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Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574644


This research aims to identify the moderating role of authentic living in the relationship between feedback received and role performance, mediated by work engagement. The data were based on a convenience sample of Brazilian workers from public and private organizations (N = 1,244). The significant interaction between the feedback and authentic living allowed us to understand that the main effects of feedback on performance take place in individuals with high authentic living. When individuals are more authentic, the information they receive about their performance more strongly affects the motivational process at work itself. This study highlights the positive relationship between work and personal resources, as well as the work engagement and performance on the other, thus contributing to increase the feedback the organizations receive about performance, as well as to create environments that facilitate authenticity.

O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar o papel moderador da vivência autêntica na relação do feedback recebido com o desempenho de papéis, mediado pelo engajamento no trabalho. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de uma amostra por conveniência de trabalhadores brasileiros provenientes de organizações públicas e privadas (N = 1.244). A interação significativa entre o feedback e a vivência autêntica permitiu compreender que os maiores efeitos do feedback sobre o desempenho acontecem em indivíduos com elevada vivência autêntica. Quando os indivíduos são mais autênticos, as informações que os mesmos recebem sobre o desempenho afetará mais fortemente o próprio processo motivacional no trabalho. Este estudo fornece evidências da relação positiva entre os recursos do trabalho e pessoais com o engajamento e o desempenho no trabalho, contribuindo, assim, para um aumento, por parte das organizações, do feedback recebido sobre o desempenho, bem como a criação de ambientes facilitadores de autenticidade.

El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar el papel moderador de la experiencia auténtica en la relación entre la retroalimentación recibida y el desempeño de roles, mediada por el compromiso laboral. Los datos se obtuvieron de una muestra por conveniencia de trabajadores brasileños de organizaciones públicas y privadas (N = 1244). La interacción significativa entre la retroalimentación y la experiencia auténtica permitió comprender que los mayores efectos de la retroalimentación sobre el desempeño ocurren en individuos con alta experiencia auténtica. Cuando los individuos son más auténticos, la información que reciben sobre el desempeño afectará más fuertemente su propio proceso motivacional en el trabajo. Este estudio proporciona evidencia de la relación positiva entre el trabajo y los recursos personales con el compromiso y el desempeño en el trabajo, de esta forma contribuyen al aumento, por parte de las organizaciones, de la retroalimentación recibida sobre el desempeño, así como a la creación de entornos propicios de autenticidad.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 170-174, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-996543


Objective: To investigate the mechanisms of work-family conflict (WFC) and work-family enrichment (WFE) between job demands and subjective well-being (SWB) among nurses. Methods: A total of 1 420 nurses were selected as the study subjects from five tertiary public hospitals in Shandong Province using two-stage sampling method. Job Demands-Resources Scale, Work-Family Relationship Scale and General Well-Being Scale were used for investigating the job demands, job resources, WFC, WFE, and SWB. Results: The average score of SWB in nurses was (75.5±15.1). Job demands had a negative effect on SWB in nurses (standardized regression coefficient=-0.17, P<0.01). WFC and WFE played parallel mediating roles in the relationship between job demands and SWB, with the mediating effect values of -0.29 and -0.07, respectively (both P<0.01). The interaction of job resources and job demands positively affected WFC (standardized regression coefficient<0.01, P<0.01). Conclusion: Job demands affect SWB through the mediating roles of WFC and WFE, and the impact of job demands on WFC is moderated by job resources. The effect of job demands on WFC is relatively strong in nurses with high levels of job resources, but the difference in the effect of high and low levels of job resources is small.

Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574585


Family-work conflict and enrichment are closely related processes. This study used the Work-Family Resources Model to investigate the direct effects of a demand (perceived work demands) and a contextual job resource (social support at work) on an outcome in the family (flourishing in the family), as well as the mediating role of a personal resource (positive psychological capital) and the moderating role of a macro resource (organizational culture associated with the employees' values of satisfaction and wellbeing) in these relationships. The sample consisted of 1052 Brazilian workers of both sexes (72.5 % women) from 50 organizations. The results found in Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling provided empirical support for the model by confirming the relationships that were tested. These findings entail important theoretical and practical implications for the family-work relationship, in demonstrating how the different processes imbricated in the work-family interface can occur, and how they can contribute to the quality of life in the family context.

