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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 633-639, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566026


Introducción. La neoplasia sólida pseudopapilar de páncreas, también conocida como tumor de Frantz, es una patología poco frecuente, que comprende menos del 3 % de los tumores pancreáticos, y la mayor incidencia se observa en mujeres jóvenes entre la segunda y tercera década de la vida. Su etiología es desconocida. El tratamiento de elección es la resección quirúrgica sin linfadenectomía cuando se encuentra bien localizado. Inclusive aún cuando hay evidencia de metástasis o invasión local, el manejo quirúrgico sigue siendo el tratamiento de elección. Caso clínico. Mujer de 24 años de edad, con masa abdominal palpable, dolorosa, de tres semanas de evolución. La tomografía computarizada mencionó como presunción diagnóstica un tumor de origen pancreático. En la laparotomía se encontró una masa dependiente del cuerpo del páncreas. Se realizó pancreatectomía distal radical con esplenectomía y omentectomía parcial en bloque. Resultados. Durante la cirugía no se presentaron complicaciones y hasta el sexto mes de seguimiento, la evolución fue adecuada y sin recidiva tumoral. Conclusiones. Ante la presencia de masa abdominal, con compromiso pancreático documentado por tomografía computarizada, se debe considerar el diagnóstico de neoplasia sólida pseudopapilar de páncreas, o tumor de Frantz. El tumor de Frantz es una entidad poco frecuente que generalmente se diagnostica de forma incidental o por síntomas inespecíficos en estadios avanzados. El diagnóstico y manejo de esta neoplasia representa un reto y la resección quirúrgica continúa siendo el tratamiento indicado.

Introduction. Solid pseudopapillary neoplasia of the pancreas, also known as Frantz tumor, is a rare pathology, comprising less than 3% of pancreatic tumors, and the highest incidence is observed in young women between the second and third decades of life. Its etiology is unknown. The treatment of choice is surgical resection without lymphadenectomy when it is well located. Even when there is evidence of metastasis or local invasion, surgical management remains the treatment of choice. Clinical case. A 24-year-old woman presented with a palpable, painful abdominal mass of three weeks' duration. The computed tomography mentioned a tumor of pancreatic origin as a presumptive diagnosis. At laparotomy, a mass dependent on the body of the pancreas was found. Radical distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy and en bloc partial omentectomy was performed. Results. During the surgery there were no complications and until the sixth month of follow-up, the evolution was adequate and without tumor recurrence. Conclusions. In the presence of an abdominal mass, with pancreatic involvement documented by computed tomography, the diagnosis of solid pseudopapillary neoplasia of the pancreas, or Frantz tumor, should be considered, which must be treated surgically. Frantz tumor is a rare entity that is generally diagnosed incidentally or due to nonspecific symptoms in advanced stages. The diagnosis and management of this neoplasia represents a challenge and surgical resection continues to be the indicated treatment.

Humans , Pancreatectomy , Pancreatic Neoplasms , Pancreas , Incidental Findings , Diagnosis, Differential
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 640-645, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566027


Introducción. El esplenúnculo se ha descrito con una incidencia global del 10 al 30 %. Puede ser una entidad de origen congénito o adquirida, frecuentemente está asociada a trauma abdominal o antecedente de esplenectomía por diversas causas. Caso clínico. Mujer en edad media, con antecedente de trauma abdominal y esplenectomía por ruptura traumática, quien 30 años después presenta un cuadro de dolor abdominal. Los estudios imagenológicos identificaron una masa sólida intrapancreática. Resultados. Fue llevada a pancreatectomía distal. Los hallazgos histológicos e inmunohistoquímicos confirmaron que la masa pancreática correspondía a un esplenúnculo intrapancreático adquirido, asociado al evento traumático previo. Conclusión. Los esplenúnculos suelen constituir un "incidentaloma". Los estudios imagenológicos se encuentran limitados, pues la tomografía computarizada, la resonancia nuclear magnética y la ultrasonografía presentan características imagenológicas similares con los tumores pancreáticos hipervascularizados, por lo que se debe practicar el estudio histopatológico durante su valoración. Esta entidad se debe incluir dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales, con mayor énfasis en aquellos pacientes con historia de trauma abdominal y esplenectomía asociada, un escenario en el que esta lesión puede simular una neoplasia sólida del páncreas, con características malignas.

