Resumen Los trabajadores agrícolas se exponen frecuentemente a los pesticidas, los cuales pueden afectar el sistema cardiovascular. El objetivo de la investigación fue revisar la asociación entre la exposición ocupacional a pesticidas, el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares y los biomarcadores utilizados en la vigilancia de la salud de los trabajadores. Para ello se realizó una revisión no sistemática de la literatura en tres bases de datos: Pubmed, Embase y Scopus, con ecuaciones de búsqueda elaboradas con los términos "agrochemicals", "myocardial infarction", "occupational exposure" y "farmers", y se incluyeron artículos publicados entre 2007 y 2022. Se encontró que los pesticidas causan elevación de las cifras de presión arterial en trabajadores expuestos y en mujeres embarazadas se relaciona con hipertensión gestacional y preeclampsia. Respecto al infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM), el contacto con los pesticidas clorpirifós, coumafós, carbofurano, pendimetalina, trifluralina y acilalanina aumentan el riesgo de IAM en mujeres, y entre los trabajadores masculinos la exposición a dibromuro de etileno, maneb/mancozeb y dimetil-ditiocarbamato de zinc se asoció con mayor mortalidad. La vigilancia epidemiológica se realiza principalmente con la medición de la actividad de la acetilcolinesterasa eritrocitaria (AChE). Se puede concluir que la exposición a pesticidas puede desencadenar enfermedades cardiovasculares agudas y crónicas, como elevación de las cifras de presión arterial, IAM fatal y no fatal. Los pesticidas dimetil ditiocarbamato de zinc, clorpirifós, coumafós, carbofurano, paratión y malatión son las sustancias que tienen mayor relación con el desarrollo de enfermedad cardiovascular.
Abstract Farmworkers are frequently exposed to pesticides, which can affect the cardiovascular system. The objective of the research was to review the association between occupational exposure to pesticides and the development of cardiovascular diseases, and the biomarkers used in monitoring the health of workers. For this, a non-systematic review of the literature was carried out in three databases: Pubmed, Embase and Scopus, with search equations prepared with the terms "agrochemicals", "myocardial infarction", "occupational exposure" and "farmers". Articles published between 2007 and 2022 were included. Pesticides were found to cause elevated blood pressure levels in exposed workers, and in pregnant women it is related to gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. Regarding acute myocardial infarction (AMI), contact the pesticides chlorpyrifos, coumaphos, carbofuran, pendimethalin, trifluralin, and acylalanine increased the risk of AMI in women, and among male workers exposure to ethylene dibromide, maneb/mancozeb, and zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate was associated with increased mortality. Epidemiological surveillance is mainly carried out by measuring erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. It can be concluded that exposure to pesticides can trigger acute and chronic cardiovascular diseases, such as elevated blood pressure, fatal and non-fatal AMI. Zinc dimethyl dithiocarbamate, chlorpyrifos, coumafos, carbofuran, parathion and malathion pesticides are the substances most closely related to the development of cardiovascular disease.
Pesticide exposure can have long-term effects on human health and the environment. Flower growers are particularly at risk of reproductive health issues and problems with semen quality due to pesticides1-2. Numerous studies have shown that pesticides can signicantly impact male reproductive function and semen quality3-4. Therefore, environmental exposure to pesticides can harm male fertility. Assess the effects of pesticide exposure onObjective: the fertility of ower growers. We conducted a cross-sectional analytical study, comparing 30 owerMaterial and Method: growers exposed to pesticides with a control group of 30 students from the medical school at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, who had similar sociodemographic characteristics. We evaluated the WHO seminal parameters and pesticide exposure as the main variables. The mean was utilized to measure central tendency, and the standardStatistical analysis: deviation was used to measure dispersion in descriptive statistics. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to evaluate the association between the variables, with a signicance level of p > 0.05. Exposure to pesticides can lead toResults: changes in sperm quality among ower growers, affecting concentration, mobility, and morphology. Post sperm capacitation, the exposed group showed lower sperm concentration than the non-exposed group. Raising awareness aboutConclusions: the potential risks associated with increased ower production and the resulting higher pesticide use is crucial, especially in the community of Villa Guerrero. More than 80% of the population in this community is involved in oriculture and uses pesticides year-round without proper protective equipment. Further research is needed to comprehend these pesticides' impact on male fertility fully2-4. By informing the community about these potential risks, individuals can take preventive measures and learn to use pesticides safely and responsibly.5
Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a progressive and persistent inflammatory condition associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Increased oxidative stress amongst others, plays an important role in the pathogenesis of this disease. The objective of the present study was to conduct a preliminary yet comprehensive examination of metal exposure specifically copper and zinc levels and their association with overall oxidative stress in COPD. Methods: A cross sectional study was carried out in a tertiary care hospital in South India. Two groups were included in the study. One group with 20 COPD patients and the other group of 20 healthy controls. Plasma samples were obtained from both the groups and serum levels of copper and zinc were studied by atomic absorption spectrometry. Cu/Zn ratio obtained from the results was further correlated with oxidative stress index calculated from total oxidant status and total antioxidant status in COPD with respect to controls. Results: The copper levels were significantly higher and the zinc levels lower in the COPD group as compared to the control group. The copper/zinc ratio was higher in COPD as compared to control population. The correlation between Cu/Zn ratio and oxidative stress index showed a positive correlation with a regression coefficient of 0.7. Conclusions: The study throws light on the trace element imbalance in COPD and how these could induce oxidative stress, contributing to persistent inflammation in COPD. In the clinical perspective, monitoring Cu/Zn ratio in COPD patients may lead to better risk mitigation and thereby better therapeutic management of the disease.
