Hábitos alimentares inadequados, sedentarismo e a maior expectativa de vida da população contribuem significativamente para a prevalência da síndrome metabólica. Essa doença predispõe uma pessoa a desenvolver diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e doenças cardiovasculares, as quais têm um amplo impacto na saúde pública, induzindo sobrecarga no sistema de saúde e reduzindo a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos afetados. A síndrome metabólica é uma doença multifatorial e está relacionada ao processo de envelhecimento, contudo, ainda há uma lacuna significativa, em termos de estudos, sobre a prevalência da condição em populações idosas. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo objetivou rastrear a prevalência da síndrome metabólica em participantes da Universidade Aberta da Terceira Idade (UNATI), localizada em Francisco Beltrão, Paraná. Os critérios diagnósticos de síndrome metabólica abordados nesta pesquisa incluem: circunferência abdominal ≥ 90 cm para homens e ≥ 80 cm para mulheres, triglicerídeos ≥ 150 mg/dL, HDL ≤ 40 mg/dL para homens e ≤ 50 mg/dL para mulheres, pressão arterial sistólica ≥ 130 mmHg e/ou pressão arterial diastólica ≥ 85 mmHg ou estar em farmacoterapia para hipertensão, além de glicemia de jejum ≥ 100 mg/dL ou estar em tratamento farmacológico para diabetes. Um total de 44 idosos foram avaliados, apresentando uma média de idade de 66,9 ± 7,1 anos, com uma predominância de mulheres (88%). Os resultados revelaram uma prevalência alarmante de síndrome metabólica, atingindo 36,4% da amostra estudada. Além disso, observou-se uma alta prevalência de condições associadas, como hipertensão arterial (67,2%), sobrepeso (58,6%) e obesidade visceral (31%). Esses achados ressaltam a importância da implementação de medidas preventivas direcionadas à promoção da qualidade de vida saudável e ao controle dos fatores de risco metabólicos.
Inadequate dietary habits, sedentary lifestyle, and increased life expectancy significantly contribute to the prevalence of metabolic syndrome. This condition predisposes an individual to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases, which have a broad impact on public health, inducing a burden on the healthcare system and reducing the quality of life of affected individuals. Metabolic syndrome is a multifactorial disease and is related to the aging process; however, there is still a significant gap in terms of studies on the prevalence of the condition in elderly populations. In this context, this study aimed to screen the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in participants of the Open University for the Third Age (UNATI), located in Francisco Beltrão, Paraná. The diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome addressed in this research include: abdominal circumference ≥ 90 cm for men and ≥ 80 cm for women, triglycerides ≥ 150 mg/dL, HDL ≤ 40 mg/dL for men and ≤ 50 mg/dL for women, systolic blood pressure ≥ 130 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥ 85 mmHg or being on pharmacotherapy for hypertension, in addition to fasting glucose ≥ 100 mg/dL or being on pharmacological treatment for diabetes. A total of 44 elderly individuals were evaluated, with a mean age of 66.9 ± 7.1 years, predominantly women (88%). The results revealed an alarming prevalence of metabolic syndrome, affecting 36.4% of the studied sample. Furthermore, a high prevalence of associated conditions was observed, such as arterial hypertension (67.2%), overweight (58.6%), and visceral obesity (31%). These findings underscore the importance of implementing preventive measures aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles and controlling metabolic risk factors.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , AgedABSTRACT
Introducción: La enfermedad por hígado graso no alcohólico es una de las principales causas de afección hepática. La citoqueratina 18 surge como marcador no invasivo para la valoración de fibrosis hepática. El objetivo del trabajo fue validar el uso de la citoqueratina 18 en sangre periférica en el diagnóstico y evolución de los pacientes con enfermedad por hígado graso no alcohólico. Metodología: Para validar la citoqueratina 18 en el diagnóstico se realizó un estudio de tipo caso-control. El grupo caso fueron los pacientes mayores de 18 años, de ambos sexos, con diagnóstico de enfermedad por hígado graso no alcohólico vinculado al síndrome metabólico, captados entre 2/2/2019 al 2/2/2020. El grupo control fueron personas donantes de sangre. Se parearon 1-1 por edad y sexo. Se cuantificó la citoqueratina 18 en sangre periférica de ambos grupos. Para validar la citoqueratina 18 en la evolución de los pacientes con enfermedad de hígado graso no alcohólico se realizó un trabajo prospectivo, longitudinal. El grupo de pacientes captados fueron seguidos durante un año bajo tratamiento estándar, finalizando el mismo se realizó la cuantificación de citoqueratina 18 en sangre periférica. Las variables continuas se expresan con la media y desvío estándar. Se analizó con test de t Student, error α < 5% Resultados: 13 pacientes integran el grupo caso (12 mujeres), de 53 ± 11 años, con IMC 35.01 ± 8.9 kg/m2. El valor de citoqueratina 18 pre-tratamiento fue de 1410 ± 120 UI, y el valor post-tratamiento fue de 117 ± 56, p < 0,005.El grupo control fueron 13 personas (12 mujeres), de 43,4 ± 8,1 años e IMC 28,10 ± 5,4 kg/m2 El valor de citoqueratina 18 fue de 193 ± 7.2 UI, p < 0.005 vs grupo caso pretratamiento. Conclusiones: La citoqueratina 18 es más elevada en los pacientes con enfermedad hígado graso no alcohólico, siendo estadísticamente significativa y disminuye con el tratamiento con significación estadística, pudiendo constituirse en un marcador útil en este grupo de pacientes.
Introduction: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is one of the main causes of liver disease. Cytokeratin 18 emerges as a non-invasive marker for the assessment of liver fibrosis. The objective of the work was to validate the use of cytokeratin 18 in peripheral blood in the diagnosis and evolution of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Methodology: To validate cytokeratin 18 in the diagnosis, a case-control study was carried out. The case group was patients over 18 years of age, of both sexes, with a diagnosis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease linked to metabolic syndrome, recruited between 2/2/2019 to 2/2/2020. The control group were blood donors. They were matched 1-1 for age and sex. Cytokeratin 18 was quantified in peripheral blood of both groups. To validate cytokeratin 18 in the evolution of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, a prospective, longitudinal study was carried out. The group of patients recruited were followed for one year under standard treatment, at the end of which cytokeratin 18 was quantified in peripheral blood. Continuous variables are expressed with the mean and standard deviation. It was analyzed with Student's t test, α error < 5%. Results: 13 patients make up the case group (12 women), 53 ± 11 years old, with BMI 35.01 ± 8.9 kg/m2. The pre-treatment cytokeratin 18 value was 1410 ± 120 IU, and the post-treatment value was 117 ± 56, p < 0.005. The control group was 13 people (12 women), 43.4 ± 8.1 years and BMI 28.10 ± 5.4 kg/m2 The cytokeratin 18 value was 193 ± 7.2 IU, p < 0.005 vs. pretreatment case group. Conclusions: Cytokeratin 18 is higher in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, being statistically significant, and decreases with treatment with statistical significance, and may become a useful marker in this group of patients.
