Abstract Objectives When air irrigation is used for caloric stimulation in patients with a perforated ear, warm irrigation may elicit a nystagmus that initially beats in the opposite direction of what is expected for warm irrigations, which is referred to as "caloric inversion". This study aimed to investigate the disease group in which caloric inversion appeared in patients who underwent caloric testing and to classify the patterns of caloric inversion. Methods We conducted a retrospective review of bithermal caloric test results that were collected in our dizziness clinic between 2005 and 2022. Caloric inversion was defined when nystagmus induced by caloric stimulation appeared in the opposite direction to that expected. The incidence of caloric inversion among all patients who underwent bithermal caloric tests was calculated. To confirm the clinical diagnoses of the patients with caloric inversion, their clinical records were reviewed. Results Out of 9923 patients who underwent bithermal caloric tests, 29 patients (0.29%) showed a caloric inversion. The most common clinical diagnosis was chronic otitis media (21 of 29, 72%). Of the 21 patients with chronic otitis media, 20 patients showed a caloric inversion by warm air irrigation and one patient showed caloric inversion by cold air stimulation. Patients with clinical diagnoses other than chronic otitis media such as sudden sensorineural hearing loss, benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood and recurrent vestibulopathy showed caloric inversion by warm air irrigation. Caloric inversion by warm water irrigation was observed in patients with lateral semicircular canal cupulopathy and recurrent vestibulopathy. Two patients (one with Meniere's disease and one with age-related dizziness) showed caloric inversion by cold water irrigation. Conclusion Caloric inversion can be observed in various diseases other than chronic otitis media with tympanic membrane perforation. Special care should be taken in the interpretation of caloric test results. Level of Evidence: Level 4.
Objective: To explore the social and clinical factors that predict audiometric outcomes in patients undergoing ossicular chain reconstruction. Methods: A retrospective analytical cohort study was conducted, including patients 18 years of age or older with a history of chronic otitis media (COM) and/or any of its complications, who underwent ossicular chain reconstruction with Partial Ossicular Replacement Prosthesis (PORP) or Total Ossicular Replacement Prosthesis (TORP), at Hospital San José and Hospital infantile Universitario de San José between 2012 and 2020. We excluded patients with ossicular chain malformations and those with incomplete information. Information about sociodemographic and clinical factors was collected. Additionally, the surgery findings information was analyzed using the Ossiculoplasty outcome parameter staging ( OOPS) index. Results: A total of 35 adult patients who underwent ossicular chain reconstruction were retrospectively studied. An improvement was evidenced in the Preoperative Pure-Tone Average (PTA) and postoperative PTA (p-value=0.036), as well as in the pre and postoperative air-bone gap (ABG) (p-value < 0.01). A moderate correlation coefficient was found between the OOPS index and the postoperative PTA (p= 0.429), and between the OOPS index and the postoperative (ABG) (p= 0.653). Conclusion: We found that a higher OOPS score is correlated with worse hearing outcomes postoperatively, and there was no association between the demographic or pathologic factors with a worse postoperative hearing outcome. Therefore, OOPS index can predict audiometric outcomes in patients undergoing ossicular chain reconstruction in a developing country, regardless of the demographic or pathologic factors.
Objetivo: Evaluar los factores sociales y clínicos que predicen los desenlaces audiométricos en pacientes llevados a reconstrucción de cadena osicular en un país envía de desarrollo. Métodos: Se realizo un estudio de cohorte analítico retrospectivo donde se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años, con antecedente de otitis media crónica y/o alguna complicación/secuela de esta, que fueron llevados a reconstrucción de la cadena osicular con prótesis PORP - TORP de la Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud entre el año 2012 y 2020, se excluyeron pacientes con malformaciones de la cadena osicular y aquellos con informacion incompleta de su historia clinica y quirurgica. Resultados: La población estudiada fue 35 pacientes, en los cuales se compararon variables demográficas, antecedentes de rinitis o tabaquismo activo, parámetros audiológicos pre y postoperatorios, y hallazgos intraquirurgicos. Se evidenció una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el promedio tonal auditivo (PTA) preoperatorio y el PTA postoperatorio (p-valor=0.036), así como en el gap aéreo- oseo pre y post operatorio ( p-valor < 0.01). Se reportó un coeficiente de correlación moderado entre el índice OOPS y el PTA post operatorio (p = 0.429), y entre el índice OOPS y el gap aéreo óseo post operatorio (p = 0.653), lo que indica que a mayor puntaje en el índice OOPS peores desenlaces auditivos. Conclusión: En este estudio un mayor puntaje en el índice OOPS se correlacionó con peores desenlaces auditivos. No se evidenció correlación entre los factores demográficos u otras comorbilidades descritas y un peor desenlace auditivo post operatorio. Aunque se obtuvo un GAO postoperatorio ≤20dB en el 48.5% de los pacientes, se observó una disminución en el GAO estadísticamente significativo.
