Aims: The objective of the present work is to describe a congenital bone deformity known as Pectus Carinatum, being a prominence generated in the anterior region of the chest wall, in the regions of the manubrium of the sternum. Presentation of Case: The first contact with the patient was in February 2023 and ended in September 2023.The study is of a descriptive observational nature and data collection was carried out through interviews and photographic records, the patient was approached peacefully, and he agreed to inform his clinical case. Discussion: This study is based on a case report of a male patient, 16 years old, from Tocantins, with the condition of Lateral Pectus Carinatum which performed the non-invasive dynamic chest compression procedure (DTC) in the Federal District. Thus, together with the doctor responsible for the case, the patient's legal representatives authorized the study through the medical records of the consultations over a period of 1 year. After the aforementioned period of treatment, correctly, it showed great progress in decreasing prominence, without the need for an invasive procedure. Conclusion: This study aims to better understand the anatomical deformity and verify possible diagnostic and prognostic methods, in order to guarantee a better quality of life for the patient.
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the sagittal tomographic reformatting of the sternum using unpublished radiographic parameters (indexes and angles), comparing them between the different types of pectus, and controls. Methods: 44 patients with pectus deformities and controls underwent chest CT for analysis. The types of pectus were classified into: inferior pectus carinatum (IPC), superior (SPC) and lateral (LPC), and broad (BPE) and localized pectus excavatum (LPE). The following tomographic parameters were created and measured: (1) spine-manubrium-sternum index (SMS); (2) column-sternum index (CSI); (3) manubrium-sternal angle (MSA); (4) inferior manubrium angle (IMA); and (5) inferior sternum angle (ISA). Statistical analysis was performed between the pectus and control groups, and between the different types of pectus. Results: There was a significant difference between: a) pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum when analyzing the SMS, CSI, MSA and ISA indexes. b) LPE and control group for SMS and ISA. c) LPC and LPE, and LPC and BPE for SMS; d) BPE and LPC for CSI; e) IPC and LPE, and IPC and BPE for ISA; f) SPC and LPE, and SPC and BPE for IMA. Conclusion: The radiographic indexes and angles created provided differentiation parameters between patients with different types of pectus, and between these and controls. Level of Evidence II, Prognostic Studies.
RESUMO Objetivos: Avaliar a reformatação tomográfica sagital do esterno por meio de parâmetros radiográficos inéditos (índices e ângulos), comparando-os entre os diferentes tipos de pectus e controles. Métodos: 44 pacientes com deformidades pectus e controles foram submetidos à TC do tórax para análise. Os tipos de pectus foram classificados em: pectus carinatum inferior (PCI), superior (PCS) e lateral (PCL), e pectus excavatum amplo (PEA) e localizado (PEL). Foram criados e mensurados os seguintes parâmetros tomográficos: (1) índice coluna-manúbrio-esterno (CME); (2) índice coluna-esterno (CE); (3) ângulo manúbrio-esternal (AME); (4) ângulo inferior do manúbrio (AIM); e (5) ângulo inferior do esterno (AIE). Foi realizada análise estatística entre os grupos pectus e controle, e entre os diferentes tipos de pectus. Resultados: Houve diferença significativa entre: a) pectus excavatum e pectus carinatum quando analisados os índices CME, CE, AIM e AIE; b) PEL e grupo controle para CME e AIE; c) PCL e PEL, e PCL e PEA para o CME; d) PEA e PCL para CE; e) PCI e PEL, e PCI e PEA para AIE; f) PCS e PEL, e PCS e PEA para AIM. Conclusões: Os índices e ângulos radiográficos criados forneceram parâmetros de diferenciação entre pacientes com diferentes tipos de pectus, e entre estes e controles. Nível de Evidência II, Estudos Prognósticos.
