Ragi (Eleusine coracana), commonly known as finger millet, is a nutrient-rich cereal that remains underutilized in modern diets despite its high calcium, iron, and dietary fiber content. This examines how ready-to-eat ragi-based supplementary foods, combined with effective nutrition education, can drive behavioral changes to incorporate ragi into daily diets and local food systems. The increasing availability of ready-to-eat ragi products offers an accessible solution for improving nutrition, but challenges remain in terms of consumer acceptance due to unfamiliarity and taste preferences. This paper focuses on the role of nutrition education in reshaping dietary behaviour, emphasizing case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of targeted interventions in promoting ragi consumption. Additionally, it explores strategies for integrating ragi into public nutrition programs and sustainable food systems, highlighting the importance of community-driven efforts and public-private partnerships. The review also discusses the role of policy support and multi-stakeholder collaboration in fostering ragi抯 cultivation and incorporation into local food systems. By examining behavioural change strategies such as social marketing and culturally sensitive approaches, this paper presents a roadmap for promoting ragi as a key component of sustainable diets and public health interventions.
Nutrition is one of the important aspects that deals with good health and wellbeing of people. Nutrition education helps to resolve the nutrition problems by imparting nutrition education and bring desirable changes in terms of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP). The existing study was conducted to know the knowledge, attitude, and practices of AWW and ASHA抯 with regard to nutrition education for pregnant women and lactating mother. Data was gathered using pre-tested questionnaires with a sample size of 90 respondents chosen from three mandals/Blocks (area) in the Guntur district. Random sampling procedure was used for selection of the respondents. The results of the study found that Anganwadi teachers and ASHA Workers had low to medium level of knowledge, poor attitude and poor practices during baseline test. After implementing intervention programme to the Anganwadi teachers and ASHA Workers for a period of one month a significant improvement in the Knowledge, Attitude and Practices was observed during Endline test (t=10.5; t=10.3). The above findings can be used to plan a digital material on nutrition education interventions which aiming at bringing change in the behavior of the respondents i.e., KAP and it can be used as ready reckoners during sudden epidemics.
Resumo Este ensaio explora as convergências e singularidades do diálogo entre a educação popular (EP) e a educação alimentar e nutricional (EAN) a partir de fragmentos biográficos do percurso formativo da graduação em Nutrição de três docentes universitários que constituíram as suas trajetórias acadêmico-profissional mediados pela Educação Popular. Inspirando-se na autobiografia, as narrativas revelaram que as indignações iniciais com as desigualdades sociais foram mobilizadoras do percurso formativo, possibilitando a compreensão dos fenômenos da fome, do sofrimento e do cuidado humano. Assim, o exercício de buscarem espaços e oportunidades na qual pudessem conhecer e experienciar o trabalho social em contextos de vulnerabilidades mostrou-se decisivo nas construções pessoais e profissionais, revelando as contradições dos modelos tradicionais de formação e foram o ponto de partida para a gênese do pensamento crítico. Assim, pretende-se oferecer pistas para compreender as interfaces entre EP e EAN, na convergência de ações em torno da luta contra a fome e pelo Direito à Alimentação, sem, entretanto, reduzir-se uma à outra, quando a alimentação e nutrição se projetam no horizonte das práticas.
Abstract This essay explores the convergences and singularities of popular education and Food and Nutrition Education based on biographical fragments of the undergraduate training program in Nutrition of three university professors who established their academic and professional trajectories at these crossroads of knowledge and actions mediated by popular education. Inspired by the autobiographical method, the narratives revealed that the initial indignations with social inequalities were mobilizing the routes in the formative path toward understanding hunger, suffering, and human care. To this end, seeking spaces and opportunities to learn about and experience social work in contexts of vulnerabilities was a decisive factor in their personal and professional constructions, revealing the contradictions of traditional training models and the starting point for the genesis of critical thinking. Thus, clues are offered to understand the interfaces of Popular Education (PE) and Food and Nutrition Education (FNE) in the converging actions around the fight against hunger and the right to food without, however, reducing one to the other when food and Nutrition are projected on the horizon of practices.
Resumo Este estudo visa reportar desenvolvimento e validação de materiais educativos digitais baseados nas dimensões de habilidades culinárias domésticas (HCD) avaliadas por escala destinada aos profissionais da APS, nas recomendações do Guia Alimentar Para a População Brasileira e no Marco de Educação Alimentar e Nutricional (EAN) para Políticas Públicas. Foram desenvolvidos 5 vídeos e materiais gráficos com propostas de atividades para desenvolvimento de HCD e estímulo à sua implementação em ações e orientações junto à comunidade e em atendimentos profissionais. O conteúdo dos materiais foi avaliado por especialistas utilizando técnica Delphi de 2 rounds e análises estatísticas para evidência de consenso. Especialistas proferiram comentários para aprimoramento dos produtos e sua aplicabilidade. Os materiais apresentaram linguagem decodificada, ilustrações lúdicas, com personagens representativos da população-alvo. Apresentaram evidência de validade de conteúdo satisfatória e podem ser utilizados em ações de educação permanente, visando a qualificação da força de trabalho, e em ações de EAN junto aos sujeitos de direito. Os materiais gráficos possibilitam associar o conteúdo dos vídeos à prática, em contextos condizentes com a realidade dos sujeitos.
