Resumen Antecedentes: la histerectomía en bloque es un procedimiento controvertido y con poca literatura actualizada. Se define como la extirpación del útero grávido con su contenido gestacional in situ, las indicaciones para la realización de esta cirugía son los procesos neoplásicos (como la causa más frecuente( procesos sépticos, enfermedad trofoblástica y hemorragia secundaria a inserción placentaria anómala. Caso clínico: paciente de 45 años con embarazo de 8 semanas y 5 días, según la fecha de última regla, con miomatosis uterina gigante asociada con tromboembolismo pulmonar, quien decide la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo y realizarse la histerectomía en bloque. Conclusiones: la histerectomía en bloque es una cirugía poco realizada en la actualidad, sin embargo, este abordaje quirúrgico es una opción segura y efectiva para la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo, y no se debe descartar entre las alternativas de tratamiento quirúrgico, siempre individualizando cada paciente.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: En bloc hysterectomy is defined as the removal of the pregnant uterus with its gestational content in situ. The indications for performing this en bloc surgery are neoplastic processes, as the most frequent cause; septic processes, trophoblastic disease and hemorrhage secondary to abnormal placental insertion, however, it is a controversial procedure, and with little updated literature. CLINICAL CASE: 45-year-old patient with a pregnancy of 8 weeks and 5 days, with giant uterine myomatosis associated with pulmonary thromboembolism who decided to voluntarily terminate the pregnancy, and it was decided to perform en bloc hysterectomy. CONCLUSIONS: En bloc hysterectomy is a surgery rarely performed at present, however, this surgical approach is a safe and effective option for the voluntary termination of pregnancy, and it should not be ruled out among the surgical treatment alternatives, always individualizing each patient.
Introdução: As queimaduras são um desafio da saúde pública devido à alta morbimortalidade e prejuízo na qualidade de vida da vítima. Elas afetam desproporcionalmente as populações de menor nível socioeconômico, resultando em elevados custos para saúde. Método: Estudo ecológico, retrospectivo, observacional, com abordagem quantitativa e análise de tendência temporal da morbimortalidade por queimadura em Santa Catarina, com dados obtidos dos Sistemas de Informações Hospitalar e de mortalidade disponibilizados pelo Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde. Análise temporal pelo Teste de Correlação de Spearman. Resultados: Verificada tendência de crescimento na taxa geral de internação (Spearman=0,806; p<0,005) por queimaduras no estado no período analisado. Maior prevalência no sexo masculino (RP 1,68), na população de 0 a 4 anos (RP 3,08) e na região da Grande Florianópolis (taxa média 23,22%). Predominou o grupo classificado como médio queimado (taxa média 25,67%) e as internações de 0 a 3 dias (taxa média 50,25%). Queimaduras em cabeça, pescoço e tronco (taxa média 32,25%) foram as mais prevalentes. Conclusão: Identificada tendência de crescimento na taxa de internação por queimaduras em crianças no estado. Maior prevalência de internação no sexo masculino, em crianças de 0 a 4 anos e na região da Grande Florianópolis. Predomínio de médio queimados e de queimaduras em cabeça, pescoço e tronco, com maior taxa de internações de curta duração.
Introduction: Burns is a public health challenge due to high morbidity and mortality and impairment of the victim's quality of life. They disproportionately affect populations of lower socioeconomic status, resulting in high health costs. Method: Ecological, retrospective, observational study, with a quantitative approach and temporal trend analysis of morbidity and mortality due to burns in Santa Catarina, with data obtained from the Hospital and Mortality Information Systems made available by the Information Technology Department of the Unified Health System. Temporal analysis by Spearman Correlation Test. Results: There was a growing trend in the general hospitalization rate (Spearman=0.806; p<0.005) for burns in the state in the period analyzed. Higher prevalence in males (RP 1.68), in the population aged 0 to 4 years (RP 3.08), and in the Greater Florianópolis region (mean rate 23.22%). The group classified as medium burn predominated (mean rate 25.67%) and hospitalizations of 0 to 3 days (mean rate 50.25%). Burns to the head, neck, and trunk (mean rate 32.25%) were the most prevalent. Conclusion: A growth trend was identified in the hospitalization rate for burns in children in the state. Higher prevalence of hospitalization in males, in children aged 0 to 4 years, and in the Greater Florianópolis region. Predominance of moderate burns and burns to the head, neck, and trunk, with a higher rate of short-term hospitalizations.
Introducción. Las complicaciones quirúrgicas son un tema relevante, difícil de abordar e inmerso en una cultura punitiva y vergonzosa hacia el médico. La ausencia de una medición sistemática, confiable y socializada es un desafío para los servicios quirúrgicos. El desconocimiento de las medidas de frecuencia y el impacto de las complicaciones quirúrgicas en las instituciones, y a su vez, dentro de los servicios quirúrgicos, evidencia la necesidad de abordar el tema desde una perspectiva de mejoramiento continuo. Métodos. Se hizo un análisis crítico y reflexivo sobre la conceptualización de las complicaciones quirúrgicas, los avances en su proceso de evaluación y su utilidad como indicador de calidad en los servicios quirúrgicos. Se ilustraron las metodologías con ejemplos clínicos que facilitan su entendimiento y aplicabilidad. Resultados. El trabajo inicial de los doctores Clavien & Dindo se ha fortalecido al considerar integralmente el proceso de atención quirúrgica como un indicador de calidad de la atención en salud. El desarrollo del Índice Integral de Complicaciones (CCI), para los eventos en el período posoperatorio, representa un paso adicional en el abordaje del problema. Su potencialidad en el análisis de los eventos ofrece una oportunidad para la implementación y la investigación en el tema. Conclusiones. Las complicaciones quirúrgicas representan un indicador robusto que permite evaluar el desempeño individual y grupal en un servicio quirúrgico. Hay metodologías recientes que deben ser incorporadas en la actividad asistencial de los cirujanos. Representan un insumo en la educación médica a todo nivel e, igualmente, un elemento de crecimiento personal y académico para todo cirujano.
