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Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 25(43): 54-61, jun.2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, UNISALUD, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1561282


Introducción: Diversas investigaciones han establecido la relación entre temperatura y duración del embarazo, la exposición a temperaturas altas durante el embarazo plantea interrogantes en especial el papel que esta juega frente a los partos prematuros y partos de bajo peso, es indispensable determinar si las temperaturas altas o bajas tienen un comportamiento protector o de riesgo sobre el feto durante la gestación en regiones tropicales. Objetivo: describir la relación entre la exposición a temperaturas altas y bajas durante el embarazo y su efecto en la edad gestacional y peso al momento del parto en los recién nacidos del departamento del Guaviare-Colombia. Metodología: Estudio tipo observacional, analítico, retrospectivo de corte transversal que busco determinar la relación entre exposición a temperaturas altas y bajas durante el embarazo y su efecto en la edad gestacional y peso al momento del parto en los recién nacidos, el universo estuvo conformado por 10.137 nacidos vivos, de los cuales 9.932 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se determinó Odds Ratio para estimar la asociación entre las variables. Resultados: Dentro de la semana de retraso 3 el estar expuesto a temperaturas máximas percentil 90 es un factor protector para la ganancia ponderal de peso OR < 1, la exposición a temperaturas mínimas percentil 10 se asoció como factor protector para el parto prematuro en la semana de retraso 1 y 2 OR < 1.Conclusión: A pesar del beneficio de las altas y bajas temperaturas durante el embarazo en la ganancia ponderal de peso y disminución del parto prematuro, es recomendable prevenir la exposición a temperaturas extremas durante el periodo de gestación[AU]

Introduction: Various investigations have established the relationship between temperature and duration of pregnancy. Exposure to high temperatures during pregnancy raises questions, especially the role it plays in premature births and low-weight births. It is essential to determine whether high temperatures or low have a protective or risky behavior on the fetus during pregnancy in tropical regions.Objective: to describe the relationship between exposure to high and low temperatures during pregnancy and its effect on gestational age and weight at the time of delivery in newborns in the department of Guaviare-Colombia.Methodology:Observational, analytical, retrospective cross-sectional study that sought to determine the relationship between exposure to high and low temperatures during pregnancy and its effect on gestational age and weight at the time of delivery in newborns. The universe was made up of 10,137 births. alive, of which 9,932 met the inclusion criteria. Odds Ratio was determined to estimate the association between the variables.Results:Within the 3rd week of delay, being exposed to maximum temperatures at the 90th percentile is a protective factor for weight gain OR < 1, exposure to minimum temperatures at the 10th percentile was associated as a protective factor for premature birth in the week. of delay 1 and 2 OR < 1. Conclusion: Despite the benefit of high and low temperatures during pregnancy in weight gain and reduction in premature birth, it is advisable to prevent exposure to extreme temperatures during the gestation period[AU]

Introdução: Várias investigações estabeleceram a relação entre temperatura e duração da gravidez. A exposição a altas temperaturas durante a gravidez levanta questões, especialmente o papel que desempenha nos partos prematuros e nos nascimentos de baixo peso. É essencial determinar se as temperaturas altas ou baixas têm um comportamento protetor ou de risco para o feto durante a gravidez em regiões tropicais. Objetivo:descrever a relação entre a exposição a altas e baixas temperaturas durante a gravidez e seu efeito na idade gestacional e no peso no momento do parto em recém-nascidos no departamento de Guaviare-Colômbia. Metodologia: Estudo observacional, analítico, retrospectivo e transversal que buscou determinar a relação entre a exposição a altas e baixas temperaturas durante a gravidez e seu efeito na idade gestacional e no peso no momento do parto em recém-nascidos. O universo foi composto por 10.137 nascimentos. vivos, dos quais 9.932 preencheram os critérios de inclusão. O Odds Ratio foi determinado para estimar a associação entre as variáveis. Resultados:Na 3ª semana de atraso, a exposição a temperaturas máximas no percentil 90 é fator de proteção para ganho de peso OR < 1, a exposição a temperaturas mínimas no percentil 10 foi associada como fator de proteção para parto prematuro na semana. de atraso 1 e 2 OR < 1.Conclusão:Apesar do benefício das altas e baixas temperaturas durante a gravidez no ganho de peso e redução do parto prematuro, é aconselhável evitar a exposição a temperaturas extremas durante o período de gestação[AU]

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Very Low Birth Weight , Parturition , Colombia
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;121(11): e20240211, 20240000. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1581702


