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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-239716


Background: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a structured, tailor-made 12-week deep squat intervention on lower extremity muscle strength, cardiorespiratory functional capacity, and health-related quality of life in patients with chronic respiratory dysfunction. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients aged 18–65 years were randomly assigned to a deep squat intervention group (n = 15) or a walking program group (n = 15). Assessments conducted before and after the 12-week intervention included lower extremity muscle strength, pulmonary function, cardiorespiratory endurance, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). These were measured using trunk-leg dynamometry, the chair-stand test, the deep squat test, lung volume measurements, maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures, the 6-min walk test, and the 12-item Short Form Survey questionnaire. Results: The results revealed that the deep squat intervention group showed greater muscle strength and cardiorespiratory endurance improvements than the walking group. Significant improvements were observed in lower extremity muscle strength (42.9%), chair-stand repetitions (26%), deep squat repetitions (30.2%), maximum inspiratory pressure (67%), maximum expiratory pressure (29%), peak expiratory flow rate (32%), 6-min walk test distance (16%), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (53%), forced vital capacity (36%), and HRQoL (physical component 42% and mental component 25%) with a large effect size ranging from 1.6 to 10.7 (P < 0.001). Conclusion: This study concludes that the deep squat intervention proved to be a safe and effective exercise program for mitigating physical deconditioning in individuals with mild to moderate chronic respiratory dysfunction compared with a walking program. These findings support the inclusion of deep squat training in routine pulmonary rehabilitation programs.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240312


Background: Many studies have been done with COPD patients focusing on the impairment of lung function in these patients. However, only few studies were done focusing on the impairment of skeletal muscle strength and endurance in COPD patients which if occurs will affect their quality of life. Aim and Objective: The aim of this study is to compare the skeletal muscle strength and endurance between COPD patients and age gender and body mass index (BMI)-matched healthy subjects. We also assessed the association between decrease in FEV1 and muscle strength and endurance. Materials and Methods: 40 male COPD patients and age and body mass index-matched healthy male subjects were studied. Dominant hand-forearm muscle strength and endurance were measured using handgrip dynamometer. FEV1, FVC, and FEVI/FVC were measured using spirometer. Muscle strength and endurance between two groups were compared and the correlation between FEV1 and muscle strength and endurance was analyzed. Results: Mean muscle strength and endurance were significantly lower in COPD patients (P < 0.001) compared to healthy subjects. Significant positive correlation between decrease in FEV1 and decrease in muscle strength (P < 0.001) and endurance (P < 0.05) was observed. Conclusion: This study shows that there is decrease in muscle strength and endurance in COPD patients. Hence, early intervention to improve muscle strength is needed for better quality of life in these patients.

Argentinian j. respiratory physical therapy ; 6(3): 53-57, jun. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1581680


RESUMEN La prueba de elevación del talón (HRT, por sus siglas en inglés) es un método habitual para evaluar la fuerza y la resistencia de los músculos de la pantorrilla. Este procedimiento no se limita exclusivamente a su aplicación en evaluaciones, sino también resulta de utilidad para medir los resultados terapéuticos y supervisar la evolución de las afecciones evaluadas. Si bien existen múltiples protocolos, el presente estudio describe los pasos que deben seguirse y brinda recomendaciones para la utilización de la HRT.

ABSTRACT The heel-raise test (HRT) is a common method to assess calf muscle strength and endurance. This procedure is not limited exclusively to evaluations but is also useful for measuring therapeutic outcomes and monitoring the course of the assessed conditions. Although there are multiple protocols for conducting this test, this study describes the steps that should be followed and provides recommendations for using the HRT.

Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;160(3): 322-326, may.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582321


Resumen Antecedentes: La valoración de la fuerza muscular es de interés para la investigación de patologías como la fragilidad y la sarcopenia; sin embargo, el costo de algunos instrumentos necesarios para su evaluación podría ser una limitante en algunos escenarios. Objetivo: Comparar dos dinamómetros para comparar la concordancia entre las mediciones. Material y métodos: El estudio se realizó en una clínica ambulatoria de geriatría. Se evaluaron 120 participantes de 60 años y más provenientes de la comunidad. Se utilizó el dinamómetro manual hidráulico Jamar® y el dinamómetro manual digital Camry® EH101. Resultados: Se observó correlación positiva entre los dos instrumentos para la mano dominante (MD), con r de Pearson = 0.974 (p < 0.001) y ρ de Spearman = 0.973 (p < 0.001) para la mano no dominante (MND). El coeficiente de concordancia de Lin para la MD fue de 0.98 (p < 0.001) y para la MND, de 0.97 (p < 0.001) El coeficiente de correlación intraclase fue de 0.971 (IC 95 % = 0.95-0.97, p < 0.001) para MD y de 0.975 (IC 95 % = 0.96-0.98, p < 0.001) para MND. Conclusiones: El dinamómetro digital es un instrumento confiable para la medición de la fuerza de prensión en personas mayores de 60 años provenientes de la comunidad.

