ABSTRACT This study aimed to propose a guideline for amblyopia treatment and follow-up. Studies show that amblyopia leads to a series of perceptual deficits, including loss of visual acuity, stereoacuity, and contrast sensitivity. Perceptual changes are also found in the sound eye, such as those involving the types of motion perception. The gold standard of treatment remains the prescription of eyeglasses, when indicated, and patching of the dominant eye. The treatment is mostly effective in patients aged <7 years and must be discontinued gradually, tapering off patching for at least 5 weeks. Atropine may be performed for penalization in hyperopic children whose amblyopic eye has better visual acuity under cycloplegia than the fellow eye. The discovery of significant neural plasticity in the amblyopic brain after the critical period opens possibilities for new treatment modalities even after childhood.
Introducción: Los errores de prescripción abarcan una amplia gama de faltas que pueden ir desde una selección incorrecta del medicamento hasta la ausencia de información importante en la receta médica, estos últimos llamados errores de omisión, los cuales pueden afectar la salud del paciente. Sin embargo, en México no hay reportes sobre errores de omisión en centros de atención de primer nivel, los cuales son las instituciones que atienden la mayoría de los problemas de salud de la población. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de los errores de omisión identificados en las prescripciones médicas emitidas en un centro de salud de primer nivel de la Ciudad de México en el año 2021. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio observacional, transversal y retrospectivo. Se analizaron 11 tipos de errores de omisión presentes en las recetas médicas de acuerdo con la normativa mexicana vigente. Se estimó la prevalencia de cada tipo de error y se calculó la tasa de errores de omisión. Resultados: Se analizó un total de 5822 recetas médicas y se encontraron 3424 errores de omisión. La tasa de error fue de 1,08 errores por receta. Los errores más frecuentemente encontrados fueron la omisión de la relación diagnóstico/medicamento (38,91 %), la forma farmacéutica (30,54 %) y la concentración (12,11 %). Discusión: Se encontró una alta prevalencia de errores de omisión en las prescripciones médicas en el centro de salud sede del estudio en el año 2021. Es necesario implementar sistemas de apoyo al personal de salud con miras a disminuir los errores de prescripción.
Introduction: Prescription errors cover a wide range of errors that can range from an incorrect selection of the medication to the lack of important information in the medical prescription, the latter called omission errors, which can affect the patient's health. However, in Mexico there are no reports on omission errors in first-level care centers, which are the institutions that address the majority of the population's health problems. Objective: To determine the prevalence of omission errors identified in medical prescriptions issued in a first-level health center in Mexico City in 2021. Methods: This is an observational, cross-sectional and retrospective study. Eleven types of omission errors present in medical prescriptions were analyzed according to current Mexican regulations. The prevalence of each type of error was estimated and the rate of omission errors was calculated. Results: A total of 5822 medical prescriptions were analyzed and 3424 omission errors were found. The error rate was 1.08 errors per prescription. The most frequently found errors were the omission of the diagnosis/medication relationship (38.91%), the pharmaceutical form (30.54%) and the concentration (12.11%). Discussion: A high prevalence of omission errors was found in medical prescriptions at the health center that hosted the study in 2021. It is necessary to implement support systems for health professionals with a view to reducing prescription errors.
This study aims to reduce the inappropriate prescriptions of antifungal medications for vulvovaginitis candidiasis in a tertiary care hospital in central India. An ambispective, observational study was conducted in the Department of Pharmacology of MGM Medical College and Maharaja Yashwantrao Hospital in Indore, MP, over three months (i.e.,12 w from August to October 2023). The study encompassed a retrospective analysis of prescriptions for vaginal candidiasis over a period of five weeks in August-September 2023, followed by a prospective analysis over the subsequent five weeks of September-October 2023post-implementation of interactive training sessions, discussions, and antifungal guidelines for two weeks. From a total of 130 randomly selected prescriptions, 69 prescriptions were perused retrospectively, while 61 prescriptions received prospective analysis. The post-implemented audit showed a marked reduction in antifungal prescriptions with a difference of 12.4%. An increase in the documentation of examination findings was also observed, from 46.7% to 69.7%. This implementation successfully mitigated inappropriate prescriptions of antifungals, with sustained reductions demonstrated over the 3 mo of the study period, emphasizing the effectiveness of educational interventions.
