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Estima (Online) ; 22: e1415, JAN - DEZ 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561110


Objetivo: Mapear a produção científica a respeito do uso da terapia de pressão negativa no tratamento de queimaduras, em pacientes adultos e idosos hospitalizados. Método: Revisão de escopo seguindo o método da JBI com busca da produção científica na PubMed, Scientific Electronic Library Online, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde e Banco de Teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior nos meses de março a maio de 2021. Foram incluídos estudos com pacientes adultos e idosos com queimaduras, submetidos à terapia por pressão negativa no hospital. Não houve restrição de idioma, nem período de tempo. Resultados: Foram identificadas 106 publicações e, após o processo de seleção, cinco estudos compuseram a amostra final. Os resultados demonstraram que a aplicação da terapia por pressão negativa em queimaduras constituiu-se como uma ferramenta efetiva na cicatrização de queimaduras térmicas, químicas e elétricas, destacando-se a otimização do tempo de cicatrização, formação de um tecido de granulação saudável, diminuição do edema, redução da infecção, drenagem e monitorização do edema. Conclusão: O tratamento de queimaduras utilizando a pressão negativa tem se mostrado um método efetivo, visto os benefícios que promove no processo cicatricial. Sugere-se que a temática seja mais difundida, aprofundando-se o conhecimento sobre o uso desta tecnologia. (AU)

Objective: To map the scientific production regarding the use of negative pressure wound therapy in burn treatment of hospitalized adult and aged patients. Method: Scope review following the JBI method with a search for scientific production in PubMed, the Scientific Electronic Library Online, the Virtual Health Library, and the Thesis Database of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel from March to May 2021. Studies with adult and aged burn patients undergoing negative pressure wound therapy in hospitals were included. There was no language or time frame restriction. Results: 106 publications were identified and 5 studies made up the final sample after the selection process. The results demonstrated that applying negative pressure wound therapy to burns was effective in healing thermal, chemical, and electrical burns, esoecially regarding healing time optimization, healthy granulation tissue formation, edema and infection reduction, and edema drainage and monitoring. Conclusion: Burn treatment using negative pressure has proven effective, given the benefits it promotes in the healing process. The theme should be more widely spread to deepen the knowledge about the use of this technology. (AU)

Objetivo: Mapear la producción científica sobre el uso de la terapia de presión negativa en el tratamiento de quemaduras en pacientes adultos y ancianos hospitalizados. Método: Revisión de alcance siguiendo el método JBI con búsqueda de producción científica en PubMed, Biblioteca Científica Electrónica en Línea, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y Banco de Tesis de la Coordinación para el Perfeccionamiento del Personal de Educación Superior en los meses de marzo a mayo de 2021. Se incluyeron estudios con adultos y pacientes ancianos quemados sometidos a terapia de presión negativa en el hospital. No hubo restricción de idioma ni período de tiempo. Resultados: Se identificaron 106 publicaciones y luego del proceso de selección, 5 estudios conformaron la muestra final. Los resultados demostraron que la aplicación de la terapia de presión negativa en quemaduras constituyó una herramienta eficaz en la curación de quemaduras térmicas, químicas y eléctricas, destacándose la optimización del tiempo de curación, formación de tejido de granulación sano, reducción de edema, reducción de infección, drenaje y seguimiento del edema. Conclusión: El tratamiento de quemaduras mediante presión negativa ha demostrado ser un método efectivo, dados los beneficios que promueve en el proceso de cicatrización. Se sugiere que el tema sea más difundido, profundizando el conocimiento sobre el uso de esta tecnología. (AU)

Humans , Burns/therapy , Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy , Enterostomal Therapy , Nursing Care
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025420


Objective:To investigate the mechanism of inhibiting inflammatory response by negative pressure wound therapy in the chronic venous leg ulcer.Method:The clinical data of 29 patients with chronic VLU treated in Hechuan-Rhine Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Shanghai from June 2018 to December 2021 were collected.According to different treatment meth-ods,the patients were divided into the control group(n=13)and the observation group(n=16).The control group adopted routine varicose vein operations and debridement,routine dressing change was performed on the VLU wound every other day after operation.The observation group adopted debridement and then NPWT on the basis of routine varicose vein operations,the VLU wound was continuously drained with negative pressure for 1 week after operation.IL-1β and IL-18 levels were measured with ELISA.ASC、NLRP3 and Caspase-1 levels were detected with Western blot-ting.The autologous skin transplantation time of the two groups were calculated by survival curve analysis.Results:The inflammatory response was milder in the observation group than in the con-trol group 7 days after operation.The results of ELISA showed that the levels of IL-1 p and IL-18 in the observation group were lower than those in the control group.The results of Western blotting showed that the relative expression levels of ASC、NLRP3 and Caspase-1 in the observation group were lower than those in the control group.The survival curve analysis showed that the autologous skin transplantation time of the observation group was less than the control group.Conclusion:The inflammatory response can be distinctly alleviated by NPWT in the VLU,leading to better condi-tions for autologous skin transplantation within a short period.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021281


