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Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);44(2): 182-190, ene.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1574084


Introducción. Mycobacterium chelonae y los complejos Mycobacterium avium y M. abscessus, son agentes patógenos emergentes causantes de micobacteriosis. El tratamiento de esta infección depende de la especie y la subespecie identificadas. Los fármacos de elección son los macrólidos y aminoglucósidos, contra los cuales se ha reportado resistencia; por esta razón, el determinar el perfil de sensibilidad le permite al médico tratante comprender mejor el pronóstico y la evolución de estas infecciones. Objetivo. Describir los perfiles de sensibilidad ante macrólidos y aminoglucósidos, de los cultivos identificados como complejo Mycobacterium avium, complejo M. abscessus o especie M. chelonae, en el Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia de Micobacterias durante los años 2018 a 2022. Materiales y métodos. Se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo del perfil de sensibilidad a macrólidos y aminoglucósidos, de los cultivos identificados como complejo M. avium, complejo M. abscessus o M. chelonae, mediante la metodología GenoType® NTM-DR. Resultados. Los cultivos del complejo M. avium fueron 159 (47,3 %), de los cuales, 154 (96,9 %) fueron sensibles y 5 (3,1 %) resistentes a los macrólidos; todos fueron sensibles a los aminoglucósidos. Del complejo M. abscessus se estudiaron 125 (37,2 %) cultivos, 68 (54,4 %) resultaron sensibles y 57 (45,6 %) resistentes a los macrólidos; solo un cultivo (0,8 %) fue resistente a los aminoglucósidos. De M. chelonae se analizaron 52 cultivos (15,5 %), todos sensibles a los macrólidos y aminoglucósidos. Conclusiones. En las tres especies de micobacterias estudiadas, la resistencia contra la amikacina fue la menos frecuente. La identificación de las subespecies y los perfiles de sensibilidad permiten instaurar esquemas de tratamiento adecuados, especialmente en las micobacteriosis causadas por M. abscessus.

Introduction. The Mycobacterium chelonae species and the M. avium and M. abscessus complexes are emerging pathogens that cause mycobacteriosis. Treatment depends on the species and subspecies identified. The drugs of choice are macrolides and aminoglycosides. However, due to the resistance identified to these drugs, determining the microbe's sensitivity profile will allow clinicians to improve the understanding of the prognosis and evolution of these pathologies. Objective. To describe the macrolide and aminoglycoside susceptibility profile of cultures identified by Colombia's Laboratorio Nacional de Referencia de Mycobacteria from 2018 to 2022, as Mycobacterium avium complex, M. abscessus complex, and M. chelonae. Materials and methods. This descriptive study exposes the susceptibility profile to macrolides and aminoglycosides of cultures identified as M. avium complex, M. abscessus complex, and M. chelonae using the GenoType® NTM-DR method. Results. We identified 159 (47.3 %) cultures as M. avium complex, of which 154 (96.9 %) were sensitive to macrolides, and 5 (3.1 %) were resistant; all were sensitive to aminoglycosides. From the 125 (37.2 %) cultures identified as M. abscessus complex, 68 (54.4 %) were sensitive to macrolides, 57 (45.6 %) were resistant to aminoglycosides, and just one (0.8 %) showed resistance to aminoglycosides. The 52 cultures (15.5 %) identified as M. chelonae were sensitive to macrolides and aminoglycosides. Conclusions. The three studied species of mycobacteria have the least resistance to Amikacin. Subspecies identification and their susceptibility profiles allow the establishment of appropriate treatment schemes, especially against M. abscessus.