Fundamento: la oxigenoterapia, indicada con la intención de tratar o prevenir las manifestaciones de hipoxia, ha demostrado aumentar la supervivencia en enfermos con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica e insuficiencia respiratoria. Esta es cada vez más demandada, a una proporción que excede significativamente la disponibilidad de recursos, en muchas ocasiones con prescripciones en las que no resulta beneficiosa. Objetivo: describir las principales características del uso de la oxigenoterapia domiciliaria. Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal, en una población de 289 pacientes con prescripción de oxigenoterapia, asistidos por las ocho farmacias especiales del municipio de Cienfuegos. Se estudiaron las siguientes variables: problemas de salud, frecuencia de cambio y especialidad del prescriptor. Para el análisis de los resultados se utilizó la estadística descriptiva mediante la distribución de frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Resultados: el problema de salud más frecuente fue la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, presente en el 56,1 % de los pacientes; seguido por el asma bronquial y las neoplasias. El recambio del cilindro de oxígeno se efectuó con una frecuencia mensual en la mayoría de los casos (32,9 %). El 86,2 % de los pacientes recibió la indicación de oxigenoterapia de un médico especialista en Medicina General Integral. Conclusiones: los resultados evidencian que en muchos casos se realizaron indicaciones indiscriminadas, para las cuales la efectividad de la terapia de oxígeno no está demostrada. Por lo general, la prescripción carece de la evaluación del médico internista o del especialista en Neumología.
Foundation: oxygen therapy, indicated with the intention of treating or preventing hypoxia manifestations, has shown to increase survival in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and respiratory failure. This is increasingly in demand, at a rate that significantly exceeds the availability of resources, often with prescriptions in which it is not beneficial. Objective: to describe the main characteristics of the use of home oxygen therapy. Methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in a 289 patients population with a prescription for oxygen therapy, assisted by the eight special pharmacies of the Cienfuegos municipality. The following studied variables were: health problems, frequency of change and specialty of the prescriber. To analyze the results, descriptive statistics were used through the distribution of absolute and relative frequencies. Results: the most common health problem was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, present in 56.1% of patients; followed by bronchial asthma and neoplasms. The oxygen cylinder replacement was carried out monthly in the majority of cases (32.9%). 86.2% of the patients received the indication for oxygen therapy from a doctor specializing in Comprehensive General Medicine. Conclusions: the results show that in many cases indiscriminate indications were given, for which the effectiveness of oxygen therapy is not demonstrated. Generally, the prescription lacks the evaluation of the internist or pulmonology specialist.
This study aimed to analyze the knowledge of 335 dentistry students about prescription and use of drugs. The participants were divided into two groups: Group I -composed of 136 students in the last period/semester of the Dentistry course and Group II -composed of 199 students who had recently completed the discipline of Pharmacology/Therapeutics Applied to Dentistry (second semester of graduation). Students answered a questionnaire with 19 closed questions divided into three blocks of interest, Block A (5questions about their academic background); Block B (4 questions about legislation and drug prescription) and Block C (10 questions about common prescription in cases of increased risk due to comorbidities in Dentistry). The instrument was validated afterthe application of three pilot studies in 60 volunteer students who had recently completed the Pharmacology/Therapeutics Applied to Dentistry discipline. The results allowed classifying the level of knowledge as bad, moderate, good or excellent according to the stratification adopted by the authors. Most of the students interviewed were female, 22 years old. According to the results, 70% of the participants stated that the duration of the Pharmacology/Therapeutics Applied to Dentistry course was insufficient for them to feel safe when prescribing medications. The data presented showed that in block "B" only 19% of the students knew who was responsible for the prescription document. Additionally, 57% identified the mandatory items on an antimicrobial prescription. The successful rate of block "C" showed that the participants presented reasonable knowledge of most of the questions related to indication and prescription of medication both in regular and risky situations in Dentistry. The student's average knowledge regarding the indication and prescription of drugs reveals a problem in academic qualification related to drug therapy. It also highlights the need for continuing education of dental surgeons (AU).
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los conocimientos de 335 estudiantes de odontología sobre la prescripción y uso de medicamentos. Los participantes fueron divididos en dos grupos: Grupo I -compuesto por 136 estudiantes del último período/semestre de la carrera de Odontología y Grupo II -compuesto por 199 estudiantes que habían finalizado recientemente la disciplina de Farmacología/Terapéutica Aplicada a la Odontología (segundo semestre de pregrado). Los estudiantes respondieron un cuestionario con19 preguntas cerradas divididas en tres bloques de interés, Bloque A (5 preguntas sobre su formación académica); Bloque B (4 preguntas sobre legislación y prescripción de medicamentos) y Bloque C (10 preguntas sobre prescripción común en casos de mayor riesgo por comorbilidades en Odontología). El instrumento fue validado luego de la aplicación de tres estudios piloto en 60 estudiantes voluntarios que habían finalizado recientemente la disciplina Farmacología/Terapéutica Aplicada a la Odontología. Los resultados permitieron clasificar el nivel de conocimientos como malo, moderado, bueno o excelente según la estratificación adoptada por los autores. La mayoría de los estudiantes entrevistados eran mujeres, de 22 años. Según los resultados, el 70% de los participantes afirmó que la duración del curso de Farmacología/Terapéutica Aplicada a la Odontología fue insuficiente para sentirse seguros al prescribir medicamentos. Los datos presentados mostraron que en el bloque "B" sólo el 19% de los estudiantes sabían quién era el responsable del documento de prescripción. Además, el 57% identificó los artículos obligatorios en la prescripción de antimicrobianos. La tasa de éxito del bloque "C" demostró que los participantes presentaron conocimientos razonables en la mayoría de las cuestiones relacionadas con la indicación y prescripción de medicamentos tanto en situaciones habituales como de riesgo en Odontología. El conocimiento medio del estudiante sobre la indicación y prescripción de medicamentos revela un problema en la calificación académica relacionada con la farmacoterapia. También destaca la necesidad de una educación continua de los cirujanos dentistas (AU).
Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar o conhecimento de 335 estudantes de Odontologia sobre prescrição e uso de medicamentos. Os participantes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I -composto por 136 alunos do último período/semestre do curso de Odontologia e o Grupo II -composto por 199 alunos que haviam concluído recentemente a disciplina de Terapêutica Medicamentosa/Farmacologia (segundo semestre da graduação). Os estudantes responderam a um questionário com 19 perguntas fechadas dividido emtrês blocos de interesse, Bloco A (5 perguntas sobre sua formação acadêmica); Bloco B (4 perguntas sobre legislação e prescrição de medicamentos) e Bloco C (10 perguntas sobre prescrição comum em casos de risco aumentado por comorbidade em Odontologia). Oinstrumento foi validado após a aplicação de três estudos piloto em 60 alunos voluntários que recentemente haviam concluído a disciplina de Terapêutica Medicamentosa/Farmacologia. Os resultados permitiram classificar o nível de conhecimento como ruim, moderado, bom ou excelente de acordo com a estratificação adotada pelos autores. A maioria dos alunos entrevistados era do sexo feminino, com 22 anos de idade. De acordo com os resultados, 70% dos participantes afirmaram que a duração da disciplina Farmacologia/Terapêutica Aplicada à Odontologia foi insuficiente para que se sentissem seguros ao prescrever medicamentos. Os dados apresentados mostraram que no bloco "B" apenas 19% dos alunos sabiam quem é o responsável pelo documento de prescrição. Além disso, 57% identificaram os itens obrigatórios em uma prescrição antimicrobiana. O índice de sucesso do bloco "C" mostrou que os participantes apresentaram conhecimento razoável envolvendo as questões sobre indicação e prescrição de medicamentos tanto em situaçõesregulares quanto em situações de risco na Odontologia. O conhecimento médio dos alunos quanto à indicação e prescrição de medicamentos revela um problema na formação acadêmica relacionada à terapia medicamentosa (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Pharmacology , Drug Prescriptions , Students, Dental , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Chi-Square Distribution , Surveys and Questionnaires , Drug UtilizationABSTRACT
ObjectiveBased on the integrated strategy of "empirical prescriptions in ancient books-medical cases by prestigious doctors-computational analysis", this study aims to explore and analyze the prescriptions and medical cases for treating tremors in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), predict their efficacy, and obtain the core prescriptions for treating tremors in TCM, providing references for clinical application and new drug development. MethodThe Chinese Medicine Prescription Database and the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) were searched for relevant prescriptions and medical cases for treating tremors in TCM to establish a database of prescriptions for tremors. The Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Computer System (V3.0) was used to analyze and explore the medication rules including drug frequency, properties, flavor, meridian tropism, and pharmacological effects, as well as core drugs and formula associations. A multi-target drug efficacy prediction platform based on network robustness was used to evaluate the predicted efficacy of the core prescriptions obtained. Based on the integration of ancient prescriptions, prestigious doctors' medical cases, and network analysis results, the priority level of the developed prescriptions was determined through comprehensive evaluation. ResultA total of 81 ancient prescriptions were screened, involving 246 drugs, and 171 prescriptions were screened from prestigious doctors' medical cases, involving 278 drugs. The frequently used TCM drugs were mostly warm in nature and sweet in flavor, mainly acting on the liver, spleen, and kidney meridians. In terms of efficacy, they were mainly effective in tonifying deficiency, soothing liver and extinguishing wind, activating blood and resolving blood stasis, clearing heat, and resolving exterior. Through association rules and K-means clustering, the core prescriptions were composed of high-frequency drugs such as Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Ginseng Radix et Rhizoma, Astragali Radix, Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Poria, Gastrodiae Rhizoma, and Uncariae Ramulus Cum Uncis. Drug combinations mainly focused on tonifying Qi and nourishing blood, with the additional functions of calming wind and dredging collaterals. Clustering analysis of core prescriptions from ancient prescriptions and prestigious doctors' medical cases, as well as multi-target drug efficacy prediction, showed that Combination 1 had the highest disturbance score on the disease network. Furthermore, comparative analysis revealed consistent results with both the analysis of ancient prescriptions and prestigious doctors' medical cases, indicating its optimal development potential based on theoretical inheritance and empirical practice. In comparison, Combinations 3, 2, and 4 were less utilized in contemporary clinical practice, with lower rankings in network disturbance scores, suggesting that their development value still warranted further exploration. ConclusionTCM clinical treatment of tremors emphasizes the regulation of the liver, spleen, and kidney. In line of syndrome differentiation, drugs potent in soothing liver, extinguishing wind, activating blood, and resolving blood stasis are added based on deficiency-tonifying drugs. The core prescriptions based on Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Paeoniae Radix Alba, Astragali Radix, Poria, and Atractylodis Macrocephalae Rhizoma (combination 1) have the highest potential development value. The integrated strategy "empirical prescriptions in ancient books-medical cases by prestigious doctors-computational analysis" can be used for the screening of candidate prescriptions for new TCM drugs.
