Objetivo: Validar el contenido de un cuestionario de auto-reporte en español para explorar actitudes, prácticas y barreras de odontólogos no especialistas en periodoncia frente al diagnóstico y tratamiento de problemas periodontales y criterios para derivar. Materiales y métodos: Seis especialistas en periodoncia de cinco países latinoamericanos construyeron versión#1 de un cuestionario. 21 expertos de tres áreas disciplinares de 6 países valoraron de 1 a 5 (1: totalmente en desacuerdo, 5: totalmente de acuerdo) cada ítem en su pertinencia, relevancia, claridad y coherencia. Según grado de acuerdo se reformuló cada ítem y se construyó versión#2 que fue piloteada en 60 odontólogos no especialistas en periodoncia, 3 de ellos fueron entrevistados para evaluar la comprensión y semántica. Luego del análisis se elaboró la versión final (versión#3). Resultados: Los ítems formulados de versión#1 tuvieron una valoración promedio de 4,6 (rango 3.7-5). Fueron reformulados evitando palabras confusas y que tuvieran aceptación transversal en países participantes, se eliminó ítem con menor puntuación de acuerdo de expertos. La aplicación de versión#2 tuvo un tiempo de respuesta de 12 minutos, se reformularon opciones y agregaron 4 ítems para obtener la versión final con 44 preguntas. Conclusiones: Se construyó un cuestionario de auto-reporte con validez de contenido para evaluar actitudes y prácticas en salud-enfermedad periodontal en odontólogos generales o no especialistas en periodoncia de habla hispana.
Aim: T o validate the content of a self-report questionnaire in Spanish to explore attitudes, practices and barriers of dentists non-specialized in periodontics when facing the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal problems and criteria for referral. Materials and methods: Six specialists in periodontics from five Latin American countries constructed version#1 of a questionnaire. Twenty-one experts from 3 disciplinary areas from 6 countries rated each item from 1 to 5 (1: totally disagree, 5: totally agree) regarding its appropriateness, relevance, clarity, and coherence. According to the degree of agreement, the item was reformulated, and version #2 was built, which was tested on 60 dentists non-specialized in periodontics. Then, 3 of them were interviewed to assess comprehension and semantics. After analysis, the final version was prepared (version#3). Results: The items formulated in version#1 had an average score of 4.6 (range 3.7-5). Questions and options were reformulated, avoiding confusing words and having transversal acceptance in the participating countries. The items with the lowest degree of expert agreement were eliminated. The application of version#2 had a response time of 12 minutes, options were reformulated, and 4 items were added to obtain the final version with 44 questions. Conclusions: A self-report questionnaire with content validity was constructed to assess attitudes and practices in periodontal health and disease in Spanish-speaking general dentists or non-specialists in periodontics.
Introducción: los trastornos mentales comunes pueden tener un impacto significativo en la vida de los indígenas, pueden provocar discapacidad, disminución de la productividad y aumento de la mortalidad. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de trastornos mentales comunes en indígenas de cinco departamentos de Paraguay durante el 2022. Metodología: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo de corte transversal en indígenas residentes en los departamentos de Alto Paraguay, Boquerón, Concepción, Caaguazú, Presidente Hayes de Paraguay. Para la recolección de datos se utilizó el Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Este instrumento constó de 20 preguntas de tipo sí/no correspondientes al mes anterior a la entrevista. Resultados: participaron del estudio 779, indígenas de entre 18 a 69 años de edad. El alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,89, la medida de Kaiser-Meyers-Olkin fue 0,88. El SRQ+ fue del 25,80 % (201), el 14,51 % (113) tuvo síntomas de depresión, el 16,17 % (126) tuvo síntomas de ansiedad, y el 12,58 % (98) tuvo síntomas de psicosis. Conclusión: se encontró una alta prevalencia de trastornos mentales comunes, de acuerdo al Self Reporting Questionnaire, siendo el más frecuente al psicosis. Estos hallazgos subrayan la necesidad de mejorar el acceso a los servicios de salud mental para los indígenas de Paraguay.
Introduction: common mental disorders can have a significant impact on the lives of indigenous people, leading to disability, decreased productivity, and increased mortality. Objective: to determine the prevalence of common mental disorders in indigenous people from five departments of Paraguay in 2022. Methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive observational study was conducted in indigenous people residing in the departments of Alto Paraguay, Boquerón, Concepción, Caaguazú, and Presidente Hayes, Paraguay. Data were collected using the Self Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). This instrument consisted of 20 yes/no questions pertaining to the month prior to the interview. Results: a total of 779 indigenous people aged 18-69 years participated in the study. The Cronbach's alpha was 0.89, and the Kaiser-Meyers-Olkin measure was 0.88. The SRQ+ was 25.80 % (201), 14.51 % (113) had symptoms of depression, 16.17 % (126) had symptoms of anxiety, and 12.58 % (98) had symptoms of psychosis. Conclusion: a high prevalence of common mental disorders was found, according to the SRQ, with psychosis being the most common. These findings underscore the need to improve access to mental health services for indigenous people in Paraguay.