Humans , Therapeutics , Mycobacterium chelonae , Mycobacterium abscessus , Mycobacterium avium , Mycobacterium Infections , Macrolides , Diagnosis , Aminoglycosides , Nontuberculous Mycobacteria
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 57: e13755, fev.2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1574235


We investigated the value of plasma cytokine levels as markers of pathogenesis and treatment response in patients with non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) pulmonary disease. Plasma cytokine levels were measured and compared among patients with NTM pulmonary disease (n=111), tuberculosis (TB) patients (n=50), and healthy individuals (n=40). Changes during treatment were monitored at 3 and 6 months after treatment. According to the treatment response, NTM patients were classified as 'resistance' or 'sensitivity' responders. The results revealed that five out of twelve cytokines exhibited significantly higher levels in NTM patients compared to controls. Among these, interleukin (IL)-6 demonstrated the strongest discriminating capacity for NTM. Furthermore, when combined with IL-1β, they efficiently distinguished between NTM drug-resistant and drug-sensitive patients, as well as between NTM and TB groups. Additionally, IL-6 levels initially rose and then decreased in the NTM drug-resistant group during the six months of treatment, similar to the behavior of IL-1β in the NTM drug-sensitive group. Subgroup analyses of the sensitive group with differential treatment responses revealed an increase in IL-10 levels in the six-month treatment responders. A high IL-6/IL-10 ratio was associated with increased disease severity of NTM and TB. Collectively, combinations of various plasma cytokines, specifically IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-10, effectively distinguished NTM patients with varying mycobacterial burdens, with IL-6 and IL-10 emerging as potential biomarkers for early treatment response. The combination of IL-6 and IL-1β demonstrated the highest discriminatory value for distinguishing between NTM-resistant and NTM-sensitive groups as well as between NTM and TB groups.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 365-369, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020216


Objective To explore the CT imaging characteristics of non-tuberculous mycobacteria(NTM)pulmonary disease and image differences from tuberculosis(TB).Methods The imaging data of 46 with NTM pulmonary disease(NTM pulmonary disease group)and 64 with TB(TB group)confirmed by flora identification or transbronchial biopsy were analyzed retrospectively.Results The mean age of NTM pulmonary disease group was greater than that of TB group(t=2.561,P<0.05).Clinical manifestations:TB group had more cough and expectoration than NTM pulmonary disease group,and yet NTM pulmonary disease group had more basic lung diseases than TB group(P<0.05).Imaging manifestations:bronchiectasis,subpleural thin-walled cavity,and consolidation(≥3 cm)with bronchiectasis were more common in NTM pulmonary disease group than TB group(P<0.05).In TB group,centrilobular nod-ules,large nodules(≥0.8 cm),and mediastinal/hilus of lung lymph node enlargement were more common than in NTM pulmonary dis-ease group(P<0.05).In multivariate binary logistic regression analysis,bronchiectasis,and subpleural thin-walled cavity were independent risk factors for NTM pulmonary disease(P<0.05),and large nodules(≥0.8 cm)was risk factor for TB(P<0.05).Conclusion Bronchiectasis,subpleural thin-walled cavity,and consolidation(≥3 cm)with bronchiectasis are the characteristic CT manifesta-tions of NTM pulmonary disease,which has important clinical significance for the diagnosis of NTM pulmonary disease.

J Biosci ; 2023 Jul; 48: 1-12
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-237891


Bacterial second messenger signaling often plays an important role in cellular physiology. In this study, we have attempted to understand how c-di-AMP synthesis and degradation are transcriptionally regulated in Mycobacterium smegmatis. We found that although a c-di-AMP synthesis gene, disA, exists in a multi-gene operon, a sub-operon promoter arrangement facilitates disA gene expression under normal conditions to maintain intracellular c-di-AMP concentration and is induced further during certain stress adaptations. Individual gene-specific promoters also play a key role under various genotoxic stress conditions to shut down c-di-AMP synthesis, which could otherwise be detrimental for cells. Further, we learned that a high c-di-AMP concentration plays a role in the autoregulation of the disA promoter to limit intracellular c-di-AMP concentration. This study was helpful to understand how c-di-AMP synthesis is regulated under normal and stress conditions linked to its physiological relevance in M. smegmatis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233323


