Abstract Background: Working memory-based spatial cognition has attracted the attention of the scientific community in navigation and reorientation projects. The dominant approach considers that spontaneous spatial navigation behavior is based merely on environmental geometry (built and natural environmental objects). In this domain, DCD (Developmental Coordination Disorder) motor skill orientation problems have been frequently associated with poor visuospatial cognition, while immersive VR environments encourage more repetition, allowing for faster motor skill development and recovery. Objective: This pilot study tested the functionality of an immersive VR environment with environmental geometry (rectangular arena rich in symmetry) and featural landmark cues (striped wall, flora) as a route-learning tool for children with motor skill disorders. Methods: Forty DCD children aged 5 to 8 years (20 boys and 20 girls); five (5) 3D reality modeling setups with orthogonality, symmetry, and striped walls as design parameters; and trial walk-through coordination exercises using a predefined visual pathway with different motor control conditions (daylight, darkness). Participants' path completion rate, path completion time, and walk-through satisfaction were recorded as route-learning performance variables and analyzed statistically. Results/findings: DCD children's spatial orientation was statistically shown to be more stable and robust (in path completion rates, termination time, and walk-through level of satisfaction) in a virtual 3D environment rich in orthogonality, symmetry, and featural cues as landmarks. In this compound environmental geometry setup, training functionality and immersive learning performance enjoyed an 8.16% better path completion rate, a 12.37% reduction in path completion time, and 32.10% more walk-through satisfaction than reality modeling setups poor in geometry and landmarks. The effectiveness and robustness were validated statistically. Conclusion: Children with motor skill difficulties train and learn better in virtual 3D environments that are rich in orthogonality, symmetry, and featural landmark cues.
Resumen Antecedentes: La cognición espacial basada en la memoria de trabajo ha atraído la atención de la comunidad científica en proyectos de navegación y reorientación. El enfoque dominante considera que el comportamiento espontáneo de navegación espacial se basa meramente en la geometría ambiental (objetos ambientales construidos y naturales). En este ámbito, los problemas de orientación de las habilidades motoras del TDC (Trastorno del Desarrollo de la Coordinación) se han asociado con frecuencia a una cognición visoespacial deficiente, mientras que los entornos de RV (Realidad Virtual) inmersivos fomentan una mayor repetición, lo que permite un desarrollo y una recuperación más rápidos de las habilidades motoras. Objetivo: Este estudio piloto probó la funcionalidad de un entorno de RV inmersiva con geometría ambiental (arena rectangular rica en simetría) y señales de puntos de referencia característicos (pared rayada, flora) como herramienta de aprendizaje de rutas para niños con trastornos de la habilidad motora. Métodos: Cuarenta niños con TDC de entre 5 y 8 años (20 niños y 20 niñas); cinco (5) configuraciones de modelado de realidad 3D con ortogonalidad, simetría y paredes rayadas como parámetros de diseño; y ejercicios de coordinación de recorrido de prueba utilizando una ruta visual predefinida con diferentes condiciones de control motor (luz diurna, oscuridad). Se registraron la tasa de finalización del recorrido, el tiempo de finalización del recorrido y el grado de satisfacción de los participantes como variables de rendimiento del aprendizaje de recorridos y se analizaron estadísticamente. Resultados: Se demostró estadísticamente que la orientación espacial de los niños con TDC era más estable y robusta (en tasas de finalización del camino, tiempo de finalización y nivel de satisfacción del recorrido) en un entorno 3D virtual rico en ortogonalidad, simetría y señales de características como puntos de referencia. En esta configuración de geometría ambiental compuesta, la funcionalidad del entrenamiento y el rendimiento del aprendizaje inmersivo disfrutaron de un 8,16% más de tasa de finalización de ruta, una reducción del 12,37% en el tiempo de finalización de ruta y un 32,10% más de satisfacción de recorrido que las configuraciones de modelado de realidad pobres en geometría y puntos de referencia. La eficacia y la solidez se validaron estadísticamente. Conclusiones: Los niños con dificultades motrices entrenan y aprenden mejor en entornos virtuales 3D ricos en ortogonalidad, simetría y puntos de referencia característicos.
El sueño es vital para los seres vivos. Está estrechamente relacionado con la maduración del cerebro y sus funciones. Se divide en dos tipos principales: sueño REM con movimientos oculares rápidos y NREM sin movimientos oculares rápidos; este último se divide actualmente en tres etapas N1, N2 y N3 (correspondientes a una mayor profundidad del sueño). En esta revisión nos centraremos en el sueño REM y en cómo este estado cerebral único permite la integración de emociones moduladas por memorias neo-corticales, previamente consolidadas durante el sueño NREM. Palabras clave: Sueño REM, codificación, acetilcolina, memoria emocional.
Summary. Sleep is vital for living beings. It is closely related to brain maturation and its functions. It is divided into two main types: REM sleep with rapid eye movements and NREM without rapid eye movements; the latter is currently divided into three stages N1, N2 and N3 (corresponding to greater depth of sleep). In this review we will focus on REM sleep and how this unique brain state allows the integration of emotions modulated by neocortical memories, previously consolidated during NREM sleep. Keywords: REM sleep, encoding, acetylcholine, emotional memory.
