Resumo Objetivo Avaliar os efeitos do modelo de enfermagem de Newman na qualidade de vida e recuperação muscular do assoalho pélvico em pacientes com disfunção do assoalho pélvico pós-parto. Métodos Oitenta e oito pacientes com disfunção do assoalho pélvico pós-parto tratadas de janeiro a abril de 2023 foram divididas em grupo Observação e Controle (n=44) por meio de tabela de números aleatórios. O grupo Controle recebeu enfermagem de rotina e o grupo Observação recebeu cuidados de enfermagem de Newman. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada pelo Short Form-36 Health Status Questionnaire. A função do assoalho pélvico foi avaliada por meio do Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire-7 (PFIQ7) e da Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POPQ). Resultados Após a intervenção, as pontuações de aspectos físico, emocional, capacidade funcional, social e motor do grupo Observação foram superiores às do grupo Controle (P<0,05). As pontuações da Escala de Autoavaliação de Ansiedade e da Escala de Autoavaliação de Depressão do grupo Observação foram inferiores às do grupo Controle. O nível de conhecimento sobre a doença foi maior no grupo Observação do que no grupo Controle (P<0,05). O grupo Observação apresentou maior força das fibras musculares tipo I e II, e menores graus de fadiga das fibras musculares tipo I e II do que o grupo Controle (P<0,05). As pontuações PEIQ7 e POPQ do grupo Observação foram inferiores às do grupo Controle (P<0,05). Conclusão O modelo de enfermagem de Newman ajuda a melhorar a função do assoalho pélvico, a qualidade de vida e o conhecimento sobre a doença, além de aliviar a ansiedade, a depressão e outras emoções adversas.
Resumen Objetivo Evaluar los efectos del modelo de enfermería de Newman en la calidad de vida y recuperación muscular del suelo pélvico en pacientes con disfunción del suelo pélvico posparto. Métodos Un grupo de 88 pacientes con disfunción del suelo pélvico posparto, tratadas de enero a abril de 2023, fue dividido en dos grupos, uno de observación y otro de control (n=44) mediante una tabla de número aleatorios. El grupo de control recibió cuidados de enfermería de rutina y el grupo de observación recibió cuidados de enfermería de Newman. Se utilizó el Short Form-36 Health Status Questionnaire para evaluar la calidad de vida. La función del suelo pélvico se evaluó mediante el Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire-7 (PFIQ7) y la Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POPQ). Resultados Después de la intervención, el puntaje de los aspectos físico, emocional, social, motor y de la capacidad funcional del grupo de observación fue más alto que el del grupo de control (P<0,05). El puntaje de la Escala de Autoevaluación de Ansiedad y de la Escala de Autoevaluación de Depresión del grupo de observación fue más bajo que el del grupo de control. El nivel de conocimiento sobre la enfermedad fue mayor en el grupo de observación que en el grupo de control (P<0,05). El grupo de observación presentó mayor fuerza de las fibras musculares tipo I y II y un nivel menor de fatiga de las fibras musculares tipo I y II que el grupo de control (P<0,05). El puntaje de PEIQ7 y POPQ del grupo de observación fue más bajo que el del grupo de control (P<0,05). Conclusión El modelo de enfermería de Newman ayuda a mejorar la función del suelo pélvico, la calidad de vida y el conocimiento sobre la enfermedad, además de calmar la ansiedad, la depresión y otras emociones adversas.
Abstract Objective We aimed to evaluate the effects of the Newman nursing model on the quality of life and pelvic floor muscle recovery in patients with postpartum pelvic floor dysfunction. Methods Eighty-eight patients with postpartum pelvic floor dysfunction treated from January to April 2023 were divided into observation and control groups (n=44) using a random number table. The control group was given routine nursing, based on which the observation group was given Newman nursing. The quality of life was assessed by the Short Form-36 Health Status Questionnaire. The pelvic floor function was evaluated using the Pelvic Floor Impact Questionnaire-7 (PEIQ7) and Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification (POPQ). Results After intervention, the scores of role physical, language communication, physical functioning, social functioning and motor functioning of the observation group were higher than those of the control group (P<0.05). The Self-rating Anxiety Scale and Self-rating Depression Scale scores of the observation group were lower than those of the control group. The awareness rate of disease knowledge of the observation group was higher than that of the control group (P<0.05). The observation group had higher class I and class II muscle fiber potentials, whereas lower class I and class II muscle fiber fatigue degrees than those of the control group (P<0.05). The PEIQ7 and POPQ scores of the observation group were lower than those of the control group (P<0.05). Conclusion Newman nursing helps improve the pelvic floor function, quality of life and awareness of the disease knowledge, and relieve anxiety, depression and other adverse emotions.
SUMMARY: The existence of "transitional muscular structures" between subendocardial branches (Purkinje fibers) and ventricular working muscle fibers (WF) was first described by the German anatomist, Kurt Goerttler, in 1964. He designated them as "subendocardial nucleus organs." He supposed such fibers functioned as mechanoreceptors, controlling of the intensity of contraction of the ventricular musculature. Brazilian anatomist Ferraz de Carvalho described similar structures in 1993. A thorough literature search failed to identify any other research articles confirming or denying their existence. The objective of this work was to find such structures in subendocardial ventricular walls in human hearts. We collected fifteen formalin-preserved hearts from the Anatomy Department of São Paulo University and sectioned the apical portions on the right and left ventricles according to method used by Goerttler. We utilized conventional histology (light microscopy- LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and a new preservation method called micro- plastination (MP). At the anterior wall of the right ventricle in the subendocardial region between the interventricular septum and moderator band, we found several bundles of fusiform and helicoidal fibers of similar histology to the WF. The bundles measured between 400 and 1150 µm in length and were separated from adjacent muscular fibers by thin collagen fiber, thus acting as a "pseudo capsule." Some structures seemed to be linked to PF and were appeared to be lymphatic and blood vessels and nerves. We called those structures "cardiac corpuscles" (CC). The observation of the previously "unknown" CC in this initial study confirmed the previous descriptions and its discovery may contribute to new perspectives in the study of cardiac muscle structure and function.
