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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998023


@#Introduction: The concept of interprofessional collaboration (IPC) is widely used in healthcare organizations, where patients are treated. However, there is no definite terminology that can explain the term IPC. The aim of this research is to understand nurses’ perception of IPC in Hospitals in the Maldives. Methods: A cross -sectional survey was conducted among 292 nurses from two hospitals followed by Focus Group Discussions with 5 nurses from each hospital. The instrument tool used for the survey was “conceptualization of interdisciplinary collaboration” by D’Amour which was adapted for this study with 9 items and an expert validated open ended questionnaire. Results: The findings from the study shows positive responses for IPC1-Disciplinary groups do exchange information 58.65% (n=171), IPC2- Share clinical decision making 60.3% (n=176), IPC3-Patient data are collectively reviewed 62.7% (n=183), IPC4- Supports each other in the multidisciplinary team 59.2% (n=173), IPC5 highest rate of positive response was for “IPC 6- conflict resolution which was 63.7% (n=186), IPC7- common care plan 63.0% (n=184), IPC8- Data collected at one point is shared with the team 57.5% (n=168) and the lowest was for “IPC 9- level of collaboration -56.8% (n=166) respectively. Conclusion: This study revealed that importance should be given to promoting a culture of interprofessional collaboration in the hospitals of Maldives. Therefore, there is a need to address this and implement IPC with respect to all professionals, by mitigating the hierarchical differences in the healthcare system. Thus, it is crucial to educate all HCPs with regard to sustaining IPC.

J. Public Health Africa (Online) ; 14(5): 1-12, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1435834


Background. Regulation of antibiotic prescription and consumption remain a major public health burden in low- and middle-income country. This study aimed to describe the antibiotic consumption of patients who had a positive antibiotic culture in a reference laboratory. Methods. A retrospective descriptive study was conducted among 113 participants with positive antibiogram with a documented history of antibiotics intake at the Yaoundé University Teaching Hospital (YUTH) in Cameroon between January 2016 to June 2021. Data were stored and analyzed using the Census and Survey Processing System (CSPro) version 7.3 and Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25.0. Descriptive statistic was used to estimate the indicators. Results. Of the 113 patients enrolled, 105 had a history of drug use; 56 participants (53, 3%) had taken at least 2 antibiotics prior to sampling. Cephalosporins were the most consumed antibiotics (41, 0%), followed by nitroimidazols (28, 6%) and penicillins (28,6%). According to the WHO classification, 55 (52, 4%) took the major priority antibiotics. Conclusion. We are on the alert and there is an urging need to raise awareness among clinicians and patients alike by providing them with good clinical practice guidelines.

Quality of Health Care , Delivery of Health Care , Patient Safety
Rev. inf. cient ; 101(4): e3820, jul.-ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409564


RESUMEN Introducción: La seguridad del paciente constituye un desafío para el personal de enfermería, por lo que se hace necesario el desarrollo, seguimiento y evaluación de indicadores de calidad y seguridad medibles, objetivos, relevantes y basados en la evidencia. Objetivo: Describir las percepciones sobre la cultura de seguridad del paciente en el personal de enfermería del servicio de cuidados críticos en un hospital materno-infantil de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal entre los meses de agosto y octubre de 2021. La población accesible estuvo constituida por 57 profesionales de enfermería. Se utilizó como instrumento el Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. Resultados: Luego del análisis de las percepciones según dimensiones se encontró que la dimensión con valores más altos fue de 7 sobre la retroalimentación y comunicación sobre errores. El resto de las dimensiones obtuvieron puntuaciones en el rango de lo neutral, con valores menores o iguales a 4 puntos. Se aplicó la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis, y no se hallaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos en ninguna de las cuatro variables analizadas. Conclusiones: El análisis de la cultura de seguridad del paciente encontró percepciones no negativas donde la retroalimentación y comunicación sobre errores fue la única dimensión con puntuación positiva entre los enfermeros encuestados. Por último, destaca el hecho que no se pude establecer que la cultura organizacional de seguridad del paciente estuviera condicionada por indicadores sociodemográficos o de formación.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Patient safety is a challenge for nurses, so it is necessary to develop, monitor and evaluate quality and safety indicators that are measurable, objective, relevant and based in real evidence. Objective: To describe the perceptions concerning the patient safety culture among the nursing staff of the Critical care service in a mother and child hospital in the Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Method: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted between August and October 2021. The accessible population consisted of 57 nursing professionals. The Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture was used as an instrument. Results: After analyzing the perceptions according to dimensions, it was found that the dimension with the highest values was 7 at feedback and communication about errors. The rest of the dimensions obtained scores in neutral range, with values less than or equal to 4 points. The Kruskal-Wallis test was applied, and no statistically significant differences were found between the groups in any of the four variables analyzed. Conclusions: In the analysis concerning patient safety culture found non-negative perceptions where feedback and communication about errors was the only dimension with a positive score among the nurses surveyed. Finally, it should be noted that it was not possible to establish that the organizational culture of patient safety was conditioned by sociodemographic or training indicators.