Resumo Fundamento Aumento da tensão de oxigênio e diminuição dos níveis de prostaglandina causam fechamento ductal. O papel diagnóstico dos índices inflamatórios sistêmicos no canal arterial hemodinamicamente significativo (hsPCA) em bebês prematuros é desconhecido. Objetivos Nosso objetivo foi avaliar o papel dos índices inflamatórios sistêmicos na preditividade da hsPCA. Métodos Bebês prematuros com semanas gestacionais (SG) <32 semanas foram avaliados retrospectivamente. Índices inflamatórios sistêmicos proporção neutrófilo-linfócito (NLR), proporção monócito-linfócito (MLR), proporção plaqueta-linfócito (PLR), índice de inflamação imune sistêmica (SII), valor de inflamação pan-imune (PIV) e índice de resposta à inflamação sistêmica (SIRI) foram calculados. Índices inflamatórios sistêmicos foram comparados entre os grupos hsPCA e não hsPCA. Um p < 0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. Resultados Um total de 1228 pacientes foram incluídos no estudo, incluindo 447 pacientes no grupo hsPCA e 781 pacientes no grupo não-hsPCA. O valor PIV [mediana (Q1 - Q3): 5,18 (2,38-10,42)] no grupo hsPCA foi estatisticamente significativamente maior do que o valor PIV [mediana (Q1 - Q3): 3,52 (1,41-6,45)] no grupo não-hsPCA (p<0,001). De acordo com a análise ROC, o valor AUC do PIV para a previsibilidade de hsPCA foi de 0,618, e o nível de corte foi >8,66. Após até mesmo múltiplas análises de regressão logística, o PIV mostrou ser um parâmetro significativo para o diagnóstico de hsPCA (OR 1,972, IC 95% 1,114-3,011. p=0,001). Conclusões Um alto valor de PIV pode ser um indicador de uso rápido, baixo custo, simples e facilmente acessível para o diagnóstico precoce de hsPCA.

Abstract Background Increased oxygen tension and decreased prostaglandin levels cause ductal closure. The diagnostic role of systemic inflammatory indices in hemodynamically significant ductus arteriosus (hsPDA) in premature infants is unknown. Objectives We aimed to evaluate the role of systemic inflammatory indices in the predictivity of hsPDA. Methods Premature infants with gestational weeks (GW) of <32 weeks were evaluated retrospectively. Systemic inflammatory indices neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), monocyte-lymphocyte ratio (MLR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), systemic immune-inflammation index (SII), pan-immune- inflammation value (PIV), and systemic inflammation response index (SIRI) were calculated. Systemic inflammatory indices were compared between hsPDA and non-hsPDA groups. A p <0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results A total of 1228 patients were included in the study, including 447 patients in the hsPDA group and 781 patients in the non-hsPDA group. The PIV value [median (Q1 - Q3): 5.18 (2.38-10.42)] in the hsPDA group was statistically significantly higher than the PIV value [median (Q1 - Q3): 3.52 (1.41-6.45)] in the non-hsPDA group (p<0.001). According to the ROC analysis, the AUC value of PIV for the predictivity of hsPDA was 0.618, and the cutoff level was >8.66. After even multiple logistic regression analyses, PIV was shown to be a significant parameter for the diagnosis of hsPDA (OR 1.972, 95% CI 1.114-3.011. p=0.001). Conclusions A high PIV value may be a quickly used indicator with low-cost, simple, and easily accessible for the early diagnosis of hsPDA.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; Medicina (B.Aires);84(supl.3): 26-31, nov. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582728


Resumen Uno de cada diez bebés nacidos es prematuro, el cual se define como el nacido antes de las 37 semanas de edad gestacional. La prematuridad está asociada con un alto riesgo de trastornos del neurodesarrollo con limitaciones en la audición, visión, área cognitiva y motora. Actualmente, no existen programas estan darizados específicos para el seguimiento neurológico de los prematuros. La mayoría son desarrollados por las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales y dan seguimiento hasta la edad pre-escolar. Sin embargo, algunas deficiencias, como el deterioro cognitivo leve, son reconocidos tardíamente. Esta revisión describe un cronograma para el seguimiento neurológico y las he rramientas estandarizadas que pueden utilizarse para vigilar el desarrollo y asegurar que los niños nacidos prematuros reciban terapias y otros servicios adecuados y oportunos.

Abstract One in ten babies are born preterm, as defined as being less than 37 weeks of gestational age. Premature births are associated with a high risk of poor neurode velopmental outcomes, including hearing, visual, motor, and cognitive impairments. Currently, there is no specific standardization for neurological follow-up infants born premature. Most formal neonatal intensive care units, follow-up programs monitor children until early child hood. However, some deficits, such as mild cognitive impairment, may only become apparent in school years. This review outlines a neurological follow-up timeline, as well as the different standardized measures that can be used to monitor development to ensure that children born preterm receive timely and appropriate therapies and services.

Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);44(3): 355-367, jul.-set. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1574102


Introduction. Preterm birth is a major medical, social, and economic problem that causes a large proportion of neonatal mortality and morbidity, has a high impact on the healthcare system, and affects family quality of life. The weight of newborns with mothers with periodontal disease is significantly lower compared to mothers not affected by this oral disease. This adverse outcome is considered a global public health problem based on epidemiological data. Objective. To determine the association between the prevalence of preterm births and periodontal disease in Bolivia, Chile, and Colombia from 2000 to 2020. Materials and methods. This ecological study considered the population of women in Bolivia, Chile, and Colombia, according to the prevalence of preterm births and periodontal disease discriminated by age. The study covered the period between 2000 and 2020. The search strategy within the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation investigative tool included prevalence, age groups, causes of preterm births and periodontal disease, context and locations, women, and rates. Statistical analysis included a simple linear regression between preterm births and periodontal disease for each age group within each country. Results. Preterm birth rates were higher in the 15-19 years age group (Bolivia: 697,563; Chile: 844,864; Colombia: 804,126). The periodontal disease prevalence increased with age, as we observed in the 45-49 years group (Bolivia: 22,077,854; Chile: 34,297,901, Colombia: 32,032.830). According to age groups, the linear regression was statistically significant (p < 0.001) in all age groups for the Bolivian population over 30 years for the Colombian, and only in the 15-19 years group for the Chilean women. Conclusion. An association was found between preterm births and periodontal disease in all age groups in Bolivia, only in the group of 15 to 19 years in Chile, and 30 years and up in Colombia over the 20-year period.

Introducción. El parto prematuro es un problema médico, social y económico importante, causa gran mortalidad y morbilidad neonatal, tiene un impacto importante en el sistema de salud y afecta la calidad de vida de las familias. El peso de los recién nacidos de madres con enfermedad periodontal es significativamente menor en comparación con los de madres no afectadas por esta enfermedad bucal. Este resultado adverso se considera un problema de salud pública global según los datos epidemiológicos. Objetivo. Determinar la asociación entre la prevalencia de parto prematuro y la enfermedad periodontal en Bolivia, Chile y Colombia entre el 2000 y el 2020. Materiales y métodos. Este estudio ecológico consideró las poblaciones de mujeres de Bolivia, Chile y Colombia, y la prevalencia de partos prematuros y enfermedad periodontal, discriminadas por grupos de edad. El estudio abarcó el período entre el 2000 y el 2020. La estrategia de búsqueda con la herramienta de investigación del Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation incluyó prevalencia, grupos de edad, años entre 2000 y 2020, causas de parto prematuro y enfermedad periodontal, contexto y ubicaciones, mujeres y tasas. El análisis estadístico incluyó una regresión lineal simple entre parto prematuro y enfermedad periodontal para cada grupo de edad dentro de cada país. Resultados. Las tasas de partos prematuros fueron mayores en el grupo de 15 a 19 años (Bolivia: 697.563, Chile: 844.864, Colombia: 804.126). La prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal aumentó con la edad, particularmente en el grupo de 45 a 49 años (Bolivia: 22'077.854, Chile: 34'297.901, Colombia: 32'032,830). Según los grupos de edad, la regresión lineal fue estadísticamente significativa (p < 0,001) para todos los grupos evaluados de la población boliviana, en los grupos mayores de 30 años para las colombianas y solo en el grupo de 15 a 19 años para las mujeres chilenas. Conclusión. Se encontró asociación entre el parto prematuro y la enfermedad periodontal en todos los grupos de edad en Bolivia, solo en el grupo de 15 a 19 años en Chile, y de 30 años y más en Colombia en el período evaluado de 20 años.

Humans , Oral Health , Premature Birth , Obstetric Labor, Premature , Pregnancy , Delivery, Obstetric
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(5): 793-798, Septiembre 16, 2024. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571939


Introducción. La hernia de Amyand es una condición en la que el apéndice cecal está contenido dentro del saco herniario inguinal. Su diagnóstico y su manejo continúan siendo un reto al tratarse de una patología poco frecuente. Caso clínico. Lactante varón de 10 meses con antecedente de prematuridad extrema, quien presentó hernia de Amyand derecha con apéndice normal. Se retornó el apéndice a la cavidad y se procedió a la reparación de la hernia. Resultado. Después de un año de seguimiento, el paciente no presentó complicaciones. Conclusiones. Se ha reportado que el riesgo de incarceración en niños nacidos a término es del 12 % y en prematuros del 39 %, por tanto, la reparación quirúrgica de una hernia inguinal siempre es necesaria. No existe un tratamiento estándar para la hernia de Amyand en niños, por tanto, la clasificación CiX podría considerarse para el manejo. Se presenta una propuesta de tratamiento en la población pediátrica, donde se incluyeron 3 tipos, considerando el estadio evolutivo del apéndice cecal y que casi la totalidad de hernias inguinales en niños son debidas a persistencia del proceso vaginal, por tanto, el tratamiento quirúrgico solo incluye herniotomía. Al no utilizar material protésico, se facilita el manejo y se reduce el riesgo de infección.