Abstract Background: Assessment of muscle strength is of great interest for the study of age-associated pathologies, including frailty and sarcopenia. However, the cost of some of the equipment necessary for its evaluation could be prohibitive for its generalized use in some settings. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to compare two handheld dynamometers to evaluate the measure of concordance between the measurements. Material and methods: The study was conducted in the outpatient geriatrics clinic where 120 community-dwelling participants aged 60 years, and more were evaluated using two devices: the Jamar® Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer and the digital hand dynamometer Camry® EH101. Results: We observed a positive correlation between the two devices for dominant hand (DH) Pearson r = 0.974 (p < 0.001) and a Spearman ρ 0.973 (p < 0.001) for non-dominant hand (NDH) Lin’s coefficient for the DH was 0.98 (p < 0.001) and for the NDH 0.97 (p <0.001). The intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.971 (95% CI = 0.95-0.97, p < 0.001) for DH and 0.975 (95% CI = 0.96-0.98, p < 0.001) for NDH. Conclusions: In this study, the Camry dynamometer was observed to be reliable for measuring hand grip strength in community-dwelling people 60 years or older.

ABCS health sci ; 49: [1-7], 11 jun. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572589


Introduction: Older adults, who are considered to be at higher risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus, have been adversely affected by the pandemic. Objective: This prospective longitudinal study aimed to verify changes in the physical fitness of older adults during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, considering gender and age group. Methods: Seventy-six older individuals (aged 72.6±6.47 years) who were part of a university extension program participated in the study. Their physical fitness was assessed using the Senior Fitness Test (SFT), which was administered by trained researchers before the pandemic (November 2019) and during the pandemic (April 2022). Results: The results showed a significant decline in physical fitness in all tests, except for the Arm Curl Test. The greatest decline was observed in the 6-minute walk test. Both men and women exhibited greater declines in aerobic endurance and lower limb strength. Older adults aged 80 years or older were the most affected, exhibiting the greatest declines, particularly in aerobic endurance and lower limb strength. Conclusion: The study concludes that the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant negative impact on the physical fitness of older adults, especially women and those aged 80 years or older. Therefore, physical activity programs should be implemented for these populations to minimize or even reverse the negative impacts caused by COVID-19 on their physical fitness.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234076


Background: The neck pain is common problem in the adult population. Neck muscles have the potential to regulate the neck movement and to maintain its physiological functions and hence should have a quantitative value for strength. The aim of this study was to evaluate the neck muscle strength which would be used as a reference in the analysis of neck pain. Further aim of this study was to analyze the effect of age, weight, height, gender, body mass index (BMI) on muscle strength. Methods: This study was an observational study conducted at physiotherapy department of I. T. S. Institute of Health and Allied Sciences from 23 September 2023 to 24 February 2024.The study comprised 1200 participants, both male and female, in the age group of 21 to 50 years old. Isometric strength measurements for several neck muscles were made using a handheld dynamometer after ethical approval. Normative strength values were calculated, and multivariate analysis was performed to conclude the effect of age, weight, height, gender and BMI on neck muscle strength. Data analysis was calculated using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 21.0. Results: Males are at lower risk than females to develop neck pain as males are having more strength than females in all age groups. Weight and age were positively associated with muscle strength (p<0.5). Height and BMI showed no significant correlation to muscle strength (p>0.5). Conclusions: This research provides the normative ranges of neck muscle strength in the adult population that will serve as a baseline and aid in prevention, maintenance and treatment of neck pain. It provides the standard for the clinician to compare the muscle strength of different age groups and unaffected.

HU Rev. (Online) ; 50: 1-9, 20240000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1580511


Introdução: O treinamento resistido (TR) ou musculação aumenta a força muscular e reduz sintomas motores na doença de Parkinson (DP). Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos do TR de baixo volume na força muscular, performance funcional e qualidade de vida de pacientes com DP leve a moderado. Material e Métodos: Um ensaio clínico randomizado foi realizado com 15 pacientes com DP de 64,27 ± 7 anos, divididos em: Grupo Controle (GC), n= 6, e Grupo Treinamento Resistido (GTR), n= 9. O GC não realizou exercício. O GTR realizou o TR individualizado, por 8 semanas. Cada treino com 6 exercícios, 2 séries de 10 repetições com carga de 60% a 80% de 10 repetições máximas (RM) e intervalo de descanso de 2 minutos. As avaliações foram: teste de força muscular de 10 RM no supino e leg press; performance funcional no Time Up and Go (TUG) e qualidade de vida pelo Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-39 (PDQ-39). Na análise dos dados foram utilizados o Qui-quadrado e t de Student, além do t pareado e Wilcoxon com o Statistical Packageof Social Sciences (SPSS, 23.0) e significância de p<0,05. Resultados: Os grupos estavam similares antes da intervenção. Após 8 semanas houve diferença significativa entre GC e GRT, respectivamente: na força muscular no supino (25,83±8,61 kg) (43,33±15,6 kg), p= 0,03; no leg press (40,83±25,58 kg) (97,22±16,22 kg), p<0,001; no TUG (12,70±3,42 segundos) (6,94±1,01 segundos), p<0,001; e no score do QDP-39: (41,88±16,70) (18,09±6,78), p= 0,02. Após 8 semanas, no GC houve piora significativa (p>0,05) da qualidade de vida. No entanto, no GTR houve aumento significativo (p>0,05) da força muscular, da funcionalidade e da qualidade de vida. Conclusão: O TR de baixo volume aumentou a força muscular de membros superiores e inferiores, além de melhorar a performance funcional e a qualidade de vida de pacientes com DP leve a moderado

