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An. bras. dermatol ; An. bras. dermatol;99(1): 3-18, Jan.-Feb. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527708


Abstract Several topics related to the oral cavity are briefly addressed in this article, from anatomical variations that, when recognized, avoid unnecessary investigations, to diseases that affect exclusively the mouth, mucocutaneous diseases, as well as oral manifestations of systemic diseases. A complete clinical examination comprises the examination of the mouth, and this approach facilitates clinical practice, shortening the path to diagnosis in the outpatient clinic as well as with in-hospital patients. The objective of this article is to encourage the examination of the oral cavity as a useful tool in medical practice, helping to recognize diseases in this location.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582336


Fundamento: La salud bucal tiene importantes implicaciones en la salud general del organismo. Objetivo: Analizar los vínculos básicos entre la salud bucal y las enfermedades sistémicas. Metodología: Con los descriptores "salud bucal", "salud general", "enfermedades sistémicas" y "enfermedades periodontales" se buscaron artículos presentes en las bases de datos de Google Académico, SciELO, y Medline/PubMed. De un total de 45073 artículos elegibles se seleccionaron 34 artículos en español o inglés a texto completo, en revistas arbitradas, que fueran artículos originales, ensayos clínicos, revisiones narrativas, revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis, fundamentalmente entre los años 2018-2024; se excluyeron artículos de pequeño formato como resúmenes, cartas al editor y casos clínicos. Conclusiones: Existe una relación bidireccional entre las enfermedades bucales y las enfermedades sistémicas. La preservación de una buena salud bucal es primordial para el mantenimiento de una buena salud en general por la estrecha relación entre ambas. La inflamación crónica y el estrés oxidativo son los dos principales mecanismos vinculantes.

Background: Oral health has important implications for the general health in the body. Objective: To analyze the basic links between oral health and systemic diseases. Methodology: With DeCS descriptors such as "oral health", "general health", "systemic diseases" and "periodontal diseases", articles present in Google Scholar, SciELO, and Medline/PubMed databases were searched. From a total of 45 073 eligible articles, 34 full-text articles in English or Spanish were selected, in refereed journals, which were original articles, clinical trials, narrative reviews, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, mainly between 2018-2024; small-format articles such as abstracts, letters to the editor and clinical cases were excluded. Conclusions: There is a bidirectional relationship between oral diseases and systemic diseases. The good oral health preservation is primordial for maintaining a good general health due to the close relationship between both of them. Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are the two main linking mechanisms.

Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1584120


Las enfermedades bucodentales representan una importante carga para el sector sanitario. En este sentido, se hace necesaria la actualización sobre el uso de formas más inocuas de tratamiento que favorezcan a la salud bucal del ser humano, donde el empleo de aceites vegetales ozonizados juega un papel sustancial. En el caso del OLEOZON® oral, se referencian estudios sobre su aplicación en diferentes afecciones del complejo bucal con buenos resultados. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de describir la utilidad clínica del OLEOZON® oral como alternativa terapéutica en estomatología. Los artículos utilizados se recopilaron de las bases de datos SciELO, Redalyc, EBSCO, y Medigraphic; se aplicó como motor de búsqueda a Google Académico. Se utilizaron los términos disponibles en el tesauro de Ciencias de la Salud, y se combinaron mediante los operadores booleanos AND, OR y NOT. El empleo del OLEOZON® oral en estomatología se extiende de forma general como alternativa terapéutica de afecciones gingivales y periodontales, alveolitis, estomatitis subprótesis, y en procedimientos de endodoncia, con resultados favorables tras su aplicación.

Oral diseases represent a significant burden for the healthcare sector. In this sense, it is necessary to update the use of safer forms of treatment that favor human oral health, where the use of ozonated vegetable oils plays a substantial role. In the case of oral OLEOZON™, studies are referenced on its application in different conditions of the oral complex with good results. A bibliographic review was carried out with the objective of describing the clinical usefulness of oral OLEOZON™ as a therapeutic alternative in dentistry. The articles used were compiled in the SciELO, Redalyc, EBSCO, and Medigraphic databases; Google Scholar was applied as a search engine. The terms available in the Health Sciences Descriptors were used by combining them, for which the Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT were used. The use of oral OLEOZON™ in Stomatology is generally extended as a therapeutic alternative for gingival and periodontal conditions, alveolitis, sub prosthesis stomatitis, and in endodontic procedures, with favorable results after its application.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);90(3): 101396, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564180


Abstract Objective To determine the prevalence, epidemiological profile, and clinical characteristics of Oral or Oropharyngeal Mucosal Lesions (OOPML) in patients attended at the Otorhinolaryngology Service of the Evandro Chagas National Institute of Infectious Diseases (INI-FIOCRUZ) from 2005 to 2017. Methods Statistical analysis of descriptive data from medical records (gender, age, education level, skin color, origin, smoking, alcoholism, HIV co-infection, time of disease evolution, first symptom, and OOPML location) was performed. Results Of 7551 patients attended at the service, 620 (8.2%) were included in the study. OOPML were classified into developmental anomalies (n = 3), infectious diseases (non-granulomatous n = 220; granulomatous n = 155), autoimmune diseases (n = 24), neoplasms (benign n = 13; malignant, n = 103), and unclassified epithelial/soft tissue diseases (n = 102). OOPML of infectious diseases (60.5%) and neoplasms (18.7%) were the most frequent. The predominant demographics of patients with OOPML were: males (63.5%), white (53.5%), and those in the fifth to sixth decades of life (43.3%). Local pain (18.1%) and odynophagia (15%) were the most reported first symptoms, and the most frequent OOPML sites were the palatine tonsil (28.5%), hard palate (22.7%), and tongue (20.3%). The median evolution time was three months. Conclusions Infectious OOPML were the most frequent, as expected in a reference center for infectious diseases, and thus, they are likely to be less frequent in general care and/or dental services. Underreporting of OOPML is possible, as oral/oropharyngeal examination is often not included in the routine medical examination. Oral cavity/oropharynx examination should be performed by specialists, such as dentists and otorhinolaryngologists, who have the expertise in identifying OOPML, even in incipient/asymptomatic cases. Given the numerous diseases in which OOPML can present, diagnosis could be facilitated by multidisciplinary teams, potentially enabling the early treatment of diseases, and thus, reduce morbidity and improve prognosis. The use of standardized medical records for oral/oropharyngeal systematic examination could provide relevant tools for differential diagnoses and information for new clinical-epidemiological studies. Level of evidence: Level 3.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 26(4): e5412, jul.-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407886


