Introducción: en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI), las personas asistidas con patologías relevantes se encuentran bajo sedación, una vez que estas se encuentran bajo los principios de supresión de la sedación, es importante identificar cuáles son las manifestaciones que presentan, propias de las sedaciones. Objetivo: describir las manifestaciones clínicas del síndrome de supresión de la sedoanalgesia presentes en pacientes asistidos en un Hospital Público de la Ciudad de Corrientes de enero a diciembre del 2022. Metodología: estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal y observacional. La muestra incluyó pacientes adultos de UCI. El cálculo del tamaño muestral se realizó a través del método probabilístico aleatorio simple resultando de éste una muestra de 100 historias clínicas. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó la observación y como instrumento un formulario semiestructurado, de carácter anónimo. Cada formulario contenía datos específicos donde se categorizan las variables en estudio como ser edad, sexo, comorbilidades, tiempo de sedoanalgesia, tipo de sedación, sedoanalgesia utilizada, agitación, confusión, alucinación, diaforesis, taquicardia. Resultados: en cuanto a la edad se obtuvo un promedio de 49 años, el sexo predominante fue el masculino con 52%, en cuanto a las comorbilidades más frecuentes, el 20% presentó Insuficiencia Respiratoria Aguda y el 16% Insuficiencia renal. El motivo de ingreso a UCI en mayor medida con el 33% fue por dificultad respiratoria y Post Quirúrgicos complicados 32%. Los fármacos de mayor elección fueron midazolam 94%, seguido del fentanilo 80%. En cuanto al tiempo de sedación de los pacientes, se encontró una media de 1265 horas. Las manifestaciones clínicas que se observaron en la muestra en mayor medida corresponden a taquicardia 70%, agitación 52%, un 37% confusión e hipertensión y un 24% alucinación. Conclusión: las manifestaciones que se presentaron con mayor frecuencia fueron taquicardia, agitación, confusión, hipertensión y con menor frecuencia alucinación[AU]
Introduction: in the intensive care unit (ICU), people treated with relevant pathologies are under sedation. Once they are under the principles of sedation suppression, it is important to identify the manifestations they present, typical of sedations. Objective: To describe the clinical manifestations of sedation suppression syndrome present in patients treated at a Public Hospital in the City of Corrientes from January to December 2022. Methodology: quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and observational study. The sample included adult ICU patients. The calculation of the sample size was carried out through the simple random probabilistic method, resulting in a sample of 100 medical records. Manifestaciones clínicas post supresión de sedoanalgesia en pacientes adultos de una terapia intensiva. Observation was used to collect data and a semi-structured, anonymous form was used as an instrument. Each form contained specific data where the variables under study were categorized, such as age, sex, comorbidities, sedation time, type of sedation, sedation used, agitation, confusion, hallucination, diaphoresis, tachycardia. Results: regarding age, an average of 49 years was obtained, the predominant sex was male with 52%, regarding the most frequent comorbidities, 20% presented Acute Respiratory Failure and 16% Renal failure. The reason for admission to the ICU to a greater extent with 33% was due to respiratory difficulty and complicated Post-Surgeries 32%. The drugs of greatest choice were midazolam 94%, followed by fentanyl 80%. Regarding the sedation time of the patients, an average of 1265 hours was found. The clinical manifestations that were observed in the sample to a greater extent correspond to tachycardia 70%, agitation 52%, confusion and hypertension 37% and hallucination 24%. Conclusion: the manifestations that occurred most frequently were tachycardia, agitation, confusion, hypertension and, less frequently, hallucination[AU]
Introdução: na unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI), as pessoas tratadas com patologias relevantes estão sob sedação. Uma vez sob os princípios da supressão da sedação, é importante identificar as manifestações que apresentam, típicas das sedações. Objetivo: Descrever as manifestações clínicas da síndrome de supressão da sedação presentes em pacientes atendidos em um Hospital Público da Cidade de Corrientes no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2022. Metodologia: estudo quantitativo, descritivo, transversal e observacional. A amostra incluiu pacientes adultos internados em UTI. O cálculo do tamanho amostral foi realizado pelo método probabilístico aleatório simples, resultando em uma amostra de 100 prontuários. A observação foi utilizada para a coleta de dados e um formulário semiestruturado e anônimo foi utilizado como instrumento. Cada formulário continha dados específicos onde foram categorizadas as variáveis em estudo, como idade, sexo, comorbidades, tempo de sedação, tipo de sedação, sedação utilizada, agitação, confusão, alucinação, sudorese, taquicardia. Resultados: em relação à idade obteve-se uma média de 49 anos, o sexo predominante foi o masculino com 52%, quanto às comorbidades mais frequentes, 20% apresentavam Insuficiência Respiratória Aguda e 16% Insuficiência Renal. O motivo de internação na UTI em maior proporção com 33% foi por dificuldade respiratória e pós-cirúrgicos complicados 32%. Os medicamentos de maior escolha foram midazolam 94%, seguido de fentanil 80%. Quanto ao tempo de sedação dos pacientes, foi encontrada uma média de 1265 horas. As manifestações clínicas mais observadas na amostra correspondem a taquicardia 70%, agitação 52%, confusão e hipertensão 37% e alucinação 24%. Conclusão: as manifestações que ocorreram com maior frequência foram taquicardia, agitação, confusão, hipertensão e, menos frequentemente, alucinação[AU]
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Midazolam/therapeutic use , Fentanyl/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Blood pressure (BP) assessment affects the management of arterial hypertension (AH) in chronic kidney disease (CKD). CKD patients have specific patterns of BP behavior during ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). Objectives: The aim of the current study was to evaluate the associations between progressive stages of CKD and changes in ABPM. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study with 851 patients treated in outpatient clinics of a university hospital who underwent ABPM examination from January 2004 to February 2012 in order to assess the presence and control of AH. The outcomes considered were the ABPM parameters. The variable of interest was CKD staging. Confounding factors included age, sex, body mass index, smoking, cause of CKD, and use of antihypertensive drugs. Results: Systolic BP (SBP) was associated with CKD stages 3b and 5, irrespective of confounding variables. Pulse pressure was only associated with stage 5. The SBP coefficient of variation was progressively associated with stages 3a, 4 and 5, while the diastolic blood pressure (DBP) coefficient of variation showed no association. SBP reduction was associated with stages 2, 4 and 5, and the decline in DBP with stages 4 and 5. Other ABPM parameters showed no association with CKD stages after adjustments. Conclusion: Advanced stages of CKD were associated with lower nocturnal dipping and greater variability in blood pressure.