Background: Diagnosis of EPTB is often delayed due to its paucibacillary nature. Diagnostic modalities like conventional methods and molecular methods like GeneXpert are employed for Mycobacteria detection and their results are compared. Line Probe Assay is used for determination of resistance in first line and in second line anti-tubercular drugs. Methods: In this study 302 extrapulmonary samples from suspected cases of all age groups were included. Samples were first homogenised and decontaminated and then subjected to various diagnostic modalities like microscopy, culture and GeneXpert for Mycobacteria detection. Culture and smear positive isolates were subjected to LPA for determination of drug resistance in first and second-line anti-tubercular drugs. Results: Out of the 302 extrapulmonary samples, maximum samples were of lymph nodes (19.86%) followed by pus (17.88%). Male to female ratio was 1:3. GeneXpert detected 45.04% positive cases and 5.96% were rifampicin resistant. Positive samples detected by microscopy and culture were 21.19% and 24.17% respectively. When compared to culture, microscopy showed a sensitivity of 86.30% and specificity of 99.56%. GeneXpert reported 100% sensitivity and 72.48% specificity. LPA reported 9.45% isoniazid resistant cases, 4.05% rifampicin resistant cases and 5.40% both isoniazid and rifampicin resistant cases (MDR-TB). Out of the MDR-TB cases, 25% cases were resistant to fluoroquinolones indicating pre-XDR TB. Conclusions: For Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection in extrapulmonary samples, multiple modalities should be employed so that the bacilli in these samples is not missed and the turn-around time is lowered which is a key to TB control strategy.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-233147


Background: Diagnosis of EPTB is often delayed due to its paucibacillary nature. Diagnostic modalities like conventional methods and molecular methods like GeneXpert are employed for Mycobacteria detection and their results are compared. Line Probe Assay is used for determination of resistance in first line and in second line anti-tubercular drugs. Methods: In this study 302 extrapulmonary samples from suspected cases of all age groups were included. Samples were first homogenised and decontaminated and then subjected to various diagnostic modalities like microscopy, culture and GeneXpert for Mycobacteria detection. Culture and smear positive isolates were subjected to LPA for determination of drug resistance in first and second-line anti-tubercular drugs. Results: Out of the 302 extrapulmonary samples, maximum samples were of lymph nodes (19.86%) followed by pus (17.88%). Male to female ratio was 1:3. GeneXpert detected 45.04% positive cases and 5.96% were rifampicin resistant. Positive samples detected by microscopy and culture were 21.19% and 24.17% respectively. When compared to culture, microscopy showed a sensitivity of 86.30% and specificity of 99.56%. GeneXpert reported 100% sensitivity and 72.48% specificity. LPA reported 9.45% isoniazid resistant cases, 4.05% rifampicin resistant cases and 5.40% both isoniazid and rifampicin resistant cases (MDR-TB). Out of the MDR-TB cases, 25% cases were resistant to fluoroquinolones indicating pre-XDR TB. Conclusions: For Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection in extrapulmonary samples, multiple modalities should be employed so that the bacilli in these samples is not missed and the turn-around time is lowered which is a key to TB control strategy.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223577


Background & objectives: Tuberculosis, most commonly caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), is an infectious bacterial disease, with a major impact on global health. In this study, immunohistochemistry (IHC), acid-fast bacilli (AFB) culture and Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining, techniques were compared on bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) and bronchial washings (BW) with respect to sensitivity and specificity for detecting mycobacteria, taking culture as the gold standard. Methods: Consecutive BAL and BW specimens were included in the study, over a period of one year for which AFB cultures were available. Samples with diagnosis other than inflammatory pathology such as malignancies or inadequate samples were excluded. A total of 203 BAL and BW specimens from patients with age ranging from 14 to 86 yr were analyzed for the presence of mycobacteria. The utility and efficacy of ZN stain and IHC in detecting mycobacteria was tested using AFB culture as a gold standard. Results: Out of 203 cases, 10.3 per cent (n=21) were positive on AFB culture. Of these, 5.9 per cent (n=12) smears were positive for ZN stain, whereas IHC positivity was seen in 8.4 per cent (n=17) of the cases. ZN staining had a sensitivity of 57.1 per cent and a specificity of 100 per cent whereas, IHC had a sensitivity of 81 per cent and a specificity of 81.9 per cent. Interpretation & conclusions: Comparison with AFB culture (gold standard), IHC was found to be superior to ZN stain in terms of sensitivity, whereas ZN stain was found to be superior to IHC in terms of specificity. These findings therefore suggest that IHC may be a useful adjunct to ZN stain in the detection of mycobacteria in specimens from the respiratory tract.

