A considerable progress in plant breeding for higher yield is attained mainly through selection of morpho-physiological attributes in rice. The field experiments were conducted at three different locations under sub-tropical conditions with four early maturing rice varieties viz., Binadhan-7, Binadhan-17, BRRI dhan33, and BRRI dhan39 during kharif-2 rice season (Aman; July-October) of 2016 to find out the natural variation in the morpho-physiological attributes contributing to higher grain yield in rice. Morphological parameters on plant height, root structure, tillering ontogeny, internode elongation pattern, flag leaf length, flag leaf width, flag leaf angle, number of primary & secondary rachis, branches and also physiological traits on chlorophyll content, photosynthesis rate, total dry mass, growth rate, number of vascular bundles, harvest index with yield and yield contributing characters were studied. Results indicated that plants having rapid growth and development at early growth stages showed higher chlorophyll content, photosynthesis rate, long flag leaf, number of vascular bundles in 1st internode and also exhibited the increase in the number of grains per panicle resulting higher grain yield. Among the test varieties, Binadhan-17 showed superiority in the most morpho-physiological criteria and higher number of vascular bundles manifesting in higher grain yield. This information may help breeders to identity and develop high yielding rice variety.
Bats belong to the order Chiroptera, family Phyllostomidae, and present a wide diversity of reproductive strategies. However, information on the reproductive biology of male bats is scarce, mainly in the Northeast Region of Brazil. Thus, this study evaluated the seasonal testicular histomorphometry of the bat Carollia perspicillata in fragments of the Atlantic Forest in Pernambuco state. To this end, adult males were collected, euthanized for removal of the testicles, and later submitted to a routine histological technique. Histomorphometric analysis included assessment of the areas of tubular and intertubular compartment occupation, as well as quantification of spermatocytes, rounded spermatids, elongated spermatids, and Sertoli and Leydig cells. Results indicated that this bat species presents reproductive seasonality, because significantly higher averages of the testicular parameters were observed in the rainy season, which is a period of greater availability of food resources. Such inferences indicate that there is a synchrony between peak spermatogenesis and hormonal inversion in the months of high precipitation; furthermore, a higher carrying capacity of the Sertoli cells is noted. C. perspicillata males possibly present greater sperm and androgenic activity in the rainy season, associated with increased tubular area and number of spermatogenic cells, as well as with the intertubular area and number of Leydig cells, respectively.(AU)
Os morcegos pertencem a ordem Chiroptera, família Phyllostomidae, e apresentam ampla diversidade de estratégias reprodutivas. Entretanto, as informações relacionadas à biologia reprodutiva dos machos são escassas, principalmente no Nordeste do Brasil. Dessa forma, o trabalho avaliou a histomorfometria sazonal testicular de Carollia perspicillata em fragmentos de Mata Atlântica de Pernambuco. Para tanto, os machos adultos foram coletados, eutanasiados para a remoção dos testículos, e posteriormente submetidos à técnica histológica de rotina. As análises histomorfométricas avaliaram as áreas de ocupação do compartimento tubular e intertubular, assim como a quantificação dos espermatócitos, espermátides arredondadas, espermátides alongadas, células de Sertoli e de Leydig. Os resultados indicaram que a espécie apresenta sazonalidade reprodutiva, visto que maiores médias significativas dos parâmetros testiculares foram encontradas na estação chuvosa, que é um período de maior disponibilidade de recursos alimentares. Tais inferências indicam que existe uma sincronia entre o pico de espermatogênese e investimento hormonal nos meses de alta precipitação, atrelado a isso, nota-se ainda, uma maior capacidade de suporte das células de Sertoli. Os machos de C. perspicillata possivelmente apresentam uma maior atividade espermática e androgênica na estação chuvosa, associadas ao aumento da área tubular e do número de células espermatogênicas, assim como da área intertubular e do número das células de Leydig, respectivamente.(AU)
Animals , Seasons , Chiroptera/anatomy & histology , Chiroptera/physiologyABSTRACT
The morphology of the ruminal and omasal mucosa and hepatic parenchyma of 44 young bulls submitted to four types of concentrates were evaluated by varying the inclusion level of crude Glycerin - CG (0, 6, 12 and 18%). The variables evaluated were number of ruminal papillae per cm² of wall; area of the papillae and total absorption surface per cm² of wall; Mitotic index - MI, height and area of ruminal and omasal papillae; and hepatic morphology. The samples processed for inclusion in paraffin and stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin. The different levels of inclusion of CG in the diet did not interfere either in the number of papillae per cm2 of rumen wall (P= 0,70) or in the ruminal absorptive surface area (P= 0,89). Animals that received diets with levels 12 and 18% had higher MI of the ruminal epithelium (P< 0.01), but higher cell proliferation wasn't reflected in height gain and papillary area (P= 0,82). The omasal mucosa wasn't influenced by the inclusion of CG (MI e height gain and papillary area, P= 0,43, P= 0,56 e P= 0,9, respectively). The inclusion of GB in up to 18% of diet dry matter didn't alter the morphology of the rumen and omaso mucosa; and the integrity hepatic parenchyma.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Omasum/anatomy & histology , Rumen/anatomy & histology , Ruminants/anatomy & histology , Glycerol/administration & dosage , Liver/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
