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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955622


Organic chemistry is an important foundation course for medicine, chemistry and other majors in universities and colleges. In this study, combined with the characteristics of pharmacy students in local colleges and universities, teachers introduced case teaching, enhanced curriculum connotation, and explored the integration of green chemistry concepts into the teaching process of organic chemistry, so as to cultivate pharmaceutical professionals with environmental protection concept and safety awareness. The practice shows that this teaching model not only improves students' attention to organic chemistry and learning efficiency, but also improves students' comprehensive quality.

Rev. colomb. quím. (Bogotá) ; 43(1): 1-1, ene.-jun. 2014. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-747659


Esta investigación tiene un doble propósito, en primer lugar, valorar las actitudes hacia la química de alumnos universitarios de carreras biológicas en dos cursos relacionados con esta disciplina y, por otro lado, relacionar dichas actitudes con el rendimiento académico presentado por los estudiantes. El instrumento elegido para medir las actitudes de los alumnos fue un cuestionario según la escala Likert, encuestándose a la totalidad de estudiantes que cursaban cada uno de los cursos de química analizados: Química General e Inorgánica (QGI) y Química Orgánica (QO). Para estimar el rendimiento académico se analizaron actas de parciales y se realizaron cálculos de correlación. Los alumnos que cursaban QGI presentaron actitudes hacia la química valoradas como indiferentes. Sin embargo al finalizar el curso de QO sus actitudes fueron evolucionando favorablemente, ya que la puntuación media obtenida para los ítems positivos y negativos estuvo en el rango de actitudes positivas. Los valores del coeficiente de Pearson obtenidos para los dos cursos estudiados fueron superiores a 0,80, lo que indica una fuerte relación entre las variables implicadas, por lo cual se infiere la importancia de desarrollar actitudes positivas hacia la química para favorecer el rendimiento académico de los alumnos.

This work has a double aim, in the first place, to value the attitudes towards the chemistry of university students of biological careers in two courses related to this discipline and, on the other hand, to relate these attitudes to the academic yield presented by the students. The chosen instrument to measure the attitudes of the students was a questionnaire according to the Likert scale; the totality of students who attended each one of the analyzed courses of chemistry, General and Inorganic Chemistry (QGI) and Organic Chemistry (QO), were polled. In order to consider the academic yield, proceedings of midterms were analyzed and calculations of correlation were made. The students who attended QGI presented attitudes towards chemistry valued like indifferent. Nevertheless, at the end of QO attitudes of students were evolving favorably, since the obtained average score for the positive and negative items was in the rank of positive attitudes. The values of the obtained coefficient of Pearson for both courses studied were superior to 0.80, which indicates a strong relation between the implied variables. Whereby, it follows the importance of developing positive attitudes towards chemistry to favor the academic yield of the students.

Esta pesquisa tem um duplo propósito, antes de tudo, medir atitudes em relação a química de estudantes universitários em ciências biológicas, em dois cursos relacionou-se a esta disciplinae, em seguida, relacionar estas atitudes ao desempenho académico apresentou-se pelos estudantes. O instrumento escolhido para medir as atitudes dos estudantes era um questionário de acordo com a escala de Likert, encuestando próprio ao totalidade dos estudantes que atenderam a cada dos cursos analisados do quimica: Quimica Geral e Inorgánica (QGI) e Química Orgánica (QO). Para considerar os atos académicos do rendimento os registos dos exames foram analisados e os cálculos da correlação foram feitos. Os estudantes que atenderam a QGI apresentaram-se atitudes indicados para o química avaliado como indiferente. Não obstante quando finalizar atendido de QO suas atitudes estava evoluindo favoràvel, desde que a contagem média obtida para os artigos positivos e negativos estava na gama de atitudes positivas. Os valores do coeficiente obtido de Pearson para ambos cursos estudados eram superiores a 0.80, indicando uma relação forte entre as variáveis implicadas; pelo que pode-se inferir a importância de desenvolver atitudes positivas para a química para favorecer o rendimento académico dos estudantes.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-669845


Organic chemistry experiment is early and important practical course for pharmacy speciality after entering college,which is very important for training their practical abilities and spirit of innovation.The method of integrating four autonomies (self-designing,teaching,operating and summarizing) has been tried in organic chemistry experiment teaching,which completely takes the student as the center and puts emphasis on inquiry learning and ability training.The preliminary practice shows that it is of benefit to arousing students' enthusiasm for study,training their ability and developing their innovative consciousness and spirit.

