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RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1553650


Este estudo tem como objetivo identificar, na literatura científica, produtos e serviços desenvolvidos por bibliotecários vislumbrando as práticas de Ciência Aberta. A questão principal é identificar: qual o papel dos bibliotecários frente aos desafios da Ciência Aberta? Predominantemente qualitativa, esta pesquisa pode ser caracterizada como bibliográfica, exploratória e descritiva. Para atingir seu objetivo, utilizou-se a técnica de revisão rápida de literatura. Foi realizado um levantamento de publicações indexadas na Brapci, na Scopus e na Web of Science, sendo recuperadas três publicações em cada. Ao excluir um título que se repetiu, o corpus da pesquisa configurou-se com seis artigos e dois resumos apresentados em evento. Conclui-se que debates sobre o novo modus operandi de fazer ciência vêm aumentando e os bibliotecários parecem intimamente relacionados às ações de Ciência Aberta nas diversas etapas da pesquisa científica. Devido às suas habilidades e aos seus serviços, entende-se que exercem um dos papéis centrais na concretização da abertura da ciência.

This study aims to identify, in the scientific literature, products and services developed by librarians with a view to Open Science practices. The main question is to identify: what role is played by librarians facing the challenges of Open Science? Predominantly qualitative, this research can be characterized as bibliographic, exploratory, and descriptive. To achieve its objective, a rapid literature review technique was used. A survey of publications indexed in Brapci, Scopus and Web of Science was carried out, and three publications from each were retrieved. After excluding one title that was repeated, the research corpus consisted of six articles and two abstracts presented at an event. We conclude that debates about the new modus operandi of doing science have been increasing and librarians seem closely related to Open Science actions in the various stages of scientific research. Because of their skills and services, they play one of the central roles to achieve the opening of science.

Este studio tiene como objetivo identificaren la literature científica los productos y servicios desarrollados por los bibliotecarios com vistas a las prácticas de la Ciencia Abierta. La cuestión principal es identificar: ¿ cuál es el papel de los bibliotecarios ante los desafíos de la Ciencia Abierta? Predominantemente cualita-tiva, esta investigación puede caracterizar se como bibliográfica, exploratoria y descriptiva. Para lograr su objetivo, se utilizó la técnica de revision rápida de la literatura. Se realizó un estudio de las publicaciones indexadas en Brapci, Scopus y Web of Science, recuperándo se tres publicaciones en cada una de ellas. Al excluir un título repetido, el corpus de la investigación quedó configurado con seis artículos y dos resúmenes presentados en un evento. Concluimos que los debates sobre el nuevo modus operandi de hacer ciencia han aumentado y los bibliotecarios parecen estar estrechamente relacionados con las acciones de la Ciencia Abierta en las distintas etapas de la investigación científica. Por sus habilidades y servicios, se entiende que ejercen uno de los papeles centrales en la realización de la Ciencia Abierta.

Librarians , Access to Information , Information Dissemination , Open Access Publishing , Data Science , Information Services , Database , Education , Scientific Communication and Diffusion
Clin. biomed. res ; 43(2): 142-149, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517485


Introdução: Durante a pandemia de COVID-19, a necessidade por uma informação confiável, rápida e precisa desafiou os profissionais de saúde de todo o mundo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar e comparar as solicitações dos profissionais da saúde realizadas a um Centro de Informação Sobre Medicamentos (CIM) em um ano pré-pandêmico e durante o primeiro ano pandêmico. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo e retrospectivo, que analisou as perguntas realizadas ao CIM do Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (ICHCFMUSP) quanto ao seu assunto, classificação ATC dos medicamentos envolvidos e profissionais solicitantes. Resultados: Os resultados demonstram que, de maneira geral, durante o primeiro ano pandêmico houve um aumento de 454 perguntas (66,13%; p < 0,01). As dúvidas se referiam principalmente a questões de administração, estabilidade/compatibilidade e padronização do medicamento na instituição, sendo o farmacêutico o profissional que realizou maior número de questionamentos. Ao seccionar as perguntas, verificou-se que a maioria das informações solicitadas se referiram a agentes infecciosos, agentes que atuam no sangue/órgãos hematopoiéticos e sistema nervoso. Conclusão: Considerando o cenário pandêmico, com sobrecarga dos serviços de saúde, contratação em massa de novos profissionais e pouca disponibilidade de informações com embasamento científico, as evidências fornecidas pelo CIM, aliadas ao entendimento do quadro clínico de cada paciente, com certeza auxiliaram em um melhor desfecho clínico, bem como foram essenciais no uso racional de medicamentos no combate a pandemia de COVID-19.

Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic the need for reliable, fast and accurate information challenged healthcare professionals around the world. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the requests made by health professionals to a Drug Information Center (DIC) in a pre-pandemic year and during the first year of the pandemic. Methods: This is a quantitative and retrospective study that analyzed the solicitations made to the DIC of the Instituto Central do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (ICHCFMUSP) regarding its subject, ATC classification of drugs involved and requesting professionals. Results: The results show that, in general, during the first pandemic year there was an increase of 454 questions (66.13%; p < 0.01). The questions referred mainly to issues of administration, stability/compatibility and standardization of the medicines in the institution, being the pharmacist the professional who asked the most number of questions. When sectioning the questions, it was found that most of the information requested referred to infectious agents, agents that act on the blood/hematopoietic organs and the nervous system. Conclusion: Considering the pandemic scenario, with an overload of health services, large number of hires of new professionals and lack of availability of scientifically based information, the evidence provided by the DIC, combined with the understanding of clinical condition of each patient, certainly helped in a better outcome for each patient, as well as being essential in the rational use of medicines in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Drug Information Services/statistics & numerical data , Evidence-Based Practice/statistics & numerical data , COVID-19 Drug Treatment/statistics & numerical data
E-Cienc. inf ; 12(2)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448129


Este artículo identifica elementos prácticos de aplicación de Wikipedia en sus contribuciones hacia la divulgación y comunicación científica aplicados a campos disciplinares distintos, tales como: (1) educativo (medio de transferencia en procesos de aprendizaje colaborativo, constructivismo, pensamiento crítico y transdisciplinariedad); (2) investigación científica (sistema estructurado de macrodatos y derivación de hallazgos a través de sus contenidos); y (3) bibliotecológico-documental (aplicación de métricas de la información, la derivación de lenguajes documentales controlados y no controlados, y formación de usuarios de la información). El desarrollo del artículo se basa en el uso de una metodología centrada en la fenomenología (desde la perspectiva de la ciencia), para lo cual se estudió un cuerpo de conocimiento sobre Wikipedia, relacionado con ámbitos educativos, de investigación científica y de la bibliotecología-documentación, a través de un análisis consistente, que condujo a la descripción e interpretación de experiencias vividas, reconociendo su significado e importancia como sistema de información con capacidad de influencia positiva y ética. Los resultados ofrecen elementos que fortalecen la credibilidad de Wikipedia como sistema de información, ya que ha sido paradigmáticamente cuestionada de forma negativa, por tanto, se propicia la identificación de aportaciones que justifican su valor como un sistema complejo, innovador y único en la socialización del conocimiento académico y científico, con amplia influencia en diversos campos formales del conocimiento, sin que se tenga aún un reconocimiento suficientemente sólido.

This article identifies practical elements of application of Wikipedia in its contributions towards the popularization and scientific communication applied to different disciplinary fields, such as: (1) educational (means of transfer in collaborative learning processes, constructivism, critical thinking and transdisciplinarity); (2) scientific research (structured system of big data and derivation of findings through its contents); and (3) library-documentary (application of information metrics, derivation of controlled and uncontrolled document languages, and training of information users). The development of the article is based on the use of a methodology focused on phenomenology (from the perspective of science), for which, a body of knowledge about Wikipedia was studied, related to educational, scientific research and library science fields. -documentation, through a consistent analysis, which led to the description and interpretation of lived experiences, recognizing its meaning and importance as an information system with the capacity for positive and ethical influence. The results offer elements that strengthen the credibility of Wikipedia as an information system, since it has been paradigmatically questioned in a negative way, therefore, the identification of contributions that justify its value as a complex, innovative and unique system in the socialization of the academic and scientific knowledge, with wide influence in various formal fields of knowledge, without yet having a sufficiently solid recognition.

Rev. méd. Urug ; 38(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1389683


Resumen: Introducción: las benzodiacepinas constituyen un grupo farmacológico de amplia prescripción a nivel mundial desde su aparición en la década de 1960. El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar la disponibilidad, las modalidades de prescripción y dispensación de benzodiacepinas en diferentes países de América Latina, según reglamentación vigente en cada país participante del estudio. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, realizado con los datos disponibles al año 2022 de todos los países miembros de la Red de Centros de Información de Medicamentos de LatinoAmérica y el Caribe (Red CIMLAC) que fueron parte del estudio. Se utilizaron las bases de datos de las agencias regulatorias, la reglamentación vigente y otros documentos necesarios para obtener la información sobre la dispensación y prescripción en cada país. Resultados: doce de los 20 países de la Red CIMLAC completaron el estudio. El total de benzodiacepinas disponible en cada país varió entre 6 y 12 (media: 9). De ellas, en promedio 5 estaban incluidas en listados de medicamentos esenciales nacionales. La mayoría de los países cuentan con combinaciones a dosis fijas con benzodiacepinas. En todos los países se realiza la prescripción por receta especial. Más de la mitad de los países cuentan con recomendaciones nacionales. Conclusiones: la amplia disponibilidad de benzodiacepinas comercializadas, la existencia de combinaciones a dosis fijas y la falta de recomendaciones nacionales pueden ser factores que contribuyan al uso irracional de este grupo terapéutico.

