Objective: To evaluate the effect of melatonin as a protective treatment for the tongue in irradiated rats. Materials and Methods: Male Sprague Dawley rats were subjected to a single session of 50 Gy radiation and treated with melatonin 30 minutes before and after the radiotherapy session. A clinical evaluation was carried out a week and a half, third- and sixth-week post-treatment; finally, a tongue biopsy was taken for a histopathological study in the third and sixth weeks after radiation. Results: Clinical evaluation shows a clear trend, that preventive administration of melatonin could facilitate the recovery of mucosal tissue after radiation. Additionally, cellular infiltrate was 40% fewer in the melatonin-treated group compared to the control, as well as the number of the congested vessel were fewer. Conclusion: These findings showed for the first time the preventive role of melatonin in the tongue mucosa reducing the changes associated with mucositis, inflammatory infiltrate, and congestive blood vessels.
ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare biochemical recurrence, sexual potency and urinary continence outcomes of ablative therapy and radical treatment (radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy with androgen deprivation therapy). Material and methods: A systematic review and meta-analysis followed the PRISMA guidelines were performed. We searched MEDLINE/PubMed. Biochemical recurrence at three and five years; incontinence rate (patients who used one pad or more) and erectile dysfunction rate at 12 and 36 months (patients who did not have sufficient erection to achieve sexual intercourse) were evaluated. The Mantel-Haenszel method was applied to estimate the pooled risk difference (RD) in the individual studies for categorical variables. All results were presented as 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Random effects models were used regardless of the level of heterogeneity (I²). (PROSPERO CRD42022296998). Results: Eight studies comprising 2,677 men with prostate cancer were included. There was no difference in biochemical recurrence between ablative and radical treatments. We observed the same biochemical recurrence between ablative therapy and radical treatment within five years (19.3% vs. 16.8%, respectively; RD 0.07; 95%CI=-0.05, 0.19; I2=68.2%; P=0.08) and continence rate at 12 months (9.2% vs. 31.8%, respectively; RD −0.13; 95%CI, −0.27, 0.01; I2=89%; P=0.32). When focal treatment was analyzed alone, two studies with 582 patients found higher erectile function at 12 months in the ablative therapy group than in the radical treatment (88.9% vs. 30.8%, respectively; RD −0.45; 95%CI −0.84, −0.05; I2=93%; P=0.03). Conclusion: Biochemical recurrence and urinary continence outcomes of ablative therapy and radical treatment were similar. Ablative therapy appears to have a high rate of sexual potency.
Objetivo: Analisar as evidências sobre o efeito dos agentes tópicos empregados para a prevenção da radiodermatite em pacientes com câncer. Método: Revisão sistemática de estudos clínicos randomizados duplos-cegos construída conforme recomendações do Joanna Briggs Institute e busca nas bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, Web of Science, Embase, Scopus, além da literatura cinzenta. Utilizaram-se a ferramenta de avaliação crítica do JBI para ensaios clínicos randomizados para avaliar a possibilidade de viés, o Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation para a qualidade das evidências e o Gradepro® para recomendá-las. Resultados: Selecionaram-se 13 estudos que avaliaram diferentes agentes tópicos para prevenir a radiodermatite, a saber: corticosteroides, de ação antioxidante e fitoterápicos. A qualidade metodológica de cada estudo foi apropriada, mas a qualidade da evidência gerada pela reunião deles foi baixa, independentemente do tipo de agente tópico empregado, sugerindo que a confiança no seu efeito é limitada e tornando a força de recomendação fraca. Conclusão: Alguns agentes tópicos mostraram-se promissores para a prevenção de radiodermatite, mas as evidências aqui reunidas sobre a eficácia deles não permitem indicar seu uso para a prevenção de radiodermatite em pacientes com câncer. (AU)
Objective: To analyze the evidence on the effect of topical agents to prevent radiodermatitis in cancer patients. Methods: Systematic review of double-blind randomized clinical studies built according to JBI recommendations and search in the databases MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, Web of Science, Embase and Scopus, in addition to the Gray Literature. The JBI critical assessment tool for randomized clinical trials was used to assess the possibility of bias, GRADE for the quality of evidence, and Gradepro® to recommend them. Results: Thirteen studies were selected that evaluated different topical agents to prevent radiodermatitis, namely: corticosteroids, with antioxidant action and herbal medicines. The methodological quality of each study was appropriate. Still, the quality of evidence generated by pooling them was low, regardless of the type of topical agent employed, suggesting that confidence in its effect is limited and weakening the strength of the recommendation. Conclusions: Some topical agents have shown promise for the prevention of radiodermatitis, but the evidence gathered here about their effectiveness does not indicate their use for the prevention of radiodermatitis in cancer patients. (AU)
Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia sobre el efecto de los agentes tópicos utilizados para la prevención de la radiodermatitis en pacientes con cáncer. Método: Revisión sistemática de estudios clínicos aleatorizados, doble ciego, elaborados según las recomendaciones del JBI y buscados en MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS, Web of Science, Embase y Scopus, además de literatura gris. Se utilizó la herramienta de evaluación crítica JBI para ensayos clínicos aleatorios para evaluar la posibilidad de sesgo, GRADE para la calidad de la evidencia y Gradepro® para recomendarla. Resultados: Se seleccionaron trece estudios que evaluaron diferentes agentes tópicos para prevenir la radiodermatitis, a saber: corticosteroides, con acción antioxidante y fitoterapia. La calidad metodológica de cada estudio fue apropiada, pero la calidad de la evidencia generada al combinarlos fue baja, independientemente del tipo de agente tópico empleado, lo que sugiere que la confianza en su efecto es limitada y debilita la fuerza de la recomendación. Conclusión: Algunos agentes tópicos se han mostrado prometedores para la prevención de la radiodermatitis, pero la evidencia aquí reunida sobre su eficacia no nos permite indicar su uso para la prevención de la radiodermatitis en pacientes con cáncer. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Radiodermatitis/prevention & control , Radiotherapy , Enterostomal TherapyABSTRACT
O câncer de cabeça e pescoço (CCP) refere-se ao grupo de tumores que atingem a laringe, cavidade nasal, nasofaringe, orofaringe, cavidade oral e glândulas salivares. A radioterapia no paciente com CCP representa uma terapia para manutenção do órgão, através da destruição das células neoplásicas malignas. O objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar estratégias radioterápicas aplicadas ao paciente com CCP e seus respectivos efeitos colaterais em cavidade oral, além de investigar as principais modalidades utilizadas nos sistemas de saúde do Brasil. Tratou-se de uma revisão narrativa da literatura com busca ativa das bases eletrônicas PUBMED, LILACS e SCIELO. Após todas as etapas de refinamento, um total de 58 artigos foram incluídos na presente revisão. A radioterapia possui papel de destaque no tratamento do CCP. No entanto, por não ser um método terapêutico com alta especificidade, resulta em efeitos adversos ao tratamento como mucosite oral, trismo e disfunção salivar, que findam por reduzir a qualidade de vida do paciente. Dentre as principais técnicas radioterapêuticas utilizadas no Brasil, a IMRT e VMAT caracterizam-se como as formas mais avançadas da terapia em 3D, proporcionando doses equivalentes para cada área da lesão tumoral, poupando áreas teciduais circunvizinhas que não necessitam de irradiação. Além da toxicidade reduzida, uma maior sobrevida pode ser observada em pacientes tratados com essas técnicas. Um dos maiores desafios atuais na radioterapia contra o CCP é a proteção de tecidos saudáveis. Nesse sentido, a IMRT e VMAT apresentam superioridade em relação às demais técnicas.
Head and neck cancer (CCP) refers to the group of tumors that affect the larynx, nasal cavity, nasopharynx, oropharynx, oral cavity and salivary glands. Radiotherapy in patients with CCP represents a therapy for organ maintenance, through the destruction of malignant neoplastic cells. The aim of this study was to identify radiotherapy strategies applied to patients with CCP and their respective side effects in the oral cavity, and to investigate the main modalities used in health systems in Brazil. It was a narrative review of the literature with active search of electronic databases PUBMED, LILACS and SCIELO. After all stages of refinement, a total of 58 articles were included in this review. Radiotherapy has a prominent role in the treatment of CCP. However, because it is not a therapeutic method with high specificity, it results in adverse effects to treatment such as oral mucositis, trismus and salivary dysfunction, which end up reducing the quality of life of the patient. Among the main radiotherapeutic techniques used in Brazil, IMRT and VMAT are characterized as the most advanced forms of 3D therapy, providing equivalent doses for each area of the tumor sparing surrounding tissue areas that do not require irradiation. In addition to reduced toxicity, greater survival can be observed in patients treated with these techniques. One of the biggest current challenges in radiation therapy against CCP is the protection of healthy tissues. In this sense, the IMRT and VMAT present superiority in relation to the other techniques.
