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Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(8): e20230707, ago. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1573939


Resumo Fundamento: A Cardiomiopatia Chagásica Crônica (CCC) é causada por um processo inflamatório induzido pelo Trypanosoma cruzi, que leva à miocardite com fibrose reativa e reparativa. A CCC progride com alterações de perfusão miocárdica e eventos histopatológicos que afetam a Aptidão Cardiorrespiratória (ACR). Objetivos: Avaliamos os efeitos do Treinamento Físico Aeróbico (TFA) na perfusão miocárdica e nos comprometimentos morfológicos e funcionais relacionados à inflamação e fibrose em hamsters sírios com CCC. Como objetivo secundário, analisamos as áreas de secção transversa do músculo esquelético. Métodos: Hamsters com CCC e seus respectivos controles foram divididos em quatro grupos: CCC sedentário, CCC-TFA, controle sedentário e controle TFA. Sete meses após a infecção, os animais foram submetidos à ecocardiografia, à cintilografia de perfusão miocárdica e ao teste de esforço cardiopulmonar. TFA de intensidade moderada foi realizado durante cinquenta minutos, cinco vezes por semana, por oito semanas. Posteriormente, os animais foram reavaliados. A análise histopatológica foi realizada após os procedimentos acima mencionados. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5% em todas as análises (p<0,05). Resultados: Animais com CCC sedentários apresentaram piores Defeitos de Perfusão Miocárdica (DPM) ao longo do tempo, Fração de Ejeção do Ventrículo Esquerdo (FEVE) reduzida, e apresentaram mais inflamação e fibrose quando comparados aos demais grupos (análise ANOVA mista). Por outro lado, o TFA foi capaz de mitigar a progressão do DPM, atenuar a inflamação e a fibrose e melhorar a eficiência da ACR em animais CCC-TFA. Conclusão: Nosso estudo demonstrou que o TFA melhorou a disfunção cardíaca, DPM e reduziu a inflamação e a fibrose em modelos de hamster com CCC. Além disso, os animais CCC-SED apresentaram atrofia do músculo esquelético, enquanto os animais CCC-TFA apresentaram a AST do músculo esquelético preservada. Compreender os efeitos da TFA nas dimensões fisiopatológicas da CCC é crucial para futuras pesquisas e intervenções terapêuticas.

Abstract Background: Chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) is caused by an inflammatory process induced by Trypanosoma cruzi, which leads to myocarditis with reactive and reparative fibrosis. CCC progresses with myocardial perfusion abnormalities and histopathological events that affect cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). Objectives: We evaluated the effects of aerobic physical training (APT) on myocardial perfusion and on morphological and functional impairments related with inflammation and fibrosis in Syrian hamsters with CCC. As a secondary objective, we analyzed the cross-sectional areas of the skeletal muscle. Methods: Hamsters with CCC and their respective controls were divided into four groups: CCC sedentary, CCC-APT, sedentary control and APT control. Seven months after infection, the animals underwent echocardiography, myocardial perfusion scintigraphy and cardiopulmonary exercise testing. Moderate-intensity APT was performed for fifty minutes, five times a week, for eight weeks. Subsequently, the animals were reassessed. Histopathological analysis was conducted after the above-mentioned procedures. The level of significance was set at 5% in all analyses (p<0.05). Results: CCC sedentary animals presented worse myocardial perfusion defects (MPD) over time, reduced left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) and showed more inflammation and fibrosis when compared to other groups (mixed ANOVA analysis). Conversely, APT was able to mitigate the progression of MPD, ameliorate inflammation and fibrosis and improve CRF efficiency in CCC-APT animals. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that APT ameliorated cardiac dysfunction, MPD, and reduced inflammation and fibrosis in CCC hamster models. Additionally, CCC-SED animals presented skeletal muscle atrophy while CCC-APT animals showed preserved skeletal muscle CSA. Understanding APT's effects on CCC's pathophysiological dimensions is crucial for future research and therapeutic interventions.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 348-355, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558138


SUMMARY: Intracranial aneurysm is a common cerebrovascular disease with high mortality. Neurosurgical clipping for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms can easily lead to serious postoperative complications. Studies have shown that intraoperative monitoring of the degree of cerebral ischemia is extremely important to ensure the safety of operation and improve the prognosis of patients. Aim of this study was to probe the application value of combined monitoring of intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring (IONM)-intracranial pressure (ICP)-cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) in craniotomy clipping of intracranial aneurysms. From January 2020 to December 2022, 126 patients in our hospital with intracranial aneurysms who underwent neurosurgical clipping were randomly divided into two groups. One group received IONM monitoring during neurosurgical clipping (control group, n=63), and the other group received IONM-ICP-CPP monitoring during neurosurgical clipping (monitoring group, n=63). The aneurysm clipping and new neurological deficits at 1 day after operation were compared between the two groups. Glasgow coma scale (GCS) score and national institutes of health stroke scale (NIHSS) score were compared before operation, at 1 day and 3 months after operation. Glasgow outcome scale (GOS) and modified Rankin scale (mRS) were compared at 3 months after operation. All aneurysms were clipped completely. Rate of new neurological deficit at 1 day after operation in monitoring group was 3.17 % (2/63), which was markedly lower than that in control group of 11.11 % (7/30) (P0.05). Combined monitoring of IONM-ICP-CPP can monitor the cerebral blood flow of patients in real time during neurosurgical clipping, according to the monitoring results, timely intervention measures can improve the consciousness state of patients in early postoperative period and reduce the occurrence of early postoperative neurological deficits.