ABSTRACT The goal of this study was to estimate the prevalence of environmental and occupational exposure to pesticides according to sociodemographic factors among cancer patients. It is a cross-sectional study with cancer patients in the state of Mato Grosso. The prevalence of environmental and occupational exposure to pesticides was calculated as to the variables gender, age, macro-region, and education. Pesticide use per agricultural crops in liters was estimated, and a thematic map was constructed following the macro-region of the agricultural economy. Of the 998 patients, most were female (54.9%), aged between 50 and 69 years old (50.1%), had less than eight years of schooling (60.7%), and resided in the South-Central macro-region (55.4%). Regarding environmental and occupational exposure, 53.1% of the patients live or have lived in a municipality with agricultural plantations; 17.4% lived near crops; 43.4% worked in agriculture, livestock, or extractivism; and 22.9% worked or work directly with pesticides. Environmental and occupational exposure was higher in males, in the older age groups, schooling from 0 to 4 years, and in the macro-regions with higher pesticide use. The study concluded that environmental and occupational exposure among cancer patients is associated to sociodemographic characteristics and macro-regions of the agricultural economy.
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência de exposição ambiental e ocupacional aos agrotóxicos conforme fatores sociodemográficos entre pacientes com câncer. Trata-se de um estudo observacional de delineamento transversal com pacientes com câncer do estado de Mato Grosso. Foi calculada a prevalência de exposição ambiental e ocupacional aos agrotóxicos conforme as variáveis sexo, faixa etária, região e escolaridade. Foram estimados o uso de agrotóxicos por culturas agrícolas em litros e construído mapa temático segundo a macrorregião de economia agropecuária. Dos 998 pacientes, a maioria era do sexo feminino (54,9%), tinha entre 50 e 69 anos (50,1%), possuía menos de oito anos de escolaridade (60,7%) e residiam na macrorregião Centro-Sul (55,4%). Em relação à exposição ambiental e ocupacional, 53,1% dos pacientes moram ou moraram em município com plantação agrícola, 17,4% residiam próximo à lavoura, 43,4% trabalharam na agricultura, pecuária ou extrativismo e 22,9% trabalharam ou trabalham diretamente com agrotóxicos. A exposição ambiental e ocupacional foi maior no sexo masculino, nas faixas etárias mais elevadas, escolaridade de 0 a 4 anos e nas macrorregiões de maior uso de agrotóxicos. Conclui-se que a exposição ambiental e ocupacional entre pacientes com câncer se associou as características sociodemográficas e macrorregiões de economia agropecuária.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir, de acuerdo con normas establecidas por la literatura médica, las fuentes de ingesta de aluminio (Al3+), su proceso metabólico, sus efectos tóxicos y su relación con algunas enfermedades neurológicas. Materiales y métodos: Se efectuó una búsqueda no sistemática de literatura pertinente en PubMed, Elsevier, SciELO, Springer Link, Web of Science y Google Scholar. Resultados: Dentro de las fuentes de ingesta de aluminio se encontraron alimentos cocinados con papel aluminio, medicamentos o arcillas llamadas «chacco¼, de uso tradicional en la zona sur del Perú. Se estima que una persona promedio ingiere 3-5 mg de aluminio por día. Aproximadamente, el 40 % se retiene en el revestimiento intestinal o es secretado por los enterocitos hacia el sistema circulatorio, lo que eleva los niveles y permite que el Al3+ ingrese a diferentes órganos, como los huesos o el cerebro. Los efectos tóxicos ocurren como resultado de la interferencia con diferentes mecanismos biológicos y enzimáticos. Dentro de las enfermedades vinculadas a este proceso se citan Alzheimer, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica, enfermedad renal crónica, entre otras. Conclusiones: Niveles tóxicos de aluminio se han visto implicados en el desarrollo de enfermedades tanto neurodegenerativas como no degenerativas; y su capacidad para almacenarse de forma latente en diversos tejidos y órganos es considerada el principal mecanismo etiopatogénico.
