Humans , Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome , Hamartoma , Intestinal Obstruction , Skin Diseases, Genetic , IntussusceptionABSTRACT
La Dra. Raquel Pérez González, más conocida entre colegas, alumnos y compañeros de trabajo por "la profe Raquel", obtuvo el título de Medicina en el año 1976. Comenzó por vía directa la residencia de Radiología y obtuvo el título de especialista de primer grado en 1979. Se convirtió así, el Hospital Militar Central "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay", en la cuna de su formación profesional y en años posteriores, en la casa que la vio crecer, especialmente como maestra de numerosas generaciones de radiólogos e imagenólogos. Hoy reposan en el jardín del Departamento de Imagenología, parte de sus cenizas, custodiadas por el amor que fue capaz de cultivar. En el 2016, una paciente femenina de 60 años de edad, acudió a la consulta de gastroenterología, con dolor abdominal difuso. La radiografía de abdomen simple, anteroposterior, en posición acostado mostró, una imagen en "muela de cangrejo", visible al tomar el aire dentro del hemicolon transverso izquierdo, como contraste, el cual bordea por ese lado parcialmente, una opacidad de partes blandas, que se extiende desde el mesogastrio, hasta la fosa ilíaca derecha, donde se observa el signo del menisco. Los estudios de imágenes realizados, evidenciaron signos radiológicos típicos de invaginación por causa tumoral maligna. En varias ocasiones, la profesora Raquel utilizó la imagen de este caso, como pregunta en exámenes de promoción de residentes. La publicación de este caso constituye un homenaje a quien será siempre un paradigma de docente.
Dr. Raquel Pérez González, better known among colleagues, students and co-workers as "professor Raquel", obtained her degree in Medicine in 1976. She began her Radiology residency directly and obtained the title of first-class specialist degree in 1979. Thus, the Central Military Hospital "Dr. Carlos J. Finlay" is the cradle of her professional training and in later years, in her home where she saw her grow up, especially as a teacher to numerous generations of radiologists and imaging scientists. Today, part of her ashes rest in the garden of the Imaging Department, guarded by the love that she was able to cultivate. In 2016, a 60-year-old female patient attended the gastroenterology clinic with diffuse abdominal pain. The simple, anteroposterior abdominal x-ray, in the lying position, showed a "crab claw" image, visible when breathing into the left transverse hemicolon, as contrast, which partially borders on that side, a soft tissue opacity, which extends from the mesogastrium to the right iliac fossa, where the meniscus sign is observed. The imaging studies performed showed typical radiological signs of invagination due to malignant tumor. On several occasions, Professor Raquel used the image of this case as a question in resident promotion exams. The publication of this case constitutes a tribute to someone who will always be a paradigm of a teacher.
Humans , Female , Radiology/education , Colonic Neoplasms/etiology , Faculty/history , Intussusception/diagnosis , LeadershipSubject(s)
Humans , Intestinal Obstruction , Intussusception , Adult , Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography , LaparotomyABSTRACT
Objective:To explore the risk factors for recurrence of intussusception in children after successful ultrasound-guided saline enema reduction.Methods:The clinical and follow up data of 355 hospitalized children with intussusception at the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from Feb 2018 to Feb 2023 were reviewed.Patients were divided into two groups by recurrence develped and the differences were compared, Data with significant differences were incorporated into multi-factor logistic analysis.Results:The overall recurrence rate was 15.8% (56/355). By univariate variable analysis model, there were statistically significant differences between the two groups in age, previous intussusception history, vomiting, maximum diameter of concentric circles shown by ultrasound, and concurrent bowel organic diseases (lead points) (all P<0.05). In multivariate Logistic regression model, age, previous intussusception history, maximum diameter of concentric circles, and lead points were independent risk factors for recurrent intussusception after saline enema.The optimal cut-off values for age and maximum diameter of concentric circles were 2 years and 33.5 mm, respectively, according to ROC curve analysis. Conclusion:Age older than 2 years, previous intussusception history, maximum diameter of concentric circles longer than 33.5 mm, and lead points are independent risk factors for recurrence after saline enema.
