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Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 45(5): 405-413, Sept.-Oct. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528003


Objectives: To examine drug overdose records in Brazil from 2000 to 2020, analyzing trends over time in overdoses and overall sociodemographic characteristics of the deceased. Methods: Using data from the Brazilian Mortality Information System (Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade), we identified records from 2000-2020 in which the underlying cause-of-death was one of the following codes: X40-X45 (accidental poisoning), X60-X65 (intentional poisoning), or Y10-Y15 (undetermined intentionality poisoning). The Brazilian dataset included 21,410 deaths. We used joinpoint regression analysis to assess changes in trends over time. Results: People who died of drug overdoses in Brazil between 2000 and 2020 had a mean age of 38.91 years; 38.45% were women, and 44.01% were identified as White. Of the overdose deaths, 44.70% were classified as intentional and 32.12% were classified as unintentional. Among the identified drugs, stimulants were the most common class. However, most records did not report which drug was responsible for death. Conclusion: Sociodemographic trends in overdose deaths in Brazil must guide country-specific policies. Nevertheless, data collection protocols must be improved, particularly regarding the drug used in overdoses.

ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 48(2): 32-42, 28 jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451990


Las intoxicaciones en Chile siguen siendo un motivo importante de consulta en el servicio de urgencia (SU). Tanto intoxicaciones accidentales como intencionales constituyen una fuente de morbimortalidad y gasto de recursos monetarios no solo en Chile, si no que en todo el mundo. Debido a los múltiples compuestos que pueden producir una intoxicación grave, sigue siendo un desafío para el equipo de salud su enfrentamiento y manejo oportuno. Los médicos que tratan a estos pacientes deben ser sistemáticos y ordenados en su enfrentamiento, ya que la presentación clínica es variada y depende del agente ingerido, co-ingestas, si es aguda o crónica o concomitante con otras patologías (trauma, infecciones, etc.). El manejo está dirigido a las maniobras básicas de reanimación y soporte vital, prevención de absorción del tóxico y cuando corresponda, la administración del antídoto. La evaluación y tratamiento inicial serán abordados en esta revisión, temas específicos para diferentes drogas serán discutidos de forma separada. Objetivo: entregar las nociones básicas del enfrentamiento y manejo terapéutico inicial de un paciente intoxicado desde la perspectiva de la medicina de urgencias. Método: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura científica, presentándose la evidencia actual del manejo e intervenciones terapéuticas utilizadas actualmente de un paciente intoxicado.

In Chile, poisonings are a frequent reason for emergency department visits. Accidental and intentional poisonings constitute an important source of worldwide morbidity, mortality and health care costs. Because of the heterogeneous presentations of poisonings, and the unknown exposure, it is always challenging for healthcare providers. Doctors who treat these patients must remember to be systematic and structured in their evaluation since the clinical presentation is not only determined by the exposure itself but also by co-ingestions, the time of presentation, whether the exposure is acute or chronic, and other concomitant health issues (trauma, hypothermia, comorbidities). The management focuses on basic resuscitation and life support, prevention of absorption of the toxin, and when appropriate, administering an antidote. Initial evaluation and treatment will be addressed in this review, and specific issues for different drugs will be discussed elsewhere. Objective: to describe the basic concepts to assess and manage the initial encounter of a poisoned patient from the perspective of emergency medicine. Methods: a bibliographic review of the scientific literature was carried out, presenting the current evidence of the management and therapeutic interventions currently used in an intoxicated patient.

ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 48(1): 31-38, 28 mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451912


Introducción: el paciente intoxicado sigue siendo un desafío para el personal de salud. La intoxicación por antidepresivos tricíclicos (ATC) es un diagnóstico frecuente y una patología que puede llegar a ser muy grave. A pesar de que ha cambiado el objetivo terapéutico de estos fármacos a lo largo de los años, la alta disponibilidad de estos hace que su uso para intento de autolisis siga presentándose. Su presentación clínica es variada y dado el riesgo de mortalidad asociada, es importante que esta patología sea rápidamente reconocida por los médicos que los reciben para iniciar un manejo oportuno y eficaz. Objetivo: presentar el enfrentamiento inicial y manejo terapéutico de la intoxicación por ATC desde la perspectiva de la medicina de urgencia. Método: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura científica sobre el manejo de un paciente intoxicado por ATC. Se presenta la evidencia actual de las intervenciones terapéuticas más utilizadas. respecto al manejo inicial y enfrentamiento de la intoxicación por antidepresivos tricíclicos, en el contexto de la atención en un servicio de urgencia. Conclusión: la intoxicación por ATC puede presentarse con síntomas leves y signos precoces, así como con síntomas graves e incluso fatales, dados principalmente por complicaciones cardiovasculres y neurológicas. Su manejo se basa en el reconocimiento precoz, medidas de soporte y terapias específicas según la clínica que presente.