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe, on the basis of established norms of scientific literature, the sources of aluminum (Al3+) intake, its metabolism in the human body, its toxic effects, and its relationship with some neurological diseases. Materials and Methods: A non-systematic search of pertinent literature was conducted in PubMed, Elsevier, SciELO, Springer Link, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. Results: Sources of aluminum intake included food cooked with aluminum foil, medications, and traditionally used clays (known as "chacco") in Southern Peru. It is estimated that the average person ingests 3-5 mg of Al3+ per day. Approximately 40% of the ingested Al3+ is retained in the intestinal coverage or secreted by the enterocytes into the circulatory system. This elevates the aluminum body levels and allows it to enter into several organs, including bones and brain. Aluminum's toxic effects occur due to high levels interfering with different biological and enzymatic mechanisms. Clinical conditions associated with aluminum intoxication include Alzheimer's disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, chronic kidney disease, and others. Conclusions: Aluminum has been implicated in the development of both neurodegenerative and non-degenerative diseases. Its capacity to be latently stored in several tissues and organs is considered as the main etio-pathogenic mechanism.
Introducción. La nueva era de la cirugía es cada vez más dependiente de la tecnología, y un ejemplo de ello es el uso generalizado de electrocauterio como parte primordial de la práctica quirúrgica. El humo quirúrgico es un subproducto de la disección y la coagulación de los tejidos producidas por los equipos de energía, que representa múltiples riesgos potenciales para la salud del grupo quirúrgico, sin embargo, se han minimizado los peligros causados por la exposición de manera frecuente y acumulativa a este aerosol. Métodos. Se realizó un análisis crítico, desde una posición reflexiva de la información disponible, estableciendo los posibles riesgos relacionados con la exposición al humo quirúrgico. Discusión. Es visible la necesidad imperativa de establecer directrices nacionales, pautas normativas y recomendaciones estandarizadas para cumplir con las exigencias dadas por los sistemas de gestión en salud ocupacional y seguridad del trabajo, cuyo objetivo principal es hacer efectivo el uso de mascarillas quirúrgicas apropiadas, la implementación de programa de vigilancia epidemiológica ambiental en sala de cirugía, la priorización del uso constante de aspiradores y sistemas de evacuación, y la ejecución de programas educativos de sensibilización dirigidos al personal implicado. De igual manera, se abre la inquietud de la necesidad de nuevos estudios para definir con mayor precisión el peligro de este aerosol. Conclusión. Se recomienda de manera responsable utilizar todas las estrategias preventivas existentes para intervenir en salas de cirugía los riesgos minimizados y olvidados del humo quirúrgico.
Introduction. The new era of surgery is increasingly dependent on technology, and an example of this is the widespread use of electrocautery as a primary part of surgical practice. Surgical smoke is a byproduct of the dissection and coagulation of tissues produced by energy equipment, which represents multiple potential health risks for the surgical group; however, the dangers caused by cumulative exposure have been minimized. Methods. A critical analysis was carried out from a reflective position of the available information, establishing the possible risks related to exposure to surgical smoke. Discussion. The imperative need to establish national normative guidelines and standardized recommendations to comply with the demands given by the occupational health and work safety management systems, whose main objective is to make effective the use of appropriate surgical masks, implementation of environmental epidemiological surveillance program in the operating room, prioritizing the constant use of vacuum cleaners and evacuation systems, and carrying out educational awareness programs aimed at the personnel involved. Likewise, there is concern about the need for new studies to more precisely define the danger of this aerosol. Conclusion. It is recommended to responsibly use all existing preventive strategies to intervene in operating rooms to minimize the forgotten risks of surgical smoke.
Humans , Smoke Inhalation Injury , Occupational Exposure , Electrocoagulation , Operating Rooms , Health Risk , N95 RespiratorsABSTRACT
Background N-hexane has been a widely used solvent in industrial production, but it is volatile at room temperature and can be accumulated in the body, and its prolonged occupational exposure may lead to serious chronic diseases in workers. Objective To use four risk assessment models to evaluate the health risk levels of n-hexane-exposed workers, discuss the applicability of the four models in the health risk assessment of n-hexane exposure, and make an important supplement to the health risk assessment of n-hexane in China. Methods In 2022, a total of 167 jobs (1724 workers) exposed to n-hexane in 85 manufacturing enterprises in Jiangsu Province were selected, and a cross-sectional study was conducted and included questionnaire surveys and evaluation of on-site air n-hexane of each job. Subsequently, the China’s classification standards of occupational hazards at workplaces (China model), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) model, Singapore semi-quantitative risk assessment model (Singapore model), and the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) model were applied to the quantitative, semi-quantitative, and qualitative assessments of the occupational health risk level of n-hexane-exposed workers. Results All job’s 8-h time-weighted average concentrations (CTWA) of n-hexane were within the national occupational exposure limits (OELs). The results of the China model graded all jobs as relatively harmless. The Singapore model graded all jobs as low risk, except that two monitoring sites of adhesive jobs were assessed as medium risk. The ICMM quantitative model evaluated all jobs as intolerable for n-hexane airborne exposure, while the matrix method evaluated all jobs as low risk. The U.S. EPA model identified five sites involving painting, printing, and adhesive jobs as high risk and the other jobs as low risk. Conclusion Inconsistent grading results are observed by using the four models for the occupational health risk assessment of n-hexane exposure, that is, harmless for all jobs by China model, while medium and high risks by Singapore model and U.S. EPA model. Therefore, we recommend to combine the Singapore model and the U.S. EPA model with the China model to assess the occupational risk of n-hexane-exposed workers by considering actual concentrations of exposure.
