Abstract Objectives To survey, analyze and discuss the scientific evidence supporting the use of acupuncture and related techniques in the management of chronic pain in the pediatric population. Sources A survey of databases (MEDLINE, Scopus and Scielo) was carried out with search strategies, following the PRISMA statement, without limits on publication dates and languages. Clinical studies (clinical trials, single-arm, and case series) were accepted for review if they included participants aged up to 22 years. Study quality was assessed by MMAT, and the randomized clinical trial was analyzed under the STRICTA criteria. Summary of the findings 2369 articles were retrieved. After excluding repetitions, 1335 underwent the initial selection. Only 16 articles were selected for full reading, of which 5 were included in the review, being two case series, two single-arm studies, and one randomized clinical trial. The articles were considered of good quality by the adopted criteria. Conclusion The analyzed studies showed important clinical results such as the reduction of pain intensity, and improvement in school attendance and social life. However, there are many limitations in study design and sample size. Therefore, there is weak evidence to support the use of acupuncture in the context of pediatric chronic pain, but the positive results reinforce the need for further investigation of the topic with the conduct of larger and well-designed studies, to obtain more data and greater scientific conviction of the findings.
Introdução:Disfunções temporomandibularessão um termo coletivopara uma série de sinais e sintomas clínicos que envolvem os músculos mastigatórios, a articulação temporomandibular e estruturas associadas. O tratamento de pacientes deverá envolver uma equipe multidisciplinareparaquehajauma intervenção eficaz notratamento da disfunção é necessário que os profissionais envolvidos atuem emconjuntoetenhamplenoconhecimento das funções estomatognáticas.Objetivo:revisar aliteratura sobreas formas terapêuticas das disfunções temporomandibulares e sua eficácia.Metodologia:Trata-se de um estudosobre o panorama atual das terapêuticas utilizadas para o tratamento de disfunções temporomandibulares.Para compor o presente trabalho foi consultado o banco de dados da PubMed utilizando as palavras-chave "temporomandibular disorder" e "therapy" associados ao operador booleano AND. Os critérios de inclusão foram os artigos publicados, limitando-se ao período de 2020 a 2024 no idioma inglês. A busca computou um total de 545 artigos, dos quais foram excluídos os artigos que desviavam do tema proposto, artigos que abordavam técnicas com pouco embasamento científico e os artigos que não estavam disponíveis por completo.Resultados:os achados na literatura corroboram com a escolhaem primeiro plano de um tratamentoconservador, reversível e não invasivo. Dentre as opções destacam-se orientações de autocuidado, confecção de placa oclusal, terapias manuais, exercícios musculares, biofeedback e manejo farmacológico em casos de sintomas somáticos. A toxina botulínica tem sido sugerida para tratamento em casos de disfunções temporomandibularesmusculares, no entanto, com baixa evidência científicaquanto aos efeitos adversos. Técnicas cirúrgicas são indicadas em casos de não resolução com terapias conservadoras.Conclusões:Apesar dagrande diversidade nos protocolos,o tratamento conservador demonstra resolução do problema na maioria dos casos de disfunções temporomandibularese aquelestratamentos que combinam várias técnicasevidenciam melhores resultados do que tratamentos isolados (AU).
Introduction: Temporomandibular disorders are a collectiveterm for a range of clinical signs and symptoms involving the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint, and associated structures. Treating patients with disorder temporomandibularshould involve a multidisciplinary team, and for effective intervention in dysfunction treatment, it is necessary for the involved professionals to work together and have a comprehensive understanding of stomatognathic functions. Objective: review the literature on therapeutic modalities for temporomandibular disorders and their effectiveness. Methodology:This is a study on the current landscape of therapies used for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders. To compose this work, the PubMed database was consulted using the keywords "temporomandibular disorder" and "therapy" associated with the boolean operator AND. Inclusion criteria were articles published in English from 2020 to 2024. The search yielded a total of 545 articles, from which articles deviating from the proposed theme, articles discussing techniques with little scientific basis, and articles not fully available were excluded. Results:Literature findings support the prioritization of conservative, reversible, and non-invasive treatment. Among the options, self-care guidance, occlusal splint fabrication, manual therapies, muscle exercises, biofeedback, and pharmacological management for somatic symptoms stand out. Botulinum toxin has been suggested for treatment in cases of muscular disordertemporomandibular, however, with low scientific evidence regarding adverse effects. Surgical techniques are indicated in cases where conservative therapies fail to resolve the issue. Conclusions:Despite the diversity in protocols, conservative treatment demonstrates resolution of the problem in most cases of disorder temporomandibular,and treatments combining multiple techniques show better results than isolated treatments (AU).
