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Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);44(3): 379-390, jul.-set. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1574104


Introduction. Postpartum anxiety after childbirth is a common condition among pregnant women due to reasons such as the uncertainty of experiencing pregnancy and childbirth for the first time, or previous negative experiences. Fear of childbirth can affect the mother's baby care process. Objective. This study was conducted analytically with a single-subject design to determine the effects of maternal concerns about childbirth and the postpartum period on obsessive and compulsive behaviors related to baby care. Materials and methods. The study was conducted with 260 mothers. Data were collected using a descriptive information form, and the scales 'Fear of Childbirth and Postpartum Period', and 'Obsessive and Compulsive Behaviors of Mothers in the Postpartum Period Related to Baby Care'. The data were analyzed using the SPSS™ software to calculate percentages, mean values, t tests, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and simple linear regression analysis. Results. A statistically significant and positive correlation was found between participant scores of the 'Fear of Childbirth and Postpartum Period' and the 'Obsessive and Compulsive Behaviors of Mothers in the Postpartum Period Related to Baby Care' scales (p < 0.01). The regression model showed that 18.0% of the total variance in the obsessive and compulsive behaviors of mothers in the postpartum was explained by the fear of childbirth and the postpartum period (corrected R2 = 0.180). Conclusions. Fear of childbirth and the postpartum period were moderate. However, as the fear of women regarding childbirth and the postpartum period increased, their postpartum obsessive and compulsive behaviors about baby care also increased.

Introducción. La ansiedad del parto y el posparto es una condición común entre las mujeres embarazadas por la incertidumbre de vivir el embarazo y el parto por primera vez o por previas experiencias negativas. El miedo al parto puede afectar el proceso del cuidado del bebé de la madre. Objetivo. Determinar el efecto de las preocupaciones maternas sobre el parto y el puerperio y su efecto sobre las conductas obsesivas y compulsivas relacionadas con el cuidado del bebé. Materiales y métodos. El estudio se realizó con 260 madres. Los datos fueron recolectados en el formulario de información descriptiva y se usaron la "Escala de miedo al parto y al período posparto" y la de "Comportamientos obsesivos y compulsivos de las madres en el período posparto relacionados con el cuidado del bebé". Los datos fueron evaluados mediante el software SPSS™ mediante el cálculo de porcentajes, promedio, prueba t, ANOVA, correlación de Pearson y análisis de regresión múltiple. Resultados. Se encontró una correlación positiva y estadísticamente significativa entre la "Escala de miedo al parto y del período posparto" y la de "Comportamientos obsesivos y compulsivos de las madres en el período posparto relacionadas con el cuidado del bebé" (p < 0.01). En el modelo creado por análisis de regresión se observó que el 18,0% del cambio en la escala de comportamientos obsesivos-compulsivos estaba explicado por el miedo al parto y al puerperio (R2 corregido = 0,180). Conclusiones. En el estudio se determinó que el miedo al parto y al puerperio era moderado. Sin embargo, a medida que aumentaba el puntaje de miedo al parto y al período posparto, también aumentaban los comportamientos obsesivos y compulsivos de las madres en el puerperio relacionados con el cuidado del bebé.

Humans , Labor, Obstetric , Postpartum Period , Mothers
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234284


Background: Reproductive health (RH) communication between mothers and adolescent girls is critical for fostering knowledge and healthy behaviors. This communication varies significantly between urban and rural settings due to different socio-cultural contexts and access to information. The aim of this study was to compare RH communication with mothers between urban and rural adolescent girls. Methods: This cross-sectional comparative study was conducted from January to December 2020 in Mithapukur upazila (rural) and Rangpur city (urban) in Bangladesh. A total of 112 adolescent girls aged 14 to 17 from class 9 and 10 were interviewed, with 56 girls from each area. Results: Socio-demographic characteristics were similar in both groups. In both urban and rural areas, 67.9% of respondents communicated with their mothers about RH, while 32.1% did not. In the past six months, 58.9% of urban and 57.1% of rural girls had no RH discussions. Menstruation and pubertal changes were the most common topics in both areas, while other RH topics were less frequently discussed. Discussions often began at the onset of menstruation or between ages 9-12, with some starting during high school entry or initiated by the girls themselves, though 32.1% in both areas had not started discussions. The majority were only informed about necessary RH parts. Conclusions: The results of this study demonstrate that RH communication among urban adolescent girls was higher as compared to the rural adolescent girls.

Horiz. sanitario (en linea) ; 23(2): 489-499, may.-ago. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582438


Resumen Objetivo: Identificar la evidencia disponible sobre los beneficios y barreras percibidas por las madres adolescentes en la etapa postparto con el fin de determinar su posición en las etapas de cambio respecto al uso de métodos anticonceptivos. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda de estudios científicos desde agosto hasta diciembre de 2022, con una ampliación de búsqueda de septiembre a noviembre de 2023, en inglés y español. Siguiendo los lineamientos de la guía Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), en las bases de datos PubMed, SCOPUS, EbscoHost y LILACS, se consideraron artículos originales con publicación menor a 11 años, estudios cuantitativos aplicados en madres en posparto entre 10 a 24 años, que abordaran barreras y beneficios en el uso de métodos anticonceptivos y que incluyeran la variable de etapas de cambio durante la etapa de postparto, en inglés, español y portugués. La pregunta de la revisión se elaboró estableciendo Paciente, Concepto y Contexto. Para evaluar la calidad de los estudios, se utilizó la lista de cotejo propuestas por el Instituto Joanna Briggs. Resultados: Se identificaron 268 estudios; posterior al cribado y revisión se incluyeron 11 estudios. El mayor porcentaje de estos fueron realizados en Estados Unidos y Brasil, con muestras que oscilaron entre 64 y 5480 madres adolescentes en la etapa de posparto. Entre los beneficios reportados se incluyen el deseo de evitar un nuevo embarazo, la satisfacción con el método, el acceso a la anticoncepción y la aprobación la comunidad. Las barreras más frecuentes en los estudios fueron los efectos secundarios de los métodos anticonceptivos y el deseo de embarazarse de nuevo. Las etapas de cambio en las que se encuentran la mayoría de las madres adolescentes son la contemplación y acción. Conclusiones: Las madres adolescentes en la etapa de posparto se encuentran en un momento importante para elegir y comenzar a usar algún método anticonceptivo, siempre que se perciban mayor cantidad de beneficios que barreras.