Introduction. Surgical complications are a relevant topic, difficult to address and immersed in a punitive and shameful culture towards the doctor. The absence of systematic, reliable, and socialized measurement is a challenge for surgical services. The lack of knowledge of frequency measurements and the impact of surgical complications in institutions, and in turn, within surgical services, shows the need to address the issue from a perspective of continuous improvement. Methods. A critical and reflective analysis was carried out on the conceptualization of surgical complications, the advances in their evaluation process and their usefulness as an indicator of quality in surgical services. The methodologies were illustrated with clinical examples that facilitate their understanding and applicability. Results. The initial work of doctors Clavien & Dindo has been strengthened by comprehensively considering the surgical care process as an indicator of quality of health care. The development of the Comprehensive Complication Index (CCI), for events in the postoperative period, represents an additional step in addressing the problem. Its potential in the analysis of events offers an opportunity for implementation and research on the topic. Conclusions. Surgical complications represent a robust indicator that allows evaluating individual and group performance in a surgical service. There are recent methodologies that must be incorporated into the care activity of surgeons. They represent an input in medical education at all levels and equally, an element of personal and academic growth for every surgeon.
Humans , Postoperative Complications , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Health Status Indicators , Quality Assurance, Health Care , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Patient AcuityABSTRACT
Introducción. El trasplante hepático es el tratamiento indicado en aquellas enfermedades del hígado en las cuales ya se han agotado otras medidas terapéuticas, y es un procedimiento complejo. Las complicaciones postquirúrgicas se relacionan con alta morbimortalidad y pueden llevar a desenlaces fatales; las complicaciones vasculares son las de mayor mortalidad, por lo que es crucial la detección temprana y el tratamiento oportuno. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar los pacientes que presentaron complicaciones vasculares posterior a trasplante hepático. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, con seguimiento a los pacientes sometidos a trasplante hepático en la Fundación Cardiovascular, entre los años 2013 y 2023, que presentaron complicaciones vasculares. Se evaluó el tipo de complicación, los factores de riesgo y los desenlaces postquirúrgicos. Resultados. Se incluyeron en total 82 pacientes trasplantados, con un predominio del sexo masculino 59,8 % (n=49); la principal indicación del trasplante fue el alcoholismo (21,9 %). Veinte pacientes presentaron complicaciones vasculares; la más frecuente fue trombosis de arteria hepática, en el 45 % (n=9). En tres de estos casos se requirió nuevo trasplante. Conclusión. Las complicaciones vasculares empeoran la evolución clínica postoperatoria de los pacientes y están relacionadas con alta morbimortalidad, por lo cual es crucial la valoración multidisciplinaria, el diagnóstico oportuno y la intervención temprana para disminuir los desenlaces fatales.
Introduction. Liver transplant is the treatment indicated for those liver diseases in which other therapeutic measures have already been exhausted, and it is a complex procedure. Post-surgical complications are related to high morbidity and mortality and can lead to fatal outcomes. Vascular complications are the ones with the highest mortality, so early detection and timely treatment are crucial. The objective of this study was to characterize patients who presented vascular complications after liver transplantation. Methods. Descriptive, retrospective study, with follow-up of patients undergoing liver transplant at the Fundación Cardiovascular, between 2013 and 2023, who presented vascular complications. The type of complication, risk factors and postsurgical outcomes were evaluated. Results. A total of 82 transplant patients were included, with a predominance of males with 59.8% (n=49); the main indication for transplant was alcoholism (21.9%). Twenty patients presented vascular complications; the most frequent was hepatic artery thrombosis 45% (n=9). In three of these cases a new transplant was required. Conclusion. Vascular complications worsen the postoperative clinical course of patients and are associated with high morbidity and mortality, which is why multidisciplinary assessment, diagnosis and early intervention are crucial to reduce fatal outcomes.
Humans , Postoperative Complications , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Liver Transplantation , Reoperation , Mortality , LiverABSTRACT
Introducción: La esofagectomía es actualmente el tratamiento curativo del cáncer de esófago. El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer los resultados de la esofaguectomía mínimamente invasiva a corto y medio plazo en pacientes intervenidos de carcinoma epidermoide y adenocarcinoma de esófago en nuestro hospital. Material y Métodos: Se recogieron 19 pacientes desde enero de 2020 hasta junio de 2021 y se realizó el seguimiento a todos ellos durante 20 meses. Se recogieron diferentes variables relacionadas con el paciente, el tumor, la cirugía y referentes al postoperatorio. Los datos fueron almacenados y procesados usando el software estadístico R-Comander asumiendo un error α de 0,05. Resultados: La mediana de estancia hospitalaria total fue de 29 días. Seis pacientes, precisaron de reingreso en Reanimación: dos por shock séptico secundario a la fuga de anastomosis grado III, uno por hemorragia digestiva alta y los tres por insuficiencia respiratoria. A los 90 días reingresaron un 5,3% del total de pacientes. No se produjeron fallecimientos en los tres meses siguientes a la cirugía. Todos los pacientes presentaron una supervivencia mayor de seis meses. La supervivencia global a seis, 12 y 18 meses se sitúa en 100, 84 y 63%. La supervivencia libre de enfermedad a los tres meses fue del 84%, a los 6 meses del 63% y al año el 58%. Discusión: Los resultados obtenidos en nuestro estudio coinciden con lo que hay reflejado en la literatura. Por tanto, la esofagectomía mínimamente invasiva es una técnica efectiva en el tratamiento del cáncer de esófago.
Introduction: Oesophagectomy is currently the curative treatment for oesophageal cancer. The aim of this study is to know the results of minimally invasive oesophagectomy in the short and medium term in patients operated on for squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus in our hospital. Material and Methods: 19 patients were collected from January 2020 to June 2021 and all of them were followed up for 20 months. Different variables related to the patient, tumour, surgery and postoperative period were collected. Data were stored and processed using R-Comander statistical software assuming an α-error of 0.05. Results: The median total hospital stay was 29 days. Six patients required readmission to resuscitation: two for septic shock secondary to grade III anastomotic leak, one for upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage and three for respiratory failure. At 90 days, 5.3% of the total number of patients were re-admitted. There were no deaths in the three months following surgery. All patients had a survival of more than six months. Overall survival at six, 12 and 18 months was 100, 84 and 63%. Disease-free survival at three months was 84%, at six months 63% and at one year 58%. Discussion: The results obtained in our study coincide with those reported in the literature. Minimally invasive oesophagectomy is therefore an effective technique in the treatment of oesophageal cancer.