BACKGROUND:As the population ages at an accelerated rate in China,the incidence of bone and soft tissue infections is likewise on the rise.Bone and soft tissue infections can involve all bone and surrounding soft tissues,including the periosteum,cortex,cancellous bone and bone marrow.Examples of such infections include diabetes foot,osteomyelitis,surgical incision infection,and infection around joint prostheses.Owing to the intricate pathogenesis and challenging treatment,it has become increasingly noteworthy in clinical settings.Negative pressure wound therapy is a modern wound treatment which has been gaining popularity,especially in the area of bone and soft tissue infection. OBJECTIVE:To analyze the global research progress in the utilization of negative pressure wound therapy for treating bone and soft tissue infection in recent years. METHODS:Relevant articles in Chinese and English published in PubMed,Web of Science,and CNKI from 1990 to 2022 were retrieved.Search terms were"negative pressure wound therapy,vacuum assisted closure,negative pressure,osteomyelitis,bone infection"in English and Chinese,separately.A total of 711 articles were initially retrieved,out of which 65 articles were included for further review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:Negative pressure wound therapy,as an auxiliary approach to treating wounds,has a range of positive effects such as stabilizing wounds,diminishing edema,decreasing bacterial load,encouraging granulation tissue and angiogenesis,enhancing tissue perfusion,modulating peripheral nerves,modulating biological immunity and promoting the growth and differentiation of osteoblasts.This is a more effective method for managing complex wounds,such as bone and soft tissue infections,than traditional dressings with one-dimensional benefits.Numerous studies,both basic and clinical,have demonstrated the safety and efficacy of negative pressure wound therapy in the auxiliary treatment of bone and soft tissue infections.

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 51: e20243595, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559010


ABSTRACT Introduction: severe abdominal sepsis, accompained by diffuse peritonitis, poses a significant challenge for most surgeons. It often requires repetitive surgical interventions, leading to complications and resulting in high morbidity and mortality rates. The open abdomen technique, facilitated by applying a negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT), reduces the duration of the initial surgical procedure, minimizes the accumulation of secretions and inflammatory mediators in the abdominal cavity and lowers the risk of abdominal compartment syndrome and its associated complications. Another approach is primary closure of the abdominal aponeurosis, which involves suturing the layers of the abdominal wall. Methods: the objective of this study is to conduct a survival analysis comparing the treatment of severe abdominal sepsis using open abdomen technique versus primary closure after laparotomy in a public hospital in the South of Brazil. We utilized data extracted from electronic medical records to perform both descriptive and survival analysis, employing the Kaplan-Meier curve and a log-rank test. Results: the study sample encompassed 75 laparotomies conducted over a span of 5 years, with 40 cases employing NPWT and 35 cases utilizing primary closure. The overall mortality rate observed was 55%. Notably, survival rates did not exhibit statistical significance when comparing the two methods, even after stratifying the data into separate analysis groups for each technique. Conclusion: recent publications on this subject have reported some favorable outcomes associated with the open abdomen technique underscoring the pressing need for a standardized approach to managing patients with severe, complicated abdominal sepsis.

RESUMO Introdução: a sepse abdominal grave, com peritonite difusa, é um grande desafio para o cirurgião geral, sendo muito frequente as reintervenções cirúrgicas e complicações desta doença, que apresenta morbimortalidade elevada. A proposta do abdome aberto, aplicando-se a terapia por pressão negativa (TPN), reduz o tempo operatório da primeira abordagem cirúrgica, reduz o acúmulo de secreções e mediadores inflamatórios no sítio abdominal, diminui a possibilidade de síndrome compartimental abdominal e suas complicações. A outra técnica é a síntese primária, quando é optado por fechar a parede por completo. Métodos: o objetivo do estudo foi realizar uma análise de sobrevivência comparando os tratamentos de sepse intra-abdominal severa com Abdome Aberto e Fechado após laparotomia em um hospital universitário no sul do Brasil. As variáveis foram obtidas a partir de prontuários eletrônicos de pacientes submetidos à intervenção cirúrgica e realizou-se uma análise descritiva e de sobrevivência usando a curva de Kaplan-Meier e o teste de log-rank. Resultados: a amostra incluiu 75 laparotomias em 5 anos (40 TPN e 35 sínteses primárias), com mortalidade de 55%. A sobrevida entre os métodos de fechamento não demonstrou significância estatística, mesmo após a divisão em um grupo de análise de cada técnica. Conclusão: recentes publicações destacam resultados favoráveis do abdome aberto, enfatizando a necessidade urgente de uma sistematização na assistência de pacientes com sepse abdominal complicada grave.

Rev. enferm. neurol ; 22(1): 93-99, 04-09-2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1509852


Introducción: Se presenta un caso clínico de sistema de presión negativa como tratamiento de ventana torácica derecha, realizado en la clínica de heridas. Se describe el tiempo y proceso de cicatrización, desde la llegada del paciente hasta la cicatrización total. Caso: Hombre de 24 años, postoperado de toracotomía, se le colocó terapia de presión negativa inicial a -75mmHg con intensidad media y modalidad continua; se aplicó esponja blanca para proteger el pulmón expuesto y esponja de plata, con tres cambios cada siete días. Posteriormente, se realizaron diez cambios de esponjas cada cuatro días, identificando disminución de las dimensiones de la ventana torácica. En la semana once inició tratamiento con terapia húmeda y fibrina rica en plaquetas, la cual se colocó en el lecho de la herida, aplicándose una vez por semana durante un mes. A partir de la semana quince se realizó curación diaria con aplicación de sulfadiazina de plata. El paciente fue dado de alta en la semana veinte con la herida 100% epitelizada. Conclusiones: El uso de la terapia de presión negativa acelera el proceso de curación, reduce las complicaciones y la carga bacteriana del tejido, debido a que la esponja de plata actúa como barrera antimicrobiana.