Abstract This study aims to report on the development and validation of digital educational materials based on the dimensions of home cooking skills (HCS) assessed on a scale destined for PHC professionals, following the recommendations of The Dietary Guidelines for the Brazilian Population and on The Food and Nutrition Education Framework (FNE) for Public Policies. Five videos and graphic materials were developed with proposals for activities to develop HCS and encourage its implementation in actions and guidelines in the community and in professional care. The content of the materials was evaluated by experts using the Two-Round Delphi-based technique and statistical analyses for evidence of consensus. Specialists presented comments to improve the products and their applicability. The materials presented decoded language and playful illustrations with characters representative of the target population. Evidence of satisfactory content validity was presented and can be used in permanent education actions, seeking the qualification of the workforce and in FNE actions within the scope of the law. The graphic materials make it possible to associate the content of the videos with practice in contexts consistent with the reality of the individuals.
Serious games emerge as teaching tools with a purpose beyond entertainment, aiming to improve some aspect of the teaching-learning process. Given the high prevalence of chronic noncommunicable diseases in the Brazilian population, this study aimed to evaluate, through a systematic literature review, the potential of serious games as a tool for Food and Nutrition Education. To this end, we searched the PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, and SciELO databases for articles published in the last five years in english and portuguese. A total of 63 studies were identified, of which only 10 met the inclusion and exclusion criteria established for this review. Most studies reported positive outcomes with the use of serious games as an educational tool, finding positive effects on the retention of knowledge learned about food and nutrition, and their use showed promise as an alternative to traditional teaching methodologies. Despite this, the studies had limitations regarding the duration of the interventions and the representativeness of their sample sizes, indicating the need for future studies with methodological designs that fill such gaps. This review shows that gamified approaches to nutrition education seem promising in the context of the teaching-learning process but still lack methodological standardization for interventions based on serious games to be validated as a tool for Food and Nutrition Education.
Os serious games despontam como ferramentas de ensino que são jogos com um propósito para além do entretenimento, tendo como objetivo a melhoraria de algum aspecto do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Frente a alta prevalência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis na população brasileira, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar, por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura, o potencial dos serious games como instrumento de Educação Alimentar e Nutricional. Para tanto, buscou-se nas bases de dados PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde e SciELO, artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos, nos idiomas inglês e português. Um total de 63 estudos foram identificados, dos quais apenas dez atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão estabelecidos para esta revisão. A maioria dos estudos reportaram desfechos positivos com a utilização dos serious games como ferramenta educativa, encontrando efeitos positivos na retenção dos conhecimentos aprendidos sobre alimentação e nutrição, e a sua utilização se mostrou promissora como uma alternativa às metodologias de ensino tradicionais. Apesar disso, os estudos apresentaram limitações quanto a duração das intervenções e a representatividade do tamanho de suas amostras, indicando a necessidade de futuros estudos com delineamento metodológico que supram tais lacunas. A partir desta revisão, demonstra-se que abordagens gamificadas de educação nutricional parecem promissoras no contexto do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, mas que ainda carecem de padronização metodológica para que intervenções baseadas em serious games sejam validadas como instrumento de Educação Alimentar e Nutricional.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Food and Nutrition Education , Video Games , Educational Technology , Games, Experimental , GamificationABSTRACT
Competency based medical education is emphasize on student centric learning, their opinion will also help in making a suitable framework for nutrition education for undergraduate medical students. Hence, the objective of this study is to assess the perception of undergraduate medical students about diet survey analysis. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 140 final-year MBBS students. Perception was assessed using a five-point Likert scale and expressed in percentages. Majority (77.9%) of the study participants agreed or strongly agree that nutrition education is relevant in MBBS course. Among the study participants, 45% of the respondents reported that nutrition is more theoretical than practical, and 67.9% agreed that it is difficult to conduct diet survey technique using 24-hour recall method. 69.3% agree or strongly agree that diet counselling is important. Participants generally perceived nutrition education as relevant and didn't find survey techniques overly challenging, there were variations in perceptions based on age and gender, particularly regarding the practical application and recollection of nutritional concepts.
Background: Obesity is one of the triple burden malnutrition in Indonesia, alongside undernutrition that increasing over the years. The study was done to evaluate the effect of four weeks nutrition education intervention among children with overweight and obesity. Methods: This study was a cluster randomized control trial in two elementary school in Jakarta. SD Kramat Pela 07 were selected as a control and SD Kramat Pela 09 as an intervention group. Intervention on school children were conducted for four weeks. Samples were students who were selected with the criteria of having overweight and obesity. An education through video was delivered from the teachers consecutively to the students every week. Nutrition knowledge was collected with a Google-form questionnaire that consist of 15 questions. Nutrient intake was collected with 24-hour recalls before and after the intervention. Results: A significant increase of nutrition knowledge on both group after the intervention (p<0.05). There was a significant change of fiber intake (p<0.05) after four weeks of intervention. The average duration of physical activity for respondents showed an increase in the intervention group, but it was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusions: After four weeks intervention, nutrition education improved the knowledge, nutrients intake, and physical activity among school children with overweight and obesity. We recommend the school authorities to enhance the capacity and capabilities of teachers in fostering efforts to improve the health and nutrition of students through school-based learning. Additionally, the consumption of fiber is considered an indicator of healthy food quality in controlling overweight and obesity.
Objectives@#While food product labelling is deemed important in providing consumer information, little is known about the characteristics of those reading and not reading. This study aimed to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of Filipino adult consumers reading and not reading food product labels and nutrition facts to provide insights on their understanding and usage of food labels that may help in designing better label formats of packaged foods and related health education campaigns.@*Methods@#Cross-sectional design using secondary data from the Expanded National Nutrition Survey (ENNS) 2018- 2019 was employed. A survey form on Reading Food Product Labels and Nutrition Facts in the ENNS 2018-2019 were collected through face-to-face interviews. Descriptive statistics, test of proportions, and logistic regression were done using Stata version 16.@*Results@#Always reading product labels were reported only by 19.6% of adult consumers, 18 years old and above, while 45.9% reported not reading food product labels. Among those who read food product labels, only 16.7% reported reading nutrition facts. Higher proportions of adults reading nutrition facts were found among those who attained a higher educational level, were less than 40 years old, living in urban residences, and belonging to higher wealth status. ‘Not interested’ was the top reason of adults who reported not reading nutrition facts.@*Conclusion@#Reading product labels and nutrition facts is not common among Filipino adults. Being not interested was the top reason for not reading food product labels. Older persons, adults with low educational attainment, and belonging to poor households were more likely to not read food product labels and not influenced by nutrition facts which imply the need for a food label format that would cater to those who cannot or have difficulty reading food labels and nutrition facts. An intensified campaign on the importance of reading food product labels is also needed.