Introducción: La necesidad de la educación científica de todos los profesionales de la salud, para situarlos a la altura de la época en que viven, exige prestar atención explícita a la educación en el trabajo. Existe consenso en que no abundan los ejemplos de trabajos que expresen las exigencias que debe cumplir la educación en el trabajo en el primer año de la carrera de medicina para lograr la vinculación de los contenidos de la asignatura Morfofisiología I con la situación de salud de la comunidad. Objetivo: Proponer el diseño de una estrategia metodológica para la vinculación de los contenidos de la asignatura Morfofisiología I con la situación de salud durante la educación en el trabajo en el primer año de la carrera de medicina. Métodos: Se emplearon modelos de investigación cuantitativos y cualitativos. Se utilizaron métodos empíricos y teóricos y procedimientos estadísticos. El universo estuvo constituido los profesores que impartieron docencia a primer año en los consultorios del Policlínico Norte en el municipio Sancti Spìritus durante el curso 2015-2016. La propuesta se sustentó teóricamente en las concepciones psicológicas y pedagógicas actuales, se constató que existen dificultades de carácter metodológico. Resultados: La propuesta se presentó en forma de acciones a desarrollar por los profesores para la vinculación de los contenidos de la asignatura Morfofisiología I con la situación de salud de la comunidad. Las acciones propuestas se establecen en los tres momentos de la actividad docente: planificación, ejecución y control. Conclusiones: Se caracterizó la educación en el trabajo del primer año de la carrera de medicina, en el área de salud del policlínico Norte de la ciudad de Sancti Spíritus en el curso 2015-2016, lo que permitió identificar los elementos a tener en cuenta en la integración de los conocimientos y habilidades de la asignatura Morfofisiología I con la situación de salud de la comunidad(AU)
Introduction: The need for scientific education of all health professionals, in order to set their performance based on the quality of current times, requires explicit attention to education at work. There is a consensus that there are not many examples of works that show the demands that education at work must meet in the first academic year of the medical major aimed at attaining the association between the contents of the subject Morphophysiology I and the health situation of the community. Objective: To propose the design of a methodological strategy for linking the contents of the subject Morphophysiology I with the health situation during education at work in the first academic year of the medical major. Methods: Quantitative and qualitative research models were used. Empirical and theoretical methods as well as statistical procedures were used. The study population was made up by the professors who taught in the first academic year in the family doctor offices of Policlínico Norte in Sancti Spíritus Municipality during the academic year 2015-2016. The proposal was based theoretically on current psychological and pedagogical conceptions, while methodological difficulties were found. Results: The proposal was presented as actions to be developed by the professors in order to link the contents of the subject Morphophysiology I with the health situation of the community. The proposed actions are established in the three moments of the teaching activity: planning, execution and control. Conclusions: Education at work of the first academic year of the medical major was characterized in the health area of ââPoliclínico Norte of Sancti Spíritus in the academic year 2015-2016, which allowed identifying the elements to be taken into account in the integration of knowledge and skills from the subject Morphophysiology I with the health situation of the community(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Physiology , Diagnosis of Health Situation , Biological Science Disciplines/educationABSTRACT
Fundamento: resulta enriquecedor para la comunidad académica cubana de las ciencias médicas, conocer sobre la vida y obra de personalidades de otras latitudes que, en diferentes momentos, hicieron aportes importantes al desarrollo científico en el área de las ciencias morfológicas, así como al perfeccionamiento de la enseñanza y la formación académica en esta área del conocimiento. Objetivo: divulgar la vida y obra del profesor Anatoliy Loytra, como paradigma en las ciencias morfológicas y la educación médica. Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva con enfoque cualitativo en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, en 2016, desde una perspectiva histórico-lógica, cuyo objeto de estudio es la personalidad de Anatoliy Loytra y la incidencia de su labor profesional en las ciencias médicas cubanas. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis, inducción-deducción e histórico-lógico; y entre los empíricos: la observación y la encuesta en forma de entrevista a informantes clave, las conversaciones dirigidas para la obtención de testimonios tangibles de carácter biográfico y la colaboración del propio profesor. Resultados: se logró una caracterización sistematizada sobre la trayectoria de esta personalidad de las ciencias morfológicas, que tuvo una participación importante en el desarrollo de la docencia de pregrado y de posgrado en esta área del conocimiento, a partir de su protagonismo en la conformación del museo anatómico de la citada universidad y como educador en el área del posgrado académico. Conclusiones: la figura del profesor Anatoliy Loytra constituye un ejemplo a seguir por las nuevas generaciones de profesores e investigadores de las ciencias médicas.
Background: it is enriching for the Cuban academic community of the medical sciences, to know about the life and work of personalities from other latitudes who, in different moments, made important contributions to the scientific development in the area of the morphological sciences. Objective: to divulge the life and work of Professor Anatoliy Loytray, as a paradigm of the morphological sciences and the medical education. Methods: a descriptive research work was carried out with a qualitative approach at Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, in 2016, from a historical-logical perspective, whose object is the personality of Anatoliy Loytray and the incidence of his professional work in the Cuban medical sciences. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and historical-logical and among the empirical ones: the observation and the survey in the form of interview to key informants, the conversations directed to the obtaining of tangible testimonies of biographical character and the collaboration of the professor. Results: a systematized characterization was achieved on the trajectory of this personality of the morphological sciences, which had an important participation in the development of undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in this area of ??knowledge, due to its prominent participation in the conformation of the Anatomical museum of the mentioned university. Conclusions: the figure of Professor Anatoliy Loytray is an example to be followed by the new generations of professors and researchers of the medical sciences.