Humans , Sleep, REM/physiology , Emotions/physiology , Memory/physiologyABSTRACT
Resumen Objetivo: Determinar el efecto de la formación en ajedrez sobre las funciones ejecutivas: planificación, flexibilidad cognitiva, memoria de trabajo e inhibición por medio de la revisión de la literatura científica de investigaciones en la última década. Método: Se desarrolló una búsqueda en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scielo, Pubmed, Scopus y en Google académico, para el período 2012-2022, mediante la metodología de revisión sistemática. Resultados: Se encontraron sesenta y seis artículos y solo se analizaron trece que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Fue posible identificar relaciones del ajedrez con las cuatro funciones ejecutivas: inhibición, flexibilidad, memoria de trabajo y planificación, además del funcionamiento ejecutivo en general. Discusión: Los resultados han sugerido que la práctica sistemática del ajedrez contribuye al desarrollo del funcionamiento ejecutivo. Por ser una práctica de fácil alcance, se podría aprovechar sus beneficios incorporándola en diversos escenarios educativos. Conclusión: La mayoría de las investigaciones de los últimos diez años provee evidencia que permite demostrar la hipótesis de que la práctica del ajedrez se asocia un mejor desempeño ejecutivo; también se encontró un único artículo que por el contrario rechaza esta relación.
Abstract Objective: Determine the effect of chess training on executive functions: planning, cognitive flexibility, working memory and inhibition by reviewing the scientific research literature in the last decade. Method: A search was carried out in the Web of Science, Scielo, Pubmed, Scopus and Google Scholar databases for the period 2012-2022, using the systematic review methodology. Results: Sixty-six articles were found and only thirteen that met the inclusion criteria were analyzed. It was possible to identify relationships between chess and the four executive functions: inhibition, flexibility, working memory and planning, in addition to executive functioning in general. Discussion: The results have suggested that the systematic practice of chess contributes to the development of executive functioning. Because it is an easily accessible practice, its benefits could be taken advantage of by incorporating it into various educational scenarios. Conclusion: The majority of research from the last ten years provides evidence that allows us to demonstrate the hypothesis that chess practice is associated with better executive performance; there is also a single article that, on the contrary, rejects this relationship.
Introdução: A alimentação aparece em todas as explicações sobre os processos e ações humanas, o que confirma o fato de não ser uma conduta natural, mas efeito da interação entre indivíduos, inaugurada na relação mãe-bebê. Objetivo: Identificar apagamentos, lapsos e resistência nas memórias de mães de crianças, adolescentes e jovens adultos primogênitos, sobre o processo de alimentação de seus filhos. Método: descritivo, exploratório realizado com mães de crianças, adolescentes e adultos com desenvolvimento típico que responderam a um questionário sobre a alimentação. Resultados: As perguntas relativas à amamentação e ao desmame foram respondidas de forma assertiva, mostrando que estes são fatos simbólicos, que marcam a lembrança materna. Conclusão: As lembranças maternas sobre as cenas alimentares com seus filhos mostram os movimentos de união e separação entre o par interacional. É possível apontar que apenas para as perguntas relativas à amamentação e ao desmame as respostas são totalmente assertivas, indiciando que são fatos simbólicos que marcam a memória materna. (AU)
Introduction: Feeding appears in all explanations about human processes and actions, which confirms the fact that it is not a natural behavior, but an effect of the interaction between individuals, initiated in the mother-baby relationship. Objective: To identify erasures, lapses and resistance in the memories of mothers of first-born children, adolescents and young adults, about the process of feeding their children. Method: descriptive, exploratory carried out with mothers of children, adolescents and adults with typical development who responded to a questionnaire about nutrition. Results: Questions regarding breastfeeding and weaning were answered assertively, showing that these are symbolic facts, which mark maternal memories. Conclusion: Maternal memories of eating scenes with their children show the movements of union and separation between the interactional pair. It is possible to point out that only for the questions related to breastfeeding and weaning the answers are completely assertive, indicating that they are symbolic facts that mark maternal memory. (AU)
Introducción: La alimentación aparece en todas las explicaciones sobre los procesos y acciones humanas, lo que confirma que no es un comportamiento natural, sino un efecto de la interacción entre individuos, iniciada en la relación madre-bebé. Objetivo: Identificar borramientos, lapsos y resistencias en los recuerdos de madres de primogénitos, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, sobre el proceso de alimentación de sus hijos. Método: descriptivo, exploratorio realizado con madres de niños, adolescentes y adultos con desarrollo típico que respondieron un cuestionario sobre nutrición. Resultados: Las preguntas sobre lactancia materna y destete fueron respondidas de manera asertiva, demostrando que se trata de hechos simbólicos, que marcan los recuerdos maternos. Conclusión: Los recuerdos maternos de escenas de comida con sus hijos muestran los movimientos de unión y separación entre la pareja interaccional. Es posible señalar que sólo para las preguntas relacionadas con la lactancia materna y el destete las respuestas son completamente asertivas, indicando que son hechos simbólicos que marcan la memoria materna. (AU)
Humans , Female , Mental Recall , Feeding Behavior , Mothers/psychology , Weaning , Breast Feeding , Child Development , Surveys and Questionnaires , Child Nutrition , Adolescent Nutrition , Mother-Child Relations/psychologyABSTRACT
Resumen Actualmente, los rescatistas y el personal de emergencias que asiste a la comunidad en situaciones de desastre no cuentan con un tratamiento adecuado que proteja su salud mental. Las técnicas más ampliamente utilizadas como el debriefing y el defusing resultarían inefectivas para tal fin, e incluso perjudiciales a largo plazo. En el presente estudio se llevaron adelante dos cuasiexperimentos con 42 rescatistas bolivianos y 39 peruanos, para probar los efectos de la aplicación grupal de la técnica de Procesamiento Asistido en Situaciones Estresantes Recientes (PASER) en la reducción de los niveles de reactividad ansiosa vinculados al recuerdo de labores de rescate. Se utilizó el inventario de Autopercepción del Estado Emocional (APEEM), para evaluar la intensidad del recuerdo. Los resultados indicaron que la asistencia externa a la memoria de trabajo a través de la aplicación de la técnica PASER redujo significativamente la autopercepción de los niveles de perturbación emocional asociados al recuerdo en rescatistas peruanos t(38) = 6.642; p < .0001 y bolivianos t(24)=7.452; p < .0001. Estas primeras observaciones indican que la técnica PASER, aplicada de forma temprana y grupal a rescatistas y personal de emergencias, resultaría adecuada para la prevención de trastornos de ansiedad y estrés derivados de las tareas tensionantes de sus labores. La reducción temprana de esta sintomatología evitaría los frecuentes problemas de comorbilidad que conllevan los síntomas de ansiedad no tratados. Resultan necesarios nuevos estudios longitudinales para verificar la eficacia de esta intervención a largo plazo.
