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Rev. Enferm. UERJ (Online) ; 32: e79681, jan. -dez. 2024.
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556370


Objetivo: mapear as tecnologias em saúde para manejo no cuidado à pessoa com hanseníase na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Método: revisão de escopo baseada na metodologia do JBI, em seis bases de dados, seguindo a checklist Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews. Foram incluídos estudos publicados em qualquer idioma, com diferentes abordagens metodológicas. Resultados: os 14 estudos incluídos na revisão mostram que a aplicabilidade de tecnologias para o manejo do cuidado a pessoa com hanseníase na Atenção Primária à Saúde, possibilitam a confirmação de diagnóstico, acompanhamento, monitoramento e prevenção de incapacidades. Conclusão: nota-se que tecnologia em saúde se apresentam como ferramentas que auxiliam no processo de cuidado na assistência a pessoas com hanseníase, a fim de permitir aos profissionais de saúde conhecimento sobre a doença, proporcionando qualidade na sua prática de saúde.

Objective: to map health technologies for managing the care of people with leprosy in Primary Health Care. Method: scoping review based on the JBI methodology in six databases, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews checklist. Studies published in any language were included, with different methodological approaches. Results: the 14 studies included in the review show that the applicability of technologies for the management of care for people with leprosy in Primary Health Care makes it possible to confirm diagnosis, follow-up, monitoring, and prevention of disabilities. Conclusion: it has been noted that health technologies are tools that help in the process of caring for people with leprosy, to provide health professionals with knowledge about the disease, improving quality of health practice.

Objetivo: mapear las tecnologías en salud para el manejo en el cuidado a la persona con lepra en la Atención Primaria a la Salud. Método: revisión del alcance basada en la metodología del JBI, en seis bases de datos, siguiendo la checklist Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis extension for Scoping Reviews. Se han incluido estudios publicados en cualquier idioma, con diferentes enfoques metodológicos. Resultados: los 14 estudios incluidos en la revisión muestran que la aplicabilidad de tecnologías para el manejo del cuidado a la persona con lepra en la Atención Primaria a la Salud posibilita la confirmación de diagnóstico, seguimiento, monitoreo y prevención de incapacidades. Conclusión: se percibe que las tecnologías en salud se presentan como herramientas que ayudan en el proceso de cuidado en la asistencia a personas con lepra, con fines de permitir a los profesionales de salud el acceso al conocimiento sobre la enfermedad, proporcionando calidad en su práctica de salud.

Hacia promoc. salud ; 29(1): 30-45, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574948


Resumen Objetivo: determinar la relación de los factores socioeconómicos, los inherentes al paciente, los servicios de salud, los tratamientos y el uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) con la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes con hipertensión arterial que asisten a una institución de salud en Duitama, Boyacá. Metodología: Se desarrolló un estudio cuantitativo, correlacional descriptivo de corte transversal; en el cual se buscó establecer relaciones entre los factores asociados a la adherencia al tratamiento y la adherencia al tratamiento; en un universo de pacientes con la hipertensión arterial que asisten a una institución de salud en Duitama, Boyacá de enero a agosto de 2021, a partir del cual, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusión, se seleccionaron 200 participantes por muestreo aleatorio sistemático. Resultados: Se encontró alto grado de correlación entre los factores socioeconómicos y el nivel de usabilidad de TIC, con la adherencia al tratamiento y correlación significativa entre los factores relacionados con el proveedor, relacionados con la terapia y con el paciente, con la adherencia al tratamiento en el grupo de participantes, siendo relevante la vinculación entre los conceptos de adherencia al tratamiento y autocuidado. Conclusión: los factores que logran explicar el comportamiento de adherencia del grupo de estudio son los factores socioeconómicos, factores relacionados con la terapia, factores relacionados con el paciente y el nivel de usabilidad de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.

Abstract Objective: To determine the relationship of socioeconomic factors, those inherent to the patient, services during health, treatments and the use of ICT, with adherence to treatment in patients with arterial hypertension who attend a health institution in Duitama, Boyacá. Methodology: A quantitative, descriptive correlational cross-sectional study was developed; in which it was sought to establish relationships between the factors associated with adherence to treatment and adherence to treatment; in a universe of patients with hypertension who attend a health institution in Duitama, Boyacá during January to August 2021, from which and taking into account the inclusion criteria, 200 participants were selected by systematic random sampling. Results: A high degree of correlation was found between socioeconomic factors and the level of ICT usability, with adherence to treatment, and a significant correlation between provider-related, therapy-related, and patient-related factors, with adherence to treatment. Treatment in the group of participants, the link between the concepts of adherence to treatment and self-care being relevant. Conclusion: The factors that manage to explain the behavior of adherence of the study group are socioeconomic factors, factors related to therapy, factors related to the patient and the level of usability of Technology of the information and communication.