Abstract Objective: Enuresis is associated with attentional and emotional comorbidities in 20 to 30 % of cases. The Short Screening Instrument for Psychological Problems in Enuresis (SSIPPE) is a questionnaire that allows the initial screening of these comorbidities. This study aimed to translate, culturally adapt, and validate the SSIPPE for Brazilian children and adolescents (SSIPPE-Br). Methods: Six steps were performed for translation and cross-cultural adaptation: translation, synthesis of translations, back-translation, preparation of the pre-final version of the translated instrument, test of comprehensibility of the pre-final version of the tool, and elaboration of the instrument cross-culturally adapted for Brazil, named 13-itens version SSIPPE-Br. To validate the SSIPPE-Br, a cross-sectional study was carried out, in which the validated Brazilian version of the Child and Adolescent Behavior Inventory (CABI) was used. Results: Validation was performed on 127 children and adolescents with a mean age of 9.7 ± 2.8 years, 48 % male. The reliability was estimated using Cronbach's alpha, ranging from 0.86 to 0.89, indicating good internal consistency. The factorial analysis had a good agreement adjustment (KMO 0.755, Bartlett's test < 0.001) and explained 70.5 % of the data variability. In the reproducibility analysis, the Kappa coefficient ranged from 0.94 to 1, which can be considered almost perfect. A highly significant (p-value < 0.001) and direct correlation existed between the three SSIPPE-Br domains and all evaluated CABI domains. Conclusion: The SSIPPE-Br is a valid and reliable tool for emotional problems screening and ADHD symptoms in children and adolescents with enuresis whose first language is Brazilian Portuguese.
This study aims to verify the concurrent validity of the paper, and the telephone versions of the instrument used to evaluate the effectiveness of the Vida Ativa Melhorando a Saúde (VAMOS) Pro-gram participants. The VAMOS Program is a community-based intervention aiming at motivating people to adopt an active and healthy lifestyle. The study population was adults registered at the Basic Health Units in the state of Santa Catarina, and the sample for the validity test was two groups that concluded the program. To compare each variable provided by paper and telephone format, multi-level generalized linear and logistic models were carried out, adjusted by age, sex, and educational level. As a result, it was possible to identify the validity of most of the questions, with variations in the frequency of cooked vegetable consumption, method of preparing animal meat, frequency of physical activity, and waist circumference. We concluded that the use of the telephone survey could be considered for VAMOS Program effectiveness evaluation
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a validade concorrente das versões papel e ligação telefônica do ins-trumento utilizado para avaliar a efetividade do Programa Vida Ativa Melhorando a Saúde ( VAMOS). O Programa VAMOS é uma intervenção de base comunitária, com o objetivo de motivar as pessoas a adotarem um estilo de vida ativo e saudável. A população do estudo foi de adultos registrados nas Unidades Básicas de Saúde do estado de Santa Catarina, e a amostra para o teste de validade considerou dois grupos que concluí-ram o programa. Para comparar cada variável fornecida pelo formato papel e telefone, foram realizados mo-delos lineares e logísticos generalizados multiníveis, ajustados por idade, sexo e nível de escolaridade. Como resultado, foi possível identificar a validade da maioria das questões, com variações na frequência de consumo de hortaliças cozidas, modo de preparo da carne animal, frequência de atividade física e circunferência da cintura. Concluímos que o uso da coleta por telefone pode ser considerado para a avaliação da efetividade do Programa VAMOS.
Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Validation Study , Program Evaluation , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
RESUMEN Antecedentes: diferentes publicaciones han estudiado la fisiopatología de la lesión de la vía biliar (LVB), pero pocas han investigado los efectos psicosociales y de calidad de vida relacionados con su reparación. Objetivo: comparar la calidad de vida de pacientes antes y después de la reparación definitiva de una LVB. Material y métodos: se usó como instrumento para evaluar la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS) el cuestionario de salud SF-36 en una serie de pacientes operados entre diciembre de 2015 y junio de 2019 para la reparación de LVB. Resultados: sobre 48 casos de reparaciones de LVB, contestaron la encuesta 22 (46%). Se compararon los ítems del formulario SF 36: diferencia en la función física, el rol físico, el dolor corporal, la salud general, la vitalidad, la función social, el rol emocional, la salud mental y el ítem de transición de salud, y todos mostraron una mejoría estadísticamente significativa (p < 0,001) después de la reparación. En el análisis univariado se observó que la salud mental se vio afectada por la presencia de una lesión compleja (p = 0,019), el rol físico y el rol emocional antes de la reparación, y mostró relación con el tipo de lesión según Strasberg (p = 0,001 y p = 0,032). Aquellos que asociaron lesión vascular presentaron una asociación negativa con la función física (p = 0,019), la vitalidad (p = 0,033), la salud mental (p = 0,005) y el dolor (p = 0,026) antes de la reparación. Conclusión: la resolución definitiva de la LVB en un centro especializado en patología hepatobiliopancreática mostró producir una significativa mejoría en la calidad de vida.