Introduction. Amyand's hernia is a condition in which the cecal appendix is contained within the inguinal hernia sac, its diagnosis and management continue to be a challenge as it is a rare pathology. Case report. A 10-month-old male infant with a history of extreme prematurity presented a right Amyand's hernia and a normal appendix. The appendix was returned to the cavity and the hernia was repaired. Result. After one year of follow-up, the patient had no complications. Conclusions. Has been reported that the risk of incarceration in full-term children is 12% and in premature babies it is 39%, therefore, surgical repair of an inguinal hernia is always necessary. There is no standard treatment for Amyand hernia in children, therefore the CiX classification could be considered for management. A treatment proposal is presented in the pediatric population, where three types were included, considering the evolutionary stage of the cecal appendix and that almost all inguinal hernias in children are due to persistence of the vaginal process; therefore, surgical treatment only includes herniotomy. By not using prosthetic material, handling is facilitated and the risk of infection is reduced.

Humans , Appendicitis , Infant, Premature , Hernia, Inguinal , Appendix , Hernia , Infant
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232808


Background: Preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is rupture of fetal membranes prior to labor in pregnancies between 28-37 weeks. PPROM is associated with significant maternal and neonatal morbidity or mortality. The present study was conducted to evaluate risk factor and etiology of PPROM and its fetomaternal effect in tertiary care hospital.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, SMS Hospital, Ahemdabad. From August 2023 to February 2024.The study included 50 pregnant women between 28-37 weeks gestation with PPROM were subjected to detailed history and examination. Each patient was followed till her delivery and fetomaternal outcome was recorded.Results: PPROM is a fair complication of pregnancy. 80% were belongs to 20-29 age, 70% were unbooked, 76% from low SE-class, 68% with gestational age of 34-36 weeks. Vaginal delivery was common 58%. The babies born to mothers with PPROM more in weight of 2-2.5 kg (48%). 34 had no risk factors to develop PPROM. Most common etiology for PPROM infection 16% and malpresentation 10%. Most of the mothers with PPROM had no complications. 17 (34%) babies required NICU admissions for complaints of premturity, respiratory distress, birth asphyxia, and sepsis. RDS was most common neonatal complication. 2 neonatal deaths in this study due to RDS and prematurity.Conclusions: Effective PPROM Mx involves evaluating the risks and advantage of conservative Mx strategies. Whenever possible, Rx should be focused towards prophylactic use of antibiotics and steroids during pregnancy can reduce fetal and mother morbidity and mortality. Termination of pregnancy should be considered at the 1st sign of chorioamnionitis.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Online);29(8): e06212024, ago. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569045


Resumo As tecnologias eHealth contribuem na promoção das práticas parentais de cuidado para bebês pré-termo. Não obstante, é notável a abundância de informações e aplicativos disponíveis, a disparidade na qualidade, facilidade de uso e confiabilidade desses recursos. Este artigo objetiva examinar as tecnologias eHealth direcionadas aos pais para o cuidado de bebês pré-termo. Realizou-se uma revisão integrativa nas principais bases de dados da área da saúde (Capes, EBSCO, BVS, PubMed, Scholar e SciELO), com a seleção de publicações de 2011 a 2022, em português e inglês, sobre a utilização de tecnologias eHealth voltadas aos cuidados de bebês pré-termo. Identificaram-se 13 artigos com temáticas sobre: as tecnologias da informação e comunicação nas estratégias de educação e a promoção da saúde de bebês pré-termo e seus pais; e importância da avaliação e validação das tecnologias eHealth na promoção da saúde materno-infantil. Tecnologias eHealth validadas adequadamente podem desempenhar um papel fundamental em apoiar os pais na promoção da saúde e na prestação de cuidados ao bebê pré-termo após a alta hospitalar. Isso, por sua vez, tem o potencial de impulsionar a evolução dos sistemas de saúde e a melhoria das práticas clínicas.

Abstract The eHealth technologies promote parental care practices for preterm infants. Nonetheless, we should underscore the abundant information and available apps and disparities in these resources' quality, usability, and reliability. This article examines eHealth technologies directed at parents to care for preterm infants. An integrative review was conducted across the principal health databases (Capes, EBSCO, BVS, PubMed, Scholar, and SciELO), selecting works published from 2011 to 2022 in Portuguese and English, focusing on the use of eHealth technologies for the care of preterm infants. We identified 13 articles related to information and communication technologies in strategies for educating and promoting the health of preterm infants and their parents and the importance of evaluating and validating eHealth technologies in maternal and child health promotion. Properly validated eHealth technologies can be crucial in supporting parents in promoting health and providing care for preterm infants after hospital discharge, which, in turn, can drive the evolution of healthcare systems and improve clinical practices.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234994


The incidence of Candida utilis septicaemia is on the rise, particularly among immunocompromised neonates in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). This case series presents three neonates admitted to the NICU, each with distinct clinical presentations. Methodologically, blood samples underwent comprehensive analysis, combining conventional microbiological techniques with automated systems for identi?cation and antifungal susceptibility testing. Results revealed Candida utilis as the causative agent, sensitive to multiple antifungal agents. Discussion highlights the signi?cance of accurate species identi?cation for effective treatment, particularly in the face of emerging antifungal resistance. The discussion also underscores the importance of surveillance for uncommon fungal pathogens to enhance management strategies and improve outcomes in NICU settings. This case series underscores the necessity of vigilant monitoring and targeted management to combat non-albicans candidiasis in vulnerable neonatal populations.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-228000