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze reformatted sagittal sternal tomography images and classify sternal body curvature types, and compare different types of pectus populations with one another and with normal individuals. Methods: In total, 50 controls and 167 pectus patients were selected for chest CT to analyze the median sagittal plane, of whom 89 had pectus carinatum (mean age, 12 ± 10 years) and 78 pectus excavatum (mean age, 14 ± 10 years). Clinical types of pectus were classified as inferior, superior, or lateral pectus carinatum, and localized or broad pectus excavatum. The following types of sternal patterns were defined: gradual vertical curve, gradual posterior curve, gradual anterior curve, proximal third curve, middle third curve, distal third curve, anterior rectilinear, vertical rectilinear, and posterior rectilinear. Statistical analyses were performed to compare the different types of pectus with one another and with the control group. Results: Patients with different thoracic deformities, but with similar sternal curvature patterns, were observed. Some types of sternal curvature were significantly more frequent in certain types of pectus (p < 0,05). The gradual vertical curve and anterior rectilinear types prevailed in controls (p < 0,05). Conclusion: Some sternal curvature patterns were more frequent than the others in certain types of pectus and the controls. Level of Evidence II, Prognostic studies - investigating the effect of a patient characteristic on the outcome of disease.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a reformatação sagital tomográfica do esterno por meio da análise de uma classificação do tipo de curvatura do corpo esternal nos diferentes tipos de pectus, comparando-os entre si e com indivíduos normais. Métodos: 50 controles e 167 pacientes submetidos à TC do tórax para análise da reconstrução sagital no plano mediano, sendo 89 com pectus carinatum (idade média, 12 ± 10 anos) e 78 com pectus excavatum (idade média, 14 ± 10 years). Os tipos clínicos de pectus foram classificados em: pectus carinatum superior, inferior e lateral, e pectus excavatum amplo ou localizado. Foram definidos os seguintes tipos de padrões esternais: curvo gradativo vertical; curvo gradativo posterior; curvo gradativo anterior; curvo terço proximal; curvo terço médio; curvo terço distal; retilíneo anterior; retilíneo vertical; e retilíneo posterior. Foi realizada análise estatística entre o grupo pectus e controle, e entre diferentes tipos de pectus. Resultados: Observamos pacientes com deformidades torácicas diferentes, mas com esternos com padrão de curvatura semelhante. Alguns tipos de curvatura esternal são significativamente mais frequentes em alguns tipos de pectus (p < 0,05). Em controles prevaleceram os tipos curvo gradativo vertical e retilíneo anterior (p < 0,05). Conclusão: Alguns tipos de curvatura esternal são mais frequentes que outras em determinados tipos de pectus e controles. Nível de Evidência II, Estudos prognósticos - investigação do efeito de característica de um paciente sobre o desfecho da doença.
ABSTRACT Objective: Pectus excavatum is a deformity that affects aesthetics and causes emotional disorders. Surgical correction is well established, but conservative treatment is less common. We investigated the long-term results of using a brace and performing specific physical exercises to treat localized pectus excavatum, a type of deformity in which the depressed area is restricted to the midline region along the nipple line. Methods: We selected 115 patients (mean age 12.8 years), with a minimum follow-up of 36 months, who were evaluated more than one year after the end of treatment and skeletal maturity. Results were correlated with deformity flexibility, severity, regular use of the device, and performance of specific exercises. The chi-square (χ2) and the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: Treatment was successful in 58% of patients, however, when exercises were performed and the brace was used regularly by patients with flexible deformities, the rate increased to 83% (p = 0.005). Severity and adherence to treatment greatly impacted successful treatment (p = 0.009 and < 0.001, respectively). Conclusion: The proposed treatment method was effective for correction or partial correction of the deformity in motivated patients followed up until skeletal maturity, especially when started early in milder and more flexible deformities. Level of Evidence V, Expert opinion.