Resumo Introdução: A avaliação da pressão arterial (PA) tem impacto no manejo da hipertensão arterial (HA) na doença renal crônica (DRC). O portador de DRC apresenta padrão específico de comportamento da PA ao longo da monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA). Objetivos: O objetivo do corrente estudo é avaliar as associações entre os estágios progressivos da DRC e alterações da MAPA. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com 851 pacientes atendidos nos ambulatórios de um hospital universitário que foram submetidos ao exame de MAPA no período de janeiro de 2004 a fevereiro de 2012 para avaliar a presença e o controle da HA. Os desfechos considerados foram os parâmetros de MAPA. A variável de interesse foi o estadiamento da DRC. Foram considerados como fatores de confusão idade, sexo, índice de massa corporal, tabagismo, causa da DRC e uso de anti-hipertensivos. Resultados: A PA sistólica (PAS) se associou aos estágios 3b e 5 da DRC, independentemente das variáveis de confusão. Pressão de pulso se associou apenas ao estágio 5. O coeficiente de variação da PAS se associou progressivamente aos estágios 3a, 4 e 5, enquanto o coeficiente de variação da pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) não demonstrou associação. O descenso da PAS obteve associação com estágios 2, 4 e 5, e o descenso da PAD, com os 4 e 5. Demais parâmetros da MAPA não obtiveram associação com os estágios da DRC após os ajustes. Conclusão: Estágios mais avançados da DRC associaram-se a menor descenso noturno e a maior variabilidade da pressão arterial.
Abstract Introduction: The red starfish (Echinaster sepositus) is one of the most common asteroid species in the Mediterranean Sea. However, information about their biology or their role in benthic communities is scarce. Objective: This study aims to provide new information on the ecology of this species through the temporal characterization of the population of E. sepositus in Cala del Racó (Alicante, Spain) and the in situ monitoring of its reproductive cycle. Methods: For this purpose, three study areas were established at different depths. For each of the recorded starfish, data about the size, the substrate on which it was found, the area, the depth and the sex in the case of observing the reproduction were collected. Results: A total of 19 samplings have been carried out throughout a year of study. In this way, it has been possible to observe that the density of individuals increases in the shallower zone during autumn and winter, when the temperature drops to 14.13 ºC, while it decreases in spring and summer when the temperature rises to 27.17 ºC. Those results are reversed in the deepest part of the study. The highest density of individuals (0.51 ind/m2) occurred in October. Arborescent photophilic algae and crustose coralline algae were the substrates with the highest number of E. sepositus recorded. Medium to large specimens are located preferably on crustose coralline algae or arborescent photophilic algae, while smaller individuals were mostly located on Posidonia oceanica. No specimens of E. sepositus were observed spawning. Conclusions: Data leads to assume that there is a migration of starfishes towards more superficial areas when the water is at colder temperature and towards deeper areas when the temperature increases. It is valued the possibility that there is a change in the nutritional needs of E. sepositus throughout its development. According to our observations, the future reproduction studies should be concentrated between late-summer and early-autumn.
Resumen Introducción: La estrella de mar roja (Echinaster sepositus) es una de las especies de asteroideos más comunes del mar Mediterráneo. Sin embargo, la información sobre su biología o su papel en las comunidades bentónicas es escasa. Objetivo: Este estudio pretende aportar nueva información sobre la ecología de esta especie mediante la caracterización temporal de la población de E. sepositus en la Cala del Racó (Alicante, España) y el monitoreo in situ de su ciclo reproductivo. Métodos: Con este fin se establecieron tres zonas de estudio a distintas profundidades. Para cada una de las estrellas registradas se tomaron datos de tamaño, el sustrato sobre el que se encuentra, la zona, la profundidad y el sexo en caso de observar la reproducción. Resultados: A lo largo de un año de estudio se han realizado un total de 19 muestreos. De esta forma se ha podido observar que la densidad de individuos aumenta en la zona menos profunda durante otoño e invierno, cuando la temperatura del agua baja hasta los 14.13 ºC, mientras que se reduce en primavera y verano, cuando la temperatura se eleva hasta los 27.17 ºC. Este resultado se invierte en la zona más profunda del estudio. La mayor densidad de individuos ha sido observada en octubre (0.51 ind/m2). Las algas fotófilas arborescentes y las algas coralinales costrosas han sido los sustratos con un mayor número de E. sepositus registrados. Los ejemplares de tamaños medianos a grandes se localizan preferentemente sobre algas coralinales costrosas o algas fotófilas arborescentes, mientras que los individuos de menor tamaño se sitúan mayormente sobre Posidonia oceanica. No se observaron ejemplares de E. sepositus reproduciéndose. Conclusiones: Los datos permiten presuponer que existe una migración entre las zonas más superficiales, cuando la temperatura del agua es menor, y zonas más profundas cuando la temperatura aumenta. Se valora la posibilidad de la existencia de un cambio en los requerimientos nutricionales de E. sepositus a lo largo de su desarrollo. De acuerdo con nuestras observaciones, los estudios futuros sobre la reproducción de esta especie deben concentrarse entre finales de verano y principios de otoño.