Introducción:Las disfunciones temporomandibulares son un término colectivopara una serie de signos y síntomas clínicos que afectan a los músculos masticatorios, la articulación temporomandibular y estructuras asociadas. El tratamiento de pacientes con disfunciones temporomandibularesdebe involucrar a un equipo multidisciplinario para una intervención efectiva, requiriendo que los profesionales actúen conjuntamente y conozcan bien las funciones estomatognáticas. Objetivo:revisar la literatura sobre las terapias paradisfunciones temporomandibularesy su eficacia. Metodología:Estudio comparativo de las terapias actuales para disfunciones temporomandibulares, utilizando la base de datos PubMed con las palabrasclaves "temporomandibular disorder" y "therapy" y el operador booleano AND, limitado a 2020-2024 en inglés. La búsqueda obtuvo un total de 545 artículos de los cuales fueron excluidos los que no abordaban el tema propuesto. Resultados:Los hallazgos respaldan un tratamiento conservador, reversible y no invasivo, destacando el autocuidado, placas oclusales, terapias manuales, ejercicios, biofeedback y manejo farmacológico. La toxina botulínica se sugiere para disfunciones temporomandibulares musculares, pero con poca evidencia científica de sus efectos adversos. Las técnicas quirúrgicas se reservan para casos sin resolución.Conclusiones: A pesar de la diversidad de protocolos, el tratamiento conservador resolveula mayoría de los casos de disfunciones temporomandibulares, y los tratamientos combinados muestran mejores resultados que los aislados (AU).
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/therapy , Dental Occlusion , Pain Management , Conservative TreatmentABSTRACT
RESUMEN El dolor en tratamientos de ortodoncia, frecuente y desafiante, ocurre especialmente después de procedimientos como la colocación de elásticos separadores interproximales y la instalación de arcos. Esta situación provoca inflamación del periodonto, causando dolor y malestar. Para garantizar una experiencia confortable al paciente durante la ortodoncia, el manejo farmacológico del dolor es crucial. Los antiinflamatorios no esteroides (AINE) y el paracetamol son los más empleados por su eficacia y seguridad. Estos fármacos disminuyen la inflamación y el dolor, facilitando la tolerancia a los procedimientos ortodónticos. La elección del analgésico debe considerar la intensidad del dolor, las condiciones médicas preexistentes y las posibles interacciones medicamentosas. Su uso cuidadoso y supervisado es vital para minimizar riesgos y maximizar la comodidad del paciente durante el tratamiento de ortodoncia.
ABSTRACT Pain associated with orthodontic treatment, which is both frequent and challenging, primarily arises following procedures such as the placement of interproximal elastic separators and the installation of archwires. This pain is often due to inflammation of the periodontium, leading to discomfort. Effective pharmacological management is essential to enhance patient comfort throughout orthodontic treatment. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen are commonly employed due to their proven efficacy and safety profiles. These medications help reduce both inflammation and pain, thereby improving patient tolerance of orthodontic procedures. When selecting an analgesic, it is important to consider factors such as the intensity of pain, pre-existing medical conditions, and potential drug interactions. Careful and supervised use of these medications helps minimize risks and optimizes patient comfort during orthodontic care.
RESUMO A dor associada ao tratamento ortodontico, que é tanto frequente quanto desafiadora, surge principalmente após procedimentos como a colocação de separadores elásticos interproximais e a instalação de arcos ortodonticos. Esta dor frequentemente resulta da inflamação do periodonto, levando ao desconforto. A gestão farmacológica eficaz é essencial para melhorar o conforto do paciente ao longo do tratamento ortodontico. Os anti-inflamatórios não esteroides (AINEs) e o paracetamol são comumente empregados devido à sua eficácia e perfis de segurança comprovados. Esses medicamentos ajudam a reduzir tanto a inflamação quanto a dor, melhorando assim a tolerância do paciente aos procedimentos ortodonticos. Ao selecionar um analgésico, é importante considerar fatores como a intensidade da dor, condições médicas pré-existentes e potenciais interações medicamentosas. O uso cuidadoso e supervisionado desses medicamentos ajuda a minimizar os riscos e otimizar o conforto do paciente durante o tratamento ortodontico.
Fundamento: La valoración del dolor requiere de la utilización de escalas válidas y confiables, que permitan identificar su presencia, intensidad y características, para su mejor manejo y tratamiento. Objetivo: Determinar la validez y confiabilidad de las escalas para la valoración del dolor en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos en el Hospital Pediátrico Universitario Paquito González Cueto de Cienfuegos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de validación de instrumentos, de enero a noviembre de 2023. Se escogieron la escala de Wong Baker, la escala visual analógica; escala rostro, piernas, actividad, llanto y consuelo (Face, Legs, Activity, Cry and Consolability), y Escala de conductas indicadoras de dolor. Se realizó la adaptación lingüística y cultural, la validación de contenido, consistencia interna, estabilidad temporal, validez de constructo y de criterio. Se calculó el coeficiente de concordancia W de Kendall (validez de contenido), prueba de esfericidad de Bartlett y criterio de normalización de Kaiser (validez de constructo), coeficiente de correlación de Pearson (estabilidad temporal) y coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach global (consistencia interna). Resultados: Las escalas son comprensibles desde el análisis lingüístico y cultural. Validación de contenido con coeficiente de concordancia de W de Kendall 0,233. Validez de constructo con Kaiser Meyer Olkim (KMO) 0,902 y prueba de esfericidad de Bartlett chi cuadrado= 1921,253. Estabilidad temporal con coeficiente de correlación de Pearson 0,827 y 0,917. Consistencia interna con coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach global 0,861. Conclusiones: Las escalas reflejan condiciones y criterios válidos en la valoración del dolor en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Pediátricos.