Occupational pneumoconiosis (referred to as “pneumoconiosis”) caused by exposure to occupational dust is the most serious occupational disease in China. Biological monitoring on occupational populations exposed to dust is important for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of pneumoconiosis. Biological monitoring is a systematic engineering process that includes a series of processes such as biological samples selection, selection of biological monitoring indicators, and selection of detection methods. The biological samples for biological monitoring mainly include urine, blood, exhaled breath gas, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, saliva, sputum, and more. The indicators of biological monitoring involve multiple pathways such as oxidative stress, inflammatory response, collagen synthesis/degradation, phagocytic cell apoptosis, and pathways related to the formation of pneumoconiosis. Suitable detection methods need to be determined upon different biological monitoring indicators, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, high-performance liquid chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, etc. Currently, there is a lack of true clinically valuable biological monitoring indicators that can indicate the correlation between dust exposure and the hazards of occupational populations, and there are no systematic and complete biological monitoring methods reported. It is necessary to further standardize the biological monitoring process and search for specific biological monitoring indicators.
ObjectiveTo analyze the exposure-response relationship of peripheral whole blood chromium level and lung function as well as genetic toxicity indicators in workers exposed to hexavalent chromium [Cr(Ⅵ)] compounds, and to propose a biological exposure limit of whole blood chromium for soluble Cr(Ⅵ) compounds-exposed workers. Methods A total of 515 workers from a dynamic occupational Cr(Ⅵ) compounds-exposed cohort in an enterprise from 2010 to 2017 were selected as the research subjects using a retrospective cohort study. A total of 918 followed-up results of research subjects and baseline data of a cohort were analyzed based on bibliometric analysis. The results include lung function tests, whole blood chromium level detected by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, urinary 8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) detected by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, peripheral micronuclei frequency (MNF) detected by cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay, and mitochondrial DNA copy number (mtCN) detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Results The results of bibliometric analysis showed that domestic and foreign studies on biological monitoring of Cr(Ⅵ) compounds increased year by year in the past 30 years, and whole blood chromium levels had a good correlation with the occupational Cr(Ⅵ) compounds exposure. The geometric mean of whole blood chromium levels in males and females among the occupational Cr(Ⅵ) compounds exposure cohort was 2.77 and 1.79 μg/L, respectively. A turning point appeared in 6.00 μg/L chromium in whole blood of the exposure-response curve of whole blood chromium levels with lung function indicators and genetic toxicity indicators. For each unit increase in the natural logarithm-transformed whole blood chromium level, the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) decreased by 0.05 L, the FEV1/forced-vital-capacity decreased by 0.67%, the peak expiratory flow decreased by 0.15 L/s, the maximal mid-expiratory flow decreased by 0.09 L/s, the MNF increased by 0.149‰, the urinary 8-OHdG increased by 0.090 μg/g, and the mtCN increased by 0.013. When the whole blood chromium level was >6.00 μg/L, there was a significant increase in urinary 8-OHdG, MNF, and mtCN (all P<0.01). Conclusion The level of whole blood chromium can be used as a biomarker for occupational exposure to soluble Cr(Ⅵ) compounds. The preliminary biological exposure limit is set at 6.00 μg/L for whole blood chromium in workers exposed to soluble Cr(Ⅵ) compounds.
ObjectiveTo explore the impact of the interaction between occupational and non-occupational noise exposure on the risk of high-frequency hearing loss (HFHL) in noise-exposed workers. Methods A total of 602 male workers with normal hearing, engaged in an automobile manufacturing company between 2016 and 2018, were selected as the study subjects using the retrospective cohort study method. Pure-tone audiometry and questionnaire surveys were conducted on the workers. The Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression model were used to analyze the interaction between occupational and non-occupational noise exposure and the risk of HFHL in these workers. Results The prevalence of HFHL of the workers was 34.1% in 2020, without any cases of speech frequency hearing loss. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis result showed that the risk of HFHL increased in workers with excessive national occupational noise exposure intensity, self-reported noisy living environments, and both excessive national occupational noise exposure intensity and self-reported noisy living environments (all P<0.01). The results of the Cox proportional hazards model showed that the combined effect of excessive national occupational noise exposure intensity and self-reported noisy living environments [relative risk (RR)=2.40, P<0.01] was higher than the individual effects of excessive national occupational noise exposure intensity (RR=2.09, P<0.01) and self-reported noisy living environments (RR=2.39, P<0.01). There was an antagonistic effect between excessive national occupational noise exposure intensity and self-reported noisy living environments (interaction index <1.00). Conclusion Both occupational and non-occupational noise exposure can increase the risk of HFHL in noise-exposed workers, and there is an interaction between them.