El aneurisma intracraneal es una enfermedad cerebrovascular común con alta mortalidad. El clipaje neuroquirúrgico para el tratamiento de aneurismas intracraneales puede provocar complicaciones posoperatorias graves. Los estudios han demostrado que la monitorización intraoperatoria del grado de isquemia cerebral es extremadamente importante para garantizar la seguridad de la operación y mejorar el pronóstico de los pacientes. El objetivo de este estudio fue probar el valor de la aplicación de la monitorización combinada de la monitorización neurofisiológica intraoperatoria (IONM), la presión intracraneal (PIC) y la presión de perfusión cerebral (CPP) en el clipaje de craneotomía de aneurismas intracraneales. Desde enero de 2020 hasta diciembre de 2022, 126 pacientes de nuestro hospital con aneurismas intracraneales que se sometieron a clipaje neuroquirúrgico se dividieron aleatoriamente en dos grupos. Un grupo recibió monitorización IONM durante el clipaje neuroquirúrgico (grupo de control, n=63) y el otro grupo recibió monitorización IONM-ICP-CPP durante el clipaje neuroquirúrgico (grupo de monitorización, n=63). Se compararon entre los dos grupos el recorte del aneurisma y los nuevos déficits neurológicos un día después de la operación. La puntuación de la escala de coma de Glasgow (GCS) y la puntuación de la escala de accidentes cerebrovasculares de los institutos nacionales de salud (NIHSS) se compararon antes de la operación, 1 día y 3 meses después de la operación. La escala de resultados de Glasgow (GOS) y la escala de Rankin modificada (mRS) se compararon 3 meses después de la operación. Todos los aneurismas fueron cortados por completo. La tasa de nuevo déficit neurológico 1 día después de la operación en el grupo de seguimiento fue del 3,17 % (2/63), que fue notablemente inferior a la del grupo de control del 11,11 % (7/30) (P 0,05). La monitorización combinada de IONM-ICP-CPP puede controlar el flujo sanguíneo cerebral de los pacientes en tiempo real durante el corte neuroquirúrgico; de acuerdo con los resultados de la monitorización, las medidas de intervención oportunas pueden mejorar el estado de conciencia de los pacientes en el período postoperatorio temprano y reducir la aparición de problemas postoperatorios tempranos y déficits neurológicos.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Intracranial Aneurysm/surgery , Intracranial Aneurysm/physiopathology , Cerebrovascular Circulation , Neurosurgical Procedures/methods , Electroencephalography/methods , Blood Pressure , Intracranial Pressure , Glasgow Coma Scale , Intracranial Aneurysm/pathology , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Craniotomy , Glasgow Outcome Scale , Monitoring, Physiologic/methods
Rev. mex. anestesiol ; 47(1): 30-34, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576562


Resumen: El oxímetro de pulso, un dispositivo común en diferentes áreas hospitalarias, sobre todo en áreas críticas, es utilizado la mayoría de las ocasiones para evaluar el estado respiratorio del paciente; sin embargo, la evidencia actual muestra que este dispositivo nos puede brindar información valiosa del comportamiento hemodinámico, la respuesta del sistema nervioso autónomo y la terapéutica que se realiza al paciente crítico. Es por este motivo, que conocer los fundamentos de la oximetría, los valores más allá de la oxigenación como la forma de onda pletismográfica y el índice de perfusión resulta en una cantidad de información importante para la toma de decisiones y la respuesta a los tratamientos realizados.

Abstract: The pulse oximeter, a common device in different hospital areas, especially in critical areas, is used most of the time to assess the patient's respiratory status; however, current evidence shows that this device can provide us with valuable information on hemodynamic behavior, the response of the autonomic nervous system, and the therapy given to critically ill patients. It is for this reason that knowing the fundamentals of oximetry, values beyond oxygenation such as the plethysmographic waveform and the perfusion index results in an important amount of information for decision making and the response to the treatments performed.

Rev. SOBECC (Online) ; 29: e2429910, Fev. 2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1555893


Objetivo: Analisar a atuação do enfermeiro perfusionista na cirurgia cardíaca. Método: Estudo exploratório com abordagem qualitativa, desenvolvida em ambiente virtual no período de 1 a 30 de junho de 2022. Amostra intencional, não probabilística, constituída de 14 enfermeiros perfusionistas. Os dados foram analisados por meio da análise de conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados: Emergiram duas categorias temáticas: Atuação do enfermeiro perfusionista na circulação extracorpórea e A relevância da interação do enfermeiro com os membros da equipe durante a cirurgia cardíaca com circulação extracorpórea. Os relatos identificaram que o enfermeiro perfusionista realiza inúmeras atribuições que vão desde o histórico de enfermagem, até o preparo e a escolha de materiais, circuitos, dispositivos e maquinários para a condução da circulação extracorpórea. Destaca-se a interação desse profissional com os demais membros da equipe no tocante à comunicação a fim de minimizar riscos e obter resultado cirúrgico positivo para o paciente. Conclusão: A atividade do enfermeiro perfusionista é complexa e necessita de um rigoroso preparo teórico-prático, especializações reconhecidas pelos órgãos competentes, bem como frequentes atualizações mesmo já sendo um profissional experiente. (AU)

Objective: To analyze the role of the perfusionist nurse in cardiac surgery. Method: Exploratory study with a qualitative approach, conducted in a virtual environment from June 1st to June 30th, 2022. The sample consisted of 14 perfusionist nurses, selected intentionally and non-probabilistically. Data were analyzed through Bardin's content analysis. Results: Two thematic categories emerged: the role of the perfusionist nurse in extracorporeal circulation and the relevance of the nurse's interaction with team members during cardiac surgery with extracorporeal circulation. The reports identi-fied that the perfusionist nurse performs numerous tasks ranging from nursing history to the preparation and selection of materials, circuits, devices, and machinery for extracorporeal circulation. The interaction of this professional with other team members regarding communication stands out, aiming to minimize risks and achieve positive surgical outcomes for the patient. Conclusion: The activity of the perfusionist nurse is complex and requires rigo-rous theoretical-practical preparation, recognized specializations by competent bodies, as well as frequent updates even for experienced professionals

