La diversidad cultural es el resultado de un proceso que se conforma en el marco de las relaciones sociales, económicas y culturales. Se hace imprescindible que los profesores universitarios estén preparados para atender la diversidad cultural de sus estudiantes, teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de su cultura nacional y la de otros grupos de diferentes procedencias que coexisten en un mismo escenario educativo. La diversidad cultural es un reto de la comunidad educativa y debe estar contemplada en la formación permanente de los profesores de las universidades médicas fundamentalmente por sus contextos, los ambientes socioeconómicos y los problemas de salud, sobre todo por las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles debido a su alta prevalencia y su repercusión en el individuo y su familia, en los que influyen los factores de riesgo y las determinantes sociales, condicionados por sus orígenes, creencias, vivencias y representaciones que matizan los contextos interculturales actuales a nivel mundial.
Cultural diversity is the result of a process that is formed within the framework of social, economic and cultural relations. It is essential that university professors are prepared to address the cultural diversity of their students, taking into account the particularities of their national culture and that of other groups of different origins that coexist in the same educational setting. Cultural diversity is a challenge for the educational community and must be considered in the ongoing training of professors at medical universities, fundamentally due to their contexts, socioeconomic environments and health problems, especially chronic non-communicable diseases due to their high prevalence and its impact on the individual and his or her family, influenced by risk factors and social determinants, conditioned by their origins, beliefs, experiences and representations that color current intercultural contexts worldwide.
Introducción: Las enfermedades periodontales tienen efectos locales y sistémicos sobre algunas enfermedades sistémicas. Propósito: Identificar cambios después de una jornada informativa preventiva sobre la relación de las EP y las enfermedades sistémicas en un ambiente universitario de carreras del área de la salud. Materiales y métodos: Estudio transversal no analítico cuyo objeto de estudio fue el cambio de la información obtenida por los participantes de una jornada de educación en salud en una muestra no aleatoria de 264 individuos de facultades de salud diferentes a odontología quienes recibieron encuestas "antes y después". Las variables de los cambios en los conocimientos se evaluaron mediante una escala Likert. Resultados: Antes de la estrategia, el 51,6% consideraban poco importante o que podría ser importante la salud oral como estilo de vida saludable vs un 99.2% al final. El 67.8 % de los sujetos, consideraban que la enfermedad periodontal no compartía factores de riesgo con condiciones sistémicas vs un 92.9%. Se incrementó de un 67.75% a 93.2% el reconocimiento del control del riesgo periodontal como estrategia para incidir en las enfermedades sistémicas. Conclusión: Una estrategia educativa sensibilizar positivamente sobre la importancia de la prevención de las enfermedades periodontales y las condiciones sistémicas.
Introduction: Periodontal diseases have local and systemic effects on some systemic diseases. Purpose: Identify changes after a preventive information session on the relationship between PD and systemic diseases in health faculties. Materials and methods: Non-analytical cross-sectional study whose object was the change in the information obtained by the participants of a health education session in a non-random sample of 264 individuals from health faculties other than dentistry who received "before and after" surveys. The variables were evaluated using a Likert scale. Results: Before the strategy, 51.6% considered oral health to be important for a healthy lifestyle vs. 99.2% at the end of the session. 67.8% of the subjects considered that periodontal disease shared risk factors with systemic conditions before the session vs. 92.9% after it. The recognition of periodontal risk control as a strategy to influence systemic diseases increased from 67.75% to 93.2%. Conclusion: An educational strategy raises a positive awareness of the importance of preventing periodontal diseases and systemic conditions.
Abstract Objectives To present observational studies investigating associations between the consumption of ultra-processed foods and health outcomes in childhood and adolescence. Data source Observational, cross-sectional, or longitudinal studies were considered, and identified in the Scopus, Web of Science, Pubmed and Scielo databases, without date restrictions. Data synthesis The most frequent combinations of risk factors in children and adolescents involved an unhealthy diet, with regular consumption of ultra-processed foods to the detriment of a diet based on fresh or minimally-processed foods and insufficient levels of physical activity; records on alcohol and tobacco use were identified. Combined, these practices contribute to the findings that indicate an increase in the prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents and a sedentary lifestyle, with a decrease in physical activity, in addition to representing a risk for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and periodontal disease in childhood and adolescence. Conclusions The present study maps the current literature on the topic and indicates the direction of the approach for health promotion and prevention of NCDs in children and adolescents. Among the different risk factors that negatively affect the full development of this population, frequently eating breakfast and practicing physical activity is most strongly associated with a lower consumption of ultra-processed foods and should be part of an integrated approach to promoting eating practices that favor the reduction of diseases also in adult life.
La obesidad se ha convertido en una de las mayores problemáticas de salud pública a nivel mundial, y Colombia no es ajena a esta situación. El entorno universitario constituye un escenario clave para el abordaje de esta problemática. Objetivo: Caracterizar el entorno alimentario de una universidad en Medellín, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal mediante la observación directa y registro en formularios estructurados de todos los establecimientos de venta de alimentos. Se consideraron las siguientes variables: oferta de alimentos, precio, publicidad, facilitadores y barreras. Resultados: Ningún establecimiento se clasificó como saludable. En el 76% de los establecimientos, los paquetes o promociones eran más económicos. En el 62% de los establecimientos se observó que los platos saludables eran más costosos. Solo en dos establecimientos se observó publicidad directa para fomentar una alimentación saludable. Se ofrecían principalmente productos ultraprocesados (53%). Conclusión: los resultados del estudio muestran en general un panorama de un entorno alimentario poco saludable. Este diagnóstico se configura como un insumo importante para la toma de decisiones al interior de la institución para mejorar y promover una alimentación más saludable que permita disminuir el riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades crónicas en la comunidad universitaria.
