacity and perception of quality of life of patients. Objective: To evaluate the results of a nutritional intervention aimed at controlling the inflammatory process in patients with enteropathic spondylitis. Methods: A longitudinal observational and descriptive investigation was carried out that included as a universe 19 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of enteropathic spondylitis treated at the Andino Hospital of Chimborazo in the period between July 2022 and July 2023. The sample was made up of 17 patients. A nutritional intervention was applied for 10 months that included as a central element supplementation with foods rich in probiotics according to a scheme defined by a clinical nutrition specialist. Results: Average age of 43.51 years, predominance of the female sex (64.70%) and duration of the disease between 5 and 10 years (58.82%). All inflammation markers measured during the study improved during the patients' follow-up; At 9 months, an increase in the percentage of patients with negative C-reactive protein and fibrinogen and normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate was identified. Conclusions: The applied nutritional intervention contributed to improving serum values ​​of inflammation markers in patients diagnosed with enteropathic spondylitis.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13282, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557303


Abstract Sarcopenia is a pathology resulting from a progressive and severe loss of muscle mass, strength, and function in the course of aging, which has deleterious consequences on quality of life. Among the most widespread studies on the issue are those focused on the effect of different types of physical exercise on patients with sarcopenia. This randomized controlled study aimed to compare the effects of a whole-body vibration exercise (WBV) session on the inflammatory parameters of non-sarcopenic (NSG, n=22) and sarcopenic elderly (SG, n=22). NSG and SG participants were randomly divided into two protocols: intervention (squat with WBV) and control (squat without WBV). After a one-week washout period, participants switched protocols, so that everyone performed both protocols. Body composition was assessed by dual-energy radiological absorptiometry (DXA) and function through the six-minute walk test (6MWD) and Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB). Plasma soluble tumor necrosis factor receptors (sTNFR) were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and measured before and immediately after each protocol. After exercise with WBV, there was an increase in sTNFR2 levels in the NSG (P<0.01; d=-0.69 (-1.30; -0.08) and SG (P<0.01, d=-0.95 (-1.57; -0.32) groups. In conclusion, an acute session of WBV influenced sTNFr2 levels, with sarcopenic individuals showing a greater effect. This suggested that WBV had a more pronounced impact on sTNFr2 in those with loss of muscle strength and/or physical performance. Additionally, WBV is gaining recognition as an efficient strategy for those with persistent health issues.

Rev. ADM ; 81(1): 44-54, ene.-feb. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556412


Introducción: el metotrexato se usa ampliamente para el tratamiento de una variedad de enfermedades neoplásicas y autoinmunes. Sin embargo, como todo fármaco, su eficacia viene marcada por cierto grado de toxicidad debido a la farmacocinética del medicamento. El metotrexato se creó como un fármaco anticancerígeno; sin embargo, se ha convertido en el tratamiento de elección contra la artritis reumatoide. Principalmente, el metotrexato causa inflamación de las mucosas epiteliales. La mayoría de los efectos secundarios del metotrexato se pueden detectar de forma temprana y son reversibles. La mucositis del tracto alimentario es el principal efecto secundario de la quimioterapia contra el cáncer. Se le conoce colectivamente como lesión de la mucosa inducida por quimioterapia, afecta todo el canal alimentario desde la boca hasta el ano, ocasionando la mucositis oral y la mucositis intestinal. Material y métodos: se buscaron casos clínicos en los que se reporte mucositis causada por metotrexato en tratamiento de artritis reumatoide. Se empleó un diagrama de flujo, PRISMA modificado para la búsqueda de artículos. Finalmente, se cotejó que los casos clínicos cumplieran con los fundamentos de la CARE guide, para manejar una correcta estructura y bajo riesgo a sesgo. Conclusiones: una correcta anamnesis y exploración clínica oral es lo más importante de la medicina oral. Es relevante indagar sobre las enfermedades que presentan los pacientes, así como la historia de medicamentos que se administren, especialmente en pacientes mayores, con mayores padecimientos de enfermedades sistémicas (AU)