La existencia de "estructuras musculares de transición" entre los ramos subendocárdicos (fibras de Purkinje) y las fibras musculares ventriculares activas(FMV) fue descrita por primera vez por el anatomista alemán Kurt Goerttler en 1964, quien las denominó "órganos del núcleo subendocárdico". Supuso que tales fibras funcionaban como mecanoreceptores, controlando la intensidad de la contracción de la musculatura ventricular. El anatomista brasileño Ferraz de Carvalho describió estructuras similares en 1993. Una búsqueda bibliográfica exhaustiva no logró identificar ningún otro artículo de investigación que confirmara o negara su existencia. El objetivo de este trabajo fue encontrar dichas estructuras en las paredes ventriculares subendocárdicas de corazones humanos. Recolectamos 15 corazones conservados en formalina del Departamento de Anatomía de la Universidad de São Paulo y seccionamos las porciones apicales de los ventrículos derecho e izquierdo según el método utilizado por Goerttler. Utilizamos histología convencional (microscopía de luz-LM), microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM) y un nuevo método de conservación llamado microplastinación (MP). En la pared anterior del ventrículo derecho en la región subendocárdica entre el tabique interventricular y la banda moderadora, encontramos varios haces de fibras fusiformes y helicoidales de histología similar a la FMV. Los haces medían entre 400 y 1150 µm de longitud y estaban separados de las fibras musculares adyacentes por una fina fibra de colágeno, actuando así como una "pseudocápsula". Algunas estructuras parecían estar vinculadas a la fibras de purkinje y parecían ser vasos linfáticos, sanguíneos y nerviosos. Llamamos a esas estructuras "corpúsculos cardíacos" (CC). La observación del CC previamente "desconocido" en este estudio inicial confirmó las descripciones anteriores y su descubrimiento puede contribuir a nuevas perspectivas en el estudio de la estructura y función del músculo cardíaco.
Humans , Purkinje Fibers/anatomy & histology , Heart/anatomy & histology , Heart Ventricles/anatomy & histology , Microscopy, Electron, ScanningABSTRACT
Electron microscopy (EM) has a substantial role in the diagnosis of skeletal muscle disorders. The ultrastructural changes can be observed in muscle fibers and other components of the muscle tissue. EM serves as a confirmatory tool where the diagnosis is already established by enzyme histochemistry staining. Although it is indispensable in the diagnosis of rare forms of congenital myopathies not appreciated by light microscope, such as cylindrical spiral myopathy, zebra body myopathy, fingerprint body myopathy, and intranuclear rod myopathy, in cases not subjected to histochemical staining, it is required for definitive diagnosis in certain groups of muscle disorders, which includes congenital myopathies, metabolic myopathies in particular mitochondrial myopathies and glycogenosis, and in vacuolar myopathies. It does not have diagnostic implications in muscular dystrophies and neurogenic disorders. In the recent past, despite the availability of advanced diagnostic techniques, electron microscopy continues to play a vital role in the diagnosis of skeletal muscle disorders. This review gives an account of ultrastructural features of skeletal muscle disorders, the role of EM in the diagnosis, and its limitations.
ABSTRACT Objective Analyze the effects of aerobic and anaerobic training on different ergometers on muscle and cardiac hypertrophy in rats. Methods The animals were separated into the following groups: Control (C), Aerobic Training in Water (ATW), Resistance Training in Water (RTW), Aerobic Training on Treadmill (ATT), and Resistance Training in Climbing (RTC). All training protocols were carried out for 4 weeks, 3 times/week. The cross-sectional area (CSA) of the gastrocnemius muscle cells and the areas of the cardiomyocytes were measured. Results In the fast-twitch fibers, there was an increase in CSA in the RTW and RTC groups compared to the ATW (p<0.01 and p<0.01) and ATT groups (p<0.01 and p<0.01). In the slow-twitch fibers, the ATW and ATT groups demonstrated a lower CSA compared to the RTW (p=0.03 and p<0.00) and RTC groups (p<0.01 and p<0.01). In the cardiomyocytes, there was an increase in the area of the RTW and RTC groups compared to groups C (p<0.01; p<0.01), ATW (p=0.02; p<0.01), and ATT (p<0.01; p<0.01). Conclusion The anaerobic training effectively promotes hypertrophy in the fast-twitch fibers and the cardiomyocytes. Level of Evidence V; Animal experimental study.
RESUMO Objetivo Analisar os efeitos dos treinamentos aeróbios e anaeróbios em diferentes ergômetros na hipertrofia muscular e cardíaca de ratos. Métodos Os animais foram separados nos grupos controle (C), treinamento aeróbio em natação (ATW), treinamento resistido em meio aquático (RTW), treinamento aeróbio em esteira rolante (ATT) e treinamento resistido em escalada (RTC). Os protocolos de treinamento foram realizados por 4 semanas, 3 x/semana. Foram mensurados a área de secção transversa (CSA) das células do músculo gastrocnêmio e as áreas dos cardiomiócitos. Resultados Nas fibras de contração rápida houve aumento da CSA dos grupos RTW e RTC em relação aos grupos ATW (p<0,01 e p<0,01) e ATT (p<0,01 e p<0,01). Nas fibras de contração lenta os grupos ATW e ATT demonstraram menor CSA comparado aos grupos RTW (p=0,03 e p<0,00) e RTC (p<0,01 e p<0,01). Nos cardiomiócitos houve aumento da área dos grupos RTW e RTC em comparação com os grupos C (p<0,01 e p<0,01), ATW (p=0,02 e p<0,01) e ATT (p<0,01 e p<0,01). Conclusão Os treinamentos anaeróbios promoveram hipertrofia nas fibras de contração rápida e nos cardiomiócitos. Nível de Evidência V; Estudo experimental em animais.
ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the morphology and morphometry of the muscles extensor digitorium longus and soleus of C57BL/6 females, who were exposed to glyphosate during pregnancy and lactation. Methods Twelve female mice from the C57BL/6 lineage were used. After detection of pregnancy, they were divided into a Control Group, which received only water, and a Glyphosate Group, which received water with 0.5% glyphosate during pregnancy and lactation. Both groups received ad libitum standard diet. After weaning, the females were euthanized and weighed; naso-anal length was measured, and fats were collected and weighed. The muscles extensor digitorium longus and soleus were collected, and their length and weight were measured. Then, the muscles were fixed in Methacarn to perform the histological study of muscle fibers. Results Glyphosate Group presented lower weight gain during pregnancy and also lower final body weight and naso-anal length; however, the other body parameters evaluated did not present a significant difference in relation to the Control Group. Significant differences were also not observed in the analysis of muscle fibers and connective tissue. Conclusion Exposure to 0.5% glyphosate during pregnancy and lactation resulted in lower weight gain during pregnancy, final weight, and naso-anal length. Despite not directly altering the morphology of muscle tissue, these results may indicate enough exposure to interfere with animal metabolism.
RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a morfologia e a morfometria dos músculos extensor longo dos dedos e sóleo de fêmeas C57BL/6 expostas ao glifosato durante a prenhez e lactação. Métodos Foram utilizados 12 camundongos fêmeas da linhagem C57BL/6. Após detecção da prenhez, foram separadas em Grupo Controle, que recebeu somente água, e Grupo Glifosato, que recebeu água com 0,5% de glifosato durante a prenhez e lactação. Ambos os grupos receberam dieta padrão ad libitum. Após o desmame, as fêmeas foram eutanasiadas e pesadas; o comprimento nasoanal foi mensurado, e as gorduras foram coletadas e pesadas. Os músculos extensor longo dos dedos e sóleo foram coletados, e seu comprimento e peso foram mensurados. Em seguida, os músculos foram fixados em Methacarn para a realização do estudo histológico das fibras musculares. Resultados O Grupo Glifosato apresentou menor ganho de peso durante a prenhez e também menor peso corporal final e comprimento nasoanal, entretanto os demais parâmetros corporais avaliados não apresentaram diferença significativa em relação ao Grupo Controle. Na análise das fibras musculares e do tecido conjuntivo, também não foram observadas diferenças significativas. Conclusão A exposição a 0,5% de glifosato durante a prenhez e lactação resultou em menor ganho de peso na gestação, peso final e comprimento nasoanal, o que pode indicar que, apesar de não alterar a morfologia do tecido muscular diretamente, a exposição foi suficiente para interferir no metabolismo dos animais.
Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Mice , Muscle, Skeletal , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal , Lactation , Glycine/analogs & derivatives , Mice, Inbred C57BLABSTRACT
La respiración es un proceso continuo donde los músculos respiratorios tienen un rol central e imprescindible para la vida. Su óptimo funcionamiento involucra diversas estructuras que deben funcionar de forma armónica y coordinada, para que el gasto energético asociado a sus demandas permita aumentos considerables de carga sin afectar mayormente la función esencial de intercambio gaseoso. Comprender la fisiología muscular, desde la base anatómica hasta su comportamiento en el ejercicio y la enfermedad, es fundamental para detectar con anticipación las diversas disfunciones que se producen cuando este equilibrio se descompensa. El objetivo de esta revisión es entregar las bases fisiológicas del comportamiento de la musculatura respiratoria que permitan comprender y aplicar las mejores estrategias de evaluación y tratamiento, cuando la función normal se ve alterada, ya sea por enfermedad, desuso o altas cargas asociadas al ejercicio físico.
Breathing is a continuous process where the respiratory muscles have a central and essential role for life. Its optimal operation involves various structures that must work in a harmonious and coordinated way, so that the energy expenditure associated with their demands allows considerable increases in load without significantly affecting the essential function of gas exchange. Understanding muscle physiology, from the anatomical basis to its behavior in exercise and disease, is essential to anticipate the various dysfunctions that can occur when this balance is decompensated. The objective of this review is to provide physiological bases for the behavior of the respiratory muscles that allow understanding and applying the best evaluation and treatment strategies, when its correct functioning is altered, either due to illness, disuse or high loads associated with physical exercise.
Humans , Respiratory Muscles/physiology , Respiratory Physiological Phenomena , Diaphragm/physiologyABSTRACT
Resumen ANTECEDENTES: Los leiomiomas son tumores benignos que se originan en las fibras musculares lisas. La mayor parte de los leiomiomas del aparato genital femenino se localizan en el útero. La localización extrauterina es excepcional, la incidencia del leiomioma vulvar es del 0.07%. Estos tumores del músculo liso suelen ser indoloros, de crecimiento lento y pueden aparecer en mujeres de cualquier edad. OBJETIVO: Reportar un caso de leiomioma vulvar que, por su baja incidencia y similitud clínica con otras lesiones, como el quiste de la glándula de Bartolino, pueden conducir a un diagnóstico erróneo inicial. Además, efectuar una revisión bibliográfica que aporte conocimiento a su diagnóstico y tratamiento. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 52 años, con una masa vulvar de años de evolución y un diagnóstico equívoco inicial de quiste de la glándula de Bartolino. La paciente fue intervenida mediante escisión quirúrgica y estudio histopatológico posterior. El diagnóstico definitivo fue de leiomioma vulvar con diferenciación simplástica. CONCLUSIONES: En contraposición con sus homólogos uterinos, la localización vaginal del leiomioma es excepcional. Si bien hasta ahora no ha podido demostrarse la efectividad de la biopsia preoperatoria se aconseja su toma porque podría tratarse de una masa de características malignas, lo que modificaría el tratamiento y su urgencia. La actitud quirúrgica es, quizá, la más acertada porque permite, además de un diagnóstico anatomopatológico definitivo, un tratamiento curativo. Se propone la escisión completa, mediante una incisión elipsoidal en la piel y asegurar la extirpación completa de la pseudocápsula.