Abstract Objective: To identify available evidence on the perceived benefits and barriers faced by adolescent mothers in the postpartum stage and to determine the stage of change regarding the use of contraceptive methods. Materials and Methods: A search for scientific studies was conducted from August to December 2022, with an extension of the search from September to November 2023, in English and Spanish. Following the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guide, in the PubMed, SCOPUS, EbscoHost and LILACS databases, the keywords used were "Postpartum", "contraceptive methods", "pregnancy", "adolescent", "births", "stages of change", "benefits" and "barriers" using Boolean operators "AND" and "OR". The review question was elaborated by setting Patient, Concept and Context. To assess the quality of the studies, the checklist proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute was used. Results: A total of 268 studies were identified; after screening and review, 11 studies were included. The majority of these studies were conducted in the United States and Brazil, with sample sizes ranging from 64 to 5480 adolescents in the postpartum stage. Reported benefits include the desire to avoid a new pregnancy, satisfaction with the method, access to contraception, and community approval. The most common barriers in the studies were the side effects of contraceptive methods and the desire for a new pregnancy. The stages of change where most adolescents are found are contemplation and action. Conclusions: Adolescent mothers in the postpartum stage are at a crucial moment to choose and start using a contraceptive method, provided they perceive a greater number of benefits than barriers.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228599


Background: India is undergoing rapid urbanization and many rural residents relocate to urban regions in search of employment, better living conditions and access to education and health care facilities. Neonatal morbidity and mortality are attributed to misperceptions in the community about newborn care. In many parts of urban slums in India, care seeking from multiple providers and use of traditional/home remedies hampered appropriate and timely medical care seeking. Aim was to study awareness, knowledge and practice of newborn care among postnatal mothers in Urban slums of Jammu city.Methods: This observational study was conducted in Urban slums of Jammu city. A total of 100 mothers of newborns residing in urban slums participated in the study after taking Informed Consent from them. A self-structured proforma was used to collect data.Results: Most of the deliveries were conducted in hospital (82%) and 18% were home deliveries. Regarding newborn care practices 88 % had wrapped the newborn with clean cloth immediately after birth. 58% of newborns were given first bath within 2-7 days. 39% of mothers-initiated breast feeding within 6-24 hours. Majority (68%) newborns were fed with colostrum. Regarding cord cutting procedures among home deliveries, it was observed that clean blade was used in 15 newborns while in 3 cases aseptic practice for cord cutting was not followed.Conclusions: Good newborn practices like promotion of warmth, cord care, hygiene and early breastfeeding should be the main focus of community-based health workers. The present study concluded that some unhealthy neonatal care practices were still found to be prevalent which can be mitigated by increasing awareness among parents through IEC activities.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228133


Background: Anaemia in pregnancy is a serious health issue faced globally by all countries. Noncompliance to iron and folic acid supplement plays a role in the high prevalence of anemia in pregnant women. Objectives: The objectives were to find out the proportion of compliance to iron and folic acid tablets (IFA) among antenatal mothers and to determine factors associated with it. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 260 antenatal mothers attending antenatal clinic in a tertiary care hospital in Jharkhand from August 2023 to February 2024. Subjects were recruited through consecutive sampling. A pretested, predesigned, semi structured interview schedule was used to collect information. Data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0. Chi square was used to find out the association of compliance with independent variables. P value of <0.05 was considered as significant. Results: Among the study participants, majority (55.7%) were above 26 years’ age and 60% stayed in rural area. Overall, 64.2% stayed in joint family. The proportion of compliance to IFA among antenatal mothers was 58.8% (n=153), and the reason for noncompliance (n=107) in the majority was forgetfulness (46.7%) followed by “side effects” (28%). Factors like socio economic status and type of family have shown significant association with this compliance. Conclusions: This study highlighted that only around half of the pregnant women are compliant with IFA, and this situation demands for information education and communication activities to generate awareness.

Acta bioeth ; 30(1)jun. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556625


Introdução: A aprovação na Assembleia da República, em dezembro de 2021, da lei aplicável à Gestação de Substituição, suscita a reflexão acerca dos aspetos práticos em que o regime se concretizará e das orientações necessárias para os profissionais de saúde envolvidos. Por esse motivo, foram definidos como objetivos: analisar um conjunto de recomendações para a prática clínica no âmbito da Gestação de Substituição em países com experiência no procedimento e promover uma discussão com peritos na área da Procriação Medicamente Assistida. Material e Métodos: Foi realizada uma análise documental das publicações e documentos oficiais sobre o tema que serviu de base para o estudo de desenho qualitativo baseado em grupos focais com diferentes profissionais -médicos e psicólogos- com experiência em Procriação Medicamente Assistida. A discussão foi concretizada através de sessões via Zoom®, realizadas separadamente com os dois grupos focais. Resultados: Na discussão os peritos fizeram as suas apreciações e propostas de melhoria em relação à versão inicial do documento resultante da análise documental. Conclusão: Obteve-se uma versão consolidada do conjunto de orientações para os profissionais de saúde com as dimensões a avaliar e acompanhar junto da gestante e parte beneficiária na Gestação de Substituição.

Introducción : La aprobación por el Parlamento portugués, en diciembre de 2021, de la ley aplicable a la Gestación Subrogada, plantea la reflexión sobre los aspectos prácticos en los que se implementará el esquema y las directrices necesarias para los profesionales de la salud involucrados. Por este motivo, se definieron los siguientes objetivos: analizar un conjunto de recomendaciones para la práctica clínica en el ámbito de la gestación subrogada en países con experiencia en el procedimiento y promover un debate con expertos en el campo de la Reproducción Médicamente Asistida. Material y Métodos : Se realizó un análisis documental de publicaciones y documentos oficiales sobre el tema, que sirvió de base para el estudio de diseño cualitativo basado en focus group con diferentes profesionales -médicos y psicólogos- con experiencia en Reproducción Médicamente Asistida. La discusión se realizó a través de sesiones via Zoom®, celebradas por separado con los dos focus group. Resultados : En la discusión, los expertos realizaron sus apreciaciones y propuestas de mejora respecto a la versión inicial del documento resultante del análisis documental. Conclusión : Se obtuvo una versión consolidada del conjunto de directrices para los profesionales de la salud con las dimensiones para evaluar y dar seguimiento a la madre sustituta y a los beneficiarios en la Gestación Subrogada.