Resumo Objectivo: Determinar a relação de fatores socioeconômicos, inerentes ao paciente, serviços durante a saúde, tratamentos e uso de TIC, com a adesão ao tratamento em pacientes com hipertensão arterial que frequentam uma instituição de saúde em Duitama. Materiais e métodos: Foi desenvolvido um estudo quantitativo e descritivo correlacional de corte transversal, no qual se buscaram relações entre os fatores associados à adesão ao tratamento e a adesão ao tratamento, em um universo de pacientes hipertensos atendidos em uma unidade de saúde em Duitama, Boyacá, durante janeiro a agosto de 2021, dos quais e levando em conta os critérios de inclusão, foram selecionados 200 participantes por amostragem aleatória sistemática. Resultados: Foi encontrado um alto grau de correlação entre os fatores socioeconômicos e o nível de usabilidade das TICs com a adesão ao tratamento, e uma correlação significativa entre os fatores relacionados ao provedor, à terapia e ao paciente com a adesão ao tratamento. No grupo de participantes, a ligação entre as noções de adesão ao tratamento e autogestão é relevante. Conclusão: Os fatores que explicam o comportamento de adesão do grupo de estudo são fatores socioeconômicos, fatores relacionados à terapia, fatores relacionados ao paciente e o nível de usabilidade da tecnologia da informação e comunicação.

Acta fisiátrica ; 31(2): 125-132, jun. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570685


Apresentamos as estratégias para implantação do sistema de teleatendimento e os resultados preliminares desta modalidade em Saúde Digital a partir de 2023, perpassando o processo de digitalização da saúde pública no Brasil, para então abordar o Plano de Saúde Digital do HCFMUSP e seus desdobramentos no IMREA. Em conclusão, a partir das novas estratégias adotadas, foi possível perceber a criação de uma cultura de aceitação das teleconsultas, tendo maior adesão por parte de profissionais e pacientes no uso da plataforma. A descrição de algumas das boas práticas adotadas pelo Instituto apresenta-se como uma oportunidade de melhoria das atividades assistenciais na modalidade digital e a sua replicação por outras instituições de saúde que visam a transformação digital de seus serviços.

We present the strategies for implementing the telecare system and the preliminary results of this modality in Digital Health in 2023, going through the process of digitalization of public health in Brazil, to then address the HCFMUSP Digital Health Plan and its developments in IMREA. In conclusion, based on the new strategies adopted, it was possible to see the creation of an acceptance culture related to the teleconsultations, with greater adherence by professionals and patients on the usage of the platform. The description of some of the good practices adopted by the Institute presents itself as an opportunity to improve assistance activities in the digital modality and its replication by other health institutions that aim at the digital transformation of their services.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228090


This review explores the impact of electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) systems on clinical pharmacy practice, highlighting the potential benefits and challenges associated with their use. Medication errors, a significant concern within healthcare settings, have been shown to decrease with the adoption of e-prescribing, offering a promising tool to enhance patient safety and reduce adverse drug events. However, the transition from traditional handwritten prescriptions to electronic methods introduces new challenges, including the emergence of new types of errors, such as incorrect drug selection, and potential increases in mortality rates, as observed in pediatric patient. Furthermore, it discusses the limited exploration of e-prescribing in primary care and community pharmacy settings, areas that require further investigation to fully understand the benefits and burdens of e-prescribing use. By examining barriers related to person, tasks, environment, tools and technologies, and organizational factors, this review emphasizes the importance of considering various aspects that influence the efficacy and safety of e-prescribing systems. The findings suggest a critical need for incorporating human factors principles in the design and evaluation of these systems to ensure they effectively support clinical pharmacy practice and enhance patient care.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-4, maio. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1554059


Objetivo: Promover a reflexão sobre os efeitos da transformação digital na enfermagem perioperatória. Métodos: Estudo reflexivo baseado em dados da literatura associado a prática do autor na enfermagem perioperatória e no projeto de automação. Resultados: evidenciou-se um misto de competências para enfermagem perioperatória, como atividades relacionadas a busca pelo hospital digital, uso da inteligência artificial e robótica. Conclusão: a reflexão deste tema incentiva o enfermeiro na busca de pesquisa, desenvolvimento digital e novos conhecimentos na área digital associados à sua prática clínica. (AU)

Objective: To promote reflection on the effects of digital transformation in perioperative nursing. Methods: Reflective study based on literature data associated with the author's practice in perioperative nursing and automation project. Results: a mix of skills for perioperative nursing was evidenced, such as activities related to the search for the digital hospital, use of artificial intelligence and robotics. Conclusion: the reflection on this theme encourages nurses to search for research, digital development and new knowledge in the digital area associated with their clinical practice. (AU)

Objetivo: Promover la reflexión sobre los efectos de la transformación digital en la enfermería perioperatoria. Métodos: Estudio reflexivo basado en datos de la literatura asociados a la práctica del autor en enfermería perioperatoria y proyecto de automatización. Resultados: se evidenció una mezcla de habilidades para la enfermería perioperatoria, como actividades relacionadas con la búsqueda del hospital digital, uso de inteligencia artificial y robótica. Conclusión: la reflexión sobre este tema anima al enfermero a buscar investigación, desarrollo digital y nuevos conocimientos en el área digital asociados a su práctica clínica. (AU)

Information Technology , Operating Rooms , Perioperative Nursing
Medisan ; 28(2)abr. 2024. ilus,4
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1558526


Se realizó una investigación relacionada con la innovación tecnológica, en la Facultad de Enfermería-Tecnología de la Salud de Santiago de Cuba, durante el curso escolar 2019-2020, con el objetivo de diseñar un software educativo para la asignatura Estratificación de Riesgos Medioambientales, dirigido a los estudiantes de técnico medio en Vigilancia y Lucha Antivectorial. Se utilizaron los métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis, histórico-lógico, modelación, sistémico-estructural e inductivo-deductivo; y empíricos: observación y análisis documental. La muestra fue de 44 estudiantes y 6 profesores escogidos al azar. Se concluye que el software propuesto es factible, pertinente y necesario como medio de enseñanza; proporciona información actualizada, su navegación es fácil y amena, y permite la autoevaluación de los estudiantes al interactuar con él mismo, lo que contribuye a mejorar el trabajo independiente.