Summary: Introduction: benzodiazepines constitute a widely prescribed group of drugs around the world, since they appeared in the sixties. This study aims to identify the availability, prescription modalities and dispensing of benzodiazepines in different countries around Latin America, as per the legal provisions in force in each of the countries participating in the study. Method: observational, descriptive, transversal study based on the information available in 2022 about all the member countries of the Network Medicines Information Centers of Latin America and the Caribbean (CIMLAC Network) that were part of the study. The databases of regulatory authorities were used and the legal provisions in force and relevant documents were consulted in order to obtain information on benzodiazepines dispensing and prescription in each country. Results: twelve out of the 20 CIMLAC Network member countries completed the study. The total number of benzodiazepines available in the study ranged from 6 to 12 (mean was 9), and 5 of them on average were included in the national essential medications lists. Most countries have benzodiazepines fixed dose combinations and in all countries a special medical prescription is needed. More than half of the countries have national recommendations. Conclusions: the wide availability of benzodiazepines in the market, the existence of fixed-dose combinations and the lack of national recommendations may constitute factors that contribute to the irrational use of this group of drugs.

Resumo: Introdução: os benzodiazepínicos constituem um grupo farmacológico amplamente prescrito em todo o mundo desde seu surgimento na década de 1960. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a disponibilidade, prescrição e modalidades de dispensação de benzodiazepínicos em diferentes países da América Latina, de acordo com as regulamentações vigentes em cada país participante do estudo. Materiais e métodos: estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal, realizado com os dados disponíveis até o ano de 2022 dos países membros da Rede de Centros de Informação sobre Medicamentos da América Latina e do Caribe (Red CIMLAC) que faziam parte do estudo. As bases de dados das agências reguladoras, normas vigentes e outros documentos necessários foram utilizados para obter informações sobre dispensação e prescrição em cada país. Resultados: doze dos 20 países da Rede CIMLAC completaram o estudo. O número total de benzodiazepínicos disponíveis em cada país variou entre 6 e 12 (média: 9). Destes, uma média de 5 foram incluídos nas listas nacionais de medicamentos essenciais. A maioria dos países tem combinações de dose fixa com benzodiazepínicos. Em todos os países é necessário prescrição especial. Mais da metade dos países têm recomendações nacionais. Conclusões: a ampla disponibilidade de benzodiazepínicos comercializados, a existência de combinações em doses fixas e a falta de recomendações nacionais podem ser fatores que contribuem para o uso irracional desse grupo terapêutico.

Benzodiazepines/therapeutic use , Drug Prescriptions , Drug Utilization
Rev. Méd. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; Rev. Méd. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc;60(3): 242-245, abr. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1369586


En las unidades de información que integran el Sistema Bibliotecario del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS), la tarea de orientar y formar a los usuarios sobre el uso de información es un proceso complejo, debido a la especificidad de las necesidades de información de los usuarios. Los sistemas de información que son utilizados en el Instituto exigen al personal bibliotecario contar con competencias informativas específicas para el acceso, evaluación, organización y uso de la información por medio de las tecnologías de la información. Sin embargo, existen grandes retos, como la carencia de la definición del perfil profesional del bibliotecario médico, ya que es indispensable para que el personal logre satisfacer de forma eficiente las demandas y necesidades de los usuarios de acuerdo con sus diversos perfiles.

In the information units that make up the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) Library System, the task of guiding and training users on the use of information is a complex process, due to the specificity of the users' information needs. The information systems that are used in the Institute require the personal librarian to have specific information skills for access, evaluation, organization and use of information through information technologies. However, there are important challenges, such as the lack of definition of the professional profile of the medical librarian, because it is essential for the staff to efficiently satisfy the demands and needs of users according to their various profiles.

Humans , Librarians , Libraries, Medical , Occupational Groups , Information Technology , Health Services Needs and Demand , Information Services , Job Description
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958760


With the continuous promotion of the comprehensive reform of public hospitals, public hospitals urgently need to change the management mode, achieve connotative development, and seek benefits from their own management, which has become an urgent task than ever. The authors expounded the construction and application practice of the hospital intelligent operation management platform, took the information construction as a tool, built the operation data warehouse, established the department accounting model, and explored the construction path of the hospital intelligent operation management, so as to provide a reference for promoting the scientific, refined and informatization of the hospital operation management, and improving the operation management level.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-958827