Managing poisoned patients continues to be a challenge for health personnel. Tricyclic antidepressant are a frequent diagnosis, and a pathology their can be very serious. Although the therapeutic indications for these drugs have changed over the years, their high availability means that their use for suicidal attempts continues to be present. Its clinical presentation is varied and given the mortality risk, it is crucial that this entity must be rapidly recognized by the physicians who care for them to initiate timely and effective treatment. Objective: Present the initial management and therapeutic strategies for tricyclic antidepressant intoxication, from emergency medicine perspective. Method: Bibliographic review of the scientific literature on this subject. Current evidence of the most widely used therapeutic interventions is described regarding the initial management and disposition of tricyclic antidepressant intoxication in the emergency department.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(1): 79-84, feb. 2023. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430536


SUMMARY: Paracetamol (known as acetaminophen, or APAP) poisoning causes acute liver damage that can lead to organ failure and death. We sought to determine that APAP overdose can augment tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)/ nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB)/induced nitic oxide synthase (iNOS) axis-mediated hepatotoxicity in rats, and the anti-inflammatory polyphenolic compounds, quercetin (QUR) plus resveratrol (RES) can ameliorate these parameters. Therefore, we induced acute hepatotoxicity in rats using APAP overdose (2 g/kg, orally) and the protective group of rats were treated with 50 mg/kg QUR plus 30 mg/kg RES for one week before APAP ingestion. Animals were killed at day 8. APAP poisoning caused the induction of hepatic tissue levels of TNF-α, NF-kB, and iNOS, which were significantly (p<0.05) decreased by QUR+RES. QUR+RES, also inhibited liver injury biomarkers, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST). Additionally, a link between liver injury and TNF-α /NF-kB / iNOS axis mediated hepatotoxicity was observed. Thus, the presented data backing the conclusion that intoxication by paracetamol increases TNF-α / NF-kB / iNOS axis -mediated hepatotoxicity, and is protected by a combination of quercetin and resveratrol.

El envenenamiento por paracetamol (conocido como acetaminofeno o APAP) causa daño hepático agudo que puede provocar una insuficiencia orgánica y la muerte. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar si la sobredosis de APAP puede aumentar la hepatotoxicidad mediada por el eje del factor de necrosis tumoral alfa (TNF-α)/factor nuclear kappa B (NF-kB)/óxido nítico sintasa inducida (iNOS) en ratas, y si el polifenólico antiinflamatorio compuesto por quercetina (QUR) más resveratrol (RES) pueden mejorar estos parámetros. Por lo tanto, inducimos hepatotoxicidad aguda en ratas usando una sobredosis de APAP (2 g/kg, por vía oral). El grupo protector de ratas se trató con 50 mg/ kg de QUR más 30 mg/kg de RES durante una semana antes de la ingestión de APAP. Los animales se sacrificaron el día 8. El envenenamiento con APAP en el tejido hepático provocó la inducción de niveles de TNF-α, NF-kB e iNOS, que se redujeron significativamente (p<0,05) con QUR+RES. QUR+RES, también inhibió los biomarcadores de daño hepático, la alanina aminotransferasa (ALT) y el aspartato aminotransferasa (AST). Además, se observó una relación entre la lesión hepática y la hepatotoxicidad mediada por el eje TNF-α /NF-kB/iNOS. Por lo tanto, los datos presentados respaldan la conclusión de que la intoxicación por paracetamol aumenta la hepatotoxicidad mediada por el eje TNF-α /NF-kB / iNOS, y está protegida por una combinación de quercetina y resveratrol.

Animals , Rats , Quercetin/administration & dosage , Chemical and Drug Induced Liver Injury, Chronic/drug therapy , Resveratrol/administration & dosage , Acetaminophen/toxicity , Acute Disease , NF-kappa B/antagonists & inhibitors , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/antagonists & inhibitors , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Nitric Oxide Synthase/antagonists & inhibitors , Protective Agents , Drug Therapy, Combination , Drug Overdose
Med. U.P.B ; 42(1): 30-36, ene.-jun. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1416082


Objetivo: este trabajo busca caracterizar el comportamiento relacionado con el suicidio en la población admitida al Hospital San Vicente Fundación, Rionegro, con sobredosis de acetaminofén entre enero 2019 y diciembre 2020 y detectar factores asociados con la dosis tóxica. Metodología: análisis descriptivo con información obtenida de historias clínicas. Resultados: 63 individuos presentaron ingestión aguda de dosis tóxica de acetaminofén como comportamiento relacionado con suicidio. Cuarenta y tres eran mujeres, 60% tenía antecedente de enfermedad psiquiátrica, 35% reportó al menos un intento suicida previo y 22% consumieron 25g o más. La lesión hepática aguda se asoció con una dosis tóxica. Conclusiones: evidenciamos una alta prevalencia de antecedente de enfermedad psi­quiátrica y comportamiento relacionado con suicidio y casi un tercio de los pacientes ingirió dosis mayores al umbral de riesgo para falla hepática. Además, la impulsividad e ingesta en casa sugiere que políticas públicas restrictivas pueden no impactar en la reducción de estos eventos en la población.