ABSTRACT Background: Different publications have examined the pathophysiology of bile duct injury (BDI), bur few studies have investigated the effects of BDIs and their subsequent repair on psychosocial and health-related quality of life Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the quality of life of patients before and after definitive BDI repair. Material and methods: The SF-36 Health Survey was used as an instrument to assess health-related quality of life (HRQL) in a series of patients operated on between December 2015 and June 2019 for BDI repair. Results: Of 48 patients who underwent BDI repair, 22 (46%) responded to the survey. The SF-36 items, which includes different domains (physical functioning, physical role functioning, bodily pain, general health, vitality, social functioning, emotional role functioning, mental health, and health transition) were compared. All domains demonstrated statistically significant improvement (p < 0.001) following repair. On univariate analysis, mental health was affected by the presence of a complex injury (p = 0.019), and physical and emotional role functioning before BDI repair were associated with the type of injury of the Strasberg classification (p = 0.001 and p = 0.032, respectively). An associated vascular injury had a negative correlation with physical functioning (p = 0.019), vitality (p = 0.033), mental health (p = 0.005), and pain (p = 0.026) prior to repair. Conclusion: The definitive resolution of BDIs at a center specialized in hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery resulted in a significant improvement of patients' quality of life.
Dentro de la práctica clínica, así como en la salud poblacional, es habitual utilizar cuestionarios que permiten evaluar condiciones o variables que no son directamente observables. No obstante, la construcción y validación de estos instrumentos o cuestionarios suele ser poco conocida. El objetivo de esta revisión narrativa es sintetizar de manera general el proceso de construcción y validación de estos cuestionarios, para así tener una mejor comprensión de este proceso, de los aspectos que se evalúan y de la mejor forma de utilizarlos. La validación de cuestionarios corresponde a un proceso de análisis de este, cuya finalidad es medir una variable latente o constructo, así como sus dimensiones, las que no pueden ser observadas directamente. Una variable latente puede ser inferida a través de un conjunto de atributos específicos que forman parte de ella, como los ítems de un cuestionario y que sí son observables. En este artículo se abordan de manera teórica los conceptos fundamentales de validación de cuestionarios o test, variables latentes o constructos, estudio de la confiabilidad y de la validez, así como los factores que afectan a estas dos últimas características, a través de una revisión narrativa. En el texto, se presentan ejemplos sobre estos conceptos.
In clinical practice and population health, it is common to use questionnaires to assess conditions or variables that are not directly observable. However, the construction and validation of these instruments or questionnaires are often poorly understood. This narrative review aims to summarize in a general way the process of construction and validation of these questionnaires in order to have a better understanding of this process, the aspects that are evaluated, and the best way to use them. The validation of questionnaires corresponds to a process of analysis of the questionnaire, aiming to measure a latent variable and its dimensions, which cannot be observed directly. A latent variable can be inferred through a set of specific attributes that are part of it, such as the items of a questionnaire, which are observable. Through a narrative review, this article addresses the fundamental concepts of questionnaire or test validation, latent variables or constructs, reliability and validity studies, and the factors that theoretically affect the latter two characteristics. Examples of these concepts are presented in the text.
en el artículo se analizan la depresión, variables sociodemográficas y su asociación entre ellas en adultos mayores en el Perú. Materiales y métodos: se usó un estudio transversal, descriptivo y correlacional a una submuestra de 5247 adultos mayores. Se emplearon los datos generados por la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud (endes) del 2019, utilizando el instrumento de investigación: Patient Healtth Questionnarie (phq-9) de nueve preguntas y las variables sociodemográficas, incluidas en los cuestionarios de salud, características del hogar y la vivienda, de la endes 2019. Para el estudio estadístico se usó el modelo de regresión logística múltiple,para establecer si existía asociación entre depresión y variables sociode-mográficas. Resultados: los resultados señalan que el 15.3 % de las personas de 60 años a más presenta una depresión moderada, moderadamente severa y severa. Asimismo, se encontró que la depresión y las variables sociodemográficas (nivel de instrucción, diabetes, índice de riqueza, sexo y grupo etario) están relacionadas; sin embargo, no están relacionadas con las variables hábito de fumar, obesidad, tener pareja y lugar de residencia. Conclusiones: la depresión está relacionada con algunas variables sociodemográficas consideradas en este estudio. La depresión en adultos mayores se está convirtiendo en un significativo problema de salud pública, más frecuente en mujeres, edades avanzadas, áreas rurales, niveles socioe-conómicos bajos, menores niveles educativos, presión arterial, discapacidad y consumo problemático de alcohol; condiciones que deben tenerse en cuenta para la implementación de políticas públicas.