Objective Data mining method was used to analyze the Chinese herbal prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bites collected from the major domestic literature databases and the surgery volume of Zhong Hua Yi Fang(Chinese Medical Prescriptions),so as to explore their potential prescription and medication rules,and to provide references for the treatment of venomous snake bites in the primary hospitals.Methods The Chinese herbal prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bites were retrieved from the CNKI,VIP and Wanfang databases,and the ancient formulas for treating venomous snake bites were screened in the surgery volume of Zhong Hua Yi Fang(Chinese Medical Prescriptions).Excel software was used to extract the relevant information of the formulas,and R language was used to analyze the medication frequency,properties,flavors and meridian tropism of the herbs as well as their association rules and clustering analysis.Results A total of 187 prescriptions for oral use in treating venomous snake bite were obtained,involving 284 Chinese herbal medicines.The top 15 Chinese herbal medicines in decreasing sequence of medication frequency were Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Angelicae Dahuricae Radix,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Paridis Rhizoma,Rehmanniae Radix,Coptidis Rhizoma,Scutellariae Radix,Lonicerae Japonicae Flos,Paeoniae Radix Rubra,Moutan Cortex,Hedyotis Diffusae Herba,Imperatae Rhizoma,Plantaginis Herba,and Scutellariae Barbatae Herba.The flavor of herbs in the prescription for the treatment of venomous snakebite was usually bitter,pungent and sweet,and their property was relatively cold.Most of the herbs had the meridian tropism of the liver meridian and lung meridian.The core prescription mainly composed of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,and Paridis Rhizoma was obtained after association rule analysis and cluster analysis.Conclusion The herbs for the treatment of venomous snake bites often have the actions of clearing heat and removing toxins,and the prescription is usually composed of Rhei Radix et Rhizoma,Lobeliae Chinensis Herba,Paridis Rhizoma together with the compatibility of medicines for clearing heat and cooling blood,extinguishing wind and arresting convulsion,clearing heat and promoting urination.
With reference to Xin Diao Sun Zhen Ren Qian Jin Fang,the Xindiao's edition of Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang(Invaluable Prescriptions for Emergencies)which was the popular edition before official block printing of the Northern Song Dynasty),we analyzed the collation for proof-reading method in Song's edition of Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang(Invaluable Prescriptions for Emergencies)printed by Bureau of Correcting Medical Books in Northern Song Dynasty.The results showed that there are many omissions and erroneous annotations in the collation records of the Song's edition,indicating that the judgment of the scholarly value of textual difference and the criteria of selecting and omitting the annotations of textual difference in the Song's edition require further studies.Some of the collation records in the Song's edition were consistent with those of the Xindiao's edition,suggesting that the Xindiao's edition was referenced during the collation by the officials of the Song Dynasty.In compiling Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang,the original edition and the collated edition were not defined by the officials of the Song Dynasty,multiple hand copies in Tang Dynasty were collected for reference,and multiple medical records in Tang Dynasty and before Tang Dynasty were referenced.For the proofreading work of the Bureau for Revising Medical Books was in charge by scholars and Confucian ministers,we proposed that the complexity during compiling the book and the uncertainty of the text should be paid more attention.It is necessary to further clarify the basic issues such as the origin,basic structure,references and citation methods of the Song's edition,so as to provide reference for understanding the characteristics of the edition correctly and making effective use of the literature.
The efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and compound prescriptions is confirmed based on practical experience. It is a highly generalized expression of the clinical characteristics and scope of prescriptions and a unique expression of the medical effects of TCM. Network pharmacology, as a cross-disciplinary field based on the theory of systems biology and multi-level analysis of biological systems, has become a common virtual screening tool in TCM research and gradually developed with the progress in big data and artificial intelligence. In the context of modern medicine, the efficacy of TCM compound prescriptions has a vague concept and lacks scientific evidence. Elucidating the connotation of TCM efficacy and guiding TCM theoretical research has become one of the hotspots and difficulties in TCM research. This article explores the feasibility of using network pharmacology for the research on the efficacy of TCM compound prescriptions and investigates whether the research results can represent part of the efficacy of prescriptions. Furthermore, the research platforms and algorithms in this field are summarized. The research ideas and existing problems in this field are proposed from the aspects of efficacy concept embodiment, target screening, result verification, efficacy network building, and homogenization avoiding of network pharmacology research results. Finally, the future development directions are prospected. This article is expected to provide a reference for exploring the modern biological basis of the efficacy of TCM and compound prescriptions and for the clinical application and theoretical research of TCM.