Background: Early postoperative mortality rates after pancreaticoduodenectomy are in the range of 2-5%. Nonetheless, morbidity rates are still at 30-50% calling for apt strategies. The goal of this study was to examine the outcomes in terms of postoperative morbidity and 30-day mortality while additionally reviewing the demographic, clinical and pathological features of patients undergoing Whipple procedure at our government institution and comparing the outcomes with literature. Methods: Data about demographic characteristics, intraoperative findings, postoperative histopathology, postoperative course, early post-operative outcomes, complications, and causes of postoperative death in patients who underwent pancreaticoduodenectomy for periampullary and pancreatic carcinoma between September 2006-August 2023 were collected and analysed. Results: 45 patients were analysed. Mortality rate was 15.6%. Seven patients died perioperatively; three from cardiac cause (myocardial infarction), two from bile leak and sepsis, one from pulmonary embolism, and one as a result of postoperative hemorrhage. The morbidity rate was 54%. The most common early postoperative complication was delayed gastric emptying (31%) followed by postoperative pancreatic fistula (22%). The median overall survival of 39 patients was 21�5 months. The 5-year survival was 17 months. Conclusions: Considering the fact that postoperative morbidity after Whipple procedure was similar to other centres, but the mortality rate being high, better knowledge about salvage techniques, improvements in perioperative care, use of interventional radiology, and running quality improvement projects to standardize postoperative recovery protocol could help in reducing the mortality and improve the outcome.
Background and Objective@#COVID-19 contributes significantly to global morbidity and mortality. Age-related comorbidities elevate the risk of severe cases. Studies have recently demonstrated that widely available medications, including tocilizumab (TCZ), can manage severe symptoms. However, its effectiveness is unclear, particularly among the older population. Therefore, this review aimed to evaluate TCZ’s efficacy in managing severe pneumonia in individuals aged 50 and older.@*Methods@#We systematically search several databases and gray literature including Web of Science, CINAHL, Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO, PsycArticles, SocINDEX, CENTRAL/Cochrane Library, PubMed/MEDLINE for original research articles in English across several study designs published in the year 2020-2022. A narrative synthesis was conducted to summarize the evidence. We employed the NIH quality assessment tool for observational cohort studies to evaluate risk of bias. Additionally, we utilized GRADE to appraise the certainty of evidence.@*Results@#Among 539 screened articles, only five studies met the selection criteria. Tocilizumab's impact on severe COVID-19 pneumonia revealed a diverse effect on mortality rate, with 29% in the TCZ group, and 40% in the controls died within 30 days of intubation (OR 0.61; 95% CI, 0.27-1.36). It is also reported that TCZ was not associated with mortality, despite faster decline in pulmonary function and prolonged fever. Hospital mortality in the TCZ group was significantly lower than in the controls, and age over 60 was the only significant risk factor. Moreover, administering TCZ reduced mechanical ventilation needs, with 82% extubated compared to 53% in controls. However, 45% in TCZ group was associated with a higher ventilator-associated pneumonia rate than in the untreated group which was 20% (P < 0.001). Despite this, TCZ-treated patients had shorter hospital stays.@*Conclusions@#The effects of tocilizumab on reducing mortality risk and improving the survival rate of COVID-19 patients with pneumonia remained inconclusive. Yet, the majority of results suggested that giving tocilizumab leads to shorter hospital stays, lowers the requirement for mechanical ventilation, and decreases the likelihood of ICU transfer. Tocilizumab is linked to the incidence of secondary infections; hence, this medication should be closely monitored for side effects.
COVID-19 , PneumoniaABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Introduction: A year ago, in a sample of 113 patients, our research group found that a high number of lymphocytes in the immediate postoperative period was correlated to a poor prognosis in cardiovascular surgeries. This study is an expansion of the initial study in order to confirm this finding. Methods: We analyzed the data of 338 consecutive patients submitted to cardiovascular surgeries with cardiopulmonary bypass performed at Hospital Universitário Ciências Médicas (Belo Horizonte/Brazil) from 2015 to 2017. We analyzed 39 variables with the outcomes death, hospital stay, and intensive care unit stay. Results: The value of lymphocytes in the immediate postoperative period > 2175.0/mm³ was an indicator of poor prognosis in this sample (P<0.001). The variables female sex, age, high level of European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation II, increased stay in the intensive care unit and in the ward, elevation of creatinine in the preoperative period and at intensive care unit discharge, elevation of the percentage of immediate postoperative period segmented neutrophils, high immediate postoperative period neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio, fasting hyperglycemia, preoperative critical condition, reintubation, mild or transient acute renal failure, surgical infection, cardiopulmonary bypass, and aortic cross-clamping and mechanical ventilation durations also had an impact on the mortality outcome. Conclusion: The value of lymphocytes in the immediate postoperative period > 2175.0/mm3 was an indicator of poor prognosis in cardiovascular surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass.
Abstract Objective: Hip fractures in older adults have the highest impact on the patient's health. These injuries result in many complications, reducing functional capability, quality of life, and life expectancy. This study aimed to provide more epidemiological data on the outcomes of these fractures in nonagenarians from a large city treated at a tertiary hospital. Methods: This study consisted of medical record reviews and interviews. Results: In this study, 76 patients underwent 82 surgeries. The mean age of the patients was 92.5 years. Ninety percent of the subjects were female. The patients spent 10.4 days in hospital. Surgery occurred on average 2.3 days after hospitalization. Regarding fractures, 46 were trochanteric (56%), and 34 affected the femoral neck (41.5%). Forty-one surgeries used the short proximal femoral nail (50%), and 18 were partial hip replacements (22%). During hospitalization, 46 patients (55%) had no complications, excluding episodes of delirium, and seven patients (9%) died. Forty-two subjects completed the one-year postoperative follow-up period, with 56% alive and 44% dead. Conclusions: Treating hip fractures in older patients is challenging. Our goal must focus on helping these subjects receive the quickest and least aggressive treatment possible and start mobilization early. We hope the data presented in this study can lead to a better understanding of the characteristics of our nonagenarian population with hip fractures and seek the best possible treatment for them.