Nowadays, obesity has become one of the biggest public health challenges worldwide. This scenario includes Colombia as well. Against this background, the university environment constitutes a key scenario for addressing this situation. Research Objective: To characterize the food environment of a university in Medellín, Colombia. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out through direct observation. Additionally, it was used structured forms for recording the data of the food establishments. The research considers the following variables: food supply, prices, advertising, facilitators and barriers. Results: No establishment was classified as healthy. In 76% of the establishments, the food-sets or promotions were cheaper. In 62% of the places under inspection, the healthy dishes were more expensive. Only in two establishments there was direct advertising that promoted healthy eating. In general, mainly ultra-processed edible products (53%) were offered. Conclusion: The results of the study generally paint a picture of an unhealthy food environment. This diagnosis is configured as an important input for decision-making within the institution to improve and promote a healthier diet that reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases in the university community.
Fundamento: los biomarcadores de estrés oxidativo en la enfermedad de Huntington pudieran predecir el curso de la enfermedad y evaluar nuevos tratamientos, pero su naturaleza inespecífica parece impedir la identificación de algún marcador útil. Esclarecer similitudes y diferencias de este fenómeno y su comportamiento con características clínicas puede ser esencial. Objetivo comparar biomarcadores de estrés oxidativo entre pacientes con enfermedad de Huntington y con otros desórdenes neurológicos. Métodos se realizó un estudio analítico, retrospectivo y caso-control (enfermedad de Huntington esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, ataxia espinocerebelosa tipo 2 e ictus isquémico: en etapa aguda y crónica). Se recogieron variables demográficas, clínicas y marcadores de daño oxidativo (malonildialdehído, productos avanzados de oxidación a proteínas) y antioxidantes (superóxido dismutasa: catalasa: glutatión peroxidasa, capacidad antioxidante del plasma). Resultados hubo diferencias significativas del malonildialdehído en la enfermedad de Huntington respecto al control (p=0,02), pero no con el resto de los grupos. La enzima superóxido dismutasa en enfermedad de Huntington fue menor estadísticamente en comparación con esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, aunque para la catalasa fue superior en relación con el resto de los pacientes. El FRAP en enfermedad de Huntington resultó menor significativamente versus esclerosis lateral amiotrófica e ictus isquémico agudo. Los productos avanzados de la oxidación de proteína se correlacionaron directamente con las edades biológicas y de inicio de la enfermedad de Huntington. La actividad motora en la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica y el déficit neurológico en el ictus isquémico agudo se correlacionaron con el malonildialdehído y glutatión peroxidasa respectivamente. Conclusiones la enfermedad de Huntington parece mostrar características específicas en su sistema antioxidante. La oxidación de proteínas pudiera estar relacionada con la acumulación de huntingtina mutada en el tiempo.
Foundation: biomarkers of oxidative stress in Huntington's disease could predict the course of the disease and evaluate new treatments, but their nonspecific nature seems to prevent the identification of any useful marker. Clarifying similarities and differences of this phenomenon and its behavior with clinical characteristics may be essential. Objective: compare biomarkers of oxidative stress between patients with Huntington's disease and other neurological disorders. Methods: an analytical, retrospective and case-control study was carried out (Huntington's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 and ischemic stroke: acute and chronic stage). Demographic and clinical variables and markers of oxidative damage (malonildialdehyde, advanced protein oxidation products) and antioxidants (superoxide dismutase: catalase: glutathione peroxidase, plasma antioxidant capacity) were collected. Results: there were significant differences in malonyldialdehyde in Huntington's disease compared to the control (p=0.02), but not with the rest of the groups. The enzyme superoxide dismutase in Huntington's disease was statistically lower compared to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, although for catalase it was higher in relation to the rest of the patients. FRAP in Huntington's disease was significantly lower versus amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and acute ischemic stroke. Advanced products of protein oxidation were directly correlated with the biological and onset ages of Huntington's disease. Motor activity in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and neurological deficit in acute ischemic stroke were correlated with malonyldialdehyde and glutathione peroxidase, respectively. Conclusions: huntington's disease seems to show specific characteristics in its antioxidant system. Protein oxidation could be related to the accumulation of mutated huntingtin over time.
