Limonene is the main component of citrus essential oils, and can reach a concentration of up to 96%. Popularly known for its potential therapeutic effects on the body, among these we point out its broad antimicrobial activity against various types of pathogens. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to address the antimicrobial and antifungal properties of limonene compared to microorganisms of interest in dentistry, based on a bibliometric study and literature review. The following databases were analyzed: PubMed, Google Scholar, SciELO and Science Direct, from which ten articles published between 2011-2021 were selected. Most of results indicate a satisfactory antimicrobial potential, besides providing important data and perspectives regarding the indication and clinical use, in addition to innovative therapeutic modalities for diseases that affect the oral cavity, such as tooth decay, periodontal disease and candidosis.
El limoneno es el componente principal de los aceites esenciales cítricos, y puede alcanzar una concentración de hasta el 96%. Popularmente conocido por sus potenciales efectos terapéuticos en el organismo, entre ellos se destacan su amplia actividad antimicrobiana frente a diversos tipos de patógenos. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue abordar las propiedades antimicrobianas y antifúngicas del limoneno en comparación con microorganismos de interés en la odontología, a partir de un estudio bibliométrico y una revisión bibliográfica. Se analizaron las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, Google Scholar, SciELO y Science Direct, de las cuales se seleccionaron diez artículos publicados entre 2011-2021. La mayoría de los resultados indican un potencial antimicrobiano satisfactorio, además de proporcionar datos y perspectivas importantes con respecto a la indicación y el uso clínico, así como modalidades terapéuticas innovadoras para enfermedades que afectan la cavidad oral, como caries, enfermedad periodontal y candidosis.
Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Limonene/pharmacology , Anti-Infective Agents/pharmacology , Antifungal Agents/pharmacology , Plants, Medicinal , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Databases, Bibliographic , Limonene/chemistryABSTRACT
Abstract Numerous studies have investigated the chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils from different Citrus species fruit peel, leaves and flowers. This paper aims to investigate the chemical composition, larvicidal and antileishmanial activities of essential oil from Citrus reticulata fruit peel (CR-EO). CR-EO was obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and its chemical composition was analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. Limonene (85.7%), ɣ-terpinene (6.7%) and myrcene (2.1%) were identified as its major components. CR-EO showed high activity against promastigote forms of Leishmania amazonensis (IC50 = 8.23 µg/mL). CR-EO also exhibited high larvicidal activity against third instar Aedes aegypti larvae at a lethal concentration (LC50 = 58.35 µg/mL) and 100% mortality at 150 µg/mL. This study suggests, for the first time, the potential use of CR-EO against this important mosquito-borne viral disease caused by the genus Aedes.
Resumo Numerosos estudos têm investigado a composição química e as atividades biológicas de óleos essenciais extraídos de cascas dos frutos, folhas e flores de diferentes espécies de Citrus. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a composição química e as atividades larvicida e leishmanicida in vitro do óleo essencial das cascas dos frutos de Citrus reticulata (CR-EO). CR-EO foi obtido pela técnica de extração em aparelho Clevenger e sua composição química foi determinada por CG-EM e CG-DIC. Limoneno (85,7%), ɣ-terpineno (6,7%) and mirceno (2,1%) foram identificados como os constituintes majoritários. CR-EO mostrou alta atividade contra as formas promastigota de Leishmania amazonensis (CI50 = 8,23 µg/mL). CR-EO também exibiu alta atividade larvicida contra as larvas do terceiro estágio do Aedes aegypti com concentração letal (CL50 = 58,35 µg/mL) e mortalidade de 100% em 150 µg/mL. Este estudo sugere, pela primeira vez, o uso potencial de CR-EO contra esta importante doença viral transmitida por mosquitos do gênero Aedes.
Animals , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Citrus , Aedes , Insecticides/pharmacology , Fruit , LarvaABSTRACT
A obesidade está associada ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis como hipertensão, resistência insulínica, dislipidemia e esteatose hepática. O consumo de compostos bioativos impacta na manutenção da saúde e na prevenção de risco de desenvolvimento dessas doenças. Entre os compostos bioativos, os monoterpenos são pouco investigados, apesar da literatura demonstrar efeitos promissores desses compostos sobre o metabolismo. O D-limoneno, o principal monoterpeno encontrado na laranja, é caracterizado por possuir efeitos hipolipemiantes, anti-inflamatórios e anti-obesogênicos. Estudos in vitro e in vivo descrevem sua capacidade de promover a ß-oxidação de ácidos graxos em adipócitos e redução da inflamação. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito do D-limoneno no metabolismo e inflamação em um modelo de obesidade induzida por dieta. Para isso, quarenta camundongos machos (C57/Bl6) de 11 semanas de idade, foram distribuídos em 4 grupos, sendo que um dos grupos recebeu ração normolipídica e os demais, ração hiperlipídica. O D-limoneno foi suplementado na ração de dois grupos que receberam dieta hiperlipídica nas concentrações de 0,1%, e 0,8%. Considerando-se a ingestão alimentar dos animais, a ração suplementada com 0,1% D-limoneno correspondeu à ingestão de 0,15 g/kg/dia e ração com 0,8% de D-limoneno correspondeu a 1,3 g/kg/dia. Os animais tiveram o peso e a ingestão alimentar monitorados ao longo da intervenção com duração de 7 semanas. Os camundongos que receberam D-limoneno a 0,1% apresentaram menor ganho de peso e de acúmulo de tecido adiposo, comparado com os animais sem suplementação alimentados com a dieta hiperlipídica. Além disso, o D-limoneno promoveu a diminuição da concentração plasmática de marcadores inflamatórios incluindo TNF-α, INF-γ e IL-6 nos animais dos grupos que foram suplementados com D-limoneno. Entretanto, não houve diferença nos marcadores bioquímicos e metabólicos. Uma limitação do estudo foi o fato das complicações metabólicas associadas ao modelo de obesidade não terem sido plenamente estabelecidas, dados o alojamento individual, à curta duração da exposição à ração hiperlipídica e idade dos animais no início da suplementação. Esse fato pode ter dificultado a observação dos efeitos do D-limoneno na reversão dos parâmetros que seriam normalmente deteriorados pelo desenvolvimento da obesidade. Concluímos que o D-limoneno pode interferir no metabolismo energético, com possível efeito anti-obesogênico e anti-inflamatório. Devido às limitações do modelo, são necessários mais estudos para confirmar esses resultados