Geomorphology , Education, Medical , Faculty, Medical , International CooperationABSTRACT
Resumen Objetivo. Desarrollar una nueva metodología para caracterizar la estructura del eritrocito normal mediante el espacio ocupado por el anillo del eritrocito normal caracterizado con el método de Box Counting. Método. Se analizaron las imágenes de 20 extendidos de sangre periférica, cuyos eritrocitos fueron evaluados por un experto como normales. Se superpusieron dos rejillas Kp de 5 x 5 pixeles y Kg de 10 x 10 pixeles, para calcular el espacio ocupado por dos regiones del eritrocito estos son, el disco y centro de este, visto de manera frontal mediante el método de Box Counting. Resultados. Los espacios ocupados por la región del disco con la rejilla Kp variaron entre 47 y 56, la región del centro del eritrocito, varió entre 9 y 14. La dimensión fractal de estas dos regiones varió entre 0,941 y 1,115 para el disco, entre 0,652 y 1,222 para el centro. Conclusiones. La estructura del eritrocito normal puede ser caracterizada mediante el espacio ocupado por cada una de las regiones del eritrocito a partir de la geometría fractal.
Abstract Objective. Develop a new methodology to characterize the structure of the normal erythrocyte through the space occupied by the ring of the normal erythrocyte characterized by the method of Box Counting. Method. Images of10 peripheral blood smears were analysed, whose erythrocytes were evaluated by an expert as normal. There were superimposed two Kp grids of 5 x 5 pixels and Kg of 10 x 10 pixels, to calculate the space occupied by two regions of the erythrocyte which are, disc and centre of this, seen of way frontal by the method of Box Counting. Results. The spaces occupied by the disc region with grid Kp varied between 47 and 56, the central region of the erythrocyte, varied between 9 and 14. The fractal dimension of these two regions varied between 0,941 and 1,115 for the disc, between 0.652 and 1,222 for the centre. Conclusions. The normal erythrocyte structure can be characterized by the space occupied by the regions erythrocyte from fractal geometry.
Humans , Hematology , Serology , Blood Substitutes , GeneticsABSTRACT
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 236 estudiantes desaprobados en la asignatura Morfofisiología III de primer año de medicina, pertenecientes a la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas No 2 de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero hasta mayo del 2016, con el propósito de determinar algunos aspectos psicosociales asociados al bajo rendimiento académico en dichos alumnos. Se aplicó una encuesta, la escala de estrés de Holmes y Rahe, los inventarios de ansiedad rasgo-estado y depresión de Beck. También se tuvieron en cuenta las notas de las evaluaciones frecuentes y parciales, el examen final integrador teórico y práctico, así como la trayectoria del estudiante en la asignatura. En la serie predominaron los estilos de vida inadecuados, el divorcio, la desmotivación y los altos niveles de estrés
A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 236 students who did not pass the test in the matter Morphophysiolgy III in the first year of Medicine career was carried out. They belonged to the Medical Sciences Faculty 2 in Santiago de Cuba, from January to May, 2016, with the purpose of determining some psychosocial aspects associated with the poor performance of these students. A survey, Holmes and Rahe stress scale, the anxiety feature-state and Beck depression stockchecks were carried out. The frequent and partial evaluation marks, the theoretical and practical integrating final exam as well as the experience of the student in the matter were taken into account. In the series there was a prevalence of inadequate life styles, divorce, lack of motivation and high levels of stress
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Students, Medical , Underachievement , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Academic Performance , Epidemiologic Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Learning Disabilities , Life Change EventsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: European apple canker (EC) is caused by Neonectria ditissima, a pathogen officially registered as a quarantine pest in 2012. Thirty-five isolates of N. ditissima of different geographical regions of southern Brazil from apple branches showing symptoms of EC were identified by the specific pair primers Ch1 and Ch2 and analyzed concerning the virulence on Gala apple cultivar and morphophysiological characteristics. The disease symptoms were characterized and the isolates compared based on average mycelium growth (AMG), mycelium growth index (MGI), colony color, conidia type, dimensions and growth on potato dextrose agar (PDA), malt agar (AM), and synthetic SNAY (SN) culture media. Nineteen isolates showed the greatest AMG on PDA, forming three growth groups of 35.56 (GI), 52.71 (GII), and 62.67mm (GIII). Seven isolates showed MGI greater than 4.0mm diameter on PDA compared with that on AM and SN. The highest conidia production was on SN, and the predominant colony color in all media was white to beige with central pigmentation of brown and borders colored in shades of beige. There were significant differences among the average dimensions of micro- and macroconidia on PDA, AM, and SN. The pathogenicity was confirmed for all isolates despite of different morphophysiological characteristics. There was no correlation among isolates morphophysiological variability, virulence, and geographical origin.