China Tropical Medicine ; (12): 947-2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016379


@#Abstract: Objective To identify the species of Mycobacteroides abscessus complex (MABC) in patients with pulmonary infection from the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical University, and to investigate the species types, drug sensitivity and population distribution of MABC in pulmonary infection in Hainan. Methods Respiratory tract specimens were collected from suspected tuberculosis patients who visited the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical University from January 2014 to December 2021 and cultured for Mycobacterium isolation. Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) strains were preliminarily identified by p-nitrobenzoic acid/thiophen-2-carbohydrazide (PNB/TCH) medium and DNA microarray chip, and then MABC and its subspecies were identified by hsp65 and rpoB gene sequencing. In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility test was performed by broth microdilution method. Results A total of 3 025 respiratory specimens from suspected pulmonary tuberculosis patients were collected during the study period. Among the 123 patients with identified MABC isolates, 124 MABC strains were isolated and identified, including 74 strains of Mycobacteroides abscessus subsp. abscessus, 38 strains of Mycobacteroides abscessus subsp. massiliense and 12 strains of Mycobacteroides abscessus subsp. bolletii. Among them, 118 patients had single MABC subspecies infection, one patient had mixed infection with two MABC subspecies, two patients had mixed infection with MABC and other NTM, and two cases had mixed infection with MABC and M.tuberculosis. There were more female patients than male patients with a ratio of 1:0.64, and those aged 50 and above amounted to 76.42% (94/123, 95%CI: 67.93%-83.61%). There was no significant difference in age distribution between male and female patients (Z=-0.944, P=0.347). The drug susceptibility results showed that all MABC strains were sensitive to Tigecycline (TGC), with a resistance rate of 0.81% (1/124) to Amikacin (AK), and resistance rates of 6.45% (8/124), 32.26% (40/124), and 74.19% (92/124) to Cefoxitin (FOX), Linezolid (LZD), and Imipenem (IPM), respectively. For Clarithromycin (CLR), MABC showed induced resistance , and there was a statistically significant difference in the CLR (14D) resistance rates among the three subspecies (χ2=66.335, P<0.001). The resistance rates to Tobramycin (TOB), Doxycycline (DOX), Moxifloxacin (MFX), Ciprofoxacin (CIP), Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX), and Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid (AMC) were high, all >80%. Conclusion  In Hainan Province, pulmonary infections with MABC are mainly caused by Mycobacteroides abscessus subsp. Abscessus, which show high rates of inducible resistance to CLR. Timely and accurate identification of MABC to subspecies and drug susceptibility testing are of significant important for clinical decision-making.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992529