Introduction: The approval by the Portuguese Parliament, in December 2021, of the law applicable to Surrogate Pregnancy, raises reflection on the practical aspects in which the scheme will be implemented and the necessary guidelines for health professionals involved. For this reason, the following objectives were defined: to analyze a set of recommendations for clinical practice in surrogacy in countries with experience in the procedure and to promote a discussion with experts in Medically Assisted Reproduction. Material and Methods: A documental analysis of publications and official documents on the theme was conducted. This served as a basis for the qualitative design study based on focus groups with different professionals -physicians, and psychologists- with experience in Medically Assisted Reproduction. The discussion was realized through sessions via Zoom®, held separately with the two focus groups. Results : In the debate, the experts made their appreciation and proposals for improvement concerning the initial version of the document resulting from the document analysis. Conclusion : A consolidated version of the set of guidelines for health professionals was obtained with the dimensions to evaluate and follow up with the surrogate and beneficiaries in Surrogacy.

Investig. desar ; 32(1): 221-250, ene.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1575111


RESUMEN Se presentan los resultados de los procesos de reconfiguración identitaria de las mujeres de siete parejas heterosexuales en las cuales ellas son las principales proveedoras económicas del hogar y ellos son los principales cuidadores de sus hijos. Los resultados de esta investigación cualitativa mostraron que esta distribución de roles alternativa les permite generar unas narrativas de sí mismas más equitativas, que les generan mayor bienestar. Esto, en tanto les posibilita continuar su desarrollo profesional en el contexto de sus proyectos vitales, experimentar la maternidad desde el gozo y no desde la culpa, y valorar el rol de sus parejas como principales cuidadores. No obstante, estas identidades se ven coartadas cuando las mujeres interiorizan algunas normas de género presentes en la cultura. Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados en el desarrollo de iniciativas de promoción de la equidad de género.

ABSTRACT This article presents the results of the identity reconfiguration processes experienced by women from seven heterosexual couples where they are the main economic providers of the household and men are the primary caregivers of their children. The results of this qualitative research showed that this alternative role distribution allows more equitable narratives of themselves which enhances their well-being. This, as it allows them to continue their professional development in the context of their life projects, experience motherhood from joy and not from guilt, and value the role of their partners as main caregivers. However, these identities are constrained when women internalize some cultural gender norms. We discuss the implications of the results in terms of the development of initiatives to promote gender equality.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228734


Background: Breastfeeding is a behavioural act of the mother, one that is affected by demographic, socioeconomic, and faith factors as well as by cultural traditions and beliefs. However, there is little scientific literature on potential gaps between knowledge and standard practices regarding exclusive breastfeeding and its predictors among mothers in central India.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted to explore the knowledge, perceptions, practices, and the associated factors of exclusive breastfeeding among urban and rural mothers at a tertiary hospital of central India.Results: A total of 500 post-natal mothers at the study hospital were interviewed to assess their knowledge and practices of exclusive breastfeeding. The study revealed that knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding was 47% while breastfeeding practices for up to six months of babies was reported by only 15% of participants. Breastfeeding within one hour of birth was reported by 31% of mothers. About 62% did not feed colostrum, while 57% fed their baby pre-lacteal feed. Mothers belonging to a rural community, living in joint family, literate, employed, better-off economic status, multigravida, having a previous history of vaginal delivery, and male child, and those counselled regarding breastfeeding during ANC visits had higher knowledge and better practices of exclusive breastfeeding.Conclusions: The findings of the study suggest an urgent need for regular counselling in ANC clinics to promote exclusive breastfeeding among women and their family caregivers. Breastfeeding awareness education programs for all pregnant women are recommended to ensure that mothers learn best practices regarding breastfeeding and its benefits.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227952


Background: Pregnancy applications are more prevalent than other fitness and health applications. They also utilize immediate connection to seek expert advice and comfort. Recently, apps have emerged as a fresh method for delivering prenatal information that is easily available at the press of a button, for little to no money, at any time, and anywhere. Method: A total of 50 rural and urban primi gravida mothers were included in the study. Utilization statements and knowledge questionnaire and opinionnaire-Likert scale on perception was used to collect data from sample. Results: The majority of primi gravida mothers in rural areas, 15 (60%) expressed neutrality, 10 (40%) expressed dissatisfaction, in contrast, majority of primi gravida mothers in urban areas, 22, (88.0%) expressed neutrality, 3 (12.0%) expressed satisfaction. Majority of urban primi gravida mothers (20) had average knowledge and the remaining 5 (20%) had bad knowledge, the majority of 24 (96.0%) had poor knowledge and 1 (4%) had average knowledge, in contrast, the majority of rural primi mothers 20 out of 20 had unfavorable perceptions, with 60 (24%) having somewhat positive perceptions and the majority of 19 (76.0%) having unfavorable perceptions. Conclusions: The results showed the urban primi gravida mothers were greatly utilizing mobile based application for maternal and foetal outcome, and rural mothers are not aware of mobile based application for maternal and health services and need to teach on mobile based application so that they utilize all governmental services and schemes.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227934


Background: Immunization is one of the most impactful and cost-effective health investments globally that helps in reducing the burden of infectious diseases keeping children safe. Mothers are the major role players with regard to their children’s immunization. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted to assess knowledge regarding immunization among mothers of under-five children in the Doiwala block of Dehradun, Uttarakhand. A total of one hundred mothers of under-five children were conveniently selected through door-to-door survey. A structured knowledge questionnaire on under-five immunization was administered through the interview technique to assess the knowledge of the mothers. Results: Among 100 mothers of under-five children 13% had poor knowledge, 63% had average knowledge and 24% had good knowledge regarding under-five immunization. There was significant association between age, education status and socioeconomic status of mothers with knowledge score regarding under-five immunization. Conclusions: There is a strong need to increase awareness and knowledge about immunization among children; its benefits and importance. There is also a need to educate people especially mothers regarding harmful consequences of incomplete immunization of children.

Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 31817, 2024 abr. 30. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553544


Introdução: A deficiência de vitamina D durante a gestação e a lactação pode repercutir negativamente no desenvolvimento fetal e infantil, devido seu papel fundamental nos sistemas imunológico, cardíaco, ósseo, muscular e neural. Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão de literatura para integrar estudos que evidenciam a deficiência de vitamina D em gestantes e lactantes, e os fatores de risco associados a essa carência. Metodologia: Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico entre agosto e outubro de 2021, com atualização entre outubro e novembro de 2022 através de pesquisas às bases Pubmed e Scielo, bem como às listas de referências dos artigos selecionados. Foram empregados os descritores consumo alimentar, vitamina D, deficiência de vitamina D, gestantes e lactantes, usando-se o operador booleano AND para a associação entre eles. Como critérios de inclusão foram adotados o tipo de estudo (epidemiológicos, ensaios clínicos e revisões integrativa e sistemática), o idioma (espanhol, inglês e português) e o período de publicação (2010 a 2022). Resultados: Evidenciou-se que existem vários fatores de riscos para a inadequação do status de vitamina D em gestantes e lactantes como a baixa exposição da pele à luz solar e fatores relacionados (uso excessivo de protetor solar, menor tempo de atividades ao ar livre, clima, religião e hábitos culturais, maior escolaridade);a pigmentação mais escura da pele; o baixo consumo alimentar de vitamina D e variáveis associadas; a menor idade materna; o primeiro trimestre gestacional; a primiparidade e o excesso de tecido adiposo. Conclusões: Em gestantes e lactantes, a carência de vitamina D associa-se a distintos fatores, com destaque principalmente para a baixa exposição à luz solar, a pigmentação mais escura da pele e o excesso de tecido adiposo, sendo de extrema importância que sejam abordados com cautela, visando ações voltadas a variáveis modificáveis, de modo a auxiliar na redução da hipovitaminose D nestes grupos (AU).

Introduction: Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy and breastfeeding can have a negative impact on fetal and infant development due to its fundamental role in the immune, cardiac, bone, muscular and neural systems. Objective: To conduct a literature review to integrate studies which show the Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant andlactating women, and the risk factors associated with this deficiency. Methodology: A bibliographic survey was carried out between August and October 2021, with an update between October and November 2022 through searches in the Pubmed and Scielo databases, as well as the reference lists of the selected articles. The descriptors food consumption, vitamin D, vitamin D deficiency, pregnant and lactating women were used, using the Boolean operator AND for the association between them. The type of study (epidemiological, clinical trials and integrative and systematic reviews), language (Spanish, English and Portuguese) and publication period (2010 to 2022) was adopted as inclusion criteria.Results:It was shown that there are several risk factors for inadequate vitamin D status in pregnant and lactating women, such as low skin exposure to sunlight and related factors (excessive use of sunscreen, less time spent outdoors, climate, religion and cultural habits, higher education); darker skin pigmentation; low dietary intake of vitamin D and associated variables; the lowest maternal age; the first gestational trimester; primiparity and excess adipose tissue.Conclusions: Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant and lactating women is associated with different factors, witha main emphasis on low exposure to sunlight, darker skin pigmentation and excess adipose tissue. Furthermore, it is extremely important that these factors are approached with caution, implementing actions aimed at modifiable variables in order to help reduce hypovitaminosis D in these groups (AU).

Introducción: La deficiencia de vitamina D durante el embarazo y la lactancia puede tener un impacto negativo en el desarrollo fetal e infantil, por su papel fundamental en los sistemas inmunológico, cardíaco, óseo, muscular y neural. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión bibliográfica para integrar estudios que evidencien la deficiencia de vitamina D en mujeres embarazadas y lactantes, y los factores de riesgo asociados. Metodología:Se realizó un levantamiento bibliográfico entre agosto y octubre de 2021, con actualizaciones entre octubre y noviembre de 2022 mediante búsquedas en las bases de datos Pubmed y Scielo, así como en las listas de referencias de los artículos seleccionados. Se utilizaron los descriptores consumo de alimentos, vitamina D, deficiencia de vitamina D, gestantes y lactantes, utilizándose el operador booleano AND para la asociación entre ellos. Se adoptaron como criterios de inclusión el tipo de estudio (epidemiológicos, clínicos, revisiones integradoras y sistemáticas), idioma (español, inglés y portugués) y período de publicación (2010 a 2022).Resultados: Existen varios factores de riesgo para un estado inadecuado de vitamina D en mujeres embarazadas y lactantes, como la baja exposición de la piel a la luz solar y factores relacionados (uso excesivo de protector solar, menor tiempo al aire libre, clima, religión y hábitos culturales, educación más alta); pigmentación de la piel más oscura; baja ingesta dietética de vitamina D y variables asociadas; la edad materna más baja; el primer trimestre gestacional; Primiparidad y exceso de tejido adiposo. Conclusiones:En mujeres embarazadas y lactantes, el déficit de vitamina D se asocia a diferentes factores, especialmente la baja exposición solar, la pigmentación de la piel más oscura y el exceso de tejido adiposo, y es de suma importancia abordarlos con precaución, apuntando a acciones dirigidas a variables modificables, con el fin de ayudar a reducir la hipovitaminosis D en estos grupos (AU).

