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J Genet ; 2024 Apr; 103: 1-12
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238656


Phenotypic mutants are valuable resources for elucidating the function of genes responsible for their expression. This study examined mutant rice strains expressing three traits: spotted leaf 6 (spl6), lax panicle (lax), and liguleless (lg). In the mutant, the spl6 phenotype was a genetically programmed lesion-mimicking mutation (LMM) that displayed spontaneously scattered spots across the leaf surface. In the lg trait, the plant lacked a collar region, and there were no auricles and ligules at the junction of the leaf blade and leaf sheath. The lax panicle trait manifested as sparely arranged spikelets resulting from the terminal spikelet with no lateral spikelets, which caused a drastic reduction of the total seed number in the mutant. All three mutant genes were genetically recessive and had nuclear gene regulation. The dihybrid segregation of the lg gene was classified independently according to the Mendelian 9:3:3:1 dihybrid segregation ratio in the F 2 generation, suggesting that the lg gene is not linked to the same chromosome as the lax and spl6 genes. On the other hand, spl6 and lax were not assorted independently, indicating that they are closely linked on chromosome 1 in rice. Additional linkage analysis from the recombination of spl6 and lax genes reconfirmed that the two genes were *9.4 cM away from each other. The individual single-gene mutant plant from one plant with a three-gene mutation (spl6, lax, and lg) was isolated and characterized, which will be a crucial resource for the gene cloning and molecular characterization of these genes.

Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 122-136, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008084


Excavating the quantitative trait locus (QTL) associated with rice cooking quality, analyzing candidate genes, and improving cooking quality-associated traits of rice varieties by genetic breeding can effectively improve the taste of rice. In this study, we used the indica rice HZ, the japonica rice Nekken2 and 120 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) populations constructed from them as experimental materials to measure the gelatinization temperature (GT), gel consistency (GC) and amylose content (AC) of rice at the maturity stage. We combined the high-density genetic map for QTL mapping. A total of 26 QTLs associated with rice cooking quality (1 QTL associated with GT, 13 QTLs associated with GC, and 12 QTLs associated with AC) were detected, among which the highest likelihood of odd (LOD) value reached 30.24. The expression levels of candidate genes in the localization interval were analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), and it was found that the expression levels of six genes were significantly different from that in parents. It was speculated that the high expression of LOC_Os04g20270 and LOC_Os11g40100 may greatly increase the GC of rice, while the high expression of LOC_Os01g04920 and LOC_Os02g17500 and the low expression of LOC_Os03g02650 and LOC_Os05g25840 may reduce the AC. The results lay a molecular foundation for the cultivation of new high-quality rice varieties, and provide important genetic resources for revealing the molecular regulation mechanism of rice cooking quality.

Quantitative Trait Loci , Oryza/genetics , Plant Breeding , Cooking , Genetic Association Studies
Rev. bras. entomol ; Rev. Bras. Entomol. (Online);68(1): e20230039, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559493


ABSTRACT The rice stink bug, Tibraca limbativentris Stål (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is a significant pest of rice cultivation in Brazil and attacks plants during both vegetative and reproductive phases. Natural enemy surveys conducted in plantations located in Arari, Miranda do Norte, Matões do Norte, Santa Rita, and Viana (state of Maranhão, Brazil) led to the discovery of a new species of parasitoid, which is described in this study. Hexacladia lemosae Costa, Noyes & Machado sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) is the first species of its genus associated with T. limbativentris and develops as a gregarious endoparasitoid in adult stink bugs, occasionally in nymphs. The parasitoid emerges from the host while host is still alive.

Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469251


Abstract Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) is one of the major rice diseases in Malaysia. This disease causes substantial yield loss as high as 70%. Development of rice varieties which inherited BLB resistant traits is a crucial approach to promote and sustain rice industry in Malaysia. Hence, this study aims were to enhance BLB disease resistant characters of high yielding commercial variety MR219 through backcross breeding approach with supporting tool of marker-assisted selection (MAS). Broad spectrum BLB resistance gene, Xa7 from donor parent IRBB7 were introgressed into the susceptible MR219 (recurrent parent) using two flanking markers ID7 and ID15. At BC3F4, we managed to generate 19 introgressed lines with homozygous Xa7 gene and showed resistant characteristics as donor parent when it was challenged with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae through artificial inoculation. Recurrent parent MR219 and control variety, MR263 were found to be severely infected by the disease. The improved lines exhibited similar morphological and yield performance characters as to the elite variety, MR219. Two lines, PB-2-107 and PB-2-34 were chosen to be potential lines because of their outstanding performances compared to parent, MR219. This study demonstrates a success story of MAS application in development of improved disease resistance lines of rice against BLB disease.