Oral Manifestations , Radiation , Radiation, Ionizing , Radiotherapy/adverse effects , Head and Neck Neoplasms/radiotherapyABSTRACT
Introducción: El cáncer de laringe es la neoplasia maligna más común de las vías aerodigestivas superiores. La laringectomía total es el tratamiento de elección en casos avanzados, pero se asocia a una alta tasa de complicaciones. Objetivos: Conocer la prevalencia de las complicaciones posquirúrgicas de la laringectomía total y los factores asociados en pacientes con cáncer de laringe. Materiales y métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, de corte transversal, revisando el comportamiento de la laringectomía total y sus principales complicaciones en la Cátedra y Servicio de Otorrinolaringología del Hospital de Clínicas de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay, de 2015 a 2022. Se incluyeron pacientes mayores de 18 años, de ambos sexos, postoperados de laringectomía total, con diagnóstico anatomopatológico de neoplasia de laringe. Se excluyeron pacientes no operados, con fichas incompletas o que abandonaron el tratamiento. Se analizaron variables demográficas, clínicas, quirúrgicas y anatomopatológicas. Resultados: Se incluyeron 10 pacientes, todos varones, con edad media de 56,3 ± 10,2 años. El 90% presentaba hábitos tóxicos. La complicación más frecuente fue la fístula faringocutánea (70%), seguida por infección del sitio quirúrgico (10%) y sangrado posoperatorio (10%). El 71,4% de las fístulas se resolvieron con medidas conservadoras. El 30% tenía afectación supraglótica y el 57,1% de los que presentaron complicaciones recibieron radioterapia previa. Conclusión: Las complicaciones de la laringectomía total son frecuentes, principalmente la fístula faringocutánea. La afectación supraglótica y la radioterapia previa se asociaron a mayor tasa de complicaciones. Se requieren estudios prospectivos con muestras más grandes para confirmar estos hallazgos.
Introduction: Laryngeal cancer is the most common malignant neoplasm of the upper aerodigestive tract. Total laryngectomy is the treatment of choice in advanced cases, but it is associated with a high rate of complications. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of postoperative complications of total laryngectomy and associated factors in patients with laryngeal cancer. Materials and methods: Observational, descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional study, reviewing the behavior of total laryngectomy and its main complications in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of the Hospital de Clínicas, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Asunción, Paraguay, from 2015 to 2022. Patients over 18 years of age, of both sexes, who underwent total laryngectomy, with anatomopathological diagnosis of laryngeal neoplasm were included. Non-operated patients, those with incomplete records or who abandoned treatment were excluded. Demographic, clinical, surgical and anatomopathological variables were analyzed. Results: Ten patients were included, all male, with a mean age of 56.3 ± 10.2 years. Ninety percent had toxic habits. The most frequent complication was pharyngocutaneous fistula (70%), followed by surgical site infection (10%) and postoperative bleeding (10%). Conservative measures resolved 71.4% of the fistulas. Thirty percent had supraglottic involvement and 57.1% of those who presented complications received previous radiotherapy. Conclusion: Complications of total laryngectomy are frequent, mainly pharyngocutaneous fistula. Supraglottic involvement and previous radiotherapy were associated with a higher rate of complications. Prospective studies with larger samples are required to confirm these findings.
Laryngeal Neoplasms/pathology , Laryngectomy , Hematologic TestsABSTRACT
Introducción: los pacientes concurren habitualmente a la consulta preguntando por los posibles efectos tóxicos del tratamiento oncológico radiante sobre los tejidos normales. Esta breve revisión bibliográfica en formato de preguntas y respuestas, presenta mediante la evidencia científica y la medicina basada en la evidencia, algunas de las preguntas con las que se encuentra el médico que trata o interactúa con un paciente con cáncer. El objetivo de esta revisión es apoyar en la respuesta que dará el médico general, oncólogo médico, físico médico y tecnólogos en radioterapia a esas interrogantes. Metodología: se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica no sistemática en Google Scholar, MedLine/PubMed y Scielo limitando a trabajos publicados en los últimos 10 años. Resultados: tras consultas con profesionales directamente relacionados con la radioterapia, se identificaron las dudas recurrentes planteadas por los pacientes. Discusión: con la información recopilada se dan respuesta a las interrogantes más frecuentes establecidas previamente.