RESUMEN Introducción: las afecciones bucales consecuentes al uso de prótesis dental en el adulto mayor son un problema de salud pública de alta prevalencia. Con el uso de dentaduras artificiales pueden aparecer factores de riesgo que condicionan las afecciones bucales, su frecuencia en este grupo poblacional motivó la realización del presente estudio. Objetivo: establecer el comportamiento de las afecciones bucales y factores de riesgo presentes en adultos mayores portadores de prótesis dental. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal en el período 2018-2020. Universo: 3 884 pacientes portadores de prótesis dental, de 60 años o más, pertenecientes a la Clínica Estomatológica "Antonio Briones Montoto" de Pinar del Río. Muestra: 250 pacientes seleccionados por muestreo aleatorio simple. Se empleó estadística descriptiva mediante frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: predominaron pacientes femeninas (54 %) y el grupo de 80-84 años (38,8 %). Las lesiones más frecuentes fueron estomatitis subprótesis (40,4 %) y úlcera traumática (22,9 %) en portadores de prótesis totales. El hábito de fumar, la higiene bucal deficiente y la placa dentobacteriana incidieron en la ocurrencia de estas afecciones. Conclusiones: las afecciones bucales consecuentes al uso de prótesis dental y los factores de riesgo presentes en el adulto mayor, se asociaron con deficientes estilos de vida como la inadecuada higiene bucal, la ausencia de medidas preventivas, la mala calidad del aparato protésico y la necesidad de confeccionar y reinstalar nuevas prótesis.

ABSTRACT Introduction: oral diseases resulting from the wear of dental prostheses in older adults continue to be a highly prevalent public health problem. With the use of artificial dentures, risk factors can appear that condition oral diseases. The frequency of these conditions in this age group encouraged the present study. Objective: to establish the behavior of oral diseases and risk factors present in older adults who wear dental prostheses. Methods: a descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out in the period 2018-2020. Target group: 3884 patients with dental prostheses, 60 years or older, belonging to Antonio Briones Montoto dentistry clinic in Pinar del Rio. Sample: 250 patients chosen by simple random sampling. Descriptive statistics was applied by means of absolute and relative frequencies. Results: female patients predominated (54 %) and the age group 80-84 reaching a 38,8 %. The most frequent lesions were subprosthetic stomatitis (40,4%) and traumatic ulcer (22,9 %) in total prosthesis wearers. Smoking, poor oral hygiene and dentobacterial plaque had an impact on the occurrence of these conditions. Conclusions: the oral diseases resulting from the wear of dental prostheses and the risk factors present in older adults were associated with poor lifestyles such as inadequate oral hygiene, the absence of preventive measures, the poor quality of the prosthetic appliance and the need to make and reinstall new dental prostheses.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 26(4): e5494, jul.-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407888


RESUMEN Introducción: los cambios hormonales que experimentan las mujeres gestantes acentúa la respuesta gingival y causa un cuadro clínico diferente, se considera un factor modificador en la enfermedad periodontal. Objetivo: valorar la prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal en gestantes atendidas en la Clínica Estomatológica José Martí en el período de septiembre 2018 a enero 2020. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en 83 pacientes gestantes, en el período comprendido de septiembre del 2018 a enero 2020. La información de interés se obtuvo de las historias clínicas individuales de servicios básicos de estomatología y de periodoncia. Todos los pacientes dieron su consentimiento informado y los resultados se obtuvieron con la utilización del análisis estadístico que incluyó el porcentaje y la razón. Resultados: predominaron pacientes enfermas con un 82 % sobre las sanas con 18 %. La gingivitis fue la enfermedad más frecuente en el 35 % de las gestantes estudiadas. Las formas menos graves de la enfermedad se presentaron con mayor frecuencia en el grupo de 27 a 36 años para el 43,7 %, y las periodontitis fueron más frecuentes en las gestantes de 37 a 45 años para un 33,3 %. El nivel de conocimientos fue regular para un 37,3 % seguido del bueno para un 36,2 %. Conclusiones: la frecuencia de la enfermedad periodontal fue alta con predominio de la forma leve de esta.