Introduction: A clinical case of negative pressure system as a right thoracic window treatment, performed in the wound clinic, is presented. The time and healing process from patient arrival to complete healing is described. Case: A 24-year-old man, postoperative thoracotomy, was placed on negative pressure therapy at -75mmHg with medium intensity and continuous mode; white sponge was applied to protect the exposed lung and silver sponge, with three changes every seven days. Subsequently, ten sponge changes were performed every four days, identifying a decrease in the dimensions of the thoracic window. In week eleven, the patient started treatment with wet therapy and platelet-rich fibrin, which was placed in the wound bed and applied once a week for a month. From week fifteen onwards, daily healing was performed with silver sulfadiazine application. The patient was discharged at week twenty with the wound 100% epithelialized. Conclusions: The use of negative pressure therapy accelerates the healing process, reduces complications and tissue bacterial load, due to the silver sponge acting as an antimicrobial barrier.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy , Therapeutics , Thoracotomy , Wound Closure Techniques , Nursing Care
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 43(2)abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450016


Las fístulas y dehiscencias anastomóticas postoperatorias gastrointestinales se presentan de forma frecuente y muchas son manejadas quirúrgicamente, sin embargo, las intervenciones endoscópicas han mostrado mejorar desenlaces de curación y tiempo de estancia hospitalaria. Se describe la experiencia de la terapia de cierre asistida por vacío (E-VAC), en el manejo de fístulas y dehiscencias anastomóticas postoperatorias, en un centro de referencia gastrointestinal en Colombia. Se realizó un estudio serie de casos en pacientes con dehiscencia de anastomosis y fístula a diferentes niveles del tracto digestivo, tratados mediante E-VAC, por el servicio de gastroenterología de la clínica universitaria Colombia, en Bogotá, durante un periodo comprendido de febrero 2019 y noviembre 2021. Se describieron variables sociodemográficas, clínicas y quirúrgicas. Se describen 6 casos, 4 de tracto digestivo inferior y 2 de tracto digestivo superior. El 83% fueron hombres, la edad media fue de 51,8 años (+/-17,5). La indicación de E-VAC fue fístula anastomótica colorrectal en el 66%, siendo la ubicación anatómica más frecuente la anastomosis colorrectal (66%), con menor frecuencia a nivel de los cardias (16%) y esófago (16%). El tamaño del defecto se describió entre el 20 y el 80% en pacientes sometidos a terapia E-VAC, siendo el tiempo promedio de hospitalización 22.5 días con un número de recambios promedio de siete por paciente. Las fugas y fístulas anastomóticas son complicaciones potencialmente mortales en pacientes llevados a intervenciones quirúrgicas gastrointestinales, en las que la terapia E-VAC ha mostrado ser eficaz y segura, promoviendo el cierre del defecto y el drenaje de colecciones presentes, igualmente disminuyendo el tiempo de estancia hospitalaria.

Gastrointestinal postoperative anastomotic leaks and fistulas occur frequently and many are managed surgically; however, endoscopic interventions have shown to improve healing outcomes and length of hospital stay. The experience of vacuum-assisted closure therapy (E-VAC) is described, in complications such as fistulasand postoperative anastomotic leaks, in a gastrointestinal reference center in Colombia. A case series study was carried out in patients with anastomotic leaks and fistulasat different levels of the digestive tract, treated by E-VAC, by the Gastroenterology Service in Colombia, during a period from February 2019 to November 2021. Sociodemographic, clinical and surgical variables were described. 6 cases are described, 4 from lower digestive tract and 2 from upper digestive tract. 83% were men; the mean age was 51.8 years (+/-17.5). The indication for E-VAC was colorectal anastomotic fistula in 66%; the most frequent anatomical location was near the anal region (66%), less frequently at the level of the cardia (16%) and esophagus (16%). The size of the defect was described between 20 and 80% in patients undergoing E-VAC therapy, with an average hospitalization length of stay of 22.5 days, with an average number of exchanges of seven per patient. Anastomotic leaks and fistulasare potentially fatal complications in gastrointestinal surgery. E-VAC therapy has shown to be effective and safe, promoting defect closure and drainage of collections present, also decreasing the length of hospital stay.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 38(1): 1-8, jan.mar.2023. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428626


Introduction: Negative pressure therapy gains ground in surgical practice as an intervention to improve healing. Post-bariatric patients undergoing abdominal dermolipectomy are at increased risk of local complications. There is a notable dearth of current Brazilian studies on this. This study aims to analyze the presence of complications in patients undergoing post-bariatric dermolipectomy surgery with negative pressure dressing in closed surgical incisions. Method: Descriptive study that evaluated complications of surgical incisions in 20 patients undergoing post-bariatric dermolipectomy surgery with negative pressure therapy. Data tabulated in Windows Excel software and analyzed in the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 18.0 program. Qualitative variables were presented in simple frequency and quantitative as mean, standard deviation, and amplitude. CEP-UNISUL approved the study. Results: 20 patients undergoing negative pressure therapy, 80% (n=16) female, mean age 39.55 years (±9.08). Anchor incision was chosen in 70% (n=14) of the surgeries, with an average tissue removal of 1940 grams (±710.37) and hospitalization time of 40.20 hours (±19.18), corresponding to 1,66 daily. Only 15% (n=3) of patients had complications (dehiscence, seroma, and hematoma, which occurred in the same proportion). There was no case of necrosis. Conclusion: The use of negative pressure therapy in closed surgical incisions of post-bariatric dermolipectomy seems to contribute to reducing postoperative complications.