Introduction: Patients routinely come to the office asking about the possible toxic effects of radiation oncology treatment on normal tissues. This brief literature review in question and answer format presents, through scientific evidence and evidence-based medicine, some of the questions encountered by the physician who treats or interacts with a cancer patient. The objective of this review is to support the response of general practitioners, medical oncologists, medical physicists and radiotherapy technologists to these questions. Methodology: A non-systematic bibliographic search was carried out in Google Scholar, MedLine/PubMed and Scielo, limiting the search to works published in the last 10 years. Results: After consultation with professionals directly related to radiotherapy, recurrent doubts raised by patients were identified. Discussion: With the information gathered, answers were given to the most frequent questions previously established.
Introdução: Os pacientes chegam rotineiramente à clínica perguntando sobre os possíveis efeitos tóxicos do tratamento oncológico por radiação nos tecidos normais. Esta breve revisão da literatura em formato de perguntas e respostas apresenta, por meio de evidências científicas e da medicina baseada em evidências, algumas das perguntas encontradas pelo médico que trata ou interage com um paciente com câncer. O objetivo desta revisão é apoiar a resposta de clínicos gerais, oncologistas médicos, físicos médicos e tecnólogos em radioterapia a essas perguntas. Metodologia: foi realizada uma pesquisa não sistemática da literatura no Google Scholar, MedLine/PubMed e Scielo, limitando a pesquisa a artigos publicados nos últimos 10 anos. Resultados: após consulta a profissionais diretamente relacionados à radioterapia, foram identificadas as dúvidas recorrentes levantadas pelos pacientes. Discussão: com as informações coletadas, foram dadas respostas às dúvidas mais frequentes previamente estabelecidas.
Humans , Radiation, Ionizing , Radiotherapy , Radiation OncologyABSTRACT
Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente de 37 años de edad con el antecedente de haber recibido radioterapia por una lesión tumoral en la región frontal derecha, el cual acudió a consulta en el Instituto de Neurología y Neurocirugía de Cuba por presentar cefalea intensa y hemiparesia izquierda. Luego de realizados los exámenes necesarios, se estableció el diagnóstico clínico-imagenológico de lesión por radionecrosis en el hemisferio contralateral, que fue corroborado en el estudio anatomopatológico una vez que se extirpó el tumor; seguidamente, se indicó inmunoterapia. La evolución del paciente fue satisfactoria, pues se logró el control de la enfermedad y la resolución de los síntomas.
The case report of a 37-year-old patient with history of having received radiotherapy due to a tumor lesion in the right frontal region is presented, who attended to the Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery in Cuba because of intense headache and left hemiparesis. After carrying out the necessary examinations, the clinical-imaging diagnosis of a radionecrosis lesion in the contralateral hemisphere was established, which was corroborated in the pathological examination once the tumor was removed; then, immunotherapy was indicated. The patient had a favorable clinical course because the control of the disease was achieved as well as the resolution of symptoms.
Abstract Background: One of the main adverse reactions of adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer is radiodermatitis. Objective: To assess the incidence of radiodermatitis in women with breast cancer, identify factors associated with its severity and determine the time at which this event occurs. Methods: Prospective cohort study in 113 women with breast cancer who were evaluated before radiotherapy and at every fifth session until the end of treatment. Logistic regression and Cox proportional regression model were used for the assessment of risk factors; P values < 0.05 were considered significant. Results: The incidence rate of radiodermatitis was 98.2% and it was demonstrated that for each additional point of the Body Mass Index (BMI), the chance of occurrence of grades II to IV radiodermatitis increases by 14% (OR = 1.14 [95% CI 1.04-1.26]; p = 0.004) and statin use increases the risk of more severe skin lesions by four-fold (OR = 4.27 [95% CI 1.11-16.42]; p = 0.035). The exclusive use of hydrogel for skin hydration was an independent factor in delaying the onset of radiodermatitis (HR = 0.55 [95% CI 0.36-0.82]; p = 0.004). Study limitations: The main limitation of this study was its external validity. The identified factors should be considered for services and populations similar to those in this study. Conclusions: There was a high incidence of radiodermatitis and its severity was related to higher BMI, statin use; there was a protective effect of hydrogel use.