Introducción: Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT), como el cáncer, enfermedades cardiovasculares y respiratorias, son la epidemia del siglo XXI, siendo el tabaquismo un factor de riesgo común. Objetivo: Caracterizar a los pacientes tabáquicos de la Unidad de Tratamientos Intermedios (UTI) del Instituto Nacional del Tórax. Material y Método: Estudio observacional, analítico y descriptivo. Se evaluaron 150 ingresos consecutivos a la UTI desde el 01 de septiembre al 01 de diciembre de 2022. Resultados: La prevalencia de tabaquismo fue de un 56%, incluyendo exfumadores. La media de edad fue de 64 años. La exposición a humo de segunda mano resultó significativa con un 41,7% en fumadores activos. Las asociaciones con hipertensión arterial, EPOC y cáncer pulmonar resultaron significativas. Un 20,2% de los pacientes con cáncer pulmonar tenían tabaquismo activo. No fueron significativos los días de estadía en la unidad, hospitalaria general ni fallecimientos. Conclusiones: En nuestra cohorte la prevalencia de tabaquismo fue más alta que la nacional y se confirmó su vínculo con las ECNT. Identificamos que la exposición de segunda mano fue significativa, por lo que los esfuerzos para el cese del tabaquismo deben ir enfocados tanto al paciente como su entorno cercano. A pesar que algunos pacientes tenían el diagnóstico de cáncer pulmonar, un porcentaje no menor seguía fumando, por lo que es relevante incorporar a este grupo de pacientes a programas especializados para reducir morbilidad. Con nuestro estudio reafirmamos la importancia de continuar con los esfuerzos nacionales por reducir el tabaquismo como acción preventiva de las ECNT y sus complicaciones.
Introduction: Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), such as cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, are the epidemic of the 21st century, smoking being a common risk factor. Objective: To characterize smoking patients in the Intermediate Treatment Unit (ICU) of the Chilean National Thorax Institute. Material and Method: Observational, analytical and descriptive study. 150 consecutive admissions to the ICU were evaluated from September 1 to December 1, 2022. Results: The prevalence of smoking was 56%, including former smokers. The average age was 64 years-old. Exposure to secondhand smoke was significant with 41.7% in active smokers. The associations with high blood pressure, COPD and lung cancer were significant. 20.2% of patients with lung cancer were active smokers. The days of stay in the unit, general hospital stay, or deaths were not significant. Conclusions: In our cohort the prevalence of smoking was higher than the national average and its link with NCDs is confirmed. We identified that secondhand exposure was significant, so efforts to stop smoking must be focused on both the patient and their immediate environment. Although some patients had a diagnosis of lung cancer, a significant percentage continued to smoke, making it important to incorporate this group of patients into specialized programs to reduce morbidity. With our study we reaffirm the importance of continuing national efforts to reduce smoking as a preventive action for NCDs and their complications.
Resumo O manejo inadequado da diabetes mellitus (DM) pode levar a complicações que afetam a qualidade de vida. A prevalência da DM e suas complicações está aumentando, apresentando distribuição desigual na população. O objetivo foi estimar a prevalência de complicações devido à DM e avaliar as desigualdades na população brasileira. Estudo transversal, com dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde (PNS), de 2019. As complicações avaliadas foram: coma diabético, infarto/Acidente Vascular Cerebral/derrame, problema nos rins, problema na visão e úlcera nos pés ou amputação. As exposições foram a escolaridade e renda. Foram calculadas as prevalências das complicações separadamente, combinação em duplas, presença de alguma complicação e número de complicações. A desigualdade foi estimada por meio de análise ajustada e dos índices: slope index (SII) e o concentration index (CIX). A amostra foi composta por 6.317 pessoas com DM. Mais de um terço (37,8%) referiu ter alguma complicação. O problema na visão (30,6%) e nos rins (9,7%) foram os mais prevalentes. As prevalências de ter "uma" e "duas ou mais" complicações foram 25,4% e 12,4%. Foram evidenciadas desigualdades com maior prevalência de complicações entre os menos escolarizados e mais pobres.
Abstract Inadequate management of diabetes mellitus (DM) can lead to complications that affect quality of life. The prevalence of DM and its complications is increasing, presenting an uneven distribution in the population. The objective was to estimate the prevalence of complications due to DM and to assess inequalities in the Brazilian population. It involved a cross-sectional study, with data from the 2019 National Health Survey (NHS). The complications evaluated were: diabetic coma, heart attack/cerebrovascular accident/stroke; kidney problem; vision problem and foot ulcer or amputation. The related factors were schooling and income. The prevalence of complications was calculated separately, combination in pairs, presence of any complications and number of complications. Inequality was estimated through adjusted analysis and the slope index (SII) and concentration index (CIX) indices. The sample consisted of 6,317 people with DM. More than a third (37.8%) reported having some complication. Vision problems (30.6%) and kidney problems (9.7%) were the most prevalent. The prevalence of having "one" and "two or more" complications were 25.4% and 12.4%, respectively. Inequalities were found with a higher prevalence of complications among the least educated and the poorest.
There are gross inequities in access to non-communicable disease (NCD) care in India. The Indian state of Tamil Nadu recently launched the “Medicine at people’s doorstep” (Makkalai Thedi Maruthuvam — MTM) scheme in which screening and medications for NCDs are delivered at people’s doorsteps. This is likely to improve geographical access to NCD services in the community. The objective of this study is to analyse the MTM scheme and recommend policy interventions for improved and equitable access to NCD services in the community. We analysed the MTM policy document using the intersectionality-based policy analysis framework. This analysis was supplemented further with literature review to enhance understanding of the various intersecting axes of inequities, such as gender discrimination, caste oppression, poverty, disabilities and geographical access barriers. The MTM policy document, while it removes the physical access barrier, does not frame the problem of NCDs from an intersectionality perspective. This can increase the chances of inequities in access to NCD services persisting despite this scheme. We also recommend interventions for the short, intermediate and long term to make NCD care more accessible. Creation of a gender, caste, class, geographical access, and disabilities disaggregated database of patients with NCDs, using this database for monitoring the delivery of MTM services, dynamic mapping of vulnerability of the target populations for delivery of MTM services and long term ongoing digital surveillance of factors inducing inequities to access of NCD services can all help reduce inequities in access to NCD care.