Introdução: A doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica é uma das principais causas de doença hepática. A citoqueratina 18 surge como um marcador não invasivo para avaliação de fibrose hepática. O objetivo do trabalho foi validar o uso da citoqueratina 18 no sangue periférico no diagnóstico e evolução de pacientes com doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica. Metodologia: Para validar a citoqueratina 18 no diagnóstico, foi realizado um estudo caso-controle. O grupo caso foi composto por pacientes maiores de 18 anos, de ambos os sexos, com diagnóstico de doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica ligada à síndrome metabólica, recrutados entre 02/02/2019 a 02/02/2020. O grupo controle eram doadores de sangue. Eles foram comparados em 1 a 1 por idade e sexo. A citoqueratina 18 foi quantificada no sangue periférico de ambos os grupos. Para validar a citoqueratina 18 na evolução de pacientes com doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica, foi realizado um estudo prospectivo e longitudinal. O grupo de pacientes recrutados foi acompanhado durante um ano sob tratamento padrão, ao final do qual a citoqueratina 18 foi quantificada no sangue periférico. As variáveis ââcontínuas são expressas com média e desvio padrão. Foi analisado com teste t de Student, erro α < 5%. Resultados: Compõem o grupo caso 13 pacientes (12 mulheres), 53 ± 11 anos, com IMC 35,01 ± 8,9 kg/m2. O valor de citoqueratina 18 pré-tratamento foi de 1410 ± 120 UI e o valor pós-tratamento foi de 117 ± 56, p < 0,005. O grupo controle foi de 13 pessoas (12 mulheres), 43,4 ± 8,1 anos e IMC 28,10 ± 5,4 kg/m2 O valor da citoqueratina 18 foi de 193 ± 7,2 UI, p < 0,005 vs. grupo de casos pré-tratamento. Conclusões: A citoqueratina 18 é maior em pacientes com doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica, sendo estatisticamente significativa, e diminui com o tratamento com significância estatística, podendo se tornar um marcador útil neste grupo de pacientes.
Resumen El síndrome metabólico (SM) se asocia con alteraciones metabólicas e inflamatorias que imprimen un mayor riesgo de desarrollar diabetes y enfermedades cardiovasculares y tiene como base la resistencia insulínica. La alimentación, sedentarismo, educación y distribución del ingreso pueden influir en la aparición del SM. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer la prevalencia del SM y los factores de riesgo cardiovascular asociados en una población vulnerable, adulta y urbana, que acudió voluntariamente luego de una campaña de difusión, a un hospital de atención primaria en la ciudad de San Luis, Argentina. En 451 sujetos, 205 hombres y 246 mujeres (45,5±12,4 años) se analizaron datos personales, antropométricos y biomarcadores: colesterol total, colesterol HDL (c-HDL), colesterol LDL, triglicéridos, glucosa, insulina, proteína C reactiva ultrasensible (PCRus), apolipoproteínas A y B, ácido úrico e índices subrogados de insulina. El SM se estableció empleando la definición armonizada de SM (2009). El 80% de la población no completó la educación formal. Los hombres estaban desempleados o con trabajo informal (70%). El 51,4% de la población cumplía con el criterio de SM (50,0% mujeres y 53,1% hombres). Entre los componentes del SM, la tríada más frecuente en mujeres y hombres, fue: c-HDL disminuido, circunferencia de cintura elevada e hipertrigliceridemia. El SM aumentó con la edad en los hombres. Las mujeres con SM presentaron niveles altos de PCRus. El conocimiento de la prevalencia local, tanto de la obesidad como del SM, permite valorar la magnitud del problema en cada comunidad, establecer medidas de prevención, control y compararlo con otras realidades epidemiológicas.
Abstract Metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with metabolic and inflammatory alterations that increase the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, based on insulin resistance. Diet, sedentary lifestyle, education and income distribution can influence the appearance of MS. The objective of the study was to know the prevalence of MS and associated cardiovascular risk factors in a vulnerable, adult and urban population, that voluntarily attends after diffusion campaign, to a primary care hospital in the city of San Luis, Argentina. In 451 subjects, 205 men and 246 women (45.5±12.4 years), personal, anthropometric and biomarker data were analysed: total cholesterol HDL cholesterol (HDL-c), LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose, insulin, ultrasensitive C-reactive protein (usCRP), apolipoproteins A and B, uric acid and insulin surrogate indices. The MS was established using the harmonised definition of MS (2009). Eighty percent of the population did not complete formal education. Men were unemployed or in informal work (70%). A total of 51.4% of the population had the MS criteria (50.0% women and 53.1% men). Among the components of MS, the most frequent triad in women and men, were: decreased HDL-c, elevated waist circumference and hypertriglyceridemia. The prevalence of MS increased with age in men. Women with MS presented high levels of usCRP. Knowledge of the local prevalence of both obesity and MS would allow enable the assessment of the magnitude of the problem in each community, establish prevention and control measures, and compare it with other epidemiological realities.
Resumo A síndrome metabólica (SM) está associada a alterações metabólicas e inflamatórias que aumentam o risco de desenvolvimento de diabetes e doenças cardiovasculares, considerando a resistência à insulina. A alimentação, o sedentarismo, a escolaridade e a distribuição de renda podem influenciar o aparecimento da SM. O objetivo do estudo foi conhecer a prevalência da SM e os fatores de risco cardiovascular associados em uma população vulnerável, adulta e urbana, que compareceu voluntariamente a um hospital de atenção primária na cidade de San Luis, Argentina, após uma campanha de divulgação. Em 451 indivíduos, 205 homens e 246 mulheres (45,5±12,4 anos), foram analisados dados pessoais, antropométricos e de biomarcadores: colesterol total, colesterol HDL (c-HDL), colesterol LDL, triglicerídeos, glicose, insulina, proteína C reativa ultrassensível (PCRus), apolipoproteínas A e B, ácido úrico e índices substitutos de insulina. A SM foi estabelecida utilizando a definição harmonizada de SM (2009). Oitenta por cento da população não concluiu a educação formal. Os homens estavam desempregados ou em trabalho informal (70%). 51,4% da população atendia os critérios da SM (50,0% mulheres e 53,1% homens). Dentre os componentes da SM, a tríade mais frequente em mulheres e homens: c-HDL diminuído, circunferência abdominal elevada e hipertrigliceridemia. SM aumentou com a idade nos homens. Mulheres com SM apresentaram níveis elevados de PCRus. O conhecimento da prevalência local da obesidade quanto da SM permite avaliar a magnitude do problema em cada comunidade, estabelecer medidas de prevenção e controle e compará-lo com outras realidades epidemiológicas.