Objective To observe the daily bladder and bowel preparation of patients with prostate cancer by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and analyze its impact on the precise implementation of radiotherapy for prostate cancer and side effects. Methods We retrospectively analyzed 38 patients with prostate cancer who underwent volumetric modulated arc therapy. The number of radiation fractions for each patient ranged from 25 to 35. A CBCT scan was performed before each daily radiation therapy, and the number of scans for each patient ranged from 25 to 40. Setup errors were adjusted to ensure that the tumor was targeted and the rectum wall was not in the high-dose target area of the prostate. There were 93 instances where treatment could not be successfully implemented and re-preparation and re-scanning were required. We calculated the success rate of treatment and setup errors, compared radiotherapist-adjusted error values under different bladder and bowel preparation conditions, and recorded radiotherapy-related side effects. Results The success rate of treatment in the 38 patients was (92.14 ± 5.25)%. Among the 93 instances of seriously inadequate preparation, 48.4% were due to insufficient bladder filling, and 30.1% were due to intestinal bloating. Radiotherapy side effects were negatively correlated with the success rate of treatment (r = −0.393, P = 0.015). When bladder filling was sufficient, there were no significant differences in radiotherapist-adjusted error values in the left-right (LR), superior-inferior (SI), and anterior-posterior (AP) directions between adequate and inadequate bowel preparation (P > 0.05). When the bladder was moderately or insufficiently filled, there were significant differences in radiotherapist-adjusted error values in the LR, SI, and AP directions between adequate and inadequate bowel preparation (P < 0.05). Conclusion Insufficient bladder filling and intestinal bloating are the main factors influencing the successful implementation of radiotherapy for prostate cancer. When the bladder is sufficiently filled, bowel preparation does not affect prostate position change.
Afferent baroreflex failure(ABF)is a rare disease.It refers to the clinical syndrome caused by the impairment of the afferent limb of the baroreflex or its central connections at the level of the medul-la.The recognized causes include trauma,surgery in related areas(radical neck tumor surgery,carotid endarterectomy),neck radiotherapy,brain stem stroke,tumor growth paraganglioma and hereditary diseases,among which the most common cause is extensive neck surgery or radiotherapy for neck cancer.The main manifestations are fluctuating hypertension,orthostatic hypotension,paroxysmal tachycardia and bradycardia.This case is a young man,whose main feature is blood pressure fluctuation,accom-panied by neurogenic orthostatic hypotension(nOH).After examination,the common causes of hyper-tension and nOH were ruled out.Combined with the previous neck radiotherapy and neck lymph node dissection,it was considered that the blood pressure regulation was abnormal due to the damage of carotid sinus baroreceptor after radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma and neck lymph node dissection,which was called ABF.At the same time,the patient was complicated with chronic hyponatremia.Com-bined with clinical and laboratory examination,the final consideration was caused by syndrome of in-appropriate antidiuretic hormone(SIADH).Baroreceptors controlled the secretion of heart rate,blood pres-sure and antidiuretic hormone through the mandatory"inhibition"signal.We speculate that the carotid sinus baroreceptor was damaged after neck radiotherapy and surgery,which leads to abnormal blood pres-sure regulation and nOH,while the function of inhibiting ADH secretion was weakened,resulting in higher ADH than normal level and mild hyponatremia.The goal of treating ABF patients was to reduce the frequency and amplitude of sudden changes in blood pressure and heart rate,and to alleviate the on-set of symptomatic hypotension.At present,drug treatment is still controversial,and non-drug treatment may alleviate some patients'symptoms,but long-term effective treatment still needs further study.The incidence of ABF is not high,but it may lead to serious cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events,and the mechanism involved is extremely complicated,and there are few related studies.The reports of rele-vant medical records warn that patients undergoing neck radiotherapy or surgery should minimize the da-mage to the baroreceptor in the carotid sinus in order to reduce the adverse prognosis caused by complica-tions.