Introduction. Splenunculus has been described with an overall incidence of 10 to 30%. It can be an entity of congenital or acquired origin, it is frequently associated with abdominal trauma or a history of splenectomy for various reasons. Clinical case. Middle-aged woman, with a history of abdominal trauma and splenectomy due to traumatic rupture, who 30 years later presents with abdominal pain. Imaging studies identified a solid intrapancreatic mass. Results. She was taken to OR for distal pancreatectomy. The histological and immunohistochemical findings confirmed that the pancreatic mass corresponded to an acquired intrapancreatic splenunculus, associated with the previous traumatic event. Conclusion. Splenuncles usually constitute an "incidentaloma". Imaging studies are limited, since computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasonography present similar imaging characteristics with hypervascularized pancreatic tumors, so histopathological study must be included during their evaluation. This entity should be included in the differential diagnoses, with greater emphasis on those patients with a history of abdominal trauma and associated splenectomy, a scenario in which this lesion can simulate a solid neoplasm of the pancreas, with malignant characteristics.

Humans , Pancreas , Pancreatic Neoplasms , Splenectomy , Pancreatectomy , Spleen , Splenosis , Diagnosis, Differential
Alerta (San Salvador) ; 7(1): 36-41, ene. 26, 2024. ilus, tab.
Article in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1526699


Presentación del caso. Se trata de una mujer de 26 años que presentó dolor en epigastrio e hipocondrio izquierdo, con aumento del perímetro abdominal y pérdida de 5 kg de peso corporal. En el examen físico se detectó una masa de gran tamaño en el epigastrio, con bordes regulares, ligeramente dolorosa al tacto y no móvil. Los estudios de imagen revelaron una neoplasia mixta en el cuerpo y cola pancreática. Intervención terapéutica. Se practicó una esplenopancreatectomía corpo-caudal, con extirpación completa del tumor. Evolución clínica. La paciente recibió cuidados especializados y vigilancia estrecha posquirúrgica en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, sin presentar complicaciones relevantes. Tras el alta hospitalaria, la paciente refirió un buen estado general en los controles de seguimiento, que incluyeron una tomografía realizada a los 12 meses, donde no se evidenciaron restos o recidivas tumorales

Case presentation. A 26-year-old woman who presented with pain in the epigastrium and left hypochondrium, with increased abdominal perimeter and loss of 5 kg of body weight. Physical examination revealed a large mass in the epigastrium, with regular borders, slightly painful to the touch and non-mobile. Imaging studies revealed a mixed neoplasm in the pancreatic body and tail. Treatment. A corpo-caudal splenopancreatectomy was performed, with complete removal of the tumor. Outcome. The patient received specialized care and close postoperative surveillance in the intensive care unit, with no relevant complications. After hospital discharge, the patient reported a good general condition in the follow-up controls, which included a computed tomography scan performed after 12 months, where no tumor remnants or recurrences were evidenced

Humans , Female , Adult , El Salvador
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019578


Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of splenectomy with distal pancreatectomy during cytoreductive surgery in epithelial ovarian cancer(EOC).Methods A total of 17 patients from Zhongshan Hospital,Fudan University and the First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China(Anhui Provincial Hospital)received splenectomy with distal pancreatectomy during cytoreductive surgery in EOC were recruited.Their clinicopathological characteristics,postoperative complications and survival situation were retrospective analyzed.Results Of the 17 patients,there were 13 primary cases and 4 recurrent cases.Eleven cases(64.7%)had preoperative imaging finding with metastatic lesions in the splenic hilum,among whom 6 cases had distal pancreas metastasis during the operation.The drainage was placed in the splenic fossa for the measurement of amylase levels in drain fluid and was removed after 8(3-12)days.There were 4 patients had postoperative pancreatic fistula(POPF)of grade A,3 patients had POPF of grade B and no POPF of grade C occurred.The 2 patients with POPF of grade B improved after percutaneous drainage,and the rest recovered with somatostatin,antibiotic drugs and medicines without perioperative mortality.The interval between surgery to chemotherapy was 17.5(13-37)days.The median follow-up time was 14(4-64)months and the median progression-free survival was 10(5-32)months.Conclusion Splenectomy with distal pancreatectomy as part of cytoreduction surgery in EOC is needed for optimal resection,and the complication of pancreatic fistula could be managed conservatively.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023201