Las evidencias epidemiológicas ponen de manifiesto que los hábitos de vida, particularmente los dietéticos, tienen influencia directa en la calidad y expectativa de vida. La nutrición es uno de los factores claves para desarrollar cualquier actividad física o simplemente, para sentir bienestar. La evaluación nutricional en un paciente tiene un efecto directo en el tratamiento fisioterapéutico por lo que, para optimizar realmente la reparación y el proceso de su recuperación, el fisioterapeuta le brinda la orientación nutricional que requiera. Solo una ingesta adicional de nutrientes naturales no es suficiente, es necesario complementarlo con otras herramientas terapéuticas dentro de la fisioterapia. Las personas que padecen enfermedades crónicas, tienen transformaciones en la práctica alimentaria, creadas por la enfermedad de base por lo que resulta importante variar los hábitos dietéticos para lograr recuperar la salud. Es decisivo el papel del fisioterapeuta, para favorecer el apego al tratamiento nutricional de los pacientes con enfermedades no transmisibles.
Epidemiological evidence shows that life habits, particularly dietary ones, have a direct influence on quality and life expectancy. Nutrition is one of the key factors to develop any physical activity or simply to feel well-being. The nutritional evaluation in a patient has a direct effect on the physiotherapy treatment, therefore, in order to really optimize the repair and the recovery process, the physiotherapist provides the required nutritional guidance. Only an additional intake of natural nutrients is not enough, it is necessary to complement it with other therapeutic tools within physiotherapy. People suffering from chronic diseases have transformations in eating practices, created by the underlying disease, so it is important to vary dietary habits in order to regain health. The role of the physiotherapist is decisive, to promote adherence to nutritional treatment of patients with non-communicable diseases.
Introducción: La alimentación saludable y que evita enfermedades sigue siendo un tema de investigación para avanzar hacia el desarrollo efectivo de prácticas saludables, que permita a las poblaciones vivir mejor. La alimentación sostenible es un aspecto nuevo, que reconoce lo colectivo del consumo de alimentos por la salud del planeta. Objetivo: Identificar las percepciones y actitudes sobre alimentación saludable y sostenible entre jóvenes estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud en Santa Marta-Colombia, 2022. Métodos: Se implementó un estudio transversal con una población de 318 estudiantes, quienes respondieron voluntariamente al cuestionario diseñado por los investigadores (α = 0,908) a través de una plataforma digital. Resultados: La mayoría de los participantes fueron mujeres (65,7 %), con una edad promedio de 20,3 años. El 55 % identificó los alimentos saludables y el 53 % percibió parcialmente el riesgo de los alimentos frente a las enfermedades no trasmisibles. Un 22,7 % reconoció los alimentos sostenibles. La actitud positiva frente a la reducción el riesgo de enfermedades no trasmisibles por alimentos fue del 77 %. Las actitudes hacia la alimentación saludable y la reducción del riesgo de enfermedades no trasmisibles tuvieron diferencias significativas por sexo (p = 0,009; p < 0,001) y programa (p = 0,008; p < 0,001, respectivamente). Las percepciones y actitudes se correlacionaron positivamente. Conclusiones: Las percepciones sobre la alimentación saludable y que evita enfermedades fueron adecuadas, así como las actitudes positivas. En torno a la alimentación sostenible hay vacíos, frente a los cuales se debe sensibilizar para avanzar en una alimentación consiente con la salud humana y planetaria.
Introduction: Healthy feeding, which prevents diseases continues to be a topic of research to move towards the effective development of healthy practices, to allow populations to live better. Sustainable food is a new aspect, which recognizes the collective nature of food consumption for the health of the planet. Objective: To identify perceptions and attitudes about healthy and sustainable feeding among young students of the School of Health Sciences in Santa Marta, Colombia, 2022. Methods: A cross-sectional study was implemented with a population of 318 students, who voluntarily responded to the questionnaire designed by the researchers (α = 0.908) through a digital platform. Results: The majority of participants were women (65.7%), with an average age of 20.3 years. 55% identified healthy foods and 53% partially perceived the risk of foods against non-communicable diseases. 22.7% recognized sustainable foods. The positive attitude towards reducing the risk of non-food-transmissible diseases was 77%. Attitudes toward healthy eating and reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases had significant differences by sex (p = 0.009; p < 0.001) and program (p = 0.008; p < 0.001, respectively). Perceptions and attitudes were positively correlated. Conclusions: Perceptions about healthy feeding that prevents diseases were adequate, as were positive attitudes. There are gaps around sustainable nutrition, which must be raised to advance in a diet that is conscious of human and planetary health.