Background: The exact nature of the association between metabolic syndrome (MetS) and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) is still not completely understood. There appears to be support for the hypothesis that metabolic and pathological derangements characterizing MetS can promote the development and progression of Benign Prostatic Enlargement and LUTS. Methods: A total of 212 patients were included in the study, of whom 106 (50%) had LUTS and metabolic syndrome and 106 (50%) had LUTS without metabolic syndrome. The severity of the patient抯 lower urinary tract symptoms was assessed by the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). Erectile function was assessed by a 5 question International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) Questionnaire. MetS was defined according to the National Cholesterol Education Program-Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATPIII). Results: The study showed a statistically significant association between prostate volume, IPSS score, and each individual component of metabolic syndrome. There is a significant association between metabolic syndrome and sexual dysfunction in men, and the severity of lower urinary tract symptoms is correlated with the severity of erectile dysfunction in the age group in the department of urology. Conclusions: Patients with MetS, characterized by increased waist circumference, BMI, triglycerides, and decreased HDL levels, exhibited more severe Lower urinary tract symptoms, along with heightened sexual dysfunction, particularly erectile and ejaculatory dysfunction.
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide (WHO, 2017). In addition to the global and national morbidity and mortality burdens of the disease, it imposes a substantial economic burden on society. The American heart association predicts that by 2035, 45% of Americans will suffer from CVD with costs expected to reach $1.1 trillion annually. Clinical trials have demonstrated that a nut-containing diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol, while high in poly and monounsaturated fatty acids has a beneficial effect on plasma lipids and lipoproteins when compared with either a low fat or average American diet. Other bioactive compounds present in walnuts, including micronutrients, fiber, and phytochemicals, may also contribute to their cardio protective effect by reducing inflammation, improving vascular reactivity, and lowering oxidative stress. It has been demonstrated that the consumption of walnuts resulted in significant reduction in body mass index (BMI), percentage of body fat, increased lean body mass and an increased amount of water in the body. A large population cohort study also demonstrated a marked reduction in body weight and other anthropometric parameters in people on regular consumption of walnuts.
El síndrome metabólico (SM) se previene controlando sus factores de riesgo, el programa de reforma de vida (PRV) busca el control y regulación de estos. Objetivo: evaluar el impacto del PRV. Materiales y métodos: Investigación aplicativo, longitudinal, prospectivo, diseño longitudinal, inductivo y deductivo, en una población inicial de 104 trabajadores de una universidad del Perú, la población final fue 31 quienes completaron el programa, los factores de riesgo fueron evaluados por un laboratorista clínico, se utilizó fichas de recolección y se procesó con el programa SPSS V.26, prueba de Wilcoxon y T de Student según el criterio de normalidad. Resultados: el PRV disminuye los niveles de triglicéridos, promedio antes 235,6 mg/dl y después 196,1 mg/dl, no se evidencio efectos positivos en el resto de los factores de riesgo. En personas con algún factor de riesgo el PRV impacto positivamente; antes del PRV 2 personas tenían la glucosa >= a 100 mg/dl y después del PRV 1, en cuanto al perímetro abdominal ≥ 90cm M, ≥ 80cm F antes (30), después (19), presión arterial ≥130/85 mmHg antes (06), después (0), triglicéridos ≥ 150 mg/dl antes (30), después (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F antes (29), después (24). Con un p valor de 0,004 el PRV disminuye los niveles de triglicéridos. Conclusión: En la población en general el PRV disminuye el nivel de triglicéridos; en personas con algún factor de riesgo el PRV controla y regula todos los factores SM
Metabolic syndrome (MS) is prevented by controlling its risk factors; the lifestyle reform program (LRP) seeks to control and regulate them. Objective: to evaluate the impact of the LRP. Materials and methods: Applied, longitudinal, prospective, longitudinal, inductive and deductive design, in an initial population of 104 workers of a Peruvian university, the final population was 31 who completed the program, the risk factors were evaluated by a clinical laboratorist, collection cards were used and processed with the SPSS V.26 program, Wilcoxon and Student's t-test according to the normality criterion. Results: the PRV decreases triglyceride levels, average before 235,6 mg/dl and after 196,1 mg/dl; no positive effects were evidenced in the rest of the risk factors. In people with some risk factor the PRV had a positive impact; before the PRV 2 people had glucose >= 100mg/dl and after the PRV 1, regarding abdominal perimeter ≥ 90cm M, ≥ 80cm F before (30), after (19), blood pressure ≥ 130/85 mmHg before (06), after (0), triglycerides ≥ 150mg/dl before (30), after (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F before (29), after (24). With a p value of 0,004 the PRV decreases triglyceride levels. Conclusion: In the general population the PRV decreases the triglyceride level; in people with some risk factor the PRV controls and regulates all the SM factors
A síndrome metabólica (SM) é prevenida através do controlo dos seus factores de risco, o programa de reforma do estilo de vida (PRV) visa o seu controlo e regulação. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto do PRV. Materiais e métodos: Investigação aplicada, longitudinal, prospetiva, longitudinal, desenho indutivo e dedutivo, numa população inicial de 104 trabalhadores de uma universidade do Peru, a população final foi de 31 que completaram o programa, os factores de risco foram avaliados por um laboratorista clínico, foram utilizadas fichas de recolha e processadas com o programa SPSS V.26, teste de Wilcoxon e teste t de Student de acordo com o critério de normalidade. Resultados: O PRV reduz os níveis de triglicéridos, em média antes 235,6 mg/dl e depois 196,1 mg/dl, não se evidenciando efeitos positivos nos restantes factores de risco. Em pessoas com algum fator de risco o PRV teve um impacto positivo; antes do PRV 2 pessoas tinham glicose >= 100 mg/dl e depois do PRV 1, quanto ao perímetro abdominal ≥90cm M, ≥ 80 cm F antes (30), depois (19), pressão arterial ≥ 130/85 mmHg antes (06), depois (0), triglicéridos ≥ 150 mg/dl antes (30), depois (17), C-HDL < 40 M < 50 F antes (29), depois (24). Com um p-value de 0,004 o PRV diminui os níveis de triglicéridos. Conclusão: Na população em geral, o PRV diminui os níveis de triglicéridos; em pessoas com alguns factores de risco, o PRV controla e regula todos os factores da SM
Background: Metabolic syndrome poses a significant health challenge in the elderly, affecting both psychological and physiological aspects. The application of mindfulness in treating the lifestyle variables linked to the risk of cardiovascular disease shows promise in improving self-awareness, mood regulation, and attention control. In addition to lowering stress, anxiety, and depression in elderly, mindfulness therapies have the potential to improve glycemic management. This study aims to investigate the potential efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions in addressing this complex issue. Methods: The Cochrane Library, Embase, and PubMed/MEDLINE electronic databases were searched by the author to find pertinent systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Results: A summary of the available research review explores the impact of mindfulness-based interventions on elderly individuals with metabolic syndrome from years 2011-2023. Examining both psychological and physiological outcomes, the study focuses on depression, quality of life, and key health indicators such as BMI, cholesterol levels, and blood sugar. Conclusion: Findings shed light on the potential benefits of mindfulness practices in improving mental well-being and positively influencing metabolic parameters in the elderly population. To fully understand the biological impacts of mindfulness on human physiological processes, more investigation is required.
Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) with obesity has significant mortality and morbidity. Integrative Ay- urveda management is explored for it’s possible effect. Aim: To evaluate the effect of Tryushnadi churna in the management of Metabolic syndrome with obesity. Methods: Study is a Randomized, Controlled, double blind, parallel group comparative clinical trial. 48 partici- pants meeting the National Cholesterol Education Programme Adult Treatment panel 3 diagnostic criteria were recruited in the study. They were divided in two 2 groups. Placebo group were administered with Placebo 1 gm twice a day, Ayurveda diet and yoga. Tryushnadi Group were intervened with Tryushnadi churna 1 gm twice a day, Ayurveda diet and yoga. Interventions were for 90 days. Assessments criteria included Weight, BMI,Waist circumference (WC), Waist hip ratio, Skin fold thickness (SFT), Body fat, blood pressure, WHO-QOL BREF scale, Clinical Global Impression Scale (CGI)- Severity, Global improvement and Efficacy index, Fasting blood sugar (FBS) were assessed on every 30th day. Other blood parameters like Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), Tri- glycerides, High density lipoproteins (HDL), Low density lipoproteins (LDL), Total cholesterol (TC) were eval- uated at pre and post study. Results: Between groups comparison showed, Tryushnadi group had significant improvements in BMI, Weight, WHOQOL-Bref and had large effect size. Both the groups showed improvement in WC, body fat, SFT, CGI severity, CGI efficacy index and improvement in quality of life in within group assessment. Conclusion: Study showed that Tryushnadi churna was effective in management of MetS with Obesity. Integrated management of Ayurveda medicine, Ayurveda diet and yoga had beneficial effect.
A síndrome metabólica é um distúrbio metabólico complexo, caraterizada pela associação de fatores de risco cardiovascular e resistência à insulina. Na Atenção Primária à Saúde, algumas condições laborais as quais os profissionais estão expostos podem ser fonte de adoecimento, e a literatura evidencia que aspectos laborais estão associados à síndrome metabólica, ou seja, que o contexto ocupacional é capaz de ser um fator de exposição para o desenvolvimento deste problema. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência de síndrome metabólica e os fatores associados em Agentes Comunitários de Saúde de uma cidade do Norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Estudo transversal, no qual coletaram dados sociodemográficos, estilo de vida, laborais, antropométricos, bioquímicos e aspectos emocionais. A variável dependente síndrome metabólica foi definida conforme o critério do National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. Realizaram-se análises descritivas e de regressão múltipla de Poisson, com variância robusta, considerando um nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05) para o modelo final. Foram avaliados 673 Agentes Comunitários de Saúde, a prevalência de síndrome metabólica foi de 20,8% e associou-se à faixa etária ≥40 anos, menor escolaridade (Fundamental e/ou Médio), sobrepeso/obesidade, lipoproteína de baixa densidade ≥130 mg/dl e proteína C-reativa >5,0 mg/dl. Constatou-se uma elevada prevalência de síndrome metabólica em Agentes Comunitários de Saúde. Verifica-se a necessidade de estudos para o aprofundamento sobre a temática e o desenvolvimento de ações que visem a promoção de hábitos comportamentais saudáveis, bem como a prevenção de fatores de riscos.
Metabolic syndrome is a complex metabolic disorder, characterized by the association of cardiovascular risk factors and insulin resistance. In Primary Health Care, some work conditions to which professionals are exposed can be a source of illness and the literature shows that work aspects are associated with metabolic syndrome, that is, that the occupational context is capable of being an exposure factor for the development of this problem. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and associated factors among community health workers in a city in the North of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Cross-sectional study, in which sociodemographic, lifestyle, work, anthropometric, biochemical, and emotional aspects of data were collected. The dependent variable metabolic syndrome was defined according to the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. Descriptive and multiple Poisson regression analyzes were carried out with robust variance, considering a significance level of 5% (p<0.05) for the final model. 673 community health workers were evaluated, the prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 20.8% and was associated with the age group ≥40 years, lower education (elementary and/or secondary), overweight/obesity, low-density lipoprotein ≥130 mg/dl and C-reactive protein >5.0 mg/dl. A high prevalence of metabolic syndrome was found in community health workers. There is a need for studies to delve deeper into the topic and develop actions aimed at promoting healthy behavioral habits, as well as preventing risk factors.