Background: Considering the adverse effect of PROM on birth outcomes and the condition of mother and fetus, early identification of risk factors of PROM and their control can reduce the occurrence of adverse outcomes for mother and fetus and improve their health. This study was conducted with the aim of comparing PLR and NLR in women with PROM and women with preterm delivery. Methods: This case-control study was conducted on 155 women with PPROM as case group and 155 women with preterm delivery as control group. Age, gestational age, type of delivery, baby's birth weight, gravida, parity, APGAR score, rate of hospitalization in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), occurrence of neonatal sepsis and development of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) were recorded from women's medical records. Also, the results of blood tests and PLR and NLR values were calculated for each pregnant woman. Collected data were analyzed by statistical methods in SPSS version 24. Results: The average gestational age and weight of babies at birth time in the case group were significantly lower than those with preterm delivery. The mean of NLR in case group with 4.8±2.5 was significantly higher than control group with 4.2±2.2. The mean of PLR in case group with 111.5±47.6 was significantly higher than control group with 100.98±43.4. Conclusions: The high values of PLR and NLR in the women with PROM compared to women with preterm delivery can be a marker to identify the risk of PPROM in pregnant women.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-231634


Regardless of gender, premature hair greying naturally happens in the fourth decade. But these days, it may strike in the early twenties as well. According to Ayurveda faulty eating habits, physical strain, psychological issues, environmental variables, and changes in lifestyle are major reasons which lead to impaired digestion and Pitta dosha vitiation (associated with fire and water element). This mostly leads to loss of hair colour. Present study was phytochemical and interventional study done to assess the efficacy of Kaidarya [Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprengel] siddha taila plus Kaidarya vati and Kaidarya vati alone in Akala palitya. The selection of plant was done on bases of classical lexicons. The group A patients were allotted to Kaidarya siddha taila plus kaidarya vati treatment. The group B patients were only assigned with kaidarya vati. Total enrolled subjects were 95 with respect to dropout rate. The paired t-test was used to analyse the data from Group A and Group B before and after treatment. A noteworthy distinction was noted between the mean values obtained prior to and following the therapy. An independent t-test was used to compare the results between Groups A and B. A significant difference in Akala palitya was found between groups. Group A's mean difference score is higher than Group B's. Therefore, the effect of Kaidarya siddha taila plus kaidarya vati is more than Kaidarya vati in the management of Akala palitya. Furthermore, it requires thorough study, restricted diet and alteration in regimen for more effective results.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-227983


Premature presbyopia refers to the early onset of age-related vision changes typically associated with presbyopia, a condition characterized by the loss of near vision accommodation. This review article aims to provide an overview of the causes, diagnosis, and management strategies for premature presbyopia. The database collected from PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), Cochrane library, and Google scholar and research gate. This review discusses the potential underlying mechanisms contributing to premature presbyopia, including genetic factors, environmental influences, and ocular conditions. Additionally, the diagnostic criteria and assessment methods used to identify premature presbyopia and differentiate it from other vision disorders. Finally, this review examines various management options for premature presbyopia, including corrective lenses, pharmacological interventions, surgical procedures, and emerging treatments. By understanding the factors contributing to premature presbyopia and implementing appropriate management strategies, healthcare professionals can effectively address the needs of individuals experiencing early onset age-related vision changes.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 81(3): 170-175, may.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568904


Abstract Background: The administration of colostrum through its absorption at the oropharyngeal level stimulates the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, providing a local immunological protection barrier. The study aimed to investigate the association of oropharyngeal colostrum administration with the reduction of inflammatory indices. Materials and methods: This was an observational, ambispective, analytical study of newborns < 32 weeks of gestation at risk of sepsis. Oropharyngeal colostrum was administered at 0.2 mL every 4 h for 5 days. Inflammatory indices were analyzed. Statistical analysis included frequencies, percentages, mean and Standard deviation, contingency coefficient, and Kolmogorov–Smirnov test for the distribution curve of the numerical data. Results: There were 50 patients, 33 (66%) female and 17 (34%) male, with a median gestational age of 30-31 weeks (95% confidence interval [CI]). Nineteen patients had sepsis. A lower positivity rate in C-reactive protein was found, with a median of 0.5-0.6 (95% CI) at 5 days of colostrum administration versus 0.5-1.1 (95% CI) as the initial C-reactive protein. Analysis with χ2 yielded a p = 0.13, and the contingency coefficient showed a p = 0.196, indicating an association. Conclusion: Oropharyngeal colostrum administration was associated with a lower C-reactive protein positivity rate and clinical improvement in premature newborns at risk of sepsis.