Introducción: La oclusión intestinal constituye la segunda causa de abdomen agudo quirúrgico y el 20 por ciento de los ingresos en los servicios de urgencia; algunas revisiones muestran que se producen cada año más de 9000 muertes por esta causa. Objetivo: Presentar un paciente oncológico al cual se le realizó una gastrostomía y posteriormente se complicó con una intususcepción. Caso clínico: Paciente de 59 años de edad, al cual se le realizó una gastrostomía alimentaria al presentar disfagia. Días más tarde el paciente se complicó con una oclusión intestinal y falleció en un corto periodo. Conclusiones: La intususcepción es una enfermedad infrecuente en adultos, con una presentación clínica poco específica. Los síntomas cardinales son el dolor de tipo cólico, vómitos, distención abdominal y detención del tránsito intestinal(AU)
Introduction: Intestinal occlusion is the second leading cause of surgical acute abdomen and 20 percent of admissions to emergency services; some reviews show that they produce more than 9000 deaths each year from this cause. Objective: Report a case of an oncological patient who underwent a gastrostomy and subsequently becomes complicated by intussusception. Case presentation: A 59-year-old patient, who underwent an alimentary gastrostomy due to dysphagia. A few days later, the patient developed complications with intestinal occlusion and died within short time. Conclusions: Intussusception is an uncommon disease in adults, with a non-specific clinical presentation. The cardinal symptoms are cramping pain, vomiting, abdominal distension and intestinal transit arrest(AU)
Humans , Middle Aged , Intussusception/complications , Gastrostomy/methods , Deglutition Disorders , Duration of Therapy , Patient Care , Abdomen, Acute/etiology , Laparotomy/methodsABSTRACT
Resumen La intususcepción en el adulto es una entidad clínica quirúrgica extremadamente rara, su etiología principal en esta población se atribuye generalmente a origen maligno, la patología benigna es de menor frecuencia y presenta un reto para el diagnóstico prequirúrgico, puesto que su presentación es inespecífica y variable. A continuación, se presenta un caso clínico que debuta con un cuadro clínico de dolor en hipocondrio derecho intermitente, manifestando agudización y resultados de estudios de laboratorio inespecíficos, por lo que inicialmente se pensó que la razón del dolor era una patología de origen biliar y, por ende, se realizó una ecografía de hígado y vías biliares, con lo que observaron signos sugestivos de intususcepción secundaria a un lipoma, por lo que se realizó una tomografía de abdomen simple que corroboró el diagnóstico.
Abstract Intussusception in adults is an extremely rare surgical clinical entity, its main etiology in this population is generally attributed to malignant origin, benign pathology is less frequent and presents a challenge for pre-surgical diagnosis, since its presentation is non-specific and variable. Below is a clinical case that debuted with a clinical picture of intermittent pain in the right upper quadrant, manifesting exacerbation and non-specific laboratory tests, for which initially pathology of biliary origin was thought to be the reason for the pain, and therefore, an ultrasound of the liver and bile ducts was performed, observing signs suggestive of intussusception secondary to a lipoma, for which a simple abdominal tomography was performed to corroborate the diagnosis.
Introducción. La intususcepción del apéndice corresponde a su invaginación en el ciego. Existen varias causas, pero la endometriosis ha sido informada pocas veces. Aunque el diagnóstico se debe sospechar clínicamente, por lo general su causa solo se determina en el intraoperatorio, donde se deben tener en cuenta causas oncológicas que requieran una resección amplia. Caso clínico. Mujer de 21 años que consultó por dolor abdominal agudo generalizado. Se practicó una tomografía computarizada de abdomen, observando una intususcepción del apéndice en el ciego, estriación de la grasa pericecal y adenomegalias. Se realizó laparoscopia diagnóstica encontrando intususcepción casi completa del apéndice cecal, de aspecto neoplásico. Se convirtió a laparotomía para proceder a hemicolectomía derecha, con vaciamiento ganglionar y anastomosis del íleon al colon transverso. Discusión. La sospecha clínica de intususcepción debe corroborarse mediante ecografía, tomografía o estudios baritados. El tratamiento siempre es quirúrgico, como en el caso de nuestra paciente, quien evolucionó de forma adecuada y continuó asintomática después de un año de seguimiento. Conclusión. El diagnóstico temprano de la intususcepción permite realizar tratamientos quirúrgicos menos agresivos y disminuye el riesgo de filtración de la anastomosis. Se debe tener en cuenta el diagnóstico de endometriosis como posible causa. Se debe realizar el manejo complementario por parte de ginecología.