Resumo A multimorbidade, presença de duas ou mais doenças crônicas não transmissíveis, está diretamente associada a fatores comportamentais. O objetivo da pesquisa foi estimar a prevalência de multimorbidade em jovens brasileiros relacionando-a aos diferentes determinantes sociais e de estilo de vida. Trata-se de um estudo transversal cuja fonte de dados foi a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde em 2019. Foram selecionados dados de indivíduos com idade entre 15 e 24 anos (n = 10.460). Os fatores associados foram investigados por meio do cálculo da razão de prevalência com variância robusta, adequado para análise bivariada e multivariada. A prevalência de multimorbidade nos jovens foi estimada em 7,84% (IC95%: 7,01-8,75; N: 2.455.097). Os agravos mais comuns foram doenças mentais, depressão, asma ou bronquite e problemas crônicos de coluna. No modelo ajustado, jovens do sexo feminino (RP: 1,84; IC95%: 1,44-2,36), obesos (RP: 1,97; IC95%: 1,45-2,68) e ex-fumantes (RP: 1,46; IC95%: 1,12-1,90) apresentaram maiores prevalências para multimorbidade. A razão de prevalência para multimorbidade aumentou 5% a cada ano de vida do indivíduo. Este estudo identificou uma associação de multimorbidade com determinantes sociais e estilo de vida.
Abstract Multimorbidity, namely the presence of two or more chronic non-communicable diseases, is directly associated with behavioral factors. This study sought to estimate the prevalence of multimorbidity among young Brazilians by linking it to different social and lifestyle determinants. It involved a cross-sectional study of the data source, namely the 2019 National Health Survey. Data from individuals aged between 15 and 24 years (n = 10,460) were selected. Associated factors were investigated by calculating the Prevalence Ratio with robust variance, suitable for bivariate and multivariate analysis. The prevalence of multimorbidity in young people was estimated at 7.84% (95%CI: 7.01-8.75; N: 2,455,097). The most common conditions were mental illness, depression, asthma or bronchitis and chronic back problems. In the adjusted model, young females (PR: 1.84; 95%CI: 1.44-2.36), obese youths (PR: 1.97; 95%CI: 1.45-2.68) and former smokers (PR: 1.46; 95%CI: 1.12-1.90) showed a higher prevalence of multimorbidity. It was also revealed that the prevalence ratio for multimorbidity increased by 5% for each year of the individual's life. This study identified an association of multimorbidity with social determinants and lifestyle.
Introducción: Hoy en día las enfermedades no transmisibles constituyen un grave problema que afecta el estado de salud de la población, con una tendencia ascendente preocupante. Objetivo: Identificar los factores predisponentes a las enfermedades no transmisibles en pacientes de un área de salud. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal de 286 individuos, escogidos a través de un muestreo aleatorio bietápico en el área de salud Josué País García del municipio de Santiago de Cuba, durante el 2021. Las variables analizadas fueron antecedentes patológicos personales, consumo de productos del tabaco y alcohol, hábitos dietéticos y evaluación nutricional. Se utilizaron como medidas de resumen las frecuencias absolutas, el porcentaje y la tasa de prevalencia para variables cualitativas; la media aritmética y el mínimo e intervalo de confianza para variables cuantitativas. Resultados: El mayor riesgo de presentar hipertensión arterial figuró en las féminas (35,6 %) y existió alta prevalencia de fumadores en hombres (30,5 %) y mujeres (27,7 %). Asimismo, predominaron la exposición al humo de tabaco (fumadores pasivos) y el consumo de alcohol en edades tempranas (25-34 años). De los encuestados, 33,3 % resultó estar sobrepeso u obeso. Conclusiones: Los factores predisponentes a las enfermedades no transmisibles pudieran estar asociados con estilos de vida no saludables como el consumo de productos del tabaco y el alcohol, los hábitos dietéticos inadecuados y el sobrepeso.
Introduction: Nowadays non-communicable diseases are a serious problem that affects the health of the population, with a worrying upward tendency. Objective: To identify the predisposing factors to non-communicable diseases in patients from a health area. Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study of 286 individuals, chosen by a two-stage random sampling in Josué País García health area from Santiago de Cuba municipality, was carried out during 2021. The analyzed variables were personal pathological history, consumption of tobacco and alcohol products, dietary habits and nutritional evaluation. The absolute frequencies, percentage and prevalence rate were used as summary measures for qualitative variables; the arithmetic mean and the minimum and interval of confidence were used for quantitative variables. Results: The highest risk of presenting hypertension was in females (35.6%) and there was a high prevalence of smokers in men (30.5%) and women (27.7%). Also, the exposure to tobacco smoke (passive smokers) and alcohol consumption at an early age (25-34 years) prevailed. Of those interviewed, 33.3% was overweight and obese. Conclusions: The predisposing factors to non-communicable diseases could be associated with the non healthy lifestyle as the consumption of tobacco and alcohol products, inadequate dietary habits and overweight.
Tobacco Use Disorder , Alcoholism , Noncommunicable Diseases , Nutrition Assessment , DietABSTRACT
Antecedentes: Las enfermedades no transmisibles siguen siendo un problema creciente en el mundo, sobre todo en los países de mediano y bajo ingresos. Los programas de intervención comunitaria se enfocan en su disminución mediante cambios en estilos de vida más saludables. Objetivos: Analizar la tendencia del programa de intervención en actividad física y nutrición, como estrategia para mejorar las dislipidemias y glucemia en los participantes del proyecto DemoMinga. Materiales y métodos: Estudio con enfoque cuantitativo. Diseño de investigación acción participativa, de carácter longitudinal, prospectivo. La población estuvo constituida por los participantes del Proyecto DemoMinga. Se determinó en cada participante: colesterol total, triglicéridos y glucemia en ayunas. Las muestras fueron procesadas en el Centro de Investigaciones Médicas de la FACISA-UNE. Se determinaron indicadores de tendencia central (mediana) de cada una de las variables. Resultados: Hubo mayor participación del sexo femenino, con predominio de personas con menos de 45 años. Las mediciones químicas arrojaron una tendencia de disminución a partir del quinto año de intervención, con talleres de cocina saludable incluyendo uso de aceite alto oleico, y actividad física. Sin embargo, la prueba no arrojó diferencias significativas de las mediciones entre la línea de base y el corte a los 6 años. Conclusión: El estudio resalta la importancia de los programas de intervención mediante terapias integrales para la promoción y prevención de las enfermedades cardiometabólicas a largo plazo.
