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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(6): 1287-1293, Nov.-Dec. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355687


The social and economic roles of goat farming in Northeastern Brazil, allied to the fact that the use of goat middle ear ossicles for research and human ear surgery training has not yet been proposed, justify the study of their applicability as an experimental model. The middle ears of 19 goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) from the bone collection of the Laboratory and Didactic Anatomy Museum of Domestic and Wild Animals of the Federal University of Vale do São Francisco (UNIVASF) were dissected. The malleus, incus, and stapes were evaluated regarding their macroscopic morphology and biometry (length, width, and height). Ossicle morphology was similar to sheep, human, and bovine morphology. The malleus was 1.3 times heavier and 2.2 times longer than the incus, and 9.0 times heavier and 3.7 times longer than the stapes. The size relationship was positive between the stapes and the malleus and negative between the stapes and the incus. It is concluded that the middle ear size and the anatomical similarities with human ossicles make goats a useful model for experimental scientific studies, reconstructive surgery practice of the ossicular chain, and human ear surgery training.(AU)

Tanto o papel social quanto o econômico da caprinocultura na região Nordeste do Brasil, somados ao fato de que o uso de ossículos da orelha média de caprinos para estudos e treinamento cirúrgico otológico humano ainda não foi proposto, justificam o estudo de sua aplicabilidade como modelo experimental. Foram dissecadas as orelhas médias de 19 caprinos (Capra aegagrus hircus), provenientes do ossuário do Laboratório e Museu Didático de Anatomia dos Animais Domésticos e Silvestres - Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco. Martelos, bigornas e estribos tiveram a morfologia macroscópica e a biometria (comprimento, largura e altura) avaliadas. A morfologia dos ossículos assemelhou-se a de ovinos, humanos e bovinos. O martelo foi 1,3 vez mais pesado e 2,2 vezes mais comprido que a bigorna e 9,0 vezes mais pesado e 3,7 vezes mais comprido que o estribo. A relação de tamanho entre o estribo e o martelo foi positiva, e entre o estribo e a bigorna negativa. Conclui-se que o tamanho da orelha média e as semelhanças anatômicas com os ossículos humanos tornam os caprinos um modelo útil para estudos científicos experimentais, prática cirúrgica reconstrutiva da cadeia ossicular e treinamento cirúrgico otológico humano.(AU)

Animals , Stapes/anatomy & histology , Goats/anatomy & histology , Ear Ossicles/anatomy & histology , Incus/anatomy & histology , Malleus/anatomy & histology , Biometry , Models, Animal
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 36(3): 221-226, mar. 2016. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-782063


Sapajus apella é um primata do Novo Mundo de porte médio e com distribuição geográfica desde a América do Sul até a Argentina. São bons modelos para estudo e nos últimos anos vêm sendo amplamente utilizados para este fim. A destruição progressiva do habitat natural desses animais os tem levado a migrarem para outras regiões, tornando-os, assim, mais susceptíveis à caça predatória. A necessidade de preservação das espécies silvestres desperta interesse por um maior conhecimento anatômico e clínico para estes animais. O presente estudo teve como objetivo examinar e descrever os aspectos morfológicos, quanto a anatomia macroscópica e microscópica dos órgãos do sistema urinário de fêmeas da espécie Sapajus apella visando estender o conhecimento anatômico para esta espécie. Foram utilizadas quatro fêmeas, oriundas do Centro Nacional de Primatas de Ananindeua/PA. istema urinário de S. apella apresenta características similares a outros primatas tanto humanos quanto não humanos e aos animais domésticos. Os rins apresentaram aspectos macroscópicos semelhantes aos rins de humanos, mas com a mesma classificação de outros primatas não humanos e alguns animais domésticos. A bexiga assemelhou-se aos animais domésticos e aos primatas de maneira geral, humano e não humano. O mesmo ocorreu quando analisamos estes órgãos histologicamente.