Chronic diseases have grown into a major public health threat affecting social development. The traditional management of chronic diseases tends to characterize " prioritizing treatment and neglecting prevention" . In this study, big data application, knowledge management, knowledge service and other theories and methods in the information management discipline were put in practice of chronic disease management. Thanks to the construction of a multi-source and heterogeneous chronic disease database, a chronic disease health knowledge analysis platform and a chronic disease service application platform, the following objectives were achieved. These included the data interconnections between patients′ self-testing data and medical institutions′ data in chronic disease data management, the integration and accurate delivery of chronic disease health knowledge, and personalized and accurate services covering the whole process of chronic disease management, namely prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.Since August 2019, this management mode has been used to build a diabetes big data platform. By January 2022, 380 million pieces of diagnosis, treatment and management data were collected from about 2.16 million residents, with the accuracy rate of 97.46% and the integrity rate of 96.07%. Corresponding knowledge base and service platform were built, and personalized service was provided to diabetes patients. These measures improvd the awareness rate, treatment rate, treatment control rate, science popularization and communication rate covering both diabetes patients and community residents.

Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 32(3): e1711, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1351970


La investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar el impacto del aislamiento social por COVID-19 en los hábitos de consumo de los medios de comunicación de la población peruana. El estudio fue descriptivo simple y contó con una muestra de 3 618 personas de entre 18 y 69 años de edad, residentes en el Perú. Se aplicó en forma online un cuestionario tipo Likert de 36 ítems que midieron 6 dimensiones. La validez de contenido del instrumento fue evaluada por 20 expertos, y la validez de constructo y la confiabilidad fueron evaluadas en una muestra piloto de 200 sujetos. Los resultados evidenciaron un impacto positivo del aislamiento social en los hábitos de consumo de los medios de comunicación (54,4 por ciento), que fue más alto en la frecuencia de consumo de los medios de comunicación online (62,2 por ciento); la utilidad de los medios de comunicación (59,1 por ciento); la necesidad de información sobre la COVID-19 (47,7 por ciento); la interactividad a través de los medios de comunicación (43,7 por ciento) y la preferencia de los medios comunicación (41,9 por ciento); mientras que el impacto nulo fue preponderante en la frecuencia de consumo de los medios de comunicación offline (46 por ciento) y en la actitud hacia el tratamiento de la información sobre la COVID-19 (48,4 por ciento). Se concluyó que el impacto del aislamiento social por COVID-19 en los hábitos de consumo de los medios de comunicación en la población estudiada fue positivo, con mayor incidencia en los medios online(AU)

The research aimed to determine the impact of social isolation by COVID-19 on the media consumption habits among the Peruvian population. It was a simple descriptive study that included a sample of 3618 people between the ages of 18 and 69, residing in Peru. A Likert questionnaire of 36 items measuring 6 dimensions was applied online; the content validity of the instrument was evaluated by 20 experts, and the construct validity and reliability were evaluated in a pilot sample of 200 subjects. The results showed a positive impact of social isolation on media consumption habits (54,4 percent), which was higher in the frequency of online media consumption (62.2 percent), the usefulness of the media (59.1 percent), the need for information about COVID-19 (47.7 percent), the interactivity through the media (43.7 percent), and the media preference (41.9 percent); whereas the null impact was predominant in the frequency of offline media consumption (46 percent) and in the attitude towards the treatment of information about COVID-19 (48.4 percent). It was concluded that the impact of social isolation by COVID-19 on media consumption habits among the studied population was positive, with greater incidence in online media(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Social Isolation/psychology , Communications Media , Social Impact Indicators , COVID-19/epidemiology , Peru , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887291


Objectives: It is important for patients to make correct use of drug information (DI) to promote the proper use of medicines. Many patients use the Internet to find DI, but awareness about the websites of public institutions that provide DI is low. This study aimed to identify the actual use of the Internet for DI and associated problems to inform development of a comprehensive DI website for patients.Method: Patients with diabetes were set as a model case for patients who take medicines and need DI. A questionnaire survey was conducted among patients with diabetes who visited community pharmacies in Kagoshima City from March 2019 to October 2019. The survey covered Internet use, DI needs, methods of sourcing DI, and problems obtaining DI via the Internet.Results: There were 349 valid respondents (median age 64 years), of which 52.1% used the Internet at least once a week. Around half of the Internet users searched for DI on the Internet. More than half of these respondents chose a DI acquisition site because it “appeared at the top of search results” and was “easy to understand.” However, around half of these respondents felt that “there is too much information on the internet and I don’t know what is correct.”Conclusion: This study suggests that older patients with a long history of diabetes use the Internet to obtain DI. However, patients face various problems accessing DI via the Internet. It may be necessary to construct a comprehensive website that is easy to use and enhance public health literacy to support the proper use of medicines by patients.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-873978