ObjectiveTo analyze the research status and trends in low-level occupational benzene exposure. Methods Articles on low-level occupational benzene exposure from Chinese and English journals from January 1st, 2000, to December 31th, 2022 were retrieved using the Web of Science and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure, and a bibliometric analysis was conducted. Results A total of 327 articles were included in the analysis, comprising 216 English articles and 111 Chinese articles. i) The number of articles published in English fluctuates greatly over the years, without a trend of continuous growth or decline. Authors from 359 research institutions in 45 countries and regions have published relevant English articles in 97 kinds of journals, involving 281 grants from 226 foundations. The top three countries in terms of articles amount were the United States, Italy, and China, with 81, 46, and 43 papers, respectively. The English articles mainly focused on mechanistic research at the genetic level, such as hematotoxicity, oxidative stress, and DNA damage. ii) The number of Chinese articles increased gradually after 2012, with the growth peak in 2017. Authors from 127 research institutions in 26 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities published Chinese articles in 51 kinds of journals, involving 154 grants from 78 foundations. Chinese articles tended to focus on benzene-induced hematotoxicity and occupational health damage. Conclusion Most studies on low-level occupational benzene exposure were conducted in China, the United States and Italy, focused on hematotoxicity. Monitoring international research topics and hotspots of the field has certain reference value for related research in China.
Objective@#To learn the levels of thyroid hormone indicators among interventional and diagnostic radiologists, so as to provide insights into occupational health monitoring of radiologists.@*Methods@#Demographic information, body mass index (BMI), thyroid hormone indicators and cumulative individual doses over 5 years among interventional and diagnostic radiologists were collected through the personal dosimetry monitoring database of Ningbo Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Occupational Health Examination Center of a tertiary hospital in Ningbo City. The thyroid hormone indicators of different job types and cumulative individual doses over 5 years were analyzed, and factors affecting the thyroid hormone indicators were identified using a multivariable ordinal logistic regression model.@*Results@#There were 159 interventional and 159 diagnostic radiologists included, and the proportions of abnormal thyroid hormone indicators were 9.43% and 12.26%, respectively, with no statistically significant difference (P>0.05). The levels of triiodothyronine and free triiodothyronine in interventional radiologists were lower than those in diagnostic radiologists [(1.54±0.41) vs. (1.68±0.34) nmol/L, (5.13±1.07) vs. (5.55±0.87) pmol/L; both P<0.05]. The levels of triiodothyronine and free triiodothyronine were significantly different among radiologists with cumulative individual doses over 5 years of <1.5 mSv, 1.5-<3.0 mSv and ≥3.0 mSv [(1.69±0.31), (1.69±0.40) vs. (1.52±0.41) nmol/L, (5.60±0.83), (5.32±0.94) vs. (5.14±1.09) pmol/L; both P<0.05]. Multivariable ordinal logistic regression analysis identified BMI (<18.5 kg/m2, OR=0.111, 95%CI: 0.028-0.436) and cumulative individual doses over 5 years (<1.5 mSv, OR=6.259, 95%CI: 2.368-16.547) as the factors affecting triiodothyronine, and job types (diagnostic radiologists, OR=3.171, 95%CI: 1.529-6.574), BMI (18.5-<24.0 kg/m2, OR=0.393, 95%CI: 0.184-0.842), and gender (men, OR=3.449, 95%CI: 1.294-9.190) as the factors affecting free triiodothyronine.@*Conclusion@#Occupational exposure has a certain impact on the thyroid hormone indicators among interventional and diagnostic radiologists, and the main influencing factors include BMI, radiation dose, job type and gender.
Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation represents a critical factor contributing to health risks in workplaces. Previous experimental and clinical studies have demonstrated that ionizing radiation affects human health. Therefore, scientific assessment of health risk caused by ionizing radiation and effective protection against ionizing radiation are of great importance to formulate the preventive interventions against occupational exposure to ionizing radiation. This review summarizes the advances in the research on health effects, health risk assessment methods, and protective interventions of ionizing radiation. We call for research on the health effects of low-dose radiation, individual difference, and optimization of preventive strategies. In addition, improved mechanisms of health monitoring, periodical healthy examinations, and monitoring of radiation doses should be implemented. Moreover, strict compliance to operating procedures and occupational preventive interventions are recommended. These measures aim to minimize the potential harmlessness of occupational exposure to ionizing radiation, thereby safeguarding the health and safety of individuals exposed to ionizing radiation.