Resumo A mancha bacteriana das folhas (BLB) é uma das principais doenças do arroz na Malásia. Essa doença causa perdas substanciais de rendimento de até 70%. O desenvolvimento de variedades de arroz que herdaram características de resistência ao BLB é uma abordagem crucial para promover e sustentar a indústria do arroz na Malásia. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi aumentar os caracteres BLB resistentes a doenças da variedade comercial MR219 de alto rendimento por meio de uma abordagem de cruzamento retrocruzamento com ferramenta de apoio de seleção assistida por marcador (MAS). O gene de resistência a BLB de amplo espectro, Xa7 do pai doador IRBB7, foi introgressado no MR219 suscetível (pai recorrente) usando dois marcadores flanqueadores ID7 e ID15. No BC3F4, conseguimos gerar 19 linhagens introgressadas com o gene Xa7 homozigoto e apresentamos características de resistência como genitor doador quando desafiado com Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae por inoculação artificial. O pai recorrente MR219 e a variedade controle, MR263, estavam gravemente infectados pela doença. As linhas melhoradas exibiram características morfológicas e de desempenho de rendimento semelhantes às da variedade elite, MR219. Duas linhas, PB-2-107 e PB-2-34, foram escolhidas como linhas potenciais por causa de seus desempenhos excelentes em comparação com a mãe, MR219. Este estudo demonstra uma história de sucesso de aplicação de MAS no desenvolvimento de linhas de arroz melhoradas com resistência a doenças contra a doença BLB.

Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1586478


O arroz (Oryza sativa L.) é um dos grãos mais consumidos no mundo e conhecido historicamente pelas suas propriedades nutricionais. Essa revisão reúne diversas pesquisas que comprovam as atividades biológicas do arroz, tais quais antioxidante, clareadora, anti-inflamatória, anti-idade, bem como suas possíveis aplicações cosméticas. A pesquisa foi realizada em três bases de dados: Pubmed, Science Direct e Google Scholar, utilizando artigos inéditos nos últimos dez anos. A busca levou em conta aspectos fitoquímicos e a aplicabilidade do uso do vegetal. Grande parte das atividades bioquímicas do arroz devem-se majoritariamente aos compostos polifenólicos. O arroz apresenta grande concentração de polifenóis como antocianinas, flavonoides e ácidos, resultando em propriedades antioxidantes, clareadoras, anti-inflamatórias e anti-idade. Conclui-se que o potencial químico do produto possui essas atividades se torna um possível agente para fabricação de produtos cosméticos.

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most consumed grains worldwide and it is historically known for its nutritional properties. This review gathers many research papers that assure the properties of rice, which include antioxidant, brightening, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties, and also the possible cosmetic applications of the grain. The research was done using three data bases: PubMed, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar, only including articles that were unprecedented for the past ten years. The research took into account the grain's phytochemistry aspect and its applicability. The majority of rice's biochemistry activities are due to its richness in phenolics compounds. The rice shows a high concentration of polyphenols such as anthocyanins, flavonoids and acids, which leads to antioxidant, whitening, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. The conclusion is that the product's chemical potential has these activities so it is a possible agent to use in the making of cosmetic products.

El arroz (Oryza sativa L.) es uno de los cereales más consumidos en el mundo e históricamente conocido por sus propiedades nutricionales. Esta revisión reúne diversos estudios que demuestran las propiedades del arroz, como sus propiedades antioxidantes, blanqueadoras, antiinflamatorias y antienvejecimiento, así como sus posibles aplicaciones cosméticas. La búsqueda se realizó en tres bases de datos: Pubmed, Science Direct y Google Scholar, utilizando artículos inéditos de los últimos diez años. La búsqueda tuvo en cuenta aspectos fitoquímicos y la aplicabilidad del uso de la planta. La mayoría de las actividades bioquímicas del arroz se deben a compuestos polifenólicos. El arroz tiene una alta concentración de polifenoles, como antocianinas, flavonoides y ácidos, que le confieren propiedades antioxidantes, blanqueadoras, antiinflamatorias y antienvejecimiento. Se concluye que el potencial químico del producto posee estas actividades, lo que lo convierte en un posible agente para la fabricación de productos cosméticos.