Sapajus apella is a primate of the New World of midsize and with geographical distribution from South America to Argentina. Good models for the study and in recent years have been widely used for this purpose. The progressive destruction of the natural habitat of these animals has led to migrate to other regions, thus making them more susceptible to hunting predator. The need for the preservation of wild species arouses interest by a greater anatomic and clinical knowledge of these animals. The present study was aimed to examine and describe the morphological aspects, as far as the macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the organs of the urinary system of female Sapajus apella aiming to extend the anatomical knowledge for this species. Four females were used, from the National Center of Primates in Ananindeua - PA. The urinary system of S. apella has similar characteristics to other primates both human and non-human and domestic animals. The kidneys showed macroscopic aspects similar to the kidneys of humans, but with the same classification of other non-human primates and some domestic animals. The bladder was similar to domestic animals and primates in general, human and non-human. The same occurred when we analyze these components histologically.

Animals , Cebus , Primates , Urinary Tract/anatomy & histology , Urinary Bladder/anatomy & histology , Kidney/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 30(4): 1487-1489, dic. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-670168


The duplication of gonadal vessels is mainly found on the left side, with less numbers of bilateral cases. The objective of this work is describing a case of bilateral duplication of gonadal veins, where two veins were draining to inferior vena cava, being that the closest vein of kidney medial margin had a thickness of 2.68mm and was distant 64.41 mm of the organ. The second vessel had a thickness of 1.43mm and was distant 73.76mm. Two veins follow to left renal vein, being that the first vessel had a thickness of 2.7mm and was distant 21.8mm of the kidney medial margin; the other had a thickness of 1.64mm and was distant 35.13mm of the organ. The presence of variations on the local of drainage of gonadal vessels has clinical importance for comprehension of origin of varicocele cases, as well as the recurrence of them after surgical procedures.

La duplicación de las venas gonadales es más común en el lado izquierdo, con pocos casos bilaterales. El propósito de este reporte fue describir el caso de una duplicación bilateral de las venas gonadales, dos de las cuales desembocaban en la vena cava inferior. El vaso próximo del margen medial del riñon tenía un diámetro de 2,68mm y una longitud de 64,41 mm. La segunda vena tenía un diámetro de 1,43 mm y una longitud de 73,76 mm. Los dos vasos desembocaban en la vena renal izquierda. La primera vena tenía un diámetro de 2,7 mm y estaba a 21,8 mm del margen medial del riñon. La otra tenía un diámetro de 1,64 mm y se se localizaba a 35,13 mm del margen medial del riñon. La presencia de variaciones donde se produce el drenaje de los vasos gonadales tiene importancia clínica para la comprensión del origen del varicocele y la recurrencia del mismo, después de procedimientos quirúrgicos.

Humans , Male , Veins/anatomy & histology , Gonads/blood supply , Renal Veins/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Dissection , Anatomic Variation
Int. j. morphol ; 30(3): 866-869, Sept. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-665493


Clinical and surgical importance of the levator scapulae muscle (LSM) requires a better knowledge of its anatomic variation mainly because of the possibility of new findings related to the embryologic development. This article reports a case of a left-sided LSM with atypical attachments in a 58-year-old preserved Caucasian female body. The muscle presented a bifurcation at its midpoint downward path. Its medial band attached to the anterior aspect of the left rhomboideus major muscle while its left band was fixed in the superior angle of the scapula after releasing a muscle expansion to the serratus anterior muscle. The morphometric analysis revealed LSM maximal width of 3.6 cm, bifurcation point located 6.6 cm apart from the C1 vertebral attachment; medial band legth of 5.7 cm and lateral band width of 2.1cm. Regarding anatomic variations of the LSM, they may remain unnoticed or perhaps contribute for pathologic conditions of the neck and the back...