Objective: this work seeks to characterize the behavior related to suicide in the po­pulation admitted to the Hospital San Vicente Fundación, Rionegro, with an overdose of acetaminophen between January 2019 and December 2020, and to identify factors associated with the toxic dose. Methodology: descriptive analysis with information obtained from medical records. Results: 63 individuals presented acute ingestion of a toxic dose of acetaminophen as behavior related to suicide. Forty-three were women, 60% had a history of psychiatric illness, 35% reported at least one previous suicide attempt, and 22% consumed 25g or more. Acute liver injury was associated with a toxic dose. Conclusions: we evidenced a high prevalence of a history of psychiatric illness and beha­vior related to suicide; almost a third of the patients ingested doses greater than the risk threshold for liver failure. In addition, impulsiveness and eating at home suggests that res­trictive public policies may not have an impact on reducing these events in the population.

Objetivo: Este trabalho busca caracterizar o comportamento relacionado ao suicídio na população internada no Hospital San Vicente Fundación, Rionegro, com overdose de acetaminofeno entre janeiro de 2019 e dezembro de 2020 e detectar fatores associados à dose tóxica. Metodologia: análise descritiva com informações obtidas dos prontuários. Resultados: 63 indivíduos apresentaram ingestão aguda de dose tóxica de paracetamol como comportamento relacionado ao suicídio. Quarenta e três eram mulheres, 60% tinham histórico de doença psiquiátrica, 35% relataram pelo menos uma tentativa de suicídio anterior e 22% consumiram 25g ou mais. A lesão hepática aguda foi associada a uma dose tóxica. Conclusões: evidenciamos alta prevalência de história de doença psiquiátrica e com-portamento relacionado ao suicídio e quase um terço dos pacientes ingeriu doses superiores ao limiar de risco para insuficiência hepática. Além disso, a impulsividade e a alimentação em casa sugerem que políticas públicas restritivas podem não ter impacto na redução desses eventos na população.

Humans , Acetaminophen , Suicide , Suicide, Attempted , Liver Failure , Mental Disorders
Rev. neuro-psiquiatr. (Impr.) ; 85(4): 303-310, oct.-dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560303


RESUMEN El abordaje de pacientes intoxicados que presentan antecedentes de patología psiquiátrica supone un reto en la atención médica. La presencia de una patología dual puede conducir a que algunos síntomas somáticos sean desestimados y no se consideren como manifestación de una posible patología grave subyacente. Se reporta el caso de una paciente que, durante su hospitalización debida a un episodio depresivo, presentó una sobredosis incidental de opioides. Al recuperarse de ella, sin embargo, presentó comportamiento desorganizado e ideas delirantes, inicialmente atribuidas a la depresión. Estudios ulteriores demostraron una causa orgánica grave subyacente: lesión isquémica bilateral del globo pálido. Se analiza el cuadro clínico a la luz de la literatura pertinente, abordando los temas de delirium, espectro clínico debido a las lesiones del globo pálido y finalizando con una breve descripción sobre la sobredosis y neurotoxicidad por opioides. Frente a síntomas no concordantes con la evolución usual de una descompensación psicopatológica o una intoxicación por drogas, debe ahondarse en la exploración de posibles causas orgánicas, objetivo para el cual se sugiere considerar estudios de neuroimágenes en todo paciente que experimente una sobredosis de opioides y que posteriormente presente graves manifestaciones de una alteración cognitiva.