Resumo Objetivo: As fraturas de quadril em idosos são as que mais impactam na saúde do paciente e estão associadas a muitas complicações, levando a redução da capacidade funcional, da qualidade de vida e da expectativa de vida. O nosso trabalho visa trazer mais dados epidemiológicos sobre os desfechos dessas fraturas em nonagenários em uma grande cidade atendidos em um hospital terciário. Métodos: O trabalho foi realizado através de revisão de prontuários e entrevistas. Resultados: Foram realizadas 82 cirurgias em 76 pacientes nesse período. A média de idade foi de 92,5 anos, 90% eram mulheres e ficaram 10,4 dias internados. A cirurgia foi realizada em média 2,3 dias após a internação. Do total, 46 fraturas foram trocantéricas (56%) e 34 do colo do fêmur (41,5%). Foram realizadas 41 cirurgias com a técnica da haste cefalomedular curta (50%) e 18 artroplastias parcial de quadril (22%). Durante a internação, 46 pacientes (55%) não apresentaram complicações, excluindo episódios de delirium, e 7 pacientes (9% dos casos) evoluíram para óbito. 42 pacientes já fecharam 1 ano após cirurgia: 56% estão vivos e 44% evoluíram para óbito. Conclusões: O tratamento de fraturas de quadril em pacientes idosos é desafiador. O nosso objetivo deve estar focado em ajudar esses idosos a receber um tratamento rápido e menos agressivo possível e a mobilizar precocemente. Esperamos que, com os dados apresentados nesse trabalho, possamos entender melhor acerca das características da nossa população nonagenária vítimas de fratura de quadril e buscar o melhor tratamento possível para esses pacientes.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Hip Injuries/surgery , Hip Injuries/rehabilitation , NonagenariansABSTRACT
Background: Preterm labour is a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Out of various causes, many macronutrients and micronutrients are said to have a role in pathogenesis of preterm labour, one of them is magnesium. Magnesium inhibits myometrial contractions by antagonizing calcium mediated uterine contractions. With advancement of pregnancy serum magnesium levels falls causing hyper excitability of neuromuscular junction bringing in uterine hyperactivity. The study was aimed to measure and compare the level of serum magnesium in preterm labour and normal pregnancy and to find the association of serum magnesium level with preterm labour.Methods: This cohort observational study was done in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, King George's Medical University, Lucknow and eligible participants i.e., pregnant women with singleton gestation between 24 and <37 weeks of gestation were enrolled.112 women with preterm labour and 120 with no preterm labour were taken as study and control group respectively, serum magnesium level measured and followed till delivery.Results: The study showed mean serum magnesium level was 1.79�22 mg/dl in study group as compare to 1.98�25 mg/dl in control group and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.001). The value of Serum Magnesium below 1.885 mg/dl had a sensitivity of 64.8% and specificity of 66.1%.Conclusions: We can conclude that low serum magnesium is associated with preterm labour and serum magnesium estimation in pregnancy may be a valuable marker of predicting preterm labour.
Background: aim was to study the risk factors, clinical presentation and management of ectopic pregnancy in a tertiary care centre of North DelhiMethods: This was a prospective observational study conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology Hindu Rao hospital and NDMC medical college, Delhi. A total of 65 cases of ectopic pregnancy were analyzed, over a period of 1 year that is from September 2020 to August 2021Results: The incidence of ectopic pregnancy was 12.8/1000 deliveries. Majority of cases were multigravidas and of gestation age between 6 to 10 weeks. The common risk factors were PID, contraception failure (IUCD), tubal ligation, infertility, ART procedures, tubal surgery, and previous ectopic and previous abortion. Ultrasound, urine pregnancy test, serum ?-hCG titre were done. Laparotomy was done in all cases. Surgery in form of salpingectomy, salpingo-oophorectomy, and uterine reconstruction was done. No maternal mortality occurred.Conclusions: Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy requires clinical suspicion and supportive investigations like UPT, ultrasonography, ?-HCG and laparoscopy. It is an important cause of admission to Hindu Rao hospital as maternal near miss cases.
Introducción: Dentro de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, el infarto agudo de miocardio es una de las causas de muerte más importante en Cuba, con tendencia creciente en el período 2019-2020. Objetivo: Identificar las variables asociadas a la morbimortalidad precoz por infarto agudo de miocardio, en la unidad coronaria del Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Comandante Faustino Pérez Hernández, en el período 2019-2020. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal que incluyó a 150 pacientes. Se analizaron variables cualitativas y cuantitativas, se aplicó el Chi-cuadrado o t de Student, y se realizó regresión logística binaria. Se empleó un nivel de significación estadístico de p < 0,05. Resultados: El 27 % de los pacientes presentaron complicaciones, y la mortalidad fue del 6 %. Las variables que se relacionaron con las complicaciones fueron la edad de 60 años o más (OR = 3,27; p = 0,004), la localización del infarto en cara anterior (OR = 2,63; p = 0,013) y la fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo menor del 40 % (OR = 4,82; p = 0,005). Conclusiones: La edad avanzada, la localización del infarto en cara anterior y la disfunción ventricular sistólica se asociaron a una morbimortalidad precoz superior.
Introduction: Within cardiovascular diseases, acute myocardial infarction is one of the most important causes of death in Cuba, with a growing trend in the period 2019-2020. Objective: To identify the variables associated with early morbidity and mortality due to acute myocardial infarction, in the coronary unit of the Clinical Surgical University Hospital Faustino Pérez Hernández, in the period 2019-2020. Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study that included 150 patients. Qualitative and quantitative variables were analyzed, Chi-square or T-student tests were applied to them, and a binary logistic regression was performed. A statistical significance level of p<0.05 was used. Results: 27 % of the patients presented complications, and mortality was 6%. The variables that were related to complications were age 60 years or older (OR=3.27; p=0.004), location of the infarct on the anterior wall (OR=2.63; p=0.013) and the left ventricular ejection fraction less than 40% (OR=4.82, p=0.005). Conclusions: Advanced age, location of the infarct on the anterior wall, and systolic ventricular dysfunction were associated with higher early morbidity and mortality.