ABSTRACT Introduction: the hormonal changes experienced by pregnant women accentuate the gingival response and cause a different clinical picture, being considered a modifying factor in periodontal disease. Objective: to assess the prevalence of periodontal disease in pregnant women attended at Jose Marti Dentistry Clinic in the period from September 2018 to January 2020. Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in 83 pregnant women, in the period from September 2018 to January 2020. The information of interest was collected from individual medical records of basic dentistry and Periodontics services. All patients provided an informed consent and the results were processed using statistical analysis including percentage and ratio. Results: sick patients predominated with 82 % over healthy patients with 18 %. Gingivitis was the most frequent disease in the 35 % of pregnant women studied. Less severe forms of the disease were more frequent in the age group 27 to 36 years for 43,7 %, and periodontitis was more frequent in pregnant women aged 37 to 45 years for 33,3 %. The level of knowledge was fair for 37,3 % followed by good for 36,2 %. Conclusions: the frequency of periodontal disease was high with a predominance of mild periodontal disease.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955789


Objective:To investigate the clinical efficacy of low-energy laser in the treatment of erosive oral lichen planus (OLP) and its effect on patients' pain.Methods:Eighty-six patients with erosive OLP who were treated in Shanxian Central Hospital from February 2018 to January 2020 were included in this study. They were randomly divided into control and observation groups ( n = 43/group). The control group was treated by local injection of dexamethasone, and the observation group was treated with semiconductor low-energy laser irradiation. All patients were treated for 8 weeks. Pain scores and physical sign score before and after treatment were evaluated in each group. Therapeutic effects were compared between the two groups. Area of lesion was measured in each group. Recurrence of erosive OLP was calculated at 3 and 6 months after surgery. Results:Before treatment, there were no significant differences in visual analogue scale (VAS) score and physical sign score between the two groups (both P > 0.05). At 7, 14, 28 and 56 days after treatment, VAS score and physical sign score were significantly decreased in each group compared with those before treatment, and VAS score and physical sign score in the observation group were significantly lower than those in the control group (all P < 0.05). Total response rate in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group [93.02% (40/43) vs. 83.72% (36/43), χ2 = 1.81, P > 0.05). Before and 1 month after treatment, there was no significant difference in area of lesion between control and observation groups (both P > 0.05). At 3 and 6 months after surgery, area of lesion in the observation group was (0.31 ± 0.14) cm 2 and (0.32 ± 0.12) cm 2, respectively, which were significantly smaller than those in the control group [(0.42 ± 0.18) cm 2, (0.48 ± 0.19) cm 2, t = 3.16, 4.67, both P < 0.05). At 3 and 6 months after treatment, recurrence of erosive OLP in the observation group was 2.33% (1/43) and 13.95% (6/43), respectively, which were significantly lower than those in the control group [13.95% (6/43), 37.21% (16/43), χ2 = 3.89, 6.11, both P < 0.05]. Conclusion:There is no significant difference in the short-term efficacy of low-energy laser versus conventional corticosteroids in the treatment of erosive OLP. However, low-energy laser has a more obvious short-term pain relief effect than conventional corticosteroids. It can accelerate the healing of injured tissue and decrease the recurrence rate of erosive OLP.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955873


Objective:To investigate the effects of McLaughlin Bennett Treriri (MBT) straight wire technique on the content of periostin in gingival crevicular fluid of the maxillary first molar.Methods:Ninety patients with malocclusion who were treated with MBT straight wire technique in Jiaxing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from February to September 2021 were included in this study. The patients were divided into group A (13-18 years old) and group B (30-35 years old) according to age, with 45 patients in each group. According to the random number table method, patients in group A were divided into 100 g subgroup (group A1, n = 22) and 150 g subgroup (group A2, n = 23), and patients in group B were divided into 100 g subgroup (group B1, n = 22) and 150 g sub group (group B2, n = 23). Effects of age on the content of periostin in gingival crevicular fluid and bite force were observed. The antagonistic effect of periostin in gingival crevicular fluid during the application of different corrective forces was evaluated based on the changes in bite force, bone mineral density and height of the jaw after the application of force. The incidence of complications was calculated. Results:The level of periostin and bite force in group A were (1 249.38 ± 89.29) pmol/L and (1 038.37 ± 79.54) N, respectively, which were significantly higher than (831.54 ± 76.38) pmol /L and (921.45 ± 81.36) N in group B ( t = 23.86, 6.89, both P < 0.05). After 1 and 3 months of treatment, the amplitude of improvement in bite force, jaw bone density, and jaw height in group A2 were greater than those in group A2 ( t = 2.92, 6.39, 0.64, 1.30, 1.07, 2.48, all P < 0.05). After 7 and 14 days of treatment, the level of periostin was increased in both group B1 and B2 and its level in group B2 was significantly higher than that in group B1 ( t = 0.59, 1.89, both P < 0.05). After 1 month of treatment, there were no significant differences in bite force, jaw bone density and jaw height between groups B1 and B2 (all P > 0.05). After 3 months of treatment, the amplitude of improvement in bite force, jaw bone density and jaw height were greater in group B2 than those in group B1 ( t = 0.27, 4.02, 3.07, 1.52, 0.06, 1.57, P < 0.05). There were 3 patients with loose teeth, 2 patients with pulp reaction, 1 patient with mucosal ulcer, and 2 patients with secondary dental caries during treatment. The incidence of complications was 8.89%. Conclusion:MBT straight wire technique is effective and safe in the treatment of patients with dental deformities. The level of periostin in gingival crevicular fluid of the maxillary first molar and bite force decrease with age. The corrective force can increase and activate the expression of periostin, thereby promoting periodontal wound healing and regeneration, and increasing patients' bite force, jaw bone density and height.

Chinese Journal of Geriatrics ; (12): 952-955, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-957321


