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Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;35: e24, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1564087


Abstract This study evaluated the setting time, pH, calcium ion release, solubility, and chemical structure of four calcium silicate sealers after ultrasonic activation (UA). Five sealers were evaluated: Sealer Plus (SP - control); Sealer Plus BC (SPBC), Bio C Sealers (BCS), Endosequence BC Sealer (EBC), and BioRoot RCS (BR). Ten groups were created based on the use or not of ultrasonic activation: SP; SP/UA; SPBC; SPBC/UA; BCS; BCS/UA; EBC; EBC/UA; BR; and BR/UA. Setting time was performed based on ISO 6876:2012 and ASTM C266-07 specifications. Solubility at 24hs, based on ISO 6876:2012. pH and calcium release were evaluated at 1, 24, 72, and 168hs. Raman spectroscopy was used to evaluate structural changes. Quantitative data were analyzed using One-Way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test (α=5%). Raman spectroscopy results were qualitatively analyzed. Setting times and solubility of all sealers were not affected by UA (p>0.05). The highest solubility was found for BCS, BCS/UA; and BR, BR/UA (p<0.05). After 24hs, calcium silicate sealers had higher pH than SP and SP/UA (p<0.05). BR and BR/UA had the highest pH at all time points. SP and SP/UA had stable pH at all time points. SP and SP/UA had the lowest calcium release values at all time points (p<0.05). EBC and EBC/UA calcium release significantly differ at 24,72 and 168hs (p<0.05). No chemical changes were observed during Raman spectroscopy. In conclusion, ultrasonic activation affected calcium ion release only for EndoSequence BC Sealer. Ultrasonic activation did not influence the initial and final setting time, solubility, pH, and chemical structure of any investigated sealers.

Resumo Esse estudo avaliou o tempo de presa, pH, liberação de íons cálcio, solubilidade e estrutura química de quatro cimentos à base de silicate de cálcio após a ativação ultrassônica . Cinco cimentos foram avaliados: Sealer Plus (SP - control); Sealer Plus BC (SPBC), Bio C Sealers (BCS), Endosequence BC Sealer (EBC) e BioRoot RCS (BR). Dez grupos foram criados com base no uso ou não de ativação ultrassônica: SP; SP/UA; SPBC; SPBC/UA; BCS; BCS/UA; EBC; EBC/UA; BR; e BR/UA. Tempo de presa foi realizado baseado nas especificações ISO 6876:2012 e ASTM C266-07. Solubilidade em 24hs, baseado na ISO 6876:2012. pH e liberação de cálcio foram avaliados em 1, 24, 72 e 168hs. Espectroscopia Raman foi usada para avaliar alterações estruturais. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados utilizando ANOVA de uma via e teste post-hoc de Tukey (α=5%). Os resultados da espectroscopia Raman foram analisados qualitativamente. Os tempos de presa e a solubilidade de todos os cimentos não foram afetados pelo AU (p>0.05). Maior solubilidade foi encontrada para BCS, BCS/AU; e BR, BR/AU (p<0.05). Após 24hs, os cimentos de silicato de cálcio apresentaram pH mais elevado que SP e SP/AU (p<0.05). BR e BR/AU tiveram o pH mais alto em todos os momentos. SP e SP/AU apresentaram pH estável em todos os momentos. SP e SP/AU tiveram os menores valores de liberação de cálcio em todos os momentos (p<0.05). A liberação de cálcio EBC e EBC/AU diferiram significativamente em 24,72 e 168hs (p<0.05). Nenhuma alteração química foi observada durante a espectroscopia Raman. Em conclusão, a ativação ultrassônica afetou a liberação de íons cálcio apenas para o EndoSequence BC Sealer. A ativação ultrassônica não influenciou o tempo de presa inicial e final, a solubilidade, o pH e a estrutura química de nenhum dos cimentos investigados.

rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 26(2): e2132, jul.-dic. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576971


RESUMEN El árbol de totumo Crescentia cujete L. crece en la Costa Atlántica colombiana y sus estudios se han orientado al fruto, tronco y hojas, excepto las semillas consideradas desecho. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la composición química del aceite y torta de las semillas del totumo. Se recolectaron frutos maduros, se sacaron las semillas y se extrajo el aceite, mediante prensado y solventes. A estos aceites se le midieron propiedades fisicoquímicas y se determinó la composición química, por HPLC. A la torta se le realizó análisis proximal. El método de extracción con mayor rendimiento fue el del solvente. El aceite demostró estabilidad y alta resistencia a la oxidación; su composición química presentó el 75 % de ácidos grasos insaturados y el 24 % saturados. El análisis proximal reveló alto valor nutricional. El aceite de las semillas y su torta pueden ser aprovechables en la industria alimentaria.

ABSTRACT The calabash tree Crescentia cujete L. grows on the Colombian Atlantic Coast, its studies have focused on the fruit, trunk, and leaves, except for the seeds considered waste. The purpose of this work was to determine the chemical composition of the oil and cake of the seeds of calabash tree. Ripe fruits were collected, seeds were removed, and the oil was extracted by pressing and solvent methods. Physicochemical properties were measured for these oils and the chemical composition was determined by HPLC. The cake underwent proximal analysis. The extraction method with the highest yield was the solvent. The oil demonstrated stability and high resistance to oxidation; its chemical composition presented 75 % unsaturated fatty acids and 24 % saturated. The proximal analysis revealed high nutritional value. The oil from the seeds and their cake can be used in the food industry.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-229358