RESUMO Introdução: A segurança do paciente é um desafio para a equipe de enfermagem, por isso é necessário o desenvolvimento, monitoramento e avaliação de indicadores de qualidade e segurança mensuráveis, objetivos, relevantes e baseados em evidências. Objetivo: Descrever as percepções sobre a cultura de segurança do paciente na equipe de enfermagem do serviço de cuidados intensivos em um hospital materno-infantil da Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Método: Estudo observacional, descritivo, transversal, realizado entre os meses de agosto e outubro de 2021. A população acessível foi composta por 57 profissionais de enfermagem. O Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture foi utilizado como instrumento. Resultados: Após analisar as percepções de acordo com as dimensões, verificou-se que a dimensão com maiores valores foi 7 no feedback e comunicação sobre erros. As demais dimensões obtiveram pontuações na faixa neutra, com valores menores ou iguais a 4 pontos. Aplicou-se o teste de Kruskal-Wallis e não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos em nenhuma das quatro variáveis analisadas. Conclusões: A análise da cultura de segurança do paciente encontrou percepções não negativas onde o feedback e a comunicação sobre os erros foi a única dimensão com pontuação positiva entre os enfermeiros pesquisados. Por fim, destaca o fato de que não foi possível estabelecer que a cultura organizacional de segurança do paciente fosse condicionada por indicadores sociodemográficos ou de treinamento.

Indian J Public Health ; 2023 Jun; 67(2): 265-270
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223923


Background: Nurses’ leaders are protracted as high‑leverage players who would be instrumental in initiating or bettering the culture of safety in the hospital, with no previous intervention done for the same in Manipur. Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention program on patient safety culture among nurses in Manipur. Materials and Methods: A quasi‑experimental study was conducted from July 2019 to December 2021 among the 32 nurses of two tertiary‑level hospitals in Manipur. A structured questionnaire and Hospital Survey on  Patient Safety Culture version 2 were used (Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC) version 2.O (AHRQ, Rockyville, Maryland, USA)). A 2‑day intervention based on the WHO’s Multi‑Professional Patient Safety Curriculum Guide was used. Data were collected before, immediately, and 3 months after the intervention. Data were summarized using descriptive using IBM SPSS 26. Paired t‑test, Chi‑square test, and t‑test were employed to check for differences within and between the groups, and P < 0.05 was taken as statistically significant. Results: The mean knowledge scores were comparable between the groups at baseline (7.13 ± 3.3, 8.44 ± 3.74; P= 0.142) but differed significantly at posttest and follow‑up tests(P < 0.0001). The dimensions of “staffing and work pace” and “reporting patient safety events” had the lowest positive responses from both the groups at baseline. There is a significant increase in the total safety score from baseline to posttest and follow‑up in the intervention group (P < 0.001). Conclusions: The study asseverated the effectiveness of an educational intervention in increasing the knowledge and perception of patient safety culture, but the results highlighted the need for training at regular intervals.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-908157


Objective:This study aims to investigate Mental health nurses′ perceptions of patient safety culture in different levels of hospitals, so as to provide the basis for understanding the perceptions of patients' safety culture among psychiatric nurses in different levels of hospitals.Methods:The self-designed general data questionnaire and the Hospital Patient Safety Culture Questionnaire were used to collect and analyze the data of 2 624 psychiatric nurses from level 3, level 2 and Level 1 hospitals in the seven administrative regions of China.Results:The scores of nurses in primary and secondary hospitals were 132.74±1.35 and 151.99±1.74, lower than 154.76±1.85 in tertiary hospitals ( χ2 value was 19.228, P < 0.01). There were statistically significant differences in the non-punitive response to error, feedback and communications about error, communication openness, hospital management support for patient safety, and frequency of events reported, overall perception of patient safety among psychiatric nurses at different levels of hospitals ( χ2 value was 7.997-37.681, P<0.05). Conclusions:The mental health nurses′ perceptions of patient safety culture in different levels of hospitals need to be improved, and hospital managers at all levels should focus on the non-punitive response to errors and personnel allocation. In addition, managers of primary and secondary hospitals also need to strengthen the training of nurses in such dimensions as feedback and communication of errors, openness of communication, management support for patient safety, frequency of adverse event reports, and overall sense of patient safety.