Abstract Currently, rescuers and emergency personnel who assist the community in disaster situations do not have adequate treatment to protect their mental health. The most widely used techniques such as debriefing and defusing would be ineffective and even harmful in the long term. In the present study, two quasi-experiments were conducted with 42 Bolivian and 39 Peruvian rescuers to test the effects of group application of the Assisted Processing in Recent Stressful Situations (PASER, for its Spanish acronym) technique on the reduction of levels of anxious reactivity associated with the memory of rescue tasks. The Self-Perception of Emotional State Inventory (APEEM, for its Spanish acronym) was used to assess the intensity of recall. Results indicated that external support of working memory through the application of the PASER technique significantly reduced self-perceived levels of emotional disturbance associated with recall in both Peruvian t(38) = 6.642; p < .0001 and Bolivian rescue workers t(24) = 7.452; p < .0001. These initial observations suggest that the PASER technique, applied early and in groups to rescuers and emergency personnel, would be appropriate for the prevention of anxiety and stress disorders resulting from the stressful tasks of their work. Early reduction of this symptomatology would avoid the frequent comorbidity problems associated with untreated anxiety symptoms. Further longitudinal studies are needed to verify the long-term effectiveness of this intervention.
Resumen El desarrollo de la lectura es un proceso acumulativo en el que progresivamente los niños se vuelven más eficaces y comienzan a enfrentar textos más extensos y complejos. Conocer los factores cognitivos y afectivos que inciden sobre el desempeño en la comprensión lectora tiene gran relevancia. Por ello, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la capacidad explicativa de la tolerancia al distrés en la comprensión lectora de textos narrativos y expositivos, considerando conjuntamente el rol de la memoria de trabajo en niños y niñas de 9 a 12 años. Se evaluaron 211 niños que cursaban cuarto a sexto año de educación primaria (117 niñas, 94 niños; edad M = 10.94, DE = 0.87 años). Se utilizó un diseño no experimental, transversal y correlacional. La TD se evaluó mediante el Indicador Comportamental de Resiliencia al Distrés, la memoria de trabajo con una tarea de amplitud compleja de dígitos, mientras que la comprensión lectora de texto narrativo y expositivo con una prueba de screening apropiada a la edad. Los resultados muestran que, al ser consideradas conjuntamente, la memoria de trabajo contribuye al desempeño en comprensión lectora tanto de textos narrativos como expositivos, mientras que la tolerancia al distrés no realiza un aporte significativo. El estudio aporta al conocimiento de factores que contribuyen al desempeño en comprensión lectora en niños y niñas de edad escolar, mostrando que la habilidad para tolerar estados emocionales negativos no aporta significativamente a la comprensión de distintos tipos de texto, cuando se considera además la capacidad de almacenar y procesar simultáneamente información.
Abstract Reading development is a cumulative process in which children progressively become more efficient and begin to deal with longer and more complex texts. Knowing the cognitive and affective factors that affect reading comprehension performance is of great relevance. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the explanatory capacity of distress tolerance in reading comprehension of narrative and expository texts, jointly considering the role of working memory in 9 to 12-year-old children. A total of 211 children who were in the fourth to sixth year of primary education were evaluated (117 girls, 94 boys; M age = 10.94, SD = 0.87 years). A non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational design was used. Distress tolerance was assessed using the Behavioral Indicator of Resilience to Distress, working memory with a complex digit span task, while CL of narrative and expository text with an age-appropriate screening test. The results show that, when considered jointly, working memory contributes to reading comprehension performance of both narrative and expository texts, while distress tolerance does not make a significant contribution. The study contributes to the knowledge of factors that contribute to reading comprehension performance in school-age children, showing that the ability to tolerate negative emotional states does not contribute significantly to comprehension of different types of text when the ability to simultaneously maintain and process information is considered.
