Resumen La embolia paradojal debido a una malformación arteriovenosa pulmonar (MAVP) aislada es una causa in frecuente de accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) isquémico. Las MAVP son conductos anómalos de alta circulación entre arterias y venas pulmonares, desviando sangre desoxigenada hacia la circulación sistémica y represen tan una fuente menos común de embolias paradojales, especialmente en personas jóvenes. La embolización endovascular es el tratamiento preferido para MAVP clínicamente significativas. Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 34 años con ACV isquémico talámico izquierdo. Se detectó pasaje de burbujas "en cortina" en arterias cerebrales mediante Doppler transcraneal. En ecografía intracardíaca no se encontró foramen oval permeable, motivo por el cual se avanzó con realización de angiotomografía pulmonar, la cual confirmó la presencia de MAVP. La paciente recibió tratamiento endovascular exitoso. Es esencial considerar la MAVP en el diagnóstico etio lógico del ACV isquémico, especialmente en pacientes jóvenes con signos de comunicación anormal de derecha a izquierda. Se recomienda un seguimiento periódico mediante imágenes para evaluar la posible recurrencia o cambios en la MAVP, resaltando la importancia del manejo adecuado de estas malformaciones.
Abstract Paradoxical embolism due to an isolated pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM) is a rare cause of ischemic stroke. PAVMs are abnormal high-flow connec tions between pulmonary arteries and veins, diverting deoxygenated blood into the systemic circulation and they represent a less common source of paradoxical embolisms, especially in young individuals. Endovascular embolization is the preferred treatment for clinically significant PAVMs. We present the case of a 34-year-old woman with a left thalamic ischemic stroke. Severe contrast passage was detected in cerebral arteries through transcranial Doppler. Intracardiac ultrasound did not reveal a patent foramen ovale, prompting further investigation with pulmonary CT angiography, confirming the presence of PAVM. The patient underwent successful endovascular treatment. It is essential to consider PAVM in the etiological di agnosis of ischemic stroke, especially in young patients with signs of abnormal right-to-left communication. Periodic follow-up imaging is recommended to assess potential recurrence or changes in PAVM, emphasizing the importance of appropriate management of these malformations.
Se presenta un caso poco frecuente de hemoptisis en un paciente adolescente con cirugía de Fontan, causada por el sangrado de una malformación arteriovenosa pulmonar (MAVP), tras la práctica de un instrumento de viento (saxofón). El paciente se estudió con angiografía y se realizó cierre percutáneo, consiguiendo posteriormente mejoría clínica y evitando la aparición de nuevos episodios de hemoptisis. Actualmente existe escasa literatura que reporte casos de hemoptisis en pacientes con cirugía de Fontan y ningún caso publicado en relación a gatillantes relacionados a las maniobras de valsalva; como la generada al practicar instrumentos de viento. Por esta razón, se decide publicar este caso clínico en pro de generar mayores conocimientos en este grupo de pacientes con cardiopatías congénitas operadas con procedimientos paliativos como es la cirugía de Fontan.
A rare case of hemoptysis is presented in an adolescent patient with Fontan surgery, caused by bleeding from a pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM), after playing a wind instrument (saxophone). The patient was studied with angiography and percutaneous closure was performed, subsequently achieving clinical improvement and preventing the appearance of new episodes of hemoptysis. Currently, there is little literature on hemoptysis in patients with Fontan surgery and no case published in relation to triggers related to valsalva maneuvers; like that generated when practicing wind instruments. For this reason, it was decided to publish this clinical case in order to generate greater knowledge in this group of patients with congenital heart disease operated on with palliative procedures such as Fontan surgery.
Arteriovenous Malformations/complications , Pulmonary Artery/abnormalities , Pulmonary Veins/abnormalities , Fontan Procedure/adverse effects , Hemoptysis/etiology , Hemoptysis/therapy , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Artery/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Veins/diagnostic imaging , Angiography , Radiography, Thoracic , Valsalva Maneuver , Embolization, TherapeuticABSTRACT
Abstract Beak deformity have a frequency of 0.5% in wild bird populations. In addition to being rare, beak deformities are also poorly reported in the Brazilian scientific literature. Here we report beak deformities in the species: Dendrocincla merula, Amazona ochrocephala and Pheugopedius genibarbis, all of which occurred in southwestern Brazilian Amazon. Dendrocolaptids make intensive use of their beaks in the search for insects and small vertebrates, where they explore in cracks in wood with lateral blows. In the case presented here, this behaviour may have been the cause of the breakage of the tip of this individual's maxilla. In Brazilian territory, few species of parrots were recorded with deformity in the beak and in the individual in this work, everything indicates that Amazona ochrocephala was a captive animal, as it was excessively thin and its diet probably had a low content of vitamins and calcium, where their deficiency even when the animal was a puppy may have contributed to the deformity of the maxilla. Cases of beak deformities in species of the Troglodytidae family are rare, but the individual in this work presented an unusual curvature in the maxilla not observed in other individuals in museum collections. Only with more reports will we be able to better understand the occurrence and causes of these beak deformities in wild birds.