Introduction: Resistance Training (RT) or strength training increases muscle strength and reduces motor symptoms in Parkinson's Disease (PD). Objective: To investigate the effects of low volume RT on muscle strength, functional performance, and quality of life in patients with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease. Material and Methods: A randomized clinical trial was conducted with 15 PD patients, aged 64.27 ± 7 years, divided into Control Group (CG), n= 6, and Resistance Training Group (RTG), n= 9. CG did not engage in exercise. RTG underwent individualized RT for 8 weeks, consisting of 6 exercises, 2 sets of 10 repetitions with a load of 60% to 80% of 10 RM (maximum repetitions), and a 2-minute rest interval. The assessments included 10 RM muscle strength tests for bench press and leg press, functional performance using the Time Up and Go (TUG) test, and quality of life assessed with the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-39 (PDQ-39). Data analysis employed Chi-square, Student's t-test, paired t-test, and Wilcoxon test using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS, 23.0) with a significance level of p<0.05.Results: The groups were similar before the intervention. After 8 weeks, there was a significant difference between CG and RTG, respectively: in bench press muscle strength: (25.83±8.61 kg) (43.33±15.6 kg), p= 0.03; leg press (40.83±25.58 kg) (97.22±16.22 kg), p<0.001; TUG (12.70±3.42 seconds) (6.94±1.01 seconds), p<0.001; and PDQ-39 score (41.88±16.70) (18.09±6.78), p= 0.02. After 8 weeks, CG experienced a significant decline (p>0.05) in quality of life. However, RTG showed a significant increase (p>0.05) in muscle strength, functionality, and quality of life.Conclusion: Low volume RT increased the muscle strength of upper and lower limbs, improved functional performance, and enhanced the quality of life of patients with mild to moderate Parkinson's disease

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227896


This study aims to evaluate the effect of core strengthening exercises on inspiratory muscle strength and functional capacity in patients with CKD undergoing Haemodialysis. The study included 10 patients with CKD undergoing hemodialysis according to the eligibility criteria. All patients performed core strengthening exercises for 6 weeks (2 times/week). The outcome measures are assessed before and after the intervention using inspiratory muscle strength and functional capacity. We found significant improvements in inspiratory muscle strength (p=0.150) and functional capacity (p=0.004) after the core strengthening exercises. At the end of the result, we concluded that the core strengthening exercise program improves the inspiratory muscle strength and functional capacity in patients with CKD undergoing Haemodialysis.

Acta fisiátrica ; 31(1): 15-19, mar. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554646


The assessment of toe flexor muscle strength is an important factor in the analysis of the muscles that contribute to sustaining the longitudinal plantar arch. Intrinsic muscles have several functions such as providing support and stabilization to the arches of the foot, shock absorption, and rigidity for the transmission of forces and postural stability. Objective: To evaluate the reliability of a device to measure the isometric strength of the toe flexor muscles individually. Method: Methodological study with a quantitative approach to assess the reliability of the instrument for evaluating the maximum voluntary isometric strength of the flexor muscles of the toes individually. 20 feet of healthy volunteers were evaluated in two moments: initial evaluation performed by evaluator 1 and evaluation after one week performed by evaluator 2, to test the interclass reliability through the statistical test of Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). Results: The results showed excellent ICC in all toes with values ranging between 0.805 and 0.921. Toe 4 had the lowest standard error of measurement (SME) and minimal detectable change (MMD), demonstrating lower collection error and greater sensitivity. Conclusion: The proposed instrument is reliable for measuring the intrinsic flexor muscle strength of the foot, being an alternative for evaluating it in different populations, as it presents good reliability and reproducibility at an affordable cost, and can be used in future clinical studies and clinical practice.

A avaliação da força muscular flexora dos pododáctilos é um importante fator de análise dos músculos que contribuem para a sustentação do arco plantar longitudinal. Os músculos intrínsecos apresentam várias funções como fornecer suporte e estabilização aos arcos do pé, absorção de impacto e rigidez para a transmissão de forças e estabilidade postural. Objetivo: Avaliar a confiabilidade de um dispositivo para mensurar a força isométrica dos músculos flexores dos pododáctilos individualmente. Questão da pesquisa: Seria possível avaliar a força isométrica voluntária máxima dos músculos flexores dos pododáctilos de forma individual? Método: Estudo metodológico com abordagem quantitativa para avaliar a confiabilidade do instrumento de avaliação da força isométrica voluntária máxima dos músculos flexores dos pododáctilos individualmente. 20 pés de voluntários saudáveis foram avaliados em dois momentos: avaliação inicial realizada pelo avaliador 1 e avaliação após uma semana realizada pelo avaliador 2, para testar a confiabilidade interclasse por meio do teste estatístico Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (ICC). Resultados: Os resultados demonstraram ICC excelente em todos os dedos com valores variando entre 0,805 e 0,921. O dedo 4 apresentou menor erro padrão de medida (EPM) e mínima mudança detectável (MMD) demonstrando menor erro de coleta e maior sensibilidade. Conclusão: O instrumento proposto é confiável para mensuração da força muscular flexora intrínseca do pé, sendo uma alternativa para avaliação da mesma em diferentes populações, pois apresenta boa confiabilidade e reprodutibilidade de custo acessível, podendo ser utilizado em estudos clínicos futuros e na prática clínica.