Animals , Reproduction , Starfish/anatomy & histology , Spain , Sampling StudiesABSTRACT
Durante a vivência acadêmica, as universidades conectam seus futuros profissionais para assistência à comunidade, tendo em vista uma formação centrada na humanização dos pacientes. O programa de monitoria para a clínica interdisciplinar no tratamento de feridas, do Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo (UNESC), não se limita apenas ao campo teórico, abrangendo muito a prática com o corpo social e possibilita essa experiência com a comunidade de forma humanizada. Objetivo: Relatar a inter-relação com a sociedade durante o tempo de monitoria, como isso é importante para a capacitação de excelência, e também como essa humanização contribui para tratamento e evolução do paciente. Metodologia: O estudo consiste em um relato de experiência de um dos monitores da clínica de feridas durante um semestre de monitoria, apresentando caráter descritivo. Resultados e Discussão: Durante a vivência notou-se o quão importante é enxergar esse lado humano do paciente, não se preocupando apenas com suas queixas. Agindo desse modo, teve como resultado pacientes mais felizes, engajados com o tratamento e gostando de estar naquele ambiente, por mais doloroso que fosse o real motivo. Considerações finais: É vital para o graduando aprender a lapidar sua abordagem com o paciente, atuando de maneira holística. Essa interação entre universidade e corpo social é de fundamental importância para desenvolver profissionais que saiam ainda mais capacitados para o mercado de trabalho, principalmente quando se trata de profissionais da área da saúde, possibilitando mesclar assistência e atendimento, com o processo de ensino-aprendizado das práticas de saúde.(AU)
During their academic experience, universities connect their future professionals to assist the community, with a view to training centred on the humanization of patients. The monitoring program for the interdisciplinary wound care clinic at the Centro Universitário do Espírito Santo (UNESC) is not just limited to the theoretical field, but also encompasses a lot of practice with the social body and enables this experience with the community in a humanized way. Objective: To report on the interrelationship with society during the monitoring period, how important this is for the training of excellence, and also how this humanization contributes to the treatment and evolution of the patient. METHODOLOGY: The study consists of a report on the experience of one of the wound clinic monitors during a semester of monitoring, and is descriptive in nature. Results and Discussion: During the experience, we noticed how important it is to see the human side of the patient, not just worrying about their complaints. Acting in this way resulted in happier patients, engaged with the treatment and enjoying being in that environment, no matter how painful the real reason.Final considerations: It is vital for undergraduates to learn how to refine their approach to patients, acting in a holistic way. This interaction between the university and society is of fundamental importance for developing professionals who are even more qualified for the job market, especially when it comes to health professionals, making it possible to merge assistance and care with the teaching-learning process of health practices.(AU)
Durante su experiencia académica, las universidades vinculan a sus futuros profesionales con la asistencia a la comunidad, con vistas a una formación centrada en la humanización de los pacientes. El programa de acompañamiento de la clínica interdisciplinaria de cuidado de heridas del Centro Universitario do Espírito Santo (UNESC) no se limita apenas al campo teórico, sino que abarca mucha práctica con el cuerpo social y posibilita esta experiencia con la comunidad de forma humanizada. Objetivo: Informar sobre la interrelación con la sociedad durante el período de seguimiento, cuán importante es esto para la formación de excelencia, y también cómo esta humanización contribuye al tratamiento y evolución del paciente. Metodología: El estudio consiste en un informe sobre la experiencia de uno de los monitores de la clínica de heridas durante un semestre de monitorización, y es de naturaleza descriptiva. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: Durante la experiencia, nos dimos cuenta de lo importante que es ver el lado humano del paciente, no sólo preocuparse por sus quejas. Actuar de esta manera resultó en pacientes más felices, comprometidos con el tratamiento y disfrutando de estar en ese ambiente, por más doloroso que sea el motivo real.Consideraciones finales: Es fundamental que los estudiantes universitarios aprendan a perfeccionar su abordaje con los pacientes, actuando de forma holística. Esta interacción entre la universidad y la sociedad es de fundamental importancia para el desarrollo de profesionales aún más cualificados para el mercado de trabajo, especialmente cuando se trata de profesionales de la salud, haciendo posible la fusión de la asistencia y el cuidado con el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de las prácticas de salud.(AU)
Health , Holistic Nursing , Education, Nursing , Mentoring , Integral Healthcare Practice , Civil SocietyABSTRACT
Objetivo: descrever e analisar os fatores de risco associados aos óbitos por COVID-19 no município de Barreiras-BA. Método: estudo de coorte em que foram analisadas as notificações de casos positivos da doença no período de março de 2020 a dezembro de 2022. As variáveis incluídas foram: sexo, idade, raça/cor, sintomas apresentados e condições de saúde. Para verificar a associação entre as variáveis, foi utilizada Regressão de Poisson, com estimativa do risco relativo. Resultados: Ocorreram 348 óbitos no período analisado, sendo estes mais frequentes em homens (60,6%), idosos (58,9%), pretos/pardos (88,1%). Os principais sintomas apresentados pelos indivíduos que vieram a óbito foram a tosse (67,8%), a dispneia (62,9%) e a febre (53,4%), e as principais comorbidades as doenças cardíacas (39,1%) e o diabetes (21,8%). Foram encontrados como fatores de risco associados à ocorrência do óbito ser do sexo masculino e idoso e ter apresentado sintomas como dispneia e febre, além de apresentar comorbidades como doenças respiratórias, cardíacas, diabetes, renais, imunossupressão, doenças cromossômicas e obesidade (p < 0,05). Ter tido sintomas como dor de garganta, dor de cabeça, coriza e distúrbios olfativos demonstraram menor risco de morte (p < 0,05). Conclusão: O número de mortes ocorridas por COVID-19 foi considerado baixo, com risco maior para homens e idosos e indivíduos com outras doenças prévias. Apresentação de sintomas mais graves, como febre e dispneia, também aumentam o risco de morte.
