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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990377


With the acceleration of the aging process of the population in China, the utilization rate and transfer rate of ICU have significantly increased. More and more ICU survivors have post intensive care syndrome. If they cannot be intervened in time, the quality of life of patients will be seriously affected, and at the same time, the readmission rate will increase, impacting the scarce medical resources. Critical care recovery center have been established abroad for early identification and intervention of post intensive care syndrome. This paper intended to analyze the construction theory and operation mode of foreign critical care recovery center, summarize foreign experience, and put forward corresponding suggestions in combination with China′s national conditions, so as to provide reference for the construction of ritical care recovery center in China, with a view to providing long-term rehabilitation care services for patients with post intensive care syndrome in China.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 1116-1120, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-956112


Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) is the most common complication in patients discharged from intensive care unit (ICU), which seriously affects the life quality of the patients. At present, there is still lack of standardevaluation methods for PICS. Continuous and dynamic assessment can earlyidentify PICS, moreover, early identification and intervention of PICS can improve the life quality of patients those patients, which is critical to improve the long-term outcome of the patients. In this paper, we reviewed the current research states of evaluation timing, contents, tools and modalities of PICS domestic and abroad, analyzed the problems and prospects of the existing evaluation methods, aiming to provide a reference for clinical staff to effectively and comprehensively evaluate PICS.

Article in Japanese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936640


Many acute and subacute complications of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been reported. However, the recovery process in severely ill patients is not clear. Here, we report three patients with favorable physical function after severe COVID-19. All three patients were older than 65 years and had comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and smoking habits. During respiratory failure, they received mechanical ventilation support for more than 4 days. Two patients had undergone tracheostomy, and one had undergone extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). At the time of transfer to our hospital, they had lower-limb muscle weakness, respiratory distress on exertion, exercise-induced hypoxemia (EIH), and complications from immobility, such as peroneal nerve palsy. During rehabilitation, we monitored peripheral blood oxygen saturation, adjusted the workload, and administered temporary orthotic therapy. The patients improved within 150 days after the onset of the disease, and they were discharged home and were able to walk as a practical means of transportation. Even after severe COVID-19, the patients achieved good physical function. Interventions for EIH and complications due to immobility were additionally necessary. In the future, we must examine the relationship between improvements in physical function and rehabilitation.

Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2022. 196 f p. graf, tab, fig.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382122


Mais de um terço dos familiares de pacientes internados em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Pediátricas (UTIP) evoluem com ansiedade, depressão e Transtorno de Estresse Pós- Traumático (TEPT), com consequente diminuição da qualidade de vida e grande impacto social. A estas complicações, alcunhou-se o termo Síndrome Pós-Terapia Intensiva Familiar (PICS- F), com o objetivo de aumentar a conscientização sobre o assunto visto que os dados disponíveis na literatura são ainda escassos e de baixa qualidade. Estratégias que minimizem estes desfechos negativos após a alta vêm sendo adotadas em UTIP de diferentes países. O objetivo desta tese foi avaliar o impacto de um programa de diários hospitalares na incidência de TEPT e de sofrimento psíquico em familiares de pacientes pediátricos criticamente doentes. Entre dezembro de 2019 e dezembro de 2021, realizamos um estudo de intervenção randomizado por clusters e alocado em crossover, com dois braços e dois períodos em quatro UTIP do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Foram elegíveis os familiares de crianças de 29 dias a 12 anos que estiveram internadas na UTIP por mais de 36 horas por motivos clínicos ou cirúrgicos. O uso de diários de UTIP foi comparado com a prática padrão. Os diários foram preenchidos pela equipe de saúde e familiares, tiveram fotografias inseridas e foram entregues aos familiares na alta da UTIP. Os desfechos primários foram: (a) a incidência de TEPT aferida com o instrumento PCL- 5 (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition); e (b) a incidência de sofrimento psíquico aferida com o instrumento Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score (HADS). Ambos os desfechos foram aferidos em familiares de crianças graves, 45 a 60 dias após sua alta da UTIP. Também foi realizada uma análise de sensibilidade para avaliar o impacto de níveis diferentes de adesão ao diário nos desfechos. Um total de 339 participantes foi analisado, 170 no grupo que fez uso do diário e 169 no grupo controle. As características dos participantes foram semelhantes nos dois grupos de estudo. O uso de diários diminuiu em média 2,57 pontos no escore total do PCL 5 dos familiares (IC 95% -2,58 a -2,57; p<0,001) e foi encontrada razão de taxa de incidência (IRR) de 0,60 (IC 95% 0,57 a 0,64; p<0,001), significando uma redução de 40% na incidência de TEPT no grupo intervenção quando comparado ao controle. Com relação ao sofrimento psíquico, o uso de diários resultou em um IRR de 0,78 (IC 95% 0,77 a 0,78). A análise de conteúdo dos diários mostrou que a adesão total foi ainda mais impactante do que a adesão parcial aos diários. Os resultados apresentados nesta tese corroboram a hipótese de que diários têm efeito protetor sobre a incidência de TEPT e de sofrimento psíquico em familiares de crianças criticamente doentes, sendo, portanto, benéficos na prevenção de PICS-F.