Obesity is associated with the development of chronic non-communicable diseases such as hypertension, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hepatic steatosis. The intake of dietary bioactive compounds is associated with the maintenance of health and the prevention of chronic diseases. Among the group of bioactive compounds, monoterpenes are poorly investigated, in spite of several reports of their promising effects on metabolism. D-limonene is the main monoterpene found in oranges, known for its hypolipemic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-obesogenic effects. in vitro and in vivo studies associate D-limonene to increased ß-oxidation of fatty acids in adipocytes and reduced inflammation. This study aimed at investigating the effects of D-limonene on metabolism and inflammation in a diet-induced obesity model. For this purpose, forty male mice (C57/Bl6) were distributed in 4 groups, with one group receiving a normolipidic diet and the others, a high-fat diet. D-limonene was supplemented in the diets of two groups that received high-fat diet at the concentrations of 0.1% and 0.8%. Considering the feed intake, mice receiving D-limonene supplementation at 0.1% ingested in average 0.15 g/kg/day, while the mice receiving the supplemmentation at 0.8%, ingested approximately 1.3 g of D-limonene /kg/day. The animals had their weight and food intake monitored throughout the intervention. Mice that received Dlimonene supplementation at 0.1% showed reduced weight gain and accumulation of adipose tissue compared to the non-supplemented mice fed the high-fat diet. In addition, D-limonene promoted a decrease in hepatic inflammatory markers including TNF-α, INF-γ, and IL-6. However, there was no difference in biochemical and metabolic markers. A limitation of the study was that the metabolic complications associated with the obesity model were not fully established, probably due to the age at the start of the protocol (11 weeks), individual housing and short duration of the exposure to the high-fat feed. This fact may have prevented the observation of the positive effects of D-limonene in reversing parameters that would normally be impaired by the development of obesity. We conclude that D-limonene may interfere in energy metabolism, with a possible anti-obesogenic and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the limitations of the model, further studies are needed to confirm these findings
Animals , Male , Mice , Limonene/adverse effects , Obesity/chemically induced , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Chronic Disease/classification , Citrus sinensis/metabolism , Monoterpenes/analysis , Diet, High-Fat/adverse effects , Inflammation/complications , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Numerous studies have investigated the chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils from different Citrus species fruit peel, leaves and flowers. This paper aims to investigate the chemical composition, larvicidal and antileishmanial activities of essential oil from Citrus reticulata fruit peel (CR-EO). CR-EO was obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and its chemical composition was analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. Limonene (85.7%), ɣ-terpinene (6.7%) and myrcene (2.1%) were identified as its major components. CR-EO showed high activity against promastigote forms of Leishmania amazonensis (IC50 = 8.23 µg/mL). CR-EO also exhibited high larvicidal activity against third instar Aedes aegypti larvae at a lethal concentration (LC50 = 58.35 µg/mL) and 100% mortality at 150 µg/mL. This study suggests, for the first time, the potential use of CR-EO against this important mosquito-borne viral disease caused by the genus Aedes.
Numerosos estudos têm investigado a composição química e as atividades biológicas de óleos essenciais extraídos de cascas dos frutos, folhas e flores de diferentes espécies de Citrus. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a composição química e as atividades larvicida e leishmanicida in vitro do óleo essencial das cascas dos frutos de Citrus reticulata (CR-EO). CR-EO foi obtido pela técnica de extração em aparelho Clevenger e sua composição química foi determinada por CG-EM e CG-DIC. Limoneno (85,7%), ɣ-terpineno (6,7%) and mirceno (2,1%) foram identificados como os constituintes majoritários. CR-EO mostrou alta atividade contra as formas promastigota de Leishmania amazonensis (CI50 = 8,23 µg/mL). CR-EO também exibiu alta atividade larvicida contra as larvas do terceiro estágio do Aedes aegypti com concentração letal (CL50 = 58,35 µg/mL) e mortalidade de 100% em 150 µg/mL. Este estudo sugere, pela primeira vez, o uso potencial de CR-EO contra esta importante doença viral transmitida por mosquitos do gênero Aedes.
Aedes/drug effects , Citrus/chemistry , Leishmania/drug effects , Limonene/analysis , In Vitro Techniques , Oils, Volatile/chemistryABSTRACT
Abstract Numerous studies have investigated the chemical composition and biological activities of essential oils from different Citrus species fruit peel, leaves and flowers. This paper aims to investigate the chemical composition, larvicidal and antileishmanial activities of essential oil from Citrus reticulata fruit peel (CR-EO). CR-EO was obtained by hydrodistillation in a Clevenger-type apparatus and its chemical composition was analyzed by GC-MS and GC-FID. Limonene (85.7%), -terpinene (6.7%) and myrcene (2.1%) were identified as its major components. CR-EO showed high activity against promastigote forms of Leishmania amazonensis (IC50 = 8.23 µg/mL). CR-EO also exhibited high larvicidal activity against third instar Aedes aegypti larvae at a lethal concentration (LC50 = 58.35 µg/mL) and 100% mortality at 150 µg/mL. This study suggests, for the first time, the potential use of CR-EO against this important mosquito-borne viral disease caused by the genus Aedes.
Resumo Numerosos estudos têm investigado a composição química e as atividades biológicas de óleos essenciais extraídos de cascas dos frutos, folhas e flores de diferentes espécies de Citrus. Este trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a composição química e as atividades larvicida e leishmanicida in vitro do óleo essencial das cascas dos frutos de Citrus reticulata (CR-EO). CR-EO foi obtido pela técnica de extração em aparelho Clevenger e sua composição química foi determinada por CG-EM e CG-DIC. Limoneno (85,7%), -terpineno (6,7%) and mirceno (2,1%) foram identificados como os constituintes majoritários. CR-EO mostrou alta atividade contra as formas promastigota de Leishmania amazonensis (CI50 = 8,23 µg/mL). CR-EO também exibiu alta atividade larvicida contra as larvas do terceiro estágio do Aedes aegypti com concentração letal (CL50 = 58,35 µg/mL) e mortalidade de 100% em 150 µg/mL. Este estudo sugere, pela primeira vez, o uso potencial de CR-EO contra esta importante doença viral transmitida por mosquitos do gênero Aedes.