SUMMARY: We evaluated the role and mechanism of acteoside in the regulation of memory impairment induced by chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS). CUMS was used to induce depression in rats and the successful establishment of CUMS model were verified by forced swimming test and sucrose preference test. The Y-maze test and novel object recognition test assessed memory functions. The structural changes in the cortex and hippocampus were observed by hematoxylin and eosin (HE) staining. Immunofluorescence staining and western blotting determined the protein levels. Y-maze test and novel object recognition test showed that there was memory performance impairment in rats of CUMS group, which was improved by the acteoside treatment. HE staining showed that CUMS exposure damaged the structure in the cortex and hippocampus, while the acteoside treatment alleviated the structural changes. Compared with the control group, the levels of BNDF and CREB in the cortex and hippocampus of the CUMS group were significantly decreased. Acteoside significantly reversed the expressions of these proteins in CUMS rats. Meanwhile, compared with the control group, the levels of p-mTOR and p- P70S6K in the cortex and hippocampus of the CUMS group were significantly increased, and these changes were significantly reversed by acteoside. Nevertheless, the effect of acteoside on mTOR signaling was markedly blocked by rapamycin, a specific inhibitor of mTOR signaling. Acteoside can attenuate memory impairment and ameliorate neuronal damage and synaptic plasticity in depression rats probably via inhibiting the mTOR signaling pathway. Acteoside may serve as a novel reagent for the prevention of depression.
Evaluamos el papel y el mecanismo del acteoside en la regulación del deterioro de la memoria inducido por estrés leve crónico impredecible (ELCI). Se utilizó ELCI para inducir depresión en ratas y el establecimiento exitoso del modelo ELCI se verificó mediante una prueba de natación forzada y una prueba de preferencia de sacarosa. La prueba del laberinto en Y y la prueba de reconocimiento de objetos novedosos evaluaron las funciones de la memoria. Los cambios estructurales en la corteza y el hipocampo se observaron mediante tinción con hematoxilina y eosina (HE). La tinción por inmunofluorescencia y la transferencia Western determinaron los niveles de proteína. La prueba del laberinto en Y y la prueba de reconocimiento de objetos novedosos mostraron que había un deterioro del rendimiento de la memoria en ratas del grupo ELCI, que mejoró con el tratamiento con acteósidos. La tinción con HE mostró que la exposición a ELCI dañó la estructura de la corteza y el hipocampo, mientras que el tratamiento con actósidos alivió los cambios estructurales. En comparación con el grupo de control, los niveles de BNDF y CREB en la corteza y el hipocampo del grupo ELCI disminuyeron significativamente. Acteoside revirtió significativamente las expresiones de estas proteínas en ratas ELCI. Mientras tanto, en comparación con el grupo control, los niveles de p-mTOR y p-P70S6K en la corteza y el hipocampo del grupo ELCI aumentaron significativamente, y estos cambios fueron revertidos significativamente ELCI por el acteoside. Sin embargo, el efecto del acteoside sobre la señalización de mTOR fue notablemente bloqueado por la rapamicina, un inhibidor específico de la señalización de mTOR. El acteoside puede atenuar el deterioro de la memoria y mejorar el daño neuronal y la plasticidad sináptica en ratas con depresión, probablemente mediante la inhibición de la vía de señalización mTOR. Acteoside puede servir como un reactivo novedoso para la prevención de la depresión.
Animals , Rats , Depression/drug therapy , Polyphenols/administration & dosage , Glucosides/administration & dosage , Memory Disorders/drug therapy , Stress, Psychological/complications , Blotting, Western , Fluorescent Antibody Technique , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Maze Learning , Recognition, Psychology/drug effects , Disease Models, Animal , TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases/antagonists & inhibitors , Polyphenols/therapeutic use , Behavior Rating Scale , MTOR Inhibitors , Glucosides/therapeutic use , Neuronal Plasticity/drug effects , NeuronsABSTRACT
Objectives: To verify the effect of strength, aerobic, and concurrent training on the memory of cognitively preserved older adults. Methods: A randomized controlled clinical trial will be conducted. Sedentary older adults (aged 60 to 75 years) of both genders will participate. Outcome measures will include blood biomarkers, cognitive tests, depressive symptoms, socioeconomic data, and physical assessments. Participants will be randomized into the following groups: strength training, aerobic training, concurrent training, or control. Interventions will be conducted for 12 weeks, with adherence to training sessions monitored. Pre-training values will be compared between groups using a one-way ANOVA test. Training effects will be evaluated through two-way ANOVA (time × group). The research protocol was registered in The Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials (ReBEC) (RBR-655vxdd). Expected results: We believe that concurrent training may yield greater efficacy in improving memory outcomes, combining the benefit of both training modalities. Relevance: Considering the increase in population aging and that few studies have evaluated the chronic effect of physical exercise on the memory of cognitively preserved older adults, this is a relevant topic, since much of the literature has focused on investigating older adults with some cognitive decline. Furthermore, our aim is to provide an alternative training option by combining the benefits of aerobic and strength training, thereby optimizing time and enhancing both physical capacity and memory. (AU)
Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Physical Education and Training , Aging , Physical Conditioning, Human , Exercise , Cognition , MemoryABSTRACT
India's commercial advancement and development depend heavily on agriculture. A common fruit grown in tropical settings is citrus. A professional judgment is required while analyzing an illness because different diseases have slight variati ons in their symptoms. In order to recognize and classify diseases in citrus fruits and leaves, a customized CNN - based approach that links CNN with LSTM was developed in this research. By using a CNN - based method, it is possible to automatically differenti ate from healthier fruits and leaves and those that have diseases such fruit blight, fruit greening, fruit scab, and melanoses. In terms of performance, the proposed approach achieves 96% accuracy, 98% sensitivity, 96% Recall, and an F1 - score of 92% for ci trus fruit and leave identification and classification and the proposed method was compared with KNN, SVM, and CNN and concluded that the proposed CNN - based model is more accurate and effective at identifying illnesses in citrus fruits and leaves.
