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Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569589


Introducción: La obesidad se relaciona con un riesgo cardiovascular (RCV) elevado. Esto nos obliga a tomar conductas terapéuticas y prevencionistas. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el riesgo cardiovascular en una población de obesos mórbidos y valorar la correcta indicación de estatinas. Metodología: Estudio transversal, descriptivo, observacional, con la población obesos mórbidos del Programa de Obesidad y Cirugía Bariátrica (POCB) del Hospital Maciel, desde noviembre del 2014 a marzo del 2020. El RCV se valoró con la calculadora de la organización panamericana de la salud. La indicación de estatinas se consideró según RCV o diagnóstico de dislipemia. Resultados: Se analizaron 478 pacientes, el 84.3% fueron mujeres, la mediana para la edad fue de 44 años, y para el IMC 50 kg/m2. Se calculó un RCV bajo para el 57% de los pacientes; y alto o muy alto para un 37%. La prevalencia de las dislipemias fue 84,3%, a predominio de hipercolesterolemia (33,7%) y dislipemia aterogénica (19,5%). El 60.6% (290) de los pacientes presenta indicación de tratamiento con estatinas, solo el 38.9%. (113) las recibe. El 38.1% (43) alcanzan los objetivos terapéuticos. Conclusiones : La obesidad presenta múltiples comorbilidades que aumentan el RCV, aun así se encuentra subestimada por las calculadoras de riesgo. Queda en evidencia un infratratamiento farmacológico de estos pacientes, no logrando los objetivos terapéuticos propuestos.

Introduction: Obesity is related to a high cardiovascular risk (CVR). This forces us to take therapeutic and preventive behaviors. The objective of this work is to evaluate cardiovascular risk in a morbidly obese population and assess the correct indication of statins. Methodology: Cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study, with the morbidly obese population of the Obesity and Bariatric Surgery Program (POCB) of the Maciel Hospital, from November 2014 to March 2020. CVR was assessed with the calculator of the Pan-American health organization. The indication for statins was considered according to CVR or diagnosis of dyslipidemia. Results: 478 patients were analyzed, 84.3% were women, the median age was 44 years, and the BMI was 50 kg/m2. A low CVR was calculated for 57% of patients; and high or very high for 37%. The prevalence of dyslipidemia was 84.3%, with a predominance of hypercholesterolemia (33.7%) and atherogenic dyslipidemia (19.5%). 60.6% (290) of patients have an indication for treatment with statins, only 38.9%. (113) receives them. 38.1% (43) achieved therapeutic objectives. Conclusions: Obesity presents multiple comorbidities that increase CVR, yet it is underestimated by risk calculators. Pharmacological undertreatment of these patients is evident, not achieving the proposed therapeutic objectives.

Introdução : A obesidade está relacionada a um alto risco cardiovascular (RCV). Isso nos obriga a adotar comportamentos terapêuticos e preventivos. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o risco cardiovascular em uma população com obesidade mórbida e avaliar a correta indicação de estatinas. Metodologia: Estudo transversal, descritivo, observacional, com a população com obesidade mórbida do Programa de Obesidade e Cirurgia Bariátrica (POCB) do Hospital Maciel, no período de novembro de 2014 a março de 2020. O RCV foi avaliado com a calculadora da organização pan-americana de saúde. A indicação de estatinas foi considerada de acordo com RCV ou diagnóstico de dislipidemia. Resultados: Foram analisados ​​478 pacientes, 84,3% eram mulheres, a mediana de idade foi de 44 anos e o IMC foi de 50 kg/m2. Um RCV baixo foi calculado para 57% dos pacientes; e alto ou muito alto para 37%. A prevalência de dislipidemia foi de 84,3%, com predomínio de hipercolesterolemia (33,7%) e dislipidemia aterogênica (19,5%). 60,6% (290) dos pacientes têm indicação de tratamento com estatinas, apenas 38,9%. (113) os recebe. 38,1% (43) alcançaram objetivos terapêuticos. Conclusões: A obesidade apresenta múltiplas comorbidades que aumentam o RCV, mas é subestimada pelas calculadoras de risco. É evidente o subtratamento farmacológico destes pacientes, não atingindo os objetivos terapêuticos propostos.

J. bras. nefrol ; 46(3): e20230134, July-Sept. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550505


Abstract Introduction: Living donor kidney transplantation is considered the ideal renal replacement therapy because it has a lower complication rate and allows an efficient response to the high demand for grafts in the healthcare system. Careful selection and adequate monitoring of donors is a key element in transplantation. Individuals at greater risk of developing kidney dysfunction after nephrectomy must be identified. Objective: To identify risk factors associated with a renal compensation rate (CR) below 70% 12 months after nephrectomy. Methods: This observational retrospective longitudinal study included living kidney donors followed up at the Lower Amazon Regional Hospital between 2016 and 2022. Data related to sociodemographic variables, comorbid conditions and kidney function parameters were collected. Results: The study enrolled 32 patients. Fourteen (43.75%) had a CR < 70% 12 months after kidney donation. Logistic regression found obesity (Odds Ratio [95%CI]: 10.6 [1.7-65.2]), albuminuria (Odds Ratio [95%CI]: 2.41 [1.2-4.84]) and proteinuria (Odds Ratio [95%CI]: 1.14 [1.03-1.25]) as risk factors. Glomerular filtration rate was a protective factor (Odds Ratio [95% CI]: 0.92 [0.85-0.99]). Conclusion: Obesity, albuminuria and proteinuria adversely affected short-term renal compensation rate. Further studies are needed to uncover the prognostic implications tied to these risk factors. Our findings also supported the need for careful individualized assessment of potential donors and closer monitoring of individuals at higher risk.