Abstract: This article describes the chemical composition, physical properties and acetylcholinesterase (A ChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activity of stem - distilled essential oil (E O ) from Bursera graveolens wood chips, Burseraceae. The plant material was acquired in Quimis (Bosque de Sancán), city of Jipijapa in the province of Manabí, coastal region o f Ecuador. Thirty - six components were identified by CG - MS, which represented 98.54% of the volatile oil. The main components were limonene (68.52%) and mentofuran (20.37%). The hydrocarbon monoterpenes constituted the most abundant fractions. The average y ield of the E O was 1.26%. Regarding the physical properties of E O , the following values were obtained: relative density (1,029 g/mL), refractive index (1,477) and specific rotation (+4,567). The E O presented IC 50 inhibition values of 47.2 and 51.9 µg/mL fo r the enzymes AChE and BuChE, respectively.
Resumen: Este artículo describe la composición química, propiedades físicas y actividad acetilcolinesterasa (AChE) y butirilcolinesterasa (BuChE) del aceite esencial (AE) destilado a vapor de astillas de madera de Bursera graveolens , Burseraceae. La materia vegetal fue adquirida en Quimis (Bosque de Sancán), ciudad de Jipijapa en la provincia de Manabí, región costera d e Ecuador. Treinta y seis componentes fueron identificados por CG - MS, que representaron al 98.54 % del aceite volátil. Los componentes principales fueron limoneno (68.52%) y mentofurano (20.37%). Los monoterpenos hidrocarburos constituyeron las fracciones m ás abundantes. El rendimiento medio del AE fue de 1.26%. Con respecto a las propiedades físicas del AE se obtuvo los siguientes valores, densidad relativa (1.029 g/mL), índice de refracción (1.477) y rotación específica (+4.567). El AE presentó valores de inhibición IC 50 de 47.2 y 51.9 µg/mL para las enzimas AChE y BuChE, respectivamente.
Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Bursera/chemistry , Sesquiterpenes/analysis , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Cholinesterase Inhibitors , Monoterpenes/analysis , Ecuador , Gas Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryABSTRACT
Abstract The present study analyzed the volatile compounds emitted by Glycine max (cv. FT-Cristalina-RCH) soybean plants: healthy plants and plants damaged mechanically or by the Mexican soybean weevil Rhyssomatus nigerrimus. The SPME method was used to compare the volatile profile of soybean plants in four different conditions. The volatile profile of G. max plants infested by R. nigerrimus was qualitatively and quantitatively different from that of healthy and mechanically damaged plants. Emission of 59 compounds was detected in the four treatments. Of these compounds, 19 were identified by comparison of the Kovats index, mass spectrum and retention times with those of synthetic standards. An increase in concentration of the volatiles (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate and the compound 1-octen-3-ol was observed when the soybean plants were mechanically damaged. The compounds mostly produced by the soybean plant during infestation by male and female R. nigerrimus were 1-octen-3-ol, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, (E)-β-ocimene, salicylaldehyde, unknown 10, linalool, methyl salicylate, (Z)-8-dodecenyl acetate (ester 5), ketone 2 and geranyl acetone. Behavioral effects of the identified compounds during the insect-plant interaction and their conspecifics are discussed.
Resumo O presente estudo analisou os compostos voláteis emitidos pelas plantas de soja Glycine max (cv. FT-Cristalina-RCH): plantas e plantas sadias danificadas mecanicamente ou pelo gorgulho da soja mexicana Rhyssomatus nigerrimus. O método SPME foi utilizado para comparar o perfil volátil de plantas de soja em quatro diferentes condições. O perfil volátil das plantas de G. max infestadas por R. nigerrimus foi qualitativa e quantitativamente diferente do das plantas saudáveis e danificadas mecanicamente. Foi detectada, nos quatro tratamentos, emissão de 59 compostos, dos quais 19 foram identificados por comparação do índice de Kovats, espectro de massa e tempos de retenção com aqueles de padrões sintéticos. Um aumento na concentração dos voláteis acetato de (Z)-3-hexil e do composto 1-octeno-3-ol foi observado quando as plantas de soja foram mecanicamente danificadas. Os compostos produzidos principalmente pela planta de soja durante a infestação por R. nigerrimus macho e fêmea foram 1-octeno-3-ol, 6-metil-5-hepteno-2-ona, (E)-β-ocimeno, salicilaldeído, desconhecido 10, linalol, salicilato de metila, acetato de (Z)-8-dodecenila (éster 5), cetona 2 e geranil acetona. Foram discutidos os efeitos comportamentais dos compostos identificados durante a interação inseto-planta e seus coespecíficos.
Animals , Male , Female , Weevils , Glycine maxABSTRACT
Abstract Essential oils (EO) from aromatic and medicinal plants generally perform a diverse range of biological activities because they have several active constituents that work in different mechanisms of action. EO from Citrus peel have an impressive range of food and medicinal uses, besides other applications. EO from Citrus reticulata, C. sinensis and C. deliciosa were extracted from fruit peel and analyzed by GC-MS. The major constituent of EO under evaluation was limonene, whose concentrations were 98.54%, 91.65% and 91.27% for C. sinensis, C. reticulata and C. deliciosa, respectively. The highest potential of inhibition of mycelial growth was observed when the oil dose was 300 μL. Citrus oils inhibited fungus growth in 82.91% (C. deliciosa), 65.82% (C. sinensis) and 63.46% (C. reticulata). Anti-Sclerotinia sclerotiorum activity of 90% pure limonene and at different doses (20, 50, 100, 200 and 300 μL) was also investigated. This monoterpene showed to be highly active by inhibiting 100% fungus growth even at 200 and 300 μL doses. This is the first report of the in vitro inhibitory effect of natural products from these three Citrus species and its results show that there is good prospect of using them experimentally to control S. sclerotiorum, in both greenhouse and field conditions.