Foundation: The assessment of pain requires the use of valid and reliable scales that allow identifying its presence, intensity and characteristics, for better management and treatment. Objective: To determine the scales' validity and reliability for assessing pain in the Intensive Care Unit at the Paquito González Cueto University Pediatric Hospital in Cienfuegos. Methods: An instrument validation study was carried out from January to November 2023. The Wong Baker scale and the visual analogue scale were chosen; face, legs, activity, crying and consolation scale (Face, Legs, Activity, Cry and Consolability), and Pain Indicator Behaviors Scale. Linguistic and cultural adaptation, content validation, internal consistency, temporal stability, construct and criterion validity were carried out. Kendall's W concordance coefficient (content validity), Bartlett's sphericity test and Kaiser's normalization criterion (construct validity), Pearson's correlation coefficient (temporal stability) and global Cronbach's Alpha coefficient (internal consistency) were calculated. Results: The scales are understandable from linguistic and cultural analysis. Content validation with agreement coefficient of Kendall's W 0.233. Construct validity with Kaiser Meyer Olkim (KMO) 0.902 and Bartlett chi square test of sphericity= 1921.253. Temporal stability with Pearson correlation coefficient 0.827 and 0.917. Internal consistency with global Cronbach's Alpha coefficient 0.861. Conclusions: The scales reflect valid conditions and criteria in the assessment of pain in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.
En la actualidad, la oferta de cuidados paliativos especializados ha sido superada por la demanda, por lo cual la atención a pacientes con enfermedades en estado terminal o en fase final de la vida suele estar a cargo del médico del nivel primario de asistencia. En ese sentido, los cuidados paliativos primarios incluyen el diagnóstico, el tratamiento paliativo, la planificación anticipada, la gestión y coordinación de intervenciones multidisciplinarias y la transferencia a cuidados especializados cuando sea necesario y haya disponibilidad para ello. Al respecto, en este artículo se exponen brevemente algunos elementos sobre el tema y se propone, además, un algoritmo práctico y fácil de aplicar en la atención primaria, que permitirá identificar a la población aquejada por dolencias en esas etapas, con diferenciación en cuanto a afecciones neoplásicas o no neoplásicas.
Nowadays, the offer of specialized palliative care has been overcome by the demand, reason why care to patients with terminal illness or in end-of-life period is usually in charge of the doctor from primary care level. In that sense, primary palliative care includes the diagnosis, palliative treatment, early planning, administration and coordination of multidisciplinary interventions and referring to specialized care when it is necessary and the service is available. In this respect, some elements on the topic are shortly exposed in this work and, also, a practical and easy implementation algorithm in primary care is proposed that will allow identifying population suffering from pain in those stages, with differentiation as for neoplastic or non neoplastic affections.
Palliative Care , Primary Health Care , Hospice Care , Terminally Ill , Pain ManagementABSTRACT
Las habilidades profesionales constituyen una dimensión del contenido en el modelo de formación del médico; expresan las acciones prácticas que debe este adquirir en el modelo de formación y, a través de ellas, se posibilita aprender las exigencias que conlleva la realización de un interrogatorio adecuado, un correcto examen físico integral y la aplicación del método científico en el estudio del proceso salud enfermedad en el individuo, la familia y la comunidad. Este trabajo tiene como propósito exponer la concepción teórica y metodológica para la estructuración de la habilidad tratar integralmente el dolor en la formación del Médico General. Se presenta un acercamiento de sus sustentos teóricos-metodológicos desde la Educación Médica, como una habilidad especifica de la profesión. Se concibe su formación en el desarrollo del proceso docente-educativo- investigativo durante al proceso salud-enfermedad y durante la educación en el trabajo, sustentada en la lógica del método clínico como premisa indispensable para su formación. Se precisan los contenidos de diferentes especialidades que tributan al tratamiento del dolor de forma integrada.