Humans , Male , FemaleABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives To assess the hearing thresholds in acute otitis media, otitis media with effusion and chronic otitis media (non-suppurative, non-cholesteatomatous suppurative and cholesteatomatous) and to compare the hearing outcomes with non-diseased ears (in bilateral cases) or contralateral healthy ears (in unilateral cases), since hearing loss is the most frequent sequel of otitis media and there is no previous study comparing the audiometric thresholds among the different forms of otitis media. Methods Cross sectional, controlled study. We performed conventional audiometry (500-8000 Hz) and tympanometry in patients with otitis media and healthy individuals (control group). Hearing loss was considered when the hearing thresholds were > 25 dBHL. Results Of the 112 patients diagnosed with otitis media (151 ears), 48 were men (42.86%) and 64 were women (57.14%). The average age was 42.72 years. Of those, 25 (22.32%) were diagnosed as AOM, 15 (13.39%) were diagnosed with OME and the remaining 72 (63.28%) were diagnosed with COM (non-suppurative COM, n = 31; suppurative COM, n = 18; cholesteatomatous COM, n = 23). As compared with controls, all forms of otitis media had significantly higher bone-conduction thresholds (500-4000 Hz). Conductive hearing loss was the most frequent type of hearing loss (58.94%). However, the number of patients with mixed hearing loss was also relevant (39.07%). We noted that the presence of sensorioneural component occurred more frequently in 1) Higher frequencies; and 2) In groups of otitis media that were more active or severe in the inflammatory/infective standpoint (AOM, suppurative COM and cholesteatomatous COM). Conclusion All types of otitis media, even those with infrequent episodes of inflammation and otorrhea, had worse bone conduction thresholds as compared with nondiseased ears (p < 0.01). We observed worse hearing outcomes in ears with recurrent episodes of otorrhea and in ears with AOM, especially in high frequencies.
El concepto de biopelículas ha surgido de forma paulatina durante un largo período; se presentan como estructuras tridimensionales compuestas por células sésiles de microorganismos que crecen y se adhieren irreversiblemente a superficies, tanto vivas como inertes. Su capacidad de desarrollarse, tanto en superficies bióticas como abióticas, es una característica que los relaciona directamente con la salud humana. Distintas infecciones óticas se han inculpado a la presencia de biopelículas en las mucosas como en la otitis media con efusión, de igual forma se manifiestan en la aparición y persistencia de la otitis media crónica. Las biopelículas afines con otitis media, generalmente, contienen uno o múltiples especies de bacterias otopatógenas primarias. La comprensión de la biopelicula auxiliará el progreso de nuevas terapias y estrategias de control, al evitar enfermedades infecciosas ya que las bacterias formadoras de biopelículas son una seria amenaza para la salud pública debido a su alta resistencia a los antimicrobianos.
The concept of biofilms has emerged gradually over a long period; they appear as three-dimensional structures composed of sessile cells of microorganisms that grow and adhere irreversibly to surfaces, both living and inert. Their ability to develop, both on biotic and abiotic surfaces, is a characteristic that directly relates them to human health. Different ear infections have been blamed on the presence of biofilms on the mucous membranes, such as otitis media with effusion, in the same way they manifest themselves in the appearance and persistence of chronic otitis media. Otitis media-related biofilms generally contain one or multiple species of primary otopathogenic bacteria. The understanding of the biofilm will help us refine new therapies and control strategies, by avoiding infectious diseases since biofilm-forming bacteria are a serious threat to public health due to their high resistance to antimicrobials.