El avance y desarrollo comercial de India dependen en gran medida de la agricultura. Un tipo de fruta comunmente cultivada en en tornos tropicales es el cítrico. Se requiere un juicio profesional al analizar una enfermedad porque diferentes enfermedades tienen ligeras variaciones en sus síntomas. Para reconocer y clasificar enfermedades en frutas y hojas de cítricos, se desarrolló e n esta investigación un enfoque personalizado basado en CNN que vincula CNN con LSTM. Al utilizar un método basado en CNN, es posible diferenciar automáticamente entre frutas y hojas más saludables y aquellas que tienen enfermedades como la plaga de frutas , el verdor de frutas, la sarna de frutas y las melanosis. En términos de desempeño, el enfoque propuesto alcanza una precisión del 96%, una sensibilidad del 98%, una recuperación del 96% y una puntuación F1 del 92% para la identificación y clasificación d e frutas y hojas de cítricos, y el método propuesto se comparó con KNN, SVM y CNN y se concluyó que el modelo basado en CNN propuesto es más preciso y efectivo para identificar enfermedades en frutas y hojas de cítricos.
Plant Diseases/classification , Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted , Citrus , Neural Networks, Computer , Plant LeavesABSTRACT
Resumen Antecedentes: La hipertensión arterial sistémica (HAS) es el principal factor de riesgo para el deterioro cognitivo; por otro lado, la memoria visuoespacial es más vulnerable al envejecimiento. Algunos fármacos antihipertensivos tienen un efecto neuroprotector, pero tal efecto puede enmascararse o bien no manifestarse por comorbilidad o por falta de control efectivo de la presión arterial. Objetivo: Evaluar las alteraciones en la memoria visuoespacial incidental de pacientes con HAS en relación con su tratamiento antihipertensivo y su control de la presión. Método: Se incluyeron 80 pacientes con HAS (46 mujeres), agrupados por su medicación en bloqueadores de los receptores de la angiotensina II (BRA) o inhibidores de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina (IECA). Se realizó un análisis de correlaciones múltiples para los puntajes obtenidos en la prueba de memoria visuoespacial incidental/intencional y un análisis de modelos mixtos (factores fijos: tratamiento, control de la presión y comorbilidad con diabetes; factores aleatorios: edad, escolaridad, meses desde el diagnóstico de HAS y coeficiente intelectual). Resultados: De los pacientes controlados, la mayoría de los que recibían BRA fueron eficientes y los que recibían IECA fueron deficientes. De los que recibían IECA, los descontrolados hipertensos fueron más eficientes que los normotensos. La memoria visuoespacial se correlacionó negativamente con la presión sistólica a pesar de no haber diferencias en MoCA y Raven. Conclusiones: La eficiencia en la memoria visuoespacial dependió de la interacción del tratamiento y el control de la presión. Ambos factores, tratamiento y control efectivo de la presión, deben considerarse en la evaluación del deterioro cognitivo asociado a la HAS.
Abstract Background: Systemic hypertension (SH) is the main risk factor to cognitive deterioration, whereas visuospatial memory is more vulnerable to ageing. Some antihypertensive agents have a neuroprotector effect, however, such effects could be masked by comorbidities and/or the lack of effective control on the arterial pressure of patients. Objective: To assess this, the evaluation of incidental visuospatial memory of SH patients and the relation to the treatment received and the effective control of pressure were made. Method: 80 patients (46 woman) were included grouped by the received medication: angiotensin 2 receptor blockers (ARB) or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI). A multiple correlation analysis between visuospatial scores and clinical variables was made; also, a mixed model analysis (fixed factors: treatment, pressure control, diabetes comorbidity; aleatory factors: age, schooling, months from SH diagnoses). Results: Half of the patients had a controlled pressure, from them the higher proportion received ARB, and a minor number of patients received ACEI. The normotensive patients receiving ACEI were inefficient whereas the hypertensive patients were more efficient. The systolic pressure was negatively related with the visuospatial scores in spite of no correlations occurred with MoCA and Raven tests. Conclusions: The visuospatial incidental/intentional scores were negatively correlated with systolic pressure. The efficiency in the visuospatial ability depends on the interaction of treatment and effective control of blood pressure. The interaction between treatment and effective pressure control must be taken in count when cognitive deterioration is studied.
INTRODUCCIÓN: Los factores de riesgo psicosociales como determinantes de la salud en el trabajo pueden afectar tanto al bienestar físico como al bienestar psíquico del trabajador. En los sistemas de formación que incluyen contenidos cognitivo-preventivos, funcionan mejor cuando la construcción del conocimiento está basada en el neuroaprendizaje. El objetivo del estudio fue comparar el grado de procesamiento de contenidos con inserción de frases disuasivas (grupo A) versus inserción de frases persuasivas (grupo B), como efecto de una capacitación con aproximación al neuroaprendizaje de la salud psicosocial en el trabajo de un grupo de profesionales con seguro sanitario de la Amazonía peruana. MÉTODOS: Diseño experimental con pre/posprueba, que incluyó dos grupos experimentales más un grupo de control: n = 48 sujetos en total, 16 por cada grupo, con edades entre 22 y 36 años. La capacitación se desarrolló entre diciembre de 2018 y enero de 2019 con una duración de 18 horas, espaciadas en seis semanas. Para la recogida de datos se utilizó un registro previamente validado por cinco expertos. RESULTADOS: La distribución de datos en los grupos fue adecuada tanto en preprueba como en posprueba, excepto en posprueba del grupo B (p = 0,002). En el grupo control los resultados del procesamiento de contenidos, tanto preprueba como en posprueba, se mantuvieron similares (p = 0,667). El procesamiento de contenidos sobre salud psicosocial en el trabajo en posprueba fue significativamente diferente entre los grupos de intervención y el grupo control (p = 0,001), distinguiéndose el procesamiento de contenidos con inserción de frases disuasivas. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados indican que la capacitación con aproximación al neuroaprendizaje, puede mejorar el procesamiento de contenidos con inserción de frases disuasivas para el cumplimiento de normativas orientadas a promover la salud psicosocial en el trabajo.