Professional skills constitute a content dimension in the doctor's training model; They express the practical actions that must be acquired in the training model and, through them, it is possible to learn the demands that come with carrying out an adequate interrogation, a correct comprehensive physical examination and the application of the scientific method in the study of the health illness process in the individual, family and community. The aim of this work is to present the theoretical and methodological conception for structuring the ability to comprehensively treat pain in the General Physician's training. An approach to its theoretical-methodological supports from Medical Education is presented, as the profession specific skill. Their training is conceived in the development of the teaching-educational-research process during the health-disease process and during education at work, supported by the logic of the clinical method as an indispensable premise for their training. The contents of different specialties that contribute to the treatment of pain in an integrated manner are required.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a multifaceted joint disorder affecting various structures, including articular cartilage, peri-articular bone, synovial joint lining, and connective tissues. This degenerative condition manifests as joint pain, stiffness, reduced mobility, and functional decline, impacting both dogs and humans globally. Risk factors include breed predispositions, joint diseases, higher body weight, and age. The current clinical approaches aim at symptom management and disease progression delay, with limited curative methods available. Nanoparticle (NPs)-based drug delivery systems, particularly curcumin liposomal formulations, show promise in OA treatment. Liposomes, lipid-based NPs, provide targeted drug distribution, extended-release, and enhanced retention in affected joints. Curcumin, a tetraterpenoid, exhibits anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. Despite its efficacy, poor oral bioavailability led to the development of curcumin NPs to enhance therapeutic impact. Intra-articular administration of curcumin, especially in the form of curcumin monoglucuronide, addresses challenges associated with low hydrophilicity, demonstrating effectiveness in suppressing cartilage degeneration in OA. While non-encapsulated curcumin exhibits efficacy, its limited bioavailability prompts innovative approaches like curcumin NPs. The combination of curcumin with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or chondroprotective agents enhances anti-inflammatory effects, minimizing adverse reactions. Studies support curcumin’s multifaceted therapeutic potential, promoting chondrogenic differentiation and inhibiting inflammatory mediators. This comprehensive review provides insights into canine OA treatment, emphasizing curcumin liposomal formulations as a promising avenue for informed decision-making in veterinary practice.
INTRODUÇÃO: A dor lombar possui alta prevalência, sendo uma das principais causas de incapacidade no Brasil e no mundo. A dor lombar apresenta etiologia multifatorial, sendo extremamente comum em trabalhadores. OBJETIVOS: Verificar o conhecimento sobre os fatores de risco para dor lombar, crenças e atitudes sobre o manejo da dor lombar entre profissionais de saúde (fisioterapeutas e ergonomistas) atuantes na área ocupacional. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo observacional transversal com 81 profissionais de saúde ocupacional brasileiros. Os participantes preencheram um questionário eletrônico composto por dados profissionais, sociodemográficos, itens sobre fatores de risco para dor lombar e a Brazilian version of the Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physiotherapists. Conhecimentos, crenças e atitudes foram analisados por meio do teste do qui-quadrado para fatores de risco para dor lombar e um modelo de regressão linear para crenças e atitudes dos profissionais de saúde. RESULTADOS: Obesidade (7,4%), ficar sentado mais de 2 horas (8,6%), atividade física (9,9%), falta de apoio psicossocial no trabalho (11,1%) e consumo de álcool (37,0%), apresentaram os menores índices de conhecimento sobre fatores de risco da dor lombar pelos profissionais. Itens sobre saúde geral apresentaram o menor conhecimento. Uma orientação biomédica e psicossocial equilibrada de crenças e atitudes sobre o manejo da dor lombar foi observada. CONCLUSÃO: Profissionais de saúde ocupacional brasileiros carecem de conhecimento sobre os fatores de risco não ocupacionais da dor lombar, especialmente o estado geral de saúde. Esses profissionais também possuem conceitos biomédicos e psicossociais equilibrados no manejo da dor lombar.
INTRODUCTION: Low back pain (LBP) is highly prevalent and is one of the main causes of disability in Brazil and around the world. LBP presents a multifactorial etiology, being extremely common in workers. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to verify the knowledge about the LBP risk factors, beliefs and attitudes about the management of LBP among health professionals (physiotherapists and ergonomists) working in the occupational area. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted with 81 Brazilian occupational health professionals. Participants completed an electronic questionnaire comprising professional data, sociodemographics, items about LBP risk factors, and the Brazilian version of the Pain Attitudes and Beliefs Scale for Physiotherapists. Knowledge, beliefs and attitudes were analyzed using the chi-square test for LBP risk factors and the linear regression model for health professionals' beliefs and attitudes. RESULTS: Obesity (7.4%), sitting for more than 2 hours (8.6%), physical activity (9.9%), lack of psychosocial support at work (11.1%) and consuming alcohol (37.0%) presented the lowest rate of knowledge about LBP risk factors by professionals. Items about general health showed the lowest knowledge. A balanced biomedical and psychosocial orientation of beliefs and attitudes about managing LBP was observed. CONCLUSION: Brazilian occupational health professionals lack knowledge about non-occupational LBP risk factors, especially general health status. These professionals also have balanced biomedical and psychosocial concepts in managing LBP.
Low Back Pain , Risk Factors , Health PersonnelABSTRACT
Palliative care plays a role in meeting the needs of individuals facing life limiting illnesses. One of the aspects of this specialized healthcare approach is effectively managing pain. Understanding types of pain from nociceptive to neuropathic is essential in navigating the nature of pain within a palliative care setting. Nursing strategies for pain management adopt an approach that addresses sources and aspects of pain. Alongside medication management, including opioids and complementary medications, non-pharmacological interventions such as therapy, massage and music therapy are utilized. Continuous monitoring, collaboration, patient education and addressing dimensions are crucial elements in nursing strategies. Nurses also serve as advocates, in navigating considerations related to pain management while ensuring autonomy and shared decision making. This exploration highlights the multifaceted contributions that nurses make in managing pain. It underscores the importance of research, education and fostering an organizational culture. Efforts, like these play a role in improving the efficiency of nursing practices in the changing field of palliative care. To sum up nursing shines as a guiding light, in providing evidence-based care greatly enhancing the quality of life for individuals confronting illnesses with limited time.