RESUMO Objetivo: O pectus excavatum é uma deformidade importante por comprometer a estética e causar distúrbios emocionais. A sua correção cirúrgica é bem estabelecida, mas o tratamento conservador é menos familiar. Investigamos os resultados de longo prazo do tratamento do pectus excavatum localizado (deformidade restrita a linha média e na linha mamilar) com uso de órtese e exercícios físicos específicos. Métodos: Selecionamos 115 pacientes (média de 12,8 anos) com seguimento mínimo de 36 meses, sendo avaliados mais de um ano após o término do tratamento e maturidade esquelética. Os resultados foram relacionados estatisticamente (qui-quadrado e Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel) com a flexibilidade da deformidade, a gravidade, o uso regular da órtese e a realização de exercícios específicos. Resultados: O tratamento foi bem-sucedido em 58% dos pacientes, mas quando o uso da órtese e os exercícios foram regulares em pacientes com deformidades flexíveis, essa taxa aumentou para 83% (p = 0,005). A gravidade e a adesão ao tratamento tiveram grande impacto no sucesso do tratamento (p = 0,009 e <0,001, respectivamente). Conclusão: O método de tratamento proposto foi eficaz para correção total ou parcial da deformidade em pacientes motivados acompanhados até a maturidade esquelética, principalmente quando a terapêutica foi iniciada precocemente em deformidades mais leves e flexíveis. Nível de Evidência V, Opinião do especialista.
@#Congenital chest deformity is caused by abnormal development of spine or ribs, resulting in sternal depression or protrusion. Pectus carinatum and pectus excavatum are the most common diseases in clinic, which can either be accompanied by other syndromes or exist alone. The genetic factors of congenital thoracic deformity can be related to single gene mutation, polygene mutation and chromosome aberration. Common clinical congenital thoracic deformity with syndromes, such as Marfan syndrome and Noonan syndrome, often have relatively fixed and clear pathogenic genes. The genetic pathogenesis of non-syndromic and independent congenital thoracic malformations is usually diverse, and treatments for syndromic and non-syndromic congenital thoracic deformity are different. Therefore, it is necessary for us to differentiate syndromic and non-syndromic congenital thoracic deformities in basic research, clinical diagnosis and treatment.
Objective To introduce the application experience of a new steel bar used in minimally invasive surgery for pectus carinatum.Methods From January to October 2018, Cardiothoracic Surgery Department of Shanghai Xinhua Hospital performed a minimally invasive surgery for 25 cases of patients with pectus carinatum used a new type of steel bar.All 25 pa-tients were male, aged 10 -17 years, with an average age of(13.80 ±1.66)years.The application experience of the new bar in pectus carinatum minimally invasive surgery was summarized .Results All operations were successfully completed .The op-eration time was 35-100 min, averaged(73.44 ±17.49)min, postoperative hospital stay was 3 -6 days, averaged(3.68 ± 0.85)days.Postoperative complications included 5 cases of pneumothorax(the lung compression was about 2% -10%, not necessary for surgical intervention).One case occured wound healing delay 1 month after operation, and healed after no surger-cal treatment.The other patients recovered smoothly.Conclusion The new steel bar is convenient to use, greatly reduces the difficulty of the pectus carinatum surgery procedure , also reduced surgical trauma and complications , has a good application prospect.
Background@#Brachydactyly, a developmental disorder, refers to shortening of hands/feet due to small or missing metacarpals/metatarsals and/or phalanges. Isolated brachydactyly type E (BDE), characterized by shortened metacarpals and/or metatarsals, consists in a small proportion of patients with Homeobox D13 (HOXD13) or parathyroid-hormone-like hormone (PTHLH) mutations. BDE is often accompanied by other anomalies that are parts of many congenital syndromes. In this study, we investigated a Chinese family presented with BDE combined with pectus carinatum and short stature.@*Methods@#A four-generation Chinese family was recruited in June 2016. After informed consent was obtained, venous blood was collected, and genomic DNA was extracted by standard procedures. Whole-exome sequencing was performed to screen pathogenic mutation, array comparative genomic hybridization (Array-CGH) analysis was used to analyze copy number variations, and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), stride over breakpoint PCR (gap-PCR), and Sanger sequencing were performed to confirm the candidate variation.@*Results@#A 3.06-Mb deletion (chr12:25473650–28536747) was identified and segregated with the phenotype in this family. The deletion region encompasses 23 annotated genes, one of which is PTHLH which has been reported to be causative to the BDE. PTHLH is an important regulator of endochondral bone development. The affected individuals showed bilateral, severe, and generalized brachydactyly with short stature, pectus carinatum, and prematurely fusion of epiphyses. The feature of pectus carinatum has not been described in the PTHLH-related BDE patients previously.@*Conclusions@#The haploinsufficiency of PTHLH might be responsible for the disease in this family. This study has expanded the knowledge on the phenotypic presentation of PTHLH variation.