INTRODUCTION: Psychosocial risk factors as determinants of health at work can affect both the physical and psychological well-being of the worker. Training systems that include cognitive-preventive content work best when knowledge construction is based on neurolearning. The purpose of this study was to compare the degree of content processing with the insertion of deterrent (group A) versus persuasive sentences (group B) as an effect of a training with a neurolearning approach to psychosocial health in the work of a group of professionals with health insurance in the Peruvian Amazon. METHODS: Experimental design with pre-/post-test, including two experimental groups plus a control group, n = 48 subjects in total and 16 per group, aged 22-36 years. The training took place between December 2018 and January 2019 with a duration of 18 hours spaced over six weeks. A register previously validated by five experts was used for data collection. RESULTS: The distribution of data in the groups was adequate in both pre-test and post-test, except in post-test in group "B" (p = 0.002). In the control group, the results of content processing in both pre-test and post-test remained similar (p = 0.667). The processing of psychosocial occupational health content in the post-test was significantly different between the intervention and control groups (p = 0.001), distinguishing the processing of content with the insertion of deterrent phrases. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that training with a neurolearning approach can improve the processing of content with the insertion of deterrent phrases for compliance with regulations aimed at promoting psychosocial health at work.
Humans , Research Design , Insurance, Health , Peru , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Recent clinical studies have shown that mutation of phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) gene in cancer cells may be associated with immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment (TME) and poor response to immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy. Therefore, efficiently restoring PTEN gene expression in cancer cells is critical to improving the responding rate to ICB therapy. Here, we screened an adeno-associated virus (AAV) capsid for efficient PTEN gene delivery into B16F10 tumor cells. We demonstrated that intratumorally injected AAV6-PTEN successfully restored the tumor cell PTEN gene expression and effectively inhibited tumor progression by inducing tumor cell immunogenic cell death (ICD) and increasing immune cell infiltration. Moreover, we developed an anti-PD-1 loaded phospholipid-based phase separation gel (PPSG), which formed an in situ depot and sustainably release anti-PD-1 drugs within 42 days in vivo. In order to effectively inhibit the recurrence of melanoma, we further applied a triple therapy based on AAV6-PTEN, PPSG@anti-PD-1 and CpG, and showed that this triple therapy strategy enhanced the synergistic antitumor immune effect and also induced robust immune memory, which completely rejected tumor recurrence. We anticipate that this triple therapy could be used as a new tumor combination therapy with stronger immune activation capacity and tumor inhibition efficacy.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a leading cause of dementia in the elderly. Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 1 (MKP-1) plays a neuroprotective role in AD. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of MKP-1 on AD have not been extensively studied. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level, thereby repressing mRNA translation. Here, we reported that the microRNA-429-3p (miR-429-3p) was significantly increased in the brain of APP23/PS45 AD model mice and N2AAPP AD model cells. We further found that miR-429-3p could downregulate MKP-1 expression by directly binding to its 3'-untranslated region (3' UTR). Inhibition of miR-429-3p by its antagomir (A-miR-429) restored the expression of MKP-1 to a control level and consequently reduced the amyloidogenic processing of APP and Aβ accumulation. More importantly, intranasal administration of A-miR-429 successfully ameliorated the deficits of hippocampal CA1 long-term potentiation and spatial learning and memory in AD model mice by suppressing extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2)-mediated GluA1 hyperphosphorylation at Ser831 site, thereby increasing the surface expression of GluA1-containing α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptors (AMPARs). Together, these results demonstrate that inhibiting miR-429-3p to upregulate MKP-1 effectively improves cognitive and synaptic functions in AD model mice, suggesting that miR-429/MKP-1 pathway may be a novel therapeutic target for AD treatment.
Objective To investigate the effect of microglia activation regulated by C-X3-C motif chemokine ligand 1(CX3CL1)-C-X3-C motif chemokine receptor 1(CX3CR1)pathway on memory function in hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation rats.Methods The experiment was divided into two parts.In the first part,the rats were randomly divided into sham group,model-0.5 hour group,model-1.5 hour group,model-3 hour group,10 rats in each group.There were differences in the time of hemorrhagic shock among each group.In the second part,rats were randomly divided into control group and CX3CL1 group,10 rats in each group.The rats in CX3CL1 group were treated with CX3CL1 protein factor(intraventricular injection),and the rats in control group were treated with saline.All rats were trained in Morris water maze experiments before model construction,and tests of Morris water maze experiments were carried out after 4 days of model construction.After completion,the whole brains were taken for HE staining and immunohistochemical staining.Cerebrospinal fluid was taken for detection of inflammatory cytokines,and hippocampus tissues were taken for Real-time PCR detection and Western blotting detection.Results Compared with the sham group,the escape latency of rats in model group increased,the number of platform crossings and the resident time in the third quadrant decreased.The neuronal state was impaired in HE staining in model group.In addition,compared with the sham group,the expression of ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule-1(Iba1)in the brain of the rats in model group increased,the contents of tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α)and interleukin(IL)-6 in the cerebrospinal fluid increased,and the M1-type microglia markers CD16,TNF-α,IL-1β and inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS)mRNA content increased.At the same time,compared with the sham group,the expressions of CX3CL1 and CX3CR1 in the brain of model group decreased,and the expressions of phosphorylated nuclear factor-κB(p-NF-κB)and nucleotide binding oligomerization domain(NOD)-like receptor protein 3(NLRP3)increased.However,compared with the control group,rats in CX3CL1 group had reduced escape latency,increased platform crossing times and quadrantⅢresident time,and recovered neuronal states.In addition,the expression of Iba1 in the brain of CX3CL1 group decreased,the contents of TNF-α and IL-6 in the cerebrospinal fluid decreased,the mRNA contents of M1-type microglia markers like CD16,TNF-α,IL-1β and iNOS decreased,and the mRNA contents of markers of M2-type microglia glial like CD206,transforming growth factor-β(TGF-β),arginase-1(Arg1),Chitinase 3-like protein 1(Ym 1)increased.Conclusion CX3CL1 can help inhibit the excessive activation of microglia,induce the polarization of microglia to M2 type,inhibit the polarization of M1 type,reduce the release of inflammatory cytokines,and alleviate the memory function damage induced by hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation.