Objective:To analyze the safety and therapeutic efficacy of laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy (LPD) and laparoscopic total pancreatectomy (LTP) in the treatment of pancreatic cancer.Methods:Clinical data of 87 patients with pancreatic head and neck cancer who underwent LPD or LTP in the Department of General Surgery at Peking Union Medical College Hospital from December 2018 to August 2023 were retrospectively analyzed. The surgical approach, operative time, intraoperative blood loss volume, conversion rate to open surgery, perioperative mortality, re-operative rate, rate of major postoperative complications, postoperative hospital stay, number of lymph nodes harvested, tumor pathological stage, R 0 resection rate, initiation of postoperative chemotherapy and survival outcomes were recorded. The follow-up period extended until September 2023. Results:Among the 87 patients, 78(89.7%) underwent LPD and 9(10.3%) underwent LTP. PV-SMV vascular resection and reconstruction was performed in 16 cases (18.4%), and 11 cases totally underwent laparoscopy. Five cases (5.7%) required conversion to open surgery. The mean operative time was 279.8±74.0 minutes, and the mean intraoperative blood loss volume was 520.1±743.2 ml. The overall length of hospital stay was 15.9±6.3 days, with a mean postoperative hospital stay of 11.5±6.0 days. The rate of major postoperative complications was 19.5%, including 4 cases (4.6%) of postoperative bile leakage, 6 cases (6.9%) of postoperative gastric emptying disorders, and 3 cases (3.4%) of postoperative bleeding. There was one case (1.1%) with secondary surgery and one case (1.1%) with perioperative death. Among LPD patients, 5 cases (6.4%) had postoperative grade B or higher pancreatic fistula. Advanced age (≥70 years) did not increase the incidence of perioperative complications. All patients achieved R 0 resection. The mean number of lymph nodes harvested was 25.9±11.4. The median time to initiation of postoperative chemotherapy was 2.13±1.43 months. The median overall survival was 16 months. Conclusions:In a high-volume center for pancreatic diseases, LPD and LTP are safe and feasible for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, which could achieve satisfactory anti-tumor efficacy and improve patients' prognosis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1028812


Objective To explore the prognostic factors of new-onset diabetes mellitus(NODM)in patients with pancreatic cystic tumor after distal pancreatectomy(DP).Methods Between January 2010 and December 2019,92 patients with cystic pancreatic tumors in our hospital underwent laparoscopic DP.According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,a total of 74 cases were included and divided into NODM group or normal glucose metabolism group based on whether postoperative NODM occurred.A univariate analysis was used to evaluate the prognostic factors of laparoscopic DP for pancreatic cystic tumors.P<0.05 was considered statistically significant,OR>4 was considered as a potential prognostic factor of clinical significance for NODM.Results NODM was diagnosed in26 cases(35.1%),with a median diagnosis time of 9 months(range,3-56 months)after surgery.Univariate analysis showed that transecting pancreas in the neck(OR = 11.000,P = 0.000),BMI≥25.0(OR = 4.333,P = 0.007),and family history of diabetes mellitus(OR =5.000,P =0.004)were prognostic factors of postoperative NODM.Conclusions When performing DP for pancreatic cystic tumors,it is advisable to preserve as much pancreatic tissue as possible and avoid cutting off the pancreas in the neck.Precise postoperative strategy of glucose metabolism surveillance for patients with BMI≥25.0 and family history of diabetes mellitus should be promoted.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-235995


Solid pseudopapillary epithelial neoplasm (SPEN) of the pancreas is a rare cystic exocrine tumour of the pancreas that predominantly affects women between 30 and 40 years of age. This case report aims to describe clinical presentation and management of SPEN. We report a case of 20 years old female who presented with palpable lump in upper abdomen and continuous dull aching pain. Preoperative contrast enhanced computed tomography (CECT) abdomen was suggestive of large solid mass of size 11×10×10 cm with liquified content in relation to tail of pancreas with a possibility of retroperitoneal tumour or gastrointestinal tumour (GIST). Spleen sparing distal pancreatectomy with segmental resection of transverse colon with colo-colic anastomosis was performed and the diagnosis of SPEN was subsequently confirmed on histopathology examination. SPEN is a slow-growing tumour with a low-grade malignant potential found incidentally in asymptomatic patients. The average tumour size is about 4 to 6 cm in diameter at presentation. Distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy is the procedure of choice as described in literature. SPEN should be kept as a differential diagnosis in a young female patient presenting with vague abdominal pain and retroperitoneal lump in relation to the pancreas. Complete surgical resection is the definite treatment with a 5-year survival rate of 95%.

Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 75(4)ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515250


Introducción. El quiste hidatídico puede localizarse en cualquier órgano del cuerpo. El quiste hidatídico en el páncreas (QHP)se presenta con una prevalencia menor a 1%, la localización más frecuente es la cabeza en 61% a 69%, en el cuerpo y cola en 31% a 39%. No es fácil diferenciar el quiste hidatídico pancreático de otros tumores quísticos del páncreas, por lo que esta patología debe tenerse en cuenta en el diagnóstico diferencial de lesiones quísticas pancreáticas. Caso Clínico. Paciente femenino de 66 años quien desde el año 2016 se encontraba en control por una tumoración quística de la cola pancreática de 1,7 cm, diagnosticada en forma incidental. La paciente cursó asintomática y se controló en forma anual. El año 2021 la lesión alcanzó un tamaño de 4,7 cm. En este contexto se decide la resección quirúrgica por vía laparoscópica. Se resecó una pieza quirúrgica de 8 cm de longitud que incluye la cola del páncreas y el quiste. La histología describe la membrana prolígera y múltiples escólex viables. Conclusión. La localización primaria en la cola del páncreas de un quiste hidatídico confunde el diagnóstico con un tumor quístico mucinoso. El tratamiento quirúrgico actual en los quistes distales debería ser la resección laparoscópica.

Introduction. The hydatid cyst can be located in any organ of the body. The hydatid cyst in the pancreas occurs with a prevalence of less than 1%, the most frequent location is the head in 61% to 69%, the body and tail in 31% to 39%. It is not easy to differentiate the pancreatic hydatid cyst from other cystic tumors of the pancreas, so this pathology must be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic cystic lesions. Clinical Case. The present report discusses a 66-year-old female patient who had been in control since 2016 for a 1.7 cm cystic tumor of the pancreatic tail. The patient was asymptomatic and was controlled annually. In 2021, the lesion reached a size of 4.7 cm. In this context, laparoscopic surgical resection was decided. An 8 cm long surgical specimen was resected, including the tail of the pancreas and the cyst. Histology describes prolific membrane and multiple viable scolexes. Conclusion. The primary location in the tail of the pancreas of a hydatid cyst confuses the diagnosis with a mucinous cystic tumor. The current surgical treatment for distal cysts should be laparoscopic resection.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990678


Total pancreatectomy with islet autotransplantation, (TPIAT) is a complex surgical procedure for recurrent acute pancreatitis (RAP) and chronic pancreatitis, which can eliminate the risk of pancreatitis for pancreatic cancer and reduce the threat of severe diabetes mellitus. An increa-sing number of centers, here in the United States and internationally, are performing TPIAT and studies emerging from multiple centers highlight the benefits and persistent challenges of TPIAT for RAP and chronic pancreatitis. However, clear guidance on indications, contraindications, evaluation, timing of treatment and follow-up is lacking. The author reviews the history of TPIAT, and discusses the current state of TPIAT including indications of treatment, preoperative evaluations, surgical method, islet isolation and portal vein infusion, and postoperative management and a single center′s experience in TPIAT. A multiple center study with large numbers of patients will be critical to optimizing the successful application of this procedure.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 2763-2769, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003263


Dyspepsia due to pancreatic exocrine insufficiency is a common complication after pancreatectomy; however, due to the lack of simple, efficient, and unified diagnostic methods, standardized treatment standards, and awareness of this disease among surgeons, it is difficult to get adequate diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, this article summarizes the research advances in the definition and pathogenesis of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, the incidence rate of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency after different surgical procedures, and current diagnostic methods and treatment strategies, in order to provide a reference for further improving the diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency after pancreatectomy.

Chinese Journal of Digestion ; (12): 806-811, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029626