Resumo Introdução: O transplante de rim de doador vivo é considerado a terapia renal substitutiva ideal por oferecer menor taxa de complicações e possibilitar uma resposta eficiente à grande demanda por enxertos no sistema de saúde. A seleção criteriosa e o acompanhamento adequado dos doadores constituem um pilar fundamental dessa modalidade terapêutica, sendo essencial a identificação dos indivíduos em maior risco de disfunção renal pós-nefrectomia. Objetivo: Identificar fatores de risco para uma Taxa de Compensação (TC) da função renal inferior a 70% 12 meses após a nefrectomia. Métodos: Estudo observacional, retrospectivo e longitudinal conduzido com doadores de rim vivo acompanhados no Hospital Regional do Baixo Amazonas entre 2016 e 2022. Foram coletados dados correspondentes a variáveis sociodemográficas, comorbidades e parâmetros de função renal. Resultados: Foram incluídos 32 pacientes na amostra final. Destes, 14 (43,75%) obtiveram TC < 70% 12 meses após a doação. A regressão logística identificou a obesidade (Odds Ratio [IC95%]: 10.6 [1.7-65.2]), albuminúria (Odds Ratio [IC95%]: 2.41 [1.2-4.84]) e proteinúria (Odds Ratio [IC95%]: 1.14 [1.03-1.25]) como fatores de risco. A taxa de filtração glomerular atuou como fator de proteção (Odds Ratio [IC95%]: 0.92 [0.85-0.99]). Conclusão: Obesidade, albuminúria e proteinúria demonstraram impacto negativo na taxa de compensação renal em curto prazo, o que reitera a necessidade de estudos acerca das implicações prognósticas desses fatores. Além disso, reforça-se a necessidade de avaliação cuidadosa e individualizada dos possíveis doadores, com acompanhamento rigoroso, especialmente para indivíduos de maior risco.

Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(3): 30-42, sep-dec 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1572481


RESUMEN Introducción: el índice de masa corporal y el perímetro abdominal son medidas antropométricas que podrían ser concordantes en la población peruana para el cribado de sobrepeso u obesidad. Objetivo: analizar la correlación y concordancia entre las pruebas de índice de masa corporal y perímetro abdominal para la detección de sobrepeso u obesidad en adultos peruanos. Metodología: estudio observacional, analítico y transversal basado en datos de la encuesta nacional demográfica de salud familiar. La población fue de 28960 adultos. Las variables fueron: índice de masa corporal y perímetro abdominal. Se utilizó la prueba V de Cramer, t de student, correlación de Spearman y kappa de Cohen. Resultados: hubo una asociación fuerte entre índice de masa corporal y perímetro abdominal en mujeres (V=0,701), moderada en hombres (V=0,632). En la prueba kappa de Cohen, ambas variables concordaron sustancialmente en mujeres (kappa=0,677) y moderadamente en hombres (kappa=0,580). Mediante el Odds Ratio, las mujeres con índice de masa corporal elevado tuvieron una probabilidad 97,22 veces mayor de perímetro abdominal elevado, mientras que en hombres con índice de masa corporal elevado fue 110,76 veces mayor. La correlación de Spearman fue muy alta y positiva en ambos sexos Conclusiones: el perímetro abdominal y el índice de masa corporal están asociados y correlacionados significativamente en adultos peruanos, presentaron una concordancia sustancial en mujeres y moderada en hombres. Se sugiere priorizar el uso del perímetro abdominal, debido a que distingue sobrepeso u obesidad según sexo, optimizándolo mediante la determinación de un punto de corte ajustado a la población peruana.

ABSTRACT Introduction: body mass index and abdominal perimeter are anthropometric measurements that could be concordant in the Peruvian population for screening for overweight or obesity. Objective: to analyze the correlation and agreement between body mass index and abdominal circumference tests for the detection of overweight or obesity in Peruvian adults. Methodology: observational, analytical and cross-sectional study based on data from the national demographic family health survey. The population was 28,960 adults. The variables were: body mass index and abdominal perimeter. Cramer's V test, student's t, Spearman's correlation and Cohen's kappa were used. Results: there was a strong association between body mass index and abdominal perimeter in women (V=0.701), moderate in men (V=0.632). In Cohen's kappa test, both variables agreed substantially in women (kappa=0.677) and moderately in men (kappa=0.580). Using the Odds Ratio, women with a high body mass index had a 97.22 times greater probability of having a high abdominal circumference, while in men with a high body mass index it was 110.76 times greater. The Spearman correlation was very high and positive in both sexes. Conclusions: abdominal circumference and body mass index are significantly associated and correlated in Peruvian adults; they presented substantial agreement in women and moderate agreement in men. It is suggested to prioritize the use of the abdominal perimeter, because it distinguishes overweight or obesity according to sex, optimizing it by determining a cut-off point adjusted to the Peruvian population.

J. bras. econ. saúde (Impr.) ; 16(2): 98-107, Agosto/2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571620


Objetivo: A obesidade populacional afeta inúmeras nações do mundo, implicando custos econô¬micos, sociais e ambientais severos, comprometendo a condição de desenvolvimento sustentável. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a evolução da situação de sobrepeso e obesidade popu¬lacional dos países-membros da OCDE e do Brasil. Métodos: Este estudo analisa dados sobre a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade populacional disponibilizados pela OCDE para os seus paí¬ses-membros e pelo sistema Vigitel para o Brasil. Resultados: Os países da OCDE apresentam uma variabilidade grande na prevalência de sobrepeso/obesidade, e a prevalência média está na faixa dos 50%. Para o Brasil, a prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade populacional aumentou expressiva¬mente nos últimos anos, indo de cerca de 45% em 2010 para 53,5% em 2020. Conclusão: A maioria dos países analisados está classificada em uma condição de taxa média de prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade superior a 50% e uma tendência de crescimento dessa prevalência. O estudo ainda apresenta algumas ações e políticas públicas promovidas em outros países com o propósito de promover a redução da prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade, e que poderiam ser adaptadas e implementadas no contexto brasileiro.

Objective: Population obesity affects many nations of the world, implying severe economic, social and environmental costs, compromising the condition of sustainable development. This study aims to analyze the evolution of the situation of overweight and obesity in the OECD member countries and Brazil. Methods: This study analyzes data on the prevalence of overweight and obesity made available by the OECD for its member countries, and by the Vigitel System for Brazil. Results: The OECD countries show a great variability in the prevalence of overweight/obesity, with the average prevalence being in the range of 50%. For Brazil, the prevalence of overweight and obesity in the population has increased significantly in recent years, going from about 45% in 2010 to 53.5% in 2020. Conclusion: Most of the countries analyzed are classified in a condition of average prevalence rate of overweight and obesity greater than 50% and a tendency for this prevalence to increase. The study also presents some actions and public policies promoted in other countries with the purpose of promoting the reduction of the prevalence of overweight and obesity, which could be adapted and implemented in the Brazilian context.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(4): 444-454, July-Aug. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564753