Background: Non-communicable diseases remain a growing problem worldwide, especially in middle and low-income countries. Community intervention programs are focused on reducing their prevalence through promoting healthier lifestyle changes. Objectives: To analyze the trend of the physical activity and nutrition intervention program as a strategy to improve dyslipidemia and glycemia among participants of the DemoMinga project. Materials and methods: This study employed a quantitative approach with a participatory action research design, characterized as longitudinal and prospective. The population consisted of participants from the DemoMinga Project. For each participant, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting glycemia were measured. Samples were processed at the Medical Research Center of FACISA-UNE. Indicators of central tendency (median) were determined for each of the variables. Results: There was a higher participation of females, with a predominance of individuals under the age of 45. Chemical measurements showed a decreasing trend starting from the fifth year of intervention, involving healthy cooking workshops that included the use of high oleic oil and physical activity. However, the test did not yield significant differences in measurements between the baseline and the 6-year cutoff. Conclusion: The study highlights the significance of intervention programs using comprehensive therapies for the long-term promotion and prevention of cardiometabolic diseases.
Antecedentes: Las enfermedades no transmisibles siguen siendo un problema creciente en el mundo, sobre todo en los países de mediano y bajo ingresos. Los programas de intervención comunitaria se enfocan en su disminución mediante cambios en estilos de vida más saludables. Objetivos: Analizar la tendencia del programa de intervención en actividad física y nutrición, como estrategia para mejorar las dislipidemias y glucemia en los participantes del proyecto DemoMinga. Materiales y métodos: Estudio con enfoque cuantitativo. Diseño de investigación acción participativa, de carácter longitudinal, prospectivo. La población estuvo constituida por los participantes del Proyecto DemoMinga. Se determinó en cada participante: colesterol total, triglicéridos y glucemia en ayunas. Las muestras fueron procesadas en el Centro de Investigaciones Médicas de la FACISA-UNE. Se determinaron indicadores de tendencia central (mediana) de cada una de las variables. Resultados: Hubo mayor participación del sexo femenino, con predominio de personas con menos de 45 años. Las mediciones químicas arrojaron una tendencia de disminución a partir del quinto año de intervención, con talleres de cocina saludable incluyendo uso de aceite alto oleico, y actividad física. Sin embargo, la prueba no arrojó diferencias significativas de las mediciones entre la línea de base y el corte a los 6 años. Conclusión: El estudio resalta la importancia de los programas de intervención mediante terapias integrales para la promoción y prevención de las enfermedades cardiometabólicas a largo plazo.
Background: Non-communicable diseases remain a growing problem worldwide, especially in middle and low-income countries. Community intervention programs are focused on reducing their prevalence through promoting healthier lifestyle changes. Objectives: To analyze the trend of the physical activity and nutrition intervention program as a strategy to improve dyslipidemia and glycemia among participants of the DemoMinga project. Materials and methods: This study employed a quantitative approach with a participatory action research design, characterized as longitudinal and prospective. The population consisted of participants from the DemoMinga Project. For each participant, total cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting glycemia were measured. Samples were processed at the Medical Research Center of FACISA-UNE. Indicators of central tendency (median) were determined for each of the variables. Results: There was a higher participation of females, with a predominance of individuals under the age of 45. Chemical measurements showed a decreasing trend starting from the fifth year of intervention, involving healthy cooking workshops that included the use of high oleic oil and physical activity. However, the test did not yield significant differences in measurements between the baseline and the 6-year cutoff. Conclusion: The study highlights the significance of intervention programs using comprehensive therapies for the long-term promotion and prevention of cardiometabolic diseases.
Objective: We examined the ‘nutrients of concern’ in pre-packaged food products that are commonly advertised, as per WHO standards and Nova Classification. Methods: This was a qualitative study, using a convenience sampling method, to identify advertisements of prepackaged food products. We also analyzed their content from information on the packets, and their compliance with applicable Indian laws. Results: We found that all the advertisements of the food products in this study did not provide important information about the amount of nutrients of concern i.e., total fat, sodium, and total sugars. These advertisements mostly targeted children, made health claims, and used endorsements of celebrities. All the food products were also found to be ultra-processed in nature and high in one or more nutrients of concern. Conclusion: Most of the advertisements are misleading, needing effective monitoring. Health warnings on the front-of- pack label and restrictions on marketing of such food products may go a long way in reducing non-communicable diseases.