Introdução: o pé diabético é de origem neuropática e representa uma das complicações do diabetes mellitus, abrange várias condições patológicas, que incluem neuropatia, doença arterial periférica, neuroartropatia de Charcot, ulceração do pé e, em alguns casos, amputação. Objetivo: descrever o perfil clínico-metabólico de pacientes pé diabéticos frequentadores de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS). Material e Método: trata-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório com abordagem quantitativa. Foram avaliados 15 pacientes portadores de úlceras do pé diabético atendidos em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde de Altamira, estado do Pará, Brasil. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de acordo com os indicadores dos perfis investigados. Resultados: todos os pacientes possuem diabetes tipo II, baixos níveis de renda familiar e escolaridade. O Índice de Massa Corpórea (IMC) foi de 92%, circunferência abdominal 93%, proteína C reativa ultrassensível, interleucina-6 e hemoglobina glicada estavam superiores ao normal em mais da metade dos doentes, assim como a vitamina D estava deficiente em mais da metade dos pacientes. Conclusões: há barreiras ao manejo adequado dos portadores de pé diabético na atenção básica da cidade de Altamira que podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de complicações macro e microvasculares. Recomendações técnicas direcionadas aos gestores locais contribuem para a atenção básica na região.
Introduction: the diabetic foot is of neuropathic origin and represents one of the complications of diabetes mellitus, encompasses several pathological conditions, including neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease, Charcot neuroarthropathy, foot ulceration, osteomyelitis and, in some cases, amputation. Objective: to describe the clinical-metabolic profile of diabetic foot patients attending a Basic Health Unit (BHU). Material and Method: this is a descriptive exploratory study with a quantitative approach. Fifteen patients with diabetic foot ulcers treated at the Basic Health Unit in Altamira, state of Pará, Brazil, were evaluated. The data were submitted to analysis according to the indicators of the investigated profiles. Results: all patients have Type 2 Diabetes, low level of family income and education. The Body Mass Index (BMI) was 92%, abdominal circumference (93%), Ultrasensitive C-Reactive Protein, Interleukin-6 and glycated hemoglobin were higher than normal in more than half of the patients, as well as vitamin D was deficient in more of half of the patients. Conclusions: there are barriers to the proper management of patients with diabetic foot in primary care in the city of Altamira that can contribute to the development of macro and microvascular complications. Technical recommendations directed at local managers contribute to primary care in the region.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , AgedABSTRACT
Background: Eclampsia is the convulsive and most severe manifestation of the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Eclampsia is defined by new-onset tonic-clonic, focal, or multifocal seizures in the absence of other causative conditions.Methods: It is a prospective observational study conducted in BMC Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India of duration one year, according to inclusion and exclusion criteria with 72 eclampsia patients.Results: Most patients had vaginal deliveries 62.5%. There were 4.2% maternal deaths. 65.4% patients’ babies were shifted to mother’s side. Lesser no. of SNCU referrals were seen in cases of LSCS as compared to vaginal deliveries, in cases where patients had GCS more than 8 at time of admission, where admission delivery interval was less than 12 hrs.Conclusions: The results of the current study indicated that better the general condition of patient at time of admission, lesser the induction/admission delivery interval-better is the fetal maternal outcome. Eclampsia could have been prevented in patients by regular antenatal visits and early detection in pre-eclampsia/gestational hypertension stage.
Cerca de 17 milhões de pessoas sofreram acidentes com queimaduras no mundo em 2022. Somente no Brasil, foi registrado um milhão de acidentes e cerca de 2,5% necessitaram de internação hospitalar. Apesar do investimento aproximado de 74 milhões de reais o país ainda tem taxa de mortalidade 2,93%. A grandiosidade estatística sobre pacientes que sofrem queimadura aponta para a necessidade de melhorias no atendimento e ao cuidado deste paciente, visando redução de danos e mortalidade. Baseado nas perspectivas da Qualidade e Segurança do Paciente, com foco na Tríade de Donabedian, este estudo teve como objetivo: Analisar a correlação entre fatores preditores e indicadores de qualidade e segurança com a morbimortalidade do paciente queimado admitido no Centro de tratamento de Queimados (CTQ);Descrever o perfil clínico do paciente queimado admitido no Centro de tratamento de Queimados (CTQ);Identificar fatores contribuintes e indicadores de qualidade e segurança preditivos de risco para morbimortalidade em pacientes queimado internado em CTQ; Elaborar uma lista de fatores contribuintes e indicadores de qualidade e segurança relacionados ao paciente queimado internado em CTQ, considerando os achados da literatura e de prontuários; Estimar o risco de morbimortalidade do paciente queimado a partir da lista de indicadores de qualidade e segurança para análise de potenciais fatores preditores de óbito, sepse e lesão renal.. METODOLOGIA: trata se de um estudo natureza quantitativa, observacional retrospectiva, com desenho transversal, atendendo as recomendações STROBE. Para análise dos dados foi utilização Scoping Review e medidas estatísticas descritivas. O cenário de estudo foi um Centro de Tratamento de Queimados militar na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com análise de 43 prontuários. RESULTADOS:A predominância dos pacientes atendidos foi do sexo masculino, com idade média de 39 anos, afetados por agentes físicos, e apresentando lesões de 2º com mais de 18% de Superfície Corpórea Queimada (SCQ). Não foram encontrados indicadores específicos para paciente queimado, mas fatores que podem ser considerados preditores na morbimortalidade. Para a lista de indicadores e fatores preditivos foi verificado na amostra que % SCQ foi o único que apresentou significância tanto para morbidade quanto mortalidade. CONCLUSÃO: A sepse e a lesão renal foram as principais causas que levaram a morbidade e mortalidade, e a identificação precoce para estes desfechos auxiliam na redução da morbimortalidade do paciente queimado, podendo ser verificado mediante medidas simples e eficazes, como uma matriz de risco.