Objective:To evaluate the preoperative localization value of endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle tattooing (EUS-FNT) for laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy in pancreatic lesions with a maximum diameter ≤3 cm.Methods:From November 2017 to October 2022, at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, the data of patients with pancreatic lesions ≤3 cm who underwent laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy were retrospectively analyzed. Eight patients who underwent EUS-FNT assisted laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy were included in the fine needle tattooing (FNT) combined laparoscopic group. And 14 patients who underwent simple laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy were taken as the simple laparoscopic group. The success rate and complications of EUS-FNT were observed. The differences in operation time, surgery-related complications and complete resection rate of lesions between the two groups were compared. Mann-Whitney U test and descriptive analysis were used for statistical analysis. Results:In the FNT combined laparoscopic group, the lesions of 4 cases were located in the pancreatic body and 4 cases in the pancreatic tail. In the simple laparoscopic group, the lesions of 4 cases were located in the pancreatic body and 10 cases in the pancreatic tail. There was a significant difference in lesion size between the two groups (14.5 mm (10.8 mm, 16.5 mm) vs. 27.0 mm (23.5 mm, 30.0 mm), Z=-3.09, P=0.001). In the FNT combined laparoscopic group, EUS-FNT was successfully performed in all 8 patients. The average time of laparoscopy after EUS-FNT was (98.4±8.8) min. The marks were clearly visible under the laparoscopic field of view, and no complications such as abdominal hemorrhage and hematoma were observed. Laparoscopic pancreaticocaudectomy was performed in 5 cases and pancreaticocaudectomy plus splenectomy in 3 cases. The median operation time was 192.5 min (176.3 min, 203.8 min). The amount of intraoperative bleeding was large in 2 patients and blood transfusion was needed. The lesions were one-time completely resected in all 8 patients. The postoperative pathology were 6 cases of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm, 1 case of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN), and 1 case of solid pseudopapilloma. In the simple laparoscopic group, laparoscopic pancreaticocaudectomy was performed in 2 cases and pancreaticocaudectomy plus splenectomy in 12 cases. The median operation time was 202.5 min (192.8 min, 235.0 min), which was longer than that of FNT combined laparoscopic group, but the difference was not statistically significant ( P>0.05). The amount of intraoperative bleeding was large in 2 patients and blood transfusion was needed. In 1 patient with pancreatic body lesions, no lesion was found in the specimen examination after the first pancreatectomy, and the lesions were completely resected after the second partial pancreatectomy. Active abdominal hemorrhage occurred in 1 patient on the second day after operation, and underwent interventional embolization for hemostasis. Two weeks after surgery, 1 patient was found to have a encapsulated fluid with a long diameter of 6 cm around the pancreas by computed tomography re-examination 2 weeks after surgery. The postoperative pathology were 5 cases of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasm, 2 cases of IPMN, 1 case of solid pseudopapilloma, 1 case of pancreatic cyst with glandular low-grade intraepithelial neoplasia, 1 case of ectopic spleen, and 4 cases of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Conclusion:EUS-FNT can effectively localize small pancreatic lesions before laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy, shorten the operation time and improve the complete resection rate under laparoscopy.

Cir. Urug ; 7(1): e303, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1447833


El tumor pseudopapilar de páncreas, conocido como tumor de Frantz, es excepcional; comprende entre el 0.2 y 2.7 % de los carcinomas de páncreas. Su etiología es desconocida y predomina en mujeres jóvenes. Son tumores de bajo potencial maligno, que cursan asintomáticos y dan síntomas por compresión regional: dolor gravativo y/o masa abdominal palpable. La probabilidad de una forma definidamente maligna es de 15 %. Anatómicamente se localizan con mayor frecuencia en la cola del páncreas, seguido por la cabeza y el cuerpo. El tratamiento es la resección quirúrgica y su pronóstico es excelente, con sobrevida a 5 años de casi 100 %. El diagnóstico es anátomo-patológico, considerando el aspecto microscópico y el perfil inmunohistoquímico. Se presenta un caso de una mujer de 21 años, en la cual se realizó una cirugía de excéresis completa del tumor y que se mantiene a asintomática a 24 meses de operada.

Pseudo papillary tumor of the pancreas, also called Frantz´s tumor, is a very rare disease; between 0.2 and 2.7 % of pancreatic carcinomas. Ethiology is unknown; is observed in young women. It´s a tumors with low malignant potential, usually of asymptomatic evolution by long time and the symptoms are due to regional compression: pain or abdominal mass. The possibility of a malignant form is around 15 %. Anatomically, they are most frequently located in the tail of the pancreas, followed by the head and body. The treatment is the surgical resection; with an excellent prognosis and a 5-year survival almost 100 %. The diagnosis is with pathological study, considering the microscopic appearance and the immunohistochemical profile. Its perform an analysis of the literature and once case of a 21 years old, woman is reported. A complete resection surgery of the tumor was performed and remains asymptomatic at 24 months of follow-up.