@#Objective To explore the practical feasibility of the weaving technique for pectus carinatum. Methods From January 2011 to December 2018, a total of 51 patients with pectus carinatum, including 47 males and 4 females at age of 9-29 (13.7±2.9) years, were applied with minimally invasive waving technique for the correction. The steel plate was inserted through the subcutaneous layer, intercostal space and over the sternal surface under direct thoracoscopic vision. The number of implanted steel plates was determined by the degree of chest wall deformity. The steel plate was removed 2 years after surgery. Results All the operations were successfully completed, the average operation time was 63.9±15.8 min, the amount of bleeding was 19.8±8.8 mL, and the duration of postoperative hospitalization was 4.6±1.6 d. The adverse events included intercostal artery injury (n=2), pneumothorax (n=4), pleural effusion (n=3) and skin rupture (n=1). And there were 29 patients of moderate pain (numerical rating scale 4-6 points) on the first day after surgery, but no patient was asked to remove the steel palate due to intolerable discomfort. All patients were followed up after plate placement. Of the 51 patients, the plates were removed in 37 patients until 2 years after placement, and the duration of postoperative hospitalization was 1.4±0.5 d. After 33 (1-48) months of routine follow-up after the removal of the plate, 22 patients achieved excellent outcomes and 9 patients with good outcomes. Besides, there were 5 patients with fair outcome and 1 patient with poor outcome. No adverse effect was found in growth and development after the steel plate placement. Conclusion Minimally invasive weaving technique is a safe, feasible, effective and individualized operation for pectus carinatum with substantial thoracic reconstruction.
BACKGROUND: The nonsurgical treatment of chest wall deformity by a vacuum bell or external brace is gradual, with correction taking place over months. Monitoring the progress of nonsurgical treatment of chest wall deformity has relied on the ancient methods of measuring the depth of the excavatum and the protrusion of the carinatum. Patients, who are often adolescent, may become discouraged and abandon treatment. METHODS: Optical scanning was utilized before and after the intervention to assess the effectiveness of treatment. The device measured the change in chest shape at each visit. In this pilot study, patients were included if they were willing to undergo scanning before and after treatment. Both surgical and nonsurgical treatment results were assessed. RESULTS: Scanning was successful in 7 patients. Optical scanning allowed a visually clear, precise assessment of treatment, whether by operation, vacuum bell (for pectus excavatum), or external compression brace (for pectus carinatum). Millimeter-scale differences were identified and presented graphically to patients and families. CONCLUSION: Optical scanning with the digital subtraction of images obtained months apart allows a comparison of chest shape before and after treatment. For nonsurgical, gradual methods, this allows the patient to more easily appreciate progress. We speculate that this will increase adherence to these methods in adolescent patients.