INTRODUCCIÓN: La Neumonía por Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo Coronavirus 2, es un problema de Salud Pública, por su alta tasa de mortalidad en la primera ola de la pandemia. OBJETIVO: Determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a la Neumonía por Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo Coronavirus 2 en pacientes fallecidos internados en el área Covid y Unidad de Terapia Intensiva del Hospital Municipal Boliviano Holandés, Municipio El Alto, en los meses de marzo a diciembre 2020. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio observacional analítico de casos y controles, los casos 25 fueron pacientes fallecidos de neumonía por SARS-CoV-2 durante la estadía hospitalaria y los controles 75 pacientes no fallecidos por la enfermedad. La fuente de información fue el expediente clínico, ficha de notificación epidemiológica y certificado médico único de defunción. Se clasificó las causas de fallecimiento según el Código internacional de enfermedades CIE 10. RESULTADOS: Se obtuvo información de 25 casos y 75 controles, relación 1:3. Pacientes fallecidos del sexo masculino 72% con p=0.040 (OR 2.77 IC 95% 1.042 - 7.449); La edad de 60 años con p=0.000 (OR 4.12 IC95% 1.596 - 10.664); lugar de residencia urbano 88%; el periodo infeccioso fue de 9.68 días (IC95%7.83-11.52), tiempo de internación 6.60 días p=0.010 (OR 4.03 IC95% 1.446 - 11.231); las Enfermedades Crónicas no Transmisibles 80% con p=0.040 (OR 2.98 IC95% 1.009 - 8.779); los pacientes internados en el área COVID tuvo una mortalidad de 68% con p=0.010 (OR 0.25 IC95% 0.083 - 0.774) y recibieron tratamiento farmacológico 72%. CONCLUSIÓN: El sexo masculino, mayor de 60 años y las enfermedades Crónicas no Transmisibles son un factor de riesgo para altas tasas de letalidad, resultados respaldados según Serra Valdés1.
INTRODUCTION: Pneumonia due to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 is a Public Health problem, due to its high mortality rate in the first wave of the pandemic. OBJECTIVE: To determine the risk factors associated with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 pneumonia in deceased patients hospitalized in the Covid area and Intensive Care Unit of the Bolivian Dutch Municipal Hospital, El Alto Municipality, from March to December 2020. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Analytical observational study of cases and controls, 25 cases were patients who died of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia during their hospital permanence, and 75 controls were patients who did not die from the disease. The source of information was the clinical record. The method was documentary analysis, instruments were clinical histories, epidemiological notification sheet and official medical death certificate. The causes of death were classified according to the International Code of Diseases CIE 10. RESULTS: Information was obtained from 25 cases and 75 controls, ratio 1:3. 72% male patients who died with p=0.040 (OR 2.77 95% CI 1.042 - 7.449); The 60 years old with p=0.000 (OR 4.12 IC95% 1.596 - 10.664); urban area of residence 88%; the infectious period was 9.68 days (95%CI 7.83-11.52), hospitalization time 6.60 days p=0.010 (OR 4.03 95%CI 1.446 - 11.231); Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases of 80% with p=0.040 (OR 2.98 IC95% 1.009 - 8.779); The patients hospitalized in the COVID area had a mortality of 68% with p=0.010 (OR 0.25 IC95% 0.083 - 0.774) and 72% received pharmacological treatment. CONCLUSION: The male, over 60 years old and Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases are a risk factor for high-risk rates in high mortality rates, results are supported by Serra Valdés1.
Male , Middle AgedABSTRACT
La ciencia y la producción del saber científico están cambiando, las partes no son el objetivo, es el todo y sus interrelaciones. La salud enfrenta nuevos retos que no pueden ser explicados por concepciones reduccionistas. Se reconoce el intento de agrupar variadas afecciones en las enfermedades no transmisibles que ocasionan las tres cuartas partes de las muertes en el mundo y en Cuba, constituyen uno de los grandes retos del desarrollo sostenible. Muchas de ellas, a pesar de su heterogeneidad y multicausalidad, comparten factores de riesgo -y protectores- comunes, que pueden ser revertidos con acciones integradas. Se comenta la frecuente comorbilidad de estas enfermedades con otras entidades, la polimorbilidad y el rol del envejecimiento en su aparición. Se resalta la presencia del estado inflamatorio crónico del endotelio y la disfunción de este órgano como posible vía final común de la patogenia, evolución y posterior expresión clínica de muchas de las conocidas como enfermedades no transmisibles, verdaderos síndromes sistémicos. Se dan un grupo de recomendaciones para mejorar su prevención y su control, con énfasis en la participación comunitaria, donde las ciencias sociales pueden aportar mucho para lograr mejores resultados, sin olvidar la susceptibilidad individual o de grupos a padecer determinadas enfermedades no transmisibles. Se considera que directivos, profesionales sanitarios, líderes formales e informales, personas, grupos y comunidades, deben capacitarse y actualizarse, en los conceptos y los enfoques de estas enfermedades para lograr el propósito de revertir sus efectos nocivos para la salud.
Science and the production of scientific knowledge are changing, the parts are not the objective, it is the whole and its interrelationships. Health faces new challenges that cannot be explained by reductionist conceptions. The attempt to group various conditions in non-communicable diseases that cause three quarters of deaths in the world and in Cuba is recognized as one of the great challenges of sustainable development. Many of them, despite their heterogeneity and multi-causality, share common risk -and protective- factors, which can be reversed with integrated actions. The frequent comorbidity of these diseases with other entities, polymorbidity, and the role of aging in their appearance are discussed. The presence of the chronic inflammatory state of the endothelium and the dysfunction of this organ are highlighted as a possible final common path of the pathogenesis, evolution and subsequent clinical expression of many of the so-called non-communicable diseases, true systemic syndromes. A group of recommendations are given to improve its prevention and control, with emphasis on the community participation of all, where the social sciences can contribute a lot to achieve better results, without forgetting individual or group susceptibility to suffering certain non-communicable diseases. It is considered that managers, health professionals, formal and informal leaders, people, groups and communities must be trained and updated in concepts and approaches to these diseases to achieve their purposes.