ObjectiveThis study explored the application of Yiqi Zengmian prescription as a vaccine adjuvant, aiming to provide a new scheme for the prevention and control of corona virus disease 2019(COVID-19) with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). By analyzing the compatibility and efficacy, this paper examines the compatibility effect of Yiqi Zengmian prescription, which is modified from the classic tonifying agent Si Junzitang, as a vaccine adjuvant. MethodUsing the Database of Ancient Classical Prescriptions, this paper analyzed the composition of Yiqi Zengmian prescription and probed into the theoretical basis for the compatibility of this prescription from the properties, medicine combination, and efficacy. Furthermore, the compatibility effect of this prescription with vaccines was analyzed. ResultAs a TCM prescription, Yiqi Zengmian prescription focuses on the lung and spleen and enhances the Qi in the two organs. The lung governs Qi movement. The body breathes fresh air through the lungs and exchanges the turbid gas in the lungs, and the gas circulates alternately in the lungs to ensure the normal breathing of the human body. The spleen governing transportation and transformation is the hub for Qi movement, and Qi is the embodiment of metabolic function. By regulating qi movement and enhancing the functions of Qi and blood, Yiqi Zengmian prescription can enhance the immunogenicity of the vaccine, which provides a theoretical basis for enhancing the immune effects of vaccines. ConclusionYiqi Zengmian prescription has the effects of replenishing Qi and invigorating spleen, regulating Qi and drying dampness, and enhancing immunity. The in-depth analysis of the TCM theory of Yiqi Zengmian prescription as a vaccine adjuvant and the results of clinical and laboratory studies suggest that Yiqi Zengmian prescription may enhance the induction of immune response after vaccination and maintain the immune memory. However, the mechanism of Yiqi Zengmian prescription in regulating the complex immune network remains to be elucidated.
Objective To analyze the acupoint compatibility law and the application characteristics of acupuncture moxibustion treatment for depression based on complex network technology;To provide a basis and ideas for formulating prescriptions of acupuncture antidepressant therapy.Methods Related clinical literature about acupuncture for the treatment of depression was retrieved from CNKI,Wanfang Data,VIP,CBM,PubMed,Embase,Cochrane Library,and Web of Science from the establishment of the databases to 21st,Sep.2022.According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria,the literature was screened,and the clinical literature database of acupuncture in anti-depression was established.Excel 2010 was used for frequency analysis of acupoints.SPSS Modeler 18.0 was used for association rule analysis,and Gephi 0.9.5 was used for complex network analysis.Results Totally 579 articles were included,involving 172 acupoints,with a total frequency of 3 222.The results of descriptive analysis showed that the main meridians of acupoints were Governor Vessel,bladder meridian and liver meridian,and the specific acupoints such as Yuan-primary point,Shu-stream point,Back-shu point,Luo-connecting point,Eight confluence points,Front-mu point,He-sea point were frequently used.Association rules analysis showed that the combination of the highest correlation acupoints were"Yintang(GV29)-Baihui(GV20)".Through the complex network k-core analytic hierarchy process and community analysis,two core acupoint groups were finally obtained.The acupuncture angle,depth and direction were based on safety and meridian circulation direction,the tonifying and reducing method was based on syndrome differentiation,and the prescription was based on syndrome differentiation and symptomatic selection.Conclusion Acupuncture for depression has the following characteristics:the principle of acupoint selection is based on meridian selection and specific acupoints,the selection of core acupoints focuses on the treatment of spirit and the regulation of viscera,channels and functions,and the emphasis on syndrome differentiation and symptomatic acupoint selection in clinical treatment.While,it was important to pay more attention to the specificity of acupuncture and moxibustion.
[Objective]To explore the role of vinegar in ancient prescriptions,inherit and explore the unique value of vinegar in traditional Chinese medicine,and provide reference for modern clinic.[Methods]Based on the records of the efficacy of vinegar in traditional Chinese medicines and medical records from various dynasties,this paper classifies and sorts out the ancient literature on the vinegar in prescriptions.Combining the Qi and taste of vinegar,the theory of reinforcing and reducing about viscera,and the idea of visceral-Qi corresponding to nature rhythms,this paper explores the role of vinegar in prescriptions from five aspects:promoting Qi and blood circulation,promoting blood circulation and stopping bleeding,healing sores and relieving swelling,clearing heat and detoxicating,and calming endogenous wind and blooming the sprit.[Results]The sour taste of vinegar acting on the liver helps to regulate activities of Qi,tonifies the lungs to help regulate water passages,fragrance and warm of vinegar promote Qi,bitter and warm of vinegar eliminate dampness,thus eliminating the concretions and gatherings,and resolving phlegm-dampness.Vinegar fragrance acts on the spleen and sour acts on the liver,vinegar can achieve the effect of promoting blood circulation and stopping bleeding by regulating the liver and spleen.The main reason for its application in skin diseases is that vinegar tonifies the lungs with the sour taste,and lungs govern skin and hair,and vinegar has astringent properties.The sour taste of vinegar acting on the liver can help the liver detoxify,while the bitter taste can clear heat and detoxicate.Therefore,vinegar is often used in prescriptions such as detoxification of drugs,food and insects,etc.Sour acts on the liver to control conveyance and dispersion,while the fragrance of vinegar acts on the spleen to refresh the mind,so it is also used to treat symptoms such as stroke and fainting.[Conclusion]Vinegar tastes sour,bitter,fragrant and warm.It is the main reason why vinegar is used as a necessary medicine in promoting Qi and blood circulation,promoting blood circulation and stopping bleeding,healing sores and relieving swelling,clearing heat and detoxicating,and calming endogenous wind and blooming the spirit.According to the theory of reinforcing and discharging viscera,sour acts on the liver;According to the theory of visceral-Qi corresponding to nature rhythms,sour can regulate the heart,liver and lung.By combing the application of vinegar in ancient prescriptions systematically,it helps to provide literature support and theoretical reference for further improving the clinical application of vinegar in prescription.