Ribeirão Preto; s.n; 2021. 70 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1418740


A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral, investigar a percepção da equipe multiprofissional de APH, acerca da cultura de segurança do paciente no serviço público de APH Móvel do SAMU-192. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quantitativo e transversal, do tipo survey, que utilizou o Questionário de Atitudes de Segurança (SAQ) versão brasileira. O estudo foi realizado no serviço regional do SAMU-192, no interior do estado de São Paulo. A amostra de 151 profissionais do APH Móvel foi composta por enfermeiros; técnicos de enfermagem; auxiliares de enfermagem; médicos e condutores de veículos de urgência, todos com tempo de atuação na especialidade acima de seis meses. O valor Alpha Cronbach's de 0,86, indicou uma forte correlação entre os itens internos e mostrou que o instrumento apresenta boa confiabilidade. O índice de participação da amostra elegível foi de 94,3%, prevalecendo os técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem (42,0%); masculino (57,6%), atuação principal no adulto e pediátrico (93,4%), mostrando-se experientes no APH Móvel com 11 a 20 anos (41,1%). A percepção positiva foi observada em todas as categorias nos domínios Satisfação no Trabalho e Comportamento/Práticas Seguras. Já a percepção negativa aparece em todas as categorias nos domínios Clima de Segurança; Condições de Trabalho; Percepção da Gestão e SAQ total. Exceto os enfermeiros que apresentaram percepções negativas, todas as categorias mostraram percepção positiva no domínio Clima de Trabalho em Equipe. No domínio Reconhecimento de Estresse, somente os médicos reguladores apresentaram percepções positivas. Os enfermeiros apresentaram atitudes positivas em menos domínios, apenas dois dos setes domínios existentes. Os médicos assistenciais e condutores de veículos de urgências apresentaram resultados de atitudes positivas em três domínios cada. Já os técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem e os médicos reguladores apresentaram atitudes positivas em relação a quatro domínios cada um deles. O teste de Mann-Whitney, indicou que o domínio Condições de Trabalho teve associação dos técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem ao se comparar com os enfermeiros e médicos assistenciais. Já o domínio Satisfação no Trabalho mostrou associação dos médicos assistenciais ao se comparar com os técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem e condutores de veículo de urgência. Quanto ao domínio Reconhecimento de Estresse, associação foi observada nos médicos reguladores ao se comparar com os técnicos/auxiliares de enfermagem e os condutores de veículo de urgência. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas quanto ao SAQ total e as demais comparações dos outros domínios. Os participantes do estudo apresentaram percepções negativas quanto a cultura de segurança do paciente, uma vez que os resultados levantados apontam sinais de fragilidade em quatro dos setes domínios avaliados e no SAQ total; reforçando a necessidade de melhorar a cultura de segurança neste serviço de APH Móvel

The general objective of the research was to investigate the perception of the multiprofessional APH team regarding the patient safety culture in the public mobile APH service of SAMU-192. This is a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study, of the survey type, which used the Questionnaire of Attitudes of Security (SAQ) Brazilian version. The study was carried out at the SAMU-192 regional service, in the interior of the state of São Paulo. The sample of 151 professionals at APH Mobile was composed of nurses; nursing technicians; nursing assistants; doctors and drivers of emergency vehicles, all of whom have worked in the specialty for more than six months. The Alpha Cronbach's value of 0.86, indicated a strong correlation between the internal items and showed that the instrument has good reliability. The participation rate of the eligible sample was 94.3%, with nursing technicians / assistants prevailing (42.0%); male (57.6%), main activity in adult and pediatric (93.4%), proving to be experienced in APH Mobile with 11 to 20 years old (41.1%). The positive perception was observed in all categories in the domains of Job Satisfaction and Behavior / Safe Practices. The negative perception appears in all categories in the Safety Climate domains; Work conditions; Perception of Management and total SAQ. Except for nurses who presented negative perceptions, all categories showed positive perception in the Teamwork Climate domain. In the Stress Recognition domain, only regulating physicians had positive perceptions. Nurses showed positive attitudes in fewer domains, only two of the seven existing domains. Assistance doctors and drivers of emergency vehicles showed positive attitude results in three domains each. The nursing technicians / assistants and the regulating doctors, on the other hand, showed positive attitudes in relation to four domains each. The Mann-Whitney test indicated that the domain Working Conditions had an association of nursing technicians / assistants when compared with nurses and medical assistants. The Work Satisfaction domain, on the other hand, showed an association between care physicians when comparing themselves with nursing technicians / assistants and drivers of emergency vehicles. As for the Stress Recognition domain, an association was observed in regulating physicians when comparing themselves with nursing technicians / assistants and drivers of emergency vehicles. No significant differences were found regarding the total SAQ and the other comparisons of the other domains. The study participants presented negative perceptions regarding the patient safety culture, since the results obtained point to signs of fragility in four of the seven domains evaluated and in the total SAQ; reinforcing the need to improve the safety culture in this Mobile APH service