@#eToyBox is a learning management system for preschool teachers to improve their health literacy, which ultimately aims to improve children’s obesity-related behaviour. As part of the development process of eToyBox, assessment on digital literacy, acceptance of digitization of education materials, and perceived barriers in adopting online learning is needed. Fifty-four preschool teachers under the Community Development Department (KEMAS) in Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Sarawak, who participated in ToyBox Study Malaysia intervention in 2018, took part in this cross-sectional study. An online self-administered questionnaire was used to assess sociodemographic background, use of communication tools and media, and teacher’s views on adapting the ToyBox modules to digital education materials. Respondents were contacted, and questionnaire link was shared through WhatsApp messages. Most participants (74.0%) were Malay females aged 31 to 40 years old. Most participants had internet access (94.4%) and owned at least a smart phone, laptop or tablet (94.4%). Participants perceived their computer skills to be average (75.0%). Majority of respondents (65.0%) reported advanced and higher abilities in word processing and email, but only 22.0% in spreadsheet skills. The main barrier to accessing online material was unstable internet connection (74.1%). Most respondents (90.0%) agree that adapting effective modules to online learning will be beneficial for professional development and teaching practices. In conclusion, most participants supported digitizing Toybox Study Malaysia educational content and were comfortable 72 with its implementation via an online learning platform. The findings from this study can advise future development of online learning materials for preschool teachers in Malaysia.
Abstract Objective To evaluate the impacts of a nutritional education intervention for patients with multiple chronic conditions during smoking cessation. Methods The non-probabilistic sample comprised 18 adults and seniors of both sexes recruited from a smoking cessation treatment group. At the beginning of treatment, smoking history, degree of dependence, and stage of motivation were assessed. Degree of craving was evaluated weekly for the 1st month. Anthropometric and biochemical assessments were conducted at baseline, at 1 month, and at 3 months. Dietary intake was assessed with the "How is your diet?" questionnaire. The nutritional intervention was delivered in three sessions. The themes covered were energy balance and physical activity, healthy eating, and the importance of fruit and vegetables in the diet. Statistical analysis was conducted with the Shapiro Wilk test of normality, the paired t test, and the Wilcoxon or Mann-Whitney U tests (significance ≤ 0.05). Results Most people (55.6%) in the intervention group had a high degree of smoking dependence, while the frequency in the control group was 22.2%. Degree of craving decreased significantly after 1 month of treatment (p = 0.017). After 3 months, both groups had a positive variation in mean body weight, although below 3%. In both groups, the average percentage of weight gain was less than 3%, suggesting that delivery of the nutritional education sessions and the nutritionist's use of the protocol proposed by the Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA) helped to control weight gain. Blood glucose and homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) both increased significantly in the intervention group (p = 0.15 and p = 0.50, respectively). Conclusion Greater proximity and more frequent intervention by a nutritionist assists and encourages healthy eating practices during the smoking cessation process, which can benefit individuals' control of chronic diseases over the long term.
Fundamento: Las insuficiencias en educación nutricional por parte de médicos de la Atención Primaria de Salud pueden influir en el manejo inadecuado de la enfermedad hepática grasa asociada a disfunción metabólica. Objetivo: Aplicar un programa de educación nutricional de la enfermedad hepática grasa asociada a disfunción metabólica para médicos de la Atención Primaria de Salud. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio preexperimental de corte transversal con 32 médicos especialistas de la atención primaria de salud, pertenecientes al Policlínico Universitario "Juana Naranjo León", durante el año 2022; seleccionados mediante los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: Se constató que se elevó el nivel de conocimiento de los especialistas de la atención primaria de salud. Conclusiones: La aplicación del programa de educación nutricional elevó el nivel de conocimiento lo cual puede contribuir al desempeño integral de un profesional competente frente a las exigencias que demanda la sociedad.
Background: Insufficiencies in nutritional education by Primary Health Care physicians may influence the inadequate management of fatty liver disease associated with metabolic dysfunction. Objective: Apply a nutritional education program for fatty liver disease associated with metabolic dysfunction for Primary Health Care physicians. Methodology: A pre-experimental cross-sectional study was carried out with 32 primary health care specialist doctors, belonging to the "Juana Naranjo León" University Polyclinic, during the year 2022; selected using the inclusion criteria. Results: It was found that the level of knowledge of primary health care specialists increased. Conclusions: The application of the nutritional education program raised the level of knowledge which can contribute to the comprehensive performance of a competent professional in the face of the demands demanded by society.