Adolescent , Humans , Braces , Congenital Abnormalities , Funnel Chest , Pectus Carinatum , Pilot Projects , Thoracic Wall , Thorax , VacuumABSTRACT
Pectus carinatum (PC) is one of the most common chest wall anomalies, which is characterized by the protrusion of the anterior chest wall including the sternum and adjacent costal cartilages. Mildly patients suffer from mental problems such as self-abasement, while severely suffering patients are disturbed by significant cardiopulmonary symptoms. The traditional Haller index, which is widely used clinically to evaluate the severity of PC, is deficient in diagnosis efficiency and classification. This paper presents an improved Haller index algorithm for PC: first, the contour of the patient chest in the axial computed tomography (CT) slice where the most convex thorax presents is extracted; and then a cubic B-spline curve is employed to fit the extracted contour followed by an eclipse fitting procedure; finally, the improved Haller index and the classification index are automatically calculated based on the analytic curves. The results of CT data analysis using 22 preoperative and postoperative patient CT datasets show that the proposed diagnostic index for PC can diagnose and classify PC patients correctly, which confirms the feasibility of the evaluation index. Furthermore, digital measurement techniques can be employed to improve the diagnostic efficiency of PC, achieving one small step towards the computer-aided intelligent diagnosis and treatment for pediatric chest wall malformations.
Objective To explore the establishment of 3D thoracic model by finite element methods,and study the mechanical mechanism of minimally invasive surgery for correcting the chest wall deformity,and provide personalized surgery solution in the future.Methods According to admission and exclusion criteria,we selected 10 cases of pectus carinatum that received chest CT scan.The finite element model of pectus carinatum was established and analyzed by Mimics,ABAQUS,etc.The validity of finite element method for chest wall was verified by comparing the sternal displacement between the simulated values and actual values with the same force.Results The 3D finite element model of pectus carinatum was successfully established and analyzed.The stress distribution of the 10 cases in the posterior ribs was mainly in the 1-6 ribs on both sides,mostly concentrated in the 4th to 6th ribs,and the stress was symmetrical on both sides.Statistical analysis showed that the displacement value of the sternum was correlated,and the validity of the model was verified.Conclusion Mimics,ABAQUS and other finite element modeling and analysis software can effectively establish the thoracic 3D finite element model and mechanical analysis,which can help the further development of personalized minimally invasive surgery for correcting chest wall deformities.
El Síndrome de Morquio es un trastorno de almacenamiento de mucopolisacáridos se caracteriza principalmente por estatura corta y afectación ósea grave, pero el coeficiente intelectual es normal. La prevalencia es rara se estima que afecta a uno de cada 200.000 nacimientos hombres y mujeres por igual. La MPS IV A y B son enfermedades autosómicas recesivas con esto queremos decir que ambos progenitores son portadores del mismo gen afectado el cual se encuentra alterado produciendo así una deficiencia en la producción de la enzima. Las manifestaciones esqueléticas en esta displasia son retardo en el crecimiento, hipoplasia del odontoides, cifosis toracolumbar, displasia de cadera, genu valgo, manchas cutáneas y laxitud articular, en cuando a cuestiones dentales tenemos: el esmalte es delgado, rugoso e hipoplásico afectando dientes deciduos como permanentes. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 8 años 3/12 presentando MPS el cual requiere un protocolo de rehabilitación lo cual se realiza en el área de odontopedriatría del Hospital del Niño DIF.
Morquio syndrome is a mucopolysaccharide storage disorder is mainly characterized by short stature, severe bone involvement, but IQ is normal. The prevalence is rare is estimated to affect one in every 200,000 births men and women alike. The MPS IV A and B are autosomal recessive diseases with this we mean that both parents are carriers of the same gene affected which is altered thus producing a deficiency in the production of the enzyme. The skeletal manifestations in this dysplasia are growth retardation, hypoplasia of the odontoid, thoracolumbar kyphosis, hip dysplasia, genu valgus, skin blemishes and joint laxity, then dental issues are: the enamel is thin rugged and hypoplastic affecting deciduous theeth as permanent. The case of a male patient presenting eight years 3/12 MPS which requires a rehabilitation protocol which is done in the dental area of Hospital del Niño DIF is presented.