Resumen La deformidad del pico es una característica rara y tiene una frecuencia baja, con 0.5% de casos en poblaciones de aves silvestres. Además de ser raras, las deformidades del pico también son escasamente reportadas en la literatura científica brasileña. Reportamos aquí deformidades en los picos de aves de las especies: Dendrocincla merula, Amazona ochrocephala y Pheugopedius genibarbis, en los cuales todos los registros ocurrieron en el sudoeste de la Amazonia brasileña. Los dendrocoláptidos hacen uso intensivo del pico en la búsqueda de insectos y pequeños vertebrados, explorando en grietas de la madera con golpes laterales. En el caso aquí presentado, este comportamiento de exploración pudo haber sido la causa de la rotura de la punta del maxilar de este individuo. En el territorio brasileño, pocas especies de loros fueron registradas con deformidad en el pico y en el individuo de este trabajo, todo indica que Amazona ochrocephala era un animal de cautiverio, ya que estaba excesivamente delgado y su dieta probablemente tenía un bajo contenido de vitaminas y calcio, donde su deficiencia incluso cuando el animal era un joven puede haber contribuido a la deformidad del maxilar. Los casos de deformidades del pico en especies de la familia Troglodytidae son raros, pero el individuo de este trabajo presentaba una curvatura inusual en el maxilar no observada en otros individuos de esta especie depositados en la colección científica. Sólo con más informes podremos entender mejor la ocurrencia y las causas de estas deformidades del pico en aves silvestres.
Objective:To investigate the clinical phenotype and genetic characteristics of infantile epileptic spasm syndrome caused by BRWD3 gene mutation. Methods:Clinical data of a child with BRWD3 related infantile epileptic spasm syndrome who was admitted to Department of Pediatric Neurology of Linyi People′s Hospital on August 2, 2019 were collected and followed up, whole exome sequencing technology and Sanger sequencing were applied to verify the child and his parents, and the pathogenicity of mutation site was analyzed. The studies till June 2023 were searched with keywords of " BRWD3" in both English and Chinese databases of China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, and PubMed. The clinical phenotype and genetic characteristics of patients with BRWD3 related epilepsy were summarized. Results:The patient was a 4 years and 4 months old boy, with a clinical phenotype including severe global development delay, focal seizures (the onset age was 4 months), epileptic spasm (the onset age was 6 months), autism, megacephaly, high forehead as well as hypsarrhythmia. The whole exome sequencing results showed a de novo and frameshift variation c.4318_4319del(p.Q1441Efs*20)(NM_153252) in the BRWD3 gene, and the variation was interpreted as pathogenic (PVS1+PS2+PM2) according to the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics variant classification criteria and guidelines. A total of 7 English literature articles were retrieved reporting 16 cases of BRWD3 gene related epilepsy in children (including 1 case of infantile epileptic spasm syndrome), and there has been no report in China yet. Totally there were 17 cases of BRWD3 gene related epilepsy including this case. All the cases showed X chromosome dominant inheritance, of whom 15 cases showed minor variations, including 7 missense variations, 3 frameshift variations, 3 splicing variations, 2 nonsense variations, and the remaining 2 cases showed large segment deletions. A total of 15 different variants were found. The phenotypes of the 17 patients mainly included epileptic seizures (17/17), intellectual disability (10/17), motor development disorder (7/17), speech impairment (9/17), megacephaly (8/17), facial malformation (8/17), autism (4/17) and hypotonia (4/17). The common seizure types were found to be focal seizures, occasionally epileptic spasm seizures and tonic seizures. Conclusions:BRWD3 gene variation related epilepsy is an X chromosome dominant genetic disease with a wide clinical phenotype spectrum. BRWD3 gene mutation c.4318_4319del(p.Q1441Efs *20) could cause infantile epileptic spasm syndrome, manifested as severe global developmental delay, epileptic spasm, focal seizures, autism, craniofacial malformation and hypsarrhythmia. This research enriches BRWD3 gene mutation spectrum.
@#Persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC) with absence of right superior vena cava (SVC), also known as isolated PLSVC, is a relatively rare type of congenital body venous malformation. Isolated PLSVC is asymptomatic, however, it will bring clinical difficulties to the implantation of the totally implantable venous access port (TIVAP). We reported a 41 years, male patient with esophageal cancer, who needed neoadjuvant chemoimmunotherapy. Through doppler ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) and vascular 3D-reconstruction, we found him to be a patient with PLSVC with absence of right SVC before the insertion of TIVAP. Hence, we chose the left approach in which the needle was inserted into the sternocleidomastoid clavicular head lateral notch in left supraclavicular fossa as the puncture point. The depth of the catheter tip from the root of the neck to the puncture point was 21.5 cm and the catheter tip was located at the junction of the PLSVC and the right atrium, at the dilated coronary sinus. The procedure was successful and the patient received expected neoadjuvant chemotherapy combined with immunotherapy after operation, and anticoagulant therapy was performed to prevent thrombosis in coronary sinus and superior vena cava. There was no major catheter-related complication during the period of TIVAP.