Background: Effective composting management practice through monitoring of composting governing parameters is very crucial in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the composting process and hence the quality of the compost.Aims: To assess the variability of the different physiochemical properties (pH, pile temperature, mass, VS, TS and TOC) during open-air dumping and windrow composting of raw pig manure and shavings amended pig manure with wood.Study Design: Field and laboratory experiment.Place and Duration of Study: Waste-to-resource project site and project laboratory of the Department of Environmental Science of the University of Buea, Cameroon between February and March 2022. Methodology: Two sets of pig manure and wood shavings were mixed in mass ratios of 100%:0% and 90%:10% and placed in four different chambers. One set was dumped in an open-air situation while the other set was left to compost for 40 days. Piles were monitored after every next day for pH, temperature, mass loss, EC, MC, TOC, TS and VS analyses.Results: The highest composting temperature (63.4℃) was experienced in the 90:10 % while the lowest (39.4℃) was experience in the 100%. All 100% treatments had an acidic starting pH (5.04 and 5.58) while 90:10% treatments had a more basic pH (6.76 and 6.82), there was a significant difference in EC between the open-air dumped and windrow compost piles (P = 0.000). Mass significantly reduced by 64% and 75% (100% and90:10% compost respectively), 51% and 56.5% (100% and 90:10%dumping respectively). Significant difference existed in MC (P = 0.010). Both VS and TC decrease across all treatments, the highest VS and TOC were observed in all 100:0% treatments.Conclusion: Open-air dumping and composting of pig manure with woods shavings should be promoted since it enhances physiochemical properties, but more emphasis should be on composting than on open-air dumping.

Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;34(4): 34-43, July-Aug. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1520331


Abstract This study evaluated the effect of heating on the physicochemical properties and surface changes of tricalcium silicate sealers. Three tricalcium silicate root canal sealers (Bio-C Sealer, BioRoot-RCS, EndoSequence BC Sealer), and one epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus; control) were tested. The effect of heating on setting time (ST) and flowability were assessed according to ANSI/ADA 57 and ISO 6876 standards. Solubility and dimensional change (DC) of the set sealers were evaluated at 24 hours and after 30 days; the pH of the water used in the DC testing was also measured. Tests were repeated with heated sealers in an oven at 100 °C for 1 min. SEM and EDS analysis were performed. Data were analyzed using One-Way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc tests (α=5%). Heating decreased the ST for AH Plus and EndoSequence (p<0.05). Heating reduced flowability (p<0.05) and increased pH for AH Plus (p<0.05). The solubility of Bio-C (dried specimens) was not in accordance with the ANSI/ADA standard. The solubility of EndoSequence was significantly higher (p<0.05) when it was heated and dried after 30 days. DC of Bio-C (24 h and 30 days), BioRoot-RCS (30 days) and AH Plus (24 h and 30 days) were not in accordance with the standards. SEM and EDS analysis showed significant changes in sealer microstructure after heating. In conclusion, heating decreased the ST and increased the solubility of EndoSequence BC sealer. No significant changes in flowability, DC, and pH were identified for all three tricalcium silicate sealers after heat application. However, all sealers had significant surface changes.

Resumo Este estudo avaliou o efeito do aquecimento nas propriedades físico-químicas e nas alterações superficiais de cimentos de silicato tricálcico. Três cimentos endodônticos de silicato tricálcico (Bio-C Sealer, BioRoot-RCS, EndoSequence BC Sealer) e um cimento à base de resina epóxi (AH Plus) foram testados para avaliar o efeito do aquecimento no tempo de presa (TP) e escoamento de acordo com as normas ANSI/ADA 57 e ISO 6876. A solubilidade e alteração dimensional (AD) dos cimentos foram avaliadas após 24 horas e 30 dias. O pH da água usada no teste de AD também foi medido. Os testes foram repetidos com cimentos aquecidos em um forno a 100 °C por 1 min. Análises em MEV e EDS foram realizadas. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de ANOVA-1 via e post hoc de Tukey (α=5%). O aquecimento diminuiu o TP para AH Plus e EndoSequence (p<0,05). O aquecimento reduziu o escoamento (p<0,05) e aumentou o pH do AH Plus (p<0,05). A solubilidade do Bio-C (amostras desidratadas) não estava de acordo com o padrão ANSI/ADA. A solubilidade da EndoSequence foi significativamente maior (p<0,05) quando aquecida e desidratada após 30 dias. As AD de Bio-C (24 h e 30 dias), BioRoot-RCS (30 dias) e AH Plus (24 h e 30 dias) não estavam de acordo com as normas ADA e ISO. A análise em MEV e EDS mostrou alterações significativas na estrutura dos cimentos após aquecimento. Em conclusão, o aquecimento diminuiu o TP e aumentou a solubilidade do cimento EndoSequence BC. Não foram identificadas mudanças significativas no escoamento, AD e pH para os cimentos de silicato tricálcico após aquecimento. Porém, todos os cimentos tiveram alterações significativas na superfície.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-219671