Abstract Objective: To estimate the direct costs of treating excess body weight in children and adolescents attending a public children's hospital. Methods: This study analyzed the costs of the disease within the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) for 2,221 patients with excess body weight using a microcosting approach. The costs included operational expenses, consultations, and laboratory and imaging tests obtained from medical records for the period from 2009 to 2019. Healthcare expenses were obtained from the Table of Procedures, Medications, Orthoses/Prostheses, and Special Materials of SUS and from the hospital's finance department. Results: Medical consultations accounted for 50.6% (R$703,503.00) of the total cost (R $1,388,449.40) of treatment over the period investigated. The cost of treating excess body weight was 11.8 times higher for children aged 5-18 years compared to children aged 2-5 years over the same period. Additionally, the cost of treating obesity was approximately 4.0 and 6.3 times higher than the cost of treating overweight children aged 2-5 and 5-18 years, respectively. Conclusion: The average annual cost of treating excess body weight was R$138,845.00. Weight status and age influenced the cost of treating this disease, with higher costs being observed for individuals with obesity and children over 5 years of age. Additionally, the important deficit in reimbursement by SUS and the small number of other health professionals highlight the need for restructuring this treatment model to ensure its effectiveness, including a substantial increase in government investment.

Int. braz. j. urol ; 50(4): 480-488, July-Aug. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569215


ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate the morphological and stereological parameters of the testicles in mice exposed to bisphenol S and/or high-fat diet-induced obesity. Material and Methods Forty adult male C57BL/6 mice were fed a standard diet (SC) or high-fat diet (HF) for a total of 12 weeks. The sample was randomly divided into 4 experimental groups with 10 mices as follows: a) SC - animals fed a standard diet; b) SC-B - animals fed a standard diet and administration of BPS (25 μg/kg of body mass/day) in drinking water; c) HF: animals fed a high-fat diet; d) HF-B - animals fed a high-fat diet and administration of BPS (25 μg/Kg of body mass/day) in drinking water. BPS administration lasted 12 weeks, following exposure to the SC and HF diets. BPS was diluted in absolute ethanol (0.1%) and added to drinking water (concentration of 25 μg/kg body weight/day). The animals were euthanized, and the testes were processed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for morphometric and stereological parameters, including density of seminiferous tubules per area, length density and total length of seminiferous tubules, height of the tunica albuginea and the diameter of the seminiferous tubules. The images were captured with an Olympus BX51 microscope and Olympus DP70 camera. The stereological analysis was done with the Image Pro and Image J programs. Means were statistically compared using ANOVA and the Holm-Sidak post-test (p<0.05). Results The seminiferous tubule density per area reduced in all groups when compared with SC samples (p<0.001): HF (40%), SC-B 3(2%), and HF-B (36%). Length density was reduced significantly (p<0.001) in all groups when compared with SC group: HF (40%), SC-B (32%), and HF-B (36%). The seminiferous tubule total length was reduced (p<0.001) when compared to f HF (28%) and SC-B (26%) groups. The tubule diameter increased significantly (p<0.001) only when we compared the SC group with SC (54%) an SC-B (25%) groups and the tunica thickness increased significantly only in HF group (117%) when compared with SC-B (20%) and HF-B 31%. Conclusion Animals exposed to bisphenol S and/or high-fat diet-induced obesity presented important structural alterations in testicular morphology.

Rev. APS (Online) ; 27(Único): e272441770, 05/07/2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1567089


Objetivo: Avaliar a organização, gestão e o cuidado nutricional ofertado às pessoas com sobrepeso e obesidade na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado com 54 profissionais da Atenção Primária à Saúde da cidade de Goiânia-GO. Os dados foram obtidos por meio do questionário eletrônico semiestruturado e autoaplicável. Resultados: Os profissionais participantes eram enfermeiros 88,9%, e com mais de cinco anos na função atual 79,6%. Ao analisar a infraestrutura e mobiliário, apenas 11,1% relataram cadeiras e bancos adequados, 33,3% acessibilidade física. O mapeamento do território foi referido por 51,8% dos profissionais. As principais estratégias para organização do cuidado e tratamento foram: central de regulação 79,6%, referência e contrarreferência 77,8%. Conclusão: Os resultados deste estudo refletem que a APS em Goiânia-GO, está em processo de implantação da gestão e cuidado nutricional que atendam às políticas públicas previstas para a prevenção e manejo do sobrepeso e obesidade.

Objective: To evaluate the organization, management, and nutritional care offered to overweight and obese individuals in primary healthcare (PHC) centers. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 54 professionals from PHC in the city of Goiânia-GO. Data were obtained using a semi-structured, self-administered electronic questionnaire. Results: The participating professionals were predominantly nurses (88.9%) with more than five years in their current position (79.6%). Regarding office infrastructure, including seating, only 11.1% reported adequate chairs and benches, while 33.3% reported adequate physical accessibility. Territory mapping was reported by 51.8% of professionals. The main strategies for organizing care and treatment were central regulation (79.6%), and referrals and counter-referrals (77.6%). Conclusion: The results of this study reflect that PHC in Goiânia-GO is in the process of implementing management services and nutritional care that meet the public policy standards envisaged for the prevention and management of overweight conditions and obesity.

Rev. Enferm. Cent.-Oeste Min. ; 14: 4872, jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1566301


ResumenObjetivos: comprender el cotidiano de familiar de niños y niñas de enseñanza prebásica y básica en una escuela del sector Barranco Amarillo, región de Magallanes y Antártica Chilena; conocer la experiencia de cuidados relacionados con la prevención de la obesidad infantil y la promoción de la salud de sus familias. Método: estudio cualitativo, descriptivo-exploratorio, basado en la sociología comprensiva y del cotidiano de Michel Maffesoli, con la participación de doce familias. Resultados: las familias tienen conocimientos sobre una buena salud, tratando de comer de forma sana, pero les resulta difícil aplicarlos porque no encuentran una rutina apropiada, por el mayor costo de los alimentos saludables, el sedentarismo y la preferencia por comidas rápidas, entre otros. Conclusión: es preciso instaurar estrategias de intervención en la prevención de la obesidad infantil, teniendo como foco la promoción de la salud para una vida digna y saludable.