Abstract BACKGROUND: Leiomyomas are benign tumors that originate in smooth muscle fibers. Most leiomyomas of the female genital tract are located in the uterus. Extrauterine localization is exceptional; the incidence of vulvar leiomyoma is 0.07%. These smooth muscle tumors are usually painless, slow growing and can occur in women of any age. OBJECTIVE: To report a case of vulvar leiomyoma that because of its low incidence and clinical similarity to other lesions, such as Bartholin's gland cyst, may lead to an initial misdiagnosis. In addition, a review of the literature should be carried out in order to contribute to its diagnosis and treatment. CLINICAL CASE: A 52-year-old patient with a vulvar mass of years of evolution and an initial misdiagnosis of Bartholin's gland cyst. The patient was operated by surgical excision and subsequent histopathological study. The definitive diagnosis was vulvar leiomyoma with symplastic differentiation. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to its uterine counterparts, the vaginal location of leiomyoma is exceptional. Although the effectiveness of a preoperative biopsy has not been demonstrated so far, it is advisable to take a biopsy because it could be a mass with malignant characteristics, which would change the treatment and its urgency. The surgical approach is perhaps the most appropriate because it allows, in addition to a definitive anatomopathological diagnosis, a curative treatment. Complete excision is proposed, by means of an ellipsoidal incision in the skin and ensuring complete excision of the pseudocapsule.
La musculatura masticatoria se caracteriza por presentar fibras híbridas que en los últimos años se han relacionado con el fenómeno de plasticidad muscular. El objetivo del estudio fue describir la relación entre la plasticidad muscular y las fibras musculares híbridas presentes en la musculatura masticatoria, mediante una revisión narrativa de literatura. Para esto, se realizó una búsqueda electrónica en PUBMED, ScienceDirect y BIREME, utilizando las palabras claves: "Muscle Plasticity", "Hybrid Muscle Fibers" y "Hybrid Fibers". Fueron seleccionados documentos que reportan las isoformas de cadena pesada de miosina (MHC) presentes en los músculos masticatorios de humanos y otros mamíferos, junto a los cambios vinculados a demandas funcionales. Se describe la presencia de fibras puras tipo I y tipo II, además de otras isoformas como la MHC-la, MHC-IIM, MHC-fetal y MHC-cardíaca. Sin embargo, un porcentaje considerable de fibras en la musculatura masticatoria son híbridas, es decir, expresan a más de una isoforma de MHC, las cuales también son diferentes a nivel intermuscular e intramuscular. Las influencias locales pueden contribuir a la variación de la expresión del tipo de fibra. En la musculatura masticatoria, el destete, la dureza de los alimentos, el bruxismo, la morfología craneofacial y el uso de prótesis dentales genera cambios a nivel de los músculos masticatorios, donde es común la presencia de fibras híbridas. Se concluye la presencia importante de fibras híbridas en la musculatura masticatoria y su relación con la plasticidad muscular a lo largo del ciclo vital, debido a cambios funcionales y patológicos. Es importante que los terapeutas de habla y motricidad orofacial profundicen en el conocimiento de la fisiología del comportamiento oromiofuncional.
The masticatory musculature is characterized by presenting hybrid fibers that in recent years have been related to the phenomenon of muscle plasticity. The objective of the study was to describe the relationship between muscle plasticity and the hybrid muscle fibers present in the masticatory muscles, through a narrative review. For this, an electronic search was conducted in PUBMED, ScienceDirect and BIREME, using the keywords: "Muscle Plasticity", "Hybrid Muscle Fibers" and "Hybrid Fibers". Documents that report the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms present in the masticatory muscles of humans and other mammals were selected, along with the changes linked to functional demands. The presence of type I and type II pure fibers were described, in addition to other isoforms such as MHC-la, MHC-IIM, MHC-fetal and MHC-cardiac. However, a significant percentage of fibers in the masticatory muscles are hybrids, that is, they express more than one MHC isoform, which are also different at the intermuscular and intramuscular level. Local influences can contribute to the variation of fiber type expression. In the chewing muscles, weaning, the hardness of food, bruxism, craniofacial morphology and the use of dental prostheses generate changes at the level of the chewing muscles, where the presence of hybrid fibers is common. The important presence of hybrid fibers in the masticatory muscles and their relationship with muscle plasticity throughout the life cycle, due to functional and pathological changes, is concluded. It is important for Speech Therapy andMyofunctional Therapy to deepen their understanding of the physiology of oromyofunctional behavior.
Humans , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , Masticatory MusclesABSTRACT
The aim of this study was to describe the first occurrence ofKudoasp. inGobioides grahamae, contributing to the understanding of this group of parasites in the Amazonian ichthyofauna. Forty specimens ofG. grahamaecollected from the natural environment were analyzed. Cysts ofKudoasp. were diffusely distributed through the striated skeletal muscle fibers with severe edema and inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes were observed in 30% of the specimens. Edema and marked coagulation necrosis of the muscle fibers was associated with infection byKudoasp. spores, which had accumulated inside the skeletal muscle fibers. Although there are no records of foodborne outbreaks caused by Kudoa spp. in Brazil, it is of paramount importance that we evaluate its occurrence, since the consumption of fish, especially raw fish, has increased because of the adoption of Japanese cuisine. To minimize the economic impacts on the fisheries market and the risk of this parasite to public health, it is necessary to initiate a program to monitor the presence of this likely underdiagnosed, emerging parasite.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a primeira ocorrência de Kudoa sp. em Gobioides grahamae, contribuindo, assim, para a compreensão desse grupo de parasitas na ictiofauna amazônica. Foram analisados 40 espécimes de G. grahamae coletados de ambiente natural. Cistos de Kudoa sp. foram distribuídos difusamente através das fibras musculares esqueléticas estriadas com presença de edema grave e infiltrado inflamatório composto de linfócitos, que foram observados em 30% dos espécimes. Edema e necrose de coagulação acentuada das fibras musculares foram associados com a infecção por esporos de Kudoa sp., acumulados no interior das fibras musculares da faringe. Apesar de não haver registros de surtos de origem alimentar causada por Kudoa spp. no Brasil, é de suma importância a avaliação de sua ocorrência, uma vez que o consumo de peixe, especialmente peixe cru, aumentou por causa da adoção da culinária japonesa. Para minimizar os impactos econômicos no mercado da pesca e o risco desse parasita para a saúde pública, é necessário iniciar um programa para monitorar a presença desse parasita emergente, possivelmente subdiagnosticada.(AU)