The COVID-19 is a severe respiratory pathogen infection, showing a distinct "hospital cluster" transmission characteristics. This paper illustrated the concept of occupational exposure and COVID-19. Combined with the actual situation of COVID-19, the infection status of medical personnel in this outbreak was analyzed from three aspects: the transmission risk and infection rate of medical personnel, the clinical characteristics and the undiscovered super-spreader. Through the analysis of the present situation, this paper summarized the possible occupational exposure risk factors of medical personnel in COVID-19 from five aspects: biological occupational risk factors, chemical occupational risk factors, physical occupational risk factors, violence factors and psychological factors. From isolating the source of infection and cutting off the transmission route, the "safety supervisor" mechanism is established to avoid the risks of biological, chemical and physical occupational exposure, from providing professional psychological counseling for medical personnel to reduce their psychological stress, and from improving the relevant legal level to reduce the risk of medical personnel’s violent occupational exposure.
Occupational exposure limits for hazardous agents in the workplace—Part 1: Chemical hazardous agents (GBZ 2.1—2019) has been implemented since April 1, 2020. The document redefines the evaluation of occupational exposure by introducing a "reduction factor" to adjust the occupational exposure limits of chemical hazardous agents for long working hour systems to ensure a protection level reasonable for the workers and equivalent to conventional occupational exposure limits. This paper discussed common problems encountered in the context of using this adjustment strategy, such as the adjustment being unable to cover all working hours, and the adjustment of values of terms associated with occupational exposure limits. Corresponding solutions were proposed. Working cycle and average exposure time of each working cycle were introduced to evaluate the actual working hours of workers. Regarding involved terms, adjustments of their corresponding values were clarified according to their definitions and application scenarios. Examples were provided for occupational health service providers so that their occupational health practices could be carried out in a more scientific and reasonable manner.
bjetivo: Desvelar o conhecimento dos trabalhadores rurais da fruticultura irrigada do Vale do São Francisco sobre interações entre agrotóxicos e seus riscos à saúde. Método: Pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva e exploratória, realizada com trabalhadores da fruticultura irrigada de agosto a dezembro de 2023. Os instrumentos utilizados na coleta de dados foram as entrevistas semiestruturadas e questionários. As entrevistas foram submetidas à análise de conteúdo, resultando nas categorias temáticas: conhecimento sobre os agrotóxicos e classificação de risco, o uso dos equipamentos de proteção individual e a exposição aos agrotóxicos e efeitos na saúde Resultados: Os participantes eram majoritariamente do sexo masculino, jovens, pardos, com baixas renda e escolaridade, conhecem o conceito de agrotóxicos, porém desconhecem a classificação de risco e prejuízos gerados àsaúde ao longo prazo, enfatizando somente efeitos agudos. Percebeu-se também o uso inadequado dos equipamentos de proteção individual e desconhecimento dos prejuízos de saúde advindos dessa prática. Conclusãos: Evidencia-se a necessidade de estratégias de capacitação, além de políticas de promoção e proteção de saúde dessa população.
bjective: to reveal rural workers' knowledge about complex interactions between pesticides and their health risks. Method: qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research, carried out with irrigated fruit farming workers from August to December 2023. The instruments used in data collection were semi-structured interviews and questionnaires. In the socioeconomic-demographic analysis, descriptive statistics were used. The interviews were transcribed and subjected to content analysis, resulting in thematic categories: knowledge about pesticides and risk classification, the use of personal protective equipment and exposure to pesticides and health effects. Results: The participants were mostly male, young, brown people, with low income and education, know the concept of pesticides, but are unaware of the risk classification and damage caused to health in the long term, emphasizing only acute effects, the inadequate use of personal protective equipment and lack of knowledge of the health damage resulting from this practice. Conclusions: The need for training strategies is evident, in addition to promoting and protecting the health of this population.
Objetivo: revelar el conocimiento de los trabajadores rurales sobre las interacciones complejas entre los pesticidas y sus riesgos para la salud. Método: investigación cualitativa, descriptiva y exploratoria, realizada con trabajadores frutícolas de riego de agosto a diciembre de 2023. Los instrumentos utilizados en la recolección de datos fueron entrevistas semiestructuradas y cuestionarios. En el análisis socioeconómico-demográfico se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Las entrevistas fueron transcritas y sometidas a análisis de contenido, resultando en categorías temáticas: conocimientos sobre plaguicidas y clasificación de riesgo, uso de equipos de protección personal y exposición a plaguicidas y efectos en la salud.Resultados: Los participantes fueron en su mayoría hombres, jóvenes, morenos, con bajos ingresos y educación, conocen el concepto de plaguicidas, pero desconocen la clasificación de riesgo y los daños que causan a la salud a largo plazo, destacando sólo los efectos agudos, el uso inadecuado de equipos de protección personal y el desconocimiento de los daños a la salud resultantes de su uso. esta práctica. Conclusiones: Es evidente la necesidad de estrategias de capacitación, además de promover y proteger la salud de esta población.