This study explored the potential of African walnut in the formulation of composite flour which can be used for bread production and in various food applications. African walnut flour was produced and used to substitute wheat flour at different levels (5 - 25%) in the production of wheat-African walnut composite flour. Functional and pasting properties of the composite flour were evaluated using standard procedures. Proximate composition, antioxidant activity, some loaf quality attributes and sensory acceptability of bread produced from the composite flour were evaluated using standard procedures. Wheat bread served as control. The composite flour showed varying functional properties which ranged from 2.43 to 3.46 (swelling capacity), 1.15 to 1.85 mL/g (water absorption capacity), 2.15 to 2.75 mL/g (oil absorption capacity), 10.80 to16.60% (foam capacity), 63.0 to 75.0% (dispersibility), 38.92 to 69.92 seconds (wetability), 0.75 to 0.79 g/mL (packed bulk density) and 0.43 to 0.47 g/mL (loose bulk density). Inclusion of African walnut reduced peak viscosity (53.92 – 148.83 RVU), trough viscosity (52.25 – 88.58 RVU), breakdown viscosity (1.67 – 60.25 RVU), final viscosity (74.08 – 191.25 RVU) and setback viscosity (21.83 – 102.67 RVU) of the composite flour. Composite bread had better protein (9.75 – 16.93%), fat (3.42 – 9.94%), ash (1.46 – 2.75%), crude fibre (0.86 – 3.64%) but reduced specific loaf volume (2.36 – 4.18 cm3/g) and loaf height (3.00 – 5.40cm) than the control, and exhibited appreciable antioxidant activity (DPPH: 31.60 – 73.09% and FRAP: 0.51 - 4.25 mg/g). In term of sensory acceptability composite bread samples produced with 5 and 10 % levels of African walnut compared favourably with bread produced from wheat flour. Thus composite flour produced from wheat and African walnut flours showed an array of physicochemical properties which could make it useful in different food applications. Acceptable bread could be produced from wheat flour substituted with African walnut flour at 10% level.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221404


Shatavari was called as "Queen of Herb". It improves female reproductive health including hormonal imbalance, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, polycystic ovarian syndrome, follicular growth, oocytes quality and infertility. Shatavari act as galactgogue and also as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and immunomodulator for many infectious diseases. The present study was carried out to analyze the physicochemical and phytochemical properties of different forms of Shatavari supplement available in local markets. Three different forms of supplement such as tablet, capsule and powder were chosen by purposive sampling technique. Experimental research design was adopted for the study. Shatavari standard sample was found to have 5.29% of moisture content. The Total ash yield was 3.70%. The percentage of acid insoluble ash was found to be 2.39 and water soluble ash was 1.21%. The water extractives value (45.72%) was considerably higher than alcohol extractive (8.91%). Physicochemical analysis of Tablet, Capsule and Powder divulge the percentage of various parameters moreover similar to standard. The pH value reported that Shatavari was slightly acidic in nature. The phytochemical study revealed the presence of bioactive components like Saponins, Tannins and Glycosides in all forms of samples including standard. The present study reported that the formulation of different forms of Shatavari supplement contains several bioactive components which was essential to consider as an ideal Herbal Nutraceutical supplements. Hence Shatavari - An Herbal Nutraceutical supplement can be suggested to promote overall Health.

Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;34(1): 29-38, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1420580


Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical properties, cytotoxicity and bioactivity of a ready-to-use bioceramic material, Bio-C Repair (Angelus), in comparison with White MTA (Angelus) and Biodentine (Septodont). The physicochemical properties of setting time, radiopacity, pH, solubility, dimensional and volumetric changes were evaluated. Biocompatibility and bioactivity were assessed in Saos-2 osteoblast cell cultures by the MTT assay 3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide), Neutral Red (NR), Alizarin Red (ARS), and cell migration tests. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA, Tukey or Bonferroni tests (α = 0.05). Bio-C Repair had the longest setting time (p < 0.05), but radiopacity and solubility were accordance with the ISO 6876/2012 standards, besides linear expansion. Bio-C Repair and MTA had similar volumetric change (p > 0.05); lower than Biodentine (p < 0.05). All the materials evaluated had an alkaline pH. Bio-C Repair was cytocompatible and promoted mineralized nodule deposition in 21 days and cell migration in 3 days. In conclusion, Bio-C Repair had adequate radiopacity above 3mm Al, solubility less than 3%, dimensional expansion, and low volumetric change. In addition, Bio-C Repair promoted an alkaline pH and presented bioactivity and biocompatibility similar to MTA and Biodentine, showing potential for use as a repair material.

Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as propriedades físico-químicas, citotoxicidade e bioatividade de um novo material biocerâmico pronto para uso, Bio-C Repair (Angelus), em comparação com MTA Branco (Angelus) e Biodentine (Septodont). Foram avaliadas as propriedades físico-químicas de tempo de presa, radiopacidade, pH, solubilidade, alterações dimensionais e volumétricas. A biocompatibilidade, bioatividade e capacidade de reparo foram avaliadas em culturas de células de osteoblastos Saos-2 pelo ensaio MTT brometo de 3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-difeniltetrazólio), vermelho neutro (NR), vermelho de alizarina ( ARS) e testes de migração celular. A análise estatística foi realizada pelos testes ANOVA, Tukey ou Bonferroni (α = 0,05). Bio-C Repair apresentou o maior tempo de presa (p < 0,05), mas radiopacidade e solubilidade de acordo com as normas ISO 6876/2012, além de expansão linear. Bio-C Repair e MTA tiveram variação volumétrica semelhante (p > 0,05), menor que Biodentine (p < 0,05). Todos os materiais avaliados apresentaram pH alcalino. Bio-C Repair foi citocompatível, além de promover deposição de nódulos mineralizados em 21 dias e migração celular em 3 dias. Em conclusão, o Bio-C Repair apresentou radiopacidade adequada acima de 3mmAl, solubilidade menor que 3%, expansão dimensional e baixa perda volumétrica.. Além disso, o Bio-C Repair promoveu um pH alcalino e apresentou bioatividade e biocompatibilidade semelhantes ao MTA e Biodentine, mostrando potencial para uso como material reparador

Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B ; (6): 3277-3299, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011131