Objective: the objective of this study was to describe and analyze the risk factors associated with deaths from COVID-19 in the city of Barreiras-BA. Methods: a cohort study in which notifications of positive cases of the disease were analyzed from March 2020 to December 2022. The variables included were sex, age, race/color, presented symptoms, and health conditions. Poisson Regression was used to verify the association between variables with relative risk estimation. Results: There were 348 deaths in the period analyzed, these being more frequent in men (60.6%), elderly people (58.9%), black/brown people (88.1%). The main symptoms presented by the individuals who died were cough (67.8%), dyspnea (62.9%) and fever (53.4%), and the main comorbidities were heart disease (39.1%) and diabetes (21.8%). Risk factors associated with the occurrence of death were found to be male and elderly and having symptoms such as dyspnea and fever, in addition to presenting comorbidities such as respiratory, cardiac, diabetes, kidney diseases, immunosuppression, chromosomal diseases and obesity (p < 0 .05). Having had symptoms such as sore throat, headache, runny nose and olfactory disorders demonstrated a lower risk of death (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The number of deaths caused by COVID-19 was considered low, with a higher risk for men and the elderly and individuals with other previous illnesses. Presentation of more serious symptoms, such as fever and dyspnea, also increases the risk of death.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Comorbidity , Death , Epidemiological MonitoringABSTRACT
Objetivo: estimar a oviposição e distribuição espacial de vetores Aedes durante a estação de inverno e correlacionar essas estimativas com dados climáticos do mesmo período. Métodos: estudo de campo conduzido no município de Barbacena-MG, em 2018. O monitoramento, a coleta de ovos e a estimativa de índices estegômicos de vetores Aedes foram obtidos por meio de ovitrampas. Os Índices de Densidade de Ovos (IDO) e de Positividade de Ovitrampas (IPO%) foram estimados conforme estações climáticas e semanas epidemiológicas. A correlação entre parâmetros meteorológicos (temperatura/pluviometria) e índices estegômicos (IDO/IPO) foi determinada pelo coeficiente de Spearman. Resultados: um total de 1.080 ovitrampas, instaladas em 39 bairros, foi analisado durante 10 semanas epidemiológicas, fornecendo um total de 970 ovos. Nas estações de outono, inverno e primavera, foram obtidos, respectivamente, 421, 470 e 70 ovos. Durante o outono, houve variação do IDO entre 14,2 e 34,2. O IPO manteve-se constante em 4,5%. Durante o inverno, houve variação do IDO entre 0,00 e 47,50 e do IPO entre 0,00% e 8,25%. Houve correlação negativa significativa tanto entre aumento da precipitação mensal e diminuição do número de ovos coletados (rho=-0.673) quanto entre aumento da precipitação mensal e diminuição do IPO (rho=-0.612). O valor geral do IDO e do IPO nas 10 semanas foi, respectivamente, 22,04 e 4,17% e, na estação de inverno, foi, respectivamente, 23,50 e 3,73%. Conclusão: os achados corroboram a presença de ovos e vetores do gênero Aedes mesmo em condições climáticas adversas para essas espécies e sustentam ações de manejo sanitário durante todo o ano.
Objective: to estimate oviposition and spatial distribution of Aedes vectors during the winter season and correlate these estimates with climate data from the same period. Methods: field study conducted in the municipality of Barbacena-MG in 2018. Monitoring, egg collection, and estimation of stegomic indices of Aedes were obtained using ovitraps. The Indices of Egg Density (EDI) and Positive Ovitrap (POI%) were estimated according to climatic seasons and epidemiological weeks. The correlation between meteorological parameters (temperature/rainfall) and stegomic indices (EDI/POI) was determined by the Spearman coefficient. Results: a total of 1,080 ovitraps installed in 39 neighborhoods were analyzed during ten (10) epidemiological weeks, providing a total of 970 eggs. In the autumn, winter, and spring seasons, 421, 470, and 70 eggs were obtained, respectively. During the autumn, there was a variation in EDI between 14.234.2. The POI remained constant at 4.5%. During the winter, the EDI varied between 0.0047.50, and the POI varied between 0.00%8.25%. There was a significant negative correlation, respectively, between an increase in monthly precipitation and a decrease in the number of eggs collected (rho=-0.673) and between an increase in monthly precipitation and a decrease in POI (rho=-0.612). The overall value of EDI and POI in the ten (10) weeks was 22.04 and 4.17%, and in the winter season, they were 23.50 and 3.73%, respectively. Conclusion: the findings corroborate the presence of eggs and vectors of the genus Aedes even in adverse climatic conditions for these species and support health management actions throughout the year.