Active physical exercise can effectively alleviate the pathological process of chronic cerebral ischemia(CCH)and improve learning and memory ability.This paper reviews the possible biological mechanisms of aerobic exercise to delay the pathological process of chronic cerebral ischemia and improve learning and memory.Previous studies have found that aerobic exercise can improve the neuroprotective effect,enhance the plasticity of hippocampal synapses,improve the activity of the upper and lower pathways of hippocampal tissue,and improve learning and memory ability.However,the intervention effect of aerobic exercise on chronic cerebral ischemia should be fully considered at the intervention time,and the intervention effect is also different.
Objective:To investigate possible neuromodulatory mechanisms involved in the involvement of parvalbu-min(PV)expression in the basal ganglia output nuclei,entopeduncular nucleus(EPN)and substantia nigra pars etic-ulata(SNr),in exercise-induced chronic fatigue impairs working memory capacity.Methods:Male SD rats were divid-ed into control group and Fatigue group by random number method,and a three-stage incremental load treadmill training program was selected to establish a chronic exhaustion exercise-induced fatigue rat model.The working memory ability of rats was assessed by the Y-maze autonomous alternation experiment.Immunohistochemical staining was used to ob-serve the expression of parvalbumin(PV)positive neurons and cysteine aspartate-specific protease-3(caspase-3)in EPN and SNr of rats.Results:The accuracy of voluntary alternation in the fatigue group was obviously lower than that in control group(P<0.05).The results of immunohistochemical staining showed that the density of PV positive neu-rons and the degree of positive fiber staining in EPN and SNr in the fatigue group were obviously lower than those in the control group(P<0.05,P<0.01).The number of caspase-3 positive cells per unit area of EPN and SNr in the fa-tigue group was obviously higher than that in the control group(P<0.05,P<0.01).Conclusion:The mechanism of impairing working memory in rats caused by exercise-induced chronic fatigue may be related to the apoptosis of PV posi-tive neurons in EPN and SNr.
Trained immunity has been a novel term in immunology for over a decade, referring to the memory immunity produced by the innate immune system upon re-stimulation.Non-specific training of the immune system enhances the immune defense function and is also involved in allergic inflammation and autoimmune diseases.An increasing number of researchers are focusing on the role of immune training in the prevention, treatment, onset and progression of diseases.This review explains the definition, mechanism, and inducers of immune training and its impact on children′s health and disease, in order to enhance pediatricians′ comprehension of trained immunity.
Objective To construct an in vitro"metabolic memory"cell model of HT-22 mouse hippocampal neurons induced by high glucose,and to investigate the effect of"metabolic memory"on apoptosis and histone acetylation in HT-22 cells.Methods HT-22 cells were cultured in high glucose medium(glucose concentration was 55 mmol/L)and conventional glucose medium(glucose concentration was 25 mmol/L),and cells were divided into the control group(NG 4,6 and 8 groups,25 mmol/L glucose was cultured for 4,6 and 8 days,respectively),the high glucose group(HG 4,6 and 8 groups,respectively)and the metabolic memory group(HG2NG2,HG2NG4,HG2NG6,HG4NG2 and HG4NG4 groups,high glucose culture for 2 days to 25 mmol/L glucose culture for 2,4 or 6 days,high glucose culture for 4 days to 25 mmol/L glucose culture for 2 or 4 days).Cell viability was detected by CCK-8 method.The release of lactate dehydrogenase(LDH)in cell culture supernatant was detected,and the optimal time to establish a"metabolic memory"model was selected.Subsequently,cells were divided into the NG4 group,the NG8 group,the HG4 group,the HG4NG4 group and the HG8 group,and the cell morphology of each group was observed by optical microscope.The apoptosis rate was detected by flow cytometry.The activities of deacetylase(HDAC)and histone acetyltransferase(HAT)were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).Western blot assay was used to detect expression levels of histone deacetylase 4(HDAC4),B lymphocyte tumor 2(Bcl-2),Bcl-2 related X protein(Bax)and Caspase-3 protein.Results The HG4NG4 group was the ideal cell model with high glucose metabolic memory.Cells of the NG4 group and the NG8 group were interwoven into a dense network,growing well,with spindle shaped cells and distinct synaptic structures.However,in the HG4 group and the HG8 group,the cell body became round,synaptic structure disappeared and growth was inhibited.In the HG4NG4 group,the number of cells increased but their morphology was damaged.Results of flow cytometry showed that compared with the NG8 group,the apoptosis rates were significantly increased in the HG8 group and the HG4NG4 group(P<0.05).ELISA results showed that compared with the NG8 group,the expression levels of HDAC4,Bax,and Caspase-3 proteins increased in the HG8 group and the HG4NG4 group,while the expression level of Bcl-2 protein significantly decreased(P<0.05).Compared with the HG8 group,there were no significant differences in protein expression levels of HAT and HDAC in the HG4NG4 group.Western blot reslts showed that compared with the NG8 group,the levels of HDAC4,Bax and Caspase-3 protein increased in the HG8 group and the HG4NG4 group(P<0.05).Compared with the HG8 group,there were no significant differences in protein expression levels in the HG4NG4 group.Conclusion HT-22 mouse hippocampal neurons cultured with 55mmol/L high glucose for 4 days,and then cultured with 25 mmol/L glucose for 4 days are the ideal"metabolic memory"cell model.The mechanism may be related to the increased activity of HDAC,HAT and HDAC4 expression in the hyperglycemic model.