Objective:To explore the relationship between comorbidity and oral health in the elderly.Methods:As a retrospective study, 852 patients hospitalized at the Department of Geriatrics, the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University between July 2017 and July 2018 were selected, including 380 male and 472 female patients, with 274 between 60 and 74 years old, 519 between 75 and 89 years old and 59 ≥90 years old.Patients' clinical data and records on the Chinese version of the Kayser-Jones Brief Oral Health Status Examination(BOHSE)were retrospectively collected.The cumulative illness rating scale(CIRS)and the Chinese version of the BOHSE scale were calculated.The distribution of oral health problems measured using indicators in the Chinese version of the BOHSE scale was compared between the comorbidity group and the non-comorbidity group.The relationship between the CIRS score and oral health was analyzed by multiple linear regression.Results:Of the 808 patients with comorbidities, each patient had(3.63±1.33), (4.26±1.64)and(5.14±1.90)diseases, respectively, in the 60-74, 75-89 and ≥90 age groups( F=35.555, P<0.01). The age groups' CIRS scores were(8.88±3.59), (11.67±4.32)and(13.64±4.42)( F=51.532, P<0.01). The incidence of oral problems in hospitalized elderly patients was 92.72 %(790/852). The average oral health BOHSE score was(4.58 ± 2.88). There was a significant difference in oral health condition among the 60-74, 75-89 and ≥90 age groups( F=19.370, P<0.05). There were also significant differences in gums between teeth and/or under artificial teeth, condition of natural teeth and condition of artificial teeth between hospitalized elderly patients with and without comorbidities(all P<0.05). CIRS scores of patients with comorbidities were correlated with scores of natural tooth condition and pairs of teeth in the chewing position(natural or artificial)( t values were 2.565 and 2.495, P<0.05 for both). Conclusions:The comorbidity rate of hospitalized elderly patients is high and their oral health problems are common.As the age increases, the number of comorbidities increases and oral health condition becomes worse.The natural tooth condition and pairs of teeth in the chewing position(natural or artificial)are related to the severity of comorbidities in the elderly.

Arch. méd. Camaguey ; 26: e8761, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403314


RESUMEN Introducción: El envejecimiento es un proceso biológico, dinámico, irre versible, inevitable y progresivo que cursan todos los seres humanos. En la actualidad constituye un problema sociodemográfico serio, donde sus altas cifras cada vez más crecientes de adultos mayores, constituyen un desafío para el sistema de salud. Objetivo: Actualizar los conocimientos sobre la relación que existe entre las enfermedades sistémicas y las enfermedades bucales en el adulto mayor. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura entre abril y julio de 2021. Se revisaron artículos disponibles en las bases de datos SciELO, BVS, PudMed, Scopus, LILACS, en el motor de búsqueda Google Scholar y revistas de la Web of Sciences, resultando un total de 30 referencias bibliográficas utilizadas, donde el 50 % y 83,3 % se circunscribió a literatura de los últimos tres y cinco años respectivamente. Como estrategia de búsqueda de información se utilizaron frases claves como: adulto mayor; cavidad bucal; enfermedades sistémicas; enfermedades degenerativas; enfermedades bucales. Se tuvo presente su relevancia y novedad en correspondencia sobre el tema. Resultados: El envejecimiento es marcado por la ocurrencia de numerosos cambios que hacen más propensos a los adultos mayores a presentar enfermedades sistémicas y bucales, donde son numerosos los trabajos publicados que demuestran que una de ellas puede influir siendo causa o consecuencia en el desarrollo de la otra. Conclusiones: Es importante conocer la relación bidireccional entre las enfermedades sistémicas y las enfermedades bucales en el adulto mayor, donde se precisa de un mayor cuidado y una atención sistemática en estos pacientes.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Aging is an inevitable and progressive process that currently constitutes a serious sociodemographic problem, where its high numbers constitute a challenge for the health system. Objective: To update knowledge about the relationship between systemic diseases and oral diseases in the elderly. Methods: A literature review was conducted between April and July 2021. Articles available in the SciELO, BVS, PudMed, Scopus, LILACS databases, in the Google Scholar search engine and Web of Sciences journals were reviewed, resulting in a total of 30 bibliographic references used, where 50 % and 83.3 % were limited to literature from the last three and five years respectively. Its relevance and novelty were taken into account in correspondence on the subject. Results: Aging is marked by the occurrence of systemic and oral diseases, where there are numerous published works that show that one of them can influence, being a cause or a consequence, in the development of the other. Conclusions: It is important to know the bidirectional relationship between systemic diseases and oral diseases in the elderly, requiring greater care and systematic attention in these patients.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 36: e108, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1394173


Abstract This study evaluated the presence of oral lesions in patients with COVID-19 hospitalized in an intensive care unit (ICU). Data included demographic, clinical, and laboratory information. Clinical assessment of the oral cavity was performed on the 2 nd and 5 th days of orotracheal intubation. Thirty-eight patients were evaluated and 16 (42.1%) presented oral lesions during their ICU stay. The median age and length of stay were 75 years and 15 days, respectively. Among the patients with oral lesions, ulcerative oral lesions were reported in 14 (87.5%) patients, of which 11 (78.6%) were found on the lips. This study highlights the importance of oral examination for patients admitted to the ICU with COVID-19.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 36: e101, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1384200


Abstract Oral cancer represents a public health issue because of its high mortality rate, resulting mainly from diagnostic delays. Insufficient training in oral diagnosis is usually perceived by dentists. Distance learning could be used as an auxiliary tool to bridge that gap. This study evaluated the impact of a distance learning course on oral mucosal lesion diagnosis offered to public healthcare dentists. Participants of an online course answered a pretest/posttest comprising clinical images of 30 clinical cases. Participants were questioned about the diagnosis and informed their decision on the cases (referring the cases to a specialist or managing them themselves), as a parameter of perceived self-efficacy. A total of 442 dentists enrolled in the course. Their pass rate was 97%. Classification of the nature of the lesions, diagnostic hypotheses, sensitivity, and specificity improved by 13.4%, 10.0%, 13.4%, and 6.6%, respectively (p<0.01, Wilcoxon test). Regarding management, there was a 16.6% reduction in the intention to refer cases, while confidence in the diagnosis of benign lesions increased by 40%. A distance learning course may be useful in continuing education actions for primary care dentists, improving their diagnostic abilities and encouraging them in the management of oral lesions. Moreover, this strategy could contribute to disseminating knowledge to remote regions, particularly among primary health care professionals.