Environmental Monitoring , Aedes , Mosquito Control , Dengue , Insect VectorsABSTRACT
Trata de nota técnica sobre Práticas Avançadas de Enfermagem (PAE) no Brasil, elaborada por comissão e submetida à aprovação do plenário do Conselho Federal de Enfermagem (Cofen). O documento aborda conceitos, ações, implementação e regulação das práticas avançadas de Enfermagem, expandindo os limites do escopo da atuação do enfermeiro e reforçando a sua prática clínica. (AU)
This is a technical note on Advanced Nursing Practices (ANP) in Brazil, prepared by a committee and submitted for approval by the plenary of the Federal Nursing Council (Cofen). The document addresses concepts, actions, implementation and regulation of advanced nursing practices, expanding the limits of the scope of nurses' work and reinforcing their clinical practice. (AU)
Esta es una nota técnica sobre las Prácticas Avanzadas de Enfermería (PAE) en Brasil, elaborada por un comité y sometida a la aprobación del plenario del Consejo Federal de Enfermería (Cofen). El documento aborda los conceptos, acciones, implementación y reglamentación de las prácticas avanzadas de enfermería, ampliando los límites del ámbito de actuación de las enfermeras y reforzando su práctica clínica. (AU)
Nursing , Global Health Strategies , Health Care Coordination and Monitoring , Advanced Practice Nursing , Practice Patterns, Nurses' , Strategies for Universal Health CoverageABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the characteristics,clinical indicators and risk factors of levofloxacin-induced arrhythmias in large hospitalized populations.Methods Using the"Adverse Event Active Monitoring and Intelligent Assessment Alert System-Ⅱ"(ADE-ASAS-Ⅱ),the electronic medical record of inpatients using levofloxacin in 2019 was monitored to obtain relevant data for patients with arrhythmias.Patients without arrhythmia were selected by propensity score matching,and the risk factors of levofloxacin-induced arrhythmias were analyzed by univariate and multivariate conditional logistic regression.Results The incidence of levofloxacin-induced arrhythmias was 1.64%in 12 879 people who used levofloxacin.The incidence in people over 65 years was 3.22%.The main manifestations of levofloxacin-induced arrhythmias were extrasystole(0.84%),tachycardia(0.63%),QT interval prolongation(0.44%),and no severe arrhythmias such as torsades de pointes and ventricular fibrillation.Multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the course of administration(OR=1.030,95%CI 1.009 to 1.050,P=0.004)and intravenous administration(OR=2.392,95%CI 1.478 to 3.870,P<0.001)independent risk factors for levofloxacin-induced arrhythmias.Conclusion Arrhythmias caused by levofloxacin are common and have various types,among which the occurrence of QT interval prolongation is occasional.We should pay more attention to elderly patients who receive intravenous levofloxacin and try to avoid long courses of medication.
Purpose/Significance To explore the establishment of a remote maternal and fetal monitoring system based on 5 G tech-nology in the obstetrics and gynecology hospital,and to provide references for the medical system to improve telemedicine and smart medi-cal care based on 5 G technology.Method/Process By utilizing the advantages of 5 G technology such as fast speed,wide spectrum and low delay,and combining services such as maternal and fetal monitoring,online education,remote consultation,artificial intelligence(AI),health data management,and medical green channel,the maternal and fetal monitoring database and the AI model of maternal and fetal monitoring are constructed,the remote maternal and fetal monitoring system is constructed,and fetal heart monitoring process is op-timized.Result/Conclusion It realizes the combination of maternal and fetal monitoring application in hospital and outside hospital,medical alliance applications,internet hospital applications and ambulance transfer process applications.
Objective To analyze the achievement of target vancomycin concentration and the risk factors affecting the concentration to reach the target,providing a reference for the rational use of vancomycin and the implementation of therapeutic drug monitoring(TDM).Methods Patients who were hospitalized and received vancomycin TDM from January 2016 to June 2019 at Zhongshan Hospital,Fudan University were selected.Clinical data,vancomycin blood concentrations,and occurrences of acute kidney injury(AKI)during the hospitalization were collected.Factors affecting the attainment of target vancomycin concentrations were analyzed using logistic regression and grouped according to whether the target concentrations were attained.The correlation between drug concentration and the occurrence of AKI was analyzed.Results A total of 1 106 patients were included,with 70.7%being males and a median age of 60.0(IQR=20)years.Surgical departments accounted for 76.4%of the distribution.The median duration of vancomycin therapy was 10.8 d(IQR=9.0).A total of 21.6%of patients had their first concentration monitored before administration of doses 4 and 5.The drug concentration monitoring results of 46.8%(518/1 106)of patients were in the range between 10-20 μg·mL-1,reaching the target concentration range.The incidence of vancomycin-associated AKI was 25.9%.The incidence of AKI varied among patients with different vancomycin concentrations:when the concentrations are<10,10-<15,15-20,and>20 μg·mL-1,the AKI rates are 15.8%,20.5%,25.8%,and 39.4%,respectively.Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that target concentrations were more likely to be reached with a dosing course of>7-14 d(OR=1.688,P=0.001)and>14 d(OR=1.744,P=0.002)than with a dosing course of ≤7 d.Patients receiving conventional daily doses were more likely to achieve target concentrations than those receiving the non-conventional daily dose(OR=1.540,P=0.003).Conclusion The current status of vancomycin TDM in China still suffers from deficiencies,such as delayed timing of monitoring and low rate of target concentration attainment.Higher vancomycin concentrations are significantly associated with AKI,and the factors affecting the vancomycin concentration to reach the target mainly include treatment duration and the complexity of the dosing regimen.
Objective To establish a quality control method for monitoring the blood concentrations of cyclosporin A and tacrolimus by HPLC-MS/MS,and to evaluate the quality control samples using the Westgard multi-rule theory.Methods HPLC-MS/MS was used to determine the concentration of cyclosporin A and tacrolimus in human whole blood.The quality control samples of low,medium and high concentration levels in the therapeutic drug monitoring process were statistically analyzed,Levery-Jennings and Z-score quality control charts were drawn,and the Westgard multi-rule theory was applied for in-house quality control evaluation.Results The established method was fully validated with linear ranges of 10.40-1 040.00 ng·mL-1 and 0.50-49.50 ng·mL-1,the quantification limits were 10.40 and 0.50 ng·mL-1,respectively.The extraction recoveries were 108.61%-113.24%and 101.99%-109.37%,respectively.The matrix factors normalized by internal standard were 106.68%-111.27%and 95.70%-97.81%for cyclosporin A and tacrolimus,respectively.The intra-day and inter-day accuracy and precision were less than 15.0%.Other parameters were also validated and met the acceptance criteria.Levery-Jennings and Z-score quality control charts showed that there were 4 warnings(violation of the 12s rule)in the results of the 26 groups of quality control samples in the third quarter of 2022,and no phenomenon was observed to be out of control.Conclusion The established in-house quality control system for therapeutic drug monitoring of cyclosporin A and tacrolimus can effectively ensure the accuracy of blood drug concentration detection.