Resumen Introducción: La administración del calostro a través de su absorción a nivel orofaríngeo estimula el tejido linfoide asociado a mucosas, proporcionando una barrera de protección local e inmunológica. Conocer la asociación de la administración de calostro orofaríngeo con la disminución de los índices inflamatorios. Material y métodos: Observacional, ambispectivo, analítico, recién nacidos < 32 semanas de gestación con riesgo de sepsis, se administró calostro orofaríngeo 0.2 ml cada 4 horas durante 5 días. se analizó índices inflamatorios, evolución clínica. Análisis estadístico: frecuencias, porcentajes, media y DS, coeficiente de contingencia y prueba de Kolmogorov Smirnov para la curva de distribución de los datos numéricos. Resultados: Fueron 50 pacientes, 33 (66%) femenino, 17 (34%) masculino, edad gestacional mediana 30-31 semanas (IC 95%), 19 pacientes cursaron con sepsis encontrando menor índice de positividad en la PCR, mediana de 0.5-0.6 (IC 95%) a los 5 días de administración de calostro vs 0.5-1.1 (IC 95%) como PCR inicial, analizando con Chi cuadrada con valor p = 0.13, mediante coeficiente de contingencia con p = 0.196, traduciendo asociación. Conclusión: La calostroterapia se asoció con menor índice de positividad en la PCR; clínicamente hacia la mejoría, en recién nacidos prematuros con riesgo de sepsis.

ABCS health sci ; 49: e024303, 11 jun. 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563374


Anemia is frequent in preterm infants. Red blood cell transfusion practices vary between different centers. The objective of this study was to review red blood cell transfusion practices in preterm infants between 2020 and 2021. This was a narrative review that included studies published on PubMed (Medline) and Web of Science between October 2020 and October 2021. Ten studies were included finally. Red blood cell transfusion frequency was variable. Some neonatal units did not report transfusion protocols. Most studies reported volumes of 10-15 ml/kg per transfusion. The implementation of an anemia care bundle and adoption of restrictive transfusion resulted in a reduction in the number of transfusions, the volume transfused, and a reduction in the rate of multiple transfusions. We suggest that neonatal units that care for preterm infants should have a transfusion protocol based on the best evidence available and this issue may improve.

A anemia é frequente nos bebês prematuros. As práticas de transfusão de glóbulos vermelhos variam entre os diferentes hospitais. O objetivo deste estudo foi revisar as práticas de transfusão de glóbulos vermelhos em bebês prematuros entre 2020 e 2021. Esta foi uma revisão narrativa que incluiu estudos publicados no PubMed (Medline) e Web of Science entre outubro de 2020 e outubro de 2021. Dez estudos foram definitivamente incluídos. A frequência de transfusão de glóbulos vermelhos foi variável. Algumas unidades neonatais não relataram protocolos de transfusão. A maioria dos estudos relatou volumes de 10-15 ml/kg por transfusão. A implantação de um conjunto de cuidados para anemia e a adoção de transfusão restritiva resultaram em uma redução do número de transfusões, do volume transfundido e uma redução na taxa de transfusões múltiplas. Sugerimos que as unidades neonatais que prestam cuidados a bebês prematuros devem ter um protocolo de transfusão baseado em evidências para que todo esse problema melhore.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant, Premature , Erythrocyte Transfusion , Anemia
ABCS health sci ; 49: e024213, 11 jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563396


Introduction: The known achievements of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS) stand out in an adverse context. This makes it necessary to examine the effect of the SUS on the population's health, using indicators such as deaths by avoidable causes. Objective: To describe the time trends of mortality from avoidable causes in Brazil and to compare them to those of non-avoidable causes. Methods: Ecological time-series study with official mortality data, during years 1996-2019, in the age group 5-74 years. Time trends in mortality were estimated as the annual percent reduction in mortality rates, and the impact of the SUS was calculated as the difference in trend between avoidable (immunopreventable, infectious and noncommunicable diseases, maternal and external causes) and non-avoidable causes. The analyses consisted of multivariable binomial regression models, by quadrennium. Results: Death rates for each avoidability group remained stable or declined throughout the study period. The probability of a positive impact was greater than 90% for immunopreventable diseases throughout the study period; infectious diseases in 1996-2003 and 2016-2019; noncommunicable diseases in 1996-2003 and 2008-2019; maternal causes in 1996-1999; and external causes in 1996-2007. This probability was less than 10% for maternal deaths in 2016-2019; and external causes in 2008-2015. Conclusion: The SUS has had a positive impact in reducing deaths from immunopreventable, infectious and noncommunicable diseases in Brazil, although not so much for maternal and external causes.