Introdução: Terapia de pressão negativa ganha espaço na prática cirúrgica como intervenção para melhorar cicatrização. Pacientes pós-bariátricos submetidos a dermolipectomia abdominal apresentam maior risco de complicações locais. Há uma notável escassez de estudos brasileiros atuais acerca disso. O objetivo desse estudo é analisar a presença de complicações em pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de dermolipectomia pós-bariátrica com curativo de pressão negativa em incisões cirúrgicas fechadas. Método: Estudo descritivo que avaliou complicações de incisões cirúrgicas de 20 pacientes submetidos a cirurgia de dermolipectomia pós-bariátrica com terapia de pressão negativa. Dados tabulados no software Windows Excel e analisados no programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 18.0. Variáveis qualitativas foram apresentadas em frequência simples e quantitativas através de média, desvio padrão e amplitude. O estudo foi aprovado pelo CEP-UNISUL. Resultados: 20 pacientes submetidos a terapia de pressão negativa, sendo 80% (n=16) do sexo feminino, com idade média de 39,55 anos (±9,08). Incisão em âncora foi escolha em 70% (n=14) das cirurgias, com retirada média de tecido de 1940 gramas (±710,37) e tempo de hospitalização de 40,20 horas (±19,18), correspondendo a 1,66 diárias. Apenas 15% (n=3) dos pacientes apresentaram complicações (deiscência, seroma e hematoma, que aconteceram na mesma proporção). Não houve caso de necrose. Conclusão: Uso da terapia de pressão negativa em incisões cirúrgicas fechadas de dermolipectomia pós-bariátrica parece contribuir na redução das complicações pós-operatórias.

Journal of Medical Research ; (12): 118-122, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023550


Objective To evaluate the effect of negative-pressure wound therapy with irrigation(NPWTi)combined with red and blue light on diabetic foot wounds.Methods According to random number method,a total of 80 patients with type 2diabetes combined with diabetic foot admitted to Xuzhou Central Hospital from December 2021 to May 2022 were selected and divided into two groups:con-trol group and NPWTi + red and blue light group,with 40 cases in each group.All patients received basic treatment,while the control group received NPWTi treatment,NPWTi + red and blue light group was treated with red and blue light on the basis of NPWTi.The chan-ges of wound healing speed rate,serum inflammatory markers[erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR),C-reactive protein(CRP),pro-calcitonin(PCT)]and growth factors[vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF),epidermal growth factor(EGF),basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF)]were observed before and 7days after treatment.After 12 weeks of follow-up,the wound healing rate of the two groups were observed,and the cumulative wound healing rate of the two groups was evaluated through Kaplan-Meier curve.Results Af-ter 7days of treatment,the wound healing rate of NPWTi + red and blue light group was faster than that of the control group(P<0.01).The average levels of VEGF,EGF and bFGF in NPWTi + red blue light group were higher than those in the control group(P<0.05),while the average levels of ESR,CRP and,PCT in NPWTi + red and blue light group were lower than those in the control group(P<0.05).The wound healing rate of NPWTi + red and blue light group at 12 weeks was higher than that of the control group(P<0.05).Kaplan-Meier curve analysis showed that the cumulative wound healing rate of NPWTi + red and blue light group was higher than that of the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion NPWTi combined with red and blue light is effective in treating diabetic foot wounds,and it is worthy of clinical application.

Journal of Chinese Physician ; (12): 1502-1505, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025990


Objective:To analyze the application value of negative pressure closed drainage in tuberculous surgery infected wounds and its effect on wound healing and Th1/Th2 expression.Methods:A prospective study was conducted on 120 patients with tuberculous surgery infected wounds admitted to Hebei Provincial Chest Hospital from January 2019 to June 2021. The patients were divided into observation group and control group according to the random envelope method, with 60 cases in each group. The control group received conventional suture drainage tube intervention, while the observation group received negative pressure closed drainage intervention. The survival rate of skin grafting at 2 weeks after operation, the wound healing rate at 8 weeks after operation, and the pain situation during the first 3 dressing changes were observed. The levels of interferon γ (IFN-γ), interleukin 2 (IL-2), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), IL-6, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), Th1 and Th2 in serum were detected before treatment and 14 days after treatment.Results:The survival rate of skin grafting at 2 weeks and the wound healing rate at 8 weeks in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group, with statistically significant differences (all P<0.05). The Visual Analog Scale (VAS) scores of the observation group were significantly lower than those of the control group during the second and third dressing changes (all P<0.05). At 14 days after treatment, the serum levels of Th1 and Th2 in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group, while the levels of IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, IL-6, ALP, P, Ca, Th1/Th2 in serum were significantly lower than those in the control group (all P<0.05). Conclusions:Using negative pressure closed drainage technology can effectively promote wound healing in patients with tuberculous surgery infected wounds and improve the balance of Th1/Th2 in blood.