O tumor pseudopapilar do pâncreas, conhecido como tumor de Frantz, é excepcional; compreende entre 0,2 e 2,7 % dos carcinomas pancreáticos. Sua etiologia é desconhecida e predomina em mulheres jovens. São tumores de baixo potencial maligno, que são assintomáticos e apresentam sintomas devido à compressão regional: dor intensa e/ou massa abdominal palpável. A probabilidade de uma forma definitivamente maligna é de 15 %. Anatomicamente, eles estão localizados com mais frequência na cauda do pâncreas, seguido pela cabeça e corpo. O tratamento é a ressecção cirúrgica e seu prognóstico é excelente, com sobrevida em 5 anos de quase 100 %. O diagnóstico é anátomo-patológico, considerando o aspecto microscópico e o perfil imuno-histoquímico. Apresenta-se o caso de uma mulher de 21 anos submetida a cirurgia de excisão completa do tumor e que permanece assintomática 24 meses após a cirurgia.

Humans , Female , Adult , Pancreatic Neoplasms/surgery , Pancreatic Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Carcinoma, Papillary/surgery , Carcinoma, Papillary/diagnostic imaging , Pancreatectomy , Splenectomy , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Laparotomy
ABCD arq. bras. cir. dig ; 36: e1783, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527560


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Minimally invasive distal pancreatectomy (MIDP) is associated with less blood loss and faster functional recovery. However, the benefits of robotic assisted distal pancreatectomy (RDP) over laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (LDP) are unknown. AIMS: To compare RDP versus LDP for surgical treatment of benign lesions, pre-malignant and borderline malignant pancreatic neoplasias. METHODS: This is a retrospective study comparing LDP with RDP. Main outcomes were overall morbidity and overall costs. Secondary outcomes were pancreatic fistula (PF), infectious complications, readmission, operative time (OT) and length of hospital stay (LOS). RESULTS: Thirty patients submitted to LDP and 29 submitted to RDP were included in the study. There was no difference regarding preoperative characteristics. There was no difference regarding overall complications (RDP - 72,4% versus LDP - 80%, p=0,49). Costs were superior for patients submitted to RDP (RDP=US$ 6,688 versus LDP=US$ 6,149, p=0,02), mostly due to higher costs of surgical materials (RDP=US$ 2,364 versus LDP=1,421, p=0,00005). Twenty-one patients submitted to RDP and 24 to LDP developed pancreatic fistula (PF), but only 4 RDP and 7 LDP experienced infectious complications associated with PF. OT (RDP=224 min. versus LDP=213 min., p=0.36) was similar, as well as conversion to open procedure (1 RDP and 2 LDP). CONCLUSIONS: The postoperative morbidity of robotic distal pancreatectomy is comparable to laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy. However, the costs of robotic distal pancreatectomy are slightly higher.

RESUMO RACIONAL: A pancreatectomia distal minimamente invasiva (PDMI) está associada a menos perda sanguínea e recuperação funcional mais rápida, no entanto, os benefícios da pancreatectomia distal robótica (PDR) são desconhecidos quando comparada a pancreatectomia distal laparoscópica (PDL). OBJETIVOS: Comparar PDR versus PDL no tratamento cirúrgico de lesões benignas, neoplasias pancreáticas malignas, pré-malignas e limítrofes. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo comparando PDL com PDR. Os desfechos primários avaliados foram morbidade e custos hospitalares. Os desfechos secundários foram fístula pancreática (FP), complicações infecciosas, readmissão, tempo cirúrgico e tempo de internação hospitalar (TIH). RESULTADOS: Trinta pacientes submetidos a PDL e 29 submetidos a PDR foram incluídos no estudo. Não houve diferença em relação às características pré-operatórias. Não houve diferença em relação às complicações gerais (PDL - 72,4% versus PRD - 80%, p=0,49). Os custos foram superiores para PDR (PDR=US$ 6688 versus PDL=US$ 6149, p=0,02), principalmente devido aos custos mais elevados de materiais cirúrgicos (PDR=US$ 2364 versus PDL=1421, p=0,00005). Vinte e um pacientes submetidos a PDR e 24 submetidos a PDL desenvolveram fístula pancreática (PF), no entanto, apenas 4 submetidos PDR e 7 a PDL apresentaram complicações infecciosas associadas a FP. O tempo cirúrgico (PDR=224 min. versus PDL=213 min., p=0,36) e a conversão para cirurgia aberta (1 PDR e 2 PDL) não tiveram diferença estatística. CONCLUSÕES: A morbidade pós operatória da pancreatectomia distal robótica é comparável à pancreatectomia distal laparoscópica. Entretando, os custos da pancreatectomia distal robótica são mais elevados.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992831