Acta fisiátrica ; 31(1): 55-62, mar. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554661


Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos do treinamento de força na força muscular e capacidade funcional de pessoas adultas com sequelas de AVC. Método: Estudo de revisão sistemática, realizado com artigos publicados sobre treinamento de força, aplicados em adultos com sequelas de AVC agudo ou crônico, indexados na base de dados PubMed, SciELO, PEDro e LILACS. Foram utilizados descritores em português e inglês (Acidente Vascular Cerebral e Treinamento de Força; Acidente Vascular Cerebral e Exercício; Acidente Vascular Cerebral e Aptidão Física; Stroke and Exercise), publicados entre janeiro/2014 e janeiro/2023. Resultados: Foram incluídos 11 ensaios clínicos. Os estudos utilizaram diferentes métodos de treinamento de força. Os estudos observaram aumento da força máxima dinâmica e isométrica e nos testes de capacidade funcional em todos os grupos que realizaram o treinamento de força. Conclusão: O exercício de força pode contribuir para aumento da força muscular e melhora da capacidade funcional de pessoas com sequela de AVC, porém estudos com número maior de participantes faz-se necessário.

Objective: The objectives of this systematic review are to verify the effects of strength training on muscular strength and functional capacity in adults with stroke sequelae. Method: Systematic review study, carried out with published articles on strength training, applied to adults with sequelae of acute or chronic stroke, indexed in the PubMed, SciELO, PEDro and LILACS databases. Descriptors in Portuguese and English were used (Stroke and Strength Training; Stroke and Exercise; Stroke and Physical Fitness; Stroke and Exercise), published between January/2014 and January/2023. Results: 11 clinical trials were included. The studies used different strength training methods. The studies observed an increase in maximum dynamic and isometric strength and in functional capacity tests in all groups that performed strength training. Conclusion: Strength exercise can contribute to increasing muscle strength and improving the functional capacity of people with stroke sequelae, but studies with a larger number of participants are necessary.

Rev. argent. reumatolg. (En línea) ; 35(1): 3-10, ene.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1566306


Introducción: los niños con artritis idiopática juvenil (AIJ) experimentan períodos de dolor e inmovilidad que afectan sus capacidades condicionales. Objetivos: describir los valores de referencia para el 1-minute Sit-to-Stand Test(1-STS; test de 1 minuto de sentarse y pararse) en niños con AIJ como evaluación de la capacidad aeróbico-funcional y de la fuerza muscular de los miembros inferiores (MMII).Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional que incluyó a 15 niños con AIJ de entre 5 y 16 años. Se evaluó su rendimiento en el 1-STS. Resultados: se encontró una correlación positiva significativa entre el 1-STS y el test de la marcha de 6 minutos (r=0,56; p=0,03), como con el índice de capacidad funcional (CAPFUN) (r=0,54; p=0,03). No se observaron correlaciones significati-vas entre el Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) y el 1-STS (r=-0,21; p=0,44), tampoco con el Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score (JADAS-10) (p=0,83). Conclusiones: el 1-STS parece prometedor para medir la capacidad aeróbi-co-funcional y la fuerza muscular de los miembros inferiores en niños con AIJ oligoarticular.

Introduction: children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) experience periods of pain and immobility that affect their physical capacities. Objectives: to describe reference values for the 1-minute sit to stand test (1-STS) in children with JIA as an assessment of aerobic-functional capacity and lower limb muscle strength.Materials and methods: an observational study was conducted, including 15 children with JIA aged between 5 and 16 years. Their performance in the 1-STS was assessed. Results: a significant positive correlation was found between the 1-STS and the 6-Minute Walk Test (r=0,56; p=0,03), as well as with the Functional Capacity Index (CAPFUN) (r=0,54; p=0,03). No significant correlations were observed between the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) and the 1-STS (r=-0,21; p=0,44), nor with the Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score (JADAS-10) (p=0,83). Conclusions: the 1-STS appears promising for assessing aerobic-functional capacity and lower limb muscle strength in children with oligoarticular JIA.

Rheumatology , Physical Therapy Modalities
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-7, jan.-dez. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572986


Objetivo: propor modelos preditivos para a força de preensão manual relativa (FPMR) em adolescentes escolares, além de comparar medidas antropométricas e testes de desempenho entre os adolescentes, considerando seu índice de massa corporal (IMC). Métodos: foram analisados dados de 100 adolescentes entre 13 e 16 anos de idade, quanto às medidas antropométricas, desempenho físico por meio do teste de impulsão horizontal absoluta e relativa (IHA; IHR) e força de preensão manual. Modelos preditivos foram desenvolvidos considerando as variáveis como estatura, sexo, índice de massa corporal e desempenho físico. Resultados: os adolescentes eutróficos apresentaram FPMR, IHA e IHR significativamente maiores em relação aos adolescentes com sobrepeso/obesidade (P<0,001). Estatura (ß=0,305; P<0,001) e IHA (ß=0,222; P=0,045) estavam positivamente associadas à FPMR, enquanto sexo feminino (ß=-0,311; P=0,001) e IMC (ß=-0,277; P=0,004) diminuíram essa medida. Conclusão: adolescentes com sobrepeso/obesidade apresentam maior força absoluta, mas não relativa em relação a adolescentes eutróficos. Estatura, IHA estão positivamente associadas à FPMR, enquanto o sexo feminino e o IMC diminuem essa medida. Esses marcadores são fáceis de usar como medidas de identificar indicadores físicos, funcionais e de saúde em adolescentes.

