Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B
; (6): 678-686, 2018.
in English
| ID: wpr-690872
Prenylflavonoids are valuable natural products that have diverse biological properties, and are usually generated biologically by multiple metabolic enzymes in nature. In this study, structurally diverse prenylflavonoids were conveniently synthesized by enzymatic catalysis by combining GuILDT, a regiospecific chalcone prenyltransferase, and GuCHI, a stereospecific chalcone isomerase that has promiscuous activity for both chalcones and prenylchalcones as substrates. Our findings provided a new approach for the synthesis of natural/unnatural bioactive prenylflavonoids, including prenylchalcones and optical prenylflavanones with chalcone origins.