Humans , Male , Female , Patient Care Team/organization & administration , Emergencies , Prehospital Care , Patient Safety/statistics & numerical data
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-210236


Aims:The culture of keeping patients safe is a global issue which should be emphasized within the nursing profession. Despite exposure of nursing students to patient safety teachings, its knowledge among nursing students has been low.Re-emphasizing a positive culture of patient safety in classroom is essential in the training of nurses that will provide high qualitycare. This study was developed to assess the outcome of an instructional package on the knowledge of baccalaureate nursing trainees concerning patient safety culture in two chosen Universities in Southwest, Nigeria. Study Design:The researchers adopted a two groups nonequivalent pre-test, and post-test quasi-experimental design. Place and Duration of Study:Babcock University, Ogun State and Afe Babalola University, Ekiti State between March and April 2018.Methodology:The study participants comprised 143 nursing students from Babcock University (experimental group) and Afe BabalolaUniversity (control group). A self-developed questionnaire was employed to obtain data on the knowledge of patient safety culture pre-intervention and two weeks post intervention. Data was examined using Statistical package for the social science(SPSS) and t-test was done at a significance level of P<0.05.Results:Findings revealed experimental mean knowledge gain of 2.425, while control group mean knowledge gain was 0.110. Significant differences were found in the participants knowledge of patient safety culture between the experimental group and control group (P<0.001) and between knowledge of error reporting in the experimental group (P<0.001).Conclusion:Teaching sessions on patient safety culture can improve nursing students’ knowledge about patient safety. The findings of the study recommends that patient safety education should be reinforced in the curriculum of nursing schools, and that supplementary boosting sessions be executed periodically to ensure the retention of learned materials

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 48(2): 71-77, Jan.-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1115559


Abstract Introduction: The safety climate (SC) measurement in the hospitals, is essential for the development of a patient safety policy (PSP). Information about SC in the operating rooms is scarce. Objective: To measure the dimensions of SC in Colombian Operating Rooms according to characteristics of surgical staff. Methods: Cross-sectional study. The Hospital Survey on Patient Safety and an additional module for operating rooms were administered to healthcare workers in 6 high-complexity hospitals in the Metropolitan Area of Medellín (Colombia). The positive responses percentage for each dimension was measured. Differences by profession and type of contract were analyzed. Results: A total of442 participants were included. The workers in the operating rooms perceive a weak SC in terms of non-punitive response to error and workload (49.4% and 59.3% positive responses, respectively). Differences were found between physicians and nurses with lower scores in nursing for dimensions related to patient care. Anesthesiologists present low scores in events reporting. There are also differences by the type of work contract. Conclusion: Despite the PSP, the perception of a punitive culture to error, with a high workload. Recognizing differences between the groups within the surgical units helps to focus interventions strengthening the patient safety.