Biofilms , Otitis Media, Suppurative , EarABSTRACT
Introducción: La infección por Streptococcus pneumoniae constituye una causa importante de morbimortalidad en el mundo, sobre todo en niños menores de 5 años, en los que ocasiona de 1 a 2 millones de muertes anuales. Objetivo: Determinar la presencia de S. pneumoniae en muestras clínicas obtenidas en niños. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal en niños menores de 5 años de edad con diagnóstico clínico de enfermedad neumocócica invasiva, asistidos en dos hospitales pediátricos de Santiago de Cuba durante el periodo 2014-2018. De las 1466 muestras clínicas tomadas y procesadas, en 131 fue aislado el agente patógeno; estas correspondieron a 59 pacientes con formas clínicas de la infección y 72 portadores. Para el procesamiento estadístico de la información se utilizaron las frecuencias absoluta y relativa como medidas de resumen. Resultados: En general, la positividad por S. pneumoniae fue de 8,9 %, con mayores frecuencias de aislamiento en las muestras de líquido cefalorraquídeo (81,8 %), líquido pleural (47,1 %) y exudado ótico (21,9 %), que asimismo coincidieron con los porcentajes más elevados de neumonía (61,0), otitis media aguda (23,7) y meningitis (15,3), como formas clínicas de la enfermedad neumocócica, que aquejó principalmente a niños de 1 año de edad, seguidos de los mayores de 2 años. De igual modo, se identificaron 9 serotipos de S. pneumoniae, con predominio del 19A (39,0 %), el 14 (25,4 %) y el 6A (11,9 %). En los pacientes que portaban la bacteria en la nasofaringe se identificaron 8 tipos serológicos, predominantemente el 19A y el 14. Por último, se halló una alta resistencia microbiana a la eritromicina y a la combinación trimetoprima-sulfametoxazol. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio proporcionaron un referente científico antes de la introducción de la vacuna antineumocócica cubana, lo que permitirá evaluar su impacto en la incidencia de dicha enfermedad.
Introduction: The infection due to Streptococcus pneumoniae constitutes an important cause of morbimortality in the world, mainly in children under 5 years, that causes from 1 to 2 million annual deaths. Objective: To determine the presence of S. pneumoniae in clinical samples obtained in children. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in children under 5 years with clinical diagnosis of invasive pneumococcus disease, assisted in two children hospitals from Santiago de Cuba during the period 2014-2018. Of the 1466 clinical samples taken and processed, in 131 the pathogen agent was isolated; these corresponded to 59 patients with clinical forms of the infection and 72 carriers of the disease. For the statistical processing of the information the absolute and relative frequencies were used as summary measures. Results: In general the positivity for S. pneumoniae was of 8.9 %, with more isolation frequencies in the samples of cerebrospinal fluid (81.8 %), pleural fluid (47.1 %) and otic exudate (21.9 %) that also coincided with the highest percentages of pneumonia (61.0), acute otitis media (23.7) and meningitis (15.3), as clinical forms of the neumococcus disease that mainly affected 1 year children, followed by those over 2 years. In a same way, 9 serotypes of S. pneumoniae were identified, with prevalence of the 19A (39.0 %), and 14 (25.4 %) and the 6A (11.9 %). In the nasopharyngeal carriers 8 serotypes were identified, of which the 19A and 14 prevailed. Lastly, a high microbian resistance to erythromycin and the combination trimethoprim-sulfametoxazole was found. Conclusions: The results of this study provided a scientific referent before the introduction of the Cuban antipneumococcus vaccine that will allow to evaluate its impact in the incidence of this disease.
Pneumococcal InfectionsABSTRACT
La tuberculosis es una de las principales causas de mortalidad infantil, alcanzando una tasa de mortalidad de hasta 40% en los casos entre 0 y 4 años. Una forma infrecuente es la otomastoiditis tuberculosa (TOM), siendo un desafío diagnóstico, con consecuencias severas como destrucción del oído medio, hipoacusia y diseminación intracraneal. Se presenta el caso de un lactante de 8 meses con mal control pediátrico, desnutrido, donde la tuberculosis ótica fue un hallazgo secundario a otorrea persistente en el contexto de tuberculosis diseminada y múltiples otras infecciones. El diagnóstico de TOM es desafío diagnóstico, dado lo inespecífico del cuadro. Clásicamente, se describe otorrea persistente pese a tratamiento, hipoacusia y parálisis facial, con microscopía con granulaciones pálidas y perforaciones timpánicas múltiples. Los métodos diagnósticos tradicionales tienen un mal rendimiento, el cultivo de Koch alcanza una sensibilidad de hasta un 35%, mientras que pruebas basadas en la detección de ADN de 95%. La instalación de terapia antituberculosa es fundamental para la prevención de complicaciones locales y diseminación, mientras que el abordaje quirúrgico se reservará para casos con complicaciones.