An investigation related to the technological innovation was carried out in the Health Nursing-Technology Faculty from Santiago de Cuba, during the school course 2019-2020, aimed at designing an educational software for the subject Stratification of Environmental Risks, directed to medium technician students in Surveillance and Vector Control. The theoretical methods used were: analysis-synthesis, historical-logical, modelation, systemic-structural and inductive-deductive; and the empiric methods were: observation and documental analysis. The sample had 44 students and 6 professors chosen at random. It was concluded that the proposed software is feasible, pertinent and necessary as teaching aid; provides up-to-date information, it is easy and interesting to surf internet, and allows the self-appraisal of students in the interaction with themselves, what contributes to improve the independent work.

Software , Surveillance in Disasters , Information Technology , Universities , Vector Control of Diseases
Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 27(1): e27197, ene.-mar.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556350


Objetivo. Determinar la frecuencia de uso de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en docentes de odontología de una universidad pública. Métodos. Este estudio fue de tipo cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal. La muestra fue conformada por 67 docentes en labor de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, quienes fueron seleccionados mediante el muestreo aleatorio estratificado. Dichos maestros respondieron a un formulario virtual tipo encuesta con una escala de Likert, cuyo contenido fue el cuestionario validado Uso de TIC. Resultados. Se obtuvo que el uso de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación fue en su mayoría alto con un 74.63%, y solo se presentó un caso de bajo uso de dicha variable en el sexo masculino y a la vez perteneciente al grupo docente que tenía de 31 a 40 años de experiencia. Conclusiones. Los catedráticos de odontología tienen una frecuencia de uso favorable de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación en su práctica docente.

Objective. Determine the frequency of use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in dentistry teachers at a public university. Methods. This study was quantitative, observational, descriptive and cross-sectional. The sample was made up of 67 current teachers from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, who were selected through stratified random sampling. These teachers responded to a virtual survey-type form with a Likert scale, whose content was the validated Use of ICT questionnaire. Results. It was obtained that the use of Information and Communication Technologies was mostly high with 74.63%, and only one case of low use of said variable was presented in the male sex and at the same time belonging to the teaching group that was from 31 to 40 years of experience. Conclusions. Dentistry professors have a frequency of favorable use of Information and Communication Technologies in their teaching practice.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 53(1): 32-40, ene.-mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576347


RESUMEN Introducción: Las enfermedades mentales graves producen un impacto significativo en términos de sufrimiento de los pacientes y sus familias, costos de atención y arios de vida perdidos por discapacidad. Este estudio pone a prueba la herramienta DIALOG+, una intervención basada en una App que combina una evaluación estructurada referente a 11 dominios, con un abordaje centrado en soluciones. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo anidado en un ensayo clínico controlado en el que 9 psiquiatras y una muestra intencional de 18 pacientes que utilizaron la aplicación DIALOG+ en controles mensuales durante 6 meses realizaron entrevistas semiestructuradas sobre su experiencia. Resultados: El análisis se enfocó en determinar la aceptabilidad, la viabilidad y la efectividad de la intervención en el contexto colombiano mediante el método de análisis temático inductivo propuesto por Braun y Clarke. Los resultados fueron: a) impactos en la consulta y la relación médico-paciente; b) impactos en los pacientes y promoción del cambio; c) uso de la aplicación, y d) adaptabilidad al sistema de salud. Conclusiones: El instrumento DIALOG+ fue valorado positivamente por la mayoría de los participantes, dado que aporta al seguimiento de los pacientes con enfermedad mental grave porque incluye un componente psicoterapéutico en las consultas habituales y mejora la comunicación y el paciente se apropia de su proceso. Sin embargo, es pertinente delimitar la población que podría percibir los mayores beneficios y ajustar su esquema, sobre todo en relación con el tiempo de consulta, para que resulte exitosa su adaptación al sistema de salud colombiano.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Severe mental disorders can cause significant and lasting distress for patients and their families and generate high costs through the need for care and loss of productivity. This study tests DIALOG+, an app-based intervention to make routine patient-clinician meetings therapeutically effective. It combines a structured evaluation of patient satisfaction with a solution-focused approach. Methods: We conducted a qualitative study, based on a controlled clinical trial, in which 9 psychiatrists and 18 patients used DIALOG+ monthly over a six-month period. Semistructured interviews were used to explore the experiences of participants and analysed in an inductive thematic analysis focusing on the feasibility and effects of the intervention in the Colombian context. Results: Experiences were grouped into five overall themes: a) impact of the intervention on the consultation and the doctor-patient relationship; b) impact on patients and in promoting change; c) use of the supporting app, and d) adaptability of the intervention to the Colombian healthcare system. Conclusions: DIALOG+ was positively valued by most of the participants. Participants felt that it was beneficial to the routine consultation, improved communication and empowered patients to take a leading role in their care. More work is required to identify the patient groups that most benefit from DIALOG+, and to adjust it, particularly to fit brief consultation times, so that it can be rolled out successfully in the Colombian healthcare system.

Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(1): e202310163, feb. 2024. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1525020


Introducción. La usabilidad en un sistema de teleconsulta afecta directamente la eficiencia y efectividad de la atención médica remota. Objetivo. Evaluar la usabilidad de la teleconsulta durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Población y método. Estudio de corte transversal. Incluimos a los cuidadores de niños/as de 1 mes a 12 años. Evaluamos la usabilidad mediante el Telehealth Usability Questionnaire adaptado en español. Además, evaluamos datos socioeconómicos. Resultados. Tasa de respuesta del 70,2 % (n = 221). La mayoría eran mujeres, edad promedio 33 años, con educación secundaria y cobertura de salud pública. El 87,8 % eligió atención telefónica y el 88,2 % tenía su primera teleconsulta. Alta satisfacción general con puntuaciones menores en facilidad de uso y aprendizaje en videollamadas. Conclusión. La teleconsulta mostró alta usabilidad, independientemente de la modalidad, para cuidadores de niños/as de 1 mes a 12 años.

Introduction. Usability in a telemedicine system directly affects the efficiency and effectiveness of remote health care. Objective. To assess the usability of teleconsultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Population and method. This was a cross-sectional study. The caregivers of children aged 1 month to 12 years were included. Usability was assessed with the Telehealth Usability Questionnaire, adapted to Spanish. Socioeconomic data were also assessed. Results. The response rate was 70.2% (n = 221). Most responders were women whose average age was 33 years, had completed secondary education and had public health insurance. Of them, 87.8% selected telephone health care and 88.2% had their first teleconsultation. The overall satisfaction was high, with lower scores for ease of use and learning how to use video calls. Conclusion. Regardless of modality, the usability of teleconsultations by caregivers of children aged 1 month to 12 years was adequate.

Humans , Child , Adult , Remote Consultation , COVID-19/epidemiology , Pandemics , Hospitals, Pediatric
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011461


As a Chinese saying goes, "good Chinese medicinal material makes good medicine", the quality of Chinese herbal medicines is related to the development prospect of Chinese medicine industry in China. With the rapid development of new technologies such as traceability methods and monitoring instruments, it is imperative to integrate and innovate traditional Chinese herbal medicines with new-generation information technology in view of the quality problems existing in the current production and circulation of Chinese herbal medicines, and it is of great significance for the construction of traceability system to ensure the quality and safety of Chinese herbal medicines and to promote the industry of Chinese herbal medicines to move towards high-quality development. This paper reviews the development history of the traceability system of Chinese herbal medicines in China, takes the influencing factors of the quality of Chinese herbal medicines as the entry point, and proposes that the construction of the traceability system should satisfy the traceability requirements of the characteristics of Chinese herbal medicines and their traditional medication experience. By analyzing the influencing factors of the quality of Chinese herbal medicines, it is pointed out that focusing on the influencing factors to build a traceability system is of great significance for targeting the problematic links at a later stage and exploring the interrelationship between environmental factors and the quality of Chinese herbal medicines. Based on the previous explorations, the author summarizes the system framework, functional modules and practical applications of the traceability system of Chinese herbal medicines, and looks forward to the development of a traceability system with risk early warning function and expert decision-making function in its functional development. Finally, based on the factors affecting the quality of Chinese herbal medicines, the author puts forward several thoughts on construction of the traceability system, and makes an in-depth analysis and puts forward a solution for the current situation that a unified, standardized and universal traceability system has not yet been built, with a view to providing ideas and references for the construction of traceability system of Chinese herbal medicines.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031600


With the rapid development of information technology, what has been widely used in the field of medical and health care includes the home detection of aging population in communities, intelligent health management, special patient positioning care management, information sharing, and interconnection management, which has also brought new opportunities for the innovative management of medical equipment in recent years. We have taken "sense, knowledge and action" as the core, and effectively improved the level of lean management of medical equipment through data acquisition, data modeling and analysis, and remote service or decision response. This paper aims to summarize the application and research progress of intelligent information technology in the lean management of medical equipment in order to provide new ideas for the refined management of medical equipment.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012647