Objective:To explore the clinical characteristics of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) complicated with nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) disease.Methods:The clinical data of 190 patients with AIDS complicated with NTM disease diagnosed by Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Fudan University from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021 were analyzed retrospectively. NTM diseases were divided into disseminated NTM disease group and non-disseminated NTM disease group. The independent sample t test, Mann Whitney U test and chi-square test were used for statistical analysis. Results:The 190 patients with AIDS complicated with NTM disease included 182 males and eight females. The age was (42±13) years old, and the first hospital stay was 15(6, 26) days. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia was the most common co-infection in 12.1%(23/190) of patients, 87 cases (45.8%) were disseminated NTM disease. The clinical symptoms of patients were common in fever (55.8%(106/190)), cough (50.0%(95/190)), and expectoration (28.9%(55/190)). The proportions of fatigue (31.0%(27/87) vs 7.8%(8/103)), poor appetite (21.8%(19/87) vs 10.7%(11/103)) in the AIDS patients with disseminated NTM disease group were higher than those in the non-disseminated NTM disease group, and the differences were statistically significant ( χ2=16.99, P<0.001 and χ2=4.42, P=0.036, respectively). There was no significant difference in the proportions of deaths between AIDS patients with disseminated NTM disease and those without disseminated NTM disease (17.2%(15/87) vs 12.6%(13/103), χ2=0.80, P=0.371). The most common NTM species was Mycobacterium avium (67.1%(49/190)), followed by Mycobacterium kansasii (15.1%(11/190)). Hemoglobin ((90.3±23.9) g/L vs (110.1±24.2) g/L), albumin ((29.7±5.5) g/L vs (34.7±5.6) g/L), CD4 + T lymphocyte count (11(5, 30)/μL vs 52(16, 96)/μL) and CD8 + T lymphocyte count ((362±320)/μL vs (496±352)/μL) in the disseminated NTM disease group were lower than those in non-disseminated NTM disease group ( t=-5.63, P<0.001; t=-6.18, P<0.001; Z=-5.90, P<0.001; and t=-2.73, P=0.007, respectively), while procalcitonin (0.24(0.10, 0.77) μg/L vs 0.10 (0.04, 0.51) μg/L) was higher than that in the non-disseminated NTM disease group ( Z=-3.09, P=0.002), with statistical significance. The most common imaging features were lung patch and strip shadow (67.4%(128/190)). Conclusions:The most common type of AIDS patients complicated with NTM disease is disseminated NTM disease, and Mycobacterium avium is the most common NTM species. The clinical manifestations (fatigue, anorexia) and laboratory tests (hemoglobin, albumin, procalcitonin, CD4 + T lymphocyte count, CD8 + T lymphocyte count) of AIDS patients with disseminated NTM disease and non-disseminated NTM disease are different, while the prognosis is not significantly different.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992536


Objective:To investigate the diagnostic value of neutrophil CD64 index (nCD64) in disseminated nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infection.Methods:Thirty-six patients with NTM infection from January 2020 to June 2021 in Huashan Hospital, Fudan University were included. Patients were classified into groups of disseminated infection and focal infection according to their medical history and discharge diagnosis. The expressions of nCD64 in patients with focal infection and disseminated infection before treatment were collected and analyzed. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test, and the diagnostic value of nCD64 for disseminated NTM infection was analyzed using the receiver operator characteristic curve (ROC curve). Results:Among the 36 patients with NTM infection, 18 cases were focal infection (due to the low white blood cell count of the patient with myelodysplastic syndrome, the detection results were biased, which were excluded from the subsequent analysis) and 18 cases were disseminated infection. The expression of nCD64 in focal infection was 0.72(0.50, 1.55), and that in disseminated infection was 13.63(6.77, 32.31). The difference was statistically significant ( U=15.50, P<0.001). Using focal infection as a control, the area under the ROC curve for the operational characteristics of the subjects was 0.949 3 for disseminated NTM infection. The diagnostic cut-off value of nCD64 was 3.06, with the sensitivity and specificity of the disseminated NTM infection were 88.89% and 100.00%, respectively. Conclusions:In patients with NTM infection before effective treatment, the diagnostic cut-off value of nCD64 of 3.06 has high sensitivity and specificity, which is useful for the aided diagnosis of disseminated NTM infection.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993729


The global trends of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infection and disease are both rising. Nontuberculous mycobacterial disease(NTMD) is a worldwide health burden associated with increasing morbidity, mortality, and economic costs. Antibiotic therapy is the mainstay of treatment for NTMD.Mycobacterial pathogens are intrinsically resistant to many available antibiotics, making treatment extremely challenging, especially in immunocompromised individuals and patients with underlying chronic lung conditions. Even with lengthy therapy and the use of a combination of antibiotics, only less than half NTMD patients can achieve clinical treatment success, so it is urgent to develop novel anti-NTM antibiotics. This article reviews the research progress on the medication of nontuberculous mycobacterial diseases.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993730


Mycobacterium avium- intracellulare complex is the term of a group of slow growing nontuberculous mycobacterium related to human infections, which has received more and more attention in recent years, and become an important public health issue. This article reviews the progress on clinical diagnosis and treatment of the infections caused by Mycobacterium avium- intracellulare complex.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-993731