Radiomics is a rapidly developing field,which can transform the black and white gray-scale information of traditional CT,MR1,positron emission tomography(PET),and other images into quantitative radiomics features,obtain rich deep features of lesions,and provide more valuable information for clinical diag-nosis and treatment.Radiomics capture these time-varying lesion characteristics in continuous imaging,and then discover markers and patterns of disease evolution,progression and treatment response,which are used to solve clinical problems.Image data are mineable,and in large enough data sets,they can be used to complete advancements from the individual level to the molecular/digital level.Although the development of radiomics is still in its infancy,there have been many studies on its application in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.This article reviews the application of radiomics in the precise diagnosis,treatment efficacy and prognosis prediction,and differential diagnosis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma,in order to provide a basis for clinical precise diagnosis and individualized treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
Objective To explore the effect of multimodal exercise combined with enteral nutrition dur-ing radiotherapy in the patients with esophageal cancer complicating diabetes.Methods A total of 52 patients with esophageal cancer complicating diabetes in Zhejiang Provincial Tumor Hospital from January to Decem-ber 2021 were selected as the study subjects and divided into the control group(n=27)and intervention group(n=25)by using the random number table method.The control group implemented the routine exercise scheme,while the intervention group was given the multimodal exercise intervention on the basis of routine exercise.The blood glucose metabolism indicators,related biochemical indicators during radiotherapy and the incidence rate of adverse events during exercise were compared between the two groups.Results The levels of fasting blood glucose,random blood glucose and blood glucose before sleep in the intervention group during radiotherapy were(7.79±1.61)mmol/L,(9.47±1.77)mmol/L and(9.97±3.02)mmol/L,which were lower than(11.84±3.47)mmol/L,(14.18±5.42)mmol/L and(14.62±3.83)mmol/L in the control group with statistically significant differences(P<0.05).During the radiotherapy period,the levels of albumin,total protein and prealbumin in the intervention group were(37.96±2.13)g/L,(68.13±5.02)g/L and(232.89±41.11)g/L,which were lower than(36.05±2.89)g/L,(64.96±5.95)g/L and(207.76±47.59)g/L in the control group with statistically significant differences(P<0.05).The incidence rates of adverse e-vents such as falls,hypoglycemia and accidental extubation during multimodal exercise in the intervention group were lower than those in the control group,and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion The multimodal exercise could significantly improve the nutritional status during radiotherapy in the patients with esophageal cancer complicating diabetes,stabilize the blood glucose level of the patients,and has good feasibility and safety.
OBJECTIVE To investigate the prognostic value of pre-treatment serum lactate dehydrogenase(LDH)levels in patients with locally recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC)treated with salvage intensity-modulated radiotherapy(IMRT)and to determine its association with rT staging.METHODS The records of 97 patients with locally relapsed and non-metastatic NPC who received salvage IMRT treatment in our center from January 2018 to April 2022 were collected,including 51 patients who died,18 patients with distant metastases,30 patients with local failure,and 67 patients with prognostic adverse events(death,distant tumors/local metastases).Clinical data,local failure-free survival(LFFS),distant metastasis-free survival(DMFS)and overall survival(OS)were obtained from all patients,and the relationship between LDH and the prognosis of salvage IMRT therapy in NPC patients was analyzed.RESULTS The serum LDH level before salvage IMRT was significantly higher in the death[221.25(178.24,339.13)U/L vs.124.82(79.0,159.50)U/L,Z=-5.122],local failure[230.75(170.89,394.50)U/L vs.157.85(91.78,216.95)U/L,Z=-3.442],distant metastasis[261.62(153.55,465.50)U/L vs.168.98(101.75,237.75)U/L,Z=-2.478]and poor prognosis group[220.05(167.20,506.16)U/L vs.93.45(69.95,154.35)U/L,Z=-6.018],and all P<0.05.Serum LDH levels were divided into dichotomous variables according to median values(≥177.50 U/L vs.<177.50 U/L),the Cox univariate model found that the hazard ratios of LDH affecting LFFS,DMFS,OS and toxic-related death(TRD)were 3.759(1.660-8.558),4.217(1.383-12.861),3.226(1.715-6.069),3.363(1.750-6.463),P<0.05.LDH remained an independent prognostic factor for LFFS,DMFS,OS,and TRD in multivariate regression analysis(P<0.05).Compared with patients with LDH<177.50 U/L,more patients in the LDH≥177.50 U/L group had local progression-related death,and the no LFFS stage,no DMFS stage and OS were shorter in the LDH≥177.50 U/L group(log rank=11.624,7.559,14.758),P<0.05.In predicting overall survival,adding LDH to the rT stage is preferable to the rT stage alone.CONCLUSION LDH is an important factor in predicting LFFS,DMFS,OS,and TRD after saving IMRT in patients with locally relapsed,non-metastatic NPC,and the value of LDH combined with rT staging in predicting overall survival is high.