Tuberculosis is one of the leading causes of child mortality, with a mortality rate of up to 40% in cases between 0 and 4 years old. An uncommon form is tuberculous otomastoiditis (TOM), which poses a diagnostic challenge and has severe consequences such as destruction of the middle ear, hearing loss, and intracranial dissemination. Clinical case: We present the case of an 8-month-old infant with poor pediatric control and malnutrition, where otic tuberculosis was a secondary finding due to persistent otorrhea in the context of disseminated tuberculosis and multiple other infections. Discussion: The diagnosis of TOM is a diagnostic challenge given the nonspecific presentation. Classically, it is characterized by persistent otorrhea despite treatment, hearing loss, and facial paralysis, with microscopy showing pale granulations and multiple tympanic perforations. Traditional diagnostic methods have poor performance, with Koch's culture achieving a sensitivity of up to 35%, while DNA-based tests reach 95% sensitivity. The initiation of antituberculosis therapy is crucial for the prevention of local complications and dissemination, while surgical intervention is reserved for cases with complications.
Humans , Male , Infant , Otitis Media/diagnosis , Tuberculosis/diagnosis , Mycobacterium tuberculosisABSTRACT
Resumen El absceso cerebral es una infección focal caracterizada por acumulación de pus enel parénquima cerebral; su diagnóstico es de urgencia debido a la alta mortalidad que acarrea.Presentamos tres casos de pacientes con abscesos cerebrales con foco otogénico de origen poli-microbiano, que presentaron en común el aislamiento de Actinomyces europaeus, agente nodescrito hasta el momento en esta localización. A. europaeus fue identificado por la metodo-logía convencional, por espectrometría de masas por desorción/ionización asistida por matriz(MALDI-TOF MS) y por secuenciación del gen ARNr 16S. La sensibilidad antibiótica se evaluó porel método epsilométrico. Todos los aislados presentaron sensibilidad a penicilina, vancomicinay linezolid, mientras que la sensibilidad a clindamicina y eritromicina fue variable. La iden-tificación por MALDI-TOF MS permitió arribar a nivel de especie de forma rápida y confiabley dar una respuesta oportuna y efectiva, evitando el retraso en el tratamiento, lo que sueleincrementar la morbimortalidad del cuadro clínico.
Introducción: las complicaciones por otitis media aguda tienen una incidencia menor a un 1%. Aun así, se describe en literatura una mortalidad de un 5%. Actualmente existe escasa evidencia sobre estas complicaciones en nuestra realidad local. Objetivo: describir las de complicaciones de otitis media aguda según tipo, sexo, síntomas de ingreso, exámenes solicitados y tratamiento. Material y Métodos: estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de revisión de fichas clínicas que incluyó pacientes que ingresaron al Hospital Clínico de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile con diagnóstico de otitis media aguda entre el 1 enero de 2000 hasta el 30 de julio de 2022. Resultados: se obtuvieron 71 pacientes ingresados por complicación de otitis media aguda. La edad media fue de 26,79 años, con 46 mujeres y 25 hombres. Se observaron complicaciones extracraneales, intracraneales y complicaciones simultáneas. Las complicaciones más frecuentes fueron la laberintitis y mastoiditis sin reportar casos de mortalidad. Discusión: actualmente existe escasa información sobre complicaciones de otitis media aguda y su epidemiología a nivel local. Las complicaciones extracraneales fueron más frecuentes: de ellas, la laberintitis y la mastoiditis agudas. El diagnóstico es clínico con apoyo de exámenes tanto de laboratorio, audiovestibulares e imágenes. Con respecto al tratamiento quirúrgico, se debe evaluar caso a caso y debe incluir miringotomía con o sin instalación de tubo de ventilación y mastoidectomía en casos refractarios. Es importante la sospecha y la derivación precoz
Introduction: Complications due to acute otitis media have an incidence of less than 1%. Nevertheless, it is described in the literature as having a 5% mortality rate. Currently, there is little evidence of these complications in our local reality. Objective: Describe the complications of acute otitis media based on its type, patient gender, admission symptoms, requested exams, and treatment. Material and Methods: Retrospective and descriptive study of patients' medical records admitted at the "Hospital Clínico de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile" who were diagnosed with acute otitis media from January 1st, 2000, to July 30th, 2022. Results: There were 71 patients admitted due to complications of acute otitis media. On average, they were 26.29 years old; 46 were women, and 25 were men. Extracranial, intracranial, and simultaneous complications were observed. The most frequent ones were labyrinthitis and mastoiditis, without any mortality cases reported. Discussion: Currently, there is scarce information about the complications of acute otitis media and its local epidemiology. Extracranial complications were the most frequent: acute labyrinthitis and mastoiditis. The clinical diagnosis is supported by laboratory, audiovestibular, and image tests. Regarding surgical treatment, each patient must be evaluated independently. It should include myringotomy with or without a ventilation tube and mastoidectomy in refractory cases. It is crucial to detect it early and proceed with a medical referral.