Introduction. The intussusception of the appendix corresponds to its invagination in the cecum. There are several causes, endometriosis being rarely reported. Although the diagnosis must be suspected clinically, its cause is generally only determined intraoperatively, where oncological causes that require extensive resection must be taken into account. Clinical case. A 21-year-old woman who consulted due to acute generalized abdominal pain, an abdominal tomography was performed, finding an intussusception of the appendix in the cecum, striation of pericecal fat, and lymph nodes. A diagnostic laparoscopy was performed, finding almost complete intussusception of the appendix, with a neoplastic appearance. She was converted to laparotomy to perform a right hemicolectomy, with lymph node dissection and ileal to transverse anastomosis. Discussion. Clinical suspicion of intussusception should be confirmed by ultrasound, abdominal tomography, or barium studies. Treatment is always surgical, as in the case of our patient, who evolved adequately and remained asymptomatic after one year of follow-up. Conclusion. Early diagnosis of intussusception allows for less aggressive surgical treatment and decreases the risk of anastomosis leakage. The diagnosis of endometriosis should be taken into account as a possible cause. Complementary management by gynecologists should be performed.
Humans , Appendicitis , Endometriosis , Appendiceal Neoplasms , Colectomy , IntussusceptionABSTRACT
Introduction: Intussusceptions in adults are rare, representing 1% to 5% of intestinal obstructions in this age group. This condition can be caused by benign and malignant lesions acting as lead points, the latter being the most frequent. Furthermore, the diagnosis is challenging due to the non-specific symptoms with variable duration. Case Presentation: A 43-year-old man, with a history of localized clear-cell renal carcinoma (ccRCC) treated 9 years earlier with a right radical nephrectomy, presented with bowel obstruction symptoms. An abdominal computed tomography scan showed an ileocolonic intussusception. Hence, the patient required a right hemicolectomy with ileotransverse anastomosis. The histopathological analysis showed a metastatic ccRC to the terminal ileum causing the intussusception. Discussion: Adult intussusceptions are rare. However, they should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with abdominal pain and symptoms of bowel obstruction. Metastases of renal cancer to the small bowel are uncommon and even more so in the form of intussusception. Definitive treatment must be tailored to the patient's condition and underlying cause. (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/pathology , Colonic Diseases , Ileocecal Valve , Intussusception/diagnosis , Kidney Neoplasms/pathology , Abdominal PainABSTRACT
La invaginación intestinal sucede cuando un segmento del intestino se introduce en otro. La presentación apendicular es menos común, afectando principalmente a lactantes. Frecuentemente, se comprueba durante el intraoperatorio. El tratamiento es la desinvaginación, seguido de la exéresis del apéndice. De no lograrse, se prefiere la resección amplia o una hemicolectomía derecha. Se presenta en caso de una niña de 4 años que acudió por dolor abdominal, hiporexia, vómitos y sensación de alza térmica; la ecografía mostró conglomeración de asas intestinales e imagen redondeada. En cirugía se encontró invaginación apendicular que compromete el ciego, se resecó la masa hasta el inicio del colon ascendente. Se realizó una ileostomía sin fístula mucosa; el estudio anatomo-patológico informó necrosis del apéndice cecal. Tres meses después se restituyó el tránsito intestinal. La Intususcepción apendicular tiene síntomas inespecíficos. En Perú, puede llegar a ser mortal. Una historia clínica detallada con evaluación minuciosa ofrece un acertado diagnóstico y un tratamiento oportuno.
SUMMARY Intestinal invagination occurs when an intestinal segment is introduced into another segment. The appendicular presentation is less common and affects predominantly infants. The diagnosis is corroborated during the surgical intervention which consists of de-invagination followed by surgical removal of the appendix, if the latter is not possible then a wide resection or right hemicolectomy is indicated. We present the case of a 4-year-old girl who attended with a history of abdominal pain, anorexia, vomiting and fever; an abdominal ultrasound showed intestinal agglomeration and a rounded mass. The surgical findings included appendicular invagination that affected the cecum, the lesion was resected until the ascending colon. An ileostomy was performed, the anatomopathological findings indicated necrosis of the appendix. Three months later the normal intestinal transit was restored. Appendicular intussusception has non-specific symptoms and could be mortal in Peru. A detailed clinical history may help in diagnosing and offering proper treatment.
Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Appendix , Therapeutics , Ileostomy , Medical Records , Juvenile Literature , IntussusceptionABSTRACT
La intususcepción ileocólica es una emergencia pediátrica con tratamiento inicial no quirúrgico a nivel mundial. La reducción hidrostática bajo guía ecográfica en pacientes pediátricos es un método de tratamiento inicial ampliamente utilizado en el mundo; sin embargo, en nuestro medio no se encuentra difundido su uso. Presentamos 4 casos de pacientes con intususcepción ileocólica tratados mediante enema hidrostático bajo guía ecográfica en el Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño - San Borja (INSNSB), con reducción terapéutica y sin complicaciones.
Ileocolic intussusception is a pediatric emergency with initial non-surgical treatment. Ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction in pediatric patients is a widely used initial treatment method in the world; however, its use is not widespread in our environment. We present 4 cases of patients with ileocolic intussusception treated by ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction in the Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño - San Borja (INSNSB), with therapeutic reduction and without complications.
La intususcepción intestinal en pacientes adultos es una entidad infrecuente, la cual corresponde alrededor del 5% de todas las causas de obstrucción intestinal. Su diagnóstico no es fácil, dado lo poco especifico de los síntomas de los pacientes que la presentan; este se sustenta principalmente en los hallazgos de los estudios de imagen. El manejo quirúrgico es la piedra angular del tratamiento de esta patología, y su éxito va a estar determinado por el diagnóstico oportuno y la experticia del cirujano tratante. En este artículo se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 62 años, que consulta por cuadro de dolor abdominal inespecífico y síntomas urinarios irritativos, el cual por persistencia del dolor abdominal pese al manejo medico es llevado a cirugía, donde se diagnostica de manera intraoperatoria una invaginación intestinal a nivel de íleon distal.
Intestinal intussusception in adult patients is a rare entity, which corresponds to about 5% of all causes of intestinal obstruction, its diagnosis is not easy given the lack of specific symptoms of patients who present it. This is mainly based on the findings of imaging studies, surgical management is the cornerstone of treatment of this pathology and its success will be determined by timely diagnosis as well as by the expertise of the treating surgeon. This article presents the case of a 62-year-old male patient who consults due to nonspecific abdominal pain and irritative urinary symptoms, who due to persistence of abdominal pain despite medical management is taken to surgery where it is diagnosed intraoperatively. an intestinal intussusception at the level of the distal ileum.
@#Intussusception refers to the invagination (telescoping) of a part of the intestine into itself. Intussusception occurs primarily in infants and toddlers.1 The peak incidence is between 4 and 36 months of age, and it is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in this age group. 2 Approximately 1 percent of cases are in infants younger than three months, 30 percent between 3 and 12 months, 20 percent between one and two years, 25 percent between two and three years, and 10 percent between three and four years.3 Although intussusception is most common in infants and young children, it is important to consider this diagnosis in children outside this age range. Approximately 10 percent of cases are in children over five years, and 3 to 4 percent in those over 10 years.3,4 We share here images from an actual case of a 15-year-old Filipino male with an ileo-ileal intussusception that is beyond the typical age range, with an incidental finding of an intraluminal mass that was histomorphologically diagnosed as Meckel’s diverticulum (MD). The diagnosis of intussusception is relatively rare in the patient’s age and the diagnosis of MD in the presence of intussusception is sparsely reported in the Philippines. Intussusception refers to the invagination (telescoping) of a part of the intestine into itself. Intussusception occurs primarily in infants and toddlers.1 The peak incidence is between 4 and 36 months of age, and it is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in this age group. 2 Approximately 1 percent of cases are in infants younger than three months, 30 percent between 3 and 12 months, 20 percent between one and two years, 25 percent between two and three years, and 10 percent between three and four years.3 Although intussusception is most common in infants and young children, it is important to consider this diagnosis in children outside this age range. Approximately 10 percent of cases are in children over five years, and 3 to 4 percent in those over 10 years.3,4 We share here images from an actual case of a 15-year-old Filipino male with an ileo-ileal intussusception that is beyond the typical age range, with an incidental finding of an intraluminal mass that was histomorphologically diagnosed as Meckel’s diverticulum (MD). The diagnosis of intussusception is relatively rare in the patient’s age and the diagnosis of MD in the presence of intussusception is sparsely reported in the Philippines.