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Vitamin D Deficiency , Risk Factors , Cholecalciferol/pharmacology , Deficiency Diseases , Maternal Nutrition , Pregnant Women , Breastfeeding Women , Infant
Rev. Psicol., Divers. Saúde ; 13(1)abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579968


INTRODUÇÃO: As habilidades sociais educativas parentais podem contribuir para práticas mais assertivas, influenciando positivamente os comportamentos das crianças com necessidades especiais. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as habilidades sociais educativas parentais e as práticas educativas de dez mães e analisar as habilidades sociais (HS) de seus filhos com idade entre 6 e 10 anos matriculadas como alunos de inclusão. METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, exploratório e descritivo. Utilizou-se um questionário de dados sociodemográficos e o Roteiro de Entrevista de Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais (RE-HSE-P). RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Os resultados apontaram que as abordagens positivas, como comunicação, expressão de emoções e opiniões, bem como a definição clara de limites, demonstraram ter um impacto significativo na interação mãe-filho e no desenvolvimento de HS nas crianças. A pesquisa também evidenciou diferenças entre a quantidade de vezes em que as mães utilizam comportamentos positivos e negativos e a diversidade dos comportamentos utilizados. Além disso, o baixo repertório de HSE-P das mães está relacionado com o baixo repertório de HS das crianças. CONCLUSÃO: Observou-se que existem relações entre as estratégias educacionais parentais, as habilidades sociais das mães e o desenvolvimento infantil. Recomenda-se que estudos futuros considerem a observação direta dos comportamentos tanto dos pais quanto das crianças e que avaliem amostras de crianças com características específicas como déficits ou recursos desenvolvimentais particulares. Também se destaca a necessidade de programas e intervenções destinadas à promoção de saúde mental e ao desenvolvimento de habilidades parentais destes cuidadores.

INTRODUCTION: Parental educational social skills can contribute to more assertive practices, positively influencing the behaviors of children with special needs. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the parental educational social skills and educational practices of ten mothers and to analyze the social skills (SS) of their children aged 6 to 10 years enrolled as inclusion students. METHODOLOGY: This is a qualitative, exploratory, and descriptive study. A sociodemographic data questionnaire and the Parental Educational Social Skills Interview Script (RE-HSE-P) were used. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results indicated that positive approaches, such as communication, expression of emotions and opinions, as well as clear definition of boundaries, demonstrated a significant impact on mother-child interaction and the development of SS in the children. The research also highlighted differences in the frequency with which mothers use positive and negative behaviors and the diversity of behaviors used. Additionally, the low repertoire of parental educational social skills (HSE-P) of the mothers is related to the low repertoire of SS in the children. CONCLUSION: It was observed that there are relationships between parental educational strategies, mothers' social skills, and child development. It is recommended that future studies consider the direct observation of both parents' and children's behaviors and evaluate samples with children with specific characteristics such as developmental deficits or particular resources. The need for programs and interventions aimed at promoting mental health and developing parental skills for these caregivers is also highlighted.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Las habilidades sociales educativas parentales pueden contribuir a prácticas más asertivas, influyendo positivamente en los comportamientos de los niños con necesidades especiales. OBJETIVO: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar las habilidades sociales educativas parentales y las prácticas educativas de diez madres y analizar las habilidades sociales (HS) de sus hijos con edades entre 6 y 10 años matriculados como alumnos de inclusión. METODOLOGÍA: Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, exploratorio y descriptivo. Se utilizó un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos y el Guion de Entrevista de Habilidades Sociales Educativas Parentales (RE-HSE-P). RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN: Los resultados señalaron que los enfoques positivos, como la comunicación, la expresión de emociones y opiniones, así como la definición clara de límites, demostraron tener un impacto significativo en la interacción madre-hijo y en el desarrollo de HS en los niños. La investigación también evidenció diferencias en la cantidad de veces que las madres utilizan comportamientos positivos y negativos y la diversidad de comportamientos utilizados. Además, el bajo repertorio de HSE-P de las madres está relacionado con el bajo repertorio de HS de los niños. CONCLUSIÓN: Se observó que existen relaciones entre las estrategias educativas parentales, las habilidades sociales de las madres y el desarrollo infantil. Se recomienda que futuros estudios consideren la observación directa de los comportamientos tanto de los padres como de los niños y que evalúen muestras con niños con características específicas como déficits o recursos de desarrollo particulares. También se destaca la necesidad de programas e intervenciones destinadas a la promoción de la salud mental y al desarrollo de habilidades parentales de estos cuidadores.

Mainstreaming, Education , Social Skills , Mothers
Av. psicol. latinoam ; 42(1): [1-20], 20240131.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571792


Este estudo objetivou investigar as Representações So-ciais (RS) de mães com filhos de dois contextos socio-educativos sobre a homossexualidade. Para tanto, foram entrevistadas 115 mães que tinham filhos em escolas pú-blicas (58) e em escolas privadas (57), entre os anos de 2010 e 2011, na cidade de João Pessoa-pb. As entrevistas foram do tipo semiestruturadas, e, para este estudo, foi selecionada uma das questões que tratava a respeito das Representações Sociais RS acerca do público lgbtqia+. Para a análise de dados, foi utilizado o software iramuteqe os resultados foram discutidos com base na teoria das rs e em estudos empíricos da área. Os discursos das mães foram categorizados em classes referentes aos conteúdos: Humanitário ou de aceitação; Respeito à autonomia; Aceitação e preconceito disfarçado; Direitos e deveres; Neutralidade; e Discurso religioso pró-discriminação. A partir dos resultados, verificou-se que os discursos das mães variaram em função do nível de aceitação da homossexualidade e da amplitude da perspectiva social que elas adotavam. As ancoragens sociais verificadas para as classes foram: nível socioeconômico das mães e pertença religiosa. Observou-se que, nesse período de estudo, nos discursos das mães evangélicas foram mais frequentes posicionamentos que justificavam posturas discriminatórias ao público lgbtqia+. Nesse sentido, apesar dos avanços das leis nesse recorte de tempo, predominaram nos discursos posições discriminatórias e preconceituosas. Ainda assim, foram observados dis-cursos indicativos de aceitação da homossexualidade.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar las Representaciones Sociales (RS) de madres con hijos de dos contextos socioeducativos sobre la homosexualidad. Para ello, fueron entrevistadas 115 madres que tenían hijos en escuelas públicas (58) y privadas (57) entre 2010 y 2011, en la ciudad de João Pessoa-PB. Las entrevistas fueron semiestructuradas y para este estudio se seleccionó una de las preguntas que trataba sobre las Representaciones Sociales RS respecto del público lgbtqia+. Para el análisis de los datos se utilizó el software iramuteqy se discutieron los resultados con base en la teoría de las rs y estudios empíricos en el área. Los discursos de las madres fueron categorizados en clases relacionadas con el contenido: Humanitarismo o aceptación; Respeto de la autonomía; Aceptación y prejuicio sutil; Derechos y deberes; Neutralidad; y Discurso religioso favorable a la discriminación. En los resultados se encontró que los discursos de las madres variaron dependiendo del nivel de aceptación de la homosexualidad y de la amplitud de la perspectiva social que adoptaron. Los anclajes sociales verificados para las clases fueron nivel socioeconómico y afiliación religiosa de las madres. Se observó que, durante este período de estudio, en los discursos de las madres evangélicas fueron más frecuentes posiciones que justificaban actitudes discriminatorias hacia el público lgbtqia+. En este sentido, a pesar de los avances en las leyes en este período, en los discursos predominaron posiciones discriminatorias y prejuiciosas. Aun así, se observaron discursos que indicaban la aceptación de la homosexualidad.