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa en una bacteria Gram negativa no fermentadora que produce diversos tipos de infecciones severas en inmunocompetentes e inmunodeprimidos. Una de estas infecciones es la otitis externa maligna, la cual se presenta principalmente en personas con diabetes mellitus y puede tener una evolución tórpida cursando con osteomielitis de base de cráneo y parálisis de nervios craneales. El tratamiento es individualizado y principalmente conservador con antibioticoterapia guiada por cultivo. La bacteria aislada en la mayoría de los casos reportados es sensible a los antibióticos anti-pseudomónicos. Reportamos un caso de presentación inusual de otitis externa maligna por Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistente a carbapenémicos con evidencia sugerente de compromiso bilateral y en el cual se aisló al mismo germen en urocultivo y hemocultivos, lo que indicaría una diseminación hematógena del microorganismo.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a non-fermenting Gram-negative bacterium that produces several types of severe infections in immunocompetent and immunosuppressed patients. One of these infections is malignant otitis externa, which occurs mainly in people with diabetes mellitus and can have a torpid evolution coursing with osteomyelitis of skull base and cranial nerve palsies. Treatment is individualized and mainly conservative with culture-guided antibiotic therapy, with isolated pseudomonas being sensitive to anti-pseudomonal antibiotics in the majority of reported cases. We report a case of unusual presentation of malignant otitis externa caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistant to carbapenems with suggestive evidence of bilateral involvement and in which the same germ was isolated in urine and blood cultures, which would indicate hematogenous dissemination of the microorganism.
Abstract Introduction Myringotomy and ear tube placement (MTP) is the surgical treatment for otitis media with effusion (OME), and it is the most common surgery performed in children. Several guidelines have been developed to assist in the care of patients who become candidates for MTP. Objectives To evaluate the practice of Brazilian otorhinolarynogologists when performing MTP according to the years of clinical experience. Secondarily, we also want to assess if their practice regarding MTP varied according to the percentage of children treated and the location of their practice. Methods A 30-question survey was sent to otolaryngologists affiliated with the Brazilian Academy of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (Academia Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia Pediátrica, ABOPe, in Portuguese) and/or the Scientific Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Brazilian Society of Pediatrics (Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria, SBP, in Portuguese). The questions included were carefully chosen to provide a profile about the practices adopted in the pre-, peri- and postoperative periods of MTP. Results The questionnaire was sent to 208 otolaryngologists, and there were 124 (59.6%) respondents. Of those, 59.7% use antiseptics before surgery. Only 54 otolaryngologists, less than half of the subjects in this study (43.5%), always place a tube during the procedure. More physicians who practice in small cities recommend water precautions after MTP when compared to other physicians (p < 0.001). Conclusions The present study reveals that many respondents do not follow some of the recommendations of the current guidelines of the American Academy of
Background: Otitis externa is frequently seen illness by ENT practitioners predominantly in children and old age people. The severity sometimes varies from it ranges in severity from a trivial infection to dangerous malignant otitis externa. Furthermore, due to absurd consumption of antibiotics, though there is a fall in development of complications, there is a rise in resistance to various infectious organisms. Mostly, we start treating patients with empirical therapy where sometimes, it leads to occurrence of various antibiotic-resistant infections. For that reason, recent evidence about the organism which is mostly involved in infection and also most importantly the pattern of their response to various pharmacological agents is crucial for the sensible use of the medications for the management. Aim and Objectives: Our study was planned to evaluate and find out the causative organism which is most commonly seen in otitis externa, particularly focusing on drug sensitivity for those organisms, so that efficient management of otitis externa can be done. Materials and Methods: It is a retrospective study conducted in acute otitis externa patients from Novemver 2019 to January 2020. Patients who all presented with ear discharge within 3 months of period, samples were collected with clinically diagnosed acute otitis externa and sent for culture in blood agar, chocolate agar, and Mcconkey medium in vitro