Resumen Introducción: La medición del clima de seguridad (CS) en las instituciones de salud es parte fundamental del desarrollo de una política de seguridad del paciente (PSP). Existe poca información acerca de la medición de clima de seguridad en las unidades quirúrgicas. Objetivo: Medir las dimensiones del CS en las unidades quirúrgicas de seis instituciones de salud colombianas según las características del personal. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal. El cuestionario sobre seguridad del paciente en los hospitales (HSOPS) más la adición de un módulo para unidades quirúrgicas se aplicó al personal de seis hospitales de III nivel de Medellín (Colombia). Se midió el porcentaje de respuestas positivas para cada dimensión del CS. Se analizaron las diferencias por profesión y tipo de contratación. Resultados: Se incluyeron 442 participantes. El personal de las unidades quirúrgicas percibe un CS débil en respuesta no punitiva al error y carga de trabajo (49,4 % y 59,3 % de respuestas positivas respectivamente). Se encontraron diferencias entre personal médico y de enfermería con puntajes más bajos de percepción de CS en enfermería para aquellas dimensiones relacionadas con cuidado del paciente. Los anestesiólogos presentan puntajes bajos en el reporte de eventos. Existen además diferencias según el tipo de contrato de trabajo. Conclusiones: A pesar de la implementación de políticas de seguridad del paciente, persiste la percepción de una cultura punitiva frente al error, con una carga de trabajo elevado. El reconocimiento de las diferencias entre los grupos en las unidades quirúrgicas permitirá focalizar intervenciones que fortalezcan la seguridad del paciente.

Humans , Male , Female , Patient Safety , Health Facilities , Operating Rooms , Workload , Health Personnel , Anesthesiologists , Patient Care , Hospitals
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 36(2): e3239, abr.-jul.2020. tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1280251


Introducción: La cultura de seguridad del paciente es el conjunto de creencias, valores, costumbres, percepciones, normas, competencias y prácticas presentes en el clima organizacional de los profesionales de salud, lo cual se refleja en las acciones proactivas o reactivas de seguridad clínica. Objetivo: Describir la cultura de seguridad del paciente en los estudiantes durante la formación técnica en enfermería. Métodos: Transversal y descriptivo. El cuestionario se administró a 113 estudiantes; igualmente se aplicó una guía de observación directa a 26 estudiantes durante el desarrollo de las prácticas de aprendizaje de enfermería en las simulaciones de atención a pacientes. Ambos instrumentos abordaron las principales dimensiones de la cultura de seguridad clínica. Resultados: El 85,84 por ciento fueron mujeres, la media de edad fue de 22,3 años, con una desviación típica de 4,156; el mayor porcentaje se ubicó en el grupo de 21 a 25 años con un 40,71 por ciento. Los resultados sobre el conocimiento en seguridad del paciente fue que el 80,53 por ciento tenía una percepción positiva sobre el error, el 57,52 por ciento no definió si era necesario hablar de errores, el 71,68 por ciento involucró el factor humano en el error y el 66,37 por ciento consideró importante involucrar a los pacientes. La valoración de la práctica evidenció que 85,84 por ciento no identifica al paciente, mientras que 100 por ciento de los estudiantes no perciben una respuesta punitiva ante errores en la evaluación de su práctica simulada. Conclusiones: La cultura de seguridad es un conocimiento teórico para los estudiantes de enfermería y debe fortalecerse como competencia a nivel curricular(AU)

Introduction: A culture of patient safety is the set of beliefs, values, customs, perceptions, norms, competencies, and practices present in the organizational climate of health professionals, a fact reflected in the proactive or reactive actions of clinical safety. Objective: To describe the culture of patient safety in students during technical nursing training. Methods: Cross-sectional and descriptive. The questionnaire was applied to 113 students. A direct-observation guide was also applied to 26 students during the development of nursing learning practices in patient care simulations. Both instruments addressed the main dimensions of clinical safety culture. Results: 85.84 percent were women. The mean age was 22.3 years, with a standard deviation of 4.156. The highest percentage was in the group of 21 to 25 years of age, accounting for 40.71 percent. Regarding the results related to knowledge about patient safety, 80.53 percent had a positive error perception, 57.52 percent did not define whether it was necessary to talk about errors, 71.68 percent involved the human factor in error, and 66.37 percent considered it important to involve patients. The evaluation of performance showed that 85.84 percent did not identify the patient, while 100 percent of the students did not perceive a punitive response to errors in the evaluation of their simulated performance. Conclusions: Safety culture is theoretical knowledge for nursing students and should be strengthened as a competency at the curricular level(AU)

Humans , Quality of Health Care , Students, Nursing , Patient Safety , Patient Care/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Data Collection
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-822781