More than a third of family members of critically ill children in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) develop anxiety, depression, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), with a consequent decrease in quality of life and great social impact. Hence, the term Post- Intensive Family Therapy Syndrome (PICS-F) was created to raise awareness of these complications and define a global research agenda. Data on this theme available in the literature are still scarce and of low quality. After discharge, strategies that minimize these negative outcomes have been adopted in PICUs in different countries. This thesis aimed to evaluate the impact of a hospital diary program on PTSD and psychological distress incidence in family members of critically ill pediatric patients. Between December 2019 and December 2021, we conducted a cluster-randomized, crossover, two-arm, two-period intervention study in four PICUs. Relatives of children aged 29 days to 12 years who were hospitalized in the PICU for more than 36 hours for clinical or surgical reasons were eligible. The use of PICU diaries was compared with standard practice. The diaries were filled in by the health professionals and family members, had photographs inserted, and were handed to family members upon PICU discharge. The primary outcomes were: (a) the incidence of PTSD measured with the PCL-5 instrument (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition); and (b) the incidence of psychological distress measured with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score (HADS) instrument. Both outcomes were measured in family members of critically ill children 45 to 60 days after discharge from the PICU. A sensitivity analysis was also performed on adherence to the diary by evaluating its content. A total of 339 participants were analyzed, 170 in the diary group and 169 in the control group. Participant characteristics were similar in the two study groups. The use of diaries decreased an average of 2.57 points in the total PCL-5 score of family members (95% CI -2.58 to -2.57; p<0.001) and an incidence rate ratio (IRR) of 0.60 (95% CI 0.57 to 0.64; p< 0.001), resulting in a 40% reduction in PTSD incidence. Regarding psychological distress, the use of diaries resulted in an IRR of 0.78 (95% CI 0.77 to 0.78). The content analysis of the diaries showed that full adherence was even more impactful than partial adherence to the diaries (IRR 0.68 [CI 95% 0.57 to 0.81] and IRR 0.77 [CI 95% 0. 70 to 0.86], respectively). Therefore, the more complete the diaries, the greater their effect on reducing psychological distress incidence. The results presented in this thesis support the hypothesis that diaries have a protective effect on PTSD and psychological distress in family members of critically ill children and are beneficial in preventing PICS-F.

Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Family , Psychological Distress
Bogotá; s.n; 2022. 137 p. tab, ilus.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1413168


El síndrome post-cuidados intensivos (PICS) es un fenómeno de gran impacto y relevancia social en pacientes críticos. Por lo general, su detección resulta compleja debido a la gran variedad de componentes afectados (cognitivo, funcional y psicológico), además de la utilización de diversas escalas de medición y la inexistencia de una prueba diagnóstica específica. Es importante mencionar que, actualmente, el HABC-M representa una herramienta clínica con alto potencial para detectar el PICS en pacientes sobrevivientes a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). Objetivo: validar la versión en español del instrumento Healthy Aging Brain CareMonitor (HABC-M) como una herramienta clínica para la detección del PICS. Diseño del estudio: estudio con enfoque cuantitativo de tipo instrumental, a través del cual se evaluaron las propiedades psicométricas de una escala de medición en salud. La traducción del HABC-M se llevó a cabo por medio de una adaptación transcultural (AT), se realizó validación de contenido y facial, el constructo se determinó mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC), y la confiabilidad se evaluó a través del coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: se incluyeron 135 sobrevivientes a una enfermedad crítica con estancia en la UCI (64.4 % masculino, 55 años ± 15.6). Mediante el modelo de tres factores, el AFC demostró un ajuste entre bueno y excelente con un RMSEA de 0.073 (IC 90 %: 0.063 ­ 0.084), CFI de 0.99, y un TLI de 0.98. La consistencia interna fue excelente (coeficiente alfa de Cronbach 0.94). Conclusión: el HABC-M, en su versión en español, cuenta con adecuadas propiedades psicométricas y es una herramienta válida y confiable para la detección del PICS.

Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) is a phenomenon of great impact and social relevance in critically ill patients. Detecting it is complex due to the wide variety of components affected (cognitive, functional, and psychological), the use of various measurement scales, and the lack of a specific diagnostic test. The Healthy Aging Brain Care-Monitor (HABC-M) is a clinical tool with a high potential for detecting PICS in ICU survivors. Objective: To validate the version in Spanish of the HABC-M instrument as a clinical tool for detecting post-intensive care syndrome. Study design: A quantitative instrumental study to evaluate the psychometric properties of a health measurement scale. The HABC-M was translated through cross-cultural adaptation, content and face validity were assessed, construct validity was determined using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Results: One hundred and thirty-five survivors of critical illness with ICU stay were included (64.4% male, 55 years ± 15.6). The CFA demonstrated a good to excellent fit for the three-factor model with a root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) of 0.073 (90% CI: 0.063 ­ 0.084), comparative fit index (CFI) of 0.99, and a TuckerLewis index (TLI) of 0.98. Internal consistency was excellent (Cronbach's alpha coefficient 0.94). Conclusion: The version in Spanish of the HABC-M has adequate psychometric properties and is a valid and reliable tool for detecting PICS.

Humans , Male , Female , Reproducibility of Results , Psychometrics , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Survivors , Critical Care
Ciênc. cogn ; 26(1): 40-50, 10 set. 2021. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292897


Existem evidências sobre as consequências de curto e longo prazo, de doenças críticas, a partir da internação do paciente em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI). Mesmo após a alta, o indivíduo pode manifestar sequelas significativas que prejudicam a manutenção de sua qualidade de vida, no que diz respeito às capacidades físicas, cognitivas e psicológicas, fenômeno atualmente conhecido como Síndrome Pós-Cuidados Intensivos (Post-Intensive Care Syndrome-PICS). O estudo buscou avaliar a prevalência de comprometimento cognitivo relacionado a outros fatores inerentes à internação em pacientes sobreviventes da UTI. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de coorte, de caráter retrospectivo e abordagem quanti-qualitativa. Foram analisados dados de pacientes internados em UTI, que passaram por avaliação especializada e realizaram os testes de rastreio Montreal Cognitive Assessmente Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão. A maior parte dos indivíduos apresentou comprometimento cognitivo após internação e se evidenciou que a memória tem principal impacto dentre os aspectos cognitivos mais afetados. O presente estudo tem potencial de contribuir para o conhecimento a respeito de fatores cognitivos relacionados à PICS e suas repercussões. Ademais, a psicologia da saúde e hospitalar tem papel importante como meio de prevenir e/ou minimizar os efeitos da síndrome.

There are evidences about the short and long-term consequences of critical illnesses from the patient's admission to the intensive care unit (UTI), which may manifest, even after medical discharge, significant sequels that impair the maintenance of the individual's quality of life, with regard to physical, cognitive and psychological capacities, currently known as post-intensive care syndrome (PICS). The study sought to assess the prevalence of cognitive impairment related to other factors inherent to hospitalization in ICU surviving patients. This is a retrospective cohort study with a quantitative and qualitative approach. Data from patients admitted to the ICU, who underwent specialized evaluation and realized the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale tests, were analysed. Most individuals presented cognitive impairment after hospitalization and it was shown that memory has the main impact among the most affected cognitive aspects. The present study has the potential to contribute to the knowledge about cognitive factors related to PICS and their repercussions. In addition, health and hospital psychology have an important role as means of preventing and/or minimizing the effects of the syndrome.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Cognitive Dysfunction , Intensive Care Units , Mental Status and Dementia Tests
Ciudad de México; s.n; 20201101. 81 p.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1391310