Objetivo: Analisar na literatura científica a efetividade das intervenções não farmacológicas para o manejo da obesidade infantil. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão sistemática do tipo overview. As bases científicas para coleta de dados foram: Cinahl, Cochrane, Lilacs, Medline, Scopus, Scielo e Science direct, e todo o processo de seleção foi feito por pares e avaliado pelo teste Kappa. A análise dos estudos utilizou os instrumentos: AMSTAR para avaliação da qualidade metodológica, Robis 2.0 para avaliação do risco de viés, e o Sistema Grade para classificar nível de evidência. Resultado: 17 estudos foram considerados elegíveis, e avaliação das evidências demonstrou que as intervenções não farmacológicas são efetivas para o manejo da obesidade infantil, sendo classificadas pelo Sistema Grade com alto e moderado nível de evidência. Essas intervenções são caracterizadas como: comportamentais, educacional, familiar, nutricional e tecnológica e são capazes de promover mudanças no Índice de Massa Corporal e estilo de vida. Conclusão: As intervenções não farmacológicas são capazes de promover mudanças positivas quanto ao comportamento alimentar e manejo da obesidade, entretanto os resultados não são imediatos.
Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions for the management of childhood obesity in the scientific literature. Method: This is a systematic review of the overview type. The scientific databases for data collection were: Cinahl, Cochrane, Lilacs, Medline, Scopus, Scielo and Science direct, and the entire selection process was done by pairs and evaluated by Kappa test. The analysis of the studies used the instruments: AMSTAR to assess methodological quality, Robis 2.0 to assess risk of bias, and the Grade System to rank level of evidence. Results: 17 studies were considered eligible, and evaluation of the evidence showed that non- pharmacological interventions are effective for the management of childhood obesity, being classified by the Grade System with high and moderate level of evidence. These interventions are characterized as: behavioral, educational, family, nutritional, and technological, and are able to promote changes in Body Mass Index and lifestyle. Conclusion: Non-pharmacological interventions are able to promote positive changes in eating behavior and obesity management, but the results are not immediate.
Objetivo: Analizar la efectividad de las intervenciones no farmacológicas para el manejo de la obesidad infantil en la literatura científica. Método: Se trata de una revisión sistemática de tipo panorámica. Las bases de datos científicas para la recogida de datos fueron: Cinahl, Cochrane, Lilacs, Medline, Scopus, Scielo y Science direct, y todo el proceso de selección se realizó por parejas y se evaluó mediante el test de Kappa. En el análisis de los estudios se utilizaron los instrumentos AMSTAR para evaluar la calidad metodológica, Robis 2.0 para evaluar el riesgo de sesgo y el Grade System para clasificar el nivel de evidencia. Resultados: Se consideraron elegibles 17 estudios, y la evaluación de la evidencia mostró que las intervenciones no farmacológicas son efectivas para el manejo de la obesidad infantil, siendo clasificadas por el Sistema Grade con nivel de evidencia alto y moderado. Estas intervenciones se caracterizan por ser: conductuales, educativas, familiares, nutricionales y tecnológicas, y son capaces de promover cambios en el Índice de Masa Corporal y en el estilo de vida. Conclusiones: Las intervenciones no farmacológicas son capaces de promover cambios positivos en la conducta alimentaria y en el manejo de la obesidad, pero los resultados no son inmediatos.
Pediatric Obesity , Obesity Management , Systematic Reviews as Topic , Healthcare Models , Effectiveness , Body Mass Index , Child Nutrition Sciences , Feeding BehaviorABSTRACT
Background: The prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including hypertension and cancer, in Indonesia had increased, as shown by the result of Riskesdas 2018. To prevent the increase in the prevalence of NCDs, it is recommended to implement a healthy lifestyle in accordance with Indonesia balanced nutrition guidelines, including my plate. This study aimed to see the effect of nutrition education and mentoring on knowledge and implementation of my plate among adults. Methods: This study used non-equivalent quasi experimental design. Respondents were 60 adults who were divided into control and treatment groups with 4 weeks of treatments. Results: The age of respondents were between 22 to 44 years old with most of them were female (66.7%) in the treatment group and male (56.7%) in the control group. After four weeks of treatments, there were significant increases in nutritional knowledge (p=0.001) in both groups, but the results of the independent t-test showed no differences between groups. The study also showed that the number of respondents with daily meals similar to my plate increased from 33.3 to 50% in both groups. However, the average body weight of respondents also increased after treatments, but they were insignificant (p>0.05). Conclusions: Nutrition education and mentoring can increase the nutritional knowledge of adults significantly. However, changing nutrient intake and body weight would take a longer time.
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar e discutir as ferramentas de promoção e avaliação da alimentação adequada e saudável baseadas no Guia Alimentar para a População Brasileira. A revisão de escopo foi conduzida de acordo com o JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis, utilizando para relatório de revisão de escopo o guia Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews, com busca nas bases de dados PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, SciELO e LILACS. Dezesseis estudos sobre ferramentas baseadas no guia alimentar para indivíduos de todas as faixas etárias, foram incluídos: dois descritivos, dois de protocolo de estudo clínico randomizado, onze metodológicos e um psicométrico, direcionados à população (n=12) ou à profissionais de saúde (n=4). Seis estudos abordaram ferramentas para promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável e dez desenvolveram ferramentas para avaliação de práticas alimentares ou de conhecimento e atividades de profissionais da saúde. Esta revisão auxiliará os profissionais de saúde na escolha dos instrumentos para o processo de implementação e, ou, divulgação das recomendações do guia alimentar, contribuindo para a promoção da alimentação adequada e saudável.
Abstract The objective of this study was to identify and discuss the tools for the promotion and evaluation of adequate and healthy eating based on the Food Guide for the Brazilian Population. The scoping review was conducted according to the JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis via the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) checklist and by searching PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, SciELO and LILACS. Sixteen studies on relevant tools, based on the food guide for individuals of all age groups, were thus included: two descriptive studies, two randomized clinical trial protocols, eleven methodological analyses, and one psychometric paper, aimed at either a focal population (n=12) or health professionals (n=4). Six studies addressed tools for promoting adequate and healthy eating, and ten developed tools for evaluating dietary practices or the knowledge and activities of health professionals. This review can therefore assist health professionals in choosing instruments for the implementation and/or dissemination of food guide recommendations, contributing to the promotion of adequate and healthy eating habits.