Nontuberculous mycobacteria(NTM) diseases have become an important global public health problem attracting more and more attention because of its increasing morbidity. Mycobacteria show intrinsic and acquired resistance to multiple antibiotics, leading to higher difficulty and longer duration of treatment, and more uncertain prognosis than tuberculosis due to limited therapeutic measures. Bacterial phages are viruses that kill bacteria specifically, phage therapy for bacterial infection has been used for almost one century, now become a hot spot. This article reviews the biological characteristics, gene engineering of mycobacteriophages and its clinical applications; also discusses the existing problems in treatments of NTM with bacteriophages.

Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 168-174, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986392


Objective: To identify the prevalence of risk factors for pulmonary non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) disease in a Japanese population.Patients and Methods: We reviewed 337 consecutive Japanese patients (210 women) with pulmonary NTM disease, including 225 patients with Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) disease (95.8%) at our hospital during 2006–2017. We calculated the prevalence of risk factors reported in Western countries among mycobacterial species.Results: Pulmonary MAC disease cases comprised 78.2% of pulmonary NTM patients in their 40s, increasing to 100% at age ≥80 years. Body mass index (BMI) was <18.5 in approximately 40% of patients, which was significantly higher than the prevalence of underweight in the Japanese population. The percentage of male heavy smokers (Brinkman index ≥600) was 58.2% of pulmonary NTM disease and was high for all mycobacterial species. In pulmonary MAC disease, systemic factors were observed in the order of malignant tumors (other than lung cancer), diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and tuberculosis. Local factors were observed in the order of bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, and bronchial asthma.Conclusion: The risk factors reported in Western countries were relatively highly prevalent among Japanese pulmonary NTM disease patients. This observation may help elucidate disease onset mechanisms.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 3827-3837, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007996


Mycolic acids (MAs), i.e. 2-alkyl, 3-hydroxy long-chain fatty acids, are the hallmark of the cell envelope of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and are related with antibiotic resistance and host immune escape. Nowadays, they've become hot target of new anti-tuberculosis drugs. There are two main methods to detect MAs, 14C metabolic labeling thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and liquid chromatograph mass spectrometer (LC-MS). However, the user qualification of 14C or the lack of standards for LC-MS hampered the easy use of this method. TLC is a common way to analyze chemical substance and can be used to analyze MAs. In this study, we used tetrabutylammonium hydroxide and methyl iodide to hydrolyze and formylate MAs from mycobacterium cell wall. Subsequently, we used diethyl ether to extract methyl mycolate. By this method, we can easily extract and analyze MA in regular biological labs. The results demonstrated that this method could be used to compare MAs of different mycobacterium in different growth phases, MAs of mycobacteria treated by anti-tuberculosis drugs or MAs of mycobacterium mutants. Therefore, we can use this method as an initial validation for the changes of MAs in researches such as new drug screening without using radioisotope or when the standards are not available.

Mycolic Acids/metabolism , Chromatography, Thin Layer , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Fatty Acids , Antitubercular Agents/pharmacology
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449244


ABSTRACT The incidence and clinical characteristics of NTM diseases in Brazil remain relatively unknown. The present study describes the diagnosis of NTM isolates, the clinical presentation and treatment outcomes. We analyzed NTM isolates in patients of a tertiary hospital in the Southeast region of Brazil, from January 2008 to July 2019. The ATS/IDSA criteria for diagnosis and treatment of these patients was applied. Mycobacterium kansasii were identified in 13/113 (11.5%) patients. In 59/113 (52.2%) patients who met the ATS criteria for disease, 29/59 (49.1%) received treatment, and 22/29 (75.8%) were cured. The major species identified was M. kansasii. The most frequent symptoms among the treated patients were dyspnea and cough, and the proportion of cured patients was high.

Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 18(1): 23-24, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442759


Desde el año 2007 se han generado guías de diagnóstico y tratamiento de micobacterias no tuberculosas (MNTB), la última de las cuales fue desarrollada en el año 2020 por ATS/ERS/ESCMID/IDSA, en ella se actualizan los criterios diagnósticos, los criterios para determinar el inicio de tratamiento y recomendaciones de esquema de antibióticos para las especies más frecuentes. En paralelo se han ido desarrollando terapias alternativas como la fagoterapia. El objetivo de la presente revisión es dar a conocer los cambios que traen estas últimas guías y actualizar algunas de las últimas novedades con respecto al manejo de las micobacterias no tuberculosas.

Since 2007, guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of non-tuberculous Mycobacteria have been generated, the latest of which was developed by ATS/ERS/ESCMID/IDSA, in which the diagnostic criteria, and the criteria for determining the initiation of treatment and antibiotic scheme recommendations for the most frequent species are updated. At the same time, alternative therapies such as phage therapy have been developed. The objective of this review is to show the changes that these latest guidelines bring and update some of the latest developments regarding the management of non-tuberculous Mycobacteria.

Humans , Mycobacterium Infections, Nontuberculous/diagnosis , Mycobacterium Infections, Nontuberculous/microbiology , Mycobacterium Infections, Nontuberculous/therapy , Nontuberculous Mycobacteria/isolation & purification
Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);82(6): 951-954, dic. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422092


Resumen La utilización de procedimientos estéticos que mejoren la imagen corporal está en constante crecimiento, y también las infecciones asociadas a ellos, como las micobacteriosis atípicas. La meso terapia es un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo que consiste en la aplicación de sustancias que buscan estimular la dermis y el tejido celular subcutáneo, para el tratamiento de la celulitis y el rejuvenecimiento de la piel. Reportamos un caso de infección micobacteriana posterior a una mesoterapia en glúteos y muslos que se presentó como abscesos subcutáneos, que respondieron satisfactoriamente al tratamiento antibiótico prolonga do con claritromicina y trimetoprima-sulfametoxazol. Se han informado infecciones asociadas a mesoterapia en España, América Latina y el Caribe, que tendrían posiblemente un origen común: la falta de controles sanitarios. Destacamos la importancia de estar alertados sobre estas complicaciones infecciosas y la necesidad de reforzar las medidas de seguridad necesarias para evitarlas.

Abstract The use of aesthetic procedures that improve body image is constantly growing, as well as infections associated with them, such as atypical mycobacteriosis. Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive aesthetic procedure that consists of the application of substances that seek to stimulate the dermis and subcutaneous cellular tissue, for the treatment of cellulite and skin rejuvenation. We report a case of mycobacterial infection after mesotherapy in the buttocks and thighs that appeared as subcutaneous abscesses, they responded satisfactorily to prolonged antibiotic treatment with clarithromycin and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Infections associated with mesotherapy have been reported in Spain, Latin America and the Caribbean, all possibly related to lack of health controls. We emphasize the importance of being aware of these infectious complications and the need to reinforce the necessary security measures to avoid them.

An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 55(3): 133-137, 20221115.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1401571


La tuberculosis (TB) cutánea es una forma rara de tuberculosis extrapulmonar y puede tener diversas manifestaciones clínicas. La afectación cutánea puede producirse como resultado de inoculación exógena, diseminación contigua desde un foco de infección, o mediante la propagación hematógena desde un foco distante 1. Las formas multibacilares de localización cutánea siguen siendo, con mucho, las más comunes en los niños 2. La tuberculosis cutánea representa sólo el 1-2% de las formas extrapulmonares de TB. Se clasifica en varias variantes, y la escrofulodermia es una forma de tuberculosis endógena. Afecta a personas de todas las edades, sin embargo, los niños, los adolescentes y los ancianos se ven muy afectados, debido a la incapacidad inmunológica para contener la infección por micobacterias. La escrofulodermia puede presentarse de forma aislada o coexistir con formas pulmonares y diseminadas de TB. Se presenta como nódulos eritematosos que se fistulizan y descargan material caseoso y purulento 3. Los exámenes patológicos revelan abscesos, necrosis y granulomas de tipo tuberculoide (3). La correlación clínica, biológica, patológica y, a veces, la progresión con el tratamiento antibacilar son la clave del diagnóstico 2