CES odontol ; 34(2): 139-158, jul.-dic. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374785


Resumen El estado de salud bucal y la atención odontológica en sujetos con Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA), amerita atención, dada las características específicas en su fisiopatología bucal y algunos factores comportamentales que influyen el progreso de enfermedades bucales como la caries dental y la enfermedad periodontal. El objetivo de la presente revisión fue describir la evidencia referente a salud bucal, así como consideraciones relevantes para la atención odontológica en sujetos con TEA. Se realizó búsqueda sistemática de la literatura empleando los buscadores de información: EBSCOhost, ScienceDirect, y Scopus. Los descriptores empleados fueron: Trastorno del Espectro Autista, Salud Bucal, Caries dental, Enfermedades Periodontales, Atención Odontológica (DeCS-Bireme), sus combinaciones y equivalencias en inglés Autism Spectrum Disorder, Oral health, Dental caries, Periodontal Diseases, Dental care (MeSH-Database). Considerando artículos publicados entre 2014 y septiembre de 2019. Inicialmente, se revisaron los títulos y aplicaron criterios de elegibilidad para la descripción de evidencia incluida, correspondiente a 46 artículos, considerando su enfoque, tipología, idioma y año de publicación y luego se plantea un análisis de la información. Concluyendo que la evidencia sigue siendo controversial y limitada con tendencia a destacar deficiencias en la higiene bucal que se realiza en los hogares de sujetos con TEA, la presencia de caries dental, enfermedad periodontal y algunos hallazgos que condicionan la fisiología oral y progreso de enfermedades bucales. Así mismo, se resalta la dificultad en la atención odontológica a causa de la cuestionable preparación del personal de odontología y los consecuentes temores en los padres que puede limitar la asistencia a la consulta de manera oportuna y en edades tempranas para lograr una buena adaptación. Por todo lo anterior, la atención odontológica se convierte en un desafío que deberá orientar sus acciones con empatía para atender esta población con participación de la familia, profesores y otros miembros de instituciones especializadas, con carácter holístico y de medicina familiar.

Abstract Oral health status and dental care in subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) deserves attention, given the specific characteristics of their oral pathophysiology and some behavioral factors that influence the progress of oral diseases such as dental caries and periodontal disease. The objective of the present review was to describe the evidence regarding oral health as well as relevant considerations for dental care in subjects with ASD. Therefore, a systematic search of the literature was carried out using the information seekers: EBSCOhost, ScienceDirect, and Scopus. The descriptors used were: Trastorno del Espectro Autista, Salud Bucal, Caries dental, Enfermedades Periodontales, Atención Odontológica (DeCS-Bireme), their combinations and equivalents in English: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Oral health, Dental caries, Periodontal Diseases, Dental care (MeSH-Database). Considering articles published between 2014 and September 2019. Initially, the titles were reviewed and eligibility criteria were applied for the description of the included evidence, corresponding to 46 articles, considering their focus, typology, language and year of publication, and then an analysis of the information was proposed. Concluding that the evidence remains controversial and limited, with a tendency to highlight deficiencies in oral hygiene performed in the homes of individuals with ASD, the presence of dental caries, periodontal disease, and some findings that condition oral physiology and the progress of oral diseases. Likewise, the difficulty in dental care is highlighted due to the questionable preparation of the dental staff and the consequent fears in parents that may limit attendance at the consultation in a timely manner and at an early age to achieve a good adaptation. Due to all the above, dental care becomes a challenge that should guide its actions with empathy to serve this population with the participation of the family, teachers and other members of specialized institutions, with a holistic and family medicine nature.

Resumo O estado da saúde bucal e da assistência odontológica em indivíduos com Transtornos do Espectro do Autismo (TEA) merece atenção, dadas as características específicas de sua fisiopatologia bucal e alguns fatores comportamentais que influenciam no progresso de doenças bucais, como cárie dentária e doença periodontal. O objetivo da presente revisão foi descrever as evidências sobre a saúde bucal, bem como considerações relevantes para o cuidado odontológico em indivíduos com TEA. Portanto, uma busca sistemática da literatura foi realizada usando os motores de busca de informações: EBSCOhost, ScienceDirect e Scopus. Os descritores usados ​​foram: Trastorno del Espectro Autista, Salud Bucal, caries dental, Enfermedades Periodontales, Atención Odontológica (DeCS-Bireme), suas combinações e equivalentes em inglês Autism Spectrum Disorder, oral health, dental caries, Periodontal Diseases, dental care (MeSH-Database). Considerando os artigos publicados entre 2014 e setembro de 2019. Inicialmente, os títulos foram revisados ​​e os critérios de elegibilidade aplicados para a descrição das evidências incluídas, correspondendo a 46 artigos, considerando seu foco, tipologia, idioma e ano de publicação, para então uma análise é proposta das informações. Concluindo que as evidências permanecem controversas e limitadas, com tendência a evidenciar deficiências na higiene bucal realizada nas residências de indivíduos com TEA, a presença de cárie dentária, doença periodontal e alguns achados que condicionam a fisiologia oral e o progresso das doenças bucais. Da mesma forma, destaca-se a dificuldade no atendimento odontológico devido ao preparo questionável da equipe odontológica e os consequentes temores dos pais que podem limitar o comparecimento à consulta em tempo hábil e em idade precoce para uma boa adaptação. Por tudo isso, a assistência odontológica torna-se um desafio que deve nortear suas ações com empatia para atender essa população com a participação da família, professores e demais membros de instituições especializadas, com caráter holístico e de medicina de família.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 25(3): e5013, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289127