In recent years, owing to the miniaturization of the fluidic environment, microfluidic technology offers unique opportunities for the implementation of nano drug delivery systems (NDDSs) production processes. Compared with traditional methods, microfluidics improves the controllability and uniformity of NDDSs. The fast mixing and laminar flow properties achieved in the microchannels can tune the physicochemical properties of NDDSs, including particle size, distribution and morphology, resulting in narrow particle size distribution and high drug-loading capacity. The success of lipid nanoparticles encapsulated mRNA vaccines against coronavirus disease 2019 by microfluidics also confirmed its feasibility for scaling up the preparation of NDDSs via parallelization or numbering-up. In this review, we provide a comprehensive summary of microfluidics-based NDDSs, including the fundamentals of microfluidics, microfluidic synthesis of NDDSs, and their industrialization. The challenges of microfluidics-based NDDSs in the current status and the prospects for future development are also discussed. We believe that this review will provide good guidance for microfluidics-based NDDSs.

Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;33(6): 20-27, Nov.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1420560


Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the influence of ultrasonic activation (UA) on the physicochemical properties of hydraulic calcium silicate-based sealers. Nine experimental conditions were created based on the hydraulic calcium silicate-based sealers (Bio-C Sealer, Sealer Plus BC and Bio Root RCS) and the ultrasonic activation (no activation [NA], 10 seconds, and 20 seconds). Then the experimental groups were BC-NA, BC-10, BC-20, SPBC-NA, SPBC-10, SPBC-20, BR-NA, BR-10, and BR-20. Activation was performed with an ultrasonic insert 20/.01. The mold for the physicochemical analysis was filled and evaluated according to the ANSI/ADA specification nº. 57: initial and final setting time, flow, radiopacity and solubility. Tests were also performed to evaluate pH and calcium ion release with experimental periods of 1, 24, 72, and 168 hours with a pH meter and colorimetric spectrophotometer. Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance and post-hoc Tukey tests. The significance level was set at 5%. The time of UA progressively delayed the initial setting time for all hydraulic calcium silicate-based sealers (p < 0.05). Twenty seconds of UA increased the mean flow values of Sealer Plus BC and Bio-C Sealer compared to NA (p < 0.05). UA did not influence the radiopacity and solubility of the tested sealers (p > 0.05). UA for 20 seconds enhanced the pH levels and the calcium ion release of Sealer Plus BC and Bio-C Sealer at 168h (p < 0.05). UA for twenty seconds interferes with some physicochemical properties of hydraulic calcium silicate-based sealers.

Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência da ativação ultrassônica nas propriedades físico-químicas de cimentos de silicato de cálcio. Nove condições experimentais foram criadas com base nos cimentos de silicato de cálcio (Bio-C Sealer, Sealer Plus BC e Bio Root RCS) e na ativação ultrassônica (sem ativação [SA], 10 segundos e 20 segundos). Os grupos experimentais foram BC-SA, BC-10, BC-20, SPBC-SA, SPBC-10, SPBC-20, BR-SA, BR-10 e BR-20. A ativação foi realizada com um inserto ultrassônico 20/.01. O molde para a análise físico-química foi preenchido e avaliado de acordo com a especificação ANSI/ADA nº. 57: tempo de presa inicial e final, escoamento, radiopacidade e solubilidade. Também foram realizados testes para avaliação de pH e liberação de íons cálcio com períodos experimentais de 1, 24, 72 e 168 horas com pHmetro e espectrofotômetro colorimétrico. Os dados foram analisados por análise de variância one-way e testes post-hoc de Tukey. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5%. O tempo de AU aumentou progressivamente o tempo de presa inicial para todos os cimentos de silicato de cálcio (p < 0,05). Vinte segundos de AU aumentaram os valores médios de escoamento de Sealer Plus BC e Bio-C Sealer em comparação com SA (P < 0,05). A AU não influenciou a radiopacidade e a solubilidade dos cimentos testados (P > 0,05). AU por 20 segundos aumentou os níveis de pH e a liberação de íons cálcio de Sealer Plus BC e Bio-C Sealer em 168h (P < 0,05). AU por vinte segundos interfere em algumas propriedades físico-químicas dos cimentos de silicato de cálcio.

Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;33(5): 18-25, Sep.-Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1403783


Abstract Calcium silicate-based root canal sealers have been developed in powder/liquid or premixed ready-to-use forms. The evaluation of the physico-chemical properties of a prototype powder/liquid MTApex Sealer (Ultradent) in comparison to a ready-to-use material EndoSequence BC Sealer (Brasseler) was performed. The paste/paste epoxy resin-based AH Plus (Dentsply) served as control for comparisons. The sealers were evaluated (n = 6) regarding setting time (in dry and moist environments), flow and radiopacity, following the ISO-6876/2012 standard. Also, the pH was assessed. Material's surface and chemical characterization was evaluated using scanning-electron-microscopy (SEM) and energy-dispersive-spectrometry (EDS). Mixed ANOVA, Shapiro-Wilk, Levene, and post-hoc analysis with Bonferroni correction were performed at a significance level of 5%. MTApex Sealer exhibited the highest flow and EndoSequence BC Sealer had a significantly longer setting time in dry compared to the moist environment; however, for MTApex Sealer and AH Plus no significant changes occurred when additional moisture was provided. All materials exceeded 7 mm Al of radiopacity and showed a decreasing alkalinity over the 21 day-analysis. SEM/EDS evaluation resulted in peaks of calcium, silicon, and the respective radiopacifier. The prototype powder/liquid MTApex Sealer had the highest flow and similar setting time in both dry and moist environments; opposingly, EndoSequence BC Sealer was crucially influenced by external moisture. This suggests that the powder/liquid materials' setting seems to be more predictable.