Journal of Kunming Medical University ; (12): 125-127,132, 2013.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-598654


Objective Research the bilingual teaching of medical organic chemistry experiment. Methods PBL teaching method was used in bilingual teaching of medical organic chemistry experiment. Results As a result, we improved the effect of bilingual teaching in medical organic chemistry experiment. Conclusion Teaching research found that the teaching mode with a problem-centered and students-orientation approach has improved students' analysis and problem solving skills. During the process of teaching, the students have enhanced their enthusiasm of study.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-597846


Objective Porphyrin, when conjugated with glucose, will be improved in its water solubility and biocompatibility. Methods In this paper, based on 4- (2, 3, 4, 6-tetra-O-acetyl-β-D-glucosyloxy)benzaldehyde and pyrrole, glucose conjugated porphyrins were synthesized in an optimized process, while porphyrin dimer was synthesized by the Ag-promoted coupling reaction of glycoconjugated porphyrin monomer.Results The compounds were characterized by 1H NMR and MS. Results showed that porphyrin conjugated with two glucose units has slight water solubility, while porphyrin conjugated with three or four glucose units has excellent water solubility. Conclusion Glucoconjugation improves water-solubility of porphyrins, which will enlarge its application in biological fields.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623147


According to the talented persons development project to the clinical medical profession promulgated by the university in 2005,we have been taking great effort on the reformation of the course system,the teaching content,method and the teaching form for organic chemistry experiment,and we compiled the new experimental teaching material of organic chemistry which has been published in the university.From the teaching practice of the class of clinical medical profession of 2005,we have obtained satisfatory teaching result.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624005


In order to urge students majoring in medicine to know the basic knowledge of organic chemistry experiment in less lessons, enhance their abilities of self-study and train their abilities to think and solve problems, we tried the "PBL teaching method" flexibly during the experimental course teaching of "Medical Organic Chemistry". The result was better than usual.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624583


In this paper,modular structure of teaching Organic Chemistry experiment has been studied.Practice has proved that this approach can not only bring the students into main role fully,but also can improve the students’scientific quality,research capacity and innovation spirit.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623875


According to the characteristic of teaching medicinal organic chemistry,it is helpful to discuss and advocate the application of ChemOffice software in teaching Medicinal Organic Chemistry so as to visualize the class teaching and enhance the efficiency of teaching.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624406


The Organic Chemistry textbook for traditional Chinese medicine should be connected with this speciality and possese its own characteristic. First,the content in textbook should be chosen according to this specility,so that some outlying teaching content irrelevant to the speciality can be deleted but some correlated content be added to the textbook. Secondly,a lot of examples from traditional Chinese medicine should be inserted in the textbook,especially at "Classification and nomenclature","Important compounds"and"Exercise".

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-622525


In medical organic chemistry education, seven design method of introduction are put forward by using teaching art in educational segment, allowing students to enhance the study activity in lively atmosphere.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-623837


In order to improve teaching quality of medical organic chemistry,problem-based learning was introduced.The characteristic,implementary process and outlines of problem-based learning were discussed in combination with the characteristic of organic chemistry in medical university.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-159578


Is it necessary to open the course "general chemistry" to help freshperson to complete courses of organic chemistry and physical chemistry in the preliminary course of College of Medicine, Hallym University? As a basic step to answer this question, the records of the organic chemistry and physical chemistry were compared according to "chemistry" selection at the College Scholastic Ability Test in the freshperson of College of Medicine, Hallym University in the year 2000. There was a significant difference of the records of organic chemistry between chemistry selecting group and chemistry non-selecting group that selected physics, biology and earth science. There was a no significant difference between chemistry selecting female and non-selecting female, although there was a significant difference between chemistry selecting male and non-selecting female. As for physical chemistry, the records of selecting chemistry group were higher than those of the non-selecting group. There was a significant difference between non-chemistry selecting male and chemistry selecting male and female while a no significant difference between non-chemistry selecting male and non-chemistry selecting female. However, records of non-chemistry selecting female showed no significant difference with chemistry selecting male and female. This result means that difference of records is not dependent on the chemistry selecting but dependent on the sexual difference. Therefore, the opening of "general chemistry" as preliminary course for organic chemistry and physical chemistry cannot be essential. The attitude on the learning and incentive might be more important factors for the completion of the courses of organic chemistry and physical chemistry.

Female , Humans , Male , Biology , Chemistry , Chemistry, Organic , Chemistry, Physical , Curriculum , Earth Sciences , Learning , Motivation