Introducción: El síndrome de cuidados post intensivos (PICS) es un deterioro nuevo y/o empeoramiento en algún dominio de la cognición, la salud mental y la función física después de la estancia en la UCI, ha sido recientemente descrito en EU y Europa. En México no existen antecedentes del fenómeno, que afectan a la persona y al proxy. Objetivo: Determinar los factores asociados al síndrome de cuidados post-intensivos en personas con cáncer en los dominios físico, mental y cognitivo al 1er mes de egreso de la UCI en una institución de alta especialidad oncológica. Métodos: Estudio transversal, descriptivo, prospectivo, participantes seleccionados por pertenencia con edad 18 a <65 años, egresados de la UCI, en estadios oncológicos I, II y III evaluados al 1er mes de alta, con las siguientes escalas: calidad de vida en cáncer QLQ- C30, fatiga FAC-12 en el dominio físico, la escala HADS dominio mental y MoCa para el cognitivo. Se respetaron los principios bioéticos y se solicitó el consentimiento informado. Resultados: muestra de 62 personas, el 74.2 % de los egresaron presentaron PICS, 7 de cada 10 tenían afectación física y cognitiva, 56.2% tenia alteración en 2 dominios. El uso de benzodiacepinas aumenta 733 el riego de PICS, estancia >7 días agrega 11 en riesgo, el uso de fentanilo se reconoce como un factor protector. Conclusiones: La presencia del PICS es alta, la identificación de los factores asociados fortalecerá la implementación de estrategias para la reducción con un enfoque interdisciplinar. Repercute positivamente en su calidad de vida.

Introduction: Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) is a new deteriorarion and/or cognition, mental or physical aggravation subsequent to stay in the intensive care unit (ICU), it has been recently described in the US and Europe. In México there is no background information phenomenon affecting the person and the proxy. Objective: Establish factors associated with post-intensive care syndrome in cancer patients in the physical, mental and cognitive domains at the first month of discharge from the ICU, in a high oncological specialty institution. Methods: Cross-sectional, descriptive and prospective study, participants were selected by membership aged 18 to <65 years, discharge from the ICU, in I, II, and III oncologic stages, evaluated at the first month of discharge, in the following scales: quality of life QLQ-C30, FAC-12 fatigue in the physical domain, the HADS scale for mental domain and MoCa for the cognitive domain. Bioethical principles were respected and informed consent was requested. Results: In a sample of 62 people, 74.2% of the patients presented PICS, 7 out of 10 had physical and cognitive affections, 56.2% had an alteration in 2 domains. The use of benzodiazepines increases 733 the risk of PICS, stay >7 days add 11 at risk, also fentanyl is recognized as a protective factor. Conclusions: There is a high presence of PICS, identifying associated factors will strengthen the implementation of strategies for reduction with an interdisciplinary approach, in order to have a positive impact on their quality of life.

Humans , Adult , Neoplasms , Nursing , Critical Care Outcomes , Mexico
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 916-919, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-754080


With advances in intensive care, more patients are surviving from critical illness, and post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) began to get people's attention. Early detection and intervention of PICS can improve the quality of life of intensive care unit (ICU) survivors and reduce the rate of re-hospitalization. However, effective, reliable, and easy-to-use assessment tools are the basis for early detection and evaluation of intervention outcomes. Thus, we introduce the evaluation tools for PICS from the perspective of universality or specificity, aim to provide reference for doctors or nurses to choose suitable assessment tools for PICS, and to provide reference for the development of localized assessment tools for PICS in China, so as to promote the related research of PICS.

Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 1008-1012, 2019.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-754099


To systematically evaluate the effects of early exercise on physical function, mental health, quality of life and incidence of post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) in critical illness patients. Methods A computerized search was performed through PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane Library, CNKI, Wanfang and VIP Database for randomized controlled trials (RCT) which studied the effects of early exercise in adult patients in intensive care unit (ICU). The retrieval time was from the establishment of database to January 2019. The control group was given routine treatment, while the observation group was given exercise earlier than routine exercise or within 7 days of ICU entry. Two researchers used Cochrane bias risk assessment criteria to evaluate the methodological quality of the included literature and extract data. Meta-analysis was used to analyze the incidence of ICU-AW, Medicine Research Council muscle strength score (MRC-Score), occurrence time of delirium, incidence of anxiety and depression [hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS)], quality of life [European five-dimensional health scale (EQ5D), concise health survey scale (SF-36) score evaluation] and the incidence of PICS. Results Nine RCT studies and 917 patients were included. Compared with the control group, the incidence of ICU-AW in the observation group was significantly decreased [odds ratio (OR) = 0.42, 95% confidence interval (95%CI) = 0.22-0.82, P = 0.01], and the MRC-Score was increased [weight mean difference (WMD) = 4.44, 95%CI = 1.18-7.71, P = 0.008]. There was no significant difference in occurrence time of delirium (WMD = -0.05, 95%CI = -0.25-0.15, P = 0.60), and the incidence of anxiety and depression (OR = 0.79, 95%CI = 0.30-2.10, P = 0.64) between the two groups. In quality of life analysis, there was no significant difference in EQ5D score between the two groups (WMD = -5.30, 95%CI = -26.81-16.22, P = 0.63), while SF-36 score in the observation group was significantly higher than that in the control group (WMD = 12.32, 95%CI = 11.38-13.27, P < 0.000 01). Only one study involved the incidence of PICS, so no Meta-analysis was performed. Conclusion Early exercise can improve the physical function of critical illness patients, but the impact on mental health and quality of life of patients is unclear, and there is no strong evidence for the incidence of PICS.

Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-697390


Objective To explore the impact of post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) of ICU survivors on burden of primary caregivers. Methods This study included ICU survivors and primary caregivers who meeting the conditions between 2016.4.1 and 2017.6.30. Mini-mental State Examination, The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Self-rating Scale and the Barthel Index Rating Scale were used to assess PICS in ICU survivors at 3 months after discharge from ICU. At the same time, the Chinese Zarit Burden Interview was used to assess the primary caregivers ' burden. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were used to analyze the relationship between PICS and primary caregiver burden. Results PICS occurred in 127 patients. 228 (58.9%) caregivers had mild or no burden, 102 (26.4% ) had moderate burden and 57 (14.7% ) had severe burden. Logistic multiple regression analysis showed that the patient's PICS was an independent risk factor for the caregiver's burden [ OR=1.547(1.143-6.189), P=0.018]. Conclusions PICS of ICU survivors can increase the burden of primary caregivers. Necessary PICS education for patients and caregivers may have a certain significance to reduce the level of burden.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-788136


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to systematically review the instruments utilized to assess physical impairment in post-intensive care syndrome (PICS) of intensive care unit (ICU) survivors.METHOD: Online databases searched were MEDLINE, Cochrane, CINAHL, and Embase. Studies that met the following criteria were included: 1) the study population exclusively had experience with ICU admission; 2) the study assessed pulmonary, neuromuscular, and physical functions; and 3) the study was published in English language journals after 2007.RESULTS: A total of 56 instruments (2 pulmonary, 25 neuromuscular, 29 physical function) from 94 studies were reviewed. They were classified into self-report, observation, and measurement according to the type of assessment. No instrument measured all 3 areas of physical impairment. Five instruments were originally developed for the ICU patients. The most frequently applied instruments were the Medical Research Council and the 36-item Short Form Survey (physical component summary), which were used in 23 studies each. Only 13.8% of reviewed studies reported the reliability or validity of the instruments.CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the appropriateness of instruments assessing physical impairment in PICS cannot be guaranteed. Despite the multidimensional concept of physical disabilities, most studies measured only one area, and studies that reported psychometric properties were limited. Accordingly, we propose to develop a unique and multifaceted instrument for ICU survivors.