Humans , Male , Child , Tooth Diseases/therapy , Mucopolysaccharidosis IV/complications , Tooth Diseases/congenital , Tooth Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Panoramic , Mucopolysaccharidosis IV/diagnosis , Mucopolysaccharidosis IV/therapyABSTRACT
Pectus arcuatum is a rare complex chest wall deformity. A 31-year-old female presented with a severely protruding upper sternum combined with a concave lower sternum. We planned a modified Ravitch-type operation. Through vertical mid-sternal incision, chondrectomies were performed from the second to fifth costal cartilages, saving the perichondrium. Horizontal osteotomy was performed in a wedge shape on the most protruding point, and followed by an additional partial osteotomy at the most concaved point. The harvested wedge-shape bone fragments were minced and re-implanted to the latter osteotomy site. The osteotomized sternum was fixed with multiple wirings. With chondrosternoplasty, a complex chest wall deformity can be corrected successfully.
Adult , Female , Humans , Bone Transplantation , Congenital Abnormalities , Costal Cartilage , Funnel Chest , Osteotomy , Pectus Carinatum , Sternum , Thoracic WallABSTRACT
Pectus excavatum and carinatum are the most common deformity of chest wall deformity.To get anatomical deformity correction,beautify,improve physical function and the quality of life are the therapeutic purposes.Among the various clinical research and treatment,non-invasive treatment,which is the trend,is popular in surgeons and patients as well.From clinical experience,combining international and domestic progress of treatment on chest wall deformity,this review discuss the application prospect of non-invasive treatment.
Objective To evaluate the value of volume rendering technique of MSCT in the diagnosis of pediatric pectus carinatum. Methods MSCT data of 36 children with pectus carinatum were collected.Volume rendering and multiplanar reformation recon-struction techniques were adopted at a postprocessing station.Results There were 35 cases of chondrogladiolar variant and 1 case of chondromanubrial variant,27 cases were symmetric and other 9 cases were asymmetric.VR technique clearly demonstrated the abnormal changes of sternum,costae and costal cartilages.Conclusion VR technique of MSCT can fully display the three-dimension morpho-logical changes of pediatric pectus carinatum,which can supply accurate information for minimally invasive treatment procedure.
BACKGROUND: We used an Abramson technique for minimally invasive repair of pectus carinatum in patients who preferred surgery to brace therapy, had been unsuccessfully treated via brace therapy, or were unsuitable for brace therapy because of a rigid chest wall. METHODS: Between July 2011 and May 2015, 16 patients with pectus carinatum underwent minimally invasive surgery. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 24.35±13.20 years (range, 14-57 years), and all patients were male. The percentage of excellent aesthetic results, as rated by the patients, was 37.5%, and the percentage of good results was 56.25%. The preoperative and postoperative Haller Index values were 2.01±0.19 (range, 1.60-2.31), and 2.22±0.19 (range, 1.87-2.50), respectively (p-value=0.01), and the median hospital stay was 7.09±2.91 days (range, 5-15 days). Only one patient experienced postoperative complications. CONCLUSION: Minimally invasive repair is effective for the treatment of pectus carinatum, even in adult patients.
Adult , Humans , Male , Braces , Length of Stay , Postoperative Complications , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Thoracic WallABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Pectus excavatum (PE) and pectus carinatum (PC) are the most common chest wall deformities. In this study, we aimed to characterize how patients obtained information about these deformities, as well as patients' family history, associated medical problems, and postoperative satisfaction after the Nuss and Abramson procedures. METHODS: This cross-sectional retrospective study included patients who were operated by a single surgeon between 2006 and 2013. Follow-up calls were made after approval of our institution's ethics committee. We reached 207 of the 336 PE patients (61.6%) and 73 of the 96 PC patients (76%). RESULTS: The majority of the patients were male (85% of the PE patients and 91.8% of the PC patients). The age of diagnosis of PE was 14.52+/-0.51 years and the age at the time of operation was 17.89+/-0.42 years; for PC patients, the corresponding ages were 15.23+/-0.55 years and 16.77+/-0.55 years, respectively. A total of 70% of the PE patients and 63.8% of the PC patients obtained information about pectus deformities through the Internet. In 27.1% of the PE patients with an associated anomaly, 57.1% (n=13) had scoliosis, while 41.1% of the PC patients with an associated anomaly had kyphosis (n=5). Postoperative satisfaction, as evaluated on a scale from 0 to 10, was 8.17+/-0.15 for PE patients and 8.37+/-0.26 for PC patients. The postoperative pain duration was 51.93+/-5.18 days for PE patients and 38.5+/-6.88 days for PC patients. CONCLUSION: In this study, we found that most patients with pectus deformities were male. The Internet was an important resource for patients to learn about their deformities. Family history and associated anomalies were identified as important aspects for consideration in the clinical setting. The patients reported high levels of postoperative satisfaction, and pain management was found to be one of the most important elements of postoperative care.