We analyzed depression, sociodemographic variables, and the association between them in older adults in Peru. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational study was conducted, including 5,247 older adults. The data was extracted from the 2019 Demographic and Health Survey (endes) using the Patient Health Questionnaire (phq-9) of nine questions. The health questionnaires also included sociodemographic variables, household characteristics, and housing-related questions. A multiple logistic regression model was used to determine if there was an association between depression and sociodemographic variables. Results: Approximately 15.3% of older adults had a history of depression (moderate, moderately severe, and severe). We identified a relationship between depression and some sociodemographic variables (education level, diabetes, wealth index, sex, and age group). However, depres-sion was not related to smoking habits, obesity, having a partner, and place of residence. Conclusions: Depression was related to some of the sociodemographic variables considered in this study. Depression in older adults is becoming a significant public health problem, more frequent in women, advanced ages, rural areas, low socioeconomic levels, lower educational levels, blood pressure, disability, and problem-atic alcohol consumption. These conditions must be considered in the implementation of public policies
Introdução: no presente artigo analisa-se a depressão, variáveis sociodemográficas e a associação entre elas em idosos no Peru. Materiais e métodos: estudo transversal, descritivo e correlacional, com uma suba-mostra de 5247 idosos. Foram utilizados os dados gerados pela "Pesquisa Demográfica e de Saúde" (do espanhol endes) do ano de 2019, utilizando como instrumento de pesquisa o: Patient Health Questionnarie (phq-9) de nove questões e as variáveis sociodemográficas, incluídas nos questionários de saúde, domiciliar e características de moradia, do endes 2019. Para o estudo estatístico, foi utilizado o modelo de regres-são logística múltipla para verificar se havia associação entre depressão e variáveis sociodemográficas. Resultados: os resultados indicam que 15,3 por cento das pessoas com 60 anos ou mais apresentam um nível de depressão moderada, moderadamente grave e grave. Da mesma forma, verificou-se que a depressão e as variáveis sociodemográficas (escolaridade, diabetes, índice de riqueza, sexo e faixa etária) estão relacionadas; entretanto, não estão relacionados com as variáveis hábito de fumar, obesidade, ter companheiro e local de residência. Conclusões: a depressão está relacionada com algumas das variáveis sociodemográficas consideradas neste estudo. A depressão em idosos está se tornando um problema sig-nificativo de saúde pública, mais frequente em mulheres, idades avançadas, áreas rurais, níveis socioeco-nómicos baixos, níveis educacionais mais baixos, pressão arterial, deficiência e consumo problemático de álcool; condições que devem ser levadas em conta para a implementação de políticas públicas.
Humans , Stress, Psychological , Frail Elderly , Patient Health QuestionnaireABSTRACT
Background@#The 2019 coronavirus disease pandemic opened an opportunity to explore the role of telemedicine in pediatric rheumatology clinic as well as patient satisfaction with virtual visits.@*Objective@#To determine the usability and satisfaction rate of telemedicine among pediatric rheumatology patients and their caregivers.@*Method@#A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among patients and caregivers consulting via telemedicine at a pediatric rheumatology clinic of University of the Philippines – Philippine General Hospital (UP – PGH), a tertiary government hospital. Collected data included socio-demographics and the validated Telehealth Usability Questionnaire (TUQ).@*Results@#There were 39 (55.7%) patients and 31 (44.3%) primary caregivers included in the study. Across all usability factors, the response of primary caregivers did not significantly differ from those of patients. The average scores across all questions for both patients and primary caregivers were 5.96±1.19 and 6.04±1.34, respectively. This showed a high level of agreement that they were highly satisfied with telemedicine experience. Among the different usability factors, questions related to usefulness obtained the highest mean score for both patients (6.11±1.17) and primary caregivers (6.12±1.38). While the lowest mean score was observed on questions related to reliability, 5.65±1.33 for patients and 5.89±1.31 for primary caregivers.@*Conclusion@#Pediatric rheumatology patients as well as their caregivers are generally highly satisfied with telemedicine during this time of pandemic. With high patient and caregiver satisfaction, telemedicine could be an option for ambulatory patient care even after pandemic.