BACKGROUND:The effect of electroacupuncture on the proliferation and differentiation of hippocampal oligodendrocytes in model mice with Alzheimer's disease remains poorly understood while demyelinating reaction related to oligodendrocytes is a common pathological reaction of Alzheimer's disease. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effects and mechanism of electroacupuncture stimulation of"Baihui"(GV 20),"Fengfu"(GV 16)and bilateral"Shenshu"(BL 23)in Alzheimer's disease model mice on the proliferation and differentiation of endogenous neural stem cells to neurons and oligodendrocytes. METHODS:Forty 6-week-old SPF APP/PS1 transgenic male Alzheimer's disease model mice were randomly divided into electroacupuncture group(n=20)and Alzheimer's disease model group(n=20).Healthy male C57BL/6J mice of the same age were used as normal controls(n=20).The mice in the electroacupuncture group received electroacupuncture at"Baihui"(GV 20),"Fengfu"(GV 16)and bilateral"Shenshu"(BL 23)for 16 weeks(20 minutes/day and one day off a week).After electroacupuncture,Morris water maze was used to detect the changes of learning and memory function.Immunohistochemistry was utilized to detect hippocampal dentate gyrus β-amyloid senile plaques.The expression of BrdU/NeuN and BrdU/GALC in the hippocampal dentate gyrus was detected by immunofluorescence double labeling.Western blot assay was used to detect the expression levels of neuron specific protein Nestin and oligodendrocyte specific protein GALC in the hippocampus.mRNA and protein levels of Notch1 and Hes1 in the hippocampus were detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR and western blot assay. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Compared with the normal control group,the ability of learning and memory in the Alzheimer's disease model group decreased significantly;hippocampal dentate gyrus β-amyloid senile plaques increased significantly(P<0.01);the expression of GALC and Nestin in the hippocampus decreased significantly(P<0.01,P<0.05).(2)Compared with the Alzheimer's disease model group,the learning and memory ability of the electroacupuncture group was significantly increased;β-amyloid senile plaque in the hippocampal dentate gyrus decreased significantly(P<0.01).BrdU/NeuN double labeled positive cells in the hippocampal dentate gyrus and Nestin protein expression in the hippocampus increased significantly(P<0.01,P<0.05);GALC expression in hippocampus increased significantly(P<0.01).The mRNA and protein levels of Notch1 in the hippocampus were significantly increased(P<0.05,P<0.01).The mRNA and protein levels of Hes1 in the hippocampus decreased significantly(P<0.05).(3)These findings indicate that electroacupuncture at"Baihui"(GV 20),"Fengfu"(GV 16)and bilateral"Shenshu"(BL 23)of the Alzheimer's disease model infant mice can promote the proliferation and differentiation of endogenous neural stem cells to neurons and oligodendrocytes,which may be regulated through the Notch1/Hes1 pathway.
BACKGROUND:Unaccustomed exercise triggers skeletal muscle damage,but produces a specific training effect that reduces muscle re-injury to reduce pain-muscle memory. OBJECTIVE:Based on the etiology of delayed onset muscle soreness,to review the existence and possible mechanism of skeletal muscle memory in delayed onset muscle soreness and to present new insights into the prevention and treatment of delayed onset muscle soreness. METHODS:The first author searched in PubMed,Embase,Web of Science,CNKI and WanFang databases for relevant literature published from January 1990 to December 2022.The keywords were"DOMS,skeletal muscle memory,exercise skeletal muscle adaptation,repeat turn effect,exercise and autophagy,autophagy and inflammation"in English and Chinese,respectively.A total of 102 articles were finally included for review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The etiology of delayed onset muscle soreness is currently believed to be an acute inflammatory response due to metabolic disorders,mechanical injury and oxidative stress,while exercise-induced skeletal muscle memory can reduce delayed onset muscle soreness and exercise re-injury.When the duration,frequency and intensity of centrifugal training are gradually increased,symptoms of the injury can be minimized or even avoided.Therefore,based on the mechanism of exercise-induced skeletal muscle memory,it is the future research direction to find more effective ways to prevent and alleviate exercise-induced muscle injury.This review aims to(1)clarify the existence of exercise-induced skeletal muscle memory;(2)explore the possible mechanisms of exercise-induced skeletal muscle memory and propose the relationship between this memory and skeletal muscle autophagy;and(3)provide new strategies for the prevention and treatment of delayed onset muscle soreness by improving the level of skeletal muscle autophagy.