Braz. j. biol ; 84: e248359, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345547


Abstract Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) is one of the major rice diseases in Malaysia. This disease causes substantial yield loss as high as 70%. Development of rice varieties which inherited BLB resistant traits is a crucial approach to promote and sustain rice industry in Malaysia. Hence, this study aims were to enhance BLB disease resistant characters of high yielding commercial variety MR219 through backcross breeding approach with supporting tool of marker-assisted selection (MAS). Broad spectrum BLB resistance gene, Xa7 from donor parent IRBB7 were introgressed into the susceptible MR219 (recurrent parent) using two flanking markers ID7 and ID15. At BC3F4, we managed to generate 19 introgressed lines with homozygous Xa7 gene and showed resistant characteristics as donor parent when it was challenged with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae through artificial inoculation. Recurrent parent MR219 and control variety, MR263 were found to be severely infected by the disease. The improved lines exhibited similar morphological and yield performance characters as to the elite variety, MR219. Two lines, PB-2-107 and PB-2-34 were chosen to be potential lines because of their outstanding performances compared to parent, MR219. This study demonstrates a success story of MAS application in development of improved disease resistance lines of rice against BLB disease.

Resumo A mancha bacteriana das folhas (BLB) é uma das principais doenças do arroz na Malásia. Essa doença causa perdas substanciais de rendimento de até 70%. O desenvolvimento de variedades de arroz que herdaram características de resistência ao BLB é uma abordagem crucial para promover e sustentar a indústria do arroz na Malásia. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi aumentar os caracteres BLB resistentes a doenças da variedade comercial MR219 de alto rendimento por meio de uma abordagem de cruzamento retrocruzamento com ferramenta de apoio de seleção assistida por marcador (MAS). O gene de resistência a BLB de amplo espectro, Xa7 do pai doador IRBB7, foi introgressado no MR219 suscetível (pai recorrente) usando dois marcadores flanqueadores ID7 e ID15. No BC3F4, conseguimos gerar 19 linhagens introgressadas com o gene Xa7 homozigoto e apresentamos características de resistência como genitor doador quando desafiado com Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae por inoculação artificial. O pai recorrente MR219 e a variedade controle, MR263, estavam gravemente infectados pela doença. As linhas melhoradas exibiram características morfológicas e de desempenho de rendimento semelhantes às da variedade elite, MR219. Duas linhas, PB-2-107 e PB-2-34, foram escolhidas como linhas potenciais por causa de seus desempenhos excelentes em comparação com a mãe, MR219. Este estudo demonstra uma história de sucesso de aplicação de MAS no desenvolvimento de linhas de arroz melhoradas com resistência a doenças contra a doença BLB.

Oryza , Xanthomonas , Plant Diseases/genetics , Disease Resistance/genetics , Plant Breeding
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-230507


The experiment was conducted to study the comparative performance and blast disease screening 80 diverse rice cultivars including land races, obsolete varieties, modern cultivars and released varieties, local prevailing cultivars and advanced breeding/varietal lines as AICRIP testing trials for two successive seasons during Kharif-2021 and Kharif-2022 at AHRS Ponnampet, Karnataka- India, The results from ANOVA revealed that, MSS due to genotypes, were significant (p<0.01 and p<0.05) for all the yield traits studied. GYKH was varied from 270.65-6039.89, while 940.17-6039.88 with mean grain yield Kg/ha of 3596.01 and 3483.92 kg/ha during Kh-21 and Kh-22. High GCV and PCV with high heritability coupled with high GAM were observed for GYKH, while the remaining traits revealed low to medium GCV and PCV, heritability coupled with low to medium GAM. Correlation analysis revealed that significant and positive association was observed for PH, DFF, PL and GYKH. PCAs revealed that PC1, PC2 and PC3 showed 32.45%, 29.66% and 14.83% of contribution with 76.94% of total variation during Kharif-21 and 33.20%, 29.67% and 14.33% of contribution with 77.20% of variation for the studied traits during Kharif-22 respectively. Field screening of leaf and neck blast under natural hot spot area among 80 diverse genotypes resulted in identification of resistant sources as KPR-1, KPR-2, KHP-5, Mud-1014, IET-28515 and Kajajaya with promising yield performances.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-230359