Objective: The internet isflooded with drug information; however, some of it isinappropriate and thisinadequate information could expose the public to health hazards. Therefore, we conducted research on the idea of transmitting drug information to the public via the internet and the current state of the information currently provided by each academic society relevant to the field of Medical Informatics.Methods: A questionnaire was mailed to the website managers for the website of 129 specialist medical societies, all members of the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences. We conducted our research between October to November 2018. We investigated each website administrator’s opinion about offering drug information for consumers via the internet and what information each academic society is currently providing.Results: The effective response rate was 43.4% (56/129 groups). Most respondents thought that drug information overflowed in the current Internet society. Moreover, more than half of the respondents thought that the quality of drug information transmitted to the public wasinadequate. Currently, 30 of the academic groupssurveyed are providing information to the public. When providing information, they did not refer to the “Drug Guide for Patients” much. More than 80% of respondents said they would cooperate with linking to the information provided to the public. However, each academic society felt there would be many problems with doing so such as the need for a system to check the contents of the information provided and a system to perform maintenance.Conclusion: The results showed that the website administrators recognized that there is a need to improve the quality of and system for providing drug information to the public. We believe that an integrated information system can be constructed by aggregating the drug information held by each academic society. However, this cannot be realized without first solving many problems.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-910833


Objective:To evaluate the quality of information about bronchial asthma in Chinese Internet Site.Methods:According to the traffic ranking of Alexa website, three Chinese keywords of “bronchial asthma”, “asthma” and “asthma treatment” were searched in two most common Chinese search engines: Baidu and Sohu, and the information quality was evaluated by DISCERN tool. The completeness and accuracy of the information were evaluated according to the “2019 Global Strategy For Asthma Management And Prevention”.Results:A total of 25 websites were obtained. The DISCERN evaluation showed that none of the evaluations had an average score of more than 3.40 points. More than 50% of the information on the websites was incomplete or incorrect, and 4% of the websites contained incorrect information. The website content scores were graded, and the grading results were: excellent 12%, good 40%, fair 36%, poor 12%. The website was evaluated according to the attributes of the owner. Professional websites had better accuracy and comprehensive websites had better comprehensiveness. Pearson correlation analysis showed that the content score was positively correlated with the reliability score, detail score, and total score in DISCERN score ( r=0.58, 0.63, 0.61, all P<0.001). Conclusion:The quality of asthma information on Chinese Internet Site is generally poor.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-912713


Objective:To analyze the application status and problems of clinical decision support system(CDSS) in medical institutions in China, and put forward corresponding suggestions.Methods:From April to May in 2020, a questionnaire survey was conducted in 1 013 medical institutions in 31 provinces of China. The contents of the questionnaire included the current situation of CDSS installation and deployment, the purpose of establishment, the source of knowledge base, the content to be optimized and the factors hindering the use.Results:199(19.64%) medical institutions had CDSS, among which 123 were used in the whole hospital and 76 in some departments; 426 medical institutions did not use CDSS, but had plans to use it. It was found that the current CDSS system had setbacks, such as big cognitive difference, lack of authority in knowledge, high difficulty in data governance, lack of industry standards and so on.Conclusions:In the future, the standardized use of CDSS in medical institutions could be promoted from the aspects of raising awareness, establishing knowledge authority and establishing standards.

J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 32: e3213, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250165


ABSTRACT Among the possible languages of contemporary social media, the ubiquity of images has heightened the sense of on-line communication, and has been used to shape both personal identities and institutions'recognition. Such visual content is not only an artefact of social media isolated and individual, but surrounds itself with debates and discussions that involve political, legal, economic, technological and sociocultural ideologies. Based on Instagram Image and use of Cohen's kappa for reliability and validity of data, this study analyzed 2679 photos that were posted on Instagram of the Brazilian Gymnastics Federation (CBG). As a result, we noticed the prevalence of artistic gymnastics (54,1%), followed by rhythmic gymnastics (31%), both within elite level focus (97%) specially on international events (59,6%) with greater appearance of athletes (66%). These findings reflect the need to review the use of social media in order to contemplate the broad actions of CBG, such as the diffusion of all gymnastics disciplines, as well as their different events at various levels of practice, giving visibility to all sports persons.

RESUMO Dentre as possíveis linguagens das mídias sociais contemporânea, a onipresença das imagens elevou o sentido da comunicação on-line, e tem sido utilizada para moldar tanto identidades pessoais como de diversas instituições. Tais conteúdos visuais não são apenas artefatos de mídias sociais isolados e individuais, mas se cercam de debates e discussões que envolvem ideologias políticas, legais, dimensões econômicas, tecnológicas e socioculturais. Baseados na Análise de Imagem do Instagram e utilização do Cohen's kappa para confiabilidade e validade dos dados, esta pesquisa analisou 2679 fotos postadas no Instagram da Confederação Brasileira de Ginástica (CBG). Como resultados, notamos a prevalência de postagens sobre ginástica artística (54,1%), seguida pela ginástica rítmica (31%), com foco na prática do alto rendimento (97%), divulgação de campeonatos internacionais (59,6%) e, cujo atleta (66%) foi protagonista. Esses achados apontam a necessidade de revisar o uso das mídias sociais no intuito de contemplar as amplas ações da instituição, como a difusão de todas as modalidades ginásticas e seus diferentes eventos; nos diversos níveis de prática, sejam de alto rendimento ou de formação, assim como dando visibilidade a todos os atores do esporte.