Objectives: The lifestyle diseases which are becoming chronic noncommunicable disorders contribute to about 53% of death rate in India affecting the DALY to a greater extent. These lifestyle illnesses are proving to be a great challenge in public health as they are necessitating for the advanced modalities of screening techniques that have to be in place for early detection. The objectives of the study were to assess the prevalence and determinants of chronic illness and quality of life among rural residents of Pondicherry. Materials and Methods: The study is a descriptive observational study using a validated structured questionnaire among rural residents who have crossed the adolescent period. Results: The subjects included people aged above 18 years. It is observed that about 45.5% of the study population are between 38 and 58 years and about 24% of the study population were skilled, 10.6% are illiterate and 59.8% of the study population are not regular visitors to any health center, about 72% of them attend a health facility once in 3- 5–7 months/year. It is observed that about 24.6% have had the disease for 6–10 years. Among them, 25.9% are diabetic, 7.3% are hypertensive, 8% have both, 3.7% had asthma, 0.3% are CAD, and 0.7% had a stroke. According to physical (median = 26), psychological (median = 21), social (median = 11), and environmental (median = 29) domains, quality of life was moderately good. Conclusion: This study revealed that all the domains are affected in the quality of life even in a rural area where urbanisation and industrialisation is not establihed.
Background: Diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, heart diseases, and cancers are diseases of public health importance in India. People with pre-existing non communicable diseases (NCDs) are vulnerable to COVID and associated complications. Risk factors for NCDs were found to have increased due to pandemic. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to study the impact of the COVID 19 on chronic NCDs and life style diseases. Materials and Methods: Articles from India published between March 2019 and May 2022 were searched from database such as PubMed, Scopus, Google scholar using MeSH and keywords such as “COVID 19” OR “Coronavirus” OR “SARS-2 CoVirus” AND Lifestyle diseases,” “COVID-19” OR “Coronavirus” OR “SARS-2 CoVirus” AND “Diabetes” OR “HYPERTENSION.” Summary of 18 articles was presented after inclusion and exclusion criterion and removing of duplicates. Results: Risk of COVID 19 in people with pre-existing non-communicable diseases is high, prognosis is poor, and complications are higher. COVID 19 and lockdown measures resulted in restrictions of movements, dietary and sleep pattern changes, psycho social impacts, non-availability or difficulty in procuring medicines, accessibility to health-care facilities, burden on health-care facilities, difficulties in (using or lack of awareness) about tele-consultations facilities, and thus burden of NCDs is expected to rise in future. Conclusions: COVID 19 pandemic had direct and indirect impact on screening, diagnosis and management of patients with NCDs. Burden of NCDs may rise thereby putting extra burden on health-care facilities which warrants preparedness.
La prevención de las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles de elevada prevalencia a nivel mundial, como la hipertensión arterial, la diabetes mellitus, las enfermedades cardiovasculares y el cáncer, representa una prioridad en salud. La nueva perspectiva brindada por la epigenética sobre el origen intrauterino de las enfermedades que afectarán al ser humano durante la etapa posnatal, obliga a replantearse una nueva visión preventiva, que debe iniciarse desde el período prenatal de la vida. Con el objetivo de estructurar los referentes teóricos que sustentan la relevancia de un nuevo enfoque preventivo de las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles, basado en intervenciones modificatorias de los perfiles epigenéticos desfavorables durante la etapa prenatal del desarrollo humano, se realizó una actualizada búsqueda sobre el tema, consultándose 28 referencias bibliográficas. Condiciones maternas durante la gestación, como la malnutrición, el estrés, los hábitos tóxicos y la obesidad, constituyen factores causantes de modificaciones epigenéticas desfavorables, que serán trasmitidas a futuras generaciones e incrementarán en estas el riesgo de enfermedades durante la etapa posnatal de la vida. Se concluye que las intervenciones realizadas durante el período prenatal del desarrollo humano pueden contribuir a la prevención de enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles, a lo que la epigenética aporta un nuevo enfoque en la prevención de este importante problema de salud.
The prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases with high prevalence around the world, such arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, represents a health priority. The new perspective given by epigenetics on the intrauterine origin of the diseases that will affect the human being during the post-natal stage, forces us to reconsider a new preventive vision which must begin from the prenatal period of life. With the aim of structuring the theoretical references that support the relevance of a new preventive approach to chronic non-communicable diseases, based on modifying interventions of unfavorable epigenetic profiles during the prenatal stage of the human development, an updated search on the subject was conducted, consulting 28 bibliographic references. Maternal conditions during pregnancy, such as malnourishing, stress, toxic habits and obesity, constitute factors that cause unfavorable epigenetic modifications, which will be transmitted to future generations and will increase in them the risk of disease during the post-natal stage of life. It is concluded that the interventions carried out during the prenatal period of human development can contribute to the prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases, to which epigenetics provides a new approach in the prevention of this important health problem.