Objective To develop an ultra-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry(UPLC-MS/MS)method for the simultaneous quantification of dolutegravir,raltegravir,efavirenz,lamivudine and tenofovir in human plasma and to apply it to the therapeutic monitoring.Methods Dolutegravir-D5,raltegravir-D4,efavirenz-D5,lamivudine-13 C-15 N2 and tenofovir-D7 were used as internal standard,respectively.All samples were extracted using the protein precipitation method with acetonitrile and then diluted for analysis.Chromatographic separation was performed on Shim-pack XR-ODS Ⅲ(2.0 mmx50 mm,1.6 μm)column.Mobile phases A and B consisted of 0.1%formic acid in water and acetonitrile respectively.A programmed mobile phase gradient was used at a flow rate of 0.3 mL·min-1 and column temperature of 40 ℃.The tandem mass spectrometer was equipped with an electrospray ionization(ESI)source operating in multiple reaction monitoring(MRM)modes.After methodological validation,it can be used for therapeutic drug monitoring in HIV patients.Results There was good linearity in the validated concentration ranges of 62.5-3 000 ng·mL-1 for dolutegravir,10-500 ng·mL-1 for raltegravir,125-6 000 ng·mL-1for efavirenz,10-500 ng·mL-1 for lamivudine and 10-500 ng·mL-1 for tenofovir with the linear correlation coeffificients of determination(R2)of all higher than 0.998.The accuracy of both intra-day and inter-day studies ranged from 94.0%-109.3%,and the relative standard deviations were less than 7%.The IS-normalized matrix factor and extraction recoveries of all analytes were 95.7%-106.0%and 98.7%-104.5%at all concentrations.All analytes were stable in plasma at a certain storage environment.The trough blood concentrations of dolutegravir,efavirenz,lamivudine and tenofovir were 107.7-2 366.0,740.0-3 410.0,38.5-1 229.3,31.6-224.4ng·mL-1 in HIV patients,respectively.Conclusion The method is highly aceurate,easy to perform,low-cost,and suitable for therapeutic drug monitoring of dolutegravir,raltegravir,efavirenz,lamivudine and tenofovir in HIV patients.
Objective To explore the clinical effect of clinical observation of supplemented wendan decoction combined with Western medicine in treating insomnia accompanied by anxiety and depression in phlegm-heat internal disturbance syndrome.Methods A total of 120 cases of insomnia with anxiety and depression comorbiditis with phlegm heat disturbance syndrome were randomly divided into control group and treatment group,60 cases in each group.The control group was given escitalopram oxalate tablet combined with dexzopiclonone tablet,and the observation group was given added Wendan decoction on the basis of the control group.Both groups were treated continuously for 6 weeks.Polysomnography monitoring parameters and heart rate variability were compared between the two groups during baseline period and visit 2(baseline period+3 months).Scale scores of the two groups were compared during baseline period,visit 1(baseline period+6 weeks)and visit 2.The content of heart rate variability includes:time domain analysis(standard deviation of normal interval(SDNN),square root of the square sum of the mean of the difference between adjacent normal interval(RMSSD)and frequency domain analysis(LF,HF,LF/HF).The scale scores included the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index(PSQI)and Insomnia Severity Index(ISI)to assess sleep status,and the Hamilton Depression Scale(HAMD),Hamilton Anxiety Scale(HAMA),Self-assessment Scale for Depression(PHQ-9)and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale(GAD-7)to assess anxiety and depression status.Results(1)Polysomnography monitoring:the wake time of observation group was significantly shorter than that of control group,the number of awakenings was significantly less than that of control group,and the percentage of N3 and REM was significantly higher than these of control group(P<0.05).(2)Heart rate variability:RMSSD and HF values in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group,and LF/HF values were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).(3)In terms of sleep:during the interview,PSQI total score,sleep quality,hypnotic drugs and daytime dysfunction in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05);At the 3 months,the sleep quality,hypnotic drugs and daytime dysfunction in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).In terms of emotion:HAMA,HAMD and GAD-7 scores were significantly lower than those of control group at 6 weeks(P<0.05);At the 3 months,HAMA and GAD-7 scores were significantly lower than those of control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Supplemented Wendan decoction combined with western medicine can obviously optimize the sleep structure of insomnia patients with anxiety and depressionof phlegm-heat disturbance syndrome,improve sleep continuity and deepen sleep depth,and improve parasympathetic functional activities,contribute to sympathetic parasympathetic balance,can improve insomniaand depression symptoms recently,and significantly improve anxiety symptoms in the short term,with good safety.
Objective To understand the changing trend of healthcare-associated infection(HAI)monitoring inde-xes in 50 secondary and higher grade hospitals in a city for 6 consecutive years from 2017 to 2022.Methods Infec-tion monitoring indexes from 50 secondary or higher grade hospitals in the city for 6 consecutive years were collec-ted,and changing trend of HAI monitoring indexes were compared.Results The number of full-time HAI manage-ment professionals increased from 91 in 2017 to 165 in 2022.The utilization rate of HAI information system in-creased from 17.00%in 2017 to 54.00%in 2022.In 6 consecutive years from 2017 to 2022,the incidence of HAI(0.91%vs 0.59%),prevalence rate of HAI(2.36%vs 1.08%),infection rate of class I incision surgical site in-fection(0.33%vs 0.16%)in 50 secondary or higher grade hospitals all showed downward trends,while health care workers'hand hygiene compliance rate showed an upward trend(61.03%vs 85.04%).Incidences of vascular cathe-ter-related bloodstream infection,ventilator-associated pneumonia,and catheter-associated urinary tract infection all showed downward trends.Incidence of HAI,prevalence rate of HAI,health care workers'hand hygiene compli-ance rate,and incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia in tertiary hospitals were all higher than those in secon-dary hospitals,while surgical site infection rate of class Ⅰ incision in secondary hospitals was higher than that in tertiary hospitals,with statistically significant differences(all P<0.001).Conclusion Standardizing the monitoring of HAI,as well as improving the prevention and control system and measures of HAI according to the monitoring results can reduce the incidence of HAI.