Objetivo: Analizar el papel del enfermero de perfusión en la cirugía cardíaca. Método: Estudio exploratorio con enfoque cualitativo, desarrol-lado en ambiente virtual durante el período del 1 al 30 de junio de 2022. Muestra intencional, no probabilística, compuesta por 14 enfermeros de perfu-sión. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el análisis de contenido de Bardin. Resultados: Surgieron dos categorías temáticas: El papel del enfermero perfusionista en circulación extracorporea y la relevancia de la interacción del enfermero con los miembros del equipo durante la cirugía cardíaca con circulación extracorporea. Los informes identificaron que el enfermero perfusionista desempeña numerosas atribuciones que van desde el historial de enfermería hasta la preparación y elección de materiales, circuitos, dispositivos y maquinaria para la conducción de la circulación extracorporea. Se des-taca la interacción de este profesional con los demás miembros del equipo en lo que respecta a la comunicación para minimizar riesgos y obtener resulta-dos quirúrgicos positivos para el paciente. Conclusión: La actividad del enfermero de perfusión es compleja y requiere una preparación teórico-práctica rigurosa, especializaciones reconocidas por los órganos competentes, así como actualizaciones frecuentes incluso siendo un profesional experimentado

Humans , Nurse's Role , Cardiac Surgical Procedures/nursing , Thoracic Surgery/instrumentation , Extracorporeal Circulation/nursing
Organ Transplantation ; (6): 463-468, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016913


With persistent breakthrough and maturity of surgical procedures and postoperative immunosuppressive therapy, the survival rate of liver transplant recipients and grafts has been significantly increased. The shortage of donor liver has become the main obstacle for clinical development of liver transplantation. How to expand the source of donor liver has become an urgent issue. Groundbreaking progresses have been made in the use of common marginal donor livers in clinical liver transplantation, such as elderly donor liver, steatosis donor liver, viral hepatitis donor liver and liver from donation after cardiac death. Nevertheless, multiple restrictions still exist regarding the use of marginal donor liver. Consequently, the definition of marginal donor liver and research progress in the application of common marginal donor livers were reviewed, and the opportunities and challenges of mariginal donoor liver were illustrated, aiming to provide reference for expanding the donor pool for clinical liver transplantation and bringing benefits to more patients with end-stage liver disease.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017169


ObjectiveTo investigate the changes in cerebral blood perfusion in patients with acute cerebral infarction after taking Tongnaoyin, a traditional Chinese medicine, based on head and neck computed tomography (CT) angiography (CTA) combined with brain CT perfusion imaging (CTP). MethodA total of 240 patients with cerebral infarction of phlegm and blood stasis syndrome treated in Jiangsu Province Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from March 2018 to September 2023 were randomly divided into a control group (99 cases) and a Tongnaoyin group (141 cases). Based on the guidelines, the control group was treated with conventional treatment such as anti-aggregation, anticoagulation, lipid-lowering and plaque stabilization, brain protection, and supportive treatment. The Tongnaoyin group was treated with Tongnaoyin of 200 mL in warm conditions in the morning and evening on the basis of the control group. Both groups underwent CTA combined with CTP within 24 hours after admission, and they were reexamined by CTA and CTP in the sixth month after admission. The degree of intracranial artery stenosis was determined according to the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET) method. The relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV), relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF), mean transit time (MTT), and time to peak (TTP) of the lesion area before and after treatment were compared. The adverse outcomes of the two groups within six months after discharge were compared. ResultCompared with the group before treatment, the degree of vascular stenosis in the Tongnaoyin group was significantly reduced, and the difference was statistically significant (Z=105.369,P<0.05). Compared with the control group after treatment, the improvement rate of vascular stenosis in the Tongnaoyin group was higher (χ2=84.179,P<0.01), and the curative effect was better.After treatment, the rCBV and rCBF of patients in the Tongnaoyin group were significantly increased, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). MTT and TTP showed a trend of shortening, but the difference was not statistically significant. There was no statistically significant difference in rCBV, rCBF, MTT, and TTP in the control group. Compared with those in the control group after treatment, the rCBV and rCBF in the Tongnaoyin group were significantly increased, while MTT and TTP were significantly reduced (P<0.01). After six months of discharge, the risk of poor prognosis in the Tongnaoyin group was significantly reduced compared with the control group (P<0.05). ConclusionTongnaoyin has a good effect on improving cerebral blood perfusion in patients with acute cerebral infarction. It can be used as an effective supplement for the conventional treatment of ischemic stroke to improve clinical efficacy.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018957


Objective:To investigate the acute gastrointestinal injury (AGI) in patients with extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) at the early stage of operation and its influencing factors.Methods:A total of 70 patients with ECMO who were hospitalized in the Emergency Care Unit of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Hospital from September 2020 to December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed, and a total of 70 patients with ECMO who were hospitalized in the emergency care unit of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region People's Hospital from September 2020 to December 2021 were retrospectively analyzed. According to the 2012 guidelines of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine on the classification of acute gastrointestinal injury in critically ill patients, the patients were divided into AGI group and non-AGI group. The incidence of acute gastrointestinal injury in the early stage was statistically analyzed, and the results of blood gas analysis during ECMO loading and ECMO parameters, hemodynamic indexes and biochemical indexes after ECMO transfer were statistically analyzed. To explore the influencing factors and independent risk factors of AGI in the early stage. In addition, 70 patients were divided into successful group and non-successful group according to whether they were successfully withdrawn. The occurrence of acute gastrointestinal injury between the two groups was compared, and the effect of acute gastrointestinal injury on ECMO patients was analyzed.Results:Among the 70 ECMO patients, the incidence of early AGI was 71.43% (50 cases), and the components of AGI Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ and Ⅳ were 18.57% (13 cases), 41.43% (29 cases), 11.43% (8 cases) and 0% (0 cases), respectively. ① Univariate analysis showed that systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure (MAP), vasoactive drug index (VIS), pH, lactic acid and BMI were significantly different between AGI group and non-AGI group when ECMO was used ( P < 0.05). Logistic binary regression analysis showed that BMI was an independent risk factor for early AGI in ECMO patients (ROC area 0.657, 95% confidence interval 0.522-0.791 ( P < 0.05), and Yoden index 0.15). (3) The AGI composition ratio of the unsuccessful group was higher than that of the unsuccessful group ( P < 0.05). Conclusions:Patients with ECMO have a high incidence of AGI in the early stage, mainly occurring in grade I and Ⅱ. Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, MAP, VIS, pH, lactic acid and BMI when ECMO is put on are influential factors for the early development of AGI in ECMO patients, among which BMI is an independent risk factor for the early development of AGI in ECMO patients. The occurrence of AGI reduces the probability of successful withdrawal in ECMO patients.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019579