Introdução: O diagnóstico precoce quanto às perdas auditivas é essencial para minimização do impacto social em relação à rotina laboral e na qualidade de vida. Objetivo: Caracterizar a associação entre a perda auditiva em trabalhadores com doenças metabólicas. Método: Estudo transversal retrospectivo de dados secundários de prontuário com o tratamento das doenças metabólicas, os dados foram coletados em duas clínicas de saúde ocupacional (C1 e C2) em Florianópolis - Santa Catarina (Brasil), no período de janeiro de 2020 a dezembro de 2022, considerando exames referenciais a partir do ano de 2005. Os dados foram organizados em planilhas do programa Microsoft Excel® e, posteriormente, exportados e analisados no software MedCalc® Statistical Software versão 22.006. Resultados: Foram analisados dados de 97 pacientes (71 homens e 26 mulheres), expostos ao ruído ocupacional (p = 0,0047), com diagnóstico de ao menos uma doença metabólica (41,20%) e prevalência de medicamentos da classe ATC H (p = 0,0465) e Losartana® (OR = 1,6976). Conclusão: O ruído ocupacional é o principal fator de risco auditivo nas empresas analisadas, e a presença de doença metabólica poderá influenciar em alterações dos limiares auditivos. Para reduzir a vulnerabilidade dessa população, é necessário a promoção, educação e conscientização dos trabalhadores nos aspectos de saúde. (AU)
Introduction: Early diagnosis of hearing loss is essential to minimize the social impact in relation to work routine and quality of life. Objective: Analyze the association between hearing loss in workers and metabolic diseases. Method: Retrospective cross-sectional study of secondary data on the use of medications in metabolic diseases, the data were collected in two occupational health clinics (C1 and C2) in Florianópolis - Santa Catarina (Brazil), from January 2020 to December 2022, considering references from exams from the year 2005. The data were organized in Microsoft Excel® spreadsheets and subsequently exported and analyzed using the MedCalc® statistical software version 22.006. Results: The data of 97 patients (71 men and 26 women) exposed to occupational noise (p = 0.0047), diagnosed with at least one metabolic disease (41.20%) and prevalence of ATC H class medications (p = 0.0465) and Losartan® (OR = 1.6976). Discussion andConclusion: Occupational noise is the main auditory risk factor, and the presence of metabolic disease can influence hearing thresholds. To reduce the vulnerability of this population, it is necessary to promote, raise awareness and educate, using approaches related to health aspects at work. (AU)
Introducción: El diagnóstico precoz de la pérdida auditiva es fundamental para minimizar el impacto social en la rutina laboral y la calidad de vida. Propósito: Analizar la asociación entre pérdida auditiva en trabajadores y enfermedades metabólicas. Metodología: Estudio transversal retrospectivo de datos secundarios sobre el uso de medicamentos en enfermedades metabólicas; Los datos fueron recolectados en dos clínicas de salud ocupacional (C1 y C2) en en Florianópolis - Santa Catarina (Brasil), de enero de 2020 a diciembre de 2022, considerando referencias de exámenes del año 2005. Los datos fueron organizados en hojas de cálculo Microsoft Excel®. y posteriormente exportados y analizados. utilizando el software estadístico MedCalc® versión 22.006. Resultados: Se analizaron los datos de 97 pacientes (71 hombres y 26 mujeres) expuestos a ruido ocupacional (p = 0,0047), diagnosticados con al menos una enfermedad metabólica (41,20%) y prevalencia de medicamentos clase ATC H (p = 0,0465). y Losartan® (OR = 1,6976). Discusión y Conclusión: El ruido ocupacional es el principal factor de riesgo auditivo y la presencia de enfermedad metabólica puede influir en los umbrales auditivos. Para reducir la vulnerabilidad de esta población es necesario promover, sensibilizar y educar utilizando enfoques relacionados con aspectos de salud en el trabajo. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Metabolic Syndrome/complications , Hearing Loss, Noise-Induced/etiology , Quality of Life , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Noise, Occupational/prevention & controlABSTRACT
Background: This study aimed to find out the proportion of overweight and obese children of age 6-16 years having metabolic syndrome and to find out the risk factors for the same. Methods: This hospital based cross sectional study was conducted in obesity clinic of Department of Paediatric, Government T D Medical College, Alappuzha over a period of 18 months (from jan 2019 to june 2020). Sample size was calculated as 210 children including 20% expected dropout. Children of age 6-16 years with BMI > 85th centile attending the obesity clinics were enrolled for the study as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. After getting consent/assent, relevant points from history, physical examination and investigations were recorded. The data obtained were entered in excel spread sheet and analyzed. Results: In this study, 28.9% were overweight and 71.1% were obese. Proportion of metabolic syndrome [MetS] among subject with overweight and obese were 18% and 29.3% respectively. Metabolic syndrome were more in males, children receiving more calories, have passive smoking and were born as preterm or big baby. Abdominal obesity was present in all children with MetS. Significant associations were found between MetS and inflammatory markers like CRP. Among the metabolic parameters, elevated level of uric acid, SGOT, SGPT and abnormal lipid profile were found to have a positive correlation with MetS. Conclusions: More than 25% of children with BMI > 85th centile is found to have MetS. Being overweight also is high risk for development of metabolic syndrome. High calorie intake, passive smoking, prematurity, birth weight more than 4 kg and abdominal obesity are significant risk factors identified.
Background: Drug research is increasingly using Network Pharmacology (NP) to tackle complex conditions like Metabolic Syndrome (MetS), which is characterized by obesity, hyperglycemia, and dyslipidemia. Single-action drugs are inadequate to treat MetS, which is marked by a range of complications including glucose intolerance, hyperlipidemia, mitochondrial dysfunction, and inflammation. Objectives: To analyze Chandraprabha vati using Network Pharmacology to assess its potential in alleviating MetS- related complications. Material and methods: The genes related to MetS, inflammation, and the target genes of the CPV components were identified using network pharmacology tools like DisgNET and BindingDB. Followed by mapping of the CPV target genes with the genes implicated in MetS and inflammation to identify putative potential targets. Gene ontology, pathway enrichment analysis, and STRING database were employed for further exploration. Furthermore, drug-target-protein interactions network were visualized using Cytoscape 3.9.1. Results: The results showed that out of the 225 target genes of the CPV components, 33 overlapping and 19 non- overlapping genes could be potential targets for MetS. Similarly, 14 overlapping and 7 non-overlapping genes could be potential targets for inflammation. The CPV bioactives target genes were found to be involved in lipid and insulin homeostasis via several pathways revealed by the pathway analysis. The importance of CPV in treating MetS was supported by GO enrichment data; this could be due to its potential to influence pathways linked to metabolism, ER stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Conclusions: These results offer a promising approach to developing treatment and repurposing CPV for complex conditions such as MetS.
Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de uso de medicamentos antidepressivos e alterações metabólicas em indivíduos HIV positivos submetidos a terapia antirretroviral (TARV) no vale do Paranhana - RS. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo transversal de abordagem quantitativa, realizado por meio da coleta de dados de prontuários físicos mantidos na Vigilância em Saúde do município de Taquara/RS e dados de prontuários eletrônicos do município de Igrejinha/RS e Parobé/RS. Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 238 indivíduos, dos quais 122 indivíduos são do sexo masculino e 116 do sexo feminino, com idade entre 18 e 76 anos. Os participantes tiveram um tempo de diagnóstico e duração de tratamento entre 2 e 17 anos, sendo que a maioria realizava tratamento com a terapia antirretroviral - TARV de 1ª linha, porém havia um grande percentual de indivíduos em uso da terapia de 2ª linha (40,8%). Um número expressivo de indivíduos fazia uso de antidepressivos (15,1%) e ansiolíticos (10,9%). Em relação aos marcadores metabólicos, foi encontrada uma prevalência de 17,6 % de alterações nos níveis de triglicerídeos e 62,7 % de alterações nos níveis da lipoproteína de alta densidade HDL. Para as análises estratificadas pelas linhas de tratamento, o colesterol total demonstrou uma maior proporção de indivíduos na faixa de normalidade (P=0,007) no grupo tratado com a TARV de 1ª linha (Normal: 91, 70,0%), quando comparado aos que utilizavam tratamento de 2º linha (Normal: 61, 64,2%). Conclusão: A prevalência de hipertrigliceridemia em indivíduos HIV submetidos a TARV foi 17,6 %, e a de dislipidemia associada aos valores reduzidos de HDL é de 37, 3 %. (AU)
Objective: To assess the prevalence of antidepressant medication use and metabolic syndrome in HIV-positive patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy (ARV) in the Paranhana Valley, RS, Brazil. Methods: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, conducted through the collection of data from physical medical records maintained in the Health Surveillance of the municipality of Taquara/RS and electronic medical records from the municipalities of Igrejinha/RS and Parobé/RS. Results: The sample consisted of 238 individuals with HIV, of which 122 were male and 116 were female, aged between 18 and 76 years. Participants had a diagnosis and treatment duration between 2 and 17 years, with the majority undergoing treatment with first-line antiretroviral therapy - ART, although there was a large percentage of individuals using second-line therapy (40.8%). A significant number of individuals were using antidepressants (15.1%) and anxiolytics (10.9%). Regarding metabolic markers, a prevalence of 17.6% of alterations in triglyceride levels and 62.7% of alterations in high-density lipoprotein - HDL levels was found. For the analyses stratified by treatment lines, total cholesterol showed a higher proportion of individuals in the normal range (P=0.007) in the group treated with first-line ART (Normal: 91, 70.0%) compared to those using second-line treatment (Normal: 61, 64.2%). Conclusion: The prevalence of hypertriglyceridemia in HIV patients undergoing ART was 17.6%, and the prevalence of dyslipidemia associated with reduced HDL values is 37.3%. (AU)
Objetivo: Evaluar la prevalencia del uso de medicamentos antidepresivos y alteraciones metabólicas en personas VIH positivos sometidos a terapia antirretroviral (TAR) en el Valle del Paranhana, RS, Brasil. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo transversal con enfoque cuantitativo, realizado mediante la recopilación de datos de registros médicos físicos mantenidos en la Vigilancia en Salud del municipio de Taquara/RS y datos de registros médicos electrónicos de los municipios de Igrejinha/RS y Parobé/RS. Resultados: La muestra estuvo compuesta por 238 individuos con VIH, de los cuales 122 eran hombres y 116 mujeres, con edades entre 18 y 76 años. Los participantes tuvieron un tiempo de diagnóstico y duración del tratamiento entre 2 y 17 años, siendo la mayoría sometida a tratamiento con terapia antirretroviral de primera línea, aunque hubo un gran porcentaje de individuos utilizando terapia de segunda línea (40,8%). Un número significativo de individuos estaba usando antidepresivos (15,1%) y ansiolíticos (10,9%). En cuanto a los marcadores metabólicos, se encontró una prevalencia del 17,6% de alteraciones en los niveles de triglicéridos y del 62,7% de alteraciones en los niveles de lipoproteína de alta densidad - HDL. Para los análisis estratificados por líneas de tratamiento, el colesterol total mostró una mayor proporción de individuos en el rango normal (P=0,007) en el grupo tratado con terapia antirretroviral de primera línea (Normal: 91, 70,0%) en comparación con aquellos que usaban tratamiento de segunda línea (Normal: 61, 64,2%). Conclusión: La prevalencia de hipertrigliceridemia en personas VIH sometidos a TAR fue del 17,6%, y la prevalencia de dislipidemia asociada con valores reducidos de HDL es del 37,3%. (AU)
Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Metabolic Syndrome , Antidepressive AgentsABSTRACT
Síndrome Metabólica (SM) é um transtorno representado por um conjunto de fatores de risco cardiovascular associados à deposição central de gordura e resistência insulínica. O maior índice de eventos cardiovasculares abrange pessoas idosas, devido à prevalência dos fatores de SM. Logo, é imprescindível desenvolver métodos colaborativos para sua prevenção. Assim, este trabalho objetivou desenvolver um material educativo e validá-lo ao público de pessoas idosas, visando a auxiliar na compreensão sobre as características da SM. Trata-se de uma pesquisa realizada em três etapas: revisão bibliográfica, construção e validação da cartilha. A partir da equipe de pesquisa realizou-se grupos de estudos sobre o tema. Após, elaborou-se a cartilha baseada nas discussões erevisões da literatura, utilizando linguagem acessível e ilustrações. Prosseguindo, a cartilha foi enviada para pesquisadores/docentes, juízes técnicos, profissionais em designer e pessoas idosas, que avaliaram sua adequação pelo questionário validado, Suitability Assessment of Materials(SAM). O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CAAE: 60761422.0.0000.5142 e Parecer nº 5.600.384). Os avaliadores sugeriram alterações na construção de algumas frases, visando à ampla compreensão; otimização do designer de alguns boxes detextos, além da ampliação de ilustrações de pessoas de diferentes raças/culturas. Os avaliadores relataram que a cartilha atingiu o objetivo. Portanto, a metodologia mostrou-se eficaz para o desenvolvimento e validação do material educativo para o público-alvo. Após correções, a cartilha será disponibilizada em redes sociais. Também, intervenções de educação em saúde com grupo de pessoas idosas serão realizadas, para avaliar a eficácia da cartilha, considerando educação e prevenção em SM.(AU)