【Objective】 To establish a blood quality monitoring indicator system, in order to continuously improve blood quality and standardized management. 【Methods】 Based on the research of literature and standards, and guided by the key control points of blood collection and supply process, the blood quality monitoring indicator system was developed. Through two rounds of Delphi expert consultation, the indicator content was further revised and improved according to expert opinions after six months of trial implementation. The indicator weight was calculated by questionnaire and analytic hierarchy process. 【Results】 A blood quality monitoring indicator system covering the whole process of blood collection and supply was constructed, including five primary indicators, namely blood donation service, blood component preparation, blood testing, blood supply and quality control, as well as 72 secondary indicators, including definitions, calculation formulas, etc. Two rounds of expert consultation and two rounds of feasibility study meeting were held to revise 17 items and the weight of each indicator was obtained through the analytic hierarchy process. After partial adjustments, a blood quality monitoring indicator system was formed. 【Conclusion】 A blood quality monitoring indicator system covering the whole process of blood collection and supply has been established for the first time, which can effectively evaluate the quality management level of blood banks and coordinate blood quality control activities of blood banks in Shandong like pieces in a chess game, thus improving the standardized management level
【Objective】 To objectively evaluate the quality control level of blood testing process in blood banks through quantitative monitoring and trend analysis, and to promote the homogenization level and standardized management of blood testing laboratories in blood banks. 【Methods】 A quality monitoring indicator system covering the whole process of blood collection and supply, including blood donation service, blood component preparation, blood testing, blood supply and quality control was established. The questionnaire Quality Monitoring Indicators for Blood Collection and Supply Process with clear definition of indicators and calculation formulas was distributed to 17 blood banks in Shandong province. Quality monitoring indicators of each blood bank from January to December 2022 were collected, and 31 indicators in terms of blood testing were analyzed using SPSS25.0 software. 【Results】 The proportion of unqualified serological tests in 17 blood bank laboratories was 55.84% for ALT, 13.63% for HBsAg, 5.08% for anti HCV, 5.62% for anti HIV, 18.18% for anti TP, and 1.65% for other factors (mainly sample quality). The detection unqualified rate and median were (1.23±0.57)% and 1.11%, respectively. The ALT unqualified rate and median were (0.74±0.53)% and 0.60%, respectively. The detection unqualified rate was positively correlated with ALT unqualified rate (r=0.974, P0.05), while the outrage rate was positively correlated with the usage rate (r=0.592, P<0.05). A total of 443 HBV DNA positive samples were detected in all blood banks, with an unqualified rate of 3.78/10 000; 15 HCV RNA positive samples were detected, with an unqualified rate of 0.13/10 000; 5 HIV RNA positive samples were detected, with an unqualified rate of 0.04/10 000. The unqualified rate of NAT was (0.72±0.04)‰, the single NAT reaction rate [(0.39±0.02)‰] was positively correlated with the single HBV DNA reaction rate [ (0.36±0.02) ‰] (r=0.886, P<0.05). There was a difference in the discriminated reactive rate by individual NAT among three blood bank laboratories (C, F, H) (P<0.05). The median resolution rate of 17 blood station laboratories by minipool test was 36.36%, the median rate of invalid batch of NAT was 0.67%, and the median rate of invalid result of NAT was 0.07‰. The consistency rate of ELISA dual reagent detection results was (99.63±0.24)%, and the median length of equipment failure was 14 days. The error rate of blood type testing in blood collection department was 0.14‰. 【Conclusion】 The quality monitoring indicator system for blood testing process in Shandong can monitor potential risks before, during and after the experiment, and has good applicability, feasibility, and effectiveness, and can facilitate the continuous improvement of laboratory quality control level. The application of blood testing quality monitoring indicators will promote the homogenization and standardization of blood quality management in Shandong, and lay the foundation for future comprehensive evaluations of blood banks.
【Objective】 To establish an effective quality monitoring indicator system for blood quality control in blood banks, in order to analyze the quality control indicators for blood collection and supply, and evaluate blood quality control process, thus promoting continuous improvement and standardizing management of blood quality control in blood banks. 【Methods】 A quality monitoring indicator system covering the whole process of blood collection and supply, including blood donation services, component preparation, blood testing, blood supply and quality control was established. The Questionnaire of Quality Monitoring Indicators for Blood Collection and Supply Process was distributed to 17 blood banks in Shandong, which clarified the definition and calculation formula of indicators. The quality monitoring indicator data from January to December 2022 in each blood bank were collected, and 20 quality control indicators data were analyzed by SPSS25.0 software. 【Results】 The average pass rate of key equipment monitoring, environment monitoring, key material monitoring, and blood testing item monitoring of 17 blood banks were 99.47%, 99.51%, 99.95% and 98.99%, respectively. Significant difference was noticed in the pass rate of environment monitoring among blood banks of varied scales(P<0.05), and the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) between the total number of blood quality testing items and the total amount of blood component preparation was 0.645 (P<0.05). The average discarding rates of blood testing or non-blood testing were 1.14% and 3.36% respectively, showing significant difference among blood banks of varied scales (P<0.05). The average discarding rate of lipemic blood was 3.07%, which had a positive correlation with the discarding rate of non testing (r=0.981 3, P<0.05). There was a statistically significant difference in the discarding rate of lipemic blood between blood banks with lipemic blood control measures and those without (P<0.05). The average discarding rate of abnormal color, non-standard volume, blood bag damage, hemolysis, blood protein precipitation and blood clotting were 0.20%, 0.14%, 0.06%, 0.06%, 0.02% and 0.02% respectively, showing statistically significant differences among large, medium and small blood banks(P<0.05).The average discarding rates of expired blood, other factors, confidential unit exclusion and unqualified samples were 0.02%, 0.05%, 0.003% and 0.004%, respectively. The discarding rate of blood with air bubbles was 0.015%, while that of blood with foreign body and unqualified label were 0. 【Conclusion】 The quality control indicator system of blood banks in Shandong can monitor weak points in process management, with good applicability, feasibility, and effectiveness. It is conducive to evaluate different blood banks, continuously improve the quality control level of blood collection and supply, promote the homogenization and standardization of blood quality management, and lay the foundation for comprehensive evaluation of blood banks in Shandong.