Humans , Intensive Care Units , Methods , Psychometrics , Survivors
Chinese Critical Care Medicine ; (12): 716-720, 2017.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-618077


Objective To investigate the risk factors of cognitive impairment in post-intensive care syndrome patient (PICS-CI).Methods A retrospective study was conducted. The patient who transferred from post-intensive care unit (ICU) to the general ward for more than 7 days, and with the age ≥ 18 years old in the First Affiliated Hospital of Jinzhou Medical University from October 2015 to November 2016 were enrolled. The gender, age, marital status, education, occupation, salary, economic income, smoking, alcohol drinking, previous of history, mechanical ventilation, the length of ICU stay, sedative and delirium, and initial diagnosis were recorded. According to mini-mental state examination (MMSE), the patients were divided into cognitive impairment (CI) group and non-CI group. Univariate analysis was performed to identify the risk factors of PICS-CI, and variables with statistical difference were selected to do multivariate binary logistic regression analysis for the confirmable independence risk factors.Results 104 of the 290 patients developed CI, and the incidence was 35.86%. Univariate analysis showed that the gender, age, education, financial situation, smoking, alcohol drinking, previous of history, mechanical ventilation, the length of ICU stay, sedative and delirium, and initial diagnosis were recorded of ICU were main predictors of PICS-CI patients. It was shown by multivariate binary logistic regression analysis that the age > 60 years old [odds ratio (OR) = 7.523, 95% confidence interval (95%CI) = 2.572-37.851,P = 0.001], mechanical ventilation (OR = 8.773, 95%CI = 2.588-36.344,P < 0.001), sedation (OR = 9.376, 95%CI = 2.661-42.011,P = 0.002), and delirium (OR = 13.201, 95%CI = 2.502-41.433, P < 0.001) were PICS-CI independence risk factors.Conclusions Nurse staffs should strength care and attention on ICU transferred out patients. In order to minimize PICS impairment, special precaution should be implemented according to different aspects.

Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-788118


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to integrate the results of qualitative studies to understand critical care survivors' experience of the post-intensive care syndrome (PICS).METHODS: This was a meta-synthesis of primary studies that used qualitative methods. We reviewed 26 qualitative studies on PICS selected from 8 international and Korean databases and from a manual search. Thomas and Harden's 3 stages (free coding, development of descriptive themes, generation of analytical themes) for thematic synthesis were utilized to analyze the collected qualitative data.RESULTS: Four descriptive themes emerged from the thematic synthesis: weak physical conditions, psycho-emotional changes, the painful-memory of intensive care units, and social vulnerability. The analytical theme for the current study was “unfamiliarity with the vulnerable self.” Critical care survivors had to confront entirely different “selves” after discharge from intensive care units. They had become physically weak, psychologically unstable, and the critical memories continued to create distress. These changes increased their social vulnerability by making them dependent on others, causing family conflicts, and changing interpersonal relationships.CONCLUSIONS: Finding from this qualitative synthesis and other related literature highlight the severity of PICS and the importance of rehabilitative intervention for critical care survivors.

Humans , Clinical Coding , Critical Care , Family Conflict , Intensive Care Units , Qualitative Research , Survivors
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 376-379, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-164252


This study aimed to investigate cognitive impairment and psychological distress of critically ill patients at discharge from intensive care unit (ICU). This study included 30 critically ill patients who had neither pre-existing dementia nor ongoing delirium. At ICU discharge, they performed a screening test for cognitive impairment (Mini-Cog test) and completed questionnaires for depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-2, PHQ-2) and for 4 stressful experiences during ICU stay including nightmares, severe anxiety or panic, severe pain, and trouble to breathe or feeling of suffocation (Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome 14-Question Inventory, PTSS-14 Part A). Thirteen patients (43.3%) screened positive for cognitive impairment and 18 patients (60.0%) exhibited depressive symptoms. Twenty three patients (76.7%) recollected one or more stressful in-ICU experiences. Female patients (88.9%) was more likely to feel depressed at ICU discharge, compared to male patients (47.6%) (χ2=4.47, p=0.03). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report on cognitive and psychological outcomes of ICU survivors in Korea. In this study, we observed that a considerable number of critically ill patients had experienced cognitive impairment or psychological distress at ICU discharge.

Female , Humans , Male , Anxiety , Asphyxia , Cognition Disorders , Critical Care , Critical Illness , Delirium , Dementia , Depression , Dreams , Intensive Care Units , Korea , Mass Screening , Panic , Survivors