【Objective】 The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence status of neonatal congenital heart disease (CHD) in Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province from 2017 to 2021, and to analyze the influencing factors, so as to provide reference for preventing the risk of CHD and reduce the prevalence of CHD. 【Methods】 Using cross-sectional survey method, the neonatal data from March 2017 to December 2021 were captured from Zhenjiang Neonatal Disease Screening Center, and were analyzed by linear trend chi-square test; binary Logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of CHD. 【Results】 A total of 13 156 newborns screened positive for CHD in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, with CHD confirmed in 6 300 cases. Among these, 3 066 cases were boys (48.7%) and 3 234 cases were girls (51.3%). The prevalence rates of neonatal CHD in Ningbo city for the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 were 2.07%, 1.10%, 2.00%, 2.04% and 1.08%, respectively, with an overall prevalence from 2017 to 2021 of 1.69%. The chi-square test for the linear trend indicated a decreasing prevalence of neonatal CHD over time(χ2=178.518,P<0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that maternal age [36 to 45 years(OR=1.24), >45 years(OR=1.66)], male infants (OR=1.26), premature birth [<32 weeks (OR=1.13), 32 - 36 weeks(OR=1.54)], and being a second birth (OR=2.56) were independent risk factors for the development of CHD (P<0.05). 【Conclusions】 The prevalence of CHD in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province is higher than that of CHD in China and other cities of Zhejiang Province. Although the prevalence showed a decreasing trend over time, targeted prevention and control measures need to be implemented to reduce the prevalence of CHD.
Objective@#A retrospective study of the demographic, clinical and diagnostic profile, intervention and outcomes of children with Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation (CPAM) in Philippine Children’s Medical Center (PCMC) from January 2011 to December 2021 was presented.@*Methodology@#Medical charts of identified patients were reviewed. Data obtained included demographic profile, clinical history, diagnostic procedures, intervention, and outcomes. The findings were analyzed and correlated with the synthesized findings from relevant studies about CPAM.@*Results@#Twenty-three cases (n=23) were included in the study. Most of the patients were diagnosed at 1 to 11 months of age, accounting for 43.48% while there is a minimal disparity in terms of gender distribution. Seventy-five percent of neonates presented with respiratory distress while recurrent pneumonia occurred more frequently beyond the neonatal period. Four patients at 17.39% had incidental findings of CPAM on prenatal ultrasound. All cases were confirmed using a Chest CT scan and only six patients at 26.09% had Chest X-ray results consistent with CPAM. Eight cases were confirmed using biopsy wherein results were mainly Type I seen in 87.5% of cases. Lobectomy is the procedure of choice with 92.86% success rate. Overall, patients who underwent surgical intervention had a low complication rate at 6.25%. @*Conclusion@#CPAM is most common in patients aged 1 to 11 months and has no gender predilection. Neonates often present with respiratory distress while recurrent pneumonia is the most common clinical manifestation beyond neonatal period. CPAM can be detected using ultrasound prenatally and CT scan can confirm CPAM postnatally. Surgical intervention particularly lobectomy is the preferred option over conservative management which showed a favorable outcome. CPAM has an overall good prognosis. Findings of this research may guide clinicians in the diagnosis and management of CPAM in the Philippines.
Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation of Lung, CongenitalABSTRACT
Objective To evaluate the value of magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)in prenatal diagnosis of fetal Chiari malformation.Methods The prenatal MRI findings of 27 cases of Chiari malformation confirmed by follow-up in Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital,Fudan University from Feb 2010 to Feb 2022 were retrospectively analyzed and compared with ultrasound findings.Results Twenty-seven pregnant women,aged from 16-36 years(average 28.0 years)and 27 fetuses with gestation from 15.3-38.4 weeks(average 24.3 weeks)were studied.There were 18 cases of Chiari Ⅱ(Chiari malformation type Ⅱ,CMⅡ),3 cases of Chiari Ⅲ(CMⅢ),6 cases of Chiari Ⅳ(CMⅣ).CMⅡ and CMⅢ images showed brain herniation,descending pons,narrowing or disappearance of the posterior fossa cistern and the fourth ventricle,the subarachnoid space disappears.There were 17 cases of hydrocephalus,2 cases of cerebrospinal fluid loss,17 cases of"lemon head"and"banana cerebellar"signs,4 cases of encephalocele,15 cases of spinal bifida,3 cases of lower spinal cord and 2 cases of spinal cavity,4 cases of spinal angular deformity and 6 cases of other malformations.In CMⅣ,there were 2 cases of undeveloped cerebellum and 4 cases of cerebellum and brainstem dysplasia,hydrocephalus in 5 cases,posterior fossa cistern widening in 4 cases,and other malformations in 4 cases.MRI showed the posterior fossa structure and spinal cord more clearly than ultrasound,and could find lesions not detected by ultrasound.Conclusion Prenatal MRI can be used as a complementary examination of ultrasound,which can improve the accuracy of diagnosis of Chiari malformation,reduce the rate of missed diagnosis,and clarify the classification of Chiari malformation.
Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of interventional sclerotherapy for cystic lymphatic malformation(cLM).Methods A total of 92 cases of cLM were enrolled in this study.Forty-seven cases were macrocystic lymphatic malformation(LM),32 cases were mixed LM,and 13 cases were microcystic LM.At the first treatment,56 cases with clear or light yellow cystic fluid were defined as non-bleeding group;Thirty-six cases with cloudy or dark red cystic fluid were defined as bleeding group.Sclero-therapy was performed under the guidance of fluoroscopy or ultrasonic(US),followed by an outpatient or a telephone follow-up at least 3 months after operation.Results Ninety-two patients received 140 times of interventional sclerotherapy,with an average of 1.53 times.The overall cure rate was 56.5%and the overall effective rate was 95.7%.The results of subgroup analysis showed that the overall effective rate of macrocystic and mixed LM was higher than that of microcystic LM,while the overall effective rate of macrocystic and mixed LM had no statistical difference.The cure rate of macrocystic LM was higher than that of mixed and microcystic LM,but there was no significant difference between mixed and microcystic LM.Besides,there were no statistical differences in the overall effective rate and the cure rate between the bleeding group and the non-bleeding group.Conclusion Interventional sclerotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for cLM patients.The efficacy of interventional sclerotherapy is not affected by the presence or absence of intracapsular hemorrhage during the first treatment.
Objective To determine the correlation and agreement of sacral ratio(SR)measured by lateral and anteroposterior radiographs in patients with anorectal malformation(ARM).Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on the anteroposterior and lateral radiographs images of the sacral vertebrae of patients with ARM.All SR values were measured by three radiologists.Pearson's correlation coefficient were used to assess the correlation between the SR measured by lateral and anteroposterior radiographs.A weighted Kappa statistic was used to measure the agreement between how the anteroposterior and lateral SR categorized observations into risk groups.Results Of the 385 ARM patients,25 patients whose radiographs image quality was insufficient to calculate SR value were excluded.For a given pair of measurements,the mean lateral SR value was 0.08 units greater than the anteroposterior SR value[95%confidence interval(CI)0.06-0.09,P<0.01].Anteroposterior and lateral images had a moderate positive correlation(r=0.79,95%CI 0.73-0.79,P<0.01)and moderate agreement in risk categorization(Kappa=0.62,P<0.01).Anteroposterior and lateral readings conducted by all three radiologists had excellent inter-rater reliability with intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC)for anteroposterior and lateral SR of 0.88 and 0.84,respectively.Conclusion Even though the anteroposterior and lateral SR values have moderate positive correlation,the mean SR value determined by images in the lateral is 0.08 units greater than the anteroposterior.Anteroposterior and lateral SR value conclude different risk categories relatively often.The SR values measured by lateral sacral radiographs are more clinically significant than those measured by anteroposterior radiographs.
Objective:To establish the animal model of cervicofacial venous malformations(VMs)by surgical reconstruction of exter-nal jugular vein in sheep.Methods:The external jugular veins of 5 sheep were dissected,and the position,course,branch and exter-nal diameter were observed and measured.The models of VMs with draining and returning veins were constructed by suturing or constric-ting the proximal part of main trunk and ligating or constricting the distal part of the jugular or branch veins.The animal model was eval-uated by Doppler ultrasound,gross observation and histological observation at the 4th week after surgery.Results:The external jugular veins of sheep is in the lateral side of bilateral neck,and the main trunk is formed by the maxillary vein and lingual facial vein.The ex-ternal diameter ranges from 6 to 12 mm,with an average external diameter of 9.3 mm.Immediately after the external jugular vein was sutured and narrowed at the proximal part of the main vein,the distal part of the vein branch was ligated or narrowed,the blood flow speed slowed down and the veins in the model area bulged.4 weeks after surgery,gross observation showed that most veins narrowed and thrombosis was formed in part of the venous lumen.The central region of some specimens was dilated,and the peripheral collateral veins were dilated in some models.Doppler ultrasonography showed that the lumens of most veins were dilated and the returning veins and the inflow veins were narrowed.Colored blood flow was seen in the lumen.Histological observation showed that the structure of vein endothelium and wall was close to the normal vein,and the vein vessel wall of some specimens was thickened.Conclusion:The VMs model estab-lished by external jugular vein of sheep basically meets the re-quirements and is expected to be used in the therapeutic meth-odology research of cervicofacial VMs.