Chinese Journal of Trauma ; (12): 925-932, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026974


Objective:To compare the efficacies of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) and functional dressings in primary repair of spinal cord injury complicated with lacunar soft tissue defects.Methods:A retrospective cohort study was conducted to analyze the clinical data of 30 patients with spinal cord injury complicated with lacunar soft tissue defects. The patients were admitted to West China Hospital, Sichuan University from January 2020 to December 2022, including 20 males and 10 females; aged 23-54 years [(42.1±7.8)years]. Wound site was located at the sacrococcygeal region in 16 patients, the buttock in 11, and the femoral trochanter in 3. Wound area was 28-36 cm 2 [(32.1±2.1)cm 2]. Time of wound formation was at range of 1-4 months [(2.0±0.8)months]. Among them, 15 patients received functional dressing treatment after mechanical/ultrasonic debridement (dressing treatment group), and 15 patients received NPWT treatment on the basis of mechanical/ultrasonic debridement (negative pressure treatment group). The following items were compared between the two groups: the time of primary wound repair, results of bacterial culture of wound secretions before and at the end of primary wound repair, and levels of serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) as well as Bates-Jensen wound assessment tool (BWAT) score before, at 5 days after the primary repair and at the end of the primary repair. Results:All the patients were followed up for 3-6 months [(4.1±0.9)months]. The time of primary wound repair in the negative pressure treatment group was (13.4±2.3)days, which was markedly shorter than that in the dressing treatment group [(22.8±2.5)days] ( P<0.01). Before the primary repair, 11 patients in the negative pressure treatment group showed positive bacterial culture of wound secretions [73.3% (11/15)], and 9 patients in the dressing treatment group were positive [60.0% (9/15)] ( P>0.05). At the end of primary repair, there was 1 patient with positive bacterial culture of wound secretions in the negative pressure treatment group [6.7% (1/15)], which was less than 7 patients in the dressing treatment group [46.7% (7/15)] ( P<0.05). The numbers of positive patients at the end of the primary repair were lower than those before the primary repair in both groups, and the difference in the negative pressure treatment group was statistically significant ( P<0.01), with no significant difference found in the dressing treatment group ( P>0.05). Before the primary repair, the IL-6, CRP and BWAT score were 20.5(8.4, 32.3)pg/ml, 24.2(14.7, 33.0)mg/L, and (37.1±4.8)points in the negative pressure treatment group, comparable with 13.8(11.8, 35.4)pg/ml, 23.6(13.1, 52.3)mg/L, and (35.2±4.7)points in the dressing treatment group (all P>0.05). At 5 days after primary repair, the IL-6, CRP and BWAT score in the negative pressure treatment group were 20.2(7.9, 28.6)pg/ml, 20.0(11.6, 30.5)mg/L, and (34.9±4.3)points, comparable with 11.6(8.9, 20.6)pg/ml, 25.3(10.0, 50.3)mg/L, and (35.2±4.5)points in the dressing treatment group (all P>0.05). At the end of primary repair, the IL-6, CRP and BWAT score were 2.3(1.5, 4.5)pg/ml, 4.8(3.7, 6.9)mg/L, and (23.6±1.8)points in the negative pressure treatment group, statistically different from 4.4(3.3, 6.9)pg/ml, 8.4(5.5, 31.4)mg/L, and (31.4±3.3)points in the dressing treatment group (all P<0.01). The IL-6, CRP and BWAT score at the end of the primary repair were significantly different compared with those before and at 5 days after the primary repair in the two groups ( P<0.05 or 0.01). However, no significant difference was found between the two groups before and at 5 days after the primary repair (all P>0.05). Conclusion:Compared with functional dressings, NPWT can shorten the time required for primary repair of spinal cord injury complicated with lacunar soft tissue defects, control the inflammatory state of the wound, improve the trend of wound healing, and create a good condition for secondary repair treatment of the wound.

International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 704-710, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018049


Objective:To investigate the role of subcutaneous negative pressure drainage device in the prevention of surgical site infections (SSI) of superficial incisional in lower digestive tract open surgeries.Methods:Clinical data of 104 patients receiving open surgeries on lower digestive tract at Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University from October 2018 to June 2020 was analyzed by a propensity score matching (PSM), and the clinical data of 104 patients receiving open surgeries on lower digestive tract at Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University from February to December 2021 was analyzed by a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Chi-square tests were conducted to analyze the association of subcutaneous negative pressure drainage device with SSI of superficial incisional. Univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analysis were used to identify the risk factors for SSI in superficial incisions.Results:Patients with subcutaneous negative pressure drainage device encounter significantly less SSI of superficial incisional in both the PSM study ( P=0.007) and the RCT study ( P=0.049). In the PSM study, the independent risk factors for SSI of superficial incisional via univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analysis were absence of subcutaneous drainage ( Puni=0.012, Pmulti=0.009) and postoperative anastomosis leak ( Puni=0.054, Pmulti=0.034). In the RCT study, the independent risk factors for SSI of superficial incisional via univariate and multivariate Logistic regression analysis were absence of subcutaneous drainage ( Puni=0.061, Pmulti=0.017), eldly ( Puni=0.076, Pmulti=0.032), long incision ( Puni=0.078, Pmulti=0.040). Conclusion:Subcutaneous negative pressure drainage device can significantly reduce SSI of superficial incisional in lower digestive tract open surgeries.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990998