Humans , Male , Congenital Abnormalities , Diagnosis , Ethics Committees , Follow-Up Studies , Funnel Chest , Internet , Kyphosis , Pain Management , Pain, Postoperative , Patient Satisfaction , Postoperative Care , Retrospective Studies , Scoliosis , Thoracic WallABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Surgery has been the classical treatment of pectus carinatum (PC), though compressive orthotic braces have shown successful results in recent years. We propose a non-operative approach using a lightweight, patient-controlled dynamic chest-bracing device. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eighteen patients with PC were treated between July 2008 and June 2009. The treatment involved fitting of the brace, which was worn for at least 20 hours per day for 6 months. Their degree of satisfaction (1, no correction; 4, remarkable correction) was measured at 12 months after the initiation of the treatment. RESULTS: Thirteen (72.2%) patients completed the treatment (mean time, 4.9+/-1.4 months). In patients who completed the treatment, the mean overall satisfaction score was 3.73+/-0.39. The mean satisfaction score was 4, and there was no recurrence of pectus carinatum in patients who underwent the treatment for at least 6 months. Minimal recurrence of pectus carinatum after removal of the compressive brace occurred in 5 (38.5%) patients who stopped wearing the compressive brace at 4 months. CONCLUSION: Compressive bracing results in a significant improvement in PC appearance in patients with an immature skeleton. However, patient compliance and diligent follow-up appear to be paramount for the success of this method of treatment. We currently offer this approach as a first-line treatment for PC.
Humans , Braces , Follow-Up Studies , Patient Compliance , Recurrence , Skeleton , Thoracic WallABSTRACT
ObjectiveTo discuss the method, technical main points and initial efficacy of minimally invasive correction of pectus carinatum. MethodsFive patients underwent minimal invasive operation for pectus carinatum. The pectus carinatum was corrected by a curved Nuss steel bar applying pressure to the anterior chest. The steel bar was placed subcutaneously anterior to the protruding sternum and locked to the ribs through two plates. ResultsFive patients received operations successfully without complications. Operation time was ( 102.6 ± 23.8) min, blood loss was( 14.0 ± 9.7) ml,postoperative hospital stay was(6.6 ± 1.6) d. Postoperative follow-up was 4-12 months, no steel bar movement was found.ConclusionThe minimally invasivecorrection of pectus carinatum seems to be a simple,safe and effective technique with minimal complications.
OBJECTIVE:To investigate a concomitant orthotic treatment for coexisting scoliosis and pectus deformities. No detailed study on such concomitancy was found in literature. METHODS: A spine bending brace for use day and night, and dynamic chest compressor orthoses for use four hours a day, along with one hour of exercises, were prescribed. From 638 adolescents, 25 met the inclusion criteria for a retrospective study. Two groups of patients were identified: A (15 compliant patients) and B (10 non-compliant patients). The mean follow-up was 27 months for group A and 21 months for group B. Pre and post- treatment clinical signs of scoliosis and pectus were photographically compared. The scoliosis had radiologic evaluation by Cobb angle and Nash-Moe classification for vertebral rotation. RESULTS: For both conditions, scoliosis and pectus deformities, the outcome was significantly better in the compliant group (p<0.001 for both). One highly compliant adolescent with a 52º scoliosis and pectus carinatum, showed a surprising improvement to 27º after 40 months of treatment, when chest braces were interrupted and the weaning from the spine brace has started. A 34º scoliosis was maintained after 60 months of follow-up, with vertebral rotation improvement. CONCLUSION: The concomitant orthotic treatment yielded preliminary positive results for compliant patients, warranting investigation continuity.