Animals , Palate/parasitology , Pharynx/parasitology , Perciformes/parasitology , Myxozoa/parasitology , BrazilABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the expression of miRNA-802 (miR-802) and the relationship with glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity in insulin resistant skeletal muscle cells. Methods L6 rat myoblasts were recovered, cultured and differentiated into L6 muscle cells, incubated with 0.4 mmol/L palmitic acid (PA) and then randomly divided into two groups: Control group (Con) and PA group (PA). After 24 hours, the glucose concentration in the culture medium was measured to determine whether the model was constructed successfully. After successful establishment of the insulin resistance L6 rat myoblasts model, then the cells were transfected with miR-802 mimic or inhibitor to regulate the expression of miR-802. The experimental groups were divided into 5 subgroups as follows: control group, PA group, PA group infected with miR-802 mimic (PA+miR-802-mimic), PA group infected with miR-802 inhibitor (PA+miR-802-inhibitor), and PA group infected with negative control (PA+negative control). The mRNA and protein expressions of the insulin signaling pathway [including phosphatidylinositol-3kinase (PI3K), protein kinase B (Akt), and glucose transporter 4 (GluT4)] were examined by RT-PCR and Western blotting. Results Compared with control group, the mRNA expression in miR-802 group increased significantly (1.458±0.264 vs. 3.108±0.513). Compared with PA group and PA+negative control group, the mRNA expression in miR-802 group increased obviously in PA+miR-802 mimic group (3.108±0.513, 3.442±0.104 vs. 11.743±0.933), and the mRNA expressions of PI3K (0.724±0.032, 0.682±0.059 vs. 0.494±0.025), Akt (0.819±0.044, 0.718±0.033 vs. 0.754±0.028) and GluT4 (0.719±0.038, 0.666±0.056 vs. 0.427±0.031) significantly decreased, and the protein expression of p-PI3K/PI3K (0.349±0.056, 0.351±0.019 vs. 0.195±0.026), p-Akt/Akt (0.639±0.002, 0.557±0.04 vs. 0.261±0.075)and GluT4 (0.648±0.028, 0.590±0.026 vs. 0.413±0.096) significantly decreased (P<0.01). Compared with PA and PA+negative control group, the mRNA expression in miR-802 group decreased in PA+miR-802 inhibitor group (3.108±0.513, 3.442±0.104 vs. 1.069±0.056), the mRNA expressions of PI3K (0.724±0.032, 0.682±0.059 vs. 0.887±0.016), Akt (0.819±0.044, 0.718±0.033 vs. 0.814±0.026) and GluT4 (0.719±0.038, 0.666±0.056 vs. 0.908±0.054) significantly increased, and the protein expressions of p-PI3K/PI3K (0.349±0.056, 0.351±0.019 vs. 0.494±0.012), p-Akt/Akt (0.639±0.002, 0.557±0.04 vs. 0.951±0.031) and GluT4 (0.648±0.028, 0.590±0.026 vs. 0.756±0.007) significantly increased (P<0.01). Conclusion miR-802 regulates insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism in L6 muscle cells, so inhibition of miR-802 expression may be a potential therapeutic target for type 2 diabetes.
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: With high-resolution real-time ultrasonography we investigated the muscle architectural parameters of vastus lateralis in healthy volunteers. PURPOSES: We determined the reproducibility and validity of ultrasonography and the role of the ultrasonographer in assessing muscle architecture. We proposed the most appropriate clinical parameters for objective measurements and an ultrasound protocol of muscle architecture. METHODS: We conducted an intraobserver and interobserver study. We investigated 21 healthy male volunteers. The subjects were independently evaluated by four different operators using high-resolution real-time ultrasonography. To assess the reproducibility of ultrasound examinations, four operators repeated measurements using the same ultrasound device. Muscle thickness, muscle volume, muscle fiber pennation angle, and subcutaneous adiposity of the vastus lateralis muscle were measured. RESULTS: Intra-observer (ICC 0.92-0.97), interobserver (ICC 0.78-0.92) reproducibility was good to excellent for all measurements. CONCLUSION: Simple, reproducible, non-invasive ultrasound measurements of muscle structure easily demonstrated differences in muscle morphology. With a protocol and with objective and repeatable measurements, sonographers from different backgrounds could obtain an objective measurement of ultrasound images with little differences and low variability in results, thanks to the upgrading of diagnostic ultrasound imaging and their clinical skills.
RESUMO OBJETIVO: Nós utilizamos ultrassonografia de alta resolução em tempo real para investigar os parâmetros da arquitetura muscular do vasto lateral em voluntários saudáveis. PROPÓSITO: Nós determinamos da reproduzibilidade e validade da ultrassonografia e o papel do ultrassonografista na avaliação da arquitetura muscular. Nós propomos os parâmetros clínicos mais apropriados para uma medição objetiva e um protocolo de ultrassonografia para arquitetura muscular. MÉTODOS: Nós conduzimos um estudo intra-observador e inter-observador. Investigamos 21 voluntários saudáveis do sexo masculino. Os participantes foram avaliados de forma independente por quatro operadores diferentes usando ultrassonografia de alta-resolução em tempo real. Para avaliar a reprodutibilidade dos exames de ultrassonografia, quatro operadores repetiram as medições usando o mesmo equipamento de ultrassonografia. A espessura e o volume do músculo, o ângulo de penação da fibra muscular, adiposidade subcutânea do músculo vasto lateral foram medidos. RESULTADOS: A reprodutibilidade intra-observador (ICC 0,92-0,97) e inter-observador (ICC 0,78-0,92) foi boa a excelente para todas as medições. CONCLUSÃO: Medições de ultrassonografia simples, reprodutíveis e não-invasivas da estrutura muscular demostraram facilmente as diferenças na morfologia muscular. Seguindo um protocolo e com medições objetivas e reproduzíveis, ultrassonografistas com diferentes formações e experiências podem conseguir uma medição objetiva de imagens de ultrassonografia com poucas diferenças e pouca variação nos resultados graças à melhoria da qualidade nos exames de diagnóstico por imagem de ultrassonografia e das habilidades clínicas.