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a fundamental staple crop, feeding billions and sustaining livelihoods worldwide. Amid the global food security context, rice holds a pivotal role, demanding increased efficiency and productivity to meet the dietary demands of a growing global population. Emphasizing seed quality and vigor is crucial in achieving these goals. Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) responds to the dynamic agro-climatic conditions by introducing rice varieties tailored to Tamil Nadu's unique agricultural landscape. This research paper examines the seed vigor of TNAU released rice varieties within the seed chain. The study was conducted in a completely randomised design, the study assessed seed vigor in terms of radicle emergence time, mean germination time, germination percentage, speed of emergence, shoot length, root length, days to first count, days to final count, vigour index – I, vigour Index – II, electrical conductivity, and field emergence. Seed vigor also impacts storage potential. This study results shows that the rice varieties were categorized into three groups based on seed vigor. Twelve exhibited high seed vigor potential including ADT 51, CO52, TRY 1, TRY3, TKM13, ADT39, ADT 54, BHAVANI, ASD16, ADT37, ADT43, and ADT 53. Six showed medium potential including CO 53, ASD 19, IW Ponni, TKM 9, ADT 42, and ADT 45. Eight had low seed vigor potential including CO 50, ADT 52, TPS5, VGD 1, ADT 38, ADT 46, CO 51, and MDU 6. These classifications aid informed seed management and cultivation decisions, highlighting the suitability of high-vigor varieties for direct seeding and improved agricultural productivity.

J Environ Biol ; 2023 Nov; 44(6): 840-854
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-238309


Aim: To study genetic variability, correlation, path and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in a set of 100 zinc rich rice landraces along with four checks. Methodology: The study was carried out at the Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Maruteru, during Rabi season, 2020-2021 in an Augmented Randomized Block Design. Results: Grain yield per plant, grains per panicle, productive tillers m-2 and test weight showed moderate genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) and phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) coupled with high heritability and genetic advance as per cent mean. These traits also had positive and significant association coupled with high positive direct effect on grain yield per plant. They also contributed maximum variance to the total variability indicating the effectiveness of direct phenotypic selection for these traits for improving the grain yield per plant. Further, cluster analysis grouped the zinc rich rice landraces along with checks into three clusters. Cluster II had the highest genotypes (42), while Cluster I had 32 genotypes and Cluster III consisted of 30 zinc rich landraces along with three check varieties. Interpretation: Grains per panicle, productive tillers and test weight were identified as effective selection criteria for the improvement of grain yield towards development of high yielding zinc-rich rice varieties to curtail micronutrient malnutrition in areas with rice as staple food.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-230023


This study was conducted during Kharif, 2019 At the Students Instructional Farm, MES and Agronomy Farm of A.N.D.U.A.T., Kumarganj, Ayodhya, the trials were set up in RBD with three replications. The experimental material comprised of 25 genotypes of rice were evaluated for 11 quantitative traits under three different environmental locations. High significant mean squares were found for all eleven research characteristics in the environment-specific analysis of variance and the pooled analysis of variance for three environments encompassing one crop season. T-3, Kavery Sampoorna, NDRK-11-27, Moti Gold, and NDRK-11-29 under irrigated circumstances were the genotypes demonstrating high mean performance for grain yield per plant and some of its significant components when considering the mean performance of genotypes under various environmental situations. Out of 25 genotypes tested in three conditions, T-3, Kavery Sampoorna, and NDRK-11-27 had the maximum grain yield per plant.In path coefficient analysis highest positive direct effects on grain yield per plant was exerted by L/B ratio (0.281), followed by panicle length (0.167), number of fertile spikelet per plant (0.092) and days to 50% flowering (0.037). On the other hand, negative direct effects on grain yield per plant was exerted by plant height (-0.255), leaf area index (-0.195), spikelet fertility (-0.187), biological yield per plant and harvest index (-0.126) and productive tillers / plant (-0.049). Positive indirect effects on spikelet fertility was recorded via biological yield per plant (0.040) followed by panicle length via biological yield per plant (0.264), productive tiller per plant biological yield per plant (0.021) and plant height via biological yield per plant (0.011).Considering the mean performance and stability parameters, three high yielding genotypes T-3, Kavery Sampoorna and NDRK-11-27 merit due consideration for recommending their exploitation as cultivars or varieties for commercial cultivation and/or as donor for hybridization programme for wide range of environments pertaining especially to different environments. In addition to these genotypes, several other genotypes exhibiting high or average mean performance, desirable non- linear response and stable nature for different characters may also be useful for exploitation as parents in hybridization programme as donors for characters for which they showed superiority even if they had average or low grain yield per plant.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-229353