Humans , Male , Female , Social Media/trends , Gymnastics/history , Gymnastics/trends , Sports/trends , Sports/statistics & numerical data , Internet/trends , Athletes/statistics & numerical data , Photograph/trends , Information Services/trends
E-Cienc. inf ; 10(2)dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1384737


Resumen: Las bibliotecas públicas no son ajenas al constante cambio de su entorno, siguen tendencias tecnológicas y aplican modelos adecuados a las necesidades de sus usuarios. Derivando de esta idea, este trabajo tiene como objetivo contextualizar de manera breve la época actual en el ámbito de ciencia, tecnología, sociedad y economía incluyendo la crisis sanitaria de la COVID-19, así también, se expone las tendencias que se aplican en la gestión bibliotecaria y qué modelos se están adoptando en el ámbito bibliotecario. Para ello, se realizó una indagación documental de diversas instituciones y autores especializados sobre el tema en los últimos años. Se indica que varias bibliotecas a nivel mundial están diversificando sus servicios y productos con apoyo de las herramientas tecnológicas y han demostrado ser flexibles ante situaciones complicadas. Se concluye que el contexto influye en el desarrollo de programas de la biblioteca, asimismo, las tendencias y modelos están fuertemente relacionadas a la tecnología, más aún, cuando la crisis sanitaria ha ocasionado una aceleración de la virtualización de la gestión bibliotecaria. Además, se persigue la idea de implementar espacios de aprendizaje, creación, participación, inspiración, de encuentro social, de información fiable y de empoderamiento ciudadano, tanto en el ámbito físico como virtual.

Abstract: Public libraries are not unaware of the constant change in their environment, they follow technological trends and apply models appropriate to the needs of their users. Based on this concept, this work aims to briefly contextualize the current era in the field of science, technology, society and economy, including the health crisis of COVID-19, as well as the trends that are applied in the library management and what models are being adopted in the library field. For this, a documentary investigation of various institutions and specialized authors on the subject in recent years was carried out. It is indicated that several libraries worldwide are diversifying their services and products with the support of technological tools and have proven to be flexible in difficult situations. It is concluded that the context influences the development of library programs. Likewise, trends and models are strongly related to technology, even more so when the health crisis has caused an acceleration of the virtualization of library management. In addition, the idea of ​​implementing spaces for learning, creation, participation, inspiration, social encounters, reliable information and citizen empowerment is pursued, both physically and virtual.

Cities , Educational and Promotional Materials , Libraries , Spain , Computer Literacy
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 31(3): e1716, tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1138868


La rápida propagación del SARS-CoV-2 ha ocasionado grandes desafíos, algunos de ellos relacionados con la gestión y la visibilidad de la información. Los profesionales de las instituciones de información enfrentaron el reto de tener que reorganizar sus servicios en un breve tiempo, con un componente tecnológico esencial para lograr la virtualidad ante el imperativo indiscutible del distanciamiento físico. Como parte del Plan de enfrentamiento desplegado por Cuba durante esta crisis sanitaria, el Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas (CNICM/Infomed) desempeña un rol fundamental, al actuar como proveedor y facilitador de las fuentes, herramientas y servicios de información científica especializada, además de garantizar la plataforma tecnológica para todo el sistema nacional de salud y la población. El presente documento se propone describir el flujo de trabajo concebido por esta institución, los espacios y modos empleados para la producción y difusión de la información científica durante la epidemia, así como los aportes realizados (elaboración de productos y desarrollo e implementación de herramientas y servicios( para apoyar las investigaciones científicas y la toma de decisiones en salud durante la pandemia de la COVID-19(AU)

The fast spread of SARS-CoV-2 has posed big challenges, some of which are related to information management and visibility. Professionals from information institutions have been faced with having to reorganize their services in a short time, with an essential technological component to achieve virtuality in face of the unavoidable imperative of physical distancing. The National Medical Sciences Information Center (CNICM/Infomed) plays a fundamental role in the response plan implemented by Cuba during this health crisis, serving as facilitator and provider of specialized scientific information services, sources and tools, and supplying the required technological platform for the entire national health system and the population. The present document is aimed at describing the workflow devised by this institution, the spaces and modes used for the production and dissemination of scientific information during the epidemic, and the contributions made to the creation of products and the development and implementation of tools and services to support health scientific research and decision making during the COVID-19 pandemic(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Information Management , Information Dissemination , Workflow , Epidemics , Information Centers , Information Services
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci ; 2020 Aug; 12(8): 124-128
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-206008