Telemedicine , COVID-19 , Patient SatisfactionABSTRACT
ObjectiveTo conduct comprehensive assessment of internal and external cadmium exposure and health risks for Shanghai residents. MethodsCadmium levels in food samples were calculated by employing two dietary exposure assessment methods, total diet study (TDS) and food frequency questionnaire (FFQ), to estimate the daily dietary cadmium exposure of Shanghai residents. The provisional tolerable monthly intake (PTMI) of cadmium set by joint food and agriculture organization/WHO expert committee on food additives (JECFA) was applied to evaluate the health risk. Differences in dietary and urinary cadmium were compared by rank-sum test among different regions, age, gender, smoking status, and BMI groups, and the association between internal and external cadmium exposure was investigated by correlation analysis. ResultsThe mean value of urinary cadmium for 1 300 respondents was 0.542 μg·L-1. Urinary cadmium was higher in the population in central urban and urban-rural fringe areas than in the suburban area, higher in the older age group than in the younger age group, and higher in the smoking group than in the non-smoking group (all P<0.01). The two assessment methods showed that the mean values of daily dietary cadmium exposure for Shanghai residents were 0.306 and 0.090 μg·kg-1, with 3.69% and 0.85% of Shanghai residents exceeding the PTMI, respectively. Correlation analyses showed that dietary exposure to cadmium based on the FFQ method was positively correlated with the urinary cadmium level when smoking status, age, gender, and BMI were adjusted. ConclusionDietary exposure to cadmium of Shanghai residents is mainly derived from vegetables, aquatic products, cereals and potatoes, and is overall at a low-risk level. Dietary exposure assessment based on FFQ and risk monitoring data can effectively estimate long-term cadmium exposure.
Objective To investigate the current status and training requirements of pain medicine among non-anes-thetic residents rotating in the Department of Anesthesiology at a tertiary hospital in Beijing.Methods A self-de-signed questionnaire of"pain medicine education requirements of rotating residents"was administered to each resi-dent on their first day of rotation,and voluntary responses were collected.Results A total of 108 questionnaires were collected(87.1%response rate),comprising 45 from surgical residents,42 from internal medicine resi-dents,and 21 from emergency and intensive care residents.The results showed that surgical residents encountered a higher prevalence of surgery-related pain as compared to internal medicine residents or emergency and intensive care residents(P<0.001).Internal medicine residents experienced a greater incidence of inflamma-tory pain than surgical residents(P<0.05)or emergency and intensive care residents(P<0.01).All residents expressed continuing education requirements on pain management.Regarding training modalities,surgical residents favored medical course(86.7%);internal medicine residents preferred outpatient clinic rotation(88.1%);and emergency and intensive care residents preferred interventional treatment rotations(90.5%).Conclusions There are a wide need for continuing medical education on pain management.The training should be tailored diversely based on the specific clinical needs of each department to improve the overall quality of continuing medical educa-tion and accelerate the development of integrative pain management.
Objective To investigate the needs and feedback from clinical medical students on the diversified teaching mode adopted by the Department of Endocrinology in Peking Union Medical College Hospital.Methods Questionnaires were distributed to the medicine students who were in clinical rotation in Peking Union Medical Col-lege,and the teaching status and teaching effect was investigated.Results A total of 95 valid questionnaires were received.The attending physicians and the teaching resident physicians performed well in the daily teaching activi-ties.The medical students believed that outpatient training was necessary in addition to ward rotations.After the ro-tation in the endocrinology department,the self-evaluated score of mastery of endocrinology knowledge had been significantly improved,especially in those who rotated in outpatient clinic,suggesting that outpatient teaching was of great significance.In addition,the establishment of a self-learning platform including clinical cases and videos in endocrinology could be used as an important supplementary means for clinical teaching.Conclusions Outpatient training improves learning outcomes of medical students,so must be kept and further strengthened in the future.Building a database of typical clinical cases and teaching videos can improve the training quality.