Resumo Óleos essenciais de plantas aromáticas e medicinais geralmente exibem uma gama diversificada de atividades biológicas, pois possuem vários constituintes ativos que atuam por meio de vários mecanismos de ação. Os óleos essenciais das cascas de Citrus têm uma variedade impressionante de usos em alimentos, medicamentos entre várias outras aplicações. Os óleos essenciais (OE) de Citrus reticulata, C. sinenses e C. deliciosa foram extraídos das cascas dos frutos e analisados por CG-EM. O limoneno foi o constituinte majoritário encontrado nos óleos essenciais avaliados, nas concentrações de 98,54%, 91,65% e 91,27% para C. sinensis, C. reticulata e C. deliciosa, respectivamente. Os maiores potenciais de inibição do crescimento micelial foi observado na dose de 300 µL dos óleos. Os óleos de Citrus inibiram em 82,91% (C. deliciosa), 65,82% (C. sinensis) e 63,46% (C. reticulata) o crescimento do fungo. A atividade anti-Sclerotinia sclerotiorum do limoneno 90% puro e em diferentes doses (20, 50, 100, 200 e 300 µL) foi também investigada e este monoterpeno demonstrou-se altamente ativo inibindo 100% o crescimento do fungo inclusive nas doses de 200 e 300 µL. Este é o primeiro relato sobre o efeito inibitório in vitro dos óleos essenciais destas três espécies de Citrus e os resultados deste estudo mostram que existe uma boa perspectiva de uso destes produtos naturais experimentalmente para controlar o S. sclerotiorum tanto em condições de estufa como em condições de campo.
Ascomycota , Oils, Volatile , Citrus , Plant Oils , Limonene , FruitABSTRACT
Abstract Background: D-limonene (DL) is a monoterpene and is the major component in the essential oil of citrus fruit. It presents antihyperglycemic and vasodilatation activities. Objectives: This study evaluated the cardiovascular effects and potential antiarrhythmic of DL in rats. Methods: Hemodynamic and electrocardiographic (ECG) parameters were measured in male Wistar rats, which under anesthesia had been cannulated in the abdominal aorta and lower vena cava and had electrodes subcutaneously implanted. In the in vitro approach, the heart was removed and perfused using the Langendorff technique. The significance level adopted was 5% (p < 0.05). Results: DL, in doses of 10, 20, and 40 mg/kg (i.v), produced intense and persistent bradycardia associated with hypotension. Bradycardia with prolonged QTc was observed in the ECG in vivo recording. In the in vivo model of arrhythmia induced by Bay K8644, DL (10 mg/kg) decreased the arrhythmia score from 15.33 ± 3.52 to 4.0 ± 2.64 u.a (p < 0.05, n = 4). In isolated perfused hearts, DL (10-3 M) promoted significant reductions in heart rate (from 228.6 ± 8.5 ms to 196.0 ± 9.3 bpm; p < 0.05) and left ventricular development pressure (from 25.2 ± 3.4 to 5.9 ± 1.8 mmHg; n = 5, p < 0.05). Conclusions: DL produces bradycardia and antiarrhythmic activity in rat heart.
Resumo Fundamento: O D-limoneno (DL) é um monoterpeno e o principal componente do óleo essencial de frutas cítricas. Ele apresenta atividades anti-hiperglicêmicas e vasodilatadoras. Objetivos: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos cardiovasculares e antiarrítmicos potenciais do DL em ratos. Métodos: Os parâmetros hemodinâmicos e eletrocardiográficos (ECG) foram mensurados em ratos Wistar machos que, sob anestesia, tiveram a aorta abdominal e a veia cava inferior canuladas e receberam eletrodos implantados subcutaneamente. Na abordagem in vitro, o coração foi removido e perfundido utilizando a técnica de Langendorff. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5% (p < 0,05). Resultados: DL, nas doses de 10, 20 e 40 mg/kg (i.v), produziu bradicardia intensa e persistente associada à hipotensão. A bradicardia com QTc prolongado foi observada no registro in vivo do ECG. No modelo in vivo de arritmia induzida por Bay K8644, DL (10 mg / kg) houve diminuição do escore da arritmia de 15,33 ± 3,52 para 4,0 ± 2,64 u.a (p < 0,05, n = 4). Em corações perfundidos isolados, o DL (10-3 M) promoveu reduções significativas na frequência cardíaca (de 228,6 ± 8,5 ms para 196,0 ± 9,3 bpm; p < 0,05) e na pressão desenvolvida do ventrículo esquerdo (de 25,2 ± 3,4 para 5,9 ± 1,8 mmHg; n = 5, p < 0,05). Conclusões: O DL produz bradicardia e atividade antiarrítmica no coração de ratos.
Animals , Male , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/drug therapy , Bradycardia/drug therapy , Limonene/therapeutic use , Anti-Arrhythmia Agents/therapeutic use , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/diagnosis , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/chemically induced , Blood Pressure/drug effects , Bradycardia/diagnosis , Rats, Wistar , Ventricular Pressure/drug effects , Models, Animal , Electrocardiography , Isolated Heart Preparation , Limonene/pharmacology , Heart Rate/drug effects , Hemodynamics/drug effects , Hypotension , Anti-Arrhythmia Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Myrcianthes is a Myrtaceous genus of flowering plants of about 30 to 40 species, distributed in the American continent. The aim of this work was to study the chemical composition of the foliar essential oil from M. fragrans growing wild in central Costa Rica. The essential oil was obtained through the steam distillation process in a Clevenger type apparatus. The chemical composition of the oil was performed by capillary gas chromatography with a flame detector (GC-FID) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) using the retention indices on a DB-5 type capillary column in addition to mass spectral fragmentation patterns. A total of 98 compounds were identified, accounting for 98.8% of the total amount of the oil. The major constituents in the leaf oil were (E)-methyl cinnamate (39.6%), limonene (34.6%), α-pinene (6.8%), and linalool (6.8%). This is the first report of (E)-methyl cinnamate occurring in oils of this plant genus. These findings appear to suggest a new chemotype of M. fragrans.