Humans , Male , Adult , Ultrasonography/standards , Quadriceps Muscle/diagnostic imaging , Observer Variation , Reproducibility of Results , Ultrasonography/methodsABSTRACT
Objective@#To explore the effect of taurine on the activity of SOD, MDA, Na+ -K+ -ATP enzyme and Bax/Bcl-2 in skeletal muscle of rats after exhaustive exercise.@*Methods@#Thirty male SD rats(6 months old) were randomly divided into normal group, control group and taurine group, with 10 rats in each group.The normal group was given routine feeding for 1 week, adaptive training for 3 days, without applying other measures.The control group was given routine feeding for 1 week, after adaptive training for 3 days underwent exhaustive exercise for 2 days.The taurine group was given 200mg/kg taurine gavage daily on the basis of the control group.The activity of SOD, MDA, Na+ -K+ -ATP and Bax/Bcl-2 were measured in the skeletal muscle after 2 days exhaustive exercise.@*Results@#After 2 days exhaustive exercise, the SOD concentration in skeletal muscle of the control group was (146.58±13.42)U/mg prot, which was lower than that in the taurine group[(143.81±15.93)U/mg prot] (t=2.519, P<0.05). The MDA concentration in the skeletal muscle of the control group was (1.97±0.20)nmol/mg prot, which was higher than that in the taurine group [(1.22±0.19)nmol/mg prot] (t=2.356, P<0.05). The ratio of SOD/MDA in the control group was (60.86±20.38), which was lower than that in the taurine group [(120.87±23.51)] (t=4.071, P<0.05). The activity of Na+ -K+ -ATP in the control group was (2.42±0.67)U/mg prot, which was lower than that in the taurine group [(5.74±1.15)U/mg prot] (t=3.905, P<0.05). The ratio of Bax/Bcl-2 in the control group was (1.62±0.17), which was higher than that in the taurine group [(0.96±0.14)] (t=3.419, P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#Taking taurine before exhaustive exercise can increase the ability of scavenging free radicals, reduce the production of oxidative stress products and protect the activity of Na+ -K+ -ATP enzyme.It is benefit for maintain the stability of cell environment and prevent skeletal muscle injury.
Objective To explore the effect of taurine on the activity of SOD,MDA,Na +-K +-ATP enzyme and Bax/Bcl-2 in skeletal muscle of rats after exhaustive exercise.Methods Thirty male SD rats (6 months old) were randomly divided into normal group,control group and taurine group,with 10 rats in each group.The normal group was given routine feeding for 1 week,adaptive training for 3 days,without applying other measures.The control group was given routine feeding for 1 week,after adaptive training for 3 days underwent exhaustive exercise for 2 days.The taurine group was given 200mg/kg taurine gavage daily on the basis of the control group.The activity of SOD,MDA,Na+-K+-ATP and Bax/Bcl-2 were measured in the skeletal muscle after 2 days exhaustive exercise.Results After 2 days exhaustive exercise,the SOD concentration in skeletal muscle of the control group was (146.58 ± 13.42) U/mg prot,which was lower than that in the taurine group [(143.81 ± 15.93) U/mg prot] (t =2.519,P <0.05).The MDA concentration in the skeletal muscle of the control group was (1.97 ± 0.20) nmol/mg prot,which was higher than that in the taurine group [(1.22 ± 0.19) nmol/mg prot] (t =2.356,P < 0.05).The ratio of SOD/MDA in the control group was (60.86 ±20.38),which was lower than that in the taurine group [(120.87 ±23.51)] (t =4.071,P < 0.05).The activity of Na +-K +-ATP in the control group was (2.42 ± 0.67) U/mg prot,which was lower than that in the taurine group [(5.74 ± 1.15) U/mg prot] (t =3.905,P < 0.05).The ratio of Bax/Bcl-2 in the control group was (1.62 ± 0.17),which was higher than that in the taurine group [(0.96 ±0.14)] (t=3.419,P < 0.05).Conclusion Taking taurine before exhaustive exercise can increase the ability of scavenging free radicals,reduce the production of oxidative stress products and protect the activity of Na +-K +-ATP enzyme.It is benefit for maintain the stability of cell environment and prevent skeletal muscle injury.
OBJECTIVE@#To detect the core muscle group in the patients with myofascial pain syndromes(MPS) by using the surface electromyography; to detect the distribution of muscle fiber type by the analysis of the median frequency and the slope of the median frequency.@*METHODS@#From October 2017 to March 2018, there were 100 patients with the MPS, including 45 males and 55 females; the average age was 48.5 years old, ranging from 29 to 76 years old. There were 40 cases of left back pain and 60 cases of right back pain. The course of illness was more than 6 months. Another 40 healthy patients without pain in the waist were included in the control group, 20 males and 20 females; the average age was 47.3 years old, ranging from 29 to 76 years old. All the patients had different degrees of back pain and muscle stiffness, which were diagnosed as lumbar fasciitis by clinical and imaging examination. Surface electromyography was used to measure the characteristics of the lumbar core muscles (multifissions, iliocostal muscles, and longest muscle) of the three groups in the Biering-Sorensen testing, such as median frequency(MF) and absolute slope of median frequency (MFs).@*RESULTS@#The MF values of the multifidus muscle in the three groups were as follows:the left side of the non-pain group was 133.88±26.61, and the right side was 131.39±29.81; left side of lift side pain group 117.29±10.93, right side 133.70±17.81; in the right pain group, the left side was 131.36±17.37, and the right side was 118.28±13.57. The MF values of the iliocostal muscle in the three groups were:106.94±28.01 on the left side of the non-pain group, 114.68±18.96 on the right side; left side of lift side pain group 93.95±11.17, right side 107.60±27.86; in the right pain group, the left side was 105.93±15.52, and the right side was 97.27±19.27. The MF values of the longest muscle in the three groups were:109.24±26.20 on the left side of the non-pain group, 112.58±17.70 on the right side. Left side of left side pain group 95.58±10.83, right side 108.79±26.39; in the right pain group, the left side was 106.50±17.98, and the right side was 98.20±11.16. The MFs values of the multifidus muscle in the three groups were:0.221±0.109 on the left side of the non-pain group, and 0.259±0.169 on the right side; left side of left side pain group 0.318±0.184, right side 0.210±0.159; in the right pain group, the left side was 0.258±0.169, and the right side was 0.386±0.166. The MFs values of the iliocostal muscles in the three groups were:0.241±0.158 for the left side of the non-pain group, and 0.238±0.128 for the right side. Left side of left side pain group 0.330±0.208, right side 0.252±0.171; in the right side pain group, left side 0.249±0.150, right side 0.343± 0.144. The MFs values of the longest muscle of the three groups were:0.244±0.252 on the left side of the non-pain group, and 0.210±0.128 on the right side; left side of left side pain group 0.348±0.255, right side 0.241±0.224; in the right pain group, the left side was 0.239±0.155, and the right side was 0.334±0.233. There were no statistically significant differences in MF and MFs values of the left and right lumbar multifidus muscle, iliocostal muscle and longest muscle in the non-pain group(>0.05). MF values of the pain side multifidus muscle, iliocostal muscle and longest muscle in the lumbago group were lower than those in the non-pain group(<0.05). MFs values of the painful side multifidus muscle, iliocostal muscle and longest muscle in the low back pain group were higher than those in the non-pain group(<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The muscle fatigue degree of the back muscle in the pain side of patients with MPs is decreased, and the muscle fiber type is dominated by II muscle fiber.