Approximately 17 million people worldwide suffered burn accidents in 2022. In Brazil alone, there were one million accidents recorded, and about 2.5% required hospitalization. Despite an approximate investment of 74 million reais, the country still has a mortality rate of 2.93%. The statistical magnitude of patients suffering from burns points to the need for improvements in care and attention to this patient, aiming at reducing damage and mortality. Based on the perspectives of Quality and Patient Safety, focusing on Donabedian's Triad, this study aimed to: Analyze the correlation between predictive factors and quality and safety indicators with the morbidity and mortality of the burn patient admitted to the Burn Treatment Center (CTQ); Describe the clinical profile of the burn patient admitted to the Burn Treatment Center (CTQ); Identify contributing factors and predictive quality and safety indicators for morbidity and mortality in burn patients admitted to CTQ; Develop a list of contributing factors and quality and safety indicators related to the burn patient admitted to CTQ, considering the findings from the literature and medical records; Estimate the risk of morbidity and mortality of the burn patient from the list of quality and safety indicators for the analysis of potential predictors of death, sepsis, and kidney injury. METHODOLOGY: This is a quantitative, observational retrospective study, with a cross-sectional design, following the STROBE recommendations. The analysis of the data used a Scoping Review and descriptive statistical measures. The study setting was a military Burn Treatment Center in the city of Rio de Janeiro, with an analysis of 43 medical records. RESULTS: The predominance of patients treated was male, with an average age of 39 years, affected by physical agents, and presenting 2nd-degree injuries with over 18% of Burned Body Surface (BBS). No specific indicators were found for burn patients, but factors that may be considered predictors in morbidity and mortality. For the list of indicators and predictive factors, it was verified in the sample that % BBS was the only one that showed significance for both morbidity and mortality. CONCLUSION: Sepsis and kidney injury were the main causes leading to morbidity and mortality, and early identification for these outcomes aids in reducing the morbidity and mortality of the burn patient, which can be verified through simple and effective measures, such as a risk matrix.
Aproximadamente 17 millones de personas sufrieron accidentes por quemaduras en el mundo en 2022. Solo en Brasil, se registró un millón de accidentes y alrededor del 2,5% requirieron hospitalización. A pesar de una inversión aproximada de 74 millones de reales, el país aún tiene una tasa de mortalidad del 2,93%. La gran magnitud estadística sobre pacientes que sufren quemaduras apunta a la necesidad de mejoras en la atención y cuidado de este paciente, con el objetivo de reducir daños y mortalidad. Basado en las perspectivas de Calidad y Seguridad del Paciente, con enfoque en la Tríada de Donabedian, este estudio tuvo como objetivo: Analizar la correlación entre factores predictores e indicadores de calidad y seguridad con la morbimortalidad del paciente quemado admitido en el Centro de Tratamiento de Quemados (CTQ); Describir el perfil clínico del paciente quemado admitido en el Centro de Tratamiento de Quemados (CTQ); Identificar factores contribuyentes e indicadores de calidad y seguridad predictivos de riesgo para la morbimortalidad en pacientes quemados internados en CTQ; Elaborar una lista de factores contribuyentes e indicadores de calidad y seguridad relacionados con el paciente quemado internado en CTQ, considerando los hallazgos de la literatura y de los registros médicos; Estimar el riesgo de morbimortalidad del paciente quemado a partir de la lista de indicadores de calidad y seguridad para el análisis de posibles factores predictores de muerte, sepsis e insuficiencia renal. METODOLOGÍA: se trata de un estudio de naturaleza cuantitativa, observacional retrospectiva, con diseño transversal, siguiendo las recomendaciones STROBE. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó Scoping Review y medidas estadísticas descriptivas. El escenario del estudio fue un Centro de Tratamiento de Quemados militar en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro, con análisis de 43 registros médicos. RESULTADOS: La predominancia de los pacientes atendidos fue de sexo masculino, con una edad media de 39 años, afectados por agentes físicos, y presentando lesiones de 2º grado con más del 18% de Superficie Corporal Quemada (SCQ). No se encontraron indicadores específicos para pacientes quemados, pero sí factores que pueden ser considerados predictores en la morbimortalidad. Para la lista de indicadores y factores predictivos se verificó en la muestra que el % SCQ fue el único que presentó significancia tanto para morbilidad como mortalidad. CONCLUSIÓN: La sepsis y la lesión renal fueron las principales causas que llevaron a la morbilidad y mortalidad, y la identificación temprana de estos desenlaces ayuda en la reducción de la morbimortalidad del paciente quemado, pudiendo ser verificado mediante medidas simples y eficaces, como una matriz de riesgo.
Burns , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Patient SafetyABSTRACT
Fundamento la colecistitis aguda es una enfermedad inflamatoria, caracterizada por alteraciones agudas de la pared vesicular que pueden ir desde el edema y la congestión hasta la gangrena y perforación. Es una enfermedad con alta incidencia en urgencia quirúrgica. Objetivo: caracterizar clínica y quirúrgicamente la colecistitis aguda en pacientes del Servicio de Cirugía General. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo y prospectivo de pacientes atendidos por colecistitis aguda en el Servicio de Cirugía durante el período del primero de enero de 2017 al treinta y uno de diciembre de 2019. Los datos se obtuvieron de las historias clínicas y los informes operatorios, utilizando un modelo de recolección de datos. Se analizaron las variables edad, sexo, enfermedades asociadas, manifestaciones clínicas, confirmación diagnóstica, tipo de tratamiento, modalidad de tratamiento quirúrgico, evolución, complicaciones, uso de antibiótico, lugar de ingreso y estadía hospitalaria Resultados: predominaron los pacientes de 60 años y más del sexo femenino; el dolor abdominal prevaleció en la mayoría de los pacientes, acompañado de vómitos y taquicardia; el diagnóstico se confirmó mediante la clínica; predominó el tratamiento quirúrgico, la colecistectomía convencional abierta fue la técnica de elección; la mayoría evolucionó de forma satisfactoria. La sepsis de la herida quirúrgica fue la complicación más frecuente. Conclusiones: la colecistitis aguda es más frecuente en ancianos, el diagnóstico precoz y tratamiento oportuno pueden disminuir el porcentaje de complicaciones; el tratamiento quirúrgico es el de elección, combinado con antibióticoterapia.