Adolescent , Meckel Diverticulum , StrabismusABSTRACT
Objective:To assess the value of double-balloon enteroscopy(DBE)in the treatment of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome(PJS)polyp with intussusception in children.Methods:A total of 14 cases with PJS polyp with intussusception were collected in Gastroenterology Department of Beijing Children′s Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University from July 2019 to January 2023.The general information, clinical manifestations, history of surgeries, abdominal ultrasound, enteroscopy and postoperative outcomes were retrospectively analyzed.Results:Fourteen cases with intussusception of PJS(including nine boys and five girls) were enrolled, and the average age was(10.25±2.52)years.There were 21 small intestinal intussusceptions in 14 cases, including eight cases of single intussusception and six cases of multiple intussusceptions.All the patients underwent DBE examination and treatment.A total of 215 small intestinal polyps were removed, no direct complications such as bleeding or perforation were found during the operation.Twelve cases were confirmed intussusception relieved by DBE, and the average maximum diameter of polyps causing intussusception was(4.38±1.43)cm.In addition, DBE did not reach the site of intussusception polyp in one case, and another case developed intestinal obstruction after DBE operation, which were treated by surgery.Conclusion:DBE provides a relatively effective method for the treatment of PJS polyps with intussusception without complete ileus in children.
L'invagination intestinale aiguë colocolique chez l'adulte est rare dans l'ordre de 5% des occlusions intestinales de l'adulte selon la littérature. Les causes sont organiques et l'invagination sur un lipome est exceptionnel. Nous rapportons un cas d'invagination colo-colique sur un lipome sous-muqueux du cæcum dans une forme pseudo tumorale chez une femme de 51 ans de découverte opératoire. La clinique était celle d'une occlusion intestinale sur une masse abdominale. Au plan thérapeutique, une hémicolectomie droite emportant la masse tumorale avec anastomose manuelle iléo-colique terminolatérale a été effectuée. L'histologique de la pièce opératoire était un lipome sous muqueux du cæcum. Les suites opératoires étaient simples. L'invagination colo-colique par lipome est rare. Le diagnostic étiologique est histologique et le traitement chirurgical
Acute colonic intussusception in adults is rare, accounting for around 5% of intestinal obstructions in adults according to the literature. The causes are organic and intussusception on a lipoma is exceptional. We report a case of colonic intussusception on a submucosal lipoma of the cecum in a pseudo-tumorous form in a 51-year-old woman discovered at surgery. The clinic was that of an intestinal obstruction on an abdominal mass. Therapeutically, a right hemicolectomy removing the tumor mass with manual endto-side ileocolic anastomosis was performed. The histology of the surgical specimen was a submucosal lipoma of the cecum. The postoperative course was simple. Colocolic intussusception due to lipoma is rare. The etiological diagnosis is histological and the treatment is surgical.
Humans , Male , Female , ColectomyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Meckel's diverticulum is the most common gastrointestinal tract anomaly. It arises from the incomplete closure of the omphalomesenteric conduit, which is a true diverticulum at the antimesenteric border of the ileum. Although the majority of patients are asymptomatic, they can present with inflammation, hemorrhage, intussusception, intestinal obstruction, and perforation, among others; this constitutes an important differential diagnosis for acute abdomen. A 19-year-old female sought medical attention because of intermittent diffuse abdominal pain for two months, nausea, and diarrhea. In the requested imaging tests, tomography, and enterotomography, a diagnosis of Meckel's diverticulum with some degree of intussusception was suggested. The patient underwent elective surgical treatment without complications and was discharged on the second postoperative day with clinical improvement. In this section, we review publications on similar cases published in the last five years.