The present study conducted entitled, “Effect of Integrated use Organic manure and Bio-fertilizers on crop productivity under Rice (Oryza sativa L.) crop". Involved field trial conducted during Kharif season of year 2016-17 followed by laboratory analysis of the plant and soil samples in the Department of Soil science & Agriculture Chemistry, Udai Pratap Autonomous College, Varanasi (U. P). All grasses were removed from the experimental plots and soil samples have been taken from each replication plots at 30 DAT, 60 DAT and at harvesting. The experiment was conducted under randomized block design (RBD) with six treatment combinations. Treatments were replicated thrice making the total number of 18 plots. The effect of various treatments on dry matter production could be arranged in order of T6>T3>T5>T4>T2>T1 and the values were 70.25, 62.15, 59.45, 43.40, 41.25 and 35.59 gm-1 row length, respectively. Application of fertilizers alone or in combination with F.Y.M increased grain and straw yield of rice significantly over control. Further, the yield was significantly superior under the use of organic manure and bio-fertilizers over the sole use of chemical fertilizers. On the basis of data, the superiority of the treatments may be arranged as T6>T3>T5>T4>T2 and T1. Like dry matter yield, rice grain and straw yield was also highest in treatment where 50% NPK was substituted through FYM to rice crop. The integrated use of fertilizers with FYM and bio-fertilizers might have added huge quantity of organic matter in soil that increased grain and straw yield. In general, higher number of tillers (15.25 m-1 row length), plant height (92.50 cm), dry matter at 60 DAT (70.25 gm-1 row length), grain yield (46.25 Qha-1 ) and straw yield (91.25 Qha-1 ) obtained with T6 treatment followed by T3>T5>T4>T2>T1 (control).

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231658


Oryza sativa L. indica (black rice) has a rich cultural history and used as a tribute food. As the outer layer of seeds contains anthocyanin, O. sativa L. indica is black. Traditionally the plant used to enhance heart health, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, diabetes as well as allergy, control hypertension, and improves the digestive system and lipid profile. It has anti-inflammatory action, detoxifies the body, decreases cancer growth, supports in weight management, and improve memory and quality of life. Here, the methanolic extract of black rice (BRME) was evaluated for its anti-anemic effect. In study anemia was induced by administering 40 mg/kg phenylhydrazine (PHZ) for two consecutive days in rats. From day 3, animals were treated with standard drug and BRME extracts (200 and 400 mg/kg) till 15 days. The anti-anemic activity was examined by estimating different parameters like hemoglobin, red blood cell, hematocrit, reticulocytes, aspartate amino transaminase activity, alanine amino transaminase and alkaline phosphatase. The results of the phytochemical test revealed the presence of carbohydrates, alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, flavonoids, tannins, amino acid, and triterpenoids. Methanolic extract of black rice also restored the hematological parameter and biochemical parameters values near to normal levels after 13 days of treatment at 200 and 400 mg/kg. The 400 mg/kg dose shows higher anti-anemic effect compared to the lower 200 mg/kg dose. From the result, it is concluded that O. sativa L. indica is a valuable source of active compounds with anti-anemic properties and can be used to treat anemia.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017155


Aims@#Rice (Oryza sativa) is one of Malaysia’s most significant crops. Rice blast caused by Pyricularia oryzae is one of the most serious diseases of Oryza sativa, causing significant damage to the Malaysian rice crop and impacting productivity. This study was carried out to isolate and characterize phytopathogenic fungal isolates associated with rice blast collected in a paddy field in Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia.@*Methodology and results@#Morphological characterization of seven fungal isolates obtained showed thin, white, and grayish green mycelia and the reverse colony was light yellow to brown. The fungal isolates produced two-septate pyriform (pear-shaped) conidia with solitary, unbranched and light brown conidiophores. Pathogenicity tests of all isolates on rice leaves revealed diamond-shaped symptoms with a grayish center and brown edge. All isolates showed similar morphological and pathogenicity characteristics; thus, a representative isolate was further identified through DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region for species confirmation. Based on DNA sequences of ITS and phylogenetic analysis, the representative isolate was confirmed as P. oryzae.@*Conclusion, significance and impact of study @#Seven isolates morphologically identified as Pyricularia sp. were tested as pathogenic by causing rice blast disease. Representative isolate P2 (USM-PD1) was confirmed to be P. oryzae by DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of the ITS region. This study provides information on the etiology and symptomatology of rice blast disease caused by P. oryzae USM-PD1 that can be applied to diagnose and mitigate the threat posed by this plant pathogen for the disease management.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-7, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468958