RESUMEN Introducción: las enfermedades oncológicas, entre ellas el cáncer bucal, constituyen el objeto de estudio de diversas instituciones, de ahí que sea necesario analizar el comportamiento de esta ciencia publicada. Objetivo: analizar la producción científica sobre cáncer bucal en la Web of Science en el periodo 2000 a 2020. Métodos: se realizó un estudio bibliométrico de los artículos sobre cáncer bucal publicados en la Core Collections de la Web of Science. Las matrices de co-ocurrencia para el análisis de las redes fueron pre-procesados en Bibexel, y se empleó VOSviewer v1.6.15 para analizar. Se analizaron indicadores de visibilidad, impacto y cooperación. Resultados: se analizaron 10 349 documentos, donde el 76,50 % fueron originales. Se recibieron 198 302 citas, para un promedio de 19,99 citas por artículos. La tasa de variación en cuanto al número de artículos fue del 82,91 %. Las publicaciones redactadas en idioma inglés constituyeron el 98,96 %. Estados Unidos resultó el país más productivo, con el 23,92 %. Los documentos se publicaron en 1 416 recursos y se firmaron por 5 160 instituciones, de ellas 138 colaboraron al menos en 1un artículo. Conclusiones: existe un interés creciente en la investigación sobre el cáncer bucal, concentrada en un pequeño número de países, los que exhiben genuinas capacidades de liderazgo en este campo. Se evidenció un avance en cuanto a la colaboración internacional. El análisis de la co-ocurrencia de términos refleja el interés de la comunidad científica internacional en función de la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de esta enfermedad a nivel global.

ABSTRACT Introduction: oncological diseases, including oral cancer, are the object of study of various institutions; for this reason it is necessary to analyze the behavior of this published science. Objective: to analyze the scientific production on oral cancer in the Web of Science in the period 2000 to 2020. Methods: a bibliometric study of the articles on oral cancer published in the Core Collections of Web of Science was conducted. The co-occurrence matrices for the analysis of the networks were pre-processed in Bibexel, and VOSviewer v1.6.15 was used its analysis. Visibility, impact and cooperation indicators were analyzed. Results: the documents analyzed (10349), where 76,50 % were original articles. The citations received were 198 302, for an average of 19, 9 citations per article. The variation rate in terms of the number of articles was 82,91 %. Publications written in English language reached 98,96 %. The United States was the most productive country, with 23,92 %. The documents were published in 1416 resources and signed by 5160 institutions; at least 138 collaborated on one article. Conclusions: there is an increasing interest in research on oral cancer, concentrated in a small number of countries which exhibit genuine leadership capabilities in this field. Progress was evidenced in terms of international collaboration. The analysis of the co-occurrence of terms reflects the interest of the international scientific community in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of this disease at a global level.

Rev. cienc. med. Pinar Rio ; 25(3): e4982, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289131


RESUMEN Introducción: el ozono por su amplia gama de propiedades es útil para tratar afecciones bucales como la gingivitis crónica. Objetivo: demostrar efectividad de la ozonoterapia en el tratamiento de la gingivitis crónica en adolescentes en el Policlínico "Pedro Borrás Astorga", del municipio Pinar del Río, en el período comprendido entre enero y septiembre de 2019. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico, longitudinal, de casos y control. La muestra quedó conformada por 50 pacientes seleccionados por el método no probabilístico intencionado, teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Para un mejor estudio se formaron dos grupos, uno de estudio tratado con oleozón y otro de control tratado con propóleos al 5 %, con 25 pacientes cada uno. Se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos, y se aplicó la prueba de Chi cuadrado con un nivel de significación de p=0.05. Resultados: se demostró la efectividad de la aplicación del oleozón en la muestra seleccionada al presentar una evaluación terapéutica de los pacientes más favorable con respecto a los tratados con propóleos al 5%, alcanzando la mayor cantidad de pacientes curados y con éxito en el tratamiento de la gingivitis crónica, la que fue más presentada por adolescentes masculinos de 13 años, prevaleció en su forma moderada, y la higiene bucal deficiente fue el factor de riesgo de mayor incidencia en su aparición. Conclusiones: la ozonoterapia resultó ser un tratamiento efectivo para la gingivitis crónica en los adolescentes estudiados.

ABSTRACT Introduction: the ozone due to its ample range of properties is useful to treat oral diseases as chronic gingivitis. Objective: to demonstrate the effectiveness of ozone-therapy in the treatment of chronic gingivitis in adolescents at Pedro Borras Astorga Polyclinic, Pinar del Rio municipality, during the period between January and September 2019. Methods: an observational, analytical, longitudinal study of case and control. The sample comprised 50 patients chosen by intentional non-probabilistic method, considering the criteria of inclusion and exclusion. To carry out a better study two groups were included, a study group treated with oil-ozone and a control one treated with propolis at 5 %, with 25 patients each of the group. Theoretical and empirical methods were applied, and the chi-squared test with a significance level of p=0.05. Results: the effectiveness of the application of oil-ozone was demonstrated in the sample chosen when presenting a more favorable therapeutic evaluation of the patients, respect to those treated with propolis at 5 %, reaching the greatest quantity of cured patients and with success in the treatment of chronic gingivitis, which was more frequent in male adolescents (13 years old), its moderate type prevailed, a deficient oral hygiene was the risk factor of highest incidence in its onset. Conclusions: the ozone-therapy resulted in an effective treatment for chronic gingivitis in the studied adolescents.