RESUMO: O cancro europeu (CE) da macieira é causado pelo fungo Neonectria ditissima e foi oficialmente registrado como praga quarentenária em 2012. Foram avaliados 35 isolados de N. ditissima provenientes de ramos de macieira com sintomas típicos de CE de diferentes regiões do sul do Brasil. Os isolados foram identificados pelos primers específicos Ch1 e Ch2 e analisados quanto as características morfofisiológicas e virulência na cultivar de macieira Gala. Os sintomas foram caracterizados e os isolados comparados com base no crescimento micelial médio (CMM), índice de crescimento micelial (ICM), coloração das colônias e tipos, dimensões e produção de conídios em meios de cultura batata-dextrose-ágar (BDA), malte-ágar (MA) e meio sintético SNAY (SS). Dezenove isolados tiveram os maiores CMM sobre BDA, formando três grupos de crescimento de 35.56 (GI), 52.71 (GII) e 62.67mm (GIII). Sete isolados tiveram ICM maior de 4mm de diâmetro sobre BDA quando comparados com os meios MA e SS. A maior produção de conídios ocorreu sobre o meio SS e a coloração predominante foi de branco-à-bege com pigmentação central marrom e bordas de colônia em tons de bege. Foram observadas diferenças significativas nas dimensões médias dos micro- e macroconídios sobre os meios de culturas BDA, MA e SS. Todos os isolados foram patogênicos na cultivar de macieira gala, independentemente das diferenças morfofisiológicas. Não foram observadas correlações entre a variabilidade morfofisiológicas, virulência e origem geográfica dos isolados.
ABSTRACT: Throughout pregnancy, maternal hemodynamic adaptation is needed to ensure proper uterine perfusion and fetal development. When the uteroplacental vascular system is formed, starting with reduced resistance to uterine arterial flow, this results in decreased total vascular resistance, an activation of neuroendocrine vasoactive peptides, an increase in circulating blood and changes in the cardiovascular system morphophysiology to respond to the increasing demands of uterine perfusion. There has been considerable study of hemodynamic adaptation in pregnant women and this assessment has become a diagnostic tool for fatal obstetric disorders. However, in bitches the available information in this regard is limited; therefore a parallel was drawn between other species of animals and women, in order to subsidize the paucity of information about this process and facilitate the understanding of maternal-fetal hemodynamic adaptation in pregnant bitches. This review and literature analysis aimed/ to discuss morphophysiological cardiovascular adaptations during pregnancy and the possible disorders that can affect this process in pregnant female dogs.
RESUMO: Durante a gestação, a adaptação hemodinâmica materna é necessária para garantir adequada perfusão uterina e desenvolvimento fetal. A formação de um leito vascular uteroplacentário a partir da redução na resistência ao fluxo da artéria uterina reflete na diminuição da resistência vascular total, ativação de fatores neuroendócrinos vasoativos, aumento do volume de sangue circulante e modificações na morfofisiologia do sistema cardiovascular para responder as demandas crescentes de perfusão uterina. Em mulheres gestantes o estudo da adaptação hemodinâmica encontra-se bastante desenvolvido e esta avaliação tem se convertido em uma ferramenta diagnóstica de desordens obstétricas que podem comprometer a relação do binômio materno-fetal. Não obstante, em cadelas a informação disponível a este respeito é limitada e por isso traçou-se um paralelo entre outras espécies de animais e mulheres, de maneira que subsidiassem a carência de informações a este respeito e facilitassem o processo de compreensão da adaptação hemodinâmica materno-fetal em cadelas gestantes. Esta revisão e análise da literatura visa abordar a adaptação morfofisiológica cardiovascular frente à gestação e as possíveis desordens que possam acometer este processo em cães.
La asignatura de Morfofisiología I constituye un gran desafío para los estudiantes del primer año de Medicina, debido a que el momento en que se imparte coincide con la adaptación a la Educación Superior y porque la atención individualizada al estudiante se ha visto afectada por la elevada relación alumno/profesor, derivada de la masividad estudiantil. El uso adecuado de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) pueden constituir una alternativa para contribuir a resolver esta problemática. El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en diseñar un software educativo (SWE) para la autoevaluación de todos los objetivos y contenidos del programa vigente de la asignatura. Se implementó un sitio web, programado por el autor en HTML. Contiene 530 preguntas, distribuidas en 29 entrenadores de 10 o 20 preguntas de test, de verdadero/falso, selección múltiple o mezcla de ambos, que incluyen imágenes cuando se considera necesario. Se incorporan las Guías de las Clases talleres y la de Seminarios y una colección de animados para apoyar aspectos de difícil comprensión de la asignatura. Funciona en las tablets, laptops, teléfonos inteligentes y computadoras de escritorios, que contengan un navegador de Internet como parte de su sistema operativo. Tiene un tamaño de 266 MB. Este SWE responde a las tendencias pedagógicas actuales de la evaluación centrada en el alumno. Constituye una posible solución al problema de la atención al estudiante en condiciones de masividad, aunque por supuesto contribuye al proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en cualquier caso. En un ensayo piloto se corroboró que el empleo de SWE incrementa el rendimiento académico(AU)
Morphophysiology I is one of the most difficult subject for the first year medical students because this moment means an important change in their student life that needs adaptation to the Higher Education space, which includes a different approach to the teaching-learning process. The students need individual attention to learn adequately this difficult subject, but this is not possible due to the incidence of a high student population, joint to a high level in the students:professor ratio which make very difficult to attend to them effectively. The uses of information and communication technologies (ICT) could be a solution to resolve the problem that affects the university learning contexts. The objective of this study was to design an educational software for self-assessment of Morphophysiology I. It was dessigned a web site as teaching media. It was programmed by the author in HTML language. The software contains 530 questions, distributed in 29 tests for training students in two particular ways: true or false tests and multiple-choice selection with images incorporated when needed. The web site has booklets about seminars and training classes to help students to improve the summative assessment. It also includes animated video about some difficult comprehension aspects of Histology, Biochemistry and Embryology. The software functions perfectly in smartphones, tablets, and laptops or on personal computers. The software only requires an internet browser associated to operative system. Its size is 266 MB. The software introduces students and professors to new trends in pedagogical assessment: self-evaluation, continuous and formative evaluation that improves the learning skills of the students. The software is a possible solution to help student's attention in a virtual environment, without the direct professor's attention. Pilot assay in final exam of Morphophysiology l indicated that the development of self-assessment with the software designed renders considerable improvement in students' academic achievement in comparison to the traditional assessment systems(AU)