Agrochemicals , Rural Health , Occupational Exposure , Occupational HealthABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Asbestos was largely used in Brazil. It is a mineral that induces pleural and pulmonary fibrosis, and it is a potent carcinogen. Our objective was to develop recommendations for the performance of adequate imaging tests for screening asbestos-related diseases. We searched peer-reviewed publications, national and international technical documents, and specialists' opinions on the theme. Based on that, the major recommendations are: Individuals exposed to asbestos at the workplace for ≥ 1 year or those with a history of environmental exposure for at least 5 years, all of those with a latency period > 20 years from the date of initial exposure, should initially undego HRCT of the chest for investigation. Individuals with pleural disease and/or asbestosis should be considered for regular lung cancer monitoring. Risk calculators should be adopted for lung cancer screening, with a risk estimate of 1.5%.
Objetivo:analisar o contexto do risco ocupacional da enfermagem na assistência com quimioterápicos. Método:Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo, realizada de setembro a novembro de 2023, para análise de contexto segundo Hinds et al. Buscou-se por estudos indexados nas bases de dados SCOPUS, PUBMED, Web of Science, Cochrane, LILACS, ScienceDirect, Embase, Google Acadêmico®, Academic Archive Online, Europe E-theses Portal, PsychINFO, The National Library of Australia's Trobe, Repositório Científico de Acesso Aberto de Portugal, Educational Resources Information Center, Portal de teses e dissertações da Capes, e por lista paralela de referências. Buscou-se responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: "quais os contextos que a assistência de enfermagem com quimioterápicos traz risco ocupacional?". A amostra foi composta de 35 estudos, possibilitando a análise dos contextos imediato, específico, geral e metacontexto, conforme o método. Resultados:O risco existente para a enfermagem representa um contexto imediato, influenciado pela não adesão aos EPI e desconhecimento acerca desses riscos, sendo estas formas de prevenir ou minimizar os riscos. Conclusão:A existência de legislação e norma demonstra a preocupação governamental, mas o desconhecimento dos profissionais impacta negativamente.
Objective:to analyze the context of occupational risk in nursing when providing chemotherapy. Method:This is a scoping review, carried out from September to November 2023, for context analysis according to Hinds et al. We searched for studies indexed in the databases SCOPUS, PUBMED, Web of Science, Cochrane, LILACS, ScienceDirect, Embase, Google Scholar®, Academic Archive Online, Europe E-theses Portal, PsychINFO, The National Library of Australia's Trobe, Repository Portuguese Open Access Scientific, Educational Resources Information Center, Capes theses and dissertations portal, and a parallel list of references. We sought to answer the following research question: "in what contexts does nursing care with chemotherapy drugs pose occupational risks?". The sample was composed of 35 studies, enabling the analysis of the immediate, specific, general and metacontext contexts, according to the method. Results:The existing risk for nursing represents an immediate context, influenced by non-adherence to PPE and lack of knowledge about these risks, these being ways of preventing or minimizing risks. Conclusion:The existence of legislation and standards demonstrates government concern, but professionals' lack of knowledge has a negative impact.
Objetivo: Tiene como objetivo analizar el contexto de riesgo laboral en enfermería al momento de brindar quimioterapia. Método:Se trata de una revisión de alcance, realizada de septiembre a noviembre de 2023, para análisis de contexto según Hinds et al. Se buscaron estudios indexados en las bases de datos SCOPUS, PUBMED, Web of Science, Cochrane, LILACS, ScienceDirect, Embase, Google Scholar®, Academic Archive Online, Europe E-theses Portal, PsychINFO, The National Library of Australia's Trobe, Repository Portuguese Open. Acceda al Centro de Información de Recursos Científicos, Educativos, al portal de tesis y disertaciones de la Capes y a un listado paralelo de referencias. Se buscó responder a la siguiente pregunta de investigación: "¿en qué contextos los cuidados de enfermería con medicamentos quimioterapéuticos plantean riesgos laborales?". La muestra estuvo compuesta por 35 estudios, permitiendo el análisis de los contextos inmediato, específico, general y metacontextual, según el método. Resultados:El riesgo existente para la enfermería representa un contexto inmediato, influenciado por la no adherencia al uso de EPI y el desconocimiento sobre estos riesgos, siendo estas formas de prevenir o minimizar riesgos. Conclusión:La existencia de legislación y normas demuestra preocupación gubernamental, pero el desconocimiento de los profesionales tiene un impacto negativo.