@#Introduction: Patient safety is defined as ‘the prevention of harm caused by errors of commission and omission’. Patient safety culture is one of the important determining factor in safety and quality in healthcare. The purpose of this study is to assess the views and perceptions of health care professionals about patient safety culture in Sarawak General Hospital (SGH). General Hospital (SGH). Methods: A cross-sectional study, using the ‘Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPSC)’ questionnaire was carried out in 2018 in SGH. Random sampling was used to select a wide range of staff in SGH. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 500 hospital staff consisting of doctors, nurses, pharmacist and other clinical and non-clinical staff, conducted from March to April 2018. A total of 407 respondents successfully completed the questionnaire. Therefore, the final response rate for the survey was 81.4%. This study used SPSS 22.0 for Windows and Hospital Data Entry and Analysis Tool that works with Microsoft Excel developed by United States Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to perform statistical analysis on the survey data. Results: Majority of the respondents graded the overall patient safety as acceptable (63.1%) while only 3.4% graded as excellent. The overall patient safety score was 50.1% and most of the scores related to dimensions were lower than the benchmark scores (64.8%). Generally, the mean positive response rate for all the dimensions were lower than composite data of AHRQ, except for “Organizational Learning – Continuous Improvement”, which is also the highest positive response rate (80%), higher than AHRQ data (73%). The result showed that SGH has a good opportunity to improve over time as it gains experience and accumulates knowledge. On the other hand, the lowest percentage of positive responses was “Non-punitive response to error” (18%), meaning that most of the staff perceived that they will be punished for medical error.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-807883


Objective@#To focus on the patient′s safety culture management and related research of nursing home in China.@*Methods@#China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), China Biology Medicine disc (CBM), China Scientific Journal Database by VIP (VIP), Wanfang, PubMed, EBSCO and SpringerLink databases were searched by computer to find out all the literature about patient safety culture evaluation in nursing home. Two investigators independently screened, scrambled and cross-checked data according to inclusion and exclusion criteria.@*Results@#Finally 11 articles complied with the inclusion criteria, and conducted a descriptive study of patient safety culture assessments.@*Conclusions@#The evaluation of patient safety culture is conducive to the development of patient safety culture in nursing home. The study of patient safety culture in China′s nursing home is still in its infancy and needs to be further deepened.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700700


Objective To investigate the cognition on patient safety culture of resident doctors re-ceiving standardized training in two affiliated hospitals, analyze the effectiveness of publicity and education in patient safety culture and put forward suggestions for improvements. Methods A total of 913 resident doctors receiving standardized training in the two affiliated hospitals during 2014 to 2016 were enrolled. Their cognition on patient safety culture were investigated using questionnaire surveys from May to October in 2016, and the main factors influencing the cognition on patient safety culture in standardized training were put forward through expert interviews. All statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 17.0 software with Chi-square test. Results The response rate of the questionnaire was 87.62% (800/913). Three factors were involved in the patient safety system, including the hospital security objectives, security feedbackchannels, and adverse event warning mechanism. The cognitiive level of A hospital (68.96%, 62.52%, 62.81%) was higher than that of B hospital (52.99%, 46.16%, 47.01%), and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The publicity of pre-service training, education in the department, and encouragement from teachers (82.13%, 84.48%, 78.33%) was better in A hospital than in B hospital (68.38%, 71.8%, 62.39%) (P<0.05). The reporting rate of adverse events in A hospital was higher than that in B hospital (P <0.05). Conclusion It is necessary for hospitals to further intensify the publicity and education on patient safety culture. We can improve students' cognition on patient safety culture to reduce medical errors by cre-ating a favorable atmosphere, establishing standardized admission education and training system, improving teachers' teaching ability, and strengthening the training for clinical skills.

Chinese Journal of Nursing ; (12): 724-730, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-620671


Objective To investigate perceptions of patient safety culture(PSC) among nurses in tertiary hospitals in Kunming. Methods Totally 2629 nurses were recruited by convenience sampling method from 7 tertiary hospi-tals in Kunming between July 2015 to January 2016. Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture (HSOPS) was used to assess PSC. Results The top three superior dimensions of PSC were Organizational Learning-Continuous Im-provement(86.60%),Teamwork within Hospital Units(83.34%) and Feedback and Communication about Error(75.98%). The last three inferior dimensions of PSC wereNonpunitive response to error(23.74%),Staffing(33.71%) and Teamwork across hospital units(49.45%). There were significant differences in certain items among nurses with different educational level,academic title,working hour per week(P<0.05). Conclusion Establishing nonpunitive re-sponse culture,reasonably arranging staffing and working hours,and encouraging nurses with high educational level and title to play their full role,are critical measures to improve patient safety culture in hospital.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-45205