Purpose: to propose predictive models for relative handgrip strength (RHS) in school adolescents, in addition to comparing anthropometric measurements and performance tests among adolescents, considering their body mass index (BMI). Methods: data from 100 adolescents between 13 and 16 years were analyzed regarding anthropometric measurements, physical performance through the absolute and relative horizontal impulsion test (AHI; RHI), and handgrip strength. Predictive models were developed considering height, sex, body mass index, and physical performance. Results: eutrophic adolescents had significantly higher RHS, AHI, and RHI when compared to overweight/obese adolescents (P<0.001). Height (ß=0.305; P<0.001) and AHI (ß=0.222; P=0.045) were positively associated with RHS, while female sex (ß=-0.311; P=0.001) and BMI (ß=-0.277; P=0.004) decreased this measure. Conclusion: overweight/obese adolescents have greater absolute strength but not relative strength to normal-weight adolescents. Height and AHI are positively associated with RHS, while female gender and BMI decrease this measure. These markers are easy to use to identify physical, functional, and health indicators in adolescents.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Anthropometry , Forecasting , Physical Functional Performance , Students , Body Mass Index , Health , Adolescent , Hand Strength , Overweight , Academic Performance , Obesity
J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 2024 Jan; 15(1): 1-8
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-236904


Background: Yo ?a was reported to have the potential to improve physical fitness. Its applications are being used by common persons for wellness, but literature on the training and detraining effects of components of yoga is scarce. Objectives: To explore the potential of different proportions of yoga postures (Yogasana) and yoga breathing maneuvers (YBM), consisting of Pranayama and kriya, on muscular strength, flexibility, and balance in training and detraining management. Methods: ? 32 physically active male students, aged 20.5 ± 1.3 yrs, were divided into control (CG) and yoga group (YG). YG practiced yogasana, YBM, and dhyana for 45 min in each session for 6 days per week for 12 weeks. From 1st week to 6th week, they practiced yogasana in greater proportion. 7th week onwards YBM was inducted by increasing its duration and varieties. CG did not practice yoga. Back-leg strength (BLS), Hand Grip Strength (HGS), flexibility, and balance were recorded before, the 6th week and 12th weekend of training. Results: ?.In YG, the pre-training value of BLS was 110.8 ± 12.6 kg. It increased (2.3 %) to 113.3 ± 11.4 kg (p < 0.001) on the 6th weekend. On the 12th weekend, it further increased in lesser magnitude (0.4 %) to 113.7 ± 11 kg (p < 0.05) and the pattern of improvement was the same in other parameters, but in flexibility and balance its magnitude was greater (p < 0.001). CG did not show such changes. Conclusions: ? Yogasana helps in the improvement of muscular strength, flexibility, and balance and YBM counteracts detraining effects in the absence of yogasana. Judiciously selected components of yoga/YBM may have applications in sports, occpational health and recuperative patients.

Rev. argent. reumatolg. (En línea) ; 35(1): 3-10, ene. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565226


Resumen Introducción: los niños con artritis idiopática juvenil (AIJ) experimentan períodos de dolor e inmovilidad que afectan sus capacidades condicionales. Objetivos: describir los valores de referencia para el 1-minute Sit-to-Stand Test (1-STS; test de 1 minuto de sentarse y pararse) en niños con AIJ como evaluación de la capacidad aeróbico-funcional y de la fuerza muscular de los miembros inferiores (MMII). Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional que incluyó a 15 niños con AIJ de entre 5 y 16 años. Se evaluó su rendimiento en el 1-STS. Resultados: se encontró una correlación positiva significativa entre el 1-STS y el test de la marcha de 6 minutos (r=0,56; p=0,03), como con el índice de capacidad funcional (CAPFUN) (r=0,54; p=0,03). No se observaron correlaciones significativas entre el Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) y el 1-STS (r=-0,21; p=0,44), tampoco con el Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score (JADAS-10) (p=0,83). Conclusiones: el 1-STS parece prometedor para medir la capacidad aeróbico-funcional y la fuerza muscular de los miembros inferiores en niños con AIJ oligoarticular.

Abstract Introduction: children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) experience periods of pain and immobility that affect their physical capacities. Objectives: to describe reference values for the 1-minute sit to stand test (1-STS) in children with JIA as an assessment of aerobic-functional capacity and lower limb muscle strength. Materials and methods: an observational study was conducted, including 15 children with JIA aged between 5 and 16 years. Their performance in the 1-STS was assessed. Results: a significant positive correlation was found between the 1-STS and the 6-Minute Walk Test (r=0,56; p=0,03), as well as with the Functional Capacity Index (CAPFUN) (r=0,54; p=0,03). No significant correlations were observed between the Childhood Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) and the 1-STS (r=-0,21; p=0,44), nor with the Juvenile Arthritis Disease Activity Score (JADAS-10) (p=0,83). Conclusions: the 1-STS appears promising for assessing aerobic-functional capacity and lower limb muscle strength in children with oligoarticular JIA.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;30: e2021_0505, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441309