Objective To investigate the publication status of papers written by key nursing staff of vascular interventional academic organizations and to analyze its influencing factors so as to provide a theoretical basis for improving the scientific research output of vascular interventional nursing staff.Methods The questionnaire was designed by reading and referring to the domestic and foreign literature.A survey was conducted in a total of 346 members of the Nursing Professional Committee of the China Branch of the International Vascular Alliance,who were from 22 provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities of China.Results Of the 346 key vascular interventional nursing staff,190 had published one paper(54.91%)and 156(45.09%)had published multiple papers in the past 5 years as the first author or corresponding author,and among them 267(77.17%)wrote papers for the purpose to make a promotion.Multiple regression analysis showed that academic position,first education degree,professional position,length of nursing service,knowledge of the English literature,and source of scientific research knowledge(school study)were the independent factors affecting the paper publication by vascular interventional nursing staff(all P<0.05).The survey showed that vascular interventional nursing staff had difficulties in carrying out scientific research because they were lack of scientific research-related knowledge,busy with daily work,and lack of scientific research atmosphere.Conclusion The publication of academic papers written by key nursing staff of vascular interventional academic organizations is influenced by many factors.It is recommended that the hospital administration should strengthen the training of English literature retrieval ability for nursing staff so as to fundamentally improve the overall scientific research level of nursing staff.(J Intervent Radiol,2024,33:309-313)
Objective:To establish a 14-day prognosis model for emergency patients with acute ischemic cerebral stroke and evaluate its predictive efficacy.Methods:A prospective cohort study was conducted. Patients with acute ischemic stroke admitted to the emergency department of Beijing Bo’ai Hospital within 72 hours of onset from October 2018 to December 2020 were enrolled. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were used to screen the risk factors of poor prognosis. The ROC curve was drawn to determine the cut-off value of continuous variables and discretise data with reference to clinical practice. The corresponding scores were set up according to the β regression coefficient of each variable, and the clinical scale prediction model of short-term prognosis of acute cerebral infarction was established. Patients with ischemic stroke in the hospital from January to December 2021 were selected as the internal validation, to verify the constructed predictive model.Results:A total of 321 patients were included in the study, including 223 in the training set and 98 in the internal validation set. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that age, hypersensitive C-reactive protein, prealbumin (PA), infarct volume, Frailty Screening Questionnaire (FSQ) and National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) were independent risk factors for poor short-term prognosis of acute cerebral infarction. The total score of the clinical prediction scoring system for short-term prognosis of acute cerebral infarction in the emergency department was 15 points, including age ≥74 years (1 point), PA ≤373 mg/L (2 points), large artery atherosclerosis (1 point), cardiogenic embolism (2 points), infarct volume ≥ 2.18 cm 3 (2 points), FSQ ≥3 points (1 point), NIHSS ≥4 points (6 points); The area under the ROC curve (AUC) of the scoring system for predicting short-term poor prognosis of acute cerebral infarction was 0.927 (95% CI: 0.894-0.960). The optimal cut-off value was ≥5 points, and the sensitivity and specificity were 0.770 and 0.976, respectively. In the internal validation set, the scoring system had similar predictive value for poor outcomes (AUC=0.892, 95% CI:0.827-0.957). Conclusion:The scoring system for short-term prognosis prediction of acute ischemic cerebral infarction has good diagnostic efficacy, and could guide clinicians to judge the prognosis of emergency patients in the early stage.
Objective:To analyze the application effect of PAD teaching mode in Epidemiology teaching,and to investigate students'suggestions for improving PAD class,so as to provide some thoughts and basis for improving teaching reform.Methods:PAD class was introduced into Epidemiology teaching.Two cross-sectional surveys were conducted after class,and questionnaires about PAD learning interests and suggestions for improvement were anonymously collected.The teaching effect was analyzed and suggestions for rectification were put forward.Results:Among the 134 students majoring in medical laboratory science,the score rate of each learning interest survey item of PAD teaching mode was more than 80% .And 57.46% of the students thought that discussion sessions should be added.The scores of chapter test in PAD mode class was higher than that in traditional mode class(t=2.938,P<0.01).Conclusions:PAD class can enhance learning interest and knowledge mastery.The time schedule of teaching and discussion should be adjusted in time according to students'wishes,and after-school exercises and counseling should be appropriately increased to promote the application of PAD class in Epidemiology teaching.
Objective To develop a self-care scale for patients with lymphedema after breast cancer surgery and verify its reliability and validity.Methods Based on the model of knowledge,belief and practice,a questionnaire item pool was constructed after literature reviews and qualitative interviews.A questionnaire-based scale was drafted based on the established item pool by carrying out two rounds of consultation with 15 clinical nursing specialists,nursing administrators and nursing educators from 8 provinces or cities in China.Reliability and validity of the scale were tested using convenience sampling,involving 444 patients with breast cancer surgery related lymphedema from 7 general hospitals in Hubei and Henan provinces,China,between May and July 2023.Results The response rates for the two rounds of expert consultation were 93.75%and 93.33%,respectively.The authority coefficients of the two rounds were 0.86 and 0.89,respectively,and the coordination coefficients for the 2 rounds were 0.130 and 0.379,respectively.In the first round,the average importance rating was from 4.33 to 4.93 with the coefficient of variation from 0.05 to 0.19,and the full score ratio from 53.33%to 93.33%.In the second round,the average importance rating ranged from 2.86 to 4.93 with the coefficient of variation from 0.05 to 0.36,and the full score ratios from 7.14%to 92.86%.A total of 421 patients completed the survey.The overall Cronbach's α coefficient of the scale was 0.943,the overall split-half reliability was 0.824,the scale-level content validity index(S-CVI)was 0.912,and the item-level content validity index(I-CVI)of the total scale ranged from 0.857 to 1.000.The KMO value of exploratory factor analysis was 0.919,the Bartrett spherical test value was 4671.724(P<0.001),and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 64.155%.Confirmatory factor analysis showed a good model fit.After the reliability and validity tests,the scale was finalised and determined to consist of three dimensions with 33 items:knowledge(9 items),attitude(6 items)and behaviour(18 items).Conclusion The self-care scale for the patients with lymphedema after breast cancer surgery has demonstrated good reliability and validity,and makes it an effective assessment tool for the patients with lymphedema after breast cancer surgery.