AbstractObjectives: to understand the daily life of families of boys and girls in pre-school and basic education in a school in the Barranco Amarillo sector, Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region; to know the experience of care related to the prevention of childhood obesity and the promotion of the health of their families. Method: qualitative, descriptive-exploratory study, based on the Comprehensive and Daily Sociology of Michel Maffesoli, with the participation of twelve families. Results: families have knowledge about good health, trying to eat healthy, but it is difficult for them to apply them because they do not find an appropriate routine, due to the higher cost of healthy foods, sedentary lifestyle, and the preference for fast foods, among others. Conclusion: it is necessary to establish intervention strategies in the prevention of childhood obesity, focusing on health promotion, for a dignified and healthy life

ResumoObjetivos: compreender o cotidiano das famílias de meninos e meninas na educação pré-escolar e básica em uma escola do setor Barranco Amarillo, Magalhães e Região Antártica Chilena; conhecer a experiência de cuidados relacionados à prevenção da obesidade infantil e à promoção da saúde de seus familiares. Método: estudo qualitativo, descritivo-exploratório, baseado na Sociologia Compreensiva e Cotidiana de Michel Maffesoli, com a participação de 12 famílias. Resultados: as famílias têm conhecimento sobre a boa saúde, procurando se alimentar de forma saudável, mas têm dificuldade em aplicá-los por não encontrarem uma rotina adequada devido ao maior custo dos alimentos saudáveis, sedentarismo e preferência por fast foods, entre outros. Conclusão:é necessário estabelecer estratégias de intervenção na prevenção da obesidade infantil, com foco na promoção da saúde para uma vida digna e saudável.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Primary Prevention , Activities of Daily Living , Family , Disease Prevention , Pediatric Obesity , Health Promotion
Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 638-646, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564607


SUMMARY: As the economy develops and living standards improve, overweight and obesity are increasingly prevalent. Currently, weight-loss medications are primarily administered orally or intravenously, which can result in poor targeting, low bioavailability, frequent administration, and high toxicity and side effects. The study aimed to address these challenges by preparing polylactic acid- polyethylene glycol staple fibers that carry the browning drug pioglitazone hydrochloride using electrostatic spinning and freeze-cutting techniques. Animal experiments were conducted to test the effectiveness of these fibers. Additionally, the study investigated the expression of uncoupling protein genes in rats exposed to different water temperatures by measuring changes in serum urea nitrogen and mRNA expression levels of skeletal muscle uncoupling protein genes. The physiological and genetic effects of low-temperature swimming exercise on changes in energy metabolism in rats were also analyzed at both the individual and molecular levels. The results revealed that serum urea nitrogen remained more stable in hypothermic swimming rats compared to rats in the swimming group. Furthermore, the study observed an induced up-regulation of uncoupling proteins in the skeletal muscle of Wistar rats in response to external temperature stimulation, and the expression of mRNA for skeletal muscle uncoupling proteins significantly increased as the temperature decreased. And the prepared short nanofibers also had a significant promotive effect on uncoupling protein gene, COX7A1, while suppressing the expression of lipogenic gene.

A medida que la economía se desarrolla y los niveles de vida mejoran, el sobrepeso y la obesidad son cada vez más frecuentes. Actualmente, los medicamentos para bajar de peso se administran principalmente por vía oral o intravenosa, lo que puede resultar en una mala focalización, baja biodisponibilidad, administración frecuente y alta toxicidad y efectos secundarios. El estudio tuvo como objetivo abordar estos desafíos mediante la preparación de fibras cortadas de ácido poliláctico y polietilenglicol que transportan el fármaco pardo clorhidrato de pioglitazona mediante técnicas de hilado electrostático y liofilización. Se realizaron experimentos con animales para probar la eficacia de estas fibras. Además, el estudio investigó la expresión de genes de proteínas desacopladoras en ratas expuestas a diferentes temperaturas del agua midiendo los cambios en el nitrógeno ureico sérico y los niveles de expresión de ARNm de genes de proteínas desacopladoras del músculo esquelético. También se analizaron los efectos fisiológicos y genéticos del ejercicio de natación a baja temperatura sobre los cambios en el metabolismo energético en ratas, tanto a nivel individual como molecular. Los resultados revelaron que el nitrógeno ureico sérico permaneció más estable en ratas nadadoras hipotérmicas en comparación con las ratas del grupo de natación. Además, el estudio observó una regulación positiva inducida de las proteínas desacopladoras en el músculo esquelético de ratas Wistar en respuesta a la estimulación de la temperatura externa, y la expresión de ARNm para las proteínas desacopladoras del músculo esquelético aumentó significativamente a medida que disminuía la temperatura. Además, las nanofibras cortas preparadas también tuvieron un efecto promotor significativo sobre el gen de la proteína de desacoplamiento, COX7A1, al tiempo que suprimieron la expresión del gen lipogénico.

Animals , Male , Rats , Swimming , Cold Temperature , Mitochondrial Uncoupling Proteins/genetics , Pioglitazone/administration & dosage , Blood Urea Nitrogen , Rats, Wistar , Electron Transport Complex IV , Muscle, Skeletal , Electrophoresis , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);29(6): e05162023, Jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557531


Abstract This article aims to analyse the relationship between physical activity (PA) environment at schools, sex, age, and obesity in children, using a network approach. This is a cross-sectional study, with 1,200 children (8.1±1.0 years old) from eight public schools in the same municipality. Weight and height measurements were assessed to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) and classified as healthier weight or overweight. To assess the PA environment at school, a interview with the school´s manager was conducted. The association between the PA environment at school and obesity was tested using a Network Analysis performed on the Jasp software. Positive associations between BMI and Physical Education classes (0.847), physical education teacher (0.349), break duration (0.564), and indoor sports court (0.662) were observed. Negative associations were seen with sex (-0.212) age (-0.387), extracurricular PA (-0.492), and playground (-0.557). Additionally, the centrality indicators highlighted extracurricular PA (1.789) as the variables with the highest betweenness values, and BMI with the highest closeness (2.239) and strength (1.230) values. Extracurricular PA and the presence of playgrounds in school´s environment are associated with healthier weight in low-income children.

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a relação entre ambiente de atividade física (AF) nas escolas, sexo, idade e obesidade em crianças, usando uma abordagem de rede. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com 1.200 crianças (8,1±1,0 anos) de oito escolas públicas do mesmo município. Peso e estatura foram avaliadas para cálculo do Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e classificadas como peso saudável ou sobrepeso. Para avaliar o ambiente de AF na escola, foi aplicado um questionário por meio de entrevista com o gestor da escola. A associação entre o ambiente de AF na escola e a obesidade foi testada por meio Análise de Redes realizada no software Jasp. Foram observadas associações positivas entre o IMC e as aulas de Educação Física (0,847), professor de educação física (0,349), duração do intervalo (0,564) e quadra poliesportiva (0,662). Associações negativas foram observadas com sexo (-0,212), idade (-0,387), AF extracurricular (-0,492) e playground (-0,557). Adicionalmente, os indicadores de centralidade destacaram a AF extracurricular (1,789) como a variável com o maior valor de intermediação, e o IMC com o maior valor de proximidade (2,239) e força (1,230). A AF extracurricular e a presença de playgrounds no ambiente escolar estão associadas a um peso mais saudável em crianças de baixa renda.