Objective: To investigate the drug-related information needs of healthcare providers (HCPs), their utilization of drug information resources as well as the main factors influencing the selection of resources. Methods: A total of 393 HCPs were conveniently selected and invited to complete a questionnaire. Stratified sampling was used for the three subpopulations of physicians, pharmacists, and nurses. The questionnaire was coded, validated, and analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SAS version 9.2). Results: Of 450 HCPs approached, 393 completed the questionnaire (response rate 87%). Information related to drug dosage/administration, indications, and interactions is the most frequently required, 47%, 44%, and 34%, respectively. The majority of the sample perceived the Internet (69.47%) and electronic databases (67.43%) as “very useful.” Printed materials (46.56%) and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) (44.78%) or calling the pharmacy (43.26%) were also useful resources of information followed by using electronic books and journals (38.42%) and asking colleagues (32.32%). The majority (53.18%) described consulting a clinical pharmacist as “very useful.” However, 16% of the nurse group and 35% of the physician group were not aware of the existence of the Drug Information Center (DIC) and more than 8% of the participants consider calling the DIC about drug-related information “not useful”. Conclusion: Digital resources are used by HCPs more frequently than traditional resources, consulting a clinical pharmacist or calling the DIC. Providing reliable electronic resources and raising the awareness of HCPs regarding the role of a clinical pharmacist and DIC for patient-specific therapies should be instituted.

E-Cienc. inf ; 10(1)jun. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1384717


Resumen Las bibliotecas públicas son por excelencia, las organizaciones que reciben y trabajan con la población adulta mayor. Se presenta un proyecto desarrollado en la Escuela de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, de la Universidad de Costa Rica, cuyo objetivo general fue desarrollar estrategias lúdico-creativas, para promover la alfabetización informacional en salud en la población adulta y adulta mayor, desde las bibliotecas públicas. Es una investigación cualitativa, en que se aplicó la investigación acción. Los resultados alcanzados muestran que después de la aplicación de talleres lúdico-creativos, las personas adultas mayores aumentaron su conocimiento, interés y destreza en ellos. Así mismo se logró fomentar las relaciones intergeneracionales, pues los talleres fueron desarrollados por estudiantes de Trabajo Comunal Universitario.

Abstract Public libraries are par excellence, the organizations that receive and work with the elderly population. The following is a project developed by the School of Library and Information Sciences of the University of Costa Rica whose general objective was to develop ludic and creative-based strategies to promote informational alphabetization and health in adults and the elderly population from the public libraries. It was a qualitative action-research investigation. Results evince an increase in interest, knowledge, and skills amongst the elderly after the implementation of the ludic and creative workshops. At the same time, it was feasible to promote intergenerational relations since the workshops were implemented by students as part of their Communal University Work.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Play Therapy , Information Literacy , Healthy Aging , Costa Rica , Libraries
Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 28(1): 56-65, jan.-mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098142


Resumo Introdução estudos no Brasil e em diversos países indicam que os serviços de urgência são frequentemente utilizados como portas de entrada para os sistemas de saúde, sobrecarregando-os e impactando na qualidade do serviço prestado à população. Entretanto, pouco se conhece sobre esse fenômeno nas unidades de pronto atendimento (UPAs) do nosso país. Objetivo investigar as variáveis associadas ao uso inadequado de duas UPAs em um município de grande porte. Método estudo transversal com uma amostra de 756 indivíduos que analisou as variáveis individuais, contextuais e dos serviços associadas ao uso inapropriado de UPAs por meio de um modelo de regressão logística múltipla e hierarquizada. Resultados o modelo final de regressão demonstrou que os indivíduos que apresentavam autopercepção de que sua condição era um caso de emergência e cuja idade era igual a ou acima de 60 anos apresentaram mais chances de procurarem esses serviços por motivos não urgentes. Conclusão variáveis individuais estiveram associadas ao uso não urgente dos serviços das UPAs. Estudos futuros de cunho qualitativo poderão auxiliar a compreender os motivos do uso inadequado desses serviços por tais indivíduos.

Abstract Background Studies in Brazil and in several countries indicate that emergency services are often used as gateways to health systems, overburdening them and impacting on the quality of service provided to the population. However, little is known about this phenomenon in the Emergency Care Units (EUCs) of our country. Objective To investigate the variables associated with the inadequate use of two EUCs in a large municipality. Method A cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 756 individuals that analyzed individual, contextual and service-related variables associated with the inappropriate use of EUCs through a hierarchical multiple logistic regression model. Results The final regression model showed that individuals who had self-perceived their condition as an emergency and whose age was equal to or older than 60 years presented high odds to seek these services for non-urgent reasons. Conclusions Individual variables were associated with non-urgent use of the ECUs. Future studies of a qualitative nature may help to understand the reasons for the inadequate use of these services by these individuals.