RESUMO Objetivo Verificar longitudinalmente a influência dos limiares tonais auditivos obtidos com as próteses auditivas ancoradas no osso transcutâneas e percutâneas na percepção da fala em indivíduos com malformação de orelha externa e/ou média e Otite Média Crônica. Método Estudo observacional, retrospectivo, de seguimento longitudinal de 30 indivíduos usuários unilaterais de sistema Baha® transcutâneo e percutâneo, para coleta de dados secundários dos limiares tonais obtidos por meio da audiometria em campo livre e do limiar de reconhecimento de sentenças no silêncio e no ruído nas condições: sem a prótese; no momento de ativação; no primeiro mês de uso (pós 1); e no terceiro mês (pós 2). Resultados Houve diferença significante entre os limiares tonais obtidos nas frequências de 3 e 4kHz, com melhores resultados para o percutâneo em todos os momentos de avaliação. Para os dois sistemas, observou-se melhor desempenho no reconhecimento de sentenças no silêncio e ruído, com diferença significante na ativação (p<0,001), porém manteve-se estável nos demais momentos de avaliação. O sistema percutâneo mostrou melhor benefício no reconhecimento de sentenças no ruído apenas na ativação (p=0,036), quando comparado ao transcutâneo. Conclusão O sistema percutâneo possibilitou melhor audibilidade para as frequências altas; contudo, tal audibilidade não influenciou no reconhecimento de sentenças na situação de silêncio para ambos os sistemas. Para a situação de ruído, melhores respostas foram observadas no sistema percutâneo; porém, a diferença não se manteve no decorrer do tempo.
ABSTRACT Purpose Longitudinally verify the influence of auditory tonal thresholds obtained with transcutaneous and percutaneous bone-anchored hearing aids on speech perception in individuals with external and/or middle ear malformation and chronic otitis media. Methods Observational, retrospective, longitudinal follow-up study of 30 unilateral users of the transcutaneous and percutaneous Baha® system for the collection of secondary data on pure tone thresholds obtained through free field audiometry and sentence recognition threshold in silence and noise in conditions: without the prosthesis; at the time of activation; in the first month of use (post 1); and in the third month (post 2). Results There was a significant difference between pure tone thresholds obtained at frequencies of 3 and 4kHz with better results for the percutaneous technique at all evaluation moments. For both systems, better performance was observed in sentence recognition in silence and in noise, with a significant difference in activation (p<0.001), but it remained stable during the other evaluation moments. The percutaneous system showed better benefit in recognizing sentences in noise only on activation (p=0.036), when compared to the transcutaneous system. Conclusion The percutaneous system provided better audibility for high frequencies; however, such audibility did not influence sentence recognition in the silent situation for both systems. For the noise situation, better responses were observed in the percutaneous system, however, the difference was not maintained over time.
RESUMO A malformação de Chiari tipo I é uma condição geralmente congênita de herniação das tonsilas cerebelares abaixo do forame magno, que pode levar à compressão das estruturas próximas da fossa craniana posterior ou à obstrução do fluxo do líquido cefalorraquidiano ventril. O tipo I, apesar de raro, é o mais comumente encontrado na população. Este estudo teve como objetivo relatar os achados da videoendoscopia da deglutição, avaliação fonoaudiológica, nível de ingestão oral, risco nutricional e o planejamento terapêutico em três casos de malformação de Chiari tipo I na fase adulta. Foram coletados dados com relação à avaliação fonoaudiológica de mobilidade e força de língua, Tempo Máximo de Fonação, eficiência da tosse e o Índice de Eichner. Foram analisados o nível de ingestão oral e os sinais faríngeos de disfagia em quatro consistências alimentares, de acordo com a classificação da International Dysphagia Diet Standartisation Initiative), por meio da videoendoscopia da deglutição. Para análise e classificação dos resíduos faríngeos, foi utilizado o Yale Pharyngeal Residue Severity Rating Scale, enquanto que, para rastrear o risco nutricional, foi utilizado o Malnutrition Screening Tool. Observou-se redução mobilidade e força de língua e no Tempo Máximo de Fonação, enquanto que os sinais faríngeos variaram entre os casos, com presença de fechamento glótico incompleto, escape oral posterior, deglutições múltiplas, resíduos faríngeos e penetração laríngea.
ABSTRACT Type I Chiari malformation (MCI) is a generally congenital condition of herniation of the cerebellar tonsils below the foramen magnum, which can lead to compression of structures close to the posterior cranial fossa or obstruction of the flow of ventral cerebrospinal fluid. Type I, although rare, is the most commonly found in the population. This study aimed to report the findings of video endoscopy of swallowing, speech assessment, level of oral intake, nutritional risk and therapeutic planning in three cases of Type I Chiari malformation. Data were collected regarding the assessment of mobility and strength of tongue, Maximum Phonation Time (MPT), cough efficiency and the Eichner Index. The level of oral intake and pharyngeal signs of dysphagia were analyzed in four food consistencies, according to the International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI) classification, using swallowing video endoscopy. For analysis and classification of pharyngeal residues, the Yale Pharyngeal Residue Severity Rating Scale (YPRSRS) was used, while the Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST) was used to track nutritional risk. Reduced tongue mobility and strength and reduced MPT were observed, while pharyngeal signs varied between cases, with the presence of incomplete glottic closure, posterior oral escape, multiple swallows, pharyngeal residues and laryngeal penetration.