Debido a la importancia clínica y quirúrgica del músculo elevador de la escápula, se hace necesario conocer mejor sus variaciones, principalmente la posibilidad de encontrar hallazgos relacionados con su desarrollo embriológico. Se presenta el caso de un músculo elevador de la escápula del lado izquierdo encontrado en un cadáver de sexo femenino de 58 años. El músculo elevador de la escáula presentaba una bifurcación en el punto medio en su trayectoria más baja. La banda medial se fijaba en la parte anterior del músculo romboides mayor izquierdo; mientras que su banda lateral se fijaba en el ángulo superior de la escápula después de enviar una expansión hasta el músculo serrato anterior. El análisis morfométrico reveló un ancho máximo de 3,6 cm, punto de bifurcación situado 6,6 cm bajo la inserción vertebral C1; longitudes de la banda medial 5,7 cm y lateral de 2,1cm. Las variaciones anatómicas del músculo elevador de la escápula pueden pasar inadvertidas, pero también pueden contribuir con algunas condiciones patológicas del cuello y espalda...

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Neck Muscles/anatomy & histology , Scapula , Cadaver , Neck Muscles/abnormalities
Int. j. morphol ; 30(1): 322-329, mar. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-638807


The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is both the largest extant ruminant and a strict browser. We dissect and describe the macroscopic anatomy of the mouth of the giraffe. The heads of two adult giraffes and one fetus were used in this study. The lips were well developed, the upper one was predominant and dorsally flattened near the nostrils. The tongue had a lift or lingual torus and rostrally to it a groove-shaped depression or fossa linguae. There was no adipose body of cheek (Corpus adiposum buccae). The hard palate in the giraffe had 18 Rugae palatinae. The final roughness reaches the caudal border of the premolar 3. Caudal ridges had no papillae. The parotid gland was small and consisted of two lobes, one rostral and one caudal to be separated dorsally to accommodate the parotid lymph node. The parotid duct followed the same way as in the cow, ended in front of the upper premolar tooth 2 in the parotid papilla, (not evident at mucosal surface). Mandibular gland was divided into two lobes, the rostral one placed in the intermandibular space and the caudal hidden by the parotid gland. Giraffes have the monostomatic and polistomatic sublingual glands. The monostomatic sublingual gland was located rostrally and joined to the monostomatic of the other side in the very narrow rostral intermandibular space. The polistomatic sublingual gland was caudally located and reached the level of the third molar and at a deeper level than the monostomatic. The studied giraffes had dorsal, ventral and intermediate bucal salivary glands. Leaving aside the differences caused by different dimensions, the mouth of the giraffe had in general a similar anatomical arrangement to the cow.

La jirafa (Giraffa camelopardalis) es a la vez el rumiante más grande que existe y un ramoneador estricto. Nosotros disecamos y describimos la anatomía macroscópica de la boca de la jirafa. En este estudio se utilizaron las cabezas de dos jirafas adultas y de un feto. Los labios estaban bien desarrollados, el superior era el predominante y estaba aplastado dorsalmente cerca de las narinas. La lengua tenía una protuberancia o Torus lingual y rostralmente a él una depresión en forma de surco o Fossa linguae. No había cuerpo adiposo de la mejilla (Corpus adiposum buccae). El paladar duro en la jirafa tenía 18 rugae palatinae. Las rugosidades finales alcanzaban el borde caudal del premolar 3. Las crestas caudales no tenían papilas. La glándula parótida era pequeña y consistía de dos lóbulos, uno rostral y otro caudal que se separaban dorsalmente para acomodar al nódulo linfático parotídeo. El conducto parotídeo seguía el mismo trayecto que en la vaca, terminando frente al segundo diente premolar superior en la papila parotídea (no evidente en la superficie de la mucosa). La glándula mandibular estaba dividida en dos lóbulos, el rostral se colocaba en el espacio intermandibular y el caudal estaba oculto por la glándula parótida. Las jirafas tenían glándulas sublinguales monostomática y polistomática. La glándula sublingual monostomática estaba localizada rostralmente y se unía a la monostomática del otro lado en el muy estrecho espacio intermandibular. La glándula sublingual polistomática estaba localizada caudalmente y alcanzaba el nivel del tercer molar en un plano más profundo que la monostomática. Las jirafas estudiadas tenían glándulas salivares bucales dorsales, ventrales e intermedias. Dejando de lado las diferencias causadas por las diferentes dimensiones, la boca de la jirafa tenía en general una disposición anatómica similar a la de la vaca.