Objective:To investigate the current situation of the use of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) for portal hypertension, which should aid the development of TIPS in China.Methods:The China Portal Hypertension Alliance (CHESS) initiated this study that comprehensively investigated the basic situation of TIPS for portal hypertension in China through network research. The survey included the following: the number of surgical cases, main indications, the development of Early-TIPS, TIPS for portal vein cavernous transformation, collateral circulation embolization, intraoperative portal pressure gradient measurement, commonly used stent types, conventional anticoagulation and time, postoperative follow-up, obstacles, and the application of domestic instruments.Results:According to the survey, a total of 13 527 TIPS operations were carried out in 545 hospitals participating in the survey in 2021, and 94.1% of the hospital had the habit of routine follow-up after TIPS. Most hospitals believed that the main indications of TIPS were the control of acute bleeding (42.6%) and the prevention of rebleeding (40.7%). 48.1% of the teams carried out early or priority TIPS, 53.0% of the teams carried out TIPS for the cavernous transformation of the portal vein, and 81.0% chose routine embolization of collateral circulation during operation. Most of them used coils and biological glue as embolic materials, and 78.5% of the team routinely performed intraoperative portal pressure gradient measurements. In selecting TIPS stents, 57.1% of the hospitals woulel choose Viator-specific stents, 57.2% woulel choose conventional anticoagulation after TIPS, and the duration of anticoagulation was between 3-6 months (55.4%). The limitation of TIPS surgery was mainly due to cost (72.3%) and insufficient understanding of doctors in related departments (77.4%). Most teams accepted the domestic instruments used in TIPS (92.7%).Conclusions:This survey shows that TIPS treatment is an essential part of treating portal hypertension in China. The total number of TIPS cases is far from that of patients with portal hypertension. In the future, it is still necessary to popularize TIPS technology and further standardize surgical indications, routine operations, and instrument application.
Objective:To investigate the current status of endoscopic treatment for gastroesophageal varices in portal hypertension in China, and to provide supporting data and reference for the development of endoscopic treatment.Methods:In this study, initiated by the Liver Health Consortium in China (CHESS), a questionnaire was designed and distributed online to investigate the basic condition of endoscopic treatment for gastroesophageal varices in portal hypertension in 2022 in China. Questions included annual number and indication of endoscopic procedures, adherence to guideline for preventing esophagogastric variceal bleeding (EGVB), management and timing of emergent EGVB, management of gastric and isolated varices, and improvement of endoscopic treatment. Proportions of hospitals concerning therapeutic choices to all participant hospitals were calculated. Guideline adherence between secondary and tertiary hospitals were compared by using Chi-square test.Results:A total of 836 hospitals from 31 provinces (anotomous regions and municipalities) participated in the survey. According to the survey, the control of acute EGVB (49.3%, 412/836) and the prevention of recurrent bleeding (38.3%, 320/836) were major indications of endoscopic treatment. For primary [non-selective β-blocker (NSBB) or endoscopic therapies] and secondary prophylaxis (NSBB and endoscopic therapies) of EGVB, adherence to domestic guideline was 72.5% (606/836) and 39.2% (328/836), respectively. There were significant differences in the adherence between secondary and tertiary hospitals in primary prophylaxis of EGVB [71.0% (495/697) VS 79.9% (111/139), χ2=4.11, P=0.033] and secondary prophylaxis of EGVB [41.6% (290/697) VS 27.3% (38/139), χ2=9.31, P=0.002]. A total of 78.2% (654/836) hospitals preferred endoscopic therapies treating acute EGVB, and endoscopic therapy was more likely to be the first choice for treating acute EGVB in tertiary hospitals (82.6%, 576/697) than secondary hospitals [56.1% (78/139), χ2=46.33, P<0.001]. The optimal timing was usually within 12 hours (48.5%, 317/654) and 12-24 hours (36.9%, 241/654) after the bleeding. Regarding the management of gastroesophageal varices type 2 and isolated gastric varices type 1, most hospitals used cyanoacrylate injection in combination with sclerotherapy [48.2% (403/836) and 29.9% (250/836), respectively], but substantial proportions of hospitals preferred clip-assisted therapies [12.4% (104/836) and 26.4% (221/836), respectively]. Improving the skills of endoscopic doctors (84.2%, 704/836), and enhancing the precision of pre-procedure evaluation and quality of multidisciplinary team (78.9%, 660/836) were considered urgent needs in the development of endoscopic treatment. Conclusion:A variety of endoscopic treatments for gastroesophageal varices in portal hypertension are implemented nationwide. Participant hospitals are active to perform emergent endoscopy for acute EGVB, but are inadequate in following recommendations regarding primary and secondary prophylaxis of EGVB. Moreover, the selection of endoscopic procedures for gastric varices differs greatly among hospitals.