Acta odontol. latinoam ; 34(3): 249-256, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383411


ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of Oral Mucosal Lesions (OMLs) in an adult population from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 751 subjects from eight communities from Santo Domingo accepted the invitation to participate in an oral screening from October 2016 to January 2017. 248 subjects were evaluated and clinically examined, age range 18-86 years. A validated instrument was designed to record demographic factors, age group, gender, anatomical location, presence or absence of OMLs, risk factors such as tobacco consumption and its frequency, and different forms of tobacco and alcohol use. A systematic oral clinical examination was conducted by a specialist. The presence or absence, and anatomic location of OMLs were recorded. The sample consisted of 44.4% males and 55.6 % females. 228 subjects had 1 or more lesions (91.9%), the median was 3 lesions per patient. In relation to risk factors, tobacco use in general was reported by 26.2 % of the subjects, with cigarette smoking reported by 75.4%, followed by other forms as "hookah" 9.2 %, marihuana 9.2%, cigars ("puros")4.6% and pipe smoking 1.5%. Among the oral lesions detected by screening, the nonpathological group was prevalent, and included physiologic melanin pigmentation as the most frequent (25.0%) followed by palatal/mandibular tori (20.2%), Fordyce granules (7.9%), and Exostosis (5.6%). Potentially malignant disorders (Oral Leukoplakia, Oral Lichen Planus and Actinic Cheilitis) corresponded to 2.2%, 0.3 %, and 0.3%, respectively. No malignancy was observed clinically. This study contributes to determining the prevalence of OMLs in Dominican Republic and to identifying risk factors. This is the first study reporting the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions among the Dominican adult population. This information is vital for establishing a public health program targeting the high-risk group to improve the oral health status in this population.

RESUMEN El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia de lesiones de la mucosa oral (LMO) en una población adulta proveniente de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. 751 individuos procedentes de ocho comunidades de la provincia de Santo Domingo, respondieron a la invitación para participar en el examen bucal, desde Octubre 2016 a Enero 2017. 248 sujetos con un rango de edad de 18-86 años, fueron evaluados y examinados clínicamente. Se diseñó y validó un instrumento para obtener datos de factores demográficos, grupos de edad, género, localización anatómica, presencia o ausencia de lesiones de la mucosa oral, factores de riesgo tales como: consumo de tabaco, frecuencia, diferentes formas de uso de tabaco y alcohol. Un especialista en el área, realizó un examen clínico bucal sistematizado en el cual se evaluó y registró la presencia o ausencia de lesiones y su localización anatómica. De acuerdo a la distribución por género, 44.4% correspondió a masculino y 55.6 % femenino. 228/248 sujetos presentaron 1 o más lesiones (91.9%), siendo la media de 3 lesiones por paciente. En relación a los factores de riesgo, el tabaco se reportó en 26.2%, siendo el fumar cigarrillos el 75.4%, seguido de otras formas como "hookah" 9.2%, marihuana 9.2%, cigarros ("puros") 4.6% y pipa fumada 1.5 %. En cuanto a las lesiones bucales detectadas en el examen, el grupo de condiciones no patológicas fue el más frecuente e incluía a pigmentaciones fisiológicas melánicas (25.0%), seguida de torus palatino/mandibulares (20.2 %), gránulos de Fordyce (7.9%) y exostosis (5.6%),respectivamente. Las lesiones potencialmente malignas detectadas (Leucoplasia oral, Liquen plano oral y Queilitis actínica) correspondieron al 2.2%, 0.3 % y 0.3%, respectivamente. Clínicamente, no se observó malignidad. Este estudio contribuye a determinar la prevalencia de LMO en República Dominicana e identificar factores de riesgo. Los hallazgos representan el primer estudio que muestra la prevalencia de las lesiones de mucosa oral en la población adulta dominicana. Se recomienda la creación de un programa de salud pública orientado a grupos de alto riesgo para mejorar el estatus de salud oral en esta población.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre ; 61(2): 64-70, jul-dez. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1281699


Introdução: Há uma estimativa, para o ano de 2050, de mais de dois bilhões de pessoas acima de 60 anos no mundo. Essa projeção do envelhecimento da população ressalta a importância de avaliar a saúde bucal do idoso e, consequentemente, evidenciar qual o papel das políticas públicas e do cirurgião dentista na promoção de saúde neste contexto. Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo é abordar as principais alterações bucais que ocorrem no idoso e a importância dada a isso pelas políticas públicas. Discussão: A literatura enfatiza a política nacional de saúde da pessoa idosa e o dever do profissional em promover a qualidade de vida preservando a autonomia e a independência funcional do paciente. Conclusão: Várias políticas públicas garantem os direitos assegurados às pessoas com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, no que se refere à atenção integral à saúde, porém muito se tem a fazer para que os idosos sejam beneficiados e tenham pleno acesso a ela. Cabe ao cirurgião dentista o despertar para essa realidade e necessidade.

Introduction: For the year 2050, the estimate is to have more than two billion people over the age of 60 worldwide. This projection of population aging highlights the importance of assessing the oral health of the elderly and, consequently, highlighting the role of public policies and the dental surgeon in health promotion in this context. Objective: The purpose of this paper is to approach the main oral changes that occur in the elderly and the importance given to this by public policies. Discussion: The literature emphasizes the national health policy of the elderly and the duty of the professional to promote the quality of life while preserving the autonomy and functional independence of the patient. Conclusion: Several public policies ensure the rights guaranteed to people aged 60 years or older regarding whole health care for the elderly. However, much needs to be done for them to benefit and have full access to this service. Therefore, it's the dental surgeon's responsibility to bring awareness to this reality and need.

Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Oral Health , Dentist's Role , Health Policy , Dentists , Diagnosis, Oral , Mouth Diseases/prevention & control
Gac. méd. espirit ; 21(3): 62-68, sept.-dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090444


RESUMEN Fundamento: Las enfermedades bucales son frecuentes en los pacientes especiales y las enfermedades sistémicas que presentan dificultan la atención en la consulta de estomatología. Objetivo: Describir el estado de salud bucal de un grupo de pacientes especiales menores de 15 años de Sancti Spíritus. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal en el período comprendido de septiembre de 2016 a febrero de 2017. El universo estuvo conformado por 64 pacientes especiales y la muestra por 55 pacientes menores de 15 años atendidos en la consulta del Hospital Pediátrico Provincial de Sancti Spíritus. Resultados: Las edades predominantes fueron de 6 a 10 años y el sexo masculino, la caries dental fue la enfermedad bucal que más se encontró en los pacientes, seguido de la enfermedad periodontal. Los factores que más incidieron fueron la deficiente higiene bucal y la dieta cariogénica. Conclusiones: Las afecciones estomatológicas más frecuentes fueron la caries dental y la enfermedad periodontal y los factores que más incidieron fueron la deficiente higiene bucal y la dieta cariogénica.

ABSTRACT Background: Oral diseases are common in special needs patients and the systemic diseases they present make difficult the assistance to the stomatology office. Objective: To describe the oral health status from a group of special needs patients younger than 15 years in Sancti Spiritus. Methodology: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from September 2016 to February 2017. The universe consisted of 64 special needs patients and the sample by 55 patients younger than 15 years of age assisted in the consulting of the Sancti Spíritus Provincial Pediatric Hospital Results: The predominant ages were from 6 to 10 years and the male sex, dental caries was the most common oral disease in patients, followed by periodontal disease. The most influenced factors were poor oral hygiene and the cariogenic diet. Conclusions: The most frequent stomatology conditions were dental caries and periodontal disease and the most influenced factors were poor oral hygiene and cariogenic diet.

Oral Health , Disabled Children , Risk Factors , Dental Caries , Mouth Diseases
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 19(2): 6-12, abr.-jun. 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1253992


Introdução: Descrever o levantamento epidemiológico que traça o perfil dos pacientes adultos atendidos na clínica do curso de Odontologia, campus Arcoverde, da Universidade de Pernambuco. Metodologia: Estudo transversal em que foi realizada uma análise retrospectiva de 275 prontuários correspondentes aos anos de 2015 a 2017. Foram descritos: dados demográficos; queixa principal; hábito (tabagismo); presença de variação da normalidade e lesões em cavidade oral; necessidade de tratamento por especialidade e número de tratamentos concluídos. Os dados foram tabulados, e a análise estatística foi realizada no programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Resultados: O gênero feminino foi o que mais procurou atendimento (64,7%), e a 3ª década de vida foi a mais atendida. As especialidades com maior necessidade pelos pacientes foram a Dentística e a Periodontia, e o hábito de fumar de alguns pacientes esteve relacionado com uma maior necessidade de tratamento periodontal. Além disso, os homens apresentaram maior necessidade desse tipo de tratamento que as mulheres. A variação da normalidade mais prevalente foi a linha alba (25,5%). As lesões mais comuns diagnosticadas clinicamente foram a leucoplasia (15%) e a queilite actínica (15%), e os homens apresentaram maior frequência da presença de lesões que as mulheres, assim como as pessoas que eram tabagistas e que trabalhavam expostas ao sol. Conclusões: A definição do perfil epidemiológico dos pacientes atendidos poderá auxiliar no planejamento de ações e qualificação da assistência... (AU)

Introduction: To describe the epidemiological profile of adult patients attended at the dental school of the Arcoverde campus, University of Pernambuco. Methodology: In this cross-sectional study, 275 medical records from the period from 2015 to 2017 were analyzed retrospectively. They included the following information: demographic data, main complaint, habit (smoking), presence of alterations and lesions in the oral cavity, need for specialty treatment, and number of treatments completed. The data were tabulated and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences was used for statistical analysis. Results: Women most frequently sought care (64.7%) and the third decade of life was the most attended. The specialties most needed by the patients were Dentistry and Periodontics, and the smoking habits of some patients were related to a greater need for periodontal treatment. In addition, men presented a greater need for this type of treatment than women. The most prevalent alteration was linea alba buccalis (25.5%). The most common clinically diagnosed lesions were leukoplakia (15%) and actinic cheilitis (15%), and men were more frequent in presenting with lesions than women, as were people who smoked and worked in the sun. Conclusions: Defining the epidemiological profile of past patients may help in the planning of health actions and improvement of assistance... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Delivery of Health Care , Dentistry , Mouth , Mouth Diseases , Schools, Dental , Medical Records , Health Surveys
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 19(1): 4350, 01 Fevereiro 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-997959


Objective: To compare salivary transferrin levels between patients with oral lichen planus (OLP) and healthy subjects. Material and Methods: In this descriptive, analytical, crosssectional study, 11 patients with OLP and 22 healthy subjects were selected after matching in terms of age and gender. OLP was confirmed by two oral medicine specialists based on clinical and histopathological criteria. Salivary samples were collected by spitting. The patients were asked to collect their saliva in their oral cavity and then evacuate it into sterilized Falcon tubes. The procedure was repeated every 60 seconds for 5-15 minutes. A total of 5 mL of saliva was collected using this method. The samples were collected from 8 to 9 in the morning in a fasting state to avoid circadian changes. The collected salivary samples were immediately placed next to ice and transferred to the laboratory to be centrifuged at 4°C at 800 g to isolate squamous cells and cellular debris. Then the samples were frozen at -80°C until the samples were prepared. An ELISA kit was used to determine salivary transferrin levels. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) and t-test for independent groups using SPSS 17. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05. Results: The mean salivary transferrin concentrations in patients with OLP and healthy subjects were 0.9055±0.28229 and 1.5932±0.80041 mg/dL, respectively (p<0.05). Conclusion: The salivary transferrin levels in patients with OLP were significantly lower than those in healthy subjects.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Saliva , Transferrin , Clinical Diagnosis , Lichen Planus, Oral/diagnosis , Mouth Diseases/diagnosis , Case-Control Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Histological Techniques/methods , Iran