ABSTRACT Introduction: Submaximal strength testing appears to be valid to prescribe the intensity for strength training protocols that reduce the risk of injuries and testing time. Objective: This study aimed to assess the predictive ability of body mass parameters to estimate 4-6 repetitions maximum (4-6 RM) of Leg press 45°, Chest press, and Pull-down exercises. Methods: Eleven male bodybuilders (age 38.27 ± 10.48 years) participated in this study. Participants completed an incremental external load up to find the load allowing them to perform 4 to 6 maximal repetitions for each exercise in random order. The starting load was 50% of body mass for chest press and pull-down exercises and 100% for leg press. The load increment after each set was 20 kg for lower limb exercises and 10 kg for upper body exercises. Results: Results revealed that body mass had good to optimal relationships with 4-6 RM for all three exercises. Results showed that body mass had a good prediction ability for all three criterion measures. Conclusion: The prediction equations suggested in this study may allow coaches to estimate the 4-6 RM of leg press 45°, chest press, and pull-down performances. Evidence Level IV; Case series.

RESUMEN Introducción: El test de fuerza submáxima parece ser válido para prescribir la intensidad en protocolos de entrenamiento de fuerza, reduciendo el riesgo de lesiones y la duración del test. Objetivo: Evaluar la capacidad predictiva de los parámetros de masa corporal para estimar 4-6 repeticiones máximas (4-6 RM) de ejercicios de Leg press 45°, Chest press y Pull-down realizados por fisicoculturistas. Métodos: Once fisicoculturistas masculinos (38,27 ± 10,48 años) participaron en el estudio. Completaron la carga externa incremental hasta encontrar la carga que les permitiera realizar de 4 a 6 repeticiones máximas para cada ejercicio, en orden aleatorio. La carga inicial se fijó en el 50% de la masa corporal para los ejercicios Chest press y Pull-down, y en el 100% para los ejercicios Leg press. El incremento de carga después de cada ronda fue de 20 kg para los miembros inferiores y 10 kg para los miembros superiores. Resultados: Los resultados revelaron que la masa corporal tiene relaciones satisfactorias con 4-6 RM para los tres ejercicios. Los resultados mostraron que la masa corporal tiene una buena capacidad predictiva en las tres medidas. Conclusión: Las ecuaciones de predicción sugeridas en este estudio pueden permitir a los entrenadores utilizar estos ejercicios para medir el rendimiento a 4-6 RM en ejercicios de Leg press 45°, Chest press y Pull-down. Nivel de Evidencia IV; serie de casos.

RESUMO Introdução: O teste de força submáxima parece ser válido para prescrever a intensidade nos protocolos de treinamento de força, reduzindo o risco de lesões e duração dos testes. Objetivo: Avaliar a capacidade preditiva dos parâmetros de massa corporal para estimar o exercício de 4-6 repetições máximas (4-6 RM) nos exercícios de Leg press 45°, Chest press e Pull-down efetuados por fisiculturistas. Métodos: Onze fisiculturistas masculinos (38,27 ± 10,48 anos) participaram do estudo. Eles completaram a carga externa incremental até encontrar a carga que lhes permitia realizar de 4 a 6 repetições máximas para cada exercício, em ordem aleatória. A carga inicial foi fixada em 50% da massa corporal para os exercícios de Chest press e Pull-down, e 100% para o de Leg press. O incremento de carga após cada rodada foi de 20 kg para o exercício de membros inferiores e 10 kg em membros superiores. Resultados: Os resultados revelaram que a massa corporal apresenta relações satisfatórias com 4-6 RM para todos os três exercícios. Os resultados mostraram que a massa corporal possui boa capacidade preditiva em todas as três medidas. Conclusão: As equações de previsão sugeridas nesse estudo podem permitir o uso desses exercícios pelos técnicos para medir a performance a 4-6 RM nos exercícios de Leg press 45°, Chest press, e Pull-down. Nível de evidência IV; série de casos.

Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;30: e2021_0403, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441315


ABSTRACT Study design: identify a better strategy for static stretching (SS), dynamic stretching (DS), and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) concerning the performance of their applications in countermovement vertical jump (CVJ). A systematic literature review was conducted in May and June 2021 in the Pubmed/MEDLINE, Scopus, LILACS, SPORTDiscus, and Embase databases. The PRISMA-2020 checklist was used. The Cochrane handbook scale and the Downs and Black scale were used for risk of bias analysis. Seventeen studies were included for qualitative analysis. Motor Unit recruitment and its stimulation frequency favor neural factors and muscle strength performance during contraction. Detailed investigations are necessary on the neural factors that modify the reflex responses and motor control, considering the biological characteristics and plastic deformations. The SS is a negative predictor of vertical jump (VJ) performance. The improvements are reduced when the stretching time is longer than 60 seconds, and when associated with PNF, did not reveal significant results. Using the SS before the DS in short periods of 20 seconds and no more than 60 seconds in the pre-activity to the VJ is suggested. In short stretches, the ROM increased both in the knee and the hip, and the hamstring muscles, when in tension, are unfavorable in sports that frequently use the VJ. Therefore, PNF using the technique that involves a process of contracting and relaxing must be investigated in an isolated and specific way, advocating the antagonist group. Thus, decreasing antagonist strength may be favorable for height gain, although contemporary studies are needed to minimize lower stability and muscle control predictors. Level of Evidence II; Systematic Review Study.