OBJETIVO: Investigar o tratamento concomitante com órteses para as escolioses e deformidades pectus coexistentes. Nenhum estudo detalhado sobre tal aspecto foi encontrado na literatura. MÉTODOS: Um colete inclinado para uso diuturno e órteses de compressão dinâmica do tórax para uso durante quatro horas diárias, sem serem retiradas para uma série diária de exercícios por uma hora, foram prescritas. De 638 adolescentes, 25 apresentaram critérios de inclusão para estudo retrospectivo. Foram identificados dois grupos de pacientes: A (15 pacientes colaboradores com o tratamento) e B (10 pacientes não-colaboradores). O tempo de seguimento médio foi de 27 meses para o grupo A e de 21 meses para o grupo B. Os sinais clínicos do pectus e da escoliose pré e pós-tratamento foram comparados fotograficamente. A escoliose foi avaliada radiograficamente através do ângulo de Cobb e do método de Nash-Moe para a rotação vertebral. RESULTADOS: Para ambos, escoliose e deformidades pectus, os resultados foram significativamente melhores no grupo A (p < 0.001 em ambas). Uma adolescente altamente colaboradora, com escoliose de 52º e pectus carinatum, apresentou melhora surpreendente para 27º após 40 meses de tratamento, quando o uso das órteses torácicas foi interrompido e o desmame do colete para escoliose foi iniciado. Uma curva de 34º manteve-se após 60 meses de acompanhamento, com melhora da rotação vertebral. CONCLUSÃO: O tratamento ortótico concomitante mostrou resultados preliminares positivos para pacientes colaboradores, sugerindo continuidade de investigação.
OBJETIVO: Investigar un tratamiento concomitante con ortesis para las escoliosis y deformidades pectus coexistentes. No se ha encontrado ningún estudio detallado sobre tal aspecto en la literatura. MÉTODOS: Se prescribió un chaleco inclinado para uso día y noche, y ortesis de compresión dinámica del tórax para utilización durante cuatro horas al día, sin ser retirados para una sesión diaria de una hora de ejercicios. De 638 adolescentes, 25 presentaron criterios de inclusión para estudio retrospectivo. Fueron identificados dos grupos de pacientes: A (15 pacientes colaboradores con el tratamiento) y B (10 pacientes no colaboradores). El tiempo de seguimiento promedio fue 27 meses para el grupo A y 21 meses para el grupo B. Los signos clínicos del pectus y de la escoliosis, pre y postratamiento, fueron comparados fotográficamente. La escoliosis fue evaluada radiográficamente mediante el ángulo de Cobb y el método de Nash-Moe para la rotación vertebral. RESULTADOS: Para ambas deformidades, escoliosis y deformidades pectus, los resultados fueron significativamente mejores en el grupo A (p<0,001 en los dos casos). Una adolescente muy colaboradora, con una escoliosis de 52º y pectus carinatum, presentó una mejoría sorprendente para 27º después de 40 meses de tratamiento, cuando se interrumpió el uso de las ortesis torácicas y se inició la retirada gradual del chaleco para escoliosis. Una curva de 34º se mantuvo después de 60 meses de seguimiento, con mejoría de la rotación vertebral. CONCLUSIÓN: El tratamiento ortótico concomitante mostró resultados preliminares positivos para pacientes colaboradores, sugiriendo que se continúe la investigación.