SUMMARY The approach to intoxicated patients with a previous history of psychopathological manifestations represents a challenge to medical care. The presence of a dual pathology can lead to somatic symptoms being dismissed and not considered as possible manifestations of a serious underlying pathology. We report the case of a patient who, during her hospitalization for a depressive episode, presented an incidental opioid overdose. Upon recovery, she presented disorganized behavior and delusions, initially attributed to her depression. Further studies demonstrated, however, a serious underlying organic cause: A bilateral ischaemic injury of the globus pallidus. The clinical picture is analyzed in the light of the relevant literature, addressing the issues of delirium, clinical spectrum of globus pallidus lesions and ending with a brief description of opioid overdoses and neurotoxicity. Faced with symptoms that are not consistent with the usual course of a psychopathological decompensation or drug intoxication, possible organic causes should be delved into. It is suggested that neuroimaging studies be considered in any patient who suffers from an opioid overdose and who later presents severe cognitive alterations.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217777


Background: Overdose is defined as any substance that is exposed excessively, which is intended for consumption. There are many drugs which are used therapeutically, but sometimes self-harm can be done with medications such as analgesics, antiepileptics, and sedatives. The high mortality and morbidity associated with drug overdose could be due to various factors such as easy availability, improper regulations for dispensing drugs, lack of control for over the counter drugs. Aim and Objective: The purpose of this study is to document the incidence of drug overdose cases, sociodemographic characteristics, and its management in a tertiary care hospital. Materials and Methods: A prospective, observational study was conducted from January 2014 to December 2014 at Casualty and Medicine Department in a tertiary care hospital. Results: A total of 61 cases were included in the study. Drug overdose cases were seen in the age group of 21–30 years (67.2%). Intentional drug overdose is seen in 58 (95.08%) cases. In this study, 34.4% of patients presented to the hospital within 6 h of event. Paracetamol was the most common (32.7%). In most of the paracetamol overdose, cases were treated with N-acetyl cysteine, phenobarbitone overdose with forced alkaline diuresis, benzodiazepines overdose with flumazenil, and opioids overdose with naloxone. This study shows that 93.3% of patients had an uncomplicated course of stay in hospital. Conclusion: Drug overdose is a major public health concern in the society. The most vulnerable population in the society is the younger age group. Prevention strategies should be dealt in this high risk group.

Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 29(5): 597-600, jul.-set. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423787


Resumen El síncope, definido como una pérdida transitoria de la conciencia que cursa con recuperación espontánea y completa, es secundario a un amplio grupo etiológico, incluido el de origen vasovagal desencadenado por una descarga adrenérgica u ortostatismo. El tratamiento de esta entidad incluye medidas no farmacológicas y farmacológicas, como la administración de midodrina, un agonista de los receptores a de acción periférica, usada en el control de la hipotensión ortostática y cuyo empleo ha demostrado mejoría en los síntomas de esta alteración. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 18 años, con antecedente de síncope vasovagal en tratamiento con medidas no farmacológicas y midodrina desde seis meses antes, quien consultó al servicio de urgencias de un centro de atención de nivel IV por cuadro clínico consistente en ingestión intencionada de una sobredosis de midodrina. En el ingreso se documentaron crisis hipertensiva, bradicardia extrema y compromiso hepático y renal. Se indicó tratamiento sintomático con resolución de las alteraciones clínicas y paraclínicas e intervención del equipo de salud mental.

Abstract Syncope, defined as a transitory loss of consciousness characterised by its rapid onset, short duration, and spontaneous complete recovery, is secondary to a wide ethiological group, such as the vasovagal origin triggered by an adrenergic discharge or orthostatism. The management of this entity includes both non-pharmacological measures and pharmacological treatment such as the use of midodrine, a peripherally acting alpha receptor agonist, used in the management of orthostatic hypotension, whose use has shown improvement in the symptoms of this condition. We present a clinical case of an 18-year-old woman, with a history of vasovagal syncope under treatment with midodrine and non-pharmacological measures for 6 months, who was admitted to the emergency department of a level IV care center due to an intentional intake of midodrine overdose. Upon admission, a hypertensive crisis with extreme bradycardia, and liver and kidney involvement were documented. Symptom´s management was started with resolution of clinical and paraclinical alterations, and intervention by the mental health team.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 38(1)mar. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386272


Resumen Las intoxicaciones o las sobredosis de drogas constituyen una fuente importante de morbilidad, mortalidad y gasto en salud en todo el mundo. Especialmente en adultos menores de 35 años, las intoxicaciones vienen a ser la principal causa de paro cardíaco no traumático, siendofármacos más comunes involucrados, analgésicos, antidepresivos, opioides, sin embargo, esto puede variar. Es importante realizar un abordaje rápido, con base en interrogatorio, información de cualquier testigo y evidencia, además la clínica del paciente. El paro cardíaco debido a toxicidad se maneja de acuerdo conlos estándares actuales de reanimación cardiopulmonar básica y avanzada, siguiendo los principios del A, B, C, D, E. Las manifestaciones clínicas y abordaje clínico pueden variar bastante dependiendo de la sustancia involucrada. Las pruebas de laboratorio casi nunca están disponibles en un marco de tiempo que respalde las decisiones de reanimación tempranas, aún así, es recomendable realizarlas. En general los efectos tóxicos pueden reducirse si se limita la absorción del o los fármacos o se aumenta su eliminación. Además, se puede bloquear efectos farmacológicos no deseados con los llamados antídotos. El uso del carbón activado, algunos antídotos específicos, y tratamientos extracorpóreos también se contemplan en la presente revisión.