[Objective]To summarize the academic experience of Director ZHAO Hongli in the treatment of male infertility with six meridians syndrome differentiation.[Methods]By summarizing the clinical cases of male infertility treated by Director ZHAO and combining his interpretation of the six meridians syndrome differentiation,this paper summarizes Director ZHAO's experience in treating this disease with six meridians syndrome differentiation,fully elaborates the characteristics of the disease and the diagnosis and treatment ideas,and verifies and analyzes it with a typical medical case.[Results]Director ZHAO believes that male infertility has many clinical symptoms and can be treated with six meridians syndrome differentiation.The first step in syndrome differentiation is to distinguish between deficiency and excess.Those who belong to the excess category are based on the disease of the six Fu organs and Yang meridians,which are mostly three Yang disease patterns.Those who belong to the deficiency category are based on the disease of the five Zang organs and Yin meridians,which are mostly three Yin disease patterns.Director ZHAO carefully observes the pathogenesis and also establishes cold-heat complex type of male infertility,using Banxia Xiexin Decoction to communicate Yin and Yang.In terms of drug application,attention should be paid to patients'innate physique,combining Chinese and western medicine according to the characteristics of laboratory tests,advocating food therapy at the same time as medication,and paying attention to psychological counseling.In the case presented,the patient experienced erectile dysfunction after marriage,symptoms differentiation was of Yangming Channel syndrome.Treatment involved modified Gegen Qinlian Decoction to clear the Yangming heat,combined with Simiao Powder to clear damp-heat in lower-Jiao.After more than three months of comprehensive treatment based on the evolving symptoms,the patient's wife was successfully conceived.[Conclusion]Director ZHAO deeply verses in the classics,applies the six meridians syndrome differentiation to the treatment of male infertility innovatively,emphasizing individualized treatment based on syndrome differentiation,receiving remarkable efficacy,which offers a new perspective for both the clinical application of classical prescriptions and the treatment of male infertility.
[Objective]To explore the specificity and effectiveness of Medical Records Integration of Palace in Qing Dynasty for the treatment of diseases,and to provide a reference for the modern clinical external therapy.[Methods]Taking 117 fumigating and washing decoctions in Medical Records Integration of Palace in Qing Dynasty as the research object,using Excel software,the formulas,dosage,medicinal properties,and efficacy of Qinggong fumigating and washing decoctions were organized and counted.Combining with the relevant medical cases and the commentaries in the book,the use of the fumigating and washing decoctions in the Qing Palace was systematically organized.[Results]The 117 fumigating and washing decoctions in Medical Records Integration of Palace in Qing Dynasty show many features such as there are many kinds of formula,the quality of the formula is refined;the effect is strength and special focus,formula with modification according to symptoms,flexible usage of medicine,treatment first,independent use of the amount of medicine,good use of the wind-extinguishing medicinal,filling in the poisonous features when needed.It also has other advantages such as a wide range of audiences,a unique approach,sophisticated instruments,and a meticulous process of preparation of the liquid.[Conclusion]The use of the fumigating and washing decoctions in Medical Records Integration of Palace in Qing Dynasty has palace characteristics and advantages,exploring its use can gain unique insights and revelations,which helps to carry forward the characteristics of court medication and promotes the development of external therapeutic methods of traditional Chinese medicine as high research value.