Background: acute cholecystitis is an inflammatory disease, characterized by acute changes in the gallbladder wall that can range from edema and congestion to gangrene and perforation. It is a disease with a high incidence in surgical urgency. Objective: to clinically and surgically characterize acute cholecystitis in patients of the General Surgery Service. Methods: a descriptive and prospective study of patients treated for acute cholecystitis in the Surgery Service was carried out from January the 1st, 2017 to December the 31st, 2019. Data were obtained from medical records and operative reports, using a data collection model. The variables age, sex, associated diseases, clinical manifestations, diagnostic confirmation, type of treatment, modality of surgical treatment, evolution, complications, use of antibiotics, place of admission and hospital stay were analyzed. Results: female patients aged 60 years and over predominated; abdominal pain prevailed in most of the patients, accompanied by vomiting and tachycardia; the diagnosis was confirmed through the clinic; surgical treatment predominated, conventional open cholecystectomy was the technique of choice; most progress satisfactorily. Surgical wound sepsis was the most frequent complication. Conclusions: acute cholecystitis is more frequent in the elderly, early diagnosis and timely treatment can reduce the percentage of complications; surgical treatment is the treatment of choice, combined with antibiotic therapy.
Objetivo: analisar a relação entre a raça/cor da pele e a morbimortalidade por COVID-19 no estado de São Paulo-SP. Métodos: Estudo ecológico, retrospectivo e analítico, cujos dados foram coletados no Sistema Estadual de Análise de Dados (SEADE) do Governo do Estado de São Paulo e correspondem ao período de fevereiro de 2020 a setembro de 2021. Na análise de dados, utilizou-se o modelo de regressão com distribuição binomial-negativa múltipla, para comparar a incidência e a mortalidade específica entre as raças/cores de pele. Resultados: ao se compararem as curvas de incidência de COVID-19, houve diferença estatística significativa entre as comparações de todos os grupos de raça/cor da pele. Na comparação entre tendências branca vs parda, o resultado foi p = 0,007; na comparação entre tendências branca vs preta, p = <0,001; na comparação entre tendências parda vs preta, p = 0,003. Porém, quando foram comparadas as tendências de incidência por sexo e faixa etária e as tendências de óbito, não houve diferença estatística. Conclusão: a raça/cor da pele influenciou nas curvas de incidência geral por COVID-19 no estado de São Paulo, porém a não associação com a mortalidade pode estar relacionada com a falta de informação sobre raça/cor/etnia nas fichas de notificação, afetando consequentemente sua disponibilidade nos sistemas de informação, o que reforça a importância da divulgação de dados epidemiológicos oficiais de qualidade.(AU)
Objective: to analyze the relationship between ethnicity/skin color and morbi-mortality from COVID-19 in the state of São Paulo-SP. Methods: ecological, retrospective, and analytical study, whose data were collected from the State Data Analysis System (SE-ADE) of the Government of the State of São Paulo, covering from February 2020 to September 2021. Data analysis used a regression model with multiple binomial negative distribution, to compare the incidence and mortality specific between ethnicities/skin colors. Results: a comparison between the incidence curves of COVID-19 showed a signi-ficant statistical difference between all groups of ethnicity/skin color. In the comparison of trends between white and brown, the result was p = 0.007; in the comparison of trends between white and black, it was p = 0.001; in the comparison of trends between brown and black, p = 0.003. However, when we compare the trends of incidence per sex and age group with death trends, there was no statistical difference. Conclusion: ethnicity/skin color has influenced general incidence curves by COVID-19 in São Paulo. The fact that it was not associated with mortality can be related with the lack of information about ethnicity/color in notification forms, thus affecting the availability of such data in information systems, which reiterates the importance of publicizing quality official epidemiological data.(AU)
Objetivo: analizar la relación entre la raza/color de piel y la morbimortalidad por Covid-19 en el estado de São Paulo-SP.Métodos: estudio ecológico, retrospectivo y analítico, cuyos datos fueron recolectados en el Sistema Estatal de Análisis de Datos (SEADE) del Gobierno del Estado de São Paulo y corresponden al período de febrero de 2020 a septiembre de 2021. Para el análisis de datos se utilizó el modelo de regresión con distribución binomial-negativa múltiple para comparar la incidencia y la mortalidad específica entre las razas/colores de piel.Resultados: al comparar las curvas de incidencia de Covid-19, hubo una diferencia estadística significativa entre las comparaciones de todos los grupos de raza/color de piel, siendo que en la comparación entre tendencias blanca vs parda p= 0,007; comparación entre tendencias blanca vs negra p= <0,001; comparación entre tendencias parda vs negra p= 0,003. Sin embargo, cuando se compararon las tendencias de incidencia por sexo y grupo etario y las tendencias de muerte, no hubo diferencia estadística. Conclusión: la raza/color de piel influyó en las curvas de incidencia general por Covid-19 en el estado de São Paulo, sin embargo, la no-asociación con la mortalidad puede estar relacionada con la falta de información sobre raza/color/etnia en las fichas de notificación, y consecuentemente su disponibilidad en los sistemas de información, reforzando la importancia de la divulgación de datos epidemiológicos oficiales de calidad.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Aged , Socioeconomic Factors , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Health Information Systems , Data Analysis , COVID-19/mortality , COVID-19/epidemiology , Incidence , Racial GroupsABSTRACT
Objetivo: descrever os registros de óbitos e hospitalizações por zoonoses respiratórias em residentes de Minas Gerais, de 2000 a 2020. Métodos: utilizou-se abordagem quantitativa descritiva com dados secundários não nominais da Secretaria Estadual de Saúde do estado. Os dados referem-se a 2000 a 2020 e foram retirados do SIM e SIH, sendo analisados sob a estatística descritiva. Resultados: registraram-se 46.178 hospitalizações e 13.317 óbitos, sendo os vírus os principais agentes nas taxas de internação e mortalidade, com pico em 2020. Entre 2000 e 2019, as internações foram predominantes em homens, faixa etária 0-17 anos (42,8%) e raça branca (13,6%), com maior mortalidade na faixa 45-59 anos (34,7%) e raça branca (54,0%). Em 2020, ambas predominaram em homens, acima de 60 anos e nas raças branca e parda. Conclusão: os achados contribuem para conhecer a ocorrência das zoonoses na população mineira e subsidiar futuras ações de vigilância e controle dessas doenças.