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Electromyography , Low Back Pain , Muscle Fatigue , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal , Muscle, Skeletal , Myofascial Pain SyndromesABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To analyze the combined effects of the silk protein sericin and swimming exercise on histomorphometry of the plantar muscle in Wistar rats. Methods Forty adult rats were randomly allocated into 5 groups comprising 8 animals each, as follows: Control, Injury, Sericin, Swim, and Swim plus Sericin. Three days after crushing of the sciatic nerve the rats in the Swim and Swim plus Sericin Groups were submitted to swimming exercise for 21 days. Rats were then euthanized and the plantar muscle harvested and processed. Results Cross-sectional area, peripheral nuclei and muscle fiber counts, nucleus/fiber ratio and smallest muscle fiber width did not differ significantly between groups. Morphological analysis revealed hypertrophic fibers in the Swim Group and evident muscle damage in the Swim plus Sericin and Injury Groups. The percentage of intramuscular collagen was apparently maintained in the Swim Group compared to remaining groups. Conclusion Combined treatment with sericin and swimming exercise did not improve muscle properties. However, physical exercise alone was effective in maintaining intramuscular connective tissue and preventing progression of deleterious effects of peripheral nerve injury.
RESUMO Objetivo Analisar o efeito da proteína sericina associada ao exercício físico de natação na histomorfometria do músculo plantar de ratos Wistar. Métodos Foram utilizados 40 ratos adultos divididos aleatoriamente em 5 grupos, com 8 animais cada: Controle, Lesão, Sericina, Natação, Natação e Sericina. Três dias após a compressão do nervo isquiático, os Grupos Natação e Exercício e Sericina foram submetidos ao exercício físico de natação durante 21 dias. Após, os animais foram sacrificados, e o músculo plantar foi processado. Resultados Não houve diferença da área da secção transversa entre os grupos, quantidade de núcleos periféricos, quantidade de fibra, relação núcleo/fibra e diâmetro menor. A análise morfológica revelou que no Grupo Natação ocorreu hipertrofia das fibras, assim como nos Grupos Exercício e Sericina e Lesão, o dano muscular foi evidente. O percentual de conjuntivo intramuscular parece ter sido mantido no Grupo Exercício em relação aos demais grupos. Conclusão A associação da proteína sericina e exercício físico de natação não foi eficiente na melhora das propriedades musculares, embora a aplicação do exercício físico tenha sido eficiente na manutenção do conjuntivo intramuscular, e no não agravamento dos efeitos deletérios consequentes da lesão nervosa periférica.
Animals , Rats , Physical Conditioning, Animal/physiology , Swimming/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal/innervation , Lower Extremity/innervation , Sericins/pharmacology , Random Allocation , Rats, Wistar , Muscle, Skeletal/injuries , Muscle, Skeletal/pathology , Lower Extremity/injuries , Lower Extremity/pathology , Disease Models, Animal , Nerve CrushABSTRACT
The estuarine crustaceans are exposed to frequent and abrupt environmental salinity changes that involve adjustments at different levels in muscle tissue. The histochemical composition of fiber types of the claw closer muscle of Cyrtograpsus angulatus and Neohelice granulata (Dana, 1851) under hyper regulatory conditions was analyzed. Cryosections of the muscle were treated with myosin-adenosine triphosphatase (m-ATPase), succinic dehydrogenase (SDH), periodic acid Schiff (PAS) and Sudan Black B. The mean diameters, the relative area and the proportion of each muscle fiber type were calculated. Types I and IV would belong to 'extreme' groups, whereas types II and III would be considered 'intermediate'. Type I fibers were large and exhibited a weak reaction to all techniques; type IV fibers were small and reacted strongly to histochemical tests. Types II and III prevailed in C. angulatus whereas type II predominated in N. granulata. Type IV fibers were absent in C. angulatus and scarce in N. granulata. The claw closer muscle of N. granulata and C. angulatus exhibited differential responses under reduced salinity at a histochemical level. Therefore, the existence of different adjustment mechanisms facing salinity stress is suggested.
Los crustáceos estuariales están expuestos a cambios frecuentes y abruptos en la salinidad ambiental que requieren ajustes a diferentes niveles en el tejido muscular. Se analizó la composición histoquímica de tipos de fibras del músculo de cierre de las quelas de Cyrtograpsus angulatus y Neohelice granulata (Dana, 1851) en condiciones de hiperregulación. Secciones de crióstato fueron tratadas con miosín-adenosín trifosfatasa (m-ATPasa), succinato deshidrogenasa (SDH), ácido periódico Schiff (PAS) y Sudan Black B. Se calcularon el diámetro promedio, el área y la proporción relativa de cada tipo de fibra. Los tipos I y IV serían grupos "extremos", mientras que los tipos II y III "intermedios". Las fibras del tipo I, de gran tamaño, exhibieron una reacción débil con todas las técnicas; las fibras del tipo IV, pequeñas, reaccionaron intensamente frente a los tests histoquímicos. Los tipos II y III predominaron en C. angulatus, mientras que el tipo II fue el más abundante en N. granulata. Las fibras del tipo IV fueron escasas en N. granulata y no se observaron en C. angulatus. El músculo de cierre de las quelas de N. granulata y C. angulatus exhibió respuestas diferenciales a nivel histoquímico en condiciones de salinidad reducida. De este modo, se sugiere la existencia de diferentes mecanismos de ajuste frente al estrés salino.