Objective To investigate deep neuromuscular blockade(NMD)and moderate NMD on hepatic perfusion and liver function during laparoscopic hepatectomy.Methods A total of 60 patients who received laparoscopic hepatectomy in Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center were recruited from Dec 2021 to Dec 2022.They were randomly divided into two groups:deep NMD group(D group,n=30)and moderate NMD group(M group,n=30).D group was induced by administration of rocuronium 0.9 mg/kg followed by continuous infusion to maintain intraoperative post-tetanic count(PTC)of 1-2,while M group was induced by administration of rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg followed by continuous infusion to maintain intraoperative train-of-four(TOF)of 1-2.Indocyanine green(ICG)of 0.25 mg/kg was given intravenously both after induction and after specimen excision,and retention rate at fifteen minutes(ICGR15)was recorded.In addition,intraoperative rocuronium dosage,surgical operation satisfaction score,postoperative shoulder pain,and the occurrence of vomiting on postoperative day 1(POD1)were also recorded.Results Compared with M group,the dosage of rocuronium in D group was significantly increased(P<0.01),but there was no difference of ICGR15 between the two groups(P=0.581),even other parameters of perioperative liver function.The surgical operation satisfaction score was significantly higher(P<0.05),while the postoperative shoulder pain(P=0.037,OR=1.37,95%CI:1.01-1.86)and the occurrence of vomiting on POD1(P=0.017,OR=1.64,95%CI:1.07-2.53)were significantly lower in D group than those in M group.Conclusion Compared with moderate NMB,deep NMB can significantly improve surgery condition,reduce postoperative shoulder pain and vomiting.However,there was no significant difference between them on the hepatic perfusion and perioperative liver function.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 285-288, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020203


Objective To evaluate the clinical value of transarterial catheterization C-arm CT perfusion scanning technique during prostatic artery embolization(PAE)for benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH).Methods The clinical data of 46 patients with BPH received PAE were analyzed retrospectively.All patients underwent prostatic artery(PA)digital subtraction angiography(DSA)and C-arm CT perfusion scanning to identify PA and prevent non-target organ embolization.The final recognization of PA was consulted by three senior doctors.After C-arm CT confirmation,PA was embolized with 100-300 μm polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)particles or microspheres under fluoroscopy.The postoperative complications and 3-month clinical efficacy were observed.Results A total of 106 vessels were angioraphed in 46 patients,with 83 PA vessels and 23 non-PA vessels.PA was identified by DSA and C-arm CT with sensitivity of 81.9%(68/83)and 100%(83/83),respectively,which showed significance(χ2=22.3,P<0.01).Non-PA was identified by DSA and C-arm CT with specificity of 73.9%(17/23)and 100%(23/23),which showed significance(χ2=9.2,P=0.02).No serious complications were observed and 3-month clincial efficacy was 91.3%.Conclusion Transarterial catheterization C-arm CT perfusion scanning technique can accurately identify PA,reduce PA leakage and prevent non-target organ embolization.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 356-360, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020214


Objective To investigate the application value of CT perfusion imaging in patient with traumatic brain injury(TBI).Methods Thirty-seven patients with TBI were included retrospectively and divided into mild,moderate,and severe groups according to Glasgow coma scale(GCS)score.Perfusion parameters of the cerebral hemispheres on the injured side and the contralateral side of the level of basal ganglia were compared.After three months,the correlations between perfusion parameters and GCS score at baseline and Glasgow outcome scale-extended(GOSE)score at follow-up were further analyzed,respectively.Results The injured side of TBI patients showed hypo-perfusion compared with that of the contralateral side.The abnormal perfusion volumes of time to maximum of the residual function(Tmax)>10 s was significantly negatively correlated with GOSE score(ρ=-0.55,P=0.01),and could distinguish the good prognosis group from the poor prognosis group with GOSE score[area under the curve(AUC)=0.82,P= 0.01].In the group of patients undergoing decompressive craniectomy,the abnormal perfusion volumes of Tmax>4 s and Tmax>6 s were significantly associated with GCS score(ρ=0.61,P=0.01;ρ=0.53,P=0.03).Conclusion CT perfusion imaging may be useful in assessing the hemodynamics and severity of TBI,and in predicting the clinical prognosis.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 523-527,547, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020246