Humans , Self-Assessment , Students, Medical , Medical Informatics/education , Software/standards , Biological Science Disciplines/education , Academic PerformanceABSTRACT
Fundamento: las tendencias de la educación superior contemporánea han constituido elementos determinantes en los rediseños curriculares para conducir la educación médica a un escalón superior. Objetivo: indagar cómo se ha comportado la investigación científica acerca de la disciplina Morfofisiología Humana y su publicidad en los espacios divulgativos. Métodos: se realizó una investigación documental en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, cuyo objeto de estudio fueron los artículos científicos publicados, hasta mayo del 2016, sobre la disciplina Morfofisiología Humana. Se emplearon métodos teóricos: histórico-lógico, análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción; y empíricos: el análisis documental de los artículos de varios autores cubanos. Resultados: se encontraron 43 artículos científicos publicados, la mayoría de ellos en las revistas Educación Médica Superior, EDUMECENTRO y MEDISAN. Los aspectos más reiterados fueron: recursos del aprendizaje conformados a partir del uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, el componente profesor, las formas de organización de la enseñanza, la evaluación y la implementación y perfeccionamiento de la disciplina. La mayoría de los artículos provienen del proyecto Medicina Integral Comunitaria y Nuevo Programa de Formación de Médicos y de las universidades de La Habana, Villa Clara y Santiago de Cuba. Conclusiones: la Morfofisiología Humana ha sido motivo de estudio en diferentes investigaciones por autores comprometidos con el desarrollo de esta disciplina; en sus artículos han abordado diferentes aristas del proceso enseñanza aprendizaje que sustentan la opinión de los investigadores, sin embargo, por su alcance docente resultan insuficientes las investigaciones publicadas.
Background: trends in contemporary higher education have become decisive factors in curriculum redesigns to conduct medical education to a higher step. Objective: to investigate how scientific research has dealt with the Human Morpho- physiology discipline and its advertising in informative spaces. Methods: a literature search was carried out Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, whose study object was the scientific articles published until May 2016, on Human Morpho-physiology discipline. Theoretical methods were used: historical and logical analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction; and empirical: the documentary analysis of articles of several Cuban authors. Results: 43 scientific articles published, most of them in Higher Medical Education, EDUMECENTRO and MEDISAN were found. The most repeated aspects were learning resources formed through the use of Information and Communications Technology, Professor component, forms of teaching organization, assessment and implementation and improvement of the discipline. Most items come from the project Comprehensive Community Medicine and the New Medical Training Program and the universities of Havana, Villa Clara and Santiago de Cuba. Conclusions: Human Morphophysiology has been studied in various investigations by authors committed to the development of this discipline; Articles have addressed different aspects of the teaching-learning process underpinning the opinion of researchers, however, published research are insufficient by their teaching scope.
Research , Teaching , Geomorphology , Education, Medical , LearningABSTRACT
Los estilos de aprendizaje son los rasgos cognitivos, afectivos y fisiológicos que sirven como indicadores relativamente estables de cómo los alumnos perciben, interaccionan y responden a sus ambientes de aprendizajes. Los autores realizaron una revisión bibliográfica acerca del tema con el objetivo de fundamentar la necesaria pertinencia de estos en el proceso docente educativo desde la disciplina Morfofisiología de la carrera de Estomatología, ya que a los educandos les permite desarrollar estrategias cognitivas efectivas; y en el caso de los profesores, crear acciones pedagógicas para lograr un proceso enseñanza aprendizaje desarrollador.
The learning styles are the cognitive, affective and physiologic features that are good as relatively stable indicators of how the students perceive, interact and respond to their learning environment. The authors carried out a bibliographical review about the topic with the objective to support the necessary pertinence of them in the teaching-learning process through the Morphology-phyisiology discipline of the Odontology career, since they allow to develop cognitive-affective strategies in the students and to create pedagogic actions in the case of the professors, this way to achieve a developing teaching-learning process.
Oral Medicine , Geomorphology , Education, Medical , LearningABSTRACT
Fundamento: por su propio carácter introductorio e integrador, la Morfofisiología Humana I aborda aspectos diversos y complejos en contenidos y conceptos básicos. Objetivo: identificar los factores que influyeron en la baja promoción ordinaria en la mencionada asignatura. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo con enfoque cualitativo, durante el curso 2013-2014, en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos: análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción; empíricos: análisis de documentos del Departamento de Ingreso, Secretaría Docente y Departamento de Morfofisiología, y cuestionario a los estudiantes para determinar los niveles de responsabilidad, satisfacción con la asignatura y su apreciación acerca de las actividades docentes; y el estadístico-matemático para los valores absolutos y relativos. Resultados: los factores que influyeron en la baja promoción ordinaria de Morfofisiología Humana I, fueron: insuficiencias en el trabajo metodológico del colectivo de la asignatura, docentes con poca experiencia en la docencia de dichos contenidos, pocos especialistas en ciencias básicas biomédicas y predominio de las categorías docentes inferiores, limitaciones de recursos materiales, la mayoría de los educandos no planificaban ni priorizaban el estudio de la asignatura diariamente, no participaban activamente en las clases, en el estudio independiente no actualizaban las notas del profesor y no se sintieron satisfechos ni motivados con la asignatura. Conclusiones: se identificaron dificultades dentro del proceso docente educativo en Morfofisiología Humana I, con predominio de insuficiencias en el trabajo metodológico del colectivo, irregularidades en el claustro y limitaciones materiales, así como insatisfacciones de los estudiantes con la impartición y el estudio de la asignatura.