Resumo Os cimentos endodônticos obturadores à base de silicato de cálcio foram desenvolvidos em formas pó/líquido ou pré-misturadas prontas para o uso. Foi realizada a avaliação das propriedades físico-químicas de um protótipo pó/líquido MTApex Sealer (Ultradent) em comparação com um material pronto para uso EndoSequence BC Sealer (Brasseler). O cimento obturador pasta/pasta à base de resina epóxi AH Plus (Dentsply) serviu de controle para as comparações. Os cimentos foram avaliados (n = 6) quanto a: tempo de presa (em ambientes secos e úmidos), escoamento e radiopacidade, seguindo a norma ISO-6876/2012; como também o pH. A superfície do material e a caracterização química foram realizadas utilizando a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e espectrometria dispersiva de energia (EDS). ANOVA, Shapiro-Wilk, Levene e análise post-hoc com correção de Bonferroni foram realizadas com nível de significância de 5%. O MTApex Sealer exibiu um escoamento mais alto e o EndoSequence BC Sealer teve um tempo de presa significativamente mais longo em ambiente seco em comparação com o ambiente úmido; entretanto, para MTApex Sealer e AH Plus, nenhuma mudança significativa ocorreu quando umidade adicional foi fornecida. Todos os materiais excederam 7 mm de Al de radiopacidade e mostraram uma alcalinidade decrescente ao longo dos 21 dias de análise. A avaliação MEV/EDS resultou em picos de cálcio, silício e respectivo radiopacificador. O protótipo de pó/líquido MTApex Sealer teve o maior escoamento e tempo de presa semelhante em ambientes secos e úmidos; ao contrário, o EndoSequence BC Sealer foi influenciado de maneira crucial pela umidade externa. Isso sugere que a configuração dos materiais em pó/líquido parece ser mais previsível.

Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 21-22, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396710


Spectroscopy has been shown to bea useful method to study the physicochemical properties of homeopathic preparations. Aim: In this pilot study, we comparedtwo methods (photon scattering and visible-light spectroscopy) in the physicalevaluation of Silicea terra200cH. Methodology: Italian test: Two sampleshave been examinedand compared: Silicea terra200cH and Sac lac200cH, both preparedin water solution, diluted and succussed according to German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia(Cemon Lab, Italy).Lactose was includedbecause the first 3 potencies of Silicea terraaremadeby trituration in lactosepowder.Measurements were made using an innovative Charge-Coupled Device (CCD) camera developedby Daniele Gullà, called MIRA/CORA(proprietary name). Slight variations in chrominance and luminance due to micro-vibrational 3D phenomenawere analyzed.Allmeasurements have been performed in a dark room at a constant temperature of 22°C +/-0,2°C usingafilter with very narrow spectral bands (10 nm).The measurements have been repeated three times on both Silicea terra200cH and Sac lac200cHwithin a few minutes aftereach other.Brazilian test: In the second test, performed in Brazil, variations in absorbance were used to identify Silicea terra200cH compared with Sac lac200cH andcompared withanother control solution of non-succussed 30% alcohol, using six solvatochromic dyes, following the method developed by Cartwright [1,2]. Both homeopathic samples were imported from Italy(the same sample bottles used in the Italian test),in Brazil they have beendiluted 1:100 in 30% hydro-alcoholic solution, and submitted to 100 succussions using an automatic mechanical arm (Denise, AUTIC, Brazil) prior to being tested. Samples were inserted into dyes solutions and evaluated by visible spectroscopy (FEMTO Spectrophotometer, Brazil). Dyes were prepared in ethanol P.A., according to previous established methods [3]. Three series in triplicate were performed and the results were analyzed by ANOVA / Tukey, comparing both samples and the unsuccussed 30% hydroalcoholic control solution.Results: Italian test: Measurements of the mean entropy of the signals, statistically elaborated with T Student test,yielded a two tailed p value < 0.05, where the entropy of the signal recorded from the Silicea terra200cHsample was statistically lower than the 200cH Sac lacsample.Brazilian test: Among all tested dyes, only BDN(4-(Bis-(4-(dimethylamino)-phenyl)methylene)-1(4H)-naphthalenone) showed aninteraction with Silicea terra200cH, reproducing the conclusions obtained in [3].Conclusions: Two different spectroscopic methods were able to show signal differences betweenSilicea terra200cH andSac lac200cH, suggesting that changes in solvent organization could be involved in the homeopathic signaling process, along withchanges in dipole moments of solvent and dyes. The results are potentially in line witha recent publishedpaper [4], that supportsthe propositionthatthe lower entropy of the verum signal compared with controls could beexplained by increased coherent vibrations of the verum sample, as theoretically explained in previous literature [5].

Spectrum Analysis , Dynamization , Silicea Terra/analysis
Int. j. high dilution res ; 21(2): 7-8, May 6, 2022.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396747