Objective To investigate the predict value of imaging parameters in computed tomography perfusion(CTP)combined with computed tomography angiography(CTA)examination and serum biomarkers for recurrent stroke events at three-month and one-year follow-ups.Methods A total of 136 patients with cerebral infarction diagnosed for the first time were included in the retrospective study.These patients received CTA+CTP one-stop examination and serum biomarkers testing,followed by three-month and one-year follow-ups for the occurrence of recurrent stroke events.Recurrent stroke events were defined as ischemic stroke,retinal infarction,intracerebral hemorrhage,subarachnoid hemorrhage,and death.Results The recurrent stroke events rate was 23.5%(32 cases)and 36.8%(50 cases)at three-month and one-year follow-ups,respectively.Ischemic penumbra(IP)volume[odds ratio(OR)=1.010,P=0.029]and modified Rankin scale(mRS)score at discharge(OR=1.388,P=0.008)were independent predictors for recurrent stroke events at the three-month follow-up,so were lipoprotein(a)[Lp(a)](OR=1.002,P=0.044),vascular stenosis severity(OR=1.489,P=0.029),and mRS score at discharge(OR=1.282,P=0.038)at the one-year follow-up.Conclusion Among patients with stroke diagnosed for the first time,IP volume,Lp(a),vascular stenosis severity and mRS score at discharge are the most powerful predictors of recurrent stroke events at three-month and one-year follow-ups.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020591


Objective:To investigate the diagnostic value of multi-slice spiral CT(MSCT)perfusion imaging parameters in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant solitary pulmonary nodules(SPN).Methods:A total of 80 patients with SPN admitted to our hospital from Oct 2021 to Oct 2022 were selected.All patients underwent MSCT perfusion imaging and pathological examination after admission.According to the histopathological examination results,the patients were divided into benign nodule group and malignant nodule group.MSCT perfusion imaging parameters(blood volume,mean transit time,blood flow,surface permeability coefficient)of the two groups were compared.Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve was used to analyze the value of MSCT perfusion imaging parameters in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant SPN.Results:Among the 80 patients with SPN,47 were diagnosed as malignant nodules and 33 as benign nodules by pathological examination.There was no significant difference in mean transit time between 2 groups(P>0.05).The blood volume,blood flow and surface permeability coefficient in malignant nodule group were higher than those of benign nodule group(P<0.05).The results of ROC curve showed that the area under the curve(AUC)of blood volume,blood flow and surface permeability coefficient separately and in combination were 0.823(95% CI:0.721-0.926),0.855(95% CI:0.761-0.949),0.850(95% CI:0.752-0.948)and 0.963(95% CI:0.924-1.000)for the diagnosis of benign and malignant SPN,all of which had certain diagnostic value.When blood volume,blood flow and surface permeability coefficient were 4.405 ml/100 g,51.325 ml/(min·100 g)and 21.115 ml/(min·100 g),respectively,the best diagnostic efficiency could be obtained,and the combined diagnosis value was higher.Conclusion:The combination of blood volume,blood flow and surface permeability coefficient of MSCT perfusion imaging parameters have high value in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant SPN,which can provide effective basis for the early diagnosis and treatment of benign and malignant SPN.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1021407


BACKGROUND:High tibial osteotomy results in massive blood loss during the perioperative period.Tranexamic acid can effectively reduce perioperative blood loss.However,the method of tranexamic acid application has not been unified. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the effect and safety of different methods of tranexamic acid on perioperative blood loss in the high tibial osteotomy. METHODS:A total of 160 patients who underwent primary unilateral high tibial osteotomy in the Binzhou Medical University Hospital from January 2019 to December 2021,including 69 males and 91 females,were randomly divided into four groups(n=40 per group).Among them,40 patients were given an intravenous infusion of saline containing 2 g tranexamic acid 10 minutes before tourniquet release(venous group);40 patients were given an intravenous infusion of 1 g tranexamic acid and 1 g tranexamic acid was injected through a drainage tube after the closure of the incision(combined group);40 patients were given 2 g tranexamic acid infusion into drainage tube after the closure of the incision(perfusion group);an additional 40 patients were given an intravenous infusion of the same amount of normal saline(blank group).The general information was compared among the four groups of patients.The hemoglobin,hematocrit,intraoperative blood loss,drainage volume,blood transfusion rate,incision complication,and the incidence of deep vein thrombosis were recorded on days 1,3 and 5 after operation in the four groups.The total blood loss and hidden blood loss were calculated. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:(1)There was no statistically significant difference in general information among the four groups.(2)No significant difference was found in intraoperative blood loss among the four groups.(3)The maximum decreased values of hemoglobin and hematocrit on days 1,3 and 5 after operation,drainage volume,total blood loss and hidden blood loss were all ranked as the combined group<venous group<perfusion group<blank group.(4)The postoperative blood transfusion rate of the blank group was significantly higher than that of the other three groups,and there was no significant difference in the postoperative blood transfusion rate among the combined group,the venous group and the perfusion group.(5)There was no significant difference in the incidence of venous thrombosis and incision complications among the four groups.(6)It is indicated that the application of tranexamic acid in high tibial osteotomy can reduce perioperative bleeding and postoperative blood transfusion rate,and the effect of intravenous infusion combined with drainage tube perfusion is better,which does not increase the incidence of venous thrombosis and incision complications.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023051