Background: due to its own integrating and introductory character, the Morphology- Physiology I approaches diverse and complex aspects in contents and basic concepts. Objective: to identify the influencing factors in the low ordinary promotion in the above mentioned subject. Methods: it was carried out a descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study within the qualitative approach, during the academic year 2013-2014, in Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction; empiric ones: analysis of documents of the Admission Department, Secretariat of Teaching and Morphology-Physiology Department, and a questionnaire was applied to the students to determine the levels of responsibility, satisfaction with the subject and their appreciation about the teaching activities; and the statistical-mathematical one for the absolute and relative values. Results: the influencing factors in the low ordinary promotion of Morphology-Physiology I were: deficiencies in the methodological-teaching work of the subject teaching staff, professors with little experience, few specialists in biomedical sciences and prevalence of the lower teaching ranks, limitation of material resources, most of the students neither plan nor prioritize the daily study of the subject, they didn't participate in the classes actively , they didn't updated the professor's notes in the independent study and they were neither satisfied nor motivated with the subject. Conclusions: difficulties were identified within the teaching-learning process in Human Morphology-Physiology I, with prevalence of deficiencies in the teaching-methodological staff, and irregularities in the subject teaching staff, and material limitations, as well as the students' dissatisfactions with the teaching and study of the subject.
Geomorphology , Education, MedicalABSTRACT
Fundamento: la tarea docente constituye la célula fundamental del proceso docente educativo, por lo que su confección y utilización constituyen premisas para el buen desempeño escolar. Objetivo: determinar el estado actual de la preparación metodológica del profesor para desarrollar tareas docentes integradoras en la disciplina Morfofisiología. Métodos: se realizó una investigación descriptiva transversal, la población de estudio estuvo conformada por los profesores que imparten la disciplina Morfofisiología en el área sur de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Ciego de Ávila. Se aplicaron métodos teóricos: histórico-lógico, analítico-sintético e inductivo-deductivo; empíricos: análisis documental, observación a clases y encuesta en forma de cuestionario a docentes y de entrevista a informantes clave. Resultados: la tarea docente integradora no ha constituido un elemento de prioridad en la preparación del profesor, algunos no tienen en cuenta el algoritmo a seguir durante sus etapas de diseño, orientación, ejecución y control; existe insuficiente continuidad de temas afines y algunas insuficiencias en el dominio de contenidos, sobre todo de aquellos que no se relacionan directamente con las especialidades de los docentes. Conclusiones: las limitaciones identificadas para el desarrollo de tareas docentes afectan la integración que deben tener las asignaturas dentro de la propia disciplina Morfofisiología y con la disciplina rectora Medicina General Integral, para lograr un enfoque interdisciplinario en la formación del estudiante de las ciencias médicas.
Background: the teaching task constitutes the core of the teaching-learning process, that´s why its elaboration and use constitute premises for the good performance of the school. Objective: to determine the current state of the professor's methodological preparation to develop integrative teaching tasks in the Morphology-physiology discipline. Methods: it was carried out a cross-sectional descriptive investigation; the study population comprised the professors that impart the Morphology-physiology discipline in the south area of Ciego de Avila University of Medical Sciences. Theoretical methods were applied: historical-logical, analytic-synthetic and inductive-deductive; empiric: documental analysis, observation to classes and a survey in questionnaire form was applied to the professors and an interview was applied to key informants. Results: the integrative teaching task has not constituted an element of priority in the professor's preparation, some of them don't keep in mind its algorithm during the design, orientation, execution and control stages; there isn´t enough continuity of alike topics and some inadequacies in the mastery of contents, mainly of those that are not closely related to teaching specialties. Conclusions: the identified limitations for the development of teaching tasks affect the integration that the subjects within the Morphology-physiology discipline should have and with the integrating discipline Comprehensive General Medicine, to achieve an interdisciplinary approach in the formation of the medical sciences student.
Education, Medical , Methodology as a Subject , General PracticeABSTRACT
La creación de condiciones óptimas para que surjan situaciones problémicas es una de las tareas más importantes de la enseñanza problémica y es, precisamente, donde radica una de las mayores limitaciones de los docentes al implementarla. Dando continuidad al propósito de estimular el uso de este sistema didáctico como una alternativa metodológica viable en la educación médica superior cubana, el presente artículo pretende proporcionar recomendaciones o pautas metodológicas en la elaboración de situaciones problémicas: se precisan los factores de los que depende esta, los requisitos que debe cumplir, sus tipos fundamentales y se proponen formas de presentación de las contradicciones del contenido de enseñanza para su creación con ejemplos en Morfofisiología. Se utilizaron principalmente metodos teóricos, tales como el enfoque histórico-lógico, análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción y la modelación.
The creation of optimal conditions for problem-based situations is one of the most important tasks of the problem-based teaching and at the same time one of the major restrictions of the professors at the time of implementing it. As part of the objective of encouraging the use of this didactic system as a viable methodological alternative in Cuban higher education, the present article was intended to offer recommendations or to provide methodological for the preparation of problem-based situations. To this end, the paper specified the factors on which they depend, the requirements that they should fulfill the fundamental types and the forms of presentation of the contradictions in the teaching contents for the creation of these situations, with examples given in morphophysiology subject. Theoretical methods were mainly used, such as historical-logical approach, analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction, and modeling.