Abstract Poisoning or drug overdose is a major source of morbidity, mortality and health expenditure worldwide, especially in adults under 35, where it is the leading cause of non-traumatic cardiac arrest, being more common drugs involved, analgesics, antidepressants, opioids, however, this may vary. It is important to make a quick approach, based on questioning, information from any witness and evidence, and the patient's clinic. Cardiac arrest due to toxicity is managed according to current Basic and Advanced life support standards, following the principles of A, B, C, D, E. Clinical manifestations and clinical approach can vary considerably depending on the substance involved. Laboratory tests are almost never available in a time frame that supports early resuscitation decisions, yet it is advisable to perform them. In general, the toxic effects can be reduced if the absorption of the drugs is limited or their elimination increased. In addition, you can block unwanted pharmacological effects with so-called antidotes. The use of activated charcoal, specific antidotes, and extracorporeal treatments are also covered in this review.

Poisoning , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , Heart Arrest/chemically induced
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06935, 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1346696


This study describes the epidemiological, clinical, and pathological aspects of spontaneous and experimental poisoning by nitroxinil at 34% concentration in goats. The outbreak occurred on a farm in the municipality of Prata, Paraíba state. Nitroxinil was administered to a herd of 120 goats, of which 18 presented with anorexia, vocalization, abdominal distension, weakness, staggering, and falls. Necropsy of three goats revealed that the main lesion was acute liver injury. Histologically the liver showed centrilobular necrosis associated with hemorrhage and hepatocyte degeneration. In the kidneys, tubular nephrosis with granular cylinder formations was observed. The lungs showed multifocal to coalescent areas of moderate interalveolar edema and vascular congestion. Experimental poisoning was carried out in two goats, with the same medication and doses administered on the farm. The experimental goats showed clinical signs and macroscopic and histological changes similar to the spontaneously poisoned goats. The diagnosis of nitroxinil poisoning was made based on epidemiological, clinical, and pathological data, and confirmed by experimental poisoning. The administration of nitroxinil in high doses, associated with high ambient temperature and physical exercises, can cause poisoning with high lethality in goats.(AU)

Este estudo descreve os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos da intoxicação espontânea e experimental por nitroxinil na concentração de 34% em caprinos. O surto ocorreu em uma fazenda no município de Prata, Paraíba. Nitroxinil foi administrado a um rebanho de 120 cabras, das quais 18 apresentavam anorexia, vocalização, distensão abdominal, fraqueza, cambaleando e quedas. A necropsia de três cabras revelou que a lesão principal era uma lesão hepática aguda. Histologicamente, o fígado apresentava necrose centrolobular associada a hemorragia e degeneração de hepatócitos. Nos rins, nefrose tubular com formações de cilindro granular foi observada. Os pulmões apresentavam áreas multifocais a coalescentes de edema interalveolar moderado e congestão vascular. A intoxicação experimental foi realizada em duas cabras, com a mesma medicação e doses administradas na fazenda. As cabras experimentais apresentaram sinais clínicos e alterações macroscópicas e histológicas semelhantes às cabras intoxicadas espontaneamente. O diagnóstico de intoxicação por nitroxinil foi feito com base em dados epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos, e confirmado por intoxicação experimental. A administração de nitroxinil em altas doses, associada à alta temperatura ambiente e exercícios físicos, pode causar intoxicação com alta letalidade em caprinos.(AU)

Animals , Poisoning , Goats , Hepatocytes , Kidney , Anthelmintics , Necrosis , Nitroxinil
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487642


ABSTRACT: This study describes the epidemiological, clinical, and pathological aspects of spontaneous and experimental poisoning by nitroxinil at 34% concentration in goats. The outbreak occurred on a farm in the municipality of Prata, Paraíba state. Nitroxinil was administered to a herd of 120 goats, of which 18 presented with anorexia, vocalization, abdominal distension, weakness, staggering, and falls. Necropsy of three goats revealed that the main lesion was acute liver injury. Histologically the liver showed centrilobular necrosis associated with hemorrhage and hepatocyte degeneration. In the kidneys, tubular nephrosis with granular cylinder formations was observed. The lungs showed multifocal to coalescent areas of moderate interalveolar edema and vascular congestion. Experimental poisoning was carried out in two goats, with the same medication and doses administered on the farm. The experimental goats showed clinical signs and macroscopic and histological changes similar to the spontaneously poisoned goats. The diagnosis of nitroxinil poisoning was made based on epidemiological, clinical, and pathological data, and confirmed by experimental poisoning. The administration of nitroxinil in high doses, associated with high ambient temperature and physical exercises, can cause poisoning with high lethality in goats.