Introduction: methotrexate is widely used for the treatment of a variety of neoplastic and autoimmune diseases. However, like all drugs its efficacy is marked by a certain degree of toxicity due to the pharmacokinetics of the drug. Methotrexate was developed as an anticancer drug, however, it has become the treatment of choice for rheumatoid arthritis. Methotrexate primarily causes inflammation of the epithelial mucous membranes. Most of the side effects of methotrexate can be detected early and are reversible. Mucositis of the alimentary tract is the main side effect of cancer chemotherapy. It is collectively known as chemotherapy-induced mucosal injury, affecting the entire alimentary canal from the mouth to the anus, where oral mucositis and intestinal mucositis are both common. Material and methods: we searched for clinical cases reporting mucositis caused by methotrexate in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, using a modified PRISMA flowchart to search for articles. Finally, the clinical cases were checked for compliance with the fundamentals of the CARE guide, in order to manage a correct approach to oral medicine. It is important to inquire about the diseases the patients present, as well as the history of medications administered, especially in older patients, with more systemic disease conditions, structure, and low risk of bias. Conclusion: a correct anamnesis and oral clinical examination is the most important aspect of oral medicine. It is important to inquire about the diseases that the patients present, as well as the history of medications that are administered, especially in older patients with major systemic diseases (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/complications , Methotrexate/adverse effects , Mucositis/etiology , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/drug therapy , Methotrexate/pharmacokinetics , Inflammation/etiology
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13235, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550145


Abstract The imbalance between pro-inflammatory M1 and anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of sepsis-induced acute lung injury (ALI). Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α) may modulate macrophage polarization toward the M2 phenotype by altering mitochondrial activity. This study aimed to investigate the role of the PGC-1α agonist pioglitazone (PGZ) in modulating sepsis-induced ALI. A mouse model of sepsis-induced ALI was established using cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). An in vitro model was created by stimulating MH-S cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). qRT-PCR was used to measure mRNA levels of M1 markers iNOS and MHC-II and M2 markers Arg1 and CD206 to evaluate macrophage polarization. Western blotting detected expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) PGC-1α, and mitochondrial biogenesis proteins NRF1, NRF2, and mtTFA. To assess mitochondrial content and function, reactive oxygen species levels were detected by dihydroethidium staining, and mitochondrial DNA copy number was measured by qRT-PCR. In the CLP-induced ALI mouse model, lung tissues exhibited reduced PGC-1α expression. PGZ treatment rescued PGC-1α expression and alleviated lung injury, as evidenced by decreased lung wet-to-dry weight ratio, pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion (tumor necrosis factor-α, interleukin-1β, interleukin-6), and enhanced M2 macrophage polarization. Mechanistic investigations revealed that PGZ activated the PPARγ/PGC-1α/mitochondrial protection pathway to prevent sepsis-induced ALI by inhibiting M1 macrophage polarization. These results may provide new insights and evidence for developing PGZ as a potential ALI therapy.

Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13913, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568972


Considering the lack of consensus related to the impact of selective IL-6 receptor inhibition on bone remodeling and the scarcity of reports, especially on large bone defects, this study proposed to evaluate the biological impact of the selective inhibitor of interleukin-6 receptor (tocilizumab) in an experimental model of critical calvarial defect in rats. In this preclinical and in vivo study, 24 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups (n=12/group): defect treated with collagen sponge (CG) and defect treated with collagen sponge associated with 2 mg/kg tocilizumab (TCZ). The defect in the parietal bone was created using an 8-mm diameter trephine drill. After 90 days, the animals were euthanized, and tissue samples (skull caps) were evaluated through micro-CT, histological, immunohistochemistry, cytokines, and RT-qPCR analyses. Tocilizumab reduced mononuclear inflammatory infiltration (P<0.05) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α levels (P<0.01) and down-regulated tissue gene expression of BMP-2 (P<0.001), RUNX-2 (P<0.05), and interleukin (IL)-6 (P<0.05). Moreover, it promoted a stronger immunostaining of cathepsin and RANKL (P<0.05). Micro-CT and histological analyses revealed no impact on general bone formation (P>0.05). The bone cells (osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes) in the defect area were similar in both groups (P>0.05). Tocilizumab reduced inflammatory cytokines, decreased osteogenic protein, and increased proteases in a critical bone defect in rats. Ninety days after the local application of tocilizumab in the cranial defect, we did not find a significant formation of bone tissue compared with a collagen sponge.

