BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To analyze 18F-THK5351 positron emission tomography (PET) scans of patients with clinically diagnosed nonfluent/agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia (navPPA). METHODS: Thirty-one participants, including those with Alzheimer's disease (AD, n=13), navPPA (n=3), and those with normal control (NC, n=15) who completed 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging, 18F-THK5351 PET scans, and detailed neuropsychological tests, were included. Voxel-based and region of interest (ROI)-based analyses were performed to evaluate retention of 18F-THK5351 in navPPA patients. RESULTS: In ROI-based analysis, patients with navPPA had higher levels of THK retention in the Broca's area, bilateral inferior frontal lobes, bilateral precentral gyri, and bilateral basal ganglia. Patients with navPPA showed higher levels of THK retention in bilateral frontal lobes (mainly left side) compared than NC in voxel-wise analysis. CONCLUSIONS: In our study, THK retention in navPPA patients was mainly distributed at the frontal region which was well correlated with functional-radiological distribution of navPPA. Our results suggest that tau PET imaging could be a supportive tool for diagnosis of navPPA in combination with a clinical history.
Humans , Alzheimer Disease , Aphasia, Primary Progressive , Basal Ganglia , Broca Area , Diagnosis , Frontal Lobe , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Neurofibrillary Tangles , Neuropsychological Tests , Positron-Emission Tomography , Primary Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia , tau ProteinsABSTRACT
Latin America (LA) is experiencing a rise in the elderly population and a consequent increase in geriatric problemssuch as dementia. There are few epidemiological studies assessing the magnitude of dementia and dementia subtypesin LA. Objective: To identify published community-based studies on the prevalence of FTD in LA countries. Methods: Adatabase search for door-to-door studies on FTD prevalence in LA was performed. The search was carried out on Medline,Embase, and LILACS databases for research conducted between 1994 and 2012. The main inclusion criteria were: use ofany internationally accepted diagnostic criteria and investigation of community samples. Results: Four hundred and ninetytwo articles were found, of which 26 were initially pre-selected by title or abstract review. Five studies from 3 differentcountries were included. The FTD prevalence rates in community-dwelling elderly were 1.2 (Venezuela), 1.3 (Peru) and1.7-1.8 (Brazil) per thousand persons, depending on age group. Conclusion: The FTD prevalence in LA studies showedvalues mid-way between those observed in western and in oriental populations. Despite the magnitude of this problem,epidemiological information on FTD remains scarce in LA.
A América Latina (AL) está experimentando um aumento na população de idosos e um consequente aumento nosproblemas geriátricos, como demência. Existem poucos estudos epidemiológicos avaliando a magnitude de demência edemência subtipos na AL Objetivo: Identificar publicações baseadas em estudos sobre a prevalência da FTD em países daAL. Métodos: A pesquisa realizada foi por estudos de prevalência de FTD em comunidade na AL. A pesquisa foi realizada emMed-line, Embase, e LILACS no período entre 1994 e 2012. Os principais critérios de inclusão foram: utilização de quaisquercritérios internacionalmente aceitos de diagnóstico e investigação de amostras em comunidade. Resultados: Quatrocentose noventa e dois artigos foram encontrados, dos quais 26 foram inicialmente pré-selecionados pelo título ou fiscalização doabstract. Cinco estudos de 3 países diferentes foram incluídos. As taxas de prevalência na comunidade em idosos com FTDeram 1,2 (Venezuela), 1,3 (Peru) e 1,7-1,8 (Brasil) por mil pessoas, dependendo da faixa etária. Conclusão: A prevalênciaFTD em estudos da AL, apresentaram valores intermediários entre os observados em populações ocidentais e orientais. Apesarda magnitude do problema, informações epidemiológicas sobre FTD permanecem escassas em AL.