Myrcianthes (Myrtaceae) consta de 30 a 40 especies, distribuidas en el continente americano. El objetivo del presente trabajo consistioÌ en identificar la composicioÌn quiÌmica del aceite esencial contenido en las hojas de M. fragrans, planta que crece en forma silvestre en el Valle Central de Costa Rica. La extraccioÌn del aceite se efectuoÌ mediante el meÌtodo de hidrodestilacioÌn usando un equipo de Clevenger modificado. La composicioÌn quiÌmica del aceite se analizoÌ mediante las teÌcnicas de cromatografiÌa gaseoso-liÌquida con detector de ionizacioÌn de llama (GC-FID) y de cromatografiÌa gaseoso-liÌquida acoplada a un detector de masas (GC-MS). Se utilizaron iÌndices de retencioÌn obtenidos en una columna capilar tipo DB-5 y se compararon con los patrones de iones de fragmentacioÌn de masas. Se identificaron en total 98 compuestos, correspondientes a un 98.8% de los constituyentes totales. Los componentes mayoritarios del aceite resultaron ser (E)-cinamato de metilo (39.6%), limoneno (34.6%), α-pineno (6.8%) y linalol (6.8%). Este es el primer informe de la aparicioÌn de (E)-cinamato de metilo en aceite de hojas de este geÌnero de plantas. Los datos obtenidos parecen sugerir un nuevo quimiotipo de M. fragrans.
Cinnamates/analysis , Myrtaceae/chemistry , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Terpenes/analysis , Chromatography, Gas/methods , Costa Rica , Cyclohexanes/analysisABSTRACT
The peel components and juice quality of three mandarin hybrids were investigated in this study. Peel components were extracted using the cold-press method and analyzed using GC-FID and GC-MS. Total soluble solids, total acid, pH value, ascorbic acid as well as density were determined in juice obtained from mandarin hybrids. Twenty-six, thirty-five and nineteen peel components were identified in Fortune, Robinson and Osceola respectively including: aldehydes, alcohols, esters, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes and other components. The major components were limonene, γ-terpinene, (E)-ß-ocimene, ß-myrcene, sabinene, linalool and α-Pinene. Among the three scions examined, Fortune showed the highest content of aldehydes and Robinson showed the highest content of TSS. This study shows that scion has a profound influence on aldehyd and TSS that are important to quality improvement.
Los componentes de la cáscara y la calidad del jugo de tres híbridos de mandarina fueron investigados en este estudio. Los componentes de la cáscara fueron extraídos por el método de prensado en frío y se analizaron mediante GC-FID y GC-MS. el total de sólidos solubles, acidez total, pH, ácido ascórbico, así como la densidad se determinaron en el jugo obtenido a partir de híbridos de mandarina. Veintiséis, treinta y cinco y diecinueve componentes de la cáscara de Fortuna, Robinson y Osceola respectivamente fueron identificados, incluyendo: aldehídos, alcoholes, ésteres, monoterpenos, sesquiterpenos y otros componentes. Los componentes principales eran limoneno, γ-terpineno, (E) -ß-ocimeno, ß-mirceno, sabineno, linalool y α-pineno. Entre los tres vástagos examinados, Fortune mostró el mayor contenido de aldehídos y Robinson mostró el mayor contenido de SST. Este estudio muestra que el vástago tiene una profunda influencia en aldehído y SST que son importantes para mejorar la calidad.
Citrus/chemistry , Fruit and Vegetable Juices/analysis , Terpenes/analysis , Chromatography, Gas/methods , Quality ControlABSTRACT
Abstract The present study analyzed the volatile compounds emitted by Glycine max (cv. FT-Cristalina-RCH) soybean plants: healthy plants and plants damaged mechanically or by the Mexican soybean weevil Rhyssomatus nigerrimus. The SPME method was used to compare the volatile profile of soybean plants in four different conditions. The volatile profile of G. max plants infested by R. nigerrimus was qualitatively and quantitatively different from that of healthy and mechanically damaged plants. Emission of 59 compounds was detected in the four treatments. Of these compounds, 19 were identified by comparison of the Kovats index, mass spectrum and retention times with those of synthetic standards. An increase in concentration of the volatiles (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate and the compound 1-octen-3-ol was observed when the soybean plants were mechanically damaged. The compounds mostly produced by the soybean plant during infestation by male and female R. nigerrimus were 1-octen-3-ol, 6-methyl-5-hepten-2-one, (E)--ocimene, salicylaldehyde, unknown 10, linalool, methyl salicylate, (Z)-8-dodecenyl acetate (ester 5), ketone 2 and geranyl acetone. Behavioral effects of the identified compounds during the insect-plant interaction and their conspecifics are discussed.
Resumo O presente estudo analisou os compostos voláteis emitidos pelas plantas de soja Glycine max (cv. FT-Cristalina-RCH): plantas e plantas sadias danificadas mecanicamente ou pelo gorgulho da soja mexicana Rhyssomatus nigerrimus. O método SPME foi utilizado para comparar o perfil volátil de plantas de soja em quatro diferentes condições. O perfil volátil das plantas de G. max infestadas por R. nigerrimus foi qualitativa e quantitativamente diferente do das plantas saudáveis e danificadas mecanicamente. Foi detectada, nos quatro tratamentos, emissão de 59 compostos, dos quais 19 foram identificados por comparação do índice de Kovats, espectro de massa e tempos de retenção com aqueles de padrões sintéticos. Um aumento na concentração dos voláteis acetato de (Z)-3-hexil e do composto 1-octeno-3-ol foi observado quando as plantas de soja foram mecanicamente danificadas. Os compostos produzidos principalmente pela planta de soja durante a infestação por R. nigerrimus macho e fêmea foram 1-octeno-3-ol, 6-metil-5-hepteno-2-ona, (E)--ocimeno, salicilaldeído, desconhecido 10, linalol, salicilato de metila, acetato de (Z)-8-dodecenila (éster 5), cetona 2 e geranil acetona. Foram discutidos os efeitos comportamentais dos compostos identificados durante a interação inseto-planta e seus coespecíficos.