Objective:To explore the effect of self-made negative pressure suction in auricle subluxation and avulsion injury.Methods:The clinical data of 7 patients with auricle subluxation and avulsion injury from January 2017 to February 2022 in the First People′s Hospital of Lianyungang City were retrospectively analyzed. The 7 patients were treated with self-made simple negative pressure drainage device for negative pressure suction after suture.Results:Among the 7 patients, 1 patient suffered from severe contusion and local skin necrosis, and the scar healed after local application of erythromycin eye ointment, while the other patients healed in the first stage without obvious auricular deformity.Conclusions:The negative pressure drainage is the key factor to ensure the blood supply and shape of patients with auricle subluxation and avulsion injury. The application of self-made negative pressure drainage in the treatment of subtotal auricle avulsion injury has the advantages of simple operation, improved survival rate of auricle and improved satisfactory auricle shape.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991009


Objective:To investigate the efficacy and application value of vacuum sealing drainage (VSD) in high-risk incision after bone and soft tissue tumor surgery.Methods:From January 2020 to September 2022, 22 patients with high-risk incisions after bone and soft tissue tumor resection in Shengjing Hospital, China Medical University were treated with VSD. The postoperative negative pressure was set at 0.025 MPa (188 mmHg, 1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa), and the VSD device was removed on the 7th day after operation. After removal, the wound healing and the incidence of related complications were observed.Results:After removing the VSD, 20 patients with high-risk incisions reached the standard of grade A healing, the rate of grade A healing was 90.91%, and 2 patients had incision wound necrosis, and the incision healed were improved after dressing change. The patients were followed up for 6 - 12 months, with an average time of 10 months. The wound healing of all patients reached the standard of grade A healing, and no long-term complications occurred.Conclusions:VSD technique has good clinical effect and can be applied to various high-risk incisions after bone and soft tissue tumor surgery, which can effectively prevent the occurrence of incision complications.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1004863


【Objective】 To systematically evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of autologous platelet-rich plasma combined with negative pressure wound therapy on chronic refractory wounds, and to provide reference for clinical treatment. 【Methods】 Randomized controlled trials of autologous platelet-rich plasma combined with negative pressure wound therapy for the treatment of chronic refractory wounds were included in the databases of CNKI, Wan fang, VIP, PubMed, Embase and Cochrane Library from the time of database construction to November 2022. After literature screening, data extraction and quality evaluation, Meta analysis was performed using Stata 15.1 software. 【Results】 After screening, a total of 11 Chinese literatures that met the criteria of this paper were retrieved, involving a total of 359 patients with chronic refractory wounds. The observation group was treated with autologous platelet-rich plasma combined with negative pressure wound therapy, and the control group was treated with negative pressure wound therapy alone. Meta-analysis suggested that compared with negative pressure wound therapy alone, autologous platelet-rich plasma combined with negative pressure wound therapy shortened wound healing time [WMD=-6.08, 95%CI (-7.77, -4.40), P<0.05]. The hospitalization was shortened [WMD=-8.24, 95%CI (-11.55, -4.94), P<0.05], the pain score was decreased [WMD=-1.73, 95%CI (-2.06, -1.40), P<0.05], and the positive rate of bacterial culture on the wound was decreased [RR=0.28, 95%CI(0.16, 0.49), P<0.05], the wound treatment effect was good [RR=1.28, 95%CI(1.17, 1.41), P<0.05]. 【Conclusion】 Based on current studies, compared with the negative pressure wound therapy alone, autologous platelet-rich plasma combined with negative pressure wound therapy can effectively promote the healing of chronic refractory wounds, shorten the hospital stay, reduce pain and infection, and the clinical treatment effect is better.

Acta ortop. bras ; 31(4): e260330, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1447099


ABSTRACT Reconstructive surgery with endoprostheses is the chosen method for treating bone malignancies. Postoperative infections are frequent complications, and their treatment involves prolonged hospital stays and antibiotic therapy. Among the advancements aimed at reducing the rate of postoperative infection, the use of incisional negative pressure therapy (iNPT) has shown promising results, with no reports in the literature regarding its use in patients with such conditions. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of iNPT in reducing postoperative complications in surgeries for resection of bone tumors associated with modular endoprosthesis reconstruction. Methods: Retrospective case series of 16 patients diagnosed with osteosarcoma, who underwent resection and reconstruction with endoprosthesis associated with iNPT during the postoperative period. Follow-up was performed for a period of six months, and the evaluated outcomes were the incidence of postoperative infection and complications of the surgical wound. Results: The use of iNPT for a postoperative period of seven days resulted in only three (18.7%) cases of postoperative infection. No cases of wound dehiscence, seroma formation, or hematoma at the surgical site were observed. Conclusion: The rate of surgical wound complications in our case series is lower than that reported in most of the literature, and iNPT appears to be an efficient way to reduce the rate of local complications in reconstructive surgeries with endoprosthesis after resection of bone malignancies. Level of Evidence III, Retrospective Study.

