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Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997751


Abstract@#Sellar-suprasellar tuberculoma represents 1% of all intracranial tuberculomas, which can convert into a pituitary abscess. @*Objectives@#This paper aims to present a case of a common lesion in an uncommon site,discuss the challenges in diagnosis in terms of clinical manifestations, imaging and histologic findings, discuss aholistic approach to treatment,and enumerate identified clinical outcomes of reported cases in literature. @*Methodology@#This paper presents a case report of a sellar-suprasellar tubercular abscess,and reviews similar cases reported in literature. @*Results@#This is acase of a 16-year old female, Filipino, presenting with a chronic history of intermittent headache, fever, blurring of peripheral vision, polyuria, and increased sleeping time. On neurologic examination, the patient had bitemporal hemianopsia and decreased visual acuity on the right eye. Neuroimaging revealed a hypodense lesion at the sellar-suprasellar area with rim-enhancement on CT and MRI, and laboratory findings suggestive of panhypopituitarism. She underwent Right Pterional Craniotomy and intraoperatively there was note of a firm, yellowish capsule with intracapsular yellowish viscous fluid, which was positive for acid fast bacilli. Marsupialization of abscess was performed and hormonal replacement and anti-tubercular medications were given. @*Conclusion@#Tuberculoma in the sellar-suprasellar area, can impinge on the optic chiasm, producing bitemporal hemianopsia and pituitary dysfunction.It presents like other sellar-suprasellar masses with non-specific symptoms and these masses share similar features on cranial CT scan. Due to the complexity of the disease, treatment of sellar-suprasellar TB requires integrated management of an infectious disease expert, neurologist, neurosurgeon, endocrinologist, and adolescent medicine specialist. Outcomes of four other cases found in literature were generally good after aspiration or drainage of the abscess followed by TB treatment for 15 to 18 months with resulting improvement invision, marked reduction in the size or complete resolution of the mass, but with one case having loss of pituitary function.

Child , Abscess
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-997858


@#Pituitary abscess is a rare condition. It can present with hormonal deficiencies and may affect reproductive health. We present a case of a 43-year-old female presenting with bitemporal hemianopsia and amenorrhea. Imaging of the pituitary showed a sellar-suprasellar mass 2.6 x 2.4 x 1.8 cm with an enhancing nodular component. Pre-operative diagnosis was pituitary adenoma with panhypopituitarism and compression of the optic chiasm. The patient underwent transsphenoidal excision of the tumor. Intraoperative findings revealed purulent fluid consistent with pituitary abscess. There was immediate improvement of vision post operatively. She did not develop diabetes insipidus. Gram stain showed polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells 0-1 per oil immersion field (OIF) and Gram-positive cocci 0-1 per OFI, however there was no growth on culture. The abscess was also negative for acid-fast bacilli and was negative on polymerase chain reaction. Histopathologic evaluation showed benign cyst contents. The patient was treated with ceftriaxone 2 grams every 12 hours for 14 days and was eventually discharged with prednisone and levothyroxine. Pituitary abscess is an important differential diagnosis for sellar and suprasellar masses. There are no specific clinical and radiologic features that will enable a preoperative diagnosis of pituitary abscess.

Arch. med. interna (Montevideo) ; 37(3): 122-126, nov. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-770756


Resumen: El absceso de hipófisis es una enfermedad poco frecuente, constituye menos del 1% de la patología selar, con alta dificultad diagnóstica, clínica poco orientadora, imagenología inespecífica y necesidad de cirugía diagnóstico-terapéutica en gran número de casos. Se denominan primarios cuando asientan en una glándula sana, y secundarios cuando la misma tiene una enfermedad preexistente. La infección se desarrolla por vía hematógena, por contigüidad o por mecanismos no evidentes. La resolución debe ser urgente ya que el curso es impredecible. Se presentan dos casos clínicos asistidos en el transcurso de un año y se realiza revisión de la literatura.

ABSTRACT: Pituitary abscess is a rare disease, is less than 1% of the sellar pathology, with high diagnostic difficulty, little clinical counselor, nonspecific imaging and diagnostic- therapeutic need surgery in many cases. Are called primary when seated in a healthy, and secondary when the same side gland has a preexisting condition. The infection develops through the blood, contiguous or non-obvious mechanisms. The resolution must be urgently because the course is rarely. Two cases assisted in the course of a year and review of the literature is presented.

Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 54(5): 34-38, sep.-oct. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-956893


Los abscesos hipofisarios se diagnostican en la mayoría de los casos solo después del drenaje transesfenoidal, el abordaje terapéutico de elección; son subdiagnosticados y representan una enfermedad con alta mortalidad sin el tratamiento correcto y oportuno. Este es el caso clínico de una paciente de 38 años de edad con amenorrea de un año de evolución, galactorrea, cefalea y déficit campimétrico manifestado por hemianopsia bitemporal. La resonancia magnética nuclear mostró una imagen compatible con adenoma hipofisario, por lo que se realizó abordaje transesfenoidal confirmándose por reporte histopatológico un absceso cerebral. Se llevó terapia antibiótica empírica con vancomicina, metronidazol y ceftriaxona a dosis meníngeas, sin obtener el agente causal en los cultivos. Se concluyó que los abscesos hipofisiarios son una patología potencialmente curable que al manifestarse como una masa selar la gran mayoría recibe un abordaje terapéutico adecuado por vía transesfenoidal, y en la mayoría de los casos dicho procedimiento arroja el diagnóstico y el tratamiento definitivo al mismo tiempo.

Pituitary abscesses are defined as the affection of the pituitary gland by an intrasellar suppurative process caused by an infectious agent. Pituitary abscesses represent less than 1% of the pathologies of the sellar region, the clinical manifestations are due to pituitary dysfunction or mass effect. The diagnosis in most of the cases is only after transsphenoidal drainage which is the therapeutic approach of choice, being underdiagnosed and becoming a disease with high mortality if the right and appropriate treatment is not instituted. Case report. A case of a 38-year-old-female patient with amenorrhea of one year of evolution, galactorrhea, headache and visual field deficits manifested by bitemporal hemianopsia is reported. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an image compatible with pituitary adenoma, a transsphenoidal approach was performed and histopathologic report confirmed a brain abscess. Antibiotic therapy was empirically started with vancomycin, metronidazole and ceftriaxone at meningeal doses, failed to get the agent in cultures. Conclusions. Pituitary abscesses are a potentially curable disease that present as a sellar mass, most receive the appropriate therapy by transsphenoidal approach and in most of the cases this procedure gives the definitive diagnosis and treatment simultaneously.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-34100


Pituitary abscess is a rare pathology, but it is a potentially life-threatening condition. Therefore, timely intervention, including antibiotics and an operation, can prevent the morbidity and mortality in such cases. A 31-year-old woman, who was 16 months after her second delivery, presented with intermittent headache for 3 months. Amenorrhea, polyuria and polydipsia were noticed and the endocrinological hormone studies were compatible with panhypopituitarism and diabetes insipidus. Pituitary MRI demonstrated a 2.3 cm sized cystic mass with an upper small nodular lesion. Her symptoms such as headache and fever were repeatedly improved whenever corticosteroid was administered, which led us to suspect the diagnosis of an inflammatory condition like lymphocytic hypophysitis. During the hormone replacement therapy, her cystic pituitary mass had grown and her symptoms progressively worsened for another two months. The patient underwent trans-sphenoidal exploration and she turned out to have a pituitary abscess. At the 3-month follow-up, amenorrhea was noticed and her residual function of the pituitary was tested by a combined pituitary stimulation test. The results were compatible with panhypopituitarism. She received levothyroxine 100 microg, prednisolone 5 mg and desmopressin spray and she is being observed at the out-patient clinic. The authors experienced a patient with primary pituitary abscess that was confirmed pathologically and we report on its clinical course with a literature review.

Adult , Female , Humans , Abscess , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Amenorrhea , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Deamino Arginine Vasopressin , Diabetes Insipidus , Fever , Follow-Up Studies , Headache , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Hypopituitarism , Outpatients , Polydipsia , Polyuria , Prednisolone , Thyroxine
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. Vet. Bras. (Online);30(3): 267-276, mar. 2010. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-545170


Para determinar as doenças que ocorrem no sistema nervoso de bovinos no semiárido nordestino, foi realizado um estudo retrospectivo em 411 necropsias de bovinos realizadas no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, Paraíba, entre janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2008. Dos 411 casos analisados 139 (33,81 por cento) apresentaram alterações clínicas do sistema nervoso e as fichas foram revisadas para determinar os principais achados referentes à epidemiologia, aos sinais clínicos e às alterações macroscópicas e microscópicas. Em 28 (20,14 por cento) casos o diagnóstico foi inconclusivo. As principais enfermidades foram raiva (48,7 por cento dos casos com sinais nervosos), abscessos cerebrais (7,2 por cento) incluindo três casos de abscesso da pituitária, febre catarral maligna (6,3 por cento), botulismo (6,3 por cento), alterações congênitas (4,5 por cento), traumatismo (4,5 por cento), tuberculose (2,7 por cento), tétano (2,7 por cento), infecção por herpesvírus bovino-5 (2,7 por cento), encefalomielite não supurativa (2,7 por cento), intoxicação por Prosopis juliflora (2,7 por cento), status spongiosus congênito de causa desconhecida (1,8 por cento) e polioencefalomalacia (1,8 por cento). Outras doenças diagnosticadas numa única oportunidade (0,9 por cento) foram criptococose, listeriose, encefalite tromboembólica, linfossarcoma, tripanossomíase e babesiose por Babesia bovis.