Introdução: As conhecidas conquistas do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) se destacam num cenário adverso. Isso torna necessário examinar o efeito do SUS na saúde da população, usando indicadores como as mortes por causas evitáveis. Objetivo: Descrever as tendências temporais de mortalidade por causas evitáveis no Brasil e compará-las às tendências por causas não evitáveis. Métodos: Estudo ecológico de série temporal com dados oficiais de mortalidade, durante os anos 1996-2019, na faixa etária dos 5-74 anos. As tendências temporais de mortalidade foram estimadas como a redução percentual anual nas taxas de mortalidade, e o impacto do SUS foi calculado como a diferença de tendência entre causas evitáveis (doenças imunopreveníveis, infecciosas ou não transmissíveis, mortes maternas, causas externas) e não evitáveis. As análises consistiram em modelos de regressão binomial multivariável, por quadriênio. Resultados: A taxa de mortalidade permaneceu igual ou diminuiu para todos os grupos de causas de morte. A probabilidade de um impacto positivo foi maior do que 90% para as doenças imunopreveníveis ao longo de todo o período de estudo; doenças infecciosas em 1996-2003 e 2016-2019; não transmissíveis em 1996-2003 e 2008-2019; mortes maternas em 1996-1999; e externas em 1996-2007. Essa probabilidade foi menor do que 10% para mortes maternas em 2016-2019; e causas externas em 2008-2015. Conclusão: O SUS tem tido um impacto positivo na redução de mortes por doenças sensíveis à imunização, infecciosas e não transmissíveis no Brasil, embora não tanto para mortes maternas e causas externas.

Rev. colomb. cardiol ; 31(3): 169-173, mayo-jun. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1576249


Resumen El prolapso de la válvula mitral es una enfermedad ampliamente conocida, la cual es benigna en la mayoría de casos; sin embargo, puede estar en asociación con alteraciones del ritmo cardiaco, específicamente arritmias ventriculares malignas y muerte cardiaca súbita. Pese a que esta asociación y su desenlace están descritos en la literatura médica, su baja incidencia conduce a la falta de evidencia en cuanto a su manejo y estratificación. Se presenta el caso de una mujer joven, cuya manifestación inicial fue síncope, con posterior desarrollo de insuficiencia mitral grave, con hallazgo de extrasístoles ventriculares frecuentes, en quien se realizó tratamiento quirúrgico con plastia mitral y crioablación del músculo papilar anterolateral. La evolución clínica fue satisfactoria, ya que se evidenció mejoría de la sintomatología y control de la carga arrítmica.

Abstract Mitral valve prolapse is a well-known condition that is generally benign, but it can be associated with cardiac arrhythmias, particularly malignant ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. This association and its outcome have been described in medical literature, but the low incidence leads to a lack of evidence regarding its management and stratification.The case of a young woman is presented, whose initial manifestation was syncope, with subsequent development of severe mitral insufficiency, followed by severe mitral regurgitation and the discovery of frequent ventricular extrasystoles. She underwent surgical repair with mitral valve plasty and cryoablation of the anterior papillary muscle. The clinical outcome was favorable, as evidenced by an improvement in symptoms and control of arrhythmia burden.

Medisan ; 28(3)jun. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1582745


Introducción: Las gingivitis y periodontitis predominan en las embarazadas y se asocian, entre otros factores, a la edad gestacional, por lo que se sugiere una asociación entre el deterioro periodontal y el parto prematuro, los cuales constituyen problemas de salud a escala mundial. Objetivo: Identificar la frecuencia y gravedad de la enfermedad periodontal inflamatoria crónica en puérperas con parto prematuro. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal de 250 puérperas con parto prematuro de recién nacidos vivos y gestaciones únicas, atendidas en los hospitales maternos de la provincia de Santiago de Cuba, desde el 2018 hasta el 2022. Las variables analizadas fueron prevalencia, tipo, gravedad y extensión de la enfermedad periodontal, profundidad y sangrado al sondaje, así como pérdida de inserción clínica. Para el análisis de las variables cuantitativas se emplearon como medidas de resumen la media, la desviación estándar y el coeficiente de variación; para las cualitativas, el porcentaje. Resultados: La enfermedad periodontal se halló en 54,0 % de las pacientes, con un predominio de la gingivitis (31,0 %), más frecuente en sus formas moderada y generalizada, así como de la periodontitis (23,0 %), con superioridad de las formas leves y localizadas. Conclusiones: La alta frecuencia de enfermedades periodontales con formas avanzadas en las puérperas demuestra la importancia de su prevención y control durante el embarazo, debido a su posible repercusión en la prematuridad.

Introduction: Gingivitis and periodontitis prevail in pregnant women and they are associated among other factors, with the gestational age, reason why an association between the periodontal deterioration and premature childbirth is suggested, which constitute health problems worldwide. Objective: To identify the frequency and seriousness of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease in newly-delivered women with premature childbirth. Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study of 250 newly-delivered women with premature childbirth of alive newborn and unique gestations was carried out; they were assisted in the maternal hospitals of Santiago de Cuba province, from 2018 to 2022. The analyzed variables were prevalence, type, seriousness and extension of the periodontal disease, depth and bleeding in the survey, as well as loss of clinical insertion. For the analysis of quantitative variables the mean, standard deviation and variation coefficient were used as summary measures; for the qualitative ones, the percentage was used. Results: Periodontal disease was found in 54.0 % of the patients, with a prevalence of gingivitis (31.0 %), most frequent in its moderated and generalized forms, as well as periodontitis (23.0 %), with superiority in the light and localized ways. Conclusions: The high frequency of periodontal diseases with advanced forms in the newly-delivered women demonstrates the importance of its prevention and control during pregnancy, due to its possible repercussion in prematurity.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-240102