El conflicto familia-trabajo y el enriquecimiento son procesos estrechamente correlacionados. Este estudio utilizó el modelo de recursos trabajo-familia para investigar los efectos directos de una demanda (demanda percibida de trabajo) y un recurso contextual (apoyo social en el trabajo) del trabajo sobre un resultado en la familia (florecimiento en la familia), así como como el rol mediador de un recurso personal (capital psicológico positivo) y el rol moderador de un macrorecurso (cultura organizacional asociada a los valores de satisfacción y bienestar de los trabajadores) en estas relaciones. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1052 trabajadores brasileños de ambos sexos (72.5 % mujeres) de 50 organizaciones. Los resultados encontrados en el modelado de ecuaciones estructurales multinivel proporcionaron apoyo empírico para el modelo, confirmando las relaciones que se probaron. Estos hallazgos traen importantes implicaciones teóricas y prácticas para la relación familia-trabajo, al demostrar cómo pueden ocurrir los diferentes procesos imbricados en la interfaz trabajo-familia y cómo pueden contribuir a la calidad de vida en el contexto familiar.

O conflito e o enriquecimento trabalho família são processos intimamente correlacionados. Este estudou usou o Modelo de Recursos Trabalho-Família para investigar os efeitos diretos de uma demanda (demanda percebida do trabalho) e de um recurso (suporte social no trabalho) contextual do trabalho em um resultado na família (florescimento na família), assim como o papel mediador de um recurso pessoal (capital psicológico positivo) e o papel moderador de um recurso macro (cultura organizacional associada aos valores de satisfação e bem-estar dos trabalhadores) nestas relações. A amostra foi composta por 1052 trabalhadores brasileiros, de ambos os sexos (72,5 % mulheres), pertencentes a 50 organizações. Os resultados encontrados na Modelagem de Equações Estruturais Multinível forneceram suporte empírico para o modelo, confirmando as relações que foram testadas. Esses achados trazem importantes implicações teóricas e práticas para a relação família-trabalho, ao demonstrar como os diferentes processos imbricados na interface trabalho-família podem ocorrer e como podem contribuir para a qualidade de vida no contexto familiar.

Aval. psicol ; 19(1): 1-9, jan.-abr. 2020. il, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1089017


Apesar do modelo de Recursos e Demandas de Trabalho (RDT) gerar inúmeras pesquisas teóricas relevantes, não existe instrumento proposto que mensure os diversos recursos e demandas hipotetizados. Baseando-se no modelo RDT, esse estudo tem como objetivo a construção e validação do Questionário de Recursos e Demandas de Trabalho (QRDT). Os itens foram criados apoiados em uma análise de literatura e passaram por diversas reformulações. A versão final do instrumento continha 44 itens. O QRDT foi respondido por 317 participantes entre 20 e 65 anos. No R, uma análise fatorial exploratória (AFE) com rotação oblimin foi conduzida, extraindo-se oito fatores. O coeficiente alfa dos fatores foi igual ou acima de 0,80, exceto para dois fatores. Não houve diferenças significativas entre homens e mulheres. Sugere-se que mais estudos utilizando o QRDT sejam produzidos, colaborando para uma validade mais robusta e contribuindo para a qualidade de vida no trabalho.(AU)

Although the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model has generated many relevant theoretical studies, no instrument has been proposed to measures the various hypothesized demands and resources. Based on the JD-R model, this study aimed to construct and validate the Job Demands-Resources Questionnaire (JD-RQ). The items were developed based on a literature review and underwent several reformulations. The final version of the instrument contained 44 items. The JD-RQ was answered by 317 participants between 20 and 65 years of age. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) with oblimin rotation was conducted, extracting 8 factors. The coefficient alpha values for the all the factors, except for 2, were .80 or above. There were no significant differences between men and women. It is suggested that more studies using the JD-RQ are carried out, collaborating for more robust validity and contributing to the quality of life at work.(AU)

A pesar de que el modelo de Demandas y Recursos Laborales (DRL) ha generado innumerables investigaciones teóricas relevantes, todavía no existe un instrumento propuesto que valore los diversos recursos y demandas sugeridas. Basándose en el modelo DRL, este estudio tuvo como objetivo la construcción y validación del Cuestionario de Demandas y Recursos Laborales (CDRL). Los ítems fueron creados respaldados en un análisis de literatura y pasaron por diversas reformulaciones. La versión final del instrumento contiene 44 ítems. El CDRL fue respondido por 317 participantes entre 20 y 65 años. Con R, fue realizado un Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE) con rotación oblicua, extrayendo 8 factores. El coeficiente alfa de los factores fue igual o superior a .80, excepto para dos factores. No hubo diferencias significativas entre hombres y mujeres. Se sugiere que sean realizados más estudios utilizando el CDRL, con el fin de obtener una validez más consistente, contribuyendo, de este modo, a la calidad de vida en el trabajo.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Job Satisfaction , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical
Suma psicol ; 26(1): 64-74, ene.-jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043423