The life cycle of stink bug, Glyphepomis dubia and the development of two egg parasitoids (Telenomus podisi and Trissolcus basalis) were studied at the Federal University of Maranhão, at 26 ± 2oC, relative humidity (RH) of 60 ± 10% and 12h photophase. Individuals used in the study were collected from seven rice fields located around the municipality of Arari, Maranhão, Brazil, and maintained in greenhouse and laboratory for the life cycle studies. From egg to adult, G. dubia took 35.2 days to complete the life cycle. The oviposition period was 37 days, with egg masses of about 12 eggs each and viability of 93.1%. Longevity was 53 and 65 days for females and males, respectively. The egg parasitoids Te. podisi and Tr. basalis parasitized and developed in G. dubia eggs; however, the biological characteristics of Tr. basalis were affected. Emergence of the parasitoids was higher for Te. podisi (83.5%) compared to the records for Tr. basalis (50.4%). Therefore, G. dubia may potentially achieve a pest status and Te. podisi is a promising biological control agent for G. dubia management in Brazil due to its higher longevity and better reproductive parameters.

O ciclo de vida do percevejo, Glyphepomis dubia e a biologia de dois parasitoides de ovos (Telenomus podisi e Trissolcus basalis) foram estudados na Universidade Federal do Maranhão, a 26 ± 2oC, umidade relativa (UR) de 60 ± 10% e fotofase de 12h. Sete indivíduos de G. dubia foram coletados em lavoura de arroz localizada no município de Arari, Maranhão, Brasil e mantidos em casa de vegetação e laboratório para estudos de ciclo de vida. Do ovo ao adulto, G. dubia levou 35.2 dias para completar o ciclo de vida. O período de oviposição foi de 37 dias com massas de ovos com cerca de 12 ovos/massa e viabilidade de 93.1%. A longevidade foi de 53 e 65 dias, respectivamente, para fêmeas e machos. Os parasitoides de ovos, Te. podisi e Tr. basalis parasitaram e se desenvolveram em ovos de G. dubia, no entanto as características biológicas de Tr. basalis foi afetada. A emergência dos parasitoides foi maior para Te. podisi (83.5%) em comparação com o registrado para Tr. basalis (50.4%). Portanto, G. dubia poderá apresentar potencial para atingir o status de praga e Te. podisi é um promissor agente de controle biológico para ser utilizado no manejo de G. dubia no Brasil, pois apresentou maior longevidade e os melhores parâmetros reprodutivos.

Animals , Cimicidae/growth & development , Cimicidae/parasitology , Pest Control, Biological/methods , Hymenoptera/growth & development , Oryza/parasitology
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469174


Abstract The life cycle of stink bug, Glyphepomis dubia and the development of two egg parasitoids (Telenomus podisi and Trissolcus basalis) were studied at the Federal University of Maranhão, at 26 ± 2oC, relative humidity (RH) of 60 ± 10% and 12h photophase. Individuals used in the study were collected from seven rice fields located around the municipality of Arari, Maranhão, Brazil, and maintained in greenhouse and laboratory for the life cycle studies. From egg to adult, G. dubia took 35.2 days to complete the life cycle. The oviposition period was 37 days, with egg masses of about 12 eggs each and viability of 93.1%. Longevity was 53 and 65 days for females and males, respectively. The egg parasitoids Te. podisi and Tr. basalis parasitized and developed in G. dubia eggs; however, the biological characteristics of Tr. basalis were affected. Emergence of the parasitoids was higher for Te. podisi (83.5%) compared to the records for Tr. basalis (50.4%). Therefore, G. dubia may potentially achieve a pest status and Te. podisi is a promising biological control agent for G. dubia management in Brazil due to its higher longevity and better reproductive parameters.