ObjectiveTo introduce the basic design, development plan and objectives of a population-based birth cohort in Shanghai, and further present the main data and baseline characteristics of enrolled participants in the cohort, and to provide key information for reproductive health-related studies. MethodsThe Shanghai population-based birth cohort initiated on January 1, 2005, included newborns born in Shanghai every year and their parents, and collected information on reproductive health, reproductive treatment, birth characteristics, growth and development status, as well as the incidence, treatment and death of diseases by employing data linkage technology and investigations. This formed a birth cohort spanning the entire life cycle. ResultsAs of October 2022, a total of 2 978 538 newborns and their parents were included in the cohort. Among them, 2 905 135 (97.54%) were naturally conceived (NC), and 73 403 (2.46%) were born through assisted reproductive technologies (ART). The average age of parents was (32.56±4.12) years old for females and (34.62±5.34) years old for males in the ART group, which was higher than (28.02±4.71) years and (30.07±5.54) years for parents in the NC group. Among parents, females and males aged 30 and above accounted for 77.12% and 85.08%, respectively, which were higher than that of parents (35.28% for females and 49.66% for males) in the NC group. Furthermore, the percentage of parents with a college degree or above in the ART group was 73.23% for females and 73.66% for males, which were higher than those in the NC group (49.98% and 50.91%, respectively). The multiple births rate in the ART group was 33.81%, which was higher than that in the NC group (1.88%). The incidence of premature birth and low birth weight in the ART group were 24.47% and 19.08%, respectively, which was higher than that in the NC group (5.47% and 3.73%). ConclusionThe comprehensive collection of reproductive health-related information in the birth cohort in Shanghai can provide essential resources to determine the influence of genetics, environment, reproductive treatment and other related factors on the health of offspring after birth.

Journal of Medical Informatics ; (12): 99-102, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023482


Purpose/Significance To provide reference for the information technology laboratory management in universities and col-leges of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).Method/Process The paper focuses on the main problems faced by information technology laboratory management in universities and colleges of TCM,and proposes ideas of informatization path selection based on practices in Hu-bei University of Chinese Medicine.It constructs informatization management system from the following aspects:network foundation of in-formation technology laboratory,terminal protection cloud service,internet of things technology application,laboratory opening,experi-mental teaching resource sharing,etc.Result/Conclusion The informatization management system significantly improves the utilization rate of the laboratory,greatly reduces the personnel cost and time cost.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023493


Purpose/Significance To discuss the new demands and scenarios of disease prevention and control informatization brought about by emerging information technologies,and to provide references for the deep integration of information technology and the modernization of disease prevention and control system.Method/Process The paper analyzes the exploratory applications of emerging in-formation technologies in electronic medical record and disease report intelligent analysis,regional syndrome monitoring,large-scale dis-ease investigation and auxiliary epidemiological investigation,multi-channel monitoring and early warning,portable individual soldier communication under health emergency,and expounds the causes of problems that have not yet formed a systematic construction situation.Result/Conclusion Suggestions on the future development of modern disease prevention and control informatization are put forward to pro-vide technical support for improving public health service capabilities and innovating business changes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025347


Objective:To clarify the application effect of information-guided enteral nutrition-associated diarrhea (ENAD) management process in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) undergoing non-invasive assisted ventilation.Methods:A mixed cohort study of pre- and post-control was conducted. Thirty-nine patients with COPD who were admitted to the emergency intensive care unit (ICU) of Huzhou First People's Hospital from July 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022 were enrolled. Taking the completion of the software development of ENAD management software for critically ill patients on January 28, 2022 as the time node, 20 patients admitted from July 1, 2021 to January 28, 2022 were set as the control group, and 19 patients admitted from January 29 to July 31, 2022 were set as the observation group. The two groups of patients received the same enteral nutrition support treatment, and the control group implemented the conventional ENAD treatment process with enteral nutrition intolerance disposal process as the core. On the basis of the control group, the observation group implemented the information-guided ENAD treatment process, and the system software actively captured the information of ENAD patients and reminded the medical team to improve the patient's diarrhea-related examination and provide alternative treatment plans. The duration of antidiarrhea, feeding interruption rate, and energy and protein intake, blood biochemical indexes, incidence of abnormal blood electrolyte metabolism, daily continuous non-invasive assisted ventilation and endotracheal intubation after 7 days of targeted diarrhea intervention were compared between the two groups.Results:Except for the basal pulse rate, there were no significant differences in gender distribution, age, and vital signs, basic nutritional status, arterial blood gas analysis and blood biochemistry at admission between the two groups, indicating comparability between the two groups. When ENAD occurred, the patients in the observation group obtained earlier cessation of diarrhea than those in the control group [days: 3.00 (2.00, 3.25) vs. 4.00 (3.00, 5.00), P < 0.01], and the feeding interruption rate was significantly lower than that in the control group [10.53% (2/19) vs. 65.00% (13/20), P < 0.01]. After 7 days of diarrhea intervention, the energy intake of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group [kJ·kg -1·d -1: 66.28 (43.34, 70.36) vs. 47.88 (34.60, 52.32), P < 0.01], the levels of hemoglobin (Hb), albumin (Alb) and serum prealbumin (PAB) were significantly higher than those in the control group [Hb (g/L): 119.79±10.04 vs. 110.20±7.75, Alb (g/L): 36.00 (33.75, 37.25) vs. 31.00 (30.00, 33.00), PAB (mg/L): 155.79±25.78 vs. 140.95±14.97, all P < 0.05], the daily continuous non-invasive assisted ventilation duration was significantly shorter than that of the control group [hours: 14 (12, 16) vs. 16 (14, 18), P < 0.01], and the arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO 2) was significantly lower than that of the control group [mmHg (1 mmHg ≈ 0.133 kPa): 66.00 (62.00, 70.00) vs. 68.00 (67.50, 70.05), P < 0.05]. However, there were no significant differences in protein intake, incidence of abnormal electrolyte metabolism, and incidence of endotracheal intubation due to acute respiratory failure between the two groups. Conclusion:The information-guided ENAD treatment process can enable the COPD patients undergoing continuous non-invasive assisted ventilation who experience ENAD to receive earlier cessation of diarrhea, and improve the protein energy metabolism and respiratory function of the patients.