RESUMEN Diseño del estudio: identificar una mejor estrategia de estiramiento estático (EE), estiramiento dinámico (ED) y facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva (FNP) en relación con el rendimiento de sus aplicaciones en salto vertical con contramovimiento (SCM). Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en mayo y junio de 2021, en las bases de datos Pubmed/MEDLINE, Scopus, LILACS, SPORTDiscus y Embase. Se utilizó la checklist PRISMA-2020. Para el análisis del riesgo de sesgo se utilizaron la Cochrane handbook y la escala de Downs y Black. Se incluyeron 17 estudios para el análisis cualitativo. El reclutamiento de Unidad Motora y su frecuencia de estimulación favorece los factores neurales y el desempeño de la fuerza muscular durante la contracción. Son necesarias investigaciones detalladas sobre los factores neurales que modifican las respuestas reflejas y el control motor considerando las características biológicas y las deformaciones plásticas. El EE es un predictor negativo para el rendimiento de la salto vertical (SV) y las mejoras se reducen cuando el tiempo de estiramiento es mayor a 60 segundos, y cuando se asocia con FNP no revela resultados significativos. Se sugiere utilizar el EE antes del ED en periodos cortos de 20 segundos y no más de 60 segundos en la preactividad al SV. En tramos cortos, la gama de movimientos se incrementó tanto en la rodilla como en la cadera, y los músculos isquiotibiales, cuando están en tensión, son desfavorables en deportes que utilizan frecuentemente el SV. Por tanto, la FNP mediante la técnica que implica un proceso de contracción y relajación debe investigarse de forma aislada y específica, preconizando el grupo antagonista. Por lo tanto, la disminución de la fuerza del antagonista puede ser favorable para la ganancia de altura, aunque se necesitan estudios contemporáneos para minimizar los predictores de menor estabilidad y/o control muscular. Nível de Evidencia II; Estudio de Revisión Sistematica.

RESUMO Design do estudo: identificar uma melhor estratégia de alongamento estático (AE), Alongamento dinâmico (AD) e facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva (FNP) em relação ao rendimento de suas aplicações no salto vertical contramovimento (SCM). Desenvolveu-se uma revisão sistemática da Literatura nos meses de maio e junho de 2021, nas bases de dados Pubmed/MEDLINE, Scopus, LILACS, SPORTDiscus e Embase. Utilizou-se o checklist PRISMA-2020. Para análise de risco de viés utilizou-se a escala do Cochrane handbook e a escala de Downs and Black. 17 estudos foram incluídos para análise qualitativa. O recrutamento da Unidade Motora e a sua frequência de estimulações favorecem os fatores neurais e o desempenho da força muscular durante a contração. Investigações circunstanciadas são necessárias sobre os fatores neurais que modificam as respostas reflexas e controle motor considerando as características biológicas e deformações plásticas. O AE é um preditor negativo para o desempenho do salto vertical (SV) e, as melhorias são reduzidas quando o tempo de alongamento é superior a 60 segundos, e quando associado a FNP não revelou resultados significativos. Sugere-se a utilização do AE antes do AD em períodos curtos de 20 segundos e não mais que 60 segundos na pré-atividade ao SV. Nos alongamentos curtos a gama de movimentos aumentou tanto no joelho quanto no quadril e, a musculatura isquiotibial, quando em tensão, é desfavorável em esportes que utilizam frequentemente o SV. Portanto, a FNP com a utilização da técnica que envolve um processo de contrair e relaxar deve ser investigada de forma isolada e específica preconizando o grupo antagonista. Desta forma, diminuir a força do antagonista pode ser favorável para o ganho de altura, embora estudos atualizados sejam necessários para minimizar os preditores de menor estabilidade e/ou controle muscular. Nível de evidência II; Estudo de Revisão Sistemática.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021222


BACKGROUND:There are increasing scientific and technological ways to promote the recovery of muscle fatigue after sports,such as vibrating foam shaft,fascia gun relaxation,and ultra-low temperature cold therapy.Fascia gun relaxation has been widely used in practice,but there is still relatively little research on fascial guns. OBJECTIVE:To compare the effects of three relaxation methods(fascia gun,stretching,fascia gun+stretching)on muscle status and muscle strength during the recovery of exercise-induced muscle fatigue,and to provide scientific basis for the application of the three methods in practice. METHODS:Forty college students were randomly divided into control group(n=10),stretching group(n=10),fascia gun group(n=10),and fascia gun+stretching group(n=10).All subjects completed leg flexion and extension training at 60%1 RM,15 times per set,for 10 sets in total,to make exercise fatigue models.After modeling,the subjects were intervened with supine rest,static stretching,fascia gun relaxation,fascia gun+stretching relaxation respectively.Muscle status and muscle strength indexes were tested before exercise,immediately after exercise,immediately after relaxation,24 and 48 hours after exercise. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The muscle tension and dynamic hardness of the control group and the stretching group immediately after relaxation were significantly higher than those before training(P<0.01).However,there was no significant difference in the fascia gun group and fascia gun+stretching group before and after training(P>0.05).At 24 hours after training,the peak torque of the control group and fascia gun group was significantly lower than that before training(P<0.01),and there was no significant difference in the stretching group and fascia gun+stretching group before and 24 hours after training(P>0.05).To conclude,the fascia gun can immediately and effectively improve the muscle state of sports fatigue and stretching can promote the effective recovery of muscle strength within 24 hours after sports fatigue.Relaxation using fascia gun plus stretching can achieve the superposition of the two effects.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021232