Abstract Background: Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) is a rare autosomal dominant inherited disease characterized by the development of polyps in the gastrointestinal tract, mucocutaneous pigmentation, and the risk of developing malignant neoplasms. This study aimed to analyze the epidemiological, clinical, and histopathological data of patients with PJS treated in a tertiary pediatric hospital. Methods: We conducted a retrospective observational study to describe the epidemiological, clinical, endoscopic, and histological characterization of patients with PJS treated in a tertiary pediatric hospital in Mexico. Results: We included 13 cases with a male-female ratio of 1.16:1. Abdominal pain was the main reason for consultation, followed by rectorrhagia. Patients showed mucocutaneous pigmentation and polyps in the gastrointestinal tract, frequently of the hamartomatous type, although inflammatory polyps, follicular hyperplasia, and adenomatous polyps were also found. Among the complications, there was a high prevalence of emergency surgery secondary to abdominal obstructive processes, the main reason for first-time consultation in these patients. Conclusions: The main clinical manifestations were mucocutaneous pigmentation, abdominal pain, and rectorrhagia. PJS should be included in the differential diagnosis in the presence of intestinal obstruction. The diagnosis of PJS should not be excluded if hamartomatous polyps are not evident on the first endoscopy. Nutritional assessment should be included due to the risk of presenting some degree of malnutrition.
Resumen Introducción: El síndrome de Peutz-Jeghers es una enfermedad hereditaria autosómica dominante poco frecuente, caracterizada por el desarrollo de pólipos en el tubo digestivo, pigmentación mucocutánea y riesgo de desarrollar neoplasias malignas. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los datos epidemiológicos, clínicos e histopatológicos de los pacientes con SPJ atendidos en un hospital pediátrico de tercer nivel. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio observacional retrospectivo, para describir las características epidemiológicas, clínicas, endoscópicas e histopatológicas de los pacientes con SPJ atendidos en un hospital pediátrico de tercer nivel de atención en México. Resultados: Se recopilaron 13 casos con una relación masculino-femenino de 1.16:1. El dolor abdominal fue el principal motivo de consulta, seguido por rectorragia. Los pacientes presentaban pigmentación mucocutánea y pólipos en el tubo digestivo, la mayoría del tipo hamartomatoso, aunque también se hallaron pólipos inflamatorios, hiperplasia folicular y adenomatosos. Dentro de las complicaciones se encontró una alta prevalencia de cirugías de emergencia secundarias a procesos obstructivos abdominales, motivo principal de consulta de primera vez en estos pacientes. Conclusiones: Las principales manifestaciones clínicas fueron pigmentación mucocutánea, dolor abdominal y rectorragia. Ante un cuadro de obstrucción intestinal se debe considerar el SPJ en el diagnóstico diferencial. No se debe excluir el diagnóstico de SPJ si no se evidencian pólipos hamartomatosos en la primera endoscopia. Se debe incluir la valoración nutricional por el riesgo de presentar algún grado de desnutrición.
Introducción. El apéndice cecal invertido, inversión apendicular o intususcepción apendicular, corresponde a una condición anatómica descrita en 1859. La primera operación de invaginación apendicular se realizó en 1890, y desde entonces se han descrito diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas y endoscópicas para el tratamiento de esta alteración. Casos clínicos. Se presentandos casos de pacientes a quienes se les indicó colonoscopia como parte de estudio de dolor abdominal y diarrea y se identificó una intususcepción apendicular completa y apendicitis y una inversión del muñón apendicular. Resultados. Mediante la colonoscopia se hizo el diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda en una de las pacientes, quien presentaba inversión apendicular completa tipo 5, que fue tratada con manejo farmacológico y seguimiento clínico. En la otra paciente hubo un hallazgo incidental de inversión del muñón apendicular tipo 3. Conclusiones. Durante la realización de estudios colonoscópicos, se debe tener en cuenta el diagnóstico de intususcepción apendicular o apéndice invertido, para evitar intervenciones erróneas, como polipectomías, que generen riesgo potencial en los pacientes.
Introduction. Inverted cecal appendix, appendicular inversion or appendicular intussusception, corresponds to an anatomical condition described in 1859. The first appendicular invagination operation was performed in 1890, and since then different surgical and endoscopic techniques have been described for its treatment. Clinical cases. We present two patients who underwent colonoscopy as part of the study of abdominal pain and diarrhea and in whom were identified a complete appendicular intussusception and appendicitis, and an inversion of the appendicular stump. Results. Through colonoscopy, the diagnosis of acute appendicitis was made in one of the patients, who presented type 5 complete appendicular inversion, which was treated with pharmacological management and clinical follow-up. In the other patient, the incidental finding of inversion of the appendicular stump type 3 was made. Conclusions. During colonoscopy, the diagnosis of appendicular intussusception or inverted appendix must be taken into account to avoid erroneous interventions such as polypectomies that generate potential risk in patients.