J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);100(3): 305-310, May-June 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558317


Abstract Objective: To build a model based on cardiometabolic indicators that allow the identification of overweight adolescents at higher risk of subclinical atherosclerotic disease (SAD). Methods: Cross-sectional study involving 161 adolescents with a body mass index ≥ + 1 z-Score, aged 10 to 19 years. Carotid intima-media complex thickness (IMT) was evaluated using ultrasound to assess subclinical atherosclerotic disease. Cardiometabolic indicators evaluated included nutritional status, central adiposity, blood pressure, lipidic profile, glycemic profile, as well as age and sex. Data was presented using measures of central tendency and dispersion, as well as absolute and relative frequency. The relationship between IMT measurement (outcome variable) and other variables (independent variables) was assessed using Pearson or Spearman correlation, followed by multiple regression modeling with Gamma distribution to analyze predictors of IMT. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS and R software, considering a significance level of 5 %. Results: It was observed that 23.7 % had Carotid thickening, and the prevalence of abnormal fasting glucose was the lowest. Age and fasting glucose were identified as predictors of IMT increase, with IMT decreasing with age by approximately 1 % per year and increasing with glucose by around 0.24 % per mg/dL. Conclusion: The adolescent at higher risk is younger with higher fasting glycemia levels.

Arch. latinoam. nutr ; Arch. latinoam. nutr;74(2): 97-106, jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1561533


Introducción: La malnutrición por exceso causa sobrepeso y obesidad, siendo un problema de salud pública, que se ha presentado en los primeros años de vida. Investigaciones realizadas han informado la existencia de insatisfacción corporal relacionada con el peso, debido a los estándares de belleza establecidos en la sociedad. Objetivo: asociar el índice de masa corporal con la insatisfacción corporal y percepción de la imagen corporal de los escolares. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal con 610 escolares. El estado nutricional se clasificó según el puntaje z del IMC. Para determinar la insatisfacción corporal y la percepción de la imagen corporal, se aplicó una escala de imagen corporal infantil de siete fotografías, con un valor del 1 al 7 de acuerdo con el tamaño creciente, y el rango final del IMC. Se calculó la diferencia entre la figura que los participantes consideraron ideal y la forma corporal percibida. Resultados: el 47,3% presentaron sobrepeso y obesidad. La insatisfacción corporal fue mayor en las niñas con sobrepeso y obesidad (p = 0,013). El IMC correlacionó con la insatisfacción corporal (rho(608) = 0,480; p < 0,001) y la percepción de la imagen corporal (rho(608) = 0,433; p < 0,001). Conclusiones: El IMC se relacionó positivamente con la insatisfacción corporal y la percepción de la imagen corporal; esto podría elevar el riesgo de presentar trastornos alimentarios, contribuir al mantenimiento del exceso de peso corporal, al no percibirse con exceso de peso, es menos probable que realicen acciones para controlarlo(AU)

Introduction: Excessive malnutrition causes overweight and obesity, being a public health problem, which has occurred in the first years of life. Research has reported the existence of body dissatisfaction related to weight, due to beauty standards established in society. Objective: to associate the BMI with body dissatisfaction and body image perception of schoolchildren. Materials and methods: cross-sectional study of 610 schoolchildren. Nutritional status was classified according to the BMI z score. To determine body dissatisfaction and body image perception, a child body image scale of seven photographs was applied, with a value of 1 to 7 according to the increasing size, and the final range of the BMI. The difference between the figure that participants considered ideal, and the perceived body shape was calculated. Results: 47.3% were overweight and obese. Body dissatisfaction was higher in overweight and obese girls (p = 0.013). BMI correlated with body dissatisfaction (rho(608) = 0.480; p < 0.001) and body image perception (rho(608) = 0.433; p < 0.001). Conclusions: BMI was positively related to body dissatisfaction and body image perception; this could increase the risk of developing eating disorders, contribute to the maintenance of excess body weight, as it is not perceived with excess weight, are less likely to take actions to control it(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Body Mass Index , Overweight , Pediatric Obesity
Rev. Nac. (Itauguá) ; 16(2)May-Aug. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559129


Introducción: el riesgo de aparición del infarto agudo de miocardio está relacionada con varias comorbilidades, muchas de las cuales son prevenibles y tratables. El infarto agudo de miocardio tiene un impacto relevante en términos de mortalidad y número de hospitalizaciones. Objetivos: determinar las características clínica-epidemiológicas del infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST en pacientes atendidos en el Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional, durante el periodo 2021-2023. Metodología: el diseño del estudio fue observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal, sobre las características clínica-epidemiológicas del infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST en pacientes mayores de edad atendidos en el Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional, durante el periodo 2021-2023. Resultados: se analizaron 102 expedientes de pacientes con diagnóstico de infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST con una media de 64 ± 12 años; el 68 % (n = 69) correspondió al sexo masculino, con una edad promedio de 62 años, y en relación a las mujeres el promedio fue de 64 años. El motivo de consulta principal fue el dolor precordial y la cara miocárdica más afectada de acuerdo con el electrocardiograma inicial fue la cara anteroseptal. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria fue del 16 %, el 68 % correspondió a varones. La comorbilidad más frecuente fue la hipertensión arterial. Conclusión: La hipertensión arterial es la patología más prevalente. Asimismo, son habituales la obesidad, el tabaquismo y la diabetes mellitus. Las comorbilidades están en relación directa con la edad y prevalecen en mayores de 60 años. El infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST es más frecuente en el sexo masculino.