Introducción. Las malformaciones anorrectales son un grupo de anomalías congénitas de etiología multifactorial, en las que intervienen diversos factores genéticos y ambientales. Los habitantes de regiones de gran altitud están expuestos a hipoxia hipobárica crónica, lo que se ha asociado a una mayor prevalencia de varias anomalías congénitas. Objetivo. El objetivo del estudio es investigar la prevalencia al nacimiento de malformaciones anorrectales en La Paz, Bolivia. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio transversal. Los casos fueron recolectados en el Hospital de la Mujer ubicado en La Paz, Bolivia, a una altitud promedio de 3600 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Resultados. De 56206 nacidos vivos registrados durante el periodo de estudio, 30 recién nacidos presentaban malformaciones anorrectales, lo que arrojaba una prevalencia de 5,34 por 10000 nacidos vivos. Esta prevalencia era superior a la prevalencia de 3 por 10000 nacidos vivos registrada anteriormente en la literatura. Conclusiones. Nuestro estudio muestra que la prevalencia de malformaciones anorrectales es mayor en la población de altura de La Paz, Bolivia, en comparación con la prevalencia previamente reportada en la literatura. Se necesitan más investigaciones para identificar los factores genéticos y ambientales subyacentes que contribuyen a esta mayor prevalencia, además de mejorar el diagnóstico y los sistemas de vigilancia.
Introduction. Anorectal matformations are a group of congenital anomalies that have a multifactorial etiology, involving various genetic and environmental factors. Inhabitants living at high-altitude regions are exposed to chronic hypobaric hypoxia, which has been associated with a higher prevalence of congenital anomalies. Objective. It was aimed to investígate the prevalence of anorectal malformations in newborns from La Paz, Bolivia. Material and methods. We conducted a cross-sectional study. Newborns data were collected at the Hospital de la Mujer located in La Paz, Bolivia, at an average altitude of 3600 masl. Results. Out of 56,206 live births were registered during the study period. 30 newborns had anorectal malformations, resulting in a prevalence of 5.34 per 10,000 live births. This prevalence was higher than the previously reported in the literature, 3 per 10,000 live births. Conclusions. Our study depicts the prevalence of anorectal malformations is higher in the population of La Paz-Bolivia living at high-altitude, this when compared to previously reported prevalence in the literature. Further research is needed to identify the underlying genetic and environmental factors that contribute to this increased prevalence, as well as to improve diagnosis and monitoring systems.
El síndrome de hemivagina obstruida y anomalía renal ipsilateral (OHVIRA) es producido por una alteración en el desarrollo de los conductos de Müller y Wolff en la vida fetal. El síndrome es poco frecuente, se reporta una prevalencia de 1/2.000 a 1/28.000 casos. La endometriosis se presenta en un 19% de los casos complicando esta patología. El tratamiento del síndrome OHVIRA consiste en resecar el tabique vaginal drenando el hematocolpos. Hasta el momento no existe un consenso en recomendar la realización de una laparoscopia diagnóstica. El objetivo de este estudio es reportar la eventual importancia de la laparoscopia diagnóstica/terapéutica como parte del manejo del síndrome OHVIRA.
Obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA) syndrome is caused by a defect in the development of Müllerian and Wolffian ducts at fetal life. The syndrome is uncommon, with a reported prevalence of 1/2,000 to 1/28,000 cases. Endometriosis is present in 19% of cases complicating this pathology. Treatment of OHVIRA syndrome consists in resecting the vaginal septum and draining the hematocolpos. Until now there isnt an agreement on recommending diagnostic laparoscopy as part of the treatment. The aim of this study is to report the importance of diagnostic/therapeutic laparoscopy in the management of OHVIRA syndrome.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Uterus/abnormalities , Vagina/abnormalities , Abnormalities, Multiple/surgery , Abnormalities, Multiple/diagnosis , Laparoscopy , Kidney/abnormalities , Syndrome , Uterus/surgery , Vagina/surgery , Endometriosis/etiology , Hematocolpos , Kidney/surgeryABSTRACT
Introducción: La malformación de Chiari tipo 1 incluye un grupo heterogéneo de malformaciones congénitas, caracterizadas por el descenso caudal del cerebelo a través del foramen magno. En un 30-70 % de los casos tiene siringomielia asociada. Existen controversias en torno a la técnica quirúrgica ideal. Objetivo: Presentar un caso de MC-1 asociada a siringomielia en el que no se aplica una duroplastia expansiva. Presentación de caso: Paciente femenina de 43 años, con antecedentes de hipertensión arterial. Acudió a consulta neuroquirúrgica por dolor cervical irradiado al miembro superior derecho. Al examen neurológico mostró signos de afectación de primera y segunda motoneurona. La resonancia magnética confirmó el diagnóstico de MC-1. Se intervino quirúrgicamente mediante descompresión de fosa posterior sin duroplastia expansiva. La paciente evolucionó sin complicaciones y egresó a las 48 horas. Durante el seguimiento mejoraron las manifestaciones parestésicas; sin embargo, el examen neurológico se mantuvo igual. A los seis meses, la resonancia magnética indicó una marcada disminución de la siringomielia y la reconformación de la cisterna magna. Hasta los 18 meses del tratamiento, los síntomas no habían empeorado y la capacidad funcional resultaba aceptable (Karnofsky 90/100). Conclusiones: La descompresión de fosa posterior sin duroplastia expansiva, seguida de re-permeabilización microquirúrgica del foramen de Magendie, tuvo resultados favorables en este caso.