Objective:To investigate the effect of different administration methods of recombinant human prourokinase (rhPro-UK) during emergency percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) on myocardial perfusion and prognosis of patients with acute ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).Methods:The clinical data of 132 patients with STEMI who underwent emergency PCI in the Military Hospital of the 71st Army Group of the Chinese People′s Liberation Army from August 2017 to August 2022 were analyzed retrospectively. Among them, 66 patients treated with rhPro-UK injection after the guide wire passed through the coronary artery lesion, balloon dilation and stent placement were included in group A. The other 66 patients treated with rhPro-UK injection once after the guide wire passed through the coronary artery lesion were included in group B. The two groups were compared in terms of PCI conditions, target vessel perfusion status [corrected TIMI frame count (CTFC) and blood flow (thrombolysis in myocardial infarction, TIMI) grade], myocardial perfusion status [TIMI myocardial perfusion grade (TMPG), ST segment regression rate (STR) at 90 min after operation and the incidence of no reflow/slow flow (NR/SF)], cardiac function indicators [left ventricular end diastolic volume (LVEDV), left ventricular end systolic volume (LVESV) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF)], the incidence of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), and the incidence of bleeding events.Results:There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups in terms of the distribution of culprit blood vessels, intubation methods, and number of stents implanted ( P>0.05). After treatment, the proportion of TIMI blood flow grade 3 in the group A was higher than that in the group B:99.97% (64/66) vs. 87.88% (58/66). CTFC of the two tgroups decreased, and CTFC of group A was lower than that of group B: (23.49 ± 4.27) frames vs. (27.14 ± 4.83) frames ( P<0.05). The proportion of TMPG grade 3 in group A was significantly higher than that in group B: 95.45% (63/66) vs. 83.33% (55/66)( P<0.05). STR in group A was significantly higher than that in group B: 95.45% (63/66) vs. 83.33% (55/66)( P<0.05). The incidence of NR/SF in group A was lower than that in group B: 3.03% (2/66) vs. 14.29% (10/66)( P<0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in LVEDV or LVESV between the two groups before and after treatment ( P>0.05). After 1 month of treatment, LVEF of the two groups increased, and LVEF of group A was higher than that of group B: (71.08 ± 6.38) % vs. (66.24 ± 6.49) % ( P<0.05). After treatment, the incidence of MACE in group A was lower than that in group B: 6.06%(4/66) vs. 13.64%(9/66) ( χ2 = 2.13, P = 0.144). There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of bleeding events between the two groups ( P>0.05). Conclusions:For patients with STEMI undergoing PCI, fractional injection of rhPro-UK can better improve myocardial perfusion, reduce the incidence of MACE, and effectively improve the prognosis, compared with one-time injection of rhPro-UK.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023068


Objective:To study cerebral oxygen metabolism and cerebral blood flow in etomidate and sevoflurane anesthesia effects of perfusion and postoperative delusions.Methods:A prospective study was used. The 96 elderly patients who underwent elective spinal surgery in Guang′anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences from March 2020 to May 2021 were selected as the study subjects. All patients were divided into sevoflurane group and etomidide group by random numbers table, each with 48 cases. The sevoflurane group was treated with sevoflurane inhalation for analgesia, with etomidate intravenous-controlled analgesia in the etomidate group. The recovery time of spontaneous respiratory, wake time, awake extubation time, numerical rating score (NRS; 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h), incidence of postoperative delusion, internal jugular vein oxygen saturation (SjvO 2) were recorded. Arteriovenous oxygen content (AVDO 2) and cerebral oxygen intake rate (CERO 2) were calculated. The peak cerebral artery constriction rate (Vs-MCA), diastolic velocity (Vd-MCA) and mean flow rate (Vm-MCA) pre-induction of anesthesia (T 0), loss of consciousness (T 1), after fentanyl injection (T 3), endotracheal intubation (T 4), 30 min (T 5), 60 min (T 6) and postoperative (T 7) were recorded. Results:There were no significant differences in the recovery time of spontaneous breathing, wake time and awake extubation time between the two groups ( P>0.05). The resting NRS in sevoflurane group at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 h after operation were (1.27 ± 0.12), (2.13 ± 0.22), (3.26 ± 0.23), (3.29 ± 0.22), (2.52 ± 0.11) and (2.02 ± 0.11) points, respectively. Etomidate group was (1.27 ± 0.13), (2.02 ± 0.21), (2.13 ± 0.13), (2.11 ± 0.26), (2.08 ± 0.17) and (1.02 ± 0.17) points, respectively. The results of repeated measurement ANOVA showed that there was significant difference in NRS between the two groups ( P<0.05). There were significant differences in postoperative resting NRS between the two groups at different time points ( P<0.05). The incidence of postoperative delusion in etomidate group was lower than that in sevoflurane group: 4.17% (2/48) vs. 16.67% (8/48), and the difference was statistically significant ( P<0.05). Postoperative SjvO 2 in sevoflurane group and etomidate group was higher than that before surgery: (69.96 ± 4.17)% vs. (58.26 ± 4.16)%, (61.22 ± 4.19)% vs. (58.25 ± 4.17)%. In addition, both AVDO 2 and CERO 2 were lower than those before operation: (60.23 ± 5.22)% vs. (64.22 ± 4.17)%, (50.23 ± 6.19)% vs. (64.23 ± 4.19)%, (37.22 ± 6.23)% vs. (40.23 ± 5.16)%, (31.26 ± 5.17)% vs. (40.27 ± 4.18)% ( P<0.05), postoperative SjvO 2 in etomidate group was higher than that in sevoflurane group, and AVDO 2 and CERO 2 were lower than that in sevoflurane group. The difference was statistically significant ( P<0.05). The results of repeated measurement ANOVA showed that there were statistically significant differences in cerebral blood perfusion indexes of Vs-MCA, Vd-MCA and Vm-MCA between the two groups ( P<0.05). There were statistically significant differences in Vs-MCA, Vd-MCA and Vm-MCA between two groups at different time points ( P<0.05). There were significant differences in Vs-MCA, Vd-MCA and Vm-MCA between the two groups at different time points ( P<0.05). Conclusions:Compared with sevoflurane, etomidate can reduce the postoperative delusion rate, improve cerebral oxygen metabolism and reduce cerebral blood flow perfusion.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 48-53, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026484