Resumen En los últimos 30 años la investigación empírica ha mostrado consistentemente la influencia positiva de los recursos laborales en el bienestar y desempeño de los trabajadores. Sin embargo, se ha señalado que estos resultados positivos se asocian más con la satisfacción percibida que con los recursos provistos por la organización. En esta línea y tomando como referencia el modelo HERO se diseñó un instrumento para medir la satisfacción con los recursos laborales. Los análisis factoriales exploratorio y confirmatorio utilizando muestras de 492 y 508 trabajadores, respectivamente, respaldaron las cuatro dimensiones teóricas propuestas: satisfacción con los recursos de tarea, satisfacción con los recursos de equipo, satisfacción con los recursos de líder y satisfacción con los recursos de la organización. Se obtuvieron índices satisfactorios de consistencia interna y de fiabilidad del constructo, y evidencias de validez test-criterio con medidas de engagement y burnout. Se discute el valor práctico del nuevo instrumento y algunas sugerencias tendientes a examinar en mayor profundidad sus propiedades psicométricas.

Abstract Over the past three decades research on job resources has consistently shown their influence on employees' well-being and performance. However, recent studies indicate that such outcomes are more strongly related to satisfaction with job resources than to perceived job resources. Accordingly, and based on HERO model, we developed a new measure to assess satisfaction with job resources. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analytic-results based on two independent samples consisting of 492 and 508 employees supported the four proposed dimensions: satisfaction with task resources, satisfaction with team resources, satisfaction with leader/supervisor resources, and satisfaction with organizational resources. Reliability analyses showed good internal consistency and construct reliability for the dimensions, and relations with burnout and work engagement scales supported for criterion validity. Practical implications of the new measure are discussed, and we also made some suggestions to examine the psychometric properties of the scale in a more substantial degree.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766152


OBJECTIVES: While occupational stress has long been a central focus of psychological research, few studies have investigated how immigrant microbusiness owners (MBOs) respond to their unusually demanding occupation, or how their unresolved occupational stress manifests in psychological distress. Based on the job demands-resources model, this study compared MBOs to employees with regard to the relationships among emotional demands, job resources, and depressive symptoms. METHODS: Data were derived from a cross-sectional survey of 1288 Korean immigrant workers (MBOs, professionals, office workers, and manual workers) aged 30 to 70, living in Toronto and surrounding areas. Face-to-face interviews were conducted between March 2013 and November 2013. RESULTS: Among the four occupational groups, MBOs appeared to endure the greatest level of emotional demands, while reporting relatively lower levels of job satisfaction and job security; but MBOs reported the greatest job autonomy. The effect of emotional demands on depressive symptoms was greater for MBOs than for professionals. However, an inspection of stress-resource interactions indicated that though MBOs enjoyed the greatest autonomy, the protective effects of job satisfaction and security on the psychological risk of emotional demands appeared to be more pronounced for MBOs than for any of the employee groups. CONCLUSIONS: One in two Korean immigrants choose self-employment, most typically in family-owned microbusinesses that involve emotionally taxing dealings with clients and suppliers. However, the benefits of job satisfaction and security may protect MBOs from the adverse mental health effects of job stress.

Humans , Canada , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression , Emigrants and Immigrants , Job Satisfaction , Mental Health , Occupational Groups , Occupations , Taxes
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960097


@#<p><strong>Background:</strong> The sense of control that employees experience when they are able to remain competent and efficient in the workplace while enjoying a healthy personal life with enough time for leisure activities is referred to as work-life balance. In the workplace, while employees must remain focused and efficient amidst numerous tasks, it is imperative that they maintain a degree of satisfaction and contentment with regard to their personal life.<br /><strong>Objective:</strong> This study aimed to examine the effect of globalization on employees' work-life balance in an American BPO situated in the Philippines. This was examined by testing whether the data obtained from Company X followed the Job Demands-Resources Model (J D-R Model).<br /><strong>Methodology:</strong> Data were collected by administering an online survey using convenience sampling. Categorical Principal Component Analysis (CatPCA) was used for easier interpretation of the linear combinations of categorical variables. Cronbach's Alpha tested the reliability of the data. Bivariate relationships were then explored using the bivariate Pearson Correlation. Finally, the Path Analysis was utilized to determine how significant and to what degree the causal relationships are among the variables being investigated.<br /><strong>Results:</strong> The study has proven that the J D-R model is a promising framework to establish the relationship between globalization and work-life balance. The data gathered in this study revealed that employees who were provided with increased job resources experienced job satisfaction that resulted to positive work-life balance. Likewise, a decrease in burnout is significantly related to work-life balance. Although globalization is not significantly associated with work-life balance, it is significantly correlated with role conflict, a component that is related to exhaustion.<br /><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Globalization has no direct effect on the work-life balance of employees working in Company X.</p>

Work-Life Balance , Internationality , Job Satisfaction , Burnout, Psychological
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-704133