Resumo O ciclo de vida do percevejo, Glyphepomis dubia e a biologia de dois parasitoides de ovos (Telenomus podisi e Trissolcus basalis) foram estudados na Universidade Federal do Maranhão, a 26 ± 2oC, umidade relativa (UR) de 60 ± 10% e fotofase de 12h. Sete indivíduos de G. dubia foram coletados em lavoura de arroz localizada no município de Arari, Maranhão, Brasil e mantidos em casa de vegetação e laboratório para estudos de ciclo de vida. Do ovo ao adulto, G. dubia levou 35.2 dias para completar o ciclo de vida. O período de oviposição foi de 37 dias com massas de ovos com cerca de 12 ovos/massa e viabilidade de 93.1%. A longevidade foi de 53 e 65 dias, respectivamente, para fêmeas e machos. Os parasitoides de ovos, Te. podisi e Tr. basalis parasitaram e se desenvolveram em ovos de G. dubia, no entanto as características biológicas de Tr. basalis foi afetada. A emergência dos parasitoides foi maior para Te. podisi (83.5%) em comparação com o registrado para Tr. basalis (50.4%). Portanto, G. dubia poderá apresentar potencial para atingir o status de praga e Te. podisi é um promissor agente de controle biológico para ser utilizado no manejo de G. dubia no Brasil, pois apresentou maior longevidade e os melhores parâmetros reprodutivos.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39022, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425132


Resistance to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors have increased recently in South Brazil where the major weeds of flooded rice (barnyardgrass and weedy rice) have evolved resistance to imazapyr+imazapic. The aim of this research was to evaluate a growth medium for tissue regeneration of tillers in barnyardgrass, as well as an agar-based bioassays test (also from tillers) to detect susceptible and resistant biotypes of weedy rice and barnyardgrass to imazapyr+imazapic in vitro. Greenhouse experiments were conducted to detect ALS-resistant (R) and susceptible (S) weedy rice and barnyardgrass biotypes, and bioassays were carried out to evaluate an adequate growth medium for barnyardgrass tiller regeneration and determine the concentration of herbicide to distinguish R and S plants. The culture medium that provided a suitable barnyardgrass growth was MS 50% with the addition of benzylamino-purine. The tissue regeneration in vitro with the growth medium containing imazapyr+imazapic allowed to discriminate between R and S barnyardgrass and weedy rice plants. The concentration required for satisfactory control of susceptible barnyardgrass and weedy rice explants grown in vitro was 0.9 µM and 1.3 µM of imazapyr+imazapic herbicide, respectively. The bioassay in vitro using tiller regeneration provides an opportunity to predict effectively imazapyr+imazapic resistance in barnyardgrass and weedy rice.

Oryza , Echinochloa , Herbicide Resistance
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247433, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339336


Abstract The life cycle of stink bug, Glyphepomis dubia and the development of two egg parasitoids (Telenomus podisi and Trissolcus basalis) were studied at the Federal University of Maranhão, at 26 ± 2oC, relative humidity (RH) of 60 ± 10% and 12h photophase. Individuals used in the study were collected from seven rice fields located around the municipality of Arari, Maranhão, Brazil, and maintained in greenhouse and laboratory for the life cycle studies. From egg to adult, G. dubia took 35.2 days to complete the life cycle. The oviposition period was 37 days, with egg masses of about 12 eggs each and viability of 93.1%. Longevity was 53 and 65 days for females and males, respectively. The egg parasitoids Te. podisi and Tr. basalis parasitized and developed in G. dubia eggs; however, the biological characteristics of Tr. basalis were affected. Emergence of the parasitoids was higher for Te. podisi (83.5%) compared to the records for Tr. basalis (50.4%). Therefore, G. dubia may potentially achieve a pest status and Te. podisi is a promising biological control agent for G. dubia management in Brazil due to its higher longevity and better reproductive parameters.

Resumo O ciclo de vida do percevejo, Glyphepomis dubia e a biologia de dois parasitoides de ovos (Telenomus podisi e Trissolcus basalis) foram estudados na Universidade Federal do Maranhão, a 26 ± 2oC, umidade relativa (UR) de 60 ± 10% e fotofase de 12h. Sete indivíduos de G. dubia foram coletados em lavoura de arroz localizada no município de Arari, Maranhão, Brasil e mantidos em casa de vegetação e laboratório para estudos de ciclo de vida. Do ovo ao adulto, G. dubia levou 35.2 dias para completar o ciclo de vida. O período de oviposição foi de 37 dias com massas de ovos com cerca de 12 ovos/massa e viabilidade de 93.1%. A longevidade foi de 53 e 65 dias, respectivamente, para fêmeas e machos. Os parasitoides de ovos, Te. podisi e Tr. basalis parasitaram e se desenvolveram em ovos de G. dubia, no entanto as características biológicas de Tr. basalis foi afetada. A emergência dos parasitoides foi maior para Te. podisi (83.5%) em comparação com o registrado para Tr. basalis (50.4%). Portanto, G. dubia poderá apresentar potencial para atingir o status de praga e Te. podisi é um promissor agente de controle biológico para ser utilizado no manejo de G. dubia no Brasil, pois apresentou maior longevidade e os melhores parâmetros reprodutivos.