Oncology Nursing , Occupational Risks , Occupational Exposure , Occupational Health , Medication Therapy Management , Antineoplastic AgentsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the factors associated with the knowledge of Community Health Agents (ACS) about tuberculosis. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 110 ACS. A questionnaire was used to assess knowledge about pulmonary tuberculosis (component 1) and the work functions of ACS in the National Tuberculosis Control Program (component 2). The level of knowledge, according to the scores converted into a scale of 0 to 100, was classified as: 0-50% (low), 51-75% (medium), and over 75% (high). Multiple regression was used in the analysis of associated factors. Results: The global score (average of the scores of components 1 and 2) median knowledge was 68.6%. Overall knowledge about tuberculosis was positively associated with the length of professional experience, having received training on tuberculosis, and access to the tuberculosis guide/handbook. Conclusions: Investments in training and capacity-building strategies for ACS will contribute to increasing these professionals' knowledge, resulting in greater success in tuberculosis control.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar los factores asociados al conocimiento de los Agentes Comunitarios de Salud (ACS) sobre la tuberculosis. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con 110 ACS. Se utilizó un cuestionario para evaluar el conocimiento sobre la tuberculosis pulmonar (componente 1) y las funciones laborales de los ACS en el Programa Nacional de Control de la Tuberculosis (componente 2). El nivel de conocimiento, según las puntuaciones convertidas en una escala de 0 a 100, se clasificó como: 0-50% (bajo), 51-75% (medio) y más del 75% (alto). La regresión múltiple se utilizó en el análisis de factores asociados. Resultados: La puntuación global (media de las puntuaciones de los componentes 1 y 2) del conocimiento mediano fue del 68,6%. El conocimiento general sobre la tuberculosis estuvo positivamente asociado con la duración de la experiencia profesional, haber recibido capacitación sobre tuberculosis y el acceso a la guía/manual de tuberculosis. Conclusiones: Las inversiones en formación y estrategias de capacitación para los ACS contribuirán a aumentar el conocimiento de estos profesionales, lo que resultará en un mayor éxito en el control de la tuberculosis.
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar os fatores associados ao conhecimento dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde (ACS) sobre tuberculose. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado com 110 ACS. Utilizou-se um questionário para avaliar o conhecimento sobre tuberculose pulmonar (componente 1) e as funções laborais dos ACS no Programa Nacional de Controle de Tuberculose (componente 2). O nível de conhecimento, de acordo com os escores transformados em uma escala de 0 a 100, foi classificado como: 0-50% (baixo), 51-75% (mediano) e mais de 75% (alto). A regressão múltipla foi empregada na análise dos fatores associados. Resultados: A pontuação global (média dos escores dos componentes 1 e 2) mediana do conhecimento foi de 68,6%. O conhecimento global sobre tuberculose mostrou-se positivamente associado ao tempo de atuação profissional, à recepção de capacitação sobre tuberculose e ao acesso ao guia/cartilha de tuberculose. Conclusões: Investimentos na formação e nas estratégias de capacitação dos ACS contribuirão para o aumento do conhecimento desses profissionais, resultando em maior sucesso no controle da tuberculose.
ABSTRACT Objective: To compare cancer mortality among workers exposed to gamma and X radiation and the general population of the city of São Paulo, as well as that of the subgroup monitored with those not monitored for gamma and X radiation in a work unit with ionizing radiation based in the city of São Paulo. Methods: Between 2016 and 2021, a retrospective open cohort study was carried out with workers who were employed from 08/31/1956 to 12/31/2016 based on data collected at the company and in official institutions. Standardized mortality ratios (SMR) were calculated by sex, age and calendar period of cancers grouped according to type, risk factor and organ system in two analyses: in the external analysis, the mortality of the study population was compared with that of the general population of the city of São Paulo; In the internal analysis, the mortality of the monitored subgroup was compared with that of the subgroup not monitored for gamma and X radiation. Results: The external mortality analysis showed SMR=0.224 (95%CI 0.208-0.240) and the healthy worker effect, while the internal mortality analysis showed SMR=0.685 (95%CI 0.618-0.758). Conclusion: This study showed lower cancer mortality among exposed workers when compared to mortality in the general population and the healthy worker effect. Among workers monitored for gamma and X radiation, cancer mortality was lower when compared to those not monitored.
RESUMO Objetivo: Comparar a mortalidade por câncer entre trabalhadores expostos à radiação gama e X e a população geral do município de São Paulo, bem como a do subgrupo monitorado com o não monitorado para radiação gama e X em uma unidade de trabalho sediada no município de São Paulo. Métodos: Entre 2016 e 2021 foi realizado estudo de coorte aberta retrospectiva com trabalhadores que tiveram vínculo empregatício desde 31/08/1956 até 31/12/2016 a partir de dados coletados na empresa e em instituições oficiais. Foram calculadas as razões de mortalidade padronizadas (RMP) por sexo, idade e período calendário de cânceres agrupados segundo o tipo, o fator de risco e o sistema orgânico em duas análises: na análise externa, comparou-se a mortalidade da população de estudo com a da população geral do município de São Paulo; já na análise interna, comparou-se a mortalidade do subgrupo monitorado com a do subgrupo não monitorado para radiação gama e X. Resultados: A análise externa de mortalidade mostrou RMP=0,224 (IC95% 0,208-0,240) e o efeito do trabalhador sadio, enquanto a análise interna de mortalidade mostrou RMP = 0,685 (IC95% 0,618-0,758). Conclusão: Este estudo mostrou menor mortalidade por câncer entre os trabalhadores expostos quando comparada com a mortalidade da população geral e o efeito do trabalhador sadio. Entre os trabalhadores monitorados para radiação gama e X, a mortalidade por câncer foi menor quando comparada com a dos não monitorados.