An. bras. dermatol ; An. bras. dermatol;99(1): 72-79, Jan.-Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527691


Abstract Background: Methotrexate (MTX) is an alternative treatment for patients with moderate/severe atopic dermatitis (AD). Objective: The authors evaluated the effect of MTX on the cutaneous expression of cytokines and chemokines that are involved in the inflammatory response in adult AD patients who received treatment with methotrexate for 24 weeks. Methods: The authors conducted a prospective single-institution cohort study with 12 adults with moderate/severe AD who received oral MTX (15 mg/wk for 24 wks) and 10 non-atopic matched controls. The comparison was made of skin biopsies of lesional and non-lesional skin, pre- and post MTX treatment. The authors analyzed mean epidermal thickness and expression of IL-31, IL-31RA, OSMR, TSLP, Ki67, IL-4 mRNA, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α, IFN-γ, TARC, and CCL-22. Results: There was a reduction in mean epidermal thickness (p = 0.021), an increase in IL-31RA expression (immunohistochemistry) in the epidermis (p = 0.016) and a decrease in IL-31 gene expression (p = 0.019) on lesional AD skin post-MTX treatment. No significant changes in the cutaneous expression of the other evaluated markers were identified. Study limitations: Small sample size and limited length of follow-up. Conclusions: Treatment with MTX in adults with moderate/severe AD reduced epidermal hyperplasia and changed the cutaneous expression of inflammatory cytokines and receptors that are mainly related to pruritus, including IL-31 and IL-31RA.

Hepatología ; 5(1): 48-61, ene 2, 2024. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1530765


La albúmina sérica humana es la proteína más abundante en el plasma, su estructura molecular le confiere estabilidad, pero también flexibilidad para ligar y transportar un amplio rango de moléculas. Su función oncótica es la propiedad más reconocida que la lleva a introducirse en la terapéutica médica como un expansor de volumen. Sin embargo, en los últimos años se le han adicionado funciones con carácter antioxidante, inmunomodulador y de estabilización endotelial, que hacen presumir que su impacto terapéutico está más allá de sus funciones volumétricas. En los últimos años, específicamente en la cirrosis y la falla hepática aguda sobre crónica, se ha tenido un cambio en el paradigma fisiológico, desde una perspectiva netamente hemodinámica hacia una perspectiva inflamatoria, en donde las funciones oncóticas y no oncóticas de la albúmina están alteradas y tienen un carácter pronóstico en estas entidades. Este conocimiento creciente, desde una perspectiva inflamatoria, hace que se fortalezca el uso terapéutico de la albúmina sérica humana desde las indicaciones tradicionales como prevención de la disfunción circulatoria posparacentesis, prevención y tratamiento de lesión renal aguda, hasta las discusiones para administración a largo plazo en pacientes cirróticos con ascitis.

Human serum albumin is the most abundant protein in plasma, with a molecular structure that provides stability while also allowing flexibility to bind and transport a wide range of molecules. Its oncotic function is the most recognized property, leading to its introduction in medical therapy as a volume expander. However, in recent years, additional functions with antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and endothelial stabilization properties have been identified, suggesting that its therapeutic impact extends beyond its volumetric functions. Specifically, in cirrhosis and acute-on-chronic liver failure, there has been a shift in the pathophysiological paradigm from a purely hemodynamic perspective to an inflammatory perspective, where both oncotic and non-oncotic functions of albumin are altered and have prognostic significance in these conditions. This growing understanding from an inflammatory perspective strengthens the therapeutic use of human serum albumin, not only for traditional indications such as the prevention of post-paracentesis circulatory disfunction, prevention and treatment of acute kidney injury, but also for discussions regarding long-term administration in cirrhotic patients with ascites.

Acta odontol. latinoam ; Acta odontol. latinoam;37(1): 45-58, Jan. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563659


ABSTRACT Xerostomia emerges as a consequence of salivary gland hypofunction, and seriously compromises the integrity of hard and soft oral tissues, whileperiodontitis is an infectious disease characterized by biofilm accumulation, inflammation and alveolar bone resorption. Aim The aim this study was to compare the deleterious effects caused by experimental hyposalivation, periodontitis, and the combination of both on periodontal tissues and mandibular biomechanics in rats. Materials and Method Hyposalivation (group H) was induced through bilateral submandibulectomy. Periodontitis (group EP) was induced by injecting LPS (1 mg/ml) into the gingiva of the first lower molars. A third group was subjected to both conditions (group H+EP). Alveolar bone loss was evaluated by micro-computed tomography and histomorphometric analysis, and gingival inflammatory mediators were assessed by specific techniques. Biomechanical properties were evaluated in mandible. Results Alveolar bone loss increased similarly in groups H, EP and H+EP compared to control. Metalloproteinase (MMP2 and MMP9) activity was similar in H and control, but higher in groups EP and H+EP (MMP2: C 9644+2214, EP 34441+3336, H 5818+1532, H+EP 42673+3184; MMP9: C 5792+961, EP 14807+861, H 9295+520, H+EP 4838+1531). The rest of the inflammatory mediators evaluated increased in groups H, EP and H+EP to a greater or lesser extent with respect to the control, although in most cases, they were higher in groups EP and H+EP than in group H. The biomechanical properties of the mandible increased in group H compared to the other three groups. Conclusions Both hyposalivation and periodontitis cause periodontal damage, but hyposalivation also produces biomechanical alterations, causing more extensive deleterious effects than periodontitis.