Objective To explore the relationship between job resources and anxiety on nurses,and investigate the moderating and mediating effects of resilience on job resources and anxiety. Methods Chi-nese nurses ( n=560) from some departments of four hospitals in tangshan city were recruited by random sampling method and interviewed by job resources questionnaire,Connor-Davidson resilience scale and self-rating anxiety scale. Results The scores of nurses'anxiety,resilience and job resources were 40.82±9.63, 9.45±1.82,and 93.24±16.61 respectively.The resilience,job resources and its dimensions were negatively correlated to nurses'anxiety (P<0.05).Resilience played moderating role in the relationship between nurses'anxiety and work autonomy(β=0.168,P<0.01).Resilience served to mediate the relationship between nurses'anxiety and performance feedback,career development opportunities (P<0.05). The mediating effect value of performance feedback and career development opportunities on nurses' anxiety were -0.115881 and-0.068052 respectively ,which were 41.26% and 32.71% of the total effect respectively. Conclusion Job resources and resilience are closely related to nurses'anxiety.Resilience plays partially moderating and medi-ating role in the relationship between nurses'anxiety and job resources.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-196845


BACKGROUND: Conservation of resources theory assumes loss of resources as a cause of job strain. In hospital work, conflicts with supervisors are tested to predict lower resources, that is, supervisory social support, participation possibilities, and appreciation. All three resources are expected to predict, in turn, experienced stress (job strain) and lower job satisfaction, lower affective commitment, and a higher resigned attitude towards the job (job attitudes). METHODS: The sample included 1,073 employees from 14 Swiss hospitals (n = 604 nurses, n = 81 physicians, n = 135 medical therapists, and n = 253 technical and administrative staff). Of the total sample, 83.1% were female and 38.9% worked full-time. The median tenure was between 7 years and 10 years. Constructs were assessed by online questionnaires. Structural equation modeling was used to test mediation. RESULTS: Structural equation modeling confirmed the negative association of conflict with supervisors and job resources. Tests of indirect paths to resources as a link between conflicts with supervisors and job attitudes were significant. For nurses, social support, participation and appreciation showed a significant indirect path, while among medical technicians the indirect paths included social support and appreciation, and among physicians only appreciation showed a significant indirect path. In medical therapists no indirect path was significant. Job resources did not mediate the link between conflict with supervisors and stress in any occupational group. CONCLUSION: Conflicts with supervisors are likely to reduce job resources and in turn to lower job attitudes. Work design in hospitals should, therefore, address interpersonal working conditions and conflict management in leadership development.

Female , Humans , Job Satisfaction , Leadership , Negotiating , Occupational Groups
Safety and Health at Work ; : 354-362, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-194775


BACKGROUND: The present study aims at investigating whether and how (1) job demands and job resources are associated with work-to-private-life interference (WLI) and (2) job resources moderate the relationship between job demands and WLI. METHODS: Data were collected by a self-report questionnaire from three hospitals in Italy. The sample consisted of 889 health-care workers. RESULTS: All job demands (i.e., quantitative demands, disproportionate patient expectations, and verbal aggression) and job resources (i.e., job autonomy, support from superiors and colleagues, fairness, and organizational support), with the exception of skill discretion, were related to WLI. The effects of quantitative demands on WLI were moderated by support from superiors; fairness and organizational support moderate the effects of all job demands considered. Support from colleagues moderated only verbal aggression. Job autonomy did not buffer any job demands. CONCLUSION: The present study suggests that the work context has a central importance in relation to the experience of WLI among health-care workers. The results indicated that intervention in the work context may help to contain WLI. Such interventions would especially be aimed at improving the social climate within the unit and quality of the organizational process.

Humans , Aggression , Climate , Italy
Chinese Mental Health Journal ; (12): 295-300, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-465467


Objective:To discuss the situation and differences of primary and secondary school teachers'job characteristics between mainland China and Hong Kong in order to provide the basis for improvement of job charac-teristics.Methods:A total of 504 teachers (242 in mainland China and 262 in Hong Kong)were chosen to com-plete the Job Characteristics Scale of Primary and Secondary School Teachers (including job demands sub-question-naire of six factors and job resources sub-questionnaire of six factors).Results:Teachers'job demands and job re-sources scores in both two areas were higher than the median 3.The scores of workload,emotional demands, student's misbehavior,role stress,and hard ware conditions,autonomy,work reward of Hong Kong teachers were higher than mainland China teachers(Ps <0.05),while the coworker support score was opposite.In addition,there were gender difference in workload and occupation moral requirements in Mainland China (Ps <0.05),as well as work age difference in workload,occupation moral requirements,organizational support,coworker support,hardware conditions and work reward,while school stage difference in organizational support,hardware conditions and work reward in Hong Kong (Ps <0.05).Conclusion:It suggests that teachers'job characteristics are both high demands-high resourcestype in the two areas,but the highdegree and the demographic characteristics are different.