Abstract Essential oils (EO) from aromatic and medicinal plants generally perform a diverse range of biological activities because they have several active constituents that work in different mechanisms of action. EO from Citrus peel have an impressive range of food and medicinal uses, besides other applications. EO from Citrus reticulata, C. sinensis and C. deliciosa were extracted from fruit peel and analyzed by GC-MS. The major constituent of EO under evaluation was limonene, whose concentrations were 98.54%, 91.65% and 91.27% for C. sinensis, C. reticulata and C. deliciosa, respectively. The highest potential of inhibition of mycelial growth was observed when the oil dose was 300 L. Citrus oils inhibited fungus growth in 82.91% (C. deliciosa), 65.82% (C. sinensis) and 63.46% (C. reticulata). Anti-Sclerotinia sclerotiorum activity of 90% pure limonene and at different doses (20, 50, 100, 200 and 300 L) was also investigated. This monoterpene showed to be highly active by inhibiting 100% fungus growth even at 200 and 300 L doses. This is the first report of the in vitro inhibitory effect of natural products from these three Citrus species and its results show that there is good prospect of using them experimentally to control S. sclerotiorum, in both greenhouse and field conditions.
Resumo Óleos essenciais de plantas aromáticas e medicinais geralmente exibem uma gama diversificada de atividades biológicas, pois possuem vários constituintes ativos que atuam por meio de vários mecanismos de ação. Os óleos essenciais das cascas de Citrus têm uma variedade impressionante de usos em alimentos, medicamentos entre várias outras aplicações. Os óleos essenciais (OE) de Citrus reticulata, C. sinenses e C. deliciosa foram extraídos das cascas dos frutos e analisados por CG-EM. O limoneno foi o constituinte majoritário encontrado nos óleos essenciais avaliados, nas concentrações de 98,54%, 91,65% e 91,27% para C. sinensis, C. reticulata e C. deliciosa, respectivamente. Os maiores potenciais de inibição do crescimento micelial foi observado na dose de 300 µL dos óleos. Os óleos de Citrus inibiram em 82,91% (C. deliciosa), 65,82% (C. sinensis) e 63,46% (C. reticulata) o crescimento do fungo. A atividade anti-Sclerotinia sclerotiorum do limoneno 90% puro e em diferentes doses (20, 50, 100, 200 e 300 µL) foi também investigada e este monoterpeno demonstrou-se altamente ativo inibindo 100% o crescimento do fungo inclusive nas doses de 200 e 300 µL. Este é o primeiro relato sobre o efeito inibitório in vitro dos óleos essenciais destas três espécies de Citrus e os resultados deste estudo mostram que existe uma boa perspectiva de uso destes produtos naturais experimentalmente para controlar o S. sclerotiorum tanto em condições de estufa como em condições de campo.
Bovine mastitis is a disease that causes great economic losses per year, being Streptococcus uberis the main environmental pathogen involved. The aim of the present study was to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and the minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of Minthostachys verticillata essential oil and limonene for S. uberis strains isolated from bovine mastitis. In addition, the effect of MIC on biofilm formation was analyzed. MIC values for the essential oil ranged from 14.3 to 114.5 mg/ml (1.56-12.5% v/v) and MBC between 114.5 and 229 mg/ml (12.5-25% v/v). MICs for limonene ranged from 3.3 to 52.5 mg/ml (0.39-6.25% v/v) and MBC was 210 mg/ml (25% v/v). Both compounds showed antibacterial activity and affected the biofilm formation of most of the strains tested. In conclusion, these compounds could be used as an alternative and/or complementary therapy for bovine mastitis caused by S. uberis.
La mastitis bovina es una enfermedad que causa grandes pérdidas económicas por año, Streptococcus uberis es el principal patógeno ambiental involucrado. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM) y la concentración bactericida mínima (CBM) del aceite esencial de Minthostachys verticillata y del limoneno sobre cepas de S. uberis aisladas de mastitis bovina. Además, se analizó el efecto del aceite esencial y el limoneno en la CIM determinada en caso sobre la formación de biofilm de estas cepas. Los valores de CIM del aceite esencial oscilaron entre 14,3 y 114,5 mg/ml (1,56%-12,5% v/v) y los de CBM entre 114,5 y 229 mg/ml (12,5%-25% v/v). Las CIM del limoneno oscilaron entre 3,3 y 52,5 mg/ml (0,39% - 6,25% v/v) y la CBM fue de 210 mg/ml (25% v/v). Ambos compuestos mostraron actividad antibacteriana y afectaron la formación de biofilm de la mayoría de las cepas. En conclusión, estos compuestos podrían ser utilizados como terapia alternativa o complementaria para la mastitis bovina causada por S. uberis.
Animals , Cattle , Streptococcus/drug effects , Microbial Sensitivity Tests/methods , Limonene/therapeutic use , Mastitis, Bovine/drug therapy , Streptococcus/isolation & purification , Mastitis, Bovine/prevention & control , Anti-Bacterial Agents/analysisABSTRACT
Aloysia polystachya and Lippia turbinata are medicinal and aromatic plants. Nevertheless, there are few reports in literature concerning the biological properties of species that grow in northeastern Argentina. The antibacterial activity and the chemical composition of both essential oils were evaluated in this work. The extraction was performed by steam distillation and their volatile compounds were determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. The antibacterial activity was evaluated by disc diffusion and broth microdilution assay. The main compounds were carvone (78.9 percent) and limonene (14.2 percent) in A. polystachya and carvone (80.77 percent), limonene (8.73 percent), beta- caryophyllene (2.13 percent) and 1,8-cineole (1.70 percent) in L. turbinata. Both essential oils were bactericide against Escherichia coli ATCC 35218 and clinical isolates of Enterobacter cloacae and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Essential oil of A. polystachya was also bactericide against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29212, S. aureus ATCC 25923 and clinical strain of S. aureus methicillin susceptible.
Aloysia polystachya y Lippia turbinata son plantas medicinales y aromáticas. Hay pocos informes en la literatura sobre las propiedades biológicas de especies que crecen en el nordeste de Argentina. La actividad antibacteriana y la composición química de ambas especies se evaluaron en este trabajo. La extracción se realizó por destilación con vapor y sus compuestos se determinaron por cromatografía gaseosa/espectrometría de masa. La actividad antibacteriana fue evaluada por difusión en discos y microdilución en caldo. Los principales compuestos fueron carvona (78.9 por ciento) y limoneno (14.2 por ciento) en A. polystachya y carvona (80.77 por ciento), limoneno (8.73 por ciento), beta-cariofileno (2.13 por ciento) y 1,8-cineol (1.70 por ciento) en L. turbinata. Ambos aceites esenciales fueron activos contra Escherichia coli ATCC 35218 y aislamientos clínicos de Enterobacter cloacae y Klebsiella pneumoniae. El aceite esencial de A. polystachya fue bactericida contra Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29212, S. aureus ATCC 25923 y aislamientos clínicos de S. aureus sensible a meticilina.
Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Verbenaceae/chemistry , Anti-Bacterial Agents/chemistry , Enterobacter cloacae , Escherichia coli , Staphylococcus aureus , Terpenes/analysisABSTRACT
A incorporação de substâncias antimicrobianas, entre elas os óleos essenciais, em embalagens tem como objetivo minimizar a contaminação microbiana em alimentos. No entanto, essa utilização é limitada por critérios sensoriais, sendo necessário determinar a concentração mínima necessária para inibir o desenvolvimento de micro-organismos sem afetar sensorialmente as características do alimento. Assim, os objetivos dessa pesquisa foram: determinar a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) de óleos essenciais (OE) para Listeria monocytogenes (LM); avaliar do efeito da combinação de óleos essenciais para a redução da população de LM; avaliar a combinação de compostos ativos presentes em óleos essenciais para a inibição de LM, Pseudomonas spp e Salmonella spp; avaliar in vitro e in situ a eficiência antimicrobiana do filme à base de alginato incorporado de compostos ativos presentes em óleos essenciais; determinar a disponibilidade dos compostos ativos incorporados ao filme pela determinação dos compostos fenólicos totais; caracterizar o filme frente às propriedades mecânicas e propriedades de barreira, e verificar a aceitação pelo consumidor, através da análise sensorial, de fatias de salame embaladas com o filme antimicrobiano. Constatou-se que a combinação de eugenol (0,01%) e limoneno (0,04%) apresentou um maior efeito para a redução da população de LM comparado ao uso individual desses compostos, confirmando, portanto, a existência de sinergismo entre esses dois compostos. Em relação à Pseudomonas spp, o sinergismo foi constatado quando as concentrações de eugenol (0,15%) e de limoneno (0,30%) foram utilizadas, no entanto, para Salmonella spp o mesmo efeito não foi observado. Em ensaios in vitro apesar do aumento na concentração de eugenol e limoneno incorporados à matriz do filme, não houve diferença significativa para os valores de zona de inibição antimicrobiana porém, em ensaios in situ, a utilização desse filme como embalagem primária promoveu a redução de 2 log UFC/g da população de LM até o 10º dia de análise permanecendo constante até o 30º dia o que não ocorreu com a combinação de eugenol (0,15%) e limoneno (0,3%). A quantificação dos compostos fenólicos totais nas amostras mostrou que há correlação entre o teor de compostos fenólicos extraídos da amostra do filme e o comportamento de LM. As propriedades mecânicas e de barreira do filme à base de alginato não foram significativamente afetadas pelas concentrações de eugenol e limoneno avaliadas neste estudo. O sabor, o aroma e a aparência das amostras de salame foram aceitos pelos provadores mostrando que o uso do filme à base de alginato incorporado com eugenol e limoneno é viável para a aplicação como embalagem antimicrobiana para o controle de L. monocytogenes em salame fatiado. Este resultado é considerado importante, pois em alimentos com atividade de água e valores de pH adequados à multiplicação desse patógeno e armazenados sob refrigeração, a temperatura é capaz de selecionar a microbiota presente no alimento, favorecendo a multiplicação de micro-organismos psicrotróficos, como L. monocytogenes
The incorporation of antimicrobial substances in packages aims at reducing food microbial contamination among which the phenolic compounds extract from plants have received special attention being natural and attending consumer demand. However, the use of these compounds is limited by sensory criteria and it is necessary to determine the minimum concentration required to inhibit the growth of microorganisms without affecting the sensory characteristics of the food. The aim of this research were: to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of essential oils (EO) for Listeria monocytogenes (LM); to evaluate effect of the combination of essential oils in order to reduce LM population; to evaluate the active compounds combination for the inhibition of LM, Pseudomonas spp, and Salmonella spp; to evaluate the antimicrobial efficiency in vitro and in situ of the alginate film incorporated with the active compounds; to determine the availability of the active compounds incorporated into the film for the determination of total phenolic compounds; to characterize the mechanical and barrier properties of the film, and to verify consumer acceptance of slices of salami packaged with the antimicrobial film. The combination of eugenol (0.01%) and limonene (0.04%) showed a greater effect for reducing LM population compared to the individual use of these compounds, confirming the existence of synergism between these two compounds. Regarding Pseudomonas spp, synergism was observed when the concentrations of eugenol (0.15%) and limonene (0.30%) were used, however, the same effect was not observed for Salmonella spp. In in vitro tests, despite of the increase in the concentration of limonene and eugenol incorporated in the film matrix, no significant difference for the antimicrobial inhibition zone values was observed. In in situ tests, the film containing eugenol (0.3%) and limonene (0.6%) promoted the reduction of 2 log CFU/g of LM population in sliced salami, while the combination of eugenol (0.15%) and limonene (0.3%) did not have the same effect. The quantification of the phenolic compounds in the film samples showed that there is correlation between the content of phenolic compounds extracted from the film sample and LM behavior. The mechanical properties of the barrier film and the alginate were not significantly affected by eugenol, and limonene concentrations evaluated in this study. The taste, flavor and appearance of the salami samples were accepted by the panel showing that the use of the alginate-based film incorporated with limonene and eugenol are feasible for use as antimicrobial packaging for the control of L. monocytogenes in sliced salami. This is an important result, because in food matrix with water activity and pH suitable for the pathogen growth, the storage under refrigerated condition is able to select the psycrothophic microorganisms, such as L. monocytogenes
Alginates/analysis , Listeria monocytogenes/classification , Anti-Infective Agents/pharmacology , Pseudomonas/classification , Salmonella/classification , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests/instrumentation , Food Microbiology , Food Preservation , ListeriaABSTRACT
Smallanthus is a genus of flowering plants in the Asteraceae family, which has about 24 species, ranging mostly from southern Mexico and Central America to the Andes in South America. The aim of the present study was to identify the chemical composition of leaf essential oil of S. quichensis, growing wild in Costa Rica. The extraction of the oils was carried out by the hydrodistillation method, using a modified Clevenger type apparatus. The chemical composition of the oils was analyzed by capillary GC-FID and GC-MS using the retention indices on DB-5 type capillary column. A total of 100 compounds were identified, accounting for about 90 percent of the total amount of the oils. Smallanthus quichensis leaf produced a monoterpenoid-rich oil, whose composition was dominated by αlfa-pinene (64.5 percent) and 1,8-cineole (9.7 percent) or, in a different sample, by αlfa-pinene (35.5 percent) with moderate amounts of p-cymene (11.5 percent), beta-phellandrene (9.2 percent), alfa-phellandrene (9.0 percent) and limonene (5.8 percent). This is the first report of the chemical composition of the essential oil obtained from this plant species.