BACKGROUND:Functional training has been popular in recent years,but it is mainly applied in sports training field.There are still insufficient studies and applications in medical and health fields. OBJECTIVE:To provide a theoretical basis for relevant research in sports,medical and health fields,through a more comprehensive and in-depth exploration and analysis of the research hot spots,ideological trends,frontiers and development trends of international functional training in the field of medical and health care. METHODS:The 2 206 high-quality articles addressing health-related functional training during 2012-2022 were exported from the Web of Science Core Set Database as the object of analysis.Combined with research methods such as literature analysis,Citespace V analysis software was used for visual analysis of keywords,subject categories and highly cited literatures. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The number of articles published on functional training in the field of health is on the rise.There are more articles from the United States,with a larger impact.China also has a high volume of publications,but the impact and depth of research is lacking.Improving physical and mental health and cognitive ability of middle-aged and older people is the main focus,followed by preventing sports injuries and promoting recovery in athletes.In the future,more research will be conducted on teenagers,the disabled and other groups,and there will be a continued increase in injury prevention and recovery promotion for athletes.Chinese scholars have less research on the effects of functional training on the physical health of the general public,and more attention should be paid to improving the physical and mental health of the general public.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021286


OBJECTIVE:Some studies have shown that kinesio taping has positive effects in elevating muscle strength,improving joint stability and reducing pain and oedema in patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.However,existing studies have divergent results on the clinical efficacy of kinesio taping.In this study,a meta-analysis was conducted to systematically evaluate the effect of kinesio taping in postoperative rehabilitation period following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. METHODS:Randomized controlled trials about the effects of kinesio taping on anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction were electronically searched in PubMed,Web of Science,Embase,The Cochrane Library,EBSCO,CNKI,WanFang,and VIP databases,from database inception to December 06,2022.The outcome measures included six continuous variables:quadriceps strength,hamstring strength,knee swelling,knee range of motion,Lysholm knee function score,and Visual Analogue Scale score.EndNote X9.1 was used to screen the literature.The Cochrane Risk Bias Assessment Tool and Jadad Scale were used to evaluate the quality of the included literature.RevMan 5.3 software was used for Meta-analysis. RESULTS:A total of 6 randomized controlled trials involving 252 patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction were finally included.There were 126 cases in control group and 126 in kinesio taping group.The results of Meta-analysis showed that compared with the control group,kinesio taping significantly improved hamstring strength[standardized mean difference(SMD)=0.68,95%confidence interval(CI):0.12 to 1.23,P=0.02)and reduced Visual Analogue Scale score[mean difference(MD)=-0.56,95%CI:-1.04 to-0.08,P=0.02).However,for quadriceps strength,knee swelling,knee range of motion,and Lysholm knee function score,kinesio taping did not show significant difference from the control group(P>0.05). CONCLUSION:Kinesio taping may help to improve hamstring strength and reduce pain in patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.However,it cannot significantly improve quadriceps strength,knee swelling,knee range of motion,and functional scores.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021397


BACKGROUND:Previous studies have shown that knee joint moment changes in patients with knee osteoarthritis,but there are few reports on the correlation of moment changes with knee extensor muscle strength and gait spatiotemporal parameters. OBJECTIVE:To explore the correlation of knee extensor muscle strength and gait spatiotemporal parameters with peak knee flexion moment and knee adduction moment in female patients with knee osteoarthritis. METHODS:Twenty knee osteoarthritis female patients with single knee disease hospitalized in Guizhou Hospital,Beijing Jishuitan Hospital from February to August 2022 were selected as the knee osteoarthritis group,and an additional 20 healthy females without musculoskeletal disease were selected as the control group.The knee extensor force at 60(°)/s was measured with the Biodex isokinetic instrument.The gait spatiotemporal parameters and peak knee flexion moment and knee adduction moment were collected with the Italian BTS infrared motion capture system and force measuring platform.Pearson correlation analysis was used to explore the correlation of muscle strength and gait spatiotemporal parameters with peak knee adduction moment and knee flexion moment,and the variables significantly related to knee joint moment were further included in the multiple stepwise regression analysis. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)Compared with the control group,the knee osteoarthritis group had significantly lower knee extensor force,step speed,step frequency,step length,step width,peak knee adduction moment and knee flexion moment at 60(°)/s(P<0.05).(2)Pearson correlation analysis showed that the 60(°)/s centripetal extensor force,step speed,step frequency and step length were positively correlated with the peak knee flexion moment,and negatively correlated with the peak knee adduction moment,with a statistically significant difference(P<0.05).(3)The results of multiple stepwise regression showed that step speed and 60(°)/s knee extensor force were the strongest predictors of peak knee flexion moment,and the total R2 value of the two factors was 0.426,indicating that 42.6%of the total variance of this parameter could be explained.Step length and 60(°)/s centripetal extensor force were the strongest predictors of peak knee adduction moment.The total R2 value of the two factors was 0.602,indicating that 60.2%of the total variance of this parameter could be explained.(4)It is concluded that knee extensor strength,step speed and step length are the main variables affecting peak knee adduction moment and knee flexion moment.Therefore,these variables can be used for clinical gait monitoring and guidance to change knee joint load during knee osteoarthritis rehabilitation.