Humans , Appendectomy , Appendix , Appendicitis , Polyps , Colonoscopy , IntussusceptionABSTRACT
Resumen La intususcepción intestinal es la invaginación de un segmento de intestino en el interior de otro segmento inmediato, asociado a una alteración en la pared intestinal, siendo en intestino delgado más común por patologías benignas y en intestino grueso por patologías malignas. Presentamos caso de paciente femenino de 30 años, con dolor abdominal de 1 semana de evolución y datos de oclusión intestinal, se somete a laparotomía de urgencia, donde se encuentra intususcepción intestinal en íleon terminal. La intususcepción intestinal generalmente se va a presentar como un cuadro de obstrucción intestinal. El tratamiento es la resección del segmento afectado.
Abstract The intestinal intussusception is the invagination of one segment of the bowel into an immediately adjacent segment, associated to an alteration into the wall, the small intestinal is the most associated a benign pathology and large intestinal by malignant pathologies. We present the case of a 30-year-old female patient, who came to the emergency room due to intense abdominal pain of 1 week of evolution and evidence of intestinal occlusion, who underwent emergency laparotomy, where intestinal intussusception was found in the terminal ileum. Generally, the clinical presentation like an intestinal obstruction. Treatment is resection of the affected segment.
Introducción: La invaginación intestinal es causa frecuente de síndrome oclusivo en etapa de lactante, y la reducción hidrostática guiada por ecografía es una opción de tratamiento conservador. Objetivo: Eterminar la eficacia de la reducción hidrostática guiada por la ecografía en el tratamiento de la invaginación intestinal en el Hospital Pediátrico Docente "General Pedro Agustín Pérez", de Guantánamo, durante el período enero de 2017 a enero de 2022. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo en el servicio de Cirugía Pediátrica de dicha institución. El universo se constituyó por el total de pacientes tratados con esa terapéutica (n=59), en los cuales se estudió: edad, sexo, manifestaciones clínicas, número de intentos de reducción, tiempo de evolución de la invaginación y la reductibilidad, complicaciones durante o después del proceder y necesidad de tratamiento quirúrgico y la causa del mismo. La información se obtuvo mediante la revisión del registro estadístico del Comité de Intervenciones Quirúrgicas del centro y las historias clínicas. Resultados: Predominó el sexo masculino (62,7 %), entre 3 a 6 meses de edad (59,3 %) y presentaron vómitos e irritabilidad (81,3 %). Se logró la reducción hidrostática en el 91,5 %) de los casos, en el primer intento (83,0 %). El (100,0 %) tenía menos de 24 horas de evolución y se logró la desinvaginación en el 81,4 %. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio muestran que este tratamiento es conservador, seguro y efectivo, no expone al paciente a radiaciones ionizantes y reduce los riesgos de una intervención quirúrgica, realizado por un equipo de profesionales conformado por cirujano, radiólogo y anestesiólogo, solucionando el problema de salud en un breve período de tiempo.
Introduction: Intussusception is a frequent cause of occlusive syndrome in infants, and ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction is a conservative treatment option. Objective: To assess the efficacy of ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction in the treatment of intussusception at the Hospital Pediátrico Docente "General Pedro Agustín Pérez", Guantánamo, from January 2017 to January 2022. Method: A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out at the Pediatric Surgery Department of the institution. The universe was constituted by the total number of patients treated with this therapy (n=59). Variables used were as follow: age, sex, clinical manifestations, number of reduction attempts, invagination and reducibility period of evolution, complications during or after the procedure and need for surgical treatment and its causes. The information was obtained from the statistical registry of the center's Surgical Interventions Committee and the medical records. Results: Males predominated (62.7%), with a average age between 3 to 6 months (59.3%) and the 81.3% presented vomiting and irritability. Hydrostatic reduction was achieved in 91.5% of the cases; the 83.0% of them achieved a successful reduction in the first attempt. The 100.0 % had less than 24 hours of evolution and 81.4 % achieved Hydrostatic reduction was achieved in 91.5% of the cases, the 83.0% of them achieved a successful reduction in the first attempt. The 100.0 % had less than 24 hours of evolution and 81.4 % achieved an intussusception reduction. Conclusions: The results of this study show that this treatment is conservative, safe and effective, does not expose patients to ionizing radiation and reduces the risks of a surgical intervention performed by a team of professionals made up of surgeon, radiologist and anesthesiologist, solving the health problem in a short period of time.