RESUMO A cirurgia reconstrutiva com endopróteses é o método escolhido no tratamento de malignidades ósseas. As infecções pós-operatórias são complicações frequentes, e seu tratamento envolve internações e antibioticoterapia prolongadas. Entre os avanços que visam reduzir a taxa de infecção pós-operatória, o uso da terapia com pressão negativa incisional (TPNi) vem mostrando resultados promissores, não havendo relatos na literatura de seu emprego em pacientes com tal quadro. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia da TPNi em reduzir complicações pós-operatórias em cirurgias de ressecção de tumores ósseos associadas à reconstrução com endopróteses modulares. Métodos: Série de casos retrospectiva de 16 pacientes diagnosticados com osteossarcoma, submetidos à ressecção e reconstrução com endoprótese associada à TPNi durante o pós-operatório. Foi realizado seguimento por um período de seis meses e os desfechos avaliados foram incidência de infecção pós-operatória e complicações da ferida operatória. Resultados: O uso da TPNi por um período pós-operatório de sete dias resultou em apenas três (18,7%) casos de infecção pós-operatória. Não foram observados casos em que ocorreu deiscência da ferida operatória, formação de seromas ou hematomas no sítio cirúrgico. Conclusão: A taxa de complicações de ferida operatória em nossa série de casos é menor que a da maior parte da literatura, e a TPNi parece ser uma forma eficiente de reduzir a taxa de complicações locais em cirurgias reconstrutivas com endoprótese após ressecção de malignidades ósseas. Nível de Evidência III, Estudo Retrospectivo.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 37(4): 494-497, out.dez.2022. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1413228


Introdução: A reconstrução do couro cabeludo após a ressecção oncológica continua sendo um desafio para o cirurgião, especialmente considerando a incidência crescente de câncer de pele entre pacientes idosos. A matriz dérmica (MD) é um grupo heterogêneo de materiais de cobertura de feridas que auxiliam no fechamento da ferida e substituem algumas das funções da pele, temporária ou permanentemente. Pacientes com maior risco cirúrgico podem se beneficiar do uso de MD, que ajuda a gerar uma nova derme, oferecendo grandes melhorias na cobertura de defeitos complexos e extensos. Métodos: É um trabalho retrospectivo com análise de prontuário e relato de dois casos de pacientes do A.C.Camargo Cancer Center-SP, Brasil. Resultados: Relatamos dois casos de defeitos complexos e extensos de couro cabeludo em um centro único usando MD associada a enxerto cutâneo e terapia de pressão negativa (TPN) na cirurgia reconstrutiva após ressecção de neoplasia maligna da pele com resultados funcionais e estético satisfatório. Conclusões: As lesões extensas do couro cabeludo são um desafio na prática clínica e um tratamento multidisciplinar é fundamental. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a MD associada com a enxertia de pele parcial e com a TPN tem enorme potencial para aumentar as opções terapêuticas disponíveis para o cirurgião e possivelmente beneficiando os pacientes, especialmente aqueles que não têm condições clínicas para uma cirurgia extensa de cobertura com retalho microcirúrgico.

Introduction: Scalp reconstruction after cancer resection remains a challenge for surgeons, especially considering the increasing incidence of skin cancer among elderly patients. Dermal matrix (DM) is a heterogeneous group of wound covering materials that aid in wound closure and replace some of the skins functions, either temporarily or permanently. Patients at higher surgical risk can benefit from the use of DM, which help to generate a new dermis, offering great improvements in coverage of complex and extensive defects Methods: It is a retrospective study with analysis of medical records and report of two cases of patients at the A.C.Camargo Cancer Center-SP, Brazil. Results: We report two cases of complex and extensive scalp defects at a single center using DM associated with skin grafting and negative pressure therapy (NPT) in reconstructive surgery after resection of malignant skin neoplasm with satisfactory functional and esthetic results. Conclusions: Extensive lesions of the scalp are a challenge in clinical practice and a multidisciplinary treatment is essential. The results obtained indicate that DM associated with partial skin grafting and NPT have enormous potential to increase the therapeutic options available to the surgeon and possibly benefit patients, especially those who do not have the clinical conditions for extensive coverage surgery with microsurgical flap.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221260


Study Design: Prospective case series Delayed wound healing is a significant concern, particularly in Introduction: complex wounds and the elderly with co-morbidities. It leads to pain, morbidity, prolonged treatment, and requires major reconstructive surgery, which imposes an enormous social and financial burden. Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) was used to cover large wounds, decubitus ulcers, and open fractures that cannot be closed either primarily or secondarily and often require a complex reconstructive procedure to protect the injury. NPWT is an alternative method of wound management, which uses the negative pressure to prepare the wound for spontaneous healing or by lesser reconstructive options. We applied NPWT on pa Materials and Methodology: tients with open fractures, decubitus ulcers, neglected wounds, fasciotomies, and large wounds. Compared to the patented VAC system, ours include pre-sterilized PVA foam, cling drape (Surgiwear TM), nasogastric tube or an infant feeding tube, and a hospital wall suction. There Results: were three cases of soft tissue injury of the foot with wound defect, one case of fasciotomy for compartment syndrome, one case of the decubitus ulcer, one case of open fractures, and three cases of degloving injuries of the foot. In our study, the NPWT was changed every five days, the average number of NPWT changes was 3-4, length of time NPWT applied before the closure was 14-21 days. The most frequent coverage mode is Split Thickness Skin Graft obviating the need for more complex flaps and microvascular reconstructive procedures. Negative Conclusion: pressure therapy stabilizes the wound environment, reduces wound edema/bacterial load, improves tissue perfusion, and stimulates granulation tissue and angiogenesis. NPWT appears to be simple and more effective than conventional dressings for managing complex wounds, reducing wound volume, depth, treatment duration, and cost.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-225814