This study aimed to investigate the Social Represen-tations (SR) of mothers with children from two socio-educational contexts about homosexuality. To this end, 115 mothers who had children in public schools (58) and private schools (57) were interviewed be-tween 2010 and 2011, in the city of João Pessoa-pb. The interviews were semi-structured, and, for this study, one of the questions was selected that dealt with SR regarding the lgbtqia+ community. For data analysis, the iramuteq software was used and the results were discussed based on SR theory and empirical studies in the area. The mothers' discourses were cate-gorized into classes according to content: Humanitarian or acceptance; Respect for autonomy; Acceptance and disguised prejudice; Rights and duties; Neutrality; and Pro-discrimination religious discourse. The results show that the mothers' discourses varied depending on the level of acceptance of homosexuality and the breadth of the social perspective they adopted. The social anchors ver-ified for the classes were: mothers' socioeconomic level and religious affiliation. It was observed that, during this period of study, in the discourses of evangelical mothers, positions that justified discriminatory attitudes towards the lgbtqia+ community were more frequent. In this sense, despite advances in laws in this period of time, discriminatory and prejudiced positions predominated in the discourses. Even so, discourses indicating accep-tance of homosexuality were observed.

Humans , Prejudice , Religion , Schools , Attitude , Homosexuality , Socioeconomic Survey , Social Discrimination , Social Representation , Mothers
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017615


OBJECTIVE To investigate the correlation between the expression levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases 1(TIMP-1)and drosophila mothers against DDP homolog 4(Smad4)in vocal cord precancerous lesions and postoperative recurrence and malignant transformation.METHODS The clinical and pathological data of 162 patients with vocal cord precancerous lesions admitted to the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from August 2018 to August 2021 were retrospectively analyzed.The expression of TIMP-1 and Smad4 in the surgically removed precancerous tissues(precancerous lesion group)and adjacent normal mucosal tissues(control group)were detected by immunohistochemical method.The relationship between the positive rate of TIMP-1 and Smad4 and clinicopathological features was analyzed.Kaplan-Meier method and Cox regression analysis were used to analyze the effect on postoperative recurrence and malignant transformation.RESULTS Compared with the normal mucosa of the control group,the positive rate of TIMP-1 was higher and the positive rate of Smad4 was lower in the precancerous lesion group(P<0.05).The positive rates of TIMP-1 and Smad4 in patients with different lesion ranges,anterior commissure involvement and different degree of epithelial dysplasia were different(P<0.05).Postoperative follow-up lasted from 24 to 60 months,with a median follow-up time of 36 months.During the follow-up,6 patients were lost to follow-up,with a follow-up rate of 96.30%(156/162).During the follow-up,35 patients had postoperative recurrence(21.60%)and 16 patients had postoperative malignant transformation(9.88%).Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that the postoperative recurrence rate and malignant change rate of TIMP-1 positive patients were higher than those of TIMP-1 negative patients(P<0.05),amd the recurrence rate and malignant change rate of Smad4-negative patients were higher than those of Smad4-positive patients(P<0.05).Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that laryngeal reflux,lesion scope>1/2,moderate/severe dysplasia,TIMP-1 positive and Smad4 negative were independent risk factors for recurrence(P<0.05),and age>60 years old,anterior union involved,TIMP-1 positive and Smad4 negative were independent risk factors for malignant transformation(P<0.05).CONCLUSION The patients with high expression of TIMP-1 and low expression of Smad4,positive expression of TIMP-1 and negative expression of Smad4 have higher risk of postoperative recurrence and malignant transformation.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017818


Objective To investigate the expression and clinical significance of serum long non-coding RNA small nucleolar RNA host gene 16(lncRNA SNHG16)and mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 4(SMAD4)in elderly patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD)and pulmonary infection(PI).Methods A total of 237 elderly COPD patients admitted to the hospital from January 2021 to January 2023 were enrolled in the study.Among them,117 patients with concomitant PI were classified as the concur-rent group,and 120 patients without concomitant PI were classified as the COPD group.Real-time fluores-cence quantitative polymerase chain reaction(qRT-PCR)was applied to detect the expression level of serum lncRNA SNHG16 in two groups.Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)was applied to detect the lev-el of SMAD4 in patients'serum.Simplified clinical pulmonary infection scale(sCPIS)was used to evaluate the degree of PI of patients in the concurrent group.Multivariate Logistic regression was applied to analyze the in-fluencing factors of PI in elderly COPD patients.Correlation between serum lncRNA SNHG16,SMAD4 levels and sCPIS in elderly COPD patients with PI was analyzed by using Spearman correlation analysis.Receiver op-erating characteristic(ROC)curve was applied to analyze the diagnostic value of serum lncRNA SNHG16 and SMAD4 levels in elderly COPD patients with PI.Results The serum relative expression level of lncRNA SNHG16 in the concurrent group was higher than that in the COPD group,but the serum SMAD4 level was lower than that in the COPD group(P<0.05).In addition,the proportions of patients with age≥70 years,smoking history,complicated with diabetes and COPD course≥5 years and the levels of tumor necrosis fac-tor-α(TNF-α),interferon-γ(INF-γ)in the concurrent group were higher than those in the COPD group,and FEV1/FVC and the level of interleukin-10(IL-10)in concurrent group were lower than those in COPD group(P<0.05).Multivariate Logistic analysis showed that age≥70 years old,complicated with diabetes,COPD course≥5 years,high levels of TNF-α,INF-γ and lncRNA SNHG16 were risk factors for elderly patients with COPD complicated with PI(P<0.05),but high FEV1/FVC and high levels of SMAD4 and IL-10 were protective factors(P<0.05).Spearman correlation analysis showed that serum relative expression level of ln-cRNA SNHG16 was positively correlated with sCPIS in COPD patients with PI(r=0.505,P<0.001),while SMAD4 level was negatively correlated with sCPIS(r=-0.550,P<0.001).The area under the curve(AUC)of the combined diagnosis of serum lncRNA SNHG16 and SMAD4 for PI in elderly COPD patients was higher than those of individual diagnosis(Z=2.416,P=0.016;Z=2.375,P=0.018).Conclusion The serum relative expression level of lncRNA SNHG16 increases and SMAD4 level decreases in elderly COPD pa-tients with PI,both are influencing factors for elderly COPD patients complicated with PI,and both are related to the degree of PI in patients,and both have diagnostic value for elderly COPD patients complicated with PI,and the diagnostic efficacy of combined detection is better.