Objective:To quantitatively evaluate the stiffness of pancreatic parenchyma and lesions by virtual touch tissue imaging and quantification (VTIQ) technique, and to investigate the potential usefulness of ultrasound shear wave elastography (SWE) in the prediction of clinically relevant post-operative pancreatic fistula (CR-POPF) after pancreatectomy.Methods:Patients who scheduled to receive pancreatectomy were prospectively enrolled in Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University from March 2021 to December 2021. VTIQ assessment was applied to patients within one week before the scheduled surgery to make quantitative SWE evaluation of target tissue. The SWV values of body part pancreatic parenchyma and lesions were measured and recorded. The palpation stiffness of pancreas was qualitatively evaluated during the operation by the surgeon.CR-POPF was diagnosed according to 2016 International Study Group of Pancreatic Fistula (ISGPF) standard.Grade B/C pancreatic fistula was defined as CR-POPF positive. Recognized peri-operative risk factors of CR-POPF were analyzed. ROC curve analysis was used to evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of SWV value in predicting CR-POPF.Results:A total of 72 patients were finally enrolled in this study, including 47 (65.3%, 47/72) patients who received pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD) and 25 (34.7%, 25/72) patients who underwent distal pancreatectomy. CR-POPF occurred in 22 (30.6%, 22/72) patients after pancreatectomy. The SWV value of body part pancreatic parenchyma was significant lower in CR-POPF positive group than in CR-POPF negative group ( P<0.001). There was no significant difference in lesion SWV value between CR-POPF positive and negative groups ( P=0.664). Besides, the palpation stiffness was no difference between the two groups ( P=0.689). Taking SWV value of pancreatic parenchyma >1.16 m/s as a cut-off value for predicting CR-POPF, the area under the ROC curve (AUROC) was 0.816 with 0.760 of sensitivity, 0.634 of specificity, 67.5% of positive predictive value and 72.5% of negative predictive value, respectively. Conclusions:The VTIQ method may improve the objectivity and accuracy of CR-POPF prediction via pre-operative, non-invasive and quantitative evaluation of pancreatic stiffness, which has potential value in clinical applications.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994577


Objective:To evaluate the safety and feasibility of laparoscopic radical anterograde modular pancreatosplenectomy (Lap-RAMPS).Methods:From Jan 2014 to Dec 2020, the clinical data of 83 patients who underwent laparoscopic radical resection for pancreatic tail cancer in LiHuili Hospital of Ningbo Medical Center were retrospectively analyzed.Results:Eighty-three cases were divided into Lap-RAMPS group (44 cases) and laparoscopic conventional distal pancreatectomy and splenectomy(Lap-CDP) group (39 cases). There were no significant differences in the duration of surgery [(245.34±70.30) min vs. (239.87±68.10) min], intraoperative blood lose [(159.32±115.60) ml vs. (208.97±161.70) ml] and intraoperative transfusions (2 cases vs. 3 cases) between the two groups ( P>0.05). There were no statistical significance in both groups in postoperative pancreatic fistula, postoperative bleeding grade, postoperative gastric emptying delay, Clavien-Dindo complication and postoperative hospital stay ( P>0.05). There were statistically significant differences in the negative margin rate (93.2% vs. 76.9%),lymph node harvest(12.91±8.24 vs. 8.49±6.85) and median survival time (25.0 months vs. 15.0 months) between the two groups ( P<0.05). Conclusion:Lap-RAMPS for pancreatic tail cancer is safe and feasible, increasing the negative rate of pancreatic margins, improving the lymph node harvest, and prolonging patients' survival time.

Journal of Clinical Hepatology ; (12): 2506-2512, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998322


Since the 1970s, patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP) have benefited from total pancreatectomy with autologous islet cell transplantation (TPAIT). With the continuous development of surgical techniques and perioperative management over the past few decades, there have been improvements in islet cell function, insulin independence rate, and the survival rate of patients. This article summarizes the preoperative indications for TPAIT, the development of surgical operations, postoperative management and monitoring, and prognosis, so as to help clinicians learn more about TPAIT.

Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 45(4): 289-292, oct.-dic. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431924


Resumen: La hipoglucemia hiperinsulinémica del recién nacido es una enfermedad hereditaria que cursa con alteraciones en las células pancreáticas; la incidencia estimada es de 1/50,000 nacidos vivos aumentando en casos de consanguinidad. Patología considerada como causa principal de hipoglucemias en este grupo etario con alto riesgo de daño cerebral y retraso mental que impacta significativamente en el neurodesarrollo. La euglucemia y la prevención de lesión cerebral por neuroglucopenia son los principales objetivos del tratamiento médico. Durante el transanestésico de una pancreatectomía, los niveles de glucosa son de utilidad como marcadores; el objetivo del abordaje perioperatorio es mantener estabilidad hemodinámica y euglucemia a través de un adecuado manejo de líquidos. Se presenta el caso de paciente femenino de dos meses de edad con diagnóstico de hipoglucemia hiperinsulinémica con hipoglucemias severas asociadas a crisis convulsivas, ingresa a quirófano para pancreatectomía subtotal.

Abstract: Hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia of the newborn is a hereditary disease that presents with alterations in pancreatic cells; the estimated incidence is 1/50,000 newly borns increasing in cases of consanguinity. Pathology considered as the main cause of hypoglycemia in this age group with a high risk of brain damage and mental retardation, significantly impacting neurodevelopment. Euglycemia and the prevention of brain injury from neuroglucopenia are the main objectives of medical treatment. During the transanesthetic of a pancreatectomy, the glucose levels are useful as markers; the objective of the perioperative management is to keep hemodynamic stability and euglycemia through proper fluid handling. In this case report we present a two-month-old female patient with a diagnosis of hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia with severe hypoglycemia associated with seizures that enters the operating room for subtotal pancreatectomy.

Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6): 633-636, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1015287


Objective To explore the distribution and structure of pancreatic ducts and lobules in human pancreas and explore their clinical application value. Methods Three human pancreatic specimens were dissected, 2 of which were fresh whole pancreas samples which were collected from the donated human bod)' after dead,UW organ preservation solution was immediately perfused, and the pancreatic duct was rinsed at low pressure. The surface and internal structure of 1 case was observed as a fixed specimen. Paraffin sections were taken for HE staining to observe the structure of lobules and the distribution of catheters in the leaves. Results The gross specimen showed that the pancreas was composed of lobules of different sizes, with thin layers of connective tissue between the lobules. The pancreatic duct had a complete cast structure and could be clearly displayed to the main duct and the branches of the interlobular duct. The diameters of the interlobular ducts varied widely, and finally a main trunk flowed into the main duct. Each trunk was distributed independently, and the distal pancreatic duct formed a lobule-like structure with different sizes of lobules and no interlobular communication. HE staining showed that the pancreatic lobules were surrounded by connective tissue, in which vascular and ductal structures were visible. Intralobular duct could also be observed in the pancreatic lobules. Conclusion The cast specimen of the human pancreatic duct can clearly show the branch distribution of the pancreatic duct, and the study of the morphological of the pancreatic duct and lobular structure is of great reference value for understanding the clinical problems.

International Journal of Surgery ; (12): 371-375, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-954216


Pancreatic fistula is a common complication after distal pancreatectomy, and its occurrence will increase the risk of other postoperative complications and even lead to the death of patients. Although the grading diagnosis of postoperative pancreatic fistula has been widely applied, the diagnosis of grade B pancreatic fistula is relatively broad. Further stratification is needed to assist in the disease severity assessment and treatment of postoperative patients. In terms of the prevention of pancreatic fistula after distal pancreatectomy, there are still controversies in the aspects of intraoperative operation, early postoperative nutritional support, the timing of drainage tube removal, and the use of somatostatin analogs. Therefore, this article will discuss many problems including grading and prevention of pancreatic fistula after distal pancreatectomy, to provide a more persuasive clinical basis.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-957003


Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer is a special subtype between resectable and unresectable pancreatic cancer. Although the tumor is technically suitable for resection, there is increased risk of positive margin after surgery. At present, there is no optimal diagnostical criteria and treatment options for borderline resectable pancreatic cancer. With the popularization of the concept of multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment, neoadjuvant therapy has been widely used in borderline resectable pancreatic cancer, and received good outcomes in some centers. However, for patients with borderline resectable pancreatic cancer who are not sensitive to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, long time of neoadjuvant therapy may delay the best time for surgery. This article summarized the definition, classification criteria and the latest diagnosis and treatment progress of borderline resectable pancreatic cancer, and discussed the comprehensive treatment mode suitable for this kind of patients combined with the clinical experience of our center.