Introduction: Chiari malformation type 1 includes a heterogeneous group of congenital malformations, characterized by caudal descent of the cerebellum through the foramen magnum. It has associated syringomyelia in 30-70% of cases. Controversies exist regarding the ideal surgical technique. Objective: To present a case of MC-1 associated with syringomyelia in which an expansive duroplasty is not applied. Case report: Female patient, 43 years old, with history of arterial hypertension. She went to the neurosurgical consultation for cervical pain radiating to the right upper limb. On neurological examination, she showed signs of first and second motor neuron involvement. MRI confirmed the diagnosis of MC-1. She underwent surgery by decompression of the posterior fossa without expansive duroplasty. The patient evolved without complications and she was discharged after 48 hours. During the follow-up, the paresthetic manifestations improved; however, the neurological examination remained the same. At six months, MRI indicated a marked decrease in syringomyelia and reshaping of the cisterna magna. Until 18 months after treatment, symptoms had not worsened and functional capacity was acceptable (Karnofsky 90/100). Conclusions: Posterior fossa decompression without expansive duroplasty, followed by microsurgical re-permeabilization of Magendie's foramen, had favorable results in our case.
Introducción: La arteria umbilical única tiene una incidencia del 1 % en los recién nacidos. Se le asocia frecuentemente con gemelaridad, malformaciones y crecimiento intrauterino retardado, y constituye un factor de riesgo de prematuridad, muerte fetal y neonatal. Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia de la arteria umbilical única en gestantes, y la asociación de esta entidad con otras malformaciones y el bajo peso al nacer. Materiales y métodos: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo, con datos obtenidos de las historias clínicas y del modelo de seguimiento lineal existente en las consultas de genética comunitaria del municipio Matanzas, de enero de 2015 a diciembre de 2019. Resultados: La prevalencia de la arteria umbilical única fue del 0,3 %. Las malformaciones más frecuentes fueron las renales; el 27,7 % de los nacimientos fueron pretérmino y el 33,3 % de los nacidos fue con un peso inferior a 2500 g. Conclusiones: La arteria umbilical única constituye un marcador para otras malformaciones. Cuando coexisten ambas existe riesgo de prematuridad y bajo peso al nacer. Se recomienda realizar examen clínico posnatal a todo recién nacido con arteria umbilical única, pesquisando defectos renales y cardíacos.
Introduction: The single umbilical artery has an incidence of 1% in newborns. It is frequently associated with twinning, malformations and delayed intrauterine growth, and is a risk factor of prematurity, fetal and neonatal death. Objective: To determine the prevalence of single umbilical artery in pregnant women and the association of this entity with other malformations and low birth weight. Materials and methods: Retrospective descriptive study, with data obtained from medical records and the linear follow-up model existing in the community genetic clinics of the municipality of Matanzas, from January 2015 to December 2019. Results: The prevalence of the single umbilical artery was 0.3%. The most frequent malformations were renal ones; 27.7% of births were pre-term and 33.3% of those born weighed less than 2500g. Conclusions: The single umbilical artery is a marker for other malformations. When both coexist there is a risk of prematurity and low birth weight. Postnatal clinical examination is recommended for all newborns with single umbilical artery, checking for renal and heart defects.
O sangramento uterino anormal é diagnóstico sindrômico comum no consultório do ginecologista e pode comprometer substancialmente a qualidade de vida. O objetivo no diagnóstico de sangramento uterino anormal é distinguir pacientes com causas estruturais (anatômicas), como pólipo, adenomiose, leiomioma, malignidade e hiperplasia, de pacientes que apresentam anatomia normal, nas quais o sangramento pode ser devido a alteração dos mecanismos de coagulação, distúrbios ovulatórios, distúrbios primários do endométrio, iatrogenia, ou ter outra causa não classificada. O diagnóstico se inicia a partir de anamnese detalhada e exame físico geral e ginecológico completos, seguidos da solicitação de exames complementares (laboratoriais e de imagem), conforme indicado. O exame de imagem de primeira linha para identificação das causas estruturais inclui a ultrassonografia pélvica. Histerossonografia, histeroscopia, ressonância magnética e amostragem endometrial para exame de anatomia patológica são opções que podem ser incluídas no diagnóstico a depender da necessidade. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a relevância dos exames de imagem na investigação das causas de sangramento uterino anormal.