Metabolic Syndrome (MS) is a disorder represented by a set of cardiovascular risk factors associated with central fat deposition and insulin resistance. The highest rate of cardiovascular events affects elderly people, due to the prevalence of MS actors. Thus, it is essential to develop collaborative methods for its prevention. Therefore, this work aimed to develop educational material and validate it for the elderly, aiming to assist in understanding the characteristics of MS. This research was carried out in three stages: bibliographic review, construction and validation of the booklet. From the research team, study groups were held on the topic. Afterwards, the booklet was created based on discussions and literature reviews, using accessible language and illustrations. Continuing, the booklet was sent to researchers/teachers, technical judges, design professionals and elderly people, who assessed its suitability using the validated questionnaire, Suitability Assessment of Materials (SAM). The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CAAE: 60761422.0.0000.5142 and Opinion nº 5.600.384). The evaluators suggested changes in the construction of some sentences, aiming for greater understanding; designer optimization of some text boxes, inaddition to expanding illustrations of people of different races/cultures. The evaluators reported that the booklet achieved its objective. Therefore, the methodology proved to be effective for the development and validation of educational material for elderly people. After corrections, the booklet will be made available on social networks. Also, health education interventions with a group of elderly people will be carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the booklet, considering education and prevention in MS.(AU)
Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Health Education , Metabolic SyndromeABSTRACT
With the advancements of digitalization technology in health sector, diabetes care and management have also experienced modifications and betterment. Various newer technologies cater to the individual conditions and needs and provide a personalized treatment. Device based technologies such as continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) linked to closed loop insulin delivery system, insulin pumps, wearable devices linked with mobile apps have made the self-management of diabetes possible on regular basis. In its contrast, the technologies are yet to reach the tribal settings of India, and also very challenging to implement. Studies have shown that the scenario of diabetes prevalence in Indian tribal population is as crucial as urban population. Also, land alienation, lack of health management infrastructure, low connectivity, technological challenges add up to their condition. While various technologies are challenging to implement due to electricity, network connectivity, infrastructure and storage facilities, some technologies can be implemented easily with the joint approach of primary health care staff, governmental and non-governmental organizations and people with diabetes themselves. Digitization of data is needed as it will give a clearer picture of the prevalence, provide easy access for the follow ups and easier to implement intervention-based technologies. The situation demands a tailored multifaceted approach for implementing the technological based remedies in tribal settings of India as it will increase the quality of life in these areas.
Background: Metabolic syndrome is a group of clinical, metabolic and biochemical abnormalities with negative impact on global health. The aim of the study was to determine the association between metabolic syndrome and pregnancy induced hypertension, and incidence and effects of metabolic syndrome in pregnant patients.Methods: Prospective observational study, performed in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Holy Family Hospital, New Delhi. Antenatal women before 20 weeks of gestation were enrolled in the study. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed by utilizing the pregnancy adaptation of MeS criteria of NCEPATP III laboratory and clinical criteria. Cases were followed throughout pregnancy to observe their progression into hypertensive disorders of pregnancy i.e. gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia.Results: Out of 100 cases with metabolic syndrome 37% developed PIH, 21 developed pre-eclampsia and 14 developed gestational hypertension, 2 patients developed eclampsia as compared to controls in which only 10% developed PIH among which only 3% developed pre-eclampsia.Conclusions: Our study demonstrates a higher rate of complicated pregnancy with higher incidence of PIH in association with metabolic syndrome compared to control group. Each component of metabolic syndrome increases the probability of PIH. The addition of components of metabolic syndrome exacerbates this probability, especially the combination of increased BMI, increased blood sugar levels and increased triglycerides.
Background: Health professionals despite having a fair knowledge of staying fit and healthy lose their productive hours and lives to lifestyle diseases. An early identification of Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) and understanding of its lifestyle correlates can play a pivotal role in its prevention. Aim and Objectives: The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence and associated lifestyle-related risk factors of MetS in medical students. Material and Methods: The study was an institution-based, cross-sectional, and non-interventional study. A total of 300 MBBS students of all three professional years constituted the study population. Sociodemographic variables and lifestyle-related risk factors were recorded, followed by anthropometric assessment, blood pressure measurement, and required laboratory investigations. International Diabetes Federation (IDF) criteria were used for MetS. Results: The prevalence of MetS in the current study was found to be 9.0%. Lower level of HDL-C emerged to be the most common parameter (57.37%) followed by abdominal obesity (25.6%) and raised triglycerides (18%). MetS increased as one progressed through the various academic years of medical training. Prevalence of MetS among male students (12.4%) was significantly higher than their female counterparts (4.1%). Frequency of eating > 7 times/week of fast food/ junk food [OR 1.75 (1.196- 1.306)], habit of watching screen while eating food [OR 1.78 (0.872-0.892)], >3 drinks (30 ml alcohol per drink) per month [OR 1.73 (1.068-1.170)] were found to be significant risk factors. Conclusion: Considering the high prevalence of MetS among medical students and its association with various lifestyle risk factors, it is imperative that health education, screening, early detection, lifestyle interventions and framing of new health policies are given careful consideration to manage the rising trend of MetS among them.
Objective.To assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention on perceived stress and metabolic syndrome parameters among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Method. Fifty-one adults (aged 48.73±7.84; 86.3% of women) were included in a non-randomized clinical trial performed in a healthcare unit for six months (Brazilian Clinical Trial Registry: RBR-43K52N). All participants were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome (intervention group, n=26; control group, n=25). The intervention consisted of a nurse-led educational health-promoting program with a multidisciplinary approach organized in seven workshops. The primary outcome was decreased perceived stress, and the secondary outcome was improvement in metabolic syndrome parameters according to perceived stress levels. These outcomes were assessed at two points in time, at the baseline and follow-up. Results. Participation in the intervention program resulted in a significant decrease in perceived stress (p=0.028). The stressed participants in the intervention group experienced a significant decrease in blood glucose levels (p=0.001) and a significant increase in high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (p=0.003) concentrations after the six-month intervention. Conclusion.The nurse-led educational health-promoting program decreased perceived stress among adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome, improving fasting blood glucose and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol among the stressed participants in the intervention group.