RESUMEN El dolor se define como una experiencia sensorial y emocional desagradable que se asocia con el daño. Es un fenómeno multifactorial y subjetivo que presenta una incidencia de hasta el 60 % en los pacientes críticos y que puede ocasionar consecuencias negativas a nivel cardiovascular, respiratorio, digestivo, muscular, hematológico y psicológico. El estándar de oro para la evaluación del dolor es el reporte del paciente, quien puede indicar la presencia de dolor respondiendo a la pregunta simple «¿Tenés/tiene dolor?¼ o expresar la intensidad mediante la escala numérica del dolor (NRS, por sus siglas en inglés). El paciente capaz de comunicarse puede brindar también información sobre otras características del dolor. En pacientes que no pueden comunicarse pero pueden manifestar respuesta a estímulos, es apropiado utilizar escalas conductuales, las cuales se basan en observar la presencia de comportamientos asociados al dolor. El objetivo del presente paso a paso es describir la evaluación del dolor en pacientes adultos críticos.
ABSTRACT Pain is defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with damage. It is a multifactorial and subjective phenomenon with an incidence of up to 60 % in critically ill patients, which may lead to negative consequences at cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, muscular, hematological, and psychological levels. The gold standard for pain assessment is the patient's report, who can indicate the presence of pain by answering the simple question «Do you have pain?¼ or express its intensity using the numeric pain rating scale (NRS). Patients who can communicate may also provide information regarding other characteristics of pain. In patients unable to communicate but capable of responding to stimuli, it is appropriate to use behavioral scales, which are based on observing the presence of behaviors associated with pain. The objective of this study is to describe the pain assessment in critically ill adult patients.
Objective:To evaluate the efficacy and safety of oliceridine for treatment of moderate to severe pain after surgery with general anesthesia in patients.Methods:The patients with moderate to severe pain (numeric pain rating scale ≥4) after abdominal surgery with general anesthesia from 14 hospitals between July 6, 2021 and November 9, 2021 were included in this study. The patients were assigned to either experiment group or control group using a random number table method. Experiment group received oliceridine, while control group received morphine, and both groups were treated with a loading dose plus patient-controlled analgesia and supplemental doses for 24 h. The primary efficacy endpoint was the drug response rate within 24 h after giving the loading dose. Secondary efficacy endpoints included early (within 1 h after giving the loading dose) drug response rates and use of rescue medication. Safety endpoints encompassed the development of respiratory depression and other adverse reactions during treatment.Results:After randomization, both the full analysis set and safety analysis set comprised 180 cases, with 92 in experiment group and 88 in control group. The per-protocol set included 170 cases, with 86 in experiment group and 84 in control group. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in 24-h drug response rates, rescue analgesia rates, respiratory depression, and incidence of other adverse reactions ( P>0.05). The analysis of full analysis set showed that the experiment group had a higher drug response rate at 5-30 min after giving the loading dose compared to control group ( P<0.05). The per-protocol set analysis indicated that experiment group had a higher drug response rate at 5-15 min after giving the loading dose than control group ( P<0.05). Conclusions:When used for treatment of moderate to severe pain after surgery with general anesthesia in patients, oliceridine provides comparable analgesic efficacy to morphine, with a faster onset.
Improving the reproducibility of biomedical research results is a major challenge. Transparent and accurate reporting of the research process enables readers to evaluate the reliability of the research results and further explore the experiment by repeating it or building upon its findings. The ARRIVE 2.0 guidelines, released in 2019 by the UK National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs), provide a checklist that is applicable to any in vivo animal research report. These guidelines aim to improve the standardization of experimental design, implementation, and reporting, as well as enhance the reliability, repeatability, and clinical translation of animal experimental results. The use of the ARRIVE 2.0 guidelines not only enriches the details of animal experimental research reports, ensuring that information on animal experimental results is fully evaluated and utilized, but also enables readers to understand the content expressed by the author accurately and clearly, promoting the transparency and completeness of the fundamental research review process. At present, the ARRIVE 2.0 guidelines have been widely adopted by international biomedical journals. This article is based on the best practices following the ARRIVE 2.0 guidelines in international journals, and it interprets, explains, and elaborates in Chinese the fifth part of the comprehensive version of the ARRIVE 2.0 guidelines published in PLoS Biology in 2020 (the original text can be found at https://arriveguidelines.org). This section includes the items 6-11 of Recommended 11 section, covering "Animal Care and Monitoring", "Interpretation/Scientific Implications", "Generalisability/Translation", "Protocol Registration", "Data Access" and "Declaration of Interests". Its aim is to promote a comprehensive understanding and use of the ARRIVE 2.0 guidelines among domestic researchers, to enhance the standardization of experimental animal research and reporting, and to promote high-quality development of experimental animal sciences and comparative medicine research in China.