Introduction: the risk of acute myocardial infarction is related to several comorbidities, many of which are preventable and treatable. Acute myocardial infarction has a relevant impact in terms of mortality and number of hospitalizations. Objectives: the design of the study was observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, on the clinical characteristics of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, in adult patients treated at the Centro Médico Nacional-Hospital Nacional, during the period 2021-2023. Methodology: the design of the study was observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, on the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation in adult patients treated at the National Medical Center-National Hospital, during the period 2021-2023. Results: 102 records of patients with a diagnosis of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction with a mean age of 64 ± 12 years were analyzed; 68 % (n = 69) were male, with an average age of 62 years, and in relation to women the average was 64 years. The main reason for consultation was precordial pain and the most affected myocardial aspect according to the initial electrocardiogram was the anteroseptal aspect. In-hospital mortality was 16 %, 68 % of which were men. The most frequent comorbidity was arterial hypertension. Conclusion: high blood pressure is the most prevalent pathology. Likewise, obesity, smoking and diabetes mellitus are common. Comorbidities are directly related to age and prevail in those over 60 years of age. ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction is more common in males.

Vive (El Alto) ; 7(19): 226-243, abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560618


Las personas obesas enfrentan mayores complicaciones al contraer SARS-CoV-2 debido a su estado proinflamatorio crónico y respuesta inmune reducida, relacionados con el exceso de tejido adiposo. La interacción del virus con los receptores ACE2 y la retención de lípidos ectópicos renales son aspectos clave en este contexto. Objetivo. Analizar las características específicas de la obesidad que aumentan la susceptibilidad a síntomas graves de COVID-19, a partir de artículos publicados entre 2020 y 2022, y promover futuras investigaciones. Metodología. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de artículos originales entre 2020 y 2022 utilizando términos clave y operadores booleanos en bases de datos como PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, etc. Se excluyeron estudios no originales para obtener investigaciones más específicas. Resultados. De 180 artículos encontrados, 42 fueron seleccionados. Entre estos, se destacó que pacientes obesos, especialmente hombres de edad avanzada, presentaron severas complicaciones. Sin embargo, jóvenes con obesidad severa y personas con bajo peso también mostraron mayor riesgo de mortalidad. La disminución de la función pulmonar, bajos niveles de vitamina D, y la alteración de ACE2 fueron implicados en la gravedad de la infección. La hiperglucemia asociada a la obesidad aumentó el riesgo de ingreso a UCI y ventilación mecánica, mientras que la resistencia a la insulina empeoró el pronóstico. Conclusión. La obesidad emerge como un factor de riesgo importante para la gravedad y mortalidad por COVID-19, señalando la necesidad de una atención específica para este grupo de pacientes y la continuación de investigaciones en el área.

Obese individuals face greater complications in contracting SARS-CoV-2 due to their chronic proinflammatory state and reduced immune response, related to excess adipose tissue. Virus interaction with ACE2 receptors and renal ectopic lipid retention are key issues in this context. Objective. To analyze the specific features of obesity that increase susceptibility to severe COVID-19 symptoms, from articles published between 2020 and 2022, and to promote future research. Methodology. A systematic review of original articles between 2020 and 2022 was conducted using key terms and Boolean operators in databases such as PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, etc. Non-original studies were excluded to obtain more specific research. Results. Of 180 articles found, 42 were selected. Among these, it was highlighted that obese patients, especially elderly men, presented severe complications. However, young people with severe obesity and people with low weight also showed a higher risk of mortality. Decreased lung function, low vitamin D levels, and altered ACE2 were implicated in the severity of infection. Obesity-associated hyperglycemia increased the risk of ICU admission and mechanical ventilation, while insulin resistance worsened prognosis. Conclusion. Obesity emerges as an important risk factor for severity and mortality due to COVID-19, pointing to the need for specific attention to this group of patients and further research in the area.

As pessoas obesas enfrentam maiores complicações para contrair o SARS-CoV-2 devido ao seu estado pró-inflamatório crônico e à resposta imunológica reduzida, relacionados ao excesso de tecido adiposo. A interação do vírus com os receptores ACE2 e a retenção ectópica renal de lipídios são questões fundamentais nesse contexto. Objetivo. Analisar as características específicas da obesidade que aumentam a suscetibilidade a sintomas graves da COVID-19, com base em artigos publicados entre 2020 e 2022, e promover pesquisas futuras. Metodologia. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática de artigos originais entre 2020 e 2022 usando termos-chave e operadores booleanos em bancos de dados como PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, etc. Estudos não originais foram excluídos para obter pesquisas mais específicas. Resultados. Dos 180 artigos encontrados, 42 foram selecionados. Entre eles, destacou-se que os pacientes obesos, especialmente os homens mais velhos, apresentaram complicações graves. No entanto, jovens gravemente obesos e pessoas abaixo do peso também apresentaram maior risco de mortalidade. A diminuição da função pulmonar, os baixos níveis de vitamina D e a alteração da ACE2 foram implicados na gravidade da infecção. A hiperglicemia associada à obesidade aumentou o risco de internação na UTI e de ventilação mecânica, enquanto a resistência à insulina piorou o prognóstico. Conclusões. A obesidade surge como um importante fator de risco para a gravidade e a mortalidade da COVID-19, apontando para a necessidade de atenção específica a esse grupo de pacientes e de mais pesquisas na área.

Signs and Symptoms
Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(2): 47-54, abr.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569510


