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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-168667


The prevalence of Clonorchis sinensis metacercariae (CsMc) was examined in freshwater fish from the water systems of Seomjin-gang (River), the Republic of Korea. Total 1,604 fish from 7 local sites of Seomjin-gang were examined by artificial digestion methods. The metacercariae of C. sinensis were detected in 102 (39.8%) out of 256 fish (14 species) from the upper reaches of Seomjin-gang, i.e., Osucheon (22.3% in 6 fish species) in Imsil-gun, and Seomjin-gang (63.9% in 9 fish species) in Sunchang-gun, Jeollabuk-do. Their average density was 9.0 per infected fish. They were also found in 132 (48.0%) out of 275 fish (12 spp.) from the middle reaches of Seomjin-gang, i.e., Songdaecheon (58.9% in 4 fish species) in Namwon-si, Jeollabuk-do, and Seomjin-gang (45.2% in 10 fish species) in Gokseong-gun, Jeollanam-do. Their average density was 21.0 per infected fish. CsMc were detected in 77 (56.6%) out of 136 fish (11 species) from the lower reaches of Seomjin-gang, i.e., Seomjin-gang (73.3% in 11 fish species) in Gurye-gun, Jeollanam-do, and Namsancheon (8.6% in 1 fish species) in Hadong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do. Their average density was 64.9 per infected fish. The metacercariae of Metorchis orientalis were also detected in 6 fish species from 4 sites of Seomjin-gang. Conclusively, it has been confirmed that CsMc are more or less prevalent in fish from some water systems of Seomjin-gang in Korea.

Clonorchis sinensis , Digestion , Fresh Water , Korea , Metacercariae , Prevalence , Republic of Korea , Water
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-467994


Objective To investigate the epidemic situation of Metorchis orientalis in Wuhu City Anhui Province. Meth?ods Three lakes Fengming Longwo and Kui lakes were selected in Wuhu City and the poultries around the lakes and fresh?water fishes in the lakes were captured to test the infection of M. orientalis and the infection rates were calculated. Results The adult worms of M. orientalis were found in gall bladder and hepatic duct of domestic ducks with infection rate of 16.7%. The metacercariae of M. orientalis were discovered in the muscle of Pseudorasbora parva and Pseudogobio rivularis with infection rates of 7.13%and 3.38%respectively. Conclusion M. orientalis is endemic in Wuhu City which should be paid enough at?tention to the animal husbandry aquaculture and medicine.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-586026


Parafossarulus striatulus, Pseudorasbora parva and brood ducks are involved in the lifecycle of Metorchis orientalis. Natural nidi of M.orientalis are confirmed in Huaihe River Basin.