Introducción: Los hábitos se forman principalmente durante el crecimiento, que coincide con la escolaridad; por lo tanto, esta etapa es trascendental y es fundamento para cimentar una base sólida para una buena salud, educación y calidad de vida; en consecuencia, la finalidad del estudio fue establecer la relación existente entre la calidad alimentaria y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes de primaria en de la unidad educativa Mariscal Sucre del municipio de Sipe Sipe. Metodología: el estudio fue cuantitativo, correlacional, transversal y ambiespectivo, la muestra fueron 229 estudiantes, las técnicas utilizadas fueron una encuesta y la observación. Resultados: La calidad de alimentación de los estudiantes es 12 % saludable y el restante necesita cambios y es poco saludable; el rendimiento académico muestra 1,7 % deficiente y la calificación mínima de aprobación. El análisis estadístico de chi-cuadrado, nuestra una correlación de variables. Discusión: La evidencia muestra la tendencia de que mientras mejor sea la calidad de alimentación mayor será el rendimiento académico del estudiante y, por el contrario, mientras que la calidad alimenticia sea poco saludable, menores son los resultados obtenidos en la variable de rendimiento académico. Por lo tanto, es importante la modificación de la calidad de alimentación para poder tener una población más saludable y con buen rendimiento en un futuro y disminuir la sobrecarga de morbilidad a consecuencias de enfermedades no transmisibles que tienden a reducir la esperanza de vida.
Introduction: Habits are formed mainly during growth, which coincides with schooling; therefore, this stage is transcendental and is the foundation to lay a solid foundation for good health, education, and quality of life; Consequently, the purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between food quality and academic performance in primary school students in the Mariscal Sucre educational unit in the municipality of Sipe Sipe. Methodology: the study was quantitative, correlational, cross-sectional and ambispective, the sample was 229 students, the techniques used were a survey and observation. Results: The quality of the students' food is 12% healthy and the rest needs changes and is unhealthy; the academic performance shows 1.7% deficient and the minimum qualification of approval. The statistical analysis of chi-square, our a correlation of variables. Discussion: The evidence shows the trend that the better the quality of food, the higher the academic performance of the student and, conversely, while the quality of food is unhealthy, the lower the results obtained in the variable of academic performance. Therefore, it is important to modify the quality of food to have a healthier population with good performance in the future and reduce the burden of morbidity due to non-communicable diseases that tend to reduce life expectancy.
Introdução: Os hábitos são formados principalmente durante o crescimento, que coincide com a escolarização; portanto, esta etapa é transcendental e é a base para estabelecer uma base sólida para uma boa saúde, educação e qualidade de vida; consequentemente, o objetivo do estudo foi estabelecer a relação entre qualidade alimentar e desempenho acadêmico em alunos do ensino fundamental na unidade educacional Mariscal Sucre no município de Sipe Sipe. Metodologia: o estudo foi quantitativo, correlacional, transversal e ambispectivo, a amostra foi de 229 alunos, as técnicas utilizadas foram o inquérito e a observação. Resultados: A qualidade da alimentação dos alunos é 12% saudável e o restante precisa de mudanças e não é saudável; o desempenho acadêmico apresenta 1,7% de reprovação e a qualificação mínima de aprovação. A análise estatística do qui-quadrado, ou uma correlação de variáveis. Discussão: As evidências mostram a tendência de que quanto melhor a qualidade da alimentação, maior o desempenho acadêmico do aluno e, inversamente, enquanto a qualidade da alimentação não é saudável, menores são os resultados obtidos na variável desempenho acadêmico. Portanto, é importante modificar a qualidade da alimentação para ter uma população mais saudável e com bom desempenho no futuro e reduzir a carga de morbidade por doenças não transmissíveis que tendem a reduzir a expectativa de vida.
Humans , Child , Schools , Food QualityABSTRACT
Introdução:A chegadadapandemia da COVID-19 afetou diretamente o planejamento alimentar de instituições municipais, estaduais e de demais âmbitos, dentre eles as refeiçõesofertadas peloprograma restaurante popular, importante na garantia da segurança alimentarda população mais vulnerável.Objetivo:Avaliar de forma qualitativa as preparações do cardápio do almoço do Restaurante Popular do município de Santa Cruz-Rio Grande do Nortee os impactos do cenário pandêmico da COVID-19.Metodologia:Para tanto, avaliou-se os cardápios referentes aos meses de março, abril, maio, agosto e setembro de 2021, pelo método avaliação qualitativa das preparações do cardápio. Além disso, por meio da adaptação dométodosupracitado, designou-se as preparações de acordo com as recomendações do tipo de processamento segundo o Guia Alimentar para população Brasileira. Resultados:Identificou-se uma baixa oferta de frutas e folhosos, alta de carnes gordurosas e doce, regular de preparações ricas em enxofre e as cores iguais, todavia, quanto à fritura e ao conjunto de fritura + doce apresentou-se em apenas umdiada semana (n=109). Além disso, nos dois últimos meses de análisehouve aumento na oferta de folhosos, diminuição da monotonia, alimentos ricos em enxofre e doces, e ainda, as preparações com alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados + processados fizeram-se presentestodos os dias. Conclusões:Com a utilizaçãodométodo estudadofoipossível identificar ajustesno cardápiopara o período analisado, a fim de ofertar qualidade para os comensais.Ressalta-se que foi observadoque com a adaptação e redução dos casos da COVID-19, houve aumento na oferta de in natura e minimamente processados. Espera-se que melhorias e ajustes sejam realizadosnos cardápios, visto a necessidadede ser mais enfático em seu princípiode garantir a segurança alimentar (AU).