Background: Preterm premature rupture of membrane (PPROM) is the spontaneous rupture of fetal membranes before the onset of labor and before 37 weeks of gestation. This prospective study was done to know the materno- fetal outcome in the same. It complicates 3% of all gestation and 30–40% of all preterm births. In a developing country like India, it is one of the most prominent causes of preterm births, low birth weight, and high perinatal deaths. Aims and Objectives: Materno-foetal outcomes of PPROM in women <37 weeks of gestation in a tertiary care teaching hospital. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 pregnant mothers who got admitted to SAT Hospital with PPROM <37 weeks of gestation formed the study group. Detailed clinical history and examination were undertaken for all subjects and all of them were followed up till discharge after delivery. Results: The study group had a mean age of 20–24 and mean gestational period was 34–37 weeks. The majority had spontaneous vaginal delivery (62.5%). Low birth weight babies formed 78.3%. Intensive care unit (ICU) admission rate was 73.3%. In newborns, the incidence of respiratory distress was 64.2% and that of hypoxia was 60.0%. Conclusion: From the present study, we can conclude that PPROM increases maternal and fetal morbidity. Conservative management in the absence of features of chorioamnionitis is recommended. Fetal outcome is improved by good neonatal facility and ICU setups.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234069


Background: Premature ejaculation is the most common cause of sexual dysfunction. There is no consensus on the treatment protocol due to poor understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Therefore, the present pilot study was conducted to compare the efficacy of topical eutectic mixture for premature ejaculation (TEMPE) spray with lidocaine gel for the treatment of premature ejaculation. Methods: After obtaining ethics approval and written informed consent, 100 patients meeting the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included. Baseline values of intravaginal ejaculation time (IELT) and international index of erectile function (IIEF) were recorded. Patients were randomly assigned into group A (lidocaine plus prilocaine spray) and group B (lidocaine gel). After 4 weeks of treatment IELT and IIEF score were recorded. The findings were noted and analysed. Results: Both the groups were similar in terms of demographic and baseline characteristics. There was a significantly higher improvement in IELT and IIEF score following treatment in group A as compared to group B. The incidence of side effects was lower in group A as compared to group B. Conclusions: We recommend that the use of TEMPE spray for the treatment of premature ejaculation as it is better than lidocaine gel.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-234043


Background: Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) is the rupture of the amniotic membrane before the onset of labour. Based on the time of occurrence, PROM can be divided into two, namely Premature Rupture of Membranes (PROM) and Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM). PROM occurs at or after 37 weeks gestation. PPROM, occurs before 37 weeks gestation. Methods: This study is a descriptive retrospective analytical observational study with cross sectional method. This research uses SPSS data processing. Data were taken from the medical records of inpatients in the maternity ward at Bima Hospital in the period January-December 2023. Results: The results of the analysis showed that there was a significant relationship in the maternal age factor of less than 20 years by 70.6%. Risk factors in the education sample were most prevalent in low education level at 62.7%. The risk factor of gestational age of the sample was mostly found in preterm gestation (less than 37 weeks) showing a significant relationship to the incidence of PROM by 66.6%. In the risk factor of parity most in primigravida is 66.6%. Conclusions: In this study there is a relationship of risk factors that affect the occurrence of premature rupture of membranes in the maternity ward of Bima Hospital, namely maternal age less than 20 years, low education level, with preterm gestational age or less than 37 weeks and primigravida parity.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-232721


Background: Premature rupture of membranes is rupture of membranes before the onset of labour irrespective of gestational age. If it occurs before 37 weeks, it is called as preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM). Once PROM delivery is inevitable, so neonatal prognosis depends on gestational age at which PROM occurs. Neonatal complications include prematurity and its complications mainly, also pulmonary hypoplasia due to severe oligohydramnios, skeletal and joint deformities to foetus due to compression, increased risk of neurodevelopmental impairment and neonatal white matter damage. PROM is a still one of the most difficult and controversial problems in obstetrics.Methods: A prospective longitudinal study was conducted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at a tertiary care hospital from 2021 to 2023 (18 months). A total of 275 patients admitted with complaints of per vaginal leaking with gestational age more than 28 weeks were studied. A multivariate analysis was used to find association between PROM and foetal outcome.Results: In this study, 57% (157) new-borns had birth weight >2.5 kgs, 60% (166) new-borns had APGAR score 8/10, 71% (196) new-borns were term, 40% (109) had NICU stay, 6% (17) had respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), 3% (8) had neonatal sepsis, 2% (6) had neonatal hypoglycaemia and perinatal mortality rate was 1% (3).Conclusions: Once there is PROM, delivery is imminent. Neonatal outcome can be improved significantly after administration of steroids and antibiotics. To get that time short term tocolysis can be used. During that time foeto-maternal monitoring should be done for early detection of chorioamnionitis. Looking after preterm infants puts an immense pressure on family, economy and health care resources. The prevention of PROM is difficult so more focus should be on management of PROM.