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to identify the effects of organizational health and patient safety culture on nursing activities for patient safety as perceived by hospital nurses. METHODS: A self-report survey was administered to staff nurses of one advanced general hospital and two general hospitals in South Korea. Of the questionnaires, 188 were analyzed. RESULTS: Organizational health had a significantly positive correlation with patient safety culture (r=.52, p<.001) and patient safety nursing activities (r=.31, p<.001). CONCLUSION: The findings in this study indicate that among the factors influencing patient safety nursing activities, organizational factors were more important than individual factors, and organizational health had a big effect on patient safety nursing activities.

Humans , Hospitals, General , Korea , Nursing , Patient Safety
Chongqing Medicine ; (36): 1801-1803,1806, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-614049


Objective To analyze the status quo and influencing factors of patient safety culture among medical staffs in the hospitals of Shenzhen City to provided reference for its improvement and conduct the patient safety culture research by other medical institutions.Methods The Patient Safety Culture Questionnaire of Medical Institutions(PSCHO) was adopted to investigate on 1000 medical persons from February to May 2016.Results The total score of patient safety culture in medical staffs was (3.53±0.40) and,the difference among different categories of medical persons had no statistical significance (P> 0.05).The differences among the medical staffs with different working ages,communication frequency with patients,training times,concern frequency had statistical difference(P<0.05).Conclusion The patient safety culture level in Shenzhen City is higher.However,the sense of blame and shame is one of the important factors impeding the promotion of the patient safety culture in hospitnl.Hospital should conduct the targeted improvement to the related factors affecting the patient safety culture from the aspects of organism,department and individual level.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-616087


Objective To investigate the status of patient safety culture cognition and safety nursing behavior among nurses and examine the influence of patient safety culture cognition on safety nursing behavior of nurses using structural equation model. Methods A total of 350 clinical nurses were recruited in a hospital in Dalian with multi-stage sampling method. Patient Safety Culture Assessing Scale, Safety Behavior Scale were delivered to the investigation object. Results The mean score of the patients safety culture was 4.09±0.47, which was above average;the total score of nurses′safety nursing behavior was 4.74 ± 0.31, which was at high level; the causality model of patient safety culture cognition and the safety nursing behavior was accepted (path coefficient=0.35,P<0.01). Conclusions Nurses′ patient safety culture cognition has a significant impact on safety nursing behavior. Hospital should cultivate the awareness of the patient safety culture, so as to promote the safety nursing behavior.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1492-1495, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-664796


In recent years,the occurrence of medical unsafe incidents in hospital has seriously affected the construction of a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients.In view of this,specialized research on the patient safety culture has become one of the focuses of attention.The United States is the country that carried out research on patient safety culture earlier.Through the retrieval of relevant website,case and literature about patient safety culture,this paper scientifically defined the connotation of patient safety culture,introduced the research progress of patient safety culture in United States,and had the localization research and reference to it,in order to help the research on patient safety culture in our country.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-667173


Objective To explore nurses′ perceptions of patient safety culture in emergency departments at tertiary hospitals in Sichuan province. Methods By convenient sampling method,a total of 210 emergency nurses from 6 tertiary hospitals in Sichuan province were investigated with a general data questionnaire and a hospital survey on patient safety scale. Results 68.10% of the emergency nurses had positive perceptions of patient safety culture, as evidenced by the following indicators. The organization learning and continuous improvement (74. 27%), hospital management support for patient safety (72.70%), supervisor/manager expectations and actions promoting safety (78.10%), were the safety culture areas with higher percentage of positive response. Areas of non-punitive response to errors (19.67%), staffing (41.08%) had the lowest percentage of positive response. There were significant differences between such groups as years of working, education background and job title. Conclusions Patient safety culture should be improved in the emergency departments of the tertiary hospitals in Sichuan province,especially in the adverse events reporting system and staffing problem. Safety training deserves greater attention in nurses with less working experience, education background or job title in emergency departments.