BackgroundDomestic researches on the professional identity of psychiatrists are still relatively rare up to now, and effective evaluation tools remain inadequate. ObjectiveTo construct a professional identity questionnaire for psychiatrists with high reliability and validity, so as to provide an effective tool for the evaluation of professional identity of psychiatrists. MethodsA self-designed questionnaire titled "Professional Identity Questionnaire" was compiled. After preliminary screening of items and expert consultation, an initial questionnaire was formed and administered to a sample of 400 psychiatrists, and the final questionnaire was assessed by item analysis, reliability analysis and validity analysis. ResultsThe Cronbach's α coefficient was 0.930 for the final questionnaire, and ranged from 0.817 to 0.920 for each dimension. The value of KMO was 0.904 (χ2=2 931.652, P<0.01). The cumulative variance contribution rate of factors extracted from exploratory factor analysis was 68.306%. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the integrity of fit indexes were χ2/df=1.234, GFI=0.905, NFI=0.916, RMSEA=0.036, CFI=0.983, IFI=0.983. The final version of the professional identity questionnaire for psychiatrists consisted of 23 items relating to 4 dimensions, namely, professional cognition, professional behavior, professional emotion and professional values. ConclusionThe professional identity questionnaire for psychiatrists has good reliability and validity, and can be used as an effective tool to evaluate the professional identity of psychiatrists. [Funded by Foundation of Sichuan Research Center of Applied Psychology of Chengdu Medical College (number, CSXL-22304); Science and Technology Guiding Plan Project of Guangyuan City (number, 22ZDYF0072)]
OBJECTIVE To provide a reference for the implementation and high-quality development of hospital medication reconciliation. METHODS A semi-structured questionnaire was designed to investigate the implementation of drug reconciliation services in medical institutions before and after the release of 5 standards such as Standard for Medication Reconciliation Services in Medical Institutions(“standards” for short,in 2021 and 2022). Descriptive statistical analysis was conducted on the survey results. RESULTS After the promulgation of the standards, the medication reconciliation service rate of all types of medical institutions increased from 15.10% (434/2 874) in 2021 to 27.84%(363/1 304) in 2022. In 2022, in the 363 medical institutions providing drug reconciliation services, the median number of pharmacists involved in drug reconciliation was 6. The participation rate of pharmacists in standardized training for drug reconciliation services was 75.00%, among which the participation rate of third-class hospitals was higher, reaching 85.71%. The main stages covered by medication reconciliation services included patient admission, transfer between departments, and discharge. The main problems found in the service included repeated medication (252, 69.42%), inappropriate usage and dosage (228, 62.81%), drug interactions and adverse reactions (218, E-mail:cputianxin@163.com 60.06%). Only 69 institutions (19.01%) had a separate electronic information recording system, while 48 institutions 58516003。E-mail:zhenjiancun@vip.163.com (13.22%) had established comprehensive quality management and evaluation improvement systems. In terms of value embodiment, 141 institutions (38.84%) did not provide any form of compensation to relevant pharmacists. “Closely linked to enhancing patient satisfaction and improving services” was the most significant experience influencing medication reconciliation work(192, 52.89%), while “the shortage of talent which meet the relevant requirements” stands as the primary challenge faced by medical institutions at all levels(238, 65.56%). CONCLUSIONS The release of the standards has effectively improved the development rate of medication reconciliation in national medical institutions. However, there is still room for improvement in various aspects, including the allocation of personnel for medication reconciliation services, service content, information management, and the construction of quality control and evaluation systems.
OBJECTIVE To develop a questionnaire of the Knowledge-Attitude-Practice (KAP) for patients receiving oral anticoagulant therapy. METHODS Under the guidance of the theory of KAP, literature analysis and interview method were used to design the initial KAP questionnaire for patients treated with oral anticoagulants. Delphi method was adopted to consult the initial questionnaire and modify the questionnaire based on expert suggestions to form the final questionnaire. RESULTS Two rounds of consultation were conducted with 18 experts, and 18 questionnaires were sent out and recovered in each round, so the positive coefficient of experts was 100%. The expert authority coefficient was 0.94. The average importance scores for all dimensions, factors, and items of the questionnaire in both rounds were ≥4 points. The coefficient of variation was ≤0.25. The Kendall’s concordance coefficient for the overall questionnaire and the three dimensions of knowledge, attitude, and practice ranged from 0.09 to 0.34 (all P<0.05). Following the first round of expert consultation, four items were modified, two items were deleted, and five items were added; after the second round of expert consultation, ten items were modified. The final version of the questionnaire included three dimensions (knowledge, attitudes, and practice), 17 questionnaire factors, and 40 items. CONCLUSIONS The questionnaire has high reliability and scientific validity with relatively concentrated expert opinions. It is suitable for assessing the knowledge, attitudes, and practice status of patients receiving oral anticoagulant therapy.