South African Journal of Information Management ; 26(1): 1-8, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1554853


Background: South African pharmacies face challenges like cost reduction, inventory management, and employee efficiency. Balancing dispensing error rates and customer satisfaction, along with ensuring accurate medication dispensing, is also crucial. An effective solution to these challenges is adopting automatic robotic dispensing systems, which enhance stock inventory management, integrated systems, and accurate dispensing capabilities. Objectives: The study delved into IT and robotic automation in South African pharmaceutical dispensing, assessing current methods and advocating for integrated IT and Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems in retail and hospital pharmacies. Method: The research used a quantitative approach to gather data from public and private hospital pharmacy employees, aiming to understand their requirements and expectations. It assessed the potential improvements that could result from adopting a new system. Results: The study found that most government and private pharmacies in South Africa prefer automated dispensing systems to reduce errors, lower costs, improve customer service, and enhance inventory management. Benefits also included minimising medication errors, improving operational efficiency, and ensuring patient safety. Conclusion: The study holds importance as it underscores the necessity of integrating Information Technology (IT) and Robotic Automation in the pharmaceutical sector to address prevailing issues. It identifies factors contributing to medication dispensing errors and demonstrates the potential of automated robotic systems in mitigating these errors. Contribution: South Africa's pharmaceutical sector must enhance efficiency and competitiveness by adopting integrated IT and Robotic Automation Systems. The study identified key factors for future implementation and emphasized the need for clear pre-implementation policies outlining functions and benefits.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230184, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1560597


ABSTRACT Objective: to demonstrate the application of some prompts and to problematize the use of ChatGPT® to guide the best answers for nursing students and teachers on septic shock in intensive care learning. Method: a methodological study where prompt technology was applied in ChatGPT® to support nursing learning in intensive care with an emphasis on septic shock. The study was organized in 3 stages, covering an understanding of ChatGPT® and models, as well as testing and exercising prompts. Results: applications of prompts were presented, based on a structure of pre-defined stages that made it possible to exemplify the answers given and to organize an output generation diagram as a way of summarizing the process of decision support in intensive care. Conclusion: ChatGPT® is a natural language processing model that uses deep learning approaches to generate human-like answers. However, the generation of prompts for the teaching-learning process in intensive care nursing requires in-depth association with the pillars of evidence-based practice.

RESUMEN Objetivo: demostrar la aplicación de algunos prompts y debatir cómo se utiliza ChatGPT® para orientar las mejores respuestas a estudiantes y profesores de Enfermería sobre shock séptico en la enseñanza de cuidados intensivos. Método: estudio metodológico en el que se aplicó la tecnología de prompts en ChatGPT® para respaldar la enseñanza de Enfermería en cuidados intensivos con énfasis en shock séptico. El estudio se organizó en 3 etapas, contemplando lo que se sabe sobre ChatGPT® y diversos modelos, al igual que pruebas y prácticas con prompts. Resultados: Se presentaron aplicaciones de prompts a partir de una estructura de etapas predefinidas que permitieron ejemplificar respuestas dadas por el sistema y organizar un diagrama de generación de salidas como una manera de resumir el proceso de apoyo a las decisiones que se toman en cuidados intensivos. Conclusión: ChatGPT® es un modelo de procesamiento del lenguaje natural que utiliza enfoques de aprendizaje profundo para generar respuestas semejantes a las humanas. Sin embargo, la generación de los prompts para el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en Enfermería de cuidados intensivos requiere una profunda asociación con los pilares de la práctica basada en evidencias.

RESUMO Objetivo: Demostrar a aplicação de alguns prompts e problematizar o uso do ChatGPT® para guiar as melhores respostas aos estudantes e professores de enfermagem sobre choque séptico na aprendizagem em terapia intensiva. Método: Estudo metodológico, com aplicação de tecnologia de prompts no ChatGPT® para apoiar a aprendizagem de enfermagem em terapia intensiva com ênfase no choque séptico. O estudo foi organizado em 3 etapas, contemplando o entendimento sobre o ChatGPT®, modelos, bem como teste e exercício de prompts. Resultados: Foram apresentadas aplicações de prompts a partir de uma estrutura de etapas pré-definidas que permitiram exemplificar respostas dadas e organizar um diagrama de geração de saídas como uma forma de resumir o processo de apoio à tomada de decisão em terapia intensiva. Conclusão: O ChatGPT® é um modelo de processamento de linguagem natural que usa abordagens de aprendizagem profunda para gerar respostas semelhantes às humanas. Contudo, a geração dos prompts para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem em enfermagem de terapia intensiva requer associação profunda com os pilares da prática baseada em evidência.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e261241, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1564974