RESUMO: Este estudo descreve os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos da intoxicação espontânea e experimental por nitroxinil na concentração de 34% em caprinos. O surto ocorreu em uma fazenda no município de Prata, Paraíba. Nitroxinil foi administrado a um rebanho de 120 cabras, das quais 18 apresentavam anorexia, vocalização, distensão abdominal, fraqueza, cambaleando e quedas. A necropsia de três cabras revelou que a lesão principal era uma lesão hepática aguda. Histologicamente, o fígado apresentava necrose centrolobular associada a hemorragia e degeneração de hepatócitos. Nos rins, nefrose tubular com formações de cilindro granular foi observada. Os pulmões apresentavam áreas multifocais a coalescentes de edema interalveolar moderado e congestão vascular. A intoxicação experimental foi realizada em duas cabras, com a mesma medicação e doses administradas na fazenda. As cabras experimentais apresentaram sinais clínicos e alterações macroscópicas e histológicas semelhantes às cabras intoxicadas espontaneamente. O diagnóstico de intoxicação por nitroxinil foi feito com base em dados epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos, e confirmado por intoxicação experimental. A administração de nitroxinil em altas doses, associada à alta temperatura ambiente e exercícios físicos, pode causar intoxicação com alta letalidade em caprinos.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200444


Background: Tramadol use has been increasing in the adult and pediatric population. Practitioners must be alert because Tramadol misuse can lead to severe intoxication in which respiratory failure and seizures are frequent. Overdoses can lead to death. We report 47 pediatric cases with history of accidental tramadol exposure in children.Methods: An observational, retrospective, single center case -series of children with a history of accidental tramadol exposure in children admitted in pediatric intensive care unit of tertiary care center, Niloufer Hospital (Osmania Medical College) Hyderabad, Telangana India.Results: Of 47 children, 22 (47%) are male and 25 (53%) were female. At presentation 11 (23%) had loss of consciousness, 14 (29%) seizures, 17 (36%) hypotonia was noted. Pupils were miotic in 22 (47%) mydriatic in 2 (4.2%) normal in rest of children. Hemodynamic instability noted in 13 (27.6%). Serotonin syndrome (tachycardia, hyperthermia, hypertension, hyper reflex, clonus) was noted on 5 (10.6%) children. Respiratory depression was seen in 4 (8%) children who needed ventilatory support. Antidote Naloxone was given in 7 children. No adverse reaction was noted with Naloxone. All 47 children were successfully discharged.Conclusions: Overdoses can lead to death and practitioners must be alert because of the increasing use of tramadol in the adult and pediatric population. The handling of the tramadol should be explained to parents and general population and naloxone could be efficient when opioid toxicity signs are present.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-194474


Background: This study aimed to examine the in-hospital and post-discharge mortality rates in patients followed up for warfarin overdose in the cardiology clinic and the factors affecting the mortality.Methods: This study included patients receiving warfarin treatment for atrial fibrillation (AF) and prosthetic heart valve and those hospitalized when warfarin overdose. Furthermore, 48 patients with and without hemorrhagic complications were detected. The causes and rates of mortality of the patients during hospitalization and post discharge were monitored during a mean follow-up of three years.Results: The mean age of 48 patients (32 [66.17%] women) hospitalized for warfarin overdose was 77±10 years. The mean hospitalization period of the patients was 5±4 days, 2±1 day in 11 patients without hemorrhage (22.9%), and 6±3 days in 37 patients with hemorrhage (77.1%). Moreover, 38 patients were receiving warfarin for AF (79.2%) and 10 patients for prosthetic heart valve (20.8%). The mean INR value before hospitalization in patients hospitalized for warfarin was 6.67±2.4, hemoglobin was 10.6±2.3, hematocrit was 33.1±7.5, platelet count was 225±64, and creatinine was 0.9±0.3. In the statistical analysis of 11 patients (22.9%) without hemorrhage and 37 patients (77.1%) hospitalized because of hemorrhage who were being followed up for warfarin overdose, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet count and INR level were considerably low and high in patients with hemorrhage, respectively (Table 2). Figure 1 shows the causes of hemorrhage detected in the patients. On mortality examination, five patients (10.4%) were found to be dead.Conclusions: Being unable to obtain the target INR level or warfarin overdose may lead to serious problem in patients using oral anticoagulants. Whether hemorrhage is observed in patients hospitalized because of warfarin overdose, close monitoring of the patient’s clinical and laboratory parameters is absolutely necessary.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-211621