Objective:To investigate the assessment value of X-ray angiography in postoperative recurrence,curative effect and reduction of the perfusion of liver tumor of interventional transarterial chemoembolization(TACE)for liver cancer.Methods:A total of 59 patients with liver cancer who were treated in The Third the People's Hospital of Bengbu from January 2015 to December 2020 were selected.All patients underwent the examination of routine X-ray angiography one week before surgery and four weeks after surgery.The obtained image sequences were imported into the workstation equipped with imaging technology software of color coded digital subtraction angiography(ccDSA)to conduct analysis.The region of interest(ROI)was manually defined on the ccDSA images before and after TACE.And then,the time intensity curve was obtained,and the quantitative perfusion parameters included the time to peak(TTP),area under curve(AUC),maximum slope(MS)were exported from that.The receiver operating characteristics(ROC)curve was drawn,and the area under curve(AUC)of that was calculated to analyze the assessment efficacy of perfusion parameters on the postoperative recurrence,curative effect and reduction of the perfusion of liver tumor of TACE for liver cancer.Results:In the 59 patients who were included in the study,39 cases occurred postoperative recurrence and 20 cases did not occurred postoperative recurrence according to the definition of postoperative recurrence,and the perfusion TTP(7.38±1.22)s of patients with postoperative recurrence was significantly lower than that(9.03±1.01)s of patients without postoperative recurrence,and the difference of that between them was significant(t=5.198,P<0.05).The AUC and MS of patients with postoperative recurrence were significantly lower than those of patients without postoperative recurrence(t=2.868,31.499,P<0.05),respectively.There were not significant differences in TTP,AUC and MS between patients with and without postoperative recurrence before surgery(P>0.05).According to the determination criteria of curative effect,35 cases were effectiveness,and 24 cases were ineffectiveness,and the postoperative TTP(9.09±1.08)s of patients with effectiveness was significantly higher than that(7.84±2.07)s of patients without effectiveness(t=3.029,P<0.05),and AUC and MS of patients with effectiveness were significantly higher than those of patients without ineffectiveness(t=3.852,54.366,P<0.05),and there were not significant differences in preoperative TTP,AUC and MS between patients with and without effectiveness(P>0.05),and the values of TTP,AUC and MS of the group with effectiveness and group without effectiveness after surgery were significantly higher than those before surgery,and the differences of them between two groups were significant(t=3.029,3.852,54.366,P<0.05),respectively.According to the grading criteria of subjective angiographic endpoints(SACE),33 cases were grade Ⅲ,and 26 cases were grade Ⅳ,and there were not significant in TTP,AUC and MS between patients with grade Ⅲ and patients with grade IV(P>0.05).The postoperative TTP,AUC and MS of patients with grade Ⅳ were significantly lower than those of patients with grade Ⅲ(t=7.679,3.498,58.968,P<0.05),respectively.The sensitivities of TTP,AUC and MS were respectively 66.70%,89.70% and 59.00% in assessing postoperative recurrence of interventional TACE for liver cancer,and the specificities of them were respectively 55.00%,55.00% and 55.00%,and the AUC values of them were respectively 0.629(95% CI:0.478-0.779),0.827(95% CI:0.723-0.931)and 0.512(95% CI:0.356-0.667).The sensitivities of TTP,AUC and MS were respectively 64.10%,79.50% and 61.50% in assessing postoperatively curative effect of interventional TACE for liver cancer,and the specificities of them were respectively 55.00%,65.00% and 55.00%,and the AUC values of them were respectively 0.609(95% CI:0.462-0.756),0.808(95% CI:0.698-0.918)and 0.580(95% CI:0.413-0.747).The sensitivities of TTP,AUC and MS were respectively 69.20%,82.10% and 53.80% in assessing the postoperative reduction of the perfusion of liver tumor of interventional TACE for liver cancer,and the specificities of them were respectively 70.00%,75.00% and 55.00%,and the AUC values of them were respectively 0.745(95% CI:0.613-0.877),0.842(95% CI:0.724-0.960)and 0.507(95% CI:0.360-0.654).Conclusion:The TTP,AUC and MS of perfusion parameters that are obtained by ccDSA quantitative analysis for the data after X-ray angiography examination have a certain application value in assessing the postoperative recurrence,curative effect and the reduction of the perfusion of liver tumor of interventional TACE for liver cancer.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 59-63, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026486


Objective:To quantitatively analyze the plaque components of carotid artery through energy spectrum computed tomography angiography(CTA),and to measure the blood flow perfusion in the blood-supply area of carotid artery through CT perfusion(CTP),so as to explore the relationship among plaque component,the degree of luminal stenosis and cerebral blood flow perfusion.Methods:A total of 68 patients with unilateral plaques of carotid artery and severe vascular stenosis who were screened and diagnosed by ultrasound and CTA in Xiyuan Hospital from December 2017 to July 2019 were selected,and all patients underwent CTA examination and CTP examination.North American symptomatic carotid endarterectomy test(NASCET)method was used to measure the degree of carotid stenosis.The GE AW 4.7 post-process workstation was used to conduct analyses of energy spectrum and cerebral perfusion for the plaque component.And then,the slope of energy spectrum curve and the effective atomic number were obtained.At the same time,the cerebral blood volume(CBV),cerebral blood flow(CBF),time to peak(TTP)and mean transit time(MTT)of contrast agent in blood-supplying area of anterior cerebral artery(ACA)and middle cerebral artery(MCA)at the side of lesion were measured.Results:A total of 68 measured plaques of 68 patients met the condition,including 44 vulnerable plaques(including lipid plaques and mixed plaques)and 24 stable plaques(fibrous plaques).The average slopes of the energy spectrum curves of vulnerable plaque and stable plaque were respectively 0.45±0.45 and 1.15±0.39,and the differences were significant(t=2.413,P<0.05).The averagely effective atomic numbers of vulnerable plaques and stable plaques were respectively 7.21±1.06 and 8.01±0.63,and the difference were significant(t=2.548,P<0.05).The average TTP values of the ACA at the side of lesion of vulnerable plaques and stable plaques were respectively(12.20±1.61)S and(13.59±2.79)S,and the difference was significant(t=-2.607,P<0.05).The mean MTT values of the ACA at the side of lesion of vulnerable plaques and stable plaques were respectively(5.07±1.66)S and(6.09±2.19)S,and the difference was significant(t=-2.177,P<0.05).The degree of vascular stenosis at the side of lesion was positively correlated with TTP and MTT in blood-supplying area of middle cerebral artery(MCA)at the side of lesion(r=0.537,0.465,P<0.05),and that was negatively correlated with CBF values in blood-supplying areas of ACA and MCA at the side of lesion(r=-0.281,-0.569,P<0.05),respectively.The slope of the energy spectrum curve of carotid plaque was positively correlated with the TTP values in blood-supplying areas of ACA and MCA at the side of lesion(r=0.242,0.246,P<0.05),respectively.Conclusion:CT spectral imaging can quantitatively analyze the displayed components of carotid atherosclerotic plaque,and the degree of vascular stenosis can affect the blood flow perfusion of cerebral tissue,and the delays of TTP and MTT are more easily caused by vulnerable plaque,and the TTP of them is more sensitivity.