RESUMEN Introducción: La hipertrigliceridemia se ha vinculado con la resistencia a la insulina. Objetivos: Evaluar la relación y capacidad predictiva de la hipertrigliceridemia para la resistencia a la insulina en niños obesos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal y analítico en niños de 6 a 14 años con obesidad, atendidos en el Hospital Belén de Trujillo entre 2014 y 2019. Se analizaron 58 historias clínicas elegidas aleatoriamente. La resistencia a la insulina se midió mediante el índice Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) (≥3). Se usaron análisis descriptivos, correlacionales y cálculos de Odds Ratio (OR), además de indicadores de predicción como sensibilidad y especificidad. Resultados: De los 58 niños estudiados, el 58,6% presentaba niveles elevados de triglicéridos y el 74,1% mostró resistencia a la insulina. Hubo una correlación significativa entre los niveles de triglicéridos y el índice HOMA (coef.: 0,543; p<0,001). Los niveles elevados de triglicéridos (OR=18,91; IC 95%: 3,67-97,36; p<0,001), glicemia en ayunas (OR=46,20; IC 95%: 5,39-396,06; p=0,010), de insulina en ayunas (OR=52,89; IC 95%: 6,11-457,55; p<0,001) y la presencia de acantosis nigricans (OR=36,17; IC 95%: 4,28-305,98; p<0,001) se asociaron significativamente con la resistencia a la insulina. La hipertrigliceridemia mostró una sensibilidad del 74,4% y una especificidad del 86,7% para predecir la resistencia a la insulina. Conclusión: La hipertrigliceridemia está significativamente asociada con la resistencia a la insulina en niños obesos y tiene un rendimiento aceptable como predictor de la misma. Este factor puede servir como un marcador temprano y predictor para implementar medidas preventivas adecuadas en poblaciones vulnerables.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Hypertriglyceridemia has been linked to insulin resistance. Objectives: To evaluate the relationship and predictive capacity of hypertriglyceridemia for insulin resistance in obese children. Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted in obese children aged 6 to 14 years, treated at the Belén Hospital of Trujillo between 2014 and 2019. Fifty-eight randomly selected medical records were analyzed. Insulin resistance was measured using the Homeostasis Model Assessment (HOMA) index (≥3). Descriptive, correlational analyses, and Odds Ratio (OR) calculations were used, along with predictive indicators such as sensitivity and specificity. Results: Of the 58 children studied, 58.6% had elevated triglyceride levels and 74.1% showed insulin resistance. There was a significant correlation between triglyceride levels and the HOMA index (coef.: 0.543; p<0.001). Elevated triglyceride levels (OR=18.91; 95% CI: 3.67-97.36; p<0.001), fasting glucose (OR=46.20; 95% CI: 5.39-396.06; p=0.010), fasting insulin (OR=52.89; 95% CI: 6.11-457.55; p<0.001), and the presence of acanthosis nigricans (OR=36.17; 95% CI: 4.28-305.98; p<0.001) were significantly associated with insulin resistance. Hypertriglyceridemia showed a sensitivity of 74.4% and a specificity of 86.7% for predicting insulin resistance. Conclusion: Hypertriglyceridemia is significantly associated with insulin resistance in obese children and has an acceptable performance as a predictor. This factor may serve as an early marker and predictor to implement appropriate preventive measures in vulnerable populations.

Rev. Fac. Med. Hum ; 24(2): 63-71, abr.-jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569512


RESUMEN Introducción: Los cambios realizados por la pandemia de COVID-19 en las actividades de los adolescentes han afectado los aspectos recreativos debido a la limitación de contacto para evitar la propagación del virus. Esto ha contribuido a aumentar los indicadores de sobrepeso y obesidad y podría tener un impacto en las cifras de presión arterial. Objetivo: Determinar el grado de asociación entre el Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) y la presión arterial sistémica en adolescentes. Métodos: La medición de la presión arterial sistémica se realizó utilizando el monitoreo de presión ambulatoria continua durante 24 horas (MAPA). La muestra consistió en 42 estudiantes de secundaria con características geográficas urbanas similares en México. Todos los participantes fueron evaluados antropométricamente para identificar características notables del grupo. Se evaluó la correlación a través de la prueba Rho de Spearman. Resultados: De los 42 participantes incluidos, el 28,5% mostró obesidad, el 21,45% presentó sobrepeso y ningún paciente tenía hipertensión. Sin embargo, el 23,8% mostró prehipertensión. Se evidenció una correlación significativa del IMC con los valores la presión arterial sistólica y diastólica de 0,390 y 0,382, respectivamente (valor de p: 0,013 y 0,015; respectivamente). Conclusión: El IMC se asoció significativamente con las cifras de presión arterial sistólica y diastólica en adolescentes de un área urbana de México.

ABSTRACT Introduction: The changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic in adolescent activities have affected recreational aspects due to limited contact to prevent virus spread. This has contributed to increased indicators of overweight and obesity and could impact blood pressure levels. Objective: To determine the degree of association between Body Mass Index (BMI) and systemic blood pressure in adolescents. Methods: Systemic blood pressure was measured using continuous ambulatory blood pressure monitoring over 24 hours (ABPM). The sample consisted of 42 high school students with similar urban geographic characteristics in Mexico. All participants underwent anthropometric evaluation to identify notable group characteristics. The correlation was assessed using Spearman's Rho test. Results: Of the 42 participants included, 28.5% showed obesity, 21.45% were overweight, and no patient had hypertension. However, 23.8% showed prehypertension. A significant correlation was evidenced between BMI and both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values, at 0.390 and 0.382, respectively (p-value: 0.013 and 0.015, respectively). Conclusion: BMI was significantly associated with systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels in adolescents from an urban area in Mexico.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 396-406, 2024-04-24. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553804


Introducción. La cirugía bariátrica y metabólica (CBM) es efectiva en lograr pérdida de peso a corto plazo. Sin embargo, existe evidencia limitada en desenlaces clínicos y metabólicos a largo plazo. Métodos. Estudio longitudinal retrospectivo con pacientes llevados a baipás gástrico en Y de Roux (BGYR) o gastrectomía en manga (MG) por laparoscopia en Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, entre 2013 y 2021. El cambio de peso, control de comorbilidades y resultados metabólicos se recopilaron al inicio del estudio, 3, 6 y 12 meses después de cirugía, y anualmente hasta el quinto año. Las tasas de control de comorbilidades se evaluaron mediante la prueba Kaplan-Meier. Se utilizó un modelo de riesgos proporcionales de Cox para evaluar el efecto de covariables en la reganancia de peso. Resultados. De 1092 pacientes con CBM (71,4 % MG y 28,6 % BGYR), 67 % eran mujeres, con mediana de edad 48 años e índice de masa corporal de 35,5 Kg/m2. Después de cinco años de seguimiento, la tasa de control en diabetes mellitus fue 65,5 %, en hipertensión 56,6 % y en dislipidemia 43,6 %. La tasa de reganancia de peso fue 28 %, sin diferencias entre MG vs BGYR (p=0,482). El tiempo promedio hasta peso nadir fue 14 meses. La edad al momento de CBM fue el mejor predictor independiente de reganancia (HR=1,02, IC95% 1,01-1,04), pero con efecto clínico modesto. Conclusión. La CBM es segura y muestra beneficios a largo plazo en la pérdida de peso y control de comorbilidades en población colombiana.