Introduction@#Perioperative pain is a major problem for patients undergoing surgery. Inadequate pain relief can lead to complications like pneumonia, extended hospital stay, re-admissions and patient dissatisfaction. The aim of this research was to determine adequacy of perioperative pain management on immediate post-operative analgesia for elective Intra-abdominal procedures done under general anaesthesia.@*Method@#This is a retrospective study which involved auditing inpatient folders from the 1st of January to 31st of December, 2015.The inclusion criteria were those between the ages of 18 to 60years who had Elective Intra-abdominalprocedure done under general anesthesia.Each folder was audited for perioperative pain management from surgical and anaesthetic charts and data were entered into a proforma list. EpiInfo 3.1 software and Microsoft Excel Spreadsheetwere used for analysis of the extracted data.@*Results@#159 records met the inclusion criteria but only 127 folders were recovered. 28% of patients recorded pain in the immediate postoperative period. There were more females than males and Total Abdominal Hysterectomies was the most common procedure. The age between 31 to 40 years, reported the most pain. Open cholecystectomy’s procedures recorded the most pain complaints and hernia repairs had the least. Verbal response was the highest pain indicator used and 11% of patients who indicated having some pain went from PARU untreated. There were no records of usage of pain scales in any folder retrieved.@*Discussion@#Pain recording in the recovery unit was heavily dependent on the recovery nurse and the patient. The incidence of immediate postoperative pain from this study group was lower when compared to other studies. This could be due to a lack of documentation or a reflection on how well perioperative pain treatment has been done in Lautoka. @*Conclusion@#Overall management of perioperative pain still needs improvement. The anaesthetic team should seriously look at this problem as Anaesthetists are still unaware of their patients pain. It is highly recommend that the formulation of an Acute Pain Management Protocol for Fiji to ensure that Pain be included as the 5th vital sign.
Abstract Aim To identify the phenotypic characteristics of individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) who may benefit from adding duloxetine to self-management (SM) strategies. Methodology This was a post hoc exploratory analysis of a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial with SM-duloxetine (duloxetine 60 mg/day plus SM strategies for 12 weeks) in adult participants with painful TMD. The primary outcome was the proportion of responders to treatment (individuals with ≥ 30% reduction in pain intensity) in SM-duloxetine and SM-placebo group at week 12. For responder analysis, five phenotyping domains recommended by Initiative on Methods, Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials were assessed: pain, psychological, sleep, quantitative sensory testing, and conditioned pain modulation. Relative risk (RR), 95% confidence intervals (CI), and absolute risk reduction were calculated. Results Among participants treated with SM-duloxetine, severe pain intensity (RR 1.33, 95% CI: 0.56, 3.17), pain disability (RR 1.30, 95% CI: 0.63, 2.67), ≥ 1 painful comorbidity (RR 1.48, 95% CI: 0.57, 3.79), and anxiety symptoms (RR 1.80, 95% CI: 0.75, 4.34) were associated with greater likelihood of response to treatment. Among individuals treated with SM-placebo, only temporal summation of pain was associated with greater likelihood of response to treatment. Conclusion Personalized medicine may be implemented in painful TMD management, and phenotype characteristics related to pain and psychological domains may predict which individuals with painful TMD are more likely to respond to the addition of serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors to SM strategies to clinically and significantly reduce pain intensity.
El dolor lumbar crónico es un problema frecuente que afecta la calidad de vida de muchos pacientes y representa un desafío para los sistemas de salud. Ante la búsqueda de alternativas para aliviar el dolor, el yoga ha surgido como una opción prometedora. A partir de un caso clínico real, el autor de este artículo realiza una búsqueda bibliográfica y sintetiza la mejor evidencia disponible sobre la efectividad del yoga para reducir el dolor en pacientes con lumbalgia crónica.Finalmente, concluye que, si bien podría ser beneficioso, aún persiste incertidumbre y se necesitan más estudios para determinar si este es superior a otros tipos de ejercicio físico centrados en el espalda. (AU)
Chronic low back pain is a common problem that affects the quality of life of many patients and represents a challenge for health systems. In the quest for alternatives to relieve pain, yoga has emerged as a promising option. Based on a real clinical scenario, the author of this article conducts a literature search and synthesizes the best available evidence on the effectiveness of yoga for reducing pain in patients with chronic low back pain. Finally, he concludes that, although it maybe beneficial, uncertainty still persists and more studies are needed to determine whether it is superior to other physical exercises focused on the back. (AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Yoga , Complementary Therapies/methods , Low Back Pain/therapy , Pain Management , Quality of Life , Review Literature as Topic , Exercise , Low Back Pain/drug therapy , Analgesics/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Abstract Pain is the most common complaint reported to orthopedists in the outpatient clinic, emergency room, or booth. Numerous publications report the inadequate management of both acute and chronic pain by health professionals. This updated article aims to provide information about musculoskeletal pain, its classification, evaluation, diagnosis, and the multimodal therapeutic approach for each case. For acute pain, adequate control allows for earlier rehabilitation to work and reduces the rates of pain chronification. For chronic pain, the goal is to reduce its intensity and improve the quality of life. Currently, some procedures are increasingly used and aided by imaging tests for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.