This is a case report describing the toxicity of phenytoin overdose. It is very uncommon to find an anti-epileptic drug causing psychosis and till date only a few studies have found such a co-relation. A psychiatric patient was admitted in our department of medicine with the complain of ingestion of 30 tablets of phenytoin. On examination he was found to have auditory and visual hallucinations. He was restless and had an ill sustained concentration. First and foremost, thing was to stop the prescribed phenytoin tablets and sedate the patient with haloperidol and promethazine. Then, he was switched over to Levetiracetam 500 mg i.v. thrice daily, Clobazam 10 mg once daily and Resperidone 3 mg twice daily. On investigation we found serum phenytoin level >40 mg/dl. This was sufficient to support our diagnosis as after stopping the drug his symptoms improved. There have been case reports of epileptic patient presenting with psychosis but usually after 10-15 years, unlike our case. In our case this time period was reduced to 12 hours as there was a triggering factor present. So, if a known epilepsy patient develops psychosis, the drug history should be given a big importance and if required serum phenytoin level should be assessed to come to the diagnosis of “phenytoin induced schizophrenia like psychosis.

Epidemiology and Health ; : 2019026-2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785761


OBJECTIVES: Severe complications of tramadol overdose have been reported; however, few large-scale studies have investigated this issue. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the presentation and complications of tramadol overdose in patients admitted to an intoxication referral center in northwestern Iran.METHODS: Patients with tramadol overdose admitted to Sina Teaching Hospital in Tabriz, Iran during 2013-2017 were included. For each patient, the following data were collected: demographics, previous drug or medication overdose, whether the patient was in the process of quitting drug use, ingested dose of tramadol and co-ingestants, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, clinical symptoms at the time of admission, and admission characteristics. Serotonin toxicity was diagnosed in patients who fit the Hunter criteria. Multiple logistic regression was performed to identify variables associated with the incidence of severe complications of tramadol overdose.RESULTS: In total, 512 cases of tramadol overdose were evaluated, of which 359 patients were included, with a median age of 41 years (range, 16-69) and a median tramadol dose of 1,500 mg (range, 500-4,000). The most frequent complications associated with tramadol overdose were hypertension (38.4%), tachycardia (24.8%), and seizure (14.5%). No serotonin toxicity was detected in patients. Having a GCS score <15, having taken a tramadol dose of >1,000 mg, being in the process of quitting drug use, being 30-49 years old, and male sex were significantly related to the incidence of severe complications of tramadol overdose.CONCLUSIONS: Although seizure was prevalent among Iranian patients with tramadol poisoning, serotonin toxicity and cardiogenic shock were rare findings.

Humans , Male , Demography , Glasgow Coma Scale , Hospitals, Teaching , Hypertension , Incidence , Iran , Logistic Models , Poisoning , Referral and Consultation , Seizures , Serotonin , Serotonin Syndrome , Shock, Cardiogenic , Tachycardia , Tramadol
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-787591


@#Calcium channel blocker overdoses are often fatal despite standard treatment. Methylene blue is a novel adjunct that should be considered in refractory cases. Currently accepted therapeutic modalities include intravenous fluids, calcium, vasopressors and high-dose insulin euglycemic therapy, however shock may persist despite these treatment options.[1]

Epidemiology and Health ; : e2019026-2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763737


OBJECTIVES: Severe complications of tramadol overdose have been reported; however, few large-scale studies have investigated this issue. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the presentation and complications of tramadol overdose in patients admitted to an intoxication referral center in northwestern Iran. METHODS: Patients with tramadol overdose admitted to Sina Teaching Hospital in Tabriz, Iran during 2013-2017 were included. For each patient, the following data were collected: demographics, previous drug or medication overdose, whether the patient was in the process of quitting drug use, ingested dose of tramadol and co-ingestants, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, clinical symptoms at the time of admission, and admission characteristics. Serotonin toxicity was diagnosed in patients who fit the Hunter criteria. Multiple logistic regression was performed to identify variables associated with the incidence of severe complications of tramadol overdose. RESULTS: In total, 512 cases of tramadol overdose were evaluated, of which 359 patients were included, with a median age of 41 years (range, 16-69) and a median tramadol dose of 1,500 mg (range, 500-4,000). The most frequent complications associated with tramadol overdose were hypertension (38.4%), tachycardia (24.8%), and seizure (14.5%). No serotonin toxicity was detected in patients. Having a GCS score 1,000 mg, being in the process of quitting drug use, being 30-49 years old, and male sex were significantly related to the incidence of severe complications of tramadol overdose. CONCLUSIONS: Although seizure was prevalent among Iranian patients with tramadol poisoning, serotonin toxicity and cardiogenic shock were rare findings.