Diseases of the nervous system of cattle in the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil were evaluated by a retrospective study of 411 cattle necropsies performed in the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Patos, Paraíba, from January 2000 to December 2008. Of the 411 cases analyzed, 139 (33.81 percent) were from cattle that presented nervous signs and the records were reviewed to determine the epidemiological, clinical, and macroscopic and histologic main features. Diagnosis was inconclusive in 28 cases (20.14 percent). In cases with diagnosis the main diseases were rabies (48.7 percent of the cases with nervous signs), brain abscesses (7.2 percent) including three cases of pituitary abscesses, malignant catarrhal fever (6.3 percent), botulism (6.3 percent), congenital malformations (4.5 percent), trauma (4.5 percent), tuberculosis (2.7 percent), tetanus (2.7 percent), infection by bovine hervesvirus-5 (2.7 percent), non-suppurative encephalomyelitis (2.7 percent), intoxication by Prosopis juliflora (2.7 percent), congenital status spongiosus of unknown etiology (1.8 percent), and polioencephalomalacia (1.8 percent). Other diseases diagnosed only once (0.9 percent) were cryptococcosis, listeriosis, thromboembolic encephalitis, lymphosarcoma, trypanosso-miasis, and babesiosis by Babesia bovis.

Animals , Cattle , Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Cattle Diseases/epidemiology , Cattle Diseases/mortality , Nervous System/physiopathology , Periodic Acid , Staining and Labeling/methods , Staining and Labeling/veterinary , Fluorescent Antibody Technique , Immunohistochemistry , Pathology, Clinical , Tissue and Organ Harvesting , Histological Techniques/methods , Histological Techniques/veterinary
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-389196


Objective To investigate the clinical features and treatments of pituitary abscess.Method The clinical data of 6 patients with pituitary abscess were examed along with a review of the literature.Results Of 6 patients,headache was presented in 5 patients,hypopituitarism in 4 patients,visual disturbance and/or bitemporal hemianopsia in 4 patients and fever in 1 patient.MRI and CT images showed a cystic sellar lesion with ring enhancement in 5 patients.Preoperative diagnosis of pituitary abscess was made in 2 patients,pituitary adenomas in 3 patients and craniopharyngiomas in 1 patient.All cases were treated surgically by transsphenoidal approach in 5 patients and transscranial in 1 patient.Followed with postoperative antibiotics therapy for 3 weeks,the symptoms were improved postoperatively in all cases.Followed up 8 months to 10 years,1 patient who underwent craniotomy recurred and wag cured by via transsphenoidal surgery.Conclusions The pituitary abscess is easily misdiagnosed.The cystic pituitary lesion should be considered the possibility of pituitary abscess.Transsphenoidal surgery and proper perioperative antibiotics therapy are the keys to the treatment of pituitary abscess.

Korean Journal of Medicine ; : 133-138, 2009.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-154711


Pituitary abscesses are rare, but potentially life-threatening. Drainage of the abscess through a transsphenoidal approach is the standard treatment for a pituitary abscess. Recently, we experienced a patient with a Klebsiella pneumoniae pituitary abscess who was cured using antibiotics, without surgery. A 52-year-old man had a chronic, persistent headache for 1 month. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a fluid collection in his pituitary fossa. Pituitary hormone tests showed mild hypopituitarism. He was put on antibiotics and discharged after 6 weeks without sequelae. An early diagnosis and adequate antibiotics treatment for this life-threatening infection can result in an excellent prognosis.

Humans , Middle Aged , Abscess , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Drainage , Early Diagnosis , Headache , Hypopituitarism , Klebsiella , Klebsiella pneumoniae , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Prognosis
Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 1713-1715, 2009.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-405164


Objective To discuss the MRI characteristics of pituitary abscess,so that to improve the diagnosis of it.Methods MR imaging data in 8 cases with pituitary abscess proved by operation and pathology,and antibiosis therapy were retrospectively analyzed in combination with review of literatures.Of 8 cases,3 were male and 5 were female,the mean age was 53.3 years(ranged 36~62 years).Results MRI findings included hypophysis enlargement,isointensity in 6 cases and slight hyperintensity in 2 cases on T1WI;isointensity in 4,hyperintensity in 2 and mixed iso-and hyperintensity in 2 on T2WI;hyperintensity in one on DWI.On contrast-enhanced scan,all pituitary masses showed ring enchancement,6 cases showed thickened walls which were slightly lamellar;7 cases demonstrated pituitary stalk thickening and enchancement.Conclusion Pituitary abscesses are of certain typical MRI characteristics.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-732256