Water plays a vital role in adapting natural and human systems in a climate change scenario. Understandinghow this fundamental element of life is organized and functioning is essentialtogather, disseminate, and advanceknowledge about water at the micro and nanostructure level. With developments in the different research areas, the International Panel on Water Structure­IPWS was created during the 8thWorld Water Forum(WWF)inBrasília,2018,to connect researchersspecialized inwater structure under aninterdisciplinary perspective.In 2020 a partnership between CIRAT ­International Center on Water and Transdisciplinarityand WATER­a Multidisciplinary Research Journalhasbegun, intendedto organize a special edition on Water and Transdisciplinarityto be launched during the 9thWWF, in Dakar, on March 24th, 2022, in response to the challenges of our century, with the aim to disclose advanced knowledge about water at different structural levels, leading to a new understanding of it.The whole project was organized by Prof. Leoni Bonamin, from UniversityPaulista, with the support of the Editor-in-Chief Prof. Gerald Pollack, from Washington University at Seattle. The focus was on the cross-over of information with technical quality and bold thinking, as shown in Figure 1 below.Homeopathy wasincludedamong the themes.Aftera multi-step process, in which manuscripts were received (after personal invitationssent to more than 200 researchers in the field)andevaluated in a two-step peer review processto ensure maximum scientific understanding, the result showed a set of innovative contributions in which authors were allowed to be bold in their projects while careful with the methodology. Theentire process was carried out voluntarily by all the actors involved.Thus, the whole editorial process was philanthropic, there were no costs for the authors, and all articles were published as open access. Authors from five countries participated in this project: Brazil, India, Italy, Russia, and the United States. Different sessions were organized according to the topics: "Opinion Article," "Hypotheses," "Water Structure," "High Dilutions," "Water and Environment," and "New Devices."Fiveof twelve articles reported results on high dilutions, including its physicochemical propertiesandthe implications on biological systems, such as plants and aquatic animals [1-4]. This initiative inspired all to envision the possibility of offering practical solutions to old problems involving different ways of water management, which couldreduce social gaps and improve the quality of life fairly and universally.

Water Physicochemical Characteristics , Homeopathy
J. res. dent ; 10(1): 9-13, jan.-mar2022.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1378178


Aim To evaluate physicochemical properties and semi-quantitative elemental analysis of AH Plus Jet with samples from the beginning, middle and final portions of the automix syringe system. Methodology Three experimental groups based on the source of the material used (beginning, middle and final portion) were established for each of the evaluated properties. Setting time, flow and radiopacity were evaluate following ANSI/ADA n. 57 specification. Set specimens was used in the semi-quantitative elemental analysis in an energy-dispersive X ray spectroscopy and scanning-electron microscopy (EDS/SEM). Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey test (P<0.05). Results Flow, setting time, solubility and EDS/SEM tests showed no significant differences among the three portions of the automix syringe (P>0.05). Radiopacity test showed significant differences in the beginning of the syringe comparing to the middle and final portions (P<0.05). EDS/SEM analysis identified the presence of C, O, Al, Ca, Zr and W. The element Al, however, was found only in the final portion of the syringe. Conclusions The results of AH Plus Jet suggested an adequate ratio of the components, without segregation between organic and inorganic components, since the results of setting time, flow, solubility and EDS/SEM analysis presented similar values regardless of the portion of the syringe from where the sealer was taken.

Humans , Root Canal Filling Materials , Solubility , Chemical Phenomena
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-16, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468601


Vegetable oils have their specific physicochemical properties due to which they are playing vital role in human nutritional diet for health benefits. Cottonseed oil is obtained from various species of cotton seeds that are famous to be grown mainly for their fiber quality. The most prominently used specie is Gossypium hirsutum. It is obvious that the seeds of different variety of cotton vary as grown in diverse agroclimatic conditions with respect to oil, fats and protein contents. Cottonseed oil is routinely used for cooking and food manufacturing products. Cottonseed oil obtained after proper extraction/processing steps from crude state to refined oil in a variety of ways. Cotton crop is considered for their dual-use purpose, for fiber quality and oil production to promote health benefits in the world. Keeping in view the above facts, this review clearly demonstrated an overview about physicochemical and functional properties of cottonseed oil to promote health benefits associated with the use of this oil. The overall characteristics and all concerned health benefits of CSO will further improve their usefulness is a compact way. We have summarized a brief multi-dimensional features of CSO in all aspects up to the best of our knowledge fort he end researchers who can further research in the respective aspect.

Os óleos vegetais têm propriedades físico-químicas específicas que desempenham um papel vital na dieta nutricional humana em benefício à saúde. O óleo de semente de algodão, utilizado rotineiramente no preparo e na fabricação de alimentos, é obtido através de várias espécies de sementes de algodão, famosas pela alta qualidade de sua fibra, cuja espécie mais utilizada é Gossypium hirsutum. As sementes variam, em relação ao teor do óleo, da gordura e das proteínas, de acordo com o cultivo e as diversas condições agroclimáticas. O óleo de algodão é obtido após etapas adequadas de extração das sementes e processamento do estado bruto ao refinado. Assim, a presente revisão demonstra, de maneira geral, as propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais do óleo de semente de algodão e seus benefícios à saúde humana, resumindo suas características multidimensionais. As características gerais e todos os benefícios do composto podem melhorar ainda mais se utilizadas de forma compacta, auxiliando futuros pesquisadores.

Humans , Antioxidants/analysis , Chemical Phenomena , Gossypium/chemistry , Fatty Acids/analysis , Plant Oils/therapeutic use
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468795


Abstract Vegetable oils have their specific physicochemical properties due to which they are playing vital role in human nutritional diet for health benefits. Cottonseed oil is obtained from various species of cotton seeds that are famous to be grown mainly for their fiber quality. The most prominently used specie is Gossypium hirsutum. It is obvious that the seeds of different variety of cotton vary as grown in diverse agroclimatic conditions with respect to oil, fats and protein contents. Cottonseed oil is routinely used for cooking and food manufacturing products. Cottonseed oil obtained after proper extraction/processing steps from crude state to refined oil in a variety of ways. Cotton crop is considered for their dual-use purpose, for fiber quality and oil production to promote health benefits in the world. Keeping in view the above facts, this review clearly demonstrated an overview about physicochemical and functional properties of cottonseed oil to promote health benefits associated with the use of this oil. The overall characteristics and all concerned health benefits of CSO will further improve their usefulness is a compact way. We have summarized a brief multi-dimensional features of CSO in all aspects up to the best of our knowledge for the end researchers who can further research in the respective aspect.