Introduction. Bariatric and metabolic surgery (BMS) has shown its efficacy in achieving short-term weight loss. However, there is limited evidence regarding long-term clinical and metabolic outcomes. Methods. Retrospective longitudinal study with patients who underwent laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and sleeve gastrectomy (SG) interventions in Bogotá, Colombia, between 2013 and 2021. Weight change, comorbidity control, and metabolic outcomes were collected at the onset, 3-, 6-, and 12-month post-surgery, and annually up to the fifth year. Comorbidity control rates were assessed using the Kaplan-Meier test. A Cox proportional hazards model was used to evaluate the effect of covariates on weight regain. Results. Of 1092 patients with BMS (71.4% SG and 28.6% RYGB), 67% were women, with a median age of 48 years, BMI 35.5 kg/m2. After five years of follow-up, the control rate in diabetes mellitus was 65.5%, in hypertension 56.6%, and dyslipidemia 43.6%. The weight regain rate was 28% with no differences between SG vs RYGB (p=0.482). The mean time to nadir weight was 14 months. Age at the time of BMS was the best independent predictor of weight regain (HR=1.02, 95%CI: 1.01-1.04), but with a modest clinical effect. Conclusion. BMS is safe and shows long-term benefits in weight loss and control of comorbidities in Colombian population.

Humans , Obesity, Morbid , Gastroplasty , Comorbidity , Gastric Bypass , Weight Loss , Bariatric Surgery
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 27abr.2024. Tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554127


O presente artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa quantitativa com viés exploratório descritivo, cujo objetivo foi analisar a percepção de 22 professores de Educação Física (18 homens e 04 mulheres), atuantes no magistério superior, sobre o papel da escola e da Educação Física no controle do sobrepeso e obesidade juvenil. Foi utilizada versão adaptada do Perceptions of Youth Obesity and Physical Education Questionnaire. A análise dos dados deu-se a partir das seguintes categorias: percepção da obesidade juvenil, papel da escola e papel da Educação Física permitiu inferir que os professores percebem a escola como um espaço potencial para a promoção de ações, como a oferta de disciplinas curriculares voltadas ao controle do peso corporal. Contudo, tanto a escola, quanto o professor e sua práxis nas aulas de Educação Física não devem restringir as intervenções de forma circunscrita ao tratamento e controle da obesidade juvenil (AU).

This article presents the results of a quantitative research with a descriptive exploratory bias, whose objective was to analyze the perception of 22 Physical Education teachers (18 men and 04 women), working in higher education, about the role of school and Physical Education in controlling overweight and juveni-le obesity. An adapted version of the Perceptions of Youth Obesity and Physical Education Questionnaire was used. The analysis of the data from the categories called perception of youth obesity, role of the school and role of Physical Education allowed inferring that teachers perceive the school as a potential space for the promotion of actions, such as the offer of curricular disciplines aimed at controlling the body weight. However, both the school and the teacher and their practice in Physical Education classes should not limit interventions to the treatment and control of juvenile obesity (AU).

Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación cuantitativa con sesgo exploratorio descriptivo, cuyo objetivo fue analizar la percepción de 22 profesores de Educación Física (18 hombres y 04 mujeres), que actúan en la enseñanza superior, sobre el papel de la escuela y la Educación Física en el control so-brepeso y obesidad juvenil. Se utilizó una versión adaptada del Cuestionario de Percepciones de Obesidad Juvenil y Educación Física. El análisis de los datos de las categorías denominadas per-cepción de la obesidad juvenil, rol de la escuela y rol de la Educación Física permitió inferir que los docentes perciben la escuela como un espacio potencial para la promoción de acciones, como la ofer-ta de disciplinas curriculares dirigidas al control el peso corporal. Sin embargo, tanto la escuela como el docente y su práctica en las clases de Educación Física no deben limitar las intervenciones al tratamiento y control de la obesidad juvenil (AU).

Humans , Male , Female
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(2): e202310064, abr. 2024. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1537219


Introducción. El sobrepeso y la obesidad infantil constituyen un problema de salud pública. El inicio de la pandemia por COVID-19 pudo haber favorecido esta patología. El puntaje Z del índice de masa corporal (Z-IMC) es un indicador aceptado para su diagnóstico y seguimiento. Objetivo. Evaluar si la prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad, y el Z-IMC en niños de 2 a 5 años aumentó durante la pandemia. Población y métodos. Estudio de cohorte retrospectiva. Se incluyeron pacientes asistidos en efectores públicos de salud del Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (GCABA), de 2 a 5 años de edad, con registro de peso y talla en dos consultas, antes y después de haber comenzado el aislamiento social preventivo y obligatorio (ASPO). Se registró estado nutricional (Z-IMC) y variación del Z-IMC entre ambas consultas. Resultados. Se evaluaron 3866 sujetos, edad promedio 3,4 ± 0,8 años; el 48,1 % fueron mujeres. El intervalo promedio entre consultas fue 14,3 ± 2,5 meses. La prevalencia de sobrepeso/obesidad aumentó del 12,6 % (IC95% 11,6-13,6) al 20,9 % (IC95% 19,6-22-2); p <0,001, al igual que el Z-IMC (0,4 ± 1,1 vs. 0,8 ± 1,3; p <0,001). Conclusión. La prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad, y el Z-IMC en niños de 2 a 5 años aumentó significativamente durante la pandemia.

Introduction. Childhood overweight and obesity are a public health problem. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic may have contributed to this condition. The body mass index (BMI) Z-score has been accepted as an indicator for overweight and obesity diagnosis and follow-up. Objective. To assess whether the prevalence of overweight and obesity and the BMI Z-score in children aged 2 to 5 years increased during the pandemic. Population and methods. Retrospective, cohort study. Patients included were those seen at public health care facilities in the City of Buenos Aires (CABA), who were aged 2 to 5 years, had weight and height values recorded at 2 different visits, before and after the establishment of the preventive and mandatory social isolation policy. Patients' nutritional status (BMI Z-score) and the variation in this indicator between both visits were recorded. Results. A total of 3866 subjects were assessed; their average age was 3.4 ± 0.8 years; 48.1% were girls. The average interval between both visits was 14.3 ± 2.5 months. The prevalence of overweight/ obesity increased from 12.6% (95% CI: 11.6­13.6) to 20.9% (95% CI: 19.6­22.2), p < 0.001, and so did the BMI Z-score (0.4 ± 1.1 versus 0.8 ± 1.3, p < 0.001). Conclusion. The prevalence of overweight and obesity and the BMI Z-score in children aged 2 to 5 years increased significantly during the pandemic.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , COVID-19/diagnosis , COVID-19/epidemiology , Body Mass Index , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Overweight/epidemiology , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2