Gac. méd. espirit ; 21(2): 65-86, mayo.-ago. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090429


RESUMEN Fundamento: La determinación de las necesidades de información de los usuarios puede influir en los servicios y recursos informativos de la biblioteca universitaria. Objetivo: Aplicar la metodología para el estudio de las necesidades de información, conocimiento y aprendizaje en las bibliotecas y centros de documentación de salud a los usuarios de la biblioteca de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas en Cienfuegos. Metodología: Se utilizaron los métodos descriptivos, analítico-sintético e inductivo deductivo. Resultados: Se describieron los nueve 9 procesos de la metodología: diagnóstico de la organización y de su entorno, identificación y registro de los usuarios, determinación de segmentos y grupos de usuarios, determinación de las prioridades entre los grupos para la gestión del aprendizaje, definición de la política diferencial de la oferta, determinación de necesidades (y disponibilidades) de aprendizaje, diseño de las ofertas, sistematización de la tecnología de gestión del aprendizaje y evaluación de la calidad y de la utilidad de los procesos de la gestión del aprendizaje. Conclusiones: La aplicación de la metodología permitió realizar el estudio y determinar las necesidades de los usuarios de la biblioteca universitaria y dar prioridades en los servicios para una mayor satisfacción.

ABSTRACT Background: The determination of the users´ information needs can influence on the services and information resources of the university library. Objective: To apply the methodology for the study of information, knowledge and learning needs in libraries and health documentation centers to the library users at the University of Medical Sciences in Cienfuegos. Methodology: Descriptive, analytical-synthetic and deductive- inductive methods were used. Results: The nine processes of the methodology were described: diagnosis of the organization and its environment, identification and users registration, determination of segments and users groups, determination of priorities among the groups for learning management, definition of the differential policy of the offer, determination of learning needs (and availability), design of offers, systematization of learning management technology and evaluation of the quality and usefulness of learning management processes. Conclusions: The application of the methodology allowed carrying out the study and determining the needs of the users of the university library and prioritizing the services for greater satisfaction.

Information Services , Libraries, Medical , Library Services
Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 23(3): 427-434, mayo.-jun. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003785


RESUMEN Introducción: las nuevas tecnologías de la Informática y las comunicaciones han impactado en todas las áreas de la vida del ser humano y con especial énfasis en el sector de salud pública. El proceso de informatización de salud es abarcador en su concepción y en su proyección. Objetivo: implementar una aplicación informática para la gestión de la información de los procesos de registros médicos en el área de admisión de las clínicas estomatológicas Policlínico Universitario "Pedro Borrás Astorga" y Clínica Estomatológica Docente "Antonio Briones Montoto Métodos: la investigación obedece a un estudio de investigación-desarrollo tecnológico que tiene como objetivo desarrollar el prototipo de una aplicación informática para la gestión de los procesos de registros médicos empleando las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones. Resultados: uno de los retos de esta investigación es implementar un sistema para los centros de salud de estomatología mediante el análisis, diseño y elaboración, de una aplicación informática agradable al usuario, que ayudará al personal de salud a mejorar los procesos de inscripción del paciente, agenda de turnos, agenda servicio y archivo, siendo esta una herramienta informática implementada sobre plataforma web que da solución al problema a resolver en la entidad. Conclusiones: este proceso de informatización del sector lo constituye el paciente y se garantiza la calidad, oportunidad y consistencia de la información, que redundará en un incremento continuo y sostenido de la calidad en la atención médica, así como aporta resultados y apoyo a la toma de decisiones.

ABSTRACT Introduction: new information and communications technologies have impacted all areas of human life, with special emphasis on the public health sector. The informatization process of health system is comprehensive in its conception and projection. Objective: to implement a computer application for the management of information from the medical records processes in the area of admission of Pedro Borrás Astorga University Polyclinic and Antonio Briones Montoto Teaching Dentistry Clinic. Methods: the research complied with a technological- development research which was aimed at developing the prototype of a computer application for the management of the medical record processes using information and communication technologies, from the study of the current needs and shortcomings of this service. The target group of the study was constituted by the Dentistry Clinics of the country and the chosen sample belongs to the pilot institutions: Pedro Borrás Astorga University Polyclinic and Antonio Briones Montoto Teaching Dentistry Clinic, both from Pinar del Río municipality. Results: one of the challenges of this research is to implement a system for dentistry health-care centers through the analysis, design and development of a user-friendly computer application that will help health personnel to improve the processes of patient registration, shift schedule, agenda service and archive, being this an implemented computer tool on a web platform that provides a solution to the problem to be solved in the entity. Conclusions: the process of computerization of the health sector is aimed at the patient and guarantees the quality, suitability and consistency of information, which will result in a continuous and sustained increase in the quality of medical care, in order to achieve results and for decision making.