Resumo Os óleos vegetais têm propriedades físico-químicas específicas que desempenham um papel vital na dieta nutricional humana em benefício à saúde. O óleo de semente de algodão, utilizado rotineiramente no preparo e na fabricação de alimentos, é obtido através de várias espécies de sementes de algodão, famosas pela alta qualidade de sua fibra., cuja espécie mais utilizada é Gossypium hirsutum. As sementes variam, em relação ao teor do óleo, da gordura e das proteínas, de acordo com o cultivo e as diversas condições agroclimáticas. O óleo de algodão é obtido após etapas adequadas de extração das sementes e processamento do estado bruto ao refinado. Assim, a presente revisão demonstra, de maneira geral, as propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais do óleo de semente de algodão e seus benefícios à saúde humana, resumindo suas características multidimensionais. As características gerais e todos os benefícios do composto podem melhorar ainda mais se utilizadas de forma compacta, auxiliando futuros pesquisadores.

Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 62(3): 383-396, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1395368


En la investigación se determinaron la presencia de geohelmintos y se evaluó la calidad ambiental del suelo mediante parámetros fisicoquímicos en el distrito de José Crespo y Castillo ­ Huánuco, Perú. Se detectaron y cuantificaron los geohelmintos, se caracterizó los perfiles modales y propiedades fisicoquímicas en función del Soil Taxonomy, y contraste con el estándar de calidad para el cadmio (Cd) y determinación del índice de calidad ambiental del suelo empleando el análisis de componentes principales. Los perfiles modales son Fluventic Eutrudepts, Lithic Udorthents, Typic Dystrudepts, Typic Dystrudepts - Lithic Udorthents, Typic Dystrudepts - Typic Endoaquents, Typic Endoaquents, Typic Eutrudepts - Typic Eutrudepts, Typic Udifluvents y Typic Udorthents; los parámetros fisicoquímicos textura, pH, materia orgánica, nitrógeno, fosforo disponible, potasio disponible, cadmio disponible, capacidad de intercambio catiónico efectivo, calcio, magnesio, aluminio, hidrogeno, bases y ácidos cambiables y porcentaje de saturación de aluminio, determinando que el cadmio disponible se encuentra dentro de los estándares de calidad ambiental del Perú; y el índice de calidad ambiental del suelo es de 41,48%, teniendo la calificación de un suelo regular de calidad ambiental. Y la contaminación por Ascaris lumbricoides fue en 25 de las calicatas (55,56%), presente en los 8 tipos de suelos catalogados, seguida de las unicinarias representadas por Necator americano y Ancylostoma duodenale en 14 calicatas (31,11%) de pH ligeramente a medianamente acido, y Taenias y Capilaria, ambos en el 8,29%; los geohelmintos como riesgo de salud pública, permanecen por largo de tiempo en el suelo, independientemente de la calidad y en amplios rangos de pH, favorecidos por niveles de sustratos orgánicos derivados de la antropogénesis(AU)

In the investigation, the presence of geohelminths was determined and the environmental quality of the soil was evaluated through physicochemical parameters in the district of José Crespo y Castillo - Huánuco, Peru. Geohelminths were detected and quantified and the modal profiles and physicochemical properties were characterized based on the Soil Taxonomy, and contrast with the quality standard for cadmium (Cd) and determination of the environmental quality index of the soil using the main component analysis. Modal profiles are Fluventic Eutrudepts, Lithic Udorthents, Typic Dystrudepts, Typic Dystrudepts - Lithic Udorthents, Typic Dystrudepts - Typic Endoaquents, Typic Endoaquents, Typic Eutrudepts - Typic Eutrudepts, Typic Udifluvents, and Typic Udorthents; the physicochemical parameters texture, pH, organic matter, nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium, available cadmium, effective cation exchange capacity, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, hydrogen, exchangeable bases and acids and percentage of aluminum saturation, determining that cadmium available is within the environmental quality standards of Peru; and the environmental quality index of the soil is 41.48%, having the qualification of a regular soil of environmental quality. And the contamination by Ascaris lumbricoides was in 25 of the pits (55.56%), present in the 8 types of cataloged soils, followed by the unicinarias represented by Necator americano and Ancylostoma duodenale in 14 pits (31.11%) of pH slightly to medium acid, and Taenias and Capilaria, both at 8.29%; As a public health risk, geohelminths remain in the soil for a long time, regardless of quality and in wide pH ranges, favored by levels of organic substrates derived from anthropogenesis(AU)

Agricultural Zones , Environmental Quality , Environmental Pollution , Indicators and Reagents , Reference Standards , Cadmium , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e19457, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383969


Abstract Diethylcarbamazine-loaded nanoparticles were previously evaluated for their anti-inflammatory activity. However, little is known regarding their physicochemical properties. Thus, the purpose of this study was to physiochemically characterize diethylcarbamazine-loaded poly(caprolactone) nanoparticles and evaluate their in vitro cytotoxicity. All formulations were prepared using the double-emulsion method. The average particle size was in the ranged between 298 and 364 nm and the polydispersity indexes were below 0.3. The zeta potential values were marginally negative, which may be related to drug loading, as higher loading led to an increase in the modulus of the zeta potential values. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis did not reveal any chemical interactions between the chemicals used and the absence of drug in crystalline form on the nanoparticle surfaces. The in vitro drug release study revealed a concentration-dependent release from the nanoparticles into the medium. The in vitro cytotoxicity assay demonstrated the biocompatibility of the blank and loaded nanoparticles. Hence, all formulations presented good physicochemical and safety properties, corroborating the in vivo anti-inflammatory activity, previously reported by our group.

Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Diethylcarbamazine/agonists , Drug Liberation , Methods , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/classification , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared , Chemical Compounds , Nanoparticles/analysis
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e243511, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285591


Vegetable oils have their specific physicochemical properties due to which they are playing vital role in human nutritional diet for health benefits. Cottonseed oil is obtained from various species of cotton seeds that are famous to be grown mainly for their fiber quality. The most prominently used specie is Gossypium hirsutum. It is obvious that the seeds of different variety of cotton vary as grown in diverse agroclimatic conditions with respect to oil, fats and protein contents. Cottonseed oil is routinely used for cooking and food manufacturing products. Cottonseed oil obtained after proper extraction/processing steps from crude state to refined oil in a variety of ways. Cotton crop is considered for their dual-use purpose, for fiber quality and oil production to promote health benefits in the world. Keeping in view the above facts, this review clearly demonstrated an overview about physicochemical and functional properties of cottonseed oil to promote health benefits associated with the use of this oil. The overall characteristics and all concerned health benefits of CSO will further improve their usefulness is a compact way. We have summarized a brief multi-dimensional features of CSO in all aspects up to the best of our knowledge for the end researchers who can further research in the respective aspect.

Os óleos vegetais têm propriedades físico-químicas específicas que desempenham um papel vital na dieta nutricional humana em benefício à saúde. O óleo de semente de algodão, utilizado rotineiramente no preparo e na fabricação de alimentos, é obtido através de várias espécies de sementes de algodão, famosas pela alta qualidade de sua fibra., cuja espécie mais utilizada é Gossypium hirsutum. As sementes variam, em relação ao teor do óleo, da gordura e das proteínas, de acordo com o cultivo e as diversas condições agroclimáticas. O óleo de algodão é obtido após etapas adequadas de extração das sementes e processamento do estado bruto ao refinado. Assim, a presente revisão demonstra, de maneira geral, as propriedades físico-químicas e funcionais do óleo de semente de algodão e seus benefícios à saúde humana, resumindo suas características multidimensionais. As características gerais e todos os benefícios do composto podem melhorar ainda mais se utilizadas de forma compacta, auxiliando futuros pesquisadores.

Humans , Cottonseed Oil , Health Promotion , Seeds , Plant Oils , Gossypium
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e191023, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403698


Abstract In the work the andrographolide (AG)-solid dispersions (SDs) were prepared by the spray-drying method, using polyethylene glycol 8000 (PEG8000), Poloxamer188, polyvinylpyrrolidone K30 (PVPK30), Soluplus® as carrier materials. The effect of different polymers as carrier materials on the properties of the AG-SDs were studied. The results showed obvious differences in intermolecular interaction, thermal stability, drug state, powder properties, dissolution behavior, and so on of AG-SDs prepared using different polymers as carrier materials. AG-PEG8000-SD was a partial-crystalline and partial-amorphous powder with smaller surface area and pore volume, but it was easy to wetting and did not swell in contact with dissolved medium. AG-Soluplus®-SD was completely amorphous powder with larger specific surface area and pore volume, but it swelled in contact with water. Therefore, the dissolution profile of AG in AG-PEG8000-SD was similar to that in AG-Soluplus®-SD. Soluplus® and PEG8000 were suitable polymers to design AG-SDs, considering both physicochemical properties and dissolution behaviors. The results of this reseach showed that when selecting carrier materials for SD, we should not only consider the state of drugs in SD and the powder properties of SD, but also consider whether there is swelling when the carrier materials are in contact with the dissolution medium.

Polyethylene Glycols/adverse effects , Dissolution , Methods , Polymers/analysis , Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Water , Spray Drying
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1148220


A new consumer profile for pharmaceutical and cosmetic products has motivated research into natural raw materials in the development of "green" products such as herbal medicines and biocosmetics. However, various limitations have been encountered in the marketing of these products, for example the quality control of the natural raw materials used by the industrial market. This study aims to evaluate the sensory and physicochemical parameters of murumuru (Astrocaryum murumuru Mart.), bacuri (Platonia insignis Mart.), tucuma (Astrocaryum vulgare Mart.), and ucuuba (Virola sebifera Aubl.) butters for applications in pharmaceutical and cosmetic bioproducts. The acidity and saponification as well as the iodine and peroxide indexes were evaluated and fatty acid profiles for the samples obtained by GC-MS. The sensory properties of the butters showed the appearance of solid to soft cream, color (yellow, brown, buttercup, and ochre), and characteristic odor. The melting temperatures of all butters ranged between 31 ºC and 49 °C. The acidity, saponification, iodine and peroxide indexes for the butters were of 5.82 ­ 17.73 mg (NaOH or KOH) g−1, 181.10 ­ 573.55 mg KOH g−1, 2.78 ­ 44.96 gl2 100 g−1, and 1.39 ­ 9.30 meq kg−1, respectively. From analyses of the fatty acid profiles, the major components identified were lauric acid in murumuru (40%) and ucuuba butters (73%), myristic acid in tucuma butter (53%), and palmitic acid in bacuri butter (42%). In general, the results of the analyses differed from the specifications of the supplier reports and official compendia. These findings highlight the importance of quality control in natural raw materials to ensure their functionality in pharmaceutical and cosmetic bioproducts.