Smallanthus es un género de plantas perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae que contiene aproximadamente 24 especies, la mayoría ubicadas desde el sur de México, América Central y hasta la cordillera de los Andes en América del Sur. El objetivo del presente estudio fue el de identificar la composición química del aceite esencial de las hojas de S. quichensis. La extracción se realizó mediante el método de hidrodestilación, empleando un instrumento de tipo Clevenger. Se analizó la composición de los aceites mediante CG-FID y CG-EM, utilizando índices de retención obtenidos en una columna capilar tipo DB-5. Se identificaron 100 compuestos, correspondientes a un 90 por ciento de los constituyentes totales. Los aceites están constituidos principalmente por monoterpenoides (ca. 85 por ciento). Los componentes mayoritarios se identificaron como alfa-pineno (64.5 por ciento), acompañado por 1,8-cineol (9.7 por ciento) o, en otra muestra distinta, αlfa-pineno (35.5 por ciento) junto a cantidades moderadas de p-cimeno (11.5 por ciento), beta-felandreno (9.2 por ciento), alfa-felandreno (9.0 por ciento) y limoneno (5.8 por ciento). Este es el primer informe acerca de la composición química de aceites esenciales obtenidos de S. quichensis.
Asteraceae/chemistry , Monoterpenes/analysis , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Costa Rica , Chromatography, Gas/methodsABSTRACT
Pimenta racemosa var. racemosa (Mill.) J.W. Moore, is a Caribbean arboreal plant belonging to the family Myrtaceae with a special interest in their leaves for the production of essential oil, commonly known as "Bay-Rum". Steam distillation of fresh leaves collected in April 2012 produced two types of essential oil, one of these resulted lighter than water and was named (AL) and the other one heavier than water (AP). Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis showed the presence of 17 components constituting 99.9 percent for AL, being the major compounds: eugenol (60.4 percent), myrcene (11.7 percent), chavicol (6.0 percent), limonene (5.4 percent) and linalool (4.4 percent); for the AP, 13components were identified (98.3 percent) from which eugenol (82.9 percent) and chavicol (9.3 percent) were in major proportions.
Pimenta racemosa var. racemosa (Mill.) J.W. Moore, es una planta caribeña, arbórea, perteneciente a la familia Myrtaceae y con un especial interés en sus hojas para la producción del aceite esencial comúnmente conocido como Bay-Rum. La destilación por arrastrecon vapor de las hojas frescas colectadas en abril 2012 produjo dos tipos de aceites esenciales, uno ligero (AL) y otro más pesado que elagua (AP). El análisis de sus componentes volátiles por cromatografía de gases/espectrometría de masas mostró 17 componentes lo que constituye el 99,9 por ciento del AL de los cuales los mayoritarios fueron eugenol (60,4 por ciento), mirceno (11,7 por ciento), chavicol (6,0 por ciento), limoneno (5,4 por ciento) ylinalool (4,4 por ciento); para el AP, 13 componentes fueron identificados (98,3 por ciento) de los cuales eugenol (82,9 por ciento) y chavicol (9,3 por ciento) fueron los mayoritarios.
Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Pimenta/chemistry , Anisoles/analysis , Eugenol/analysis , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Monoterpenes/analysis , Terpenes/analysis , VenezuelaABSTRACT
Natural essential oils are used extensively in fragrances, flavorants, and in the food and pharmaceutical industries. During hydrodistillation, a part of the essential oil becomes dissolved in the condensate and lost as this water is discarded. In this study, carvone and limonene content recovered from hydrodistillation waste water of caraway fruit were quantified using two methods for recovering dissolved aromatic molecules from condensate water: extraction through distillation and extraction by means of a solvent. This allows for the conservation of useful molecules which are typically discarded with the waste water produced during the distillation process. The objective of this study was to quantify the carvone and limonene content recoverable from waste water derived from the distillation of caraway essential oil. The well-known Clevenger method and a simpler, more practical technique employing cyclohexane as a solvent were employed to determine the recoverable content of aromatic molecules from the hydrosol. The chemical compositions of the respective recovered extracts were compared with those of the primary oils to analyze the efficacy of these methods. Recovered extract accounted for 10 to 40 percent of the total oil yield. The limonene and carvone molecules recovered using these methods were quantified through gas chromatography in order to characterize the composition of the secondary extract produced.
Los aceites esenciales naturales se utilizan ampliamente en las fragancias, saborizantes, y en la industria alimentaria y farmacéutica. Durante la hidrodestilación, una parte del aceite esencial se disuelve en el condensado y se pierde como agua de descarga. En este estudio, el contenido de carvona y limoneno recuperados del agua de desecho de la hidrodestilación de la fruta de alcaravea se cuantificaron utilizando dos métodos para recuperar las moléculas aromáticas disueltas en el agua condensada: extracción a través de la destilación y la extracción con un disolvente. Esto permite la conservación de las moléculas útiles que normalmente son desechadas con las aguas residuales producidas durante el proceso de destilación. El objetivo de este estudio fue cuantificar el contenido de carvona y limoneno recuperable de las aguas residuales procedente de la destilación del aceite esencial de alcaravea. El conocido método de Clevenger y una técnica sencilla y práctica que emplea ciclohexano como disolvente fueron utilizadas para determinar el contenido de moléculas aromáticas contenidas en el hidrosol. La composición química de los extractos recuperados fue comparada con los aceites primarios para analizar la eficacia de estos métodos. El extracto recuperado representa del 10 al 40 por ciento del contenido total de aceite esencial. Las moléculas de limoneno y carvona recuperadas mediante estos métodos se cuantificaron mediante cromatografía de gases con el fin de caracterizar la composición del extracto secundario.