Objective:To explore the application process, efficacy and safety of MR-guided radiotherapy based on MR-linac in esophageal cancer.Methods:The clinical data of patients with esophageal cancer treated with MR-linac at Shandong Cancer Hospital and Institute from September 2021 to July 2022 were retrospectively analyzed, to investigate the treatment process of esophageal cancer with MR-linac, and to analyze the efficacy and safety of patients. All patients received MR-guided radiotherapy, underwent CT and MR localization, target area delineation, and design of the Monaco treatment planning system plan. Adaptation-to-position adjustment was conducted during the pre-treatment evaluation. The median number of fractions was 25, the median single dose of planning target volume was 1.8 Gy, and the median total dose was 50.2 Gy. Median follow-up was 16 months.Results:Among the 12 patients in the whole group, there were 1 case of cervical esophageal cancer, 3 cases of upper thoracic esophageal cancer, 4 cases of middle thoracic esophageal cancer and 4 cases of lower thoracic esophageal cancer, including 3 cases of neoadjuvant radiotherapy and 9 cases of radical radiotherapy. All patients had a smooth treatment process. The median treatment time was 33 min, and the patients had good compliance. For patients with radical radiotherapy, one month after radiotherapy, the number of objective remission cases was 3, and the number of disease-control cases was 9; six months after radiotherapy, the number of objective remission cases was 3, and the number of disease-control cases was 6. All patients treated with neoadjuvant radiotherapy underwent surgery within 2 months, and one patient achieved pathological complete remission. The most common acute adverse reactions were radiation esophagitis (7 cases) and leukopenia in bone marrow suppression (8 cases), with late-stage adverse reactions being radiation pneumonia (1 case). The adverse reactions to radiotherapy were slight, and no grade 4 or above adverse reactions were observed.Conclusion:The clinical treatment process for esophageal cancer under MR-guided radiotherapy based on MR-linac is feasible, with good curative effects and mild adverse reactions.
The effective local management of oligometastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has the potential to prolong patients' survival. The role of radiotherapy as a local treatment modality in patients with oligometastatic NSCLC, whether as first-line therapy or consolidation therapy, remains uncertain. Several studies have demonstrated that stereotactic ablative radiotherapy can offer clinical benefits for patients with oligometastatic NSCLC without increasing adverse reactions. Furthermore, the exploration of the potential synergistic effects of combining radiotherapy and immunotherapy on extending progression-free survival and overall survival in patients with oligometastatic NSCLC is also a topic worthy of attention.
Objective To evaluate the application value of hydrogel in image guided radiotherapy(IGRT)for prostate cancer(PCa).Methods Eighty PCa patients in the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University from October 2022 to February 2023 were collected.The patients were divided into experiment group injected with hydrogel(n=33)and control group without hydrogel(n=47)by central random system allocation.The acute and advanced radiation proctitis(RP)incidence rate of the two groups were compared.Patients in experimental group were divided into RP group(n=5)and non-RP group(n=28).The independent risk factors leading to RP were analyzed by using logistic regression for PCa patients.Results In experiment group,12.1%(4/33)of the patients developed acute grade Ⅰ RP,and 3.0%(1/33)developed advanced grade Ⅰ RP.In control group,31.9%(15/47)of the patients developed acute grade Ⅰ RP,and 12.8%(6/47)developed acute grade Ⅱ RP;19.1%(9/47)of patients developed advanced grade Ⅰ RP,4.3%(2/47)developed advanced grade Ⅱ RP,and 2.1%(1/47)developed advanced grade Ⅲ RP.The incidence of acute and advanced RP in experiment group was lower than that in control group(P<0.05).The application of hydrogel effectively reduced rectal toxicity.Age,rectal volume,V70 and V78 were independent risk factors for the incidence of RP in Pca patients(P<0.05).The characteristics of hydrogel injection were not related to the incidence of RP for Pca patients.Conclusions Hydrogel can effectively reduce the rectal toxicity for Pca patients in IGRT and has little impact on the overall treatment.Hydrogel has certain clinical application and promotion value.