Cutaneous tuberculosis (TB) is a rare form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis that can have diverse clinical manifestations. Cutaneous involvement may occur as a result of exogenous inoculation, contiguous dissemination from a focus of infection, or by hematogenous spread from a distant focus (1). Multibacillary forms of cutaneous localization remain by far the most common in children (2). Children and the elderly are greatly affected due to immunological inability to contain the mycobacterial infection. Scrofuloderma can occur in isolation or coexist with pulmonary and disseminated forms of TB. It presents with erythematous nodules that fistulize and discharge caseous and purulent material (3). Anatomopathological examinations reveal abscesses, necrosis and tuberculoid granulomas (3). Clinical, biological, pathological correlation and sometimes progression with antibacillary treatment are the key to diagnosis (2)

Tuberculosis , Pediatrics , Tuberculosis, Cutaneous , Infections , Mycobacterium
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 10(1): 1-5, 01/jan./2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411474


Objective: The study aimed to evaluate molecular and immunological methods and to propose a workflow using them for tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis routine. Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective study was performed, including 121 liquid cultures from a TB laboratory located in the extreme south of Brazil. All cultures were positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) by in-house Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using DNA extracted by the CTAB method (PCR-CTAB) for IS6110 detection. These cultures were subjected to faster tests than this one, the immunological MPT64 assay and the PCR using DNA extracted by thermal lysis method (PCR-TL), and these were evaluated for MTBC identification using PCR-CTAB as a reference method. Results: The sensitivity of MPT64 assay and PCR-TL to identify MTBC in positive cultures by PCR-CTAB were 73.6% (89/121) and 98.3% (119/121), respectively. We proposed a workflow based on the use of MPT64 assay in liquid cultures suggestive of MTBC, and in case of a negative result, we suggest the performance of PCR-TL. The PCR-CTAB is suggested only if faster tests are negative. Conclusions: Methods capable of confirming MTBC in cultures should continue to be standardized, tested, and optimized to meet the ideal requirements of simplicity, quickness, and effectiveness. The molecular and immunological methods evaluated have differences in the execution and detection of MTBC in cultures, but they are rapid tools for laboratory TB diagnosi

Objetivos: O estudo objetivou avaliar métodos molecular e imunológico e propor um fluxo de trabalho utilizando-os para a rotina de diagnóstico da tuberculose (TB). Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal retrospectivo, incluindo 121 culturas líquidas de um laboratório de TB localizado no extremo sul do Brasil. Todas as culturas foram positivas para o complexo Mycobacterium tuberculosis (CMTB) por Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR) in-house para detecção do IS6110, usando DNA extraído pelo método CTAB (PCR-CTAB). Essas culturas foram submetidas a testes mais rápidos que este, o ensaio imunológico MPT64 e a PCR com DNA extraído pelo método de lise térmica (PCR-LT), e estas foram avaliadas para identificação de CMTB usando PCR-CTAB como método de referência. Resultados: A sensibilidade do ensaio MPT64 e da PCR-LT para identificar o CMTB em culturas positivas pela PCRCTAB foi de 73,6% (89/121) e 98,3% (119/121), respectivamente. Propusemos um fluxo de trabalho baseado no uso do ensaio MPT64 em culturas líquidas sugestivas de CMTB e, em caso de resultado negativo, sugerimos a realização de PCR-LT. Sugere-se a PCR-CTAB apenas se os testes mais rápidos forem negativos. Conclusões: Os métodos capazes de confirmar o CMTB em culturas devem continuar sendo padronizados, testados e otimizados para atender aos requisitos ideais de simplicidade, rapidez e eficácia. Os métodos molecular e imunológico avaliados apresentam diferenças na execução e detecção do CMTB em culturas, mas são ferramentas rápidas para o diagnóstico laboratorial da TB.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Tuberculosis , DNA , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Diagnostic Tests, Routine , Cetrimonium , Mycobacterium