Herald of Medicine ; (12): 495-501, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023740


Objective To investigate the effect of phlorofucofuroeckol A(PFFE-A)on the proliferation and invasion of colorectal carcinoma cells and its regulation of transforming growth factor-β1(TGF-β1)and mothers against decapentaplegic hom-olog 2/3(Smad2/3)signaling pathway.Methods The cells were processed as follows:the cells were intervened with low,medium and high doses of 50,100,and 150 μmol·L-1 of PFFE-A,respectively and cells in the normal control group were also established.5-Ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine(EdU)staining was used to detect the cell proliferation.The transwell chamber was used to detect the invasion ability.A xenograft colon cancer nude mice model was used to detect the growth and metastasis ability of the cells in vivo.Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(RT-qPCR)was used to detect the expression of epithelial-to-mes-enchymal transition(EMT)related genes.Western blotting was used to detect the expression levels of TGF-β1 and p-Smad2/3 in cells.Results Compared with normal control group,the proliferation rate,the number of invaded cells,the tumor mass,the pro-portion of tumor metastasis,the expression of N-cadherin mRNA,the expression of TGF-β1 and p-Smad2/3 were significantly de-creased(P<0.05),and the mRNA expression of E-cadherin was significantly increased(P<0.05).All were presented with a sig-nificant dose-dependent(P<0.05).Conclusion PFFE-A could inhibit the EMT process of tumor cells,inhibit the prolifera-tion and invasion of HT29 cells in vitro,and down-regulate the growth and metastasis of HT29 cells in vivo,which may be achieved by down-regulating TGF-β1/Smad2/3 signaling pathway.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036204


Background@#During the COVID-19 outbreak, studies indicated that neonates born to COVID-19-positive mothers are susceptible to adverse outcomes. However, limited research explored the link between maternal COVID-19 severity and perinatal outcomes.@*Objectives@#To determine the characteristics and outcomes of newborns born to COVID-19 positive mothers and its association with maternal COVID-19 severity.@*Methodology@#This was a cross-sectional study conducted in a tertiary hospital which involved a retrospective chart review of mother-newborn dyads who delivered between June 1, 2020, and December 31, 2022.@*Results@#One hundred forty COVID-19 infected mothers and their respective newborns (143) were included in the study. Majority of mothers were 18 - 30 yrs. old, multigravida, multiparous, delivered by normal spontaneous delivery (NSD) and were asymptomatic. Only 3.6 % have severe COVID-19. Neonatal outcome was generally good in both non-infected and COVID-19 infected newborns. Most were term, with normal birthweights, appropriate for gestational age (AGA), with good APGAR scores. Hyperbilirubinemia is a common morbidity (15%). There is a higher prevalence of preterm births, low birthweight, low APGAR score in the 5th minute of life, respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), neonatal sepsis, neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission and mortality among neonates born to mothers with severe COVID-19, but there is no statistically significant association between maternal COVID - 19 severity and neonatal outcome except for APGAR score on the 5th minute of life.@*Conclusion@#Most COVID-19-infected pregnant women were asymptomatic and neonatal outcomes were generally favorable. Maternal COVID-19 severity did not substantially contribute to adverse neonatal outcomes.

Infant, Newborn , COVID-19
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011352


Objective@#To explore the influence of group psychological counseling on the mental health of children with mother s authoritarian parenting.@*Methods@#From November 2022 to February 2023, 76 students from grades 4 to 6 whose mother showed authoritarian parenting style, while fathers adopted no authoritative, authoritarian or democratic parenting style and who scored ≥65 on the total MHT were selected using the Parenting Style Questionnaire (PBI) and the Mental Health Diagnostic Test (MHT). All the participants and their mothers were randomly assigned to the intervention and control groups. Before and after the intervention, participants filled out questionnaires on parental bonding instrument and mental health test. Control group: regular delivery of mental health education information, 2 times per week, for 8 weeks, without any other intervention. Intervention group: group counseling activities were conducted once a week. Each intervention lasted 1.5-2 hours and lasts for 8 weeks. Before and after the intervention, participants filled in the family parenting style and mental health screening questionnaires.@*Results@#After the intervention, compared with the control group, students in the intervention group showed a significant decrease in the total scale score of the MHT, learning anxiety, social anxiety, allergic tendency, physical symptoms, fear tendency, and impulsive tendency ( t=-0.43, -1.04 , -0.81, P >0.05). After intervention, the intervention group students showed a significant decrease in psychological diagnosis test scores, learning anxiety, anxiety towards others, allergic tendencies, physical symptoms, phobic tendencies, and impulsive tendencies compared to the control group students ( t=-20.00, -5.06, -2.09, -3.36, -6.15, -4.76, -5.15, P <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Rregular group psychological counseling can effectively improve the academic anxiety, social anxiety, allergic tendencies, physical symptoms, fearful and impulsive tendencies of students whose mothers with authoritarian parenting style, and greatly improve their mental health.