Objective Based on the theory of"lung governs the skin and hair"in"Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic",this paper analyzes the medication rules of whitening and freckle-removing.The aim of this study is to provide reference for the clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)theory and the medication in TCM cosmetics.Methods"Chinese Medical Classics"was used to search the records of whitening and freckle-related drugs.The frequency,nature,flavor,meridian tropism and compatibility laws of TCM for whitening and freckle-removal were analyzed by statistics and association rules.The network pharmacology research was used to analyze the whitening and freckle-removing effects and mechanisms of high-frequency drugs.Then,the potential active ingredients were analyzed.The whitening and anti-freckle effect was verified through cytotoxicity experiments and melanin content detection.Results A total of 171 external prescriptions were selected in eligible articles,including 261 Chinese medicinals,most of which were pungent and belong to the lung meridian.The most frequently used Chinese medicinals was"Erbai Yixin"(EBYX,Angelicae Dahuricae Radix,Typhonii Rhizoma,Asari Radix et Rhizoma).Network pharmacological analysis showed that the core targets of EBYX for whitening and removing freckles are TP53,EGFR,ALB,etc.,which are mainly involved in oxygen perception and response,skin immune regulation,skin cell growth,differentiation,stress,inflammatory response,and other biological processes.Based on the results of molecular docking,biological analysis proved that the active ingredients of EBYX are chrysophanol,gallic acid and caffeic acid,which have inhibitory effects on the proliferation of melanoma cells and melanin production.Conclusion Most of the ancient prescriptions for whitening and removing freckles are pungent and belong to the lung meridian,which embodies the theory of"lung governs the skin and hair".The high-frequency drug EBYX may play a role by regulating skin redox,immunity and inflammation.The active ingredients of EBYX have an inhibitory effect on melanin formation.This study enriches the scientific connotation of TCM whitening and freckle-removing prescriptions based on the theory of"lung governs the skin and hair",realizes interdisciplinary integration and provides support for the modernization of TCM.
The dosage, dose and administration method of decoctions are important factors affecting the efficacy of prescriptions. By analyzing 35 decoction formulas from the Ming and Qing dynasties within the Catalogue of Ancient Classic Famous Formulas (First Batch), it was found that the average dosage was equivalent to about 65 g, of which 71.4% (25/35) of the prescriptions had a dosage ≤60 g. And among them, the dosage of decoctions in the Ming dynasty was significantly smaller than that in the Qing dynasty. Considering the characteristics of formulas in Song dynasty, it is believed that decoctions in Ming and Qing dynasties were influenced by the popular use of decoctions during the Song, Jin, and Yuan dynasties. Some decoctions recorded a dosage of one dose instead of one day, which was more evident in the Ming dynasty. However, by the Qing dynasty, the usage of prescriptions with a dosage of one day gradually became more common. Therefore, in the practical research and application of classic famous formulas from the Ming and Qing dynasties, it is advised to pay attention to the difference between the dosage, one dose and the daily dosage. It is necessary to determine whether to double the dosage of the original formula based on the actual use, in order to ensure the clinical efficacy.
Neurodegenerative diseases are a group of diseases caused by degeneration and dysfunction of the cells and tissues of the central nervous system, mainly including Alzheimer's disease (AD), Parkinson's disease (PD), and epilepsy. A common clinical manifestation of these diseases is cognitive decline. Neurodegenerative diseases are more common in the elderly. As population aging is aggravating, neurodegenerative diseases have aroused increasing concern since they seriously affect human health and quality of life. The pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases is complex, mainly related to mitochondrial dysfunction, apoptosis, neurotoxin, neurotransmitter abnormalities, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Although western drugs on the market can attenuate the symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases, they may induce severe adverse reactions and are thus not conducive to long-term use by the patients. The Chinese herbal medicine Angelicae Sinensis Radix was first recorded in the Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica (Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing). It has the functions of activating blood, tonifying blood, modulating the immune system, regulating menstruation, and relieving pain. This paper summarizes the research progress in the effects of Angelicae Sinensis Radix and the prescriptions containing this medicine on neurodegenerative diseases in recent 10 years, aiming to provide a reference for the future application and research of Angelicae Sinensis Radix in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
According to the World Health Organization's world report on hearing, nearly 2.5 billion people worldwide will suffer from hearing loss by 2050, which may contribute to a severe impact on individual life quality and national economies. Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) occurs commonly as a result of noise exposure, aging, and ototoxic drugs, and is pathologically characterized by the impairment of mechanosensory hair cells of the inner ear, which is mainly triggered by reactive oxygen species accumulation, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction. Though recent advances have been made in understanding the ability of cochlear repair and regeneration, there are still no effective therapeutic drugs for SNHL. Chinese herbal medicine which is widely distributed and easily accessible in China has demonstrated a unique curative effect against SNHL with higher safety and lower cost compared with Western medicine. Herein we present trends in research for Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of SNHL, and elucidate their molecular mechanisms of action, to pave the way for further research and development of novel effective drugs in this field.