Resumo A dor é a queixa mais comum recebida pelo ortopedista no ambulatório e/ou emergência. Inúmeras publicações relatam o manejo inadequado tanto da dor aguda quanto da dor crônica pelos profissionais da saúde. O objetivo desse artigo de atualização é trazer informações sobre a dor musculoesquelética, sua classificação, avaliação, diagnóstico e abordagem terapêutica multimodal para cada situação. Desta maneira, nas dores agudas seu controle adequado possibilita um trabalho de reabilitação mais precoce, bem como diminui os índices de cronificação da dor. Nas dores crônicas sua abordagem além da diminuição de sua intensidade, visa também melhorar a qualidade de vida. Atualmente alguns procedimentos estão sendo cada vez mais utilizados com auxílio de aparato de imagem com objetivo diagnóstico e terapêutico.
Humans , Pain/classification , Pain/diagnosis , Acute Pain/classification , Musculoskeletal Pain , Pain ManagementABSTRACT
Resumo Objetivo Analisar as opiniões maternas frente ao uso do banho terapêutico para alívio da dor em crianças hospitalizadas por agravos respiratórios. Métodos Estudo descritivo, qualitativo, conduzido em um hospital escola, secundário, no município de São Paulo entre julho de 2022 a julho de 2023. Participaram 16 mães de crianças hospitalizadas, por agravos respiratórios, com dor aguda, alfabetizadas, que acompanharam a realização da intervenção - banho terapêutico e o seu seguimento de uma hora. O banho consistiu em uma imersão em água quente (entre 37-39°C), com 2/3 do corpo imerso por, no mínimo, cinco minutos. Por meio de uma amostragem por conveniência, as mães foram solicitadas a redigir sua opinião com a frase norteadora: "Escreva sua opinião sobre o uso do banho terapêutico para alívio da dor do seu filho", com liberdade poética à escrita. Os dados foram submetidos a análise temática de conteúdo complementada pela análise lexical, com o software IRAMUTEQ®. Respeitou-se as diretrizes éticas nacionais. Resultados As mães opinaram que o banho terapêutico é uma intervenção efetiva e inovadora, com benefícios mútuos, à criança e a si. Na criança, redigiram que o banho proporcionou alívio da dor e de sintomas respiratórios, conforto e adormecimento. Já às mães, proporcionou satisfação com o cuidado, descanso e sensação de inclusão. Conclusão As mães opinaram que o banho terapêutico é uma intervenção efetiva e inovadora, com benefícios mútuos à criança e a si, com alívio da dor e posterior satisfação materna.
Resumen Objetivo Analizar las opiniones maternas sobre el uso del baño terapéutico para calmar el dolor en niños y niñas hospitalizadas por agravios respiratorios. Métodos Estudio descriptivo, cualitativo, realizado en un hospital universitario, secundario, en el municipio de São Paulo entre julio de 2022 y julio de 2023. Participaron 16 madres de infantes hospitalizados por agravios respiratorios, con dolor agudo, alfabetizadas, que participaron en la realización de la intervención (baño terapéutico y seguimiento de una hora). El baño consistió en una inmersión en agua caliente (entre 37 y 39 °C), con 2/3 del cuerpo sumergido durante cinco minutos, como mínimo. Por medio de un muestreo por conveniencia, se solicitó a las madres que escribieran su opinión a partir de la frase orientadora: "Escriba su opinión sobre el uso del baño terapéutico para calmar el dolor de su hijo", con libertad poética en la escritura. Se realizó un análisis temático de contenido de los datos, complementado con un análisis léxico con el software IRAMUTEQ®. Se respetaron las directrices éticas nacionales. Resultados Las madres opinaron que el baño terapéutico es una intervención efectiva e innovadora, con beneficios mutuos, para el niño y para sí misma. Relataron que, en el niño, el baño ayudó a calmar el dolor y los síntomas respiratorios y proporcionó bienestar y adormecimiento. Por otro lado, a las madres les proporcionó satisfacción con el cuidado, descanso y sensación de inclusión. Conclusión Las madres opinaron que el baño terapéutico es una intervención efectiva e innovadora, con beneficios mutuos, para el niño y para sí misma, que calma el dolor y proporciona satisfacción materna.