OBJECTIVE: To discuss a case of pituitary abscess presenting with amenorrhea and diabetes insipidus, and to enumerate the differential diagnosis for this conditionSIGNIFICANCE: By presenting this case, the author aims to increase awareness regarding the possibility of infectious causes of pituitary masses, thereby prompting early recognition and treatment of similar casesCASE REPORT: This is the case of a 42-year old woman admitted due to severe generalized headache, amenorrhea and polyuria of three months duration, preceded by a one-month history of remittent fever. Physical examination was normal except for bitemporal hemianopsiaLABORATORY TEST RESULTS: On admission, she had mild anemia, hypernatremia with elevated serum osmolality, and failure to concentrate urine. Hormonal examinations showed normal thyroxine and growth hormone levels, low basal serum cortisol, and elevated prolactin levels. Cranial CT scan showed widening of the sella turcica with a homogenous, isodense, slightly enhancing focus in the sellar and suprasellar area.COURSE: Initial considerations were chiasmatic glioma versus a pituitary adenoma. Transphenoidal surgery was done and intraoperatively, purulent fluid was noted. Aspirate gram stain showed 1-2 white blood cells per high power field but with no growth on culture. Subsequently, vision was fully restored but prolactin levels continued to be slightly elevated. Basal cortisol and urine specific gravity were persistently low. Repeat CT scan showed disappearance of the pituitary mass. Six months after the operation, the patient was able to go back to work but continues to take steroids and carbamazepine for the diabetes insipidus.REVIEW OF LITERATURE: There are about 100 cases of pituitary abscess in literature mimicking pituitary adenoma and presenting with headaches, amenorrhea, visual field cuts, hypopituitarism, fever and meningitis. As in this case, the abscess is frequently sterile. Pituitary abscess should be considered in patients with a primary diagnosis of pituitary adenoma with accompanying signs and symptoms suggestive of an infection. (Author)

Humans , Female , Adult , Pituitary Neoplasms , Sella Turcica , Hemianopsia , Hydrocortisone , Carbamazepine , Hypernatremia , Diabetes Insipidus
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-23704


A 35-year-old woman presented with amenorrhea, polydipsia, polyuria, general weakness and intolerance of cold; the duration of these symptoms had been five years. On brain MRI with Gadolinium enhancement, an intrasellar mass protruding above the sella turcica was demonstrated, and the patient was thought to be a pituitary adenoma. The transsphenoid approach(TSA) was employed, and during at surgery, pus was drained. In a culture of this, no microorganism was identified, and on histologic examination, which suggested lymphocytic infiltration with fibrosis and occasional neutrophils were seen, findings which suggested the possibility of capsule of chronic abscess. Transient postoperative polyuria was noted, but this disappreared soon after broad spectrum antibiotics were administered; hormonal therapy was required for anterior and posterior pituitary hypofunction. Clinical features of this condition and its treatment are also discussed, and the literature pertaining to reported cases is reviewed. An enlarged or erosive sella coexisting with bacterial meningitis, sphenoid sinusitis, cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis or bacterial meningitis coincident with a known or suspected pituitary tumor suggests the presence of a pituitary abscess.

Adult , Female , Humans , Abscess , Amenorrhea , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Brain , Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis , Fibrosis , Gadolinium , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Meningitis, Bacterial , Neutrophils , Pituitary Neoplasms , Polydipsia , Polyuria , Sella Turcica , Sphenoid Sinus , Sphenoid Sinusitis , Suppuration
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-161015


Pituitary abscess may be caused by direct extension of contiguous infections from purulent sphenoid sinusitis, meningitis or cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis. It also develop after craniotomy or transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. In some cases, it was associated with primary pituitary tumor or cyst which were vulnerable to infection because of impaired circulation, areas of necrosis or local immunological impairment. Primary pituitary abscess may also occur without any preceding infection. Since the clinical features, computed tomographic findings, and laboratory data of primary pituitary abscess were similar to pituitary tumor, preoperative diagnosis of pituitary abscess is difficult. Inhomogenous enhancement with central low density and focal bulge at the level of diaphragm was reported to be compatible with computed tomographic findings of pituitary abscess.

Abscess , Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis , Craniotomy , Diagnosis , Diaphragm , Hypophysectomy , Meningitis , Necrosis , Pituitary Neoplasms , Sphenoid Sinus , Sphenoid Sinusitis