Objetivo. Evaluar la efectividad de una intervención educativa sobre el estrés percibido y los componentes del síndrome metabólico en adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Métodos. Se incluyeron 51 adultos (48.73±7.84 años; 86.3% mujeres) de un estudio no-ensayo aleatorizado realizado en una unidad de salud durante seis meses, con Registro Brasileño de Ensayos Clínicos: RBR-43K52N, todos los participantes fueron diagnosticados con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y síndrome metabólico (grupo intervención, n=26; grupo control, n=25). La intervención consistió en un programa educativo de promoción de la salud con enfoque multidisciplinario, liderado por una enfermera, estructurado en siete talleres grupales. El resultado primario fue la reducción del estrés percibido y el secundario, la mejora de los componentes del síndrome metabólico influenciados por el nivel de estrés percibido, evaluado en dos momentos, al inicio y después del seguimiento. Resultados. La participación en el programa de intervención resultó en una reducción significativa del estrés percibido en comparación con el grupo control (p=0.028). Los participantes estresados en el grupo de intervención tuvieron, respectivamente, una disminución y un aumento significativos en las concentraciones séricas de glucosa (p=0.001) y lipoproteínas de alta densidad-colesterol (p=0.003) después de seis meses de intervención. Conclusión. Un programa educativo de promoción de la salud liderado por enfermeras fue eficiente para reducir el estrés percibido entre adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y síndrome metabólico, además de mejorar la glucemia en ayunas y el colesterol unido a lipoproteínas de alta densidad en los participantes del grupo estresado de intervención.
Objetivo. Avaliar a efetividade de uma intervenção educativa sobre o estresse percebido e os componentes da síndrome metabólica em adultos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Métodos. Foram incluídos 51 adultos (48.73±7.84 anos de idade; 86.3% mulheres) em um ensaio clínico não-randomizado realizado em uma unidade de saúde durante seis meses, com Registro de Ensaio Clínico Brasileiro: RBR-43K52N.Todos os participantes apresentavam diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e síndrome metabólica (grupo intervenção, n=26; grupo controle, n=25). A intervenção consistiu em um programa educativo de promoção da saúde com abordagem multidisciplinar, liderado por enfermeiro, estruturado em sete oficinas em grupo. O desfecho primário foi a redução do estresse percebido, e o secundário, a melhora dos componentes da síndrome metabólica conforme influência do nível de estresse percebido, avaliados em dois momentos, na condição basal e após o acompanhamento. Resultados. A participação no programa de intervenção resultou na redução significativa do estresse percebido em comparação com o grupo controle (p=0.028). Os participantes estressados do grupo intervenção tiveram, respectivamente, diminuição e aumento significativos das concentrações séricas de glicose (p=0.001) e da lipoproteína-colesterol de alta densidade (p=0.003) após seis meses de intervenção. Conclusão. Um programa educativo de promoção da saúde liderado por enfermeiros foi eficiente para reduzir estresse percebido entre adultos com diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e síndrome metabólica, além de causar melhora da glicemia de jejum e e da lipoproteína-colesterol de alta densidade dos participantes estressados do grupo intervenção.
Humans , Male , Female , Stress, Psychological , Community Health Nursing , Metabolic Syndrome , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2ABSTRACT
Fundamento: la prevalencia cada vez mayor de sobrepeso y obesidad, dos componentes importantes del síndrome metabólico, representa un serio riesgo para la salud. Objetivos: relacionar los factores asociados a los obesos sanos metabólicamente y no sanos y estimar el riesgo cardiovascular global en ambos grupos. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, correlacional de corte transversal en 112 pacientes de 18 años o más con diagnóstico de obesidad que fueron atendidos en la Consulta de Nutrición en el Servicio de Endocrinología del Hospital General Universitario Gustavo Aldereguía Lima, de Cienfuegos, desde mayo del 2021 hasta mayo del 2022. Se analizaron las variables siguientes: edad, sexo, hábitos dietéticos, estilo de vida, fenotipo (sanos y no sanos metabólicamente). Resultados: la frecuencia de obesos sanos metabólicamente fue del 35 % y la de los no sanos del 65 %. Ambos grupos consumen frecuentemente frutas y verduras. El 91,1 % consumía bebidas azucaradas y el 85,7 % no practicaban ejercicios físicos, sin significación estadística. Se evidenció una asociación significativa del riesgo cardiovascular global y la condición de tener un fenotipo obeso metabólicamente no saludable con respecto a los sanos. Conclusiones: el fenotipo obeso no sanos metabólicamente se evidenció en más de la mitad de los participantes del estudio, la interacción de elementos biológicos con estilo de vida poco saludables está relacionado con el riesgo cardiovascular global en el fenotipo obeso metabólicamente no saludable con respecto a los sanos.
Foundation: The overweight and obesity increasing prevalence, two important components of metabolic syndrome, represents a serious health risk. Objectives: relate the factors associated with metabolically healthy and unhealthy obese people and estimate the global cardiovascular risk in both groups. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional correlational study was carried out in 112 patients aged 18 years or older with a diagnosis of obesity that were looked after in the Endocrinology Service Nutrition Consultation of the Gustavo Aldereguía Lima University Hospital, in Cienfuegos, from May 2021 to May 2022. The analyzed variables were: age, sex, dietary habits, lifestyle, phenotype (metabolically healthy and unhealthy). Results: The frequency of metabolically healthy obese people was 35% and that of unhealthy people was 65%. Both groups frequently consume fruits and vegetables. 91.1% consumed sugary drinks and 85.7% did not practice physical exercise, without statistical significance. A significant association was evident between global cardiovascular risk and the condition of having a metabolically unhealthy obese phenotype compared to healthy people. Conclusions: the metabolically unhealthy obese phenotype was shown in more than half of the studied participants; the interaction of biological elements with unhealthy lifestyle is related to global cardiovascular risk in the metabolically unhealthy obese phenotype regarding the healthy.
Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory dermatological condition with different clinical phenotypes, usually diagnosed clinically and treated with systemic and topical medications. Rosacea is one of the skin conditions that is often believed to just have cutaneous manifestation, but it is actually a systemic condition that affects many different systems. The correlation between rosacea and a variety of comorbidities, including depression, gastrointestinal disorders, migraines, autoimmune conditions, and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are noted in many different studies. There are numerous risk factors for CVD, including hypertension (HTN), diabetes mellitus (DM), metabolic syndrome (MS), and dyslipidemia. CVD has a high mortality rate and should not be overlooked. Rosacea patients must receive the appropriate education regarding the management of CVD risk factors in addition to rosacea. We thought it was important to conduct a literature review to investigate the association between rosacea and the risk factors associated with CVDs, since both conditions are chronic and involve the interaction of genetic and inflammatory factors. The purpose of this narrative review is to overview rosacea, draw attention to the cardiovascular risk that rosacea patients face, and alert dermatologists, cardiologists, and primary care physicians to the need for immediate risk factor treatment.