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Chinese Journal of Microsurgery ; (6): 181-183,illust 1, 2009.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-597091


@#Objective To report the operative technique and clinical results of reversed perforator-plus sural neurofasciocutaneous flap in lower leg. Methods Perforator-plus sural neurofasciocutaneous flaps, which designed along the axis of the sural nerve and based on the dual-pedicle of fasciocutaneous and per-oneal perforator, were used to reconstruct soft-tissue defect in lower extremities. Results Twenfy-four flaps, ranged from 25 cm×12 cm - 8 cm ×7 cm in size, survived completely without venous congestion and distal ischemia and necrosis. The color and texture of the flaps were good. The appearance and functional re-suits were satisfactory with following up for 6 to 12 months. Conclusion The modified technique in pediclehave minimized the complication, enlarged the size of the flap and improved the survive rates. It is a goodmethod in repairing large soft-tissue defects of extremities.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-26056


The perforator flaps are based on cutaneous vessels which are originated from a main pedicle and penetrate fascia or muscle to reach the skin. The lateral lower leg is one of the most suitable areas for harvesting perforator flaps because a number of perforator vessels exist. The authors applied peroneal perforator flaps in nine patients. Five flaps were reverse island flaps based on peroneal artery and septocutaneous perforator, and four flaps were free flap based on musculocutaneous perforator only. The recipient site was the posterior ankle in three patients, posterior heel in three patients, lateral malleolus, anterolateral ankle, and foot dorsum in one patient each. The flap size ranged from 5 to 12cm long, from 3 to 5cm wide, and the primary closure of the donor site was possible in most cases. All flaps, except for the flap in two patients in the reverse island flap series, survived completely. The peroneal perforator flap is a very thin, pliable flap with minimal donor site morbidity and is suitable for the reconstruction of small and medium sized superficial skin defects. Also, this flap may be considered as an alternative to radial forearm flap or other perforator flaps.

Humans , Ankle , Arteries , Fascia , Foot , Forearm , Free Tissue Flaps , Heel , Leg , Perforator Flap , Skin , Surgical Flaps , Tissue Donors