Introduction:The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic affected directly the food planning of municipal, state and other institutions, including the meals offered by the popular restaurant program, which is important in guaranteeing the food security of the vulnerablepopulation. Objective: To qualitatively evaluate the preparations of the lunch menu at Restaurante Popular in the municipality of Santa Cruz-Rio Grande do Norteand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic scenario.Methodology:To this, the menus for the months of March, April, May, August and September 2021 were evaluated by the methodqualitative evaluation of menu preparations. Furthermore, through the adaptation of the methodaformentioned, preparations were designated according to the recommendations for type of processing following the Food Guide for the Brazilian population.Results:A low supply of fruits and leafy vegetables was identified, high supply of fatty and sweet meats, regular supply of preparations rich in sulfur and the same colors. However, regarding the frying and the frying + sweet combination, it was presented in just one daythe week(n=109).Moreover, in the last two months of analysis there was an increase in the supply of hardwoods, decrease in monotony,foods rich in sulfur and sweets, and even, preparations in natura or minimally processed + processed foods were presentsevery day. Conclusions:With the use of the method studied it waspossible to adjust the menufor the analyzed periodto offer qualityto diners. It should the increase in the supply of in natura and minimally processed foods stands out with the adaptation and progression of the reduction of COVID-19cases.It is expected that improvements and adjustments will be madethe menus,given the need to be more emphatic in its principleof ensuring food safety (AU).
ntroducción: La llegada de la pandemia del COVID-19 afectó directamente la planificación alimentaria de las instituciones municipales, estatales y otras, incluyendo las comidas que ofrece el programa de restaurantes populares, importante para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de la población más vulnerable. Objetivo:Evaluar cualitativamente las preparaciones del menú del almuerzo en el Restaurante Popular del municipio de Santa Cruz-Rio Grande do Nortey los impactos del escenario de pandemia del COVID-19.Metodología:Para ello, se evaluaron los menús de los meses de marzo, abril, mayo, agosto y septiembre de 2021 por el método evaluación cualitativa de la elaboración de menús. Además, al adaptar el métodocitado, las preparaciones fueron designadas de acuerdo con las recomendaciones del tipo de procesamiento según la Guía de Alimentos para la población brasileña.Resultados: Se identificó una baja oferta de frutas y hortalizas de hoja, alta oferta de carnes grasas y dulces, regular oferta de preparaciones ricasen azufre y los mismos colores,aún,en cuanto a la fritura y la combinación fritura + dulce, se presentó en un solo díade lasemana(n=109). Además, en los últimos dos meses de análisishubo un aumento en la oferta de maderas duras, una disminución de la monotonía, alimentos ricos en azufre y dulces, y aun, las preparaciones con alimentos in natura o mínimamente procesados + procesados presentes todos los días. Conclusiones: Con el uso del método estudió fueposible identificar ajustes en el menúpara el período analizado, con el fin de ofrecer calidad a los comensales. Cabe señalar que se observó que con la adaptación y reducción delcasosCOVID-19, hubo un aumento en la oferta de productos in natura y mínimamente procesados. Se espera que se realicenmejoras y ajustesa los menús, dada las necesidades más enfáticasen su principiode garantizar la seguridad alimentaria (AU).
Food and Nutrition Education , Collective Feeding , Food Services/instrumentation , COVID-19/transmission , Qualitative Evaluation of Menu Preparations/methods , Menu Planning/standards , Restaurants/standards , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Qualitative Research , Document AnalysisABSTRACT
Introdução:Às medidas de segurança da COVID-19 direcionaram a adoção do modelo remoto de ensino, inclusive para ações de extensão universitária realizadas no ambiente escolar. A extensão contribui para a promoção da saúde ao abordar temas como a Educação Alimentar eNutricional. Objetivo:O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a experiência da extensão universitária e a adaptação de ações de Educação Alimentar e Nutricional ao modelo remoto, com escolares de ensino fundamental do interior da Paraíba em 2020. Metodologia:O projeto "#Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação: Educação Alimentar e Nutricional em Casa" foi realizado com escolares do ensino infantil ao 5º ano de uma escola pública de Cuité, Paraíba. Utilizou-se o whatsapp como ferramenta para as atividadesbaseadas no incentivo a brincadeiras com movimentação física, o desenvolvimento cognitivo, os vínculos intergeracionais e a alimentação de baixo custo. Foram desenvolvidas 12 ações, adaptadas à idade escolar e de fácil execução no domicílio, através de vídeos explicativos, plataforma de jogos e atividades impressas. Resultados:Observou-se os desafios: desigualdade no acesso à internet, fragilidade na manutenção do vínculo entre a equipe universitária com a comunidade escolar, sobrecarga dos professores e diversos contextos no ambiente familiar como, por exemplo, a vulnerabilidade social e violência doméstica. Conclusão:Contudo, é possível a realização da extensão universitária no modelo remoto a partir da diversificação de estratégias e ferramentas digitais, apesar dos desafios enfrentados para manter o vínculo entre equipe universitária-comunidade escolar (AU).