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34SP109, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558706


Resumo No Brasil, o impacto de emergências sanitárias consecutivas nos últimos cinco anos, como a epidemia de zika (2015) e a pandemia de Covid-19 (2020), atingiu de forma aguda as famílias de crianças com síndrome congênita do zika (SCZ). Este artigo explora processos epidêmicos que replicam as intersecções de deficiência, cuidado, gênero, classe e raça, e propõe a construção de um perfil das associações civis de mães e familiares de crianças com SCZ, bem como suas mobilizações, sobretudo da União Mães de Anjos (UMA). A partir da literatura sobre o tema, realização de entrevistas e oficinas com as mães de crianças com SCZ ligadas às associações em diferentes partes do Brasil, observou-se que as epidemias produzem impactos desiguais em relação a idade, raça, classe, gênero, localidade e deficiência. Embora os impactos das emergências de saúde possam ser contínuos para as pessoas que vivem na intersecção de múltiplas opressões, destacamos a resistência na forma de capacidade organizacional para navegar no acesso a direitos e reconfigurar dinâmicas de poder.

Abstract No Brasil, o impacto de emergências sanitárias consecutivas nos últimos cinco anos, como a epidemia de zika (2015) e a pandemia de COVID-19 (2020), atingiu de forma aguda as famílias de crianças com síndrome congênita do zika (SCZ). Este artigo explora processos epidêmicos que replicam as intersecções de deficiência, cuidado, gênero, classe e raça, e propõe a construção de um perfil das associações civis de mães e familiares de crianças com SCZ, bem como suas mobilizações, sobretudo da União Mães de Anjos (UMA). A partir da literatura sobre o tema, realização de entrevistas e oficinas com as mães de crianças com SCZ ligadas às associações em diferentes partes do Brasil, observou-se que as epidemias produzem impactos desiguais em relação a idade, raça, classe, gênero, localidade e deficiência. Embora os impactos das emergências de saúde possam ser contínuos para as pessoas que vivem na intersecção de múltiplas opressões, destacamos a resistência na forma de capacidade organizacional para navegar no acesso a direitos e reconfigurar dinâmicas de poder.Abstract: In Brazil, the impact of consecutive health emergencies in the last five years, such as the Zika epidemic (2015) and the COVID-19 pandemic (2020), acutely affected families of children with congenital Zika syndrome (CZS). This article explores epidemic processes that replicate the intersections of disability, care, gender, class and race, and proposes the construction of a profile of civil associations of mothers and families of children with CZS, as well as their mobilizations, especially the União Mães de Anjos (UMA). Based on the literature on the topic, interviews and workshops with mothers of children with CZS linked to associations in different parts of Brazil, it was observed that epidemics produce unequal impacts in relation to age, race, class, gender, location and disability. While the impacts of health emergencies can be ongoing for people living at the intersection of multiple oppressions, we highlight resistance in the form of organizational capacity to navigate access to rights and reconfigure power dynamics.

Rev. bras. enferm ; Rev. Bras. Enferm. (Online);77(1): e20230080, 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1559459


ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify mothers' perceptions about caring for newborns in the home environment, from the perspective of complexity thinking. Methods: qualitative, exploratory and descriptive research, carried out between November/2022 and February/2023. Data were collected through individual interviews with 21 mothers from southern Brazil who cared for newborns at home and analyzed using the thematic analysis technique. Results: the four thematic axes resulting from the data analysis: Living amidst order and disorder; embracing singularities; dealing with the certain and the uncertain; support network in the (re)organizing process demonstrate that the mother caring for a newborn in their home environment experiences a distinct and plural adaptive process, which must be welcomed and understood by health professionals who work within the family environment. Final Considerations: the care of newborns in a home environment, in the perception of mothers, requires differentiated attention and a formal or informal support network that considers the unique specificities of each woman/mother in the personal, family and social spheres. Therefore, in addition to the social support network, it is important to rethink home intervention approaches.

RESUMEN Objetivos: identificar las percepciones de las madres sobre el cuidado de los recién nacidos en un entorno domiciliario, bajo la perspectiva del pensamiento de la complejidad. Métodos: es una investigación cualitativa, de carácter exploratorio y descriptivo, realizada entre noviembre de 2022 y febrero de 2023. Los datos se recopilaron mediante entrevistas individuales a 21 madres del sur de Brasil que cuidaron de neonatos en entorno domiciliario y se estudiaron bajo la óptica de la técnica del análisis temático. Resultados: los cuatro ejes temáticos resultantes del análisis de los datos fueron: convivencia en medio del orden y del desorden; acogimiento de las singularidades; lucha entre lo cierto y lo incierto; red de apoyo en el proceso de (re)organización. La madre que cuida de un recién nacido en entorno doméstico experimenta un proceso adaptativo distinto y plural, que debe ser atendido y comprendido por los profesionales sanitarios que trabajan en el ámbito familiar. Consideraciones Finales: el cuidado de los recién nacidos en un entorno doméstico, según la percepción de las madres, requiere una atención diferenciada y una red de apoyo formal o informal que tenga en cuenta las especificidades únicas de cada mujer/madre en los ámbitos personal, familiar y social. Por consiguiente, además de la red de apoyo social, es importante replantearse los enfoques de intervención en la atención domiciliaria.

RESUMO Objetivos: identificar percepções de mães sobre o cuidado de recém-nascidos em ambiente domiciliar, na perspectiva do pensamento da complexidade. Métodos: pesquisa qualitativa, de caráter exploratório e descritivo, realizada entre novembro/2022 e fevereiro/2023. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas individuais com 21 mães do sul do Brasil que cuidaram de recém-nascidos em ambiente domiciliar e analisados pela técnica de análise temática. Resultados: os quatro eixos temáticos resultantes da análise dos dados: Convivendo em meio a ordem e desordem; acolhendo às singularidades; lidando entre o certo e o incerto; rede de apoio no processo (re)organizador demonstram, que a mãe cuidadora de um recém-nascido em ambiente domiciliar vivência um processo adaptativo distinto e plural, que deve ser acolhido e compreendido pelos profissionais de saúde que atuam em âmbito familiar. Considerações Finais: o cuidado de recém-nascidos em ambiente domiciliar, na percepção de mães, requer atenção diferenciada e uma rede de apoio formal ou informal que considere as especificidades singulares de cada mulher/mãe em âmbito pessoal, familiar e social. Assim, para além da rede de apoio social é importante que se repense as abordagens de intervenção domiciliar.