Abstract Objective To analyze maternal opinions regarding the use of therapeutic baths to relieve pain in children hospitalized for respiratory problems. Methods This is a descriptive, qualitative study, conducted in a secondary teaching hospital, in the city of São Paulo, between July 2022 and July 2023. A total of 16 mothers of children hospitalized for respiratory problems, with acute pain, literate, who followed the intervention - therapeutic bath and one-hour follow-up - participated. The bath consisted of immersion in hot water (between 37-39°C), with 2/3 of the body immersed for at least five minutes. Through convenience sampling, mothers were asked to write their opinion with the guiding phrase "Write your opinion about the use of therapeutic baths to relieve your child's pain", with poetic freedom in writing. The data were subjected to thematic content analysis, complemented by lexical analysis, with the IRAMUTEQ® software. National ethical guidelines were respected. Results Mothers believed that therapeutic bathing is an effective and innovative intervention, with mutual benefits for their children and themselves. In children, they reported that bathing provided relief from pain and respiratory symptoms, comfort and numbness. For mothers, it provided satisfaction with care, rest and a feeling of inclusion. Conclusion Mothers believed that therapeutic bathing is an effective and innovative intervention, with mutual benefits for children and themselves, with pain relief and subsequent maternal satisfaction.
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Neonatal pain management is considered one of the eight principles of neonatal care. This study aims to investigate the construct reflecting neonatal non-pharmacological pain management, in a Brazilian rooming-in unit, and identify the preferred intervention. METHODS: This survey study included 47 health professionals assessed through an in-person questionnaire. Factor analysis was conducted with a rotation using the Varimax method. Cronbach's alpha was 0.78. RESULTS: The construct comprised three factors in the following order: 1) knowledge and impact of neonatal pain on parents, 2) the benefits of pain treatment, and 3) non-pharmacological interventions. Breastfeeding is part of the first factor, revealing its particular importance. The reduction of luminosity is part of the second factor. Non-nutritive sucking with sweet solution, kangaroo position, and music therapy are part of the third factor. CONCLUSION: The construct observed in this rooming-in identified three factors and suggests that breastfeeding is the preferred intervention to implement for non-pharmacological pain management in the neonate.
RESUMO JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O manejo da dor neonatal é considerado um dos oito princípios do cuidado neonatal. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o construto que reflete o manejo não farmacológico da dor neonatal em uma unidade de alojamento conjunto brasileira e identificar a intervenção preferencial. MÉTODOS: Este estudo de pesquisa incluiu 47 profissionais de saúde avaliados por meio de um questionário presencial. A análise fatorial foi realizada com uma rotação usando o método Varimax. O alfa de Cronbach foi de 0,78. RESULTADOS: O construto foi composto por três fatores na seguinte ordem: 1) conhecimento e impacto da dor neonatal nos pais, 2) benefícios do tratamento da dor e 3) intervenções não farmacológicas. A amamentação faz parte do primeiro fator, revelando sua especial importância. A redução da luminosidade faz parte do segundo fator. A sucção não nutritiva com solução doce, a posição canguru e a musicoterapia fazem parte do terceiro fator. CONCLUSÃO: O construto observado neste alojamento conjunto identificou três fatores e sugere que o aleitamento materno é a intervenção preferencial a ser implementada para o controle não farmacológico da dor no recém-nascido.
Abstract Introduction: Bone cancer metastasis may produce severe and refractory pain. It is often difficult to manage with systemic analgesics. Chemical neurolysis may be an effective alternative in terminally ill patients. Case report: Female terminally ill patient with hip metastasis of gastric cancer in severe pain. Neurolytic ultrasound-guided blocks of the pericapsular nerve group and obturator nerve were performed with 5% phenol. This led to satisfactory pain relief for 10 days, until the patient's death. Discussion: This approach may be effective and safe as an analgesic option for refractory hip pain due to metastasis or pathologic fracture in terminally ill patients.
Abstract Background: The costoclavicular approach to brachial plexus block may have a more favorable anatomy than the classic infraclavicular approach. However, there are conflicting results in the literature regarding the comparative effectiveness of these two techniques. Methods: We systematically searched for Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) comparing costo-clavicular with infraclavicular brachial plexus blocks for upper extremity surgeries on MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Ovid. The outcomes of interest were sensory and motor block onset times, performance times, block failure, and complication rate. We performed statistical analyses using RevMan 5.4 and assessed heterogeneity using the Cochran Q test and I2 statistics. We appraised the risk of bias according to Cochrane's Risk of Bias 2 tool. Results: We included 5 RCTs and 374 patients, of whom 189 (50.5%) were randomized to undergo costoclavicular block. We found no statistically significant differences between the two techniques regarding sensory block onset time in minutes (Mean Difference [MD = −0.39 min]; 95% CI −2.46 to 1.68 min; p = 0.71); motor block onset time in minutes (MD = −0.34 min; 95% CI −0.90 to 0.22 min; p = 0.23); performance time in minutes (MD = −0.12 min; 95% CI −0.89 to 0.64 min; p = 0.75); incidence of block failure (RR = 1.59; 95% CI 0.63 to 3.39; p = 0.63); and incidence of complications (RR = 0.60; 95% CI 0.20 to 1.84; p = 0.37). Conclusion: This meta-analysis suggests that the CCV block may exhibit similar sensory and motor onset times when compared to the classic ICV approach in adults undergoing distal upper extremity surgery, with comparable rates of block failure and complications.