Com a emergência da pandemia de Covid-19, as(os) psicólogas(os) passaram a oferecer atendimento online para pacientes que até então eram atendidos de forma presencial. Na maior parte dos casos, essa mudança se deu de forma improvisada e sem capacitação prévia. Nesse contexto, este estudo, de caráter descritivo-exploratório, quanti-qualitativo e com delineamento transversal, buscou compreender a experiência das(os) psicólogas(os) na transição das intervenções da modalidade presencial para o atendimento remoto durante a pandemia de Covid-19 no Brasil, identificando dificuldades e lacunas percebidas nas orientações disponibilizadas pelo Conselho Federal de Psicologia. Participaram da pesquisa 385 psicólogas(os). Utilizou-se um questionário online para a coleta dos dados, distribuído por meio de uma plataforma digital entre maio e novembro de 2020. O estudo também foi divulgado em grupos da categoria profissional da psicologia em diversas redes sociais. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados por meio de análise estatística descritiva, e as respostas para as questões abertas por meio de análise temática reflexiva. Os achados foram organizados em três categorias temáticas: (a) lacunas percebidas nas orientações quanto à escolha da plataforma digital; (b) lacunas quanto ao preenchimento do cadastro no site E-Psi ; e (c) falta de treinamento adequado para realizar a transição para o formato online. Entre os principais resultados, destacaram-se a insegurança gerada pela falta de preparo prévio das(os) profissionais e a resistência de alguns clientes a aceitar a transposição dos atendimentos do modelo presencial para o online. Espera-se que o mapeamento das principais dificuldades enfrentadas pela categoria contribua para qualificar o debate sobre a efetividade das orientações disponibilizadas para as(os) psicólogas(os).(AU)

With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, psychologists began to offer online consultations to their patients, who were previously seen in person. In most cases, this change happened in an improvised way and with no prior training required. In this context, this study, of a descriptive-exploratory, quanti-qualitative character with cross-sectional design, aimed to understand the experience of psychologists in the transition from in-person to remote modality during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil, identifying difficulties and gaps regarding the guidelines provided by the Federal Council of Psychology. A total of 385 psychologists participated in the research. An online questionnaire was used for data collection, distributed via a digital platform between May and November 2020. The study was also shared in professional Psychology groups on several social networks. The quantitative data were analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis, and the answers to the open questions by reflective thematic analysis. The findings were organized into three thematic categories: (a) gaps perceived in the guidance regarding the choice of the digital platform; (b) gaps regarding the completion of the registration on the E-Psi website; and (c) lack of adequate training to make the transition to the online format. Among the main results were the insecurity generated by the lack of previous preparation of the professionals and the resistance of some clients to accept the transposition of the face-to-face services to the online model. It is expected that the mapping of the main difficulties faced by the category will contribute to qualify the debate about the effectiveness of the orientations made available to psychologists.(AU)

Con la emergencia de la pandemia de Covid-19, las(os) psicólogas(os) comenzaron a ofrecer atención psicológica en línea a pacientes que hasta entonces eran atendidos de forma presencial. Este cambio se producía a menudo de forma improvisada y sin la formación previa necesaria. Este estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, cuanticualitativo, con enfoque transversal, tuvo como objetivo comprender la experiencia de estos profesionales en la transición del trabajo presencial al remoto durante la pandemia de Covid-19 en Brasil, identificando dificultades y lagunas percibidas en las directrices del Consejo Federal de Psicología. Participaron en la investigación 385 psicólogos(as). Para la recogida de datos se utilizó un cuestionario en línea distribuido por plataforma digital entre mayo y noviembre de 2020. El estudio también se difundió en grupos de la categoría profesional de la Psicología en diversas redes sociales. Los datos cuantitativos se analizaron mediante análisis estadístico descriptivo, y las respuestas a las preguntas abiertas mediante análisis temático reflexivo. Los resultados se organizaron en tres categorías temáticas: (a) lagunas percibidas en la orientación sobre la elección de la plataforma digital; (b) lagunas relativas a la realización de la inscripción en el sitio web E-Psi ; y (c) falta de formación adecuada para realizar la transición al formato en línea. Entre los principales resultados, destacaron la inseguridad generada por la falta de preparación previa de los profesionales y la resistencia de algunos clientes a aceptar la transición de los servicios del modelo presencial al modelo en línea. Se espera que el estudio de las principales dificultades a las que se enfrenta la categoría contribuya a matizar el debate sobre la eficacia de las orientaciones puestas a disposición de los(as) psicólogos(as).(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Psychology , Information Technology , Internet-Based Intervention , Teleworking , COVID-19 , Organizational Innovation , Orientation , Patients , Policy Making , Psychotherapy , Referral and Consultation , Research , Social Adjustment , Social Control, Formal , Work , Computer Communication Networks , Mental Health , Efficacy , Data Collection , Surveys and Questionnaires , Guidelines as Topic , Congresses as Topic , Privacy , Censuses , Counseling , Internet , Credentialing , Crisis Intervention , Job Market , Ethics, Professional , Social Networking , Mentoring , Web Archives as Topic , e-Accessibility , Social Vulnerability , Persons
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 28: e20230163, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1569173


Resumo Objetivo discutir as questões relacionadas ao conceito de saúde digital, e de que modo a área da saúde tem se associado à evolução tecnológica e aos novos paradigmas para o cuidado, à luz de alguns pensadores da Filosofia contemporânea. Método trata-se de um ensaio teórico-filosófico. Resultados Michel Foucault destacou o papel das estruturas de poder na saúde digital, alertando para o potencial de vigilância e do controle social. Por outro lado, Pierre Lévy e Mário Bunge enfatizaram a importância da tecnologia na Enfermagem, ressaltando seus benefícios e desafios na busca por soluções adequadas e éticas. Considerações finais e implicações para a prática a saúde digital emerge como um terreno de conflitos e possibilidades, em que os avanços tecnológicos trazem consigo tanto as potencialidades transformadoras, quanto os riscos à privacidade, à autonomia e à qualidade do cuidado. A abordagem filosófica é essencial para questionar o desenvolvimento tecnológico em saúde, especialmente na Enfermagem, de maneira ética, profunda e consciente.