and drug sensitivity pattern was identified for individual organisms. Inclusion criteria: Patients more than 18 years having ear discharge within 3 months were included in the study. Exclusion criteria: Chronically discharging ear >3 months were excluded from the study. Results: Pseudomonas organism was frequently encountered pathogen in our study, trailed by Staphylococcus aureus. The organisms identified were very much sensitive to drugs like fluoroquinolones particularly Ciprofloxacin, and Aminoglycosides like Amikacin and almost all were responding to treatment with Piperacillin-Tazobactam, these drugs have an cidal activity over pathogens and are suitable for any age and safety-wise better too. Conclusion: Intermittent assessment and awareness of the bacteriological summary and their drug response profile in a particular geographical area will only help in rational drug prescription. Furthermore, rational usage of drugs will help in reducing any morbidity due to infection which may sometimes develop when treated inappropriately, further decreasing development of dangerous drug resistance.
Otitis media (OM) is a common problem involving children. In the majority, the cause is related to dysfunction of the Eustachian tube due to bacterial or viral rhinitis and less commonly due to nasopharyngeal tumors. We present a case of recurrent OM which was evaluated and incidentally found a nasal foreign body for which the patient was asymptomatic. This nasal body was the cause of recurrent OM which is very unusual.
Chronic cholesteatomatous otitis media is the particularly aggressive form of chronic otitis media. This ear infection can lead to functional impairment of the ear and exposes you to serious complications that can be life-threatening. The purpose of this work was to list the complications of cholesteatomatous otitis in our hospital center. Patients And Method: This is a descriptive retrospective study of cases of complicated cholesteatomatous otitis. The study was carried out within the university hospital center Andohatapenaka from January 2015 to December 2019 (5 years). Complications of chronic not cholesteatomatous otitis media have been ruled out. The frequency ofResults: cholesteatomatous otitis media is 2.57%. It mainly affects patients between 10 and 20 years old with a male predominance. Extra-cranial complications are more frequent (78.94%) compared to intracranial complications. The circumstances of discovery are dominated by otorrhea (31.57%) and retro-auricular swelling (21.05%). The clinical signs are variable and depend on the complications. The otological history badly or not treated (60.52%) remains a predictive factor of these complications. Computed tomography has a very important place in the diagnostic component. Cholesteatomatous otitis media is always at risk of serious complications in the absence ofConclusion : well-adapted treatments. Complications can be functional which blames the hearing or vital following the endocranial extension.
Objectives@#To determine the initial clinical diagnoses of patients with tuberculous otitis media (TBOM), to determine the value of PCR test, biopsy, and ancillary diagnostic procedures in detecting middle ear TB infection, and to establish the differences in treatment outcomes. @*Methods@#The clinical records of twenty-eight patients identified with middle ear TB infection by PCR test and biopsy, from January 2010 to December 2016, were reviewed to determine their initial clinical diagnoses. The positivity rates of PCR test and biopsy were compared. The records of 12 patients included in a previous publication were revisited and included in the present study population. The combined cases were classified according to clinical diagnosis to constitute a summary of demographic characteristics, clinical diagnoses, laboratory tests, and treatment outcomes. Results of diagnostic and surgical procedures were reviewed and analyzed. Clinical findings and hearing test results before and after treatment were compared. @*Results@#Of the 28 patients, eight different clinical diagnoses of patients confirmed with middle ear TB were determined. PCR test diagnosed most cases belonging to the early and chronic stages of the disease process. Biopsy diagnosed mostly the chronic cases but failed to diagnose acute cases and late cases with diagnosis of chronic suppurative otitis media with cholesteatoma. By including the twelve cases that were published in 2011, the range of clinical diagnoses was expanded and an outcome of eleven clinical diagnoses confirmed with TB infection was established. Analysis of treatment outcomes showed that the clinical and hearing outcomes were better for patients managed at the early stage of the disease than for those presenting at the late stages of the disease process who underwent more complicated surgical procedures. @*Conclusion@#Our study supports the concept of tuberculous otitis media (TBOM) clinical spectrum, implying a paradigm shift in the established thinking that TBOM presents only as a chronic disease. The combined use of PCR and biopsy is a potential diagnostic tool to improve case detection rate, further broaden the scope of the clinical spectrum, and develop better control and preventive strategies for TBOM.