Introducción: La diabetes es una enfermedad de carácter crónico, que se origina cuando el organismo pierde su capacidad de producir insulina necesaria para utilizarla de manera eficaz. La diabetes mellitus tipo 1 se caracteriza por la destrucción autoinmune de las células beta del páncreas, que conlleva a una deficiente producción de insulina. Mientras que, la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 resulta de la combinación de resistencia a la insulina junto con inadecuada secreción de la misma. En ambos casos, se utiliza el medicamento insulina para garantizar un control de la enfermedad. Objetivo: Caracterizar la prescripción del medicamento insulina Neutral Protamine Hagedorn bulbo, en una farmacia comunitaria perteneciente a la Atención Primaria de Salud del municipio Santa Clara. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, descriptiva y transversal, que se corresponde con un estudio de uso de medicamentos del tipo prescripción-indicación del medicamento insulina Neutral Protamine Hagedorn bulbo en septiembre 2023. El universo estuvo conformado por 852 pacientes, que tenían prescripción por certificado para medicamentos controlados vigentes. La muestra no probabilística quedó conformada por 26 pacientes. El tipo de muestreo fue aleatorio simple y los resultados se presentaron en tablas mediante números absolutos y porcentaje. Se respetó el principio a la confidencialidad de la información revisada y los certificados para medicamentos controlados. Resultados: Predominaron los pacientes del sexo femenino (76,92 %), mayores de 50 años (84,62 %), hipertensión arterial como comorbilidad (76,92 %), presentaban cuatro o más medicamentos (61,54 %) y la combinación con glibenclamida, metformina, enalapril, captopril, carvedilol, ácido acetilsalicílico, hidroclorotiazida y levotiroxina sódica fueron las interacciones medicamentosas de mayor importancia clínica. Conclusiones: La frecuencia en la prescripción de insulina Neutral Protamine Hagedorn bulbo, es similar a la encontrada en algunos estudios previos, es más representativa a partir de la quinta década de la vida y más frecuente en el sexo femenino.
Introduction: Diabetes is a disease of a chronic nature which occurs when the body loses its ability to produce the insulin needed to use it effectively. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is characterized by destruction of pancreatic beta cells in genetically predisposed individuals and the consequent deficiency in insulin production while type 2 diabetes mellitus results from the combination of insulin resistance along with inadequate secretion of it. In both cases, the insulin medication is used to ensure control of the disease. Objective: To characterize the prescription profile of Neutral Protamine Hagedorn insulin vial in Santa Clara Community Pharmacy. Methods: An observational, retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional investigation was conducted that corresponded with a medications use study, of prescription-indication type of the medication Neutral Protamine Hagedorn insulin vial in September 2023. The universe was 852 patients and the sample was 26 patients with NPH insulin vial prescription, the sampling was simple random and the results were presented in tables using absolute numbers and percentages. The principle of confidentiality of the reviewed information and certificates for controlled medications was respected. Results: The female sex predominated (76.92 %), older than 50 years (84.62 %), arterial hypertension as a comorbidity (76.92 %), 4 or more medications (61.54 %) and the combination with glibenclamide, metformin, enalapril, captopril, carvedilol, acetylsalicylic acid, hydrochlorothiazide and levothyroxine sodium were the most clinically important drug interactions. Conclusions: The prevalence in the prescription of Neutral Protamine Hagedorn insulin vial is similar to that found in some previous studies, being more representative from the 5th decade of life and more frequent in the female sex.
Resumo A prescrição farmacêutica avança no mundo, com diferentes países regulando a prática. No Brasil, essa regulação ocorreu em 2013, porém são escassas as informações sobre sua inserção no cotidiano do exercício farmacêutico. Este estudo objetivou analisar a prescrição farmacêutica no município de Vitória-ES, Brasil, e os fatores que influenciam na adesão da prática. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo com 20 farmacêuticos e 10 gestores de farmácias comunitárias públicas e privadas, realizado a partir de entrevistas, com posterior análise de conteúdo temática para apreender percepções e opiniões. Os farmacêuticos desta pesquisa não prescreviam. Farmacêuticos e gestores identificaram facilitadores para a implementação da atividade, com destaque para os fatores: infraestrutura; fácil acesso ao farmacêutico; e boa receptividade à prescrição. Como barreiras, os fatores foram: número insuficiente de recursos humanos; falta de estímulo institucional à prescrição; e fatores individuais. Além da observação da não execução da prescrição farmacêutica, este estudo trouxe uma oportunidade para identificar elementos que podem estar contribuindo para que o exercício dessa atividade não seja realizado nas farmácias comunitárias. Adaptar rotinas ou contratar pessoal se mostraram as principais modificações necessárias. Paralelamente, ações destinadas a qualificar a formação por meio da educação permanente também se apresentam como necessárias.
Abstract Pharmacist prescribing advances in the world with different countries regulating this activity. In Brazil, this regulation took place in 2013, but there is little information about its insertion in the routine of pharmacist practice. This study aimed to analyze the pharmacist prescribing in the city of Vitória, Espírito Santo state, Brazil, and the factors that influence adherence to the practice. This is a qualitative study based on interviews with 20 pharmacists and 10 managers of public and private community drugstores with subsequent content analysis to apprehend perceptions and opinions. The pharmacists in this research did not prescribe. Pharmacists and managers identified facilitators for the implementation of the activity, highlighting the following factors: infrastructure; easy access to the pharmacist; and good receptivity to the prescription. As barriers, the factors were insufficient number of human resources; lack of institutional stimulus to prescribing; and individual factors. In addition to the observation of non-execution of pharmacist prescribing, this study provided an opportunity to identify elements that may contribute to the non-existence of this activity in community drugstores. Adapting routines or hiring staff were the main necessary changes. At the same time, actions aimed at qualifying training through permanent education are also necessary.