Education, Medical/methods , Faculty, Medical , Students, Medical , Teaching MaterialsABSTRACT
Se realizó un estudio experimental, con vistas a medir la efectividad del laminario histológico interactivo de Morfofisiología II, en 32 estudiantes de primer año de la carrera de medicina, pertenecientes al Policlínico Docente "José Martí Pérez" de Santiago de Cuba, durante el primer trimestre del 2012. La muestra se dividió en 2 grupos (A y B), distribuidos aleatoriamente; los integrantes del primero usaron la bibliografía básica para el estudio de la asignatura, y los del segundo emplearon además, el laminario antes citado. Se concluyó que dicho software fue efectivo, puesto que los estudiantes del grupo B obtuvieron mejores calificaciones que los del A.
An experimental study was carried out, with the aim of measuring the effectiveness of the Morphophysiology II interactive histological laminario, in 32 first year students of the medicine career, belonging to "José Martí Pérez" Teaching Polyclinic from Santiago de Cuba, during the first trimester of 2012. The sample was divided into 2 randomly distributed groups (A and B). The member of the first group used the basic literature for studying the subject, and those of the second group used besides the literature, the above mentioned laminario. It was concluded that the software was effective, since the students of group B obtained better qualifications that those of group A.
Teaching Materials , Software , Students, Medical , Education, Medical, UndergraduateABSTRACT
Se valora la necesidad de que el profesional sanitario resulte aún más competente en la prestación de sus servicios a partir del dominio del inglés en aquellos contextos donde este sea el idioma para comunicarse con fines específicos, pues a pesar de los logros obtenidos en la educación médica superior, se requieren herramientas especializadas en salud pública para erradicar las barreras idiomáticas respecto a esa lengua. El Diccionario bilingüe ilustrado de morfofisiología en inglés/español y español/inglés se implementó en la Facultad de Enfermería de Santiago de Cuba como bibliografía de consulta en formato digital, teniendo en cuenta que permite adquirir nuevos conocimientos y habilidades de forma independiente, así como perfeccionar modos de actuación en cuanto a competencia y desempeño.
The necessity that the health professional becomes even more competent in his services is evaluated, starting from the learning of English in those contexts where this language is necessary to communicate for specific aims, because in spite of the achievements obtained in the higher medical education, specialized tools are required in public health to eradicate the idiomatic barriers regarding this language. The illustrated bilingual morphophysiology Dictionary English/Spanish and Spanish/English was implemented in the Nursing Faculty from Santiago de Cuba as consulting literature in digital format, keeping in mind that it allows to acquire new knowledge and abilities in an independent way, as well as to improve performance regarding competence and acting.
Dictionary, Polyglot , Knowledge Management , Competency-Based EducationABSTRACT
Objetivo: valorar la tarea docente extraclase desarrolladora como alternativa didáctica para promover el aprendizaje significativo en la asignatura Morfofisiología I, en estudiantes de primer año de la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina. Método: se realizó un estudio explicativo, siguiendo un diseño experimental de corte longitudinal en la Escuela Latinoamericana de Medicina, Cuba, durante el primer semestre del curso 2012-2013. El muestreo fue no probabilístico. Se seleccionaron 115 estudiantes y se formaron 2 grupos: experimental y control. El grupo control realizó actividad docente de seminario mientras que el grupo experimental, efectuó una tarea docente desarrolladora extraclase. La variable principal monitoreada fue el nivel de asimilación relacionado con los contenidos de Respiración Celular en las semanas 6 y 11 del curso académico. Se empleó el análisis de frecuencia y la estadística inferencial para la descripción, la comparación y la asociación entre variables (pruebas X2, Eta, de Sommers y de homogeneidad marginal) mediante el paquete SPSS 11.5 y EpiDat 3.0 para Windows. Resultados: se constató un nivel de asimilación significativamente superior en el grupo experimental que en el control. La autopercepción de aprendizaje y satisfacción con la actividad docente de tarea extraclase fue baja. Conclusión: la tarea docente extraclase como forma de la organización de la enseñanza desarrolladora promueve el aprendizaje de contenidos específicos a corto y mediano plazos en los estudiantes de Medicina.
Objective: to assess the developing extracurricular educational assignment as a didactic alternative to promote the significant learning in Morphophysiology I subject in first-year students of the Latin American Medical School. Method: an explanatory study with longitudinal experimental design carried out in the Latin American Medical School in Cuba during the first semester of the 2012-2013 academic year. The sampling was non-probabilistic. One hundred and fifteen students were included in two groups, namely, experimental and control. The control group performed educational activity in the form of seminars whereas the experimental group carried out an extracurricular developing educational assignment. The main evaluated variable was the level of assimilation related to the contents of cell respiration in the 6th and 11th weeks of the academic year. The frequency analysis and the inferential statistics for description, comparison and association of variables (X 2 , Eta, Sommers' and marginal homogeneity test) were used with the SPSS package 11.5 and EpiDat 3.0 for Windows. Results: the experimental group showed greater assimilation of contents than the control group. The level of self-perception of learning and satisfaction of students with the extracurricular educational assignment was low. Conclusion: the extracurricular educational assignment as a variant of developing teaching organization promotes the short and medium-term learning of specific contents by medical students.
Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Teaching/methods , Educational Measurement/methods , Students, Medical , Longitudinal StudiesABSTRACT
Fumonisins (FBs) are mycotoxins produced by Fusarium molds. Several works have shown contamination of maize by this toxin. Fumonisin B1 (FB-1) is found in greatest proportion (about 70%), resistant to several industrialization processes. In that context, the objective of this work was to analyze the effect of administering a diet contaminated with FB- 1 on the morphophysiology of the kidneys of 21-day old male Wistar rats. The animals were divided into 2 groups: G0 (with animals receiving feed free of FBs) and G6 (6mg of FB1 kg-1 of feed). The diet was administered during 42 days. After that period, the animals were placed in metabolic cages for urine collection, blood was collected for analysis of plasma creatinine, and the kidneys were fixed and stained with Masson's trichrome. We observed that FB1 administration did not affect feed intake, body weight gain and animal growth. The normal levels of plasma creatinine suggest that the toxin did not lead to glomerular lesion. There was also no change in water intake, osmolarity and excretion of sodium in urine. However, there was a significant increase in urine volume and potassium excretion in urine, with mild tubulointerstitial changes in the outer cortex for the group receiving the mycotoxin.
Fumonisinas (FBs) são micotoxinas produzidas por fungos do gênero Fusarium. Diversos trabalhos demonstraram a contaminação do milho por essa toxina. A fumonisina B1 (FB-1) é encontrada em maior proporção (cerca de 70%), sendo resistente a vários processos de industrialização. De acordo com este contexto, o trabalho em foco teve como objetivo analisar o efeito da administração de dieta contaminada com FB-1 sobre a morfofisiologia renal de ratos Wistar machos, com 21 dias de idade. Os animais foram divididos em 2 grupos: G0 (ração isenta de FBs) e G6 (alimentados com 6mg de FB1 kg-1 de ração). A dieta foi administrada por 42 dias. Após esse período, os animais foram colocados em gaiolas metabólicas para coleta da urina, o sangue foi coletado para análise da creatinina plasmática, e os rins fixados e corados pelo Tricrômico de Masson. Observou-se que a administração de FB1 não afetou o consumo de ração, o ganho de peso e crescimento dos animais. A normalidade nos níveis da creatinina plasmática sugere que a toxina não induziu lesão glomerular. Não houve alteração na quantidade de água ingerida, na osmolaridade e na excreção urinária do sódio. No entanto houve aumento significativo no volume urinário e na excreção urinária do potássio e presença de alterações tubulointersticiais de intensidade leve no córtex externo, no grupo que recebeu a micotoxina.
Rats , Kidney/anatomy & histology , Mycotoxicosis , Nephritis, Interstitial , NephrotomyABSTRACT
Fundamento: en el curso 2007-2008 se produjeron cambios en los contenidos de los programas de estudio en la carrera de Estomatología al unirse las ciencias básicas biomédicas en una disciplina académica, la Morfofisiología. Las asignaturas que la componen presentan diferentes formas de organización de la enseñanza, entre ellas el trabajo independiente. Objetivo: analizar los resultados de acciones pedagógicas que favorezcan una correcta dirección del trabajo independiente en la disciplina Morfofisiología, a partir de las condiciones contextuales existentes. Método: se realizó una investigación con carácter analítico prospectivo en la Facultad de Estomatología de Camagüey, desde febrero del 2012 a mayo del 2013, el universo estuvo constituido por los 85 estudiantes matriculados en el primer año de la carrera en el curso 2011-2012. Se trabajó con el universo por la importancia de la investigación. Entre las acciones emprendidas se encuentran: la preparación del colectivo docente, la orientación a los estudiantes de cómo realizar el trabajo independiente y la atención diferenciada a los estudiantes identificados con dificultades en su realización. La evaluación se basó en la comparación del rendimiento académico alcanzado por los estudiantes. Resultados: un porciento elevado de estudiantes reconocieron la realización por parte de los profesores de los elementos fundamentales para una correcta orientación del trabajo independiente, el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes aumentó después de aplicar el plan de acciones. Conclusiones: las acciones pedagógicas que se diseñaron para realizar una correcta dirección del trabajo independiente en la disciplina Morfofisiología mostraron ser efectivas lo que se constató en un aumento en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes.
Background: in the academic year 2007-2008, changes occurred in the contents of the Dentistry curriculum with the merging of the basic biomedical sciences in a single discipline, Morphophysiology. The subjects that comprise it have different forms of organization of teaching, and independent work is one of them. Objective: to analyze the results of pedagogical actions that contribute to a correct guidance of independent work in the discipline Morphophysiology, considering the existing contextual conditions. Methods: prospective analytical study was conducted in the Faculty of Dentistry of Camagüey, from February 2012 to May 2013. The universe consisted of 85 students enrolled in the first year of study in the academic year 2011-2012. The study included the universe due to the importance of the issue. The actions taken included: preparation of the teaching staff, guidance to students on how to perform independent work and individualized attention to students who had shown difficulties in this area. The assessment was based on comparing the academic performance achieved by the students. Results: a high percentage of students acknowledged the implementation, by teachers, of the key elements for a successful guidance of independent work, and the academic performance of students improved after implementing the action plan. Conclusions: the educational actions that were designed to provide a correct guidance of independent work in the discipline Morphophysiology were found to be effective, which was demonstrated by an improvement in the academic performance of students.