China Medical Equipment ; (12): 64-69, 2024.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026487


Objective:To explore the evaluation of dual-parameter three dimension arterial spin labelling(3D-ASL)perfusion imaging on blood-supply situation of patients with chronic middle cerebral artery occlusion(CMCAO)and the relationship between that and cerebral infarction area.Methods:A total of 112 patients with unilateral CMCAO admitted to Handan Central Hospital from April 2019 to December 2021 were selected,and all of them were divided into a compensatory group(50 cases)with anterior cerebral artery(ACA)leptomeningeal anastomoses(LMA)and an uncompensated group(62 cases)according to the results of digital subtraction angiography(DSA)examination.The results of diffusion weighted imaging(DWI),magnetic resonance angiography(MRA)and dual-parameter 3D-ASL detection were respectively analyzed,and the clinical data,3D-ASL parameters and the incidence of cerebral infarction between the two groups were compared.The influence factors of compensation were further analyzed.The receiver operating characteristics(ROC)curve of LMA diagnostic value of CMCAO patients was drawn according to cerebral blood flow values[post label delay(PLD)=1.5 s,2.5 s)].The 3D-ASL parameters of patients with different cerebral infarction areas were compared,and the relationship between 3D-ASL parameters and cerebral infarction area was compared.Results:The apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC)at the side of lesion of CMCAO patients was(0.31±0.10),and cerebral blood flow values at 1.5s and 2.5s were respectively(25.67±4.25)and(54.09±4.49),which were significantly lower than those at the side of healthy,and the differences were statistically significant(t=27.591,34.210,3.913,P<0.05),respectively.The differences of cerebral blood flow values(1.5s and 2.5s)between compensatory group and uncompensated group were significant(t=5.584,4.090,P<0.05),respectively.The results of logistic regression analysis showed that age,stroke,cerebral infarction area and cerebral blood flow values(1.5 s and 2.5 s)were influencing factors on LMA compensation of CMCAO patients(OR=4.187,6.604,0.482,5.681,5.807,P<0.05),respectively.The ROC values showed that the area under curve(AUC)of 3D-ASL were respectively 0.720 and 0.812 in diagnosing LMA when PLD were respectively 1.5s and 2.5s.The proportion of normal and lacunar infarctions in the compensatory group was significantly higher than that in the uncompensated group,while the proportions of middle and small infarction,and large area infarctions of the compensatory group were significantly lower than those of the uncompensated group,and the difference was statistically significant(t=28.062,P<0.05).The difference in cerebral blood flow values(1.5s)among patients with different infarct areas was statistically significant(t=0.202,P<0.05).The cerebral blood flow value(1.5s)of 3D-ASL was negatively correlated with the area of cerebral infarction(r=-0.261,P<0.05).Conclusion:Dual parameter 3D-ASL can non-invasively and visually assess the compensatory status of LMA of patients with unilateral CMCAO.The blood flow perfusion of middle cerebral artery(MCA)at the side of lesion is related to the area of cerebral infarction.When the PLD is 1.5s,the sensitive response can be conducted on this,so as to provide objective and reliable basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment and curative effect.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1027170


Objective:To explore the relationship between macrophage infiltration in the coronary plaque and downstream myocardial perfusion in mice.Methods:The experimental group consisted of 20 ApoE knockout mice models of the coronary plaque established by feeding with cholesterol-rich diets, and the control group consisted of 20 sex- and age-matched C57BL/6 mice with the same genetic background as ApoE mice.Adenosine stress myocardial contrast echocardiography was performed on all experimental animals to obtain the values of A, β and A×β of the left ventricular myocardium in anteroseptal and posterior walls both in the resting status and during adenosine stress. Concentrations of serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) were determined using mouse enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits according to the manufacturer′s instructions. The degree of macrophage infiltration in the coronary plaque was evaluated by pathological immunohistochemistry staining and the correlations with the above indicators were analyzed.Results:There were no statistically significant differences in heart rate and left ventricular structural parameters between two groups (all P>0.05). The experimental group had a lower left ventricular ejection fraction( P=0.021), and higher weight and serum levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, IL-6, and TNF-α than the control group (all P<0.05). The values of A, β and A × β of the left ventricular myocardium in anteroseptal and posterior walls in the experimental group were significantly lower than those in the control group during adenosine stress (all P<0.05). In the experimental group, the value of the macrophage infiltration found in the plaque of the left main coronary artery correlated positively with the level of serum TNF-α ( r=0.63, P=0.003) and negatively correlated with the values of A×β of the left ventricular myocardium in anteroseptal and posterior walls during adenosine stress ( r=-0.74, P<0.001; r=-0.72, P<0.001; respectively). Conclusions:Myocardial perfusion in ApoE knockout mice models of the coronary atherosclerosis was related with degree of macrophage infiltration in the coronary plaque, and macrophages may play a role by releasing inflammatory mediator TNF-α.