Introdução: A intussuscepção é uma causa frequente de síndrome oclusiva em lactentes, sendo a redução hidrostática guiada por ultrassom uma opção de tratamento conservador. Objetivo: Determinar a eficácia da redução hidrostática guiada por ultrassom no tratamento da intussuscepção no Hospital Pediátrico Docente "General Pedro Agustín Pérez" de Guantánamo, de janeiro de 2017 a janeiro de 2022. Método: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo e retrospectivo em o serviço de Cirurgia Pediátrica da referida instituição. O universo foi constituído pelo número total de pacientes tratados com esta terapia (n=59), no qual foram estudados: idade, sexo, manifestações clínicas, número de tentativas de redução, tempo de evolução da intussuscepção e redutibilidade, complicações durante ou após o procedimento e necessidade de tratamento cirúrgico e sua causa. As informações foram obtidas por meio da revisão do registro estatístico do Comitê de Intervenções Cirúrgicas do centro e dos prontuários médicos. Resultados: Predominou o sexo masculino (62,7%), entre 3 a 6 meses de idade (59,3%) e apresentou vômitos e irritabilidade (81,3%). A redução hidrostática foi alcançada em 91,5 %) dos casos, na primeira tentativa (83,0 %). Ele (100,0%) teve menos de 24 horas de evolução e a detustussis foi alcançada em 81,4%. Conclusões: Os resultados deste estudo mostram que este tratamento é conservador, seguro e eficaz, não expõe o paciente à radiação ionizante e reduz os riscos da intervenção cirúrgica, realizada por uma equipe de profissionais composta por cirurgião, radiologista e anestesiologista , resolvendo o problema de saúde em um curto período de tempo.
Introducción. La invaginación intestinal o intususcepción es el deslizamiento de una parte del intestino dentro de otra adyacente. Es la causa más común de obstrucción intestinal en niños entre 3 meses y 6 años de edad, con una baja incidencia en adultos, correspondiente al 1 % del total de los cuadros obstructivos en el adulto. Su localización en colon es poco frecuente, pero conviene prestar especial atención por su asociación a lesiones malignas. Caso clínico. Varón de 39 años que acude a Urgencias con cuadro de obstrucción intestinal secundario a una invaginación en sigmoide. Se intenta reducción endoscópica, sin éxito, por lo que se indicó cirugía urgente, realizando sigmoidectomía y anastomosis colorrectal. El resultado anatomopatológico informó un adenoma de gran tamaño como causante de la invaginación. Conclusión. Existen controversias respecto al manejo endoscópico en invaginación intestinal en los adultos, especialmente en el colon, debido al elevado porcentaje de etiología tumoral maligna, recomendándose actualmente la resección en bloque sin reducción, para minimizar el riesgo de potencial siembra tumoral.
Introduction. Intestinal invagination or intussusception is the sliding of one part of the intestine into the adjacent one. It is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction in children between 3 months and 6 years of age, with a low incidence in adults, corresponding to 1% of all obstructive conditions in adults. Its location in the colon is rare, but special attention should be paid due to its association with malignant lesions. Case report. A 39-year-old male admitted to the emergency department with symptoms of intestinal obstruction secondary to a sigmoid intussusception. Endoscopic reduction was attempted, without success, so urgent surgery was indicated, performing sigmoidectomy and colorectal anastomosis. The pathology result reported a large adenoma as the cause of invagination. Conclusion. There are controversies regarding the endoscopic management of intussusception in adults, especially in the colon, due to the high percentage of malignant tumor etiology, currently recommending en bloc resection without reduction, to minimize the risk of potential tumor seeding.