Introduction:Security measures against COVID-19 led to the adoption of a remote teaching model, including university extension actions carried out in the school environment. The extension contributes to health promotion by addressing topics such as Food and Nutrition Education. Objective:This study aims to report the experience of a university extension and the adaptation of Food and Nutrition Education actions to the remote model applied to elementary school students from the interior of Paraíba in 2020. Methodology:The "#Information and Communication Technologies: Food and Nutrition Education at Home" project was carried out among elementary school students in the fifth grade of a public school in Cuité, Paraíba. Whatsapp was used as a tool for activities that involved encouraging play with physical movement, cognitive development, intergenerational bonds, and low-cost food. Twelve actions were developed and were adapted for school-age students. They were made easy to perform at home through explanatory videos, game platforms, and printed activities.Results:Challenges were observed in terms of unequal internet access, weakness in maintaining the connection betweenthe university team and the school community, overload of teachers, and different contexts in the family environment such as social vulnerability and domestic violence. Conclusions:Despite the challenges faced in maintaining the connection in the universityschool community team, it is possible to carry out university extensions in the remote model based on the diversification of digital strategies and tools (AU).
ntroducción:Las medidas de seguridad del COVID-19 orientaron la adopción del modelo de enseñanza a distancia, incluso para acciones de extensión universitaria realizadas en el ámbito escolar. La extensión contribuye a la promoción de la salud al abordar temas como laEducación Alimentaria y Nutricional. Objetivo:El objetivo de este trabajo es relatar la experiencia de extensión universitaria y la adaptación de las acciones de la Educación Alimentaria y Nutricional al modelo a distancia, con estudiantes de enseñanza básica del interior de Paraíba en 2020.Metodología:El proyecto "#Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación: Educación Alimentaria y Nutricional en Casa" fue realizado con alumnos de jardín de infantes a 5o grado de una escuela pública de Cuité, Paraíba. Se utilizó WhatsApp como herramienta para realizar actividades basadas en fomentar el juego con el movimiento físico, el desarrollo cognitivo, los vínculos intergeneracionales y la comida a bajo costo. Se desarrollaron 12 acciones, adaptadas a la edadescolar y fáciles de realizar en casa, através de videos explicativos, una plataforma de juegos y actividades impresas. Resultados:Se observaron desafíos: desigualdad en el acceso a internet, fragilidad en el mantenimiento del vínculo entre el equipo universitario y la comunidad escolar, sobrecarga de docentes y diversos contextos en el entorno familiar, como vulnerabilidad social y violencia intrafamiliar. Conclusiones:Sin embargo, es posible realizar la extensión universitaria en el modelo a distancia a partir de la diversificación de estrategias y herramientas digitales, a pesar de los desafíos que se enfrentan para mantener el vínculo entre el equipo universitario y la comunidad escolar (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Food and Nutrition Education , Community-Institutional Relations , Information Technology , COVID-19/transmission , Brazil/epidemiology , Social Vulnerability , Health PromotionABSTRACT
Introducción: el artículo analiza los lineamientos en educación alimentaria y de fomento agrícola que circularon en la Revista Educador Sanitario, publicación oficial de la repartición nacional de educación sanitaria de Argentina durante la década de 1960. Desarrollo: el trabajo explora las adaptaciones discursivas de los sanitaristas argentinos a las directrices internacionales de desarrollo para promover la campaña mundial contra el "hambre oculta", definida como aquellos patrones culturales alimentarios de baja calidad nutricional. Luego, examina las prescripciones dietéticas para las familias populares que pretendían estimular como hábitos, calidad, variedad y austeridad. Por último, revisa las tensiones y las contradicciones inmanentes a las referencias eruditas en torno al fomento agrícola y a las reglas del libre comercio, al evidenciar las inequidades alimentarias y la falta de infraestructura federal para lograr la ansiada modernización agroalimentaria. Conclusiones: el discurso de los desarrollistas sobre alimentación nutritiva apropiadas por la revista fueron funcionales al clima de proscripción peronista. Los consejos dietéticos y en economía doméstica apuntaron a sustituir el consumo cárnico por otras fuentes proteicas, como legumbres y lácteos, y los hidratos de carbono simples, por complejos, como las hortalizas. No obstante, sus vinculaciones con el fomento a las agroeconomías de subsistencia refutaron la pre- valencia del "hambre oculta" como problema alimentario en Argentina, pues, en sintonía con los parámetros internacionales, de esta manera se propiciaría una dinámica de redistribución alimenticia, capaz de reponer las vacancias del mercado interno y de estimular las exportaciones netas al prevenir la erosión de los saldos exportables
Introduction: This article analyzes the guidelines on food education and agricultural promotion that circulated in the Revista Educador Sanitario, the official publication of the national health education department of Argentina during the 1960s. Development: The study explores the discursive adaptations by Argentinean sanitarians to the international development guidelines toward promoting the global campaign against "hidden hunger," which referred to the cultural eating patterns of low nutritional quality food. Then, the study examines the dietary prescriptions for popular families that were intended to stimulate quality, variety, and austerity as healthy habits. Finally, it reviews the tensions and contradictions immanent in the scholarly references to agricultural promotion and free trade rules, highlighting food inequities and the lack of infrastructure at the federal level to successfully achieve the desired agri-food modern- ization. Conclusions: The developmentalist disourse on nutritious food appropriated by the Revista were found to be functional to the climate of peronist prescription. Dietary and home economics suggestions attempted to substitute meat consumption for other protein sources such as legumes and dairy products and that of simple carbohydrates for complex ones such as vegetables. However, their links with the promotion of subsistence agro-economies refuted the prevalence of "hidden hunger" as a food problem in Argentina. In line with the international parameters, this approach would promote a dynamic of food redistribution to replenish the gaps in the domestic market and stimulate net exports by preventing the erosion of exportable balances.