Humans , Animals , Oryza , Wasps , Heteroptera , Hemiptera , Hymenoptera , Oviposition , Ovum , Biology
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2022 Oct; 60(10): 789-797
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222545


The ascomycete fungal pathogen Ustilaginoidea virens (Cooke) Takahshi cause false smut in rice and considerable yield loss. In this study, we collected isolates of U. virens from the rice growing ecosystems of Karnataka and characterized for cultural, morphological and molecular characters. The isolates of the fungus on Potato Sucrose Agar media exhibited distinct colonies with colony growth ranging from 21.50 mm (Uv-20) to 70.00 mm (Uv-15). The colony colour appeared as whitish to yellowish with varied growth pattern from flat, raised flat to fluffy and raised fluffy colonies with sectoring in Uv-1, Uv-3, Uv-6 and Uv-9 isolates. The isolates of U. virens also showed variation in the morphology of spores, where the conidia were globose, irregularly round to elliptical and warty on the surface with spore radius ranging from 2.91 to 5.36 ?m. The scanning electron microscopy revealed hyaline globose to irregularly rounded ornamented chlamydospores with prominent spines. Besides cultural and morphological characters, molecular identification of false smut isolates was confirmed through ITS sequencing which showed 91 to 99 per cent identity with U. virens in NCBI-BLAST analysis. Dendrogram constructed using ITS sequence data broadly separated the isolates into two major clusters with divergence among clusters. This ITS (internal transcribed spacer) sequencing of isolates should help better understanding of the phylogenetic relationships among these isolates.

Indian J Exp Biol ; 2022 Jul; 60(7): 463-470
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222531


Salt stress is a major abiotic stress that limits rice productivity worldwide including India. As modern rice varieties are salt sensitive, infusing salt tolerance through breeding is a viable farmer-friendly approach. Breeding salt tolerant rice varieties has been slow due to complexity of the trait and high Genotype x Environment interaction in the salt affected field. Selection practiced in such a situation using conventional selection method, in the presence of competition, would be misleading. On the otherhand, selection is effective in the absence of competition in honeycomb selection and counteracts the disturbing effects of competition on effectiveness of selection. The present study was conducted to test the efficiency of honeycomb selection design in early generation of a rice cross to study genetics of yield and practice selection. All the characters studied in both the design showed non normal distribution except for panicle length in CSD. All the characters studied in both the design had lower coefficient of variation, high mean and high standard deviation in the HSD compared to CSD. Large number of genes with duplicate epistasis governs days to flowering whereas panicle length and single plant yield are governed by few number of genes with complimentary epistasis. Twenty nine F2 plants each in CSD and HSD were selected based on mean and plant index (SPY), respectively. Plants selected in HSD recorded higher percentage of increase over base population compared to CSD and found HSD to be superior to CSD because of enhanced phenotypic expression in the former by eliminating confounding effects of negative correlation between yielding and competitive ability.

Indian J Exp Biol ; 2022 Jul; 60(7): 557-562
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-222516


Acute lung injury (ALI), during the progression of infectious shock, leads to systemic inflammatory response syndromewith increased pulmonary capillary membrane permeability due to pulmonary inflammation and uncontrolled inflammatoryresponses. It may cause fatality in patients. Here, we evaluated the protective effect of breviscapine on ALI in rats withinfectious shock. Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were assigned into Sham, model [lipopolysaccharide (LPS) group], andbreviscapine treatment groups (LPS + breviscapine group) and weighed. The lung coefficient, and the wet-to-dry weightratio (W/D) and moisture content of lung tissues were calculated. The pathological changes of the lung tissues were detectedusing hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining, and the protein expressions of interleukin-1 beta (IL-1?), IL-6, and tumor necrosisfactor-alpha (TNF-?) were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Western blotting was conducted to measurethe protein expressions of toll-like receptor-9 (TLR-9) and nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-?B) (p65). Compared with LPSgroup, breviscapine significantly lowered the lung coefficient and the W/D and moisture content of lung tissues, relieved thepathological changes of lung tissues, reduced the protein expression levels of IL-1?, IL-6, and TNF-?, weakened theactivation of NF-?B (p65) in lung tissues, and repressed the protein expressions of TLR-9 and NF-?B (p65).