RESUMEN La xerostomía surge como consecuencia de la hipofunción de las glándulas salivales y compromete seriamente la integridad de los tejidos orales duros y blandos, mientras que la periodontitis es una enfermedad infecciosa caracterizada por la acumulación de biofilm, inflamación y reabsorción ósea alveolar. Objetivo El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar los efectos deletéreos causados por la hiposalivación y la periodontitis experimental, y la combinación de ambas sobre los tejidos periodontales y la biomecánica mandibular en ratas. Materiales y Método La hiposalivación (H) se indujo mediante una submandibulectomía bilateral. Por otra parte, la periodontitis (PE) se indujo mediante la inyección de LPS (1 mg/ml) en la encía de los primeros molares inferiores. Otro grupo se sometió a ambas condiciones (H+PE). La pérdida ósea alveolar se evaluó mediante tomografia microcomputarizada y análisis histomorfométrico, mientras que los mediadores inflamatorios gingivales fueron determinados mediante técnicas específicas. Se evaluaron las propiedades biomecánicas en la mandíbula. Resultados La hiposalivación aumentó la pérdida ósea alveolar en comparación con el control de forma similar a la PE y H+PE. La actividad de las metaloproteinasas (MMP2 y MMP9) fue similar en los grupos H y control, pero resultó mayor en los grupos PE y H+PE (MMP2: C 9644+2214, PE 34441+3336, H 5818+1532, H+PE 42673+3184; MMP9: C 5792+961, PE 14807+861, H 9295+520, H+PE 24838+1531). El resto de los mediadores inflamatorios evaluados aumentaron en mayor o menor medida en los grupos H, PE y H+PE respecto al control, aunque en la mayoría de los casos fueron superiores en los grupos PE y H+PE respecto al grupo H. Sin embargo, las propiedades biomecánicas de la mandíbula aumentaron en el grupo H con respecto a los otros grupos. Conclusiones Tanto la hiposalivación como la periodontitis causan daño periodontal, pero la hiposalivación también produce alteraciones biomecánicas, provocando efectos deletéreos más extensos que la periodontitis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006580


IgA nephropathy is recognized as the most common primary glomerular disease, with up to 20%-40% of patients developing end-stage kidney disease within 20 years of onset. The deposition of IgA1-containing immune complexes targeting glycosylation defects in the mesangial region and the subsequent inflammation caused by T lymphocyte activation are considered as the main causes of IgA nephropathy, and innate immunity is also involved in the pathogenesis. Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) is a newly discovered pattern recognition receptor expressed in renal intrinsic cells such as renal tubular epithelial cells, mesangial cells, and podocytes. Activated by external stimuli, NLRP3 can form NLRP3 inflammasomes with apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase recruitment domain (ASC). The NLRP3 inflammasome can activate cysteine aspartate-specific protease-1 (Caspase-1), causing the maturation and release of interleukin-18 (IL-18) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) involved in inflammation. Increasing evidence has suggested that NLRP3 inflammasomes are involved in the pathogenesis and progression of IgA nephropathy and associated with the damage of renal intrinsic cells such as podocytes, mesangial cells, endothelial cells, and renal tubular epithelial cells. Chinese medicine can regulate inflammatory cytokines and their signaling pathways by acting on NLRP3 inflammasomes and related molecules, exerting therapeutic effects on IgA nephropathy. This article introduces the role of NLRP3 inflammasomes in IgA nephropathy and reviews the clinical and experimental research progress of Chinese medicine intervention in IgA nephropathy via NLRP3 inflammasomes, aiming to provide a reference for further research and application of Chinese medicine intervention in the NLRP3 inflammasome as a new therapeutic target.