Introdução: o artigo analisa as orientações sobre educação alimentar e promoção agrícola que circularam na Revista Educador Sanitário, publicação oficial do departamento nacional de educação sanitária da Argentina durante a década de 1960. Desenvolvimento: o trabalho explora as adaptações discursivas que foram feitas por sanitaristas argentinos às diretrizes de desenvolvimento internacional para promover a campanha global contra a "fome oculta", definida como aqueles padrões alimentares culturais de baixa qualidade nutricional. Em seguida, examina as prescrições alimentares para famílias populares que visavam estimular a qualidade, a variedade e a austeridade como hábitos. Por fim, revisa as tensões e contradições inerentes aos referenciais acadêmicos sobre desenvolvimento agrícola e regras de livre comércio, evidenciando as iniquidades alimentares e a falta de infraestrutura no nível federal para alcançar a tão esperada modernização agroalimentar. Conclusões: os discursos desenvolvimentistas sobre alimentação nutritiva apropriados pela Revista foram funcionais ao clima de proscrição pero- nista. Aconselhamento dietético e de economia doméstica visando a substituição do consumo de carne por outras fontes de proteína, como leguminosas e laticínios; e carboidratos simples para os complexos, como vegetais. No entanto, seus vínculos com a promoção de agroeconomias de subsistência refutaram a prevalência da "fome oculta" como problema alimentar na Argentina. Pois bem, em sintonia com os parâmetros internacionais, isso promoveria uma dinâmica de redistribuição de alimentos, capaz de repor as vagas no mercado interno e estimular as exportações líquidas ao evitar a erosão dos saldos exportáveis
Os objetivos deste estudo foram relatar a experiência da utilização de oficinas culinárias como estratégia didático-pedagógica na disciplina de educação nutricional, e analisar as percepções dos estudantes quanto à interdisciplinaridade e aplicabilidade na atuação profissional, pela análise de conteúdo temática. Este é um relato de experiência da utilização de oficinas culinárias durante a disciplina de Educação Nutricional no curso de nutrição de uma universidade pública. Foram quantificados os tipos de receitas selecionadas e seus respectivos princípios dietéticos e/ou dietoterápicos. Identificamos que 80% das receitas selecionadas priorizavam o conteúdo de nutrientes dos ingredientes como princípio dietético/dietoterápico e somente 20% consideraram aspectos sensoriais e culturais. Na análise qualitativa, foram identificados três eixos temáticos: (1) O olhar do estudante sobre a oficina culinária; (2) O aprendizado da oficina culinária para sua prática profissional; (3) A racionalização da alimentação. A oficina foi considerada uma experiência inovadora e enriquecedora para a formação acadêmica, principalmente pela interdisciplinaridade. Conclui-se que o uso de oficinas culinárias como estratégia didático-pedagógica interdisciplinar nos cursos de Nutrição pode trazer benefícios na formação dos futuros nutricionistas (AU)
The objectives of this study were to report the experience of using culinary workshops as a didactic-pedagogical strategy in the nutrition education discipline, and analyze the students' perceptions regarding interdisciplinarity and applicability in their professional practices through thematic-content analysis. This is an experience report on the use of culinary workshops during the nutritional education discipline in the nutrition course of a public university. The types of recipes selected and their respective dietetic/diet therapy principles were quantified. We found that 80% of the selected recipes were based on the nutritional composition of foods and only 20% considered sensory and cultural aspects. In the qualitative analysis, 3 thematic axes were identified: (1) The student's perception of the culinary workshop; (2) The learning in the culinary workshop for their professional practice; (3) The rationalization of food. The workshop was considered an innovative and enriching experience for academic training, mainly due to its interdisciplinarity. It is concluded that the use of culinary workshops as an interdisciplinary didactic-pedagogical strategy in Nutrition courses can bring benefits to the training of future nutritionists (AU).
Humans , Students , Students, Health Occupations , Food and Nutrition Education , Cooking , Nutritionists , Interdisciplinary PlacementABSTRACT
RESUMEN Los pueblos indígenas continúan enfrentándose a diversas barreras de acceso a servicios de salud y nutrición y tienen poca representatividad e inclusión en los procesos de toma de decisiones sobre el tema. Las herramientas de educación alimentaria y nutricional (EAN) con las que cuenta el país no se adecúan a las realidades agroalimentarias de los pueblos indígenas del Vaupés. Este documento describe un proceso de co-construcción de materiales de EAN enfocados especialmente en gestantes, lactantes y niños y niñas menores de 2 años. El material se construyó con tres comunidades indígenas, un grupo de lideresas indígenas y las instituciones de salud locales del departamento del Vaupés. Se realizaron talleres y entrevistas y revisión documental. A partir de dicha información se construyó un rotafolio con 12 mensajes para fortalecer el inicio de la alimentación complementaria en los niños y las niñas con una visión intercultural y para apoyar los procesos de inducción y reinducción del personal que llega a trabajar al territorio. El material promueve las acciones contempladas por la legislación colombiana en las rutas integrales de atención, pero sobre todo las acciones de cuidado propias de los pueblos indígenas. Esta herramienta de EAN articula ambos saberes y aporta los elementos para promover la salud integralmente desde la perspectiva de las culturas locales.
ABSTRACT Indigenous peoples continue to face various barriers to accessing health and nutrition services, and they have little representation and inclusion in decision-making processes regarding these subjects. The food and nutrition education (FNE) tools currently available in the country are not adapted to the agro-food realities of the indigenous peoples of Vaupés. This document describes a process of co-constructing FNE materials focused on pregnant women, infants, and children under 2 years of age. The material was developed in collaboration with three indigenous communities, a group of indigenous leaders, and local health institutions in the department of Vaupés. The process included workshops, interviews, and documentary reviews. Based on this information, a flip chart with 12 messages was created to strengthen the initiation of complementary feeding in children with an intercultural vision and to support the training processes of health personnel who arrive to work in the territory. The material promotes health interventions that are contemplated by Colombian legislation in the comprehensive care routes, but above all, it prioritizes the health interventions of indigenous peoples. This FNE tool integrates both local knowledge and external expertise, providing the elements to promote a comprehensive approach to health that takes into account the local worldviews.