Abnormal uterine bleeding is one of the commonest presenting complaints encountered in a gynecologist's office and may substantially affect quality of life. The aim in the diagnosis of abnormal uterine bleeding is to distinguish women with anatomic causes such as polyp, adenomyosis, leiomyoma, malignancy and hyperplasia from women with normal anatomy where the cause may be coagulopathy, ovulatory disorders, endometrial, iatrogenic and not otherwise classified. Diagnosis begins with a thorough history and physical examination followed by appropriate laboratory and imaging tests as indicated. The primary imaging test for the identification of anatomic causes include ultrasonography. Saline infusion sonohysterography, magnetic resonance, hysteroscopy, endometrial sampling are options that can be included in the diagnosis depending on the need. The aim of this article is to present the relevance of imaging exams in the investigation of the causes of abnormal uterine bleeding.
Humans , Female , Uterine Hemorrhage/diagnostic imaging , Physical Examination/methods , Polyps/diagnostic imaging , Uterus/pathology , Cervix Uteri/pathology , Endometrium/physiopathology , Adenomyosis/complications , Gynecology/methods , Hyperplasia/complications , Leiomyoma/complications , Medical History Taking/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Congenital pulmonary malformations (CPMs) are rare in children. This study aimed to describe the clinical, imaging characteristics, and treatment of patients with this pathology. Methods: We conducted a descriptive and retrospective study with data from patients with CPMs diagnosed at Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño-Breña (Lima-Peru), from January 2010 to December 2020. We described CPM clinical and imaging characteristics, type and treatment. Results: The sample was formed of 70 patients. The median age was 29 months (range 15 days-14 years) and the male/female ratio was 1.4. The chest tomography found parenchymal involvement in 50 (71.4%) cases and mixed involvement (parenchymal and vascular) in 18 (25.7%) cases. Congenital malformation of the pulmonary airway was present in 39 (55.7%) cases, followed by bronchogenic cyst in 10 (14.3%), intralobar pulmonary sequestration in 9 (12.9%), and extralobar pulmonary sequestration in 7 (10%). Lobectomy was performed in 61 (87.1%) cases, cystectomy in 5 (7.1%), segmentectomy in 2 (2.9%), and embolization in 2 (2.9%). The most frequent post-operative complication was pneumonia, found in 9 (12.9%) cases. The median hospital stay was 26 days. No patient died during hospitalization. Conclusions: In our institution, the most frequent CPM was congenital malformation of the pulmonary airway, and lobectomy was the most frequently performed surgical procedure. CPMs represent a diverse group of disorders of lung development with varied imaging patterns and clinical manifestations.
Resumen Introducción: Las malformaciones pulmonares congénitas son poco frecuentes en niños. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir las características clínicas, imagenológicas y tratamiento de los pacientes con esta patología. Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo y retrospectivo con datos de los pacientes con malformaciones pulmonares congénitas diagnosticados en el Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño-Breña (Lima-Perú) entre enero 2010 y diciembre 2020. Se describieron las características clínicas, imagenológicas, el tipo de malformación pulmonar congénita y el tratamiento. Resultados: La muestra fue de 70 pacientes. La mediana de edad fue 29 meses, la relación masculino/femenino fue 1.4. En la tomografía de tórax se encontró compromiso parenquimal en 50 (71.4%) casos, y compromiso mixto (parenquimal y vascular) en 18 (25.7%). La malformación congénita de la vía aérea pulmonar se observó en 39 (55.7%) casos, seguida del quiste broncogénico en 10 (14.3%), secuestro pulmonar intralobar en 9 (12.9%) y secuestro pulmonar extralobar en 7 (10%). La lobectomía fue realizada en 61 (87.1%) casos, la quistectomía en 5 (7.1%), segmentectomía en 2 (2.9%) y embolización en 2 (2.9%). La complicación posquirúrgica más frecuente fue la neumonía en 9 (12.9%) casos. La mediana de estancia hospitalaria fue de 26 días. Ningún paciente falleció durante la hospitalización. Conclusiones: En nuestra institución, la malformación pulmonar congénita más frecuente fue la malformación congénita de la vía aérea pulmonar, y la lobectomía el procedimiento quirúrgico más comúnmente realizado. Las malformaciones pulmonares congénitas representan un grupo diverso de trastornos del desarrollo pulmonar con variados patrones imagenológicos y manifestaciones clínicas.
A 28-year-old male presented with a large conjunctival lobulated, nonpulsatile, red vascular lesion involving a large part of the temporal quadrant of the left globe. There was no proptosis or globe displacement, but the left eye abduction was limited. T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging scan of the brain and orbit revealed an extensive contrast-enhancing lobulated lesion in the left half of the face involving the upper lip, cheek, oral cavity, extraconal space of left orbit, and nasal cavity. He underwent surgical excision of the conjunctival lesion with amniotic membrane reconstruction.