Animals , Male , Brachyura , Salinity , Muscles/anatomy & histology , Muscles/metabolism , Immunohistochemistry , Adaptation, PhysiologicalABSTRACT
Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the effects of duodenal-jejunal bypass (DJB) on the diaphragm muscle of obese rats fed on a western diet (WD) . Methods: Eighteen male Wistar rats were fed a standard rodent chow diet (CTL group) or WD ad libitum. After 10 weeks, WD rats were submitted to sham (WD SHAM) or duodenal-jejunal bypass (WD DJB). The structure, ultrastructure, collagen content and the morphometry of the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) were analyzed two months after surgery. Results: WD SHAM rats displayed an increase in body weight, the Lee index and retroperitoneal and peri-epididymal fat pads compared to the CTL group. DJB did not alter these parameters. The muscle fiber structure and NMJs were similar in the WD SHAM and CTL groups. However, the WD SHAM group showed alterations in the fiber ultrastructure, such as loosely arranged myofibrils and Z line disorganization. In addition, WD SHAM animals presented a considerable amount of lipid droplets and a reduction in the percentage of collagen compared to the CTL group. DJB did not affect the structure or ultrastructure of the muscle fibers or the NMJs in the diaphragm of the WD DJB animals. Conclusion: Duodenal-jejunal bypass did not improve the alterations observed in the diaphragm of western diet obese-rats.
Animals , Male , Rats , Diaphragm/ultrastructure , Duodenum/surgery , Diet, Western , Jejunum/surgery , Neuromuscular Junction/ultrastructure , Obesity/surgery , Anastomosis, Surgical , Random Allocation , Rats, Wistar , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/ultrastructure , Obesity/metabolismABSTRACT
Objective To investigate the expression of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP-1R) of skeletal muscle cells and the changes of skeletal muscle microstructure of diabetic rats, and to explore the relationship between the expressions of GLP-1R and insulin resistance in skeletal muscle. Methods Male Wistar rats were divided into two groups, normal glucose tolerance ( NT, n =25 ) , diabetes group ( DM group, n=30), the methods of creating diabetes model were used high-sugar high-fat diet and low-dose in-traperitoneal injection of streptozotocin. Immunohistochemical methods was used to detect the expression of GLP-1R in the muscle cells. The number of GLP-1R positive cells in the muscle of two groups was observed and compared. The relationship was analyzed between the homeostasis model assessment insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and the number of GLP-1R positive cells. Results ⑴Compared to the NT group, the num-ber of GLP-1R positive cells in muscle of DM group was decreased (P<0. 05); ⑵ Compared to the NT group, HOMA-IR was increased in DM group (P<0. 05);⑶ Pearson correlation analysis showed that the percentage of GLP-1R positive cells expressed in rat skeletal muscle was negatively correlated with HOMA-IR (r= -0. 538, P<0. 01). Conclusions The expression of GLP-1R positive cells was decreased in the skeletal muscle of diabetic rats, insulin resistance increased. Therefore, the expression of GLP-1R on skele-tal muscle cells may promote the development of insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus.
Objective:To observe recovery of the pelvic floor muscle by using electrical stimulation biofeedback system in first-time mothers after natural birth.Methods: One hundred an seventy-two cases of primipara by transvaginal full-term natural birth, less than 35 years old, myodynamiaⅢ or less level were choosed for research object between January 2013 and January 2014 in our hospital. According to admission order, an odd number into the control group, even into the treatment group, 93 cases in each group. Kegel exercise method was used to pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation in control group, on the basis of the treatment in control group, recovery of postpartum pelvic floor muscle was conducted by using electrical stimulation biofeedback apparatus in treatment group. Strength of maternal pelvic floor muscle after recovery was tested with neuromuscular stimulation therapy apparatus and to investigate rate of urinary incontinence and sexual satisfaction in two groups.Results:①The cases ofⅠ,Ⅱ class A and BⅡ pelvic floor muscle fiber restoring toⅣ andⅤ increased significantly after electrical stimulation biofeedback system treatment in treatment group, compared with control group, the difference was statistically significant.The pelvic floor muscle strength increased significantly after treatment in treatment group (P<0.05).②Urinary incontinence rate after treatment for 2 months and 6 months in treatment group was lower significantly than that in control group, sexual life satisfaction was higher significantly than that in control group, differences between groups were statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion: Application of electrical stimulation biofeedback system in the treatment of female pelvic floor muscle dysfunction can enhance the enthusiasm of the patients in treatment and curative effect is reliable, and no obvious complications occurred, is worth further promotion in clinical.
O exercício físico fera uma série de alterações fisiológicas ligadas à saúde e ao desempenho físico. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os efeitos do treinamento concorrente na musculatura e composição corporal de ratos Wistar. Na presente pesquisa foram analisados 11 ratos machos adultos (90 dias), sendo utilizados seis como grupo de controle e cinco definidos como Treinamento Concorrente. O protocolo de TCc foi definido com 30 minutos de natação e 4 séries de 10 saltos, com sobrecarga de 50% do peso corporal do animal. A intensidade do treino aeróbico foi estabelecida em 70% do limiar anaeróbico, estimado a partir da carga crítica de trabalho, definida com a aplicação de quatro diferentes estímulos com cargas correspondentes a 7, 9, 11 e 13% do peso corporal de cada animal, em dias consecutivos.
Exercise beast a series of physiological changes related to health and physical performance. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to analyze the effects of concurrent training on muscle and body composition in Wistar rats. In this 11 adult male rats (90 days), six being used as a control group and five defined as Competitor Training survey were analyzed. The CBT protocol was set to 30 minutes swimming and 4 series of 10 jumps, loaded with 50% of the body weight of the animal. The aerobic intensity of training was established in 70% of the anaerobic threshold, estimated from the critical load, defined as the application of loads with four different stimuli corresponding to 7, 9, 11 and 13% of the body weight of each animal, on consecutive days.