Enferm. univ ; 14(2): 111-117, 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-953213


Objetivo: Identificar la percepción sobre clima y cultura de seguridad, y determinar la prevalencia de eventos adversos en el personal de enfermería de una clínica de primer nivel. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo, desarrollado en una clínica de medicina familiar del sur de la ciudad de México. Se aplicó el cuestionario Hospital survey on patient safety culture. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Los datos se capturaron y analizaron en el programa estadístico SPSS versión 22. Resultados: Aceptaron participar en el estudio 27 profesionales de enfermería. El promedio de edad fue de 44.7 años. Cerca del 15% refirió percibir un clima de seguridad del paciente entre excelente y muy bueno. El 66.7% del personal de enfermería describió no haber notificado ningún evento adverso. La dimensión retroalimentación y comunicación sobre errores con 75.3% aparece globalmente como fortaleza. En las debilidades percibidas, destacan 2 dimensiones: respuesta no punitiva a los errores con 61.7% y dotación de personal con 62%, ambas corresponden al área o rubro de cultura de seguridad en el nivel servicio. Conclusiones: Cerca de la tercera parte de los entrevistados no habían reportado ningún evento adverso en los últimos años, además de que solo un poco más de la mitad refirió percibir un clima de seguridad del paciente entre aceptable y superior.

Objective: To identify the perception on climate and culture of safety and prevalence of adverse events among nurses in a first level clinic. Methods: This is a descriptive, transversal and prospective study conducted in a family medicine clinic located at the south of Mexico City. The questionnaire hospital survey on patient safety culture was used. Descriptive statistics were obtained and analyzed with spss v22. Results: A total of 27 nurses agreed to participate in the study. The average age of the participants was 44.7 years old. Close to 15% said they perceive a patient safety climate between excellent and very good. The 66.7% describe having not noticed any adverse event. The dimension of feedback and communication about errors with 75.3% appears globally as a strength. In the perceived weaknesses, 2 dimensions stand out: non-punitive response to errors with 61.7% and staffing with 62% both correspond to the area or culture of service-level safety culture. Conclusions: Approximately one third of the interviewed had not reported any adverse event during the previous years, while a little more than half perceive a patient safety climate between acceptable and superior.

Objetivo: Identificar a percepção sobre clínica e cultura de segurança, e determinar a prevalência de eventos adversos em enfermeiras/os de uma clínica de primeiro nível. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, transversal e prospetivo, desenvolvido em uma clínica de medicina familiar do sul da Cidade do México. Aplicou-se o questionário hospital survey on patient safety culture: utilizou-se estatística descritiva, os dados capturaram-se e analisaram no programa estatístico spss versão 22. Resultados: Aceitaram participar no estudo vinte e sete enfermeiras/os. A média de idade foi de 44.7 anos. Cerca do 15 % refere perceber um clima de segurança do paciente entre excelente e muito bom. O 66.7% das enfermeiras/os descrevem não ter notificado nenhum evento adverso. A dimensão dos erros de feedback e comunicação com 75,3% aparece globalmente como uma fortaleza. Em debilidades percebidas, existem duas dimensões: nenhuma resposta punitiva a erros com 61,7% e de pessoal com 62%, tanto para a área ou categoria de cultura de segurança no nível de serviço. Conclusões: Cerca da terceira parte 2 entrevistados não tinham reportado algum evento adverso nos últimos anos, além disso que um pouco mais da metade refere perceber um clima de segurança do paciente entre aceitável e superior.

Humans , Male , Female , Safety , Nursing , Culture
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-644044


PURPOSE: This study was to examine the relationships between nurse's perception of patient safety culture and performance for safety nursing activities at rehabilitation hospitals. METHODS: This study applied a descriptive research design. Participants were 194 nurses who have provided nursing services for more than 6 months at 4 rehabilitation hospitals located in B metropolitan city. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé test, Pearson's correlation coefficients and multiple regression. RESULTS: There was a positive correlation between the awareness of patient safety culture and safety nursing activity. Multivariate analysis showed that hospital work environment, experience of education, hospital climate, frequency of reported events, and marital status were significantly associated with the safety nursing activity. Overall, approximately 23.1% of total variability in the safety nursing activity could be explained by the 5 variables (R²=0.231, p<.005). CONCLUSION: Nurses at rehabilitation hospitals are relatively positive about patient safety culture. Therefore, we need to develop safety education programs at the level of organization in order to improve patient safety through performing effective safety nursing activities in addition to increase awareness of patient safety culture among nurses. Furthermore, we need hospital's strategies at the system level for open communication and outcome reports regarding patient safety.

Humans , Climate , Education , Marital Status , Multivariate Analysis , Nursing , Nursing Services , Patient Safety , Rehabilitation , Research Design