Otitis Media, Suppurative , Polymerase Chain ReactionABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE To assess changes in the demographic characteristics of patients with otitis media with effusion during the COVID-19 epidemic.METHODS This retrospective study analyzed cases of otitis media with effusion in the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery,Beijing Tongren Hospital.The cases were divided into two groups:a pre-Covid-19 group(from December 1,2018,to January 31,2019),and a Covid-19 group(from December 1,2022,to January 31,2023).Patient demographics including age,sex,ear side and audiology results were collected.Additionally,age composition ratio,sex composition ratio,disease-side ratio,and audiological results were analyzed.RESULTS A total of 1 872 patients were included in the pre-COVID group,with an average age of(30.45±23.17)years(949 males and 923 females).Among them,910 were children and 962 were adults.The Covid-19 group included 1 194 patients,with an average age of(48.31±18.92)years(623 males and 571 females).Among them,95 were children and 1 099 were adults.Statistical analysis of the data revealed that the overall age distribution of the disease was different between the two groups(Z=-20.820,P<0.001).There was a significant difference in the composition ratio of children to adults(χ2=546.838,P<0.001),with a significant decrease and increase in the prevalence rate of otitis media with effusion in children and adults,respectively,in the COVID-19 group.Compared to the pre-COVID-19 group,the proportion of cases in the age group of 7-18 years was significantly reduced in the children's group(Z=-5.641,P<0.001),and the proportion of prevalence increased significantly in the adult group aged 46-75 years(Z=-3.134,P=0.002).Additionally,there was a significant increase in the number of male patients in the Covid-19 group(χ2=5.15,P=0.023)when compared to the pre-COVID-19 group.CONCLUSION Compared to the pre-Covid-19 period,a significant change in the age distribution of otitis media with effusion was observed during the COVID-19 epidemic,with a significant decrease in the proportion of children and a signification increase in the proportion of adults.
Aim To investigate the effects of IL-33/ST2 signal regulation by osteomortin on immune function and sodium channel in otitis media rats. Methods Fifty SD rats were randomly divided into NO group (normal rats with gavage of normal saline), MO group (model rats with gavage of normal saline), OS group (model rats with gavage of 40 mg • kg-
Aim To investigate the effect of quercetin (Que) on secretory otitis media (SOM) rats and its mechanism. Methods Forty-eight male SD rats were selected and randomly divided into control group (control), model group (model), Que group (100 mg • kg
Necrotizing otitis externa is a progressive infectious disease involving the external auditory canal and even the skull base, which can lead to serious complications and even death if not treated in time. In this paper, the latest advances in etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment were reviewed based on previous literature, providing reference for clinical diagnosis, treatment and future research.
Humans , Otitis Externa/therapy , Skull Base/pathology , Ear Canal/pathology , HeadABSTRACT
Omalizumab,as a biological agent targeting IgE,is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody and the first targeted drug approved for treating moderate-to-severe bronchial asthma.By reviewing one case of aspirin-induced asthma complicated with nasosinusitis and otitis media,we discussed the value of omalizumab in the treatment of asthma and its complications,aiming to provide a reference for clinical practice.
Humans , Omalizumab/adverse effects , Asthma, Aspirin-Induced , Asthma/drug therapy , Otitis Media/drug therapyABSTRACT
Skull base osteomyelitis is a rare, refractory, and potentially fatal disease primarily caused by otogenic and sino rhinogenic infections. At times, it can mimic neoplasia complicating the diagnosis. With the use of antibiotics, advancements in diagnostic methods, and skull base surgical techniques, the mortality rate has significantly improved. However, the successful diagnosis and treatment of the disease is still challenging due to delayed diagnosis, lengthy treatment course, a tendency for relapse and lack of guidelines. Therefore, this article aims to review the progress in the diagnosis and treatment of skull base osteomyelitis.