Objective To discuss the methods,efficacy,and safety of endovascular treatment for ruptured pseudoaneurysm hemorrhage of internal carotid artery(ICA)after radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC).Methods The clinical data of 21 patients with ruptured pseudoaneurysm hemorrhage of ICA after radiotherapy for NPC,who were admitted to the Affiliated Union Hospital,Fujian Medical University of China,were retrospectively analyzed.The patient's surgical strategies were analyzed,the therapeutic results and the clinical and imaging follow-up results were summarized.Of the 21 patients,covered stent implantation was carried out in 8,stent-assisted coil embolization was employed in 6,and direct occlusion of parent artery was adopted in 7.Results Successful endovascular treatment was accomplished in all the 21 patients.Excellent hemostatic effect was obtained immediately after surgery.Aneurysm neck residue was observed in 2 patients,and aneurysm body residue was seen in one patients.Postoperative bleeding recurred in 5 patients,in 4 of them the bleeding stopped after once more occlusion of the parent artery,and one patient developed internal leakage after covered stent implantation and the bleeding stopped after balloon dilation,and this patient died of unknown cause one month later.One patient developed coma after covered stent implantation,CT scan demonstrated subarachnoid hemorrhage and brain swelling,and this patient showed no improvement after treatment and was self-discharged from hospital.ICA occlusion was seen in 3 patients during follow-up period,and 2 patients did not receive a postoperative follow-up visit.In the 19 patients who were followed up,the mRS score was 0 point(n=9),1 point(n=6),2 points(n=2),5 points(n=1),and 6 points(n=1).Conclusion For the ruptured pseudoaneurysm hemorrhage of ICA after radiotherapy for NPC,endovascular treatment is highly safe with reliable efficacy.The covered stent implantation carries good short-term efficacy,but there are also problems such as aneurysm recurrence,internal endoleak,etc.The direct occlusion of parent artery may have more reliable long-term efficacy.(J Intervent Radiol,2024,33:304-308)
Objective:To explore the effect of nursing intervention based on information-knowledge-attitude-practice model (IKAP) in preventing radiodermatitis in tumor radiotherapy patients.Methods:This was a quasi-experimental study. A total of 72 patients who received radiotherapy in the Department of Oncology, the Second Hospital of Shanxi Medical University from August to October 2022 were selected and divided into the experimental group and the control group with 36 patients in each group by randomized digits table method. The control group received routine nursing, while the experimental group received nursing based on the IKAP. The self-management efficacy, radiodermatitis, self-perceived burden and quality of life of patients in the two groups were evaluated one day before and at the end of radiotherapy.Results:Thirty-five patients from each group completed the study. There were 11 males and 24 females in the control group, aged (58.09 ± 7.33) years old. There were 13 males and 22 females in the experimental group, aged (58.06 ± 7.28) years old.There was no statistically significant difference in self-management efficacy, self-perceived burden, and quality of life scores between the two groups of patients before intervention (all P>0.05). After intervention, the self-management efficacy,self-perceived burden, and quality of life scores of the experimental group were (106.89 ± 3.78), (18.69 ± 2.21), and (8.09 ± 1.27) points, respectively, the control group was (80.69 ± 5.76), (29.97 ± 2.48), and (15.91 ± 2.37) points, respectively. The differences between the two groups were statistically significant ( t=2.50, 1.12, 7.24, all P<0.01). The incidence of radiodermatitis above grade 2 in the experimental group was 31.4%(12/35), which was lower than 60.0%(21/35) in the control group, the difference was statistically significant ( χ2=4.64, P<0.01). Conclusions:Nursing intervention based on IKAP can improve the self-management efficacy, reduce the self-perceived burden and the incidence of radiodermatitis, and further improve the quality of life of tumor radiotherapy patients.
Objective This study aimed to explore the prognostic value of 18F-FDG PET/CT Metabolic and Heterogeneity Parameters Combined with Clinical Features Before Definitive Chemoradiotherapy(D-CRT)in predicting the prognosis of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma(ESCC)Patients.Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted on clinical data from 106 patients with ESCC who received D-CRT at the first affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China between January 2017 and December 2021.All patients underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT examination before the treatment.The primary tumor′s metabolic and heterogeneity parameters were obtained through data processing.All patients were followed up for overall survival.The Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazards models were used to analyze the association between clinical features,tumor metabo-lism and heterogeneity parameters and patient prognosis.Results The 1-and 1.5-year overall survival rates of all patients were 77.4%and 51.9%.The median survival time was 20 months.Univariate analysis showed that N stage,M stage,metabolic tumor volume,total lesion glycolysis,heterogeneity index-2(HI-2),and coefficient of variation with a threshold of 40%maximum standard uptake value(CV40%)were correlated with the prognosis of ESCC(all P<0.05).Multivariate analysis showed that N stage and CV40%were independent predictors of prognosis in patients with ESCC(P = 0.039 and P<0.001,respectively).Conclusion N stage and tumor metabolic heterogeneity parameter CV40%,which offering a degree of predictive value,are closely related to the prognosis of patients with ESCC treated with D-CRT.
Primary hepatic cancer is one of the major problems that need to be solved urgently in the field of public health, seriously endangering the life and health of Chinese people. Its treatment mode is multidisciplinary participation and synergy of multiple therapeutic methods. Even though there are many common clinical treatments for liver cancer in China, its therapeutic outcome is still unsatisfactory. yttrium-90 has been applied for more than 20 years, and a large amount of foreign clinical data have been accumulated. Combining the latest literature and clinical practice, the authors describe the clinical application and research progress of yttrium-90 micro-sphere selective internal radiation therapy in primary liver cancer.