Animals , Mouth/anatomy & histology , Mouth/ultrastructure , Ruminants/anatomy & histology , Anatomy, Comparative/methods , Anatomy, Veterinary/methods , Herbivory
Int. j. morphol ; 27(4): 981-984, dic. 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-582038


El ñandú (Rhea americana) es un ave corredora autóctona de Sudamérica la cual hace ya algunos años ha despertado cierto interés productivo. Sin embargo, la morfología detallada a nivel de las aves domésticas aún se desconoce en muchos aspectos; entre ellos el peritoneo. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el peritoneo parietal, visceral y de conexión del ñandú acorde con los principios de la Nómina Anatómica Aviar. Se utilizaron 7 animales adultos; 5 machos y 2 hembras de entre 8 y 25 kg. de peso procedentes de un criadero comercial. Fueron eutanasiados por sobredosis de tiopental sódico. La cavidad peritoneal estaba dividida en una parte craneal (equivalente a 1/3) y una parte caudal al estómago (equivalente a 2/3 del total del abdomen). En la parte caudal se encontraba la totalidad del intestino y el páncreas, mientras que en la parte craneal se observó el hígado y la vesícula biliar. Un omento menor fijaba el estómago al hígado cranealmente hacia la derecha y un omento mayor pequeño con una bolsa omental cerrada lo fijaba caudalmente hacia la izquierda. La raíz del mesenterio fijaba al yeyuno, al íleon y a ambos ciegos entre sus hojas a través de amplios pliegues ileocecales. Desde la raíz del mesenterio un corto mesoduodeno sujetaba al duodeno descendente y ascendente hacia la derecha. El colon estaba sostenido por un amplio mesocolon desde distal a la desembocadura de los ciegos hasta su terminación en la cloaca. Se concluye que esta especie corredora presenta similitudes con las aves domésticas. Sin embargo, lo relativamente grueso y fuerte del peritoneo de conexión sumado a lo compartimentado de la cavidad peritoneal hacen suponer que se trata de una adaptación para la carrera al permitir una gran sujeción de las vísceras abdominales.

The rhea (Rhea americana) is a native ratite from South America which has woken up since a few years ago a big productive interest. However the detailed morphology of the rhea at the level at the domestic birds is still unknown in many aspects, on of them is the peritoneum. The aim of this work is to describe the parietal, visceral and connection peritoneum of the rhea according to the anatomical avian nomenclature. Seven specimens of adult rhea were used, five males and two females about 8 and 25 kg of weight. All of them proceeding from a commercial farm. The animals were slaughtered before their study. The peritoneum that cover the abdominal wall and the visceral and connection peritoneum that support the abdominal viscera were observed and described. The peritoneal cavity were divided into two parts, one was craneal to the ventriculum (1/3 parts from the total of the abdomen) and the other was caudal (2/3). Into the cranial part we founded the liver and the gallbladder while into the caudal part we founded the intestine and the pancreas. The stomach was fixed to the liver cranially to the right by a minor omentus and caudally to the left was fixed by a small major omentus with a close omental bag. The root of the mesentery was fixing the yeyuno, ileum and both caecums between its sheets towards wide ileocecalis creases. From the mesentery root a short mesoduodenum was holding the descending and ascending duodenum towards the right. The colon was supported by a wide mesocolon. We concluded that this ratite has similarities with the domestic birds. Nevertheless, the thickness and strong connection peritoneum and the compartmentalization of the peritoneal cavity make us suppose that it is an adaption to the race since it is a big subjection to the abdominal viscera.

Male , Animals , Female , Peritoneum/anatomy & histology , Rheiformes/anatomy & histology , Digestive System/anatomy & histology