Humans , Male , Demography , Glasgow Coma Scale , Hospitals, Teaching , Hypertension , Incidence , Iran , Logistic Models , Poisoning , Referral and Consultation , Seizures , Serotonin , Serotonin Syndrome , Shock, Cardiogenic , Tachycardia , Tramadol
Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 51(1): 53-58, Diciembre 22, 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1003155


Resumen Introducción: En Colombia los reportes de intoxicaciones por sustancias químicas han presentado un ascenso durante el paso de los años. El aumento de las intoxicaciones en Colombia implica un incremento en la frecuencia de las hospitalizaciones y esto representa un mayor gasto para el sistema de salud. Objetivo: Describir los factores de riesgo asociados a la hospitalización por intoxicaciones en la ciudad de Ibagué reportadas por el sistema de vigilancia en salud pública para el año 2014. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de fuente secundaria. Se utilizaron los registros de la secretaría de salud de Ibagué, para intoxicaciones agudas del año 2014. Mediante regresión logística se evaluaron los factores asociados a la presencia del evento hospitalización. Resultados: El agente causal con mayor incidencia en la ciudad de Ibagué, son las sustancias psicoactivas con 33,02 casos por 100.000 habitantes. Un factor de riesgo asociado de manera significativa con la hospitalización del individuo, es la exposición por vía oral de la sustancia respecto a los demás métodos de exposición. Los niveles de escolaridad primaria y secundaria presentan una asociación significativa con el desenlace respecto a individuos sin escolaridad. No obstante, el único factor protector con asociación significativa es la edad. Conclusiones: El 67.1% de las intoxicaciones en la ciudad de Ibagué para el año 2014, son de carácter preventivo, dado que 40,5% son de concepto suicida y el 26,6% de los casos son por concepto de adicción. Sin embargo, los individuos escolarizados presentan mayores tasas de intoxicación lo que puede sugerir un rediseño de la política de prevención y educación en la ciudad.

Abstract Introduction: In Colombia the reports of poisonings by chemical substances have presented an ascent during the passage of the years. The increase in poisonings in Colombia implies an increase in the frequency of hospitalizations; this represents a great expense for the health system. Objective: To describe the risk factors associated with hospitalization due to poisoning in the Ibagué city reported by the public health surveillance system for the year 2014. Methods: Descriptive study of secondary source. The records of the Ibagué Secretariat of Health were used for acute poisonings in 2014. The analysis was made with the calculation of incidents by type of agent, observing the outcome of hospitalizations. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the factors associated with the outcome of at least one hospitalization. Results: The causative agent with the highest incidence was on the part of the psychoactive substances with 33.02 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. A risk factor is significantly associated with the presence of the hospitalization outcome is the oral exposure of the substance with respect to other methods. Conclusions: It should be noted, the preventive natures of poisonings, given that 40.5% are suicidal concept, followed by intoxications for addiction that represent 26.6% of cases, these represent 67.1% of all cases. In addition, the levels of primary and secondary schooling present a significant association with the outcome regarding individuals without schooling. However, the only protective factor with significant association is age.

Humans , Poisoning , Suicide, Attempted , Epidemiology , Drug Overdose
Rev. méd. Chile ; 146(11): 1309-1316, nov. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-985704


Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) intoxication is potentially lethal. After ingestion, AAS is rapidly transformed into salicylic acid that dissociates into an hydrogen ion plus salicylate. Salicylate is the main form of AAS in the body and produces multiple alterations. Initially, the stimulation of the ventilatory center promotes a respiratory alkalosis. Then, the mitochondrial dysfunction induced by salicylate, will generate a progressive metabolic acidosis due to the accumulation of ketoacids, lactic acid and dicarboxylic acids among others. Another alterations include hydro electrolytic disorders, gastrointestinal lesions, neurological involvement, ototoxicity and coagulopathy. The correct handling of acetylsalicylic acid intoxication requires an thorough knowledge of its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Treatment consists in life support measures, gastric lavage, activated charcoal and urinary alkalization to promote the excretion of salicylates. In some occasions, it will be necessary to start renal replacement therapy as soon as possible.

Humans , Aspirin/poisoning , Aspirin/metabolism , Fibrinolytic Agents/poisoning , Fibrinolytic Agents/metabolism , Drug Overdose/physiopathology , Drug Overdose/therapy , Acidosis/chemically induced , Water-Electrolyte Balance/drug effects , Aspirin/administration & dosage , Drug Overdose/metabolism , Hypoglycemia/chemically induced , Hypotension/chemically induced , Mitochondria/drug effects