【Objective】 To establish an effective quality indicator monitoring system, scientifically and objectively evaluate the quality management level of blood banks, and achieve continuous improvement of quality management in blood bank. 【Methods】 A quality monitoring indicator system that covers the whole process of blood collection and supply was established, the questionnaire of Quality Monitoring Indicators for Blood Collection and Supply Process with clear definition of indicators and calculation formulas was distributed to 17 blood banks in Shandong. Statistical analysis of 21 quality monitoring indicators in terms of blood donation service (10 indicators), blood component preparation (7 indicators ), and blood supply (4 indicators) from each blood bank from January to December 2022 were conducted using SPSS25.0 software The differences in quality monitoring indicators of blood banks of different scales were analyzed. 【Results】 The average values of quality monitoring indicators for blood donation service process of 17 blood banks were as follows: 44.66% (2 233/5 000) of regular donors proportion, 0.22% (11/50) of adverse reactions incidence, 0.46% (23/5 000) of non-standard whole blood collection rate, 0.052% (13/25 000) of missed HBsAg screening rate, 99.42% (4 971/5 000) of first, puncture successful rate, 86.49% (173/200) of double platelet collection rate, 66.50% (133/200) of 400 mL whole blood collection rate, 99.25% (397/400) of donor satisfaction rate, 82.68% (2 067/2 500) of use rate of whole blood collection bags with bypass system with sample tube, and 1 case of occupational exposure in blood collection.There was a strong positive correlation between the proportion of regular blood donors and the collection rate of 400 mL whole blood (P<0.05). The platelet collection rate, incidence of adverse reactions to blood donation, and non-standard whole blood collection rate in large blood banks were significantly lower than those in medium and small blood banks (P<0.05). The average quality monitoring indicators for blood component preparation process of 17 blood banks were as follows: the leakage rate of blood component preparation bags was 0.03% (3/10 000), the discarding rate of lipemic blood was 3.05% (61/2 000), the discarding rate of hemolysis blood was 0.13%(13/10 000). 0.06 case had labeling errors, 8 bags had blood catheter leaks, 2.76 bags had blood puncture/connection leaks, and 0.59 cases had non-conforming consumables. The discarding rate of hemolysis blood of large blood banks was significantly lower than that of medium and small blood banks (P<0.05), and the discarding rate of lipemic blood of large and medium blood banks was significantly lower than that of small blood banks (P<0.05). The average values of quality monitoring indicators for blood supply process of 17 blood banks were as follows: the discarding rate of expired blood was 0.023% (23/100 000), the leakage rate during storage and distribution was of 0.009%(9/100 000), the discarding rate of returned blood was 0.106% (53/50 000), the service satisfaction of hospitals was 99.16% (2 479/2 500). The leakage rate of blood components during storage and distribution was statistically different with that of blood component preparation bags between different blood banks (P<0.05). There were statistically significant differences in the proportion of regular blood donors, incidence of adverse reactions, non-standard whole blood collection rate, 400 mL whole blood collection rate, double platelet collection rate, the blood bag leakage rate during preparation process, the blood components leakage rate during storage and distribution as well as the discarding rate of lipemic blood, hemolysis blood, expired blood and returned blood among large, medium and small blood banks (all P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 The establishment of a quality monitoring indicator system for blood donation services, blood component preparation and blood supply processes in Shandong has good applicability, feasibility and effectiveness. It can objectively evaluate the quality management level, facilitate the continuous improvement of the quality management system, promote the homogenization of blood management in the province and lay the foundation for future comprehensive evaluation of blood banks.
Objective To establish a genetic monitoring method for laboratory quails.Methods Quail microsatellite loci were searched in the literature,and microsatellite DNA loci suitable for quails were screened by an interspecific transfer method in closely related species,namely chickens and ducks.Quail liver DNA was extracted as a template,and the corresponding loci were screened by PCR amplification and agarose gel electrophoresis.On the basis of amplification of the selected microsatellite loci,the number of alleles,polymorphisms,and microsatellite loci combinations for quail genetic quality detection were selected and detection method were developed.Results We preliminary determined 23 microsatellite loci for genetic monitoring of closed-colony laboratory quails.Conclusions A genetic monitoring method for laboratory quails was preliminary developed.
Objective:To conduct empirical research on the economic operation monitoring and evaluation index system of public hospitals in Guangzhou,and analyze the economic operation of sample public hospitals based on the comprehensive evaluation re-sults.Methods:A total of 15 public hospitals in Guangzhou are selected as samples,and their data from 2020 to 2022 are selected for standard deviation standardization.The standardized scores of each hospital were calculated and summarized by multiplying the standardized values of each index by its weight,and analyzed and compared.Results:The economic performance of these three types of hospitals in 2022 is not ideal,and there is room for improvement in risk management and development management.Among them,comprehensive hospitals and specialized hospitals have the highest scores in 2021,followed by 2022,and the lowest scores in 2020;traditional Chinese medicine hospitals have the highest score in 2021,followed by 2020,and the lowest score in 2022.Conclusion:The indicator system meets the development requirements of public hospitals,and the indicator data can be obtained,which is suit-able for monitoring and evaluating the economic operation of public hospitals.