Objective: to describe the records of deaths and hospitalizations due to respiratory zoonoses in residents of Minas Gerais from 2000 to 2020. Methods: a descriptive quantitative approach was used with non-nominal secondary data from the State Department of Health. Data refers to the years between 2000-2020 and were taken from SIM and SIH, being analyzed under descriptive statistics. Results: there were 46,178 hospitalizations and 13,317 deaths, with viruses being the main agents in hospitalization and mortality rates, with a peak in 2020. Between 2000 and 2019, hospitalizations were predominant in men aged 0-17 years (42.8%) and white race (13.6%), with higher mortality in the 45-59 age group (34.7%) and white race (54.0%). In 2020, both predominated in men over 60 years old, both in white and Hispanic races. Conclusion: the findings explain the occurrence of zoonoses in the population of Minas Gerais and support future surveillance and control actions for these diseases.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Respiratory Tract DiseasesABSTRACT
Prolonged Decision-to-Delivery interval (DDI) is associated with adverse maternal-foetal outcomes following emergency Caesarean section (EmCS). Objectives: To determine the DDI, predictive factors, and the foeto-maternal outcomes of patients that had EmCS in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital. Methods: A descriptive study of all EmCS performed at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC), Ile-Ife, Nigeria, from 1st June 2020 to 31st May 2021, was conducted. Relevant data were extracted from the documentations of doctors, nurses and anaesthetists using a designed proforma. The data obtained were analysed using the IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, version 25. Results: The median (IQR) DDI was 297 (175-434) minutes. Only one patient was delivered within the recommended DDI of 30 minutes. The most common cause of prolonged DDI was delay in procuring materials for CS by patients' relatives(s)/caregiver(s) (264, 85.2%). Repeat CS (AOR = 4.923, 95% CI 1.09-22.36; p = 0.039), prolonged decision-to-operating room time (AOR = 8.22, 95% CI 1.87-8.66; p<0.001), and junior cadre of surgeon (AOR = 25.183, 95% CI 2.698-35.053; p = 0.005) were significant predictors of prolonged DDI. Prolonged DDI > 150 minutes was significantly associated with maternal morbidity (p = 0.001), stillbirth (p = 0.008) and early neonatal death (p = 0.049). Conclusion: The recommended DDI of 30 minutes for CS is challenging in the setting studied. To improve foetomaternal outcomes, efforts to reduce the DDI should be pursued vigorously, using the recommended 30 minutesas a benchmark.
Humans , Cesarean Section , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Emergency Medical Services , Perinatal Mortality , Pregnancy Outcome , Outcome Assessment, Health CareABSTRACT
Resumo Fundamento Os resultados a curto prazo após o uso de enxertos arteriais ainda suscitam questionamentos e dúvidas na sociedade médica. Objetivo Comparar os resultados imediatos de pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio com enxerto arterial único versus enxertos arteriais múltiplos. Métodos Estudo de coorte transversal no Registro Paulista de Cirurgia Cardiovascular II (REPLICCAR II). Os dados perioperatórios de 3122 pacientes foram agrupados pelo número de enxertos arteriais utilizados e seus desfechos foram comparados: reoperação, infecção profunda da ferida torácica (IPFT), acidente vascular cerebral, lesão renal aguda, intubação prolongada (>24 horas), tempo de internação curta (<6 dias), tempo de internação prolongada (>14 dias), morbidade e mortalidade. O Propensity Score Matching (PSM) correspondeu a 1062 pacientes, ajustado para o risco de mortalidade. Resultados Após PSM, o grupo enxerto arterial único apresentou pacientes com idade avançada, mais ex-fumantes, hipertensos, diabéticos, portadores de angina estável e infarto do miocárdio prévio. Nos enxertos arteriais múltiplos houve predomínio do sexo masculino, pneumonia recente e cirurgias de urgência. Após o procedimento, houve maior incidência de derrame pleural (p=0,042), pneumonia (p=0,01), reintubação (p=0,006), IPFT (p=0,007) e desbridamento esternal (p=0,015) no grupo de enxertos multiarteriais, porém, menor necessidade de hemotransfusão (p=0,005), infecções de extremidades (p=0,002) e menor tempo de internação (p=0,036). O uso bilateral da artéria torácica interna não foi relacionado ao aumento da taxa de IPFT, e sim a hemoglobina glicosilada >6,40% (p=0,048). Conclusão Pacientes submetidos a técnica multiarterial apresentaram maior incidência de complicações pulmonares e IPFT, sendo que a hemoglobina glicosilada ≥6,40% teve maior influência no resultado infeccioso do que a escolha dos enxertos.
Abstract Background The short-term results after using arterial grafts still raise questions and doubts for medical society. Objective To compare the immediate outcomes of patients undergoing single arterial graft versus multiple arterial grafts coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Methods Cross-sectional cohort study in the São Paulo Registry of Cardiovascular Surgery II (REPLICCAR II). Perioperative data from 3122 patients were grouped by the number of arterial grafts used, and their outcomes were compared: reoperation, deep sternal wound infection (DSWI), stroke, acute kidney injury, prolonged intubation (>24 hours), short hospital stay (<6 days), prolonged hospital stay (>14 days), morbidity and mortality. Propensity Score Matching (PSM) matched 1062 patients, adjusted for the mortality risk. Results After PSM, the single arterial graft group showed patients with advanced age, more former smokers, hypertension, diabetes, stable angina, and previous myocardial infarction. In the multiple arterial grafts, there was a predominance of males, recent pneumonia, and urgent surgeries. After the procedure, there was a higher incidence of pleural effusion (p=0.042), pneumonia (p=0.01), reintubation (p=0.006), DSWI (p=0.007), and sternal debridement (p=0.015) in the multiple arterial grafts group, however, less need for blood transfusion (p=0.005), extremity infections (p=0.002) and shorter hospital stays (p=0.036). Bilateral use of the internal thoracic artery was not related to increased DSWI rate, but glycosylated hemoglobin >6.40% (p=0.048). Conclusion Patients undergoing the multiarterial technique had a higher incidence of pulmonary complications, and DSWI, where glycosylated hemoglobin ≥6.40%, had a greater influence on the infectious outcome than the choice of grafts.