Background: The application of controlled levels of negative pressure has been shown to accelerate debridement and promote healing in many different types of wounds. Vacuum assisted closure (VAC) has proved its efficacy for wound dressing leading to faster wound healing and shorter hospital stay. The aim of the study was to determinethe advantage of vacuum assisted closure over conventional dressing in SCBMCH hospital.Methods:The study was conducted at general surgery wards of SCB Medical College hospital. After debridement of the wound vacuum assisted dressing was applied. Control group was given conventional dressing.Results:In the study sample 10% patients were less than 40 years,76% belonged to 41-60 age group and 7% were more than 61 years of age, 60% male and 40% female. Wounds were located in the foot 27 (54%), leg 19 (38%), sole 2 (4%) and forearm 2 (4%). Patients with sterile pre (VAC), culture and sensitivity was not turning non sterile after VAC, but 90% non-sterile turns sterile after vacuum assisted dressing. In 5 days 25% of granulation tissue formed in VAC dressing whereas only 10% in case control. Similarly, in 10 days it was 40% for VAC and 25% in case of control. Finally, in 15 days it was 70% in case of VAC and 40% in case of control.Conclusions:VAC results in better healing, with few serious complications, and a promising alternative for the management of various wounds.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955801


Objective:To investigate the efficacy of antibiotic-loaded bone cement combined with debridement and vacuum sealing drainage in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer wounds.Methods:Sixty-four patients with diabetic foot ulcers who received treatment in Zhejiang Rongjun Hospital from January 2018 to January 2020 were included in this study. They were randomly assigned to undergo either debridement treatment + vacuum sealing drainage (control group, n = 32) or antibiotic-loaded bone cement + debridement + vacuum sealing drainage (observation group, n = 32). The number of patients positive for bacterial culture at different time points and treatment-related indices were compared between the two groups. Results:At 3, 6 and 9 days after admission, the positive rates of bacterial culture in the observation group were 37.50%, 15.63% and 0.00%, respectively, which were significantly lower than 62.50%, 40.62% and 12.50% in the control group ( χ2 = 4.00, 4.95, 4.27, all P < 0.05). The number of operations in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group [(2.96 ± 0.38) vs. (3.63 ± 0.69), t = 4.81, P < 0.001). The length of hospital stay in the observation group was significantly shorter than that in the control group [(34.74 ± 3.03) days vs. (45.18 ± 2.41) days, t = 15.25, P < 0.001). The duration to wound healing in the observation group was significantly shorter than that in the control group [(58.23 ± 10.12) days vs. (72.69 ± 11.21) days, t = 6.06, P < 0.001]. Conclusion:Antibiotic-loaded bone cement combined with debridement and vacuum sealing drainage is effective in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer. The combined treatment can effectively prevent infection of ulcer wounds, reduce the number of operations, and thereby shorten the length of hospital stay.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-931664


Objective:To investigate the efficacy of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) combined with a retrograde sural neurovascular flap for the repair of foot and ankle wounds.Methods:Eighty-eight patients with foot and ankle wounds who received treatment in Shandong Wendeng Osteopathic Hospital from July 2019 to January 2020 were included in this study. They were randomly assigned to undergo either NPWT combined with retrograde sural neurovascular flap repair (observation group, n = 44) or retrograde sural neurovascular flap repair alone (control group, n = 44). Clinical efficacy, flap survival, wound healing, and postoperative ankle function scores were compared between the two groups. Results:Total response rate was significantly higher in the observation group than in the control group [97.73% (43/44) vs. 81.82% (36/44), χ2 = 6.07, P = 0.014]. Flap survival rate was significantly higher in the observation group than in the control group [100.00% (44/44) vs. 86.36% (38/44), χ2 = 4.47, P = 0.034]. Wound healing rate was significantly higher in the observation group than in the control group [97.73% (43/44) vs. 79.55% (35/44), χ2 = 7.22, P = 0.007]. Half a year after surgery, pain score, gait score, foot and ankle swelling score, range of motion of the tibiotalar joint, range of motion of the ankle joint were (1.81 ± 0.45) points, (1.40 ± 0.41) points, (1.98 ± 0.38) points, (0.41 ± 0.35) points, and (0.84 ± 0.51) points, respectively in the observation group, which were significantly lower than those in the control group ( t = 2.63, 2.62, 2.15, 2.09, 2.02, all P < 0.05). Conclusion:NPWT combined with a retrograde sural neurovascular flap greatly increases flap survival rate and wound healing rate and improves the ankle function of patients with foot and ankle wounds.