Resumen Objetivo discutir temas relacionados con el concepto de salud digital, y cómo el área de la salud se ha asociado con la evolución tecnológica y nuevos paradigmas para el cuidado, a la luz de algunos pensadores de la Filosofía contemporánea. Método se trata de un ensayo teórico-filosófico. Resultados Michel Foucault destacó el papel de las estructuras de poder en la salud digital, advirtiendo sobre el potencial de vigilancia y del control social. Por otro lado, Pierre Lévy y Mário Bunge destacaron la importancia de la tecnología en Enfermería, destacando sus beneficios y desafíos en la búsqueda de soluciones apropiadas y éticas. Consideraciones finales e implicaciones para la práctica la salud digital emerge como una tierra de conflictos y posibilidades, en la que los avances tecnológicos traen consigo tanto las potencialidades transformadoras como riesgos para la privacidad, la autonomía y la calidad de la atención. El enfoque filosófico es fundamental para cuestionar el desarrollo tecnológico en salud, especialmente en Enfermería, de manera ética, profunda y consciente.

Abstract Objective to discuss issues related to the concept of digital health, and how the area of health has been associated with technological evolution and new paradigms for care, in the light of some contemporary philosophical thinkers. Method this is a theoretical-philosophical essay. Results Michel Foucault highlighted the role of power structures in digital health, warning of the potential for surveillance and social control. On the other hand, Pierre Lévy and Mário Bunge emphasize the importance of technology in nursing, highlighting its benefits and challenges in the search for appropriate and ethical solutions. Final considerations and implications for practice digital health emerges as a land of conflicts and possibilities, in which technological advances bring both transformative potential and risks to privacy, autonomy, and quality of care. The philosophical approach is essential to question technological development in health, especially in nursing, in an ethical, profound, and conscious way.

Humans , Postmodernism , Digital Health/ethics , Socioeconomic Factors , Remote Consultation , Qualitative Research , Nursing Informatics , Information Technology , Patient Safety/legislation & jurisprudence , Mentoring/ethics
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1562133


Objetivo: Analizar la percepción de los profesionales Fonoaudiólogos respecto al uso de nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación en los procesos de evaluación e intervención fonoaudiológica. Métodos: Diseño de investigación cuantitativo, descriptivo, de corte transversal. Un total de 123 participantes contestaron el cuestionario de percepción. Se analizaron 14 ítems del módulo II, para los cuales se calculó el promedio, desviación estándar y coeficiente de variación. Además, se analizaron las respuestas positivas, respuestas neutras y respuestas negativas sobre el uso de las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, la efectividad en distintos grupos etarios y las mejoras en los procesos de evaluación e intervención. Resultados: El 80% de los participantes declara que el uso de nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación es efectivo en el proceso de evaluación, mientras que el 83% opina lo mismo en relación con la intervención. Además, el 51% declara que no tiene claridad de las mejoras en los resultados del proceso de evaluación y el 46% declara lo mismo en el proceso de intervención. Conclusión: Los profesionales perciben que las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación tienen mayor efectividad en niños y niñas mayores de 6 años. El uso de Tablet y Computador es percibido por los participantes como apropiado, sin embargo, no garantiza mejoras en los resultados de los procesos de evaluación e intervención. Los resultados respaldan futuras investigaciones en el campo de fonoaudiología para mejorar la atención a los usuarios y aprovechar las ventajas en este campo

Objective: To analyze the perception of speech-language pathologists professionals regarding the utilization of new Information and Communication Technologies in speechlanguage evaluation and intervention processes. Methods: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional research design. A total of 123 participants responded to the perception questionnaire. Fourteen items were analyzed, for which the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation were calculated. Furthermore, positive, neutral, and negative responses were examined concerning the use of new Information and Communication Technologies, their effectiveness across different age groups, and improvements in evaluation and intervention processes. Results: 80% of the participants affirm that the use of new Information and Communication Technologies is effective in the evaluation process, and 83% hold the same opinion regarding intervention. Furthermore, 51% state that they lack clarity regarding improvements in evaluation process outcomes with the use of new Information and Communication Technologies, while 46% declare the same in the intervention process. Conclusion: Professionals perceive that new Information and Communication Technologies are more effective for children over 6 years old. The use of tablet and computer is perceived by the participants as appropiate; however, it does not guarantee improvements in the outcomes of evaluation and intervention processes. The results support future research in the field of speech-language pathology to enhance user care and capitalize on the advantages of this domain